2017 September MontanaPBS Viewers Guide

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Charles M. Russell Documentary Film SEPTEMBER 2017

See page 31 for details

The Vietnam War  Begins 7pm Sunday, September 17 Ken Burns and Lynn Novick tell the epic story of the war as it’s never before been told on film. The 10-part series features testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, American and Vietnamese, bringing the war and its chaotic epoch viscerally to life. (This 18-hour series is presented over 10 nights)  See story, p. 2–3


On the Cover

MontanaPBS Guide


SEPTEMBER 2017 · VOL. 31 · NO. 3 C O PY R IG H T © 2017 M O N TA N A PB S, A L L R IG H TS R ES ERV ED

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Eric Hyyppa, Sally Maison; BILLINGS Margaret MacDonald; GREAT FALLS Bill Beecher, Katie Kotynski; HELENA Kirk J. Miller, Bruce Whittenberg; K ALISPELL Tony Brockman; MISSOULA Ray Ekness, Peggy Kuhr; WHITEFISH Betsy Cox, Louisa S. Nye; UM MISSOULA Bobbie Evans; MSU BOZEMAN Terry Leist BOZEMAN










16.5 9.5






















17 Paradise & Shields River Valleys 20 Belgrade & Springhill Community 20 Billings 27 Emigrant & Chico Hot Springs 40 Sweet Grass Hills; Liberty, Toole & Hill Counties 49 Helena 63 Bridger, Fromberg and Belfry

Table of Contents



Vietnam War


Montana Ag Live 6 EVENING & OVERNIGHT MontanaPBS & World 7 American Master: Richard Linklater 9 POV: The Grown-Ups 11 Secrets of the Dead: Teotihuacán 13 Masterpiece Mystery! Sherlock 15 Secrets of Westminster 17 Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World 19 Craft in America: Neighbors 21 MontanaPBS Film Classics: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 22 WEEKDAY PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS 23 WEEKEND PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS 24 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING MontanaPBS WildKratts Live! 25 A-Z PROGRAM LISTING MontanaPBS & World 28 A-Z PROGRAM LISTING Create 29 MontanaPBS Kids Channel 30 BUSINESS PARTNERS 32 NOVA: Death Dive to Saturn

American soldier with his siblings before leaving for Vietnam

The Vietnam War  Airs 7pm Sunday–Thursday over two weeks beginning September 17 The Vietnam War is a 10 part, 18-hour documentary film series directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. An immersive 360-degree narrative, the series tells the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. The Vietnam War features testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides. Ten years in the making, the series brings the war and the chaotic epoch it encompassed viscerally to life. Written by Geoffrey C. Ward, produced by Sarah Botstein, Novick and Burns, it includes rarely seen, digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and revelatory audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. The series features more than 100 iconic musical recordings from many of the greatest artists of the era, and original music from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as well as the Silk Road Ensemble featuring Yo-Yo Ma. Cover images: Top, Courtesy of Charles O. Haughey; Middle, Courtesy of Bettmann/Getty Images; Botttom, Courtesy of Rene Burri/Magnum Photos



Featured this month

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Marines marching in Danang. March 15, 1965.

The Vietnam War Episode 1: Deja Vu 1858–1961

Airs 7pm & 8:30pm Sunday, Sept. 17  ·  Also 9/19 1am, 2:30am After a long and brutal war, Vietnamese revolutionaries led by Ho Chi Minh end nearly a century of French colonial occupation. With the Cold War intensifying, Vietnam is divided in two at Geneva. Communists in the north aim to reunify the country, while America supports Ngo Dinh Diem’s untested regime in the south.

Episode 2: Riding the Tiger, 1961-1963

Airs 7pm & 8:30pm Monday, Sept. 18  ·  Also 9/20 1am, 2:30am President Kennedy inspires idealistic young Americans to serve their country and wrestles with how deeply to get involved in South Vietnam. As the increasingly autocratic Diem regime faces a growing communist insurgency and widespread Buddhist protests, a grave political crisis unfolds.

Episode 3: The River Styx, January 1964–December 1965

Airs 7pm & 9pm Tuesday, Sept. 19  ·  Also 9/21 1am, 3am With South Vietnam in chaos, hardliners in Hanoi seize the initiative and send combat troops to the south, accelerating the insurgency. Fearing Saigon’s collapse, President Johnson escalates America’s military commitment, authorizing sustained bombing of the north and deploying ground troops in the south.

Episode 4: Resolve, January 1966–June 1967

Airs 7pm & 9pm Wednesday, Sept. 20  ·  Also 9/22 1am, 3am Defying American airpower, North Vietnamese troops and materiel stream down the Ho Chi Minh Trail into the south, while Saigon struggles to “pacify the countryside.” As an antiwar movement builds back home, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and Marines discover that the war they are being asked to fight in Vietnam is nothing like their fathers’ war.

Episode 5: This Is What We Do, July 1967-December 1967

Airs 7pm & 8:30pm Thursday, Sept. 21  ·  Also 9/25 2am, 3:30am American casualties and enemy body counts mount as Marines face deadly North Vietnamese ambushes and artillery south of the DMZ and Army units chase an elusive enemy in the central highlands. Hanoi lays plans for a massive surprise offensive, and the Johnson Administration reassures the American public that victory is in sight.

Episode 6: Things Fall Apart, January 1968–July 1968

Airs 7pm & 8:30pm Sunday, Sept. 24  ·  Also 9/26 1am, 2:30am On the eve of the Tet holiday, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces launch surprise attacks on cities and military bases throughout the south, suffering devastating losses but casting grave doubt on Johnson’s promise that there is “light at the end of the tunnel.” The president decides not to run again, and the country is staggered by assassinations and unrest.

Episode 7: The Veneer of Civilization, June 1968–May 1969

Airs 7pm & 9pm Monday, Sept. 25  ·  Also 9/27 1am, 3am Public support for the war declines, and American men of draft age face difficult decisions and wrenching moral choices. After police battle with demonstrators in the streets of Chicago, Richard Nixon wins the presidency. In Vietnam, the war goes on and soldiers on all sides witness terrible savagery and unflinching courage.

Episode 8: The History of the World, April 1969–May 1970

Airs 7pm & 9pm Tuesday, Sept. 26  ·  Also 9/28 1am, 3am With morale plummeting in Vietnam, President Nixon begins withdrawing American troops. As news breaks of an unthinkable massacre committed by American soldiers, the public debates the rectitude of the war, while an incursion into Cambodia reignites antiwar protests with tragic consequences.

Episode 9: A Disrespectful Loyalty, May 1970–March 1973

Airs 7pm & 9pm Wednesday, Sept. 27  ·  Also 9/29 1am, 3am South Vietnamese forces fighting on their own in Laos suffer a terrible defeat. Massive U.S. airpower makes the difference in halting an unprecedented North Vietnamese offensive. After being re-elected in a landslide, Nixon announces Hanoi has agreed to a peace deal. American prisoners of war will come home to a bitterly divided country.

Episode 10: The Weight of Memory, March 1973–Onward

Airs 7pm & 9pm Thursday, Sept. 28 While the Watergate scandal rivets Americans’ attention and forces President Nixon to resign, the Vietnamese continue to savage one another in a brutal civil war. When hundreds of thousands of North Vietnamese troops pour into the south, Saigon descends rapidly into chaos and collapses. For the next 40 years, Americans and Vietnamese from all sides search for healing and reconciliation.



Produced by MontanaPBS Made in Montana MontanaPBS continues to tell the story of our state—past and present—with award winning television productions. Programs like Backroads of Montana, Indian Relay, Fort Peck Dam and Butte, America help our citizens thoughtfully reflect on the colorful history of our state, the majesty of our shared landscape and our unique people and cultures. Programs such as Montana Ag Live, Concussion: Answers in the Blood?, Degrees of Difference and many others foster important discussion about current issues.


Voices of Fire  Explore the role wildfires play on the Western landscape. How will the ranchers and the ecosystem rebound from the tragic Soda Fire and what can be done to prevent another Soda Fire in the future? The film uses the Soda Fire as a case study to discuss how to manage and prevent future wildfires in the area. Airs Wednesday, 9/6 at 12pm

Paradise and Purgatory: Hemingway of the L Bar T and St. V’s  Ernest Hemingway spent the summer and fall of 1930 hunting and fishing at the L Bar T, a dude ranch twelve miles south of Cooke City, MT. Although his vacation was initially a great success, it nearly ended in tragedy. Airs Sunday, 9/10 at 10am

Joseph Kinsey Howard: A Life Outside the Margins  Joe Howard was one of the

Indian Relay

 7pm Thursday, September 14  Also 9/17 10am, 9/20 noon

From the bitter cold of winter on the Rocky Mountain front to the heat and mayhem of the summer’s championship races in Montana and Idaho, Indian Relay follows three teams from different American Indian communities as they prepare for and compete in a grueling Indian Relay season.

Fort Peck Dam  Thousands of men and their families faced unforgiving conditions to build the Fort Peck Dam, a project bold in design, daring in execution, and far-reaching in its effects. Airs Tuesday, 8/1 at 7pm, Thursday, 8/3 at 4am, Wednesday, 8/9 at 12pm, Sunday, 8/27 at 10am Montana Mosaics: 20th Century People and Events: Ethnic Diversity, Arts and Humanities in Montana  This episode reveals that Montana was, and still is, a patchwork of peoples from all across the globe. The second half of the program shows how that ethnic diversity has contributed to Montana’s rich history of art. The program visits the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts and profiles painter Ernie Pepion. Airs Sunday, 9/3 at 10am

Indian Relay  The hope and determination of modern-day American Indian life is revealed in this film about what it takes to win one of the most exciting and perilous forms of horseracing practiced anywhere in the world today. Featuring remarkable high-speed cinematography, Follows three teams from different American Indian communities as they prepare for and compete in a grueling Indian Relay season—all hearts set on the glory and honor of winning an Indian Relay National Championship. Airs Thursday, 9/14 at 7pm, Sunday, 9/17 at 10am, Wednesday, 9/20 at 12pm Montana Rx: Unintended Consequences  Explore Montana’s unique struggle with prescription drug abuse. A Browning grandmother and Billings student face tragedies that have shaped their lives. Airs Sunday, 9/3 at 10:30am, Wednesday, 9/6 at 12:30pm, Sunday, 9/10 at 3:30am

most influential and controversial figures in Montana during the 1930s and ’40s. As a journalist and historian, he drew attention to the social, political, and economic struggles of the state, but his role in Montana’s cultural development may be his most significant contribution. Airs Sunday, 9/10 at 10:30am

Sun River Homestead  This documentary tells the story of Esther Strasburger and her two sisters, Lydia and Anna, homesteaders in the Sun River Valley near Simms, Montana, in the early 1900s. The program also explores how homesteading was marketed to prospective settlers, including direct appeals to women. Airs Sunday, 9/24 at 2:30pm

The Violin Alone  The unlikely pairing of two modern visionaries, Vilmos Olah, a Hungarian violin virtuoso, and Eric Funk, a contemporary classical composer from the heart of Montana, has resulted in a new piece of music that pushes the boundaries of music and our notion of the possible. In this extreme concerto, its player must simultaneously play the solo AND orchestra parts. He must emulate flutes, oboes, clarinet, timpani, and brass. Airs Sunday, 9/24 at 10am



Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof  This honky-tonk band has a style somewhere between country, rock ‘n’ roll, ragtime, and boogie. American popular music is an amalgamation of styles, musicians from different backgrounds finding one another and merging their musical tastes into newly invented approaches. Airs Thursday, 9/7 at 7pm, Saturday, 9/9 at 10pm, Monday, 9/11 at 2am Sharp Shooters  Meet a remarkable Great Falls woman with a sharp eye at the pool table and 100 years of stories. In Lincoln, attend a family-run, co-ed basketball tournament that keeps their late father’s memory alive. In Alberton, the woman who has patrolled the sidelines at the team’s games with her camera for decades has snapped thousands of memories. And in Billings, the “King of the One Armed Bandits” sells and restores antique slot machines. Airs Saturday, 9/2 at 5pm A Stone’s Throw From Anywhere  Curlers slide into Havre for the annual bonspiel where we follow a team from the small north central town of Rudyard as they compete in one of the oldest team sports known to man. Meet two young rodeo stars-in-the-making from Worden at the Little Britches Rodeo in Laurel. Hot Spring’s Troy DeRoche first began playing his Native American flutes as a way to sell them, but his music that has taken him around the world. At the monthly square dance in Plains, Backroads of Montana host William Marcus tries his hand at the do-si-do and dance calling. Airs Saturday, 9/9 at 5pm

N E W FA L L S E A S O N !

Montana Ag Live Keeping That Pony Healthy  Jan Bowman of MSU animal and range sciences will lead the panel in a discussion about horse nutrition. Airs Sunday, 9/3 at 11am

Pancakes and Polo  Get ready for wild rides, wild flowers, and wild stories in this episode of Backroads of Montana. We gape at cowboy polo east of Missoula; walk through a field of wildflowers on Big Hole Pass west of Dillon, listen in at the annual storytellers’ conference in Cut Bank, and stop along the way for a bite to eat at Yesterday’s Calf-A in Dell. And host William Marcus gives us a tour of the original Governor’s Mansion in Helena. Airs Saturday, 9/16 at 5pm

New! Weeds Special   We start our Fall 2017 season with a special program focusing on the management of Montana weeds. Featuring weed coordinator for the Montana Department of Agriculture Dave Burch, this episode will concentrate on managing weed issues in the Treasure State. If you have an issue with weeds (who doesn’t) then don’t miss this program. Airs Sunday, 9/10 at 11am

Music and Memories  The crew takes us along on visits to the Accordion Festival in Philipsburg, the Ross Cedars, a bucking bronco school in Arlee and historic Mann Gulch near Helena. We also meet a grain elevator photographer in Bozeman. Airs Saturday, 9/23 at 5pm Flathead Lake to the Crazy Mountains  Meet a Big Timber man who works on a minute level; follow a group of seniors as they beautify a stretch of highway in northwest Montana; hitch a ride on the Orphan Girl Express at the World Museum of Mining in Butte; unwind in Helena with a man who restores wind-up phonographs and storm the castle in White Sulphur Springs. Airs Saturday, 9/30 at 5pm

New! The Bugs of Montana: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly  Entomologists will KATHY WOODFORD

look at both the beneficial and nasty bugs that inhabit our state. Learn about pollinators, predators, pets and pests. Airs Sunday, 9/10 at 6pm, Sunday, 9/17 at 11am

New! Here Comes the (Water) Judge!  Judge Russ McElyea, Chief Water Court Judge for Montana, will look at water needs of the future, and how Montana will cope with these needs. Airs Sunday, 9/17 at 6pm, Sunday, 9/24 at 11am New! Nothing is Sure But Death and Taxes!  Renowned Montana State University

Members of the Montana Mavericks Square Dance Club in Plains promenade to the calls of Ed Evans (right) in A Stone’s Throw from Anywhere.

