June 2024 Active Retirees Quarterly Magazine

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VOLUME 15 l ISSUE 03 l JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE Reignite your social circle – Discover Probus Feature Story - P24
Probus Club of Port

Welcome Chairman’s Message /

As we all appreciate, our Club meetings create opportunities to connect and extend our circle of friends, people whose company we enjoy. We all have the ability to create a sense of belonging by being present and showing care for one another. It starts with a friendly wave or smile and can grow into a warm friendship.

Extending a hand of friendship and welcoming more people to our Probus Community is aided by the formation of new Clubs. May I take this opportunity to welcome our new members and congratulate those involved in the formation of a number of new clubs in Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria.

These new Clubs’ members are enjoying monthly meetings, morning and afternoon teas, interest groups, guest speakers, trips, group activities, new friendships and so much more.

May I also congratulate and thank members who have stepped forward to take on roles within the Management Committees of all the new Probus Clubs, providing a vital service to their community by helping fellow retirees stay engaged and connected. As Club Leaders, I ask you to take some time to consider the future, and how many members your Club will enable to stay engaged and connected in the coming years. That thought alone is very rewarding.

Our membership strategy isn’t just about forming new Clubs, it also involves helping existing Clubs retain and grow their membership. The PSPL Team are able to assist with a wide range of material in this regard.

I know that there are many of you, across the country, that are continuing to serve on Management Committees beyond the amount of time you originally expected because you believe in Probus and what it brings to your fellow members. I know, first-hand, how rewarding these roles are and thank you again for your continued efforts. I know your fellow Probians appreciate your efforts, and this also extends to all those new Committee members. I look forward to witnessing all the new ideas that you will bring to your Club.

This coming October, we will be celebrating Probus Month. The theme this year is “Community and Companionship,” two vital parts of Probus membership. When we retire from full-time work, we often need

to re-connect with our local community, particularly if we worked in an area different to where we live.

I recall that when I retired and joined my local Probus Club, I was so grateful to meet a whole new community of people who lived nearby, people I had never met because I was busy at work. I discovered a large number of people who have had amazing life experiences, all of whom, like me, were keen to continue to have active, busy lives, with the companionship of other local people in their community.

I encourage you to use Probus Month to promote your local Probus Club in your community, so that more and more people who are retired or semi-retired can enjoy the benefits of Probus membership.




6 Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

A simple guide for seniors explaining AI, its uses, and how it can improve everyday life and independence.


9 Discover Japan with Collette

This incredible spirit, so heavily influenced by past and present, can be felt throughout every avenue of Japan’s rich culture.

11 Experience Outback Hospitality At Its Best

Outback Queensland is packed full of authentic, unforgettable experiences and incredibly diverse landscapes with stories that share deep connections that will take your breath away.


13 Downsizing Made Easy

As the golden years approach, many seniors consider downsizing their homes.


18 Managing the Flu Season

As winter grips Australia, seniors aged 65 and over face unique challenges during the flu season. The combination of cold weather and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses requires practical measures to stay healthy.

Feature Story

24 Reignite your social circle – Discover Probus

With over 1400 Probus Clubs around the country and new ones opening every month, we invite you to visit our website to find your local Probus Club and DISCOVER PROBUS today!


02 Chairman’s Message

29 Club News

News from around the country.

58 Amazing Probians



is the official publication for the Probus organisation in Australia. Active Retirees is a trademark of Probus South Pacific Limited. ACN 152 374 395

Chairman Michael Ransom

Vice Chairman David Malone

Immediate Past Chairman Judith Maestracci AM

Treasurer David Ekert

Directors Margaret Drake, Peter Turner, John Hall, Merv Richens OAM, Peter Olney PSM.

PSPL Administration PO Box 1294, Parramatta NSW 2124 phone +61 2 9689 0200 1300 630 488 (Australia) 0800 14776 287 (New Zealand) email admin@probussouthpacific.org website www.probussouthpacific.org

Active Retirees Production & Management

Probus South Pacific Limited

Editorial Monika Prasad email monikap@probussouthpacific.org

Advertising Daniel Bott email advertising@probussouthpacific.org

Active Retirees Australia Disclaimer.

Active Retirees is published by Probus South Pacific Limited (ACN 152 374 395) (PSPL). Advertisers and contributors to Active Retirees acknowledge that they are aware of and undertake to comply with the provisions of applicable State and Federal discrimination legislation and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 in relation to false and misleading advertising or statements and unfair practices. PSPL does not accept any responsibility for such breaches. Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PSPL. All articles are general in nature. Individuals should seek expert advice before acting on any information contained in Active Retirees. PSPL does not make any warranties in relation to the information provided and, to the full extent allowed by law, disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied. All material in Active Retirees is copyright and may not be produced in whole or in part without the express written permission of PSPL. Advertisers and contributors warrant that photographs provided for print in Active Retirees do not infringe the intellectual property or moral rights of any third party and that the advertiser or contributor holds all necessary permits and licences.


March Special 2024 Mar - Apr 2024 Contents ACTIVE RETIREES, JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE / Special issue of Active Retirees proudly brought to you by Gold Probus Partner Trade Travel. Discover the top 20 destinations in Australia. Feature Story - P12 2024: A Milestone year for Probus in the South Pacific. Feature Story P23
JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 4 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG TO VIEW TOURS M A U R I T I U S I N D I A N O C E A N P A R A D I S E Departure 15 March 2025 S R I L A N K A P E A R L O F T H E I N D I A N O C E A N Departure 18 March 2025 V i s i t t h e r e m a r k a b l e C a s e l a N a t u r e P a r k & e n j o y a c a t a m a r a n l u n c h c r u i s e E x p l o r e t h e i c o n i c S i g i r i y a R o c k F o r t r e s s & M u s e u m & t a k e a W i l d l i f e J e e p S a f a r i Tours J A P A N C H E R R Y B L O S S O M Departure 23 March 2025 W i t n e s s J a p a n ' s c h e r r y b l o s s o m s i n f u l l b l o o m & i t s m a n y s t u n n i n g t e m p l e s & s h r i n e s N E W Z E A L A N D S O U T H I S L A N D
11 October 2024 V I E T N A M & C A M B O D I A I N C L U D I N G 7 N I G H T M E K O N G R I V E R C R U I S E
2024 V e r d a n t v a l l e y s c r e a t e a c a n v a s o f u n p a r a l l e l e d b e a u t y w a i t i n g t o b e e x p l o r e d . D i s c o v e r a n c i e n t t e m p l e s & a r c h a e o l o g i c a l w o n d e r s & c r u i s e t h e m a j e s t i c M e k o n g R i v e r . N O R F O L K I S L A N D S C E N I C E X P E R I E N C E Departure 14 November 2024 E x p l o r e t h e U n t o l d S t o r y , v i s i t C o l l e e n M c C u l l o u g h ’ s f o r m e r h o m e & d i n e w i t h l o c a l s
15 September 2024 B R O K E N H I L L & O U T B A C K W A N D E R E R The Silver City, where mining history intertwines with vibrant art & breathtaking landscapes MURRAY PRINCESS HERITAGE CRUISE & K A N G A R O O I S L A N D Departure 24 March 2025 E x p e r i e n c e t h e t r a n q u i l b e a u t y o f t h e M u r r a y R i v e r a b o a r d t h e M u r r a y P r i n c e s s CAIRNS TO CAPE YORK F A R N O R T H Q L D A D V E N T U R E Departure 13 September 2024 Discover the pristine beauty & rich history on this unforgettable tour from Cairns to Cape York K I N G & F L I N D E R S I S L A N D S G O U R M E T D E L I G H T S & R U G G E D B E A U T Y Departure 10 March 2025 Immerse in the untouched natural splendour & rich biodiversity of these remote coastal treasures ULTIMATE TASMANIA D I S C O V E R Y Departure 14 October 2024 E x p e r i e n c e T a s m a n i a ' s r i c h h e r i t a g e , s t u n n i n g n a t u r e & c u l i n a r y d e l i g h t s AU: 1800 034 439 | NZ: 0800 443 044 Email: bookings@tradetravel.com O U R C O O K I S L A N D S P A R A D I S E C O L O U R F U L & C U L T U R A L D i s c o v e r t u r q u o i s e w a t e r s , l u s h l a n d s c a p e s , v i b r a n t c u l t u r e & l o c a l d e l i c a c i e s Departure 29 July 2025
Departure 19 October


Enjoy a weeks long cruise departing Sydney & travelling to Hobart, Melbourne & Adelaide.

