May 2024 Special Issue Active Retirees Magazine

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Special issue of Active Retirees proudly brought to you by Gold Probus Partner Trade Travel. Discover the top 20 destinations in Australia. Feature Story - P12

Wave Rock,

Welcome Chairman’s Message /

Welcome to the special issue of Active Retirees featuring our Gold Probus Partner, Trade Travel. It is hard to believe that we are already in May, how time flies when we are having fun, especially in Probus.

Since joining my local Probus Club in 2007, I have seen first-hand the difference it makes to people’s lives. I truly believe that Probus provides an invaluable service to our local communities by helping us stay engaged and connected. It is so important that we are always striving to meet the needs of our members. Our communities are changing, and we must learn to adapt if we want to attract the next generation of Probians to our Clubs.

Younger retirees need community and companionship in the same way as older people, and successful Clubs are looking at ways of attracting younger members. Younger retirees may be looking for a new range of activities and experiences as part of their membership.

Our team at PSPL are keen to assist Clubs that are looking to re-invent themselves so that they stay relevant to the changing needs of retirees. They are able to suggest a range of actions which you might like to consider as you look to improve. But remember that there are no magic wands; all Clubs need to periodically seek feedback to understand if they are meeting the needs of their membership, and Clubs also have to look critically at whether they look attractive to someone who has recently retired. Perhaps you can start by asking members, would they join your Club today? Consider using PSPL’s Health Check which has recently been distributed in the President’s Kit sent to all Clubs.

As I visit Clubs, I see many who are successful in recruiting new members; and there are some common themes: firstly, a warm, welcoming environment, an emphasis on fun and friendship in meetings rather than formality, committees regularly looking for feedback from their members, a wide range of interest groups, committee members not spending too many years in the one role, and use of technology for communication and promotion.

Unfortunately, I also see Clubs that are not as successful and these often have difficulty in attracting new members which in turn creates challenges in recruiting new members to the committee. I always find it really sad when I hear of a Club having to close because they cannot form a new committee; it means another group of people have lost an opportunity to come together in their community. I know that Committee members in these Clubs are working very hard to keep their Club viable and again I encourage you to reach out to our team for assistance.

Our membership strategy involves helping existing Clubs retain and grow their membership and to start new clubs in areas where older Clubs may have had to close, and also in areas where there are increases in population, particularly on the fringes of our major cities. Our team have access to the latest Census data, and only recommend launching new Clubs in areas where there is likely to be sufficient population of retired people. There are so many retirees and semi-retirees and we make sure that we are not going to create undue

competition for other Probus Clubs in the same location. Clubs that we have recently welcomed into the Probus family include the Probus Club of KingswoodCaddens and the Probus Club of South-West Rocks in New South Wales. In Queensland, the Probus Club of Bulimba (QLD) and in South Australia, the Probus Club of Kensington. In Victoria, the Probus Club of Point Lonsdale & District, the Probus Club of Aspendale, the Probus Club of Bannockburn & District, the combined Probus Club of Rosebud, the Probus Club of Woodend and the Probus Club of Ballan & District.

These new Clubs’ members now share the common bond of fun, friendship and fellowship through Probus, along with thousands of fellow Probians, they are enjoying monthly meetings, morning and afternoon teas, interest groups, guest speakers, trips, group activities, new friendships and so much more. Probus Clubs deliver so much to their local communities, and if you are reading this magazine and are not a member yet, I encourage you to find your local Probus Club by visiting our website at

Finally, I would like to thank all our members who have taken on leadership positions in their Club following their annual general meetings during March. Not only as members of their committee, but also those who organise interest groups, who are welcomers at meetings or who organise the morning teas; there are so many roles which go to make up a successful Probus Club. Also, we have many others who give up their time, members who lead Probus Associations, or act as Rotary Probus District Chairs, Probus District Chairs, or Ambassadors working with a number of clubs. Each of you play such a key role and your time is sincerely appreciated.

I do hope you enjoy reading this special issue of Active Retirees featuring our Gold Probus Partner, Trade Travel.





5 Trade Travel: A Journey Through Time

From its inception in 1992 to becoming a venerated name in the travel industry today.

8 The outings, activities and tours officer’s role

The role of a tour officer brings an opportunity to explore and create new memories with fellow Probus members, making it a rewarding experience for all those involved.

12 Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations

Each location has been selected for its natural beauty, cultural significance, and the unique experiences it offers, ensuring an enriching journey through the heart of Australia.

20 The Expert Guide to the Ultimate Group Tour

When it comes to crafting the ultimate group tour experience, the devil is in the detail.

22 Probus Month 2024: Celebrating Community and Companionship

Throughout the month of October, Probus Clubs will be celebrating Probus Month with lunches, picnics, BBQs and themed events.

24 Navigating the Seas of Choice

In the vast expanse of the travel and tourism industry, cruising stands out as a beacon of leisure and adventure.

26 Crafting Memorable Journeys with a Personal Touch: Getting to Know Your Area Managers

As your dedicated Area Managers, we’re here to ensure your travel experiences are not just trips, but journeys filled with discovery, comfort, and unforgettable memories.



is the official publication for the Probus organisation in Australia. Active Retirees is a trademark of Probus South Pacific Limited. ACN 152 374 395

Chairman Michael Ransom

Vice Chairman David Malone

Immediate Past Chairman Judith Maestracci AM

Treasurer David Ekert

Directors Margaret Drake, Peter Turner, John Hall, Merv Richens OAM, Peter Olney PSM.

PSPL Administration PO Box 1294, Parramatta NSW 2124 phone +61 2 9689 0200 1300 630 488 (Australia) 0800 14776 287 (New Zealand) email website

Active Retirees Production & Management

Probus South Pacific Limited

Editorial Monika Prasad email

Advertising Daniel Bott email

Active Retirees Australia Disclaimer. Active Retirees is published by Probus South Pacific Limited (ACN 152 374 395) (PSPL). Advertisers and contributors to Active Retirees acknowledge that they are aware of and undertake to comply with the provisions of applicable State and Federal discrimination legislation and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 in relation to false and misleading advertising or statements and unfair practices. PSPL does not accept any responsibility for such breaches. Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PSPL. All articles are general in nature. Individuals should seek expert advice before acting on any information contained in Active Retirees. PSPL does not make any warranties in relation to the information provided and, to the full extent allowed by law, disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied. All material in Active Retirees is copyright and may not be produced in whole or in part without the express written permission of PSPL. Advertisers and contributors warrant that photographs provided for print in Active Retirees do not infringe the intellectual property or moral rights of any third party and that the advertiser or contributor holds all necessary permits and licences.


