Musings | Winter/Spring Member Newsletter

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Monterey Museum of Art




Musings is a quarterly publication for Members of the Monterey Museum of Art.

Our Mission

The Monterey Museum of Art cultivates curiosity in the visual arts and engages community with the diversity of California art—past, present, and future.

Our Vision

The Monterey Museum of Art is a collaborative center where art and community engage.

Board of Trustees Adriana Hayward, Psy.D. President

Lila Thorsen, Ph.D. President Emerita

Judith Marshall Vice President

Monika Campbell Tom Donnelly Kristen Huston John Mera Susan Shillinglaw, Ph.D. Ashley Stepien

John A. Greenwald Treasurer

Judy Archibald Secretary

Chief Editor / Writer / Project Manager Stephanie Shepherd Art Director / Senior Designer Maureen Halligan Photography Chris Cohoon, Maureen Halligan, Moss Media Carmel

William G. Hyland Trustee Emeritus

Craig L. Johnson Trustee Emeritus

Photo: Maureen Halligan Photo: Moss Media Carmel

Cover Image Francis McComas (1874-1938), Monterey Cypress, n.d., oil on canvas, 36 x 75 inches. Private Collection. Courtesy Josh Hardy Galleries LLC.


Photo: Moss Media Carmel

Photo: Moss Media Carmel

From the Interim Executive Director Dear MMA Members and Friends, Welcome to the New Year. During December, MMA staff prepared Pacific Street for re-opening, even though as I write this letter, a recent appeal made by California museums to open to the public was denied. Rest assured, the Monterey Museum of Art is OPEN, even if we cannot invite you inside—yet! Our winter shows are available to you virtually on our website, so be sure to explore The Califas Legacy Project: The Ancestral Journey/El Viaje Ancestral, Francis McComas: Rediscovering California’s First Modernist, Marc Trujillo: Fast Food, and Dora Lisa Rosenbaum in virtual Currents. During COVID, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. Recently, I finished a book by Mary Gabriel about Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler, and the New York School of abstract expressionism. The book starts by telling the story of the Ninth Street Show in 1951, which was curated by then unknown Leo Castelli and featured the mostly unheralded work of more than 100 artists like Barnett Newman, Jackson Pollock, and the five women featured in the book, all of whom are recognized now as giants of America’s modern movement of art. California artists have always had to work harder to be seen by the art establishment. This is why we are so proud to be producing our first major catalogue in many years—focusing on the work of Francis McComas. In addition, artists and arts institutions along the Monterey Crescent are making history. The Califas Legacy Project explores the decades-long story of Chicanx art on the Central Coast, and the exhibition showcases the art and ideas of our region’s Chicanx and Latinx creative leaders. Coinciding with the exhibition, you will not want to miss our Art of the State Symposium: Change = Action/Time, held virtually on January 9, 2021 (10:00 am – 5:00 pm). We have also launched our new and much improved website—and we will soon be adding a searchable database of the 8,000+ objects in our permanent collection. Our popular School Visit Program and our SMART initiative are starting back up this month—virtually, and for your fun and delight, we’re planning a participatory arts experience for all ages in celebration of Valentines. Visit our website for details, and we hope you will all participate. Wishing you a creative year ahead,

Corey Madden Interim Executive Director

Membership in 2021 BY M E L A N I E Z A R A G O Z A

We enter this new year looking forward—to the rich and diverse exhibitions we have planned, to our first ever Virtual Art of the State Symposium, and to welcoming our dedicated Members back into our galleries. Although we are not in the position to reopen at full capacity at this time, we are hoping that with the State's guidance, we will be able to embrace a hybrid re-opening plan than includes virtual and in-person engagements in the near future. As this plan develops, Members will be the first to know when the Museum is ready to open, and we will be so glad to see your smiling faces again.

