Bronco Express
Summer 2023
Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends,
It is certainly a very bittersweet moment for me as I sit down and I write my last President’s Message to you. For the last 26 years, I have been honored and blessed to be part of the Montini Catholic High School faculty and staff. It has been an exciting and rewarding 26 year experience and I have had a wonderful 46 year career in Catholic education.
Cubs Rooftop Event | July 16
Bronco Classic Golf Outing | August 11
Drive-in Movie Night | September 16
Homecoming | October 6
Harvest Moon Howl | October 21
Memorial Mass | November 12

Fashion Show | December 3
Track & Field Reunion | December 16
Class Reunions - Complete listing on page 15
have a story?
Our Bronco Express editors are always looking for great stories about our students and alumni. If you have a story or update that you would like to share, we’d love to hear from you.

For student stories please contact Barbara Dawson, Editor and PR Director at: bdawson@montini.org
For alumni updates please email us at: alumni@montini.org

upcoming events contact us
Barbara Dawson, Editor bdawson@montini.org
19W070 16th Street Lombard, IL 60148

@MontiniCatholic. #WeAreMontini
To receive your Bronco Express digitally please contact Michelle Ptak O’Connor ‘88 at: moconnor@montini.org
The support and generosity that you have provided our school community and me over the past 26 years has been sincerely appreciated. I am truly grateful to all of you for helping us continue to move our Lasallian mission of education forward by supporting our Annual Fund, Scholarship Fund, Capital Campaigns, Fund-A-Need, and development events – including the Maroon & Gold Gala and the Bronco Classic Golf Outing. You have also provided loyalty and support by participating in Career Days, Lunch and Learns, raffles and other events and reunions. Your support and generosity truly “make a difference” in the Lasallian, college preparatory experience that we provide.
I also want to express my gratitude to the Lasallian Brothers, the Montini Catholic Board of Directors, school administrators and our faculty and staff, past and present, for their support and dedication. I am very grateful to the Lasallian Brothers and the Board of Directors for the trust and confidence they have bestowed upon me, first as Principal (1997-2004) and as president (2004-2023) - especially Brother Thomas Harding, FSC and Jim Van De Velde ’70 who were the President and Chairman of the Board of Directors who hired me as the school’s first lay principal and then recommended me to be the school’s first lay President.
I have been very blessed and lucky to have been able to work with three outstanding Board ChairsJim Van De Velde ’70, Wally Weisenburger ’75 and Dr. Janis Orlowski ’74, two extremely talented, hardworking and dedicated principals, Maryann O’Neill and Kevin Beirne, several talented, hardworking and dedicated assistant principals and department managers, a talented, hardworking faculty and staff who are second to none in secondary education, and a talented, hardworking and dedicated Development Team. All of these individuals embrace the Lasallian mission of education and “touch the hearts” of our students every day.
We enter our 58th school year with Kevin Beirne as our 3rd president and Chris Tiritilli as our school’s 10th principal (page 6). After a very extensive, national search, our Board of Directors selected Kevin to lead our school. I could not be happier with their selection. He has my complete endorsement and confidence as does Chris. The two of them, along with Sarah Lhotka, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, our Management Council and Board of Directors, will do a great job leading our school community into the 2023-24 school year.
They will have much to live up to as our 57th year of education was once again, a very successful school year. We are very proud of our graduates . They were great leaders and, as a class, have earned over $17 million dollars in academic scholarships and grants. We wish each of them success as they move on to the next chapter in their young lives. We also welcome the newest members into the Montini Catholic school community, the class 140+ members of the Class of 2027!
Again, thank you so much for all your support, generosity and friendship over the past 26 years. It has been truly an honor and pleasure. I hope that I made a difference in some way and that I touched hearts. I will always be grateful for God leading me to Montini Catholic back in 1997 and I will always be a BRONCO. All my best to all of you and, “May Jesus Live In Your Hearts…Forever.”
Jim Segredo, President
In all issues of Bronco Express, an asterisk (*) follows the names of our legacy students (students of alumni).

