Montgomery County News, March 20, 2024

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b n o j s Jr MCN contributing

by Ruben Borjas Jr MCN contributing writer

When chosento in Lionel Katy Perry, and LukeBryan,that be for forit be Idol’ nationally on their ‘Night 4 Auditions’ show s entirely cup ontgom r s own appeared the show aired evening ABC, talent as a singer with ‘Fireflies,’a tune she penned herself,

Whenyouarechosento sing in front of Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, and LukeBryan,thatwouldbe a lifetime achievement for mostsingers,butforittobe shown on ‘American Idol’ and aired nationally on their ‘Night 4 Auditions’ show that s an entirely s different cup of tea Montgomery s own PaytonRiley,15,appeared on the show that aired Sunday evening on ABC, showcasing her talent as a singerandsongwriter,with her new song ‘Fireflies,’a tune she penned herself,

aboutthebreakupwithher boyfriend several years ago The song will be releasedonMay3rd.

thebreakupwith boyfriend ago The song be onMay

Idol judge Katy Perry appearedtotakealikingto the young Riley, and empathizedwithherplight w h e n i t c a m e t o boyfriends. Perry,asinger and songwriter herself, recognized Payton’s talent and urged her to continue on her quest in making entertaining and inspiring music.

“Ifyouaredoingthisat 15 you are on to something,” said Perry “Keepsingingandwriting, and know that God has a planforyourlife.”

Katy Perry totakea the Riley, with h n m e t o Perry, herself, her to continue her quest in at 15 y n o something,” writing, planfor

Riley’s performance


Submitted by Pat Spackey

CherylBolt,presidentof the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis chapter, and all the chapter members were Blessed to welcome Ron McAnear, Vice President of the "Friends of the Lone Star Monument and Historical Park”astheirspeakerduring the March Meeting, held

CherylBolt,presidentof of Republic Texas

Nathaniel the to President "Friends Monument Meeting, held The Heritage Museum of MontgomeryCounty Strake House McAnear is a member of the Lone Star ChapterSonsoftheRepublic of Texas and the two organizations,alongwiththe Children of the Republic of Texas, Charles B Stewart Chapter, volunteer year around promoting Texas History

McAnear presented and "Texas Revolution the flag display! 2nd,

McAnear presented a very educational and informative program titled "Texas Revolution Battle Flags” as he shared the history of each flag on each display! Theprogramwasa tribute to March 2nd, Texas

was the sole original song exhibitedontheshow,and Payton really put her heart and soul into the opportunity She was the youngest contestant by severalyears.

“You future, said far your concerned, my sky’sthelimit.”

“You have a promising future, and just take the time and grow,” said Richie.“Butasfarasyour career is concerned, my dear,thesky’sthelimit.”

American Idol is Riley s biggest break so far TVInsider com labeled her as another Taylor Swift in the making,” but we here in Montgomery County want hertobe‘TheFirst’Payton Riley, with someone else modeling themselves on herinthecomingdecades.

was the original exhibited theshow, Payton put and so l in opportunity She the youngest contestant several mer do is Riley biggest break far In id r om labeled as Tay Sw t n t making,” in Montgomery her be‘The Riley, with modeling her comingdecades.

You re an emotional person,” said Bryan. “And that’swhatittakestobean amazing songwriter and artist.”

received accolades statewide,beingnamedthe 2023 Young Artist of the Year (18 and younger) by the Texas Country Music Association But this national attention is just another step for Payton, a high school kid from MontgomeryCounty She is an amazing talent, and still holds her elders and fans in the greatest of respect. Her humility is her superpower and she she will rise above as she continues to develop her singing and songwriting ability

“Unfortunately, things didn't pan out for me on American Idol this time,” said Riley “I respect the judges'decisionsandagree that I still have room for growth.”

I You said Bryan. it songwriter

The Idol judges asked Rileytocomebackinafew

Riley has already

Independence Day and Flag Day The organizations had just returned from celebrating Texas Independence Day at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historical Site on March 2nd and Alamo

and Flag Day Independence

Heroes Day at theAlamo in San Antonio on March 6th and look forward to celebrating Goliad Heroes DayonMarch27th.

Antonio on March For information in

For information on membership in the DaughtersoftheRepublicof

Texas, Hart and Stewart myers1@gmail

Texas, Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter and the Children of the Republic of Texas, Charles B Stewart Chapter, contact Danean Myers, Registrar at danean myers1@gmail com

CONROE, Texas – The of Nurses country, of Smoke Evacuation This ensuring environment wherever

CONROE, Texas – The Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN), representing more than 200,000 surgical nurses across the country, has named HCA Houston Healthcare Conroe as a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Smoke Evacuation This award recognizesthehospitalforits commitment to patient and workplacesafetybytakinga comprehensive approach to ensuring a smoke-free environment wherever surgicalsmokeisgenerated.

Information about the award

AORN'sGoClearAward signifies that surgical teams at HCAHouston Healthcare Conroe have successfully c o m p l e t e d t h e comprehensive, evidencebased program and adopted technologies to ensure a surgical smoke-free environment for its patients andstaff.

AORN'sGoClearAward that surgical HCAHouston have o p l e t e d t h e comprehensive, evidencebased adopted technologies to a for its

“Surgical smoke occurs everydayinoperatingrooms and poses health risks to those exposed to it. AORN created this program so that everyfacilitycanunderstand theurgencyandtakestepsto protect the health and safety of patients, nurses, doctors and support staff ” said AORN CEO & Executive DirectorLindaGroah,MSN, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, FAAN This Center of Excellence for Surgical Safetydesignationshowsthe community that the surgical teams at HCA Houston Healthcare Conroe are committed to providing high-qualitycare.”

poses exposed AORN theurgencyandtakestepsto protect and patients, staff CEO

RN, CNOR, FAAN Center of community the HCA committed to award

Why the award is important · hazardous of or

· Surgicalsmokeisa hazardous byproduct of any surgery involving a laser or anelectrosurgicalunit.

· Although research, professional organizations, andthefederalOccupational S a f e t y & H e a l t h Administration (OSHA) identified surgical smoke as harmfulmanyyearsago,this byproduct continues to be a safety hazard in the operatingroom.

· Although research, organizations, a f y & Administration as byproduct to safety

· Center of in

(Go was d v e l p d o h e safety efforts patients from hazardsofsurgicalsmoke.

· The Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Smoke Evacuation (Go ClearTM) Program was d e v e l o p e d t o h e l p perioperativeteamsimprove safety efforts and protect staff and patients from the hazardsofsurgicalsmoke.


“Weareextremelyproud to have received the Go ClearTM award that designates us as a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Smoke Evacuation. Our surgical team has worked diligently to ensure they are providing a smokefree environment for our patientsandcolleagues.This award further demonstrates HCA Houston Healthcare Conroe's commitment to patient safety, said Matt Davis,CEOatHCAHouston HealthcareConroe.

have received award a Center of surgical team has to ensure they a further Healthcare commitment to said

younger) attention
Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 11 Section 1 10 pages March20,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX
WEDNESDAY SanAntonio-$2.95/g,up16.6 cents per gallon from last week's $2.79/g. "Most Americans continued to see average gasoline prices march higher last week The reason is the season: gasoline demand is rising as more Americans are getting out, combined with the summer gasolineswitchover whichiswell underway and continued refinery maintenance said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. The madness shouldslowdowninthenextfew weeksaswe'veseenpositivedata that refinery output is starting to increase, a sign that the peak of maintenance season could be behind us. In some positive news for Midwest motorists, the bp refinery in Whiting, Indiana that canprocess440,000barrelsofoil per day is finally back to normal operations for the first time since an electrical failure happened in early February For now gas priceswilllikelycontinuetotrend higher but the fever may break soon.Whenitcomestodiesel,the news has been good - above average temperatures have lowered heating oil demand, and average diesel prices are on the cusp of falling back below $4 per gallon." Midland Odessa- $3.19/g, up 23.1 cents per gallon from last week's$2.96/g. Austin-$2.98/g,up14.5cents per gallon from last week s $2.83/g. SOURCEGasBuddy March 18, 2019: $2 32/g (U.S.Average:$2.56/g) March 18, 2021: $2 64/g (U.S.Average:$2.87/g) Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 14.8 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3 04/g today according to GasBuddy s survey of 13 114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 15.1 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 2.8 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof dieselhasdeclined2.2centsinthe last week and stands at $4.00 per gallon. The national average price of gasoline has risen 4.4 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3 44/g today The national averageisup18.7centspergallon from a month ago and stands 1.6 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports coveringover150,000gasstations acrossthecountry
r i ed olad named 2023 Year and
is step for a
She the of is as Idol a for Idol time,”
Montgomery County News
18 2017: $2 07/g (U.S.Average:$2.29/g)
18 2022: $3 92/g (U.S.Average:$4.27/g)
18 2023: $3 01/g (U.S.Average:$3.43/g)
18 2016: $1 82/g (U.S.Average:$1.98/g)
18 2015: $2 22/g (U.S.Average:$2.42/g) Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: AccordingtoGasBuddyprice reports, the cheapest station in Texas was priced at $2 29/g yesterday while the most expensive was $3 99/g, a difference of $1.70/g. The lowest price in the state yesterday was $2 29/g while the highest was $3.99/g,adifferenceof$1.70/g.
18, 2020: $1 93/g (U.S.Average:$2.16/g) Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices:
18 2018: $2 31/g (U.S.Average:$2.54/g)
18, 2014: $3 29/g (U.S.Average:$3.52/g) SanAntonio-$2.95/g,up16.6 from last week's $2.79/g. Americans continued see average gasoline prices higher last week The reason is the season: gasoline demand is rising more are out, combined with the summer gasolineswitchover whichiswell refinery said De Haan, head of petroleum analysis madness shouldslowdowninthenextfew weeksaswe'veseenpositivedata that refinery output to a that the peak of maintenance season be us. In some positive news for bp Indiana that canprocess440,000barrelsofoil back normal for since an electrical in early February gas priceswilllikelycontinuetotrend higher but the fever may break soon.Whenitcomestodiesel,the has been - above temperatures lowered demand, diesel on the of back Odessa- $3.19/g, cents per gallon week March 18, March 18, gasoline have 14.8 cents the week, Texas. are cents higher ago week at gallon. The national average price gasoline has 4.4 cents the week, today a month GasBuddy million price reports March 18 March 18 $3 March 18 March 18 March 18 Historical prices national average was at $3 99/g price in $2 while the was 18, 18 18, (U.S.Average:$3.52/g) PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Legals...........................6,7,9 Community........2,3,4 BusinessDirectory...........10 Commentary 3,4,5 ChurchDirectory..............5 MichealWalding Texas Weekly GasPrices See Riley, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS PaytonRileyAppears on American Idol PaytonRileysingingheroriginalsong“Fireflies”to theAmericanIdoljudgesthispastSundayonABC. PhotoCredit:Disney/EricMcCandless TheDaughtersofTheRepublic ofTexas,HostsOutstanding TexasHistorySpeaker PHOTO: OfficersSeatedontheFrontRowLtoR:-PatSpackey(VicePresident); MollieWeber (Chaplain); DaneanMyers(Registrar);RonMcAnear(Speaker);CherylBolt(President);Barbara Eddleman(Treasurer); NancySmith(Secretary)ShellyLane(PastPresident). HCAHouston ConroeAs CenterOf Excellence InSurgical Safety: Smoke Evacuation


Taglienti,ChairmanofUDC'sConfederate AncestorsBook

UnitedDaughtersof the Confederacy.