Photo: Moss Media Carmel

Until then, we continue to present a variety of virtual exhibitions. This month, four spectacular exhibitions open, including: The Califas Legacy Project: The Ancestral Journey/El Viaje Ancestral, Francis McComas: Rediscovering California’s First Modernist, Marc Trujillo: Fast Food, and Dora Lisa


Rosenbaum in virtual Currents. We invite all of you to view these exhibitions—featuring artists of many styles, mediums, and walks of life—from the safety of your home, and we look forward to sharing many more art moments with you. Though this past year has been one of many challenges, we continue to be inspired by the generosity of our community. Looking back on the past few months, our Members’ exhibition, Miniatures, was a great success with over 150 artworks donated, we raised funds to continue building our Arts Access Digital Studio to strengthen our virtual programming, and our membership base remains strong. You have made all the difference in helping MMA survive the past year, and we look forward to thriving in this new year. Thank you all for your continued support.

Califas Legacy Project, Victor Cervantez and Irene O'Connell

Art of the State Symposium Change = Action / Time BY C H R I S C O H O O N

Monterey Museum of Art will host its 3rd Annual Art of the State Symposium on January 9, 2021 (10:00 am – 5:00 pm). This year’s theme, Change = Action/Time, addresses activism through the generations of Chicanx and Latinx Art in California. Join Amalia Mesa-Bains, Ph.D., Juan Felipe Herrera, Mario Ybarra Jr., Victor Payan and Pocha Peña, and others for personal accounts, live Q&A, and a live panel discussion with presenters, moderated by Susanna Smith Bautista, Ph.D. The Symposium coincides with The Califas Legacy Project: The Ancestral Journey/El Viaje Ancestral opening virtually on January 8—in partnership with Museo

Eduardo Carillo. Artists of The Califas Legacy Project will host the morning discussion about generational experiences and activism in and around the Monterey Bay Crescent. The Symposium will be held virtually, and please visit our website to learn more and to register.

This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit 7

Recent Acquisition Francis McComas’ Pescadero Rocks

B Y R O B E R T J . P I E R C E , Guest Curator for Francis McComas: Rediscovering California's First Modernist (January 21 – April 11, 2021)


Francis McComas' Pescadero Rocks dates from the artist's Mature Period (1920-1938), and depicts a natural rock formation on the southwestern rim of Still Water Cove as seen from the 17th green at the Pebble Beach Golf Links. The coastline of the Monterey Peninsula, from "the old city" to Point Lobos, was perhaps his favorite subject matter, with the artist describing the latter as "the greatest meeting of land and water in the world." Pescadero Rocks was commissioned by

Francis McComas (1874-1938), Pescadero Rocks (aka Rocks in Carmel Bay), circa 1930, oil on canvas, 34.5 x 86 in. (87.63 x 218.44 cm). Bequest of Mary Morse Shaw, 2019.

Sam F. B. Morse for his Pebble Beach home, most likely in the mid-1920s. Morse was one of McComas' closest friends and perhaps the most influential developer and arts patron in the history of Monterey. Although McComas gained his fame as a watercolorist, the sophisticated oils of his Mature Period represent his greatest, most fully-realized works. Pescadero Rocks utilizes the highkey, fully-saturated cerulean blue and undulating emerald green

that characterize this highest phase of his development as an artist. The faceted, geometric forms of the coastline are also typical of his late style, which he had been developing since his turn away from California Tonalism toward proto-Cubist abstraction in the early nineteenteens. Although it is one of his major works, historical records seem to indicate that Pescadero Rocks has been exhibited only once (Botke-McComas-Seideneck at

the Carmel Art Association, 1988), and has thus been veiled from public view for almost 100 years. Its addition to the permanent collection of the Monterey Museum of Art represents a significant acquisition and presents—for only the second time in a century—the opportunity for the public to appreciate this particular work of an artistic genius at the height of his power. 9