“I will always be grateful for God leading me to Montini Catholic back in 1997 and I will always be a BRONCO!”
– Jim Segredo
We’ll miss you, Jim.
Dr. Janis M. Orlowski ‘74, announced Jim’s retirement - after a dedicated 26 years at Montini Catholic, 46 years total, in Catholic education. "Jim has led our school through many wonderful opportunities," said Dr. Orlowski. "He has seen us through many school years, campus renovations and growth and he has also had his share of crisis with the recent pandemic. He has set an example of how much work it takes to lead a school. We have all been very fortunate to have such a dedicated leader."
"Jim, this school community has changed dramatically and radically since you arrived," said Principal Kevin Beirne. "Though you won’t take credit for all that the school has accomplished in those ensuing years, your thumbprints are all over this place. Thumbprints not least of which are on the hearts of the many people - students, colleagues, parents, friends of Montini - whom you've touched over the years. Very few people are able to leave an indelible mark that fundamentally shapes the soul of the place. Jim - you’ve done just that - and though your presence will never go unfelt here, you will be missed."
"So much of what we do as educators comes down to how we treat each other," said Montini teacher/dean and alumnus, Andrew Weisenburger '05. "Jim, you have always said it was the people that

make a school. In 46 years I am sure that you don’t remember every meeting, email, or parent phone call, but I know that you must hold close those moments that can’t quite be quantified. The energy on the first (or last) day of school, beating Driscoll or Mt. Carmel, the positive conversations with kids who needed an ally, being there for a student, player, or colleague when they needed help. I leave you with a quote from De La Salle, “Fulfill your ministry with all the affection of your heart.” There is no doubt in my mind that you have done this. Enjoy retirement. You have earned it."
Jim's last day as president of Montini Catholic was June 30th. Kevin Beirne will be Montini’s new president and Chris Tiritilli will be stepping into his new role as principal. (Story on pages 6-7.)

F ounder’sDay

awards 2023
Sara Severin
Pope Paul VI Award
Sara Severin and Kenneth Sledzinski
St. John Baptist de La Salle Award
Angela Banov, Nathan Camba, Emma Canty,* Christian Clarke, Michael Crowley, Jr., Annabella D'Anca, Matthew DiSimone, Katie Gertsen, Howard Hall III, Maren Hoovel, Amanda Mrazek, Luke Pacelli, Alexander Silveyra, Jalena Smith, Joseph Spaccapaniccia,* Grace Tierney, Jacob Velazquez and Michael Wind
Mother Theresa Award for Campus Ministry
Sofia Corona Orozco and Kenneth Sledzinski
Kathleen Filipiak Female Scholar/Athlete Award
Maren Hoovel
James Kavanaugh Male Scholar/Athlete Award
Michael Wind
Pax Christi Instrument of Peace Award
Sara Severin
Colleen H. Considine Memorial Scholarship

Eleanor Helm
Brian Grigsby Memorial Scholarship
Katie Gertsen
Fr. John Guiney Scholarship
Sofia Corona Orozco
James & Dorothy Bell Memorial Scholarship
to our seniors & Founder’s Day Award Recipients!
Thomas Cyze and Alexander Silveyra
Jean Diane Colletti Memorial Scholarship
Angela Banov
Gerry Marcoux Memorial Scholarship
Anjay Dhir
Robert Huntoon Memorial Scholarship
Marin Ferris*

Br. Chris Kavanaugh Memorial Scholarship

Mia Egan
William Mueller Memorial Scholarship
Hailey Goetz
John Nania Scholarship
Damjan Pasic-Hernandez
Weisenburger Family Scholarship
Colleen Considine*
Mary Guertler Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Schmitt
here’s a new team in town! On July 1st, Montini Catholic will officially celebrate a new beginning, with Mr. Kevin Beirne stepping up to his new role as President and Mr. Chris Tiritilli, as Principal.

