2016 April MontanaPBS Viewers Guide

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A Special Thank You! See page 23 for details A PR I L 2016

10 Homes That Changed America  Airs 7pm Tuesday, April 5

10 Parks That Changed America  Airs 7pm Tuesday, April 12

10 Towns That Changed America  Airs 7pm Tuesday, April 19


On the Cover

MontanaPBS Guide


APRIL 2016 · VOL. 29 · NO. 10 C O PY R IG H T © 2016 M O N TA N A PB S, A L L R IG H TS R ES ERV ED

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The Guide to MontanaPBS is printed monthly by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle for MontanaPBS and the Friends of MontanaPBS, Inc., a nonprofit corporation (501(c)3) P.O. Box 10715, Bozeman, MT 59719-0715. The publication is sent to contributors to MontanaPBS. Basic annual membership is $35. Nonprofit periodical postage paid at Bozeman, MT. PLEASE SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION TO:

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16.5 9.5






















17 Paradise & Shields River Valleys 20 Belgrade & Springhill Community 20 Billings 27 Emigrant & Chico Hot Springs 40 Sweet Grass Hills; Liberty, Toole & Hill Counties 49 Helena 63 Bridger, Fromberg and Belfry

Table of Contents




Jackie Robinson



11th & Grant: Steve Eckles MontanaPBS & World


7 Jazz 9 Independent

Lens: Welcome to Leith the Midwife Season 5 13 MontanaPBS Film Classics: Remains of the Day 15 NOVA: Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 17 Independent Lens: Democrats/Soft Vengeance 19 Frontline: Children of Syria 21 Detectorists 22 WEEKDAY PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS 23 WEEKEND PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS 24 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS Ready Jet Go! 25 A-Z PROGRAM LISTING MontanaPBS & World 28 A-Z PROGRAM LISTING Create 29 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS Kids 30 BUSINESS PARTNERS 11 Call

Thomas Jefferson called his Virginia estate Monticello his “essay in architecture.”

10 Homes That Changed America  7pm Tuesday, April 5 Also 4/7 1am, 4am Visit homes that transformed residential living, from grand estates like Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater to the pueblos of Taos, New Mexico, and the tenements of 19th-century New York.

10 Parks That Changed America  7pm Tuesday, April 12 Also 4/14 1am, 4am Explore the serene spaces that offer city dwellers a respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life, from Savannah’s elegant squares to a park built over a freeway in Seattle to New York’s High Line.

10 Towns That Changed America  7pm Tuesday, April 19 Also 4/21 1am, 4am Visit influential towns across the country from Greenbelt, Maryland, and Seaside, Florida, to Riverside, Illinois, and Levittown, New York, that had a lasting impact on the way our cities and suburbs are designed. Cover images: Top: Riverside, Ill., Courtesy of Bill Richert.  Center: Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright. Courtesy of Matt Tolk. Bottom: Squares of Savannah. Courtesy of Bailey Davidson



Featured this month

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


Jackie Robinson This two-part, four-hour documentary directed by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns and David McMahon, tells the story of Jack Roosevelt Robinson. Born in 1919 to tenant farmers in rural Georgia and raised in Pasadena, California, Robinson challenged institutional racism long before he integrated Major League Baseball. As a teenager, he demanded service at a Woolworth’s lunch counter and refused to sit in the segregated balcony at a local movie theater. In 1944 while serving in the U.S. Army, Robinson was arrested after he defied an order from a civilian bus driver to move to the back of a military bus. He was found not guilty.   In the spring of 1947, Brooklyn Dodgers General Manager Branch Rickey signed Robinson to a major league contract. To help ensure the success of their endeavor and protect the big league prospects of future African-American players, Robinson agreed to ignore the threats and abuse that Rickey assured him he would face. That season, Robinson kept his word, remaining silent while he dazzled fans with his brilliant play and helped lead the Dodgers to the National League pennant.   In 1949, Robinson began to speak out and he played some of the best baseball of his career, winning the National League MVP award. Despite his accomplishments on the field, his outspokenness drew criticism across the league, and when he retired in 1956, many were happy to see him go. After baseball, Robinson continued to use his immense fame to elevate the civil rights movement to improve the lives of African Americans. “Jackie Robinson,” Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, was “a sit-inner before sit-ins, a freedom rider before freedom rides.”

Part One

 8pm Friday, April 11

Also 4/13 1am, 4am • Pt 2 4/12 8pm; 4/14 1am, 4am

Part Two

 8pm Thursday, April 12

Also 4/14 1am, 4am

Jackie gives young Jackie Jr. tips on how to hold a baseball bat. Circa 1950.



Produced by MontanaPBS Made in Montana






! Back From the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy, pt 1  Part 1 chronicles the depletion of Montana’s wildlife during the 1800s and also features the beginning of Montana’s conservation movement during the first half of the 20th century. Developments include the establishment of game farms for planting birds, the advent of scientific wildlife management and the landmark federal Pittman-Robertson (P-R) Act. Airs Sunday, 4/17 at 10am

Back From the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy, pt 2  Part 2 documents how Montana citizens, state and federal agencies and universities worked together to take action in restoring the state’s once abundant big game and furbearer populations. It concludes with discussions of how citizens must work together to be ever vigilant to threats against wildlife and its habitat, so never again will Montana’s wildlife have to be brought “Back from the Brink.” Airs Sunday, 4/24 at 10am

Montana Ag Live

Airs 6pm Sundays

In the new season of Montana Ag Live, learn about Montana’s grain and livestock industy, mushrooms, seed quality, Montana’s wool lab, and ag education. Presented by MontanaPBS in association with Montana State University Extension, this program invites experts onto the panel to discuss everything from pesticide use, and large-scale agricultural techniques to backyard gardening questions and even which mushroom to pick in the woods.

Feeding the Problem  The social, historical and ecological impacts of Wyoming’s staterun elk feed grounds are explored. Airs Sunday, 4/3 at 10:30am

Alien Place: The Fort Missoula Detention Camp 1941-1944  This program chronicles the history and experiences of the 1,200 Italian and 1,000 Japanese nationals held at Fort Missoula by the Department of Justice from 1941-1944. As foreign nationals and not US citizens, these men were arrested and sent to Fort Missoula. Japanese internees were subject to loyalty hearings conducted by the Department of Justice. Airs Sunday, 4/3 at 10am, Monday, 4/4 at 4am

Celebrate America Across Montana: Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016)  School choirs from throughout Montana perform with Tim Janis. Students from Montana school music programs perform including Arlee, Big Fork, Choteau, Corvallis, Frenchtown, Great Falls Central, Hamilton, Hardin, Mount Ellis Academy, Power, Red Lodge, and Sacajawea Middle School. Well-prepared and very professional, each choir came into the studio to record their performance. Tim Janis, familiar to public broadcasting audiences from programs such as An Enchanted Evening, Beautiful America and Coastal America, is well known for his “Music with a Mission” philosophy, and has worked on many philanthropic projects. Airs Sunday, 4/10 at 10am, Thursday, 4/14 at 7pm, Saturday, 4/16 at 10:20pm, Monday, 4/18 at 4am

3 Miles An Hour  It is the speed of a horse and some folks say the best way to see and savor a life well lived. This is the story of retired back-country outfitter Smoke Elser. His vision of wilderness has always included people. This program takes you into the Bob Marshall wilderness as Elser shares his history, passion and connection to the outdoors. Airs Tuesday, 4/26 at 7pm



MontanaPBS continues to tell the story of our state—past and present—with award winning television productions. Programs like Backroads of Montana, Indian Relay, Fort Peck Dam and Butte, America help our citizens thoughtfully reflect on the colorful history of our state, the majesty of our shared landscape and our unique people and cultures. Programs such as Montana Ag Live, Concussion: Answers in the Blood?, Degrees of Difference and many others foster important discussion about current issues.

Jim McLucas and helpers wrangling an elk in trap for transplanting (c. 1958) in Back from the Brink



Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Rio  In America during the late ’50s and early ’60s, a new sound made landfall: Brazilian Jazz. This intimate, straight-time “bossa nova” sound quickly hit the airwaves and took hold on records and in live performances by everyone from Ella Fitzgerald to Dave Brubeck. Rio brings us a stylistically pure performance through the haunting voice of Julia Yates and the skilled hands of guitarist Tim Drackert. Airs Thursday, 4/7 at 7pm, Saturday, 4/9 at 10:18pm, Monday, 4/11 at 5am

Steve Eckels  Accomplished classical guitarist Steve Eckels showcases his impeccable talent with arrangements of well known classical pieces and traditional American folk songs, creating a unique sound and diverse repertoire. Airs Thursday, 4/21 at 7pm, Saturday, 4/23 at 9:50pm, Monday, 4/25 at 2:30am

Montana’s Grain and Livestock Industry, A View from the Inside  We visit with some of our ag association representatives about how the puzzle pieces of industry, research and producers fit into the big picture of ag in Montana. Guests include Errol Rice of Montana Stockgrowers, Collin Watters with the Wheat and Barley Committee, and Lola Raska of the Montana Grain Growers. Airs Sunday, 4/3 at 6pm, Sunday, 4/10 at 11am

A Mushrooming Interest?  Cathy Cripps, mycologist extraordinaire from MSU, returns to help us choose wild mushrooms wisely. Airs Sunday, 4/3 at 11am

Why Using Quality Seed Matters  Manager of the Montana Seed Growers Association Helen Rimel will discuss Montana’s seed industry, and the importance of utilizing quality seed in order to produce superior crops. Airs Sunday, 4/10 at 6pm, Sunday, 4/17 at 11am

On and Off the Lamb!  Director of Montana’s Wool Lab Monica Ebert will inform viewers about the function of the wool lab and its importance to the sheep industry in Montana and the region. Airs Sunday, 4/17 at 6pm, Sunday, 4/24 at 11am

Ag Education Matters  Associate Professor Ag Education Shannon Arnold will discuss the wide range of educational opportunities in agriculture, including such successful programs as using horses to teach life skills to youth and adults. Airs Sunday, 4/24 at 6pm

Medicine Lake to Missoula  The Backroads crew takes us across the state for stories about a leather artist in Billings, the history of Montana’s historical roadside markers, the wildlife refuge at Medicine Lake, historic Fort Union in northeast Montana and an assisted skiing program near Missoula. Airs Saturday, 4/2 at 5pm Weather, Feathers and Time  Meet a longtime National Weather Service observer near Roy, Butte musician John “The Yank” Harrington, and an artist from Westby. Then visita seasonal waterfall near Big Timber and a Northeast Montana town with one parking meter. Finally, tour Fort Benton. Airs Saturday, 4/9 at 5pm Wheels and Wings  Take a look at aviary art in Moccasin, develop an appreciation of Montana’s first airmail service in Great Falls, visit a local history center and historic bridge near Sidney, see Snake Butte near Ft. Belknap and meet with a wheelwright in Deer Lodge. Airs Saturday, 4/16 at 5pm

Seeds and Weeds  Meet an artist near Sidney whose medium is seeds, experience a weed roundup near Choteau, meet the Loma woman who curates the House of 1000 Dolls, and examine what the folks at ZooMontana in Billings do to enrich the lives of the zoo’s animals. William Marcus hosts from the Charles M. Bair Family Ranch and Museum near Martinsdale. Airs Saturday, 4/23 at 5pm

Alder Gulch to Plentywood  Tour the Christenot family mill near Alder Gulch and take a ride on the steam train between Virginia City and Nevada City. After a stop to tempt your sweet teeth at the Parrot Confectionary in Helena, marvel at snow geese flocking in thousands at Freezout Lake, near Choteau, and at the creations of Plentywood inventor Pat Tange. Finally, tour the historic Northern Pacific railroad depot in Livingston. Airs Saturday, 4/30 at 5pm


Steve Eckels  7pm Thursday, April 21

Also 4/23 9:50pm; 4/25 2:30am

Steve Eckels is a skilled guitarist and educator who’s formal training as a classical guitarist enables him to perform in a variety of styles. Steve showcases his arrangements of well known classical pieces, combined with traditional American folk songs, creating a unique sound and varied repertoire. From Puccini’s Madame Butterfly, La Boheme and Tosca to Americana classics like Red River Valley and Deep river blues, Steve’s virtuosity takes center stage. Throughout his career, Eckels has become well versed in all things music, and he shares that passion and knowledge as a long time teacher and in the publication of several works ranging from textbooks to magazine columns. He holds a Master’s degree in guitar from New England Conservatory and a Bachelor’s degree from Berklee College of Music.