Collection Highlight

Eduardo Carrillo’s Couple in the Garden BY J O H N R E X I N E

In the late 1970s, Santa Cruz-based artist Eduardo Carrillo (1937-1997) was one of a team of academics who organized a ground-breaking symposium at UC Santa Cruz called Califas: Chicano Art and Culture in California that brought broader attention to the self-definition of this highly creative but under-recognized community—and through the initiative of the Museo Eduardo Carrillo in Santa Cruz became the inspiration for the Califas Legacy Project: The Ancestral Journey/El Viaje Ancestral exhibition at MMA and online from January 8 – April 11, 2021. Although not a part of that exhibition, Carrillo’s Couple in the Garden (1985) will be on view upstairs in the Marble Gallery during the run of the show. Suggestive of the biblical expulsion from the garden, two figures, male and female, pass through an arbor set in a mountainous landscape surrounded by fanciful and swirling foliage, while a dove (rather than a snake) hovers in the tree above them. And, unlike the biblical Adam, the male figure here is carrying a bottle of red wine as if seeking a good spot to picnic.

 Eduardo Carrillo (1937-1997), Couple in the Garden, 1985, oil on canvas, 48 x 34.25 inches. Museum purchase with funds from the Metropolitan Life Foundation, 1988.054.



Project T.H.R.I.V.E. Teach Hope, Resiliency, and Inspiration through Virtual Education BY C H R I S C O H O O N , A L LY S O N H I T T E , A N D R OX A N N E O ’ W E G E R

MMA’s youth art education programs are designed to help children throughout the Monterey County Community. We work directly with schools towards enriching their curricula. School tours are designed, not only to enhance art skills and knowledge, but to also reinforce language, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and even math and science skills. Evident in programs such as Free Family Fun Day, summer camps, and workshops, art education instills a sense of confidence, identity, and healthy introspection, and gives a voice to many children who struggle with expression through other media, activities, and academic subjects. Finally, art education creates a community bond as we explore one another’s cultures through art and story.


Children throughout our County rely on MMA to fill the gap in their arts education left by school budget cuts. In response to COVID school closures, MMA’s staff have worked tirelessly to launch a new virtual learning platform, where students and their teachers will have access to MMA’s collection and skilled arts educators, through an innovative Virtual School Visit Program experience.

Project T.H.R.I.V.E. supporters have a unique opportunity to affect real change for the youth of Monterey County. Like you, we know that skills learned from the arts are some of the most important a child can possess in these challenging times. Empathy, resiliency, problem-solving skills, and creativity are the foundation on which we can build a better world, and we need your help to take that first step.

Our ambitious goal is to bring our Virtual School Visit Program to every child in Monterey County. Programs like these require a major investment of time and resources from MMA’s educators, and that is why we have launched Project T.H.R.I.V.E., a brand-new MMA Board-led project to Teach Hope, Resiliency, and Inspiration through Virtual Education to thousands of schoolchildren in Monterey County.

Donors who commit to Project T.H.R.I.V.E. will be connected to an elite group unified by a common passion for children’s arts education and will join MMA Board leaders in their dedication to raising immediate and ongoing funds to support education initiatives. Charitable donations will provide every child in Monterey County with free digital arts education programs—so they can thrive.

Photo: Moss Media Carmel

View a preview of our Virtual School Visit Program, and support Project T.H.R.I.V.E. by making a donation today.


MMA Board Spotlight

Judith Marshall

MMA Volunteer Spotlight

Stan McMahan Before becoming a Docent at MMA, Stan McMahan was involved at the Museum as a security guard, and then joined the staff in visitor services and education. He spent nearly 10 years serving the Museum in these roles before taking his first MMA Docent class and becoming a Docent. Stan says, “I like the relationships with the Docents, and with the staff at the Museum, and with the visitors. It's just a trifecta and its really good. The whole experience is good but those are things that really stand out to me.” Over the years, Stan has become familiar with the Museum’s collection, and he notes a few of his favorites, “California paintings, and the bronze sculptures. I just like stuff from that era, and there were so many good artists that were doing their thing in those days. I especially like E. Charlton Fortune.” As a Docent, Stan interacts with the public and gives tours, and he especially enjoys helping with the Museum’s School Visit Program and Free Family Fun Days. Thank you Stan for your time and dedication, we appreciate all you have done and all you continue to do for the Museum!


