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Helping Your Kids Get Grounded

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Keeping it Real


Ground your kids — not in the “You’re in trouble” type of way, but in the, "I know how to release stress from my nervous system, feel connected to the earth, feel gratitude and can simply enjoy being type of way."

In fact, getting grounded is equally as important for parents as kids. Our kids pick up so much from us, so hopefully this can be a reminder for all of us parents to practice, and invite the kids in on the fun.

We are constantly bombarded with so much information nowadays. No one nervous system was meant to carry this much, all the time. Constantly processing endless new information. We must find a way to turn it off, to move from that state of fight and flight, and into a deep state of rest and digest. And as kids are feeling more and more stress and anxiety, depression, food intolerances and discontent, I’d say they’re in need of a major dose of chill too.

So much of what we do when we say we’re relaxing, is not actually rejuvenating to our bodies. I’m not saying it’s not worth doing, but we must also carve out time to truly replenish, to tune into the body and not simply partake in mindless distraction (which has its time and place).

This can actually feel really scary to start if we’re not used to slowing down. Because as soon as we do, all the thoughts and feelings we’ve kept at bay coming racing in and can feel suffocating.

But we don’t do anyone any favors by holding it in and continuing to resist it, thus shoving it down further. Not our kids, not the earth, least of all ourselves.

We need to find ways for healthy release, ways to feel that deep, deep exhale that feels so good to finally take. We need ways to feel joy and gratitude as they’re with us, instead of them always feeling so fleeting. We need to be OK with some internal discomfort, for the sake of long-term replenishment.

So how do we do this? We get grounded and give our bodies spaces and ways to release. And the beautiful part is that, in my eyes, this directly benefits the earth! When we’re carrying around stressed, anxious, heavy toxic energy all the time, feeling isolated and alone, we completely close ourselves off. But when we can learn to ground and release that energy, we become better stewards of the earth. We’re more in alignment with our values, we’re rushing less and we’re more conscious of our decisions.

Maybe we make time for more whole foods and enjoy cooking, or perhaps we do less stress shopping and consuming. We relish our time here on this planet and start to treat ourselves and the earth more reverently when we don’t feel like the world is out to get us quite so much.

So that being said, here are some of my favorite tips for getting grounded with your family and celebrating Earth Day.

» Start a garden. So simple, but get your hands in some organic dirt. Even just a pot or two of fresh herbs can be simple and do wonders. Let your kids pick something fun and have a hand at growing something too. And no guilt if the plants die, just start again! It changes our bioenergetic rhythm and connects us to our roots.

» Hang outside barefoot. No rubber or plastic between you and the earth. For at least 30 minutes. Do what you can with a Montana spring, but keep at it. Feel that warm sunshine on your face. Leave the electronics inside. Perhaps find some things in nature to make some art with or give your kids a paintbrush and some pinecones. Do this especially if it’s a bit uncomfortable. Eventually you will notice a huge release from this earthing, as it’s called. You could also eat a meal with your hands while outside! Make it wild!

» Take Epsom salt baths. This does wonders for helping our bodies to release. Picture the bath or even a shower washing away any unwanted, old or toxic energy. This is a phenomenal way for pregnant mamas, kids and all humans to release, ground and nourish.

» Learn how to breathe deeply and focus on the exhale. In and out of the belly, with deep, open mouth exhales. Make it fun with your kids, make animal noises. Shout, sigh, cry, laugh. Maybe add in a stretch or two. I mimic this for all the mothers, students and kids I work with and am around. You practicing this instantly helps whoever is around you to feel more grounded and relaxed too.

» Give your kid a mud kitchen. Let them find dirt and things around the yard, buy some kitchen items at the thrift store and let their creativity soar. My daughter has been doing this for years and is still endlessly entertained by it.

» Partake in ceremonies and celebrations. If we’re constantly striving for what’s next, we’re never enjoying what’s right now. Ceremonies, rituals and celebrations allow us to slow down, anchor in and have a regular cadence to sink into. Make it your own, you could use any of the above practices. Light a candle and say something you’re thankful for. Thank the earth. Don’t overthink it. Let it be something you can come back to monthly, annually, weekly, seasonally.

Earth Day should be a time of awareness and celebration. And if we really want to change the world, we start by changing ourselves. Freeing pent-up stress and starting to embody a released and settled nervous system is the best way to start.

Happy Earth Day!

Jessica Cartwright guides women to build a new sense of home within through retreats, private yoga, energy healing, workshops and cacao ceremonies. She is a doula and Ayurvedic specialist and mother to daughter Bella.

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