K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI, ANITA STEVENS, and EVELYN MILLER are all proud members of the Rebel Joan OfArc2721Chapter,ofthe

TX LOUANN R U B E L , T X Division President, is an Honorary Member of the RebelJoanOfArcChapter

Member Joan



Submitted by RJOA



from page 1

Te State men States h this new

It was KATHERINE TAGLIENTI'S grand idea to develop this awesome book of our Confederate Ancestors for Texas Division.Texaswasaproud Confederate State with so many of our men and boys fighting for our States Rights. Chapters from all across Texas have submitted their “Proved” Ancestors for this new specialBook.

We think this Book has neverbeendonebeforeand this is another “FIRST” for the Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter! We can't wait for its finalization to order our copies!

is can't


years, which is plenty of time for her to grow and develop as a singer and songwriter and further refine her voice and

to and singer refine

songbank that will force the issuance of a ‘Golden Ticket,’ and that trip to Hollywood.

a ‘Golden out music, r

“Participating in American Idol was a valuable experience that taught me a lot about myself and allowed me to connect with some amazing artists,” Payton told MCN. “I'll take this experience and use it to comebackevenstrongerin thefuture.”

To search out Payton Riley’s music, go to: https://linktree/Paytonrile y m u s i c o r @paytonrileymusic

t n i amazing “I'll experience it even can

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

HistoricMontgomeryBusinessHighlight: RusticCashmere

places perfect. going Rustic you what’saroundthenextcorner be the go Montgomery all big to top occasions prices.

a little happier when exiting.

information w e s :

For more information the w e b s i t e i s :

Page2,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March20,2024 ByJanNixCook Coushatti Trace Chapter, NSDAR, started the new year with a meeting that welcomed new members and celebrated milestones of returning members During the meeting attendees also made Valentine Treat Bags for the teachers and staff at Sam Houston Elementary School as a service activity New members received gift bags presented by officers and are pictured, L to R, MembershipChairGinger Darnell, Chaplain Cheryl Bolt,newmembersLinda Hubert, Alice Melancon, Lois Bilby, Nancy Smith, Leigh Billingsley, Judith DuBose, and Regent Kay Pontious. Ifyouareinterestedin learning about or joining our organization, please send an email to CoushattiTraceDAR@g h r new w b milestones e and e ba new Hubert, i t Sports Community CoushattiTraceChapter,NSDARStarts 2024WithServiceandCelebration byRubenBorjasJr Here is a shout out to: Rustic Cashmere Gifts Antiques&HomeDecor Rustic Cashmere is dedicated to offering you the opportunity to find a gift for that special quirky person on your list who seems to have everything If you are lookingforapiecetoaddtoan empty space in your house? Chances are they got it. In 2016, owner Kambra Drummond took her love for antiques and odd finds, and started a small gift boutique, in Historic Montgomery In 2020, Kambra moved the shop to its current location, and she was able to accommodatemorestockand focus on offering more noteworthyantiques. Shehas broughttolifeintheformofa beautiful store her talent that showcasesherabilitytobring people,andtheirenjoymentin rummaging places that have no set pattern for organization. It’s perfect. That’s half the fun in going into shops like Rustic Cashmere, you never know what’saroundthenextcorner Kambra wants to fulfill everyone’s wish list, and be the go to shop in Historic Montgomery for all your antique needs. She is a big believer in the Man Upstairs, anditwasbyhisguidancethat shewasabletomaketheshop come to fruition. Rustic Cashmere is committed to finding top quality items for all occasions at reasonable prices. Theirgoalistomake everyonewhoentersthestore, just
Here shout Rustic offering to list who to you house? are took and and gift shop on Shehas store
PaytonRileytalkswithAmericanIdoljudgesthispast SundayonABCaboutheroriginalsong“Fireflies,” aboutthebreakupwithherboyfriend. PhotoCredit: Disney/EricMcCandless
vision President,
TX Div Chairman KATHERINETAGLIENTI stands proudly with herTX Di LOUANNRUBEL,andher Committee of RJOA: ANITA STEVENS and
Elaine Collings,
proudly v s e t andher
ELY ER K H E N E E United
A M A n
grand s
LefttoRight:AnitaStevens,EvelynMiller,Chairman: KatherineTaglienti,andTexasDivisionPresident:Louann Rubel.

Asthemanagingpartner and financial advisor at PendleHillAdvisors,LLC, my commitment extends beyondtheconfinesofour office. It reaches out into the heart of our community,offeringguidanceand insight into the world of investing. This week, we delveintoanessentialtopic that holds the key to not onlypreservingwealthbut also generating income: dividendstocks.

l rly appealing is their twofold benefit: they provide a steady income stream and the opportunity for the investment to grow in valueover

Why Consider DividendStocksforIncome?


This is a tale about resilience.

Andtheprotagonistsof thisstoryaremillennials.

They've their with and struggle

They'vefacedtheirfair share of challenges with higherinterestrates,home prices, and the struggle to save for a down payment whilerenting.

The market conditions havenotbeenthefriendliest.

of a

1 Steady Income Stream: For investors, especially those in retirement or planning for it,havingareliableincome sourceiscrucial.Dividend stocks offer this steady inflow of cash, which can be used to cover living expenses, reinvested, or savedforfutureneeds.

2.InflationHedge:With inflation being a constant concern, dividend-paying stocks offer a form of protection. Many companies aim to increase their dividendsovertime,which can help investors keep pacewiththerisingcostof living.

1 Steady Income Stream: For investors, especially thos in retirement or planning for it,havingareliableincome sourceiscrucial.Dividend stocks offer this steady inflow cash, which can be used to cover living expenses, reinvested, or savedforfutureneeds. InflationHedge:With inflation being a constant concern, dividend-paying stocks offer a form of protection. companies aim to increase their dividendsovertime,which can help investors keep pacewiththerisingcostof living.

3 Risk Mitigation: Investing in dividend-

3 Risk Mitigation: Investing in dividend-

payingcompaniescanalso asariskmanagement

These companies are often well-established, with earnings and a strong business model, themlesssusceptibletomarketvolatility

payingcompaniescanalso serveasariskmanagement strategy These companies are often well-established, with stable earnings and a strong business model, makingthemlesssusceptibletomarketvolatility




4. Tax Advantages: For certain investors, dividend incomecanalsocomewith benefits Qualified dividends are taxed at a lower rate compared to ordinary income providan additional layer fficien y for your investmentportfolio.

4. Tax Advantages: For certain investors, dividend incomecanalsocomewith tax benefits Qualified dividends are taxed at a lower rate compared to ordinary income providproviding an additional layer of of efficiency for your investmentportfolio.

Kent Pendleton@ray mondjames com | www raymondjames co m/pendlehilladvisors

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz


TodayI'msharingafew clever ways I've seen millennials get started on their home buying journeys, despite the setbacks.

a on yi


compl xities of the financial dividend

stocks stand out

As we navigate the complexities of the financialmarkets,dividend stocks stand out as a beacon for investors seeking income and stability However, understanding your financi

Financial Advisor, RJFS

connect stellar l er o ca t together great options!)

connect you with a stellar lender who can put together a few great options!)


And thisstory with and Airbnb to longer

market not the est. of are

It was reported that 67% of millennials regret not buying a home when rateswerelower

A remarkable 78% of you are still open to the ideaofbuyingahome

ve f s some

Even if it means navigating higher-thanaverage mortgage rates and making some com-


a home just to intothe in thenusing proceedsto upto desirable home The equity into incredible r s t t o r to

Househacking: Buying a duplex or home with a mother-inlawsuiteandrentingitout on Airbnb or to a longer term tenant to reduce costs.

Buying a home just to getintothegame,livingin itfortwoyears,thenusing theproceedstolevelupto a more desirable home The key here is to start building equity then keepgoing! Looking into creative financing options - there are some incredible loan programs that offer reduced or 0% down payments.(I'dbehappyto

I've seen some paying slightly over the asking price to seal the deal then recasting or refinancing their mortgage at a later date to reduce monthly payments. (Of course, it's critical to not overextend yourself).

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I've seal the recasting or at to