A longtime patron and supporter of the Museum, Judith Marshall joined the MMA Board of Trustees in 2014. She is also a practicing artist and a member of MMA’s Exhibitions and Acquisitions Committee—her favorite working committee. She shares, “Building the collection to truly represent our area and artists is very important to me.” Judith especially appreciates exhibitions that are interactive and likes to observe how viewers interact with the art—such as with the Museum’s recent David Hockney exhibition. She looks forward to when we can all meet again at the Museum, but in the meantime, she is enjoying exhibitions online. Judith and her husband feel that it is important to support the areas where they live, and she shares, “The Monterey Museum of Art is a very special place in our community. MMA has a wonderful collection of California art, works on paper, and photography, and the Museum provides education, family days, and art museum experiences for children and all ages. As the Artist in Residency program is developed it gives us another way to engage the community and introduce contemporary artists.” Thank you Judith for being an important part of the MMA family—your commitment to the Museum is greatly valued and appreciated!

Melanie Zaragoza

Melanie Zaragoza joined the MMA team in February 2020, and currently works as the Membership Coordinator and Board Liaison. When asked about her favorite part of working at MMA, she says, “I love the opportunity to work with creative and inspiring people and collaborate across departments. I joined the team as the Museum was transitioning to working remotely. Seeing how everyone adapted to the virtual environment and stayed committed to the Museum’s mission made me grateful to be part of the team.” The arts play an important role in Melanie’s life, and she states, “Growing up, my home was filled with music and color. My parents encouraged me to be creative and to be myself.” Melanie recently participated in our first ever Great Pumpkin Drive event by setting up an ofrenda in honor of Dia de los Muertos. When recalling the event she says, “It was a great pleasure to represent Dia de los Muertos at the Great Pumpkin Drive and to share that cultural tradition with the community.” Outside of her work at the Museum, Melanie tends to her salsa garden and small pumpkin patch, reads literature by great female authors, and practices hand embroidery.

Noelani Castro

Just over one year ago, Noelani Castro joined the MMA team as Exhibitions and Collections Assistant. Prior to working at MMA, while she was abroad on a scholarship, Noelani visited museum after museum, and found herself becoming interested in the birth of museums, the history of collecting, and the connection between collector, patron, artist, and museum. This led to her interest in working at MMA and she finds her work to be rewarding. Through her work with the collection, Noelani continues to learn about the art of Monterey and the surrounding areas, and with that, the captivating history of the region. She shares, “The power to develop scholarship and provoke curiosity based on a museum’s collection is and has always been the most fascinating thing about museums.” Outside of her time at MMA, Noelani helps run her family’s Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Club, listens to and watches anything Beyoncé, attends football games, and tends to the plants in her garden.