Evening & Overnight FRIDAY



MDNT WORLD  Global Health Frontiers: Virus

Hunters, Child Immunizations and Island Feve 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 NOVA: The Great Math Mystery 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Ted Talks: Science and Wonder 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Nature: Animal Reunions 3:00 WORLD  Local USA: Poetry In Motion 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Making Comedy Work 4:00 NOVA: The Great Math Mystery 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Eric Weiner, The Geography of Genius 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: How to Argue for God? 5:00 Ted Talks: Science and Wonder 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

PM Central Standard Time TV-PG

7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 Jazz “Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917)” At the turn of the 20th century in the unique musical cauldron of New Orleans, jazz is born. TV-PG  See story, right 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report: TV-G

9:30 Jazz “The Gift (1917-1924)” The rhythms and spirit of jazz music mirror the world that emerged in the wake of World War I. TV-PG  See story, right 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight 10:00 WORLD  Al Capone: Icon: TV-14 11:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

The Alcatraz Escape TV-PG

11:30 Rhythm Abroad “Switzerland” Brittany explores traditional Swiss culture and visits the Alphorn Festival and a cheese farm. TV-G

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour traz Escape TV-PG

7:00 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

7:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead: JFK: One


6:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:: The Alca-




MDNT WORLD  Secrets of the Dead: JFK: One

PM Central Standard Time 12:00 Tavis Smiley

Pledge programming 12:30 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 1:00 Charlie Rose: The Week 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: For the Love of the Game 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers: Virus Hunters, Child Immunizations and Island Feve 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Hometime: The Last Episode 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23 PM EVENING

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Farm” The Welk Stars have fun down on the farm as they perform “Surrey With The Fringe On Top” and more. TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Olmsted and America’s Urban

Parks: TV-G

7:00 Detectorists Lance and Andy are hot on the trail of the final resting place of King Sexred of the East Saxons. TV-PG  See story, p. 21 7:00 WORLD  Frederick Law Olmsted: Design-


ing America: TV-PG

7:31 After You’ve Gone “Tell Tale” TV-PG 8:02 MontanaPBS Film Classics “Chariots of Fire” Personal goals spur British runners Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell to compete in the 1924 Olympics. 9:30 WORLD  Erma Bombeck: Legacy of

Laughter: TV-G

10:00 WORLD  Olmsted and America’s Urban

Parks: TV-G

1 0:07 Austin City Limits “Beck” The genre-hopping singer/songwriter plays songs from “Morning Phase” and some of his greatest hits. TV-PG 11:00 WORLD  Frederick Law Olmsted: Design-

ing America: TV-PG

11:04 Music City Roots Live from the Factory “Verlon Thompson, Humming House, Emmylou Harris & R” TV-PG

Frontline: Putin’s Way  9pm Tuesday, April 5  Also 4/7 3am

Frontline investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded Vladimir Putin’s reign in Russia. Tracing his career back over two decades, “Putin’s Way” reveals how the accumulation of wealth and power has led to autocratic rule and the specter of a new Cold War.

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


AM EARLY MORNING 12:01 NOVA: The Great Math Mystery 1:00 Nature: Animal Reunions 1:30 WORLD  Erma Bombeck: Legacy of Laughter 2:00 Variety Studio: Actors On Actors 2:00 WORLD  My Louisiana Love 3:00 David Holt’s State of Music 3:00 WORLD  Teaching Channel Presents: Celebrating Science 4:00 Butterfly Town, USA 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope: San Miguel De Allende, Celebrating in the Heart Of 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 5:00 In the Americas with David Yetman: Peru: A Train to the Clouds 5:00 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


6:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: A Nation of Law? (1968-71)

7:00 Call the Midwife Patsy is elated to find Delia fully recovered, but learns her mother wants her to move to Wales. TV-14  See story, p. 11 7:00 WORLD  Nature: Animal Reunions TV-PG

8:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece A professor dies in a suspicious fall and a government agent warns Geordie to back off the case. TV-14  See photo, p. 10 8:00 WORLD  Global Voices: Diamond in the


9:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece “Episode 2” To Gordon’s horror, Harry and Jimmy make a high-risk deal. Harry courts one of the Dolly twins. TV-PG 9:00 WORLD  Little League: A History TV-G

4:00 Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine “The Great Mission-

Stanhope investigates the mysterious death of pensioner on a busy Newcastle train. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: A Nation of Law? (1968-71) 11:00 WORLD  Nature: Animal Reunions TV-PG

11:30 Chaplains “Pt 2” This program continues with a profile of the chaplains team traveling with NASCAR, the tradition of chaplains who serve in the US Senate and House of Representatives, a Rabbi- chaplain working in a Hollywood retirement home, and the newest Muslim chaplain who joined the Detroit Police Department.

ary” The Apostle Paul’s bold quest to bring the Christian message to Asia and Europe is explored. TV-PG 4:30 WORLD  Erma Bombeck: Legacy of

Laughter: TV-G

5:00 Painting The Town with Eric Dowdle A stunning Olympic host, Vancouver is a growing global city on the Pacific trade routes. TV-G


Special: Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More (1964-72)

Grain and Livestock Industry” We visit with some of our ag association representatives, talking about how the puzzle pieces of industry, research and producers fit into the big picture of ag in Montana. Guests include Errol Rice of Montana Stockgrowers, Collin Watters with the Wheat and Barley Committee, and Lola Raska of the Montana Grain Growers. TV-G  See p. 4


Jazz Gumbo: Beginnings to 1917  8pm Friday, April 1 Jazz is born in the unique musical and social cauldron of New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century.

The Gift: 1917–1924  9:30pm Friday, April 1 During the tumultuous era known as the “Jazz Age,” the rhythms and spirit of jazz music mirror the world that emerged in the wake of World War I.

Our Language: 1924–1928

5:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend Montana AG Live “Montana’s 6:00

Lindy Hoppers, ca. 1938

10:00 Vera “On Harbour Street” DCI Vera

3:00 Symphony of the Soil An artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil draws from science and ancient knowledge TV-G




AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Global Voices: Diamond in the Dunes 12:30 Doc Martin: Rescue Me 1:00 WORLD  Little League: A History 1:30 Austin City Limits: Beck 2:00 WORLD  Olmsted and America’s Urban Parks 2:30 Ode to Joy: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 3:00 WORLD  Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America An Alien Place: The Fort Missoula 4:00 Detention Camp 1941-1944 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Marc Maron, Comedian Paradise and Purgatory: Hemingway of 4:30 the L Bar T and St. V’s 4:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 5:00 Song of the Mountains: The Steel Drivers 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22


 8pm Friday, April 8 Follow influential musicians, including Duke Ellington, who begins his career as jazz composer.

The True Welcome: 1929–1935  10pm Friday, April 8 Amid the Depression, a new dance and a new kind of big band jazz begin to emerge.

Swing: Pure Pleasure 1935–1937  8pm Friday, April 15 Big band jazz—swing—becomes the most popular music in America.

Swing: The Velocity of Celebration 1937–1939  8pm Friday, April 22 As the Great Depression deepens, jazz thrives and the saxophone emerges as an iconic instrument of the music.



Evening & Overnight PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

Home TV-G

8:00 Antiques Roadshow “Detroit, hr 1” Highlights include a signed 1970 Andy Warhol poster and a and a working script of The Wizard of Oz. TV-G

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Independent Lens “Welcome to Leith” Residents of a North Dakota town struggle against a notorious white supremacist. TV-PG-L  See story, p. 9 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 10:00 WORLD  Standing On Sacred Ground:

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

Children of the Arctic


7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Tucson, hr

maker’s Journey TV-G

Pledge programming


11:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: A Place to Call

Home TV-G

7:00 WORLD  Local USA: Urban Gardening 7:30 WORLD  On Story: Frank Darabont: Film-

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

1 0:30 BBC World News 11:00 Charlie Rose

6:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: A Place to Call

2” Discover wonderful hidden treasures in Tucson, such as a Jackie Robinson archive from around 1938. TV-G  See photo below



7:00 10 Homes That Changed America Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and more homes that transformed residential living are visited. TV-G  See story, Inside front cover

MDNT WORLD  Local USA: Urban Gardening

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: Frank Darabont: Filmmaker’s Journey 1:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 2 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Call the Midwife 3:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel Special: A Nation of Law? (1968-71) 4:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 2 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

Pilgrims & Tourists TV-G

8:00 Secrets of Saint John Paul The previously unknown correspondence between Pope John Paul II and an American woman is examined. TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Frontline “Putin’s Way” Examine the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded Putin’s reign in Russia.  See photo, p. 6 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

Children of the Arctic

1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 Point Taken




MDNT WORLD  Little League: A History

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 Trees In Trouble 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 Independent Lens: Welcome to Leith 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Antiques Roadshow: Tucson, hr 2 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 4:00 Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, hr 1 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: Equal Justice? 5:00 Symphony of the Soil 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 5:30 WORLD  Independent Lens: Welcome to

Leith TV-PG-L

Antiques Roadshow: Tuscon, hr 2  Airs 7pm Monday, April 4  Also 4/6 3am

Discover hidden treasures in Tucson, such as a Jackie Robinson archive from around 1938, a 1960 GMT Master model Rolex with the original box and papers, and diamond and onyx jewelry, ca. 1920. Pictured: Alan Fausel (right) appraises an Alfons Walde oil painting, ca. 1935 in Tucson, Arizona.

6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Nature “Saving Otter 501” The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s 501st attempt to save a stranded orphan otter is detailed. TV-PG 7:00 WORLD  Frontline: Putin’s Way

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

were pioneering warriors, expert seafarers and colonists of the North Atlantic realm. The Vikings even claimed in their sagas to have reached America. Now, Dr. Sarah Parcak uncovers new clues about their legendary expeditions and settlements. TV-PG-L 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize Then and Now:

World Channel Special

Martin may have met his match after Martin’s first session with Dr. Rachel Timoney. TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 WPC 56 “The Wayward Wind” Sawyer questions a suspect with a chilling wartime story to tell. TV-PG 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G


11th and Grant Classics “John Floridis: Octobers Call” TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  NOVA: Can Alzheimer’s Be

Stopped? TV-PG-L

10:30 Charlie Rose

10:30 Charlie Rose

10:30 WORLD  Independent Lens:

11:00 WORLD  Ride the Tiger TV-PG

Welcome to Leith TV-PG-L

11:30 Closer to Truth “Can Design Point

11:30 MotorWeek TV-G


8:00 Doc Martin “The Shock of the New”


8:00 NOVA “Vikings Unearthed” They

to God?” To argue for God, the easy way appears to be ‘design’, the apparent purpose of the world. TV-G


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Frontline: Putin’s Way 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 10 Homes That Changed America 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Secrets of Saint John Paul 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Frontline: Putin’s Way 3:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead: JFK: One PM Central Standard Time 4:00 10 Homes That Changed America 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Psychosis 5:00 Secrets of Saint John Paul 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 NOVA: Vikings Unearthed 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Nature: Saving Otter 501 3:00 WORLD  Local USA: Urban Gardening 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Frank Darabont: Filmmaker’s Journey 4:00 NOVA: Vikings Unearthed 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Pamela Sakamoto, Midnight In Broad Daylight 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Does God Know Everything? 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

6:00 WORLD  Ride the Tiger TV-PG



5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

11th & Grant with Eric Funk

“Rio” In America during the late 50s and early 60s, a new sound made landfall: Brazilian Jazz. This intimate, straight-time “bossa nova” sound quickly hit the airwaves and took hold on records and in live performances by everyone from Ella Fitzgerald to Dave Brubeck. RIO brings us a stylistically pure performance through the haunting voice of Julia Yates and the skilled hands of guitarist Tim Drackert. TV-G  See p. 5 7:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers: Medical

Brigades, Asia Lights Up and Ambulance Sta TV-PG

6:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

The Real Trojan Horse TV-PG-V

7:00 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 7:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

Carthage’s Lost Warriors TV-PG-V

7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 Jazz “Our Language (1924-1928)” The careers of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Ethel Waters and more great artists are showcased. TV-PG  See story, p. 7


Kynan Dutton, Craig Cobb, and Deb Henderson patrol their neighborhood in Leith, North Dakota. INDEPENDENT LENS

Welcome to Leith  9pm Monday, April 4 Also 4/6 1:30am Leith, North Dakota, is home to 24 people, mostly farmers and ranchers living on a prairie backdrop of sky and wheat. In 2012, an outsider named Craig Cobb moved in and started buying up property. Residents initially welcomed the bearded stranger, figuring he’d moved to be closer to the oil fields, but Cobb had other motives. Posting racist online forums that he’d found the perfect place to start an all-white enclave, Cobb implored other white supremacists to move to Leith and helped take over the town’s government.   Ryan Lenz, an investigator from Montgomery, Alabama’s Southern Poverty Law Center, discovers Cobb’s posts and informs Leith’s mayor, Ryan Schock. Schock, a young rancher and family man who’d lived in Leith all his life, is stunned by the news and the ensuing media firestorm. Cobb then invites the head of the largest neo-Nazi group in the U.S. to stage a town hall meeting, and nearly 300 people show up.   As the town struggles to fight against one man’s extremist vision, Cobb and his followers ratchet up the intimidation tactics, disrupting city council meetings with shouts of “Sieg Heil” and posting residents’ names and home addresses on racist web sites. When he takes to patrolling the streets with a loaded rifle and shotgun, residents decide they have had enough and proceed to take matters into their own hands.