Mar - Apr 2024 2024: A Milestone year for Probus in the South Pacific. Feature Story P23 Dec - Jan 2024 DECEMBER JANUARY 2024 ACTIVE RETIREES WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Feature Story P25 Probus Month 2023 NSW QLD WA TAS VIC SA ACT

This special issue of Active Retirees features our Gold Probus Partner, Trade Travel who have a long association with Probus. Since 2005 they have been helping Probus Club members enjoy fun and friendship across their range of destinations, both domestically and internationally.

Probus members have a lot in common, their love of Probus, and of course, a passion for travel. However, not all destinations appeal to everyone which is why we encourage all Outings, Trips and Tours Officers to gauge interest from their members when planning their travel calendar.

The role of the Outings, Trips and Tours Officer can be very rewarding but it can be a lot of hard work too, particularly when trying to find out where to travel to, because there is so much choice. Why not share this magazine with fellow members to see if any of the featured destinations spark their interest? Or perhaps ask a Trade Travel representative to visit your Club as a guest speaker.

Trade Travel, along with all of our Probus Partners, provide Probus Club members with special offers. Although travelling with fellow Probians is much more fun, members can also take advantage of these offers when travelling individually. To understand the range of offers available from all Probus Partners, please visit our website at

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those Management Committee members that have worked tirelessly to lead their Clubs and welcome new Management Committee members that are joining their Club’s leadership team for the first time . Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to help.

A reminder also that we love to hear about your experiences when travelling with fellow Probians. Submissions for our range of publications should be sent to with a short story of why travelling with Probus is so much fun.

Welcome CEO’s Message /

Trade Travel: A Journey Through Time

From its inception in 1992 to becoming a venerated name in the travel industry today, Trade Travel has charted a remarkable journey. Spearheaded by the co-founders, Grant and Kay McGlashan, Trade Travel has steadfastly dedicated itself to crafting travel experiences that resonate with the mature traveller’s spirit of adventure, thirst for cultural immersion, and desire for comfort and security.

Evolving with You in Mind

As we’ve grown, so has our understanding of what makes travel truly meaningful. Our commitment to serving the mature traveller has driven us to develop specialised services and itineraries that cater to the unique needs and preferences of our clientele. Our journey through time has been marked by several key milestones:

1. Senior-Friendly Itineraries

2. Health & Safety Measures

3. Culturally Immersive Experiences

Recognising the importance of pace and preferences, we’ve meticulously designed tours that allow for exploration and adventure without the rush. Our itineraries are built to ensure that you experience the richness of each destination at a comfortable pace.

Your well-being is our priority. We’ve integrated health and safety measures into our travel plans. All our tours have a Trade Travel Tour Host on board catering for your every need giving you peace of mind throughout your journey.

Our tours are more than just sightseeing; they are journeys into the heart of cultures. Led by experts, our itineraries offer deep dives into the history, art, and traditions of the places we visit, enriching your travel experience with educational and cultural depth.

Travel Trade Travel:
Time /
Probus Club that have travelled with Trade Travel since 1988
A Journey Through

Travel Trade Travel: A Journey Through Time /

4. Partnerships with Senior Clubs and Organisations

Our strong affiliations with groups like Probus Clubs and National Seniors Australia Clubs underscore our commitment to the senior community. These partnerships reflect our shared values and dedication to providing enriching travel experiences spanning over 30 years.

5. End-to-End Service

From the moment you start planning your trip with us to the moment you return home, we provide comprehensive support. Personalised consultations, detailed travel packs, and dedicated post-travel follow-ups ensure that your journey is seamless and memorable.

6. A Future of Continued Exploration

As we look to the future, our promise remains the same: to continue evolving and innovating, ensuring that Trade Travel remains your trusted companion in discovery. We invite you to join us on this ongoing journey, exploring new horizons and creating lasting memories together.

“Welcome to Trade Travel, where every journey is a story waiting to unfold. Since our humble beginnings over three decades ago, our mission has been unwavering: to provide travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary, tailored specifically for the active retiree. Our dedication to your comfort, safety, and enjoyment is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that your travel dreams are not just met but exceeded.”

North Epping Probus in Mauritius A Warm Welcome from David Sumich, Managing Director



E m b a r k i n g o n y o u r n e x t t r i p i s e x c i t i n g , a n d w h i l e y o u h o p e t h e u n e x p e c t e d d o e s n o t h a p p e n , i t i s b e s t t o b e

p r e p a r e d . B u y i n g P r o b u s T r a v e l I n s u r a n c e f o r y o u r t r i p c a n o f f e r c o v e r f o r m i n o r t h i n g s , l i k e a d e l a y e d

s u i t c a s e * , o r s ig n i f i c a n t t h i n g s , l i k e a n u n e x p e c t e d t r i p c a n c e l l a t i o n * o r a n o v e r s e a s m e d i c a l e m e r g e n c y * .

W e ' v e p a r t n e r e d w i t h e m e r g e n c y m e d i c a l a s s i s t a n c e p r o v i d e r , A l l i a n z G l o b a l A s s i s t a n c e t o e n s u r e y o u h a v e

t h e s u p p o r t a n d c a r e y o u n e e d . R e m e m b e r t o a l w a y s r e a d t h e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t f o r t h e t e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , l i m i t s a n d e x c l u s i o n s .


P r e - e x i s t i n g m e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n c o v e r Y o u c a n a p p l y f o r p r e - e x i s t i n g m e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n c o v e r o n

C o m p r e h e n s i v e , M u l t i - T r i p a n d D o m e s t i c p l a n s u s i n g o u r e a s y o n l i n e m e d i c a l a s s e s s m e n t t h a t p r o v i d e s a n

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y o u 2 4 / 7 , w i t h r e g i s t e r e d d o c t o r s a n d n u r s e s a v a i l a b l e .

