Active Retirees September 2024 Quarterly Magazine

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Probus Club of Belmont Central



8 Rediscover the Heart of Queensland’s Southern Outback

Queensland’s Southern Outback, a place of vast horizons, timeless beauty, and the kind of experiences that stay with you long after you’ve returned home.


16 Preparing Your Health for Spring: Tips for Seniors

As winter fades and spring approaches, it’s time to embrace the warmth, longer days, and vibrant blooming landscapes.


20 How Alexa and Google Home Can Simplify Your Life

These devices can perform a wide range of tasks, from playing music and setting reminders to answering questions and controlling other smart home devices.

Feature Story

25 Retirees are healthier and happier in Probus

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labour, but it’s also a period when staying active, socially connected, and engaged within your community becomes more important than ever.


03 Chairman’s Message

31 Club News

News from around the country.

61 Amazing Probians

64 Movie Feature: Thelma



is the official publication for the Probus organisation in Australia. Active Retirees is a trademark of Probus South Pacific Limited. ACN 152 374 395

Chairman Michael Ransom

Vice Chairman David Malone

Immediate Past Chairman Judith Maestracci AM

Treasurer David Ekert

Directors Margaret Drake, Peter Turner, John Hall, Merv Richens OAM, Peter Olney PSM.

PSPL Administration PO Box 1294, Parramatta NSW 2124 phone +61 2 9689 0200 1300 630 488 (Australia) 0800 14776 287 (New Zealand) email website

Active Retirees Production & Management

Probus South Pacific Limited

Editorial Monika Prasad email

Advertising Daniel Bott email

Active Retirees Australia Disclaimer. Active Retirees is published by Probus South Pacific Limited (ACN 152 374 395) (PSPL). Advertisers and contributors to Active Retirees acknowledge that they are aware of and undertake to comply with the provisions of applicable State and Federal discrimination legislation and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 in relation to false and misleading advertising or statements and unfair practices. PSPL does not accept any responsibility for such breaches. Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PSPL. All articles are general in nature. Individuals should seek expert advice before acting on any information contained in Active Retirees. PSPL does not make any warranties in relation to the information provided and, to the full extent allowed by law, disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied. All material in Active Retirees is copyright and may not be produced in whole or in part without the express written permission of PSPL. Advertisers and contributors warrant that photographs provided for print in Active Retirees do not infringe the intellectual property or moral rights of any third party and that the advertiser or contributor holds all necessary permits and licences.


Imagine a group of three or four men at morning tea at a Probus meeting, at a coffee shop, or over a few drinks, talking amongst each other. It’s socialising, though these men would not call it that. They would never call it anything.

Imagine a typical conversation…

“How did your footy team go at the weekend?”

“Hopeless, they lost again.”

“How did yours go?”

“No better than yours, the only good thing was the new young recruit played really well, but a couple of the older players are getting too old. It’s about time we invited them to join our Probus club.”

And so on, and so on, and so on…

It’s fun, and it’s social. And it’s very important.

Because men, at any age, can feel isolated. Having a chat with mates at a Probus gathering (or anywhere else, for that matter), can be some of the few friendly interactions some men have.

Some women, too. Yet, generally, women talk to each other more easily. They are much better than men talking to each other about relationships, feelings, love and pain.

Men want to be there for their mates, but often don’t know that they might be having a hard time. These conversations can be difficult. Saying something, asking something; it’s often not comfortable for men.

(Adapted from an article in Australian Golf magazine, written by Matt Cleary).

Many of you have heard or read about my belief that one of Probus’ great benefits is helping people, both men and women, experience “community and companionship.” In fact, community and companionship is the theme of this year’s Probus Month.

This is the real value of Probus Clubs in our community, and I am sure that it was in the minds of Rotary Club members those 50 or so years ago when they decided to set up the Probus network and encouraged people who were retired or semi-retired to join.

We talk about fun, fellowship and friendship. Very, very important. But there is an even deeper element to Probus; it’s about our well-being and health. Our Probus Clubs play a really important role in our local communities, by keeping us active and in touch with other people.

Let us also remember at this time our Probus family in New Zealand. Probus turns 50 in the South Pacific this year; the first

Club formed in our part of the world was the Kapiti Coast Probus Club, not far from Wellington. The Club is still going strong after 50 years, a testament to half a century of great leadership, and it also demonstrates how important our Probus Clubs are in our local communities.

Unfortunately, since Covid, we have seen a decline in membership of Probus throughout Australia and New Zealand. This has particularly been the case in my home state, Victoria; probably as a result of the severe lockdowns we experienced during 2020 and 2021. With more and more people leaving full time employment each year, it is vital that we continue to make our Clubs attractive to younger retirees.

The first stage of retirement is often a “honeymoon” period, where we learn to relax, take that overseas holiday, but within a short while we need to connect with new friends in our local community, develop new skills, and continue to feel that we are making a useful contribution in society. Probus offers a perfect opportunity for this, and I believe we should market our local Clubs in this way to attract new members.

The theme of this year’s Probus Month is “Celebrating Community and Companionship.” When you are planning how to celebrate in your own local Club this year, let us remember the benefits that Probus membership brings, and use this opportunity to show off the benefits of membership to our wider community.

If you are reading this and not a member of Probus yet, find your local Club through our website at or call our friendly team on 1300 630 488.



E m b a r k i n g o n y o u r n e x t t r i p i s e x c i t i n g , a n d w h i l e y o u h o p e t h e u n e x p e c t e d d o e s n o t h a p p e n , i t i s b e s t t o b e

p r e p a r e d . B u y i n g P r o b u s T r a v e l I n s u r a n c e f o r y o u r t r i p c a n o f f e r c o v e r f o r m i n o r t h i n g s , l i k e a d e l a y e d

s u i t c a s e * , o r s ig n i f i c a n t t h i n g s , l i k e a n u n e x p e c t e d t r i p c a n c e l l a t i o n * o r a n o v e r s e a s m e d i c a l e m e r g e n c y * .

W e ' v e p a r t n e r e d w i t h e m e r g e n c y m e d i c a l a s s i s t a n c e p r o v i d e r , A l l i a n z G l o b a l A s s i s t a n c e t o e n s u r e y o u h a v e

t h e s u p p o r t a n d c a r e y o u n e e d . R e m e m b e r t o a l w a y s r e a d t h e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t f o r t h e t e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , l i m i t s a n d e x c l u s i o n s .


P r e - e x i s t i n g m e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n c o v e r Y o u c a n a p p l y f o r p r e - e x i s t i n g m e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n c o v e r o n

C o m p r e h e n s i v e , M u l t i - T r i p a n d D o m e s t i c p l a n s u s i n g o u r e a s y o n l i n e m e d i c a l a s s e s s m e n t t h a t p r o v i d e s a n

i n s t a n t o u t c o m e

2 4 / 7 e m e r g e n c y a s s i s t a n c e I f y o u n e e d h e l p w h i l e t r a v e l l i n g , A u s t r a l i a n b a s e d c a s e m a n a g e r s a r e h e r e f o r

y o u 2 4 / 7 , w i t h r e g i s t e r e d d o c t o r s a n d n u r s e s a v a i l a b l e .

S i m p l e c l a i m s p r o c e s s I f s o m e t h i n g h a p p e n s w h i l e y o u a r e t r a v e l l i n g , m a k i n g a c l a i m i s s i m p l e w i t h o u r o n l i n e c l a i m s p o r t a l . Y o u c a n m a k e a c l a i m o n l i n e w h i l e y o u a r e s t i l l t r a v e l l i n g o r w h e n y o u r e t u r n .


D e p e n d i n g u p o n y o u r a g e , w h e r e y o u a r e t r a v e l l i n g t o , t h e l e n g t h o f y o u r t r i p , y o u m a y b e o f f e r e d o n e , t w o o r t h r e e d i f f e r e n t p l a n s . T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , l i m i t s a n d e x c l u s i o n s a p p l y ; r e f e r t o t h e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t t o c o m p a r e p l a n s i n m o r e d e t a i l

G e t a q u o t e o n l i n e t o d a y a n d e a s i l y c o m p a r e p l a n s a n d c u s t o m i s e y o u r c o v e r t o s u i t y o u r t r i p

Get a Quote

1 8 0 0 1 2 5 2 3 4 ( W e e k d a y s 8 a m – 7 p m A E S T a n d

S a t u r d a y s 8 a m – 5 p m A E S T )

P r o b u s T r a v e l @ a l l i a n z - a s s i s t a n c e c o m a u

G o t q u e s t i o n s ? R e a d t h e F A Q s t o l e a r n m o r e

* T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , e x c l u s i o n s , l i m i t s a n d a p p l i c a b l e s u b - l i m i t s m a y a p p l y S e e P r o d u c t D i s c l o s u r e S t a t e m e n t f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n P r o b u s

T r a v e l I n s u r a n c e i s a v a i l a b l e t o A u s t r a l i a n r e s i d e n t s o n l y

P r o b u s S o u t h P a c i f i c L i m i t e d A B N 3 8 7 2 6 4 2 3 9 7 9 A R 1 2 8 7 7 2 7 a r r a n g e s t h i s i n s u r a n c e a s a u t h o r i s e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r A W P A u s t r a l i a P t y L t d

A B N 5 2 0 9 7 2 2 7 1 7 7 A F S L 2 4 5 6 3 1 t r a d i n g a s A l l i a n z G l o b a l A s s i s t a n c e ( A G A ) A G A i s s u e s a n d m a n a g e s t r a v e l i n s u r a n c e a s a g e n t f o r t h e i n s u r e r A l l i a n z A u s t r a l i a I n s u r a n c e L i m i t e d A B N 1 5 0 0 0 1 2 2 8 5 0 A F S L 2 3 4 7 0 8 . T e r m s , c o n d i t i o n s , e x c l u s i o n s , l i m i t s , a n d a p p l i c a b l e s u b - l i m i t s a p p l y . W e d o n o t p r o v i d e a n y a d v i c e o n t h i s i n s u

Exploring Britain & Ireland

Departs 26 April 2025

14 days | 20 meals Starting at $9,249 pp*

Cultural Treasures of Japan

Departs 30 May 2025

13 days | 18 meals

Starting at $9,849 pp*

Italian Vistas

Departs 19 October 2025

12 days | 17 meals

Starting at $9,949 pp*

Canadian Rockies & Alaska’s Inside Passage

Departs 27 August 2025

15 days | 33 meals

Starting at $15,599 pp*

Spain’s Classics & Portugal

Departs 14 September 2025

14 days | 19 meals

Starting at $10,349 pp*


Explore the best of Victoria with a journey that captures both a mix of city and coast

Experience the tranquil beauty of the Murray River aboard the Murray Princess.


Check out pearling in Broome, enjoy sunset drinks on Cable beach & stop at the Pinnacles.

