Montgomery County News, January 27, 2021

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January 27, 2021 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’ and

Ashlyn Connor

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Established 1995

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MCPHD Texas Phase 1 of Woodforest Professional COVID-19

Weekly Plaza Now Complete; First Three Vaccination Gas Prices

(January 25, 2021) Te x a s g a s p r i c e s a r e unchanged in the past week, averaging $2.09/g today, according to GasBuddy's d a i l y s u r v e y o f 1 3 , 11 4 stations. Gas prices in Texas are 16.5 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 10.6 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Texas is priced at $1.74/g today while the most expensive is $2.81/g, a difference of $1.07/g. The lowest price in the state today is $1.74/g while the highest is $2.81/g, a difference of $1.07/g. The national average price of gasoline has risen 1.1 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.40/g today. The national average is up 14.4 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 12.6 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. Neighboring areas and their current gas prices: Midland Odessa- $2.25/g, down 1.9 cents per gallon from last week's $2.26/g. San Antonio- $1.95/g, down 3.5 cents per gallon from last week's $1.99/g. Austin- $2.02/g, down 1.5 cents per gallon from last week's $2.04/g. "Finally, after several weeks of sharply rising gas prices, the pace of price increases has slowed significantly in recent days as prices are now largely caught up to oil's increases as of late," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for G a s B u d d y. " W h i l e t h e national average remains at its highest level since the pandemic, increases are likely to slow down in the immediate short-term unless and until oil prices see renewed momentum. When it comes to demand, Pay with GasBuddy data showed last week's gasoline demand at its highest level since November, another bullish factor as the nation continues to see slow improvement from the pandemic." GasBuddy is the authoritative voice for gas prices and the only source for station-level data spanning nearly two decades. Unlike AAA's once daily survey covering credit card transactions at 100,000 stations and the Lundberg Survey, updated once every two weeks based on 7,000 gas stations, GasBuddy's survey updates 288 times every day from the most diverse list of sources covering nearly 150,000 stations nationwide, the most comprehensive and up-to-date in the country. GasBuddy data is accessible a t http://FuelInsights.GasBuddy .com. SOURCE GasBuddy

Tenants Have Signed Leases Pre-Registration List Montgomery, Texas Construction is now complete on phase one of t h e n e w Wo o d f o r e s t Professional Plaza in M o n t g o m e r y, Te x a s , located at 750 Fish Creek Thoroughfare. Woodforest Professional Plaza will be comprised of three buildings totaling 100,000 square feet of professional office and medical space. Phase one – Woodforest Medical Plaza 1 – is a 50,481-square-foot, two-story medical and professional office

Business Directory...........10

and Regenerative Medicine and Alliance MRI Woodforest, are in the process of building out their space and will open soon. Phase two will be a 10,000 square foot buildto-suit building and phase three will be a 42,000 square foot medical and professional office building. The J. Beard Real E s t a t e C o m p a n y, L P, headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, is one of the largest full-service

commercial real estate firms in the Greater Houston area. Services offered encompass leasing, brokerage, property sales & disposition, buyer & site a c q u i s i t i o n , landlord/tenant representation services, commercial property management, and development & consulting services. To learn more about The J. Beard Real Estate Company, visit

MONTGOMERY COUNTY - Montgomery County Public Health District is opening a preregistration list for the COVID-19 vaccine. We anticipate receiving 400 doses this week. These doses will be given by appointment only to adults ages 65 and older and adults 18 years and older with at least one chronic medical condition (see list below). * Cancer * Chronic kidney disease * COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) * Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies * Solid organ transplantation * Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher) * Sickle cell disease * Type 2 diabetes mellitus If you meet these qualifications and would like to receive the vaccine in a drive-through clinic this week, please follow the steps below.

Woodforest Medical Plaza 1

Lone Star College-Montgomery Medical Radiologic Technology Graduates Capture Perfect Image of 100% First-Attempt Pass-Rate

Houston – The LSCMontgomery Medical Radiologic Technology December 2020 graduating class scored a perfect 100% first-attempt pass-rate on the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) national credentialing examination. All 20 graduating students passed and achieved an average scaled score of 87.8 on the ARRT exam. “Everyone is very p r o u d o f o u r M RT graduates for this great academic and professional credential achievement,” said Dr. Francis Ozor, LSC-Montgomery Medical Radiologic Te c h n o l o g y p r o g r a m Community......2, 3, 8, 9, 10 director. “It is even more remarkable when you take Commentary............................4 into account a year Devotional..........................5 enveloped by unexpected Legals.............................6, 7 a n d u n p a r a l l e l e d disruptions in academia


building situated on more than four acres of land. The building was developed by CMK Properties, LLC. According to the leasing team of Lisa Hughes and Pamela Sprouse of The J. Beard Real Estate Company, leasing is off to a strong start as three tenants have been signed. Anchor tenant Sterling Ridge Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine will occupy the first floor of the building by February 2021. Two other tenants, Revive Aesthetics

1. Go to mcphdt x . o r g T O D AY a t 2:00pm. Click on the link to join the preregistration list. (This will not be available until 2:00pm.) 2. Watch for an email TOMORROW (Tuesday 1/26/2021) between 10:00am and 5 : 0 0 p m f r o m to schedule your appointment. 3. You will have 24 hours from the time the email is sent to make your appointment. If you do not complete the steps to make your appointment, your spot will be released to the next person on the list. 4 . F u r t h e r instructions on location will be provided when y o u m a k e t h e appointment online. 5. Go get your vaccine!

Please note: preregistration does not Lone Star College-Montgomery Medical Radiologic Technology students achieved g u a r a n t e e a n a perfect 100% first-attempt pass-rate on the American Registry of Radiologic a p p o i n t m e n t . Technologists national credentialing examination. Pictured are students of the Appointments will not be December 2020 graduating class. made over the phone. If you are on the precaused by the COVID-19 technologists perform a p r o ced u r es in clu d in g registration list and do wide variety of pandemic.” NOT receive a vaccine in Medical radiologic r a d i o l o g i c a l i m a g i n g See Lone Star, page 2 this allocation, you will be required to sign up again for the next allocation. Be sure to check email regularly. All pre-registration information will remain confidential.

Page 2, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Suggestions for Mindful Eating:

Buddha Bowl nutrient rich vegetables, fiber and minimal calories a n d p r o c e s s e d carbohydrates, a traditional Buddha is a great choice nutritionally. Things have gone a little off track in recent times since the Buddha bowl trend has become a little more gentrified. Now we are more likely to see a large array of tasty ingredients ranging from noodles to fried meats with heavy dressings being served in the name of a "wellness", or "buddha bowl" — and the price tends to match with the average salad style bowl clocking in at close to $20. A closer look will reveal that your typical Buddha bowl will range from just 400-500 calories when the core ingredients remain salad, protein and a small serve of wholegrains such as brown rice or quinoa. On the other hand, when the ingredient mix includes fried meat, a hearty serving of noodles, almost an entire avocado along with plenty of dressing, your healthy Buddha bowl can equate to more than 1000 calories

per serve along with 6080g of fat. The other key issue nutritionally with wellness bowls is that they typically use Asian based dressings and sauces which are packed full of sodium. For example, a single serve of soy sauce contains more than 1000mg of sodium per serve, more than half your upper daily limit and this is not considering if any of the other ingredients such as smoked salmon or extra sauces contain added salt. N o w t h a t w e understand the caution and how to be discerning when selecting or making a Buddha bowl lets look at how to make it the healthiest way possible. It is a great way to use leftovers as well. 1)Explore Ancient Grains Steamed brown or white rice are fine and dandy, but also consider making the foundation for your creation with quinoa, farro, freekeh, kamut, millet, sorghum or amaranth. Use one or a combo of a couple of them. Sweet Potato is another great option.