S i m p l e c l a i m s p r o c e s s I f s o m e t h i n g h a p p e n s w h i l e y o u a r e t r a v e l l i n g , m a k i n g a c l a i m i s s i m p l e w i t h o u r o n l i n e c l a i m s p o r t a l . Y o u c a n m a k e a c l a i m o n l i n e w h i l e y o u a r e s t i l l t r a v e l l i n g o r w h e n y o u r e t u r n .


D e p e n d i n g u p o n y o u r a g e , w h e r e y o u a r e t r a v e l l i n g t o , t h e l e n g t h o f y o u r t r i p , y o u m a y b e o f f e r e d o n e , t w o o r t h r e e d i f f e r e n t p l a n s . T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , l i m i t s a n d e x c l u s i o n s a p p l y ; r e f e r t o t h e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t t o c o m p a r e p l a n s i n m o r e d e t a i l

G e t a q u o t e o n l i n e t o d a y a n d e a s i l y c o m p a r e p l a n s a n d c u s t o m i s e y o u r c o v e r t o s u i t y o u r t r i p

Get a Quote

1 8 0 0 1 2 5 2 3 4 ( W e e k d a y s 8 a m – 7 p m A E S T a n d

S a t u r d a y s 8 a m – 5 p m A E S T )

P r o b u s T r a v e l @ a l l i a n z - a s s i s t a n c e c o m a u

G o t q u e s t i o n s ? R e a d t h e F A Q s t o l e a r n m o r e

* T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , e x c l u s i o n s , l i m i t s a n d a p p l i c a b l e s u b - l i m i t s m a y a p p l y S e e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n P r o b u s

T r a v e l I n s u r a n c e i s a v a i l a b l e t o A u s t r a l i a n r e s i d e n t s o n l y

P r o b u s S o u t h P a c i f i c L i m i t e d A B N 3 8 7 2 6 4 2 3 9 7 9 A R 1 2 8 7 7 2 7 a r r a n g e s t h i s i n s u r a n c e a s a u t h o r i s e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r A W P A u s t r a l i a P t y L t d

A B N 5 2 0 9 7 2 2 7 1 7 7 A F S L 2 4 5 6 3 1 t r a d i n g a s A l l i a n z G l o b a l A s s i s t a n c e ( A G A ) A G A i s s u e s a n d m a n a g e s t r a v e l i n s u r a n c e a s a g e n t f o r t h e i n s u r e r A l l i a n z A u s t r a l i a I n s u r a n c e L i m i t e d A B N 1 5 0 0 0 1 2 2 8 5 0 A F S L 2 3 4 7 0 8 . T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , e x c l u s i o n s , l i m i t s , a n d a p p l i c a b l e s u b - l i m i t s a p p l y . W e d o n o t p r o v i d e a n y a d v i c e o n t h i s i n s u

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r v i c e s o n t h i s p r o d u c t

The outings, activities and tours officer’s role

The role of the Outings, Activities and Tours Officer is considered one of the most exciting roles on the Management Committee. While it requires planning, organisational skills, patience and imagination, it also brings an opportunity to explore and create new memories with fellow Probus members, making it a rewarding experience for all those involved.

This role doesn’t have to be managed by one person and it is recommended that more than one officer be appointed to fulfil this role.

Any Probus tour, trip and/or activity should be approved by the Management Committee once they are satisfied that it meets all management guidelines.

The key functions of the Officer are to:

• Investigate and propose suitable trips, tours, outings and activities to the Management Committee for consideration. In costing each outing or activity, ensure that all expenditure is covered and any cancellation fees are also taken into account. Any discounts or ‘free of charge’ offers should be applied so as to benefit all members.

• Maintain liaison with

other Clubs with a view to arranging occasional joint outings.

• Ensure that a risk assessment of each outing is conducted when determining suitability.

• Ascertain feasibility, including costs and booking arrangements.

• Ask members for suggestions of proposed outings, tours and other activities.

• Ensure that all members are provided with clear instructions in relation to the activity or outing including contingency plans.

• Collect money by a nominated date before each activity, keep complete records and issue receipts for all funds received.

• Give all money collected to the Treasurer for banking with a detailed listing of all funds received.

• Carefully record all expenses, such as postage and telephone calls, and submit these to the Treasurer with receipts for reimbursement.

• Consider offers from Probus Partners given that they normally attract a discount for Probus members.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 8 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel The outings, activities and tours officer’s role /

Familiarisation programs

From time to time, an Officer may be invited by a trip or tour provider to participate in familiarisation programs known as “Famils” programs. This enables the Officer to experience a destination first-hand in readiness for a Club trip. Clubs should set a protocol for free of charge (FOC) benefits offered to Officers.

Identifying what trips, tours or outings to consider

While the Outings, Activities and Tours Officer is responsible for planning these events, they do not have to do all the work. We suggest having a team of members to assist in the research and planning. The objective of any Club is to have as much participation from members as possible. Not all members will participate

in every trip, tour or activity so it is important to provide a range of trips, tours and activities that suit both activity levels and lifestyle.

Here are some tips to gauge interest from members:

• Survey: A survey is a great way to understand what your Club members are interested in. We suggest using both open and closed ended questions in your survey that will identify members’ interests. If members are not participating in any trips, tours or activities, ask them why?

• Health Check: The Club Health Check (provided by PSPL) can assist in identifying opportunities and interests. This can be a useful tool when planning outings for your Club.

• Suggestion box: Consider using a suggestion box where members could include ideas and thoughts on what they would like to do.

activities and tours officer’s role /
Travel The outings,

Travel The outings, activities and tours officer’s


Plan events with others

Probus Clubs maintaining a good relationship with other Clubs is very important. If you’re planning an outing or gathering, we suggest liaising with other Clubs with a view of arranging joint outings. This will assist in achieving the minimum number of participants (if required) and will also strengthen the relationship with other Clubs within your local community.