Explore Corbett Gardens, cruise Lake Burley Griffin, visit Parliament House & enjoy the Floriade


Discover the Flinders Ranges, Arkaroola’s Ridge Top Tour & Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop. MELBOURNE & GREAT OCEAN

Departure 18 March 2025

Visit the elephants of Pinnawala, ancient cities & Yala National Park for a Jeep Safari.

Departure 29 July 2025

Experience a Rarotonga tour, Captain Tama’s lagoon cruise & a Polynesian village show.

Enjoy a sunset cruise on the Balonne River, Hot Springs & tours of Quilpie, Charleville & Roma.

Departure 03 September 2025

Departure 06 October 2025


Explore Slovenia's Lake Bled, Croatia's Dubrovnik & Montenegro's Bay of Kotor.

Departure 26 October 2025

Visit New Delhi's Qutab Minar, Agra's Taj Mahal & end with a sunset cruise on Udaipur's Lake Pichola

Experience South Africa’s history, natural beauty & wildlife with visits to Table Mountain & Kruger NP

This cruise features stops in Melbourne, Hobart Milford Sound & Lyttelton (Christchurch).
Spend Christmas at sea depart from Melbourne

Travel Rediscover the Heart of Queensland’s Southern Outback /

Rediscover the Heart of Queensland’s Southern Outback

Imagine a place where the sun bathes the land in golden light, where rugged landscapes stretch out as far as the eye can see, and where the stories of the past echo in every rustle of the wind. This is Queensland’s Southern Outback, a place of vast horizons, timeless beauty, and the kind of experiences that stay with you long after you’ve returned home. And in 2025, it’s calling you to embark on an adventure that promises to be nothing short of unforgettable.

The 2025 tour has already captured the hearts of many, with one of the July departures fully booked months in advance. It’s not just a trip—it’s a journey into the heart of Australia’s rich heritage, where the land tells stories that books simply cannot. If you’ve ever dreamt of stepping into the true essence of the Outback, this is your chance.

Yelarbon: A Canvas of Colour and History

The journey begins with a visit to Yelarbon, where you’ll be greeted by the stunning Graincorp silos, transformed into vibrant canvases by talented artists. The artwork, “When the Rain Comes,” is a reflection of the land’s beauty and the people’s resilience. This is just the beginning of a trip where every stop is more than just a destination—it’s a story waiting to be told.

St George: A Blend of Heritage and Local Flavours

In St George, the adventure continues with a unique blend of local culture and history. Visit the Unique Egg, a worldfirst display of handcarved, illuminated emu eggs that have travelled as far as the White House. A sunset cruise on the Balonne River offers a peaceful end to the day, where the sky and water merge into shades of orange and pink, making you feel at one with nature.

Cunnamulla: Where Relaxation Meets History

A soak in the Cunnamulla Hot Springs is not just about relaxation; it’s a connection to the ancient waters that have sustained this region for millennia. Follow this with a tour of the Artesian Time Tunnel and a visit to the Cunnamulla Fella Visitor Information Centre, where you’ll learn how the Great Artesian Basin shaped the Outback. Let’s not forget a campfire dinner under the stars—classic Outback hospitality at its best.

Eromanga: Walking with Dinosaurs

Next, the tour takes you to Eromanga, home to the Eromanga Natural History Museum. Here, you’ll meet Cooper and George, the Titanosaur Sauropods, the largest dinosaurs ever found in Australia. It’s a surreal experience, standing where these giants once roamed, reminding you of the ancient world that lies just beneath the surface of this land.

Charleville: Stars and Stories

In Charleville, the Outback sky becomes your guide. At the Cosmos Centre, the Big Sky Twilight Tour offers a chance to gaze at the stars through powerful telescopes. As the Milky Way stretches out above you, you’ll feel a deep connection to the universe, a reminder of how vast and wonderful the world truly is.

Roma: The Heart of Beef Country

Roma is more than just the heart of beef country; it’s a place where the pioneering spirit of Australia comes alive. At the Roma Saleyards, you’ll

witness the bustling activity of cattle auctions, while a visit to the Big Rig lets you delve into the history of Australia’s oil and gas industries. The day ends with a sunset toast and a Sound and Light Show, a perfect blend of history and celebration.

Why This Tour is Unmissable

This is your opportunity to secure a place on a tour that promises to be a standout experience. Every place you visit, every person you meet, and every story you hear will weave into a rich tapestry of memories that you’ll carry with you long after the journey ends. Whether it’s the art on a silo, the warmth of a campfire, or the glow of a sunset over a cattle station, these moments are what make the Outback truly unforgettable.

So, if you’re looking for an experience that goes beyond the ordinary, one that connects you with the land, its people, and its history, then this is the tour for you. The Southern Outback is waiting—are you ready to rediscover it?

Scan the QR code below to view our 7th July 2025 departure, or alternatively you can contact our office or one of our area managers to discuss your groups next departure.


Corner Country Explorer!

Explore majestic desert landscapes and remote outback towns with legendary outback characters on this 14-day journey from Brisbane to Lonrgreach. From the majestic beauty of the Cosmos Centre’s Big Sky Twilight to the remote allure of Birdsville, this tour promises an unforgettable experience.

Tour cost was $9,699pp Twin Share. Now $9,299pp Twin Share. Limited seats.

Depart: 29th April and 23rd September 2025.

Journey of the Gulf Savannah

Discover a 12-day journey through the Gulf Savannah region from Longreach to Cairns, discovering all of the Gulf Savannah highlights, including Undara Lava Tubes & Sunset at Karumba.

Tour cost was $8,599pp Twin Share.

Now $8,199pp Twin Share

Depart: 25th May and 28th September 2025.

Cape York & Torres Strait

Encounter the stunning Cape York & Torres Strait Islands region, exploring stunning locations and having unique experience en route to ‘The Tip’ of Australia, on this 11-day journey.

Tour cost was $9,299pp Twin Share.

Now $8,899pp Twin Share

Depart: 28th May and 10th September 2025.

Your Tour & Transport Coordinators

Explore Tasmania through history, culture, nature and culinary delights with Coal River Coaches & Love Tasmania Tours. We help you access not only the must see and must experience destinations, but also the hidden gems.

Coal River Coaches offers luxury travel in comfort

Available for your charter needs, operating a fleet of luxury vehicles ranging from cars to 57-seaters Dedicated and knowledgeable driver guides are passionate about showcasing the breathtaking beauty of Tasmania, ensuring your exploration of the state is comfortable and enlightening Sit back relax and enjoy the ride!

Love Tasmania Tours create memorable tour packages and experiences. We specialise in itinerary planning, tour bookings and ensuring everything runs smoothly. All you need to do is focus on your excitement leading up to your adventure and the wonderful experiences you get to carry with you when you return. Whether you prefer pre-planned adventures or fully customised itineraries, we curate the perfect holiday tailored to your group

Explore the world on fully escorted tours with likeminded travellers by joining the Travel Club. Always offering an exciting array of new destinations and activities in each program release, there is something to suit every interest Find yourself among “friends to travel with” when you participate in a scheduled departure as an individual or small group. For large groups you can ask for a private tour!

Our Coach Captains and tour leaders are professional and personable, which adds to the experience tremendously. You can rely on them to offer expertise and knowledge showcased through their safe driving and commentary, plus they’ll have a good laugh with you along the way At Coal River Coaches we treasure the friendships we build and those we help foster among clients along the way

Our travel coordinators can assist you with complete customised tour packages including flights, accommodation, activities, meals, entry fees, Parks passes and of course coach transport They would help you make selections based on your clubs preferences, piece together your itinerary for you and make all the bookings, it’s as simple as that

Alternatively, you may already have a tour planned and are just after transport Coal River Coaches will be able to provide you with a quick and easy quote for the vehicle size you require and offer you a driver who can provide commentary for your journey.

Self-drive tour packages or car hire is available for the independant traveller who likes to be the master of their own adventure

Probus exclusive discount, 15% off group bookings! Select our 6-day East, 6-day West or 11-day Full Loop Love Tasmania Tours and receive a 15% discount For Coal River Coaches charter or transfer receive a 15% discount off current rates*

Fully Escorted Travel Club

Coastline to Capital: Melbourne to Canberra

20th February - 27th February 2025

Ballarat Begonias & Beyond

7th March - 13th March 2025

Experience breathtaking blooms, cultural treasures, and artistic wonders on this unforgettÿable journey through Ballarat and beyond. The Bergonia Festival which has been running for over 70 years is sure to be a highlight of your tour, but there is much more to discover and explore throughout the Grampians, Daylesford, Castlemaine and along part of the Silo Art Trail

West Coast Tasmania 6-days

Discover Tasmania on this 6 day group tour. Explore Tasmania's West Coast, as you join the Gordon River Cruise, visit Cradle Mountain and many more destinations on your Tasmania holiday. Beginning in Hobart and ending in Launceston, you'll savour local produce, venture deep into Tasmania's UNESCO World heritage listed wilderness and explore the rugged West Coast

East Coast Tasmania 6-days

Discover Tasmania on this 6 Day group tour Explore Freycinet, Wineglass Bay, Port Arthur and many more destinations on your Tasmania holiday Beginning in Launceston and ending in Hobart, you'll savour local produce and wine and take in the stunning scenery of the sunny East Coast

Embark on an unforgettable journey from Melbourne to Canberra with our Coastline to Capital tour, showcasing the breathtaking beauty of the Gippsland Region Experience the stunning coastal landscapes of Phillip Island, Foster, and Lakes Entrance, and the serene charm of Sale and Merimbula Delight in the perfect blend of nature, history, and culture as you explore this magnificent stretch of Australia's coastline *Select tours &

Full Loop Tasmania 11-days

Experience the best of Tasmania on this tour which combines Hobart, Launceston, the west and east coast.

Your legacy. Their future.


you be the difference in an uncertain world?

For 110 years, Australian Red Cross has stood shoulder to shoulder with people and communities around the world in the face of disaster, conflict and family separation. Our humanitarian mission is built on the shoulders of those who came before us and those who continue to light the way forward — people who, through the act of giving, have laid the foundations for a brighter future.

Now, you can join them. By leaving a gift in your Will to Australian Red Cross, you can create a legacy of kindness that supports those in need.

Making a Will can ensure that your assets go to the people and causes you care about. Once you’ve provided for your loved ones, it’s a straightforward process to leave a gift for Australian Red Cross.

Your legacy can create lifetimes of change. What does it take to make a difference? It takes you.

Health Preparing Your Health for Spring: Tips for Seniors /

Preparing Your Health for Spring: Tips for Seniors

As winter fades and spring approaches, it’s time to embrace the warmth, longer days, and vibrant blooming landscapes. However, with these joys come certain challenges, especially for seniors.