Evening & Overnight 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

10:00 Jazz “The True Welcome (19291935)” As swing dancing catches on across America, a new kind of big band jazz begins to emerge. TV-PG  See story, p. 7 10:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

The Lost Gardens of Babylon TV-PG-V

11:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

The Real Trojan Horse TV-PG-V




MDNT WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Katie Brown Workshop: Minty Holiday 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

Pledge programming 10:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

There Once Was An Island


6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “America at Play” Gail Farrell is the host. “When ‘Ain’t We Got Fun” and “Let’s Go Fly A Kite” are performed. TV-G 6:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

There Once Was An Island TV-G

7:00 Detectorists Club president, Terry, is keen to help Lance and Andy search the bottom paddock at Bishop’s Farm. TV-PG  See story, p. 21

11:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Na Loea:

The Masters II TV-G

11:15 Austin City Limits “Nine Inch Nails” The industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails performs tracks from their latest album “Hesitation Marks.” TV-PG

7:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Na Loea:

The Masters II TV-G

7:31 After You’ve Gone “Meet The Parent” TV-PG


8:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

Children of the Arctic

8:02 MontanaPBS Film Classics “The Remains of the Day” An English butler’s devotion to service keeps him from the housekeeper he loves in 1930s England.  See story, p. 13


11th & Grant with Eric Funk “Rio” In America during the late 50s and early 60s, a new sound made landfall: Brazilian Jazz. This intimate, straight-time “bossa nova” sound quickly hit the airwaves and took hold on records and in live performances by everyone from Ella Fitzgerald to Dave Brubeck. Rio brings a stylistic purity through the haunting voice of Julia Yates and the skilled guitarist Tim Drackert. TV-G  See p. 5



Carthage’s Lost Warriors 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 1:00 Charlie Rose: The Week 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: Changing Politics 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly



MDNT WORLD  America Reframed:

Children of the Arctic 12:12 NOVA: Vikings Unearthed 1:09 Nature: Saving Otter 501 2:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: A Place to Call Home 2:06 Variety Studio: Actors On Actors 3:00 WORLD  Teaching Channel Presents 3:03 David Holt’s State of Music: Bryan Sutton and Rhiannon Giddens 3:30 Secrets of Saint John Paul 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope: Ontario, Canada’s Niagara Peninsula 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 5:00 In The Americas with David Yetman: Hawaii’s Big Island: The Volcanos’ Gifts 5:00 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


3:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

Children of the Arctic

3:05 Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank A close look at why the words of an innocent young girl continue to resonate with so many. TV-PG

4:00 Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine “Age of the Apostles”

Masterpiece Mystery! Grantchester Season 2  8pm Sundays

Reverend Sidney Chambers and Inspector Geordie Keating return for another round of mysteries. Together, the sensitive vicar and the hard-bitten cop make perfect crime-solving partners. James Norton and Robson Green star in a new season that focuses on matchmaking as well as murder. Pictured: James Norton as Sidney Chambers

Jonathan Phillips traces Paul’s third and final missionary journey at the end of the Apostolic Age. TV-PG

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

full of wonder, Cancun is Mexico’s Caribbean answer to the Pacific resorts. TV-G 5:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: A Nation of Law? (1968-1971)

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend Montana AG Live “Why Using 6:00 Quality Seed Matters” Helen Rimel, Manager of the Montana Seed Growers association will discuss Montana’s seed industry, and the importance of utilizing quality seed in order to produce superior crops. TV-G  See p. 5 6:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980)

2:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

There Once Was an Island 3:00 Doc Martin: The Shock of the New 3:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Na Loea: The Masters II 4:00 Austin City Limits: Nine Inch Nails 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Mary Lynn Rajskub, Comedian and Actress 4:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 11th & Grant with Eric Funk: Rio 5:00 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

Sons of Halawa TV-G

7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Tucson, hr 3” Journey to Tucson to discover fantastic finds, including a 1994 Pete Seeger original song. TV-G  See photo, p. 8

7:00 Call the Midwife Barbara is caught between a stressed expectant mother and her impecunious husband. TV-14  See story, right

7:00 WORLD  Local USA: Living the Dream 7:30 WORLD  On Story: James Franco:

A Look Inside 127 Hours TV-G

7:00 WORLD  Secrets of Saint John Paul TV-PG

8:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece Sidney and Geordie

8:00 Jackie Robinson “Pt 1” Jackie Robinson rises from humble origins to become the first black Major League Baseball player. TV-PG-VL  See story, p. 3

answer a false alarm, which turns into a real murder investigation. TV-14  See photo, p. 10 8:00 WORLD  Global Voices: Ice People

9:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece “Episode 3” Harry faces a choice, settle a gambling debt or bankroll the Dolly twins’ dream job. TV-PG 9:30 WORLD  Native Waters:

A Chitimacha Recollection TV-G

10:00 Vera “Protected” DCI Vera Stanhope investigates the murder of a man who was found dead on the beach at Whitley Bay. TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Standing On Sacred Ground:

Profit & Loss TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

Sons of Halawa TV-G

11:30 Islands Without Cars with Kira Hesser “Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast” The beautiful coral of Zlarin and the medieval walled old town section of Dubrovnik are explored. TV-G

10:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World

Channel Special: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980) 11:00 WORLD  Secrets of Saint John Paul TV-PG

11:30 Great Performances at the Met “Lulu” Visual artist William Kentridge stages Alban Berg’s shocking masterpiece about a femme fatale. TV-14-L




MDNT WORLD  Global Voices: Ice People 1:30 WORLD  Native Waters:

A Chitimacha Recollection


5:00 Painting The Town with Eric Dowdle A magical, mystic land





Patsy (Emerald Fennell), Trixie (Helen George) and Barbara (Charlotte Ritchie).

Call the Midwife: Season 5  7pm Sundays It’s 1961 and Poplar is beginning to feel the winds of social change, along with improvements in housing, sanitation and healthcare.

 7pm Sunday, April 3  Also 4/5 3am Witness a couple’s disagreement over the future of their child, born without arms and legs. Patsy, elated to find Delia fully recovered from her accident, is dismayed to learn that Delia’s mother wants her to move back home to Wales.

 7pm Sunday, April 10  Also 4/12 3am Barbara is caught between a stressed expectant mother and her impecunious husband. Sister Evangeline’s vocal objection to the sale of baby formula distresses a new mother who’s unable to breastfeed.

MDNT WORLD  Local USA: Living the Dream

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: James Franco: A Look Inside 127 Hours 1:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 3

 7pm Sunday, April 17  Also 4/19 3am Learn why the pressure is on at Nonnatus House to find the source of a dangerous case of typhoid. Witness the reactions to an unwed schoolteacher’s pregnancy.

 7pm Sunday, April 24  Also 4/26 3am

See how Sister Julienne’s faith is tested by a limbless child and how a teenage pregnancy poses a problem for a young man who must choose between pursuing his studies or staying in the tenements to provide for his fiancee and their child.



Evening & Overnight 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley

3:00 Call the Midwife 3:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel Special: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980) 4:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 3 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

6:00 WORLD  America Reframed

7:00 10 Parks That Changed America Explore serene spaces that offer city dwellers a respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life. TV-G  See story, Inside front cover

8:00 Jackie Robinson “Pt 2” Jackie Robinson uses his fame to speak out against injustice, alienating many who had lauded him. TV-PG-L  See story, Inside p. 3

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

Pledge programming

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G

5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

1 0:00 BBC World News


10:00 WORLD  America Reframed

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G

1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 Well Read “Sarah Vowell, Lafayette in

5:30 WORLD  Independent Lens:

the Somewhat United States” Sarah Vowell provides an insightful account of the French aristocrat officer Marquis de Lafayette. TV-G


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Quietest Place On Earth 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 Jackie Robinson, pt 1 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Antiques Roadshow: Tucson, hr 3 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 4:00 Jackie Robinson, pt 1 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: The U.S. Versus the Terror Ahead

The Great Invisible TV-PG

6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Nature “India’s Wandering Lions” Witness the story of Asia’s last wild lions, who live dangerously close to the villagers of India. TV-PG  See photo, p. 12 7:00 WORLD  Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a

New Era In Ocean Stewardship TV-G

8:00 NOVA “Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped?” Join scientists as they untangle the cause of Alzheimer’s and go behind the scenes of drug trials. TV-PG-L  See story, p. 15

8:00 Ride the Tiger 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Far Afield:

A Conservation Love Story TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 10:30 WORLD  Independent Lens:


11:30 MotorWeek TV-G



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era In Ocean Stewardship 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 Jackie Robinson, pt 2 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 10 Parks That Changed America 3:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead: The Lost Diary of Dr. Livingstone 4:00 Jackie Robinson: Part Two 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: ADHD In Adults 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

Nature: India’s Wandering Lions  7pm Wednesday, April 13  Also 4/15 3am; 4/17 2:12am; 4/18 noon Witness the incredible story of Asia’s last wild lions, once on the brink of extinction, but who now live dangerously close to the villagers of India.

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Celebrate America Across Montana “Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016)” School choirs from throughout Montana perform with Tim Janis in this special created to spotlight our nation’s youth, and pull communities together in an uplifting and inspiring celebration of music. The program was taped in January 2016 at the KUSM-MontanaPBS studio in Bozeman. School buses brought hundreds of students from Montana school music programs including Arlee, Big Fork, Choteau, Corvallis, Frenchtown, Great Falls Central, Hamilton, Hardin, Mount Ellis Academy, Power, Red Lodge, and Sacajawea Middle School. TV-G  See p. 4

7:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers TV-PG

8:00 Doc Martin “It’s Good to Talk” Martin’s therapist, Dr. Timoney, suggests that Martin and Louisa should have therapy as a couple. TV-PG

4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: What Is

Causation? 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Jens Jensen The Living Green TV-G

7:00 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 7:00 WORLD  America’s First Forest:

Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment TV-G

7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 Jazz “Swing: Pure Pleasure (19351937)” Billie Holiday is showcased. A blues-soaked big band jazz style is set to further transform jazz. TV-PG  See story, p. 7 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G

9:30 PBS Previews: The Best of PBS Indies Take a sneak peek at upcoming PBS independent documentaries, including “The Armor of Light.”

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 WPC 56 “Requiem” Annie and DI Sawyer struggle to unlock the dark secrets of the Petra Project. TV-PG


9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G

10:00 WORLD  10 Parks That Changed


10:30 Charlie Rose

11th and Grant Classics “John Floridis: Only If I Can Be a Boat” TV-G

America TV-G 11:00 WORLD  Jens Jensen The Living

Green TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  NOVA: Vikings Unearthed TV-PG

11:30 Rhythm Abroad “Alberta, Canada” Brittany explores the heritage of the Blackfoot First Nations people in Southern Alberta, Canada. TV-G

1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 Closer to Truth “What Is Truth?” Everyone wants to know ‘Truth’. But what is Truth?. What is the basic meaning of Truth itself? TV-G







AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 NOVA: Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Nature: India’s Wandering Lions 3:00 WORLD  Local USA: Living the Dream 3:30 WORLD  On Story: James Franco: A Look Inside 127 Hours 4:00 NOVA: Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Sam Quinones, Dreamland



MDNT WORLD  America’s First Forest: Carl

Schenck and the Asheville Experiment 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 1:00 Charlie Rose: The Week 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: Free Enterprise....Online 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

The Remains of the Day  8pm Saturday, April 9 Also 4/10 12:47pm

James Stevens (Anthony Hopkins) serves as a proper English butler to the doltish Lord Darlington (James Fox) during the 1930s. Stevens is so dedicated that he forgoes visiting his father on his deathbed in order to serve, and overlooks Darlington’s Nazi sympathies and growing anti-Semitism. Twenty years after his employer’s death, Stevens tries to reconnect with Miss Kenton (Emma Thompson), Darlington’s head housekeeper, and begins to regret his loyalty to his former master.



Evening & Overnight 5:00 Katie Brown Workshop: Herbalicious 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


Celebrate America Across Montana “Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016)” School choirs from throughout Montana perform with Tim Janis in this special created to spotlight our nation’s youth, and pull communities together in an uplifting and inspiring celebration of music. The program was taped in January 2016 at the KUSM-MontanaPBS studio in Bozeman. School buses brought hundreds of students from Montana school music programs including Arlee, Big Fork, Choteau,Corvallis, Frenchtown, Great Falls Central, Hamilton, Hardin, Mount Ellis Academy, Power, Red Lodge, and Sacajawea Middle School. TV-G  See p. 4

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Backstage with Our Musical Family” Mary Lou is the host. “Teamwork,” “The Lady In Red” and “Dizzy Fingers” are performed. TV-G 6:00 WORLD  Jackie Robinson, pt 1 TV-PG-VL

7:00 Detectorists Andy and Lance fall out over gold and a scramble for presidential power takes place. TV-PG  See story, p. 21

7:31 After You’ve Gone “Love and War” TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  America Reframed

“Sense and Sensibility” Suitors romance, then abandon, sisters left destitute by their father’s death in late-1800s England.

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

Pledge programming

10:00 WORLD  Jackie Robinson, pt 1 TV-PG-VL


8:02 MontanaPBS Film Classics

11:18 Austin City Limits “Tweedy” Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy is joined by his son Spencer and members of the band Lucius. TV-PG



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  America Reframed 12:15 NOVA: Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 2:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Sons of Halawa 2:12 Nature: India’s Wandering Lions 3:00 WORLD  Teaching Channel Presents: Making Math & History Come Alive 3:09 David Holt’s State of Music: Josh Goforth and the Branchettes 3:37 Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope: Cruising the Mediterranean 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 5:00 In the Americas with David Yetman 5:00 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


3:00 WORLD  America Reframed

3:02 America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment Pioneering forestry educator Carl Schenck founded the first school of forestry in America. TV-G


4:00 Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine “From Apocalypse to Heresies” Jonathan Phillips visits Patmos Island where John was exiled and the book of Revelation was written. TV-PG

5:00 Painting the Town with Eric Dowdle Long held sacred by Native Americans, the Black Hills of South Dakota are a monumental treasure. TV-G

5:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World

Channel Special: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980)

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend Montana AG Live “On and Off 6:00 The Lamb!” Monica Ebert, director of Montana’s Wool Lab, will inform viewers about the function of Montana’s wool lab, and its importance to the sheep industry in Montana and the region. TV-G  See p. 5

Celebrate America Across Montana: Tim Janis with State School Choirs 2016 Airs 7pm Monday, March 7 Also 3/11 12:30pm; 3/9 3am

Students traveled from Bozeman, Corvallis, Hamilton, Choteau, Arlee, Hardin, Red Lodge, Power, Big Fork, Frenchtown and Great Falls to perform with Tim Janis. You can support more programs like this by pledging your support and receive a copy of Montana’s choir students at their finest. Pictured: Arlee Choir

6:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: Back to the Movement (1979Mid 80s)

7:00 Call the Midwife The pressure is on at Nonnatus House to find the source of a dangerous case of typhoid. TV-14  See story, p. 11

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area 7:30 WORLD  On Story: John Singleton’s Clas-

sic Influences TV-G


8:00 Antiques Roadshow “Detroit, hr 2” Amazing discoveries include a signed photo album of President Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet.