With more than 20 years of experience in education, Kevin becomes Montini's third President (Brother Thomas Harding FSC1991-2003 and James F. Segredo - 2004-2023) after serving as principal for 5 years and Assistant Principal of Student Services for over 3 years. Kevin has taught English and Speech since his arrival in 2008. He served as the Director of Digital Learning and played an integral role in implementing Montini's 1-to-1 iPad initiative in 2014. Prior to Montini, Kevin taught at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C. He received his Bachelors of Communication & Media from Catholic University of America, Washington, DC and has a Masters in School Administration, Curriculum, Foundation, and Theory, also from Catholic University of America.
"Kevin is both a strategic thinker and a highly effective communicator," relayed Board Chair,
Dr. Janis Orlowski ‘74 in her announcement to the Bronco community. " In addition, individuals who’ve worked with Kevin note his leadership skills and his strong 'collaborator' approach to his work. These qualities were praised during his interview at Montini and commented on by alums, parents, faculty, staff and the Board of Directors. Kevin has embraced the Lasallian education mission and methodology and has led the school in improving academic standards."
"We’re not surprised about the enthusiastic feedback we received from all who know Kevin or met him during the process," added Dr. Orlowski. "The surveys noted that people were tremendously impressed with his qualifications and accomplishments, and his superb match with the school community."
"I am truly honored and humbled to serve the Montini Catholic community, especially our students and teachers in this new role," said Kevin who is entering his 16th year as a member of the Bronco community. "I believe fully in the work we do as a Catholic and Lasallian community and feel incredibly grateful to serve
this mission as president. Though the role may be different, I'm confident our students and other stakeholder groups will encounter the same Lasallian in me they always have - someone who will work hard day in and day out to support our unique mission of education."
On May 5th the appointment of Mr. Chris Tiritilli as Montini’s new principal was announced.
"We were looking for a leader who is dynamic, visionary, energetic, strives for excellence, embodies servant leadership, and is smart, resourceful, a seasoned decision maker, connects well with students, colleagues and all stakeholder groups, and lives our Lasallian mission," said Kevin. "It turns out we had to look no further than our current Assistant Principal for Student Services to identify a candidate ideally suited to this role!"
Chris joined the leadership team in 2022 and has quickly impacted Montini. In the short time he’s been in the Assistant Principal role, he has completed a re-engineering of Montini’s student accommodation process by creating an accommodation guide. He has stewarded a reimagining of the Human Services process such that the work of this group is more efficient and
better equipped to meet student needs. He streamlined and standardized the course remediation program and led the design of new processes and procedures in the School Counseling Department. “Due to his work, there’s no doubt that we are far better equipped to support our students than we were just a year ago,” said Kevin. “As important as this work has been though, Chris has also proven to be a student centered leader, quickly getting to know our students and school community,
“I believe fully in the work we do as a Catholic and Lasallian community and feel incredibly grateful to serve this mission as president."
– Kevin BeirnePrincipal Chris Tiritilli and President Kevin Beirne
embracing our mission and vision, and having an incredibly positive presence in our school.”
Prior to his work at Montini, Chris served as Principal at St. Mary of Gostyn School in Downers Grove for six years and Holy Family Catholic School in Bensenville for two years. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education from DePaul University and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from Lewis University. "His passion for Catholic Education and working with young people is evident to all those who’ve had the privilege of working with him," said Beirne. "As we look to the future, it’s clear that Mr. Tiritilli is just the right leader at just the right time for our students, faculty, and families. He’s proven an ideal fit for the type of Catholic, Lasallian education that makes Montini such a unique experience, while also bringing a new and fresh perspective to all that we do."
Although he enjoys working with students of all ages, Chris acknowledges that his strengths and skill set have always been best equipped to support students in the secondary setting. "Building positive relationships with students, staff and families is one of my favorite things to do and is the most effective way to support positive and transformative change in any setting. I have found that my natural personality and leadership style is best fit to develop these meaningful connections with students in the high school setting."
A Benet grad, Chris embraces the challenges that are sure to come his way. "We will be seeking to support our new teachers and school staff, by exemplifying the high expectations we have for Montini staff members, while also providing them with the support they require to grow and develop as professional educators new to Montini. As much of a challenge as the above statement is, it is also something I look forward to and am excited about, as it helps us all identify the joy that has led us to our current roles at Montini, as well as helping spread that joy to others."
"My first year here at Montini has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. I have truly enjoyed meeting and interacting with the students, staff and parents at our school. Each group has been so warm and welcoming to me as well, which has only affirmed my desire to be a part of this community. I have been talking and listening to all of our stakeholder groups, seeking to understand the traditions and things we do well, as well as the areas for further growth and development. I now consider myself a full-fledged Bronco!"
Lasallian superstars

Assistant Campus Minister and Theology teacher, Mrs. Katie Miller received this year’s Lasallian Educator Award. Each year the honor goes to a faculty member who represents Montini's Lasallian spirit of education by 'touching the hearts' of their students and colleagues.