Spring brings an influx of pollen, a resurgence of hay fever and an increase in insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks, transmitting viruses one way or another. Here are some tips on how to prepare your health for the upcoming spring season and tackle these issues head-on.

Guarding Against Hay Fever

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common issue during the spring months. It’s triggered by allergens like pollen from trees, grasses, and flowers. While hay fever can affect anyone, seniors may experience it more intensely due to ageing or other health conditions.

Hay fever symptoms can be easily mistaken for a cold as key signs include:

• Sneezing

• Runny or stuffy nose

• Itchy eyes, nose, or throat

• Watery eyes

• Coughing or wheezing

If you notice these symptoms, it’s crucial to take action early.

Prevention and Management

Here are some steps to reduce exposure to pollen and manage hay fever:

Stay Informed: Check local pollen forecasts to know when levels are high. On these days, it’s best to stay indoors, especially during peak pollen times, typically in the early morning and late evening. You can check your local pollen levels on

Keep Windows Closed: While it’s tempting to let the fresh spring air in, keeping windows and doors closed can prevent pollen from entering your home.

Wear A Mask: Wearing a medical or cotton face mask

acts as a shield between your nose and mouth and the surrounding environment. This shield helps limit your exposure to allergens and may lower the chances of experiencing a reaction to hay fever triggers such as pollen, dust, and pollution.

Shower and Change Clothes Often: After spending time outdoors, shower and change your clothes to remove any pollen that may have settled on you.

Use Air Purifiers: Consider using air purifiers with HEPA (High-efficiency particulate air) filters in your home to reduce airborne allergens.

Consult Your Doctor: Overthe-counter antihistamines can help, but it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure they’re safe with any other medications you may be taking.

Staying Safe from Insect-Borne Diseases

Spring also marks the return of insects like mosquitoes, which can transmit different kinds of viruses that seniors are particularly vulnerable to.

Protective Measures

Here’s how to protect yourself from mosquito bites and the diseases they may carry:

Use Insect Repellent: Apply an approved insect repellent that contains DEET (diethyltoluamide), picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus when going outdoors. Reapply as directed.

Wear Protective Clothing: Long sleeves, long pants, and socks can provide a physical barrier against mosquito bites. Light-coloured clothing is less attractive to mosquitoes.

Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so regularly empty any containers that collect water around your home, such as flowerpots, bird baths, and gutters.

Install Window and Door Screens: Ensure that your home is wellsealed with screens on windows and doors to keep insects out.

Stay Indoors During Peak Hours: Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, so plan outdoor activities accordingly.

General Health Tips for Spring

Aside from combating hay fever and insect-borne diseases, here are some additional tips to ensure you stay healthy and enjoy the spring season to the fullest:

Stay Hydrated

As the weather warms up, it’s essential to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, confusion, and other complications. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and include hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Get Moving, But Safely

Spring is a great time to increase physical activity, whether it’s walking, gardening, or gentle exercises. Regular physical activity can boost your immune system, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. However, be mindful of your limits. Start slowly, especially if you’ve been less active during the winter months, and consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

Practice Sun Safety

With longer days and more time spent outdoors, sun protection becomes crucial. Wear a broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Remember to reapply sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re sweating or spending time in the water.

Review Your Medications

As spring brings changes in weather and environment, it’s a good time to review your medications with your healthcare provider. Some medications may need adjustments due to seasonal changes, particularly those that affect hydration or sun sensitivity.

Mental Health and Spring Renewal

Spring is often associated with renewal and growth, making it an ideal time to focus on mental well-being. The season offers opportunities to reconnect with nature, engage in social activities, and pursue hobbies.

Practice Mindfulness

Consider incorporating mindfulness or relaxation techniques into your routine. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga can help manage stress and enhance overall wellbeing.

Include a Charity Week: Brighten tomorrow through a gift in your Will

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation (SCHF) is proud to participate in Include a Charity Week 2-8 September. This year’s theme, Be the spark – brighten tomorrow through a gift in your Will, encourages people to create a legacy to a charity that is important to them.

At SCHF, we play a pivotal role in this movement, witnessing the profound impact legacies from individuals have on the lives of sick children. Every day, children face daunting health challenges, from manageable conditions to rare and complex diseases.

When Coen was one, he was diagnosed with Gabriele-de-Vries syndrome, which lead to developmental delays, intellectual hurdles, and a myriad of challenges that impact his every day life.

To continue providing exceptional care to children like Coen, gifts in Will are a future lifeline that fund groundbreaking research, cutting edge equipment and training for medical staff.

“Leaving a gift in a Will to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation is an act of kindness. Just 5% can create a legacy that improves the lives of children, long after you’re gone,” says Anne McFadden, Director of Planned Giving, SCHF.

To help you create a legacy, SCHF has partnered with Gathered Here, one of Australia’s trusted online Will writing services. Follow a free, step-by-step guide that takes 10 minutes and will help you shape the future of children’s health for years to come.

For more information, visit or contact our Planned Giving Team on 1800 770 122 or

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation

ABN: 72 003 073 185

How Alexa and Google Home Can Simplify Your Life /

How Alexa and Google Home Can Simplify Your Life

Technology has made incredible strides in recent years, making everyday tasks more convenient and accessible. One of the most significant innovations is the development of voiceactivated assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home.

What Are VoiceActivated Assistants?

Voice-activated assistants are smart devices that respond to your voice commands. Once set up, these devices can perform a wide range of tasks, from playing music and setting reminders to answering questions and controlling other smart home devices. Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home are two of the most popular voice-activated assistants available today.

How Do They Work?

These devices are equipped with microphones and speakers that allow them to listen to your voice and respond accordingly. By saying a specific wake word, such as “Alexa” or “Hey Google,” you can activate the assistant and give it a command. For example, you might say, “Alexa, what’s the weather today?” or “Hey Google, set a timer for 10 minutes.” The assistant will then provide the information or carry out the task you requested.

Simplifying Daily Tasks

One of the primary benefits of voice-activated assistants is their ability to simplify daily tasks, making life easier and more convenient for seniors. Here are some of the ways these devices can assist you:

Setting Reminders and Alarms

Voice-activated assistants can set reminders and alarms for important tasks. Whether it’s taking medication, attending a doctor’s appointment, or simply remembering to water the plants, you can rely on Alexa or Google Home to keep you on track. You can say something like, “Alexa,

remind me to take my medicine at 8 am,” and the device will send you a reminder at the specified time.

Hands-Free Assistance

If you have mobility challenges or find it difficult to use traditional devices like smartphones or tablets, voiceactivated assistants offer a hands-free solution. You can use your voice to make phone calls, send messages, or even control other smart devices in your home, such as lights, thermostats, and security systems. This hands-free capability can be particularly useful in emergency situations when you need to call for help quickly.


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Technology How Alexa and Google Home Can Simplify Your Life /

Accessing Information Quickly

If you need to know the time, weather, or latest news, voiceactivated assistants can provide information instantly without the need to search online or look at a screen. Just ask, and you’ll receive real-time updates on almost any topic. This feature is especially helpful for seniors who may have difficulty reading small print or navigating complex websites.

Entertainment and Leisure

Voice-activated assistants are also great for entertainment. You can ask them to play your favourite music, read an audiobook, or even tell you a joke. If you’re a fan of quizzes or trivia, you can engage in interactive games and activities that are both fun and stimulating. These devices can also control your television, allowing you to search for shows, movies, and sports events without needing a remote control.

Enhancing Home Safety and Security

For seniors living alone or with limited mobility, home safety is a top priority. Voiceactivated assistants can help enhance your home’s security and give you peace of mind.

Controlling Smart Home Devices

Many voice-activated assistants can be connected to other smart devices in your home, such as lights, door locks, and cameras. This means you can control these devices with simple voice commands. For example,

you can say, “Hey Google, turn off the living room lights,” or “Alexa, lock the front door.” This level of control can help you feel more secure, especially at night or when you’re away from home.

Emergency Assistance

In case of an emergency, voice-activated assistants can help you reach out to a family member or emergency services. While these devices don’t replace traditional emergency alert systems, they can be a valuable additional resource. For example, if you fall and can’t reach the

phone, you can use your voice to ask Alexa or Google Home to call a loved one for help.

Monitoring and Alerts

Some voice-activated assistants can be integrated with home monitoring systems that send alerts to your smartphone or to a designated family member. This feature can be particularly useful if you have health concerns or if family members want to check in on your well-being.

Free cochlear implant info session

Hearing loss affecting your life?

If you struggle to hear on the phone or in crowded places, even while wearing your hearing aids, then you could benefit from a cochlear implant.

Not-for-profit organisation NextSense is hosting free in-person and virtual information sessions about cochlear implants across Australia where you can:

• learn about how cochlear implants are different from hearing aids

• hear first-hand from a cochlear implant recipient

• have your questions answered

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• learn about the journey from a recipient.

Find out if cochlear implants are right for you at a free information session.

Why does hearing loss need to be addressed?

As hearing deteriorates and people withdraw from social activities, wellbeing and mental health are at risk.

of adults who could benefit from cochlear implants haven’t explored it yet.

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Retirees are healthier and happier in Probus

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labour, but it’s also a period when staying active, socially connected, and engaged within your community becomes more important than ever. As we all know, Probus Clubs are a great way for retirees and semi-retirees to foster new friendships, share memorable experiences, and engage in a wide range of activities.

With Probus Month coming up in October, it’s the perfect time to celebrate our community. In November, we’ll also mark the 50th anniversary of the first Probus Club in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kapiti Coast Probus Club.

The Importance of Community Involvement in Retirement

Retirement can be a challenging transition for many people. After decades of work, the sudden shift to a more leisurely pace can lead to feelings of isolation or a lack of purpose. This is where community involvement becomes essential. Engaging with others in your community provides not only social benefits but also mental and physical health advantages.

Staying Socially Connected

One of the greatest risks retirees face is social isolation. Without the daily interactions that come with work, it’s easy to become disconnected from the world around you. When we retire, too much emphasis is placed on our financial well-being in retirement and not enough on our social wellbeing. Probus is the solution to social isolation.

Probus Clubs offer a built-in network of like-minded individuals who are eager to share their time, experiences, and companionship. Regular meetings, birthdays and events provide ample opportunities to forge new friendships and maintain a vibrant social life, all of which contribute to a healthy retirement.

Continuous Learning and Mental Stimulation

Retirement doesn’t mean an end to learning. In fact, staying mentally active is crucial for maintaining cognitive health as we age. Probus Clubs often regularly feature guest speakers, and discussion groups designed to educate and fascinate. They cover a wide range of topics from travel and history to science and technology. These activities provide members with the opportunity to keep their minds sharp and engage with new ideas and perspectives.