Departure 05 January 2025

Embark on an exhilarating voyage from the shores of Port Louis to the vibrant Cape Town.

Departure 25 March 2025


Embark on a spring cruise through Japan's captivating landscapes.

Departure 02 February 2025

Explore Southeast Asia on a captivating 14-day cruise through Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam.


A L A S K A - D E N A L I & Y U K O N O N B O A R D K O N I N G S D A M Departure 10 August 2025 N E W C A L E D O N I A C A R N I V A L S P L E N D O R Departure 27 September 2025 A U S T R A L I A - N O R T H E R N E X P L O R E R O N B O A R D C R O W N P R I N C E S S Departure 23 November 2025 From Alaska's wilderness to Yukon's beauty, each day brings unforgettable moments. Embark on an unforgettable South Pacific adventure to the island of New Caledonia. A 17-night Northern Explorer voyage around Australia sounds like an extraordinary adventure T R E A S U R E S O F T H E A D R I A T I C O N B O A R D S E A B O U R N E N C O R E Departure 06 April 2025 W E S T E R N M E D I T E R R A N E A N O N B O A R D M S C F A N T A S I A Departure 08 April 2025 I C E L A N D & B R I T I S H I S L E S O N B O A R D C A R N I V A L M I R A C L E Departure 18 May 2025 Discover Europe's Adriatic treasures with ancient cities, scenic landscapes & rich culture at every port. Cruise through the Western Mediterranean, visiting Italy, Spain & France. Explore Iceland's rugged beauty and the British Isles' timeless charm on this journey. S O U T H E R N A U S T R A L I A O N B O A R D C R O W N P R I N C E S S
Departure 19 March
U L T I M A T E A U S T R A L I A & N Z C R U I S E O N B O A R D C R O W N P R I N C E S S
04 January 2025
Departure 30 March 2025 S O U T H P A C I F I C C R O S S I N G O N B O A R D W E S T E R D A M
Travel from Sydney to Uluru, Darwin and Cairns, then set sail on a cruise to New Zealand.
A F R I C A - S O U T H A F R I C A C R U I S E O N B O A R D N O R W E G I A N D A W N
Sail across Pacific Ocean to New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji, Hawaii, then Seattle.
T H A I L A N D , C A M B O D I A & V I E T N A M O N B O A R D S E A B O U R N E N C O R E
AU: 1800 034 439 | NZ: 0800 443 044 Email: bookings@tradetravel.com

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

A simple guide for seniors that explains AI, its uses, and how it can improve everyday life and independence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world in remarkable ways, from healthcare to everyday conveniences. For seniors aged 65 and over, understanding AI can open doors to new opportunities and simplify various aspects of daily life. Let’s explore what AI is, its benefits, and what seniors should know about this powerful technology.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

• Understanding the Basics

Artificial Intelligence refers to the ability of machines, particularly computers, to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding language. AI systems are designed to mimic human cognitive functions and can improve their performance over time through learning from data.

Everyday Applications of AI

• Healthcare Advancements

AI is revolutionising healthcare, offering significant benefits for seniors. AI-powered diagnostic tools can detect diseases early, improving the chances of successful treatments. For instance, AI algorithms can analyse medical images to identify conditions such as cancer or heart disease with high accuracy. Virtual health assistants, powered by AI, provide 24/7 support, answering health-related questions and offering reminders for medication.

• Enhancing Daily Life

AI is integrated into many devices that simplify daily tasks. Smart home systems, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home, can control lights, thermostats, and security systems through voice commands. AI-driven apps can assist with managing schedules, setting reminders, and even providing companionship through engaging conversations.

The famous Siri on an Apple iPhone is a great example of this.

• Transportation and Mobility

AI is also making transportation safer and more accessible. Autonomous vehicles and driverassistance systems help reduce the risk of accidents and provide greater mobility for those who may no longer drive. Ride-sharing services like Uber and delivery services like DoorDash, use AI to optimise routes and match riders with drivers, making transportation more efficient.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 6 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Technology Demystifying Artificial Intelligence /

The Benefits of AI for Seniors

• Improved Healthcare and Independence

AI technologies can enhance seniors’ independence by providing personalised healthcare solutions. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, monitor vital signs and alert users and caregivers to potential health issues. Telemedicine platforms, powered by AI, allow seniors to consult with doctors remotely, reducing the need for frequent inperson visits.

• Enhanced Safety

AI-powered security systems can help seniors feel safer at home. These systems use cameras and sensors to detect unusual activity and alert authorities or family members. Fall detection devices, equipped with AI, can automatically notify emergency services if a fall is detected, ensuring timely assistance.

• Social Connection

Social isolation can be a significant issue for seniors, and AI can help bridge this gap. AI-driven communication tools enable easy video calls and messaging with family and friends. Additionally, AI-powered robots and virtual companions provide interaction and entertainment, helping seniors stay mentally and emotionally engaged.

What Seniors Should Know About AI

• Privacy and Security Concerns

While AI offers many benefits, it’s essential to be aware of privacy and security concerns. AI systems collect and analyse large amounts of data, which can raise privacy issues. Seniors should ensure that any AI-powered device or service they use has robust security measures and clearly understands how their data will be used and protected.

• Learning and Adaptation

Embracing AI technology may require some learning and adaptation. Seniors should take advantage of resources such as tutorials, community classes, and online guides to become familiar with AI devices and applications. Understanding how to use these

tools effectively can significantly enhance their quality of life.

• Ethical Considerations

AI development raises ethical questions about job displacement, decision-making, and bias. Seniors should stay informed about these issues and engage in discussions about the ethical implications of AI. It’s crucial to advocate for AI systems that are fair, transparent, and beneficial to all members of society.

Artificial Intelligence is a powerful technology that can greatly benefit all of humanity in numerous ways. By understanding what AI is and staying informed about its applications and implications, seniors can make the most of this technology and enjoy a higher quality of life. Embracing AI doesn’t mean leaving behind the past; it means enhancing the future with tools that can support and enrich our lives.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 7 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Technology Demystifying Artificial Intelligence /

Cultural Treasures of Japan

Explore our cultural tour itinerary for an immersive Japanese experience.

13 DAYS | 18 MEALS

Highlights: Tokyo, Asakusa Sensoji Shrine, Tea Ceremony, Ginza, Hakone, Lake Ashi Cruise, Matsumoto Castle, Takayama, Sake Tasting and Hida Beef Dinner, Shirakawa-go, Kanazawa, Kyoto, Bullet Train, Hiroshima, Kaiseki Dinner and Maiko Show

Reasons travellers love Collette tours

• Over 170 tours in 7 continents.

• We believe time is best spent experiencing a place, not on a coach.

• Stay longer with more multi-night stays.

• Stay in perfectly located 4-star and above accommodation.

• With Collette’s industry-leading cancellation waiver you get a full money-back refund (less the deposit) if you need to cancel — up to 24 hours before departure.

For more information visit collette.com.au, call 1300 792 196 or contact your local travel agent.