Lone Star College-CyFair Support COVID Vaccine Distribution Site

also loaned ventilators to assist health care workers at Houston MethodistBaytown, CHI St. Luke’sWoodlands and HCA Houston Health CareKingwood. LSC also joined city of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner to distribute masks, hand soap and other essential supplies; as well as partnered with Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagle to provide remote testing sites. Lone Star College offers high-quality, lowcost academic transfer and career training education to 93,000+ students each semester. LSC is training tomorrow’s workforce today and redefining the

Food for Thought Diana Anderson


Suggestions for Mindful Eating: Buddha Bowl This trendy menu item has made an appearance in restaurants across America and the world, but what exactly is it? According to Wi k i p e d i a a B u d d h a bowl is a vegetarian meal, served on a single bowl or high-rimmed plate, which consists of small portions of several foods, served cold. These may include whole grains such as quinoa or brown rice, plant proteins such as chickpeas or tofu, and vegetables. The portions are not mixed on the plate or in the bowl, but arranged in an "artful" way. The concept appeared in 2013 and has grown popular since early 2017. Buddha bowls have been compared to Nourish Bowls (a nonvegetarian version) and to Poké Bowls (a Hawaiian raw fish dish). There are several

Houston – Lone Star College partnered with the Harris County Public Health Department to host a COVID vaccine delivery site at its LSC-CyFair campus. The vaccinations took place last week. “Lone Star College has worked with various g o v e r n m e n t a l organizations and private businesses since this pandemic began to aid in the fight against this terrible epidemic,” said Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., LSC chancellor. “We were

explanations for why the name refers to Buddha. It may originate from presenting a balanced meal, where balance is a key Buddhist concept, from the story of Buddha carrying his food bowl to fill it with whatever bits of vegetarian food villagers would offer him, to the explanation of the overstuffed bowl resembling the belly of Budai, a 10th-century Chinese monk often confused with Buddha. They look healthy enough — plenty of brightly colored salad vegies, fan-cut avocado and an array of nutritious looking ingredients like raw fish, beans and carefully arranged seeds and grains … but are Buddha bowls or poke bowls all they are cracked up to be? You only need to take a look at the local food court at a shopping center to notice that poke bowls and any meal in a bowl really has become increasingly popular. Generally speaking, this kind of bowl is exceptionally healthy. Packed full of healthy fats,

proud to provide the resources of Lone Star College-CyFair to our community.” Patients needed to make an appointment to be vaccinated and were allowed in one hour before their scheduled time and not more than one hour after their scheduled time. There were eight lanes for vaccinations staffed by a team of health care professionals. V i s i t PublicHealth.HarrisCoun to find important

resources and learn more. “Lone Star CollegeCyFair is grateful to have been able to offer this assistance,” said Seelpa Keshvala, Ph.D., LSCCyFair president. “In addition to helping our community, Lone Star College is also using stimulus funds to purchase 6,000 computers for students needing assistance this academic year.” In addition to providing a site for vaccinations, LSC has

Lone Star from page 1 routine diagnostic radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) scanning, interventional r a d i o g r a p h y , mammography and surgical radiography. The images produced by the technologists are used in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients. LSC-Montgomery and LSC-CyFair offer a twoyear Associate of Applied Science degree program in Medical Radiologic Technology. The program’s curriculum combines instructive and

2) Go for Protein Power Keep it lean with any kind of cooked bean (garbanzos, kidney, pinto, Great Northern) or legumes such as lentils and add half a hard-cooked egg, tofu or tempeh. Go easy on portion size. There's more stuff to come. Season this element with a little salt and pepper. 3) Add Crunch Raw vegetables including cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, sliced bell peppers, shaved cabbage, shredded carrots, spinach and arugula add color and crunch. Roasted beets, sauteed mushrooms, roasted cauliflower and steamed broccoli can make your bowl feel more substantial. Again, don't go overboard. Use a few raw and maybe one cooked veg for contrasting textures. 4) Dress it Up Citrusy Tahini Dressing is the classic way to splash some bright flavor across your creation, but it's absolutely acceptable to use your favorite vinaigrette. 5) The Big Finish Once the Bowl is built and dressed, it's ready for a final flourish: Some

crumbled cheese, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, micro greens, chopped peanuts, cashews, pistachios, pecans, sesame seeds, maybe some flax seeds. Go for one or two, but don't overload. The goal is to be able to admire all the components and keep it nutritionally balances. Here is the recipe for the Tahani dressing. All you do it blend everything in the blender until smooth. * ½ cup tahini (sesame paste) * ½ cup olive oil * ½ cup water * ¼ cup tamari (dark soy sauce) * 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar * 2 tablespoons lemon juice * 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger root * 2 cloves garlic, pressed * Black pepper to taste Another option if you want to reduce the fat content is to use ¼ cup tahini, 1T. maple syrup, ½ lemon and 2-4 T. hot water to thin. Whisk in a mixing bowl.

Lone Star College-CyFair was the site of a Harris County Public Health Department COVID vaccine delivery center.

community college experience to support student success. Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., serves as chancellor of LSC, the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area with an annual economic impact

of nearly $3 billion. Lone Star College consists of seven colleges, eight centers, eight Workforce Centers of Excellence, Lone Star Corporate College and LSC-Online. To l e a r n m o r e , v i s i t

clinical education experiences enabling the student to acquire knowledge, develop medical imaging skills and professional values, and instill the desire for lifelong learning. “Enrolled students receive classroom instructions on campus and clinical education experiences at affiliated hospitals and outpatient c l i n i c s , ” s a i d O z o r. “Graduates of the program are effectively prepared to pass the American Registry o f R a d i o l o g i c Technologists’ national certification examination at first-attempt and then apply for entry-level positions in the medical radiologic technology profession.”

Lone Star College offers high-quality, lowcost academic transfer and career training education to 93,000+ students each semester. LSC is training tomorrow’s workforce today and redefining the community college experience to support student success. Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., serves as chancellor of LSC, the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area with an annual economic impact of nearly $3 billion. Lone Star College consists of seven colleges, eight centers, eight Workforce Centers of Excellence, Lone Star Corporate College and LSC-Online. To learn more, visit

Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Page 3

Comments According to Doc

A Clear Look At The Loss Of, Democracy Public Communication and Personal Freedom!!! Walden Happenings By Doc Fennessy The opinions expressed in this editorial do not necessarily reflect those of MCN.

“Oh My God folkS! I JUST FINISHE WATCHING Ptrsident Joe Biden give the greatest Inaugural Speech” I ever! Or was it a sermon? Maybe a “Pep Talk? It seems that Donald Trump already did some of those things and really wonder how many of them that Democrat YOU R E A L L Y, C h i n e s e Communist Financial group, that Joe is from will allow him to ACTUALLY DOING HIS 100-FIRST DAys, before they force him to “Medically Retire” AND MOVE AMMELA Harris up into the White House! Don-t be shocked folks, Its all in the major plan that came out in July 2020 the national democratic party titled “The Democrat Manifesto.” 111 PAGES LONG. We have a critical serious problem in this nation I believe that there is no democracy in America. Just referring to one incident were as Donald trump legal team filed complaints of election fraud in 60 courts, and those judges in all those courts came up with throwing the case out of court and declaring there was no sufficient evidence even though they never even looked at any evidence or documentation. Additionally this brings in United States supreme court ho are sworn to protect the United stated constitution, but they too committed a crime by saying” NO “And then without looking at any of the evidence and sworn testimonials and came out with the answer”;” there’s no sufficient evidence to indicate election fraud. – SO MUCH FOLK FOR THE DUE PROSSES CLAUSE IN THE U N I T E D S TAT E D CONSTITUTION ITS GONE. THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT AS TIME WILL TELL~ Folks, lets take a look and get a clear view of the present status of the political scene that demonstrates the loss of d e m o c r a c y, p u b l i c communication and loss of personal freedom. This weeks article is by Dr, Paul Greg Roberts titled” “The Dystopian Western World,” published January 10,2021, in Sunday Family Humor review The West is living the worst of Orwell’s 1984 world famous novel and Raspail’s Camp of the Saints world popular novel. By By Dr. Dr. Paul Paul Craig Craig Roberts Roberts Global Global Research, December 22, 2020 Jump to Postretirement writing and media — Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist and author. He

formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government as well as teaching positions at several U.S. universities. He is a promoter of supplyside economics and an opponent of recent U.S. foreign policy. For President: Ronald Reagan. In the following text that follows allt he words are the unabridged words of Dr. Paul greg Roberts through out the article. “As the second decade of the 21st century comes to an end, democracy and free speech no longer exist in the Western World. In all its respects, Western civilization no longer exists. In the United States, which poses as the model for democracy, a presidential election has just been stolen in full view of everyone. There is expert testimony by qualified experts about how the voting machines and software were used to bias the vote count for Biden. There are hundreds of signed affidavits of eyewitnesses who saw the fraudulent use of mail-in ballots to boost Biden’s vote count. We know for facts that dead people were voted, illegal aliens were voted, out of state residents were voted, and some precincts had more votes cast than there are registered voters and even residents in the precincts. Despite the abundance of evidence, except for members of state legislatures in some of the swing states, no one is acquainted with the evidence. The presstitutes speak with one voice and deny that any evidence exists. So do the Democrat election officials in the Democrat-controlled counties in the swing states where the presidential election was stolen. The courts have refused to even look at the evidence. The presstitutes misrepresent the courts’ refusals to examine the evidence as the judiciary’s ruling against the validity of the evidence despite the fact that no court has looked at the evidence. The level of hostility of Biden supporters toward those who protest the electoral fraud is extraordinary. Biden supporters threaten Trump supporters with loss of employment and with arrest and p r o s e c u t i o n . Tu c k e r Carlson on Fox News reviews the extraordinary situation here: Radicalized Radicalized African African Americans, Americans, unaware unaware that that they they are are being being used used by by the the Establishment, Establishment, see see the the stolen stolen election election as as their their chance to rule and to displace white people. That the winner is the Establishment is beyond their grasp. It is obvious that if the evidence of election theft were bogus, the media would seize the opportunity to discredit President Trump and his supporters’ claims of electoral fraud by investigating the evidence