stocks are often viewed through the lens of traditional investing, revered for their dual ability to offer income through dividends and potential for capital appreciation However understandingthewhyand how behind investing in these assets can significantly enhance an investor'sportfolio,especiallyin uncertaineconomictimes. The Foundation of DividendInvesting Dividend investing is rooted in seeking out companies that pay a portionoftheirearningsto shareholders regularly. Thesepayments,knownas dividends, represent a share of the company's profits, distributed as a reward to its investors What makes dividend sto
appealing is their twofold benefit: they provide a steady income stream and the opportunity for the investment to grow in valueovertime. Asthemanagingpartner and financial advisor at PendleHillAdvisors,LLC, Hill my commitment extends beyondtheconfinesofour office. It reaches out into the heart of our community,offeringguidanceand insight into the world of investing. This week, we delveintoanessentialtopic that holds the key to not onlypreservingwealthbut also generating income: dividendstocks. Why Consider DividendStocks
cks particularly
al goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon is crucial before diving into dividend investing This is where professional guidance can makeadifference. This weekly article is a testament to our commitment to serving the community and building a reputationforexcellencein financialadvice.AtPendle Hill Advisors, LLC, your financial well-being is our top priority Together let's unlockthepotentialofyour investments and pave the waytofinancialsecurity 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356
PendleHillAdvisors, LLC, we're dedicated to providing our community with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed investment decisions. Our approach is rooted in understanding your unique financial situation and tailoring strategies that align with yourgoals.
the Right DividendStock AStrategicApproachto DividendInvesting Diversification is key when building a portfolio of dividend stocks By spreading investments acrossvarioussectors,you can reduce risk and capitalize on opportunities from different market dynamics Moreover, reinvesting dividends reinvesting thr
growth potential of your investmentsovertime. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial S e r v i c e s I n c M e m b e r e FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Pendle Hill Advisors is not registered broker dealers and is independent of Raymond James FinancialServices. While the allure of dividend stocks is undeniable not all are created equal. Selecting the right stocks requires a careful evaluation of the company's financial health dividend history, and future growth prospects Lookforcompanieswitha consistent track record of paying and, ideally, increasing dividends Additionally, consider the dividend yield, payout ratio, and the company's positionwithinitsindustry Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author/speaker and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals risk tolerance andtimehorizonbeforemakingany investment. The forgoing is not a recommendation to buy or sell any individual security or any t combination of securities The informationcontainedinthisreport does not purport to be a complete description of the securities markets, or developments referred tointhismaterial. For those looking to explore dividend investing further or seeking personalized investment advice, we invite you to reach out to our office. Our team is here to help you navigate the investment landscape, ensuring your portfolio is well-positioned to achieve yourfinancialobjectives. Pendle Hill Advisors LLC Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Dividend stocks are often viewed through the lens of traditional investing, revered for their dual ability to offer income through dividends and potential for capital appreciation understandingthewhyand how behind investing in these assets significantly enhance an investor'sportfolio, in uncertaineconomictimes. The Foundation of DividendInvesting Dividend investing is rooted in seeking out companies that pay a portionoftheir to shareholders regularly. Thesepayments,knownas dividends, represent a share of the company's profits, distributed as a reward to its What makes dividend stocks p
ough a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP)
an compound
r a returns, significantly enhancing the
Financial Advisor, RJFS 936-297-8267 Kent Pendleton@ray mondjames com | www raymondjames co m/pendlehilladvisors
as a beacon for
seeking income and stability However, und rst nding your financi l goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon
As we navigate the
investing This where professional guidance can make difference.
our nt to serving th community and building reputationforexcellencein financialadvice.AtPendle Hill LLC, your financial well-being is our top priority potentialofyour investments and pave the tofinancialsecurity 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 AtPendleHillAdvisors, LLC, we're dedicated to providing community with the and tools necessary to make informed investmen decisions. Our approach rooted in understanding your unique situation and tailoring strategies that align with yourgoals. Choosing the DividendStock
This weekly article is testament to
Diversification is key when
portfolio of dividend
By spreading
c n reduce ri k and capitalize on opportunities
ividend reinvestment
your investmentsover
Securities offered through Raym n James F nanci l e r v i c e s I n c M e m b e r FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are through Raymond James Financial Services Inc. Pendle Hill registered broker independent of Raymond Financial While allure dividend stocks undeniable not all are created Selecting the stocks requires a careful of the comfinancial health dividend history, prospects forcompanieswith track paying and, ideall increasing Additionally, the dividend payout and the positionwithinitsindustry in the article are those of the author/speaker and are those of Raymond All of this and are subject to without notice. and you may a profit loss diversification and Prior making an decision, please with your financial advisor your individual situation Every investor's situation is unique y u s ould co s de y u goals tolerance time beforemakingany investment. forgoing is not recommendation to buy or sell any divi u secu ity a y of securities informationcontained this does purport to be complete of the securities markets, referred inthismaterial. For looking to explore dividend investing further or seeking personalized investment advice, we invite you to reach out to our office. Our is here to help you navigate the landscape, ensuring portfolio is well-positioned to achieve your Pendle Hill Advisors Ke t P ndl ton, AAMS® Congratulations ‘KidoftheWeek’ Weekly Columns UnlockingthePowerofDividend Stocks:AGuideforInvestors column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Thislittlebrother/sister combo are Dawson and Blakely Dawson, 4, and Blakely, 6, were in Historic Montgomery last October and could be a year older by now They were there with their dad Austin at an event Dawson’sfavoritecoloris blue. He is able to do his ABCs, and can easily count to 5. Which he did confidently Dawson wouldliketoplayteeball soon, since he is waiting onaglovethatwillfithim. Blakely’sfavoritecoloris pink. Sheisafirstgrader atanelementaryschoolin MISD Her favorite teacherisMissJorgensen, and her favorite subject is math. Shealsoenjoysart, PE, music, and library activities. Blakely loves to play softball, and continues to get better at hittingandfielding. Both have great friends, and they love to eat all the foods that kids crave, mainly, pizza, fries, and ice cream. Good Luck Dawson and Blakely and Congratulations on being MCNs‘KidsoftheWeek’. Dawson&Blakely
AStrategic to
building a
Moreover, reinvesting dividends
a d
plan (DRIP)
an o
enhancing the growth

Opinion / Editorial Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist

write of which

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

The a One easy part our is sudden or overtime,the is equally felt. And it takes time recover For some it takes weeks, Andfor few they Myown awayinApril good standup I’ve about my

The loss of a Loved One is never an easy part of our lives. Whether it is sudden ortakesplaceovertime,the pain is equally felt. And it pain takes time to recover For some it takes weeks months,years.Andforafew theyneverrecover Myown MotherpassedawayinApril 2021, and it took a good whiletostandupagain. I’ve written before about my

parents helping me survive mycancer,andmypledgeto makesurewhenitcametime for them to need care, I would undertake the task alongwithaides. AndIdid.

thisworld,I Ray Duncan at the Star Honor Flight Veterans Group breakfast invited theCoffeeGroup

A few months after my Motherleftthisworld,Imet Billy Ray Duncan at the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group breakfast gatherings. SoonafterIwas invitedtotheCoffeeGroupI

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Mostlycloudy,withahighnear67.Southwind 5to10mph.


A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter2am.Mostlycloudy,witha lowaround59.Southeastwind5to10mph.


Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms,then showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm after8am.Mostlycloudy,withahighnear68. Eastwind5to10mph.Chanceofprecipitation is70%.


Showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm before8pm,thenachanceofshowersand thunderstormsbetween8pmand2am.Mostly cloudy,withalowaround58.Chanceof precipitationis70%.














A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withahighnear 72.

BillyRay a And fewweeks Iwas invited to breakfast Billy house; and that’s whenImetMs.Esther

often write about, of which BillyRayisamember And afewweeksafterthat,Iwas invited to breakfast at Billy Ray’s house; and that’s whenImetMs.Esther

I often, and everytime would be sitting in her chair, as I hugged We prayed together I’d make tomato and potato for Esther and Ray I assisted themingetting Estherto and from her doctor’s appointments. suffered from Myasthenia Gravis, so hermuscleswereweak. My MotherandMs.Esthereven had the And intime, kindaadopted Esther and Billy Ray as my parents. I was comfortable just and Estherand Ray or working at their kitchen table awayastory an op/ed while they watched television or nappedintheirchairs.

I would visit often, and everytime she would be sitting in her chair as I hugged her We prayed together I’d make tomato and potato soup for Esther and Billy Ray I assisted themingettingMs.Estherto and from her doctor s appointments. Shesuffered from Myasthenia Gravis, so hermuscleswereweak. My MotherandMs.Esthereven had the same doctors. And intime,IkindaadoptedMs. Esther and Billy Ray as my parents. I was comfortable just sitting and talking with EstherandBillyRay,orjust working at their kitchen tabletappingawayastoryor an op/ed, while they watched television or nappedintheirchairs.

doc,Dr (whoreminds me Mr from South M’Kay?). And going I knewthe mefrom my visits, he neversaidanythinguntilwe told him. We had a good chuckle

doc,Dr Wang(whoreminds me of Mr Mackey from SouthPark. M’Kay?). And going through the visit, I knewthedocknewmefrom my Mom’s visits, and he neversaidanythinguntilwe told him. We had a good chuckleaboutit.

Even for I went with Ms. Esther while Ray inthe waitingroom. was a ‘hard stick,’ which meant herbloodvessels really small hard Even getting blood was tough less getting a vacutainer of blood. times when had to insert the vacutainertubeintotheluer adapter phlebotomist held the butterfly needle place, order to getbloodsamples.

Even for blood draws, I went in with Ms. Esther, whileBillyRaystayedinthe waitingroom. Andshewas a ‘hard stick,’ which meant herbloodvesselswerereally smallandhardtofind. Even getting a blood return was tough enough, much less getting a vacutainer full of blood. There were times when I had to insert the vacutainertubeintotheluer adapter while the phlebotomist held the butterfly needle in place, in order to getbloodsamples.

cancer,andmypledge cametime need care, I would undertake task along I Esther actually improved months ago after therenewalofamedication. Shewas own with rollator, going to church when she could, evenmadeameal by But she again startedregressing.

I to Ms Estheron did with my as we grewcloser Ilovedherkind and demeanor When her appointments, she d sit my Mother behind on It backa thoughts, that were and satisfying. never the first appointment with her and wanted me to themtomeetthe

I started to kiss Ms EstherontheforeheadlikeI did with my Mother when coming and going as we grewcloser Ilovedherkind and welcoming demeanor Whentakinghertodoctor’s appointments, she’d sit where my Mother sat, right behind me on the driver's me side. Itbroughtbackalotof memories. Great thoughts, that were pleasant and satisfying. I’ll never forget the first appointment with her neurologist. Billy Ray and Esther wanted me to accompanythemtomeetthe

Ms Esther actually improved months ago after therenewalofamedication. Shewaswalkingonherown with the aid of her rollator, going to church when she could,andevenmadeameal by herself. But she again startedregressing.

some5weeks ago, when Esther complained upper back pain. She taken the emergency room and it was discovered abroken C1 and a crushed C4 in her cervicalspine. Shehadbeen at St Luke’s The Woodlands shepassed on the morning March 14th. I had received my usualwake-upcall my

Iwastheresome5weeks ago when Ms Esther complained of upper back pain. She was taken to the emergency room and it was discoveredshehadabroken C1 and a crushed C4 in her cervicalspine. Shehadbeen at St Luke’s in The Woodlandswhenshepassed on the morning of March 14th. I had received my usualwake-upcallfrommy


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AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest


Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews.

friend Larry, another another memberofthecoffeegroup. I then had a gut feeling, which is rare for me, and instead of going to coffee, went immediately to the hospital. I arrived minutes after Ms. Esther had passed away,andrightbehindBilly Ray and his son, who were already weeping at her bedside I immediately wenttoBillyRayandjoined hands with him and Ms. Esther and just started praying, asking God to Welcome Ms. Esther into His Kingdom, and reciting TheLord’sPrayer

friend Larry memberofthecoffeegroup. then a which is rare for me, and of going to coffee, went the I arrived had away, rightbehindBilly Ray and already weeping her bedside I went Billy and hands with him and Ms. started praying, to Ms. Esther His and TheLord’s

other andfriendsstartedtoarrive.