Photo: Moss Media Carmel

Photo: Michelle Magdalena Photography

MMA Staff Spotlight

MMA Staff Spotlight


Acknowledgements Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020 Monterey County Gives Supporters Thank you to all of our Monterey County Gives 2020 supporters for helping us raise funds to support our Arts Access Digital Studio to improve and increase our virtual programming. A special thank you to the Monterey County Gives Partners: Community Foundation for Monterey County, Monterey County Weekly, and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. Monterey County Gives Challenge Donors Judy Archibald, MMA Trustee Monika Campbell, MMA Trustee Thomas Donnelly, MMA Trustee John A. Greenwald, MMA Trustee Nancy Eccles & Homer M Hayward Family Foundation Kristen & Joe Huston (Kristen Huston, MMA Trustee) Corey Madden, MMA Interim Executive Director Judith Marshall, MMA Trustee John Mera, MMA Trustee Rayne Technology Solutions, Inc. Susan Shillinglaw, MMA Trustee Staff of the MMA The Stepien Family (Ashley Stepien, MMA Trustee) Suzanne Francoeur Taunt Lila & James Thorsen (Lila Thorsen, MMA Trustee) Monterey County Gives Donors Patricia Addleman Robin Aeschliman Constance Andrews Betty Aynaga & Steven Likong Frances & John Baczuk David Beech Jane & Steve Benight Sandra & Roger Bergam James Booth Daniela Bryan Nancy & John Bryson Barbara Bullock-Wilson Mary & Thomas Callaham


Carol Chapman & Fred Slautterback Cyndy Davis Paul & Anne Davis Sandra M. Dewey Nancy & Stephen Donaldson Catherine & William Faber Joanna FitzPatrick Eileen & Tom Fukunaga Tracy Gibbons Priscilla Gilbertson Kathryn Greenwald Alis Gumbiner Thomas Haley Noelle Hetz Allyson Hitte Astrid Holberg & David Awerbuck Carol Lee Holland Jacalyn June & Jacki Horton Berniz House P.G. Itano Randa Jacobs Christine & Craig Johnson (Craig Johnson, Trustee Emeritus) Linda & David Keaton Marion Keyworth Shannon Kirby Kathleen Knight Bill Koenig Kay & John Krattli Jean & David Laws Karen Letendre David Ligare & Gary Smith Valera Lyles Amy Martinetto Ellen Maupin Diane E. Mayer Bob Mazawa Mary Pat & Richard McCormick Marie McDonough

Carolyn & Thomas McGurn Nicki & Mick McMahan Markus McMahon Marli & Bob Melton Susan H. Miller Konny Murray & Dave Buckingham Jane & John Olin Jennifer & Jeffrey Paduan The Paul Davis Partnership LLP Alan Pomatto Mary Pommerich Lesley Pretorius Thomas Rebold John Rexine Neil Richman Kay & Jean Rigg Suzanne Roll Shirley & Lee Rosen Stephanie Shepherd Janie Silveria & Frank Hoppe Matthew Simis & Michael Gray Kerry Smith & Jamie Dagdigian Herlinde Spahr Sarah Spencer Betty & Mike Sproule Karen & Jack Steadman Janet Thomas Marilyn & William Timoney Eleanor & Kevin Uhlinger Jill Viney-Bernard Bruce Welden & Bruce Fiori Inga Waite Cynthia & Brian Weick Malcolm Weintraub Susan Johnson Willey Rhonda Williams Maryellen Wilson Melanie Zaragoza Bradley Zeve

Miniatures Supporters Our deep appreciation to all of the Miniatures 2020 artists—your gifts of art made Miniatures possible. We also wish to thank the following donors for celebrating Miniatures with us and for their generous contributions towards Miniatures—to support our exhibitions and public programs. Joan Adamczyk Patricia Addleman Dana Allen-Greil Peter Anastos Sherree Anderson Constance Andrews John and Michelle Angelo Thomas and Judy Archibald Kathleen Armstrong Wayne Armstrong Robert Armstrong Ann Artz Joan Bannon Artz Betty Aynaga Junie Babilla Elizabeth Barlow Lee Beggs Jill Bernier Donna Bessant Anthony and Ann Bialy Jennifer Bicket Dave and Lin Blaskovich Beth Noble Bogdon Gary and Sherie Bolen Jonathan and Dionys Briggs Ronald and Emma Brown Jane Brubaker Ashley Brucker-Stepien Hollee Buckman Valerie Burke Nancy Burnett Linda Bussey Thomas and Mary Callaham Tim Callaham Lauren Caudill George Chadwick Ginger Chih Ilse Colby Helga Conklin