Sidney to perform an exorcism. Gary goes on trial. Margaret makes a move. TV-14  See photo, p. 10


8:00 WORLD  Global Voices: I Will Be Murdered

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece “Episode 4” rove and Josie

9:00 Independent Lens “Democrats/Soft Vengeance” Witness history being made as Zimbabwe attempts to draft its first-ever democratic constitution. TV-PG-V  See story, p. 17

make a new start. Movie mogul Harry courts trouble with a mob boss and a press lord. TV-PG 9:00 WORLD  Global Voices: Before the Spring,

After the Fall

10:00 Vera “The Deer Hunters” When a suspected poacher is found dead, Vera digs deep into his tragic life and checkered history. TV-PG

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 10:00 WORLD  Standing On Sacred Ground:

Fire & Ice TV-G

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat:

Waiting for John TV-G

10:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: Back to the Movement (1979-Mid 1980s) 11:00 WORLD  Nature: India’s Wandering Lions TV-PG

11:30 In Line for Anne Frank Stories from people standing in line to tour the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam are shared. TV-PG



MDNT WORLD  Global Voices: I Will Be Murdered

12:30 Doc Martin: It’s Good to Talk 1:00 WORLD  Global Voices: Before the Spring, After the Fall 1:30 Austin City Limits: Tweedy 2:00 WORLD  Jens Jensen The Living Green 2:30 PBS Previews: The Best of PBS Indies 3:00 Kevin Kling: Lost & Found 3:00 WORLD  America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment Celebrate America Across Montana: 4:00 Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016) 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Ethan Hawke, Actor & Author 4:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 5:00 Song of the Mountains: Loose Strings/ Close Kin (Our Roots Run Deep) 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Waiting for

John TV-G

7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Omaha, hr 1” TV-G

7:00 WORLD  Local USA: Drive Like a Girl




MDNT WORLD  Local USA: Drive Like a Girl

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: John Singleton’s Classic Influences 1:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 4 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Call the Midwife 3:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel Special: Back to the Movement (1979-Mid 1980s) 4:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 4 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

Carole Ho and Shehnaaz Suliman, Genentech scientists working on a clinical trial to test a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, review data on the computer.


Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped?  8pm Wednesday, April 13 Also 4/15 1am, 4am, noon; 4/17 12:15am Alzheimer’s ravages the minds of over 40 million victims worldwide. Join scientists as they untangle the cause of this tragic illness and go behind the scenes of major drug trials to discover the therapies that may slow and even prevent the disease.


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour


8:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece An apparent suicide leads



7:00 WORLD  Nature: India’s Wandering Lions


6:00 WORLD  America Reframed

7:00 10 Towns That Changed America Visit towns across the country that had a lasting impact on the way our communities are designed. TV-G  See story, Inside front cover

8:00 Shakespeare’s Curse An investigation of Shakespeare’s grave reveals evidence about what is beneath the “curse stone.” TV-PG

“When he first described the brain of a patient with Alzheimer’s disease in 1906, Alois Alzheimer drew sketches of plaques (left) and tangles, the molecular hallmarks of this dementia, that looked much like this.”



Evening & Overnight 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Frontline “Children of Syria” The story of four children surviving in war-torn Aleppo, and their escape to a new life in Germany.The film follows the family over three years, from the siege of their city, to the kidnapping of their father, to the struggle of becoming refugees.  See story, p. 19 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  America Reframed

1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 Point Taken

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

3:00 Antiques Roadshow: Omaha, hr 1 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 4:00 Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, hr 2 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum 5:00 America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Nature “Leave It to Beavers” Scientists regard beavers as tools for reversing the effects of global warming and water shortages. TV-G

AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Bitter Seeds 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 Independent Lens: Democrats/Soft Vengeance 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley

8:00 NOVA “Wild Ways” Newly established wildlife corridors may offer a glimmer of hope to some endangered species. TV-PG  See photo, p. 14 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Best of Big Blue Live Experts in Monterey Bay, California explore its once endangered, now thriving, ecosystem. TV-PG



9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Independent Lens:

Democrats/Soft Vengeance TV-PG-V

1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 MotorWeek TV-G



7:00 WORLD Frontline


Pledge programming


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD Frontline 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 10 Towns That Changed America 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Shakespeare’s Curse 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Frontline: Children of Syria 3:00 WORLD  Jens Jensen The Living Green 4:00 10 Towns That Changed America 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Measles/Vaccines 5:00 Shakespeare’s Curse 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Mysteries of the Coral Canyon TV-G


11th & Grant with Eric Funk “Steve Eckels” Accomplished classical guitarist Steve Eckels showcases his impeccable talent with arrangements of well known classical pieces and traditional American folk songs, creating a unique sound and diverse repertoire. TV-G  See story, p. 5

7:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers TV-PG

8:00 Doc Martin “Education, Education, Education” Louisa and Martin have their first therapy session and are surprised when they are given homework. TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

8:50 Midsomer Murders “A Talent for

11th & Grant with Eric Funk: Steve Eckels

 Airs 7pm Thursday, April 21  Also 4/23 9:50pm; 4/25 2:30am

Steve Eckels is a skilled guitarist and educator who’s formal training as a classical guitarist enables him to perform in a variety of styles. Steve showcases his arrangements of well known classical pieces, combined with traditional American folk songs, creating a unique sound and varied repertoire. From Puccini’s Madame Butterfly, La Boheme and Tosca to Americana classics like Red River Valley and Deep river blues, Steve’s virtuosity takes center stage.

Life, pt 1” Barnaby uncovers a deep vein of resentment throughout a village after two residents are found dead. TV-PG 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

11:30 The Mind of a Chef “Prune” Chef Gabrielle Hamilton spends a day working at her beloved East Village restaurant, Prune. TV-PG 11:30 WORLD  Liquid Assets: The Story of Our

Water Infrastructure TV-G

10:00 WORLD  NOVA: Wild Ways TV-PG

1 0:30 BBC World News 11:00 Charlie Rose


11:00 WORLD  Mysteries of the Coral Canyon TV-G




MDNT WORLD  Global Health Frontiers

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 NOVA: Wild Ways 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Best of Big Blue Live 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Nature: Leave It to Beavers 3:00 WORLD  Local USA: Drive Like a Girl 3:30 WORLD  On Story: John Singleton’s Classic Influences 4:00 NOVA: Wild Ways 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Helen Oyeyemi, What Is Yours Is Not Yours 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Can Dualism Explain Consciousness? 5:00 Best of Big Blue Live 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

5:30 WORLD  Chesapeake Foot Soldiers

6:00 PBS NewsHour


6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Keep A Song In Your Heart” “Easy To Love,” “The Song Is You,” “Stephen Foster Medley” and more songs are performed. TV-G 6:00 WORLD  Jackie Robinson, pt 2 TV-PG-L

7:00 Detectorists The secrets kept by Andy, Lance, Becky and Sophie are on the verge of being revealed. TV-PG  See story, p. 21

6:00 WORLD  Beyond the Tap 6:30 WORLD  Liquid Assets: The Story of Our

Water Infrastructure TV-G

7:00 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 Jazz “Swing: The Velocity of Celebration (1937-1939)” As the Great Depression deepens, jazz thrives. The saxophone emerges as an iconic instrument. TV-PG  See story, p. 7 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Chattahoochee Unplugged TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 10:30 WORLD  Chesapeake Foot Soldiers 11:00 WORLD  Beyond the Tap


AM EARLY MORNING 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 1:00 Charlie Rose: The Week 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: The Digital Commons 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Katie Brown Workshop 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G


Life, pt 2” Barnaby uncovers a deep vein of resentment throughout a village after two residents are found dead. TV-PG

7:31 After You’ve Gone “When She Came Back” TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  America Reframed

8:02 MontanaPBS Film Classics “Sleepless In Seattle” A woman becomes obsessed with meeting a grieving widower she heard on a radio call-in show.  See photo, p. 19


Douglas Mwonzora during negotiations on the drafting of Zimbabwe’s constitution. INDEPENDENT LENS

Democrats/ Soft Vengeance  9pm Monday, April 18 Also 4/20 1am In the wake of long-time leader Robert Mugabe’s contentious 2008 presidential win, Zimbabwe took a historic step forward by convening a bipartisan constitutional committee in an effort to transition the country away from its corrupt, authoritarian leadership. Two men from rival political parties were appointed to the committee: Paul Mangwana and Douglas Mwonzora. Should they fail at securing maximum influence for their respective parties on the provisions in the new constitution, dire consequences will loom for each. Filmed over the course of three years with unprecedented access to the two political rivals overseeing the committee, this riveting, first-hand account of a country’s challenging first steps towards democracy plays at once like an intimate political thriller and unlikely buddy film.


9:38 Midsomer Murders “A Talent for


11th & Grant with Eric Funk “Steve Eckels” Accomplished classical guitarist Steve Eckels showcases his impeccable talent with arrangements of well known classical pieces and traditional American folk songs, creating a unique sound and diverse repertoire. TV-G  See story, p. 5

Douglas Mwonzora and Paul Mangwana take a break during their negotiations.



Evening & Overnight 10:00 WORLD  Jackie Robinson, pt 2 TV-PG-L

1 0:50 Austin City Limits “Eric Church” Country superstar Eric Church performs tunes from his hit album “The Outsiders.” TV-PG


11th and Grant Classics “Bad Betty Organ Combo: I’m Gonna’ Move to the Out” TV-G



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  America Reframed 12:00 NOVA: Wild Ways 1:00 Nature: Leave It to Beavers 2:00 Live from the Artists Den: Tim McGraw 2:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Waiting for John 3:00 David Holt’s State of Music: Bruce Molsky and Balsam Range 3:00 WORLD  Teaching Channel Presents 3:30 Making Light In Terezin 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope: Christmas in Switzerland 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 5:00 In the Americas with David Yetman: The Cry for Mexican Independence

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

5:00 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

Pledge programming



3:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: A Nation of Law? (1968-71)

4:00 Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine “Pagans and the Cult of Martyrs” Jonathan Phillips treks to North Africa to tell the story of Perpetua, a young Christian martyr. TV-PG

6:00 WORLD  Nature: Leave It to Beavers TV-G

7:00 Call the Midwife Sister Julienne’s faith is tested by a limbless child and a teenage pregnancy poses a dilemma. TV-14  See story, p. 11

4:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World

Channel Special: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980)

5:00 Painting the Town with Eric Dowdle Charleston, South Carolina has a restless gentility which gives the city a unifying uniqueness. TV-G

7:00 WORLD  W.S. Merwin:

To Plant a Tree TV-PG

8:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece Will Gary go to the gallows? Sidney and Geordie’s crime-fighting days may be over. TV-14  See photo, p. 10

5:00 WORLD  Eyes on the Prize: World Channel

Special: Back to the Movement (1979Mid 1980s)

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend

Montana AG Live “Ag Education Matters” Shannon Arnold, Associate Professor Ag Education, will discuss the wide range of educational opportunities in agriculture, including such successful programs as using horses to teach life skills to youth and adults. TV-G  See photo, p. 4

8:00 WORLD  Global Voices: Recycle

9:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece “Episode 5” Jimmy comes up with a plan to save Harry’s bacon. A love triangle meets an unfortunate end. TV-PG 9:30 WORLD  Butterfly Town, USA TV-G

10:00 Vera “Death of a Family Man” When APT ONLINE

a businessman is found dead, Vera uncovers secrets hidden behind his veneer of respectability. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Nature: Leave It to Beavers TV-G 11:00 WORLD  W.S. Merwin:

To Plant a Tree TV-PG

11:30 Wing and a Prayer In 1947, World War II veterans risked their lives to give the state of Israel a chance to survive. TV-G




MDNT WORLD  Global Voices: Recycle

Sleepless in Seattle  Airs 8pm Saturday, April 23  Also 4/24 12:46pm A recently engaged newswoman (Meg Ryan) becomes obsessed with meeting a grieving widower (Tom Hanks) she heard on a late-night radio call-in show.

12:30 Doc Martin: Education, Education, Education 1:30 Austin City Limits: Eric Church 1:30 WORLD  Butterfly Town, USA 2:00 WORLD  Mysteries of the Coral Canyon 11th & Grant with Eric Funk: 2:30 Steve Eckles 3:00 WORLD  Bitter Seeds 3:30 Trees in Trouble 4:00 W.S. Merwin: To Plant a Tree 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Wendell Pierce, Actor and Author 4:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area



5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

In an Ideal World


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Dream Big:

Nanakuli at the Fringe TV-G

7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Omaha, hr 2” Discover 1955 Whitey Ford and 1951 Yogi Berra jerseys and an 1887 Seth Whipple oil painting. TV-G 7:00 WORLD  Local USA: Hunger In America 7:30 WORLD  On Story: Norman Lear,

A Retrospective TV-G

8:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Scripture of Nature (18511890)” In 1864, Congress acts to protect land that will become America’s first national park, Yellowstone. TV-G  See story, back cover 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 10:00 WORLD  Standing On Sacred Ground:

Islands of Sanctuary TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Pacific Heartbeat: Dream Big:

Nanakuli at the Fringe TV-G

11:30 Islands Without Cars with Kira Hesser “The Channel Island of Sark” Carriage driving and cave exploring are featured on this beautiful island in the English Channel. TV-G


3 Miles an Hour Explore the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana with backcountry outfitter Arnold “Smoke” Elser. TV-G  See photo, p. 20

7:30 WORLD  Trees in Trouble TV-G

8:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Last Refuge (1890-1915)” At the end of the 19th century a conservation movement takes shape to protect America’s wilderness. TV-G  See story, back cover 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G 10:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

In an Ideal World

1 0:30 BBC World News 11:00 Charlie Rose 11:30 WORLD  Trees in Trouble TV-G


1 0:00 BBC World News



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Local USA: Hunger in America 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: Norman Lear, A Retrospective 1:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 5 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Call the Midwife 3:00 WORLD  W.S. Merwin: To Plant a Tree 4:00 Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece: Episode 5 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22


AM EARLY MORNING mdnt Point Taken MDNT WORLD  Racing to Zero: In Pursuit of Zero Waste 12:30 Newsline 1:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Scripture of Nature (1851-1890) 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Antiques Roadshow: Omaha, hr 2 3:00 WORLD  Global Health Frontiers: Stunted Future, Trouble with Ticks and Saving Live 4:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Scripture of Nature (1851-1890) 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: The New Eisenhower 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Eating Alabama TV-G

7:00 Nature “Owl Power” How owls hunt and how they fly so silently are influencing 21st-century technology and design. TV-PG 7:00 WORLD  Growing Cities TV-G


Children of Syria  9pm Tuesday, April 19 Also 4/21 3am Follow four children surviving in war-torn Aleppo and their escape to a new life in Germany. The program films the family over three years, from the siege of their city to the kidnapping of their father to the struggle of becoming refugees.