Billy and I on Ray’s in greatest of Billy and Ms. 62 wonderful years, and knowneachotherfor a who whosehearts

Soon after, other family andfriendsstartedtoarrive. Billy Ray’s grandson Tommy Jr., and I laid hands on Billy Ray’s shoulders to comfort him in his greatest timeofneed. BillyRayand Ms.Estherweremarriedfor 62 wonderful years, and they’dknowneachotherfor 98% of their lives. They were a couple who loved eachotherandwhosehearts

truly a couples is effort marriages distress are far too easily nowadays whenyoucommunicateand listen each theteam there ’I’ one, a all to that is short, you an the nve a ion s l someone in suddenlypassaway advise you to and make love friendship are with, journey with the Veteran,

were truly connected; and it'salessontoothercouples that marriage is a team effort, and marriages in distress are far too easily broken nowadays But whenyoucommunicateand listentoeachother theteam can remain together Because there is no ’I’ in team. The passing of a loved one, or a friend, is a life lesson that we all should all take to heart; that life is short,andyoudon’twantan argument to be the last conversation, should someonemeaningfulinyour lifesuddenlypassaway I’d advise you to try and make an effort in love and friendship with everyone youareacquaintedwith,for myjourneytoBillyRayand Esther Duncan; started with thecasualmeetingofanold Vietnam Veteran, and his dog.

Lone StarCollege to host Veterans Resource Fair

LoneStarCollegewillhost aVeteransResourceFairto helpveteransaccess invaluableresources

needed tosucceedintheclassroom andbeyond.

March26,from10a.m.-3 p m at LSC-University Park. Veterans, militaryaffiliated students and the closecommunitywillhave access to invaluable resources like health care services, educational and employment opportunities, housing assistance, financial guidance, legal support and emotional wellness programs Additionally, there will be camaraderie-building activitiesandsnacks.

“Lone Star College is committedtonurturingthe academic and personal growth of all students, especially veterans by offering high-quality educationalandworkforce programs,” said Gerald F Napoles, Ph.D., LSC vice chancellor Student Success “Lone Star Collegesalutestheselfless sacrifices that veterans

displayed in serving our country and we are devoted to helping them succeed in the classroom andbeyond.”

LSC Veteran Services will host a Veterans Resource Fair Tuesday,

LSC Veteran Services o ff e r s a d v i s i n g , Hazlewood benefits, GIBill®benefits,financial aid and registration services to help veterans pair their military training with relatable college programs, leading to successful second careers. Learn more and RSVPfor theVeteransResourceFair

RyanWest Montgomery MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. D&B#12-976-8354.

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circulating the publication

The longtime Players Theatre Company Artistic Director,JoeVisor,willbe steppingdownattheendof the month from his position with The Players Theatre Company, at the Owen Theatre in Conroe. Visor had been in the position since 2008, and directed‘WaitUntilDark,’ this past February, which was the exact play he oversaw when the Owen Theatre opened its doors 15yearsago.

Editor’sExpress Mail,Faxor E-mail: MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Webpage: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,






©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 Page4,Wednesday,March20,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas.
on stage, film, as well as creditsintelevision.
as well as at the Lone Star College MontgomeryCampus.
Joe began his acting career at the University
of Houston in 1955 with 20
then, Visor has
Hehas directed at Playhouse 1960, Houston's Country Playhouse,
Black Box Theatre,
looking forward to focusingonnow." See you at the Owen Theatre! The Players Theatre Company continues its 2023-24 season with the final weekend of perform a n c e s o f ‘ T h e SpongeBob Musical March 22-24; followed by ‘Into The Woods’ coming in May, ‘Butterflies Are Free’flysinJune21-July 7, followed by the yearly fundraiser ‘The Rocky HorrorShow’fromJuly13 - 21. Then The Players headbangs the year out with ‘Rock of Ages’ September6-22. "It is through Joe's commitment, passion and sincere love for this organization that we have been able to create a place for all artists here,” said TPTC Board of Directors President Adam Isbell “It’sbyhisexperiencethat community members have come to enjoy the excitement of live theater The continued growth and vibrance of our program willbehislegacy." The Passing of My 2nd Mother: Esther Alice Duncan Entertainment The Players Theatre Company Artistic Director Stepping Down PlayersTheatreCompanyArtisticDirector,JoeVisor Lone Star College Veteran Services offers comprehensive programs to assist veterans in earning a college education.Thecollegeprovided specialized support, resources and educational opportunities to the 4,019 veteransenrolledinspring 2024classes. “ T h e Ve t e r a n s ResourceFairisaone-stop hubdesignedtoprovidean array of support, services and opportunities to veterans who served our nation,” said Vickie Johnson, LSC executive director,Veteran Services. “Attendeeswilllearnmore about what Lone Star College has to offer, how to use and maximize their veteranbenefitsandspeak with area employers
“I've been contemplating retirement for a while now," said Visor "I've got some other things I'm
seeking to fill job vacancies.”

If you are looking for friedcatfishinMontgomery County Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish,inConroe,haslong been the mainstay for those wishing to be served piping hot catfish, chicken fried steak and so many other Southern staples I’ve known Ms. Mary Bowers, the owner, for a good while now, and I see her at least once a month at the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group, where she brings breakfast for the gathered Veterans. In fact, I look at herasamotherlyfigure,and hughereverytimeIseeher Her daughter Debbie usuallydealswithallthings media,butforme,Ms.Mary andIsatdownforafulltwo hours,talkingandsampling, as we made our way across Vernon’smenu. Manygood memories have been had at the restaurant named after herdeceasedhusband.

Katfish didn’t start out the success it is today In fact the empire was birthed as ’Vernon’s One Stop,’the family convenience store (located at the current V’s KuntryBBQ)thatcateredto Lake Conroe visitors. This wasbackinthedaywhenthe lake was billed as ’Hous-

ton’s Playground,’ and SH 105 was only two lanes Kuntry Katfish opened in 1984 at its current location. It was a crude setting back then, with less than a dozen tables, a limited menu of catfish,chickenfriedsteaks, andburgers. Nottomention the parking lot was downright rudimentary meaning don’t be there during a heavy rainstorm And despitetheearlygoing,they hadgreatdayswithmultiple tableturnoversandlinesout the door They’ve since added-onIhere.

Ms. Mary and I started with a small sampling of CrawfishEtouffeeoverrice. Thecrawfishwerebathedin a rich and flavorful Cajun Cream sauce with onions and bell peppers. It made me want more, but patience grasshopper a journey of hundredsofbitestakestime, and moderation. Ms. Mary and I chatted between courses. I learned of the businesspartnertheybought when they first started the place, when the restaurant wasn’t making any profit early on Thankfully Vernon and Mary believed in themselves which brought about the second sampling, Shrimp Creole over rice. I loved how the

rice absorbed the tomatoey based sauce, made with a hintofspice,celery,onions, andbellpeppers. Ofcourse the shrimp was expertly cookedandperfectlycoated, and balanced out the crispnessofthecelery Both the Crawfish Etouffee and the Shrimp Creole are full mealsinthemselves.

Next, I tried the Blackened Catfish which is grilled. It’s made with an incredible house seasoning. It’s tender, flaky, with the right amount of spice. Not overpowering. AndIwould argueamorehealthywayto

eat catfish Ms Mary shared stories of her days back when She and Vernon were growing the business, when she did the books, handledwaitressing,bussed the tables, and everything elseassociatedwithfrontof house activities Their signature Fried Catfish is greatasalways,andcovered with their cornmeal house seasoning it rocks. I never ask for recipes since I’ve been threatened with death oncetoooften.

When seated at Vernon’s you are always welcomed withacomplimentarysetof

hushpuppies with green tomatorelish. Theyusedto make the relish on-site, but now a supplier has taken on the time consuming task made according to family specifications. It’s a touch of history from the Bowers Family,butyoucanstillbuy itonashelfnearthecounter I add it to my salads for an extrakick.

Chicken Fried Steaks havebeenonVernon’smenu from day one. It’s made from a tried and true family recipe, double dipped in their house seasoning and battered up for frying. It’s so good that Gourmet magazinevisitedjustbefore the turn of the century Sadly, Vernon Bowers himself passed away a few years later in 2001, then Buster took over The restaurant was flooded during Hurricane Harvey in 2017,andthankstoBuster’s leadership the building was saved with the help of employees and customers whoquicklyguttedtheplace inlessthantwodays. Buster was a wonderful and kind man. He treated my own MotherlikeaQueen,andhe did a masterful job until his untimelypassingin2019.

Vernon’shascomealong way since that tiny menu.

Besides the Fried Shrimp and Oysters, the wonderful Fries,ChickenTenders,Fish and Shrimp Tacos, Maryland Crab Cakes, etc., and don’t forget their lunch menuwithallthoseveggies.

Katfish has some wonderful desserts from their banana pudding cobblers, and the pies. The ‘Good Pie,’ their signature sweet course, according to Ms Mary didn’t have a name, until a customer said it was ‘Good,’and asked its name “Good Pie,” said Vernon,onawhim.

If you haven’t been, you gotta try Vernon’s. It’s a bucketlistdestinationifyou live outside Montgomery County They ve experienced sorrow and loss, but they keep the tradition going. And I will always cherishthememoriesofmy Motherattherestaurant. So come on down, and make some memories of your own.


POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256,

SundayBibleClass10:00 am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am.


SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery Dobbin,936-597-5560



Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty




GraceLutheran (ELCA),

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n


DacusBaptist,Dacus, HoneaBaptistChurch,



JonesChapelBaptist, FM2854,936-756-2505


BenuiBaptistChurch, OldHwy105,936-5882330

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web:



MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch


Montgomery TX 77356

Phone: 936-597-6162





UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm


SacredHeartCatholic, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

FaithBaptistChurch 936-894-2223

Mt.SinaiBaptist, St.Mary’s Catholic








WorshipService11AM 936-894-2223


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend

Normal Sunday Servce 10am

Vernon’sKuntryKatfish is located at 5901 W Davis, inConroe. Theirwebsiteis: Easter

& 10:00
Good Friday Cantata 7pm Sunday School 8:45am
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March20,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses
CHURCHES ASSEMBLYOFGOD CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755 NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399
Maundy Thursday
7pm Montgomery United Methodist Church
oftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),
NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:
Baptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356 Phone:PastorBear
936-4945775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie
Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am BAPTIST Heritage
About11miNof Montgomery on
AntiochBaptist, 7:45
McCaleb Rd.
GaryChapelBaptist Church
AMWorshipService 21627EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356(936)5975742PastorsRandy&Darla WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow ZionChurch, CommunityAnd Interdenominational AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30am WednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm SundayWorshipat 6:00pm HopeTabernacle TransformationChurch Montgomery 20350FM2854 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936.582.7722 SundaySchoolat 10:00am Montgomery TX77316 Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomery org AprilSoundChurch 67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832 Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery 936-441-8875 PastorDavidWhitaker 2080LongmireRd, Conroe 936-597-5331or936449-5983 Thursday7:30pm LoneStarCowboy Church LivingWayChurch 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas Mt.PleasentBaptist Church Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 Montgomery,936-5827700 LakesideBibleChurch, LivingBranchChurch, LighthouseFellowship Church, 936-756-7792 18940FreeportDrive ChurchofSt.John, retreatandwildlife center Montgomery,TX77356 Services9:30and11a.m. 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, FellowshipofMontgomery Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757 Montgomery,936-5821977 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-449-4414 (936)597-3949 12681FM149 WaldenCommunity Church, SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries EPISCOPAL St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, CarbonChurch, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 NewBeginningBible Church, TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter RiverofLifeChurch, CornerstoneChurch, WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook@thefmchurch! 936-689-3141 Sundayworship@10:00 a.m.Wed.activites6:308pm NorthShoreChurch TheChurch@Lake Conroe 1701McCalebRd Montgomery TX77316 936-588-4975 10amWorshipService PastorCarySmith CovenantFelloship 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 GateEntrance CelebrationService10am Sundays YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook PRESBYTERIN FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 936/890-8034 2727N.Loop336West Conroe,Texas936-7568884 Sun.9:00&11:00 SunSch10:00 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest FM149N.,Montgomery, 936-449-6807 Web: Nurseryprovided Wednesday - 7:00pm SundayBibleClass9:30am 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. Phone: 936-582-4855 PaulPraschnik,Minister ChurchofChristin Montgomery Worship -10:30amand 6:00pm Email: cofcmontgomery@consolida FOOD&DRINK RestaurantReview Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish: A Sitdown with Ms. Mary Vernon’sKuntryKatfishspread








Page6,Wednesday,March20,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge
andgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe5thdayofMarch,2024. CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
Texas77305 HoustonTX77040 THE STATE OF TEXAS
are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 22nd day of April, 2024 beforethe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 29th day of January, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-01-01449 on the docket of said court.
Howard and the Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard, Deceased; David Oral Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; Rick Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; KC Howard HeiratLawofDecedent;HeirsatLawofJaquelineHoward,DeceasedareDefendants P.OBox2985 13105NorthwestFreewaySuite960 Cause Number: 24-01-01449 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." To: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard A/K/ A Jacqueline Howard, Deceased NationstarMortgageLLCarePlaintiffsand The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the property located at 14434 Tower Glen Dr, Conroe, TX 77306 and legally described as: A TractOrParcelOfLandContaining2.0000AcresBeingTheNortherly2AcresOfACertain 4.668AcreTractDescribedInInstrumentRecordedInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficial RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAndBeingKnownAsLot39OfTowerbrookSubdivisionA Resubdivision Of Said 4.668AcreTract (Called SAcres) Out Of The Clark Beach Survey, Abstract79InMontgomeryCounty Texas,SaidLot39BeingA2.0000AcreTractConveyed By Piney Point Estates, Inc., Described In Instrument In Clerk's File No. 2002-071098 Of The Real Property Records Of Montgomery County Texas Said 2.0000Acre Tract Being More Particularly Described By Metes And Bounds As Follows To-Wit: Beginning At A ConcreteMonumentFoundAtTheNortheastCornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribedIn Volume 122, Page 371 Of The Deed Records Of Montgomery County Marking The Southeast Corner Of Lot 1, Block 1 Of Tower Glen North Subdivision Conveyed ToArthur Whitmire,EtuxReginaWhitmireInInstrumentDatedJune10,1996(ContractForDeed)In The West Right-Of-Way Line Of Tower Glen Road (60 Ft. In Width); Thence South 10 Degrees20Minutes49SecondsEastWithTheWesterlyRight-Of-WayLineOfTowerGlen RoadADistanceOf174.08Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAtTheSoutheastCornerOfThe HereinDescribedLot39MarkingTheNortheastCornerOf1.334AcreLot40DescribedIn FilmCode0303-01-04000OfTheRealPropertyRecordsInMontgomeryCountyAndThe Southeast Corner Of Said 2.0000 Acre Tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 47 Minutes 58 Seconds West WithAFence LineAnd With The North Boundary Of Lot 40AndThe North BoundaryOf1.334AcreLot41DescribedInFilCode03030-01-04100OfTheRealProperty RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyADistanceOf509.72Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAt TheSouthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTractMarkingTheNorthwestCornerOfLot 41 In The West Boundary Line Of Said 4.668 Acre Tract Thence North 09 Degrees 54 Minutes 42 Seconds West With A Fence Line And With The Westerly Boundary Of Said 4.668AcreTractADistance Of 173.84 Ft.ToA5/8 Inch Iron Rod FoundAtThe Northwest CornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractAndMarkingTheSouthwestCornerOfSaidLot1,Block1 Of Tower Glen North SubdivisionAnd Said Whitmire Tract; Thence South 89 Degrees 47 Minutes58SecondsEastWithTheNorthBoundaryLineOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribed InInstrumentInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficialRecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAnd The South Boundary Of Said Whitmire Tract A Distance Of 508.38 Ft. To The Place Of BeginningAnd Containing 2.0000Acres Of LandAnd Being KnownAs 14434 Tower Glen Road,Conroe,Texas77306. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:/s/TraciGunter TraciGunter 3/5/202412:25:49PM PublishedDates:March13,20,27,andApril3,2024 (SEAL,DistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas) THISNOTICEOFFORECLOSUREISGIVENpursuanttoTex.TaxCodeChapter34,andTex. R. Civ P 21a. by virtue of an Order of Sale issued on January 9, 2024, pursuant to the Judgment renderedonDecember15,2022bythe284thJudicialDistrictCourtinMontgomeryCounty,Texas,in CauseNo.22-05-06755styledCAZCREEKTX,LLCvs.SUSANLWRIGHT ETAL,onFebruary 7,2024,Ilevied,againstalllegalinterestand/orrightofalldefendantssubjecttosaidJudgment,upon thefollowingdescribedtractsorparcelsofland: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK EIGHT (8), OF FINAL PLAT BRIAR GROVE, SECTION TWO, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATRECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET1222OFTHEMAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS. THESTATEOFTEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY STREETADDRESS:1011BriarCutOff,Conroe,TX77301 NoticeofForeclosureSale TAXACCOUNTNUMBER(S):00.2674.02.12300 OnApril2,2024,beingthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,betweenthehoursof10:00amand4:00pm, at the Courthouse steps of 301 N. Main St., Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction,forcash,alltheright,title,andinterestofalldefendantssubjecttosaidJudgment,inandto said tracts or parcels of land, as provided for by the Texas Tax Code, to satisfy said Judgment for delinquentpropertytaxes,accruedpenalties,interests,andattorney'sfees,totaling$53,543.94,plus allpostjudgmentinterest,courtcostsandcostsofsaleawardedthereinorpursuanttotheTexasTax Code,dueonsaidtractsorparcelsofland.Iherebyverify,certifyanddeclareunderpenaltyofperjury thatIdeliveredatrueandcorrectcopyofthisNoticeofForeclosureSalebyCertifiedMailandFirstClassMailthroughtheUnitedStatesPostalService,returnreceiptrequested,toeachofthedefendant namedinsaidJudgment. "THE PROPERTYIS SOLDAS IS, WHERE IS,AND WITHOUTANYWARRANTY EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NEITHER THE SELLER NOR THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT WARRANTS OR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE PROPERTY'S TITLE, CONDITION, HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.BUYERSASSUMEALLRISKS. "LAPROPIEDADSEVENDEASÍCOMOESTA,DONDEESTA,YSINNINGUNAGARANTÍA, NI EXPLICITANI IMPLÍCITA. NI ELVENDEDOR NI EL DEPARTAMENTO DEL SHERIFF ASEGURA NI DECLARA NADA EN CUANTO AL TITULO DE PROPIEDAD LA CONDICIÓN, HABITABILIDAD, COMERCIABILIDAD O IDONEIDAD PARA UN DETERMINADOPROPÓSITO.LOSCOMPRADORESASUMENTODOSLOSRIESGOS. DatedatMontgomeryCounty Texasthis16thdayofFebruary2024. Precinct2,Texas "THIS SALE IS BEING CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO STATUTORY OR JUDICIAL REQUIREMENTS.BIDDERSWILLBIDONTHERIGHTS,TITLE,ANDINTERESTS,IFANY INTHEREALPROPERTYOFFERED. "INSOMESITUATIONS,ALOTOFFIVEACRESORLESSISPRESUMEDTOBEINTENDED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE HOWEVER, IF THE PROPERTY LACKS WATER OR WASTEWATERSERVICE,THEPROPERTYMAYNOTQUALIFYFORRESIDENTIALUSE.A POTENTIAL BUYER WHO WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION SHOULD MAKE ADDITIONALINQUIRIESORCONSULTWITHPRIVATECOUNSEL." MontgomeryCountyConstable'sOffice "ESTA VENTA SE LLEVAA CABO CONFORME A LOS REQUISITOS ESTATUTARIOS O JUDICIALES.LOSOFERTANTESPRESENTARANSUSOFERTASSOBRELOSDERECHOS, TITULOEINTERESES,SILOSHUBIERE,DELBIENINMUEBLEEzVENTA. "ENALGUNASSITUACIONES,UNLOTEDECINCOACRESOMENOSSEPRESUMEQUE ESTE DESTINADO PARA USO RESIDENCIAL. SIN EMBARGO, SI LA PROPIEDAD NO CUENTACON ELSERVICIO DEAGUAS BLANCAS OAGUAS NEGRAS, PUEDE QUE NO CALIFIQUE PARA USO RESIDENCIAL. UN POSIBLE CLIENTE QUE DESEE MAYOR INFORMACIÓNDEBERÁINVESTIGARMASOASESORARSECONUNABOGADO." By:/s/P Hubbard By:DeputyP Hubbard GeneDeForest ConstableofMontgomeryCounty Precinct2,Texas PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 THESTATEOFTEXAS * PhilipCash Sergeant COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * th Witnessmyhandthis20 dayofFebruary 2023. By:S.Closson ConstablePCT 1 MontgomeryCounty,Texas th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe20 dayofDecember,2023pursuanttojudgmentdatedAugust22, 2019 for foreclosure of tax liens in Cause No. 18-07-09094 styled FNADZ, LLCVS TAMARA YOUNG AND MARK HECTOR, wherein plaintiffs and intervenors collectively recovered the totalsumof$20,230.36pluspostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterest,costofcourtandcostsofsale,said OrderofSaleplacedinmyhandsforserviceandexecution,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1, th MontgomeryCounty Texas,didonthe8 dayofFebruary,2024levyonREALpropertydescribed nd below,andonthe2 dayofApril,2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe, Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothe highestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthedefendantsinsaidsuithadinthepropertydescribed below:
BYVIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered21-09-12726onajudgmentrenderedinsaidcourt onthe20thdayofAugustA.O.2022anddirectedanddeliveredtomeasConstableofMontgomery CountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe27thdayofFebruaryA.O.2024 levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M. onthefirstTuesdayinAprilA.D.2024,itbeingthe2ndofsaidmonthatpublicauctiontothehighest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe, TX 77301 of said MontgomeryCounty,Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany,whichthedefendanthadonthe20th dayofAugustA.D.2022,oratanytimethereafter ofandinthefollowingdescribedpropertytowit: 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffivepercent(5%)perannumonthetotal judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid. NOTICEOFCONSTABLESALE 1. $4,314.46PrincipalSum MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2
abovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofMichaelL.Spezialeandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe20thday ofAugustA.O.2022infavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc.andagainstthesaidMichaelL. Speziale.
AS 146
4. $602.67Court
JudgmentCredit FORTHEPRINCIPAL,INTERESTANDALLCOSTSACCRUINGBYVIRTUEOFSAID SUITTHETOTALSUM. GeneDeforest,Constable 2. $4,953.06AttorneyFees MontgomeryCountTexas By:/s/PaulHubbard DeputyPaulHubbard PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 ("PROPERTY”). TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment·ormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenit is held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage. MontgomeryCounty Texas MontgomeryCountyConstablePrecinct2 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § THESTATEOFTEXAS § NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE LOT 3, BLOCK 8, SECTION 4 OF LAKELAND, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME5,PAGE181OFTHEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS.LOT 4, BLOCK 8 OF LAKELAND, SECTION 4,ASUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINVOLUME5,PAGE 181OFTHEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite200,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe4 dayofMarch,2024. DeputyJohnGVasquez RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite200 andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,at theMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Jose Moreno,Defendantinandtosaidproperty 281-364-4211 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 TheWoodlands,TX77380 By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th Judicial District Court, th MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe19 dayofOctober 2023,,inthecaseof Lakeland Section Four Civic Club., Plaintiff, vs. Jose Moreno (1) $1,427.95 principal sum (2) $6,615,07Attorneyfeesandexpenses(3)Interestonthetotaljudgementfromthedateofjudgement at the rate of 7.5% per annum compounded annually until paid.(4) $382.00 court costs, $0.00 Judgmentcreditandforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty Defendant,CauseNo. 23-06-09305insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofLakelandSectionFourCivicClub.,Plaintiffas th againstDefendant,Ididonthe4 dayofMarch2024,at1:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant: /s/JohnGVasquez COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE ByvirtueofaOrderOfSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJudicialDistrictCourt,Montgomery st County,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe1 dayofNovember,2023,,inthecaseofImperialOaks Park Property OwnersAssociation., Plaintiff, vs. Cathy Kekeocha (1) $1,552.96 principal sum (2) $5,989.83Attorneyfees(3)Post-JudgmentInterestattherateoftenpercent,(10%)perannumonthe fullamountofthejudgmentawardedhereinfromthedatehereofuntilpaid.(4)$377.00CourtCosts, $0.00 Judgment credit and foreclosure of a lien on the following described property, Defendant, Cause No. 22-11-15566 in said court, judgment being in favor of ,Imperial Oaks Park Property OwnersAssociation,Inc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe1stdayofMarch2024,at1:10 o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: LOT8,BLOCK1,IMPERIALOAKSVILLAGESECTION1,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPOR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET G, SHEET 146A AND 146B, OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS (THE PROPERTY) ; and on the 2nd day of THESTATEOFTEXAS §
GIVENUNDERMYHANDonthisDate29thofFebruaryA.D.2024 5. $5,479.50