Cover Story Retirees

Are Healthier And Happier In Probus /

Probus Month: Celebrating Community and Companionship

October 1st marks the beginning of Probus Month in line with International Day for Older Persons. Probus Month, gives us an opportunity to highlight the contributions of Probus Clubs to the community. It’s a month to recognize the efforts of members, promote the benefits of the Club, and encourage new members to join. The month is typically marked by various events held around the country, such as luncheons, get togethers, parties, picnics and more. Each of these events celebrate the significance of Probus in the lives of so many retirees.

This year’s Probus Month is particularly special as it coincides with the lead-up to the 50th anniversary of Probus in the South Pacific. As members gather to celebrate, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the journey of Probus and look forward to the future.

Celebrating 50 Years of Probus: A Milestone in Community Building

The upcoming 50th anniversary is a significant milestone that underscores the enduring relevance of Probus and how it has contributed positively to the lives of thousands of retirees. For five decades, Probus Clubs have been a cornerstone of community life for retirees, providing

a space where individuals can continue to grow, connect, and contribute long after their working life has ended.

The history of Probus is rich with stories of individuals who found renewed purpose and joy through their involvement in their local club. Over the years, Probus has adapted to meet the changing needs of retirees, expanding its activities and welcoming a diverse membership. The 50th anniversary is an opportunity to honour the

founders of Probus and the many members who have contributed to its success.

In Wellington, His Excellency, Dr Richard Davies is hosting a High Tea at Government House that will be attended by New Zealand Probus Club Presidents and Probus Membership Representatives. We are grateful for this special opportunity that recognises the positive influence and value that Probus has in the community.

Retirees Are Healthier And

In Probus / Looking to the Future

As Probus Clubs celebrate this golden milestone, there is also a focus on the future. The world is changing rapidly, with advances in technology, shifts in demographics, and evolving expectations for retirement. Probus Clubs are well-positioned to adapt to these changes, continuing to offer valuable opportunities for connection, learning, and community involvement.

What it means to be a part of a Probus Club

A Welcoming Community

Probus Clubs are known for their warm and welcoming atmosphere. Whether you’re new to an area or looking to expand your social circle, Probians are always there to offer a supportive environment where you can easily meet new people and build meaningful relationships.

Diverse Activities

There’s something for everyone at Probus. From cultural outings and travel groups to book clubs, craft circles and theatre groups, Probus caters to a wide range of interests. This diversity ensures that every member can find activities they enjoy and connect – in fact there is no limit when it comes to the types of activities in Probus.

Cover Story

Personal Growth

Retirees Are Healthier And

Retirement is a time to explore new interests and challenge yourself in new ways at a time in life when it can be tempting to just stay at home. Personal growth does not stop at retirement.

In addition to helping retirees stay engaged and connected, Clubs also provide opportunities for personal growth through leadership roles within the Club, allowing members to contribute to the health and wellbeing of retirees within their own community.

A Sense of Belonging

At its core, Probus is about creating a sense of belonging. Being part of a community where you are valued and where your contributions matter is incredibly fulfilling. For many members, Probus becomes a second family—a place where they feel connected and supported.

With 1,400 Probus Clubs across the country, there is a club near you. Whether you’re interested in social activities, learning opportunities, or just meeting new people, there’s a place for you at Probus.

As Probus Clubs prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary, it’s clear that our community has made a lasting impact on the lives of retirees. By providing a space for social connection, continuous learning, and community involvement, Probus Clubs help members live fuller, healthier and more engaged lives. With Probus Month just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get involved and celebrate the pride of being an esteemed Probian.

If you’re already a member, share this article with your family and friends so that more people can join our wonderful community.

If you are not a member yet, please visit the Probus South Pacific website at to find your local Probus Club or call our team on 1300 630 488.

Club news Extra! Extra!

The following section of Club News features Club activities and members creative writing pieces. Even during challenging times, Probians continue to embrace the true spirit of Fun, Friendship and Fellowship.

To have your Club’s event, trip or member submissions potentially featured in Active Retirees magazine, please send the following to

1. A short description of 50 to 150 words for Club News and up to 300 words for Creative Writing

2.A photo as a separate attachment (photos embedded in Word documents or PDFs are often compressed and too low-resolution for print)

3.Try to send the original, full-sized photo if possible (these are generally higher resolution than those pulled from Facebook, for example)

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Club News NSW /

Milestone celebrations for New Lambton Honeysuckle Probus Probians save the day!

The Probus Club of New Lambton Honeysuckle celebrated three important milestones in May.

Two of these events were anniversaries of the formation of the two original clubs that now make up their amalgamated club of New Lambton Honeysuckle. The other event was the anniversary of the formation of their amalgamated club.

On 2 May 1984, the Probus Club of New Lambton was formed and when formed it was the 111th Club to commence in New South Wales, and the 255th Club formed Australia wide.

On 2 June 1994, the Probus Club of Honeysuckle was formed.

On 25 February 2014, both clubs formally amalgamated to form the Probus Club of New Lambton Honeysuckle.

The first Probus Club in Australia was formed in 1976. So, it was only 8 years after Probus arrived in Australia that the origins of their present club began.

This enabled them to celebrate three events:

• 40 years of operation for the New Lambton Club.

• 30 years of operation for the Honeysuckle Club.

• 10 years of operation of the amalgamated Club, New Lambton Honeysuckle Club.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the presentation of a certificate from Probus South Pacific to commemorate the event. The certificate was presented to Club President Barb. It was presented by their centenarian member with 29 years of service, Jack who also celebrated his 101st birthday the day before the event.

On their recent tour to Bright, members of the Engadine Central Probus Club came across an unexpected sight.

Travelling along the heavily timbered Alpine Way towards Khancoban, members were stopped by a vehicle’s flashing hazard lights and subsequently saw a large tree blocking both sides of the road.

Luckily, the road was clear when the tree fell and there were no injuries.

Several members immediately took action and were able to roll the smaller section of the tree onto the side of the road, leaving the uphill lane open for traffic.

Afterwards, the members spent a few days in brilliant sunshine exploring the surrounding district, relaxed and enthralled by the red, gold and brown of the autumn scenery.

A silver anniversary meeting

Winston Hills Northmead Combined Probus Club recently had their 25th birthday anniversary meeting.

One of their life members, also a foundation member, Elaine, cut the cake.

The meeting was a huge success, and members were able to socialise while enjoying hot snacks, cake, tea and coffee after the formal meeting was completed.

Members were also able to look through and reflect on the 8 photo albums that have been designed over the years by the club.

Celebrating Nepean’s 30 th in style

On 5 June 2024, the Probus Club of Nepean celebrated their 30th Anniversary with a lunch at the iconic Log Cabin Penrith in the Bridgeview Room.

It was a time for reminiscing and celebration. The event had 109 members and guests in attendance.

Their special guests included Michael who was instrumental in providing a meeting venue in 1994 for their newly established C lub.

They were also pleased to have special guests Mario, and Shiva from the Rotary Club of Penrith Valley, formerly Rotary Club of South Penrith, which was their sponsoring Rotary Club.

The two men presented the Club’s 30-year Certificate to their President Pam who accepted it on behalf of all members.

Presidents luncheon at Yamba

The Lawrence Tavern was once again the venue for Yamba Probus Club’s Presidents luncheon.

The staff were all very friendly and professional, serving meals that made eyes pop a bit for their presentation.

The solid attendance of members also reflected how special the day was.

The only thing missing on this great day was the weather!

Sailing into serenity

A group of 21 members from the Hallidays Point Combined Probus Club recently went on a cruise at Wallis Lake.

Upon arrival, attendees made the short walk to the Coomba Park Aquatic Centre where a scrumptious lunch was enjoyed.

All those who attended gave the outing a thumbs up!

25 th Anniversary Celebration for Ladies Probus Club of Singleton

In July there was a special monthly meeting as members of the Ladies Probus Club of Singleton celebrated their 25th Birthday with a beautifully decorated cake that was enjoyed by all.

The cake was cut by President, Elaine, who is a Foundation and Life Member. Past presidents stood with her to mark this significant moment. Other Foundation Members that were present said a “déjà vu moment” occurred when Gerard, representing Singleton Rotary Club, presented the PSPL 25th Anniversary Certificate to President Elaine.

Gerard had chaired the inaugural meeting and presented the Accreditation Certificate to Inaugural President, Dorothy, on the 14th of July 1999. Gerard spoke of his long association with the Club and was incredibly pleased to have been asked to be in attendance again after 25 years!

Members were congratulated on providing fun, fellowship and friendship to Singletonians in retirement.

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T h u r s d a y 3 0 t h J a n u a r y 2 0 2 5

M a i n & D e s s e r t w i t h t e a & c o f f e e

M i n i m u m : 2 M a x i m u m : 2 4




G r o u p s b e t w e e n 2 4 t o 8 0 p e o p l e .

O n l y a v a i l a b l e i n J a n u a r y ,

F e b r u a r y , A p r i l a n d J u l y


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M o n d a y 3 r d F e b r u a r y t o M o n d a y 2 7 t h O c t o b e r 2 0 2 5



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S t r a n g e r s ’ R e s t a u r a n t

P a r l i a m e n t o f N e w S o u t h W a l e s

6 M a c q u a r i e S t r e e t

S y d n e y N S W 2 0 0 0

Celebrations for a 30 year anniversary

The Kellyville/Castle Hill Mixed Probus Club recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary.

Members enjoyed spending time together on this special occasion, joyfully cutting the cake to celebrate this milestone.

Awards were presented to members Lorraine, Ken, Kay, Mavis, and Eulalie for their time and dedication with the Club through the years.

An annual getaway to the beachside

The Pacific Palms Probus Club recently spent a few days away at Darlington Beach for their annual getaway.

Darlington Beach is a beautiful location that has been described as where the bush meets the sea.

Members enjoyed sightseeing around the Coffs Harbor precinct.

A historic railway adventure

There were 45 members of Greystanes Probus Club that enjoyed vi siting the Zig Zag railway at Clarence near Lithgow.

It was an interesting excursion witnessing how this railway worked and why this operation was needed years ago to solve the problem of getting over the mountains.

The experience provided a unique opportunity to step back in time and learn more about the history of steampowered transportation in Australia.

Afterwards, lunch was had at the Katoomba RSL

Sutherland Ladies Probus Club turns 30

The Sutherland Ladies Probus Club celebrated their 30th (Pearl) Anniversary this year.

Three foundation members were able to attend the celebrations on the day.

Throughout three decades, members have enjoyed fun and fellowship, been on many outings, and enriched their knowledge through presentations by various guest speakers.

Members said, “here’s to another 30!”

Visiting the big guitar at Narrandera

Members of the Kensington Combined Probus Club recently went on a trip to Narrandera within the Riverina region of NSW.

It was a pleasant getaway in the great outdoors, in an area where you can visit koalas in their natural habitat, as well as enjoying fishing and kayaking on the waterside.