Here are some tips on how to plan a joint event:

• Find contact information for local Clubs in the online Directory of Probus Clubs in the Club Administration section of the PSPL website.

• Schedule meetings for you to discuss any proposed trips, tours or outings to gauge interest. This can be done face-to-face or even virtually via Zoom or hybrid meetings.

• Brainstorm some ideas together on what events may be of interest to members of both Clubs.

• It is recommended each participating Club nominate a person responsible for agreeing on responsibilities and tasks among each Club.

• Ask the trip, tour or activity provider if other Probus Clubs are already booked on a proposed trip or tour and seek to combine your numbers to achieve minimum participation.

Promote your trip, tour or activity with the wider community

Promoting a Club’s level of activity by highlighting the range of trips, tours and events it participates in is a great way to

generate interest in a Club. Engage all members to take photos and submit them to PSPL to be featured either in our publications, website or Facebook. Send your submissions via email to to be featured.


The outings,

Here are some tips for submitting Club News:

• Provide a brief description of 100 to 300 words, preferably in third person, about the event with some highlights of the day.

• For all photos you wish to submit, ensure you have consent from the participants in the photos.

• Provide these same submissions to your local newspaper to promote the Club. Local newspapers are usually happy to include this information free of charge given the importance of Probus in the community.

Please note that due to the high volume of

submissions, not all Club News will be published in the magazine, however we will endeavour to include them in either our range of publications, website or Facebook.

Setting a payment and refunds policy

Organising a trip, tour or activity can be a very exciting time for your Probus Club. However, there are some key aspects to consider before suggesting the trip, tour or activity to your Committee. Depending on the type of outing, the Officer will need to pre-plan, do some research and set a policy with respect to payment and refunds, and ensure that Club members are fully aware of these policies.

When planning a trip, tour or activity, the Officer should:

• Communicate/negotiate refunds and cancellation terms with the trip, tour or activity provider prior to booking. Sometimes there can be more than one provider in a trip (i.e. transport and accommodation) and, as such, it is important to ensure that all cancellation and refund conditions are understood at the time of booking.

• Ensure that members understand the cancellations and refunds policy when the booking is made to ensure that there is no misunderstanding. In some cases, a minimum number of participants is required and often no refunds will apply.

• Consider setting an amount required as a deposit when seeking expressions of interest in the trip, tour or activity as this will assist in determining the number of participants early. In some cases, expressing interest without paying a deposit increases the risk of cancellations and/or inaccurate assessment of participant numbers.

• Encourage members to give sufficient notice of cancellations to allow the Club to offer those cancelled spots to other members, if possible.

• Ensure that all participants are clear on the final payment date.

activities and tours officer’s role

Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations

Discover Australia’s unparalleled beauty with Trade Travel’s curated list of the top 20 unique and unforgettable destinations and experiences. Each location has been selected for its natural beauty, cultural significance, and the unique experiences it offers, ensuring an enriching journey through the heart of Australia. Let’s explore these wonders, each with its own story to tell.

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Canberra, known as the political and cultural pulse of Australia, presents a mosaic of enriching experiences, architectural prowess, and verdant expanses. This city, where the past and the present converge seamlessly, invites visitors to explore the grandeur of Parliament House, a symbol of national identity and democratic values. The Australian War Memorial stands as a solemn tribute to the resilience and sacrifice of its people, offering a profound journey through the nation’s wartime history. Canberra’s meticulously planned cityscape, adorned with expansive green belts, modernist architecture, and cultural institutions, makes it a testament to visionary urban design. It’s not just the political heart but a cultural cauldron where art, history, and science come alive in museums and galleries. The city’s surrounding wineries and the annual Floriade festival, showcasing millions of blooming flowers, highlight the region’s natural beauty and agricultural heritage. Canberra promises a blend of edification, reflection, and leisure, making it a compelling destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in Australia’s stories.

The Northern Territory’s Majestic Outback

The Northern Territory’s vast outback is a canvas painted with the deep reds of its deserts, the lush greens of its wetlands, and the spiritual allure of its ancient landscapes. Home to the iconic Uluru, a sacred monolith that rises dramatically from the flat desert floor, this region offers a profound connection to the Aboriginal cultures that have thrived here for tens of thousands of years. The vibrant hues of the desert at sunrise and sunset, the rich biodiversity of Kakadu National Park, and the stark beauty of the MacDonnell Ranges invite adventurers and nature lovers alike. It’s a place where the land tells stories, from the creation tales surrounding Uluru and the natural wonder of Kings Canyon to the prehistoric art that adorns the rock walls of Kakadu. The Northern Territory’s outback is not just a destination; it’s an invitation to explore the heart of Australia’s identity, where the rugged landscapes serve as a backdrop to a journey of discovery and connection.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 12 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations /

The Top End - Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Litchfield

The Top End, a treasure trove of natural wonders and cultural richness, encapsulates the essence of adventure. Darwin, the capital city with a laid-back vibe, serves as the gateway to the region’s natural splendours. It’s a city that tells the tales of its indigenous heritage, wartime history, and tropical lifestyle. Beyond Darwin, the majestic landscapes of Kakadu National Park await, offering an unparalleled mosaic of biodiversity, Aboriginal rock art, and dramatic waterfalls. Katherine and its ancient gorge invite explorers to navigate its waters, while Litchfield National Park dazzles with its magnetic termite mounds and inviting waterfalls and swimming holes. This region is a harmonious blend of adventure and cultural immersion, where each location invites visitors to engage with the land’s ancient stories, swim in crystal-clear waters beneath cascading falls, and witness the enduring legacy of the area’s traditional custodians.