Cause Number: 23-10-15814

P.OBox2985 8700CrownhillSuite505

Conroe,Texas77305 SanAntonioTX78209



To: ToLenaBFreemanAKALenaFreemanandNormanLarryFreeman,andallother persons, Including adverse claimants, owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable Interest In or lien upon the following described property delinquent to Plaintiffhereinfortaxes,to-wit:

WhichsaidpropertyisdelinquenttoPlaintifffortaxesinthefollowingamounts:$11,557.08, exclusiveofinterest,penalties,andcosts,andthereisincludedinthissuitinadditiontothe taxesallsaidInterest,penalties,andcoststhereon,allowedbylawuptoandincludingthe dayofjudgmentherein.

Plaintiff and all other taxing units who may set up their tax claims herein seek recovery of delinquentadvaloremtaxesonthepropertyhereinabovedescribed,andinadditiontothe taxesallinterest,penalties,andcostsallowedbylawthereonuptoandincludingthedayof judgment herein, and the establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the paymentofsame,asprovidedbylaw

Allpartiestothissuit,includingplaintiff,defendants,andintervenors,shalltakenoticethat claimsnotonlyforanytaxeswhichweredelinquentonsaidpropertyatthetimethissuitwas filed but all taxes becoming delinquent thereon at any time thereafter up to the day of judgment, including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by law thereon, may, upon requesttherefore,berecoveredhereinwithoutfurthercitationornoticetoanypartiesherein, andallsaidpartiesshalltakenoticeofandpleadandanswertoallclaimsandpleadingsnow


MelisaMiller YaniraReyes MontgomeryCounty,Texas PATRICIAIVEY

Wednesday,March20,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page7 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL
set up their respective tax claimsagainstsaidproperty ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe8thdayofMarch,2024. InthenameandbytheauthorityoftheStateofTexas Beinga1.334acretractoutofandapartofthe9.8acretractintheSemoreGarseeSurvey, Montgomery County Texas, being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit"A"attachedtoTaxLienTransferContractfromLenaBFreemanandNormanLarry Freeman to Panacea Fund I, LLC recorded under document# 2022002121 in the official public records of Montgomery County, Texas. and commonly known as: New Caney, TX 77357fortaxaccounts:R42119 You are hereby notified that suit has been brought by Panacea Fund I, LLC as Plaintiff, against Lena B Freeman aka Lena Freeman, Norman Larry Freeman, Jimmy Wolsey (In Rem Only), andAlma Resources, Inc. (In Rem Only), by the Petition filed on October 20, 2023,InasuitstyledPanaceaFundI,LLCvsLenaBFreeman,ETALforcollectionoftaxes on said property and that said suit is now pending in the District Court of Montgomery County Texas,284thJudicialDistrict,andthefilenumberis23-10-15814,thatthenamesof all taxing units which assess and collect taxes on the property hereinabove described are notmadepartiestothesuitareMontgomeryCounty MontgomeryCountyHospitalDistrict, Lone Star College, Emergency Services District #7, and New Caney Independent School District. MelisaMiller DistrictClerk
on file and which may hereafter be filed in said cause by all other parties herein, and all of those taxing units above named who may Intervene herein and
such suit on the
the expiration
dayofApril,2024(ExpirationDate:thefirstMondayfollowing42daysafterIssuance Date) before the honorable District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse thereof, then and there to show cause why judgment shall not be rendered for such taxes, penalties, interest, and costs, and condemning said property and ordering foreclosureoftheconstitutionalandstatutorytaxliensthereonfortaxesduetheplaintiffand the taxing units parties hereto, and those who may intervene herein, together with all interest,penalties,andcostsallowedbylawuptoandincludingthedayofjudgmentherein, andallcostsofthissuit. (SEALDistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas) By:/s/PatriciaIvey 3/8/20242:46:11PM PublishedDates:March13,20,2024 281-364-4211 April, 2024, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery CountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwillofferforsale andwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofCathyKekeocha,Defendant inandtosaidproperty st DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite200,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe1 dayofMarch,2024. 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite200 TheWoodlands,TX77380 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 /s/JohnGVasquez JohnGVasquez COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § NOTICEOFSALE (REALPROPERTY) THESTATEOFTEXAS § andonthe2nddayofApril2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofWilliam ChadwickStanley,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe30thdayofAugust,2023,inthecaseof OakhurstCommunityAssociationInc., Plaintiff,vs. WilliamChadwickStanley,Defendant(s), CauseNo.23-06-08024insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofOakhurstCommunityAssociation Inc.PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe11thDayofMarch2024at2:00o'clockpm.,levy uponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):WilliamChadwickStanley Lot Twenty-Three (23), Block one (1), of Park at Oakhurst, Sec. 1, a Subdivision of 26.2602 AcresofLandoutoftheWilliamMasseySurvey,A-391,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,according totheMaporPlatthereofrecordedincabinetW,sheet182,oftheMapRecordsofMontgomery County Texas(the"property")A.K.A.25613ThistleValleyCt.Porter Tx.77365 /s/R.Crowder NewCaney,TX.77357 Witnessmyhandthisthe11th_dayofMarch2024. DeputyR.CROWDER#8451 21130USHwy59#C 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 THESTATEOFTEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable284thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#220913029CVinaJudgementrenderedonthe14thdayof February, 2023, where as in Style GLEN OAKS/ GRAND OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC/A TION,INC.,PlaintiffagainstDeannaHighsmith,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe28thdayofFebruary 2024at12:20o'clockp.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE.
are hereby commanded to appear and defend
first Monday after
UNDERmyhandonthe19thdayofJanuary,2024, By:/s/AshtonHedrick CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS By:/s/ChrisJones
Two(2),inBlockOne(1),ofGLENOAKS,SECTIONONE(1),asubdivisionof23.92Acres ofLandintheCyrusT WardSurvey,A-612,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemap orplat thereof recorded in CabinetV Sheets 76 and 77, of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas. Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County,TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, alltherights,titleandinterestofDeannaHighsmith,Defendantinandtosaidproperty representing interestandcostsofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateofjudgment,plus allcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverablebylawinfavorof GLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOC/AT/ON,INC. InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERY County Texas; Cause# 221216195 in a Judgement rendered on the 2N° day of March,2023,whereasinStyleGLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION, INC.,PlaintiffagainstJenniferDeniseEgbert,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe28thdayofFebruary,2024 at12:19o'clockp.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, all the rights, title and interest of Jennifer Denise Egbert, Defendant in and to said property, representinginterestandcostsofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateof judgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverableby lawinfavorofGLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOC/ATION,INC. By:/s/AshtonHedrick LOTTWELVE {12), IN BLOCKTHREE (3) OFGLEN OAKS, SECTION FOUR REPLAT NO. 2, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 4203 OF THE MAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS By:/s/ChrisJones InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 THESTATEOFTEXAS GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe30thdayofJanuary 2024, PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 th DATEDthis28 dayofFebruary 2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe24thdayofJanuary,2024, THESTATEOFTEXAS ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas; Cause# 230609318 in a Judgement rendered on the 30th day of August,2023,whereasinStyleGLENOAKS/GRANDOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff against Ethan Davis Wilson and Melissa Nicole Watters, Jointly and Severally th Defendants. I did levy on the 28 day of February 2024 at 12:20 o'clock p.m. upon the following described"property"ofDefendant: LOTFORTY-SEVEN(47),INBLOCKTWO(2),OFGLENOAKSSECTIONTHREE(3),A SUBDIVISION MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET6341OFTHEMAPRECORDSOF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE th DATEDthis28 dayofFebruary,2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, all the rights, title and interest of Ethan Davis Wilson and Melissa Nicole Watters Jointly and Severally Defendants in and to said property representing interest and costs of suit, together with legalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpost judgment penalties and interest recoverable by law in favor of GLEN OAKS/ GRAND OAKS HOMEOWNERSASSOC/ATION,INC. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS By:/s/ChrisJones By:/s/AshtonHedrick InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 DATEDthis22nddayofFebruary 2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. /s/ChrisJones ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5,MontgomeryCounty Texas By/s/AshtonHedrick GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe22nddayofFebruary,2024, LOT26,BLOCK1,OFWOODFORESTSECTION92,ANADDITIONTOMONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR P LAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 6561, OFTHE PLAT RECORDS O F MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS MORE COMMONLY KNOWN A S 251 SOUTH SPOTTED FERN DRIVE MONTGOMERY,TX77316.("PROPERTY") THESTATEOF
said month,
Courthouse Steps located at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe,
said property representing interest
suit, together
commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociationInc. COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty,Texas;Cause#23-07-10193inaJudgmentrenderedonthe6th dayofFebruary 2024,whereasinStyleWoodforestOwnersAssociationInc.,PlaintiffagainstCorey EdwardSmith,Defendant,Ididonthe22nddayofFebruary,2024at1:01o'clockp.m.levyuponthe following-describedpropertyofDefendant: KIMBERLEYE.HOUSE 1010ChestnutStreet Allpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisestate,whichiscurrentlybeingadministered,are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Respectfullysubmitted, Bastrop,Texas78602 DATEDthe12dayofMarch,2024. Tel:(512)774-4159 AttorneyforAdministratrixoftheEstate By:/s/KimberleyE.House PublishedDate:March20,2024 Claimsmaybepresentedincareoftheattorneyfortheestate,addressedasfollows: NOTICETOCREDITORS DECEASED § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS NATALIGEE,IndependentExecutor No.23-44832-P NANCYJANESRHYMES, § NO.ONE(1) EstateofNANCYJANESRHYMES,Deceased c/oKimberleyE.House,AttorneyatLaw 1010ChestnutStreet NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofNANCY JANESRHYMES,Deceased,wereissuedonNovember14,2023,underDocketNo.23-44832-P pendingintheProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toNATALIGEE. Bastrop,Texas78602 INTHEESTATEOF § INTHEPROBATECOURT
this28 dayofFebruary 2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas.
OFCONSTABLESSALE Andonthe2nddayofApril,
on the
Texas 77301 of
County, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will
at the
of the
fees and









