WEDNESDAY VOLUME XXII NUMBER 16***** Section 1 8 pages
April 15, 2020 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’ and
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Gun Control Advocate Assures Americans: There’s No Need to Buy Guns ‘Cause “the Zombies” Aren’t Coming SUPPORT NRA-ILA The FBI performed a record-breaking 3.7 million firearm-related background checks last month. According to an April news release from Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF), March 2020 estimates of firearm sales show an increase of over 85% from March 2019 – single handgun sales jumped by 91%, and single long-gun sales increased by over 73%. In an interview with Cheddar news earlier this month, David Chipman, a “senior policy advisor” for the anti-gun group Giffords, was asked about his “biggest concerns” regarding the “coronavirus gun sales spike.” (If the name rings a bell, Mr. Chipman, formerly a “senior advisor” with B l o o m b e rg ’s p r e Everytown group MAIG and an ex-ATF agent, has, a m o n g o t h e r things, advocated that AR15 rifles should be regulated “just like” fully automatic machine guns.) During the interview, he claimed that first-time gun owners may think “in their [own] mind they might be competent.” However, they were really “putting themselves and their families in danger” based on whether these guns were being “stored safely” and properly in the home. Sitting in what appeared to be his own kitchen, Chipman advised “those people who were first-time gun owners” to “secure that gun locked and unloaded and hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky that you’ve stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear, and I don’t think they are.” Of course, following this advice means that the firearm isn’t readily available for defensive use should the need arise. (Hiding firearms among the kitchen cabinets, the refrigerator’s vegetable drawer or in the flour bin also isn’t consistent with the Giffords philosophy of mandating that all unattended firearms be kept unloaded, with a lock in place, and secured in a gun safe or other locked
See NRA, page 2
Index Community............2, 3, 7, 8 Commentary............................4 Devotional..........................5 Legals.................................6 Business Directory.............7
Quadvest Donates 1,500 Face Domestic violence Masks to Houston Methodist and abuse is rising The Woodlands Hospital right now
Staying home is the right way to slow the spread of COVID-19, but for survivors and current victims of domestic violence, home is not always the safest place to be – especially as stress and financial difficulties mount and workers are losing their jobs. The National D o m e s t i c Vi o l e n c e Hotline warns that abusers may use emergencies like COVID19 to threaten their partners in ways such as withholding necessary items like hand sanitizer or disinfectants, or stating misinformation about the illness or community restrictions to prevent them from seeking medical attention. [Read more here.] Some Texas hospitals are also reporting a spike Mandi Brown, Director of Human Resources PR CHO from Quadvest & Kerrie Guerrero, VP & Chief in suspected cases of child abuse, and the FBI has Nursing Officer warned that child sexual April 13, 2020 – "With the COVID-19 action from others to help. patients; and for that, we abuse likely won't be Quadvest, a local privately p a n d e m i c , w e a r e " I n t h e s e are extremely grateful,” r e p o r t e d u n t i l t h e owned water and sewer reminded that taking care unprecedented times, I said Debbie Sukin, Chief COVID-19 pandemic u t i l i t y c o m p a n y i n of our communities is want to express our sincere E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r , dies down and students Montgomery County, critical and providing a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r t h e Houston Methodist The return to school. This is all Texas, has taken the lead to support to groups working b u s i n e s s e s i n o u r Wo o d l a n d s H o s p i t a l , incredibly disturbing. donate 1,500 N95 surgeon tirelessly on the front lines community that have made Regional Senior Vice I’m writing today to masks to the Methodist is of utmost urgency, generous, compassionate P r e s i d e n t , H o u s t o n ask you to help me spread Hospital in The Woodlands quoted Mandi Brown, donations of clinical Methodist. an important message: to help during this crisis D i r e c t o r o f H u m a n supplies to our hospital. At Quadvest, there is Please post this on with the COVID-19. With Resources/PR/CHO at Quadvest’s donation of profound respect and your social media – t h e c o m m u n i t i e s Quadvest. Driven by an 1,500 N95 masks shows gratitude for healthcare F a c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r , e x p e r i e n c i n g t h i s entrepreneurial spirit and the company’s thoughtful workers, first responders Instagram. unprecedented time in committed to the highest commitment to the well- and all those who are Last week, I joined a h i s t o r y, Q u a d v e s t i s standards and integrity, being of the community. volunteering to serve the teleconference with the flattening the curve and Q u a d v e s t h a s This donation helps ensure c o m m u n i t i e s a t t h i s Texas Council on Family a s s i s t i n g h e a l t h c a r e demonstrated this public our nurses and physicians time. Right now, the focus Violence and Texas providers and those who health challenge and calls have what they need to stay is to help! Association Against are most at risk. for further collaborative safe while caring for Sexual Assault. Leaders are gravely concerned and emphasized the need for us to remain connected as a society. While we may be socially distanced, no one should feel isolated. I’m proud that the Article from CDC * Avoid shopping if you hours when fewer people Wash your hands when you CARES Act I recently As communities across are sick or have symptoms will be there (for example, get home. voted for included $45 * After leaving the the United States take steps of COVID-19, which early morning or late million for the Family store, use hand sanitizer. to slow the spread of include a fever, cough, or night). Violence Prevention and * If you are at higher When you get home, wash COVID-19 by limiting shortness of breath. Services Act, with a close contact, people are Order online or use risk for severe illness, find your hands with soap and match waiver; plus $2 out if the store has special water for at least 20 facing new challenges and curbside pickup. million for the National questions about how to * Order food and other hours for people at higher seconds. D o m e s t i c Vi o l e n c e meet basic household items online for home risk. If they do, try to shop * At home, follow food Hotline. Additionally, this needs, such as buying delivery or curbside pickup during those hours. People safety guidelines: bill increased at higher risk for severe * There is no evidence groceries and medicine, (if possible). unemployment benefits; and completing banking * Only visit the grocery illness include adults 65 or that food or food packaging provided stimulus checks activities. The following store, or other stores selling older and people of any age has been linked to getting for individuals and information provides household essentials, in w h o h a v e s e r i o u s sick from COVID-19. families; and added more advice about how to meet p e r s o n w h e n y o u u n d e r l y i n g m e d i c a l SNAP, Child Nutrition these household needs in a absolutely need to. This conditions. program, and Emergency safe and healthy manner. will limit your potential * Disinfect the food assistance program exposure to others and the s h o p p i n g c a r t , u s e appropriations which, virus that causes COVID- disinfecting wipes if altogether, should provide 19. available. relief to struggling Protect yourself while * Do not touch your households. shopping. eyes, nose, or mouth. This is a challenging * If possible, use * Stay at least 6 feet time for so many, but its away from others while touchless payment (pay especially difficult for without touching money, a shopping and in lines. those who are being Accepting deliveries * Cover your mouth card, or a keypad). If you threatened and abused in and nose with a cloth face must handle money, a card, and takeout orders their homes. Limit in-person contact covering when you have to or use a keypad, use hand Thank you for doing sanitizer right after paying. if possible. Shopping for food and go out in public. whatever you can – Use hand sanitizer * When you do have to other household essentials whether that’s donating to when you leave the store. See Essential Errands, page 3 visit in person, go during Stay home if sick. your local domestic violence center or raising awareness about this issue and share information for victims to get help. We’re in this together. Let’s be sure to take care of one another.