The Ghan Expedition Rail Journey

Embarking on The Ghan Expedition is to journey through the heart of Australia on one of the world’s most iconic train voyages. From the tropical lushness of Darwin through the mystical landscapes of Kakadu National Park, this rail adventure offers a unique perspective on the vast Australian outback. As the train snakes through the rugged beauty of Katherine, the cultural tapestry of Alice Springs, and into the subterranean wonders of Coober Pedy, passengers are treated to a voyage that is as luxurious as it is enlightening. The journey, culminating in the cosmopolitan embrace of Adelaide, is not just a travel experience but a passage through time and nature. It offers intimate glimpses into the heart of Australia, where every turn reveals a new vista, a story, and the enduring spirit of the land.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 13 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations /
Credit: Lynton Crabb/ Tourism NT

Darwin to Broome through the Kimberleys

From the historic depths of Darwin to the stunning horizons of Broome, this journey is a profound narrative of beauty, culture, and natural wonder. The route unveils the dramatic landscapes of the Kimberley, where ancient gorges carve through the land and waterfalls cascade into serene pools. The Darwin Military Museum narrates tales of resilience, while the Ord River’s stunning landscapes offer peaceful reflection. Cable Beach, with its unforgettable sunsets, provides a serene finale to an epic journey. It’s a path that weaves through the fabric of Australia’s natural splendour, inviting travellers to witness the rugged beauty, immerse in the rich tapestry of indigenous cultures, and surrender to the tranquil allure of the Kimberleys.

Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe Island emerges from the Tasman Sea as a sanctuary of untouched natural beauty, a UNESCO World Heritage site that captivates with its crystal-clear waters, rare coral reefs, and lush mountains. Here, the rhythm of life slows, inviting guests to indulge in the serenity of guided tours through ancient subtropical forests, engage with the gentle turtles in their natural habitat, and marvel at the underwater kaleidoscope of corals. The island, with its strict visitor limits, ensures an intimate experience with nature, offering environmental walks that reveal the island’s commitment to conservation and sustainability. Lord Howe Island isn’t just a destination; it’s an immersion into a world where nature dictates the pace and beauty knows no bounds.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 14 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations /

Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island, a jewel in the Pacific, offers a unique tapestry of history, culture, and natural elegance. This external Australian territory is a haven for those intrigued by its storied past, from its convict heritage to its Pitcairn Island descendants. The island enchants visitors with its green landscapes, dramatic coastal cliffs, and the warm hospitality of its community. Experiences here range from progressive dinners showcasing local produce to convict tours that transport you back in time, and mystery dinners that add an element of intrigue to your visit. Norfolk Island’s blend of experiences makes it a must-visit for those seeking to explore a place where history and culture are as pervasive as the scenic beauty.

Queensland’s Southern Outback Trail

Embark on a journey through the heart of Queensland’s Southern Outback, a vast expanse where history is etched into the landscape. From St George to Roma, this trail offers a deep dive into Australia’s rich prehistoric past with visits to Eromanga, home to some of the world’s largest dinosaur fossils. The artesian waters of Charleville invite relaxation, while the Silo Art Trail paints a picture of the outback’s soul. This journey through Queensland’s outback is an authentic Australian adventure, offering a glimpse into the land’s ancient history, resilient communities, and the rugged beauty that defines the Aussie outback spirit.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 15 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations /

Cairns to Cape York, Far North Queensland

From the tropical allure of Cairns through the ancient Daintree Rainforest to the untouched wilderness of Cape York, this journey is an odyssey through some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. Along the way, history comes alive in Cooktown, where Captain Cook’s legacy lingers. The route traverse’s landscapes where every corner reveals unparalleled natural beauty, from lush rainforests to remote beaches at the very tip of Australia. This expedition is more than a journey; it’s a passage through time and nature, offering an unforgettable escape into the wild heart of Far North Queensland.

The Great Ocean Road

Experience the breathtaking wonders of the Great Ocean Road with its stunning landscapes and spectacular vistas. Gaze upon the majestic 12 Apostles, stand in awe at Loch Ard Gorge, and marvel at the natural arch of London Bridge. Indulge your taste buds with samples of cheese, chocolates, ice cream and fudge, the perfect complement to such an iconic picturesque journey.

The Hawkesbury & Nepean Rivers Region

The Hawkesbury and Nepean Rivers region is a gateway to a world where history flows as gently as the rivers themselves. This picturesque area, with its scenic cruises, rich early settlement history, and delicious local cuisine, provides a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether it’s learning about the area’s past through the stories of the Riverboat Postman or enjoying the serene beauty on a lunch cruise aboard the Nepean Belle, this region offers an idyllic escape into New South Wales’ cherished landscapes and heritage.

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King and Flinders Island

Set off to explore King and Flinders Islands, where the wild beauty of Bass Strait islands awaits. With rugged landscapes, serene beaches, and rich wildlife, these islands are sanctuaries of natural beauty and tranquillity. From the historic lighthouse on Deal Island to the majestic Strzelecki Peaks on Flinders, each island offers a unique escape into environments where nature reigns supreme, and adventure is always just around the corner. These islands are not just destinations; they are retreats where the soul can wander, and the heart can revel in nature’s untouched splendour.

Capricorn Coast & Yeppoon

Discover the captivating allure of the Capricorn Coast and Yeppoon, where the Southern Great Barrier Reef meets the richness of Queensland’s hinterland. This region invites explorers to nature cruises, country experiences, and close encounters with the fascinating world of crocodiles at Koorana Crocodile Farm. It’s a journey through stunning landscapes and rich wildlife, offering a taste of Queensland’s diverse natural beauty and an intimate connection with the wonders of the Southern Great Barrier Reef.

Victor Harbor & Kangaroo Island with a Murray River cruise

Journey to the heart of South Australia’s natural beauty with a trip to Victor Harbor and Kangaroo Island, complemented by a serene cruise along the Murray River. This adventure offers intimate encounters with wildlife, from seals to koalas, set against the backdrop of the Coorong wetlands and the majestic Murray River’s ecosystem. It’s an exploration of nature’s marvels, offering a deep dive into the unique flora and fauna that make this region a must-visit for nature lovers.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 17 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Australia’s Top 20 Unforgettable Destinations /

Travel Australia’s

South West, Western Australia

Venture through South West Western Australia, a region that marries urban charm with natural beauty. From Perth to Esperance, Albany, and the Margaret River wine region, this journey showcases the awe-inspiring Wave Rock, magnificent silo art, and treetop walks. It’s a tribute to the region’s rich heritage and natural wonders, offering a comprehensive exploration of Western Australia’s vibrant landscapes and storied past.