Katie has been a member of the Montini Catholic family for over seven years, beginning her Bronco career in 2015. She currently teaches Theology and is responsible for revamping our Theology curriculum. She encouraged and oversaw the addition of a Philosophy class and revived Montini's Peer Ministry Program - a ministry of over 50 students who have stepped up to be leaders in their faith.
She has also fostered her zeal for 'touching hearts' by leading several trips with Bronco pro-life students to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life. Katie moderates countless junior and senior (Kairos) retreats throughout the school year and plays a key role in the success of Montini's Golden Gobbler and Adopt-a-Family food, clothing and toy drives. Each year, Katie, through the Peer Ministry program, and in conjunction with Adopt-a-Family, hosts Montini's much anticipated Christmas fundraising festivities which includes candy-grams and a (very) competitive homeroom decorating contest.
Mrs. Rita Weisenburger, Assistant to the Principal and Main Office Manager, earned this year’s Lasallian Partner Award, as a staff member who truly represents and practices the Lasallian Spirit of education within the Bronco community.

Rita joined our Montini Catholic family in 2008 as a member of the Development Team, assisting with all business, development and admission activities and serving as the receptionist at the De La Salle Hall building. In 2016, she moved over to the Main Office to become the receptionist, office manager and assistant to Principal Kevin Beirne. "She is the first smiling face our students and visitors see in the morning," said President Segredo. "Rita is a jack of all trades and is the key person that keeps our school running on a day to day basis!"
Rita and husband, Wally '75, are parents to two Montini Catholic graduates (Andrew '05 and Kimmy '07) and have supported the Montini Catholic community in many ways. "Both Rita and Wally have been extremely supportive of many Montini Catholic programs, development events and fundraising activities," informed President Segredo. "She has been a very dedicated, talented and hard-working member of our faculty and staff and is always here to lend a hand! That's why we are so very proud to honor Rita with our Lasallian Partner Award this year!"
Watching your ‘baby’ cross the stage to accept his/her diploma is a very emotional experience. Even more so for those few who are celebrating their legacies here at Montini Catholic. Each year we open the door for alumni parents to express their thoughts and emotions during this once in a lifetime occurence.
“While I sat in the Field House watching the graduation ceremony and listening to familiar speeches, it hit me how surreal it was to be watching my son, David, graduate from my alma mater. Montini may look somewhat different but it was still the same in all the ways that matter. When the choir sang Like an Eagle it made me cry just like in 1990. I am proud to welcome my son into the family of alumni. It is a comforting feeling knowing we now have a bond and the camaraderie of this shared experience. My hope is that my son keeps the friends that he made and grows
No. 54 in the books
other friendships among his peers from Montini, just as I have done. Montini has always felt like going home to family and I hope he will have that same feeling throughout his life.”
JULIE SIMMS AHERN ‘90“The best gift my parents ever gave my siblings and me is our education. They worked so hard to send all 3 of us (Don ‘91 and Jane ‘92) to Montini. We all loved attending and received phenomenal foundations for life. I wanted to give the same experience to Vivien, so sending her to Montini Catholic was an easy decision.

Vivien is studying mechanical engineering in the fall. I’m confident she is prepared for the next stage of her academic career. Montini provided a dynamic environment for her to learn and grow. These seniors had a rough start to high school with the pandemic, but they didn’t miss out on any instruction (shoutout to Pete Farina ‘87, the administrators and staff). This school has vision and cares deeply for their students. I’m sad it’s over but so grateful for the last 4 years. I am proud to tell anyone who’ll listen I am an alumni and now an alumni parent!”
GERALDINE DULKOSKI VIAU ‘87“There were other schools my children had to choose from, it was their choice, but for them, it was always Montini. Growing up,
LEGACY - continued on page 15
2 3 4
Congr@ul@ions, to our 2023 legacy families!