Probus Members Save $100pp on ANY tour. Save up to $500pp when coupled with seasonal offers!




SCAN THE QR CODE for a full itinerary to taste the essence of Japan

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Discover Japan with Collette

Is a trip to Japan on your bucket list? When you travel with Collette, you’ll get the must-sees plus offthe-beaten path experiences that you’d be hard-pressed to find on your own. Our passionate tour managers are regional experts — committed to making sure you feel like part of the Collette family. And as a third-generation family-owned company that has been designing and guiding tours for over 100 years, family is at the heart of what we do.

On our small group tour, Japan: Past & Present, spend an afternoon learning from the famed ama pearl divers on the Mikimoto Pearl Island. Overnight with Buddhist monks in a Japanese monastery atop Mount Koya. See if you can spot Mt. Fuji in the distance as you travel from Tokyo to Ise-Shima on the shinkansen bullet train. Every Collette tour is carefully designed by travellers, for travellers — and we believe this makes all the difference.

Whether you’re daydreaming about cherry blossoms, getting to know the locals, or exploring a culture thousands of years in the making – Japan has it all. In a single afternoon, you may zip from the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to a peaceful Buddhist temple. Trade in the hustle and bustle of the city for time sound-bathing in the rustle of a bamboo forest. This incredible spirit, so heavily influenced by past and present, can be felt throughout every avenue of Japan’s rich culture.

If you’re interested in visiting Japan, call Collette at 1300 161 647 or contact your travel professional. Book confidently knowing that Collette’s Cancellation Waiver allows you to cancel for any reason and get a full refund (minus the deposit) – all the way up to 24 hours before your trip starts. Interested in leading a group? Travel free of charge when you book a group with 10 or more travellers!

Choose from any of our 170+ tours and get access to personalised promotion assistance, up-to-date tour booklets and brochures, hometown transfers on airinclusive groups, and more. If you are interested in leading a group with Collette, call 1300 062 731 and tell them you are a Probus member.

To learn more, visit www.collette.com.au

Discover Japan with Collette
Destinations come alive when you go guided with the experts.

Experience the bucket-list

Legendary Longreach & Winton!

Experience the best of Queenland’s heartland with our most popular selling, fully comprehensive tour featuring the top Longreach and Winton attractions and hospitality.

Tour cost from $3,899 pp Twin Share. Pricing is for Probus Members only. Offer available while seats last.

• Explore Stockman’s Hall of Fame & Longreach School of Air

• Historic Rosebank Station Smoko Tour

• Qantas Founders Museum & Air Park

• Drover’s Sunset Cruise & Dinner

• Great Darr River Rail Motor Run

• Age of Dinosaurs tours and dino dinner

• Waltzing Matilda Centre

• North Gregory Hotel

• Royal Open-Air Theatre

• All ensuite accommodation

• Touring with our incredible Savannah Guides Operator driver-guides

• Longreach accommodation arrival/ departure transfers.

Includes: Free Rail for probus members includes a discount of the Australian Senior card holder rate one-way on QLD Rail’s Spirit of the Outback Train Service between Brisbane and Longreach. One-way flight quoted is subject to availability. Only available for 2024.

2024 TOURS

Experience Outback hospitality at its best with Outback Aussie Tours

Outback Queensland is high on the bucket list for many Australians, and we know why!

Outback Queensland is packed full of authentic, unforgettable experiences and incredibly diverse landscapes with stories that share deep connections that will take your breath away.

Offering a wide range of 6 to 14day guided overland bus tours and shorter River and Rail day tours for self-drive travellers, Outback Aussie Tours also operates private charters for groups that want a truly customised tour experience. Comfort and safety are assured aboard their fleet of custom-built vehicles designed for outback conditions.

Touring experiences and locations are carefully selected for their authenticity and local flavour. Guests benefit from their close working relationship with outback communities, station owners, accommodation providers and local tour operators. As “Smithy” likes to say, “Our guests leave as true friends of the Outback.”

Between “Big Red” desert sand dunes with breathtaking sunsets to lush rainforests in the Daintree, Outback Aussie Tours is proud to be the only touring company in Longreach offering this incredible range of specialised once-in-alifetime experiences in Outback Queensland. Beneficially, all tour costs are reinvested to help sustain and celebrate Outback communities.

They provide 6-14 day immersive guided overland holidays from Longreach, Cairns, Charleville & Brisbane to your favourite outback Queensland destinations, including Longreach & Winton, Corner Country, Gulf Savannah and Cape York & Torres Strait.

Outback Aussie Tours also operates a selection of River

and Rail day tours in and around Longreach including the awardwinning Drover’s Sunset Cruise with Smithy’s Outback Dinner & Show and the new Outback Rail Adventure.

With Outback Queensland touring in high demand, travellers are planning their 2024 holidays now with discounts for Probus members. If Outback Queensland is on your bucket list, you’re encouraged to book in early before seats run out.

For more information or to book, please visit www.outbackaussietours.com.au or call 07 4658 3000.

Travel Experience
Its Best /
Outback Hospitality At

14 Day Japan Gourmet & Autumn Tour

Luxury Tour at a relaxed pace with Gourmet experiences and regional delicacies, majestic castles and beautiful temples. Experience the grandeur of the famous Mt. Fuji, the serenity of the Floating Shrine at Miyajima and the poignant memorial at Hiroshima and more.

12 Day Art Lover’s Amble

This tour has been specially designed for Australian art-lovers wishing to experience and appreciate both enigmatic “traditional” Japanese art and cutting-edge creativity of Japan’s modern buildings and art, often admired from afar by architects and artists alike, including a visit to Naoshima Art Island.

15 Day Japan Autumn Dreams Tour

A deluxe tour along the “golden route” in Japan’s Autumn season. 15 days in Japan visiting vibrant Tokyo, majestic Mt. Fuji and scenic Lake Kawaguchi, the traditional capital Kyoto with its famous temples and gardens, historic Hiroshima, and the historic Samurai residential district of Kanazawa, just to name a few highlights.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 12 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG See Japan With The Luxury Travel Experts Call us 1300 880 819, email us contact@janescotravel.com or visit our website www.janescotravel.com
31st October 2024 From $14,900 *twin share per person, land only 29 August 2024 From $13,200 *twin share per person, land only 11th October 2024 11th November 2024 From $9,460 *twin share per person, land only Fully Escorted Tours | Small Group Sizes | Luxury Accommodation | Inspiring Itineraries

Downsizing Made Easy

As the golden years approach, many seniors consider downsizing their homes. It is a bitter-sweet choice that almost everyone faces at some point. Although, this significant decision can offer numerous benefits, from financial savings to reduced maintenance responsibilities, it can often also be emotionally challenging and logistically complex. This guide provides essential tips and considerations for those aged 65 and over, who are contemplating downsizing their homes.

Why Consider Downsizing?

• Financial Benefits

Downsizing can lead to substantial financial advantages. Selling a larger home and moving to a smaller, more affordable property can free up equity, providing extra funds for retirement savings or other expenses. Lower utility bills, property taxes, and maintenance costs are additional financial perks that come with a smaller home.

• Simplified Lifestyle

A smaller home often means less upkeep. For seniors, this can translate into fewer chores and more free time to enjoy hobbies, travel, or spend time with family. A simpler lifestyle can reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

• Accessibility and Safety

Many seniors find that their current homes are not designed with aging in place in mind. Downsizing creates an opportunity for you to choose a home that better suits your needs, with features like singlestory living, fewer stairs, wider doors and accessible bathrooms. This can significantly enhance safety and comfort.

• Emotional Considerations

One of the most challenging aspects of downsizing is parting

with a home filled with an abundance of memories. It’s essential to acknowledge these emotions and take time to reflect. Creating a memory book or digital photo album can help preserve and carry these cherished moments. Including family members in the downsizing process can provide emotional support and a sense of foundation. They can assist with sorting through belongings and making decisions about what to keep, donate, or sell. Family can also help ease the transition by sharing in the experience and providing reassurance that this is for your best.

