County singing sensation that is making waves across the nation and beyond, Payton Riley, 16, continues to rack up achievements She is experimenting with new music;andinthenewyear will be adding stamps to her passport, as she is scheduled to travel to the UKandbeyondonashort, north European Road Trip with singers from the UK, Scotland, Ireland, along with a cadre of American country singers, including Willis product Payton Howie. The young singer did get her drivers license, but with being on the road withhercareer shedoesn’t get much time to actually get behind the wheel of a car Since Riley’s appearance on national televisionearlyintheyear, Paytonhasgoneontowina national award and repeat as the best young singer in Texas. Theskyistrulythe limitwithPayton,andwith her attitude, there is no stoppingher Riley has long been a local singing fixture at many establishments in M o n t g o m e r y a n d surrounding counties with some performances in
other parts of Texas, and Nashville; but plans for nextyearincludewidening her footprint with more shows outside the Southeast region of Texas, which is the next logical step in her young career Some might call it baby steps, but truly with her
Payton Riley, to achievements is in year as UK ashort, European singers from the Ireland, of Willis product drivers being doesn’t get get behind the of a a on inthe wina award best young singer with there is Riley in o n g y counties and next id is baby with her many be
O n S a t u r d a y , December 14, 2024 at 11 AM,about150peoplemet attheOakwoodCemetery in Conroe, Texas. They were all their to lay a wreathatthegravesiteofa veteran.
Jessica Rizk, a member of the Thomas JeffersonStubbs2523, ConroeChapter,Texas
d Daughters
the Confederacyservesasthe chapter chairman of the Patriotic activities, she and her husband Fadi serveasthelocalcoordinators for Wreaths Across America.
Therain enough for to 253 bow
Therainholdofflong enough for everyone who attended, to be able to be place 253 balsam fir wreaths,withasimplyred bow attached at each gravesite. Thewreathwas placedinthecenterofthe headstone,thenameofthe veteran was said out loud and he or she werer thankedfortheirservice.
presented, the pledges were led and Mrs Rizk then gave some history about Wreaths AcrossAmerica. The featured speaker was US Navy Veteran & MCVMC B
ck Lopez. Hegaveavery moving talk titled "LivewithPurpose".
Then everyone was ask to take a wreath out to a gravesite and without an
n wreaths begin being placed on Army, Marine Corps, Navy,
u Marines, Prisoners of War/Mis
n / Action and Space Force After the wreaths were place, TAPSwassoundedby West Conroe Baptist Church m
r, Jennifer Kirk The colors were retired and the progr
Jessica Rizk welcomed everyone for coming, the colors were
accomplishments already, manywithamulti-decades career in music would be more than thrilled with the equivalent deeds she has achieved. Andbeforeyou know it Payton s three yearcall-backtoAmerican Idol will be waiting in the wings.
“I’ve started my band, and we’ve played a lot of shows this year,” said Payton “I’ve lost count, but we’d done over onehundred three hour shows in2024fromlastcount.”
achieved. before Payton be band, and of done over
help with the removal of thesewreaths. byEvaRaines
The mission with Wreaths Across America is REMEMBER the fallen,HONORthosewho
serve and TEACH our children the value of freedom The cleanup date has been chosed for January12,2025at2PM, M, if anyone would like to
and picture by
Eva Rains, Publicity Chairman for the Stubbs Chapter
wasexciting Hundred Eighth-TexasConvention UnitedDaughtersof in Someof Highest Honors are for “President’s Evening”, the night of Convention. Rebel Joan Arc LengthSolidRedFormalsstoppers! AllRJOA were anxiously entrance JENNY LEHR, KEN
Itwasexcitingtimesat the One Hundred Twenty Eighth-TexasConvention oftheUnitedDaughtersof the Confederacy, in San Antonio,Texas. Someof the Highest Honors are held for “President’s Evening”, the last night of theConvention.TheRebel Joan Of Arc Belles attended in their Floor LengthSolidRedFormalsall 14 of them, and were showstoppers! AllRJOA were anxiously awaiting the entrance of their President: JENNY LEHR, escorted by SCV KEN
from page 1
Last month Riley marched Holies of the Ole u m l e , d honor, Award, YoungArtist the Award the Adult
MILLER. Applause and Tears erupted, for both JENNY LEHR and KEN MILLER, who was also the RJOA Sponsored Veteran at this TX UDC
E couldn’t describe that moment better! Also having newest RJOA member in attendance, TAYLOR LEHR (17years old), to witness her Mother’s grand entrance would have been thrilling
GrandDaughter! The RJOA Sisters are a
Applause erupted, for both JENNY and also the RJOA at TX onve tion PRID describe better! Also in attendance, LEHR witness her grand would have f r a y oth r/ ugh or The are
specially bonded group of Sisters.
Last month Riley marchedintotheNashville Holy of Holies of Country Music, the iconic Grand Ole Opry confident yet h u m b l e , u n d e r h considerationforanational honor, a Josie Award, for theYoungArtistoftheYear Award in the Young Adult the Femalecategory Shewas up against fourteen nominees, a daunting task when you look at the amazing young talent that Our Nation is able to produce. In receiving the award,Paytonstoodwhere all the greats in country musichadtrod. Shegavea
speech off the top of her top head Nothing was prepared,butwhenfeeling withheartfeltemotions,it's easytospeakofthanksfor God, family, and to all of those who got you to this pointofgreatness.
“Stepping into the circleonthe Stage has said Iwant besinging circle init.”
“Stepping into the famouscircleontheGrand Ole Opry Stage has been a dreamofmine,”saidRiley “ButIwanttobesingingin that circle the next time I standinit.”
A few weeks after Nashville, Payton was back at Billy Bob’s Texas in Fort Worth, up for another item to add to her trophy case The Texas
C o u n t r y M u s i c Association’sYoungArtist of the Year She won the
p ain t fo rt a task the amazing young talent Nation is able to the award, stood in country gave the ea N t in w feeling speak thanksfor and to ofgreatness.
No prepared for what happened next. The DAVIS M DA qualifications were read aloud the Texas Division andall the audience sat excitedly waitingto would be “crowned” the new deserving out of all the Chapters inTexas. IT THAT “THREE WINNERS” OF THIS MIGHT HAPPEN AT A CONVENTION ALL WERE FROM REBEL J N O A C CHAPTER!!!