Running Essential Errands
Grocery Shopping, Take-Out, Banking, Getting Gas, and Doctor Visits
- John Cornyn
Page 2, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, April 15, 2020
How To Prepare For Your Horse’s Care In Case You’re Quarantined Horse owners are ever aware of the potential for disease outbreaks in their herd and the possibility sick horses might need to be quarantined. But COVID-19 has flipped the equation in the equine world. What happens when a horse owner has to selfquarantine? How can they make sure their horses are properly cared for? “Everybody who owns horses should have a contingency plan in place,” says David Anderson (, president and CEO of BarBar-A, a company that produces automatic livestock drinkers. “If owners have to selfquarantine or are sick from the virus and aren’t prepared for this scenario,
it may be a scramble to make sure their horses are getting everything they need. “ To p r e p a r e , a s k yourself what essentials your horses will need in the event of your extended absence. Assume you’re going to be unavailable for a while and your horses won’t miss you – because you made sure they were fully cared for.” Anderson offers tips if you can't care for your horse due to being selfquarantined: * Have a friend in mind. It’s a good idea in that contingency plan to prepare a trusted friend who can be ready to care for your horse. “Write a comprehensive, up-to-date care plan for your horse, which should include the
exercise schedule, turnout, feed chart, blanketing instructions, etc.,” Anderson says. * Remember: Clean water is always a must. If the owner is not feeling up to filling drinking troughs, keeping them topped off – and making sure the water is clean – is a key responsibility of the e n l i s t e d c a r e t a k e r. “Stagnant drinking water in troughs attract mosquitoes, which carry viruses,” Anderson says. “Automatic waterers are convenient but those with standing water will need to be cleaned regularly. Don’t let the convenience of the waterer lead to negligence in checking the water regularly. Some horses have a habit of dirtying the w a t e r. M a k e s u r e
whoever’s watching the horses checks the waterers daily and sees that the horses are drinking.” * Pack an emergency kit. If an owner can’t get a horse to the veterinarian, or the veterinarian is sick, having a fully-stocked emergency kit in advance is vital. “It should include essential prescription medications that can be administered at the vet’s direction,” Anderson says. “Make sure if there’s a person caring for the horse that they know what to do in case the horse has a health emergency and the owner isn’t reachable.” * Stock up. Most selfquarantines for COVID-19 last 14 days, but recovery times differ. So stocking up for a few weeks for your horses’ needs is important
– horse feed, hay, and any other pertinent supplies. “Also remember,” Anderson says, “that horses can survive on quality hay in a paddock or pasture along with clean water. Money might be tight at this time for some, and if so, spend more on hay than feed. They’ll do fine with less feed as long as your designated helper gives them proper turnout and hay.” “One thing we’re learning from COVID-19 is not to think it can’t happen to you,” Anderson said. “Horse owners need to plan in advance to ensure their horses stay healthy while the owner is not.” About David Anderson D George Anderson ( is an animal advocate,
entrepreneur and President/CEO of Bar-BarA Horse & Livestock Drinkers. A proponent for horse and livestock safe keeping, his company has pushed to eliminate the potential for shock and electrocution of livestock, stemming from the use of water and electricity and the standing water that can contribute to viruses and unhealthy drinking water for animals. A developer of varied products and designs, he received an International MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, AZ. An international traveling enthusiast, he studied Hebrew in Israel, Arabic in North Africa and Mandarin Chinese in Beijing.
Suggestions For Mindful Eating: Chicken Lettuce Wraps Food for Thought Diana Anderson
I have been craving something light but still substantial and in an effort to avoid more pasta thought about this favorite from PF Changs. I think I’ve been cooking standard recipes from my freezer much more than normal during this quarantine period and this dish gives a delicious change of pace. These Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps are one of my favorite dinners. They are quick and easy and my whole family loves them. Even my grandkids eat them, and have tons of fun doing it! HOW TO MAKE ASIAN CHICKEN LETTUCE WRAPS Let’s walk through the process of making this chicken lettuce wraps recipe step-by-step. MAKE THE SAUCE The first step in this lettuce wrap recipe is making the sauce. The sauce is the key to the flavor of this recipe. If you tamper with the ingredients it will not taste the same. It’s really simple to make! Just whisk all the ingredients together. If you use a thicker peanut butter that is solid at room temperature, you may need to warm it slightly before using it to make this Asian lettuce wraps recipe!
M A K E T H E LETTUCE WRAP FILLING * Brown the ground chicken! This recipe is very straightforward! There is, h o w e v e r, o n e v e r y important step and that is to brown the ground chicken. Making sure the chicken is nice and crispy and brown is essential to the overall flavor and texture of this dish! * Use a Wok, Sauté pan, or a cast iron skillet. For traditional Asian recipes I love pulling out my wok but either of these others work fine. * Dice the vegetables very small. This is one of the keys to making sure every bite is bursting with both texture and flavor! Sometimes I even let my food processor do the chopping for me! WHAT LETTUCE IS BEST FOR WRAPS? There are three varieties of lettuce that I recommend to use when making these chicken lettuce wraps: 1. Butterhead lettuce 2. Green Leaf Lettuce 3. Romaine Lettuce Just be sure to choose a head of lettuce that has large and flexible enough leaves to use as a wrap! HOW DO YOU CUT LETTUCE FOR LETTUCE WRAPS? I t ’s a c t u a l l y v e r y simple! Just cut the bottom part of the head of lettuce off. Then carefully peel away each lettuce leaf! Don’t forget to wash and
dry the lettuce leaves before serving! S E R V I N G SUGGESTIONS I prefer to eat them the traditional way…as lettuce wraps! However, I usually serve these Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps to my grandkids over rice, because it’s much easier for them to eat with a spoon than wrapped in a piece of lettuce!Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps (Better than P.F. Chang's) Play Vide Pin it! HOW TO MAKE ASIAN CHICKEN LETTUCE WRAPS Let’s walk through the process of making this chicken lettuce wraps recipe step-by-step. Don’t forget to watch the video too! MAKE THE SAUCE The first step in this lettuce wrap recipe is making the sauce. The sauce is the key to the flavor of this recipe. And I beg you not to tamper with the sauce. Pin it! M A K E T H E LETTUCE WRAP FILLING • Brown the ground chicken! This recipe is very straightforward! There is, h o w e v e r, o n e v e r y important step and that is to brown the ground chicken. Making sure the chicken is nice and crispy and brown is essential to the overall flavor and texture of this dish! • Use a Wok, Sauté pan,
from page 1
container.) The real issue – apart from why anyone would take the advice of someone who thinks beef jerky comes in cans – is Chipman’s apparent incredulity at the need to keep guns in the
easier for them to eat with a spoon than wrapped in a piece of lettuce! Pin it! ASIAN CHICKEN LETTUCE WRAPS: INGREDIENTS & SUBSTITUTIONS Here are a few potential substitutions. • G r o u n d chicken: Finely diced chicken breasts are a great substitute for ground chicken! You can also use ground turkey or ground beef! • Avocado Oil: Any oil can be used here if you keep peanut on hand use it or if you have a peanut allergy I recommend olive oil or avocado oil. • Soy Sauce: If you have a soy allergy you can substitute coconut aminos for the soy sauce. • Peanut Butter: If you have a peanut allergy any nut or seed butter could work here, but peanut butter definitely gives the best results!