Evanne Conners Marilyn Cooke Robert and Karen Cowdrey Kc Cullen Sophia Davies Sheryl Dorney Dion and Judith Dow Jim and Sandra Earl Allison Edwards Nina Eldred Carol Evans Jeannie Evers Kaylee Fahimipour Josie Filarca Caitlin Fillmore Patricia Fletcher Donna Foote Timothy Forbes Judith Franich Claire Fuerst Kathleen Fulton Rinat Goren John and Carol Greenwald Kathryn Greenwald Gail Griffin Etsuko Haegele Thomas Haley Maureen Halligan Matthew Hannas Constance Harrington Nina Harrison Bill and Adriana Hayward Elizabeth Healey Marcia Healy Joan Hendrickson Kim Hicks Peggy Hill Julia Hill Allyson Hitte

Susan Page Hocevar Martina Hopkins Sunday Howe Rebecca Hubick Kay Hull Todd and Margaret Hunt Emily Hunt Joe and Kristen Huston Theresa Hyland Janelle Ishida Carol Jackson Roya Javid Bill Jenkins Carol Jensen Adrienne Jensen Anne Johnson Pia Kamlan Lisa Katz Lisa P. Kaufmann Marion Keyworth Shannon Kirby Anne Kmetovic John and Kay Krattli Ken Kroopf Lucien Kubo Stephanie Langley Graham Lea Marsha Leadingham Sarah Leonard Laura Lettunich Melissa Lewington Dr. Calton and Carole Lewis David Ligare Peter Loewy Jennifer Lopez Susann Cate Lynn Harriet Lynn Corey Madden (continued...)


Miniatures Supporters (continued) Daniel and Lara Magallanes Mary Male Maha Malek Allyson Malek Maureen Manning Martha Manson Maja Marjanovic Patty Marlow Heather Marquard Eric Marsh Mark Marshall Maren Martin Shane Martin Maureen Mason Ken Matsumura Ellen Matsumura Ellen Maupin Frederick McGarrity Sharon McGuire Cynthia McLaughlin Stanley and Marilyn McMahan Marianne McMahon Nancee Meeker Carole Meeker Paula Meier Marli Melton Lois Millet Amy Moellering Shirley Moon Carol Moreali Paul Morris Susan Morse Louis Nastro Emily Nicholl Ruth Nichols Brad and Laura Niebling Karen Nordstrand Daniel Oaks Jill Oerman Chuck and Marcia Olsen Linda Olson Larry Omoto Val and Jane Pakis Nicolas Papadakis Andrew Passell


Banks Pecht Jan Penn Angie Phillips Michal Phillips Melissa Pickford Daniel and Roseanne Pierre DDS Celine Pinet Polly Pratt Susan Randall Victor and Cindy Reskovic Amy Richardson Judy Roberts Jill Robinson Robin Robinson Larry and Lorraine Robison Maria Roden Diana Rogers Deborah Rosenberg Helen Rudnick Karin Salameh Charlotte Salomon Marek Samotyj Roy San Filippo Ronald SanChirico Amy Sands Catherine Schweitzer Caroline Scott Low Elaine Seely Ingrid Selin Sabrina Seronello Nancy Sevier Logan Shankle Stephanie Shepherd Leslie and Ronald Sherwin Kuldeep and Manjit Sidhu Janice Simon Jenna Smith Kerry Smith Tami Sojka Douglas Sousa Tanya Stanberry Jamie Staples Jack and Karen Steadman Jim and Deitra Steiner Judy Stephenson