No one was prepared for what happened next. The “WINNIE DAVIS MEDAL AWARD qualifications were read aloud by the Texas DivisionHistorian,andall the audience sat excitedly waitingtohearwhowould be “crowned” as the new deserving Winner out of all the 70-or so- Chapters inTexas. IT IS RARE, THAT “THREE WINNERS” OF THIS AWARD MIGHT HAPPEN AT A YEARLY CONVENTION BUT ALL THREE WERE FROM THE REBEL J O A N O F A R C CHAPTER!!!
As read by the first and Division a was
As the Qualifications were read by the Texas Division Historian, the first name ELAINE COLLINGS was called, andescortedtothestageby a Texas Division Paige. Then a second Name was
award in 2023, being the youngest artist ever to win thehonor,andrepeatedthe samefeatin2024,whichis hard enough to do one time.
allows, Payton volunteers with Love Heals a local organization provides free counseling, welcome bags, other essentialservices foster children. She also a video charity helpingkidsoutofstate.
When time allows, Payton volunteers with Love Heals Youth, a local organization that provides free counseling, welcome bags, clothing, and other essentialservicesforfoster children. She also did a video for another charity helpingkidsoutofstate.
Payton continues to write her songs, even takingpartasamentorina Young Artist Songwriting Retreat, which took place this past October in supporting new artists in their writing She even wrote a Christmas song, ‘Jingle Jangle Jolly,’ for this holiday season, which has been released to radio, sobesuretocallintohear it.
called,JENNYLEHR,and she was escorted to the Stage. A Third Name was Third called, KATHERINE TAGLIENTI = ALL FROM RJOA, and ALL FOR DIFFERENT S E R V I C E S a n d CONTRIBUTIONS! The RJOAjustcouldn’tbelieve it!
JENNY and she was the A was G I T
Neither could the Winners!!
The Texas Division President LOUANN RUBEL presented their Certificates, and ELAINE COLLINGS is shown holding the beautiful gold WINNIEDAVIS MEDAL inherfingertipsalongwith her Certificate. All three Winners received their Medals and Certificates to thethunderousapplauseof their Chapter, and all
Their praises the Historian,andTX UDCPresident!
Their praises were announced by the TX DivisionHistorian,andTX UDCPresident!
These Awards are always a total surprise to the Winners, and the deep heart felt appreciation is g
information on all three of t h
e r v i n g individuals and filled out thoselengthlyapplications ontheseladies!
*SHE deserves an Award!
Evening” are seen on the ladies, Honoring the SouthernFamilythatWore
m fa t we bewith theholiday.” weeks Nashville, at Billy Texas in Fort Worth, up for to to The r y M u Association’sYoung Year won award the youngest artist win the andrepeatedthe samefeat whichis hard to one time. to write even takingpart mentor a Young Artist Songwriting Retreat, which took place th pas t e in supporting in their even wrote song, ‘Jingle Jangle Jolly,’ for this holiday which has radio, sobesure call to it.
wanted write a song how Texans feelaboutChristmas,”said Payton. love
“I wanted to write a song about how Texans feelaboutChristmas,”said Payton.“Ifeelalotoflove
The Texas Division r d t presented and ELAINE is shown holding the beautiful herfingertipsalongwith All Certificates to their and are total the Winners, the felt en o h m v o l t d l i three h e s d e s n g individuals and those applications ontheseladies!
of their Scottish/Irish Ancestry Special Thanks to those District VI ladies that presented a lovely dinner evening, complete with BagPipes, before the Pr
shared Christmas, an
issharedatChristmas,and I want my fans to remember those we can’t bewithontheholiday.”
Weatherboy scheduled February have Whiskey on 13th in
With her next release Weatherboy scheduled forFebruary14th,shewill have a release party at Dosey Doe Breakfast, BBQ & Whiskey Bar on February 13th in The Wo o d l a n d s H e r confidence that her music
will be a hit is palpable. And despite the passing of film producer +Bob Gunner it appears his film proj
The DAVIS MEDAL AWARD for outstanding contributions, and service beyond the required duties as an Officer or is forALLtheApplicant’s does, never be rewarded for She just does because she Loves It!
The WINNIE DAVIS MEDAL AWARD is for outstanding contributions, and service beyond the required duties as an Officer or Chairman. Its is forALLtheApplicant’s “Extras” that she does, never expecting to be rewarded for it. She just does it because she Loves It!
Submitted by RJOA Chairman of Public Relations:
Touches n u t: A C ltic are on Honoring the Southern that Tartan Both H E TAGLIENTIand share of Scottish/Irish Ancestry Special Thanks to those District ladies that dinner evening, with before the P sid n ’s v n n began.
Submitted by RJOA Chairman Public Relations:
Perfect Day,’ will survive, andisstillintheworksfor 2025, after her European roadtrip.
European trip.
Riley, looking for
For the latest updates and ticket information on Payton Riley visit www
Stay Focused on LongTerm Gains Amid Market Optimism
The been on a strong run, and optimismabouttheeconomy is higher than it has been in years. A key driver of sentiment is election of Donald Trump and the anticipated policies that will take he is inaugurated Investors hopefulthat eturn
Investorsarehopefulthatthe return to T
a strategies such as cuts,deregulation, afocuson domestic row
a economic strategies such astaxcuts,deregulation,and afocusonfosteringdomestic g
favorable environment for businesses and the economy atlarge.
will c eate a favorable environment businesses the economy large.
StayFocusedonLong-Term GainsAmidMarketOptimism
However importantto remember that markets can be volatile, even in a progrowthenvironment.Factors suchasgeopoliticaltensions, inflationary pressures and global conditions canstillintroduceunpredictability Investors who keep their onthebigpicture andtheirlong-termgoalsare better positioned to navigate whatevercomesnext.
However it'simportantto remember that markets can be volatile, even in a progrowthenvironment.Factors suchasgeopoliticaltensions, inflationary pressures and global economic conditions canstillintroduceunpredictability Investors who keep theirfocusonthebigpicture andtheirlong-termgoalsare better positioned to navigate whatevercomesnext.
The Risks of Short-Term Thinking
The Risks of Short-Term Thinking
Marketsareinfluencedby awiderangeoffactors,from corporate performance to global events. Even in the most favorable environments, diversified and disciplined investing is essential for building wealth andmanagingrisk.