or a cast iron skillet. For traditional Asian recipes I love pulling out my wok. But as you can see in the photo above, a regular sauté pan or cast iron skillet works perfectly! • Dice the vegetables very small. This is one of the keys to making sure every bite is bursting with both texture and flavor! Sometimes I even let my food processor do the chopping for me! Pin it! WHAT LETTUCE IS BEST FOR WRAPS? There are three varieties of lettuce that I recommend to use when making these chicken lettuce wraps: 1 Butterhead lettuce 2 Green Leaf Lettuce 3 Romaine Lettuce Just be sure to choose a head of lettuce that has large and flexible enough leaves to use as a wrap! Pin it! HOW DO YOU CUT LETTUCE FOR LETTUCE WRAPS? I t ’s a c t u a l l y v e r y simple! Just cut the bottom part of the head of lettuce off. Then carefully peel away each lettuce leaf! Don’t forget to wash and dry the lettuce leaves before serving! S E R V I N G SUGGESTIONS I prefer to eat them the traditional way…as lettuce wraps! However, I usually serve these Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps to my kids over noodles or rice, because it’s much
Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps (better than P.F. Chang's)! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes Total Time 30 minutes Servings 6 people Ingredients * 1 lb ground chicken * 1 TBS peanut oil * ½ onion minced * 1 cup red or green pepper diced * 1 8 oz can water chestnuts drained and minced For the Sauce:
home for self-defense. Even with law enforcement stretched thin due to sick or quarantined officers, and hundreds of inmates being released from jails and prisons (here, here, here and here), this former ATF SWAT team member assures us all that there’s nothing to fear because, well, “the zombies” aren’t coming. Chipman, quoted elsewhere, had expanded on his jerky-zombie theme. “If we can imagine how horrible this crisis is … the people who hoarded the guns might decide six months from now – once they see no zombies around but they’ve run out of tuna
and beef jerky – that they need the money to buy food.” The “horrible” part, apparently, is not just running out of food, but the more disturbing possibility of the private sales of these firearms. In contrast to the weird pointers on how to store guns in the kitchen, the NRA has launched new online gun safety courses to address “the growing number of first-time gun buyers during the coronavirus outbreak.” Joe DeBergalis, executive director of NRA General Operations, says “[t]hese courses will provide an option for first-time gun owners who don’t have the ability to take an NRA
* 3 TBS soy sauce* * 3 TBS hoisin sauce** * 1 TBS sesame oil * 1 TBS rice vinegar * 1 TBS peanut butter * 1 TBS honey * 2 tsp sweet chili sauce (Trader Joe’s!) * ½ tsp garlic powder * ¼ tsp powdered ginger To serve serv *¼ cup peanuts crushed * Lettuce or your favorite Asian salad Instructions Whisk together sauce ingredients until well combined. If you use a firmer peanut butter you may need to microwave the mixture for 30-60 seconds in order to melt it and ensure everything is wellmixed. Heat 2 TBS peanut oil in a frying pan. Once hot, add ground chicken. 1. Cook until some pieces are starting to brown. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes or until the onion is becoming translucent. 2. Add the peppers and water chestnuts and cook about 5 minutes or until peppers are becoming soft. 3. Add sauce and simmer on low heat until the chicken and veggies are evenly coated and everything is heated through. 4. Serve in lettuce leaves, on top of your favorite Asian salad, or over noodles or rice!
certified instructor-led class at their local shooting range at this time. While there is no replacement for in-person, instructor-led training, our new online classes do provide the basics of firearm safety training for those selfisolating at home.” The zombies aren’t coming, but regardless of how gun control advocates depict this recent, unprecedented affirmation of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, lawabiding Americans – now as ever – are putting their money on the Second Amendment to keep themselves and their families safe.
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Page 3
Comments According to Doc
WHEN “MAÑANA” BECOMES “NOW!” ow,” it is often used to indicate an unspecified time in the future. When faced with a task that requires a big effort, the term mañana is simply e m p l o y e d t o mean “sometime … but not now.” Dr. Bruce Lipton writes that, “Darwinian evolution theory emphasizes the concept of gradualism, the belief that evolution from one species to another occurs through the gradual accumulation of imperceptible changes over eons of time. Paleontologists Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge challenged this assumption when they verified that evolution actually results from long periods of stability that are periodically interrupted by catastrophic upheavals resulting in the “mass extinction of life.” In mass extinction events, up to 90% of the planet’s species disappear. Gould and Eldredge’s Punctuated Equilibrium theory reveals that each catastrophe is followed by an explosive increase in the number of new species, at a rate faster than can be accounted for by Darwinian mechanisms. In other words, evolution occurs by sudden leaps, not gradual transitions. Gould and Eldredge identified five previous mass extinction events that served as evolutionary punctuations in radically altering life on this planet. Their theory of Punctuated Equilibrium is absolutely pertinent to the current and future fate of civilization. Over 12 years ago, science informed the public that the massive loss of species on the planet revealed that we are in the 6th “mass
extinction of life”. More s i g n i f i c a n t l y, i t w a s recognized that this pending extinction event was due to human behavior. The conclusion was simple, we MUST immediately change how we live and how we engage with the environment, for civilization is, itself, on the verge of creating its own extinction. In response to the crisis, governments and corporations loudly proclaimed, “Mañana!” In fact, the public was really only made aware of the impending extinction event in the last year. While the public seems to be undeterred by the fact that since 1970, we have observed a loss of 65% of t h e p l a n e t ’s a n i m a l population and that there will be no fish left in the oceans by 2048, the impact of climate change has rightfully awakened concern. Yes, rising sea levels are indeed an immediate threat to the massive populations living on the continental coastlines. As of yet, an undeclared crisis threatening the fate of civilization is that the unpredictability of the weather during climate change will precipitate a global catastrophe in food production. The public has been led to believe that human behavior is causing climate change, and that by cleaning-up our act, all will return to “normal.” Fact: climate change is NOT caused by human behavior, it has occurred repeatedly in the history of this planet. However, human behavior and our destructive influence on Mother Nature, are aggravating
climate change, bringing it on faster with a more destructive impact. YES … we should amend the way we live in the environment, slowing down the change will allow us more time to prepare for a very uncertain future. Archeologists have uncovered a small part of the remains of a massive civilization that disappeared over 10,000 years ago. While conventional perception holds that civilization first arose around 5,000BC in the Tigris-Euphrates River valley (Phoenicians and Babylonians), the civilization forming “Göbekli Tepe” in Turkey existed more than 6,000 years earlier than that. Who these people were and what happened to them is shrouded in mystery. What is clear is that the end of their civilization is the consequence of a cataclysmic comet impact in 10,900 BC, referred to by scientists today as the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) event. While that comet, which may have hit Greenland, did not result in a loss of species that characterize a mass extinction, it had a profound effect upon the planetary climate. First, the comet led to a massive melting of ice sheets that covered North America, causing rising sea levels estimated to be hundreds of feet. Afterwards, there was a radically cooling that precipitated another ice age. What happened to Göbekli’s civilization? The loss of this civilization at a time of massive climate change may be much more than coincidence. While shrouded in mystery, the story of
Essential Errands
ATM if one is available. Clean the ATM keyboard with a disinfecting wipe before you use it. * When you are done, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds when you get home.
them (if available). * After fueling, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds when you get home or somewhere with soap and water.
Walden Happenings By Doc Fennessy The opinions expressed in this editorial do not necessarily reflect those of MCN.