Flinders, Arkaroola & Barossa Valley

Embark on an exploration of Flinders and Arkaroola’s dramatic landscapes, where the beauty of the natural world is matched by the richness of Barossa Valley’s wine culture. This journey through scenic railways, majestic ridges, and gorges is complemented by wildlife sanctuaries and the indulgence of wine tastings, offering a comprehensive South Australian adventure that marries the rugged outdoors with gourmet delights.


Tasmania beckons with an adventure that spans historic sites, scenic cruises, and the unique wildlife of the Tasmanian devil. From cruising through stunning gorges to sampling local delicacies, Tasmania offers an immersive journey into its rich history, diverse ecosystems, and culinary excellence. It’s an invitation to explore an island that captivates with its natural beauty, wildlife encounters, and a spirit of adventure.

Top 20 Unforgettable

Longreach & Winton

Dive into the heart of the Australian outback with an iconic adventure in Longreach and Winton. From galloping through the scrub to cruising the Thomson River and uncovering dinosaur fossils, this journey is a celebration of Australia’s rugged beauty, pioneering spirit, and ancient past, offering a deep connection to the land and its stories.

Blue Mountains & Beyond

Embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery amidst the majestic beauty of the Blue Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage listed wonder. Experience breathtaking views at Govett’s Leap Lookout and the iconic Three Sisters Lookout together with enjoying the scenic experiences and journeys at Scenic World and the famous Zig Zag Heritage Steam Train.

Central Victoria’s Golden Triangle

Explore the echoes of Australia’s Gold Rush era in Central Victoria’s Golden Triangle. Discover the Sovereign Hill Gold Mining Township and marvel at the historic allure of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. It’s a journey back in time, offering a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage and the pioneering spirit that shaped it.

These destinations, each with its own unique charm and story, showcase the incredible diversity and beauty of Australia. From the cultural treasures of the

capital cities to the ancient landscapes of the outback and the pristine beauty of its islands, Australia offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure.

Join Trade Travel on a journey through these captivating destinations, where every stop is a new discovery.

Learn more

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The Expert Guide to the Ultimate Group Tour

When it comes to crafting the ultimate group tour experience, the devil is in the detail— and no one understands this better than the seasoned tour organisers who have collaborated with Trade Travel. Their journeys, woven with meticulous planning and heartfelt personal touches, stand testament to the transformative power of well-organised travel. Today, we delve into the collective wisdom of these experts, highlighting invaluable tips and cherished experiences that have elevated their tours from ordinary outings to extraordinary adventures. At the forefront of these tales is Val Henry, a distinguished tour organiser whose insights offer a beacon for those navigating the waters of group travel.

Val Henry: The Maestro of Memorable Journeys

Val Henry’s relationship with Trade Travel epitomises the essence of successful tour organisation. Known for her keen eye for detail and unwavering dedication to her group’s satisfaction, Val shares her top tips for orchestrating unforgettable tours.

1. Personalisation is Key: “Understanding the interests and needs of your group members allows for the creation of a tailored experience that resonates on a personal level,” Val emphasises. Trade Travel’s knack for customisation has enabled her to design tours that cater precisely to her group’s preferences, resulting in deeply satisfying travel experiences.

2. Safety and Comfort are Paramount: Val underscores the importance of ensuring that all aspects of the tour adhere to the highest standards of safety and comfort. “With Trade Travel, I’ve always been confident in the knowledge that my group is in safe hands, whether we’re exploring the outback or cruising the high seas.”

3. Engage with Local Cultures: Immersive experiences have been a highlight of Val’s tours. “Encouraging your group to engage with local communities and cultures not only enriches the travel experience but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the destinations visited.”

4. Expect the Unexpected: Flexibility is a virtue in group travel. “Be prepared to adapt and embrace spontaneous opportunities,” advises Val. This openminded approach has led to serendipitous discoveries and memorable moments that weren’t on the itinerary but became highlights of the tour.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 20 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel The Expert Guide to the Ultimate Group Tour /

A Personal Touch That Transforms Travel

What sets Trade Travel apart, according to Val, is the genuine personal touch that permeates every aspect of their service. “It’s the thoughtful gestures, the attention to detail, and the warm, personal interactions that elevate the travel experience,” she reflects. Val recalls a specific tour where the group was greeted by locals with traditional music and dance, an experience facilitated by Trade Travel’s deeprooted connections with the communities visited. “It was an incredibly moving welcome that none of us will forget. It’s these moments that truly embody the essence of travel.”

Val’s Most Treasured Experience

Among the many tours Val has organised with Trade Travel, one stands out: a cultural journey through the heart of Australia. “What made this tour extraordinary was the seamless blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. Watching the sunset over Uluru, accompanied by stories from the local Anangu people, was a profoundly spiritual experience for us all.

Dive into the World of Exceptional Travel

Embarking on a group tour with Trade Travel is not just about visiting new

destinations; it’s about creating a tapestry of experiences that enrich the soul and foster connections. Inspired by Val Henry’s insights and the countless memorable journeys curated by Trade Travel, we invite you to explore the possibilities that await.

Dive into our Online Brochure today and discover the wide array of tours designed with passion, expertise, and that all-important personal touch. Whether you’re seeking adventure, cultural immersion, or relaxation, Trade Travel is your gateway to a world of unforgettable group travel experiences. Join us, and let’s craft your group’s next extraordinary journey together.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 21 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel The Expert Guide to the Ultimate Group Tour /

Probus Month Celebrating Community


and Companionship

Probus Month gives us an opportunity to celebrate what Probus is all about, it also creates awareness of Probus within the wider community.

The Probus Month theme of “Celebrating Community and Companionship” resonates with so many members who have found a sense of belonging within the Probus family.

Throughout the month of October, Probus Clubs will be celebrating Probus Month with lunches, picnics, BBQs and themed events. Many Clubs also invite members of the local community to their Probus Day celebrations to see what Probus is all about. Local celebrities, politicians or councillors may even be interested in coming along, feel free to invite some special guests! With a few more months to go, there is plenty of time to start planning your Club’s special event. Remember that the Management Committee does not

have to do all the work, Clubs may choose to form a working group to co-ordinate and organise celebrations for Probus Month, either on their own or within their region or cluster for a larger gathering.