Economist Marcia Goetting will provide information on estate planning for all Montanan’s, and especially for Montana’s farms and ranches. Airs Sunday, 9/24 at 6pm



Evening & Overnight FRIDAY



MDNT WORLD  City in the Sky: Arrival


Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5


11:30 New Scandinavian Cooking

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose: The Week 8:00 Richard Linklater: American Masters The independent filmmaking style of the director of Boyhood and Dazed and Confused is explored. TV-PG  See story, opposite

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G

9:30 Richard Bresnahan: The Taste of the Clay Artist Richard Bresnahan sets up an indigenous pottery studio at St. John’s University in Minnesota. TV-G

9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Walt Disney: American

Experience, pt 1 TV-PG-L

10:30 Charlie Rose


12:02 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 NOVA: Zeppelin Terror Attack 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 India: Nature’s Wonderland 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia 3:00 WORLD  Life on the Line: The Lasting Impact 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Frank Marshall On Producing from the Creative Side 4:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Extreme Wonders 4:00 WORLD  Well Read: Sherman Alexie / You Don’t Have to Say You Love 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: How Could God Make Miracles? 5:00 Engadin: Switzerland’s Wilderness 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

“Hiker’s Food” Tina prepares baked trout with herbs wrapped in cured ham, grilled sirloin and mutton sausages. TV-G



AM EARLY MORNING 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Overheard with Evan Smith: David Fahrenthold, Journalist 1:00 Black America: Women and Media with Jamia Wilson 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: An Unprecedented Presidency 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Washington Week 3:00 WORLD  Not Without Us 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Second Opinion: Long Qt Syndrome 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Baby Makes 3: Run for the Roses 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  Washington Week 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23 PM EVENING

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Songs from the Movies (1980)” Guy and Ralna sing the romantic “Somewhere My Love.” Jack Imel performs “Singin’ in the Rain.” TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Bell Ringer:

The Invisible Brain Injury TV-PG

7:00 Last of the Summer Wine “Wheelies” When Auntie Wainwright forces a gigantic tractor wheel on the trio, Foggy decides to craft a vehicle out of it. However, in doing so he manages to prove that the invention of the wheel might not have been such a good idea after all. TV-PG

7:00 WORLD  108 Degrees:

Critical Response TV-PG

7:31 May to December “It’s All in the Game” Zoe demonstrates her competitive streak in applying for head of the department. Hilary has fallen for Vera’s young nephew, Anthony, and shows him all the sights of London, much to Vera’s disapproval. (17)

American Experience: Edison  Airs 7pm Tuesday, Setember 5 Also 9/7 4am

By the time he died in 1931, Thomas Edison was one of the most famous men in the world. Edison explores the complex alchemy that accounts for the enduring celebrity of America’s most famous inventor, offering new perspectives on the man and his milieu, and illuminating not only the true nature of invention, but its role in turn-of-the-century America’s rush into the future.

8:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Yellow Fever

8:02 King Charles III On Masterpiece This drama imagines Prince Charles’ ascension to the throne following Queen Elizabeth’s death. TV-PG

9:00 WORLD  Not Without Us TV-G

1 0:00 Austin City Limits “Beck” The

7:00 Secrets of the Six Wives “Di-

genre-hopping singer/songwriter plays songs from “Morning Phase” and some of his greatest hits. TV-PG

vorced, Beheaded, Survived” Worsley presents the last three wives Anne of Cleves, young Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr. TV-PG

10:00 WORLD  Bell Ringer:

The Invisible Brain Injury TV-PG

11:00 Soundstage “Regina Spektor” Regina Spektor makes her Soundstage debut with this performance taped this summer in Chicago. TV-PG


events lead to Endeavour’s investigation of a supposedly cursed hospital and its staff. TV-14

Critical Response TV-PG



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  America Reframed: Yellow Fever 12:00 NOVA: Zeppelin Terror Attack 1:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Extreme Wonders 1:00 WORLD  Not Without Us 2:00 My Sheepdog and Me 2:00 WORLD  Plants Behaving Badly: Murder & Mayhem 3:00 Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank 3:00 WORLD  Plants Behaving Badly: Sex & Lies 4:00 Scully/The World Show 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Travels with Darley: Belgium 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week 5:00 Americas Now: The Centenarians/ Game Changer 5:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

9:30 Place to Call Home “I Do, I Do” With Anna’s wedding imminent, Sarah returns to live in Inverness with Rene. TV-PG


3:00 Downton Abbey Season 6 On Masterpiece “Episode 9” After six passionate and poignant seasons, the curtain comes down on “Downton Abbey.” TV-PG

3:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Yellow Fever 4:00 WORLD  Not Without Us TV-G

5:00 Detectorists “Detectorists Special” Lance blames his recent lack of treasure-hunting success on his discovery of “cursed” artifacts. TV-PG

Shakespeare Found TV-PG

American Masters TV-PG

10:15 Great Performances at the Met “Der Rosenkavalier” TV-14-SD 11:30 WORLD  Sidney Lumet:

American Masters TV-14-L


American Masters TV-PG


11th and Grant Classics “Angella Ahn & Friends: Suite Buenos Aries” Angella Ahn and Friends showcases a diverse classical performance that crosses genres and merges styles. TV-G



1:30 WORLD  Shakespeare Lost,

Shakespeare Found 1:42 Doc Martin: The Tameness of a Wolf 2:00 WORLD Cyber-Seniors 2:31 Austin City Limits: Beck 3:00 WORLD  Wild Weather 3:30 Richard Bresnahan: The Taste of the Clay 4:00 Front and Center: Dawes 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: T.C. Boyle, Author 4:30 WORLD  Open Mind 5:00 Song of the Mountains 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Inside Peace TV-G

7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Rapid City,

5:00 WORLD Cyber-Seniors TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Richard Linklater:

9:30 WORLD  Shakespeare Lost,

10:00 WORLD  Richard Linklater:

hr 3” Two sets of Frank Lloyd Wright blueprints and a Favrile Fabrique Tiffany desk lamp are discovered.

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 Secrets of Great British Castles “Carrickfergus Castle, County Antrim, Northern Irel” TV-PG

7:30 WORLD  Sidney Lumet: American Masters

8:00 Endeavour Season 4 On Masterpiece “Lazaretto” A chain of

11:00 WORLD  108 Degrees:


7:00 WORLD  Life on the Line Against All Odds

7:30 WORLD  On Story Freaks & Muppets: A


Conversation with Jason Segel TV-PG

8:00 Antiques Roadshow “Seattle, hr 1” A Vladimir Kagan desk used by Kagan himself and an impressive 1874 Francis A. Silva oil painting. TV-G

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour



Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


Richard Linklater  Airs 8pm Friday, September 1 Slacker. Indie filmmaker. Oscar nominee. Writer, director, producer, actor Richard Linklater (b. July 30, 1960) is all these things and more. Boasting a trove of never-before-seen archival footage, this program provides an unconventional look at the fiercely independent style of filmmaking that emerged out of Austin, Texas in the late 1980s and 1990s with Linklater as its poster boy. Early writings from Linklater’s journals, telling interviews shot at his home and cinéma vérité footage from the set of Everybody Wants Some!! reveal his fearless approach and the extent to which his filmmaking existed, and continues to exist, decidedly outside of the production power bases of Hollywood and New York. Clips from his most beloved films, including Slacker, Dazed and Confused, the Before trilogy and Boyhood, and new interviews with actors and collaborators Matthew McConaughey, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Jack Black, Julie Delpy and Kevin Smith, as well as colleagues and friends, including Kent Jones, John Pierson and the late Jonathan Demme, demonstrate his collaborative spirit and process. Co-directed by Karen Bernstein, this program marks the directorial debut of The Austin Chronicle editor and SXSW co-founder Louis Black. An original board member of the Austin Film Society founded by Linklater, who still serves as its artistic director, Black has long been a staple in the Austin filmmaking community and the extent to which he is inseparable from his subject is palpable throughout the documentary, which had its world premiere at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.



Evening & Overnight 9:00 POV “The Grown-Ups” Four middle-aged friends with Down Syndrome yearn for a life of greater autonomy. TV-PG  See story, right

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Everest: A Climb for Peace TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Inside Peace TV-G

11:30 Film School Shorts “Future” A mother orders a clone to keep her home life in order, but soon realizes she purchased a rival. TV-PG



Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report

2:30 Secrets of the Six Wives: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Bell Ringer: Invisible Brain Injury 3:30 Some Kind of Spark 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Place to Call Home: I Do, I Do 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

9:00 Frontline “The Man Who Knew” The extraordinary tale of the life and death of FBI agent and counterterrorism expert John O’Neill. TV-PG

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s

Perspective TV-PG

11:30 Well Read “Gerda Saunders / Memory’s Last Breath” Gerda Saunders discusses her very personal book that focuses on her life distorted by dementia. TV-G

6:00 WORLD  America Reframed Care

7:00 Edison: American Experience The holder of 1,093 patents, Thomas Edison is remembered as a genius that created the modern world. TV-PG  See photo, p. 6


7:00 WORLD  Aging Matters: End of Life TV-G 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour


9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G

10:00 WORLD  America Reframed Care

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

MDNT WORLD  Life on the Line: Against All Odds

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: Freaks & Muppets: A Conversation with Jason Segel 1:00 Endeavour Season 4 On Masterpiece: Lazaretto



MDNT WORLD  Aging Matters: End of Life

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Secrets of Great British Castles: Carrickfergus Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:45 Secrets of Great British Castles: Dover Castle, Kent, England 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 POV: The Grown-Ups 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  108 Degrees: Critical Response 3:30 Antiques Roadshow: Rapid City, hr 3 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Antiques Roadshow: Seattle, hr 1 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: Trump and the Pundits 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 5:30 Elder Abuse and Exploitation 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  POV The Grown-Ups TV-PG

7:00 Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia Martin travels to the Tiwi Islands for some “bush tucker” and “Aussie footie.” Murions where Martin discovers the Ningaloo Reef and swims the whale shark. On the Abrolhos Islands, Martin hears of bloody mutiny and learns to catch a lobster. In Rottnest, Martin discovers a dark past and some friendly marsupials and finally to the mysterious Island of Carnac, home to one of the world’s most venomous snake species. (2/3) TV-PG

11th & Grant with Eric Funk: Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof

 Airs 7pm Thursday, September 7 Also 9/9 10pm; 9/11 2am 11th & Grant presents 10 Foot Tall and 80 Proof, a honky-tonk band, with a style somewhere between country, rock ’n’ roll, ragtime, and boogie. American popular music is an amalgamation of styles, musicians from different backgrounds finding one another and merging their musical tastes into newly invented approaches. 10 Foot Tall and 80 Proof performs music associated with Honky Tonk bars in the American South and southwest. They are in high demand, touring all over the western United States, and now bring their punchy dance music to 11th & Grant.

7:00 WORLD Frontline:

The Man Who Knew TV-PG

investigate what triggered the deadly landslide in the Washington state community of Oso. TV-PG

can’s Lost Kings” A team of scientists explore royal tombs beneath the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan. TV-PG  See story, p. 11 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News

A Study in Pink” Holmes investigates when a woman dressed all in pink is found dead in an abandoned building. TV-PG  See story, p. 13 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G 10:00 WORLD  NOVA Killer Landslides TV-PG

10:17 BBC World News 10:47 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Time Scanners Petra TV-PG


10:00 WORLD  Laugh at Us: The Merry Prank-

sters Theatrical Troupe....for the Exceptionally Talented TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  POV: The Grown-Ups TV-PG

11:30 MotorWeek TV-G


8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

8:50 Masterpiece Mystery! “Sherlock:

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Secrets of the Dead “Teotihua-



MDNT WORLD  Frontline: The Man Who Knew

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Walt Disney, pt 2: American Experience 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Frontline: The Man Who Knew 3:00 WORLD  Global Spirit: Stories to Remember 4:00 Edison: American Experience 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: HIV in Middle Age 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

11th and Grant Classics “Angella Ahn & Friends: Suite for Violin & Piano” TV-G




MDNT WORLD  Time Scanners: Colosseum

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 NOVA: Killer Landslides 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 India: Nature’s Wonderland 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia 3:00 WORLD  Life on the Line: Against All Odds 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Freaks & Muppets: A Conversation with Jason Segel 4:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Wonders of Water 4:00 WORLD  Well Read 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: How Do Consciousness and Language Relate? 5:00 Secrets of the Dead: Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22



5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Washington Week

6:00 WORLD  Time Scanners Petra TV-PG


11th & Grant with Eric Funk “Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof” 11th & Grant presents 10 Foot Tall and 80 Proof, a honky-tonk band, with a style somewhere between country, rock ’n’ roll, ragtime, and boogie. American popular music is an amalgamation of styles, musicians from different backgrounds finding one another and merging their musical tastes into newly invented approaches. TV-G  See photo, p. 8

Martin is coerced into taking James to playgroup and Ruth is having problems with her neighbor. TV-PG

The Grown-Ups  Airs 9pm Monday, September 4 Also 9/6 2:30am

In a school for individuals with Down Syndrome, four middle-aged friends yearn for a life of greater autonomy in a society that marginalizes them as disabled. Get a humorous and at times tragic look at the limbo of conscious adults.

The Arto Monaco Story TV-G

7:30 Third Rail with Ozy Host Carlos Watson will navigate impassioned yet civil point-counterpoint discussions focused on critical and provocative issues facing our changing American landscape.