[[NOTE]] After reading this article you will find evidence that the crazy and ridiculous current Democrat voting promoting issue, “The Green New Deal” is a lie and a fraud!! There is no way mankind can control the earth’s season heat temperatures!! Additionally, the Democrat four Congresswomen, “The Gang,” who promote this scare tactic also falsely claim acording to science that the world will end in 2028 due to “Climate change!” if you don’t vote for them in November. Award-winning medical school lecturer and keynote speaker, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized stem cell biologist. He is a pioneer in bridging science and spirit, the best-selling author and keynote speaker, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized stem cell biologist. Bruce is a pioneer in bridging science and spirit, the best-selling author of "The Biology of Bruce Lipton. Bruce also publishes his own Newsletter on science. “Dr. Bruce Lipton begins his article from his Newsletter and republished in the March 15th Sunday Family Humour news titled: “WHEN MAÑANA BECOMES “NOW!” “WHILE THE SPANISH MAÑANA means “tomorr
from page 1
* Pay online or on the phone when you order (if possible). * Accept deliveries without in-person contact whenever possible. Ask for deliveries to be left in a safe spot outside your house (such as your front porch or lobby), with no person-to-person interaction. Otherwise, stay at least 6 feet away from the delivery person. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after accepting deliveries or collecting mail. * After receiving your delivery or bringing home your takeout food, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
* After collecting mail from a post office or home mailbox, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Getting gasoline Use gloves or disinfecting Banking wipes on handles or buttons Bank online whenever before you touch them. possible. * Use gloves or disinfect* If you must visit the ing wipes on handles and bank, use the drive-through buttons before you touch
Going to the doctor or getting medicine Talk to your doctor online, by phone or e-mail. * Use telemedicine, if available, or communicate with your doctor or nurse by phone or e-mail. * Talk to your doctor about rescheduling proce-
Multi-award Biologist and author Bruce Lipton Ph.D. publishes a scientific newsletter when this amazing article was first published. Göbekli Tepe’s disappearance may be the writing on the wall that we should prepare for a very uncertain future. Most importantly, Generation Z, the young people born after 2000, may be the awakened generation in regard to managing civilization’s response to climate change. These youth are already environmental activists. God bless Greta Thunberg and her constituency, marching in the streets awakening humanity to the crisis in which we now find ourselves. Redirecting our resources away from corporate greed and focusing on supporting the ecology revolution is a
win-win-win solution! We survive, the planet heals, and the youth create new life-sustaining technologies, jobs and a future world for their families. Can we evolve and survive into the future with intention? The answers from new physics and new biology is a resounding YES! It is a scientific fact that consciousness creates our reality. As we concluded last month: To transform our world, we must first transform our thoughts! The influence of consciousness is real, and now more than ever, necessary, for we can collectively think our way from “survival to thrival.” With Love and Light!
dures that are not urgently needed. If you must visit inperson, protect yourself and others. * If you think you have COVID-19, let the office know and follow guidance. * Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when you have to go out in public. * Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. * Use disinfecting wipes on frequently touched surfaces such as handles, knobs, touchpads (if available). * Stay at least 6 feet away from others while inside and in lines. * When paying, use touchless payment methods if possible. If you cannot use touchless payment, sanitize your hands after paying with card, cash, or check. Wash your hands with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds when you get home. Limit in-person visits to the pharmacy. * Plan to order and pick up all your prescriptions at the same time. * If possible, call prescription orders in ahead of time. Use drive-thru windows, curbside services (wait in your car until the prescription is ready), mailorder, or other delivery services. Do the same for pet medicine. * Check with your doctor and pharmacist to see if you can get a larger supply of your medicines so you do not have to visit the pharmacy as often. If you or a member of your household has signs of COVID-19, call your doctor first, instead of going to the office or the emergency department. Call 911 if you believe it is an emergency.
Page 4, Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Montgomery County News
Governor Abbott Announces Texas Military Department, Prestige Ameritech Partnership To Increase Mask Production 24-Hour Operation Will Produce 2 Million Masks Per Week For Health Care Workers AUSTIN - Governor Greg Abbott today held a press conference where he provided an update on the production and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Texas. The Governor announced a new partnership between the Texas Military Department (TMD) and Prestige Ameritech to increase the production of face masks for health care workers. Prestige Ameritech's 24hour operation at their headquarters near Fort Worth will be staffed in part by members of the Texas National Guard 36th Infantry Division and will produce 2 million masks per week. The Governor thanked private companies across the state that are manufacturing PPE for Texans serving on the
frontlines of the COVID-19 response. The Governor was joined for the press c o n f e r e n c e b y Te x a s Department of State Health Services Commissioner John Hellerstedt, MD, Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd, and Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs of the University of Texas System John Zerwas, MD. "The State of Texas is continuing to work closely with our public and private partners to ramp up the production and distribution of PPE in Texas," said Governor Abbott. "This new partnership between TMD and Prestige Ameritech is an important component of our commitment to ensuring our health
care workers have the supplies they need to do their important work. I thank these partners for providing this muchneeded resource to our health care workers serving our fellow Texans. The Lone Star State remains unwavering in our support for our frontline health care workers as we continue to respond to COVID-19." Prestige Ameritech is a designer and manufacturer of disposable medical devices and the automated machinery that produces them. The company is the United States’ largest domestic surgical mask manufacturer. Prestige (PHOTO: Office Of The Governor, 4/8/20) Ameritech’s headquarters T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t A m e r i t e c h C E O a n d company and the Texas and 220,000 square foot manufacturing facility are included a video featuring Founder, detailing the Military Department. D a n R e e s e , P r e s t i g e partnership between his located near Fort Worth.
Governor Abbott Extends Disaster Weather for the Lake Conroe area Declaration For COVID-19 Wednesday Sunny, with a high near 67. North wind around 5 mph. Wednesday Night Mostly clear, with a low around 46. North wind around 5 mph becoming east after midnight. Thursday Sunny, with a high near 75. East wind 5 to 10 mph. Thursday Night Mostly cloudy, with a low around 59. Friday A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 2pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 78. Friday Night A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a low around 63. Chance of precipitation is 20%. Saturday A slight chance of showers, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms after 8am. Cloudy, with a high near 79. Chance of precipitation is 40%. Saturday Night A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 64. Sunday A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny, with a high near 81. Sunday Night A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly clear, with a low around 58. Monday Mostly sunny, with a high near 81.
AUSTIN - Governor Greg Abbott today issued a proclamation extending his Disaster Declaration for all Texas counties in response to COVID-19. Originally issued on March 13th, the
Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery, TX 77356. Telephone number 936-449-6397, Fax 936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper. Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Montgomery County News. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and occasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in county and $45 outside Montgomery County. Bulk Rate Permit is held by the Postmaster at Montgomery, TX 77356, Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, and does not in any way take responsibility for false or misleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. All contents of Montgomery County News are reserved, and we prohibit reproduction of the items without permission. D&B #12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Montgomery County News, PO Box 1 Montgomery, TX 77356
Editor’s Express Your letters are appreciated and will be published as space will allow. We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter, which you sign with your signature, address and daytime phone number to verify the author. We hold the right to edit or not publish letters that may not conform to the mission of this paper. Mail, Fax or E-mail: Montgomery County News, 14375 Liberty St, P.O. Box 1, Montgomery, Texas 77356-0001, Fax 936-597-6395, E-mail: Web page:
“By extending my Disaster Declaration, we are ensuring the state of Texas continues to have adequate resources and capabilities to support our communities and protect public health,"
said Governor Abbott. "I urge all Texans to continue practicing social distancing and abide by the guidelines laid out by the CDC and my Executive Orders to slow the spread of COVID-19."