You are commanded to appear and answer to the Supplemental Application to Determine Heirship filed by Brenda Rippley andAlex Nicole Villarreal, at or before 10

O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court No.1 of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on January 09, 2024.




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe14thdayofMarch, 2024.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas

/s/DenaMizell 3/14/20242:11:25PM

DenaMizell,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:March20,2024




the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.


LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL Page8,Wednesday,March20,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of
are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Determine Heirship PursuanttoTexasEstatesCode202.005filedbyShawnChristopherFrank,atorbefore 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court No. 1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on October 19, 2023.
ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk /s/DenaMizell 3/18/202410:36:29AM PublishedDate:March20,2024 THE STATE OF TEXAS 23-45628-P CONROETX77305 STE298 CITATION BYPUBLICATION TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:HOWARDPAULFRANK,SR.,Deceased GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe18thdayofMarch, 2024. MontgomeryCounty Texas DenaMizell,DeputyClerk NOTICETOCREDITORS NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofIndependentAdministrationfortheEstateof TerryJoBordonaro,Deceased,wereissuedonMarch12,2024,inCauseNo.23-45912-P,pendingin ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty Texasto:JoannaM.Martin. c/o: RobinL.Apostolakis Stilwell,Earl&Apostolakis,LLP 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 Shenandoah,Texas77384 DATEDMarch14,2024. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw By: /s/RobinL.Apostolakis RobinL.Apostolakis Shenandoah,Texas77384 Facsimile: (281)419-0250 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 StateBarNo.24045416 Telephone: (281)419-6200 PublishedDate:March20,2024 Publicationdates:March20,27,2024 NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10AMonTuesday April16th. Propertywillbesoldtothehighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanupand removaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Brooke Erwin. Property being soldincludesthefollowing: boxes,totes,stroller Christmasdécor bags,clothes,Contact TallPinesStorage-1488,8215FM1488,MagnoliaTx.77354,(281)560-4355. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 936-449-NEWS(6397) 0313 AdvertiseintheLakeConroe AreaBusinessDirectory

FM 1774 to Jackson Road

Montgomery County,Texas

Montgomery County is proposing improvements along Farm-to-Market (FM) 1486: from FM 1774 to Jackson Road in Montgomery County,Texas.This notice advises the public that the project team will be conducting an on-line virtual public meeting on the proposed project with an in-person open house. The virtual public meeting will be available starting on Wednesday,April 3, 2024 by 5 p.m.The virtual public meeting will consist of a pre-recorded video presentation and will include both audio and visual components.To view the virtual public meeting presentation and view project information, visit:

Please note that the presentation will not be available on the website until the time and date listed above. If you do not have internet access, you may call (713) 747-2399 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, to ask questions and access project materials during the project development process. Formal comments may be provided by mail or email as explained below

Additionally, Montgomery County is providing an in-person open house option for individuals who would like to participate in person. In-person attendees will be able to view the same pre-recorded presentation as posted online, review hard copies of project materials, ask questions and submit written comments in any language. The in-person open house will be held on Thursday,April 4, 2024 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Magnolia Event Center. Located at 11659 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354.

The proposed project would widen the existing 2-lane undivided roadway to a 4lane roadway with a raised median, outside shoulders and would include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations within a proposed 220-foot wide right-of-way (ROW). Drainage would be via roadside ditch. This public meeting is being held to present the proposed project, proposed BuildAlternatives options, and engage with the community to gather feedback.

The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional ROW and potentially displace both residential and non-residential structures depending on which proposed BuildAlternative is selected.

The proposed project would involve minor impacts to wetlands and involve an action in a floodplain.

Any environmental documentation or studies, maps and drawings showing the project location and design, tentative construction schedules, and other information regarding the proposed project are on file and available for review Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Montgomery County Precinct 2 office located at 19110 Unity Park Drive, Magnolia,Texas 77355. Project materials are also available online at ( )

The public meeting will be conducted in English and Spanish. If you need an interpreter or document translator because English or Spanish is not your primary language or you have difficulty communicating effectively in English or Spanish, one will be provided to you free-of-charge. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. If you need interpretation or translation services or you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend and participate in the public meeting, please contactAngela McMurray, Public Engagement Specialist at (713) 747-2399 or , no later than 4 p.m. March

27, 2024, five, days prior to virtual meeting date, Please be aware that advance notice is required as some services and accommodations may require time for the project team to arrange.

Written comments from the public regarding the proposed project are requested and may be submitted in any language by mail to the advanced project development director, P.O. Box 1386, Houston,Texas 77251-1386. Written comments may also be submitted by email to

All comments must be received or postmarked byApril 19, 2024: Montgomery County Precinct 2 office located at 19110 Unity Park Drive, Magnolia,Texas 77355. Responses to comments received will be available online at the web address listed above once completed.

If you have any general questions or concerns regarding the proposed project or the public meeting, please contactAngela McMurray at (713) 747-2399 or

English: Please call (713) 747-2399 to request special accommodations or if you have need for interpretation/translation.

Español: Llame al (713) 747-2399 para solicitar adaptaciones especiales o si necesita interpretación /traducción.

Mandarin: Mandarin (traditional Chinese): 如出席和参与会议需要特殊照顧或需 要⼝譯/筆譯, 請撥打 (713) 747-2399

Mandarin (simplified Chinese): 如出席和参与会议需要特殊照顾或需要口译/翻译 请拨打 (713) 747-2399

Swahili:Tafadhali piga simu namba (713) 747-2399 ili kuomba malazi maalum au ikiwa unahitaji ukalimani au tafsiri

Vietnamese: Xin hãy gọi (713) 747-2399 nếu bạn cần sự hỗ trợ đặc biệt hoặc người phiên dịch.

Creole:Tanpri rele (713) 747-2399 pou mande aranjman espesyal oubyen si ou bezwen entèprèt oubyen tradiktè.

Published Date: March 20, 2024


Reunión Pública Virtual con Opción Presencial tipo “Open House”

Desde la FM 1774 hasta Jackson Road

Condado de Montgomery, Texas Farm-to-Market (FM) 1486

El Condado de Montgomery está proponiendo mejoras a lo largo de la carretera Farm-to-Market (FM) 1486 en el Condado de Montgomery,Texas. Este aviso informa al público que el equipo del proyecto llevará a cabo una reunión pública virtual sobre el proyecto propuesto con la opción de una reunión presencial tipo “Open House”. La reunión virtual estará disponible a partir de las 5:00 p.m. del miércoles 3 de abril de 2024. La reunión pública virtual consistirá en una presentación pregrabada de un video e incluirá componentes audiovisuales. Para ver la presentación virtual y la información del proyecto, visite:

Favor de tomar en cuenta que la presentación no estará disponible en el sitio Web sino hasta la hora y fecha mencionadas arriba. Si usted no tiene acceso a Internet, puede llamar al (713) 747-2399 de lunes a viernes entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 5:00 p.m. para hacer preguntas y tener acceso a los materiales del proyecto durante el proceso de su desarrollo. Se pueden enviar comentarios formales por correo electrónico o por correo postal regular, según se explica abajo.