Finance Downsizing Made Easy /


Practical Steps for Downsizing

Begin by assessing your current and future needs. Consider factors like location, size, and layout. Do you want to be closer to family or healthcare facilities? Would you prefer a villa, apartment, or smaller house? Identifying these preferences will help narrow down your options.

Go through each room and categorise items into keep, donate, sell, and discard piles. Be practical about what you really need and use. It’s a good idea to tackle one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Hosting a garage sale or using online platforms to sell items you no longer need, can assure your belongings will go into another household rather than the trash. This can also provide extra funds and reduce the number of things you have to move. Donating to local charities is another excellent option, ensuring that useful items go to those in need.

Consider hiring professionals to ease the transition. Real estate agents can help sell your current home and find a new one. Moving companies can handle the physical labor, while professional organisers can assist with sorting and packing.

Finding the Right Home

Thoroughly research potential new homes. Visit different neighbourhoods and properties to get a feel for what suits your lifestyle best. Consider amenities, proximity to essential services, and the community vibe. Ensure the new home

meets your accessibility needs.

Work with a financial advisor to understand the implications of selling your current home and buying a new one. Ensure that the move makes financial sense and aligns with your long-term financial goals. Budget for moving expenses, potential renovations, and, if needed, new furniture or appliances.

Downsizing often involves significant financial transactions. It’s wise to consult with a lawyer to review contracts and ensure all legal aspects are handled correctly. This includes understanding any tax implications and updating your will or estate plan if necessary.

Making the Move

Once you’ve found your new home, start planning the move. Begin packing non-essential items early and label boxes clearly. Unpack methodically and arrange your space to feel comfortable and familiar. Introduce yourself to neighbours and explore the local area. Engaging in community activities can help you feel more connected and at home.

Downsizing is a significant life change, but it can also be an exciting new chapter. Focus on the positive aspects, such as the financial benefits, reduced responsibilities, new opportunities for social activities and enjoying the advantages of a simpler life.

Downsizing Made Easy /

What will you pass on?

Will it be hope, courage, connection

or humanity?

Different things are important to different people, but we all want to leave a positive legacy.

Writing a Will is one of the best ways to make your mark on the future, ensuring your possessions and assets go to the people and causes you care about most.

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, we’d be grateful if you would consider remembering Australian Red Cross in your Will.

It’s a powerful way to pass on a better future for generations to come.

If you’re ready to create your Will and don’t know where to start, we can help with our free step-by-step checklist.

Scan the QR code for your free Will Planning Checklist.

Australian Red Cross/Louise M Cooper

Over a million children going through tough times have cuddled a Trauma Teddy since we first started hand-knitting them in 1990.


Your Guide to Winter Wellness: Managing the Flu Season

As winter grips Australia, seniors aged 65 and over face unique challenges during the flu season. The combination of cold weather and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses requires practical measures to stay healthy. As winter hinges closer, we look to provide essential tips for you to navigate the flu season effectively, ensuring a safe and healthy winter.

Understanding the Risks

• Increased Susceptibility to Illness

Seniors are more vulnerable to the flu due to a natural decline in immune function that comes with aging. Chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses further aggravate this vulnerability. The flu can lead to severe complications, including pneumonia, which can be potentially life-threatening for older adults.

• Impact of Cold Weather

The truth is, cold weather itself doesn’t cause the flu, but it creates conditions that facilitate the spread of the virus. Generally, most people tend to stay indoors, leading to closer contact and higher chances of transmission. Additionally, the cold can weaken the body’s defences, making it easier for the virus to take hold.

Preventive Measures

• Vaccination: The First Line of Defence

The annual flu vaccination or more commonly known as “the flu shot” is the most effective way to prevent the flu and it’s particularly crucial for seniors. The flu vaccine is updated each year to combat the most dominant strains. You should look to consult your healthcare

provider or GP to ensure you receive the vaccine early in the season.

• Practice Good Hygiene

Regular handwashing with soap and water is essential. Using hand sanitisers when soap and water aren’t available can also help. Other principles that a person can follow include avoiding touching their face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth. Doing this greatly reduces the risk of infection. Encouraging your family members and caregivers to follow these practices can further protect against the flu.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 18 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Health Managing the Flu Season /

• Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Proper hydration supports the immune system. Everyone should aim to drink plenty of water and consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Foods high in vitamins C and D, such as citrus fruits and fatty fish, can boost immunity. A well-nourished body is better equipped to fend off infections.

Staying Warm and Safe

• Dress Appropriately

Layering clothing is the key to staying warm in fluctuating temperatures. Opting to wear thermal undergarments, sweaters, and weather-appropriate outerwear, including hats, gloves, and scarves is a key practice everyone should follow. It’s important to keep the extremities warm, as cold hands and feet can lead to discomfort and increase the risk of illness.

• Keep the Home Warm

Maintaining a warm home environment is critical. You should ensure their heating systems are in good working order and consider using oil heaters for additional warmth. It’s also beneficial to use insulated curtains and seal any drafts around windows and doors.

• Stay Active Indoors

Physical activity boosts the immune system and overall health. During cold weather, outdoor exercise may be challenging, so it’s essential you find indoor alternatives. Gentle exercises like yoga, stretching, and walking in place can be effective.

Managing Health Conditions

• Regular Medical Check-Ups

Seniors should schedule regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to manage chronic conditions and monitor their overall health. These visits are an opportunity to discuss any concerns, adjust medications, and ensure vaccinations are up-to-date.

• Medication Management

Proper medication management is crucial during flu season. It is essential for people to make sure they have an adequate supply of their

medications and understand their proper usage. It’s also handy to keep a list of all medications and dosages in an accessible and memorable place in case of an emergency.

• Recognising Symptoms Early

Early recognition of flu symptoms, such as fever, cough, and body aches, is vital. Anyone over the age of 65 should seek medical advice promptly if they experience these symptoms. Appropriate antiviral treatments at the right time can reduce the severity and duration of the flu. Flu season in Australia poses significant challenges for seniors aged 65 and over, but with proactive measures, you can stay healthy and safe. Vaccination, good hygiene, proper nutrition, staying warm, managing health conditions, and seeking timely medical advice are all crucial steps to ensuring you have a comfortable and risk-free winter.


South Island Tour

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Includes airfares, taxes, transfers in NZ, stylish coach travel, 4 - 4.5 star hotel accommodation, most meals, sightseeing and attractions.

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Reignite your social circleDiscover Probus

For most of us, making friends and maintaining an active social life in our younger years is relatively easy. We meet new people and form new connections throughout the various stages of our life – through school, sporting and other interest groups, through our work years, and then through our children’s school friends and various extracurricular interests. However, as we move into our senior years, making new social connections can become more difficult. Retirement means we are no longer interacting with work colleagues on a regular basis. Perhaps we also retire from sporting or other interest groups as declining health makes these activities more challenging. Our children are busy juggling their own careers, families and other commitments, and finding the time

for family catchups can seem near impossible. Life can suddenly become quite lonely. Research has shown that social isolation and loneliness can increase the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and depression. Socially isolated older adults are also more likely to engage in

unhealthy behaviours such as overeating, smoking and excessive drinking. Conversely, a plethora of studies have demonstrated the benefits of social connectedness. It influences our minds, bodies and behaviours – all of which influence our health and life expectancy. Research shows that social connectedness can lead to a longer life, better

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 24 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Cover Story Reignite Your Social Circle – Discover Probus /

health and improved wellbeing.