Sen. Cruz Vows to Hold Chinese Officials Involved in Coronavirus Coverup Accountable
April 8, 2020 HOUSTON, Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (RTexas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who has longwarned that China poses the most significant long-term geopolitical threat facing America and our allies - on Tuesday slammed the Chinese Communist Party for its culpability in allowing the coronavirus to become a global pandemic and vowed to hold Chinese officials accountable for endangering millions of lives around the world. On Houston's Michael Berry Show, Sen. Cruz said: Montgomery County News "China's conduct has played a major role in the Phone (936) 449-6397 Fax (936)597-6395 spread of this global E-mail: pandemic. [...] when the web; o u t b r e a k occurred in Publisher: M. Ryan West Wuhan, China, the Chinese Editor: Monte West Communist Party did Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan everything they possibly West could to cover it up. They Photography: Monte West, Wade Stultz, Bobby suppressed news coverage, Strader, Lance Bridges they didn't bring in
R e p o r t e r s / C o n t r i b u t i n g Wr i t e r s : D o c Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom, Megan West Stultz, Narcissa Martin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas 2017-2018
Disaster Declaration provides the state a number of resources to effectively serve Texans as the Lone Star State continues to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
scientists, they didn't bring in medical doctors, they didn't bring in an epidemic containment unit. Instead, they punished the doctors who spoke out about it, they went after them and tried to just silence it and as a consequence, we saw this epidemic spread and become a pandemic. "If China behaved like a responsible government, this crisis could have been averted, it could have potentially been contained to the region where the outbreak occurred, but for months, they denied it, they suppressed it - and by the way the World Health Organization acted as puppet and a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist government, insisting the coronavirus had no risk of a human to human transmission [...] the World Health Organization was helping China spread that propaganda. Many of the deaths
we have seen worldwide are a direct consequence of the Chinese coverup." He continued: "There needs to be real and serious inquiry, after we defeat this pandemic, after we stop the immediate public health crisis, as to how it started, where this virus came from - and within miles of the animal market, the wet market where this outbreak is believed to originate, within miles, there are not one, but two Chinese labs that are researching coronaviruses from bats and there is a natural inference, a natural question that needs to be asked, which is did this virus accidentally escape from one of those labs? [...] Was the Chinese government responsible, albeit inadvertently, for the beginnings of this outbreak that has caused so much devastation? [...] I am going to press until we get an answer to that and [...] end
its propaganda war." Since the start of his career in the Senate, Sen. Cruz has condemned the Chinese Communist Party's suppression and censorship, and has worked to shed light on the plight of political dissidents who have been wrongly silenced and oppressed for out against the totalitarian regime. As Sen. Cruz said during a hearing he chaired last month to examine how global aviation can reduce the spread of the coronavirus: "As dedicated public health experts scrambled to warn each other and to collect more information on what was happening, China's security services were busy trying to stop them." For COVID-19 information and additional r e s o u r c e s , visit coronavirus/.
New Guidance about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Beneficiaries from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul “The Treasury Department launched a new web tool allowing quick registration for Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals who do not normally file a tax return, and also announced that it would begin making automatic payments. However, for some people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration--specifically those who have dependent children under the age of 17--it is to their advantage to go to this portal to ensure they also get the $500 per dependent Economic Impact Payment. I encourage them to do this as soon as possible, and want to provide the following details: People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits and who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 and who have qualifying children under
age 17 should now go to the I R S ’s w e b p a g e a t economic-impactpayments to enter their information instead of waiting for their automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If Social Security beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait to receive their $500 per qualifying child. The same new guidance also applies to SSI recipients, especially those who have qualifying children under age 17. To receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family
are eligible for, go to the IRS’s Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info page at conomic-impact-payments and provide information about yourself and your qualifying children. Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s NonFilers website to enter their information. L a s t l y, f o r S o c i a l Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries who do not have qualifying children under age 17, you do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS as long as you received an SSA-1099 for 2019. For SSI recipients who do not have qualifying
children under age 17, we continue to work closely with Treasury in our efforts to make these payments automatically. Please note that we will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months. The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be f o u n d h e r e : conomic-impact-paymentinformation-center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS at for the latest information. We will continue to update Social Security’s COVID-19 web page at ronavirus/ as further details become available.”
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Page 5
Doing Our Best To Fight The Enemy In Hard Times Spreading the Word
By Gail J. Box
At the beginning of this year of 2020, we looked forward to what the year would bring. By March, we were “blind-sided” by a corona virus. All the time I watched the news flashes, I had a still, small voice inside me saying: “and this, too, shall pass.” In this next week, we will have the Lord’s crucifixion and resurrec-
tion from the dead behind us. We will have sorrow still around us because of the many losses of life this year, and seemingly, more to come. This is not the only time in history we have had to fight a virus. Many have come and gone. The Lord willing, it will soon be gone. Many prayers have gone up, and we will continue to pray as individuals, families, and even with empty churches going online to deliver pastors’ messages. So, what else can we as people of the Lord do? We can pray and declare this word God
prayer, the reading of God’s word, by going to a church online or on a radio, and encouraging one another by phone, computer, or sending cards. We can build each other up in these ways. Since some have children, this is a time where they can learn what to do in harsh and difficult times. The enemy always wants us down and discouraged, but that’s when we stand strong to defeat him. God gave Paul a way to confront the enemy. It’s found in Ephesians 6:10 – 17. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of
His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood… against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God…, stand firm, therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of
faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” To the parents: This is a great visual scripture to remind us and the children how to overcome our enemy. For each person, I pray the Lord will minister His love to you and that your walk will be strengthened in this, a time of our nation’s great need. Loving our neighbors is a good place to start.
identity. As new creations in Christ, our nature is not sinful, but good. However, sin still attacks us through the flesh. In Romans 7:17 Paul discovered that sin is a power and attacking him through the flesh. Sin is not talked about like it’s a part of us. It’s talked about like a n e x t e r n a l p o w e r. Scripture says believers have been given new spirits, and new hearts with new desires. Though the evil one makes it feel like sin originates with us, it’s actually coming from an outside source and getting to us through our flesh. Think of sin like a parasite or virus. You have the symptoms of the virus, but you are not the virus. The virus is just using your body and infecting it. The virus has absolutely no power until it finds a body
to inhabit. You are not defined by the virus. Likewise, your identity is not in your ability to fight sin. We get a choice each time sin attacks us. We can either obey its lusts or choose to walk in the Spirit and obey the new desires of our newly created selves. You are dead to sin, but sin is still very much alive. The flesh is the vehicle that sin uses to accuse you and misguide you. Our spirit is our core, therefore, we should consider it king. After all, our heavenly King, Christ, resides there. Our time, attention, and energy should be adequately focused on supporting our spirit. Our soul should be considered a servant of the spirit. All of our thoughts and desires should be subject to whatever the
needs of our spirit are. Our body, a temporary shell, is a mere slave to our spirit. Our actions, the words we speak and the deeds we perform, should only serve our spirit in ways that demonstrate the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Our soul is where our thoughts reside, wherever we direct our focus that area of focus becomes our god. Therefore, sin is the result of allowing the five senses of our body to supersede the divine nature of our spirit. In essence, sin results when the divine order of the three-part whole is flipped inside-out. In sin, our body becomes our king and our spirit becomes its slave. When we choose to allow the body or the flesh
to rule us constantly, Christ will not fully rule in our lives. When this happens, we’re incomplete and an incomplete man cannot victoriously live with this virus of sin. What are you doing in your life to ensure your three-part whole remains in the correct order? Who, or what is your king? If it’s not your spirit, what will you do to change that? Pastor Randy Weaver Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-5742 Service Times: Sundays 8:30; 10:00 and 11:30am Mondays 7:00pm Livestream: Watch us live Sundays & Mondays @ or go to the Lone Star Cowboy Church Facebook page and click on the Livestream link.