for that purpose. The Supreme Court knows that that the evidence is real. Being an Establishment institution, the Court does not want to d a m a g e A m e r i c a ’s reputation by ruling that the election was stolen. Moreover, the Supreme Court Justices know that the American Establishment and its presstitutes would not accept a decision that the election was stolen. The Supreme Court understands that the Establishment intends to rid government of a nonestablishment president who is hostile to the Establishment’s agendas, which include globalism, destruction of the American middle class, war, more profit and power for the ruling class, and fewer civil liberties for the governed class. The American Establishment includes the Republican Party. In order to protect its agendas—war and US hegemony, the concentration of income and wealth, the elimination of the middle class which gave stability to the country and limited the ability of the Establishment to exercise complete control, and the overthrow of the First Amendment and our other civil liberties which limited the Establishment’s ability to control all explanations—the Establishment is willing to pay the price of the destruction of public confidence in American institutions. The Establishment assumes that it can use the ensuing conflict to its advantage. The country will be further split apart and less able to unite against the Establishment’s self-serving agendas. What Became of the American Left? 1. Conservatives blame the presstitutes for the Russiagate hoax that for three years kept Trump from his agenda and the subsequent attempt to impeach Trump over false charges that he bribed the Ukrainian president. In actual fact, these efforts to destroy an elected president of the United States were orchestrated by the CIA and FBI. It was CIA director John Brennan who alleged Trump was a traitor in league with the Russians, and it was FBI director James Comey who contrived false indictments and false prosecutions of General Flynn, Michael Cohn, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone hoping to extract in exchange for leniency false testimony against Trump. It is difficult for patriotic conservatives to get their mind around the fact that the CIA and FBI, which they think protect Americans against Russian and Chinese communists and Muslim terrorists, are in fact internal enemies of the people of the United States. Except for a few Internet websites unknown to the majority of the people in the Western world, the only

information people in the West receive is controlled explanations that serve the agendas of the Establishment. Consider COVID19, for example. All experts who are critical of lockdowns, mask mandates, the suppression of effective treatments and the focus on vaccines, and who are skeptical of the seriousness of the pandemic are censored by the print and TV media and by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. As far as I can tell, there are more real experts—and by experts I do not mean doctors and nurses brainwashed in their training by Big Pharma—who are skeptical of the agenda of public health authorities than experts who support lockdowns and vaccines. The presstitutes serving Fauci portray the dissenting experts’ views as “conspiracy theory.” But clearly Dr. Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the British Medical Journal and editor of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, is not a conspiracy theorist. As I recently reported, he has this to say: “Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medicalpolitical complex can be manipulated in an emergency—a time when it is even more important to safeguard science. “ The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. Government appointees are able to ignore or cherry pick science—another form of misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own products and those of friends and associates.” See this Yet in place of such expert informed opinion, Western peoples only hear the ignorant propaganda from the bought-and-paid for whores on CNN, NPR, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the paid liars. There can be no democracy, no accountability, when people only have controlled explanations

Dr. Paul Greg Roberts is a nationally recognized researcher and author relative to national and political substance. that serve the ruling agendas. The disrespect for free inquiry, the only known basis for the discovery of truth, is so powerful today throughout the Western world that even in the We s t ’s m o s t f a m o u s universities—Oxford and Cambridge—censorship is entrenched. Any student, especially a privileged “person of color” can brand any scientific fact, any historical fact, any expressed view or opinion to be “offensive.” Those found [D1]to be the most offensive are white people whose statues and memorials are being taken down at both Oxford and Cambridge. The founder of the famous Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships himself has been erased. Cambridge U n i v e r s i t y ’s w h i t e academics and administrators have accepted a person of color as their political commissar to control their lectures, choice of words, and reading lists in order to ensure that no truth can emerge that might be declared by some ignorant student “offensive.” Of course, white students cannot complain that it is offensive to denigrate the white creators of British accomplishments as racists. The use of political commissars to control what can be spoken was the way Stalin controlled Russia. This Stalinist practice has now been institutionalized throughout the Western world in schools, universities, media, corporations, and government. Oxford University, in an act of contrition, has proudly announced that admission to Oxford will no longer be based on the outmoded and racist concept of merit. Oxford University declared that the university is reserving 25 percent of its annual admissions to those unqualified to be at Oxford. How are those unqualified to be at Oxford to succeed in graduating? According to Oxford, before they begin on their

degree studies they will be given up to two years in remedial preparation so that they become qualified to attempt receiving a degree. In other words, they will be coached through the process. Such an act of contrition cannot possibly be permitted to fail. In other words, Oxford has abandoned merit and is discriminating against those students who displayed merit (and their parents who fostered merit) in favor of those who did not. Twenty-five percent of those qualified to be at Oxford will not be permitted to be there in order that those not qualified to be there can be. This is what “affirmative action” amounts to. Cambridge has abandoned academic freedom and subjected the knowledge of its distinguished faculty to censorship in subservience to the idea that truth can hurt feelings and be offensive. A university that values feelings more than truth is not a place where learning can take place. In the event you think I am exaggerating the direness of the situation, here is an emeritus professor at the University of Kent in Canterbury explaining the factual situation. The situation is so bad that even the professor himself is trapped in his opponents’ use of language. He refers to the truths under attack as the “dissident views.” In the Western World the policing and censorship of thought and expression has now been institutionalized. As the native-born white inhabitants of these countries have no right or privilege to censor the attacks on them, they are set-up for second class citizenship leading eventually to extermination. Their civilization will proceed them in extermination. Indeed, it is already gone. White people are people without a culture and without a country.

Page 4, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Montgomery County News

Texas State Senator

My Five Cents...

Robert Nichols

A monthly column from Sen. Robert Nichols by Sen. Robert Nichols, Senate District 3

On January 25, 1839 the Lone Star flag was adopted by the Third Congress of the Republic of Texas as the national flag since Texas was an independent nation at that time. When Texas joined the United States as the 28th state six years later, the national flag became the state flag. Here are five things happening around your state:

hearings The Senate Committee on Redistricting will begin the important work of meeting to hear testimony from around the state regarding the redrawing of State House, Senate, State Board of Education, and US Congressional maps. Testimony will be open to the public, but will be virtual to adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines and ensure 1. Senate Redistricting Texans all over the state C o m m i t t e e t o b e g i n have an opportunity to

Weather for the Lake Conroe area Wednesday Mostly sunny, with a high near 64. Northwest wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 33. Thursday Mostly sunny, with a high near 60. Thursday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 38. Friday Mostly sunny, with a high near 65. Friday Night Mostly cloudy, with a low around 52. Saturday A 30 percent chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 72. Saturday Night Mostly cloudy, with a low around 54. Sunday Sunny, with a high near 72. Montgomery County News Phone (936) 449-6397 Fax (936)597-6395 E-mail: web; Publisher: M. Ryan West Editor: Monte West Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan West Photography: Monte West, Wade Stultz, Bobby Strader, Lance Bridges R e p o r t e r s / C o n t r i b u t i n g Wr i t e r s : D o c Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom, Megan West Stultz, Narcissa Martin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas 2017-2018 Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery, TX 77356. Telephone number 936-449-6397, Fax 936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper. Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Montgomery County News. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and occasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in county and $45 outside Montgomery County. Bulk Rate Permit is held by the Postmaster at Montgomery, TX 77356, Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, and does not in any way take responsibility for false or misleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. All contents of Montgomery County News are reserved, and we prohibit reproduction of the items without permission. D&B #12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Montgomery County News, PO Box 1 Montgomery, TX 77356