8:00 Tyrus Wong: American Masters Discover the art, life and enduring impact of the renowned ChineseAmerican painter Tyrus Wong. TV-PG  See photo, p. 10

7:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Colosseum TV-PG

8:00 Doc Martin “Nobody Likes Me”

7:00 WORLD  Castle in Every Heart:


8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G

9:30 Charlie Rose: The Week

9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News


8:00 NOVA “Killer Landslides” Geologist



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Evening & Overnight 10:00 WORLD  Walt Disney, pt 2: American Expe-



1 0:30 Charlie Rose 11:30 New Scandinavian Cooking “Bergen Food Renaissance” Andreas visits Bergen in Western Norway and makes a Trout Tartar and a Smoked Trout Dish. TV-G



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Castle in Every Heart: The Arto Monaco Story 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Overheard with Evan Smith: Katharine Hayhoe, Atmospheric Scientist 1:00 Black America: Black Men in America with Kevin Powell 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: Literacy and Fake New 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Washington Week 3:00 WORLD  Creative Hearts 3:30 Market to Market

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

3:30 WORLD  Dreamers Theater 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Second Opinion: HIV in Middle Age 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Baby Makes 3: Kentucky Roots 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  Washington Week 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


7:31 May to December “The Way You Look Tonight” Zoe is made to feel inadequate when Simone boasts of how domesticated her mother was. Hilary remains infatuated with Anthony while Vera ponders how to put her off the scent. (18)

8:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Care

8:02 To Walk Invisible: The Bronte Sisters On Masterpiece Against all odds, this literary trio wrote romantic novels in a male-dominated 19th-century world. TV-14

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Down on the Farm (1973)” Norma Zimmer sings “Suddenly There’s a Valley” and Bobby and Cissy perform “Turkey in the Straw.” TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

Perspective TV-PG

Origins/The Cross and the Crescent TV-PG

to Clear Your Pipes” Foggy devises an assault course to bring Compo up to the physical standard of Rudolph Valentino, but Clegg can’t see why he should join in. TV-PG

9:00 WORLD  Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s


7:00 Last of the Summer Wine “How

7:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

The Cross and the Crescent TV-PG


11th & Grant with Eric Funk “Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof” 11th & Grant presents 10 Foot Tall and 80 Proof, a honky-tonk band, with a style somewhere between country, rock ’n’ roll, ragtime, and boogie. American popular music is an amalgamation of styles, musicians from different backgrounds finding one another and merging their musical tastes into newly invented approaches. 10 Foot Tall and 80 Proof performs music associated with Honky Tonk bars in the American South and southwest. They are in high demand, touring all over the western United States, and now bring their punchy dance music to 11th & Grant. TV-G  See photo, p. 8

10:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations: Ori-

gins/The Cross and the Crescent TV-PG

11:00 Austin City Limits “2014 Hall of Fame Special” Enjoy highlights from the first annual Austin City Limits Hall of Fame. TV-PG 11:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

The Cross and the Crescent TV-PG




MDNT WORLD  America Reframed: Care

American Masters: Tyrus Wong  Airs 8pm Friday, September 8

Discover the art, life and enduring impact of Tyrus Wong, the renowned Chinese American painter behind “Bambi” and “Rebel Without a Cause,” who once exhibited with Picasso and Matisse, via new and never-before-seen interviews, movie clips and art.

12:00 NOVA: Killer Landslides 1:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Wonders of Water 1:00 WORLD Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s Perspective 2:00 Bridging Urban America: The Story of Ralph Modjeski 2:00 WORLD  Everest: A Climb for Peace 3:00 WORLD  Inside Peace Montana Rx: 3:30 Unintended Consequences 4:00 Scully/The World Show 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

a landmark solo performance by Disney legend Richard M. Sherman, whom with his brother Robert, composed some of the most beloved songs of all time. Richard is joined by a brilliant cast of performers, including the star of Broadway’s Mary Poppins Ashley Brown, as well as Juliana Hansen, Wesley Alfvin, and The Dapper Dans of Disneyland. TV-G


3:00 Anne of Green Gables Anne Shirley, a romantic, mischievous redhead, has been adopted by an elderly bachelor & his sister. TV-G  See photo, p. 18

11:13 Count Me In An innovative experiment in direct democracy gives Chicagoans direct say over local public projects. TV-G

3:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Care

4:00 World War II: The Price of Empire “Barbarossa” Allied forces

11:30 WORLD  Salinger: American Masters TV-14-L

are destroyed in Crete. The Battle of Britain has repelled the Luftwaffe. TV-PG

4:00 WORLD  Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s

Perspective TV-PG

5:00 Hollywood Idols “Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend” Many of Marilyn Monroe’s great moments on film, archival footage and interviews are showcased. TV-PG

5:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show:

Peer to Peer Conversations: Oprah Winfrey TV-G

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 Montana AG Live “The Bugs of Montana: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” Beneficial and well as the nasty bugs that inhabit our state. TV-G  See story, p. 5

6:00 WORLD  Tyrus Wong:

American Masters TV-PG

7:00 Secrets of Westminster A world of intrigue and traditions is explored behind the gothic walls of the Houses of Parliament. TV-PG  See story, p. 15

7:30 WORLD  Salinger: American Masters TV-14-L

8:00 Endeavour Season 4 On Masterpiece “Harvest” The extraordinary discovery of a 2,000-year-old body reveals a new lead in a missing-person case. TV-14  See photo, p. 12

9:30 Place to Call Home “Unforgettable” Rene witnesses a moment of yearning between Sarah and George at the wedding. TV-PG


10:15 Richard M. Sherman: Songs of a Lifetime Experience



AM EARLY MORNING 12:10 Doc Martin: Nobody Likes Me 1:00 Austin City Limits: 2014 Hall of Fame Special 11th & Grant with Eric Funk: 2:00 Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof 2:00 WORLD  Laugh at Us: The Merry Pranksters Theatrical Troupe....For The Exceptionally Talented 3:00 In Their Own Words: Queen Elizabeth II 3:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations: Oprah Winfrey 4:00 Front and Center: CMA Songwriter Series with Jennifer Nettles 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Marcus Samuelsson, Chef/Restaurateur 4:30 WORLD  Open Mind 5:00 Song of the Mountains: Trinity River Band/ Michael Cleveland & Flamekeep 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

Teotihuacan is one of the biggest ghost towns in the world. The quest for its builders is one of the most fascinating challenges of today’s archeology. S EC R E TS O F T H E D E A D

Teotihuacán’s Lost Kings  Airs 9pm Wednesday, September 6 Also 9/8 5am

Follow a team of scientists exploring royal tombs beneath the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacán. After decades of research, these imperial burial chambers may reveal clues about the long-lost Teotihuacán culture and its mysterious people.



4:30 Travels with Darley: Southern States Road Trip 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week 5:00 Americas Now: Counterfeit Money/ Americas Now Goes to Venezuela 5:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Robert Bly:

A Thousand Years of Joy TV-PG

7:00 Antiques Roadshow “Seattle, hr 2” Seattle’s discoveries include a 1964 “Star Trek” script and pitch letter and a Civil War dog collar. TV-G

7:00 WORLD  Life on the Line:

7:30 WORLD  On Story James Franco:

Heart to Heart TV-PG

A Look Inside 127 Hours TV-G

8:00 Antiques Roadshow “Seattle, hr 3” Notable finds include a late-16th-century diamond and enamel jewel and an 1880s crazy quilt. TV-G

10:00 WORLD  Tyrus Wong:

American Masters TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

Sergio Gómez thinks that the statues’ gaze could have aligned to mark something or someone.



Evening & Overnight

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

3:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Petra 4:00 Mozart in London 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Place to Call Home: Unforgettable 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

11:30 WORLD  Dropping Back In:

1 0:00 BBC World News


10:00 WORLD  W.S. Merwin: To Plant a Tree TV-PG

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G

MDNT WORLD  Castle in Every Heart:

9:00 POV “My Love, Don’t Cross That River” Spouses 89-year-old Kang Gye-yeol and 98-year-old Jo Byeong face the reality of their aging romance. TV-PG

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Robert Bly:

A Thousand Years of Joy TV-PG

11:30 Film School Shorts “America” A boy’s pursuit of his first summer camp kiss awakens a monster from the deep in “Total Freak.” TV-PG


the Cunning Little Vixen TV-G

6:00 PBS NewsHour


12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: James Franco: A Look Inside 127 Hours 1:00 Endeavour Season 4 On Masterpiece: Harvest 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 Shine: Making “A Light in the Dark” 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Secrets of Westminster

6:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Night School

7:00 Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed The World Martin Luther’s life and the impact his ideas had on the course of Western history are examined. TV-PG  See story, p. 17


MDNT WORLD  Life on the Line: Heart to Heart

5:30 WORLD  Opera Reimagined: Animating

7:30 WORLD  Dropping Back In:

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

Second Chances TV-G

9:00 Frontline “Abacus: Small Enough to Jail” The little-known story of the only U.S. bank prosecuted after the financial crisis is chronicled.  See photo, p. 14 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G 10:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Night School

1 0:30 BBC World News 11:00 Charlie Rose Second Chances TV-G


The Arto Monaco Story 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Secrets of Great British Castles: Tower of London, London, England 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:45 Secrets of Great British Castles: Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 POV: My Love, Don’t Cross That River 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Colosseum 3:30 Antiques Roadshow: Seattle, hr 2 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Antiques Roadshow: Seattle, hr 3 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: The Long Shadow of Vietnam 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 5:30 Malcolm Frager: American Pianist 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G

5:30 WORLD  POV: My Love,

Don’t Cross That River TV-PG


6:30 WORLD  Frontline: Abacus:

Small Enough to Jail

7:00 Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia Martin travels to Mundoo Island in South Australia, for some high-energy cattle mustering. On Phillip Island, he handles a fairy penguin and races in a Mini Cooper. He helps to gather storm-driven bull kelp on King Island. Martin ends his trip on Tasmania and learns about the race to save Tasmanian Devils from extinction. (3/3) TV-PG

8:00 NOVA “Death Dive to Saturn” Join NOVA on a suspenseful ride as the Cassini space probe dives into Saturn’s atmosphere. TV-PG  See story, back cover

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 The Farthest: Voyager in Space

Endeavor: Harvest

 Airs 8pm Sunday, September 10 Also 9/12 1am

The extraordinary discovery of a 2,000-year-old body reveals a new lead in a missing person case. Endeavour and Thursday must investigate the eerie village of Bramford, where nature is pitted against man and pagan rites hide nuclear mysteries. Pictured from left to right: Shaun Evans as Endeavour Morse and Abigail Thaw as Dorothea Frazil.

Launched in 1977, NASA’s epic Voyager missions revolutionized our understanding of our galaxy. TV-G 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G 10:00 WORLD  POV: My Love,

Don’t Cross That River TV-PG

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Frontline Abacus:

Small Enough to Jail

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AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Time Scanners: Machu Picchu 12:11 Tavis Smiley 12:38 NHK Newsline 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:07 NOVA: Death Dive to Saturn 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:04 The Farthest: Voyager in Space 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Life on the Line: Heart to Heart 3:30 WORLD  On Story: James Franco: A Look Inside 127 Hours 4:00 WORLD  Well Read 4:01 Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Can God and Science Mix? 5:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Living Wonders 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22



5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Jerusalem TV-PG


Indian Relay The hope and determination of modern-day American Indian life is revealed in this film about what it takes to win one of the most exciting and perilous forms of horseracing practiced anywhere in the world today. Featuring remarkable high-speed cinematography, this program follows three teams from different American Indian communities as they prepare for and compete in a grueling Indian Relay season.  See photo, p. 4

Machu Picchu TV-PG

The Corner” Mrs. Tishell returns to the village. Martin has to work out what is wrong with beachcomber Lorna. TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

8:50 Masterpiece Mystery! “Sherlock: The Blind Banker” A banker is found dead inside his locked apartment and the clues lead to an underground crime gang. TV-PG  See story, right

7:00 Washington Week

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely TV-PG

Watson will navigate impassioned yet civil point-counterpoint discussions focused on critical and provocative issues facing our changing American landscape.

8:00 Ballet Hispanico Enjoy iconic works from the country’s premier Latino dance company, CARMEN. maquia and Club Havana. TV-PG

Not Be Free?” Does God have real choices? For God to be God, how can God be constrained all? TV-G

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

9:33 Charlie Rose: The Week 1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  F.S. Key After the Song:

The Era of Good Feelings TV-PG

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  F.S. Key After the Song:

Might Versus Right TV-PG

11:30 New Scandinavian Cooking “Mountain Riches” Tina prepares fried fudge cheese and creamy chanterelles with cured mutton and lingonberries. TV-G

10:17 BBC World News 10:47 Charlie Rose 11:44 Closer to Truth “How Can God

7:00 WORLD  F.S. Key After the Song:

7:30 Third Rail with Ozy Host Carlos

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G 10:00 WORLD  NOVA: Death Dive to Saturn TV-PG

11:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Jerusalem TV-PG

6:00 WORLD  F.S. Key After the Song:

Might Versus Right TV-PG

7:00 WORLD  Time Scanners:

8:00 Doc Martin “The Practice Around



AM EARLY MORNING 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  Opera Reimagined: Animating the Cunning Little Vixen 1:00 Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed the World 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Frontline: Abacus: Small Enough to Jail 3:00 WORLD  Global Spirit: The Art of Living and Dying 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 From the Wings: The Live Art Story 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Diabetes Prevention 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22




MDNT WORLD  F.S. Key After the Song:

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Overheard with Evan Smith: John Doe, Actor/Musician



Sherlock  A Study in Pink Airs 8:50pm Thursday, September 7

Dr. John Watson is back in modern-day London after serving in the war in Afghanistan. His therapist, convinced that Watson is plagued by violent memories, urges him to express himself in a blog. But nothing much ever happens to Watson, and it’s not that he’s haunted by the war— he longs for it. Enter an eccentric roommate—one Sherlock Holmes. When what appear to be serial suicide cases surface in London, a desperate Detective Inspector Lestrade reluctantly consults the freakish Sherlock. To Sherlock, a crime spree is like Christmas—only made better by the possibility that these crimes may be the work of a devious serial killer.

 The Blind Banker Airs 8:50pm Thursday, September 14

Watson is scrambling to do the errands and find a job while Sherlock sits around, apparently in deep contemplation. Sherlock seems oblivious, and in no hurry to take a case. When there’s been a break-in at a bank, Sherlock inexplicably springs into action. Nothing has been stolen, only indecipherable graffiti painted on a wall. A bank employee is soon found dead in his apartment, the windows and doors locked from the inside, and Sherlock is at full, frenetic attention. An exhausted and hungry Watson (Sherlock doesn’t eat while on a case—it just slows him down) watches from the sidelines of a case of which he’ll soon inexplicably find himself at the center.