Five members of the Club found the biggest playable guitar in Australia which was built in 1988 to help promote the Country Music Club of Narrandera.

The guitar took an astonishing 300 hours to complete and features in several publications and websites.


Guided Stadium Walking tours

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Club News NSW /

Newcastle celebrates its 40 th anniversary Berowra Probus presents life membership

This year marked the 40 th anniversary of the establishment of the Probus Club of Newcastle Inc.

In early April, in recognition of this milestone, the annual President’s Luncheon at Babbingtons Apollo International included an Anniversary celebration.

Members and their wives were joined by Grahame, the Probus District Chairman, and Patricia, the Past President of the Rotary Club of Newcastle. It was a very special coincidence that Patricia’s late husband, John, was President of the Rotary Club of Newcastle in 1984 when they’d sponsored the Newcastle Probus Club.

Both Grahame and Patricia presented congratulatory certificates to the President, Lindsay, from Probus South Pacific and the Rotary Club of Newcastle respectively.

Their Secretary, Frank, presented a summary of the history of the Club.

A celebratory cake was jointly cut by the President and life member, Arthur, who has been an active member of the club since 1998 and served as Secretary for many years.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.

Members hope that the Club will continue to prosper for many years to come and maintain the Probus values of fun, friendship and fellowship.

The Probus Club of Berowra saw President Veronica present a life membership certificate to Richard.

Richard and his wife Glen have devoted time to the Club. They attended several times before 2000 when visiting from England t o spend time with their son.

A member of a local Probus Club in England at the time, Richard eventually retired in 2000 with wife Glen and settled in Australia, formally joining the Probus Club of Berowra in December of that year.

Being involved in all activities of the club and serving as Publicity Officer from 2010 to 2022, and as Membership Officer from 2016 to 2022, Richard is well deserved of his life membership certificate.

As he enters his 90’s, Richard continues to play golf each week and enjoys various social activities and travel with his wife.

Adventures in Spain

There were 8 members of Beacon Hill Probus Club that boarded a plane to Madrid and joined a land tour of Spain over the ensuing 2 weeks.

There were 37 people on the coach comprising a mix of nationalities and all got on well. Most spoke English but all Probus members learned a little Spanish during their travels.

Members found that there was so much history to experience in Spain, and Europe overall. They reflected on the youth of Australia by comparison, becoming a nation in 1901.

During the trip, the group visited the Alcazar de Segovia, a medieval castle with stunning architecture that has existed since the 12th century.

Club News NSW /

Port Stephens Probus awards life membership

The Probus Club of Port Stephens has honoured longtime member, John, with Life Membership.

This all happened at the recent meeting when President Rob explained to members that John had been put forward to receive this well-deserved honour.

Rob read the letter to members that was submitted to the committee by himself and supported by Ron, setting out John’s loyalty and contribution to the Club over his 23 years of membership.

John has been involved in many aspects of the Club, including 7 years as Cara Campers organiser and currently runs the Fun Golf/Putt Putt activity.

On the day, Ron arranged for John to briefly leave the meeting. A vote by members resulted in a resounding “Yes” to John receiving Life Membership. Then, John was brought back in for the announcement and presentation of his Life Membership regalia by President Rob.

John was very surprised but very chuffed and got a little teary with the occasion while his wife, Carol, proudly looked on.

The Club now has 5 Life Members: George, Ron, Ann, Peter and John.

Also at this meeting, George received his 20-year Service Pin.

Gorokan Probus Club celebrate their 40 th Anniversary

This year marks the 40th anniversary for Gorokan Probus Club.

The Club has certainly come a long way from beginning as a men’s only club to now being a mixed club with many women involved at all levels.

They are a very vibrant organisation with events happening regularly throughout the year. They are fortunate to have a strong committee who have been together for several years, and work hard to introduce new and exciting outings, trips, and lunches.

The membership is steady and continues to increase as members enjoy monthly meetings followed by drinks, lunch, and often coffee to catch up.

Cronulla Probus’ kayaking adventure

There were 11 intrepid members of Cronulla Probus Club that set off on a kayaking adventure at the Southwest Arm and Saddle Gully Creek.

Smooth water made for a quick passage with many fish jumping out of the water, as if, the kayakers were the aggressor.

The members progressed up Saddle Gully Greek, where they witnessed waterfalls surrounding them on the left, right, and straight ahead. One such waterfall fell from the full height of a cliff, like a thin silvery needle. Another fell off a lower rock ledge jutting out, which made it appear like a shower.

The group saw approximately 12 waterfalls. Upon arriving at the creek, the main waterfall was significant and totally white, pushing spume and foam into the river creating a fast tidal effect on the kayaks.

On the way back, the group stopped on a sandbank for cake, and sunk into what felt like quicksand after exiting their kayaks.

It was such an enjoyable morning and one of their all-time favourite paddles.

Greystanes Probus Club visits Primate Sanctuary

A visit to see wildlife is always a delightful and educational experience.

Greystanes Probus Club recently visited the Primate Sanctuary in Dural, Sydney.

The animals here have been rescued from places such as circuses, private zoos and other locations where they might have experienced mistreatment.

It was an outstanding venue for these animals to enjoy their lives, albeit they were in cages but obviously very well looked after.

The restricted availability for viewing the monkeys also reflects the venue’s dedication and efforts to improve the lives of these primates.

Twilight visit to the Sanctuary

Following a daytime visit to the sanctuary by the Jamison Probus Club walking group, members requested an evening visit to see the endangered native animals, which is more tailored to seniors than the nocturnal walks that are available.

What was arranged for the members must have looked very attractive with a minibus, refreshments, and spotlighting. What was delivered was an absolutely unforgettable evening beyond expectation.

An informative talk on the sanctuary’s conservation program preceded transport to a wonderful setting with drinks and platters of delicious food for everyone to enjoy, served outdoors at sunset.

Afterwards the members proceeded back to the minibus, where spotlighting revealed numerous wallabies, and possums. One of the highlights was sightings of rare bettongs and quolls, which are now being re-established protected by a secure fence.

Gungahlin Probus continues to thrive

The year is off to a busy start for Gungahlin Probus Club!

Their monthly events have catered for enjoyable outings and the opportunity to socialise with members outside of their activity groups. Outings have included a 29th Birthday lunch, a visit to the National Museum of Australia, and celebrating Christmas in July.

Recently, the Club also had the privilege of hosting an Astrophysicist as a guest speaker, who provided an insightful and fascinating perspective on astronomy.

The Gungahlin Probus Club is eagerly awaiting their 30th anniversary next year and has already begun enthusiastically planning for the remarkable milestone.

SA /

A Tour of The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute

The Kidman Park Combined Probus Club completed a tour of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute building.

The building is open for free tours every Thursday, and it was certainly worth the visit. The organisations approach to the tour was impressive.

The guides are well-informed, enthusiastic, and happy to answer questions. It is a popular tour with a 3-month waiting list for anybody wishing to participate.

The building is known locally as the “Cheese Grater!”

The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute has 700 researchers and amongst other topics do research on Aboriginal Health, Aging, MusculoSkeletal issues, Cancer, Lifelong Care, Child Nutrition, and Pregnancy & Perinatal care.

Burnside Probus visit Anlaby Station

The Burnside Probus Club recently had a trip to Anlaby Station, which is near Kapunda. It is a historical homestead and Merino Sheep Stud, which is still in operation. Their guide for the visit was Sam who showed them around the station. All members had a wonderful day.

An outing to the Adelaide Town Hall

The North Adelaide Probus Club recently went on an outing to the Adelaide Town Hall.

The tour guide shared such a wealth of knowledge which was a real education for all who attended.

The information acknowledged the Town Hall, as well as the beginnings of the City of Adelaide, which made members reflect on the thriving, charismatic city that it has now become.

The space was also home to the oldest concert organ on the Australian mainland, still in use today, as Adelaide is Australia’s first and only UNESCO Creative City of Music.

It was such a great day for all those who attended.

A tour of the SA Parliament House

Members of the Golden Grove Probus Club had the pleasure of joining two local members of parliament on an escorted tour of the South Australian Parliament.

The members of parliament spent several hours with 18 Probus members outlining the history of the building together with some of the funny anecdotes that have occurred over the years.

The tour finished with a presentation by the Head Librarian in the Library at Parliament House and attendees felt that this amazing state asset was worth a visit in its own right.

An extensive morning tea with scones, jam and cream concluded the day giving members a further opportunity for interaction with the parliament members and to thank them for their service.

Port of Goolwa Mixed Probus enjoyed various events

The Port of Goolwa Mixed Probus Club went on various trips over the previous couple of months.

They enjoyed different events on these trips.

After meetings, club members enjoyed a meal at the Goolwa Hotel

A visit to the Charles Sturt Museum Precinct

There were 24 members of Glenelg Bay Probus Club who visited the Charles Sturt Museum precinct for a tour of the gardens, museum and house.

The group had an amazing experience with three very knowledgeable guides who shared the history of Charles Sturts life.

Sturt was a famous Australian explorer known for his discovery of the passage over the mountains in NSW to open the way for the settlement of the Bathurst Plains, and the Darling, Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers on subsequent expeditions.

The visited precinct was in the suburb of Grange, also the name of Captain Charles Sturts home.

After the tour, lunch was had nearby at the Grange Hotel.

40 th Anniversary celebration

On the 15th of April, the Ladies Probus Club of Gawler celebrated their 40th Anniversary by dining at Nixon’s Restaurant.

Members were encouraged to wear something red for the occasion.

Foundation member Hilda presented the Club President Anne with their anniversary certificate from Probus South Pacific, as well as recalling how 67 ladies accepted the invitation to attend the first meeting in April 1984. Their club was the second Ladies Probus Club to be established in South Australia.

A peaceful getaway at nearby caravan park

Woodcroft Probus Club had a wonderful holiday at Normanville Holiday Park, a beautiful caravan park situated near a stunning beach.

The past President, Barry, and wife, Janine, put a lot of effort into organising places to visit which the Club is incredibly grateful for.

The stay included visits to wonderful cafes and breweries that featured stunning views overlooking the nearby beach and lake.

In between the organised visits, many members walked along the beach and the river, visited the op shops and cafes.

Every evening included a visit to Barry’s Bar for delicious nibbles with some members staying one evening to watch a brilliant AFL showdown!

Friendly staff, panoramic views, and fantastic food made for a great mini holiday for all 24 attendees.

Club News TAS /

Conquering Mount Everest at 77

Bill, a foundation member of Devonport City Probus Club, trekked to the Everest Base Camp.

This is an amazing achievement completed by a very fit 77-year-old man.

He described it as a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, although he is considering going back to do more trekking on Everest.

Bill’s training and determination to succeed has inspired many people from within the Club, who enjoy the saying, “reach for the moon, even if you land among the stars, at least you have tried.”