Between January 2002 and December 2022, the S&P 500 delivered an annualized return of 9.76%.
However,missingjustthe10 best-performing days during that 20-year stretch would have cut returns to 5.33%. What's more, seven of those
Between January 2002 and December 2022, the S&P 500 delivered an annualized return of 9.76%. However,missingjustthe10 best-performing days during that 20-year stretch would have cut returns to 5.33%. What's more, seven of those
markets—times when many investors were fleeing the marketoutoffear
These statistics highlight importance of invested. Even in periods optimism, it's critical a disciplined approach to avoid the of shortreactions.
Policies Are Promising but NotaCure-All
There'snoquestionthata pro-business administration can support
ALookatthe The S&P 500, a benchlargest U S has surged recentmonths,reflecting nly stron cor orate earnings but also confidence in the economy new leadership pro-business policieshaveboostedmarket performance, and many are expecting a continuation of thistrend.
The S&P 500, a benchmark of the largest U S companies has surged in recentmonths,reflectingnot only strong corporate earnings but also renewed confidence in the economy under new leadership Historically pro-business policieshaveboostedmarket performance, and many are expecting a continuation of thistrend.
Vacations often promise relaxation, but before reaching a state of tranquility is the chaos of traveling, especia
to the
rs wanting to bring their furry best friend along with them tosurprisethein-laws,there are several factors to be awareofwhenplanningand packingforabigtrip.
Dr Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & B
ces unpacks considerations to take before embarking on anytraveladventureswitha pet.
unattended in a car no matterthe of
unattended in a car — no matterthetimeofyear
Each isa different when it car travel. pets get scared by situations while others by the of being invited the ride. The key objective owners is to identify the needs furry while from the comfort of home.
Eachpetisabitdifferent when it comes to car travel. Some pets get scared by unfamiliar situations while others are excited by the prospect of being invited along for the ride. The key objective for owners is to identify the particular needs of their furry friend while away from the comfort of home.
Flight Travel Pre-purrations
Owners can also help reduce pets’ anxiety during travel by getting them used tobeinginacrate,ridingina car, and being in crowded and noisy environments beforetheactualtripoccurs.
“Acclimating your pet to their travel arrangements arrangements and new environments beforethetripiskey,”Rutter said. “The other precaution that I recommend is to look up emergency veterinary hospitals along your route and preemptively investigate ‘daycare’ or boarding optionsifyouplantovisita locationduringyourtripthat doesnotallowpets.”
Preparation is also especially important for plane travel with pets because airlines may have differentrulesonpaperwork and crate requirements
Choosing to pile into a vehicle for an extended amount of time can be deemed family bonding for some and a nightmare for others—especiallywhenan extra tail-wagging family memberhasjoinedinonthe fun.
When traveling by car, Rutterrecommendsoffering your pet entertainment and treats as a distraction from the road bumps and swift turnstakingplace.
Choosing into vehicle for extended amount be deemed family bonding for some and nightmare for others—especiallywhenan extra family memberhasjoined onthe fun. preparing for a road trip, Rutter’s priorities forownersinclude:
When preparing for a road trip, Rutter’s priorities forownersinclude:
Restraining pets with a crate or barrier while riding inacar Making sure pets are leash trained and comfortable eliminating while on a leash
Locating pet-friendly hotels N
unattended in a hotel room, as this can lead to barking andsignificantanxiety
“I usually bring familiar food, a few familiar toys, andanyneededmedications ina‘gobag,’”Ruttersaid.
Owners set on bringing a furryfriendonboardshould contact the airline well in advance to make sure they areinformedontherulesand expectations that plane travelwithpetsentails.
Taking weight and breed restrictions into considerationisvitalifyouwantyour pet to travel in a carrier at your feet rather than the commoncargohold.
Particularly, many airlineswillalsohavebreed limitations that exclude brachycephalic (flat-faced) (flat-faced) breeds from unattended travel,”Ruttersaid.
Flight Travel Pre-purrations P ep ration i also for travel with pets airlines may have differentrules paperwork crate requirements set on a furryfriendon should contact airline in advance to sure they areinformedon rulesand that plane petsentails. a for all but thecomfortof throughout the trip, whether ontheroad theair
Particularly, many willalso breed that exclude (flat-faced) travel,”Ruttersaid. this reason, the veterinarianmayprescribe sedative medication to ease nerves. advises doing of medication at can
Ownersshouldtalktothe airlineandtheirveterinarian a
ad of time about potentialhealthconcernsfor brachycephalicbreeds.
Owners to a f me b u health for brachycephalicbreeds.
“Travel is hard, even for know what going on, Rutter said flights quite process flight, and the pet be
“Travel is hard, even for people who know what is going on, Rutter said “Manyflightsarequitelong, and the process of check-in, flight, landing, and reclaiming the pet can be stressful andcomplicated.”
air more common, managing the ofapetthrough those extremelyhard,
Because complications of air travel are more and more common, managing thelogisticsofapetthrough those complications can be extremelyhard,Ruttersaid.
For this reason, the pet’s veterinarianmayprescribea sedative medication to help ease nerves. Rutter advises doing a trial run of the medication at home so that you can know what to expect.
Bringing a pet along for all the fun can be a great idea, but there needs to be carefulconsiderationtobest prioritizethecomfortofpets throughout the trip, whether itbeontheroadorintheair
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist/ Opinion Writer
Montgomery Musings
Ah,theNewYearisonthe way 2025. I remember in 1995 thinking what the year 2005 would be like, and now it’s twenty years past that. Time passes. And with it, a new era is emerging. The Phoenix is Rising. We are coming out from the heavy cloud cover and storms of a Socialist intended regime The closest attempt yet, to permanently take our basic freedoms away from us Where we were supposed to becomeNorthKorea,oratthe very least, at the footsteps of the UK turning Orwellian policy where common sense is turned upside down, and the government is in s complete control of speech, likeinGeorgeOrwell’sbook, ‘1984.’ Well,allthatisforthe
Ah,the Yearisonthe way 2025. remember in 1995 thinking what the year 2005 would like, and now it’s twenty years past that. Time passes. And with it, a new emerging. The Phoenix Rising. We are coming out from the heavy cloud and storms of a Socialist intended regime The attempt yet, to permanently take our basic freedoms from us we were to becomeNorthKorea,orat very least, at the footsteps of the UK turning Orwellian policy common sense upside down, and the g ve nme t is i complete control of speech, inGeorgeOrwell’sbook, ‘1984.’
AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News. Montgomery County RyanWest
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
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January 8th issue. I want to explore a little into my New Year s Resolutions, and your expectationsformein2025. I really enjoyed this year And despite all the madness acrossthecountrywithallthe crazythingsgoingon,herein our little part of The World, I’d say we fared pretty well. We are ripe for success, and all the good, and some bad that go along with that Incredibly, Montgomery County is growing by leaps and bounds, and with that comesmoreneedforhousing, schools, infrastructure, and pretty much everything you can think of. As we grow as more families move in, more neighborhoods will mean more traffic since most households have at least two cars. More cars will mean more need for improved roads,soconstructionwillbe ongoing More medical facilities,moreschools,more stores, etc. will be needed to support the extra residents. Therewillbealotofchanges coming down the pike, so be ready It’s unfortunately the priceofsuccess,butwemust remain vigilant and not be complacent in maintaining the county’s future in the Republicancolumn.
January 8th issue. I want to explore a little into my Year’s expectationsformein2025. I really enjoyed this despite all madness acrossthe withallthe crazythingsgoingon,herein our part of The I’d say we pretty are ripe for success, and all the good, and some bad that go along with that Montgomery is growing and bounds, and with that forhousing, schools, infrastructure, and pretty everything think of. grow families in, will more traffic, since most households have at least two cars will need improved roads,so be ongoing medical moreschools, stores, etc. will be needed to support the extra residents. Therewillbealotof coming the pike, so be ready It’s unfortunately priceofsuccess,butwemust remain vigilant and not be in future in Republicancolumn.
IpromisetobeasbusyasI was in 2024, in maintaining the interest of Montgomery County News readers. We areateam. Iwrite. Youread, and react. I try to be as informative in my columns and interest/community pieces, to keep you in tune withwhatisgoingonaround the area. Of course, with MCN, we are a weekly newspaper, and there are other outlets for breaking news, which you should be attuned with, and that is fine by us. We still want to inform, but at a slower pace. And as for me, I want you to laughandcryrightalongwith you. I want to relay my thoughts on what I see and hear,tasteandsmell. Andit's a privilege to do it. I’m honored that God has given methestrengthinbody mind, andspirittogivemethetalent to inform and entertain you guys. I really do love you. Some may not love me, like with Federico Honez, but I still love him. So, here are a few of my resolutions for 2025.
I believe I have written that I greet ladies in the
IpromisetobeasbusyasI in interest of Montgomery News readers. ateam. write. read, and react. try be in my pieces, to you in tune withwhatisgoing area. Of with MCN and there other outlets for breaking which should be with, and that is us. We still want to but at a as me, I want you to and rightalongwith want to relay my on what see and hear, andsmell. it's a privilege to I’m honored that God has thestrengthinbody andspirit give to entertain really do love Some not love me, with Federico Honez, but I still love him. So, here are a few of my resolutions for I written greet ladies in
gratitude to each of you for continuing to allow me to advocateonyourbehalf.Itis one of the greatesthonors of mylifetorepresentEastand SoutheastTexasintheTexas Legislature, and a responsibility I do not take lightly I hope you all have a safe holiday season and a very MerryChristmas.
Here are five things happeningaroundyourstate: 1. Bill filing for the 89th LegislativeSessionbegins With the holidays right around the corner, now is
November 12 marked the firstdaylegislatorscouldfile bills for the 89th Legislature –kickingoffthebeginningof the next session. Since bill filingopened,membershave alreadyfiledover2,000bills between the House and Senate. Typically, over the course of the session, memberswillfileupwardsof 7,500 bills. While most of those will not pass, we will have an opportunity to read and evaluate many of them. The89thLegislativeSession officiallybeginsonTuesday, January14atnoon.Members can file bills until the 60th day of session, March 14th. Afterthatdate,memberscan only work on bills that have already been filed The regular legislative session
European fashion by kissing their hands. I also kiss them on the cheeks at more formal functions. For my real good lady friends, they will get a little innocent lipsmack Eitherway,isfinewithme. I just enjoy the company of ladies, and have a great time conversing. SoResolution1: I plan on kissing more hands this year lol. You ought to see me at my wine & food pairing events that my friend BillAzzamruns. Igreeteach and every lady who attends, andwejusthavealotoffun. I may say to one lady “Your beautyknowsnobounds,”or to another “What year were you beauty queen?” Or whatever comes into my mind. It’s all about having fun, and creating memories. AndifImakesomeone’sday that’stheaimofmylife.
fashion by their I kiss on the at functions. real lady friends, they will little lipsmack way,is with I the of ladies, and have a great time conversing. SoResolution I plan kissing more year lol. You ought my wine food that BillAzzam Igreet and every who attends, andwe havealotoffun. may say to lady beautyknowsnobounds,”or you beauty queen? Or whatever into my It’s fun, and memories. And Imakesomeone’sday that’sthe mylife.