5:00 Song of the Mountains: Jeff Little Trio/ Dale Ann Bradley 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22




Evening & Overnight 8:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Empire of Grandeur (1915-1919)” Established in 1916, the National Park Service protects the Grand Canyon from commercial interests. TV-G  See story, back cover 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus on Europe TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Eating Alaska TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Eating Alabama TV-G

11:30 MotorWeek TV-G


Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Sudden Cardi-

10:00 WORLD  Plight of the Grassland Birds

ac Arrest In Young Athletes 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

11:00 WORLD  From Billions to None: The Pas-



MDNT WORLD  Growing Cities

senger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction TV-G

11:30 Closer to Truth “Does Information Create The Cosmos?” Of what is reality made? What are the most basic building blocks that makes the cosmos? TV-G

6:00 WORLD  From Billions to None: The Pas-

senger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction: TV-G

7:00 Big Burn: American Experience The largest fire in American history had profound consequences on the United States Forest Service. TV-PG

8:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “Going Home (1920-1933)” The automobile allows more people to visit the parks. The Smoky Mountains and Tetons become parks. TV-G  See story, back cover 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show: Generic

Offer/ Record Friday for Tuesday Air

1 0:00 BBC World News


12:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Last Refuge (1890-1915) 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 Big Burn: American Experience 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Mysteries of the Coral Canyon 3:30 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Last Refuge (1890-1915) 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show

10:30 Charlie Rose

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

7:00 WORLD  Lost Bird Project TV-G


Pledge programming



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Lost Bird Project 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Newsline 1:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Empire of Grandeur (1915-1919) 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Nature: Owl Power 3:00 WORLD  Local USA: Hunger In America 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Norman Lear, A Retrospective 4:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: The Empire of Grandeur (1915-1919) 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Adam Hochschild, Spain In Our Hearts 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? 5:00 WORLD Newsline 5:30 WORLD  Global 3000 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 6:00 WORLD  Rebels with a Cause TV-G

7:00 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 7:00 WORLD  American Masters:

A Fierce Green Fire TV-PG-V

7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “Great Nature (1933-1945)” During an economic crisis and a world war the parks provided a source of jobs and much-needed peace. TV-PG  See story, back cover 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Big Burn:

American Experience TV-PG

3 Miles an Hour  Airs 7pm Tuesday, April 26  According to Arnold “Smoke” Elser, three miles an hour—the speed of a horse—is the best way to see and savor a life well-lived. The retired backcountry outfitter’s vision of wilderness has always included people, and this documentary from MontanaPBS takes viewers into the Bob Marshall Wilderness to share Elser’s history, passion and connection to the outdoors.

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Rebels with a Cause TV-G

11:30 The Mind of a Chef “Garbage” Gabrielle’ provides an explanation of what is and isn’t garbage. TV-PG




Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Toby Jones as Lance

National Parks: America’s Best Idea  Airs 8pm nightly, April 25–30 Filmed over the course of more than six years at some of nature’s most spectacular locales, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea is a six-part, 12-hour film by Ken Burns on the history of America’s national parks and the people who were willing to devote themselves to saving some precious portion of the land they loved. Pictured: Rainbow from South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park



MDNT WORLD  American Masters:

A Fierce Green Fire 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Washington Week with Gwen Ifill 1:00 Charlie Rose: The Week 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: Going Home (1920-1933) 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Lost Bird Project 3:30 National Parks: America’s Best Idea: Going Home (1920-1933) 4:00 WORLD  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  McLaughlin Group 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23 PM EVENING

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Show Stoppers” Elaine and Bobby are the hosts. Songs include “That’s Entertainment” and “St. Louis Blues.” TV-G 6:00 WORLD  Eisenhower’s Secret War:

From Warrior to President TV-G

7:00 Detectorists Andy and Lance now have one last chance to discover their hearts’ true desire. TV-PG  See story, p. 21 7:00 WORLD  Eisenhower’s Secret War:

Building Weapons, Talking Peace TV-G

7:31 After You’ve Gone “Ride of the Valkyrie” TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

In An Ideal World

8:02 National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Morning of Creation

 7pm Saturdays In the BAFTA Award-winning British comedy series Detectorists, wannabe archaeologist Andy (Mackenzie Crook – The Office, Pirates of the Caribbean) and his friend Lance (Toby Jones – The Hunger Games, Infamous, Harry Potter, Captain America) spend much of their time traipsing through fields with a metal detector and dreaming of finding priceless relics that will bring them fame and fortune. Unfortunately for them, real life keeps getting in the way. As they hurtle towards the Danebury Metal Detecting Club’s greatest find ever, Andy and Lance embark on a journey of greed, betrayal, rejection and redemption.

(1946-1980)” American families create unforgettable memories, passing on a love of parks to the next generation. TV-G  See story, back cover




9:30 WORLD  Trees in Trouble TV-G

1 0:00 Austin City Limits “Sarah Jarosz/ The Milk Carton Kids” Multi-instrumentalist Sarah Jarosz performs and the Milk Carton Kids play their new folk songs. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Eisenhower’s Secret War:

From Warrior to President TV-G

11:00 Time for Three in Concert Enjoy the string trio Time for Three’s performance with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. TV-G 11:00 WORLD  Eisenhower’s Secret War:

Building Weapons, Talking Peace TV-G

Mackenzie Crook as Andy



MontanaPBS Programming Grids

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5    Pledge programming      Holiday programming

Weekday Programs TIME






MORNING 6:00 am

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

6:30am–10am  ·  Ready to Learn Children’s Programs  See page 24. 10:30 am

Sit and Be Fit

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Sit and Be Fit

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Sit and Be Fit

11:00 am

New Scandinavian Cooking

Martha Stewart’s Cooking School

Sara's Weeknight Meals

Simply Ming

Lidia’s Kitchen

11:30 am

Changing Seas 4/11 Cook’s Country begins

Innovations in Medicine

Curiosity Quest Goes Green

Between the Lines with Barry Kibrick 4/14 Kevin Dundon’s Back to Basics begins

Music Voyager

Brain with David Eagleman

China’s Challenges 4/28 In Line for Anne Frank




12:30 pm

Second Opinion

Healing Quest

1:00 pm

Painting & Travel with Roger & Sarah Bansemer

The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross

Paint This with Jerry Yarnell

Painting with Wilson Bickford

Color World with Gary Spetz

1:30 pm

Quilt in a Day

It's Sew Easy

Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting

Knit & Crochet Now!

Quilting Arts

2pm–5pm  ·  Ready to Learn Children’s Programs  See page 24.

For community MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage channel, see p. 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage Television Montana (TV-MT) is a state government broadcasting service that provides gavel-to-gavel, unedited coverage of legislative proceedings, both during and between sessions of the legislature. Viewers are invited to watch floor sessions and committee meetings live and on delayed telecasts. Visit: leg.mt.gov

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


Weekend Programs SATURDAY




5:30 Martha Speaks

5:30 Curious George

6:00 SuperWhy

6:00 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

6:30 Dinosaur Train

6:30 Clifford the Big Red Dog

7:00 Curious George

7:00 Nature Cat

7:30 Nature Cat

7:30 Ready Jet Go!

8:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

8:00 Market to Market

8:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

8:30 America’s Heartland

9:00 Sesame Street

9:00 Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

9:30 Ready Jet Go!

9:30 McLaughlin Group

10:00 Growing a Greener World


10:30 Garden Smart 11:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated 11:30 This Old House

4/3 Alien Place: The Fort Missoula Dention Camp 1941–1944

4/10 Celebrate America Across Montana: Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016) 4/17 Back from the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy, pt 1


noon Ask This Old House

4/24 Back from the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy, pt 2

12:30 American Woodshop


4/3 Feeding the Problem

1:00 Woodsmith Shop


Montana Ag Live  See p. 4

1:30 Sewing with Nancy


2:00 Beads, Baubles & Jewels

noon WPC 56

2:30 Scrapbook Soup 4/16 Craftman’s Legacy begins 3:00 Dream of Italy 4:00 Chris Turrant: Extreme Railways 4/2 Medicine Lake to Missoula 4/9 Weather, Feathers and Time 4/16 Wheels and Wings 4/23 Seeds and Weeds 4/30 Alder Gulch to Plentywood 5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 Check daily listings, pp. 6–19

1:00 MontanaPBS Film Classics 4/3 Chariots of Fire (12:55pm)

3:30 Tracks Ahead 5:00 Backroads of Montana*

4/24 Place to Call Home begins

4/10 Remains of the Day (12:47pm) 4/17 Sense and Sensibility (12:45pm) 4/24 Sleepless in Seattle (12:46pm) 2:30 4/24 Treblinka’s Last Witness 3:00 4/3 Symphony of the Soil 4/10 Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank (3:05pm) 4/17 America’s First Forest: Carl Schenk and the Asheville Experiment 4:00 Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine 5:00 Painting the Town with Eric Dowdle 5:30 Check daily listings, pp. 6–21

*See descriptions, p. 5



We just completed another very successful pledge drive and would like to sincerely thank everyone who provided support. Your generous contributions help us continue to air programs that celebrate the beauty of Montana and our independent spirit. Programs that teach us and take us places we have never been before. Most importantly, they are programs that are made available for everyone to experience. We know that a pledge drive can interrupt your regular routine but we hope that you were able to enjoy a concert you would be otherwise unable to attend or maybe you were able to explore a new part of the state from the comfort of your own home. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who pledged during the March drive. Thank you!

If you meant to pledge but have not yet, there is still time. Go to our website at

www.montanapbs.org or call us at


MontanaPBS thanks RSVP volunteers


MontanaPBS Children’s Programming MontanaPBS Kids AM Weekdays 6:30 Wild Kratts

MontanaPBS Learning Media (www.montana.pbslearningmedia.org) is a free resource for teachers and parents when looking for a video clip or interactive activity to use with their children. The site is easily searchable by age, topic, and curricular area and you will find many resources that are either made in Montana or about Montana.

7:00 Ready Jet Go! 7:30 Nature Cat



8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:30 Sesame Street 10:00 Peg + Cat

PM Weekdays 2:00 Thomas & Friends 2:30 Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 3:00 Curious George 3:30 Nature Cat 4:00 Arthur 4:30 Ready Jet Go! 5:00 Odd Squad Weekend children’s programs are rated unless otherwise indicated, and air Saturdays from 5:30am to 10am and Sundays from 5:30am to 8am.


Ready Jet Go  7am, 10am and 4:30pm Weekdays; 7:30am Sundays; 9:30am Saturdays

Parental Guidelines TV-Y

All children

T V–Y7 Children age 7 and over TV–G

General audience


Parental guidance suggested:

–V      violence

–S    some


–D      suggestive


sexual situations

Ready Jet Go! is a new PBS Kids earth science and astronomy series for children ages 3-8. Ready Jet Go! takes viewers on a journey into outer space, building on children’s curiosity about science, technology and astronomy. The series follows two neighborhood kids: Sean, who has an all-consuming drive for science facts, and Sydney, who has a passion for science fiction and imagination. They both befriend the new kid on their street, Jet Propulsion, whose family members happen to be aliens from the planet Bortron 7. Together, they explore the solar system and the effects it has on the science of our planet, while learning about friendship and teamwork along the way. Ready Jet Go! features live-action interstitials with Jet Propulsion Laboratory astronomer Dr. Amy Mainzer, who also is the science curriculum consultant for the show. Created by Craig Bartlett, who also created PBS Kids’ hit series Dinosaur Train, Ready Jet Go! is produced by Wind Dancer Films. PBS SoCaL is a station partner for the series.

infrequent coarse language sexual dialogue

Parents strongly cautioned


Mature audience only

Find more children's programming on the PBSKids Channel.  Check listings on page 29.