There are many invaluable lessons in determination and wisdom f rom Bill and the Club congratulates him for fulfilling his dream of trekking Everest.

Burnie Probus honours members for long service

This year, the Probus Club of Burnie recognised the long service of three members.

The occasion was an incredible moment with members receiving ce rtificates and pins presented by their Club President, displaying hope for continued success together.

The Club extended their heartfelt gratitude to all their member s for their unwavering support and dedication.

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Broadbeach Ladies treat themselves to High Tea

The Broadbeach Ladies Probus Club were out and about again.

This time, they treated themselves to High Tea at the Sheraton Marina Mirage, with the deep blue ocean as their backdrop.

It’s an outing where every bite is a delicacy, every sip a moment of luxury, and every glance a reminder of friendship and fun.


Probians visit Japan

It was incredibly exciting to see the walking group of Alexandr a Headland Probus Club enjoying a cruise in Japan.

With the gentle waves rocking their boat, they’re cruising through retirement goals. Members completed eight rounds of walking on the Celebrity Mill enium Ship.

This was a significant reminder that retirement isn’t just abou t slowing down; it’s about cruising through life with style and laughter.

Becoming a golfing legend

Len, one of the original members of Carseldine Probus Club, which recently celebrated its 24th birthday, is an active founding member, often recounting tales to entertain his fellow members.

It was in recent news that Len had recently achieved an outstanding round of golf at his home club in Virginia. Members all had a chuckle and could not believe it.

Len’s dear wife, Dorothy, assured everyone that he had indeed achieved something that not many golfers have, including the likes of professional golfers like Tiger Woods or Arnold Palmer.

The achievement was that Len played a round of golf on a Championship Course with the total number of strokes he took being his age or lower than his age. This is an accomplishment only very few golfers in the world ever attain.

Being 92 years old and scoring 92 strokes for a round on a Championship Course makes Len up there with many golfing legends.

Congratulations to Len on such a magnificent feat.

Club News QLD /

A historic luncheon

Probus members from the Southern and Central Darling Downs converged on the Westbrook Tavern for a historic first luncheon meeting of their four Probus clubs.

The event was hosted by Toowoomba City Probus Club with visitors from Warwick Combined Probus Club, Rose City Warwick Probus Club, and the newly formed Pittsworth-Southbrook Probus Club.

The 82 members gathered to discuss all manner of subjects over a wonderful lunch supplied by the Tavern. Organisers Wilma and Gail are to be congratulated on the arrangements made with help from Celia, who made the small basket of lollies provided to all present.

President Anne capably chaired the function and emphasised the satisfaction of having such a wide cross-sec tion of members present in large numbers. She also suggested the need for this function to become an annual e vent.

Members from the newly formed Pittsworth-Southbrook Club were l eft in no doubt, that as a new club, they could depend on support from surrounding Club Members should th ey ever need assistance.

It was obvious at the conclusion of about three hours of proceedings, that there was a real possibility, that many new friendships would be made.

This was undoubtedly encouraged by Wilma and Gail insisting on a mixed seating arrangement, where visitors were seated opposite members from the Toowoomba City P robus Club, who hosted the event.

Morning tea enjoyed seaside

A fabulous morning tea was enjoyed by Sorrento Probus Club in t he heart of Gold Coast City.

Members enjoyed delightful conversations and camaraderie at the Marina Mirage on Main Beach.

A beautiful day out exploring botanical gardens

Twenty-six members of Mt Gravatt - Runcorn Probus Club rolled up to the IndigiScapes Centre determined to enjoy the beautiful day alongside the company of fellow members.

The centre is situated on serene natural bushland, offering native botanical gardens, a native nursery, and a café specialising in local cuisine with a bush tucker twist.

After a scrumptious morning tea, members took to the various tracks to work off the treats before returning for a light lunch.

The outing finally wrapped up early in the afternoon and all agreed that it was time wellspent away from the humdrum of everyday life.

Discovering the beauty of the Pine Mountains

The Probus Club of Centenary Suburbs enjoyed an outing to the p ine mountain of Watercress Creek Olives & Limes, located outside Ipswich.

The outing was attended by 39 members and friends who sat benea th the olive trees, taking in the beautiful weather.

While enjoying morning tea, it was agreed that there was indeed a tremendous Mediterranean feel due to the presence of over 1,000 olive trees on the property.

After a very interesting talk and tour presented by the owner, Bernie, members ventured to the nearby hotel for a hearty pub lunch.

It was a fantastic outing in the countryside enjoyed by everyon e.

Club News WA /

Mundaring Probus acknowledges 40 years

The Probus Club of Mundaring celebrated its 40th Birthday recently with brunch at the Glen Forrest Sports Club.

The Probus Club was established on June 18th, 1984, as a men’s only club for retired members of Mundaring Rotary Club.

Founding members included Norman, John and Norman.

Remarkably, Nick, who was President during the Clubs first decade remains a member and attended the celebration.


Booragoon Probus mark a special milestone

Recently, the Men’s Probus Club of Booragoon celebrated the occasion of its 400th meeting.

To mark this auspicious milestone, a special raffle was held with some very fortunate winners announced.

The Club has truly come a long way and is grateful to all its members who continue to contribute to its growth and success.

mystery tour adventure by Eaton Probus

On Wednesday, 17th April 2024, the Probus Club of Eaton had another one of their fabulous mystery tours.

At the first stop, there was a lovely Devonshire Tea at the railway museum. The ladies there did an excellent job supplying scones, real jam, and real cream. The tea was real too, out of pots, in nice cups and even the coffee came in a pot. They found that sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference.

For the second stop, they headed out of town to a lake that has recently been developed for tourism, water sports and camping. In a former life this lake was an open cut coal mine, now flooded with water from the Collie River. Lake Kepwari was impressive and a really peaceful interlude.

The third and last stop was some distance away, through a beautiful forest that gradually thinned into farmland. There was an excellent lunch at a grand old hotel – an elaborate two-storey piece of history that suffered a fire last year, but luckily, the Williams Hotel is up and running again.

After lunch, people could choose between an art gallery, an Op Shop, the famous “Woolshed” or a wander over the bridge to study historic buildings.

The Club had a great day on their mystery tour to Collie, then Lake Kepwari near Cardiff, and finally Williams.

Hollywood Kings Park Probus Theatre Visit

Members of the Hollywood Kings Park Probus Club gathered on the steps of His Majesty’s Theatre in Perth before enjoying a behind the curtain tour.

They found the backstage and unique features of the Edwardian theatre fascinating.

The theatre is one of only two remaining theatres in the world featuring Edwardian era architecture.

Shoalwater Ladies Probus celebrate 35 years

This year the Ladies Shoalwater Probus Club celebrated 35 years of fun, friendship and fellowship.

Their June meeting marked the anniversary with members enjoying their monthly social gathering alongside invited guests and visitors.

After the business side of the meeting concluded it was followed by a scrumptuous morning tea with lots of time to catch up, laugh and reminisce. The president then introduced some surprise entertainment to continue the meeting.

A big thank you went to the many lovely members of Shoalwater Ladies Probus Club who have been a source of inspiration and consistently introduced new members to support the club’s endeavours.

Members hope that the next 35 years be approached with as much enthusiasm.

Anniversary celebrations for Mandurah Probus

They had in excess of 110 Probians, invited guests and visitors attend the function. Entertainment was provided by a well-known Western Australian artist.

Along with their own members, they had members from Probus Sister Clubs; Probus Club of Byford and Districts, Probus Club of Dawesville, Probus Club of Eaton, Probus Club of Mandurah Peel, Mandurah Island Probus Club, Combined Probus Club of Mandurah, and Mandurah Ladies Probus Club.

The 40th Anniversary Cake was prepared by Anne and was cut by their club’s four Life Members: Stan, Peter, Malcolm and Shelley.

A great day at the bowling alley for Darwin Probus

The morning started with a large group from the Darwin Probus Club meeting for coffee, followed by an enjoyable game of ten-pin bowling at Kingpin.

This month there were 17 players split into 4 teams with Maxine, Bill and Shirley cheering them on.

Anne and Betty started well and took the lead.

Anne forged ahead until round 7, at which point Richard took over and stayed in first place until the final round, when Robyn pipped him at the post and beat him by 2 points

Final and best scores are Robyn 108, Richard 106 (1 strike), Anne 98, Cheryl 94 and Bronwyn 93. Tony and Betty also had a strike each.

Marrara Probus go bowling

After the usual delicious goodies at Caramello, they moved on to the bowling alley.

They had a very large turnout of 21 people. It was good to have Ros and Colleen join them from Charles Darwin Probus Club.

Also, it was good to have Marrara Probus Club represented by Cheryl and Bev.

Richard continued his winning streak with a score of 117. Nancy wasn’t far behind with 114, and Janet came next with 112.

Chris, Ed, Anne, and Cheryl managed to stay in the 100’s. Ed was much happier with his score of 103 this month.

Bev was the only scorer in the 90’s.

Robyn, Ros, Colleen, Molly, Robyn, and Elaine scored in the 80’s.

Anne, and Lyn Barlow managed to score in the 70’s.

Mara, and Henrietta were bringing up the rear with their scores in the 60’s.

Brian and Maxine were their chief supporters this time around.

New talent joins the Craft Group

The Craft Group of Darwin Probus Club welcomed Pam, a visitor from Adelaide, and enjoyed her fresh perspective and creative ideas.

She was a natural and started stitching an elegant Sashiko square.

The Sashiko is a form of decorative stitching that originates from Japan. It is said to symbolise endless peace and happiness.

Members of the group had a fantastic morning crafting new textiles and welcoming a new, skilled member to the team.

Club News VIC /

Twenty years of cards and endless stories

In 2004, Jill started a card group of 5 members at the Combined Probus Club of Wheelers Hill, with 3 of those original members able to join the 20-year milestone celebration.

The day started with a two-course lunch and lots of chatter before moving into the card room where 16 attendees played “Crazy Whist,” with Eleanor the winne r, and 41 players completed five games of “500,” with Val winning all five games.

While the scores were being tallied everyone enjoyed a cuppa an d a slice or two of the birthday cakes.

The winners were presented with prizes by Club President Philli p, plus six lucky door prizes were drawn. Jill thanked all the helpers over the last 20 years who had contributed to the g roup being such a success.

Special thanks to Brian, Alan, Johan and David. Jill also acknowledged previous and current Card Co-ordinator’sJanet, Freda, and Pam for ensuring the card group continued to grow.

Club President Phillip welcomed 32 members and 25 guests for th is wonderful occasion, and all enjoyed the day of fun and friendship.

A pleasant trip to the Loddon Valley

The Probus Club of Ballarat South had 52 members at their Autum n Caravan and Cabins Trip this year.

They lit a campfire every night and were able to have happy hour around the fire – great fun, friendship and fellowship together!