Además, el Condado de Montgomery está proporcionando una opción de reunión presencial tipo “Open House” para quienes deseen participar en persona, en lugar de en línea. Los participantes en persona podrán ver la misma presentación pregrabada que se publicó en línea, revisar copias impresas de los materiales del proyecto, hacer preguntas y enviar comentarios escritos en el idioma de su preferencia. La reunión presencial tipo “Open House” se llevará a cabo el Jueves 4 de abril de 2024 de las 5 a las 7 p.m. en el Magnolia Event Center

El proyecto propuesto ampliaría la carretera existente de 2 carriles, con un sentido en cada lado, a una carretera de 4 carriles con camellón elevado, acotamientos de 10 pies, e incluiría adaptaciones para bicicletas y peatones dentro de un derecho de vía (ROW) propuesto de 220 pies de ancho. El drenaje se colocaría a través de una zanja al borde de la carretera. Esta reunión pública tiene el objetivo de presentar el proyecto propuesto, buscar opciones de Alternativas de Construcción y captar la participación de la comunidad para recibir su retroalimentación.

El Proyecto propuesto, sujeto a consideraciones finales de diseño, requeriría medidas adicionales de derecho de vía (Right-of-way ROW) y potencialmente desplazaría residencias y estructuras no residenciales dependiendo de la Alternativa de Construcción que se seleccione. La asistencia para la reubicación está disponible para personas y empresas desplazadas como parte de este proyecto.

El Proyecto propuesto involucraría impactos menores a algunos humedales y medidas de acción en una planicie de inundación.

Todo tipo de documentación o estudio ambiental, incluyendo mapas y planos que muestren la ubicación y diseño del proyecto, calendarios y horarios tentativos de construcción y otra información pertinente se encuentra archivada y disponible para su revisión de lunes a viernes entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 5:00 p.m. en las oficinas del Distrito 2 del Condado de Montgomery, (19110 Unity Park Drive, Magnolia,Texas 77355). Los materiales del proyecto también se pueden encontrar en línea: ( )

La reunión pública será llevada a cabo en inglés y español. Si necesita un intérprete o traductor de documentos porque su idioma natal no es ni el inglés ni el español, o si tiene dificultad para comunicarse eficazmente en inglés o español, se le proporcionará gratuitamente la asistencia necesaria. Si usted tiene alguna discapacidad y necesita ayuda, se pueden hacer arreglos especiales para satisfacer la mayoría de las necesidades. Si necesita servicios de interpretación o traducción o es una persona con discapacidad que requiere una adaptación para asistir y participar en la reunión pública presencial, por favor comuníquese conAngela McMurray, Especialista en Participación Pública (Public Engagement Specialist) al (713) 747-2399 o por correo electrónico, , a más tardar para las 4 P.M. del 28 de marzo de 2024, es decir, cinco días antes de la reunión virtual. Favor de tomar en cuenta que se requiere un aviso previo ya que algunos servicios y acomodaciones especiales pueden requerir tiempo para que el equipo del proyecto los organice.

Se solicitan comentarios por escrito del público sobre el proyecto propuesto y se pueden enviar en cualquier idioma por correo al a la Oficina del Distrito de Houston deTxDOT, al Director de Desarrollo de ProyectosAvanzados, P.O. Box 1386, Houston,Texas 77251-1386. Los comentarios por escrito también pueden enviarse por correo electrónico a

los comentarios deben haber sido recibidos en la Oficina del Distrito 2 del Condado de Montgomery ubicada en 19110 Unity Park Drive, Magnolia,Texas 77355, a más tardar para del 19 de abril de 2024, o tener sello postal de esa fecha. Una vez completadas, las respuestas a los comentarios recibidos estarán disponibles en línea en la página Web arriba indicada.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, comentario o inquietud general respecto al proyecto propuesto o la reunión pública, favor de comunicarse conAngela McMurray al (713) 747-2399 o por correo electrónico,

Español: Llame al (713) 747-2399 para solicitar adaptaciones especiales o si necesita interpretación o traducción.

Inglés: Please call (713) 747-2399 to request special accommodations or if you have need for interpretation/translation.

Mandarín (Chino tradicional): 如出席和参与会议需要特殊照顧或需要⼝譯/筆譯 請撥打 (713) 747-2399

Mandarín (Chino simplificado): 如出席和参与会议需要特殊照顾或需要口译/翻译 请拨打 (713) 747-2399

Kiswahili:Tafadhali piga simu namba (713) 747-2399 ili kuomba malazi maalum au ikiwa unahitaji ukalimani au tafsiri

Vietnamita: Xin hãy gọi (713) 747-2399 nếu bạn cần sự hỗ trợ đặc biệt hoặc người phiên dịch.

Criollo Haitiano:Tanpri rele (713) 747-2399 pou mande aranjman espesyal oubyen si ou bezwen entèprèt oubyen tradiktè.

Published Date: March 20, 2024

LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March20,2024,Page9 Mar
Farm-to-Market (FM) 1486
Public Meeting with In-Person Open House
AdvertiseintheLakeConroeAreaBusinessDirectory 936-449-6397


MCN’s VeteranoftheWeek:


This week’s Veterans are Ed Holesovsky, Paul Harp, and Harvey Yaw

RubenBorjas know

Three Vietnam Veterans who know all about weaponssafety? Thetrio wererecentlyonadaytrip to Fort Polk in Louisiana, wheretheywereretracing their basic training footsteps as young men back in the late 60’s and early70’s. Eachservedin Vietnam, in different duties. Ed, an educated oldmanat27in1968,and justbecausehecouldtype, drew a lot of rear guard duty, typing, and in the field too. Paul, a scout helicopter pilot, was what

to as young back in the late and rear typing, helicopter

and down one to moving you. in purposeof

Thankfully each e a on

you call ‘bait,’ and was shot down one time. He learnedafterthefirsttime, toalwayskeepmovingso theenemycan’tgetagood shot at you. Harvey was in the field so long, he forgotthepurposeoftoilet paper and showers. He was eventually retrained. Thankfully each one of themcamebackhomeand restarted their lives. Ed continuedhisteachingand coaching career Paul became a financial planner, and Harvey went on to be a career firefighter Good Luck Ed,Paul,andHarvey,and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veterans of the Week’.

1943 -

Esther Alice Blake Duncan, 80, of Conroe, Texas went home to be withtheLordonMarch14, 2024 She was born on May 15, 1943, in Clute, Texas,andshemovedwith her family to Montgomery County when she was six monthsold. Estherwasthe daughter of Andrew Weldon and Louise Blake. She attended Montgomery public schools until she graduated Montgomery High School in 1961. The Bear yearbook described her as, "Most likely to succeed."Estherwasalsoa member of the Montgomery High Schools ’Future Homemakers of America’ aswellasasoftballplayer, cheerleader, and business manager for her high schoolyearbook.

thank the nurses, doctors and staff at St Luke’s Lakeside Hospital in The Woodlands, for their dedicatedservicetoEsther overthepastmonth.

Duncan, of went home to the on 2024 She was May Clute, Texas,andshe her to Montgomery County when she was months Estherwasthe d gh er of And Weldon and Louise Blake. She attended Montgomery public schools until she graduated High School in Bear yearbook her as, likely succeed."Estherwasalso member ery High Schools ’Future Homemakers of America’ aswell softball cheerleader, and business manager high school Esther was professional for decades, clients as far asPasadena to Conroe her d n dr S specialized alterations and sewing. also asanAssistant Manager for Hancock Fabrics after her youngest son Jimmy g rom h school in

Esther was a professional seamstress for decades, having clients as farawayasPasadenacome to Conroe for her square dance dresses She specialized in alterations andpatternsewing. Esther alsoworkedasanAssistant Manager for Hancock Fabrics for 11 years after her youngest son Jimmy graduated from high school She retired in

2004. Esther was also a Life Member of the Montgomery Historical Society

Esther is known for her fried chicken and chocolate chip cookies which herfamily,friends,andthe good folks over at R.A.S. Fleet Services will miss dearly The Blake’s and Duncans’skneweachother since1945,andEstherand BillyRaygrewuptogether They grew close while in high school, and were married on October 12 1961 They had three children, son Billy Ray Duncan, Jr., daughter Lisa Sherlene Duncan Cook, and son Jimmy Earl Duncan. Esther was a beloved wife,mother,grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and aunt. She devoted her life to God and Family Esther would not hesitate to help someone in need, andshetaughtbibleschool forover50years.

Esther for cookies friends, good at R.A.S. Fleet Services will The Blake’s Duncans’skneweach since1945,and Billy together They close while high October 12 1961 They had children son Billy Duncan, Jr., Lisa Sherlene n so Ji m Earl Duncan. was a mother,grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, She life to God and Family hesitate to shetaught school forover50years.

Estherissurvivedbyher husband of 62 years, Billy Ray Duncan of Conroe, Texas; son, Billy Ray Duncan, Jr of Conroe, Texas; daughter, Lisa Sherlene Duncan Cook, and her husband Tommy,

was fe Member o he Montgomery years, Billy of Texas; son, of Texas; daughter, Lisa husband Tommy,

ofConroe;andson,Jimmy Earl Duncan, and his wife, Lindsay ofMonroe,North Carolina She also had eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Esther is also survived by her brothers, Weldon Blake and his wife Darlene of Huntsville, Texas; and Jasper Rueben ’’JR’’ Blake, and his wife


Estherispredeceasedby her parents Andrew Weldon and Louise Blake; and sister, Opel Louise BlakeBaker

of son,Jimmy Earl Duncan, his wife, North Carolina She had and also by brothers, Weldon ak nd hi ife Darlene Huntsville, and Rueben Blake, his wife Montgomery Estheris by r en A d Blake; and The


at Luke’s Lakeside for their dedicated to thepast specialstories the mi leas flowers, the family for donation M s he a s of O

A Memorial held at Longmire in @

To share condolences andspecialstorieswiththe family, please visit s. In lieu of flowers, the family would ask for a small donation to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, at myasthenia org, and the Montgomery Historical Society, PO Box 513, Society, Montgomery,TX77356. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, March 23rd, at Longmire RoadChurchofChrist,200 LongmireRd,inConroe@ 11:00am.

Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate RealEstate
Obituary Esther Alice Blake Duncan
2024 Events DogDaysAdoptionEvent HoundHauz-7720SouthFM1486Rd,Montgomery 77316 March23,2024 Weloveallofourfurryfriends!Bigdogs,smalldogs, fatdogs,skinnydogs,talldogs,shortdogs,youngdogs andolddogsneedalovinghome!Pleasejoinusforaday ofDOGS,shopping,crawfishandbeer!Montgomery CountyAnimalShelterTexaswillbebringingafewdogs forameetandgreet.Theycurrentlyhave300dogs waitingtobeadopted.MCASwillbewaivingadoption feesduringourDOGDAYSeventinhopesoffinding DA theirforeverhomes. Noon-4pm

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