Evening & Overnight 1:00 Black America: My Brother’s Keeper with Michael J. Garner 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: Intelligence of Imagination 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Washington Week 3:00 WORLD  Over 90 and Loving It 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Second Opinion: Diabetes Prevention 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Baby Makes 3: All Star Baby 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  Washington Week 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

“Where There’s Smoke, There’s Barbecue” Auntie Wainwright gives the boys a gas grill, but they have difficulty working out how the pressure valve works, bringing an explosive touch to their barbecue. Howard is busy making improvements on his love-nest, but whether it will ignite Marina’s passions or just inflame her remains to be seen. TV-PG

6:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

The Atlantic Age/Commerce and the Clash of Civilization TV-PG

8:51 Arthur & George On Masterpiece “Pt 2” Sir Arthur and Woodie get a shock after they order their driver to “follow that carriage!” TV-PG  See photo, p. 16

Second Chances TV-G

close in on the Wyrley Ripper. But have they found their man? TV-14  See photo, p. 16

7:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

Cities TV-PG

Hilary tries matchmaking Vera with her Uncle Mike until she discovers that Vera already has a male companion. Alec becomes quite concerned when he learns that Jamie has a lump on this throat which will require an operation. (19)

8:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Night School

8:02 Arthur & George On Masterpiece “Pt 1” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

9:30 WORLD  Dropping Back In:

9:46 Arthur & George On Masterpiece “Pt 3” Sir Arthur and Woodie

10:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

7:31 May to December “Feelings”

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Easy

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

7:00 Last of the Summer Wine


Listening (1980)” “Sweet and Lovely” opens the show and sets the mood. “Someone to Watch over Me” is performed. TV-G

The Atlantic Age/Commerce and the Clash of Civilization TV-PG

1 0:43 Austin City Limits “2015 Hall of Fame Special” Loretta Lynn, Asleep at the Wheel, Guy Clark, Townes Van Zandt and Flaco Jimenez are honored. TV-PG 11:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

Cities TV-PG

11:41 The Lowertown Line “The 4onthefloor” The 4onthefloor performs an energetic live show at Icehouse Restaurant in Minneapolis. TV-PG

is asked to clear a man convicted of animal mutilation. TV-PG-V  See photo, p. 16




MDNT WORLD  America Reframed: Night School COURTESY OF SEAN LYNESS

12:08 NOVA: Death Dive to Saturn 1:05 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Living Wonders 1:30 WORLD  Dropping Back In: Second Chances 2:00 WORLD  W.S. Merwin: To Plant a Tree 2:03 Real Adam Smith: Morality and Markets 3:00 Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed the World 3:00 WORLD  Robert Bly: A Thousand Years of Joy 4:00 Scully/The World Show 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Travels with Darley: Michigan’s Upper Peninsula 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week 5:00 Americas Now: Brazil: Syrian Refugees Venezuela 5:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

Frontline: Abacus: Small Enough to Jail

 Airs 9pm Tuesday, September 12  Also 9/14 3am Hear the little-known story of the only U.S. bank prosecuted after the financial crisis. Director Steve James (Hoop Dreams, The Interrupters) chronicles the Chinese immigrant Sung family’s fight to clear their names.

comes friends with Diana Barry and accidentally serves her wine instead of raspberry cordial. TV-G  See photo, p. 18

3:00 WORLD  America Reframed: Night School

4:00 World War II: The Price of Empire “A Day in Infamy” The Germans advance deep into Russia. The Japanese attack the American Fleet at Pearl Harbor. TV-PG

4:30 WORLD  Dropping Back In:

Second Chances TV-G

5:00 Hollywood Idols “Steve McQueen: Man on the Edge” The rise to icon and the descent of Steve McQueen, one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, is showcased. TV-PG

5:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show:

Peer to Peer Conversations: Lloyd Blankfein TV-G

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend

5:30 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show:

Peer to Peer Conversations: Warren Buffett TV-G


Montana AG Live “Here Comes the (Water) Judge!” Future water needs and how Montana will cope. TV-G  See story, p. 5



3:00 Anne of Green Gables Anne be-

6:00 WORLD  Martin Luther: The Idea That

Changed the World TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  Chaplains, pt 1 TV-PG

8:30 Vietnam War “Deja Vu” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-V  See story, p. 2-3

We Do for Love” George has been shot and only Rene and Regina know the truth about what happened. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Martin Luther: The Idea That

Changed the World TV-PG

10:52 Robert Bly: A Thousand Years of Joy A moving portrait of one of America’s most celebrated and revolutionary poets of the last half-century. TV-PG


11th and Grant Classics “Angella Ahn & Friends: Stairway to Heaven” TV-G


12:00 Doc Martin: The Practice Around the Corner 1:00 Austin City Limits: 2015 Hall of Fame Special 1:00 WORLD  Chaplains, pt 2 1:58 Ballet Hispanico 2:00 WORLD  Over 90 and Loving It 3:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations: Lloyd Blankfein 3:30 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations: Warren Buffett 3:31 In Their Own Words: Muhammad Ali 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Shawn Colvin, Singer/Songwriter 4:30 Opera Reimagined: Animating the Cunning Little Vixen 4:30 WORLD  Open Mind 5:00 Song of the Mountains: Loose Strings / Tennessee Mafia Jug Band 5:00 WORLD  Global 3000 5:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Gordon Getty:

There Will Be Music TV-G

7:00 Vietnam War “Riding the Tiger” President Kennedy and his advisors wrestle with how deeply to get involved in South Vietnam. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

7:00 WORLD  Life on the Line:

7:30 WORLD  On Story: Fargo & True Detective:

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

Out of the Rubble TV-PG

Television Anthologies TV-G

8:30 Vietnam War “Riding the Tiger” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

9:00 WORLD  Chaplains, pt 2 TV-PG

1 0:00 Place to Call Home “The Things


MDNT WORLD  Chaplains, pt 1

7:00 Vietnam War “Deja Vu” Vietnam is divided. Communists hold the North and America supports an untested regime in the South. TV-M-V  See story, p. 2-3



Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  The Caged Bird: The Life and

Music of Florence B. Price TV-G

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Gordon Getty:

There Will Be Music TV-G

11:30 Film School Shorts “Mean Streets” A 15-year-old girl faces her return to school after someone shared an explicit video of her online. TV-PG-VL

Secrets of Westminster  Airs 7pm Sunday, September 10 Also 9/12 3am

From the outside, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben are the classic London emblems of historic British democracy. Today, this building stands as a monument to a fair and open political system, but was this always the case? Go inside its gothic walls and discover the hidden worlds of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, where back-stabbing, intrigue and traditions are the order of the day. Around the corner is one of the world’s most famous churches, Westminster Abbey, steeped in Anglo-Saxon myth and legend, royal extortion and … dead people. More than 3,000 great men and women have been buried or memorialized here throughout the ages. It has hosted the coronation of every king and queen of England since 1066, as well as 16 royal weddings. Today, the building is still a church dedicated to regular worship, although it is a “Royal Peculiar,” subject only to the sovereign and not to any clergyman.



Evening & Overnight TUESDAY



MDNT WORLD  Life on the Line:

Out of the Rubble 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: Fargo & True Detective: Television Anthologies 1:00 Vietnam War: Deja Vu 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 Vietnam War: Deja Vu 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Jerusalem 4:00 Diana 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Place to Call Home: The Things We Do for Love 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour 7:00 Vietnam War “The River Styx”

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

7:30 WORLD  Losing Lambert: A Journey

Through Survival & Hope TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Vietnam War “The River Styx” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G

11:00 Charlie Rose

5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

Vietnamese troops stream down the Ho Chi Minh Trail and an antiwar movement builds at home. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

Through Survival & Hope TV-PG


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Robert Bly: A Thousand Years of Joy 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Vietnam War: Riding the Tiger 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 Vietnam War: Riding the Tiger 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Machu Picchu 4:00 Richard M. Sherman: Songs of a Lifetime 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: How Did Hillary Clinton Snatch Defeat from Jaws of Victory 5:00 Secrets of Great British Castles: Caernarfon Castle, Caernarfon, North-West Wales

6:00 WORLD  My Neighborhood: Pilsen TV-PG

7:00 Vietnam War “Resolve” North

11:30 WORLD  Losing Lambert: A Journey


With South Vietnam in chaos, Hanoi accelerates insurgency. President Johnson deploys ground troops. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

7:00 WORLD  Beyond La Bamba TV-G

7:30 WORLD  Head of Joaquin Murrieta TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Vietnam War “Resolve” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G 10:00 WORLD  Austin Revealed:

El Despertar TV-G

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  My Neighborhood: Pilsen TV-PG




MDNT WORLD  Beyond La Bamba

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  Head of Joaquin Murrieta 1:00 Vietnam War: The River Styx 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Vietnam War: The River Styx 3:00 WORLD  Global Spirit: Rumi & The Sufi Path of Love 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Art of Diagnosis 5:00 Visioneer: The Peter Diamandis Story 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Time Scanners:

Egyptian Pyramids TV-PG

7:00 Vietnam War “This Is What We Do” Enemy body counts and American casualties mount as GIs chase an elusive foe and face deadly ambushes. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

Masterpiece: Arthur & George  Airs 8pm Saturday, September 16, parts 1-3

Martin Clunes (“Doc Martin”) stars as world-famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in this three-part adaptation of Julian Barnes’ acclaimed novel, which follows the separate but intersecting lives of two men: a half-Indian son of a vicar who is framed for a crime he may not have committed and Doyle, who investigates the case.

7:00 WORLD  Egypt’s Treasure Guardians TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

8:30 Vietnam War “This Is What We Do” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G

1 0:00 BBC World News

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Time Scanners:

Egyptian Pyramids TV-PG

11:30 Closer to Truth “Does the Cosmos Have a Reason?” How breathtakingly vast the universe. How majestic. Is there meaning, purpose-a reason? Some scientists say no; we create our own purpose. Others look to God, while some seek meaning in the search for aliens. TV-G

10:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

Foreigners in Their Own Land TV-PG-V

1 0:30 BBC World News 11:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

Empire of Dreams TV-14-V

11:30 Charlie Rose




MDNT WORLD  Latino Americans:

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Vietnam War: Resolve 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Vietnam War: Resolve 3:00 WORLD  Life on the Line: Out of the Rubble 3:30 WORLD  On Story: Fargo & True Detective: Television Anthologies 4:00 WORLD  Well Read 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Religious Faith: Rational Or Rationalization? 5:00 Soldier On: Life After Deployment 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22

War and Peace 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Overheard with Evan Smith: Jeff Nichols, Director 1:00 Black America: The World of Book Publishing with Lisa Lucas 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: Readers and the Citizenry 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Washington Week 3:00 WORLD  Beyond La Bamba 3:30 Market to Market 3:30 WORLD  Head of Joaquin Murrieta 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Second Opinion: Art of Diagnosis 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Baby Makes 3: The Homestretch 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  Washington Week 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23



5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show




MDNT WORLD  Egypt’s Treasure Guardians

“Salute to the U.S. A. (1971)” Lawrence Welk thanks his audience for their years of unfailing loyalty in this episode from 1971. TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

Empire of Dreams TV-14-V

7:00 Washington Week

7:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

Watson will navigate impassioned yet civil point-counterpoint discussions focused on critical and provocative issues facing our changing American landscape.

8:00 Heart: Live at Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra The legendary rockers

7:00 Last of the Summer Wine “The Black Widow” Compo and Foggy drink too much home brew at Ernie Mordue’s funeral, resulting in bad hangovers for both of them. TV-PG

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 On Two Fronts: Latinos and Vietnam Examine the Latino experience during a war that placed its heaviest burden on the working class.

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

7:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations: Com-

merce and the Clash of Civilizations TV-PG

7:31 May to December “I Guess I’ll Let Them Change My Name” Jamie is falling in love with Zoe but hides it from Alec by pretending to fall instead for Hilary. (20)

perform “Magic Man” and more with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London. TV-PG

6:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

The Atlantic Age/Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations TV-PG

War and Peace TV-PG-V

7:30 Third Rail with Ozy Host Carlos


10:00 WORLD  Rise of the Black Pharaohs TV-PG


8:02 MontanPBS Film Classics “Black Narcissus” An Anglican nuns attempt to maintain a convent school and hospital in the Himalayas.

9:30 WORLD  Losing Lambert: A Journey

Through Survival & Hope TV-PG

Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed the World  Airs 7pm Tuesday, September 12 Also 9/14 1am

On October 31st, 1517 a penniless monk named Martin Luther posted his now-famous diatribe denouncing the corruption of the medieval world’s largest and most powerful institution. His forerunners had been burned alive for similar statements, but Luther had a new tool at his disposal—the recently invented printing press. Martin Luther chronicles the real life story of the seismic upheaval that rocked the western world in the early 1500s. Against all odds, a lonely outcast stood up to the world’s dominant superpower—the Catholic Church—and won. It was a battle of ideas that formed Western society as we know it today, sparking the rise of individualism, universal education, religious freedom and new roles for church and state. Narrated by Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey) and starring Padraic Delaney (The Tudors), this highly-visual docudrama uses full-scale dramatizations to tell a great adventure story. With treacherous intrigue, outsized personalities and famous showdowns, it does not shy away from the darker side of Martin Luther’s story.



Evening & Overnight 9:45 Austin City Limits “Florence + The Machine/Andra Day” Enjoy dazzling modern rock and soul with Florence + The Machine and San Diego’s Andra Day. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations:

The Atlantic Age/Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations TV-PG

10:43 Soundstage “Bad Company” The band performs “Can’t Get Enough,” “Bad Company,” “Rock ’n’ Roll Fantasy” and more. TV-PG 11:00 WORLD  Africa’s Great Civilizations: Com-

merce and the Clash of Civilizations TV-PG


3:00 WORLD  Gordon Getty:


3:00 Anne of Green Gables Anne finds her element in the academic world, competing neck and neck with Gilbert Blythe. TV-G  See photo, below

4:00 World War II: The Price of Empire “Turning Point” Japan’s escalation of the War in the East is effective, but it is clear they are far from invincible. TV-PG


AM EARLY MORNING 12:07 NOVA: Nuclear Meltdown Disaster 1:04 Jeremiah 1:30 WORLD  Losing Lambert: A Journey Through Survival & Hope 2:00 WORLD  The Caged Bird: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price 2:01 Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture 3:00 Illusions in Stone

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

There Will Be Music 4:00 Scully/The World Show 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 Travels with Darley: Road Trip: Maryland, Virginia and Beyond 4:30 WORLD  Washington Week 5:00 Americas Now: Beefing Up 5:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 5:30 Curious George 5:30 WORLD  Open Mind 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23

11:40 The Lowertown Line “Black Diet” The garage/indie/soul band Black Diet performs a live set at Bedlam Lowertown in St. Paul. TV-PG

4:30 WORLD  Losing Lambert: A Journey

Through Survival & Hope TV-PG

5:00 Hollywood Idols “Roger Moore: A Matter of Class” Roger Moore’s own story is told by the actor himself, along with the recollections of colleagues. TV-PG

5:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show:

Peer to Peer Conversations Bill Gates TV-G

5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend

5:30 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show:

Eric Schmidt TV-G


Montana AG Live “Nothing is Sure but Death and Taxes!” Estate planning, especially for Montana’s farms and ranches. TV-G  See story, p. 5

6:00 WORLD  Latin Music USA: Bridges/

The Salsa Revolution TV-PG

7:00 Vietnam War “Things Fall Apart” The brutality of the Tet Offensive unfolds on television. President Johnson decides not to run again. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

8:00 WORLD  Ivy League Rumba TV-G

8:30 Vietnam War “Things Fall Apart” Encore presentation of 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

9:00 WORLD  Salsa! The Dance Sensation TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Compadre Huashayo TV-G

1 0:00 Place to Call Home “L’chaim, to Life” George returns to Ash Park and plans to make a big announcement at his welcome-home dinner. TV-PG

10:00 WORLD  Latin Music USA:

Bridges/The Salsa Revolution TV-PG ANNEOFGREENGABLES.COM

10:52 Reaching West: Dreams of China’s New Generation Engaging and determined students at a private high school in Beijing prepare to study abroad. TV-G


11th and Grant Classics “Angella Ahn & Friends: Entr’acte” Angella Ahn and Friends showcases a diverse classical performance that crosses genres and merges styles. TV-G


Anne of Green Gables

 Airs 3pm Sunday, September 10, 17, 24

Based on the international best-selling novel, this Emmy Award winning mini-series follows the enchanting life of the imaginative and fiery-tempered orphan Anne Shirley. Mistakenly sent to live with the elderly Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on their farm on Prince Edward Island, Anne must use all of her wit and charm to convince them to let her stay at Green Gables…even if she’s not a boy.