The Loddon Valley promised a blend of adventure, cultural experiences, and natural splendour, and it certainly delivered!

On the first morning, they visited the Spannerman Sculpture Par k, and saw the incredible sculptures, entirely made by the late John Piccoli in his wheelchair. Then, it was on to the Lake Boga Pub for a delicious lunch, before continuing onto the Catalina Museum where members learnt so much about the Cata lina flying boats and their part in WW2.

On day two, members went to the Yung Balug Aboriginal Artefacts Museum, seeing a fascinating private collection of artefacts and histor ical photos. The tour guide, Paul, even took the group to the shores of the lake to show fascinating ancient indigenous scar trees and middens.

On day three, the group explored the colonial era heritage stre etscapes and the town’s collectable precinct. This town of Inglewood included the Eucy Oil Distillery Museum and the Court House.

A big thanks went to the organisers Malcolm, Yvonne, Ian and Robyn. It was such a big job to organise 52 members for a 5-day camp. Members agreed that it was a fabulous trip!

Whittlesea Probus celebrate Christmas in July A visit to Government House

The phrase “Christmas in July” has been around in Australia since the early 1980’s, and many think that it came from a group of visiting Irish tourists who saw the snowfall in the Blue Mountain region of New South Wales. They apparently were reminded of Christmas spent back home and started to feel homesick.

Thirty-four members of the Combined Probus Club of Whittlesea journeyed the thirty odd kilometres to Kilmore Trackside restaurant to partake in their version of Christmas in July. The weather outside was reminiscent of an Irish Christmas too as the temperature reached a top of eight degrees.

The food served had been traditional to the festivities as the set menu included turkey and pavlova.

Club member, Rita, had planned everything on the day and the Club is thankful for all her hard work.

It was a wonderful Christmas in July!

Recently, members of Maroondah Probus Club travelled to the Victorian Government House.

The building’s design was fascinating, and the tour guide informed everyone that it is regarded as the best Governor’s Residence o f any Australian State Governor.

There was a magnificent billiard room, however, unfortunately t here were no spare cues. The guide mentioned that this room was used to relax prior to visiting the Governor, and men would be offered a ciga r while the ladies enjoyed cups of tea.

The dining room was also exceptional, with a beautiful table that seats 54 people.

Upon leaving Government House, the group stopped by the Nationa l Gallery of Victoria for an enjoyable lunch – a plate of mixed sandwiches, scones with ample supplies of jam & cream, coffee and tea.

The day was well organised and enjoyable, with special thanks given to Ed and Cherry.

Elvis joins the show at Probus!

It was a fantastic celebration for the 22nd birthday of the Syn dal Probus Club.

Andrew, an internationally renowned Elvis Tribute Artist, entertained members with his impressive vocal range and knowledge of Elvis Presley’s top songs.

Many members joined him on the dance floor adding to the celebratory vibes of the day.

A big thank you goes to the organiser of this event, Judy, for such a special day.

Dancing the night away in Albury

The caravan and camping group of Bunyip-Garfield Probus Club en joyed a week away in Albury.

A masquerade party was hosted on one of the nights with everyon e wearing a wonderful array of masks with some in costumes to match.

As it was their 21st trip away, a birthday cake was lit and decorated like a caravan.

A great time was had by all, and it was rather nostalgic as members looked back at all the caravan and camping trips they’d shared over the years.

Club News VIC /

Enjoying a relaxing beachside walk

The Wantirna Heights Probus Club recently enjoyed a walk along the beachside. It was a perfect day, sunny with almost no breeze.

They were at the beautiful country home in Corinella of two of their members. Morning tea was enjoyed upstairs gazing out at the blue, calm sea with Phillip Island on the horizon. The view was serene and perfect.

Then, it was time for a walk. Some of them wandered the track overlooking the sea and others ambled along the beach watching three young people as they exercised their horses cantering and galloping along the water’s edge.

On the way back they were amused to see that even the kangaroos were laid back and just relaxing in the paddocks. A barbecue lunch was enjoyed in the luxurious ‘shed’ with an assortment of nibbles, salads and desserts. It was all very relaxing as they just chatted, enjoying each other’s company.

They sent many thanks to their hosts for looking after them so beautifully and generously.

Embarking on a journey in nature

For the Ocean Grove on Barwin Ladies Probus Club, a mystery tour commenced on a very brisk morning with members wearing coats and gloves.

The ladies stopped for a coffee and a chat while trying to find a spot in the sun.

Then, they were off to the You Yangs and went right to the top, feeling on top of the world!

Embracing the top of the mountain range, members were lucky to see a group of wallabies and three green parrots.

It didn’t stop there as the ladies continued to Lara, where they explored the “Kevin Hoffman Walk,” a scenic trail home to 1000’s of plants and trees. Most of the plants are native and flourishing which made the walk even more wonderful.

Sunbury celebrates an active member’s 100 th


A very special luncheon was held by the Ladies Probus Club of Sunbury for Eileen’s 100th birthday!

The rooms were decorated so beautifully, and it was truly heartwarming to hear the oohs and aahs of members as they entered.

Eileen’s family joined the celebration and flew into Australia all the way from England. This is a major milestone, as it’s the first 100th birthday celebrated by an active member for the Ladies Probus Club of Sunbury.

It was truly a wonderful occasion with letters and certificates from King Charles III, the Prime Minister of Australia, and the Premier of Victoria.

The Club looks forward to many more occasions like this!

Phillip Island’s annual changeover

The Probus Club of Phillip Island held its Annual General Meeting recently, acknowledging Changeover Day, where a new committee takes over for the next 12 months.

To begin the changeover, the new committee went on a 5-day trip to Bendigo where members experienced the Stupa, the Bendigo Pottery, the Talking Tram, and the Central Deborah Gold Mine.

The club’s wine expert, David, took the group to wineries in Heathcote which was enjoyed by all.

Road tripping and camping bliss

Twenty-six enthusiastic members of the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central’s Caravan and Camping Group took a five-day trip to Halls Gap in the Grampians National Park.

Some of the activities included a visit to the Halls Gap Zoo, Victoria’s largest regional zoo, with over 160 species of native and exotic mammals, reptiles, and birds. Walking the various paths with ostriches, guinea fowls and very inquisitive deer was interesting to say the least.

On another occasion, the group took a visit to the Brambuk National Park and Cultural Centre. The visitor centre gift shop gave the opportunity for some retail therapy with a wide selection of unique local indigenous products and Australian made souvenirs.

Some members of the group also took a 700-metre shady forest walk from the Silverband Falls Carpark to the base of the falls. Capturing the perfect shot at the base of the falls was a challenge, with the risk of getting wet and slipping on the rocks.

Another outing was to Grampians Adventure Golf, an 18-hole course spanning two acres of stunning gardens, which indeed did prove to be challenging with waterfalls, jump shots and ponds. However, it can safely be said that we all had fun.

Each day culminated with all getting together for the “happy hour” at 5 pm, followed by dinner and for a few games for some late stayers.

A big thank you to Adriana and Bev for their organisation and planning of the activities

Exploring the best of Wagga Wagga

Twenty-four members of the Echuca-Moama Twin Rivers Probus Club ventured to Wagga Wagga for their 5-day break.

The tour of Wagga began by visiting the Aviation Heritage Centr e which provided access to the history and memorabilia of military avia tion and training. The RAAF Base in Wagga is the only place to see regional-specif ic Air Force memorabilia, including photographs and documents, which show the activities of the region during World War II and after.

The tour continued the next day with a short drive to Junee to visit the Liquorice & Chocolate Factory. The guide explained how both liquorice & chocolate are made and handed out samples to eat.

The final activity was a 2-hour bus tour of the many sights in Wagga including the Charles Sturt University, Racecourse, Clay Bird Shooting Club and more importantly a complete overview of Wagga and its surrounding farmland.

Upon leaving Wagga, members visited the Monte Cristo Homestead which is notoriously known as Australia’s most haunted house.

The Echuca-Moama Twin Rivers Probus Club is incredibly grateful to Margaret and Buddy for organising such a wonderful itinerary of Wagga and surround towns.

A bus tour to remember for Bacchus Marsh Probus Club

From Bacchus Marsh to Yarrawonga, with stops at Seymour and Violet Town, then delving into the twin townships of Yarrawonga and Mu lwala, it was a journey filled with scenic beauty and historical insights.

With Henryk at the helm, the trip was informative and peppered with his Scottish humour and anecdotes, making it a memorable journey fo r all aboard.

The trip begun at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park at Seymour which was a truly poignant experience, honouring those who served with bravery and sacrifice.

Shortly after was a visit to Glenrowan, which has a rich connec tion to the infamous Kelly Gang. From the siege site to the semi-live theatre production of Ned Kelly’s last stand It was a journey back in time filled with drama and intrigue.

And then, experiencing the highlands, with stops at Myrtleford and Eurobin, was a feast for the senses. From the scenic beauty of the Ovens River to the delicious morning tea at the Red Stag Deer and Emu Farm, it was a day filled with culinary delights and breathtaking views.

For the 30 members who travelled on the trip it was an unforgettable experience.

Creswick Probus celebrate 20 years

Probus Club of Creswick celebrated 20 years and recognised all the members with 20 year membership.

The day was a great time spent reflecting on their dedication and contributions over the years.

Here’s to a century of joy!

A member of North Balwyn Probus Club has just recently reached a healthy 100 years of age.

Don turned 100 on the 23rd of March 2024, after 35 years of service in the club.

He has served on the committee as a speaker’s convenor, tours convenor, junior vice president & president during his dedicated service.

He maintains a keen interest in all aspects of the club’s activities and North Balwyn Probus is incredibly grateful for his ongoing membership.

A caravan trip in rural Victoria

Some lucky members of Paynesville Probus Club set off on a caravan trip to explore Gippsland, spending time in Yarram and Leongatha to explore the region.

During their time in Yarram, members visited the town’s art sites, photographing the amazing art on display. The club members also enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Yarram Country Club as well as Happy Hour and a Trivia Quiz, organised by their intrepid leader Ken.

After two nights in Yarram, the convoy made the long trek to Leongatha.

Members were treated not only to an excellent lunch, including escargot, but also to an informative presentation by hosts Vincenza and Doug about the rearing of the snails, selection and preparation for Melbourne restaurants. For many, it was their first time eating escargot.

The next adventure organised was a visit to members David & Judy’s home to see their collection of vintage motor vehicles and trucks. It was difficult to choose which of the following was the main highlight, the fresh scones, jam & cream supplied by Judy or the ride in Davids restored Dodge.

Their final day began with a visit to the Historic Village of Loch where members spent most of the final day exploring the many ol d buildings, including the Loch Bakers oven built in 1890 and the Loch Brewery and Distillery.

Upon returning to camp, the group went to the Leongatha RSL for a final dinner, before heading back home the next day.