For Resolution 2: Review paintings and sculptures and Being anArts and Entertainment columnist, I haven’t written much on paintings and sculptures. I plan on changingin2025,andgoand findsomereal,palpableartto write about. And since my motto is write ‘what I see, smell, hear, and taste,’I will make more of an effort to check out Montgomery Counties arts scene and include ‘touch’ into that repertoire. Resolution 3: Continue my music education. Youknow,Itookarisk in deciding to write on the Conroe Symphony Orchestra andtheirmusicalconcerts. I only did 6th grade coronet, andIwasterribleatthat. But I ve fallen in love with love classical and modern music, andIfollowmyinfluencersin that arena as well. They are great teachers, and I can see my writing moving to a bit moretechnicalangle,butstill Iwanttomakeitpalatableto my readers. Music is about emotion, and with all my life experiences, I thought I was emotionedout,butmusichas somehow drawn it back into back my existence somehow piercingthattoughouterskin I project. Not wanting to let anyone or anything in to disturbmyinternalsuffering. I don’t want to suffer anymore, I want to live. I wasn’t suicidal, it was more of a feeling of not deserving goodthingsinlife. Punishing Punishing myselfformysins. Ineedto forgive myself. Now I want to enjoy things, and want
For Resolution Review paintings and sculptures Being anArts and Entertainment columnist, I haven’t written much on paintings and plan on changingin goand findsomereal,palpableartto write about. my motto is write ‘what see, smell, and taste,’I will make more an effort to check out Montgomery Counties arts scene, and include into that repertoire. Resolution 3: Continue education. Youknow,Itookarisk in deciding to write on the Conroe Symphony Orchestra andtheirmusicalconcerts. I only did 6th coronet, andI terribleatthat. But I’ve fallen love with classical modern music, and followmyinfluencersin that arena as well. are great teachers, and I can see my moving to a bit moretechnicalangle,butstill Iwantto palatableto my readers. Music about emotion, and my life experiences, thought was emotionedout,but has somehow drawn it back into my existence, somehow piercingthattoughouterskin I project. wanting to let anyone or anything in to disturbmyinternalsuffering. I don t want to suffer anymore, I want to I wasn’t it more of a feeling of not deserving goodthingsinlife. myselfformysins. I to forgive myself. Now to things,
lasts 140 days and will concludeonMonday,June2. I look forward to representing Senate District 3 once again this session and encourage constituents to reachouttomyofficeifthey have an interest in any legislationcomingbeforethe Legislature.
2 State Board of Education approves new instructionalmaterials
Last month, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved a comprehensive list of K-12 instructional materials as part of the new Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process. These new materials were developed and approved for statewide useasdirectedbyHouseBill 1605 from the 88th Regular
Session by Rep Brad Buckley Districts that use materialsontheapprovedlist are eligible for an additional $40perstudentinadditional funding That bill also directed the state to develop its own high-quality instructional materials. The SBOE approved that curriculum, called the Bluebonnet Learning curriculum, which covers kindergarten through fifth grade Using the statedeveloped curriculum is optional for school districts, butdistrictswhoopttouseit will receivean extra $20 per
someoneto thingswith.
Resolution 4: I want to continue my vino education. Well, not only wine, but spiritsandcocktails. Ineedto get back to cocktails, and mix-it up my drink columns. SometimesIgetstuckinarut. Incredibly I avoided alcohol fordecades. Beingstationed in Europe as an 18 year old didn’t help in that regard. After my war, I had lost interest in alcohol. After my cancer, it was dead to me. I don’tknow Imighthavebeen afraid of it. But now just as with music, I took another risk,andstartedwritingonit. I say now I only drink for work, but for enjoyment as well. When gathering with friends and chatting, I limit myself. There is no need to prove that I can down a certain amount of alcohol in order to have fun like I did whenIwasakid. Ijustwish that others around me could limitthemselvesaswell.
4: want to continue my vino education. Well, not but spiritsandcocktails. Ineedto get and mix-it columns. SometimesIgetstuckinarut. Incredibly I avoided alcohol for Beingstationed in Europe year old didn’t in regard. After my had lost interest in my cancer, it to me. I don’tknow,I havebeen afraid of it. But now just as with I took another risk,and writing it. I say now I drink for work, but for enjoyment as well. with friends chatting, I limit myself. There is no need to prove I can down a certain amount of in order to have fun did when wasa wish that others around could limit
Resolution 5: I don’t usuallywriteaboutcrime,but I’m all for the protection of children, and I think I will writeaboutitin2025. When Iwroteaboutchildgrooming thisyear,itwasarisk. Iknew it was gonna make someone mad,anditdid. Butthistime I’m not going at odeum’s, I wanttofocusonhowitcanbe spottedinpublic,ofkidswho are being abused behind the scenes Whether it be physical abuse, sex trafficking, prostitution, all of this with kids involved. I wasn’t abused, but it was someone I cared about in Europe, a German girl I got to know, andcaredabout. Weweren’t youknow,butwecouldhave been. Well, she had been abused, and not being as observant as I should have been Still being a kid myself,andnotbeingthereat theend. Itweighsonyou. To the point of wanting to suppress emotions, and with my world events later in ‘89 and‘90-91intervening,those emotions further bury the others,andittakesdecadesto process. Well, now I’m processing those emotions, and will be writing about it. For the sake of kids who are hurtingtoday
Resolution 5: I don’t writeaboutcrime,but I’m all for protection of children, and writeaboutitin2025. When Iwroteaboutchildgrooming thisyear, arisk. Iknew it was make someone mad,anditdid. Butthistime I’m not going at wanttofocusonhowitcanbe spottedinpublic,ofkids are being abused behind the scenes Whether it be physical abuse, trafficking, prostitution, all of this with kids involved. I wasn’t abused, but it was someone in Europe, a girl got to know andcaredabout. youknow,butwecouldhave Well, she had abused, and not as observant as I should have Still being a myself,andnotbeingthereat theend. Itweighsonyou. the point of wanting suppress emotions, and with my world events later in ‘89 and‘90-91intervening,those emotions further bury the others,andit decadesto process. Well, I’m processing emotions, and will be writing about it. For the sake of kids who today Ruben be reached
Resolution 6: Lose some more weight, but still write food. I’m down 25 pounds from my biggest weight, and have learned to balance. I can’t write about
student, so $60 per student total There was some disagreement surrounding the content in Bluebonnet Learning because it uses well-knownBiblestoriesand other Christian-based stories. However, there are referencestootherfaithsand traditions in the curriculum as well. The approval of the instructional materials followed a months-long public comment period and open meetings that allowed publictestimony 3 Dementia
Lt.GovernorDanPatrick announcedanewinitiativeto help lead the fight against dementia The Dementia
Prevention Research Institute of Texas (DPRIT) will be a new research program funded by the state to support researchers and companies coming to Texas and to further their efforts. It's modeled off a similar state program the Cancer P
evention R
ch Institute of Texas (CPRIT). CPRIT is one of the most successful health programs evercreatedinTexas,andthe goal is for DPRIT to be similar Together we can work to offer further insight into this heartbreaking disease.