a.m. Richards United Methodist Church 6639 FM 1696 Richards Worship Service 11 AM Sunday School 10AM Porter Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, 1308 S. Hwy 1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331 or 936449-5983 Living Way Church, 2080 Longmire Rd, Conroe 936-441-8875 Hope Tabernacle Pastor David Whitaker Meets at 18961 Freeport Dr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday 7:30pm Sunday School at 10:00am Sunday Worship at 6:00pm Community And Interdenominational Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-5742 Pastors Randy & Darla Weaver Service Times: Sundays 8:30; 10:00 and 11:30am Mondays 7:00pm Livestream: Watch us live Sundays & Mondays @ or go to the Lone Star Cowboy Church Facebook page and click on the Livestream link. W e b s i t e : Abundant Life Ministries Corner of FM 149 & FM 1097 W. Montgomery TX 77356 Prayer /Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Service 11:30 am Wednesday Pray/Bible Study 6:30 pm RiverStone Community Church 19380 Hwy 105 Ste. 500 Montgomery, TX 77356 Sun: 9:00 Kingdom Life, 10:30 Worship Wed: 6:30 p.m. April Sound Church, 67 ½ April Wind S., April Sound, 936-5882832 Lighthouse Fellowship
Church, Montgomery, 936-5827700 Living Branch Church, Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936-588-3400 New Beginning Bible Church, 19087 Mt. Pleasant Cemetary Rd, 936-5978921 Father’s House, Family Worship Center, Highway 105 W, Lake Conroe, 936-588-4660 Walden Community Church, 12400 Walden Rd, Walden, 936-582-6696 Services 9:30 and 11 a.m. River of Life Church, 17156 FM 1097, Montgomery, 936-4494414 Cornerstone Church, 1011 W. Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792 Lakeside Bible Church, 18940 Freeport Drive Montgomery, 936-5821977 Church of St. John, retreat and wildlife center, 2615 St. Beulah Chapel Rd., Montgomery, 936597-5757 Fellowship of Montgomery Pastor: Dr. Dale Talbert Executive Pastor: Dr. Brian Roberson 12681 FM 149 Worship Service: 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Children & Student Ministries: 6:30 p.m. 936.597.3949 www.fellowshipofmont EPISCOPAL St. James the Apostle Episcopal, 1803 Highland Hollow, Conroe, 936-756-8831 The Grace Christian Outreach Center 25293 Tisdale Road, Dobbin, Texas 936-689-3141 Mt. Pleasent Baptist Church FM 149 N., Montgomery, 936-449-6807 The Church @ Lake Conroe 1701 McCaleb Rd
Montgomery, TX 77316 936-588-4975 Sunday worship @ 10:00 a.m. Wed. activites 6:30-8pm North Shore Church 10 am Worship Service 18501 Fm1097 West @ the Bentwater West Gate Entrance Pastor Cary Smith Covenant Fellowship 302 N. Danville, Willis, Tx. 77378 936/890-8034 Celebration Service 10am Sundays Youth Explosing 7pm Wednesdays Pastors Sean & Lori Jo Cook PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian
Church of Conroe 2727 N. Loop 336 West Conroe, Texas 936-7568884 Sun. 9:00 & 11:00 Sun Sch 10:00 Nursery provided Church of Christ in Montgomery 301 Pond Street, Montgomery, TX. Sunday Bible Class 9:30 am Worship - 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Phone: 936-582-4855 E m a i l : cofcmontgomery@consoli W e b : Paul Praschnik, Minister
placed in Isaiah. His word in our Bibles stands strong, whether it is in the Old or the New Testament, as this one: “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 54:17. We’re in a battle with an unseen enemy, and we need to be reminded of some of the unseen ways we can fight him. Yes, we use
What Defines You? This article provides simple responses for the Christian to follow during the coronavirus pandemic. We recommend a balanced approach of prudence and faith. We are given ample instruction in Scripture for dealing with any crisis. The coronavirus now dominates the news. It has been classified as a pandemic. Extreme actions are being taken by governments to contain the spread of this disease. It is driving the stock market down. Unfortunately, it is also a part of the political dialogue. It is impacting commerce, travel, entertainment, and sports. The primary concern is not necessarily the current sickness and death count; it is the potential devastation this disease could cause. The Bible has a lot to say
about plagues and we can draw counsel from the word of God as to how we should respond to the current situation. As Christians, what should we personally do about the current crisis? ACTS 20:22-24 ~ And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Sin is like a virus. A virus has symptoms, but the symptoms aren’t your
Area Churches This Devotional and Directory page is made possible by these businesses ASSEMBLY OF GOD Cornerstone Christian Assembly of God of Conroe, located at 100 Mosswood Dr., Conroe, Texas in front of River Plantation. 936-273-1755 New Life Assembly of God, Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, 936-5883399 BAPTIST Church of the Good Soldier (Baptist Affiliation), 1501 North Frazier (McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe, Texas, Phone: 9364 9 4 - 5 7 7 5 , www.churchofthegoodsold Worship: Sunday at 10:30am, Sunday School: 9:30 am Heritage Baptist Church19087 Lake Mt. Pleasant Rd, Montgomery 77356 Phone: Pastor Bear 936 448-4027 Gary Chapel Baptist Church PO Box 125, Montgomery, Texas 77356, 5525 Spring Branch Road, Montgomery. 713-4781256, Sunday Bible Class 10:00 am, Worship Service at 11:00 am. Faith Baptist Church Meets at 464 McCaleb Rd. Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. St. Beulah Baptist Church, located in Dobbin, P.O. Box 112, Montgomery, 77356 Benui Baptist Church, Scott Ridge and FM 1097, Montgomery Antioch Baptist, Dobbin, 936-597-5560 China Grove Baptist Church, Willis, 936-7674744 Dacus Baptist, Dacus, 407-735-6403, dacusbaptist@consolidate d . n e t First Baptist Church, Hwy 105 W., Montgomery, 936-597-4230 Honea Baptist Church, FM 2854, Montgomery, 936-588-1260 Jones Chapel Baptist, FM 2854, 936-756-2505 Mt. Calvary Baptist, Old Hwy 105, 936-5882330 Mt. Sinai Baptist, Bethel Road, Montgomery, 936-597-4668 Union Grove Baptist About 11 mi N of Montgomery on FM 149 Service 10:50, Sunday 9:45 CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Catholic, 109 N. Frazier, Conroe, 936-756-8186 St. Mary’s Catholic, FM 1774, Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45 Service St. Joseph’s Catholic, CR 213, Stoneham, 936-894-2223 JEWISH Congregation Beth Shalom, 5125 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, 281-362-1100 LUTHERAN Grace Lutheran (ELCA), Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936-588-1944 Living Savior Lutheran Church-LCMS 309 Pond St. Montgomery 77356 Church phone: 936-5978 0 1 3 W e b : Pastor David R. Bailes. METHODIST Montgomery United Methodist Church 22548 Highway 105 West M o n t g o m e r y, T X 77356 Phone: 936-597-6162 Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., 9:45 am., 11:00 a.m. Praise & Worship Sunday School: 9:45
Page 6, Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Montgomery County News
PUBLIC NOTICE Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is proposing to build a 191-foot monopole telecommunications tower with an overall height of 199 feet in the vicinity of By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th District Court of 17163 Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, Montgomery County, TX 77316. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic Montgomery County, TX on 20th day of February 2020 by the Clerk thereof, in the case of properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication High Meadow Ranch Community Association Inc. vs. George R. Barbosa & Gail B. to: Project 6120001998 - TC c/o EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403,, or via telephone at (339) Barbosa, 234-2597. Jointly and Severally Published Date: April 15, 2020 Cause #19-02-01988-CV and to me, as CONSTABLE directed and delivered, I will PUBLIC NOTICE proceed to sell, at 10:00 O'Clock AM on the 5th day of May, 2020, which is the first Tuesday of said month, at the Montgomery County Commissioner's Courtroom: 501 N. Thompson, IN COMPLIANCE WITH 203.157 OF THE VEHICLE STORED ACT. 4th Floor (Suite 402), Conroe, TX 77301 or ordered under Texas Property Code §51.002 THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE WILL BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST and sales under Texas Tax Code §34.01 will take place on the Montgomery County, TX BIDDER FOR CASH ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 15, 2020 AT 9:00AM Courthouse steps at 301 N. Main, Conroe, TX 77301, the following described property:
