November 2022 | Holidays

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Holidays Holidays 2022 | It’s time to celebrate! + After-School & PIR-Day Activities and more... Holidays

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2 holidays 2022
JOIN US FOR 25 E Mendenhall St STE CSquire House 5:30pm - 10pm Thursday, November 17TH Come join Kenyon Noble downtown Bozeman at the Squire House. There will be food & drink specials with goodie bags & prizes you know and love! Starting at 5:30 we will be giving away 100 Premium Totes & then 200 Goodie Bags. That means the first 300 ladies in line receive guaranteed swag! Stop in and grab an enter to win, stay and have a drink, and join us in showing support for all the downtown businesses by participating in this years Ladies’ Night! kenyonnoblelumber1889 kenyonnoblemt Ladies ' N ight Prizes&Mo r e *MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. WINNER ANNOUNCED AT 8PM AT THE SQUIRE HOUSE! Your Choice of: Outdoor Interiors, Polywood or Outdoor Expressions outdoor furniture $1800 OUTDOOR FURNITURE CREDIT Your Choice of: Traeger Pro 780, Large Big Green Egg, or Weber® Genesis® E-325S™ grill AND a $200 Daniels Gourmet Meats & Sausages gift card! BARBECUE PACKAGE $500 Kenyon Noble gift card GIFT CARD Food&Drink Spe cials Exclusive Ladies' Night drinks + eats provided by our friends at the Squire House! Seethereyou ! Always the perfect gift Support Local. Shop local. Why you need a Kenyon Noble Gift Card Makes great stocking stuffers Save NOW for projects LATER Give others the chance to choose what THEY want Support local businesses! Kenyon Noble gift cards never expire! No fees deducted over time! Max $500 in gift card value per customer ($400 purchase) throughout the promotion. Not redeemable for cash. Same-day redemption is prohibited. Not valid in conjunction with any other offers or as payment on account. Not valid on additional gift card purchases. Other restrictions may apply. Gift Card promotion valid through 12/24. See store for complete details.


DECEMBER 3 - 2pm & 7pm

DECEMBER 4 - 2pm WILLSON AUDITORIUM with the Bozeman Symphony


Visit MONTANABALLET.ORG or Call 406.582.8702

Photo: Lauren Brown

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Holidays 2022 PHOTO ADP STUDIO Gratitude & Giving Back 14 Christmas Our Way…You Can Hit the Highway 16 MBC’s 39th Annual Nutcracker, The Bozeman Original 18 Keeping it Real ~ The Advent Calendar 20 Santa Claus is coming to town! 22 16th Annual Huffing for Stuffing 22 Downtown Bozeman Holiday Events 24 ADHD & The Island of Misfit Toys 26 Festival of Trees Rings in the Helena Holiday Season 27 Holiday Happenings in Helena 28 After-school & PIR DAY Activity Guide 30 What’s Up? Montana What’s Up? Bozeman 36 What’s Up? Helena 38 What’s Up? West Yellowstone 39 Columns Take Advantage of Bozeman Trails This Winter 40 Healing with Heart in the Heart of Montana 41 Ask Flora 42 Ranch life: Turner Farms 406 44 Monthly Giveaway: MBC's Nutcracker Tickets 46

T h e Nutcracke Tr h e Nutcracke r

Yello wsto ne Ba llet Compan y ’ s 31st ann ual SUNDAY DECEMBER 18 2:00 P.M. WILLSON AUDITORIUM CHILD FREE WITH ADULT TICKET Child Nutcracker Costume contest Prizes awarded at intermission WWW.YELLOWSTONEBALLET.INFO
G U E S T A RT I S TS: Gold Medalist, Nicole Assaad Luis Santana Ballet Nacional de Cuba
:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: Everyone can learn to skate! It's fun, rewarding, and great exercise. Classes are available for ages four to adults, from beginner to advanced skater. Sunday 5 week sessions $75 00 for the 5 weeks begins November 20th Wednesday 5 week sessions $75.00 for the 5 weeks begins November 30th Ready to Register? visit us online at: S K A T E W I T H Santa H A Y N E S P A V I L I O N 5 : 1 5 P M - 6 : 4 5 P M D E C E M B E R 2 3 R D D E C E M B E R 9 T H H A Y N E S P A V I L I O N 5 : 4 5 P M - 7 : 3 0 P M $ 1 0 . 0 0 P E R I N D I V I D U A L S K A T E R E N T A L I N C L U D E D , I F N E E D E D
12 holidays 2022 Now hiring deli and seasonal holiday positions! M ONTANA TH EMED GIFT BOXES, BUF FAL O EL K AN D BE EF SAUSAG ES, S NAC K ST ICK S A ND JER KY. B UFFALO & ELK STEAKS, HU CK LEB ER RY FAVORIT ES, SPE CIA LTY CH EES ES . D el i An d Gift Sh op • O p e n 7 D ays A We ek ! T h e C halet M a rket • 6 41 0 J a c kra b bit La ne , B e lgra d e, MT 5 9 7 1 4 m • 1-800-752-1029 • 406-388-4687 L o ca t e d just sout h o f the 1 9 0 i nterc h a n g e i n B e lgr a d e We Shi p ! We ship to USA and APO addresses! Order online and send a taste of Montana to your family and friends! It’s All Fun and Games at Giggles Located in the Gallatin Valley Mall, Bozeman 406.552.TOYS (8697) Join us on Facebook & Instagram Specialty Toys Games Novelty Items & MORE available here


Inspiring local stories, activities and events for your family, during the holiday season from Thanksgiving through the New Year

Gratitude & Giving Back

Gratitude seems so obvious and simple; we’ve all heard about its benefits before. And yet the profoundness of practicing the often subtle, daily act of gratitude can drastically change our mindset and emotional landscape.

And, as with most things in life that are truly good for us, we want our kids to have access to it too. I truly believe that our kids can be one step more evolved than we are if we share the wisdom of what we learn, so that they may benefit.

Having a tangible gratitude practice is one of those things.

Most of us know of the important and benevolent work of Brene Brown. Brene is a leading researcher on shame, vulnerability and leadership, and I find her findings on gratitude quite interesting.

Gratitude brings us joy, not the other way around ~ Brene Brown on Joy and Gratitude

“The relationship between joy and gratitude was one of the important things I found in my research. I wasn’t expecting it. In my 12 years of research on 11,000 pieces of data, I did not interview one person who had described themselves as joyful, who also did not actively practice gratitude.

For me it was very counterintuitive because I went into the research thinking that the relationship

between joy and gratitude was: If you are joyful, you should be grateful. But it wasn’t that way at all.

Instead, practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives.

Practice is the part that really changed my life, that really changed my family and the way we live every day. When I say practice gratitude, I don’t mean "the-attitude-of-gratitude" or feeling grateful, I mean practicing gratitude.

These folks shared in common a tangible gratitude practice.” A tangible gratitude practice is something we’re actively participating in. It could be writing down daily what you’re thankful for, or sharing with each other at family dinners. Brene goes on to write:

“[Having a gratitude practice has] been extraordinary because not only does it invite more joy into our house, it also is such a soulful window into what is going on in my kids’ lives. There are some days when my eighth-grader will say, ‘I’m joyful that there is a huge thick wall between my room and my brother’s room.’ She’ll say something very honest. But recently she had a friend whose mother died. For a month she would say, ‘I’m just so grateful you all are healthy right now.’

Not only did it make us all more aware of what we had and more willing to slow down and really be thankful for the joyful moments we had, but it also let me know where she was emotionally in her life.

My son often says, ‘I’m grateful for bugs.’ ‘I’m grateful for frogs.’ But sometimes he’ll say, ‘I’m grateful that you picked me up early.’ Or ‘I’m grateful that I finally understand adjectives.’”