Editor’s Express Your letters are appreciated and will be published as space will allow. We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter, which you sign with your signature, address and daytime phone number to verify the author. We hold the right to edit or not publish letters that may not conform to the mission of this paper. Mail, Fax or E-mail: Montgomery County News, 14375 Liberty St, P.O. Box 1, Montgomery, Texas 77356-0001, Fax 936-597-6395, E-mail: Web page:

participate. Redistricting happens once every ten years. It follows the completion of the US Census. Though the Census was delayed this year due to the ongoing pandemic, we are looking forward to working on redrawing maps when we get the data. It's my honor to serve on the Senate Redistricting Committee and I look forward to being a strong voice for East Texas during this process. 2. NRA to move to Texas The National Rifle Association announced it is filing for bankruptcy in New York last week and said they plan to reincorporate in Texas. The Association had been incorporated in New York for approximately 150 years. The decision to leave comes due to what they call a "corrupt political and regulatory environment" in New York. Meanwhile, Texas is home to over 400,000 NRA members and will host the NRA's Annual Meeting in Houston this year. The association will continue their work of promoting firearm safety and training, challenging anti-Second Amendment activity, and advancing public programs

across the US. As a member of the NRA and a proud defender of Second Amendment rights, I'm happy to welcome the NRA to Texas. 3. Palestine Economic Development Corporation and Etex Communications partner to expand fiber broadband access The Palestine Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) has partnered with Etex Communications to bring fiber broadband to Palestine and Anderson County. PEDC identified broadband as a key economic development issue and has worked over the last several months to study current internet access and plans to improve it. Part of the plan is to pull fiber, on Etex's network, from Jacksonville to Palestine. To do that, PEDC committed $1.1 million to fund a portion of the cost of construction. They are focused on bringing broadband to local businesses which is vital for creating jobs, supporting economic growth, and generating revenue to do additional broadband expansion into residential communities. The goal is for PEDC and Etex to reinvest revenue to expand

the network as more customers come on board. If you're interested in learning more, PEDC and Etex encourages you to contact Etex Communications at (903) 797-1036. 4. Don't Mess with Texas Scholarship Contest Opens The Texas Department o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n i n partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful announced the opening of the Don’t Mess with Texas Scholarship contest on January 4. The contest is open to any Texas high school senior currently attending public, private, or home school and planning to attend college in the fall. This contest recognizes Texas high school seniors who are taking a leadership role in litter prevention in their school or community. One $5,000 Grand Prize scholarship will be awarded and two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded in May. Applications must be received by 5pm on March 31st to be considered. Sponsors for this years contest are Bucee's and iHeart Media. To enter the contest, visit https://www.dontmesswith

issues guidance for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance continuation program The US Department of Labor issued guidelines to assist the Texas Workforce Commission in continuing to implement Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. Congress passed the Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 at the end of last year. The bill authorized up to 11 additional benefits weeks to Texans on unemployment due to the pandemic. The bill also extends CARES Act benefits through March 13 and includes an extra $300 per week for eligible claimants. TWC announced they will automatically enroll all Texans who are eligible for benefits under the act. There is no need for anyone to call or reapply. Importantly, this does not impact work search requirements. Most Texans will still be required to conduct work searches. The list of searches by county can be f o u n d a t /jobseekers/requiredn u m b e r- w o r k - s e a r c h activities-county.

5. US Dept of Labor

Cornyn: Biden’s Drilling Moratorium Penalizes Texans in Favor of Foreign Energy Production WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (RTX) released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s moratorium on energy leasing and permitting on public lands and waters.

The memo from Department of Interior Acting Secretary Scott de la Vega halts all new permits on federal lands and waters for 60 days. “With this decision, the Biden Administration

continues to put a boot on the neck of Texas energy workers,” said Sen. Cornyn. “Texans have worked hard to produce affordable, reliable, and environmentally-safe energy for their fellow

Americans. Halting offshore drilling permits will penalize Texas workers in favor of foreign producers who won’t adhere to the same environmental standards.”

How Biden’s Executive Orders Will Impact Texas President Joe Biden just signed 17 executive orders affecting topics from immigration to energy. Here’s how some of them will impact the Lone Star State. B y M i c h a e l Swirsky|January 21, 2021 After calling for unity in his inaugural address, President Joe Biden quickly turned around and signed a flurry of executive orders. As the new president of the United States, Biden quickly reversed many of Trump’s policies. While all 17 of Biden’s Day One executive actions are consequential, here are four that will impact the State of Texas. Rejoin Paris Climate Accord The Paris climate accord is an international agreement that pledges to reduce carbon emissions. Although the agreement is not legally binding, if the United States fulfills its commitments under the accord by enacting stricter environmental regulations, it could have a serious impact on Texas’ economic growth. Federal restrictions intended to lower carbon emissions greatly affect the oil and gas industry. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, it is a major component of the Texas economy: Texas is the top U.S. producer of both crude oil and natural gas. In 2019, the state accounted for 41% of the nation’s crude oil production and 25% of its marketed natural gas production. In 2017, the National Economic Research Associates predicted a dire economic future if the United States matched the carbon emissions standards in the Paris climate accord, saying, “Taking into account the loss in employment in other non-manufacturing sectors, the job-equivalents

impact for the overall industrial sector could be about 1.1 million jobequivalents in 2025 and 6.5 million in 2040.” In December, Sen. Ted Cruz penned a letter to P r e s i d e n t Tr u m p a n d Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging the administration to submit both the Paris climate accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal to the Senate. The thenRepublican Senate would have voted on whether to ratify them as treaties, legally complicating incoming President Joe Biden’s plans to rejoin the pacts. However, the Trump administration did not send the treaties to the Senate before Biden was sworn into office, allowing him to rejoin the agreement. End Additional Border Wall Construction Illegal immigration is a serious issue in the State of Te x a s . A c c o r d i n g t o the Migration Policy Institute, in 2018, the number of illegal immigrants in Texas totaled 1.7 million. Many conservatives argued that expanding the United States’ border wall would help curb the flood of illegal aliens entering the Lone Star State. In the 2015 Republican primary debates, Trump promised he would build 1,000 miles of fencing along the United States’ southern border. Although only 47 miles of entirely new fencing was built, 351 miles of fencing was added to reinforce parts of the border wall with decaying or minimal infrastructure. An additional 275 miles was still in the works before Biden’s inauguration, 229 of them in the State of Texas. The

border wall funding was achieved largely through executive action, particularly through a national emergency declaration in 2019. A s T e x a s Scorecard reported, Trump recently visited the border town of Alamo, Texas, to tout the construction of the wall. However, much of that construction was just canceled. Because the funding wasn’t cemented by direct congressional appropriation, Biden was able to halt additional border wall construction through an executive order mere hours after becoming president. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline As previously mentioned, oil is a big part of the Texas economy. As of January 2019, Texas’ oil refineries specifically accounted for 31 percent of the U.S’s refining capacity. The Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have connected oil from Canada to Texas’ refineries in Port Arthur, was a key innovation for the future of oil and gas. Supporters argued that it provided a safe, efficient method of transporting crude oil. The Heritage Foundation wrote that “Blocking Keystone XL isn’t going to stop the production of Canadian oil or prevent oil from reaching refiners in Texas and Louisiana. Instead, prohibiting the pipeline will create more inefficient and riskier methods of transporting crude.” T h e T r u m p administration approved construction for the pipeline in the United States last year. While the project is nearly complete, President Biden

revoked its permit. Count Noncitizens in the Census According to the American Immigration Council, immigrants account for one-sixth of Texas’ population. This high immigrant population has a major impact on redistricting. Every 10 years, the United States Census Bureau counts the entire population in each state. That information is later used to determine the number of congressional districts—and, thus, the number of electoral votes—each state has. It is hotly debated, however, whether redistricting should be based on the total number of people in each state or the total number of citizens in each state. The Center for Immigration Studies notes the cumulative impact of counting noncitizens when redistricting. Of the 26 seats that will be lost, 24 are from states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Of states that will gain House seats because of immigration, 19 seats will go to the solidly Democratic states of California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Illinois. Texas is the only solidly Republican state that gains, while Florida is a swing state. The status of the Trump administration’s effort to exclude illegal aliens in the Census was uncertain after t h e S u p r e m e Court dismissed a legal challenge in December. With Joe Biden stepping into office before the Census was complete, however, all hopes of citizen-only redistricting were extinguished.

Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Page 5

Devotional How To Treat Bumps In The Road With Hope Spreading the Word

By Gail J. Box

Our road of life is full of bumps, right? I thought of this many times as our neighborhood had a main road replacement for about a mile and a half. And yes, we had to go over many bumps just to get in and out of our subdivision. Although some residents had to leave earlier for work, they were not impatient because we all knew how those bumps

wouldn’t be there for long, and we’d have a nice, smooth road to travel once more. The same thing happens in our “road of life.” Here is what the Psalmist says: “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in His way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD is the One who holds his hand. Psalm 37: 23 – 24. I can look back at some major bumps in my road of life which seemed to take me down

Area Churches This Devotional and Directory page is made possible by these businesses

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Cornerstone Christian Assembly of God of Conroe, located at 100 Mosswood Dr., Conroe, Texas in front of River Plantation. 936-273-1755 New Life Assembly of God, Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, 936-588-3399