BEING 4.077 ACRES OF LAND, OUT OF LOT TEN (10), BLOCK ONE (1), OF 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY VIN# 4T1BF3EK7BU160497 HIGH MEADOW RANCH, SECTION SEVENTEEN (17), A SUBDIVISION OF Published Date: April 15, 2020 147.275 ACRES SITUATED IN THE THOMAS TOBY SURVEY, A-565, AND THE E. L. ARNOLD SURVEY, A-66, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET U, SHEET 169-170 OF CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX, TOGETHER WITH Application to Determine Heirship ANY SUBSEQUENTLY RECORDED AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS CLERK OF THE COURT ATTORNEY OF RECORD OR PERSON FILING THERETO AND/OR REPLATS THEREOF. CAUSE MARK TURNBULL ROBERT A MARKOWITZ Levied on 3rd day of April 2020 as the property of: P.O. BOX 959 18735 WEST COOL BREEZE CONROE, TX 77305 MONTGOMERY TX 77356 George R. Barbosa and Gail B. Barbosa, Jointly and Severally THE STATE OF TEXAS to satisfy judgment recovered on the 7th day of October 2019, representing High Meadow TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: Linda Theriot, Deceased Ranch Community Association Inc. through the date of judgment, plus all costs of court, costs of sale, and post judgment penalties and interest recoverable by law. GREETING: ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Determine Heirship filed by Raymond Theriot, Jr., at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first PROPERTY TAX CODE. Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, GIVEN UNDER my hand on the 2nd day of April 2020, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on the April 09, at 19100 Unity Park Drive, Magnolia, Texas. 2020. CONSTABLE MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS The file number of said matter being: 20-39196-P By: Bruce Harrison The style being: ESTATE OF: Linda Theriot Published Dates: April 15, 22, 29, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for BQ Wine and Beer Retailer's Off-Premise Permit by Family Dollar Stores of Texas LLC dba Family Dollar 32255, to be located at 20074 Highway 105, Cleveland, TX 77328 in Montgomery County. Officers of said Limited Liability Company are: Lonnie McCaffety, Pres.; William A. Old Jr., Sen. V. Pres., CLO, Gen. Con., and Sec.; Roger Dean, V. Pres. and Treas.; Jonathan Elder, V. Pres.-Tax; Deborah Miller, V. Pres.; Thomas E. Schoenheit , V. Pres., Asst. Gen. Con. and Asst. Sec.; Shawnta Totten-Medley, V. Pres. and Asst. Sec.; Bruce Walters, V. Pres.; Sandra Boscia, Asst. Sec.; CJ York, Asst. Sec.; Family Dollar Stores of Ohio, Inc. MGR. MBR. Published Dates: April 8, 15, 2020 936-449-NEWS (6397)
The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court, in CONROE, Texas, this 14th day of April, 2020. (SEAL, County Court at Law #2) MARK TURNBULL, COUNTY CLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS Alyssa Drake Alyssa Drake, Deputy Published Date: April 15, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE Vehicle stored at Jason Adamick's Wrecker, 14534 Hwy 75 N., Willis, TX 77378, 936-856-9595 TDLR ( license # 0612563VSF, on 4-3-20: 1999 Maroon Toyt Camry-vin 4T1BG22K4XU608763, tow fee $255, daily storage $20, $50 notification fee. Published Date: Apil 15, 2020
Legal advertisers please allow 7 days for the Publisher’s Affidavit to be E-Filed or returned to your office. Thank you, Montgomery Feed Store
Real Estate
Wednesday, April 15, 2020, Montgomery County New, Page 7
COVID-19 could alter ag trade relationships COVID-19 has raised questions about diversifying suppliers for world-wide trade The delay in products getting to their final markets could lead countries and producers to alter their international supply chains and practices once the pandemic ceases. (Pedro Szekely via Flickr) BLACKSBURG, Va. — While progress was being made on the U.S.China Phase One agricultural deal with changes to regulations on non-tariff barriers, COVID-19 has raised questions about diversifying suppliers for world-wide trade. “We saw lower buying activity from China in January and February of 2020, just as China was starting to offer tariff waivers to facilitate import purchases from the U.S.” said Virginia Tech expert Jason Grant, associate professor of agricultural and applied economics at Virginia Tech. “COVID-19, however, has likely impacted first quarter imports as agricultural trade numbers are running significantly behind 2017 Phase One benchmark levels, which means that China would
have to purchase a lot of product later this year to fulfill the deal,” said Grant. “Backhauling is another supply chain issue, if ships are delayed in China and aren’t coming to U.S. ports, or vice versa, then there could be a shortage of ships, which is not good news for U.S. producers trying to sell product to China.” The delay in products getting to their final markets could lead countries and producers to alter their international supply chains and practices once the pandemic ceases. “It may change the view of globalization and interdependency for food,” said Charlotte Emlinger, an agricultural and applied economics expert at Virginia Tech. “We can imagine that countries will change their risk analysis about being dependent on other countries for food supply. Some countries may implement higher protective policies once the pandemic is over to promote food independency because this pan-
demic shows how fragile world interdependency is, but the behavior change of states and firms will be more drastic in manufacturing,” said Emlinger. Mary Marchant, an expert on trade with China, also notes that “China already has a five-year plan that includes diversifying its suppliers.” However, she also acknowledges that the U.S.-China trade relationship is vital for agriculture. “China has about 20 percent of the world’s population but only 10 percent of the world’s arable land, so they really need agricultural imports to feed their people,” said Marchant. Background Jason Grant is an associate professor of agricultural and applied economics in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His research expertise is in the area of agricultural trade, specifically with regards to bilateral and regional trade agreements, trade disputes, as well as tariffs and non-tariff measures. Grant has performed
economic analysis and recent trade impact assessment of the 2018-19 U.S.-China trade dispute, which culminated in him co-editing a volume of recent articles entitled “The Economic Impacts of Trade Retaliation on U.S. Agriculture: A One-Year Review”. Grant directs the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Center for Agricultural Trade, which promotes agricultural trade through research, education, and outreach. Charlotte Emlinger is an assistant professor of agricultural and applied economics at Virginia
Tech. Her research focuses on agricultural trade competitiveness and on how trade agreements or trade wars affect agricultural world trade. She teaches undergraduates about international trade and is the research lead with the Virginia Tech College of Agricult u r e a n d L i f e Sciences’ Center for Agricultural Trade. Mary Marchant is a professor of agricultural and applied economics at Vi r g i n i a Te c h . H e r research examines the impact Chinese policies have on U.S. agricultural trade with an eye toward
increasing U.S. market access to China. She has focused her research efforts on Chinese markets for over two decades and co-edited an awardwinning volume of articles in 2018 entitled “U.S.China Trade Dispute and Potential Impacts to Agriculture” that examined the U.S.-China trade dispute as it was unfolding. Marchant is the education lead with the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Center for Agricultural Trade.