emergency radio infrastructuregrant
food week. That’show my columns came about. AndifIcanlookinthe mirror and can still see a dimple,thenI’mhappy lot of weight loss for me is will power weakness. And Will sometimes wins, and Weakness sometimes wins. And I have to constantly check It’s really hard. Andeachofushasthat battle we must For some, it’s easy For others, it’s difficult. my body I’ve got scars here and there. Very unattractive The internals myabdomen a warzone. Any packs in my abs that I maintained have long gone. Especially after you’ve been opened up abdominally multiple and with a history of bowel obstructions, you have to learn to sensibly Who knows, I might go in the healthy food direction. We can all use that in our and perhaps even exercise. will see that works out. lol. Icanjustseepeople He writes about food,butdrinkslikea fish?” Let’shopethatdoesn’t happen. lol. Leftover Resolutions: planonbeingevenmoreopen outgoing even to introverts. I want to think bigger Iwanttobetruetomy well, at least maintainmycurrentstatus. I want to celebrate America, Texas,andTheWorld. Iwant to make Democrats empty promises they’ve been sold by Elitists Democrats. Thereis much todo,andI 365 todoit,beforeIhavetowrite another ‘New Year’s Resolution’column. Have a Happy my Dear Readers. I LoveYou! you See January8th.
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn
Resolution 6: Lose some more weight, but still write about food. I’m down 25 pounds from my biggest weight, and have learned to balance. I can’t write about foodeveryweek. That’show my drinks columns came about. AndifIcanlookinthe mirror and can still see a dimple,thenI’mhappy Alot of weight loss for me is will powerversusweakness. And Will sometimes wins, and Weakness sometimes wins. And I have to constantly check myself. It’s really hard. Andeachofushasthat battle we must fight. For some, it’s easy For others, it’s difficult. With my body, I’ve got scars here and there. Very unattractive The internalsofmyabdomenarea warzone. Any packs in my abs that I maintained have long gone. Especially after you ve been opened up abdominally multiple times, and with a history of bowel obstructions, you have to learn to eat sensibly Who knows, I might go in the healthy food direction. We can all use that in our lives, and perhaps even exercise. We will see how that works We out. lol. Icanjustseepeople now, “He writes about healthyfood,butdrinkslikea food, fish?” Let’shopethatdoesn’t happen. lol. Leftover Resolutions: I planonbeingevenmoreopen and outgoing, even to introverts. I want to think bigger Iwanttobetruetomy readers, well, or at least maintainmycurrentstatus. I want to celebrate America, Texas,andTheWorld. Iwant to make Democrats realize the empty promises they’ve been sold by Elitists Democrats. Thereissomuch todo,andIwillhave365days todoit,beforeIhavetowrite another ‘New Year’s Resolution’column. Have a Happy New Year my Dear Readers. I LoveYou! Even you Honez! See you on January8th.
As Rudolph the Red-
Nosed Reindeer,’ is celebratingits60thyearon television it’s more than fitting that Conroe gets an offering of a beloved holiday musical from The Players Theatre Company, White Christmas based on Irving Berlin’s 1954 musical film of the same, whichiscelebratingits70th Anniversary It’s an excellent chance to get reacquainted with the Owen Theatre if you haven’tbeeninawhile,and
remember your own thoughts of Christmases past, thinking of those who have now passed on; or those living for the future, with the promise of new acquaintances of family and friends White Christmasisbornofatime, seemingly more innocent than today where things magicallyworkthemselves out, and love winds up in the right spots, with the right people for which it is intended. Evenifyouwind up at the theatre in a foul mood, White Christmas is suretohaveasmileonyour faceonthewayhome. WC is a reason why people fall in love with musical theatre, for some aspect of the show will fill you with some holiday spirit, where youfindthatjoythatyou’d been missing, and rekindling a love for our community theatre and the beautiful art it brings each holidayseason. Somemayrememberthe 1950’sclassicfilmofWhite Christmas with the great Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. Infact,agood number of you may have grown up with its required yearly viewing yielding
that Christmas closeness that we all desire when our families gather together Of course with the stage versionthereareafewplot snips here and there to make it palatable for the community stage, but the samegistofthestoryisstill there.
You still have Bob Wallace (Mark Doreza), Phil Davis (Colton Land), Betty Haynes (Ashley Pribble) and Judy Haynes (Sunnie Curda), on that supposed trip to Florida which took a 180 to Vermont,astatethathasno snow at Christmas time
TalkaboutGlobalWarming in the ‘50’s who knew?
WithWallacedeterminedto head back down south, he finds that his innkeeper is h
ng General, Henry Waverly (Scott Allison), from his war service in Italy during the last WW And with a winterresortwithoutsnow, the General, unbeknownst to him, is in a pickle with debt. Thenmagichappens.
The Players Theater presentation of White Christmas directed by Travis Bryant, beautifully brings the film to life, and sparksmemoriesofourbest holidays spent with family andfriends. Thecolorsare vibrant, the costumes are representative of the era, and the backgrounds are electronic, saving the time on setup The whole production team did a wonderful job, and it’s fun
to see the backstage happeningsofaproduction on stage, letting us see the sausagemakingifyouwill, that adds to the excitement and wonderment of Christmas.
The audience enjoyed theblockingandmovement scenes in the dressing room
strengtheninglovebetween BobandBetty Therailcar scenewasentertainingwith the misdirection, and the elaborate Regency scene with ill-willed Betty singing ‘Love, You Didn’t Do Right By Me,’ and despitethethreatoftheloss of their love you re acceptingofit. Forthetime being.
One thing with a show likeWhiteChristmasisthe amazing speed it moves It’s seventy-years old and moves at breakneck speed. Imagine a show that is planned and executed in a short time, which is a hard taskevenformoderntimes, and with the modes of travel and lack of infrastructure back then, it seems an impossible task, but through stage magic it allcomescomplete. Itgoes big,andturnyourheadand you’vemissedsomething.
The casting of Mark DorezaasBobWallace,and Ashley Pribble as Betty Haynes was perfect. Their performances in The SpongeBob Musical,’ with Doreza as Plankton, and Pribble as Pearl Krabs,
impressed many, and they certainly didn’t disappoint
Compared to their SBM singing parts, the couple's White Christmas songcraft was a veritable cakewalk, which allowed them to relax
oy the characters even more Doreza s performance in charge of the chorus of ‘Blue Skies’ brought the first act to a close and was very memorable The character of Wallace is not that cakewalkish as mentionedpreviously,ashe falls in love only to be rejected over a misunderstanding,allinthemidstof lightspeed preparations for a show that must go on.