Recognise hard-working Probians

In all Clubs there are individuals behind the scenes who selflessly give up their time to keep the Club thriving.

Probus month is a special opportunity to recognise those members for their contribution to Probus.

This award can be presented at your Clubs’ October meeting or Probus Month event. To download a copy of the certificate click here.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 23 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG SOFCREAT NG MEMORABL Gold Probus Partner A D E L A I D E T O U L U R U V I A K I N G S C A N Y O N Departure 21 August 2024 D A R W I N T O B R O O M E I N C L U S I V E K A K A D U & K I M B E R L E Y S Departure 06 September 2024 U L T I M A T E T A S M A N I A D I S C O V E R Y Departure 14 October 2024 F L I N D E R S , A R K A R O O L A & B A R O S S A V A L L E Y Departure 24 October 2024 E X O T I C M A U R I T I U S I N D I A N O C E A N P A R A D I S E Departure 08 September 2024 V I E T N A M & C A M B O D I A INCLUDING 7 NIGHT MEKONG RIVER CRUISE Departure 19 October 2024 J A P A N A U T U M N S P L E N D O U R Departure November 2025 S R I L A N K A P E A R L O F T H E I N D I A N O C E A N Departure 18 March 2025 Cruises AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND O N B O A R D N O R W E G I A N S U N Departure 19 January 2025 G R E A T B A R R I E R R E E F O N B O A R D C A R N I V A L L U M I N O S A Departure 16 February 2025 S O U T H P A C I F I C I S L A N D S O N B O A R D P A C I F I C A D V E N T U R E Departure 29 March 2025 I C E L A N D & B R I T I S H I S L E S C A R N I V A L M I R A C L E Departure 18 May 2025 D E N A L I & Y U K O N O N B O A R D N O O R D A M Departure 16 July 2025 GREEK ISLES & ITALY O N B O A R D N O R W E G I A N E P I C Departure 02 August 2025 AU: 1800 034 439 | NZ: 0800 443 044 Email: Visit: I t s a l l a b o u t e n j o y i n g l i f e ! M U R R A Y P R I N C E S S H O T A U G U S T N I G H T M U S I C C R U I S E Departure 19 August 2024

Navigating the Seas of Choice

In the vast expanse of the travel and tourism industry, cruising stands out as a beacon of leisure and adventure. From the majestic oceans to the serene rivers and the untamed frontiers explored by small ships and expedition cruises, the choices are as vast as the seas themselves. This editorial delves into the heart of these cruising experiences, comparing ocean cruises, river cruising, expedition voyages, and small ship adventures, highlighting their unique appeals, advantages, and considerations.

Ocean Cruises: The Grandeur of the Seas

Ocean cruising offers a glimpse into the grandiosity of maritime travel, aboard vessels that are floating cities themselves. These cruises cater to a wide audience, offering an extensive range of amenities, from luxurious spas and fine dining to Broadway-style shows and expansive decks perfect for sunbathing. The allure lies in the journey as much as the destination, with ships docking at multiple ports, offering a taste of diverse cultures and landscapes.

Why we like it

• Variety and Scale: The sheer scale of ocean liners means a vast array of onboard activities and accommodations to suit all preferences and budgets.

• Global Destinations: Ocean cruises cover global routes, offering a spectrum of itineraries from the Caribbean’s warm waters to the Mediterranean’s rich history.

View Ocean Cruises Here

River Cruising: Intimacy with the Landscape

River cruises offer a more intimate experience, navigating the world’s great rivers. These vessels provide a closer look at the heart of regions, often docking in the center of cities, towns, and villages. The focus is on cultural immersion, with guided tours, local performances, and onboard lectures enhancing the journey.

Why we like it

• Cultural Immersion: Itineraries are designed to offer a deep dive into the region’s culture, history, and cuisine.

• Scenic Views: The gentle pace and proximity to shorelines ensure constant, scenic vistas of the countryside.

View River Cruises Here

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 24 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Navigating the Seas of Choice /

Expedition Cruising: Adventure Beyond Boundaries

Why we like it

Expedition cruises are tailored for adventure seekers, reaching remote corners of the world inaccessible to larger vessels. These cruises emphasize wildlife encounters, untouched landscapes, and often include expert-led activities and lectures. Destinations range from the polar ice caps of Antarctica to the biodiverse islands of the Galápagos.

Why we like it

• Unique Destinations: Offers access to some of the most remote and pristine environments on the planet.

• Educational Component: Travelers benefit from the knowledge of onboard experts and naturalists, enriching the travel experience.

Small Ship Cruising: Personalised Voyages

Small ship cruises strike a balance between the intimacy of river cruises and the adventurous spirit of expedition voyages. These cruises often focus on coastal explorations, offering a personalised experience with the ability to dock at smaller ports and hidden coves. The atmosphere is more relaxed and personal, with staff able to cater to individual preferences.

View Expedition Cruises Here

• Flexibility: Smaller vessels can adapt itineraries based on weather, interests, and events, allowing for spontaneous exploration.

• Personalised Service: With fewer passengers, staff can provide more attentive service, creating a cozy and friendly atmosphere.

The choice between ocean cruises, river cruising, expedition adventures, and small ship voyages ultimately hinges on the traveller’s preferences, interests, and the kind of experience they seek. Whether it’s the allure of grand ocean liners, the cultural immersion offered by river cruises, the adventure of expedition voyages, or the personalised touch of small ship cruising, the seas and rivers of the world offer myriad paths to explore. Each type of cruise provides a unique lens through which to see the world, with their own sets of advantages and considerations. As the cruising industry evolves, the promise of discovering the world from the deck of a ship remains a timeless allure, inviting travellers to navigate the vast seas of choice before them.

View all your cruise options here.

View Small Ship Cruises Here

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 25 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Navigating the Seas of Choice /
River Cruising Small Ship Cruising Expedition Cruising

Crafting Memorable Journeys with a Personal Touch:

Getting to Know Your Area Managers

In the heart of Trade Travel’s mission to provide unforgettable, tailored travel experiences, stand our Area Managers - the pillars of personalised service and community spirit. Each with a unique story, a passion for adventure, and a dedication to the Probus Clubs they serve, our Area Managers ensure every journey is special. Let’s take a closer look at these remarkable individuals.