Church, Hwy 105 W., Montgomery, 936597-4230 Honea Baptist Church, FM 2854, Montgomery, 936-588-1260 Jones Chapel Baptist, FM 2854, 936-7562505 Mt. Calvary Baptist, BAPTIST Old Hwy 105, 936Church of the 588-2330 Good Soldier (Baptist Mt. Sinai Baptist, Affiliation), 1501 Bethel Road, North Frazier Montgomery, 936(McKenzie's BBQ), 597-4668 Conroe, Texas, Phone: Union Grove 936-494-5775, Baptist Church of www.churchofthegood Richards, Texas Worship: About 11 mi N of Sunday at 10:30am, Montgomery on FM Sunday School: 9:30 149 am Sunday School all Heritage Baptist ages 9:45 am, Church Church 19087 Lake Service 11:00 am, Mt. Pleasant Rd, Wednesday Bible Montgomery 77356 Study and Youth Phone: Pastor Bear Group 6 pm 936 448-4027 Gary Chapel CATHOLIC Baptist Church Sacred Heart PO Box 125, Catholic, Montgomery, Texas 109 N. Frazier, 77356, 5525 Spring Conroe, Branch Road, Mont936-756-8186 gomery. 713-478St. Mary’s 1256, Sunday Bible Catholic, Class 10:00 am, FM 1774, Worship Service at Plantersville, 11:00 am. 936-894-2223 Faith Baptist 7:45 Service Church St. Joseph’s CathMeets at 464 olic, McCaleb Rd. CR 213, Stoneham, Sunday Morning 936-894-2223 Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 JEWISH a.m. Congregation Beth Sunday Evening Shalom, 5125 Worship 6:00 p.m. Shadowbend Place, St. Beulah Baptist The Woodlands, Church, located in 281-362-1100 Dobbin, P.O. Box 112, Montgomery, 77356 LUTHERAN Benui Baptist Grace Lutheran Church, (ELCA), Scott Ridge and FM Highway 105 W., 1097, Montgomery Lake Conroe, 936Antioch Baptist, 588-1944 Dobbin, 936-597Living Savior 5560 Lutheran ChurchChina Grove LCMS 309 Pond St. Baptist Church, Montgomery 77356 Willis, 936-767-4744 Church phone: 936Dacus Baptist, 597-8013 Web : Dacus, www.livingsaviortexa 407-735-6403, Pastor David R. dacusbaptist@consoli Bailes. METHODIST First Baptist Montgomery

in my spirit, and I thought I would have no way to continue teaching in public school, which had been my major in college. However, God intervened and smoothed out the bumps to where they became a blessing. He takes care of His own. He truly held my hand the whole way, although I looked at it as a big bump in my road. No one I know has escaped some prolific bumps in life. My answer to them was then and is now: “This time is called, ‘Life on earth,’ which means

we’re NOT in heaven yet! We are to be warriors here and not give in to the enemy’s attacks. We have a hope that is out of this world that we can call on in troubled times. His name is Jesus, His father is God, and the Holy Spirit is One who guides us through many bumps. Also, we must remember the LORD sends many angels to watch over us. Some things which may slow us down are: clinging to past mistakes; not being loving to those around us, or not reaching out to others with love and

kindness. Look at this Psalm: “Good and upright is the LORD; therefore He instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in justice, and He teaches the humble His way. All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies. For Your name’s sake, O LORD, pardon my iniquity for it is great. The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His

covenant. My eyes are continually toward the LORD, for He will pluck my feet out of the net.” Psalm 25: 8 – 11, and 14 – 15. It doesn’t matter who we are or how old we are. It doesn’t matter whether we have problems or not. Those who seek GOD are His “redeemed ones.” No matter how harsh life may be, they will turn their eyes to Him and sing: “If the earth gives w a y, I w i l l n o t b e moved…for the Risen O n e h a s o v e rcome…….!”

United Methodist Church 22548 Highway 105 West Montgomery, TX 77356 Phone: 936-5976162 Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., 9:45 am., 11:00 a.m. Praise & Worship Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Richards United Methodist Church 6639 FM 1696 Richards Worship Service 11 AM Sunday School 10AM Porter Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, 1308 S. Hwy 1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331 or 936-449-5983 Living Way Church, 2080 Longmire Rd, Conroe 936-441-8875 Hope Tabernacle Pastor David Whitaker Meets at 18961 Freeport Dr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday 7:30pm Sunday School at 10:00am Sunday Worship at 6:00pm Community And Interdenominational Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-5742 Pastors Randy & Darla Weaver Service Times: Sundays 8:30; 10:00 and 11:30am Mondays 7:00pm Livestream: Watch us live Sundays & Mondays @ or go to the Lone Star Cowboy Church Facebook page and click on the Livestream link. Website: Abundant Life Ministries Corner of FM 149 & FM 1097 W. Montgomery TX 77356 Prayer /Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Service 11:30 am Wednesday Pray/Bible Study 6:30 pm

RiverStone Community Church 19380 Hwy 105 Ste. 500 Montgomery, TX 77356 Sun: 9:00 Kingdom Life, 10:30 Worship Wed: 6:30 p.m. April Sound Church, 67 ½ April Wind S., April Sound, 936588-2832 Lighthouse Fellowship Church, Montgomery, 936582-7700 Living Branch Church, Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936588-3400 New Beginning Bible Church, 19087 Mt. Pleasant Cemetary Rd, 936597-8921 Father’s House, Family Worship Center, Highway 105 W, Lake Conroe, 936588-4660 Walden Community Church, 12400 Walden Rd, Walden, 936-5826696 Services 9:30 and 11 a.m. River of Life Church, 17156 FM 1097, Montgomery, 936449-4414 Cornerstone Church, 1011 W. Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792 Lakeside Bible Church, 18940 Freeport Drive Montgomery, 936582-1977 Church of St. John, retreat and wildlife center, 2615 St. Beulah Chapel Rd., Montgomery, 936-597-5757 Fellowship of Montgomery 12681 FM 149 Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-3949 Senior Pastor Dale Talbert Service Times: Sundays at 9:30am & 11am / Wednesdays at 6:30pm for Children & Student Ministries Watch us live Sundays @fellowshipofmontgo or follow us on Facebook @thefmchurch! www.thefmchurch.c om

936/890-8034 Celebration Service 10am Sundays Youth Explosing 7pm Wednesdays Pastors Sean & Lori Jo Cook

EPISCOPAL St. James the Apostle Episcopal, PRESBYTERIN 1803 Highland First Presbyterian Hollow, Conroe, 936Church of Conroe 756-8831 2727 N. Loop 336 The Grace ChrisWest tian Outreach Center Conroe, Texas 93625293 Tisdale 756-8884 Road, Dobbin, Texas Sun. 9:00 & 11:00 936-689-3141 Sun Sch 10:00 Mt. Pleasent Nursery provided Baptist Church Church of Christ FM 149 N., Montin Montgomery gomery, 936-449-6807 301 Pond Street, The Church @ Montgomery, TX. Lake Conroe Sunday Bible Class 1701 McCaleb Rd - 9:30 am Montgomery, TX Worship - 10:30 am 77316 and 6:00 pm 936-588-4975 Wednesday - 7:00 pm Sunday worship @ Phone: 936-58210:00 a.m. Wed. 4855 activites 6:30-8pm Email: North Shore cofcmontgomery@co Church 10 am Worship Web: Service www.cofcmontgomery 18501 Fm1097 .org West @ the Bentwater Paul Praschnik, West Minister Gate Entrance Pastor Cary Smith Covenant Felloship 302 N. Danville, Willis, Tx. 77378

Page 6, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Montgomery County News










Notice of Public Sale



Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 1ST day of December, 2020, in favor of Summerwood Civic Association recovered a judgment in Cause No. 19-09-12079-CV, in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 3rd day of February, 2021, against Norma L. Bravo. Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery County, Texas, did on the 7th day of January, 2021 levy on REAL property described below, and on the 2nd day of February, 2021, I will offer for sale and sell at 501 N. Thompson, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right, title, and interest that the said defendant Norma L. Bravo had in the property described below:

Notice is hereby given that Sentry Self Storage at 30690 Aldine Westfield Rd, Spring, Tx 77386 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a landlord's lien (pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Statutes – Property Code). The sale will take place at the website on 2/17/2021 at 12:30 pm. The sale will be conducted under the guidance of Christopher Rosa (#16850) on behalf of the facility's management. Units may be available for viewing prior to the sale at Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder. A 10% buyer's premium will be charged as well as a $50 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as “general household items” unless otherwise noted. Property includes the storage unit contents belonging to the following tenants: Joe Briones – tools, Damion Darby – Furniture, Shemica Hardy – Car. Published Dates: January 27 and February 3, 2021

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1. $1,580.96 Amount due on assessment account 2. $5,795.43 Attorney Fees 3. Interest on the total Judgment of delinquent assessments only, from the date of judgment at the rate of 5% per annum compounded annually until paid. 4. $324.00 court costs 5. $0.00 judgment credit And foreclosure of a lien on the following described property: Lot 16, Block 1, of Summer Wood, Section Two, a subdivision of 11.658 acres of land in the Francis J. Cook Survey, A-118, of Montgomery County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof on file in Cabinet Z, Sheet 589 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas. Witness my hand this 7th day of January, 2021.