Oftentimes kids really just need someone to hold the space for them without expectation. And I love that that’s what she’s doing here. Holding space, and letting our kids surprise us.

Let this practice feel easy and natural!

This practice doesn’t have to be serious or strenuous – let it be fun!

I often incorporate this on the walk to school with my daughter. I’ll take a deep breath and comment on something I appreciate about the day or the weather and something that my heart feels thankful for. Then I’ll ask her what she’s thankful for that day. It really does give me a beautiful glimpse into what’s going on in that heart and mind of hers! Sometimes it’s obvious and sometimes it feels completely out of left field, but I love knowing what she’s been processing or carrying.

We also often do this at our family dinners. It might be as simple as, “Thank you farmers,” etc. for the fresh food before us. Or in the form of a “sweet and sour” – something challenging about the day, and something that made you feel happy.

Another thing I started doing as a little girl was listing off all the things I was grateful for as I

14 holidays 2022

was trying to get to sleep. I realized it always put me into a peaceful slumber. I do this as an adult now too, and it works. I’ve also just started sharing this with my 6-year-old daughter to help her rest easy at night. It’s so beautiful to do together, and I’m grateful she’ll have it as a tool for life.

Giving back as a family

The flip side of gratitude is being of service to others. They are one and the same.

The Guatemalan spiritual lineage I was trained in taught me how to be of service to the earth and our community. We were taught to first offer, then to ask or receive. It connects us to our roots and gives us a sense of belonging and purpose that we all so badly need to anchor ourselves.

It’s important to have a sense of purpose and belonging for simply existing that doesn’t depend on external benchmarks of achievement (like grades or to-do lists, the house you live in or the money in your bank account). We belong simply because we exist. And part of existing is being in a community. And part of being in a community is supporting each other when we need it.

We do this in our family by sponsoring a couple of families every holiday season and talking to our daughter about why some people might be having a hard time so we are doing what we can to help make their season feel a bit more

peaceful and happier. (You can simply Google “sponsor a family” and your town and see what comes up or ask your local school if they have any programs like this.)

It can also be visiting your elderly neighbors and having tea with them.

Or volunteering at the pay-what-you-can food kitchen (check out Fork and Spoon in Bozeman).

Creating a feel-good cycle and positive impact

Giving back gives us a sense of fulfillment and can also drastically change our mood for the better. It initiates a feel-good cycle that, when also paired with an active daily gratitude practice, can really carry us through the holiday season and hopefully the year to come.

So, give gratitude practice a try for at least 30 days, and plan some ways to give back this year as a family. Let yourself be surprised at how it nourishes and connects your family on so many levels.


Bozeman Health Pediatrics on the Deaconess Regional Medical Center campus.

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Learn more at or call Bozeman Health Pediatrics at 406-414-4570.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 15
Jessica Cartwright is a mama, yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Women’s Health Specialist, birth doula and co-founder of Our Yoga Family, Bozeman’s family yoga studio. She is also a featured writer for Elephant Journal, So Much Yoga and BOHO Daily
in collabora�on with Some photos of the fam, some from Guatemala and one is of the items we donated to sponsor several families through the yoga studio last holiday season!

Christmas Our Way… You Can Hit the Highway

Family Christmases have always created fond memories for both my husband and me, but in very, very different ways. As a child I remember small Christmases with just my brother and parents, and occasionally my grandma, but they were all quiet. There would be a random Christmas every five to eight years that involved cousins, aunts, uncles and various friends, which always ended in drama, an ER visit or someone leaving because they were mad (these memories are less fond). My husband describes loud, chaotic Christmases that involved all family members and often multiple gatherings with each side of his family (pretty much my nightmare). These differences in our Christmas traditions led to some discrepancies in our holiday planning when we embarked on our lives together.

Our first two Christamases were spent in Alaska, because traveling was too expensive and we couldn’t afford to go home. We had a good mix of both quiet and chaotic: We spent enough time just the two of us mixed in with work holiday parties and medium-sized gatherings with family and friends. We both felt satisfied with the holidays and how they were spent.

This all changed when we moved back to the lower 48 and had kids. We went through a phase of trying to make grandparents happy and embarked on a four-year rotation of holidays between each other’s families. Year one involved Christmas in Bozeman with a newborn and extended family. Year two was Christmas in St. Louis with my husband’s family. Year three was back in Bozeman, just the three of us

(my dream). And then year four was in Bismarck with my family. And the cycle continued until Christmas in St. Louis put an end to that in 2019. The trip and family time were great, but the amount of work that went into planning, packing, traveling and coordinating with “Santa” left me tired, anxious and dreading Christmas for years to come. When we returned home my husband and I were tired and worn out, and we agreed that traveling over the holidays with young kids was not our jam. We made the decision then and there that all future Christmases would be spent in Bozeman at our house. Extended family, of course, could join us, but traveling was not going to be a part of our holiday plans. This went over well with our kids. Over the years we always heard that our family Christmases at home, just the four of us, were their favorite. When telling the grandparents, however, things didn’t go quite as well. There were ifs, ands and buts, and all the guilt trips you could imagine, but we held our ground and I could feel the stress leaving my body as thoughts of future Christmases at home floated through my mind.

Now, with two consecutive at-home Christmases under our belt and the third soon on the way, I am happy. There is still stress as the holiday season approaches, but it is manageable and the pit in my stomach isn’t there. And all four of us look forward to the fast-approaching holiday season and making our very own family memories our way, whether quiet or chaotic.

16 holidays 2022
Ali Schweitzer, DC is the owner/chiropractor at Active Family Chiropractic & Wellness, mother of two and relaxing holiday enthusiast.
:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 17 Holiday Sleigh Rides & Farm To Table Dining For A Family Adventure Or A Date Night Out No mb 19-27 Yellowstone Ski Festival cemb 9 Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe 15 West Entrance to Yellowstone Park Opens 17 SPAM Cup and Biathlon (Nordic Ski) 17 Annual Christmas Stroll 17 Kids’N’Snow J u y 6 Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe 7 Free Ski & Try Biathlon Day 7 Kids’N’Snow 8 West Yellowstone/Hebgen Lake NAIFC Ice Fishing Qualifier Tournament 21-22 Sled Dog Fun Run Races Febru y 3 Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe 4 Kids’N’Snow 8-10 Sled Dog Yellowstone Special Races 11 Taste of the Trails (Nordic Ski/Snowshoe) M ch 4 Yellowstone Rendezvous Race (Nordic Ski) 4 Kids’N’Snow 10 Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe 15 West Entrance to Yellowstone Park Closes The of Winter Fun EVENTS 2022/2023 #HeartOfYellowstone For activities, dining and lodging info: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

Nutcracker, The Bozeman Original

December 3 and 4, 2022

Celebrating 39 years in Bozeman, the one-andonly original MBC’s Nutcracker returns to the Willson Auditorium on December 3 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and December 4 at 2 p.m.

New this year, MBC is delighted to partner with the Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter to promote animal adoptions. HOV’s mission is to compassionately shelter the lost and surrendered pets of Gallatin and Madison Valleys, and to enhance the lives of people and companion animals through pet adoption and education.

As a special treat, a four-legged furry friend will join the cast and make their stage debut during MBC’s Nutcracker performances.

In tradition, MBC is thrilled to welcome exceptional guest artists from across the country who will join MBC’s own company dancers and more than 100 dancers from the community.

MBC will once again collaborate with the Bozeman Symphony Orchestra playing Tchaikovsky’s beloved score. Maestro Lee Mills, Associate Conductor of the Seattle Symphony and five-time winner of the Solti Foundation U.S. Career Assistance Award, will conduct.