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Ivy League Rumba 12:00 In Their Own Words: Jim Henson 1:00 Austin City Limits: Florence + The Machine/Andra Day 1:00 WORLD  Salsa! The Dance Sensation 1:30 WORLD  Compadre Huashayo 2:00 Vietnam War: This Is What We Do 2:00 WORLD  Gordon Getty: There Will Be Music 3:00 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations: Bill Gates

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

the World” When American troop withdrawals begin, soldiers left in Vietnam ask what they are fighting for. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

6:00 WORLD Coexist TV-14

7:00 Vietnam War “The Veneer of Civilization” America is at odds over the war. Soldiers on all sides witness savagery and unflinching courage. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3

7:00 WORLD  Life on the Line End It Now TV-PG 7:30 WORLD  On Story: America Ferrera on the

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

Storyteller’s Responsibility TV-PG

9:00 Vietnam War “The Veneer of Civilization” Encore presentation of 7pm.  See story, p. 2-3


9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 10:00 WORLD  Komora (To Heal) TV-PG

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD Coexist TV-14




MDNT WORLD  Life on the Line: End It Now

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  On Story: America Ferrera on the Storyteller’s Responsibility 1:00 Vietnam War: Things Fall Apart 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 Vietnam War: Things Fall Apart 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 WORLD  Time Scanners: Egyptian Pyramids 4:00 America’s Finest Ambassadors: Our Armed Forces 4:00 WORLD  Global 3000 4:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe 5:00 Place to Call Home: L’chaim, to Life 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

7:00 WORLD Sol TV-G 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Vietnam War “The History of the World” Encore presentation of 7pm.  See story, p. 2-3


5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour


7:00 Vietnam War “The History of


9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Global 3000 TV-G 10:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

We Breathe Again

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD Sol TV-G



MDNT WORLD  Salsa! The Dance Sensation

12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  Compadre Huashayo 1:00 Vietnam War: The Veneer of Civilization 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Vietnam War: The Veneer of Civilization 3:00 WORLD  Egypt’s Treasure Guardians 4:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 4:30 WORLD  American Forum: Watergate Redux? 5:00 Secrets of Great British Castles: Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G

5:30 WORLD  POV: Tea Time TV-PG

6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:30 WORLD  POV: Don’t Tell Anyone TV-PG-VL

Cristina Romo with her silver/ceramic pieces.

Craft in America Explore America’s creative spirit through the language and traditions of the handmade. The Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning series promotes and advances original handcrafted work and inspires people of all ages to pursue their own creativity.

Neighbors  Airs 9pm Friday, September 29

Travel to and from the U.S. and Mexico to explore the people, history, traditions and crafts, noting how aesthetics cross from one country to another and back again in an organic and ongoing cultural exchange.

7:00 Vietnam War “A Disrespectful Loyalty” President Nixon strikes a peace deal with Hanoi that allows American prisoners of war to come home. TV-MVL  See story, p. 2-3


3:30 Vietnam War: This Is What We Do 3:30 WORLD  The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations: Eric Schmidt 4:00 WORLD  Overheard with Evan Smith: Diane Guerrero, Actor 4:30 WORLD  Open Mind 5:00 Song of the Mountains: The Dillards 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22


8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Vietnam War “A Disrespectful Loyalty” Encore presentation from 7pm. TV-M-VL  See story, p. 2-3 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Focus On Europe TV-G 10:00 WORLD  POV: Tea Time TV-PG

11:00 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  POV: Don’t Tell Anyone TV-PG-VL

6:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

We Breathe Again

Ceramic artist Carlomagno Pedro Martinez in his studio.



Evening & Overnight THURSDAY


AM EARLY MORNING 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 12:30 WORLD  Head of Joaquin Murrieta 1:00 Vietnam War: The History of the World 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Vietnam War: The History of the World 3:00 WORLD  Global Spirit: Sacred Ecology 4:00 WORLD  Scully/The World Show 4:30 WORLD  Second Opinion: Vitamin D 5:00 Chaplains, pt 1 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

6:00 WORLD  Time Scanners:

St. Paul’s Cathedral TV-PG

7:00 Vietnam War “The Weight of Memory” For the next 40 years, Americans and Vietnamese from all sides search for healing and reconciliation. TV-M  See story, p. 2-3

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

7:00 WORLD  Time Team America:

Fort Raleigh, North Carolina TV-PG 8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Vietnam War “The Weight of Memory” Encore presentation from 7pm. TV-M  See story, p. 2-3 9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Scully/The World Show TV-G 10:00 WORLD  Secrets of the Dead:

Storyteller’s Responsibility

4:00 WORLD  Well Read 4:30 WORLD  Closer to Truth: Can Brain Alone

Explain Consciousness? 5:00 Chaplains: Part 2 5:00 WORLD  Newsroom Tokyo 6:00 SEE DAYTIME SCHEDULE, P. 22 PM EVENING

11:00 Charlie Rose

5:30 Nightly Business Report TV-G 6:00 PBS NewsHour

11:00 WORLD  Time Scanners:

The Lost Diary of Dr. Livingstone TV-PG-V

St. Paul’s Cathedral TV-PG



AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Time Team America: Fort Raleigh, North Carolina 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Vietnam War: A Disrespectful Loyalty 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Vietnam War: A Disrespectful Loyalty 3:00 WORLD  Life on the Line: End It Now 3:30 WORLD  On Story: America Ferrera on the

6:00 WORLD  Latino Americans: Pride and

Prejudice/Peril and Promise TV-PG-VL

7:00 Washington Week

7:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

Peril and Promise TV-PG-V

7:30 Third Rail with Ozy Host Carlos Watson will navigate impassioned yet civil point-counterpoint discussions focused on critical and provocative issues facing our changing American landscape.

8:00 Elvis ’56 Performance footage & TV clips reveal the legendary performer at the very beginning of his career. TV-PG  See photo, p. 20

8:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour

9:00 Craft in America “Neighbors” APT ONLINE

Travel to and from America and Mexico to explore the people, history, traditions and crafts. TV-PG  See story, right

9:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report TV-G 9:30 WORLD  Asia Insight

1 0:00 BBC World News 10:00 WORLD  Latino Americans:

The New Latinos TV-PG

10:30 Charlie Rose 11:00 WORLD  Latino Americans: Pride and

Prejudice/Peril and Promise TV-PG-VL

11:30 New Scandinavian Cooking “Drama on a Plate” Andreas visits the port town of Skien in Eastern Norway and prepares herring salad and wild duck. TV-G


Elvis ’56

 Airs 8pm Friday, September 29

In 1956, Elvis Presley was a 21-year-old new singing sensation. Both he and his rockabilly sound were unknown outside of the South. Narrated by Levon Helm, this program opens a time capsule to reveal the legendary performer at the very beginning of his meteoric career. It captures the sights and sounds of that pivotal year using exclusive tour photographs, kinescopes of Presley’s controversial appearances on TV, newsreel clips, and radio interviews. Footage of performances captures the young, explosively talented Presley on the brink of his soon-to-be superstardom. Just one year later, he achieved widespread fame, selling a billion records worldwide and becoming the highest-paid star in Hollywood.


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  Latino Americans: Peril and Promise 12:00 Tavis Smiley 12:30 Overheard with Evan Smith: Chuck Todd, Journalist 1:00 Black America: Women and Depression with Benilde Little 1:00 WORLD  PBS NewsHour 1:30 To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 2:00 Open Mind: The Town Hall Lives 2:00 WORLD  Nightly Business Report 2:30 This Is America & The World

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


6:00 The Lawrence Welk Show “Salute to the Senior Citizens (1981)” This tune filled tribute to the “young at heart” includes “Dearie” and more wonderful melodies. TV-G

6:00 WORLD  Voces On PBS Now En Espanol


AM EARLY MORNING MDNT WORLD  America Reframed: We Breathe Again 12:09 NOVA: Why Planes Vanish 1:00 WORLD Sol 1:06 Secret Life of Pigeons 2:00 WORLD  Komora (To Heal) 3:00 Variety Studio: Actors On Actors 3:00 WORLD Coexist 4:00 Scully/The World Show 4:30 Travels with Darley: Guadeloupe Islands Caribbean Escape 5:00 Americas Now: Earthquake Orphans 5:30 Curious George 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


3:00 Anne of Green Gables Marilla tries to keep Anne from seeing Gilbert. Mathew’s death forces Marilla to sell Green Gables. TV-G  See photo, p. 18


7:00 Last of the Summer Wine “Have You Got a Light, Mate?” Howard asks Clegg to buy a china shepherdess from Auntie Wainwright’s on his behalf, but she seems more interested in selling security lights. An unfortunate incident means that Foggy has to be rescued from the police. TV-PG

7:00 WORLD  American Masters:

Pedro E. Guerrero TV-PG

7:31 May to December “This Could Be The Start of Something Big” Alec and Zoe are back home after their honeymoon. Zoe is in the early stages of pregnancy. (21)

8:00 WORLD  America Reframed:

We Breathe Again

8:02 MontanPBS Film Classics “The


4:00 World War II: The Price of Empire “The End of the Beginning” The war moves inexorably in favor of the Allies as the Germans are checked outside Stalingrad. TV-PG


Montana AG Live TV-G

 See story, p. 5

8:00 Poldark Season 3 On Masterpiece “Season 3, Episode: One” TV-PG

1 0:00 Place to Call Home “Somewhere Beyond The Sea” Sarah goes to Sydney under the pretense of visiting her sick aunt, while Jack keeps an eye on Rene. TV-PG

Ghost and Mrs. Muir” A London widow falls in love with a sea captain’s ghost haunting her cottage by the sea.  See story, right

9:00 WORLD Sol TV-G

9:48 Austin City Limits “Paul Simon” The singer-songwriter performs new songs, tunes from Graceland and Simon and Garfunkel songs. TV-PG 10:00 WORLD  Voces On PBS Now En Espanol TV-PG

10:45 Soundstage “Jon Secada” Latin superstar Jon Secada provides a thrilling tribute show to Cuban music legend Benny More. TV-PG 11:00 WORLD  American Masters:

Pedro E. Guerrero TV-PG

11:42 The Lowertown Line “The Blind Shake” Three-piece garage rock band The Blind Shake performs at The Amsterdam Bar and Hall in Saint Paul. TV-PG


2:30 WORLD  Tavis Smiley 3:00 Washington Week 3:00 WORLD Sol 3:30 Market to Market 4:00 The This Old House Hour 4:00 WORLD  Second Opinion: Vitamin D 4:30 WORLD  Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 5:00 Baby Makes 3: Beaches, Books, and Baby 5:00 WORLD  To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe 5:30 Martha Speaks 5:30 WORLD  Washington Week 6:00 SEE WEEKEND SCHEDULE, P. 23


MontanaPBS thanks RSVP volunteers

A London widow (Gene Tierney) falls in love with a sea captain’s ghost (Rex Harrison) haunting her cottage by the sea. M O N TA N A P B S F I L M C L AS S I C S

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir  Airs 8pm Saturday, September 30 At the beginning of the twentieth century, Mrs. Edwin Muir—Lucy—widowed for one year, decides to move out of her controlling in-law’s home in London to the English seaside with her adolescent daughter Anna and their long devoted maid Martha. Despite the rental agent trying to dissuade her, Lucy decides to rent Gull Cottage at Whitecliffby-the-Sea. The rental agent reveals to Mrs. Muir that the cottage is haunted, supposedly by its now deceased former owner, seaman Captain Daniel Gregg. After she moves in, she does meet the spirit of Captain Gregg face-to-face. Because she refuses to be scared away by his presence, the two come to an understanding, including that he will not make his presence known to Anna. As time progresses, the two develop a friendship and a bond. Despite his statements to her that she needs to live her life including finding another husband, Daniel seems not to approve of any of the men that enter her life, including the most serious, children’s author Miles Fairley. Because of his feelings for her, Daniel eventually must decide if being a part of her life is more a benefit or hindrance to her in carrying on with the living, regardless of perhaps not being able to carry out his initial goal of realizing his vision for Gull Cottage if he leaves.



MontanaPBS Programming Grids Weekday Programs TIME






MORNING 6:00 am

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

6:30am–10am  ·  Ready to Learn Children’s Programs  See page 24. 10:30 am

Sit and Be Fit

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Sit and Be Fit

Classical Stretch: Esmonde Technique

Sit and Be Fit

11:00 am

Great British Baking Show

Pati’s Mexican Table

Julie Taboulie’s Lebanese Kitchen

Simply Ming

Lidia’s Kitchen

9/5 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Elder Abuse and Exploitation 9/12 Health Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein returns

Born to Explore with Richard Wiese

9/7 Get the Math 914 Get the Math 2.0 9/21 It All Adds Up 9/25 Employment Matters

The Whole Truth with David Eisenhower 9/22 Music Voyager returns

9/7 In Their Own Words: Queen Elizabeth II 9/14 In Their Own Words: Muhammad Ali 9/21 In Their Own Words: Jim Henson 9/28 National Geographic Bee 2017

Earth’s Natural Wonders 9/22 Condor’s Shadow 9/29 Secret Life of Pigeons

11:30 am



9/5 Global Health Frontiers returns

12:30 pm

9/6 Voices of Fire 9/13 Paleo Sleuths 9/20 Indian Relay 9/27 Secrets in the Bones: The Hunt for the Black Death

9/6 Montana Rx: Unintended Consequences

1:00 pm

Painting and Travel with Roger & Sarah Bansemer

The Best of the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross

Paint This with Jerry Yarnell

Painting with Paulson

Craftsman’s Legacy

1:30 pm

Quilt in a Day

It's Sew Easy

Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting

Knitting Daily

Quilting Arts

2pm–5pm  ·  Ready to Learn Children’s Programs  See page 24.

For community MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage channel, see p. 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage Television Montana (TV-MT) is a state government broadcasting service that provides gavel-to-gavel, unedited coverage of legislative proceedings, both during and between sessions of the legislature. Viewers are invited to watch floor sessions and committee meetings live and on delayed telecasts. Visit: leg.mt.gov

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Weekend Programs SATURDAY




5:30 Martha Speaks

5:30 Curious George

6:00 Super Why!