Notice of Public Sale Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managing properties listed below will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at .Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves the right to reject any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, with brief description of contents in each space. Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Philip Cash Constable PCT. 1 Montgomery County, Texas

12:00 pm Magnolia Parkway Storage @ 18015 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354 Sean Walker: misc. items. Brian Turner: misc. items. Published Dates: January 20 and 27, 2021




TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: Bob James Singleton, Deceased

NOTICE TO CREDITORS CAUSE NUMBER 20-40115-P Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Norman Lee Elliott , Deceased, were issued on January 12, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40115-P, pending in the County Court at Law #2 & Probate Court of Montgomery County, Texas to: Chandra Iwasaki All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Debra Jo Catlett, attorney for Chandra Iwasiki DATED the 25th Day of January, 2021. Debra Jo Catlett Attorney for Chandra Iwasiki State Bar No.:04009700 907 Harold St. Houston, Texas 77006 Telephone: 713-526-4420 Facsimile: 713-526-0469 e-mail: Published Date: January 27, 2021 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY NOTICE OF ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF DORA ODENA JOHNSON

GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Declare Heirship filed by Sandra K. Turner, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after he expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on the November 09, 2020. The file number of said matter being: 20-40334-P The style being: ESTATE OF: Bob James Singleton The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interest in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which application may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court, in CONROE, Texas, this 9th day of November, 2020. (SEAL, County Court at Law #2) MARK TURNBULL, COUNTY CLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 11/09/2020 2:27:58 PM /s/ Sandy Faught Sandy Faught, Deputy Published Date: January 27, 2021

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of DORA ODENA JOHNSON, Deceased, were issued on January 21, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40482-P, pending Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Earl Ernest Hunt in the Probate Court of Montgomery County, Texas, to FRANCES L. HAUGEN, Independent Jr., Deceased, were issued on January 22, 2021, in Cause No. 18-36183-P pending in the County Executrix. The address for mailing of claims is: Court at Law No. TWO, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Martin Hunt. FRANCES L. HAUGEN, Independent Executrix c/o Larry L. Foerster All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are Darden, Fowler & Creighton, L.L.P. required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. 414 W. Phillips, Suite 100 c/o: Robert S. Griffin Conroe, Texas 77301 Attorney at Law All persons having claims against the estate, which is currently being administered, are 122 West Davis, St. Suite 101 required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Conroe, TX 77301 DATED this 21st day of January, 2021. DATED the 22 day of January, 2021. Larry L. Foerster, Attorney for /s/ Robert S. Griffin FRANCES L. HAUGEN, Robert S. Griffin Independent Executrix Attorney for Steven Earl Hunt Published Date: January 27, 2021 State Bar No.: 24075836 122 West Davis, St. Suite 101 Conroe, TX 77301 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Telephone: (936) 539-1011 Facsimile: (936) 539-1002 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Emma G. E-mail: Wilkinson, Deceased, were received on January 20, 2021, after having been issued to Kristin Published Date: January 27, 2021 Guardino, J.D. on the filing of the oath on December 17, 2020, under Docket No. 20-40318-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2 of Montgomery County, Texas. Claims may be presented in care of the independent executrix for the estate, addressed as follows: Independent Executrix of the Estate of Emma G. Wilkinson, Deceased c/o Kristin Guardino, J.D. P.O. Box 3601 Conroe, Texas 77305 713-561-5616 (Tel.) All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Kristin Guardino, Indep. Executrix of the Estate of Emma G. Wilkinson, Dec'd. DATED the 20th day of January, 2021. /s/ Kristin Guardino, J.D. Independent Executrix of the Estate of Emma G. Wilkinson, Dec'd. Published Date: January 27, 2021 Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Flora Mae Cooke Nickerson, Deceased, were issued on January 21, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40415-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Michael Floyd Nickerson. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Gina A. Price, Attorney at Law 101 Simonton, Conroe, TX 77301 DATED the 25th day of January, 2021 /s/ Gina A. Price Gina A. Price Attorney for Michael Floyd Nickerson State Bar No.: 16287350 101 Simonton Conroe, TX 77301 Telephone: (936) 756-5511 Facsimile: (936) 441-5745 E-mail: Published Date: January 27, 2021

Contact Montgomery County News to Publish Legal Notices 936-449-6397 LOT SALE




Lot for sale, .88 acre, 16696 Sloan RD, Conroe. Make offer! 979-229-5020 asks for Rex

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Gregory Pierce Clark, Deceased, were issued on January 25, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40475-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Carolyn Kaye Clark. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Gina A. Price, Attorney at Law, 101 Simonton, Conroe, TX 77301. DATED the 26th day of January, 2021. /s/ Gina A. Price Gina A. Price Attorney for Carolyn Kaye Clark State Bar No.: 16287350 101 Simonton Conroe, TX 77301 Telephone: (936) 756-5511 Facsimile: (936) 441-5745 E-mail: Published Date: January 27, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Jo Ellen Jarvis McCarty, Deceased, were issued on January 14, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40424-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Darcie Robert and Dan Green. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Gina A. Price, Attorney at Law, 101 Simonton, Conroe, TX 77301. DATED the 21st day of January, 2021. /s/ Gina A. Price Gina A. Price Attorney for Darcie Robert and Dan Green State Bar No.: 16287350 101 Simonton Conroe, TX 77301 Telephone: (936) 756-5511 Facsimile: (936) 441-5745 E-mail: Published Date: January 27, 2021


Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 2020, Montgomery County New, Page 7





NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Carol Hoover Surrency, Deceased, were issued on January 21, 2021, in Cause No. 20-40456-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Jessica Smith. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Gina A. Price, Attorney at Law, 101 Simonton, Conroe, TX 77301. DATED the 26th day of January, 2021. /s/ Gina A. Price Gina A. Price Attorney for Jessica Smith State Bar No.: 16287350 101 Simonton Conroe, TX 77301 Telephone: (936) 756-5511 Facsimile: (936) 441-5745 E-mail: Published Date: January 27, 2021 CITATION BY PUBLICATION First Amended Application for Admission of August 23, 2018 Will, Or in the Alternative, Admission of February 5, 2018 Will, Appointment of Applicant as Independent Executor Without Bond and for Issuance of Letters Testamentary CLERK OF THE COURT MARK TURNBULL P.O. BOX 959 CONROE, TX 77305


TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: Russell Christopher Daniel, Deceased GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the -First Amended Application for Admission of August 23, 2018 Will, Or in the Alternative, Admission of February 5, 2018 Will, Appointment of Applicant as Independent Executor Without Bond and for Issuance of Letters Testamentary filed by Janelle Dee Daniel, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on the October 15, 2019. The file number of said matter being: 19-37979-P The style being: ESTATE OF: Russell Christopher Daniel The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court, in CONROE, Texas, this 20th day of January, 2021. (SEAL, County Court at Law #2) MARK TURNBULL, COUNTY CLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 1/20/2021 11:20:08 AM /s/ Sandy Faught Sandy Faught, Deputy Published Date: January 27, 2021

CITATION BY PUBLICATION Application to Determine Heirship and for Letters of Independent Administration CLERK OF THE COURT MARK TURNBULL P.O. BOX 959 CONROE, TX 77305






NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE SELF SERVICE STORAGE OF CONROE WISHING TO AVAIL, THEMSELVES OF THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 59 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE HEREBY GIVES NOTICE OF SALE UNDER SAID ACT THIS SALE IS BEING MADE TO SATISFY A LANDLORD LEIN BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON LINE AT STARTING ON 02/15/2021. CONTENTS ARE MISCELLANEOUS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF TENANTS AS LISTED, VALERIE WILLIAMS, ARMONDO MALDORADO, DIANA SPENCER. PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE IN CASH ONLY. SELF SERVICE STORAGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY BID AND WITHDRAW PROPERTY FROM SALE. Published dates: January 27 and February 3, 2021. CITATION BY PUBLICATION Eugene Mattern and Rickey Mattern Application for Determination of Heirship, Appointment of Dependent Administrator and Issuance of Letters of Administration CLERK OF THE COURT ATTORNEY OF RECORD OR PERSON FILING CAUSE MARK TURNBULL MONTERE R. WUENSCHE P.O. BOX 959 PO BOX 886 CONROE, TX 77305 TOMBALL TX 77377 THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: Kathleen Mary Mattern, Deceased GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Eugene Mattern and Rickey Mattern Application for Determination of Heirship, Appointment of Dependent Administrator and Issuance of Letters of Administration filed by Mattern, Eugene; Mattern, Rickey, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on the April 21, 2020. The file number of said matter being: 19-38468-P The style being: ESTATE OF: Kathleen Mary Mattern The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court, in CONROE, Texas, this 25th day of January, 2021. (SEAL County Court at Law #2) MARK TURNBULL, COUNTY CLERK 1/25/2021 2:02:59 PM MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS /s/ Eloisa Salinas Eloisa Salinas, Deputy Published Date: January 27, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administration for the Estate of Mychelle Morgan, Deceased, were issued on the 23rd day of December 2020, in Cause No. 20-39185-P, pending in County Court at Law No. 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Kailey Morgan. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Robin L. Apostolakis Stilwell, Earl & Apostolakis, LLP 1400 Woodloch Forest Drive, Ste. 590 The Woodlands, TX 77380 DATED the 21st day of January 2021. By: /s/ Robin L. Apostolakis Robin L. Apostolakis State Bar No. 24045416 1400 Woodloch Forest Drive, Ste. 590 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Telephone: (281) 419-6200 Facsimile: (281) 419-0250 Published Date: January 27, 2021

TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: David Joe Hagan, Deceased GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Determine Heirship and for Letters of Independent Administration filed by Cassi Jo Hagan, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on the June 03, 2020. The file number of said matter being: 20-39568-P The style being: ESTATE OF: David Joe Hagan The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court, in CONROE, Texas, this 3rd day of June, 2020. (SEAL, County Court at Law #2) MARK TURNBULL, COUNTY CLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 6/13/2020 3:20:21 PM /s/ Sandy Faug Sandy Faug, Deputy Published Date: January 27, 2021

CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK: CALL 936-449-6397 OR ONLINE 936-449-NEWS (6397) CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK: Contact Montgomery County News CALL 936-449-6397 to Publish Legal Notices OR ONLINE 936-449-6397

Page 8, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Community Set Sail for a Romantic Valentine’s Day Weekend at Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston Grab your sweetheart and escape to M a rg a r i t a v i l l e L a k e Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston for a Valentine’s Day weekend you’ll never forget. Join us for a sunset cruise on Lake Conroe, enjoy dinner at two of our island-inspired restaurants, and unwind at St. Somewhere Spa. WHEN: Valentine’s Day weekend (Friday, Feb. 12 through Sunday, Feb. 14) WHERE: Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston 600 Margaritaville Parkway, Montgomery, TX 77356 SPECIFICS: oin us for a cruise aboard the Little Palm Yacht on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $99 each and include two glasses of wine from Bernhardt Winery and a delectable charcuterie board for each person sailing! Reserve your ticket here. The event is open to all. Treat your Valentine to a special selections menu at License to Chill Café & Bar or enjoy dinner lakeside at LandShark Bar & Grill with special Valentine menu items throughout the weekend. Rejuvenate at St. Somewhere Spa with a relaxing treatment sure to melt your worries away. Sip on complimentary

champagne or a mimosa while indulging in a chocolate fountain as you enjoy the relaxation lounges all weekend long. Receive a complimentary eye and lip treatment with your facial, and when you book a treatment for two, soak in some extra love with candles and rose petals in your couple’s treatment room. Make it a weekend getaway and book one of our two special romance packages, Lounging in Love or a Romantic A f f a i r, w h i c h b o t h include complimentary prosecco and margaritainfused strawberries. W H AT E L S E : About Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston The M a rg a r i t a v i l l e L a k e Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston, an all-suite resort, features 335 guest suites; including 32 lakefront cottages, on 186 lakefront acres on Lake Conroe. It is the first Margaritaville Resort in Texas. Bars and restaurants feature signature Margaritaville dining concepts – the LandShark Bar & Grill with boat slips on Lake Conroe, the 5 o’Clock Somewhere Bar, the Lone Palm Pool Bar, the License to Chill Bar & Café, Joe Merchant’s

On a beautiful, sunshiny Sunday afternoon, Rebel Joan Of Arc (RJOA) members and spouses, members from other chapters and Texas Division officers of the United Daughters of the Confederacy congregated inside the sanctuary of a local Methodist Church. It was the perfect day: one set aside to honor the valiant men and women committed to the Cause. RJOA members worked together in preparation for the arrival of others. The registration table was draped in a beautiful red tablecloth. The flags were displayed

and freshly picked magnolia leaves lay in a basket for keepsakes of the event. A full-color program and a picture of Belle Boyd, the namesake of Rebel Joan Of Arc, were the final touches to the welcoming table. A wreath of magnolia leaves at the front of the church served as a reminder of the solemn purpose of this observance: to honor Confederate warriors for their service. Thirty people attended representing eight chapters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. As the host chapter of District III, numerous

Coffee & Provisions, and a Margaritaville Retail Shop. T h e n e w M a rg a r i t a v i l l e L a k e Resort, Lake Conroe | Houston offers an array of recreational activities: an 18-hole golf course, a three-acre waterpark with a lazy river and outdoor pools, pickleball, tennis, swimming, boating, fishing, and waterskiing. Margaritaville’s popular full-service St. Somewhere Spa, and a spacious, Fins Up Fitness

Center, provide exceptional wellness options. With 72,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor IACCapproved meeting space, the resort can host special events and meetings of every size. Located just an hour from Houston and about three hours from the major hubs of Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio,

the resort is within easy reach of over 19 million Texans. The project is a joint venture of Songy Highroads (SHR) and The Wampold Companies. The Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe |Houston, is part of BENCHMARK®, a global hospitality company’s Benchmark

Resorts & Hotels portfolio. To l e a r n a b o u t Margaritaville’s commitment to health, safety, and sanitation, please visit us o n l i n e : https://www.margaritavil ille-lake-resort-lakeconroe/health-safety

The Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter Of The United Hosts Confederate Daughters Of The Heroes Day Observance Confederacy Rebel Joan of Arc members participated. The program included flag pledges, anthems and a scripture reading. Greetings were delivered by the District III Chairman and Texas Division President. Highlighting the program was a presentation on true Confederate Heroines: the brave women who were both courageous and creative in supporting the Cause. Following the conclusion of the program, the wreath was taken to a gravesite at a local cemetery.

MCTXSheriff Investigates Shooting in Magnolia On January 25, 2021 at about 7:40 AM the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call in reference to a shooting in the 26500 block of South Carrol Lane in Magnolia, TX. Upon arrival, Deputies found a white male lying on the ground with a single gunshot wound to the upper torso. The male was pronounced deceased

by EMS while on scene. Deputies learned that the deceased male was damaging a vehicle on that property and confronted one of the residents of the property with what appeared to be a weapon in his hands. The resident fired a single shot from a small caliber rifle, striking the deceased in the torso, and then immediately called

911. Detectives with the H o m i c i d e - Vi o l e n t Crimes Unit and Crime Scene Investigators responded to the scene, along with prosecutors from the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office. This is still an active investigation, and this case will be presented to the Grand Jury for review.

On Jan. 19, 2021 members of the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, met at the New Montgomery Cemetery (est. in 1868) and placed flags at the

grave-sites of the Confederate veterans. Joining the ladies was the great grandson of Pvt. George M. Garey, Co. B 15th Va., Infantry CSA. Charles Steffler expressed his greatfulness for the UDC honoring his great

grandfather and all the other Confederate veterans. Pictured left to right are...Eva Rains, Charles Steffler, Betty Garland and Katherine Jones, not pictured is Lauren Weth.

Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Page 9

Community Managing Invasive Species: Experts Address Whether to “Beat ‘Em or Eat ‘Em” The geography of the Lone Star State is incredibly vast and diverse, because of this, there are a large variety of species that call Texas “home.” But not every plant and animal inhabiting our great state is welcome. For years, non-native, invasive species have integrated into the state’s ecosystems causing more harm than good. “Harm” being the key word, according to experts a t t h e Te x a s I n v a s i v e Species Institute at Sam Houston State University. “Often the terms ‘exotic’ and ‘invasive’ are misinterpreted and many think any exotic species is an invasive species, but this is not the case,” TISI Director, Ashley Morgan-Olvera said. “An invasive species can be a plant, insect or other animal species. Most invasive species are non-native (exotic) but what classifies them as invasive is if they cause harm to an area where they are not native. Harm can be economic harm through crop damage and low harvest, ecological harm through disruption of the food-webs, environmental harm through habitat invasion (common with invasive plants) or even harm to human health.” Morgan-Olvera believes managing these invaders is a vital task, fortunately anyone can aid in their efforts. “When I first started working for TISI as a field researcher I loved being outdoors and participating in the good fight against invasive species. As my role has grown over time, so has what I love about this job. I’ve realized that managing invasive species is a community effort and I love the engagement that I get from citizens, and how willing they are to stop the spread of invasive species once they know what they are and how they can help,” Morgan-Olvera said. Budding conservationists can become further engaged through Citizen Scientist programs and report invasive species to and iNaturalist databases to help researchers with distribu-