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

MontanaPBS & MontanaPBS 10 Homes That Changed America 4/5 7pm; 4/7 1am, 4am

America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Sat 11am

Changing Seas Mon 11:30am

10 Parks That Changed America 4/12 7pm; 4/14 3am WORLD 4/15 5pm, 10pm; 4/16 6am, noon

Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine Sun 4pm

Charlie Rose Tue-Thu 10:30pm; Mon 11pm

10 Towns That Changed America 4/19 7pm; 4/21 1am, 4am 11th and Grant Classics John Floridis: Octobers Call 4/7 9:48pm • John Floridis: Only If I Can Be A Boat 4/14 9:48pm • John Floridis: Thankful 4/2 4:50pm • John Floridis: Would You Look for Me In Autumn 4/9 4:50pm • Bad Betty Organ Combo: Move Your Hand 4/16 4:50pm • Bad Betty Organ Combo: Backtrack 4/23 4:48pm • Bad Betty Organ Combo: Melting Pot 4/30 4:50pm • Bad Betty Organ Combo: Im Gonna’ Move to the Out 4/23 11:50pm 11th & Grant with Eric Funk Rio 4/7 7pm; 4/9 10:18pm; 4/11 5am • Steve Eckels 4/21 7pm; 4/23 9:50pm; 4/25 2:30am 3 Miles An Hour 4/26 7pm

A After You’ve Gone Sat 7:31pm - Tell Tale 4/2 7:31pm • Meet The Parent 4/9 7:31pm • Love and War 4/16 7:31pm • When She Came Back 4/23 7:31pm • Ride of the Valkyrie 4/30 7:31pm Al Capone: Icon WORLD 4/1 5pm, 10pm; 4/2 6am, noon An Alien Place The Fort Missoula Detention Camp 1941-1944 4/3 10am; 4/4 4am American Forum WORLD Wed 4:30am, 11:30am - Equal Justice? 4/6 4:30am, 11:30am • The U.S. Versus The Terror Ahead 4/13 4:30am, 11:30am • #132 4/20 4:30am, 11:30am • The New Eisenhower 4/27 4:30am, 11:30am American Masters A Fierce Green Fire 4/29 4pm, 7pm; 4/30 mdnt, 8am, 2pm American Woodshop Sat 12:30pm America Reframed WORLD Wed 6am, noon; Tue 6pm, 10pm; Sat 8pm - Children of the Arctic 4/5 6pm, 10pm; 4/6 6am, noon; 4/9 8pm; 4/10 mdnt, 7am, 3pm • TBA 4/12 6pm, 10pm; 4/13 6am, noon; 4/16 8pm; 4/17 mdnt, 7am, 3pm • TBA 4/19 6pm, 10pm; 4/20 6am, noon; 4/23 8pm; 4/24 mdnt, 7am • In An Ideal World 4/26 6pm, 10pm; 4/27 6am, noon; 4/30 8pm America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck & the Asheville Experiment 4/17 3:02pm; 4/20 5am WORLD 4/15 4pm, 7pm; 4/16 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/18 3am America’s Heartland Sun 8:30am WORLD Sun 10am

Antiques Roadshow Detroit, hr 1 4/4 8pm; 4/6 4am • Detroit, hr 2 4/18 8pm; 4/20 4am • Tucson, hr 2 4/4 7pm; 4/6 3am • Tucson, hr 3 4/11 7pm; 4/13 3am • Omaha, hr 1 4/18 7pm; 4/20 3am • Omaha, hr 2 4/25 7pm; 4/27 3am Arthur Mon-Fri 4pm Asia Insight WORLD Fri 9:30pm Ask This Old House Sat noon Austin City Limits Sarah Jarosz/The Milk Carton Kids 4/30 10pm • Beck 4/2 10:07pm; 4/4 1:30am • Nine Inch Nails 4/9 11:15pm; 4/11 4am • Tweedy 4/16 11:18pm; 4/18 1:30am • Eric Church 4/23 10:50pm; 4/25 1:30am

Chaplains Part 2 4/3 11:30pm

Charlie Rose: The Week Sat 1am; Fri 7:30pm WORLD Sat 4:30pm Chattahoochee Unplugged WORLD 4/22 5pm, 10pm; 4/23 6am, noon Chesapeake Foot Soldiers WORLD 4/22 5:30pm, 10:30pm; 4/23 6:30am, 12:30pm China’s Challenges Thu noon Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways Sat 4pm Classical Stretch: The Esmonde Technique Mon, Wed, Fri 6am; Tue & Thu 10:30am Clifford The Big Red Dog Sun 6:30am Closer to Truth Thu 11:30pm WORLD Fri 4:30am, 11:30am


Color World with Gary Spetz Fri 1pm

Back from the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy Part 1 4/17 10am • Part 2 4/24 10am

Consuelo Mack WealthTrack Sat 3am WORLD Sat 4:30am, 9am

Backroads of Montana Medicine Lake to Missoula/10th Anniversary Program 4/2 5pm • Weather, Feathers and Time 4/9 5pm • Wheels and Wings 4/16 5pm • Seeds and Weeds 4/23 5pm • Alder Gulch to Plentywood 4/30 5pm BBC World News Mon-Fri 10pm

Cook’s Country American Classics with a Twist 4/11 11am • Muffins and Doughnuts Get A Makeover 4/18 11am • A Hearty Fall Dinner 4/25 11am Craftsman’s Legacy The Woodworker 4/16 2:30pm • The Glassblower 4/23 2:30pm • The Guitar Maker 4/30 2:30pm

Beads, Baubles and Jewels Sat 2pm

Curiosity Quest Goes Green Wed 11:30am

Best of Big Blue Live 4/20 9pm; 4/22 2am, 5am

Curious George Sun 5:30am; Sat 7am; Mon-Fri 8am, 3pm

Best of the Joy of Painting Tue 1pm Between The Lines with Barry Kibrick Thu 11:30am WORLD Sun 9am Beyond the Tap WORLD 4/22 6pm, 11pm; 4/23 7am, 1pm Big Burn: American Experience 4/28 2:30am, 7pm WORLD 4/29 5pm, 10pm; 4/30 6am, noon

D Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Sat 8am; Mon-Sat 8:30am; Mon-Fri 9am David Holt’s State of Music Sun 3am Detectorists Sat 7pm Dinosaur Train Sat 6:30am

Bitter Seeds WORLD 4/19 5pm; 4/20 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/25 3am

Doc Martin Mon 12:30am; Thu 8pm

The Brain with David Eagleman Wed noon

DW News WORLD Mon-Fri 3:30pm

Butterfly Town, USA 4/3 4am WORLD 4/24 9:30pm; 4/25 1:30am, 9:30am

C Call The Midwife Tue 3am; Sun 7pm Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That! Mon-Fri 2:30pm Celebrate America Across Montana Tim Janis with State School Choirs (2016) 4/10 10am; 4/14 7pm; 4/16 10:20pm; 4/18 4am

Dream of Italy Sat 3pm

E Eating Alabama WORLD 4/27 6pm, 11pm; 4/28 7am, 1pm; 4/30 11am Eating Alaska WORLD 4/27 5pm, 10pm; 4/28 6am, noon; 4/30 10am

Eyes on the Prize Then and Now: World Channel Special WORLD 4/6 5pm, 10pm; 4/7 6am, noon; 4/9 11:30am Eyes on the Prize: World Channel Special WORLD The Time Has Come (1964-1966) 4/24 10am • Two Societies (1965-68) 4/24 11am • Power! (1966-68) 4/24 noon • The Promised Land (1967-68) 4/24 1pm • Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More (1964-72) 4/3 5pm; 4/24 2pm • A Nation of Law? (1968-71) 4/3 6pm, 10pm; 4/4 6am, noon; 4/5 3am, 9am; 4/10 5pm; 4/24 3pm • The Keys to the Kingdom (197480) 4/10 6pm, 10pm; 4/11 6am, noon; 4/12 3am, 9am; 4/17 5pm; 4/24 4pm • Back to the Movement (1979-Mid 80s) 4/17 6pm, 10pm; 4/18 6am, noon; 4/19 3am, 9am; 4/24 5pm

F Far Afield: A Conservation Love Story WORLD 4/13 5pm, 10pm; 4/14 6am, noon; 4/16 11:30am Feeding the Problem 4/3 10:30am Focus On Europe WORLD Tue 4:30am, 11:30am; Sun 6am, 2pm; Sat 5pm; Wed 9:30pm Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting Wed 1:30pm Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America WORLD 4/2 7pm, 11pm; 4/4 3am From Billions to None: The Passenger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction WORLD 4/28 6pm, 11pm; 4/29 7am, 1pm Frontline Putin’s Way 4/5 9pm, 4/7 3am • Children of Syria 4/19 9pm; 4/21 3am WORLD Putin’s Way 4/6 4pm, 7pm; 4/7 mdnt • Children of Syria 4/20 4pm, 7pm; 4/21 mdnt

G Garden SMART Sat 10:30am Global 3000 WORLD Tue 4am, 11am, 9:30pm; Sun 6:30am, 2:30pm; Sat 5:30pm Global Health Frontiers Fri mdnt; Wed & Sat 3am; Thu & Fri 8am, 2pm; Wed 9am; Thu 4pm, 7pm Global Voices WORLD Mon mdnt, 8am, 2pm; Tue 4pm; Sun 8pm

Eisenhower’s Secret War WORLD From Warrior to President 4/30 6pm, 10pm • Building Weapons, Talking Peace 4/30 7pm, 11pm

Grantchester Season 2 On Masterpiece Tue 1am, 4am; Sun 8pm

Erma Bombeck: Legacy of Laughter WORLD 4/2 11:30am, 9:30pm; 4/3 1:30am, 8:30am, 4:30pm

Growing A Greener World Sat 10am

Great Performances at the Met Lulu 4/10 11:30pm Growing Cities WORLD 4/27 4pm, 7pm; 4/28 mdnt, 8am, 2pm




Evening & Overnight

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

Healing Quest Tue 12:30pm

Little League: A History 4/3 9pm; 4/4 1am, 9am; 4/5 5pm; 4/6 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Heart of the World: Colorado’s National Parks WORLD Sun 10:30am

Live from the Artists Den WORLD Tim McGraw 4/24 2am

Hometime The Last Episode 4/2 5am

Local USA WORLD Tue mdnt, 8am, 2pm; Fri 3am, 9am; Mon 4pm, 7pm


I Independent Lens Welcome to Leith 4/4 9pm; 4/6 1:30am • Democrats/Soft Vengeance 4/18 9pm; 4/20 1am WORLD The Great Invisible 4/13 5:30pm, 10:30pm; 4/14 6:30am, 12:30pm; 4/16 10am • An Honest Liar 4/2 10am • Welcome to Leith 4/6 5:30pm, 10:30pm; 4/7 6:30am, 12:30pm; 4/9 10am • Democrats/Soft Vengeance 4/20 5pm, 10pm; 4/21 6am, noon; 4/23 10am In Line for Anne Frank 4/17 11:30pm; 4/28 noon Innovations In Medicine Tue 11:30am In The Americas with David Yetman Sun 5am Islands Without Cars with Kira Hesser Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast 4/11 11:30pm • The Channel Island of Sark 4/25 11:30pm It’s Sew Easy Tue 1:30pm

J Jackie Robinson Pt 1 4/11 8pm; 4/13 1am, 4am • Pt 2 4/12 8pm; 4/14 1am, 4am WORLD Pt 1 4/16 6pm, 10pm • Pt 2 4/23 6pm, 10pm Jazz Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917) 4/1 8pm • The Gift (1917-1924) 4/1 9:30pm • Our Language (1924-1928) 4/8 8pm • The True Welcome (1929-1935) 4/8 10pm • Swing: Pure Pleasure (19351937) 4/15 8pm • Swing: The Velocity of Celebration (1937-1939) 4/22 8pm Jens Jensen The Living Green WORLD 4/15 6pm, 11pm; 4/16 7am, 1pm; 4/18 2am; 4/21 3am, 9am Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Sun 4:30am

K Katie Brown Workshop Sat 5am Kevin Dundon’s Back to Basics Eggs 4/14 11am • Pastry 4/21 11am • Sauces 4/28 11am Kevin Kling: Lost & Found 4/18 3am Knit and Crochet Now! Thu 1:30pm

L The Lawrence Welk Show Sat 6pm Lidia’s Kitchen Fri 11am Liquid Assets: The Story of Our Water Infrastructure WORLD 4/22 6:30pm, 11:30pm; 4/23 7:30am, 1:30pm

Lost Bird Project WORLD 4/28 4pm, 7pm; 4/29 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/30 3am

M Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank 4/10 3:05pm; 4/17 3:37am Making Light In Terezin 4/24 3:30am Market to Market Sat 3:30am; Sun 8am Martha Speaks Sat 5:30am Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Tue 11am McLaughlin Group Sun 9:30am WORLD Sun 5am, 1pm; Sat 5:30am, 4pm Midsomer Murders A Talent for Life, Part 1 4/21 8:50pm • A Talent for Life, Part 2 4/21 9:38pm The Mind of A Chef Prune 4/22 11:30pm • Garbage 4/29 11:30pm Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Sun 6am Montana AG Live A Mushrooming Interest? 4/3 11am • Montana’s Grain and Livestock Industry, a View from the Inside 4/3 6pm; 4/10 11am • Why Using Quality Seed Matters 4/10 6pm; 4/17 11am • On and Off The Lamb! 4/17 6pm; 4/24 11am • Ag Education Matters 4/24 6pm MontanaPBS Film Classics Chariots of Fire 4/2 8:02pm; 4/3 12:55pm • The Remains of the Day 4/9 8:02pm; 4/10 12:47pm • Sense and Sensibility 4/16 8:02pm; 4/17 12:45pm • Sleepless In Seattle 4/23 8:02pm; 4/24 12:46pm MotorWeek Wed 11:30pm Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Austin, Texas 4/2 3pm Mr. Selfridge Season 4 On Masterpiece Episode 2 4/3 9pm; 4/5 2am, 5am • Episode 3 4/10 9pm; 4/12 2am, 5am • Episode 4 4/17 9pm; 4/19 2am, 5am • Episode 5 4/24 9pm; 4/26 2am, 5am Music City Roots Live from the Factory Verlon Thompson, Humming House, Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell 4/2 11:04pm Music Voyager Fri 11:30am My Louisiana Love WORLD 4/3 2am Mysteries of the Coral Canyon 4/21 6pm, 11pm; 4/22 7am, 1pm; 4/25 2am, 2pm; 4/28 3am, 9am