6:00 Sid the Science Kid

6:30 Dinosaur Train

6:30 Nature Cat

7:00 Bob the Builder

7:00 Ready Jet Go!

7:30 Nature Cat

7:30 Peg + Cat

8:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

8:00 Market to Market

8:30 Splash and Bubbles

8:30 America’s Heartland

9:00 Ready Jet Go!

9:00 Charlie Rose: The Week

9:30 Wild Kratts

9:30 Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

10:00 Growing a Greener World

9/3 Montana Mosaics 10:00 9/10 Paradise and Purgatory 9/17 Indian Relay 9/24 The Violin Alone

10:30 Garden Smart 11:00 Cook’s Country 11:30 This Old House


9/3 Montana Rx: Unintended Consequences 9/10 Joseph Kinsey Howard: A Life Outside the Margins

12:30 American Woodshop


Montana Ag Live  See p. 5

1:00 Woodwright’s Shop



noon Ask This Old House

1:30 Sewing with Nancy 2:00 Destination Craft with Jim West 2:30 Make it Artsy 3:00 Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking 3:30 Rick Steves’ Europe 4:00 Globe Trekker 5:00 Backroads of Montana 9/2 Sharp Shooters 9/9 A Stone’s Throw from Anywhere 9/16 Pancakes and Polo 9/23 Music and Memories 9/30 Flathead Lake to the Crazy Mountains 5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 Check daily listings, pp. 6–21

noon Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 9/10 Secrets of Great British Castles begins 1:00 9/3 Secrets of Great British Castles 9/10 Mozart in London 9/17 Queen at 90 9/24 MontanaPBS Film Classics: Black Narcissus 2:00 9/3 Secrets of Great British Castles 9/10 Death on the Matterhorn 9/17 Diana: Her Story 2:30 New Tanglewood Tales: Life on Stage and Off 9/24 Sun River Homestead 3:00 9/3 Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey: Season 6, Series Finale 9/10 Anne of Green Gables, pt 1/4 9/17 Anne of Green Gables, pt 2/4 9/24 Anne of Green Gables, pt 3/4 4:00 9/10, 9/17, 9/24 World War II: The Price of Empire 5:00 Detectorists 5:30 Check daily listings, pp. 6–21

*See descriptions, p. 4–5




MontanaPBS Children’s Programming MontanaPBS Kids Primary HD Channel

Find more children's programming on the PBSKids Channel.  Check listings on page 29.

AM Weekdays 6:30 Wild Kratts 7:00 Ready Jet Go! 7:30 Nature Cat 8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 9:30 Splash and Bubbles 10:00 Sesame Street

PM Weekdays 2:00 Thomas & Friends 2:30 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 3:00 Splash and Bubbles 3:30 Peg + Cat 4:00 Arthur 4:30 Odd Squad 5:00 Odd Squad Weekend children’s programs are rated unless otherwise indicated, and air Saturdays from 5:30am to 10am and Sundays from 5:30am to 8am.


Parental Guidelines TV-Y

All children

T V–Y7 Children age 7 and over TV–G

General audience


Parental guidance suggested:

–V      violence

–S    some


–D      suggestive


sexual situations

For tickets visit: www.wildkrattsmontana.com

infrequent coarse language sexual dialogue

Parents strongly cautioned


Mature audience only

Presented by


Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area


MontanaPBS & MontanaPBS 108 Degrees: Critical Response WORLD 9/2 7pm, 11pm; 9/6 3am, 9am 11th and Grant Classics Angella Ahn & Friends: Suite for Violin & Piano 9/7 11:45pm • Angella Ahn & Friends: Entr’acte 9/24 11:50pm • Angella Ahn & Friends: Stairway to Heaven 9/17 11:52pm • Angella Ahn & Friends: Suite Buenos Aries 9/3 6:45pm 11th & Grant with Eric Funk Ten Foot Tall and 80 Proof 9/7 7pm; 9/9 10pm; 9/11 2am

A Africa’s Great Civilizations WORLD Origins/The Cross and the Crescent 9/9 6pm, 10pm • The Cross and the Crescent 9/9 7pm, 11pm • The Atlantic Age/ Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations 9/16 6pm, 10pm • Cities 9/16 7pm, 11pm • The Atlantic Age/Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations 9/23 6pm, 10pm • Commerce and the Clash of Civilizations 9/23 7pm, 11pm

Articulate with Jim Cotter WORLD Sun 10am

Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways War, Ore & Santa Claus (Scandinavia) 9/3 noon

Asia Insight WORLD Fri 9:30pm

City in the Sky WORLD Arrival 9/1 8am, 2pm

Ask This Old House Sat noon Austin City Limits Beck 9/2 10pm; 9/4 2:31am • 2014 Hall of Fame Special 9/9 11pm; 9/11 1am • 2015 Hall of Fame Special 9/16 10:43pm; 9/18 1am • Paul Simon 9/30 9:48pm • Florence + The Machine/Andra Day 9/23 9:45pm; 9/25 1am

Classical Stretch: The Esmonde Technique Mon, Wed, Fri 6am; Tue & Thu 10:30am

Austin Revealed: El Despertar WORLD 9/20 5pm, 10pm; 9/21 6am, noon; 9/22 4pm; 9/23 10am

Coexist WORLD 9/25 6pm, 11pm; 9/26 7am, 1pm; 10/1 3am

B Baby Makes 3 Sat 5am Backroads of Montana Sharp Shooters 9/2 5pm • A Stone’s Throw from Anywhere 9/9 5pm • Pancakes and Polo 9/16 5pm • Music and Memories 9/23 5pm • Flathead Lake to the Crazy Mountains 9/30 5pm •

Closer to Truth How Can God Not Be Free? 9/14 11:44pm • Does The Cosmos Have A Reason? 9/21 11:30pm WORLD Fri 4:30am, 11:30am

Colorado Experience WORLD Sheriff 9/3 11am • Nation Western Stock Show 9/10 10:30am • Cinema on the Plains 9/24 10:30am • Colorado Coined 9/17 10:30am • Pleasant Hill Bus Tragedy 9/3 10:30am • The Tabors 9/17 11am • Centennial Farms 9/10 11am • Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp 9/24 11am Compadre Huashayo WORLD 9/24 9:30pm; 9/25 1:30am, 9:30am; 9/27 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm

Doc Martin #603H The Tameness of a Wolf 9/4 1:42am • #604H Nobody Likes Me 9/7 8pm; 9/11 12:10am • #605H The Practice Around the Corner 9/14 8pm; 9/18 mdnt Downton Abbey Season 6 On Masterpiece Episode 9 9/3 3pm Dreamers Theater WORLD 9/6 4:30pm; 9/9 3:30am; 9/11 2:30pm Dropping Back In WORLD Second Chances 9/12 7:30pm, 11:30pm; 9/13 7:30am, 1:30pm; 9/16 9:30pm; 9/17 1:30am, 8:30am, 4:30pm DW News WORLD Mon-Fri 3:30pm

E Earth’s Natural Wonders Extreme Wonders 9/1 noon; 9/3 1am • Wonders of Water 9/8 4am, noon; 9/10 1am • Living Wonders 9/15 5am, noon; 9/17 1:05am Edison: American Experience 9/5 7pm; 9/7 4am

Aging Matters: End of Life WORLD 9/5 4pm, 7pm; 9/6 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Ballet Hispanico 9/15 8pm; 9/18 1:58am

Condor’s Shadow 9/22 noon

Egypt’s Treasure Guardians WORLD 9/21 4pm, 7pm; 9/22 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 9/27 3am, 9am

Alzheimer’s: The Caregiver’s Perspective WORLD 9/5 5pm, 11pm; 9/6 7am, 1pm; 9/9 9pm; 9/10 1am, 8am, 4pm

BBC World News Mon-Wed,Fri 10pm; Thu 10:17pm

Consuelo Mack WealthTrack Sun 9:30am WORLD Sat 4:30am, 9am

Elder Abuse and Exploitation 9/5 11:30am; 9/6 5:30am

Bell Ringer: The Invisible Brain Injury WORLD 9/2 6pm, 10pm; 9/5 3am, 9am

Cook’s Country Sat 11am

Elvis ’56 9/29 8pm

Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture 9/24 2:01am

Employment Matters 9/28 11:30am

American Forum WORLD Was 2016 A Truly Pivotal Election In American History? 9/2 4pm • Trump and the Pundits 9/3 1pm; 9/6 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/9 4pm • The Long Shadow of Vietnam 9/10 1pm; 9/13 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/16 4pm • How Did Hillary Clinton Snatch Defeat from Jaws of Victory in 2016? 9/17 1pm; 9/20 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/23 4pm • Watergate Redux? 9/24 1pm; 9/27 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/30 4pm American Masters WORLD Pedro E. Guerrero: A Photographer’s Journey 9/30 7pm, 11pm American Woodshop Sat 12:30pm America Reframed WORLD Sun mdnt, 7am, 3pm; Wed 6am, noon; Tue 6pm, 10pm; Sat 8pm America’s Finest Ambassadors: Our Armed Forces 9/26 4am America’s Heartland Sun 8:30am Americas Now Sun 5am Anne of Green Gables 9/10 3pm • 9/17 3pm • 9/24 3pm Antiques Roadshow Rapid City, hr 3 9/4 7pm; 9/6 3:30am • Seattle, hr 1 9/4 8pm; 9/6 4:30am • Seattle, hr 2 9/11 7pm; 9/13 3:30am • Seattle, Hr 3 9/11 8pm; 9/13 4:30am Arthur Mon-Fri 4pm Arthur & George On Masterpiece Pt 1 9/16 8:02pm • Pt 2 9/16 8:51pm • Pt 3 9/16 9:46pm

Best of the Joy of Painting Tue 1pm Between The Lines with Barry Kibrick WORLD Sun 9am

Count Me In 9/10 11:13pm

Beyond La Bamba WORLD 9/20 4pm, 7pm; 9/21 mdnt, 8am, 2pm, 2:30pm; 9/23 3am

Craftsman’s Legacy Fri 1pm

Black America Sat 1am Bob the Builder Sat 7am Born to Explore with Richard Wiese Wed 11:30am Bridging Urban America: The Story of Ralph Modjeski 9/10 2am

C The Caged Bird: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price WORLD 9/18 5pm, 10pm; 9/19 6am, noon; 9/24 2am Castle in Every Heart: The Arto Monaco Story WORLD 9/8 4pm, 7pm; 9/9 mdnt, 8am, 2pm; 9/13 mdnt, 8am, 2pm Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! Mon-Fri 2:30pm Chaplains Pt 1 9/28 5am • Pt 2 9/29 5am WORLD Pt 1 9/17 8pm; 9/18 mdnt, 8am • Pt 2 9/17 9pm; 9/18 1am, 9am Charlie Rose Mon-Wed,Fri 10:30pm; Thu 10:47pm Charlie Rose: The Week Sun 9am; Fri 9:30pm WORLD 9/2 4:30pm

Craft in America Neighbors 9/29 9pm Creative Hearts WORLD 9/6 4pm; 9/9 3am

Endeavour Season 4 On Masterpiece Lazaretto 9/3 8pm; 9/5 1am • Harvest 9/10 8pm; 9/12 1am Everest: A Climb for Peace WORLD 9/4 5pm, 10pm; 9/5 6am, noon; 9/10 2am


Curious George Sun 5:30am; Mon-Fri 8am

Far Afield: A Conservation Love Story WORLD 9/13 4pm; 9/14 8am, 2pm

Cyber-Seniors WORLD 9/3 5pm; 9/4 2am, 2pm

The Farthest: Voyager in Space 9/13 9pm; 9/15 2:04am

D Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Sat 8am; Mon-Fri 8:30am, 9am The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations WORLD Oprah Winfrey 9/10 5pm; 9/11 3am • Lloyd Blankfein 9/17 5pm; 9/18 3am • Warren Buffett 9/17 5:30pm; 9/18 3:30am • Bill Gates 9/24 5pm; 9/25 3am • Eric Schmidt 9/24 5:30pm; 9/25 3:30am Death on the Matterhorn 9/10 2pm Destination Craft with Jim West Sat 2pm Detectorists Detectorists Special 9/3 5pm Diana 9/17 2pm; 9/19 4am Dinosaur Train Sat 6:30am

Film School Shorts Future 9/4 11:30pm • America 9/11 11:30pm • Mean Streets 9/18 11:30pm Focus On Europe WORLD 9/2 5pm; 9/3 6am, 2pm; 9/5 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/6 9:30pm • 9/9 5pm; 9/10 6am, 2pm; 9/12 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/13 9:30pm • 9/16 5pm; 9/17 6am, 2pm; 9/18 5:30am; 9/19 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/20 9:30pm • 9/23 5pm; 9/24 6am, 2pm; 9/26 4:30am, 11:30am; 9/27 9:30pm • 9/30 5pm Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting Wed 1:30pm From The Wings: The Live Art Story 9/14 4:30am Front and Center Dawes 9/4 4am • Cma Songwriter Series with Jennifer Nettles 9/11 4am



Evening & Overnight Frontline The Man Who Knew 9/5 9pm; 9/7 3am • Abacus: Small Enough to Jail 9/12 9pm; 9/14 3am WORLD The Man Who Knew 9/6 7pm; 9/7 mdnt • Abacus: Small Enough to Jail 9/13 6:30pm, 11pm F.S. Key After the Song WORLD The Era of Good Feelings 9/15 5pm, 10pm; 9/16 6am, noon • Might Versus Right 9/15 6pm, 11pm; 9/16 7am, 1pm • Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely 9/15 7pm; 9/16 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Made in Montana, see pp. 4-5

Indian Relay 9/14 7pm; 9/17 10am; 9/20 noon Inside Peace WORLD 9/4 6pm, 11pm; 9/5 7am, 1pm; 9/7 8am, 2pm; 9/10 3am

Garden SMART Sat 10:30am Get the Math 9/7 11:30am Get the Math 2.0 9/14 11:30am Global 3000 WORLD Tue 4am, 11am, 9:30pm; Sun 6:30am, 2:30pm; Sat 5:30pm Global Health Frontiers Virus Hunters, Child Immunizations and Island Fever 9/26 noon • Dark Forest, Black Fly 9/5 noon • Foul Water, Fiery Serpent 9/12 noon • Trachoma: Defeating a Blinding Curse 9/19 noon Global Spirit WORLD Thu 3am, 9am

Market to Market Sat 3:30am; Sun 8am

It’s Sew Easy Tue 1:30pm

Martha Speaks Sat 5:30am

Ivy League Rumba WORLD 9/24 8pm; 9/25 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia 9/6 7pm; 9/8 3am • 9/13 7pm; 9/15 4:01am

J Joseph Kinsey Howard: A Life Outside the Margins 9/10 10:30am Julie Taboulie’s Lebanese Kitchen Wed 11am