First performed in the lobby of First Security Bank in 1983, MBC’s Nutcracker is held the first weekend in December and has become synonymous with the Bozeman Christmas Stroll. This production is a cherished holiday tradition for countless performers and their families and friends, as well as the thousands of audience members who share in the experience year after year.

MBC’s Nutcracker is one of the largest artistic collaborations in the region featuring the talents of master choreographers, distinguished guest artists, accomplished dancers, live musicians, seasoned stage technicians, costume and lighting designers, and a host of dedicated volunteers. MBC’s Nutcracker is a treat for the entire family.

All three performances sold out in 2021. Purchase tickets early to join the celebration by contacting the Montana Ballet Company at 406.582.8702 or online at www. All seating is reserved. Ticket prices range from $22 to $68.

Season after season, MBC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, produces quality performances, enchanting audiences with new and updated artistry of dance, choreography, music, and design. MBC’s 39th Annual production of The Nutcracker promises to be dazzling! For more information please contact: Montana Ballet Company, 406.582.8702 |

18 holidays 2022

Classic Thanksgiving

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 19
Dinner A Locally made, chef prepared, family-style meal delivered. * Roasted Carved Turkey * Gravy with Fresh Herbs * Cranberry Orange Sauce * Creamy Buttered Mashed Potatoes * Herbed Stuffing * Shredded Brussel Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette * Large Dinner Rolls * Pumpkin Pie * Pecan Pie Place your order at ORDERSUPDELIVERY.COM or call 406-662-1262 ORDER CUT OFF November 15 DELIVERED WEDNESDAY November 23 before 5pm Feeds 6 or 12 Dinner for 6 $250 | Dinner for 12 $425 All parts of dinner will be cooked and will come with simple reheating instructions. October 1, 8 & 29 November 12 & 19 December 3, 17 & 31 January 14 & 28 Sponsors & Partners: Broken Ground, Montana Parent, Bozeman Community Coop, Gallatin Valley Botanical, Montana Ale Works, Gallatin Valley Farm to School LOCAL VEGGIES ALL WINTER! February 4 & 18 March 18 & 25 April 15 & 29 May 13 & 27 SATURDAYS · 9 A.M. - NOON OCTOBER - MAY Gallatin County Fairgrounds Greens · Vegetables · Meat · Cheese · Eggs · Honey · Bread · Jam · Tea · Coffee · Breakfast FOOD · FUN · MUSIC Credit Cards and Double SNAP EBT accepted.



The Advent Calendar

Every year, I put together an advent calendar for my children, my niece and nephews, and a few bonus kiddos. What started as a COVID project has become a favorite holiday tradition for my children. For me, it has been quite the learning experience.

I’m sure many of you can relate: An idea based on good intentions becomes a very overdone and intense effort. Sound familiar? Imagine me standing in my basement with 24 gifts to wrap for nine kids in total.

What I thought would give me a sense of joy soon filled me with disgust and complete embarrassment. Did I really just buy 216 (24 gifts x 9 kids) gifts, wrap them and give them to children thinking this would teach them anything good? The plastic consumption alone was enough to make me squirm. The money spent was cringe-worthy.

I eventually realized that the FOMO I feel from all the things I didn’t have growing up, or what I see other parents doing for their kids, led me astray. This mindset doesn’t teach them the values I want them to have, nor does it give me any sense of doing good for the community.

It was all too much.

I’ve evolved since those first few years, and I believe I’ve come up with the secret sauce for an advent calendar that supports local Helena shops, isn’t jam-packed with toys, teaches gratitude and is fun to boot.

Date Activity Location for supplies

Thursday December 1 Shared: Gingerbread house Vans, Costco, Target

Friday December 2 Challenge: #1 See page 21

Saturday December 3 Craft: Christmas Fortune Teller Printable Link on page 21

Sunday December 4 Small trinket or doodad General Mercantile

Monday December 5 Challenge: #2 See page 21

Tuesday December 6 Carousel token Great Northern Carousel

Wednesday December 7 Chocolate coin or wafers The Parrot Confectionery

Thursday December 8 Book Montana Book Company

Friday December 9 Sticker by Number Sheet Montana Book Company

Saturday December 10 Shared: Cookie Making Vans (Target/Walmart for cookie cutters)

Sunday December 11 3d Animal Puzzle Montana Book Company

Monday December 12 Challenge #3 See page 21

Tuesday December 13 Big Dipper Card Big Dipper

Wednesday December 14 Reindeer bookmark Link on page 21

Thursday December 15 Carousel token Great Northern Carousel

Friday December 16 Oranges (they will wonder why) - Make an orange garland Vans Garland instruction link on page 21

Saturday December 17 Chocolate coin or wafers The Parrot Confectionery

Sunday December 18 Challenge #4 See page 21

Monday December 19 Candy toy Vans

Tuesday December 20 Play-Doh (snowmen, gingerbread men) Colors white, black, green, red, brown, red Target

Wednesday December 21 Star garland for the tree (blue and white or red and green) Link on page 21

Thursday December 22 Challenge #5 See page 21

Friday December 23 Perler Bead (snowman, wreath, reindeer, santa, snowman) Walmart

Saturday December 24 Christmas Pancake Kit Vans (Use cookie cutters + food coloring)

20 holidays 2022


» Everything on the list is customizable based on age.

» I buy one “sticker by number” book and give out individual pages rather than a whole book per kid.

» I schedule the art/crafts for the weekends, as we all know the work week can be trying.

Challenges: Write the challenge out and place in envelope

#1- Did you know that many elderly people live in retirement or nursing homes and don't recieve a lot of mail from family? Your challenge today is to write and decorate a card to one of these people. You can have your parents send the card to: A Grandparent in need of extra love at Edgewood Home/ 3207 Colonial Dr, Helena, MT 59601

#2- Your mission is to clean your entire room or playroom using just your feet!

#3- Today your goal is to write a list of 10 people in your life that mean the most to you. Be sure to write down why they matter to you.

#4 - School is almost out! Create a holiday card for a friend or teacher from school who means a lot to you.

#5 - Your parents do a lot for you during the holidays! Your challenge today is to write your grown-up a card thanking them for all the things they do for you. Be sure to get specific and list a few things you love about them.


Ç Fortune Teller

Ç Reindeer Bookmark reindeer-origami-corner-bookmark/

Ç Star Garland

Ç Orange Garland

Blair Fjeseth is a working professional and proud Montana mom. You can reach her at Follow her Instagram @blair_mt for more adventures.

Note: This Advent Calendar is designed for Helena families, but you can easily adapt it to your town. The businesses featured in this article are used as examples, contact for availability. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Let the Ridge Party Specialists help you with your child’s next birthday party! Kids will have a blast in the pool, bounce house, PlayZone, or gym. Choose a birthday party location plus ala carte options to design the perfect 2-hour party for your child. Call for Saturday and Sunday party availability. 4181 Fallon St., Bozeman, MT 59718 (406) 586-1737 • FIND US ON SCHEDULICITY OR CALL (406) 586-2816 BOOK NOW

Santa Claus is coming to town!

It’s right around the corner! Santa Claus is beginning to prepare his reindeer to make his way to Gallatin Valley Mall for photos starting November 25. Visit the beautifully reimagined photo set, spend quality time chatting with the man himself, and go home with special memories captured by Winslow Studio.

For the first time ever, the Santa Experience will be located in a storefront (across from Maurices) that will be transformed into a magical Santa Land that’s sure to impress.

Santa will be available Wednesday through Sunday and his detailed schedule is coming soon to events.

Make memories this holiday season at Gallatin Valley Mall.