Besides Betty, Wallace has to deal with the antics of Phil, played by Colton Land, who has fallen for Judy Haynes, played by Sunnie Curda, and the two singanddancetheirwayto bringing Bob and Betty together Land and Curda really performed well together, and truly made their arguments. In ‘The Best Things Happen When You’re Dancing’as well as
‘I Love a Piano,’ their movementswereworthyof the praise they received, and not to mention the practice they put in preparation for the show Curda’sJudyitappearsshe wasbornfortherole,andis the unsung hero in the success of WC The dancing was good at all levels, and the ensemble dancers were no slouch in thatdepartment.
Everyone appreciated theensemblewhichaddeda mark of professionalism to the singing and dancing of the production, and in ‘Snow’ like in Blue Skies, and truly everything, all marks were hit, with nothing seemingly out of place. Blake Patton, who played the Conductor and Ezekiel, garnered his fair share of attention for his two roles, which tugged at the audience’s heartstrings. Henry de la Garza, who portrayedRalphSheldrake, was instrumental in keeping the story moving. Heisinhisfirstproduction with The Players, so kudos andwelcometohim.
The Players Theatre Company production of White Christmas is a real hit. They’veaddedseveral additional shows for their closingweekendthatended on the 22nd. The next show at The Players Theatre Company will be Alan Aychbourn s Bedroom Farce,’ which runs fromJanuary24-February 9th 2025 followed by ‘Tuck Everlasting’ which runs from March 14th30th 2025 For more information and tickets, v i s i t : playerstheatrecompanyco m or 936-539-4090 for tickets.
Betty, of course, is the more serious sister, while Wallaceisthemoreserious partner in the act with Davis Their busy lives have no room for romance, but as with stress against a wall, they lower the guards tocometotherealizationof the romance they’ve been missing. They could have communicated better which would have negated Betty leaving Vermont for NYC and the additional stress causes conflict, and more travel, but it worked itself out Curda and Pribble were great in ‘Sisters,’ and they teamed up with Laura Brown in ‘Falling Out of Love Can Be Fun ’ Brown played Martha Watson, the receptionist. Hercharacter is not in the original film, but is kinda represented by the original housekeeper EmmaattheColumbiaInn. We come to find that Watson is a hidden stage jem, and she really impressed the audience withherbeautifulvoiceand moves General Henry Waverly played by Scott Allison, and his granddaughter Susan Waverly, portrayedbyHallieMajors, were excellent in their performances Henry of course is frustrated with lodge life and the stressors it entails, which is far less exciting than commanding men in the Army And Susan, just itching to belt out something, finally gets herchanceintherepriseof Let Me Sing and I m Happy,’ late in the game. Wow!
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURT of MONTGOMERY County, Texas; Cause# 22-05-06474 in a judgment rendered on the 13th day of September 2024, where as in Lake Windcrest Property Owners'Association Plaintiff againstMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe19thdayofNovember,2024at9:29o'clock
a.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: Lot10InBlock3,ofLakeWindcrest,Section(5),AsubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texas, According to the Map orPlat thereof Recorded in Cabinet M Sheet 42 of the Map records of MontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas32626AutumnForestCourt,Magnolia, TX77354("Property")
Andonthe7thdayofJanuary 2025,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofMichaelD.Crabtree,Defendantinandto said property, representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofLakeWindcrestPropertyOwners'Association.
Thepropertycommonlyknownas17505S.LakeviewDr Splendora,TX77357isscheduledtobe soldatpublicforeclosureauctionon01/07/2025at10:00AMornolaterthan3hoursthereafterat301 N. Main Street, Conroe, TX 77301 or as designated by the County Commissioner`s Office in MontgomeryCounty Texas,oriftheprecedingareaisnolongerthedesignatedarea,attheareamost recentlydesignatedbytheMontgomeryCountyCommissioner'sCourt.TheSubstituteTrusteewill be Patricia Poston, David Poston, Nick Poston, Chris Poston, Mo Taherzadeh,Amar Sood, Selim Taherzadeh,orMichaelLinke,anytoact.Thewinningbidderbuys“asis”andmustpayattheauction withcertifiedfunds.
th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof Montgomery County Texas on the 12th day of November 2024 in favor of Randy Doleman and Brandi Doleman recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-07-10784, in the 457th Judicial District CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe1stdayofOctober 2024,againstMarcellaUzzell.
1. $30,954.32
2. $6,054.16Attorneyfees
PublishedDates:December11,18,25,2024 By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe6thdayofOctober,2022,inthecaseof U.S.BankNationalAssociation,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBacked Certificates, Series 2006 HE1., Plaintiff, vs. Kim M. Holt and Clarence J. Holt, Defendant(s), Cause No.22-10-13505-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of U.S. Bank National Association,astrusteeforAssetBackedFundingCorporationAssetBackedCertificates,Series 2006 HE1, Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 21st Day of November 2024 at 10:00 o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant(s):KimM.HoltandClarence J.Holt.