According to National Seniors Australia, having strong social bonds increases the chances of survival by 50 per cent, compared to those with fewer social connections. Maintaining social connections plays a vital role in preventing serious illnesses and adverse outcomes such as heart disease, stroke, dementia, depression and anxiety.

Interacting with others socially can:

• Enhance resilience and recovery from stress, anxiety and depression

• Encourage healthy eating habits, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight

• Improve sleep quality, overall wellbeing and quality of life

• Decrease the risk of engaging in violent or suicidal behaviours

• Lower the risk of death from chronic diseases.

While the benefits of remaining socially connected are numerous and well documented, reaching out to new social groups can be challenging for some.

A 2022 report conducted by the Centre for Health Service Development found that there can be barriers in forming social connections, these can include reduced self confidence, digital exclusion and concerns about the cost of activities.

However, given the importance of remaining socially connected as we age, finding ways to overcome these barriers is vital.

Angela Feery-Richards, founder of in-home care service Simply Helping, says the best place to start is by considering your goals.

“Think about your interests and hobbies which will help you connect with people who share similar interests, and you’ll have an easy way to break the ice.”

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 25 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Cover Story Reignite Your Social Circle – Discover Probus /

Cover Story Reignite

Volunteering is a wonderful way to expand your social network – and all it costs is your time!

“There’s something incredibly enriching about giving back to the community,” says Angela.

“Volunteering allows you to make a difference, and is a great way to meet friendly, like-minded individuals. Whether it’s at the local library, a community garden, or an animal shelter, as a volunteer, your life experience will be invaluable.”

When you are ready to get out there and expand your social circle, look up your local Probus Club. Probus

Clubs offer a multitude of groups built around special interests and hobbies, as well as groups that simply enjoy a gettogether for a coffee and a chat.

With over 1,400 Probus Clubs around the country and new ones opening every month, we invite you to visit our website to find your local Probus Club and DISCOVER PROBUS today!

To Probus Club members reading this article, why not share this with your friends so they too can enjoy the benefits of Probus and expand their social circle.

For those members on a Club’s Management Committee, you understand that membership growth is critical to a Club’s success.

Membership growth is an important aspect in the continued success of a Club. The Probus Club of Port Stephens is a excellent example of a successful membership journey.

With 150 members who readily participate in activities and functions, they are also willing to put up their hands to take on Committee positions, keeping the Club viable and running smoothly with a secure future.

“Being involved gives

Your Social Circle – Discover Probus /

The Port Stephens Probus Club was formed in May 1983 and has not only maintained its membership levels at 150 for a long time but continues to induct new members on a regular basis. The Club frequently writes to the local paper and shares activities on social media and, of course, with so many members having a so much fun, word of mouth is a wonderful promotion for the Club.

Address: 7 Riverside Quay, Southbank Melbourne Web: melbourneskydeck.com.au/probians-seniors/ you a greater understanding of fellow members, their needs and preferences. And you end up with many friends, which is a bonus and very satisfying on a personal level,” the Club’s Publicity Officer, Ann, says. “Staying active and connected is very important for retirees’ wellbeing.”

“Our Club is very active with 14 activities and outings, some of which are held each month. The activities are varied including walking group, dining, outings, BBQs, snooker, cara campers, social bowls, Probus Inter Club Bowls, theatre, fishing, book club, jigsaw swap, golf, putt putt and impromptu get togethers ensuring there is something for everyone in which to participate” says Ann.

The PSPL Team congratulates the Probus Club of Port Stephens on their magnificent efforts in keeping the Club active and thriving and encourages all Probus Clubs to get out there and spread the word of Probus in your local community so that more people can discover the benefits of joining your Club.

Does your Club have a successful membership story? If you do, we would love to hear about it. Please send to editorial@probussouthpacific.org so we can share with Clubs across the country.

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Club news Extra! Extra!

The following section of Club News features Club activities and members creative writing pieces. Even during challenging times, Probians continue to embrace the true spirit of Fun, Friendship and Fellowship.

To have your Club’s event, trip or member submissions potentially featured in Active Retirees magazine, please send the following to marketing@probussouthpacific.org

1. A short description of 50 to 150 words for Club News and up to 300 words for Creative Writing

2.A photo as a separate attachment (photos embedded in Word documents or PDFs are often compressed and too low-resolution for print)

3.Try to send the original, full-sized photo if possible (these are generally higher resolution than those pulled from Facebook, for example)

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

all about it!

Club News ACT /

Tuggeranong Probus enjoy the Archibald

In late February, a small number of the Probus Club of Tuggeranong members made an early train ride to Goulburn to view a collection of entries in the 2023 Archibald.

The Archibald Prize 2023 winner was Julia Gutman, for her portrait, “Head in the sky, feet on the ground,” of singersongwriter Montaigne.

A Visit to the National Arboretum

The Canberra Lakes Ladies Probus Club recently visited the National Arboretum in Canberra.

The National Arboretum is a mosaic of living forests and gardens, offering breathtaking views, unique experiences, and a world-class entertainment and events hub that includes the award-winning Margaret Whitlam Pavilion and the popular Village Centre.

With over 44,000 rare and endangered trees across a 250-hectare site, the arboretum is a place of beauty, conservation, science research, education, tourism and recreation.

The group enjoyed a lunch in the award-winning Village Centre with its breath-taking views, before the bus tour. The very knowledgeable guide pointed out the different species of trees, some of which were endangered. She also pointed out how each section had a sensor to monitor the watering requirements and the underground storage tank providing water for the area.

The view from the highest point was spectacular, enhanced by some artworks – The Eagle and its Nest, made from used farm equipment, and the words from Dorothea Mackellar’s poem, “Wide Brown Land,” made in weathered steel.

To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Happy 10 th birthday Oran Park Probus

Members and guests of the Oran Park Probus Club celebrated their club’s 10th birthday.

Special guest Monika from PSPL, who assisted in establishing the club, was on hand to cut the birthday cake.

Birthday Celebrations at Windara Function & Events Centre

Casino Mixed Probus Club had birthday celebrations at Windara Function & Events Centre.

A great day was had by all with a game of bowls, along with a cutting of the cake.

Visit to the Hunter Wetlands for Seniors Information Day

On the 13th of March, the Hunter Wetlands held a Seniors Information Day. In attendance were members of the Shortland Probus Club along with the Lake Macquarie Camera Club, Australian Plant Society, The Lions Club, Hunter Wetlands, and The Hunter Bird Observers Club.

Members of the Shortland Probus Club had a table at the information day with promotional material for members of the public.

Forster Shores welcomes in a new Club year

On a lovely sunny autumn day, members of Forster Shores Probus Club celebrated their new club year with a welcome barbecue at picturesque Tuncurry Rock Pool Park.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 31 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
Club News NSW /

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Club News NSW /

Pennant Hills Combined Probus celebrates 5 years

On March 18th, members of the Pennant Hills Combined Probus Club celebrated the club’s 5th birthday.

The club’s past presidents and newest President cut the cake.

Whilst one the club’s newest members enjoyed a slice of the delicious cake.

20th Anniversary Celebrations for Kensington Probus

On the 5th of March, with 48 members present, the Kensington Combined Probus Club celebrated their 20th Anniversary Birthday.

Foundation Members, Ruth and Howell cut the 20th Anniversary cake.

Nelson Bay Probus at Soldiers Point Bowling Club

The Nelson Bay Probus Club enjoyed Christmas 2023 at the Soldiers Point Bowling Club

Cake cutting and celebrations for Probians

On hand to celebrate Helensburgh & District Probus Club’s 20th Anniversary birthday was 4 Foundation Members who are still members of the club.