K King Charles III On Masterpiece 9/2 8:02pm Knitting Daily Thu 1:30pm Komora (To Heal) WORLD 9/25 5pm, 10pm; 9/26 6am, noon; 10/1 2am


Globe Trekker Sat 4pm

Last of the Summer Wine Sat 7pm

Gordon Getty: There Will Be Music WORLD 9/18 6pm, 11pm; 9/19 7am, 1pm; 9/24 3am; 9/25 2am

Latin Music USA WORLD Bridges/The Salsa Revolution 9/24 6pm, 10pm; 9/25 6am, noon; 9/26 4pm

Great British Baking Show Mon 11am

Latino Americans WORLD Foreigners in Their Own Land 9/22 5pm, 10pm; 9/23 6am, noon • Empire of Dreams 9/22 6pm, 11pm; 9/23 7am, 1pm • War and Peace 9/22 7pm; 9/23 mdnt, 8am, 2pm • The New Latinos 9/29 5pm, 10pm; 9/30 6am, noon • Pride and Prejudice/Peril and Promise 9/29 6pm, 11pm; 9/30 7am, 1pm • Peril and Promise 9/29 7pm; 9/30 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Great Performances at the Met Der Rosenkavalier 9/3 10:15pm Growing a Greener World Sat 10am

H Head of Joaquin Murrieta WORLD 9/20 4:30pm, 7:30pm; 9/21 12:30am, 8:30am; 9/23 3:30am; 9/28 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; 9/30 11:30am Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein Suicide Prevention 9/12 11:30am • Living with Bipolar Disorder 9/19 11:30am • Brian Wilson, Love & Mercy 9/26 11:30am Heart: Live at Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 9/22 8pm Hollywood Idols Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend 9/10 5pm • Steve McQueen: Man on the Edge 9/17 5pm • Roger Moore: A Matter of Class 9/24 5pm

I Illusions in Stone 9/24 3am India: Nature’s Wonderland 9/8 2am

Malcolm Frager: American Pianist 9/13 5:30am

In Their Own Words 9/21 11:30am

Jeremiah 9/24 1:04am


Make It Artsy Sat 2:30pm

Laugh at Us: The Merry Pranksters Theatrical Troupe....For the Exceptionally Talented WORLD 9/6 5pm, 10pm; 9/7 6am, noon; 9/9 11am; 9/11 2am

Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed The World 9/12 7pm; 9/14 1am WORLD 9/17 6pm, 10pm; 9/18 6am, noon; 9/19 4pm Masterpiece Mystery! Sherlock: A Study in Pink 9/7 8:50pm • Sherlock: The Blind Banker 9/14 8:50pm May to December Sat 7:31pm Montana AG Live Keeping That Pony Healthy 9/3 11am • Weeds Special 9/10 11am • The Bugs of Montana: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 9/10 6pm; 9/17 11am • Here Comes the (Water) Judge! 9/17 6pm; 9/24 11am • Nothing is Sure but Death and Taxes! 9/24 6pm Montana Mosaics: 20th Century People and Events Ethnic Diversity, Arts and Humanities In Montana 9/3 10am MontanaPBS Film Classics Black Narcissus 9/23 8:02pm; 9/24 12:48pm • The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 9/30 8:02pm Montana Rx: Unintended Consequences 9/3 10:30am; 9/6 12:30pm; 9/10 3:30am MotorWeek 9/6 11:30pm Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Sat 3pm Mozart in London 9/10 1pm; 9/12 4am My Neighborhood: Pilsen WORLD 9/20 6pm, 11pm; 9/21 7am, 1pm; 9/23 11am My Sheepdog and Me 9/3 2am


NOVA Zeppelin Terror Attack 9/3 mdnt; 9/4 noon • Why Planes Vanish 10/1 12:09am • Killer Landslides 9/6 8pm; 9/8 1am; 9/10 mdnt; 9/11 noon • Nuclear Meltdown Disaster 9/24 12:07am; 9/25 noon • Death Dive to Saturn 9/13 8pm; 9/15 1:07am; 9/17 12:08am; 9/18 noon WORLD Zeppelin Terror Attack 9/1 6am, noon • Killer Landslides 9/7 5pm, 10pm; 9/8 6am, noon • Death Dive to Saturn 9/14 5pm, 10pm; 9/15 6am, noon

O Odd Squad Mon-Fri 4:30pm, 5pm On Story WORLD Tue 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm; Fri 3:30am, 9:30am; Mon 4:30pm, 7:30pm Open Mind Sat 2am WORLD Mon 4:30am, 11:30am; Sun 5:30am, 1:30pm Opera Reimagined: Animating The Cunning Little Vixen 9/18 4:30am WORLD 9/12 5:30pm; 9/14 12:30am, 8:30am, 2:30pm Over 90 and Loving It WORLD 9/13 4:30pm; 9/14 7am, 1pm; 9/16 3am, 11am; 9/18 2am Overheard with Evan Smith Sat 12:30am WORLD Mon 4am, 11am

P Painting and Travel with Roger & Sarah Bansemer Mon 1pm Painting with Paulson Thu 1pm Paint This with Jerry Yarnell Wed 1pm Paleo Sleuths 9/13 noon Paradise and Purgatory Hemingway of the L Bar T and St. V’s 9/10 10am Pati’s Mexican Table Tue 11am PBS NewsHour Mon-Fri 6pm WORLD Tue-Sat 1am; Mon-Fri 8pm PBS NewsHour Weekend Weekends 5:30pm

The Lawrence Welk Show Sat 6pm

National Geographic Bee ’17 9/28 noon

Peg + Cat Sun 7:30am; Mon-Fri 3:30pm

Lidia’s Kitchen Fri 11am

Nature Cat Sun 6:30am; Mon-Sat 7:30am

Place to Call Home Tue 5am; Sun 9:30pm

New Scandinavian Cooking Fri 11:30pm

Plants Behaving Badly WORLD Murder & Mayhem 9/3 2am • Sex & Lies 9/3 3am

Life on the Line WORLD Tue mdnt, 8am, 2pm; Fri 3am, 9am; Mon 4pm, 7pm Losing Lambert: A Journey Through Survival & Hope WORLD 9/19 7:30pm, 11:30pm; 9/20 7:30am, 1:30pm; 9/23 9:30pm; 9/24 1:30am, 8:30am, 4:30pm The Lowertown Line. The Lowertown Line: The 4onthefloor 9/16 11:41pm • The Lowertown Line: Black Diet 9/23 11:40pm • The Lowertown Line: The Blind Shake 9/30 11:42pm

M Magic of the Diary of Anne Frank 9/3 3am

NHK Newsline Tue-Fri 12:30am WORLD Mon-Fri 3pm Newsroom Tokyo WORLD Mon-Fri 5am New Tanglewood Tales: Life On Stage and Off 9/3 2:30pm Nightly Business Report Mon-Fri 5:30pm WORLD Tue-Sat 2am; Mon-Fri 9pm Not Without Us WORLD 9/2 3am, 9pm; 9/3 1am, 8am, 4pm

POV The Grown-Ups 9/4 9pm; 9/6 2:30am • My Love, Don’t Cross That River 9/11 9pm; 9/13 2:30am WORLD Tea Time 9/27 5:30pm, 10pm; 9/28 6am, noon • Don’t Tell Anyone 9/27 4pm, 6:30pm, 11pm; 9/28 7am, 1pm; 9/30 10am • Raising Bertie 9/2 10am • The Grown-Ups 9/6 6pm, 11pm; 9/7 7am, 1pm; 9/9 10am • My Love, Don’t Cross That River 9/13 5:30pm, 10pm; 9/14 6am, noon; 9/16 10am Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches Tue & Thu 6am, 6:15am

Find your community MontanaPBS HD and MontanaPBS World channels, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area

Q The Queen at 90 9/17 1pm Quilt in a Day Mon 1:30pm Quilting Arts Fri 1:30pm


Secrets of the Dead Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings 9/6 9pm; 9/8 5am WORLD The Lost Diary of Dr. Livingstone 9/28 5pm, 10pm; 9/29 6am, noon Secrets of the Six Wives Divorced, Beheaded, Survived 9/3 7pm; 9/5 2:30am

Reaching West: Dreams of China’s New Generation 9/24 10:52pm

Secrets of Westminster 9/10 7pm; 9/12 3am

Ready Jet Go! Sun-Fri 7am; Sat 9am

Sewing with Nancy Sat 1:30pm

Real Adam Smith Morality and Markets 9/17 2:03am • Ideas That Changed the World 9/17 3am Richard Bresnahan: The Taste of the Clay 9/1 9:30pm; 9/4 3:30am Richard Linklater: American Masters 9/1 8pm WORLD 9/3 6pm, 10pm; 9/4 6am, noon Richard M. Sherman: Songs of a Lifetime 9/10 10:15pm; 9/20 4am

Sesame Street Mon-Fri 10am Shakespeare Lost, Shakespeare Found WORLD 9/2 11:30am; 9/3 9:30pm; 9/4 1:30am, 9:30am, 1:30pm Shine: Making “A Light in the Dark” 9/12 2:30am Sidney Lumet: American Masters WORLD 9/3 7:30pm, 11:30pm; 9/4 7:30am Sid the Science Kid Sun 6am Simply Ming Thu 11am

Rick Steves’ Europe Sat 3:30pm

Sit and Be Fit Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30am

Rise of the Black Pharaohs WORLD 9/21 5pm, 10pm; 9/22 6am, noon

Sol WORLD 9/26 7pm, 11pm; 9/27 7am, 1pm; 9/29 4pm; 9/30 3am, 9pm; 10/1 1am

Robert Bly: A Thousand Years of Joy 9/17 10:52pm WORLD 9/11 6pm, 11pm; 9/12 7am, 1pm; 9/15 4pm; 9/17 3am; 9/20 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Soldier On: Life After Deployment 9/22 5am

S Salinger: American Masters WORLD 9/10 7:30pm, 11:30pm; 9/11 7:30am, noon

Some Kind of Spark 9/5 3:30am Song of the Mountains Mon 5am Soundstage Regina Spektor 9/2 11pm • Bad Company 9/23 10:43pm • Jon Secada 9/30 10:45pm Splash and Bubbles Sat 8:30am; Mon-Fri 9:30am, 3pm

Salsa! The Dance Sensation WORLD 9/24 9pm; 9/25 1am, 9am; 9/27 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

Start Up WORLD Sun 11:30am

Scully/The World Show Sun 4am WORLD Thu 4am, 11am, 9:30pm; Sun 5am

Super Why! Sat 6am

Second Opinion Sat 4am, 9:30am; Thu 4:30am, 11:30am Secret Life of Pigeons 9/29 noon; 10/1 1:06am Secrets in the Bones: The Hunt for the Black Death Killer 9/27 noon Secrets of Great British Castles Dover Castle, Kent, England 9/3 1pm; 9/6 1:45am • Tower of London, London, England 9/3 1:45pm; 9/13 1am • Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England 9/10 noon; 9/13 1:45am • Caernarfon Castle, Caernarfon, North-West Wales 9/17 noon; 9/20 5am • Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland 9/24 noon; 9/27 5am • Carrickfergus Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland 9/3 6pm; 9/6 1am

Sun River Homestead 9/24 2:30pm

T Tavis Smiley Tue-Sat mdnt WORLD Tue-Sat 2:30am; Mon-Fri 10am, 10:30am Third Rail with Ozy Fri 7:30pm WORLD Sat 4:30pm This Is America & The World Sat 2:30am This Old House Sat 11:30am The This Old House Hour Sat 4am Thomas & Friends Mon-Fri 2pm Time Scanners WORLD Fri mdnt, 7am, 8am, 1pm, 2pm; Thu 4pm, 6pm, 7pm, 11pm Time Team America WORLD Fort Raleigh, North Carolina 9/28 4pm, 7pm; 9/29 mdnt, 8am, 2pm

To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe Sat 1:30am WORLD Sun & Wed 4am; Sat 5am, 3pm; Wed 11am; Sun noon; Mon 9:30pm To Walk Invisible: The Bronte Sisters On Masterpiece 9/9 8:02pm Travels with Darley Sun 4:30am Tyrus Wong: American Masters 9/8 8pm WORLD 9/10 6pm, 10pm; 9/11 6am; 9/12 4pm

V Variety Studio: Actors On Actors 10/1 3am Vietnam War Deja Vu 9/17 7pm, 8:30pm; 9/19 1am, 2:30am • Riding the Tiger 9/18 7pm, 8:30pm; 9/20 1am, 2:30am • The River Styx 9/19 7pm, 9pm; 9/21 1am, 3am • Resolve 9/20 7pm, 9pm; 9/22 1am, 3am • This Is What We Do 9/21 7pm, 8:30pm; 9/25 2am, 3:30am • Things Fall Apart 9/24 7pm, 8:30pm; 9/26 1am, 2:30am • The Veneer of Civilization 9/25 7pm, 9pm; 9/27 1am, 3am • The History of the World 9/26 7pm, 9pm; 9/28 1am, 3am • A Disrespectful Loyalty 9/27 7pm, 9pm; 9/29 1am, 3am • The Weight of Memory 9/28 7pm, 9pm The Violin Alone 9/24 10am Visioneer: The Peter Diamandis Story 9/21 5am Voces On PBS WORLD Now En Espanol 9/30 6pm, 10pm Voices of Fire 9/6 noon

W Walt Disney: American Experience Pt 2 9/7 1am WORLD Pt 1 9/1 5pm, 10pm; 9/2 6am, noon • Pt 2 9/8 5pm, 10pm; 9/9 6am, noon Washington Week Sat 3am; Fri 7pm WORLD Sun 4:30am, 12:30pm; Sat 5:30am, 3:30pm Well Read Tue 11:30pm WORLD Fri 4am, 11am; Sun 9:30am The Whole Truth with David Eisenhower Fri 11:30am Wild Kratts Mon-Fri 6:30am; Sat 9:30am Wild Weather WORLD 9/1 7am, 1pm; 9/4 3am The Woodwright’s Shop Sat 1pm World War II: The Price of Empire Barbarossa 9/10 4pm • A Day in Infamy 9/17 4pm • Turning Point 9/24 4pm W.S. Merwin: To Plant a Tree WORLD 9/11 5pm, 10pm; 9/12 6am, noon; 9/17 2am; 9/18 2pm




MontanaPBS A American Woodshop Sun & Wed 8:30am; Wed 2:30pm America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30am; Sun, Tue, Thu 6:30pm; Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat 10pm Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook A French Country Table 9/30 8:30am, 8:30pm Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge Tue, Thu, Sat 11:30pm Ask This Old House Mon & Thu 2am; Sun & Wed 8am, 4pm, 8pm

B Baking with Julia Tue & Thu 5:30pm Beads, Baubles and Jewels Mon 9:30am, 3:30pm Best of the Joy of Painting Tue & Thu 4:30am, 10:30am Born to Explore with Richard Wiese Mon & Thu 3am; Sun & Wed 9pm