Serina Mace

Region: Central NSW, Sydney North, West, South, Wollongong, Canberra Central Highlands & Central Coast

Serina brings tropical flair and a love for Mauritius to Trade Travel’s New South Wales division. With roots in customer service, she’s dedicated seven years to crafting memorable trips. An outdoor enthusiast and competitive netball player for Norfolk Island, she values the Probus community’s friendship and adventure.

Favourite Probus Moment: Building lasting friendships and sharing in the joy of new discoveries.

Travel Tip: Check documents, allow time at the airport, and consider a travel money card.

As your dedicated Area Managers, we’re here to ensure your travel experiences are not just trips, but journeys filled with discovery, comfort, and unforgettable memories. Together with the Probus Clubs, we’re excited to explore new destinations, create lasting friendships, and bring your dream travels to life. Reach out to us; let’s start planning your next adventure. Our commitment to creating special moments is unwavering, and we can’t wait to share the joy of travel with you. Contact Us

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 26 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Crafting Memorable Journeys with a Personal Touch /
Norfolk Island

Greg Hopper

Region: Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast, Northern Rivers NSW

From Coles Myer in Melbourne to Trade Travel in Queensland, Greg’s journey includes 11 years at Dreamworld and a decade as a franchise owner. Known for generosity and adventure, his top travel pick is New Zealand’s South Island. Outside work, he’s into rehydrating fruits, Morris dancing, and cherishing friendships within Probus Clubs.

Favourite Probus Moment: The deep, lasting friendships forged over years.

Travel Tip: Hydrate with Hydralyte tablets daily.

Andrew Fyfe

Region: Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast, Northern Rivers NSW

Andrew’s mantra is “People First,” guiding his seven years with Trade Travel and co-ownership across Northern Rivers, Gold Coast, and Greater Brisbane. He finds joy in laughter, friends, Port Douglas’s charm, golf, AFL, and songwriting. Probus Clubs have blessed him with amazing friendships.

Favourite Probus Moment: Making incredible friends and sharing laughter.

Travel Tip: Keep passport copies handy on international trips.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 27 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Crafting Memorable Journeys with a Personal Touch /

Region: Melbourne North East & South East, Region Victoria

With four decades in the travel sector, including key roles at Tourism New Zealand and Destination Canada, Sue is a champion of the senior market. Her speaking engagements inspire many to explore the world with Trade Travel. She’s met celebrities like Ozzy Osbourne and Sir Edmund Hillary, making her career memorable. Sue loves Scandinavia’s winter majesty, enjoys golf, fine dining, and bushwalking, and was once a skilled Irish dancer.

Favourite Probus Moment: Creating unforgettable experiences and being inspired by the enthusiasm of seniors.

Travel Tips: Embrace your wanderlust— book that dream trip now.

Mark Haddad Sue Grady

Region: Northern Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia

Mark’s journey in travel spans 30 years, from ticketing to consultancy and wholesale, sharing his knowledge and exploring globally. Having visited over 60 countries, with Brazil, Croatia, and Japan as favourites for their rich cultures and stunning landscapes, he’s a true world wanderer. Mark supports the Parramatta Eels, enjoys discovering restaurants, and collects sports memorabilia, not to mention his renowned BBQ skills.

Favourite Probus Moment: Valuing the rich interactions and learning from every Probus member.

Travel Tip: Always travel with insurance and a good pair of headphones for a better journey.

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Kathy Rivett

Region: Central and Western Victoria, Ballarat

Since 2008, Kathy has led tours globally, applying insights from managing a Victorian tourist attraction. She treasures off-path travel, loves Norway/Finland for unique experiences like meeting Santa, and enjoys Japan’s distinct beauty. Engaged in Rotary and outdoor activities, she values fun and trust with Probus Clubs.

Favourite Probus Moment: Witnessing tour members embrace fun and trust, enhancing the travel experience.

Travel Tips: Pack zip lock bags and use packing cubes for organization.

Glen O’Brien

Region: Melbourne Bayside, Mornington Peninsula, South Gippsland, Phillip Island

With 47 years in tourism and business development, from New Zealand to Australia, London, and Taiwan, Glen favours Scandinavia and India for their vibrant contrasts. His life outside work includes walking, mountain biking, and golf. Despite basic Mandarin skills, his real challenge is matching his wife Sue’s cleanliness. Probus friendships are a highlight.

Favourite Probus Moment: Nurturing friendships with members for over 15 years.

Travel Tip: Pack light, a lesson still being learned.

MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 29 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Travel Crafting Memorable Journeys with a Personal Touch /

effortless journeys, endless memories

What sets Trade Travel apart is our focus on providing safe, community-centred, enriching travel opportunities exclusively tailored for Probus Club members.


Personalised service with a Trade Travel escort.

Convenient return airfares from homeport

Travel in style with luxury coach travel

Quality accommodation

Comprehensive meals

All-inclusive experiences


Certified cruise specialists to look after you

We are tailored for mature travellers

Over 20 years of travel consultancy experience.

End to end service from the initial planning to the moment you disembark.


Custom crafted holidays, each holiday is specifically designed to meet your needs.

24/7 after hours support, knowing support is just a phone call away.

We specialise in planning holidays for mature travellers and their families.

End to end planning and execution, we cover all aspects from flights, accommodation to activities.

For reservations & information call: 1800 034 439 or contact your area manager


MAY 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE | 31 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG For reservations & information call: 1800 034 439 or contact your area manager
W W W . T R A D E T R A V E L . C O M . A U



Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.

Make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.

Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.


• Friendship with other retirees in your community

• Local monthly meetings

• Interesting guest speakers

• Wide range of activities with fellow members to suit your lifestyle; active or not-so-active

• Trips and Outings

• Exclusive discounts

• Active Retirees publications

Contact us: To find your local Probus Club, please visit our Club Locator at or contact us on: Australia 1300 630 488 New Zealand 0800 1477 6287 Email: Website:

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