Mark, the Club’s first President, and Barry, the Club’s first Treasurer, assisted in the cutting of the cake.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 34 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 35 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Members get more experiences, discounts & benefits. Join today at mhnsw.au/members
Members and guide at Rouse Hill Estate. Photo © James Horan for Museums of History NSW
JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 36 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG *Offer ends 30 June 2024. Advertised prices and savings shown are based on Snooze Management Pty Ltd RRP. Snooze stores are predominately operated by independent franchisees and therefore the price for products prior to the sale will vary from store to store. Snooze stores can offer discounts on any ticketed prices in store meaning that products may be sold at less than the RRP at any time. Exclusions apply. Offer not available on floor stock, Snooze Deals products, clearance, Bedgear C1 mattress, delivery, assembly and recycling services. As our stores vary in size, it is possible that not all products are displayed in all stores but all products may be ordered on request. While we aim to ensure the information provided is correct, sometimes errors occur and we reserve the right to correct any errors. New orders only. Snooze’s standard terms and conditions of sale otherwise apply. END OF FINANCIAL YEAR SALE Plus HURRY, ENDS 30 JUNE 2024 MANLY VALE Snooze Manly Vale, 210-216 Condamine St, Balgowlah (02) 9948 7177 It’s amazing what a little snooze can do

On the 11th of April, members of the Greystanes Probus Club make a trip to Ingleside to visit the Bahai Temple at Ingleside. Members found the visit extremely interesting and enlightening.

A visit to the Bahai Temple A Party in the Berowra District

Probus Month on the radio waves

Always looking for ways to spread the word on a large scale to as many people as possible, the Probus Club of Leumeah Combined participated in Probus Month by having two members, Lynda and Lyn, attend an interview at the local radio station, C91.3FM Macarthur.

During this 20-minute segment, the members told listeners of the value of being a Probus member, this year’s slogan being “Good friends, great times, new adventures.”

Listeners, were made aware of the many Probus Clubs in the Macarthur district who are all happy to welcome new members.

Berowra District Mixed Probus Club celebrated their 20th Anniversary. The guest of honour was the Mayor of Hornsby Shire. Other guests included former Presidents and Life Members. Members got into the party mood by wearing fashions from the 1960’s. “Elvis,” “Tina Turner” and a few hippies made appearances.

Keith, founding President, and Brian cut the birthday cake and during the evening, photographs and videos were screened of various activities such as ocean cruises, excursions to other parts of Australia and local activities such as bush walking and ten pin bowling. This was much to the delight of the many foundation members, who enjoyed glimpses of themselves 20 years younger.

13 years and still going strong

Members of the George’s Hall Probus Club recently celebrated their club’s 13th anniversary with a birthday cake and a light lunch, thanks to a grant from Club Condell Park.

The cake was cut by the club’s longest serving active member, Barbara, who joined the club in 2001. The event was enjoyed by the 70 members and guests in attendance.

To mark the occasion, a special edition of the club’s newsletter, “The Collective Sprit,” was produced honouring past and present members, and the history of the club.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 37 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org Club News NSW /

Club News NSW /

Mt Druitt Probus enjoy celebrations

Probus Club of Mt Druitt had great day celebrating Christmas.

Full steam ahead for this Probus club

At the AGM with 150 members, the Probus Club of Port Stephens welcomed in its new management committee, and outgoing President John handed over the reins to Rob, and John was welcomed in as Vice President.

Members and guests celebrated the changeover with a lunch where President Rob presented Jo with her 10-year service pin and introduced the new committee.

Life membership for Probian of 21 years

The Coffs City Probus Club has bestowed life membership onto Ken. Before joining the Club in November 2006, Ken was a member of the Sutherland Men’s Probus Club for three years. He has been involved in Probus for almost 21 years.

In announcing that Ken had been awarded life membership, Club President Jane said, “Back in the day when we were still employed, there was often someone that was your ‘go to person’ when you didn’t know something or you wanted to bounce an idea off them, safe in the knowledge that they would never take any of the credit.”

Kareela Probus celebrates 20 years

Kareela Probus Club celebrated their 20th year with a lunch and cutting of the anniversary cake. The event was attended by 22 Foundation Members, 12 Past Presidents, and 130 guests and members.

Probus South Pacific CEO Silvana attended the celebration and assisted the club’s President Colin and Past President Lynda in cutting of the cake.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 38 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

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Cultural Outings Various activities for Northbridge Probus

As part of its cultural outings, the Garigal-Belrose Probus Club regularly visits art galleries and museums all over Sydney.

Their latest trip was to Gymea to view the “Art on Paper Award 2023,” a biennial exhibition at the Hazelhurst Art Centre. Coffee stops and pub lunches were on the agenda.

Club members get around via public transport. This form of travel means that members are sitting next to someone different at each change of transport, which enhances the interaction between like-minded Probians.

Northbridge Probus Club spent a night in Canberra to see the Discovering Ancient Egypt exhibition.

That month, the Club also had a day trip on the ferry to and from Watsons Bay.

Later that month, they enjoyed a lunch at Flower Power after an interesting visit to Marine Rescue at Terrey Hills.

Norfolk Island welcomes Probus convicts

Considering the island’s past convict penal settlement history, the members of the Maroubra Combined Probus Club visited the South Pacific Island of Norfolk, dressed in convict attire.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 40 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org Club

Darwin Probus Travel to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia

Darwin Probus Club enjoyed a TripaDeal bus tour of 3 small borderline European countries, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. These countries all have long histories of conflict and conquest but became independent after 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed.

They enjoyed the trip to Armenia, which is a mountainous countr y (Caucasus region), rocky and few forests, bordered by Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia. It was the first country to adopt Christianity, ancient monasteries and churches dot the countryside and the Armenian church is very important in the lives of the people.

Today the population is declining, dependent on the many expatriates for financial support. The country is landlocked, but has the beautiful lake Severn, appreciated by many in the summer months.

Food is a mix of Eastern and Mediterranean, lavash, nuts, pomegranates, apricots (national fruit). Both hydro and nuclear power production are in place Lavash is the staple food—Rollout the pastry and cook in hot ground oven. Armenian fast food is lavash and cheese. Chess and wrestling are the national sports and crafts feature widely.


to impress

The Charles Darwin Probus members got together and dressed up for a Christmas Luncheon at the Buff Club.

There was a lovely dog who also joined in on the celebrations.

Cruise from Darwin to Singapore Marrara Probus enjoy Thai food

A small group of friends from Palmerston Probus set sail on the good ship Pacific Adventure, from Darwin to the exotic city of Singapore. Along the way stopping to get up close and personal with a Komodo Dragon or two in the pristine environment of Komoda National Park.

Bali didn’t disappoint, a highlight of a trip to Ubud was the mesmerizing cultural display and an afternoon tea with the people of Banjar Batuseopih. The tour to Mt Batur was another highlight, after leaving Benoa the bus started climbing through the mountainous jungle. Along the way the group marvelled at the sight of traditional rice paddies, explored a 15th century temple and had a delightful lunch within UNESCO World Heritage site of Mt Batur.

The group spent two days in Singapore’s enchanting Chinatown, sampling an array of cuisines, and becoming re-acquainted with this amazing place.

The Marrarra Probus Club enjoyed lunch at the Thai Thai Restaurant.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 41 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG Club News NT / To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Club News

Probus Get-together on 2023

Princess World Cruise

In June 2023, almost 2,000 cruise loving travellers embarked on the Coral Princess from Auckland, Sydney and Brisbane for a cruise around the world over 107 days.

Many on board were seniors and most were retired, so naturally there were many Probians amongst the passengers. On board, there were several different groups who held get-togethers at various times, so it seemed logical to hold a Probus get-together.

Over the course of the voyage, three get-togethers were held where Probians discussed their clubs, their activities, members, challenges, and successes.