Find your community MontanaPBS HD Create channel in your community, See page 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/about/broadcast-area Find thesee MontanaPBS   Made in Montana, pp. 4-5 online program schedule at montanapbs.org/Schedule

For Your Home Sun & Wed 9:30am; Wed 3:30pm French Chef Classics French Onion Soup 9/20 5:30pm • Quiche Lorraine 9/24 5:30pm • French Tarts, Apple Style 9/27 5:30pm Fresh Quilting Fri 4am, 10am

G Garden SMART Sun & Wed 9am; Wed 3pm George Hirsch Lifestyle Mon & Fri 6am, noon Great American Seafood Cook-Off I 9/21 6am, noon • II 9/28 6am, noon • VI 9/7 6am, noon • VII 9/14 6am, noon Growing a Greener World Tue & Thu 9am, 3pm; Sat 10:30am, 10:30pm

H Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef Sat 11am; Mon & Fri 5:30pm

I C Chef John Besh’s Family Table Tue & Thu 5am, 11am; Tue, Thu, Sat 11pm Chef’s Life Sat 4am, 4:30am, 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 7am, 7:30am, 8am, 8:30am, 9am, 9:30am, 4pm, 4:30pm, 5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, 6:30pm Chesapeake Bay By Air 9/8 8:30pm; 9/9 2:30am Ciao Italia Sun & Wed 5:30am; Wed 11:30am Cook’s Country Tue, Thu, Sat 12:30am; Sat noon, 3:30pm; Mon, Wed, Fri 6:30pm, 10pm Curious Traveler Curious Kotor 9/3 7am • Curious Oslo 9/6 7am, 1pm • Curious Bordeaux 9/10 7am • Curious Sorrento 9/13 7am, 1pm • Curious Stockholm 9/17 7am • Curious French Villages 9/20 7am, 1pm

D Delicious TV’s Vegan Mashup A Reason to Rise 9/16 6:30am, 6:30pm; 9/17 12:30pm Destination Craft with Jim West Bali 9/24 7am • Ireland 9/27 7am, 1pm Dining with the Chef Tue 6am, noon

E Ellie’s Real Good Food Mon & Fri 6:30am, 12:30pm Equitrekking Spain 9/3 11:30pm Essential Pepin Sun & Wed 5:30pm

F Family Travel with Colleen Kelly Mon & Fri 7am, 1pm

In the Americas with David Yetman Tue & Thu 7:30am, 1:30pm It’s Sew Easy Thu 4am, 10am


Lucky Chow Ramen Mania 9/23 5:30am, 5:30pm; 9/24 11:30am • Trending Japanese 9/23 7am, 7pm; 9/24 1pm

M Martha Bakes Mon, Wed, Fri mdnt, 3:30am; Sun, Tue, Thu 6pm, 9:30pm Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Arabian Gulf Breakfast 9/16 7:30am, 7:30pm; 9/17 1:30pm Mexico: One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless The Hunt for Caribbean Lobster 9/17 6:30am • A Tour of Traditions 9/20 6:30am, 12:30pm • Off The Beaten Path In Playa del Carmen 9/24 6:30am • Ceviches Gone Wild 9/27 6:30am, 12:30pm Mike Colemeco’s Real Food Wed 5pm, 10:30pm Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Tue, Thu, Sat 1am; Sat 12:30pm; Mon, Wed, Fri 7pm Music Voyager Tokyo: A Feast for the Senses 9/23 5am, 5pm; 9/24 11am • Tohoku: Japan Rising 9/23 8:30am, 8:30pm; 9/24 2:30pm

New Orleans Cooking with Kevin Belton Tue & Thu 5pm, 10:30pm Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends Tue & Thu 6:30am, 12:30pm

Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way Chockfull of Surprises 9/30 8am, 8pm • Dessert First! 9/30 4:30am, 4:30pm

Nick Stellino: Storyteller in the Kitchen Vincenzo 9/2 12:30pm; 9/3 1am

Joanne Weir Gets Fresh Fall Fruit 9/30 6:30am, 6:30pm Joanne Weir’s Cooking Confidence Tue & Thu 5:30am, 11:30am Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Wed & Fri 2:30am; Mon & Fri 7:30am, 1:30pm; Tue & Thu 8:30pm Journeys in India Wed 7:30am, 1:30pm Journeys in Japan Sun 7:30am Julie Taboulie’s Lebanese Kitchen Wed & Fri 1am; Tue & Thu 7pm

K Knit and Crochet Now! Wed 4am, 10am Knitting Daily Sun 4am

L Lidia’s Kitchen Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat mdnt, 3:30am; Sat 11:30am, 3pm; Mon, Wed, Fri 6pm, 9:30pm

Rick Steves’ Europe Mon & Thu 2:30am; Weekdays 2pm; Sun & Wed 8:30pm Rick Steves Special Rome, Eternally Engaging 9/15 8:30pm; 9/16 2:30am • A Symphonic Journey 9/18 8:30pm; 9/19 2:30am; 9/23 2pm; 9/24 2:30am Rough Cut: Woodworking with Tommy Mac Mon & Fri 8:30am, 2:30pm Rudy Maxa’s World Tokyo, Japan 9/23 9:30am, 9:30pm; 9/24 3:30pm • Kyoto, Japan 9/23 8am, 8pm; 9/24 2pm Rudy Maxa’s World: Escape to French Polynesia 9/22 8:30pm; 9/23 2:30am Rudy Maxa’s World: The Taste of Japan Sun 2:30am

S Sara’s Weeknight Meals Mon 1am; Sun 7pm Scrapbook Soup Fri 9:30am, 3:30pm Sewing with Nancy Tue 4am, 10am Simply Ming Mon & Fri 5pm, 10:30pm


Jacques Pepin: Heart & Soul Sun & Wed 5am, 11pm; Wed 11am

The Jazzy Vegetarian Farm Market Fresh 9/30 5am, 7pm • Fabulous Fall Fare 9/30 7am, 5pm

Real Rail Adventures: Switzerland 9/11 8:30pm; 9/12 2:30am; 9/16 2pm; 9/17 2:30am

O Over Hawai’i 9/4 8:30pm; 9/5 2:30am; 9/9 2pm; 9/10 2:30am

P Paint This with Jerry Yarnell Mon & Fri 4:30am, 10:30am P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Mon & Fri 9am, 3pm; Sat 10am P. Allen Smith’s Garden to Table Sun & Wed 6am; Wed noon Pati’s Mexican Table Brunch at the Jinich House 9/16 8am, 8pm; 9/17 2pm • Good Morning, Mexico 9/16 9:30am, 9:30pm; 9/17 3:30pm Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen Mon & Fri 5:30am, 11:30am

Q Quilting Arts Mon 4am, 10am

R Real Rail Adventures: Swiss Grand Tour 9/1 8:30pm; 9/2 2:30am; 9/29 8:30pm; 9/30 2:30am

Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke Daily 1:30am; Mon & Fri 5am, 11pm; Sun 10am, 10:30am, 11:30am, noon, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, 3:30pm

T Taste the Islands Sun 5pm, 10:30pm This Old House Sun, Tue, Sat 2am; Mon & Fri 8am, 4pm, 8pm; Sat 1:30pm Travels with Darley Wed 11:30pm Travel with Kids Mon & Fri 11:30pm Two for the Road Wed & Fri 3am; Tue & Thu 9pm

U Urban Conversion Tue & Thu 9:30am, 3:30pm

V Victory Garden’s EdibleFEAST New England 9/30 9am, 9pm

W Weekends with Yankee Tue & Thu 7am, 1pm Woodsmith Shop Tue & Thu 8:30am, 2:30pm The Woodwright’s Shop Wed & Fri 2am; Tue & Thu 8am, 4pm, 8pm Wyland’s Art Studio Sun & Wed 4:30am; Wed 10:30am


MontanaPBS Kids Channel HTTP://WHRO.ORG


6:00 Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman 6:30 Cyberchase 7:00 Cyberchase 7:30 WordGirl 8:00 Arthur 8:30 Arthur 9:00 Peg + Cat 9:30 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 10:00 Super Why! 10:30 Clifford The Big Red Dog/Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:00 Thomas & Friends 11:30 Thomas & Friends Noon Caillou PM


Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking  Airs regularly on Create Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7pm

Bozeman, Montana: Melissa Harrison and Eduardo Garcia  Airs 9/1 at 7pm 9/2 1am

Big Sky meets lamb in Bozeman, Montana, where chefs Melissa Harrison and Eduardo Garcia create dishes with a rustic flair. Host Pete Evans joins the chefs in the beautiful Montana terrain for trout fly-fishing and the three channel their wild side as they forage for natural and fresh ingredients. This Moveable Feast takes chef Evans to the spectacular Willow Spring Farm in Montana, where chefs Harrison and Garcia serve a mouthwatering whole roasted lamb on a spit.

Overnight repeats 2pm–9:30pm episodes



Pete Evans

12:30 Sid the Science Kid Find a 24-hour MontanaPBS 1:00 Bob the Builder 1:30 WordWorld Kids channel in your community, 10 pm ����� 2:00 Super Why! See p. 2 or go to www.montanapbs.org/ 10:30 ����� 2:30 Sesame Street about/broadcast-area 11:00 ����� 3:00 Sesame Street 11:30 ����� 3:30 Dinosaur Train mdnt ����� 4:00 Dinosaur Train 12:30 ����� 4:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 1 am ����� 5:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 1:30 ����� 5:30 Splash and Bubbles 2:00 ����� 6:00 Nature Cat  2:30 ����� 6:30 Ready Jet Go! 3:00 ����� 7:00 Wild Kratts  9/1, 9/2, 9/3 Arthur: D.W. and the Beastly Birthday • 9/8, 9/9, 9/10 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood • 9/15, 9/16, 9/17 Peg + Cat Save the World • 9/22, 9/23, 9/24 Dinosaur Train: Zeppelin Adventure • 9/29, 9/30 Splash and Bubbles 3:30 ����� 7:30 Wild Kratts 9/8, 9/9, 9/10 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 4:00 ����� 8:00 Odd Squad  9/8, 9/9, 9/10 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood • 9/22, 9/23, 9/24 Dinosaur Train: Submarine Adventure 4:30 ����� 8:30 Odd Squad 9/8, 9/9, 9/10 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 5:00 ����� 9:00 Arthur 9/1, 9/2, 9/3 Arthur: D.W. and the Beastly Birthday • 9/15, 9/16, 9/17 Peg + Cat Save the World 5:30 ����� 9:30 Arthur

Greenough, Montana: Chef Ben Jones and Rory Schepisi  Airs 9/22 at 7pm, 9/23 at 1am

This episode saddles up for a Chuck Wagon dinner in Greenough, Montana. Host chef Pete Evans joins chef Ben Jones of Paws Up and grilling master Rory Schepisi to experience a classic Montana barbecue. Chefs Jones and Schepisi take Evans on a tour of local farms to harvest honey and see how real Montana Angus beef is raised. The chefs prepare a delicious meal featuring Montana beef in this quintessential Chuck Wagon dinner. This Moveable Feast even has Pete on the move... on horseback.

Arthur: D.W. and the Beastly Birthday airs on MontanaPBS Kids 7pm and 9pm September 1, 2 & 3



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Program Underwriters

Crystal Beaty · (406) 994-6221  ·  crystal@ montanapbs.org

Allegra Bozeman www.allegrabozeman.com The Baxter Hotel www.thebaxterhotel.com Big Sky Journal www.bigskyjournal.com Bozeman Daily Chronicle www.dailychronicle.com Bozeman Magazine www.bozemanmagazine.com The Bozone www.bozone.com Cashman’s Nursery www.cashmannursery.com DA Davidson www.dadavidson.com Fay Ranches www.fayranches.com Filmlites Montana www.filmlitesmt.com First Security Bank www.ourbank.com First Interstate BancSystem www.firstinterstatebank.com Gallatin River Ranch www.GallatinRiverRanch.com Gallatin Valley Catering www.gallatinvalleycatering.com The Greater Montana Foundation www.greatermontana.org Innovation Arts & Entertainment Jem Shoppe Jewelers www.jemshoppe.com Jereco Studios www.jerecostudios.com KGLT FM www.kglt.net Last Wind-Up www.LastWindUp.com Leadership Montana www.leadershipmontana.org Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center www.fs.fed.us/r1/lewisclark/lcic.htm Montana Cooperative Development Center www.mcdc.coop Montana Expressions www.montanaexpressions.com Montana Farmers Union www.montanafarmersunion.com Montana State University www.montana.edu Montana State University Office of Communications & Public Affairs Montana State Parks www.stateparks.mt.gov Montana Office of Tourism www.visitmt.com Montana Party Rentals www.MontanaPartyRentals.com Montana Public Radio www.mtpr.org Montana: The Magazine of Western History www.montanahistoricalsociety.org Nature Conservancy www.nature.org/montana NE45 Architecture www.ne45arch.com North American Auction Company www.NorthAmericanAuctionCompany.com NorthWestern Energy www.northwesternenergy.com PacificSource Health Plans www.pacificsource.com Rowman and Littlefield Publishers www.rowman.com Shadow Hearth & Home www.shadowhearth.com University of Montana www.umt.edu Yellowstone Public Radio www.ypradio.org

Gilhousen Family Foundation Greater Montana Foundation Quinn’s Hot Springs Resort & Jackson Hot Springs Lodge Jack & Donna Ostrovsky Montana State University Office of the President Gibson Acoustic & Music Villa Bob and Karin Utzinger Daryl Ziegler Henning Filmlites Montana Bill and Jane Gum Gary & Sue Andrews Tony and Martha Biel Bill & Anita Kearns Esther Nelson Jack and Linda Hyyppa Marie Gary Agency Mary Routhier Jeff and Rona Davison Gregory Young & Elizabeth Croy Mike & Ginny Fischer Peg Wherry Tim and Kathy Hammond Mary & Alan Brutger Suzy and Robert Sterling Nancy Cornwell & Stan Downs Terry & Ellen Alborn Alice Meister & George Baskin Larry & Gail Larson

Greater Montana Foundation Big Sky Film Grant The Trailhead

Cashman's Nursery and Landscaping MSU Extension MSU College of Agriculture/ Ag Experiment Station Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Montana Department of Agriculture Montana Bankers Association/ Bancserve, Inc. Gallatin Gardeners Club


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Cassini space probe N OVA

Death Dive to Saturn  Airs 8pm Wednesday, September 13 Also 9/15 1:07am; 9/17 12:08am; 9/18 noon For over a decade, the Cassini space probe has been sending dazzling images of Saturn’s breathtaking rings and mysterious moons. Join NOVA on a suspenseful ride during Cassini’s final hours as it dives into Saturn’s atmosphere.

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