16th Annual

Huffing for Stuffing

November 24, 2022

HRDC’s 16th Annual Huffing for Stuffing Thanksgiving Day tradition continues this year, virtually throughout the month of November and in-person at the Museum of the Rockies on November 24.

Participate in a 10k ($25), 5k ($25), 5k Fun Run ($25/ untimed), Kids Run ($12) or Virtual 5k Run/Walk ($15).

If your schedule does not work with the in-person race, or you are out of state, you can still participate by running anytime between November 1 and 24. Submit your time by 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning to be considered for the age-based prizes.

This annual event has provided more than half a million dollars in funding for the Gallatin Valley Food Bank since its inception in 2007. Thanks to the community-wide support received, in all of its forms, HRDC is able to do profoundly good work. Daily, the Food Bank helps to alle viate hunger by providing nutritious groceries to people who are struggling to make ends meet. Thank you for supporting this mission and ensuring no one goes to bed hungry.

To register, volunteer or for more information, visit:

22 holidays 2022
:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 23 The 2022 Roots Family Collaborative Perinatal Guide is always available online at Resources For Pregnancy to Parenthood • PERINATAL GUIDE •20 22 This guide was made Possible in part by: YOU ARE NOT ALONE The Gallatin Valley has many professional resources to help local families on their journey to parenthood. With this guide, new parents and providers will be able to connect the dots of support in our community. Want to be featured in the 2023 Roots Family Collaborative Perinatal Guide? If you want to be listed, you must fill out an application and meet eligibility requirements. Please contact Suzanne Bendick of Roots Family Collaborative at or 406-570-0738. If you are interested in purchasing an ad in the Roots Wellness Guide, please contact your account representative at Montana Parent or WIC is increasing its Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for program participants! The CVB is credited with improving the diets of WIC families. With this increase, WIC participants can buy and consume even more healthy fruits and vegetables! • $25 per child • $44 Pregnant & Postpartum Women • $49 Fully/Partially Breastfeeding 1.800.433.4298 This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Downtown Bozeman Holiday Events

Ladies’ Night

November 17, 2022

Nobody enjoys holiday shopping more than the ladies, and this event gives them MORE of what they’re craving…a fun, stress-free evening of dining and holiday shopping in downtown Bozeman! On November 17 from 5-10 p.m. there will be specials and promotions at more than 50 downtown retailers and restaurants. So, grab your friends and come downtown on Thursday night the week before Thanksgiving for a fun holiday shopping experience.

Small Business Saturday

November 26, 2022

Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year. On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, millions of Americans will shop small at their favorite local stores and help fuel their local economies. Downtown Bozeman has many amazing small businesses that would like to welcome customers on SBS with varied promotions and activities. When we all shop small, it will be huge.

24 holidays 2022

Christmas Stroll

December 3, 2022

Be a part of downtown Bozeman’s greatest holiday tradition…the Christmas Stroll. Always held on the first Saturday in December from 4:30-7:30 p.m., the stroll officially kicks off the holiday season. First, Santa Claus works his way down Main Street, singing Christmas carols and lighting the downtown holiday lights with more than 5,000 people in tow to help get everyone into the holiday spirit. Then enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides, pictures with Santa Claus, entertainment, holiday treats and much more. Buttons will be available for purchase after Thanksgiving at various Bozeman locations.

Winter Art Walk

December 9, 2022

The Downtown Bozeman Association and participating art galleries and businesses invite you to a special “Winter” Art Walk on December 9 from 6-8 p.m. Many galleries will feature artists’ openings and receptions and often provide hors d’oeuvres and complimentary refreshments. It’s also a wonderful chance to stroll downtown Bozeman, take in some art and culture while also holiday shopping.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 25
+ Potential openings in our Primary classrooms ages 3- 6 years old. + Unique Learning Environments, MUST SEE! + Our highly trained staff love serving families and children Join us for a virtual tour to learn more about our centers! Locations at Equestrian Ln. and Enterprise Blvd. CONTACT US TODAY! (406) 600-8098 Inquire about potential scholarship opportunities

Permission Permission

ADHD & The Island of Misfit Toys: Keeping spirits bright through the Holidays

Ah, the holidays! That magical time when parents pull out all the stops to bring their kiddos the best. All the presents, parties, decorating, crafting, baking and more of the jolly-ole’-stuff we do is fabulous, and it’s often hard for even the most organized of neurotypical parents to manage. The same is true for our ADHD kiddos and teens… the stimulation and novelty we bring them is fabulous; however, if we’re not careful, it can be exhausting leading to irritability and/or withdrawal, and yes, the occasional meltdown in the midst of even the best of holiday gatherings.

So, what’s behind this overwhelm and meltdown potential when you’ve been working so hard to pull off the perfect season? The answer may surprise you, as it intends to remain a secret.

Yes, it’s all the typical ADHD stuff like overstimulation that leads to overwhelm, and emotional sensitivity and self-regulation challenges that lead to meltdown, but there may be a hidden factor in your child’s ADHD struggles. It’s hidden because the very experience itself demands secrecy and is hard for even neurotypicals to discuss. What’s left is a conundrum of avoiding the very thing that nags at all of us as humans, especially ADHDers. The thing is the “SH” word. It’s shame. So, if shame’s a common ADHD experience but no one wants to talk about it, what’s an ADHDer to do?

It’s a good question, and one that can be compared to the 1964 Christmas classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. You know…the one with Berl Ives as the snowman? Yes, that one!

You see, growing up with ADHD is too often an experience like that of Rudolph, Hermey and those neurodivergent souls, so to speak, on The Island of Misfit Toys. It’s similar in that ADHDers are often treated as though there is something wrong with them and they don’t “fit

in.” They realize early they are either too much of something or not enough of another…just not quite able to be, or stay, acceptable enough to belong with other “normal” reindeer and elves.

And then there’s Santa. His behavior is very shaming until he is forced to see Rudolph’s gifts. He displays the essence of Brene Brown’s popular definition of shame, which is to ostracize Rudolph because of his difference leading him to believe in his mind and feel in his body he is unworthy of love and belonging ( This essence is similar to what ADHDers go through every day just trying to fit in with neurotypical systems. It’s what contributes to the 80% of ADHDers who also experience anxiety, depression, and/ or other mental health struggles on top of their ADHD (Katzman, et. al., 2017)…or their red nose, or need to be a dentist in a colony of elves, or to be loved by a child even if you’re not just like all the rest.

The essence is shame and a sense of being incapable and unwanted, and too often lost on The Island of Misfit Toys called ADHD. It’s just trying to fit in while searching for understanding and acceptance as the unique, creative, intuitive and intelligent souls ADHDers are with lots to contribute and say, all looking for Santa to see them and welcome them into the tribe.

So, in a season that’s hard for even the best of holiday hosts to stay confident, pay attention to how your ADHDer may feel when faced with such fast-paced perfectionism. Keep their season bright by helping them feel wanted and included at every holiday gathering.

Happy Holidays!

Marise Rowell is an LCPC in Montana at ExperiencingChange. com who has and specializes in ADHD. She's learned traditional therapy models are not best practice for ADHD, so she is creating an innovative ADHD Healing Community at

26 holidays 2022
to be ADHDto be ADHD An Innovative ADHD Healing Community Uncomplicate your ADHD life in a safe community where you'll find dignity and belonging Scan above with your phone's camera, or visit our website: Start today down your own Pathway to Permission to be ADHD

Festival of Trees Rings in the Helena Holiday Season

Held the week after Thanksgiving, the Intermountain Festival of Trees will take place this November 30 through December 4 with festivities for the whole family. This year’s theme is “Christmas Bells & Seashells,” encouraging everyone to celebrate the holiday season while helping Intermountain provide hope for calmer waters and brighter days for children and families throughout Montana. Talented teams of tree designers spend all year planning and perfecting their stunning tree displays to present at the Civic Center and businesses throughout the community.