Attendances increased each time with up to 18 Probians meeting, representing clubs from Pelican Waters (QLD), Birkdale (QLD), and Albany Creek (QLD), Nowra (NSW), Abbotsford Chiswick (NSW), and Manly (NSW), Kaleen (ACT), Trafalgar (VIC), North Ballarat (VIC), and Berwick (VIC), Henley Beach (SA), and Takapuna North (New Zealand).

Cake and champagne

BBQ at Boomerang Farm

The Varsity Lakes Probus Club enjoyed a great day out at the Boomerang Farm at Mudgeeraba. A great venue to relax in the country setting, surrounded by beautiful trees and wildlife.

St Patrick’s Day in Alexandra Headland

At the home of members Aart and Bev, Alexandra Headland Probus Club gathered in their ‘greens’ to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

The members celebrated the day with Irish singalongs and an Irish quiz.

The Broadbeach Ladies Probus celebrated their 40th Anniversary with cake and champagne.

The Inaugural Meeting of the Broadbeach Ladies Probus Club was held at the Broadbeach International Hotel on the 27th of March 1984, with 52 members present. This was the first Ladies Probus Club in Queensland.

Since that first meeting, the Club has had enthusiastic members and committees who have focused on helping to promote the Probus motto “fun, friendship and fellowship.”

There was a cutting of the 40th Anniversary cake by the 2 longest serving members Gwen and Christa.


Crafty Creatives and Heritage & Legacy interest groups

Kenmore Village Probus introduced 2 new interest groups, the Crafty Creatives and Heritage & Legacy.

Meeting at a member’s home, the members enjoyed a range of craft activities, diamond dotz, hand-made cards, and lots of knitting. However, socialisation is as important as the crafting.

Heritage & Legacy captures the value of tracing one’s family tree as members use research to DNA to build histories.

Creating awareness

The Maleny Probus Club had a display at the local expo to promote their Club and the benefits of Probus.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 43 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
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Club News QLD /

Burpengary Probus celebrates 5 years

To celebrate their 5 year anniversary, members of the Burpengary Probus Club, dressed in the Probus Colours of Blue and Gold.

Leon from the Caboolture Rotary Club presented the Club with a 5th Anniversary certificate. Also present was Rob, the club’s first President, Lurline, the club’s first Secretary, and Lyla, a charter member at the first meeting.

The cutting of the birthday cake was performed by the former President Lurline and current President Allen.

Alexandra Headland Mixed Probus celebrate 33 years

On the 25th of March 2024, Bob, the oldest and oldest serving member of Alexandra Headland Mixed Probus Club, was asked to cut the cake for their 33rd birthday celebration. Bob also received a Certificate of Long Service.

Kallangur Probus celebrates its 25 th Anniversary

The Kallangur Probus Club celebrated its 25th Anniversary at the Murrumba Downs Tavern.

Present at the celebration was Allen, the RLO for Moreton Bay region, who presented Clyde, the current President, with their club’s Anniversary Certificate and spoke on the benefits of the Fun, Friendship and Fellowship through Probus.

Members enjoyed a meal followed by the cutting of the Anniversary cake by two of the Club’s foundation members, Joy and Barry. A great day was held by all.


Happy 35 th birthday Paradise Point

The Combined Probus Club of Paradise Point, formed on the 10th of February 1989, celebrated their 35th anniversary with a special lunch at the Arundel Tavern, attended by 72 members and guests.

Rotary President, Eric, presented the Club’s President, Geoff, with a special certificate to mark the occasion.

During the celebrations, special commemorative pins were presented to members who had been with the club for 10, 15 and 20 years.

Enjoying the botanical parklands

Every month, several members from the Chinchilla Probus Club attend a relaxed get together at the beautiful Botanic Parklands in Chinchilla.

Members have a morning tea or coffee and enjoy a relaxed morning catching up.

On this day, two members, Bill and Robyn, arrived in style. On their bikes.

Wine appreciation afternoon

Alexandra Headland Mixed Probus Club enjoyed their “wine appreciation” afternoon. Not sure about the wines, but they sure did appreciate their hilarious presentation and commentary.

A new Probus Club is formed

The cooperative effort of PAQ and PSPL has resulted in formation of the Bulimba Probus Club.

PSPL Director and Rotary Representative Merv coordinated the development of the communications and organisation program. He said that there was an obvious need for a new club in the area, “Clubs in the adjacent Brisbane Southeast suburbs have been experiencing high levels of popularity and we jointly made the decision to form a new club in this riverside area.”

The club was formed with 78 new members.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 45 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Behind the Scenes of the Horse Tramway

Recently, the Probus Club of Port Victor Combined enjoyed listening to guest speaker Meg, the General Manager of the Iconic Victor Harbor Tramways. She told of her career path to becoming the General Manager five years ago and recounted anecdotes illustrating the intelligence and distinct personality traits of the various horses rostered to pull the tram.

Her infectious enthusiasm inspired about 22 Club members to vis it the new stables and enjoy the Behindthe-Scenes Experience on Wednesday, 10th April.

An interesting feature of the stables is the extensive use of the salvaged old Causeway timbers in the surrounding fences.

Members then went to the roomy and light-filled stables to be introduced to the horses and learn something about their foibles, likes and dislikes. All enjoyed patting their heads and having face to face contact with these magnificent animals.

Members enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea and conversation. Staff members answered a host of questions about all kinds of aspect of life with the Clydesdales, including discussion of training for offering horse therapy and the mysteries of two-way communication with a horse.

A Unique Occasion

On Monday, 4th March, President of Enfield Probus Club, Ralph, inducted and welcomed new member, Joyce. That was a special occasion, but it was even more special, and possibly unique, because the club also celebrated the 85th Birthday of her brother and Life Member, Brian.

Very few Probus Club’s would have brother and sister members, where one was inducted at the same meeting where the other celebrated his 85th Birthday.


Woodcroft Probus travel to Stawell

After being collected from home by Endeavour and taken to the station, Woodcroft Probus Club boarded the Overland train to Stawell. It was so relaxing travelling by train. They were surprised at how good the provided breakfast and lunch was.

They were collected and bussed to their accommodation, and after settling in they went for a walk around the grounds and the big lake. They then had a drink before dinner.

The following day they travelled up to the lookout, the weather was foggy, but it didn’t take away from the beauty of the area.

Lunch on the second day was at the Wanderer Inn where they were welcomed with an open fire. This was a good chance to mingle with one another.

They spent the afternoon checking out Broken River Falls and Wartook Reservoir, ending up in Stawell. It was very quiet in Stawell on a Monday afternoon, but some members managed to find a nice craft shop.

On their trip home they stopped to look at the Stick Shed at Murtoa, they had an art display at the time.

Morning tea was at Rabi Park where there was a pretty lake. They also checked out the silo art at Kaniva, featuring Australian Hobby Falcon and Scented Salmon and Sun Orchids, the salty Pink Lake at Dimboola and silo art at Coonalpyn, featuring five primary school children from the area. They had an excellent lunch at the Bordertown Hotel.

It was a busy few days, but it was great to get to know other members better and enjoy the company of one another. It was so convenient being picked up and dropped off at home.

Riverland Fellowship Lunch

The Waikerie Probus Club enjoyed the Riverland Fellowship Lunch held on the 31st August 2023.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 47 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Cruising on the River Torren’s

There were 21 members of the North Adelaide Probus Club that turned out for a fabulous day out on the River Torren’s on board the Popeye River Cruise. The day was finished off with a lunch at Jollies Boat House. Notwithstanding the weather, everyone enjoyed the day.

New Attire for Mawson Lakes Probus

Mawson Lakes Probus Club has introduced blue and gold polos with the Probus logo to their club attire.

Visit to the former home of Charles Campbell

The members of Payneham Probus Club enjoyed each other’s company on a day out that included a visit to the former home of Charles Campbell, after whom the City of Campbelltown was named. Regularly members of the club gather in the morning for coffee at Fine Food Cucina, Newton.