3. Interest on the total judgment at the rate of 0% per annum from the date of judgmentuntilpaid.
4. $710.28CourtCost
5. $0.00JudgmentCredit
Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, didonthe25thdayofNovember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7thdayof January,2025,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantMarcellaUzzellhadinthepropertydescribedbelow: Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty:
outofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th Montgomery County, Texas on the 24 day of October, 2024 in favor of April Sound Property OwnersAssociation, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 24-04-05157 in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas on the 13th day of
Thence with the centerline of White Oak Road East a distance of 192.45 feet to a point for the southwesterlycornerandpointofbeginningofthehereindescribedtract,saidpointalsobeingthe southeasterlycornerofsaidBabin1.069acretract;
Thence south a distance of 595.50 feet to a ½ inch iron rod found for the southeasterly corner of Wisenbaker's5.0acretractinthecenterlineofWhiteOakRoad;
PublishedDates:December11,18,25,2024 Beinga2951acretractoflandsituatedintheBeasleyPruettSurvey,abstractNo.419,Montgomery County Texas,andbeingaportionofa4.02acretractdescribedindeedtoClarenceJ.Holtandwife, Kim M. Holt recorded under Montgomery County Clerk's file No. 9637508 of the real property records of Montgomery County Texas; save and except
Commencing at a point in tile centerline of White Oak Road (A 60 foot wide roadway) for the southwesterlycornerofacalled and on the 7th day of January 2025 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe, Texas,Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof KimM.HoltandClarenceJ.Holt,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty
Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldtosatisfya landlord s lien The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderforcash.Deposit forremovalandcleanupmaybetemporarilyrequired.Sellerreservestherighttorejectany bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. General description of property being sold includes contents such as household/personal goods/miscitemsinspacesforthefollowingtenants:
WednesdayJanuary15,2025at12:00pm Notice of Public Sale
NOTICE OF SALE Property will be sold to satisfy a landlord's lien per Chapter 59 SelfserviceStorageFacilityLiens. SaleonThursdaythe16thdayofJanuary,2025at10:00 AM Paymentandpickupatfacility Storage RentalsofAmerica,1964NorthparkDrSteJ,Kingwood,TX,77339McFarland,Sarah. Case,Wesley Fife,Paige. Nelson,Mary Chauvin,Skiler Robinson,Terry
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Gloria Faye Cloud Deceased, were issued on November 27th, 2024, in Cause No. 24-47381-P pending in the ProbateCourtNo.One,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:DebraLynnMullins.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:KevinA.Forsberg AttorneyatLaw
This week’s Veteran is R u s s e l l ‘ R u s t y ’ Brewington, who served in the U.S. Air Force from 1953-1975. Rustyalsohad prior service during World War II, joining April 19, 1943, when he was 18th. Even before he was in the military Brewington obtained his pilot’s license in September 1941, as a 16 yearold. Rustypaidforhis flying lessons, by working on a tugboat. After his Army Air Corps service in WorldWarII,Rustyleftthe Army Hewasrecalledfor
Korea. He also served in Vietnam. Brewington had hundredsofhoursofflying time in combat zones, earning 11 Air Medals Rusty was an Organization Commander,andadirector of Research and Development before he retired as a full-bird Colonel in 1975. He was a go-getter and whenintoughtimesagainst the enemy, Rusty hung in there and did his duty On one occasion in September 1967, under fire and in a desperate situation Brewington, caring not for hisownpersonalsafety,and in terrible weather condi-
tions, passes over an Army Division South Vietnamese to expose gun positions fighter aircraft. to that Distinguished for support Army Republic Forces. is We will turn January 3rd. Good Luck Rusty, on the
tions, flew low passes over anNorthVietnameseArmy Division in aid of South Vietnamese forces to expose anti-aircraft gun positions for fighter aircraft. Andtwicepriorto that Rusty received the DistinguishedFlyingCross for similar missions in support of Army of the Republic of Vietnam Forces. Rusty Brewington is a true American Hero. We bow to you Sir! He will turn 100 years old on January 3rd. Good Luck Rusty, and Congratulations onbeingMCNs‘Veteranof theWeek’. Jr l s ’ 1953-1975.
Bartholet'sSend ToystoWestNC Kids,andMore
gomery County effort to send supplies to North Carolina for
Helene relief in October, started a toy drive like they doeveryyear;butthisyear, the hurricane victims were chosenasrecipients. Sarah
, of Bartholet Home Furnishings,alongwithhermother Kim Bartholet, have done yeoman's work in helping
ir furniture suppliers live and practice their craft The store sources many of their products from the area wherethehurricanestruck. It was in early October when Sarah Bartholet Gwin, the daughter of the store owner Todd, realized thatthetruckscomingtothe Conroe store weekly from North Carolina could be used to ferry supplies back to the hurricane victims in thewesternpartofthestorm ravaged state. So she put the word out via social media, and stuff started rollingintotheirshop. The response was so extraordinary that two whole tractor trailers were filled and filled shipped
re midOctober Since then another half trailer of supplies have been sent. It wasaroundthattime,when an idea for a toy drive was being drafted The toy d
ded December7th,resultedina large collection of toys beingsenttoNorthCarolina
“The toys have been delivered to North Carolina,” said Gwin. “It’s
ery Historical Society's annual Christmas in Historic Montgomery "HolidayMarketplace."
Montgomery they expenses. elp
As representatives of Montgomery County, they compete in highly competitive softball across Texas and nationally The team is raising funds for tournament dues, uniforms, and much-needed travel expenses. For sponsorship opportunities contact Head Coach, Chase Ledyard ,at 936-6610335 Please elp these young athletes continue their successes representingthiscounty! softball
not as much as our relief drive, but we are confident at least some kids in the state can salvage some Christmas joy from our efforts.”
The family matriarch Robin Bartholet Todd s mother, has long been retired from the furniture business, but still volunteers in her own right. She delivers meals-on-wheels to clients each week. She made the acquaintance of Alana Monroe’s 5th Grade Art Class at Sacred Heart schoolinConroe,whowere lookingforaprojecttohelp b
y Meals-on-Wheels clients Bartholet, a member of
Sacred Heart Church, agreed to deliver the greeting cards made by Mrs.Monroe’sstudentsthis falltoherclients.
“The clients were very receptive of the kids cards said Robin who converses with her clients on a weekly basis. “Alana andherkidsdidagreatjob.” Robin Bartholet is just one of several hundred volunteers for Meals-onWheels in Montgomery County and she delivers meals to her small group. Altogether there are over 3,500 seniors in the county that have signed up for the service, with over 200 volunteers that deliver mealsweekly
The Montgomery Whataburger is decoratedforChristmas. Ms. Sandy and her team put up a Christmas Tree in T anticipation for the big day, to lift the spirits of her customers and team. It’sabeautifuladditionto the dining room decorated with Whataburger table tents and personalizeddecorations.
“The customers have been very receptive of thetree,”saidMs.Sandy “We always make an effort to make the customer experience the bestwecan.”
Ms. Sandy also said that unlike other stores, Whataburger decorates after Thanksgiving, which is their usual tradition. ratedforChristmas. and put big and that their
The Lady Oilers 12U softball team fundraised in the rain and mud on
byRubenBorjas,Jr Forthepeopleofwestern
Carolina,ithasbeena rather rough 2024, but the ladies who led the Mont-
RubenBorjas,Jr thepeople
Tree surroundedwithsomeofthegiftsdestinedforthe NorthCarolina