The fun starts early. Beginning in mid-November, you can visit several festival community trees at Helena businesses throughout town. These trees are available via mobile bidding beginning mid-November. Bidding closes Sunday, December 4. Trees will be delivered to winning bidders’ Helena homes. Collect Family Fun Passport stickers from participating locations for a chance to win prizes. Printable passports and a list of locations can be found on the event website.

Festival of Trees officially kicks off on Wednesday, November 30 with Tea in the Trees. Enjoy tea and a catered lunch while viewing the stylishly set hostess tea tables and festival tree displays. Bid on silent auction items while enjoying live piano music. Tables fill up fast and tickets are limited.

On Thursday, December 1 from 5-9 p.m., the celebration continues with Evening in the Trees, an age 16 and over event, with live music by David and Deidre Casey, gourmet appetizers and complimentary champagne and sparkling cider. Tickets are $25 in advance.

The whole family is invited to Family Fun Days, Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4. Kids can create crafts in Fun Land, visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, decorate cookies, enjoy holiday performances and more. Be sure to visit the ballroom of festival trees and peruse the silent auction on the mezzanine where hundreds of beautifully decorated trees, wreaths and gift baskets are on display. Bid on your favorites. Tickets are $4 per person. Children ages 3 and under are free. Tickets go on sale November 1 at

On Saturday night, revelers aged 21 and older will rock the night away at Jingle Bell Jam, featuring live music. Catch your breath with a stroll through the trees and silent auction items. Head over to the Festival of Trees website for concert details.

Find more information online, including volunteer opportunities, tickets and more: FAST Enterprises is once again the generous premier sponsor of Festival of Trees.

Intermountain is a nationally recognized nonprofit and a pioneering agency in the areas of mental and behavioral health that restores hope for children and families through residential, school-based and outpatient therapeutic services. Founded in 1909 as the Montana Deaconess School in Helena, it has grown in the last 113 years to address the changing needs across the state, now offering services in the Helena area, Flathead Valley, Billings, Bozeman and Missoula.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 27
The Intermountain Festival of Trees, Helena’s premier holiday event, returns to the Helena Civic Center for its 35th year.

Holiday Happenings in Helena

Helena offers many community activities to get you in the holiday spirit. Kick off the season at Helena’s historic walking mall by attending the Fall Art Walk November 11 from 4 to 8 p.m. Explore downtown Helena, support local businesses and admire the work of a variety of talented local artists. There will be free food and beverages, live music and door prizes.

Head back downtown on November 25 for a favorite local tradition, the Parade of Lights. Wear a warm jacket, bring some blankets and hot chocolate to watch the parade as it makes its way down Last Chance Gulch to Anchor Park. The parade starts at 6 p.m. Be sure to keep an eye out for Santa! After the parade, turn your head to Helena’s iconic Fire Tower and count down to its annual holiday lighting, which will take place at 8 p.m.

Traditional meets contemporary for an exciting and magical rock ’n roll rendition of The Nutcracker. Shira Greenberg’s Nutcracker on the Rocks will be performed November 26 and 27 at the Helena Civic Center. Nutcracker on the Rocks originated in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1996 and was performed there for 20 years. Helena now holds the honor of being the only location where this inventive production is staged. 2022 marks the Sixth Annual Nutcracker on the Rocks season in Helena.

The 35th Annual Festival of Trees takes place from November 30 through December 4 at the Helena Civic Center. This year’s theme is Christmas Bells and Seashells. Family Fun Days are December 3 and 4. Kids will be able to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus and have opportunities to craft and decorate cookies.

If you’re looking for unique holiday gifts, Handmade Montana is holding the Helena Holiday MADE Fair at the Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds on December 2 and 3. Entry will be free on December 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will more than 180 talented artisans showing off their wares. You will also find local nonprofits, activities and delicious food and beverages.

28 holidays 2022

Helena’s Grandstreet Theatre will be performing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Jr. December 2 through 18. Filled with recognizable characters and holiday tunes, this musical adaptation of the beloved television special will delight both young and old.

Opening day of the Memorial Park Ice Rink is scheduled for December 23 (dependent upon weather/ice). This is the perfect time to take the family skating. Skating after dark is extra festive as the rink is lit by twinkling lights. There will be free hot chocolate at the rink on Christmas Eve and operational hours will be expanded during the Helena School District’s winter break.

Be sure to follow Montana Parent of Helena on Facebook and Montana Parent on Instagram to stay updated on activities and events throughout the season.

Andrea Hill is the Social Media Manager for Montana Parent. She is a native Montanan who loves to explore all of Montana’s treasures. Follow her Instagram @andapanda1212 to see adventures, but mostly her two Labrador Retrievers and newly adopted kitten.


eep learning—even when school’s out! This year, MOSS is partnering with the Museum of the Rockies and Crosscut Mountain Sports Center for a variety of super fun day-camp options. Our cool themes

Tiny Nature Sticky, Slimy Nature Nature’s Creepiest Science Superheroes

Break Camp

9:00am - 5:00pm MOSS, MOR, Crosscut $80 per day for MOSS members;

UTDOOR S CIENCE.ORG 406-582-0526


Join MOSS on Tuesday after noons September-November and March-May to explore lo cal science in a fun new way!

• Nature Art

• Airborne Engineers

• Wild Survival

• Snow Party

• Out of Hibernation

• Baby Animals GRADES: K - 5 TIME: 3:30pm - 5:30pm


COST: $100 per session for MOSS members; $105 for non-members

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 29
Montana’s Big 5 Spring
$85 for non-membersNEW THIS YEAR! FALL PIR DAY FIELD TRIPS TO CROSSCUT FOR GRADES 3-5! For details, and to register, visit
Check out our Livingston PIR camps! SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! HRDC Early Childhood HEducation RDC Early Childhood Education We provide a Wcomprehensive e provide a comprehensive approach that supports the awhole pproach that supports the whole family and your child's fdevelopment amily and your child's development 406-586-9652 Contact us for more Cinfo! ontact us for more info! No Cost Nfor o Cost for Eligible EFamilies ligible Families Belgrade, Bozeman and Livingston CHILDREN C3-5 HILDREN 3-5 *This is an equal opportunity provider


activity guide



Art school

State of Play

221 E. Oak St., Suite 1-C


After-school DROP-OFF art school for children ages 4 and up is now available at State of Play. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. and will last all fall semester. Choose one day or both. Sign up NOW, space is limited.

Classical Ballet Instruction for All Ages

Montana Ballet Company

2304 N. Seventh Ave., Suite C-3


Montana Ballet Company offers fine classical ballet instruction for all ages and levels in a fun, educational and nurturing environment. Classes are held Monday through Saturday, with performing opportunities available. MBC is a nonprofit arts and education organization in its 39th annual season. Classes are taught by a professional faculty with a focus on health and wellness and the whole dancer.

MOSS School's Out (PIR) Camps and Tuesday Science

4056 Bridger Canyon Rd.


Looking for something a little extra for days when your mini-scientist is out of school? MOSS PIR Camps expose kids to a variety of science careers and engaging lessons to pique their interests.

Tuesday Science - Join MOSS for two hours on Tuesday afternoons to participate in place-based lessons, hands-on activities about natural science and instructor-led nature hikes. Each month-long session revolves around an exciting science topic, the perfect variety to keep kids engaged. Great for homeschool students or families looking for an afterschool program.