To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
Club News SA /

Club News TAS /

Abbey Road in Devonport

The walking group of Devonport City Probus attempting to emulate the famous Beatle’s Abbey Road look as they head off on a walk-through Don Reserve Devonport.

Lindisfarne Ladies Probus enjoy lunch together

In April, Lindisfarne Ladies Probus Club had an enjoyable lunch in Cynget

Wynyard Probus visit an Iron Ore Mine


To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
members of the Wynyard Probus Club visited the Savage River Grange Resources Iron Ore Mine on the West Coast of Tasmania.


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Club News

The long and winding road

The Beatles probably never visited Kinglake when they wrote the song, but members of the Combined Probus Club of Whittlesea visited on Friday the 22nd of March when the monthly dine out was held at the Kinglake Hotel.

The long and winding road that leads to the hotel door is one that encompasses all that is spectacular as the altitude rises from 178 to 550 meters above sea level.

VIC / To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Inverloch Probus acquires new laptops

Through the Bass Coast Shire Council Community Grant Scheme, the Probus Club of Inverloch has acquired 3 new laptops for use by the club’s office bearers and members.

This allows the club’s details and documents to be stored on computers instead of the current method of using equipment belonging to members.

The laptops will be made available to all members as learning tools on “how to use technology.”

Probus members, Hazell, Pam and Carol all got familiar with the new devices.

Garden group outing

In April, members of the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central went on a group outing to local gardens.

News VIC /

The Croft Gardens

The Wantirna Heights Probus Club visited the Croft Gardens. The owner of Croft Gardens took the members on a tour of the garden.

This garden includes tall trees, others just beginning to grow, sculptured parterre areas, an espaliered apple orchard, a citrus avenue where lemon and lime trees were trained across to make green and gold archway.

After viewing the garden, members enjoyed afternoon tea in the conservatory.

Welcome to the Probus Community

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 53 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org
In March this year our community welcomed the newly formed Point Lonsdale & District Probus Club.

A trip to Warrnambool

There were 41 members of the Glen Waverley Combined Probus Club’s Caravan and Cabin Group that travelled to the Big 4 Tasman Holiday Park.

Members enjoyed dinning at the local bowls club, exploring the beach and its great café and excellent walking tracks. Others found the local golf course; others drove to national parks and waterfalls. Many found the antique market at the old Fletcher Jones Factory, which was a treasure trove of fascinating stuff. Whilst others managed to find a local winery!

The trip coincided with Saint Patrick’s Day, so naturally happy hour that evening had a strong Irish theme.

Ten Pin Bowling and the Blue Loftus Gardens

The Pakenham Central Probus Club Ten Pin Bowling activity is a crowd favourite with much enthusiasm, laughter and competitiveness.

An Autumn outing to the Blue Lotus Gardens, organised by Tour Local, was a colourful success enjoyed by all.


Parliament House tour

There were 21 members of Melbourne Bearbrass Probus Club who learnt some amazing history during a guided tour of Victoria’s Parliament House. They marvelled at the gold-rush wealth and ancient British trad itions dating to the Magna Carta. Official guide Vicky kept the group amused with endless quirky facts.

35-year celebrations

On Monday, 12th of February, 75 members and visitors attended the 35-year celebrations of the Eaglehawk Probus Club at the Bendigo District RSL Club.

Birthday cake was cut by President Brian and Vice President Joy.

Seamus presenting the anniversary certificate provided by PSPL to President Brian.

Brian presenting a Life Membership certificate to Pierce who also celebrated his 100th birthday.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 55 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Club News WA /

Busselton Probus retells their club formation story

At a recent meeting, the Busselton Probus Club retold the story of when they were formed.

Busselton’s first Probus Club was formed by the Busselton Rotary Club on the 18th of September 1986 at Albertano’s Restaurant.

It was attended by the founding members, 27 prospective members and 3 Rotarians. The club’s purpose was for members to get together for social activities and outings without the need to do community work or outside fundraising.

The first outing for the club was Fremantle, but due to distance and the emphasis being on yachting, not all members took part. Those who did either travelled by boat on the “SST Leeuwin” or in one car.

Also at this recent meeting, Delys received her Probus certificate of congratulations.

Christmas lunch at Fremantle Saling Club

There were 59 members and partners attending the Fremantle Combined Probus Club’s 41st Christmas Lunch at the Fremantle Sailing Club overlooking the water.

A generous three-course meal was welcomed by all. Lucky draw and table prizes kept members entertained.

A highlight of the day was, Life Member Secretary Santa presenting the Life Member Lapel Badge to President Barry.


Journey along the other Murray River

Members of the Probus Club of Eaton went on a lunch cruise through the Peel Inlet and along the Murray River.

They drifting through mud islands, sand banks covered in reeds and salt bush, passed swans, pelicans, ospreys and tiny Siberian visitors.

Members enjoyed a snack prepared by the crew consisting of cheeses, cold meats, olives and biscuits, and the bar was open for drinks.

The cruise pulled into Cooleenup Island, where members were given a tour of the island. Visiting an historic grain mill. The mill was built in 1843 by Joseph Cooper and has been lovingly restored.

Back on board, members enjoyed a sumptuous lunch of cold meat, salads, prawns and finally sweets.

JUNE 2024 QUARTERLY ISSUE | 57 | WWW.PROBUSSOUTHPACIFIC.ORG To read more about other members’ activities, visit the Club News Section of the Probus website. probussouthpacific.org

Amazing Probian Dr. Bob Burns Amazing Probians

Dr Robert (Bob) Burns, a Buderim Probus member, is a retired academic, who spent 40 years teaching and researching at universities around the world. Bob particularly enjoys the outside speaker talks and amazing life stories of other members at the monthly meetings.

He also finds the regular lunches and the day trips very beneficial for offering an environment where members get a better opportunity to chat informally and to get to know each other outside of formal meetings.

From training students to be Geography teachers, Bob used his deep interest in the psychological aspects of student learning and motivation to study and qualify as a psychologist, teaching the subject at universities in the UK, South Africa, Australia, and Brunei. In retirement, the climate ‘wars’ redirected his interest back to Earth Sciences. Bob is an experienced author with over 20 textbooks, mainly in the areas of Management Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics, and Applied Psychology in the Education and Health fields.

Bob’s final job provided considerably interesting memories, involving being headhunted to go to the University of Brunei with a contract signed by the Sultan to mentor local staff, write courses and help with the development of a Commonwealth university. Bob and his wife enjoyed life there so much, they stayed 10 years, playing bridge regularly with other expats, as watching TV in Bahasa Malay was not all that informative.

During the enforced reduced lifestyle under Covid restrictions, Bob started typing again and had three more books published, all non-fiction dealing with contemporary issues that should be of interest to the Probus demographic. Writing became a therapeutic activity that facilitated his passage through the socially destructive period of Covid.

The new titles are:

1. The Human Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic.

2. Sex and Gender: Issues and Dilemmas.

3. Common Sense Science of Climate Change.

The computer keys are still getting hot as Bob types away on two more book projects. The first book explains the behavioural symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders for parents, teachers, and other care providers to enable early diagnosis and greater understanding of the conditions. The second book is focussed on the developing renewables energy revolution and the major issues and dilemmas it is throwing up.

Buderim Probus Club



Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.

Make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.

Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.


• Friendship with other retirees in your community

• Local monthly meetings

• Interesting guest speakers

• Wide range of activities with fellow members to suit your lifestyle; active or not-so-active

• Trips and Outings

• Exclusive discounts

• Active Retirees publications


To find your local Probus Club, please visit our Club Locator at www.probussouthpacific.org or contact us on: Australia 1300 630 488 New Zealand 0800 1477 6287 Email: admin@probussouthpacific.org Website: www.probussouthpacific.org

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