Pledge programming

N National Parks: America’s Best Idea Native Waters: A Chitimacha Recollection WORLD 4/10 9:30pm; 4/11 1:30am, 9:30am Nature Saving Otter 501 4/6 7pm; 4/8 3am; 4/10 1:09am; 4/11 noon • Leave It to Beavers 4/20 7pm; 4/22 3am; 4/24 1am; 4/25 noon • Owl Power 4/27 7pm; 4/29 3am; 5/1 1am • Animal Reunions 4/3 1am; 4/4 noon • India’s Wandering Lions 4/13 7pm; 4/15 3am; 4/17 2:12am; 4/18 noon WORLD Mon 7am, 1pm; Sun 7pm, 11pm - Leave It to Beavers 4/24 6pm, 10pm; 4/25 6am, noon • Animal Reunions 4/3 7pm, 11pm; 4/4 7am, 1pm • India’s Wandering Lions 4/17 7pm, 11pm; 4/18 7am, 1pm Nature Cat Sun 7am; Mon-Sat 7:30am; Mon-Fri 3:30pm New Scandinavian Cooking Tina’s French Pantry 4/4 11am Newsline Tue-Fri 12:30am WORLD Mon-Fri 3pm

Open Mind Sat 2am WORLD Sun 5:30am, 1:30pm Overheard with Evan Smith Mon 4am, 11am

P Pacific Heartbeat WORLD Tue 7am, 1pm; Mon & Sat 6pm, 11pm; Sat 7pm, 10pm Painting and Travel with Roger & Sarah Bansemer Mon 1pm Painting The Town with Eric Dowdle Sun 5pm Painting with Wilson Bickford Thu 1pm Paint This with Jerry Yarnell Wed 1pm Paradise and Purgatory Hemingway of the L Bar T and St. V’s 4/4 4:30am PBS NewsHour Mon-Fri 6pm WORLD Tue-Sat 1am; Mon-Fri 8pm

Newsroom Tokyo Mon-Fri 5am

PBS NewsHour Weekend Weekends 5:30pm

Nightly Business Report Mon-Fri 5:30pm WORLD Tue-Sat 2am; Mon-Fri 9pm

PBS Previews: The Best of PBS Indies 4/15 9:30pm; 4/18 2:30am

NOVA Great Cathedral Mystery 4/29 noon; 5/1 mdnt • The Great Math Mystery 4/1 noon; 4/3 12:01am • Vikings Unearthed 4/6 8pm; 4/8 1am, 4am, noon; 4/10 12:12am • Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 4/13 8pm; 4/15 1am, 4am, noon; 4/17 12:15am • Wild Ways 4/20 8pm; 4/22 1am, 4am, noon; 4/24 mdnt WORLD The Great Math Mystery 4/1 6am, noon • Can Alzheimer’s Be Stopped? 4/7 5pm, 10pm; 4/8 6am, noon • Vikings Unearthed 4/14 5pm, 10pm; 4/15 6am, noon • Wild Ways 4/21 5pm, 10pm; 4/22 6am, noon

O Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era In Ocean Stewardship 4/13 4pm, 7pm; 4/14 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/22 4pm Odd Squad Mon-Fri 5pm Ode to Joy: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 4/4 2:30am Olmsted and America’s Urban Parks WORLD 4/2 6pm, 10pm; 4/4 2am On Story WORLD Making Comedy Work 4/1 9:30am • James Franco: A Look Inside 127 Hours 4/11 4:30pm, 7:30pm; 4/12 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; 4/15 3:30am, 9:30am • Frank Darabont: Filmmaker’s Journey 4/4 4:30pm, 7:30pm; 4/5 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; 4/8 3:30am, 9:30am • John Singleton’s Classic Influences 4/18 4:30pm, 7:30pm; 4/19 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; 4/22 3:30am, 9:30am • Norman Lear 4/25 4:30pm, 7:30pm; 4/26 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; 4/29 3:30am, 9:30am

Peg and Cat Save The World 4/1 9:30am Peg + Cat Mon-Fri 10am Place to Call Home The Prodigal Daughter 4/24 noon Plight of the Grassland Birds WORLD 4/28 5pm, 10pm; 4/29 6am, noon Point Taken Tue 11:30pm Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches Tue & Thu 6am, 6:15am

Q Quietest Place On Earth WORLD 4/12 5pm; 4/13 mdnt, 8am, 2pm Quilt in a Day Mon 1:30pm Quilting Arts Fri 1:30pm

R Racing to Zero: In Pursuit of Zero Waste WORLD 4/26 5pm; 4/27 mdnt, 8am, 2pm Ready Jet Go! Mon-Fri 7am, 4:30pm; Sun 7:30am; Sat 9:30am Rebels with a Cause WORLD 4/29 6pm, 11pm; 4/30 7am, 1pm Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly Sun 9am WORLD Sat 4am, 9:30am; Mon 4:30am, 11:30am, 9:30pm Rhythm Abroad Switzerland 4/1 11:30pm • Alberta, Canada 4/15 11:30pm Ride the Tiger 4/13 9pm; 4/15 2am, 5am WORLD 4/7 6pm, 11pm; 4/8 7am, 1pm

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area Shakespeare’s Curse 4/19 8pm; 4/21 2am, 5am

S Sara’s Weeknight Meals Wed 11am Scrapbook Soup Turn on the Tools 4/2 2:30pm • Details 4/9 2:30pm Scully/The World Show WORLD Thu 4am, 11am, 9:30pm

Simply Ming Spring Roll Wrappers and Pesto 4/7 11am Sit and Be Fit Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30am Song of the Mountains Mon 5am Standing On Sacred Ground WORLD Tue 6am, noon; Mon 5pm, 10pm

Tracks Ahead Sat 3:30pm Treblinka’s Last Witness 4/24 2:32pm Trees In Trouble 4/6 1am; 4/25 3:30am WORLD 4/26 7:30pm, 11:30pm; 4/27 7:30am, 1:30pm; 4/30 9:30pm

Second Opinion Concussion 4/5 noon • Whooping Cough 4/12 noon • Food Allergies 4/19 noon • Teen Depression 4/26 noon WORLD Psychosis 4/7 4:30am, 11:30am • Adhd In Adults 4/14 4:30am, 11:30am • Measles/Vaccines 4/21 4:30am, 11:30am • Sudden Cardiac Arrest In Young Athletes 4/28 4:30am, 11:30am

Start Up WORLD Sun 11:30am

Variety Studio: Actors On Actors 4/3 2am • 4/10 2:06am

Super Why! Sat 6am

Vera Sun 10pm

Secrets of Saint John Paul 4/5 8pm; 4/7 2am, 5am; 4/10 3:30am WORLD 4/10 7pm, 11pm; 4/11 7am, 1pm

Tavis Smiley Tue-Sat mdnt WORLD Tue-Sat 2:30am; Mon-Fri 10am, 10:30am

Secrets of the Dead WORLD JFK: One PM Central Standard Time 4/1 4pm, 7pm; 4/2 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/7 3am, 9am • The Lost Diary of Dr. Livingstone 4/14 3am, 9am • Carthage’s Lost Warriors 4/8 4pm, 7pm; 4/9 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 4/11 2pm • The Lost Gardens of Babylon 4/8 5pm, 10pm; 4/9 6am, noon • The Real Trojan Horse 4/8 6pm, 11pm; 4/9 7am, 1pm • The Alcatraz Escape 4/1 6pm, 11pm; 4/2 7am, 1pm Sesame Street Sat 9am; Mon-Fri 9:30am Sewing with Nancy Sat 1:30pm

Symphony of the Soil 4/3 3pm; 4/6 5am


Teaching Channel Presents Sun 3am Ted Talks Science and Wonder 4/1 7am, 1pm


W Washington Week with Gwen Ifill Sat 12:30am; Fri 7pm WORLD Sun 4:30am, 12:30pm; Sat 3:30pm Well Read Sarah Vowell, Lafayette in the Somewhat United States 4/12 11:30pm WORLD Fri 4am, 11am; Sun 9:30am Wild Kratts Mon-Fri 6:30am

This Is America & The World Sat 2:30am

Wing and a Prayer 4/24 11:30pm

This Old House Sat 11:30am

WPC 56 Sun noon; Thu 9pm

The This Old House Hour Sat 4am

W.S. Merwin: to Plant A Tree 4/25 4am WORLD 4/24 7pm, 11pm; 4/25 7am, 1pm; 4/26 3am, 9am

Thomas & Friends Mon-Fri 2pm Time for Three In Concert 4/30 11pm

Woodsmith Shop Sat 1pm

To The Contrary with Bonnie Erbe Sat 1:30am WORLD Sun & Wed 4am; Sat 5am, 3pm; Wed 11am; Sun noon

Are you a sustaining member? You can feel the satisfaction of knowing that for as little as $5 a month—less than the cost of a movie ticket—you are ensuring that award winning high-quality programming remains accessible to viewers in Montana for generations to come. Benefits of becoming a Sustainer: • Quick, easy, and secure • Automatic monthly payments deducted from your bank account or credit card • Provides reliable funding for the programs you enjoy • Membership always remains current • Saves paper and postage • Receive the monthly program guide without interruption It takes just a few minutes whether you signup online at montanapbs.org, fill out and mail in the form on the back cover of this issue, or call 1-800-426-8243.



Valued. Trusted. Essential.

Games on the Go! Learning Anywhere, Anytime Check out the transmedia suites of online games, interactive whiteboard games, mobile apps, augmented reality and play-along videos from your favorite shows. Teachers and parents can access many new learning opportunities on their mobile devices and computers this month. The math and literacy games will make anytime learning time!


MontanaPBS thanks RSVP volunteers


Find your community MontanaPBS HD Create channel in your community, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area Find the MontanaPBS online program schedule at montanapbs.org/Schedule


MontanaPBS A B C American Woodshop Sun & Wed 8:30am; Wed 2:30pm America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30am; Sun, Tue, Thu 6:30pm; Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat 10pm Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook Sun & Wed 5pm, 10:30pm Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge Tue, Thu, Sat 11:30pm & 4/3 7:30am Ask This Old House Mon & Thu 2am; Sun & Wed 8am, 4pm, 8pm Bake Decorate Celebrate! Sun & Wed 5am, 11pm; Wed 11am Baking with Julia Tue & Thu 5:30pm Barbecue University with Steven Raichlen Fire and Water 4/23 7am, 7pm; 4/24 1pm Beads, Baubles and Jewels Sun & Wed 9:30am; Wed 3:30pm Best of the Joy of Painting Tue & Thu 4:30am, 10:30am Bringing It Home with Laura McIntosh Fresh from Boston 4/16 7:30am, 7:30pm; 4/17 1:30pm • Italian Inspired Recipes 4/2 7:30am, 7:30pm; 4/3 1:30pm Caprial and John’s Kitchen: Cooking for Family and Friends 4/9 6:30am, 6:30pm; 4/10 12:30pm Chef John Besh’s Family Table 4/23 5:30am, 5:30pm; 4/24 11:30am • 4/1 6am, noon • 4/4 6am, noon Chef John Besh’s New Orleans Fri 6am, noon Chef’s Life Mon, Wed, Fri 1am; Sun, Tue, Thu 7pm; 4/10 11am; 4/23 8am, 8pm; 4/24 2pm Christina Cooks Tue & Thu 6:30am, 12:30pm Ciao Italia Sat 6am, 8:30am, 6pm, 8:30pm; Sun & Wed 6:30am; Sun 11am, 2:30pm; Wed 12:30pm Cooking with Nick Stellino It’s All About Pasta! 4/2 9:30am, 9:30pm; 4/3 3:30pm • Halibut with a Kick & Aristocratic Risotto 4/23 5am, 5pm; 4/24 11am Cook’s Country Tue, Thu, Sat 12:30am; Sat noon, 3:30pm; Mon, Wed, Fri 6:30pm, 10pm Curious Traveler Mon & Thu 3am; Sun & Wed 9pm

D E F Dining with the Chef Tue & Thu 6am, noon Eat! Drink! Italy! with Vic Rallo Less Is More.... Lots More! 4/2 7am, 7pm; 4/3 1pm • Local Knowledge 4/2 4:30am, 4:30pm; 4/3 10:30am • More Than The Sum of the Parts 4/9 8am, 8pm; 4/10 2pm

Essential Pepin Sun & Wed 5:30pm Family Travel with Colleen Kelly The Caribbean 4/30 4:30am, 4:30pm • Boston 4/16 9am, 9pm; 4/17 3pm Fit 2 Stitch Sun & Wed 4am; Wed 10am Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting Mon & Fri 4am, 10am

G H Garden SMART Wed 9am, 3pm George Hirsch Lifestyle Sat 4am, 4pm; Tue & Thu 5am, 11am; Tue, Thu, Sat 11pm & 4/10 10am Globe Trekker Sun & Tue 2:30am; Sat 2pm; & 4/1 8:30pm Great American Seafood Cook-Off VII 4/1 11:30am Growing a Greener World Sun 9am Healthful Indian Flavors with Alamelu Sun & Wed 6am; Wed noon Hometime Wed & Fri 2am; Tue & Thu 8am, 4pm, 8pm Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef 4/3 5:30am • 4/6 5:30am, 11:30am • 4/10 5:30am