Science Day Camps Montana Science Center

2744 W. Main St.

406-522-9087 MontanaScienceCenter

Hands-on, interactive science-themed day camps each day while school is out. Join MSC for engineering, science and chemistry activities each PIR Day and Winter Break. Each camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes time in the high-tech makerspace, STEAMlab. Optional aftercare available.

30 holidays 2022
:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 31 STEAM Exploration Bozeman Public Library Ç 626 E. Main St. Ç 406-582-2420 Ç Ç Ç Ç Explore science, technology, engineering, art and math at your Bozeman Public Library. Visit the Children's Room anytime during open hours for a special hands-on learning activity, especially for kids in grades K-5 and their caregivers. Programs will change monthly. Waldorf Forest School Epoch Ç 1778 Moffit Gulch Ç 512-680-1671 Ç Ç Ç Epoch is a Waldorf Forest School for grade school students. Planning to add an early childhood program soon, Epoch offers after-school clubs, enrichment classes, community dinners, traditional Waldorf festivals yearround and culture trips. After-school & PIR DAY activity guide Call 406.222.3541 Visit Let our team of experts provide you with awardwinning care to keep you healthy in every stage of life. We're here for you— every step of the way.
32 holidays 2022 LIVINGSTON Friday Field Day Program in Partnership with Montana Outdoor Science School EDUCATIO Rad School Ç 129 S. Main St. Ç 406-202-8201 Ç Ç Ç Ç On Fridays throughout the school year EDUCATIO aims to get kids outside exploring their backyard and learning about themselves and our world. This fall and spring they will be partnering with Montana Outdoor Science School for STEM curriculum and activities. In the winter session they will head to Bridger Bowl for skiing. Fall Theme: WATERSHEDS! Ecology, Change and Stewardship Students will observe plants, animals, invertebrates and geology of our local watersheds; investigate how they change and the power, impacts and benefits of floods; and discover all the gifts of this shared treasure and how we can give back as stewards. PHOTO S. WILLARD After-school & PIR DAY activity guide Offering After-School and/or PIR Day activities this year? Make sure families know and post your listing in the Montana Parent Fall/Winter 2022 After-School & PIR Day Activity guide. submit listings multiple sessions may be submitted through the entry form, also features a photo in the print/digital magazine and logo in the online activity finder. Listings will be live online, and in print/digital now through December 31, 2022. Cost is $75 per month. Listings must be submitted by the 15th of each month to be printed in the next month’s issue, or submit all sessions at once and they will remain online until each session is complete. After-school & PIR DAY activity guide Fall-Winter 2022 ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE CORA DESANTIS CORA@MTPARENT.COM | 406-579-0746 ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE ALEXIS BRILL ALEXIS@MTPARENT.COM | 406-223-2775 After-school & PIR DAY activity guide
:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 33 Another World of Children’s Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry • Braces flat screen televisions on the ceiling • game boys • movie theater • digital xrays • mercury free Improving & Maintaining The Oral Health of Infants, Children, Adolescents & Young Adults Doctor Todd Steinmetz 3502 Laramie Drive, Suite 1 Bozeman, Montana 59718 406.586.8112 CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH CENTER, P.C. A L P E N G I R L C A M P . C O M Open for Summer 2023 Camp Registration T E E N S U M M E R A D V E N T U R E C A M P S F O R G I R L S

Butterfly Transformation

Join Sadie and Heidi Soper for this beautiful cultivation of connection. We will have discussion and exercises around boundaries, body love, body language and volume. There will be movement so wear comfortable clothes. This journey will give you tools to nurture protect, guide and fly. Realign patterns joyfully and playfully. No partner needed you just need to be a daughter. Bring a water bottle and a smile.

Age 10+

November 19th and December 17th 1pm-4pm at Starlite Bozeman, 633 E Tamarack St

34 holidays 2022


Farmers Market

36 holidays 2022
What began more than 10 years ago as a small group of farmers selling veggies, the Bozeman Winter Farmers Market is now a large community of local farmers, ranchers, artisans, bakers and community members selling their winter produce and home-baked and homemade goods. The market is held from 9 a.m. to noon at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds in Exhibit Building 1 unless otherwise noted. BOZEMAN WINTER FARMERS MARKET DATES: Ç November 12 & 19* Ç December 3, 17* & 31  Ç January 14 & 28 Ç February 4 & 18 Ç March 18 & 25 Ç April 15 & 29 Ç May 13 & 27 *Exhibit Building 2 346 Gallatin Park Drive, Bozeman (406) 579-7692 ART • DANCE • MUSIC NATURE EXPLORATION Full Day 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or Half-Day 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Options Monday through Friday Year round Art and Nature based Preschool for 3-5 year olds

CHILDREN’S Festival of the Book

NOVEMBER 5, 2022

A gaggle of middle schoolers navigating friendship and crushes, a princess with a secret ninja identity and a kitty who knows she’s actually a unicorn – these characters populate books written and illustrated by New York Times bestselling children’s book creators Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham. Come meet these two creatives during the 2022 Bozeman Public Library Children’s Festival of the Book on Saturday, November 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Story Mill Recreation Center. The festival features writing workshops, author talks, playtime and is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit

The Children’s Festival of the Book is celebrating its 14th year of connecting young people with big-name professionals in their field. The festival bridges the distance between a Newbery Medal-winning author like Lois Lowry (2010 CFOB guest) and rural kids from the Gallatin Valley, empowering children to dream about sending their own stories out into the world one day. Don Tate (2021 CFOB guest) spoke about the power of meeting a black artist when he himself was a child and realizing that little black kids can grow up to be professional illustrators. CFOB teaches us that the stories we read and adore are created by people just like you and me.

Inspiring and feeding big dreams is the bread-and-butter work of the Bozeman Public Library, all year-round. The Youth Services Department provides children with opportunities to explore all of their curiosities. When toddlers explore simple machines, they build the foundations they’ll need to design and construct Bozeman’s next architectural marvels. When kids examine fossils, they envision themselves as future scientists, perhaps in MSU’s laboratories.

Nurture the dreams of the artists (big and little) in your family at this year’s Children’s Festival of the Book. You’ll walk away inspired to create.

2022 CHRISTMAS STROLL Gingerbread Contest

The Downtown Bozeman Association, Sweet Pea Festival and First Security Bank invite you to register for the 42nd Annual Christmas Stroll Gingerbread House Contest. Registration for the Gingerbread House Contest is live and can be accessed via along with contest rules. Community members of all ages are invited to participate in this festive and free Christmas Stroll tradition.

The Gingerbread House Contest registration closes on Friday, November 25 at 5 p.m.; entries must be delivered on Friday, December 2 between 2 and 6 p.m. to Sweet Pea Festival volunteers on the second floor of American Legion located at 225 E. Main St. in Bozeman (the entrance can be found east of the main entrance; elevator access is through the American Legion).


Children: 6 and under

Children: 7-12

Teens: 13-17

Adults: 18 and over

Professional Baker/Pastry Chef

In addition to the five categories, one “People’s Choice” award will be chosen by stroll attendees. “People’s Choice” ballots will be available at the door during Christmas Stroll for $1. All donations will go toward the Sweet Pea Festival.

Gingerbread houses are to be constructed prior to the event and will be on display at the American Legion’s Second Floor Event Space (225 E. Main, second floor) Saturday, December 3 from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. Winners will receive a ribbon for first, second and third place as well as a prize package including Downtown Dollars, Sweet Pea Festival day-passes, and other great prizes. Winners will be notified by the phone number or email address provided on the registration form.

Entries must be picked up on Sunday, December 4 between 12 and 4 p.m.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 37


Helena Fall Art Walk

NOVEMBER 11, 2022

Come explore downtown Helena on November 11 from 4 to 8 p.m. for the Fall Art Walk. Dozens of businesses and more than 100 local artists will be participating.

