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Earlier this year, Bozeman School District received school board approval to greatly expand its early childhood offerings. The district’s early childhood programming is targeted toward preparing children to be ready to read in kindergarten.

Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center

BSD7 is thrilled to announce the opening of the Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center which will be housed at Morning Star Elementary. This program is for students entering kindergarten in the fall of 2025.

Admission to the program is based on an early literacy screener. Children whose performance indicates that they would benefit from early literacy instruction will qualify for the program.

Early Literacy Focus: Aiming for Success by 2025

The Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center is committed to the district’s early literacy goal: Ensuring that 85% of incoming kindergartners possess the requisite literacy skills by 2025. This ambitious target underscores the district’s dedication to providing a solid foundation for academic success from the very start.

Community School Model: A Collaborative Approach

Embracing the Community School Model, Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center will work with community partners. By bringing local organizations into the fold, the district aims to enhance the overall learning experience for children and create a symbiotic relationship with the broader community.

» MSU Partnership: A Beacon of Excellence The Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center will operate as a model demonstration site for MSU. This partnership ensures that the center remains at the forefront of educational innovation and research, and provides preservice teachers with real-world experience.

» GGUW: for Out-of-School Time Enrichment Bozeman Reads will collaborate with the Greater Gallatin United Way (GGUW) to provide enriching out-of-school time experiences. This partnership not only expands learning opportunities beyond traditional classroom hours but also accommodates families who need full-time childcare.

» HRDC Collaboration: Leveraging Federal Dollars

Through a strategic partnership with the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Head Start, Bozeman Reads will offer extensive wrap-around services to students and families.

» Thrive: Engaging Families for Success Recognizing the pivotal role of family engagement in a child’s education, Bozeman Reads is teaming up with Thrive to implement intensive family engagement and parent education programs. Thrive’s expertise ensures parents are active partners in their child’s learning journey.

Curriculum Aligned with Best Practices

Bozeman Reads employs a robust curriculum based on the Science of Reading, emphasizing evidence-based practices that promote literacy and language development. The curriculum is not only developmentally appropriate, but also incorporates STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) elements.

Research-Based Classroom Environment Design

The learning spaces at Bozeman Reads are meticulously designed based on the latest research in early childhood education. The aim is to create a rich environment that is conducive to learning, exploration and creativity.

Bilingual and Inclusive Environment

One of the key highlights of the Bozeman Reads Early Learning Center is its commitment to creating a bilingual and inclusive environment. The center will be comprised of four Language and Literacy Classrooms, designed to cultivate strong reading and language skills. Additionally, the center will house two Special Education Classrooms catering to the unique needs of every child and foster an atmosphere of acceptance and celebration of differences.

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