I J Islands Without Cars with Kira Hesser Tue & Thu 7:30am, 1:30pm Jacques Pepin: Heart & Soul Daily 1:30am; Sat 10am, 1pm; Sun-Fri 4:30pm, 7:30pm Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way Sat 11am; Mon & Fri 5:30pm; & 4/23 8:30am, 8:30pm; 4/24 2:30pm Joanne Weir Gets Fresh Tue & Thu 5pm, 10:30pm Journeys In Africa Wed & Fri 3am; Tue & Thu 9pm Journeys In Japan Wed 7:30am, 1:30pm

K L Katie Brown Workshop Wine and Cheese 4/9 5:30am, 5:30pm; 4/10 11:30am Knit and Crochet Now! Tue & Thu 4am, 10am Lidia’s Kitchen Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat mdnt, 3:30am; Sat 11:30am, 3pm; Mon, Wed, Fri 6pm, 9:30pm; 4/23 9am, 9pm;


Cortez 4/20 5:30am, 11:30am • WorldClass Wines of Baja 4/24 5:30am • Eat Like a Local In Los Cabos 4/27 5:30am, 11:30am • Oaxacan Cheese Primer 4/9 7am, 7pm; 4/10 1pm Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking 4/16 9:30am, 9:30pm; 4/17 3:30pm • 4/2 4am, 4pm • Oahu, HI 4/8 7pm; 4/9 1am • Louisville, KY 4/11 7pm; 4/12 1am; 4/16 12:30pm; 4/17 1am • Culinary Institute of America 4/13 7pm; 4/14 1am • Miami 2 4/15 7pm; 4/16 1am • San Antonio, TX 4/18 7pm; 4/19 1am; 4/23 12:30pm; 4/24 1am • Maui, HI 4/20 7pm; 4/21 1am • Anchorage, AK 4/22 7pm; 4/23 1am, 4am, 4pm; 4/24 10am • The Big Island, HI 4/25 7pm; 4/26 1am; 4/30 12:30pm • Nashville, TN 4/2 12:30pm; 4/3 1am; 4/27 7pm; 4/28 1am • Miami 1 4/29 7pm; 4/30 1am • Fresno, CA 4/1 7pm; 4/2 1am • Austin, TX 4/4 7pm; 4/5 1am; 4/9 12:30pm; 4/10 1am Music Voyager Mumbai 4/27 11:30pm • Beyond Bob Marley 4/30 6:30am, 6:30pm • Dancehall Marathon 4/30 5:30am, 5:30pm • Pueblo, CO 4/3 11:30pm • Atlanta, GA 4/6 11:30pm • Macon/Athens, GA 4/10 11:30pm • Albany/Columbus, GA 4/13 11:30pm • The Bahamas 4/17 11:30pm • The Bahamas: Raking and Scraping 4/20 11:30pm • The Bahamas: Islands to the World 4/24 11:30pm

N P New Scandinavian Cooking Mon & Fri 6:30am, 12:30pm Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends Andy’s Pork Tenderloin 4/16 8am, 8pm; 4/17 2pm Painting The Town with Eric Dowdle Mon & Fri 11:30pm Paint This with Jerry Yarnell Mon & Fri 4:30am, 10:30am P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Mon & Fri 9am, 3pm P. Allen Smith’s Garden to Table Tue & Thu 5:30am, 11:30am Pedal America Mon & Fri 7am, 1pm; Sat 9am, 9pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 4/9 7:30am, 7:30pm; 4/10 1:30pm

R Richard Bangs’ Adventures with Purpose Fri 8:30pm, Sat 2:30am

Martha Bakes Mon, Wed, Fri mdnt, 3:30am; Sun, Tue, Thu 6pm, 9:30pm

Rick Steves’ Europe Mon & Thu 2:30am; Weekdays 2pm; Sun & Wed 8:30pm

Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Fish Monger 4/23 9:30am, 9:30pm; 4/24 3:30pm

Rough Cut: Woodworking with Tommy Mac Mon & Fri 8:30am, 2:30pm; 4/17 10am

Mexico: One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless Mediterranean Baja 4/13 5:30am, 11:30am • Tijuana Taco Crawl 4/17 5:30am • Cooking on the Sea of

Rudy Maxa’s World Mendoza, Argentina 4/9 4:30am, 4:30pm; 4/10 10:30am

S Sara’s Weeknight Meals Mon & Fri 5am, 11am, 11pm Scheewe Art Workshop Sun & Wed 4:30am; Wed 10:30am Simply Ming Sat 10:30am; Mon & Fri 5pm; Mon, Fri, Sat 10:30pm Smart Travels: Pacific Rim With Rudy Maxa San Francisco 4/2 6:30am, 6:30pm; 4/3 12:30pm • Vancouver & Victoria, British Columbia 4/5 7am, 1pm • Shanghai 4/7 7am, 1pm • Hong Kong 4/12 7am, 1pm • Sydney 4/14 7am, 1pm • Queensland, Australia 4/19 7am, 1pm • New Zealand’s South Island 4/21 7am, 1pm • New Zealand’s North Island 4/26 7am, 1pm • Guadalajara & Puerto Vallarta 4/28 7am, 1pm Start Up Mon & Fri 9:30am, 3:30pm Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke Mon & Fri 5:30am, 11:30am

T Taste of Louisiana with Chef John Folse & Co.: Our Food Heritage Italian Immigration to America 4/2 9am, 9pm; 4/3 3pm • Italian Entrepreneurs 4/2 5:30am, 5:30pm; 4/3 11:30am Taste The Islands with Chef Irie The Latin Lover 4/30 4am, 4pm • Carnival Nights 4/30 5am, 5pm • A Little of This 4/30 6am, 6pm • Dinner in the Keys 4/30 7am, 7pm • Rich & Refreshing 4/30 8am, 8pm • An Early Lunch 4/30 9am, 9pm • Kingston to Bridgetown 4/30 9:30am, 9:30pm Taste This! Sun noon, 2pm - Brooklyn Comfort Food 4/2 8am, 8pm; 4/3 2pm • Small Town Italian Favorites 4/2 6am, 6pm; 4/3 noon This Old House Sun, Tue, Sat 2am; Mon & Fri 8am, 4pm, 8pm; Sat 1:30pm Travelscope Wed & Fri 2:30am; Mon & Fri 7:30am, 1:30pm; Tue & Thu 8:30pm

U Urban Conversion Tue & Thu 9:30am, 3:30pm

V Victory Garden’s EdibleFEAST Tue & Thu 9am, 3pm Vintage A Vintage for the Ages 4/9 9:30am, 9:30pm; 4/10 3:30pm

W Wild Photo Adventures Sun & Wed 7am; Wed 1pm Woodsmith Shop Tue & Thu 8:30am, 2:30pm

Find a MontanaPBS Kids channel channel in your community, See p. 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

MontanaPBS Kids Channel





6:00 am Curious George

Curious George

Nature Cat

6:30 am Nature Cat

Nature Cat

Curious George

7:00 am Ready Jet Go!

Ready Jet Go!

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

7:30 am Wild Kratts

Wild Kratts

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

8:00 am Odd Squad

Odd Squad

Sesame Street

8:30 am Arthur

Odd Squad

Peg + Cat, 4/1 Peg and Cat Save the World

9:00 am Cat in the Hat...


Dinosaur Train

9:30 am Sid the Science Kid


Dinosaur Train

10:00 am Peg + Cat

Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That

Super Why!

10:30 am Martha Speaks


Thomas & Friends

11:00 am Sesame Street

Peg + Cat

Sesame Street

11:30 am Barney & Friends


Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That

Maya & Miguel

Curious George

Clifford the Big Red Dog,

Curious George

1:00 pm Super Why!

Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab


1:30 pm CyberChase

Martha Speaks

Nature Cat

2:00 pm SciGirls

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

Ready Jet Go!

2:30 pm Maya & Miguel


Odd Squad

3:00 pm Clifford the Big Red Dog

Super Why!, 4/24 Super Why! Around the World Adventure

Wild Kratts

3:30 pm WordGirl

Thomas & Friends

Wild Kratts

4:00 pm Wunderkind Little Amadeus

Bob the Builder

Martha Speaks

4:30 pm Biz Kid$

Space Racers


Noon Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood 12:30 pm Bali

5:00 pm Curiosity Quest Goes Green Zula Patrol


5:30 pm Odd Squad

Peep & the Big Wide World

Signing Time!

6:00 pm Design Squad

Berenstain Bears

Twice as Good

6:30 pm SciGirls


1001 Nights

7:00 pm Hands On Crafts for Kids

Hands on Crafts for Kids

Hands On Crafts for Kids

7:30 pm Space Racers

Biz Kid$

Space Racers

Biz Kid$

8:00 pm Zula Patrol

Curiosity Quest Goes Green

Zula Patrol

Curiosity Quest Goes Green

8:30 pm Peep & the Big Wide World

Odd Squad

Peep & the Big Wide World

Odd Squad

9:00 pm Berenstain Bears

Design Squad

Berenstain Bears

Design Squad, 4/7 National Geographic Bee

9:30 pm Zoboomafoo




10:00 pm Hands on Crafts for Kids

Hands on Crafts for Kids

Hands On Crafts for Kids

10:30 pm Space Racers

Biz Kid$

Space Racers

Biz Kid$

11:00 pm Zula Patrol

Curiosity Quest Goes Green

Zula Patrol

Curiosity Quest Goes Green

11:30 pm Peep & the Big Wide World

Odd Squad

Peep & the Big Wide World

Odd Squad




Business Partners


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Program Underwriters

Crystal Beaty · (406) 994-6221  ·  crystal@ montanapbs.org

Allegra Bozeman www.allegrabozeman.com Apostrophe www.apostrophemagazine.com Big Sky Journal www.bigskyjournal.com Big Sky Resort www.bigskyresort.com Bozeman Daily Chronicle www.dailychronicle.com Bozeman Magazine www.bozemanmagazine.com Cashman’s Nursery Community Closet Thrift Store www.communitycloset.com D.A. Davidson Emerson Center for the Arts and Culture www.theemerson.org Fay Ranches www.fayranches.com Filmlites Montana www.filmlitesmt.com First Security Bank www.ourbank.com First Interstate BancSystem www.firstinterstatebank.com Gallatin Valley Catering www.gallatinvalleycatering.com Hample & Peck Financial Planning & Investments www.hampleandpeck.com Jem Shoppe Jewelers www.jemshoppe.com Jereco Studios www.jerecostudios.com KGLT FM www.kglt.net Last Wind-Up www.LastWindUp.com Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center www.fs.fed.us/r1/lewisclark/lcic.htm Missoula Independent www.missoulanews.com Montana Expressions www.montanaexpressions.com Montana Farm Bureau Federation www.mfbf.org Montana Historical Society Montana State University www.montana.edu Montana Office of Tourism www.visitmt.com Montana Public Radio www.mtpr.org Montana: The Magazine of Western History www.montanahistoricalsociety.org Muhlbrandt Photography www.muhlbrandtphotography.com Nature Conservancy www.nature.org NorthWestern Energy www.northwesternenergy.com North American Auction Company www.NorthAmericanAuctionCompany.com Quilting in the Country www.quiltinginthecountry.com Rowman and Littlefield Publishers www.rowman.com Shadow Hearth & Home www.shadowhearth.com The Bozone www.bozone.com The Greater Montana Foundation www.greatermontana.org University of Montana www.umt.edu Yellowstone Park Foundation www.ypf.org Yellowstone Public Radio www.yellowstonepublicradio.org

Gilhousen Family Foundation Greater Montana Foundation Quinn’s Hot Springs Resort and Jackson Hot Springs Lodge Jack and Donna Ostrovsky Montana State University Office of the President D. A. Davidson Gibson Acoustic and Music Villa Daryl Ziegler Henning Bob and Karin Utzinger Filmlites Montana Esther Nelson Tony and Martha Biel Gary and Sue Andrews Bill and Jane Gum Mary Routhier Jack and Linda Hyyppa Marie Gary Agency Mike and Ginny Fischer Gregory Young and Elizabeth Croy Peg Wherry Denis and Barbara Prager John and Renee Thorp Mary and Alan Brutger Suzy and Robert Sterling Tim and Kathy Hammond

Greater Montana Foundation Montana Office of Tourism Missoula Nissan Hyundai The Trailhead

Cashman's Nursery and Landscaping MSU Extension MSU College of Agriculture/ Ag Experiment Station Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Montana Department of Agriculture Montana Bankers Association/ Bancserve, Inc. Gallatin Gardeners


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c r e d i t c a rd n u m b e r

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s i g n atu re

n am e

Old Faithful erupting, Yellowstone National Park

National Parks: America’s Best Idea This six-part documentary series is the story of an idea as uniquely American as the Declaration of Independence and just as radical: that the most special places in the nation should be preserved, not for royalty or the rich, but for everyone. As such, it follows in the tradition of Burns’s exploration of other American inventions, such as baseball and jazz. This series was directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with his longtime colleague, Dayton Duncan, who also wrote the script.

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The Scripture of Nature, 1851—1890

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The Last Refuge, 1890—1915

 8pm Monday, April 25 Also 4/27 1am, 4am  8pm Tuesday, April 26 Also 4/28 mdnt, 3:30am

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The Empire of Grandeur, 1915—1919 s ta te

 8pm Wednesday, April 27 Also 4/29 1am, 4am zip

THANK YOU FO R YOUR SUPP O RT! Please call 1-800-426-8243, email membership@montanapbs.org, OR mail this form to: Friends of MontanaPBS · P.O. Box 10715 • Bozeman, MT 59719-0715

Going Home, 1920—1933  8pm Thursday, April 28 Also 4/30 1:30am, 3:30am

Great Nature, 1933—1945  8pm Friday, April 29 Also 5/1 2am, 4am

The Morning of Creation, 1946—1980  8:02pm Saturday, April 30

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