25th Annual Festival of Wines


This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Exchange Club of Helena’s Festival of Wines event, which raises funds for the Coats for Kids program in the Helena community.

Held from 7-10 p.m. at the Best Western Premier Helena Great Northern, the evening will feature wine tasting, appetizers, local brews, silent auction, raffles, live music from the Trevor Murray Band and more. For more information visit www.

38 holidays 2022
✦ Occupational and Physical Therapy ✦ Speech and Language Therapy ✦ Breastfeeding and Nutrition Services A warm and comfortable environment serving: Infants, Children and Women 300 N Willson Ave Suite #2005, Bozeman 406-587-2755 Comprehensive Therapy Services for Independence and Growth nowoffering anin-housesupportgroup “TheCozyCafe”

Yellowstone national park Entrance-Free


Yellowstone Ski Festival

NOVEMBER 19-27, 2022

Start the skiing season together with thousands of skiing enthusiasts, numerous famous skiers and lots of events and activities in West Yellowstone.

Every year during Thanksgiving week more than 3,500 cross-country skiers from all over North America come to West Yellowstone to take part in the Yellowstone Ski Festival. For over 30 years this event has marked the beginning of the Nordic ski season on the Rendezvous Ski Trails. The festival features a series of Nordic skiing master classes, competitive races, biathlon races, the On Snow Gear Demo and an indoor ski show.

You can test your own fitness and techniques on the trail or enjoy watching various events around town and meet some of the famous skiers. To keep up to date on the events, activities, details and updates visit Facebook @RendezvousSkiTrails, or Instagram Rendezvousskitrails1. You can also email with questions or call Freeheel & Wheel at 406-646-7744.

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west yellowstone H …inspiring people of all ages to FLY! After School Classes Aerial Fitness Mama & Me Teen/Adult Classes Private Lessons Find us online (406) 595-0909 Summer Camps Birthday Parties Performances Aerial Bartending The sky is the limit!

Take Advantage of Bozeman Trails This Winter

I remember the first time I went sledding down the Big Hill by myself. I climbed into my purple sled with yellow twine rope, and my mom gave me a gentle push to send me on my way. Later, my parents would say it was like watching a heat-seeking missile. My sled curved in course toward a boy standing at the bottom of the hill. We collided. His snow boots flew in the air, and he landed in the sled with me. We were both fine despite the drama. Now, my parents and I laugh about this memory each time the snow falls.

The wonderful thing about winter is that kids get a whole new landscape to play in. Southwest Montana is a winter wonderland. Adults and their young ones can play together by sledding, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing on our trails. Just remember to make sure the kiddos go to the bathroom before they get bundled up in their snowsuits.

I hope that my story about running into a little boy doesn’t scare people away from taking the kids in their life sledding. Peets Hill is an incredible place to sled. Park in the lot off of Church Street and walk up the hill as far as feels comfortable. There is also a berm built to catch sledders coming down the hill. I witnessed a young person sled all the way down Peets, get caught by the berm, and then sled down the berm to give them a head start in the walk back up the Big Hill. Genius. Gallatin Regional Park has a mellow little sledding hill with great views of the surrounding ponds from the top.

Can your little one walk? If so, they can snowshoe. This is a great way to spend some time in snow-covered trees. As a child, I enjoyed when adults in my life invited me to

walk quietly through a natural space. After five minutes or so, stop and invite everyone in your group to share what they were thinking about or observing in the quiet space. Highland Glen has a multi-use trail where families can enjoy views of the snow-capped mountains while out on a walk together. Just make sure to leave your dogs behind if you plan on visiting the Glen. Crosscut has snowshoe rentals as well as trails specifically dedicated to snowshoeing.

Cross-country skiing is another way to move through the snow globe that is Montana in the winter. The Bridger Ski Foundation grooms cross-country trails in Highland Glen, Sunset Hills, Sourdough Canyon, Sacajawea Middle School and the Bridger Creek Golf Course. These trails are open to the public, but if you are a regular skier, consider buying a family ski pass to support BSF in their grooming efforts. They also offer lessons if you and your little ones are new to skiing. Crosscut and Hyalite are also great places to go skiing, and Crosscut offers ski rentals and lessons as well.

It is important to take young people outside in the winter, to teach them how to catch snowflakes on their tongues, find the perfect branches to make a snowman and pull them around town in a sled. Hopefully, the misadventures you experience, like sending them down a hill in a sled before they really know how to steer it, will be fond memories they can look back on. No matter what winter adventure you share with your little one this season, it never hurts to cap off the day with a mug of hot chocolate and some pajamas fresh out of the dryer.

40 holidays 2022
Nell Gehrke is on the Trails Team at the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, a member of the Outside Kind Alliance.

Welcome, Dr. Wittekind!

Question: What is a pediatric cardiologist?


Healing with Heart in the Heart of Montana

Hello, my name is Dr. Sam Wittekind and I am a pediatric cardiologist at Bozeman Health in collaboration with Seattle Children’s. I am honored to be a regional cardiologist for the growing southwest Montana area. As Bozeman Health has expanded access to pediatric subspecialties like cardiology and orthopedics, I thought this would be a good time to address a few commonly asked questions from parents in the community.

Question: When would my child need to see a pediatric cardiologist?


Bozeman Health Pediatrics on the Deaconess Regional Medical Center campus.

A pediatric cardiologist is a doctor that specializes in the heart health of young people. I care for patients in many stages of life, including fetuses, newborns, toddlers, children, adolescents and even young adults. It is my job to work alongside your primary care provider to identify and treat serious heart disease when it exists. Treatment can involve watching closely, treating with medicine or offering a procedure to help the heart. I also see it as my job to help keep your child’s heart as healthy as possible through positive lifestyle choices like a high-quality diet and getting enough physical activity.

Dr. Wi�ekind is board cer�fied in pediatric cardiology and general pediatrics. Dr. Wi�ekind sees pediatric pa�ents for the care and treatment of congenital heart disease, fetal cardiology, cardiomyopathy, heart rhythm disorders, and preventa�ve cardiology.

Question: What does a pediatric cardiologist see/treat?


A child should see a pediatric cardiologist any time you or your primary care provider have a specific concern about the health of their heart. Common reasons we see patients include heart murmurs (extra heart sounds), palpitations (abnormal), chest discomfort and syncope (passing out). The potential of heart disease in your child can be scary, and I am pleased to help provide some clarity and put a good plan in place.

Question: Why is it beneficial for patients and for the community to have Bozeman Health be affiliated with a children’s hospital?


Cardiology care can be complex, and that is why pediatric cardiology is often a team sport. I am fortunate to be a staff cardiologist with the Seattle Children’s Heart Center so I can work seamlessly with world-class subspecialties when needed.

We also see patients with known heart conditions that require close monitoring and treatment into adulthood. With the population of Montana growing, we can expect more young patients with chronic heart conditions to be born here or move here in the coming years.

in collabora�on with

A pediatric cardiologist cares for patients with heart disease present at birth, so-called congenital heart disease and also heart disease that begins later in life. The heart can be thought of as a house having, 1) a plumbing system comprised of veins, arteries, heart muscle and valves in which the blood flows and, 2) an electrical system that controls the heart rate and rhythm. Various heart diseases affect one or both of these systems.

Learn more at or call Bozeman Health Pediatrics at 406-414-4570

As we learn more about the science behind pediatric heart conditions, we are understanding that some are due to changes in DNA, so we offer appropriate genetic testing and family screening when needed.

Question: How does a pediatric cardiologist work with pediatricians and other primary care providers?


I never make a big decision in care without input from you and your primary care provider. I communicate regularly with your primary care provider to make sure we are on the same page together.