tional information. “A Citizen Scientist is someone who has received further training on a certain subject and helps gather data for researchers in various areas of science. For TISI, we train Citizen Scientists in the ability to recognize Invasive Species in their area, how to report to the database and provide management tips for species removal,” Morgan-Olvera said. “Since Citizen Scientists helps expand our network of “boots on the ground” they are necessary for the management and prevention of invasive species.” Though unconventional, another popular way to manage invasives is by eating them, according to a recent report by National Geographic. With taglines like “from problem to plate” and “Can’t beat ‘em, Eat ‘em” this solution seems appealing – except appealing, is usually what they are not. Some of the most common examples of Texas invasive species are feral hogs, red imported fire ants, zebra mussels and giant Salvinia. “Feral hogs are here because they were released by the Spanish explorers and people have been eating them ever since. So, we have not been talking much about eating invasive species but in some cases, we have been doing it for a long time,” Jerry Cook, TISI executive director said. “I think this is a good idea if the invasive species are safe and palatable. In other words, if we think they taste good and it will not harm us to eat them, then why not. Because of their status, they could be a plentiful and probably economically cheap source of food. If we over harvest, then we eliminate an ecological problem.” However, both Cook and Morgan-Olvera stress the importance of educating yourself on which invasive species are safe for consumption. “Eating some invasive species could be dangerous

because of the nature of the species. For example, even if we had a taste for red imported fire ants, they would be dangerous to eat. Their venom (which is what is delivered by what we often call an ant bite, even though it is a sting) is an alkaloid that can be poisonous to us and other animals,” Cook said. “There can also be some dangers to eating other invasive species because of diseases or poisons they might carry. Feral hogs can carry the trichinosis parasite. If the hog carries the parasite, it can be transmitted unless the meat is fully cooked. Cooking to well done, kills the parasite. Domestic pork could also have this parasite, but we have a strong government meat inspection process that keeps it out of our markets. Feral hogs are obviously not

being inspected. There are quite a few of these issues to consider but if the invasive species is determined to be safe and you like the taste, then there is no reason to not make a meal of it.” No matter your preference for tackling invasive species, experts at SHSU claim that this problem is directly caused by human interference and the average citizen should take action. “Humans are the reason for the spread of invasive species (import/export of goods, pet trade, plant trade, etc.), and we need to take more care of our state,” Morgan-Olvera said. “By learning more about invasive species, you can learn how to prevent their spread, successful management practices and learn best-practices when visiting recreational areas.” Q&A with TISI Director,

Ashley Morgan-Olvera How can someone become a Citizen Scientist? At you can sign up to be a soloreporter or “Voyager”. Creating an account is free and so is the training. The training does take several hours to complete but we want to empower you with all the skills and tools needed to help us document and manage invasive species in your area. As part of a merger with, we are updating these trainings to make them more interactive and concise. What kind of information is collected in the invasive species database? To log a successful report in our invasive species database, date, location, name of person reporting, and a good photo of the invasive species are needed

so we can validate the report. We use this information to track invasive species for management, and if new locations are found we inform our state and federal partners such as TPWD, US Forest Service, USGS and USDA-APHIS. How many species are listed in the database? Hundreds of invasive species can be found at and tsusinvasives.orginaturalist (TISI website). After working together for many years, TISI has recently a c q u i r e d A merged website offering updated information, training and reporting database will appear at that website over the next few weeks.

owners can place the cat’s food in a location where they will have to work to get it, such as on top of a tall cat tree. “It is possible to train a cat to walk on a leash and go for walks,” she said. “This needs to be done slowly over time, but there are many owners who make this work.” Just as humans trying to lose weight may find themselves tempted by snacks, pets can also get impatient between meals. Te l l e r r e c o m m e n d s breaking a pet’s food into multiple meals throughout the day — anywhere between two and four — and providing food on a

regular schedule to reduce hunger. “One more way that owners can help their pets is to feed the pet’s entire daily food supply in puzzle toys,” Teller said. “This is both mentally and physically stimulating. The pet will need to figure out how to get the food out of the toy. This will also make the pet eat more slowly, thus helping the pet to stay satiated for longer periods of time.” Although saying no to a begging pet may be difficult, the health of a beloved animal is well worth the discipline. “Remember that animals that maintain at a healthy weight throughout

their lifetime can live an additional two years over that of an overweight pet,” Teller said. “That two years is worth the effort to keep your pet at a healthy weight.” Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical S c i e n c e s , Te x a s A & M University. Stories can be found on the Pet Talk website. Suggestions for future topics may be d i r e c t e d t o e d By Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Staff

Working Out Pet We i g h t L o s s Watching your pet’s weight is vital, and there are ways to make sure your animal is not packing on too many pounds. B RYA N - C O L L E G E STATION, Jan. 22, 2021 — For pet owners with an overweight animal companion, there can be a difficult balance between wanting to treat a pet and wanting to keep them in the best health possible. However, with moderat i o n a n d c o n s i s t e n c y, owners can ensure their pet reaches a healthy weight without discomfort. D r. L o r i Te l l e r, a n associate professor in the Texas A&M University C o l l e g e o f Ve t e r i n a r y Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says that a healthy diet is integral to successful weight loss. Treats, whether specially made for pets or table food, should not make up more than 10% of an animal’s diet, and when given, the calories of a treat should be included in a pet’s total daily intake, she said. “Healthy treats may include green beans, baby carrots, celery sticks, or

apple slices,” Teller said. “There also are other ways to treat pets besides food; many pets may be satisfied with some attention, whether that is a game of fetch, a catnip toy, or a chin scratch. Veterinarians can make recommendations on healthy treat options as well. Owners with an overweight pet also should consult with their veterinarian to set a weight loss plan that is best for their animal. As a general rule, Teller says that a gradual reduction in body mass is safest. “Weight loss should be done in a stepwise fashion; pets should be weighed monthly to determine if they are losing weight appropriately,” Teller said. “Rapid weight loss can lead to problems, such as liver disease or nutritional imbalances, and weight loss that is too slow prolongs the adverse effects of excess weight to the pet’s health.” Exercise can also be a healthy tool in promoting weight loss. For dogs, this can include walks, swimming, frisbee or fetch.

If a dog is resistant to exercise, Teller recommends starting slowly. Taking walks in new areas may help mentally stimulate your dog in new ways, and, as a result, your dog may not even realize that they are going out for exercise. If your dog is hesitant to get moving, Teller also recommends ruling out underlying health problems that may make exercise painful for them. “Dogs that are extremely overweight or obese may have an orthopedic problem, such as a torn cruciate ligament or herniated disk, that causes pain or discomfort with exercise,” she said. “Rule out or treat underlying medical problems and talk with your veterinarian about an appropriate exercise plan. Some dogs may benefit from a few sessions of physical therapy to gain better mobility.” Cats and other nonwalkable pets can also benefit from exercise. Cats may be encouraged to move with certain toys, such as a laser pointer. Teller says

Page 10, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Community CAF Gulf Coast Wing Update Warbirds News Aircraft Restoration For the aviation world, which COVID19 has disrupted severely this past year, it is great to see that some organizations are fighting these pandemic-induced adversities, and adapting with effective initiatives to stay operational. The Commemorative Air Force’s Gulf Coast Wing is one such organization. On April 3rd, 2021 they will begin offering rides again in their beloved Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, known affectionately for the past half century as Texas Raiders. The CAF unit’s Beech D18S, marked as a U.S. Navy JRB-6 variant and nicknamed Little Raider, will also be participating alongside, as will their North American Aviation SNJ-5 Texan.

Flights will depart from Conroe North Houston Regional Airport in association with General Aviation Services, the FBO

located in Hangar 14 at 5260 Central Parkway, Conroe, Texas. Children aged five and above are welcome aboard the JRB when accompanied by an adult, and similarly for children over 12 on the B-17. Each flight lasts roughly 20 minutes in the air, and includes a safety briefing and photo opportunity with the pilot. The route for each flight may undergo adjustment to due weather and/or Air Traffic Control requirements. To purchase a ride

please call 1-855-FLYA-B17 (1-855-3592217) or click here. Furthermore, while the pandemic did halt flight operations during the past year, the Gulf Coast Wing’s cadet program for young people interested in aviation and history continued functioning, albeit with some healthrelated adaptations. The unit’s Cadet Flight Tr a i n i n g P r o g r a m offers a Pilot Ground School which recently covered aviation weather topics that included the learning about the effects which Coriolis Force, Pressure Gradient, and Surface Friction can have upon wind. They also gained


knowledge about wind shear, thunderstorm avoidance and how hail forms inside a thunderstorm, as well as aircraft anti-ice/de-ice procedures and aircraft systems used to combat icing. The Gulf Coast Wing Cadet Instructor, Col. Charles Scott Willams says, “The wonderful thing about teaching at the hangar is that the airport ramp, as well as aircraft inside the hangar, offer a plethora of teaching tools to use in teaching our Cadets about aircraft systems, not only in Gulf Coast Wing aircraft, but also in turboprop and jet aircraft. On the night that the article photo

was taken, we had the pleasure of doing a walk around on the turboprop SAAB 340, a Cessna 310, the B-17 we all know as Texas Raiders, and the Gulf Coast Wing’s JRB Little Raider!” These Cadets are all highly motivated, striving towards future careers which await them in the sky! One recently minted cadet is Samantha McKee, who currently serves in the United States Army. She is on a track for a flight slot as a pilot. If you know anyone who might be interested in becoming involved with the cadet program, please send the Gulf Coast Wing an email.

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