Lloyd Stephenson Cathy Stokes Linda Stolp-Carey Jim Summers Donna Swan Richard and Janet Tezak Victoria Thacher Cherise Thompson Richard Thorne James and Lila Thorsen Rosemary Tintle Ryan Tremblay Sandra Uecker Philomena van Cleave Paula Vannucci Olivia Vannucci Robin Venuti Jennifer Verdugo Amy Washburn Jenni Watkins Ellen Watson Tully and Jacqueline Weidman Donna Weigelt Joan Weiner David and Linda Wilsey Cara Wilson David and Susan Wirshup William and Kathleen Wojtkowski Bobbie Wolcott Nancy Wright Brian Wright Curtis Yomtob Rei and Barbara Yoshinobu Melanie Zaragoza Rosemary Zaragoza Linda Zwagerman

Sponsorship and Grant Supporters

Project T.H.R.I.V.E. Supporters

A big thank you to our sponsorship and grant supporters. Your generous contributions allow us to carry out important capacity-building initiatives and implement exhibitions and programs that are integral to our mission.

Teach Hope, Resiliency, and Inspiration through Virtual Education

California Humanities Carmel Woman's Club David and Lucile Packard Foundation Susan DuCoeur Frances Elgan & Werner Kunkel Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County Harden Foundation Hayashi Wayland House of 8 Media Jeff Chambers and Andi Okamura John H. Marble Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County Judith and Frank Marshall Museo Eduardo Carrillo Rodney & Betty Guilfoil Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County Todd Lueders Fund for the Arts of the Community Foundation for Monterey County

As passionate advocates for accessible arts programs for children, our Project T.H.R.I.V.E. supporters are helping us bring our free Virtual School Visit Program to every child in Monterey County. We sincerely thank you for helping us make a positive difference in the lives of so many: Adriana and Bill Hayward David Taggart Lila and James Thorsen


Photo: Chris Cohoon

Tributes In Honor of Joan Adamczyk by Beverly Adamczyk In Honor of Mark Adamczyk by Joan Adamczyk In Memory of Manuel Asebedo by Anna Asebedo In Memory of Edward Stratton Dewey by Sandra M. Dewey In Honor of Geri Flesher by Ellen Maupin In Memory of Craig Hemphill by Randa Jacobs In Memory of Michael Kainer by Jane and Steve Benight In Memory of Bethany Koenig by Bill Koenig In Memory of Isabella Kress by Melanie Zaragoza In Memory of Loran A. List, Jr. by Karen Letendre In Honor of Marli Melton by Sam and Amy Melton In Honor of Sage, Anya, Bodhi, Johanna, Robbie and Cora by Marli and Bob Melton In Memory of Ed C. Sullivan by Stephanie Shepherd In Memory of Judith Weintraub by Malcolm Weintraub

To learn more about how to support MMA or to make a gift, visit our website, email us at, or call us at 831.372.5477 x110.

In Memory of Beverly Tait Whitcomb by Jill Viney-Bernard 21

Exhibitions Calendar All exhibitions will be available virtually at, and may open to the public in our galleries contingent upon State and County COVID-19 mandates.

January – March 2021

The Califas Legacy Project: The Ancestral Journey/El Viaje Ancestral January 8 – April 11, 2021 Dora Lisa Rosenbaum in Currents January 8 – March 14, 2021 Francis McComas: Rediscovering California's First Modernist January 21 – April 4, 2021 Marc Trujillo: Fast Food January 21 – April 4, 2021 California Art After 1945 (Online gallery of selections from the MMA Collection) Ongoing California Art Before 1945 (Online gallery of selections from the MMA Collection) Ongoing

Upcoming 2021

2021 Weston Scholarship Exhibition May 7 – August 8, 2021 Color Duet: Kaffe Fassett and Erin Lee Gafill May 13 – October 10, 2021 William Bernard Giles Photography May 13 – August 29, 2021  Pictured above: CALIFAS: The Ancestral Journey / El Viaje Ancestral, 2020, Photo: r.r. jones / © 2020 Moving Parts Press and Museo Eduardo Carrillo

Stay Connected  Sign-up for enews at  Visit us anytime online at  General inquiries 831.372.5477    559 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940

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Send mail to: PO Box 1551, Monterey, CA 93942




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