Remember the heart-house analogy? Sometimes we need to pull in an interventional cardiologist or cardiothoracic surgeon to help treat a plumbing heart problem. Other times, an electrophysiologist is needed for an electrical heart problem. When we need the help of these subspecialists, I will help guide your child’s cardiology care, always keeping our shared goals in mind.

My family and I live in Bozeman and understand the importance of home, and the inconvenience of travel. Whenever possible, I’ll aim to keep your expert care close to home here in Montana.

Dr. Sam Wittekind sees pediatric cardiology patients age birth to 26 in the Bozeman Health Pediatrics clinic located at Bozeman Health Deaconess Regional Medical Center in Bozeman, Montana.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 41

Ask Flora

Q. “Why is my daughter starting to sass my husband and me since she turned 5?” – Jennifer S.

Q. “My soon to be 4-year-old doesn’t listen to my husband, me or her grandma. She is super respectful to teachers, her daycare lady, etc. but with us she pushes her boundaries and continues to do whatever she wants even after we ask her nicely to stop, give her options, distract her, etc. How do you get a child to listen?!” - Amy L.


Both of these are very normal patterns that I see in many families. First off, let’s talk about a child’s job. I once saw on a pediatrician’s website: “A child’s job is to test rules and boundaries, to see what happens when they do." And sometimes our kids clock in for that job with extra persistence when they are 2, others at age 5, and some more at school or at home.

In addition to this being normal, it’s a call that we need to respond to. It sounds like these sweet girls may need the boundaries to be clearer with outcomes instead of just words. That means not just saying, “Please stop,” but having outcomes like: “If you hit, you sit.” Or with the sass, it may be saying, “If you shout, I’m out.” In other words, I’ll walk away until you can speak in a calmer voice.

I’m not talking punitive time-outs or punishments, but ownership of the behavior, in a way that helps them to see that their choices have outcomes for THEM. This ownership concept is one of the top issues I see parents forgetting to focus on. If you have mostly been lecturing, talking and explaining how behaviors make you and others upset – you are owning the outcome of the negative behavior. The child is only hearing words, but not having any shift in how their world is impacted. When you start using follow-through, actions always speak louder than words, and most often have a HUGE impact in the child’s motivation to change their behavior and start listening.

In this column, you can ask your questions about parenting kids from ages 2 to 10 to Flora McCormick, Licensed Counselor & Parenting Coach.

Q. “Why does my 5-year-old misbehave when we play at the park with my 7-year-old and his friends? My youngest will end up throwing wood chips and whining when they don’t want to play a game his way. He isn’t like this at home.” - Wendy

A. I wonder if he may be doing those behaviors as an attempt to fit in with the older kids. Sometimes children in these circumstances will be so excited and want to show off to the big kids, looking for attention and a laugh. Here are three steps I would focus on using to change this pattern (and this recipe works for many situations where you want to change a behavior). I remember it by thinking, “Teach, Practice, Praise.”

1. Teach the replacement behavior. If you don’t want him to throw wood chips and whine, what can you teach him to do instead. Review the strategies he can use to ask for help from an adult, ask the big kids to play with him or how to engage with the kids in a game, even when it isn’t his top pick.

42 holidays 2022

Using a wheel of choices to visually show the

he has may help quite a bit. Here is an


2. Practice the replacement behavior. Don’t just say it, DO it. Role play with his superhero action figures or practice the options from this wheel when you are playing as a family, at home.

3. Praise the replacement behavior, when you see your child use those tools. THIS can be one of the hardest, and most powerful tools for changing behavior. Keep your eyes peeled for small moments where your child is being effective at asking for help, asking others to play, etc. – and offer praise and encouragement that focuses on what a big, mature, creative problem-solver he is.

To get more sanity-saving strategies for parenting young kids, join Flora’s Free Facebook Group: Sustainable Parenting. Questions for the next issue or wins/questions from this issue can be submitted to A special thank you to those who submit monthly questions.

:: calendars, blog & more @ MTPARENT.COM :: holidays 2022 43 WHEEL OF CHOICES for What to do when you are frustrated (with friends or siblings)
Flora McCormick, LCPC Ask them to STOP Talk it out Rock, Paper, Scissors Make a Plan for sharing Breathe & Cool off Get a hug from a grown-up Ignore it Walk away. Find another activity

Turner Farms 406 Farm Store offers everything from squash and carrots to beef, pork and lamb and local crafted products. During the holidays they will host several pop-up farmers markets with up to 20 vendors at their farm. They also offer holiday meal boxes. For more information visit

Turner Farms 406 continues to shine in suburban Missoula

Turner Farms 406, with its appealing farm store, market garage, hogs, sheep, pumpkin patch, vegetables and more, is an oasis amid the bustle of Missoula suburbia. The farm, which the Montana Farm Bureau Spokesman featured several years ago, has expanded by adding a few acres and renovated buildings, some from the Orchard Homes subdivision dating back to 1910.

The Turner family has been growing their farm since 2006, when the boys wanted to buy bunk beds and had to contribute to their bunk bed fund. They had been harvesting more than their share of corn and vegetables that year, so they got creative and set up a farm stand in the driveway for friends and family. The kids made enough money for bunk beds, and the family decided that selling their home-grown produce was an excellent small business they could all participate in and enjoy.

Since the Spokesman article, the Turner boys have grown up; two headed to college, and the youngest, Gus, to high school. Ethan returned after receiving a degree in agricultural business from Montana State University.

“After I graduated, my parents hired me as their farm manager,” Ethan said. “I’m developing a plan on where the farm is headed and taking care of the animals. Going through 4-H and FFA was my preliminary experience in agriculture, and attending the College of Ag at MSU was an educational and excellent experience. I looked around in college and realized many people didn’t understand where their food came from.”

Over time, the Northwest County Farm Bureau members switched from selling at farmers markets to having people come to the farm to purchase home-grown produce. Today, their produce is for sale via the honor system in their farm store, a

charmingly renovated horse barn, which opened in 2018. Most of their business is word-of-mouth, along with a website and social media.

The young farmer said that, in the urban/suburban interface, reaching out to the public with agri-tourism can generate additional income. The Turners repurposed a garage, now called their “Market Garage,” adding the necessary furniture and equipment which they rent for business parties, wedding receptions and other events.

Turner Farms held a farm-to-table event in August with 30 people attending. The Valentine’s Dinner in February (Gus’s project) brought people to a delicious farm-to-table event that raised money for the Montana Farm Bureau Foundation.

Although they still offer Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA), the job of harvesting the vegetables has switched from Ethan’s brothers and grandmother to farm interns from high school responsible for the CSA.

Ethan’s passion is educating young people about agriculture, and he has introduced a summer day camp where he hopes youth can learn the fundamentals of agriculture. The age groups include 6 to 7-year-old Sprouts and 8 to 13-year-old Young Farmers.

“I had some incredible teachers starting with 4-H, and I feel the need to pass that knowledge down.”

Rebecca Colnar is Director of Public Relations for Montana Farm Bureau and a freelance writer from Custer, Montana.

44 holidays 2022
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years of age to

Win four tickets to MBC’s

Annual Nutcracker at the Willson Auditorium on Saturday, December 3rd at 7pm.

one and only original, MBC’s Nutcracker features exceptional guest artists, the Bozeman Symphony, and more than 100 dancers from our community ~ truly a magical treat for the entire family.

Winner will be chosen at random and announced November

learn more about Montana Ballet Company, visit:

46 holidays 2022
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ENTER TO win Four Tickets to MBC’s NUTcracker MONTHLY GIVEAWAY NOV 2022 To
Photo: Rab Cummings Photo: Lauren Brown Photo: Lauren Brown
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