Migrants vs. Robots

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Migrants VS Robots. Who will get a job?


Picture1.Migrants and

Robot In our world are a lot of migrants who move to other countries in search of a job, because most often the reason for migration is unemployment. Frequently, migrants pretend on the jobs that don’t need higher education, but with technology development robots take their job places and possibilities. In my article I will reveal this problem. About 1.7 million migrants have already been lost their job (because of robots) since 2000; including 400 000 in Europe, 260 000 in the US and 550 000 in China. Migrants loose their jobs, because robots are more practical and precise than humans. [1] What are advantages of using robots at working sector? First, robots can do one thing many times precisely. For example, if the robot works at the restaurant it can cut food on equal pieces many times. Second, robots haven’t got any emotions and they don’t need them. If robot works as judge, he can pass judgment fairly, because it doesn’t have emotions. There are many jobs that are perfect for robots. For example, sorter in stocks, drivers and journalist. Despite that, nowadays there are many jobs in which migrants have opportunity against robots. What kind of jobs are those? First of all, physicians. Robots can’t replace human communication.



ERASMUS+ KA2 project “ EUROPEAN MIGRATION BY THE JOURNALIST EYE “ Besides, robots can’t replace migrants at lawyer’s profession. Robots are precisely programmed, but can happened unexpected situation, which suggest extraordinary thinking. To sum up, I think that migrants are better than robots, but you, readers, will decide who is better. You can participate in my voting ↓ https://surveynuts.com/surveys/take?id=209460&c=8767995617JPPD

Sources of information: 1. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-robots-jobs-20170330story.html David Horsey . Robots, not immigrants, are taking American jobs . March 31, 2017 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-robots-jobs20170330-story.html

Made by Anna Šahmatova.

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