A great time was had by all with lots of new experiences and friendships.

Amazing Probian Dr. Barry Clark Amazing Probians

As the President of Monash Combined Probus Club, Barry Clark leads with passion and dedication, creating a warm and inclusive community where every member feels valued. Barry has a wealth of experience, exemplified by his teaching and practice of Tibetan medicine and extensive time in the Himalayas.

Although these days he may have slowed down somewhat, he has never retired. Barry still treats a few friends and old patients each week. After all, people are never going to stop being sick, and so he never plans on being redundant or superfluous. His late teacher, Dr Yeshe Donden, was the personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for eighteen years, and continued to treat patients until he was ninety-two. In the Himalayas, such an age is equivalent to at least one hundred and twenty in Australia. In view of his noble example, Barry questioned his call to retire being distant while only at an age of seventy-five. Barry prides himself as being a kind of warrior who goes to war against all sickness, disease and affliction. He is fortunate to have discovered Probus a few years ago with all the opportunities and activities that it affords. He often comments that thanks to Probus there is an end to loneliness and isolation. Probus gets people out of a rut!

Early in his twenty year stay in the mountain fastnesses of the Himalayas, Barry had the honour of being accepted to study the ancient Tibetan

(Natural) Medicine system under two of His Holiness

The Dalai Lama’s personal physicians. Throughout those two decades he learned many quite miraculous cures for numerous serious diseases. In the last thirty years he has given numerous lectures (teaching and treating) in fifteen countries all over Asia, Europe and the Americas. In the US, he has published his translation of the first and second classical Tibetan Medical Tantras.

From his time in the Himalayas, Barry remembers a burly, turbaned Sikh deposited his urine sample outside (his teacher’s) Dr Yeshe Donden’s clinic. While the Sikh was inside the clinic waiting his turn, Dr. Donden’s cleaning lady accidentally knocked over the Sikh’s urine sample. She did her best to hide what she had done, and went home. Soon afterwards, Dr. Donden came outside to examine the Sikh’s urine sample. The burly, bearded Sikh looked over the doctor’s shoulder, and eagerly enquired what he could see in the urine. Dr. Donden peered over his glasses at this new patient, and delivered his diagnosis. “You’re pregnant!” he said.

Barry still occasionally practises in Melbourne. In all, he has studied with a total of twenty-one great Tibetan masters in the Himalayas. He has said that undoubtedly the greatest of them all is His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Once while His Holiness was giving teachings on the shore of the sacred lake of Tso Pema, several small grassy islets

spontaneously came scudding under their own power across the lake to the shore where His Holiness was blessing a large audience. Barry felt fortunate to be present.

At a private audience a few years ago, Barry asked His Holiness to tell him a syllogistic proof to validate the existence of certain celestial realms. His Holiness chuckled and asked me, “When you can see for yourself, remarkable demonstrations of spiritual power and realisation by great Tibetan masters, why would you need a dialectical proof?” By way of an example His Holiness then proceeded to tell him the account of an apparently average Lama who had passed away in the local Tibetan hospital not long before. While alive this Lama had been notorious for his overpowering body odour. However, as soon as he passed away the Lama’s body exuded an exquisite fragrance that stunned staff and patients alike as it filled the entire hospital from end to end.



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C o n n e c t H e a r i n g h a s 1 4 0 l o c a t i o n s a n d

p r o v i d e s t r u s t e d , i m p a r t i a l a d v i c e a n d p e r s o n a l i s e d s e r v i c e t o h e l p p e o p l e s t a y

c o n n e c t e d t o t h e w o r l d t h e y l o v e

M e t r o H o s p i t a l i t y G r o u p o f f e r s

a c c o m m o d a t i o n f r o m s p a c i o u s h o t e l r o o m s a n d s u i t e s t o s e l f - c o n t a i n e d

s e r v i c e d a p a r t m e n t s i n S y d n e y C B D ,

G r e a t e r S y d n e y i n c l u d i n g M i r a n d a

a n d N e w p o r t , P e r t h a n d D a r w i n

T r i b a l W a r r i o r c o n n e c t s p e o p l e f r o m a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d w i t h t h e a n c i e n t c u l t u r e o f A u s t r a l i a a n d t h e h i s t o r y o f S y d n e y t h r o u g h A b o r i g i n a l C u l t u r a l C r u i s e s o n S y d n e y H a r b o u r

I c e l a n d , I n d i a a n d S r i L a n k a C a

D o l t o n e H o u s e S y l v a n i a W a t e r s i a r o u n d S u t h e r l a n d S h i r e ’ s p i c t u r e

G w a w l e y B a y w h e r e y o u c a n e n j o r e n o w n e d D o l t o n e c a t e r i n g a n d s e e x p e r i e n c e i n o u r l u x u r i o u s f i v e s t a r – w i t h o u t t h e l u x u r y p r i c e t a g

M u r d e r s M o s t F o u l l e t s y o u s t e p i n t o t h e s h a d o w s o f S y d n e y ' s c a p t i v a t i n g p a s t w i t h m e s m e r i s i n g t o u r s l e d b y t h e e n i g m a t i c h i s t o r i a n s w h o t a k e y o u a r o u n d t h e o l d s l u m s , p u b s , V i c t o r i a ne r a m a n s i o n s , h i s t o r i c a l c r i m e s c e n e s a n d t h e b a t t l e g r o u n d s o f t h e n o t o r i o u s r a z o r g a n g s .

T r o p i c a l L a n k a G e t a w a y s p r o v i d e s h o l i d a y s f o r e x p e r i e n c i n g t h e m a g i c o f S r i L a n k a , f r o m p r i s t i n e b e a c h e s t o t h r i l l i n g w i l d l i f e , a n c i e n t h e r i t a g e s i t e s t o v i b r a n t c u l t u r e , d i v e r s e l a n d s c a p e a n d c l i m a t e t o m o u t h - w a t e r i n g c u i s i n e .

B l u e M o u n t a i n s B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n s i s a b r e a t h - t a k i n g g a r d e n a n d i s t h e o n l y b o t a n i c g a r d e n i n t h e w o r l d l o c a t e d i n a W o r l d H e r i t a g e A r e a . Y o y o p


O n C o u r s e T o u r s a n d T r a v e l

s p e c i a l i s e s i n a l l - i n c l u s i v e e s c o r t e d

t o u r s d e s i g n e d f o r m a t u r e a d u l t s

l o o k i n g f o r i m m e r s i v e e x p e r i e n c e s


t t h e r i g h t p r i c e

C i c o n i a E x c l u s i v e J o u r n e y s c r e a t e l i f e l o n g t r a v e l m e m o r i e s a n d

s p e c i a l i s e s i n a s e l e c t g r o u p o f e x o t i c d e s t i n a t i o n s , s u c h a s E g y p t , M o r o c c o ,

T u r k e y , B a l k a n s , J o r d a n a n d G r e e c e

H e l l o w o r l d T r a v e l i s a l e a d i n g

C l a y m o r e T h i s t l e m a k e s m o v i n g e a s y a n d c a n t a k e c a r e o f t h e d o w n s i z i n g

j o u r n e y f r o m s t a r t t o f i n i s h

A u s t r a l i a n b a s e d t r a v e l c o m p a n y w i t h

A u s t r a l i a ’ s l a r g e s t n e t w o r k o f 2 , 0 0 0 i n d e p e n d e n t f r a n c h i s e d t r a v e l a g e n t s s b u i l t s q u e y t h e e r v i c e r v e n u e

P e p p e r s M a r y s v i l l e o f f e r s

c o n t e m p o r a r y s t y l e d

a c c o m m o d a t i o n w h e r e y o u c a n u n w i n d i n t h e t r a n q u i l r i v e r s i d e

l o c a t i o n b e f o r e e x p l o r i n g o n e o f

A u s t r a l i a ' s m o s t b e a u t i f u l r e g i o n s -

t h e Y a r r a V a l l e y

J a n e s c o T r a v e l p r o v i d e s f u l l y e s c o r t e d , s m a l l g r o u p t o u r s f o c u s e d o n p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e a n d u n i q u e t o u r d e s t i n a t i o n s i n J a p a n

R e f l e c t i o n s H o l i d a y P a r k s i s a l e a d i n g n a t u r e - d r i v e n e s c a p e s o r g a n i s a t i o n

L e i s u r e I n n P e n n y R o y a l a n d

A p a r t m e n t s i s a b o u t i q u e h e r i t a g e

p r o p e r t y f e a t u r i n g m o d e r n

f a c i l i t i e s a n d c o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d

w i t h i n a 1 0 - m i n u t e w a l k t o

L a u n c e s t o n C B D o u n g s t e r . c o t h r o u g h t h e i r s k i l l e d

o u n g s t e r s p r o v i d e s f r e e t e c h - h e l p

s e s s i o n s i n p u b l i c s p a c e s o r p e r s o n a l i s e d a s s i s t a n c e a t h o m e .

c a r i n g a n d o p e r a t i n g 3 6 h o l i d a y p a r k s i n b r e a t h t a k i n g l o c a t i o n s , 2 8 o f t h e s e a r e d o g f r i e n d l y a n d 4 3 a r e o n c o m m u n i t y c r o w n r e s e r v e s

S e i b u P r i n c e H o t e l s & R e s o r t s i s a w o r l d w i d e t r a v e l b r a n d w i t h m o r e t h a n

8 0 l o c a t i o n s a c r o s s t h e g l o b e

Movie Feature

THELMA is a new actioncomedy film with a whole lot of heart, starring Oscar-nominee June Squibb in her first leading role at 93. The film also features trailblazing actor Richard Rountree (Shaft) in his final screen role, as well as Parker Posey and White Lotus’ Fred Hechinger.

Thelma Post (Oscar nominee June Squibb) is a feisty 93-year-old grandmother who gets conned by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson (The White Lotus’ Fred Hechinger) sets out on a treacherous quest across Los Angeles, accompanied by an aging friend (Richard Roundtree) and his motorized scooter, to reclaim what was taken from her. Parker Posey, Clark Gregg, and Malcolm McDowell also star.

Inspired by a real-life experience of Margolin’s own grandmother, THELMA puts a clever spin on movies like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, shining the spotlight on an elderly grandmother as an unlikely action hero. In the first leading film role of her 70-year career, Squibb portrays the strong-willed Thelma with grit and determination, demonstrating that she is more than capable of

taking care of business – despite what her daughter Gail (Posey), son-in-law Alan (Gregg), or grandson Danny might believe.

THELMA is in cinemas from the 5th of September.

To celebrate this release, Probus has 8 double passes to give away to see THELMA

in cinemas, thanks to Maslow Entertainment. Please see this link, or the QR code, to go into the draw to win passes to see the film.

Entries close on the 17th of September. Winners will have their passes emailed to them on the 18th of September.



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