Bass Fishing Hall Of Fame Joins Campaign To Promote Social Distancing While Fishing SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – For Immediate Release – 4.14.20 - The Bass Fishing Hall of Fame has joined the American Sportfishing Association and other outdoor sports organizations in urging anglers to practice safe, responsible recreation during the current COVID-19 pandemic. “Spending time outdoors and participating in the wonderful sport of recreational fishing are excellent ways Americans are learning to cope with the current crisis,” said John Mazurkiewicz, president of the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Board of Directors. The Board oversees the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame venue within Johnny M o r r i s ’ Wo n d e r s o f Wildlife Museum and Aquarium in Springfield, Mo. “As many anglers have shown, these pastimes can be enjoyed while practicing social distancing and adhering to other guidelines for stopping the spread of COVID-19,” he added. “Unfortunately, some outdoor enthusiasts have failed to follow those guidelines, and that has led to the closure of popular parks, recreation areas and even boat launches.” The goal of ASA’s
#ResponsibleRecreation initiative is to keep the public from breaking social distancing regulations, thus stopping further access closures on public lands and waters. While many governors have declared fishing to be an “essential activity” that is permitted under quarantine recommendations and requirements, other states and local government authorities have forbidden the public to use fishing and boating access areas. “Just this week,” ASA said in a statement Friday, “Texas closed all its parks to the public because people weren’t practicing physical distancing regulations. In addition, some local communities are closing rivers, streams and boat ramps under their jurisdictions for the same reasons.” Mazurkiewicz adds that the state of Michigan has closed its water to any motorized boats which has caused a great deal of frustration, while allowing kayakers and others providing their own power to still be on the water. A S A ’ s #ResponsibleRecreation is similar to the #LiveSmart #FishSmart initiative launched by B.A.S.S. in late March,
which urged anglers to enjoy family fishing time while practicing social distancing and commonsense precautions to stop the spread of the deadly virus. “Fishing is vital to the mental health and wellbeing of millions of A m e r i c a n s , ” Mazurkiewicz said. “The beauty of it is that they can still go fishing without increasing the risk of getting sick or infecting others. Out of respect for the sport and for fellow anglers, we should all be responsible about how we enjoy outdoor recreation.” About the Hall of Fame The Bass Fishing Hall of Fame is a nonprofit organization led by a
volunteer board of directors and is dedicated to celebrating, promoting and preserving the sport of bass fishing. In November 2017, the Hall opened a permanent home for exhibits and collections honoring bass fishing’s
legends as part of Johnny Morris’ (a 2002 BFHOF inductee) Wonders of Wildlife Museum and Aquarium in Springfield, Mo. Support the BFHOF by becoming a supporter. V i s i t
m for more details, or 501/541.6660. For more information on Johnny M o r r i s ’ Wo n d e r s o f Wildlife Museum and Aquarium, visit www.wondersofwildlife.c om. 936-449-NEWS (6397)
Page 8, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Veteran of the Week John Ashton Dumond, New Iberia, LA By Lew McCreary Born the son of a doctor (physician) in New Iberia, LA, John volunteered (Seabees) at age 23. After high school he attended Nichols State U in Thibodeau, LA and later Louisiana Tech (Ruston) for a year. Having worked on construction projects in high school and college he was excited about becoming a Seabee…and ultimately a construction manager even though in college he majored in ecology and plant science. John…a 24 carat Cajun, relocated to Baton Rouge where he became a construction laborer at perhaps the largest refinery this side of Saudi Arabia, then spent five more years as a laborer for the former Standard Oil Company, now known as Exxon Mobil, and there he acquired a variety of skills. Then John decided to join the US Navy. It was 1992…and he was obligated four years. John completed navy boot camp in Orlando and due to a plethora of high test scores took only ten weeks to make petty officer first class. Seabee school was completed within four years and after separation from the military joined the
Montgomery County News has published VETERANS OF THE WEEK since 2014 numbering more than 200. The purpose? An endeavor to educate readers regarding the depth of personal valor and selfless sacrifice of patriotic men and women of WW2, Korea, Vietnam and Middle East deployments during their service commitment and the protection of the homeland. In particular these articles target younger generations that have not been adequately schooled in US history. WW2 still is the biggest event in human history and veterans of that world war are now in their 90’s so please thank them at every opportunity.
inactive reserves requiring one weekend/month and two weeks/year of training. The Seabee school was located in Port Hueuene, CA and the year was 1996. He had always loved construction work…even in high school, and religiously followed the construction business in CO, LA and TX until 2003. He soon raised his “station” by fast tracking to become a department supervisor. John spent a few years with Home Depot in Magnolia, TX and then returned to construction work as site supervisor and safety engineer. He then relocated to Houston…his new home address. Currently there appears to be a temporary slowdown of large projects on the drawing boards. John believes it’s time for a s i g n i f i c a n t t u r naround…and soon he will again sign on as equipment operator or supervisor. He hopes to be hired. Occasionally attaining too many skills can backfire and John is aware that over qualification may even be a game changer. When opportunities do experience an “about face” outcomes will become more unpredictable. However, to make matters even more
complicated, highly qualified employees such as site supervisors find it difficult to gain the upper hand when positions become scarce. Would John recommend young American men and women join the military? He certainly would. His experience has been that former members of the military have a built-in
advantage because high school graduates are not mature and have no existing social skills. They aren’t as yet fully marketable and still require a work ethic and understand teamwork. These are essential in order to be fully prepared for today’s fastmoving economy. Most of the competing older adversaries looking for
work hit the ground running. During the last century and in the late forties (after World War Two), high school grads discovered that older guys held an advantage because they had developed teamwork earlier and they soon regained employment. Some took advantage of the G.I. Bill and earned a degree. That was
just one of the primary reasons the US economy and GDP took off in a hurry after the “big war”. This remarkable and fast paced transition quickly opened the door that helped make America great…and America has continued to be great ever since.
Shop Safe. Shop Smart. Let’s All Do Our Part. Lufkin, TX (April 7, 2020) – Brookshire Brothers thanks its shoppers for joining with them to help contain the spread of COVID-19. The Lufkin-based grocer appreciates the care its customers have shown for our employee-owners and each other by practicing social distancing and healthy habits while shopping. This way the community grocer can continue to provide food and essential goods in the safest manner possible. Here are some of the ways our folks on the front lines are working to keep our stores safe, stocked and open to serve our commu-
nities: * Urging customers to send someone else to shop if you believe you, or anyone with whom you have had close contact with may have an active case of COVID-19 or are tested and the results are pending, or have symptoms of fever, dry cough, or shortness of breath. * Reminding customers to have only one family member in the store shopping at one time. * Encouraging social distancing through store signage, floor decals and ongoing in store announcements. * Installing plexiglass partitions at each check
lane, pharmacy counter, deli counter and courtesy booth. * Sanitizing high touch areas continuously and reinforcing proper handwashing, disinfecting and cough covering practices. * Monitoring the wellbeing of our employee-owners. * Reminding shoppers to leave their reusable shopping bags at home. * Inviting our customers to bag their own groceries if they’d like. Please let your cashier know when you enter the check lane that you’ll be sacking your own. * Encouraging shoppers
to only purchase what they need for their family, be mindful about leaving product on the shelves for others and offer to shop for a friend or neighbor in need. * Keeping updated on COVID-19 through official websites like w w w. c d c . g o v, and Brookshire Brothers President and CEO John Alston says, “Every day we receive messages from our shoppers across Texas and Louisiana describing our front line employee owners and their efforts as heroic. They are our heroes, working tirelessly to ensure our customers have access to essential products and services.” To recognize that, the company implemented bonuses in mid-March for all hourly workers. Brookshire Brothers and its team members are doing their best along with the rest of the country to contain the spread of the novel Coronavirus. Alston adds, “We believe it is our shared responsibility to help flatten the curve. We appreciate the support of the community as we walk through this together.” A B O U T B R O O K S H I R E BROTHERS Brookshire Brothers is a 100 % employee-owned, community-centered grocer based in Lufkin, Texas. Founded in 1921, this regional grocery chain operates more than 116 retail locations stretching west to the Texas Hill Country and east to Lake Charles, Louisiana. Though its focus remains on traditional grocery and pharmacy, Brookshire Brothers has complimentary formats that include fuel and tobacco operations. Brookshire Brothers is committed to quality and service in their stores and is known for its good people providing good food and doing good deeds in the communities they serve. https://www.brookshirebr