5 6 7

8 10

CCL White Division 3rd Place
Our Baseball Team completed their season 19-14, finishing in 3rd place in the Chicago Catholic League-White Division. Some huge season wins came against Loyola Academy, De la Salle, Depaul Prep (finished 4th in state Class 2A), IC Catholic Prep and a sweep of St. Ignatius.
Quinn Boyer ‘24 led our team in several offensive categories and was named IHSBCA All State, All Conference and All Area. Juniors Cash Campbell* and Dominic Catalano were also named to All Conference and All Area Honorable Mention. AJ Manganello ‘24 led our team in home runs with 5. On the pitching side, both Jack Calcagno ‘24 and Aris Kosiek ‘23 led the team with 5 wins each. Jimmy Shortall ‘23 led the staff in ERA with a 2.081. Anthony Spidale ‘24 had the best strikeout-to-walk ratio (K/BB) with 36 Ks to 5 BBs. Jimmy Shortall and Vince McDowell ‘23 were picked to compete in the CCL All Star Game at Guaranteed Rate Field.
In June, Coach Eric Scott (left with Athletic Director, Brian Casey ‘01) was named new Head Varsity Coach of our Bronco Baseball Team! Congratulations, Coach Scott!

This year, the Bronco Women's Lacrosse Team made tremendous growth from last season, finishing their season 15-6. The Broncos celebrated 3 All-Conference players: Annika Bartell ‘25, Ava Sebben ‘25*, and Miley Brunski ‘26. We also had one All-Sectional player: Annika Bartell, who led the team and ended the season ranked #1 in Illinois with 106 goals, 290 draw controls, 21 assists, and 23 caused turnovers. Miley Brunski ended the season ranked #4 in Illinois with 100 goals, 48 assists, and 24 caused turnovers. Ava Sebben* ended with 58 goals, ranked #1 in Illinois with 76 assists, and 27 caused turnovers. Goalie Sophia Fountain ‘25 had a great save percentage of 46%. “These girls put everything they had on the field this season and it all paid off,” said Head Coach Jacqueline Ruf. “They have brought back the excitement with women's lacrosse at Montini and I cannot wait to see how they continue to grow this program!”

Sectional Champions
Our Lady Bronco Soccer Team stayed strong and battled through injuries the entire season, with three starters out in the beginning of the season. Several freshmen, however, stepped up early and had a huge impact on the field. This team never gave up and battled their way to every win (9-4-6). The girls fought hard and claimed Regional and Sectional Championships but fell short in overtime to Rock Island Alleman (1-2) at the Super-Sectional. St. Mary’s College commit, Maren Hoovel ’23 scored 40 goals this season (88 career goals) to become the all-time highest scorer in the Bronco girls soccer program. Three players were awarded All-Conference honors, Maren Hoovel ’23, Avery Lucatorto ’25 and Naomy Gonzalez ’25. Maren was named All Sectional and GCAC White Division Conference player of the year - making this her 2nd time earning this honor (also as a sophomore in 2021).
goBroncos go! !
Sectional Champions
The Lady Broncos finished the year with a 16-12 record advancing to the Super-Sectional Championship for the second year in a row winning both the Lisle Regional and the Westmont Sectional. Brooke Kuczynski '24, Erin Grimsley ‘24*, and Katherine Filkowski ‘25 were all named to the GCAC All-Conference team. They, along with Taylor Utrata ‘23, also received All-State honors with Brooke being named 1st Team All-State, Taylor being named 2nd Team All-State, and Erin and Katherine being named 3rd Team All-State. Seniors Alexa Bauman (Dominican University), Miranda BonDurant (Maryville University), and Taylor Utrata (University of Wisconsin - Parkside) will continue their softball careers in college.
State Qualifiers
The boys Track & Field team enjoyed a historic season this year, breaking several school records during both the indoor and outdoor seasons. Gabriel Bianco ‘24 broke the indoor 800m run record, Hugh Flannery ‘24 broke the indoor 3200m run record, Luke Hemmersmeier ‘23 broke the indoor long jump record, and Jayden Leise ‘23 broke the indoor and outdoor record for Triple Jump. Leise's 45’4” jump was good enough to finish 3rd in IHSA State earning him All State designation. Flannery and Hemmersmeier qualified for the State meet as well in the 3200m Run and the Long Jump, respectively.
Quinn Boyer IHSBCA All State, All Conference and All Area | Cash Campbell* All Area Honorable

Mention | Dominic Catalano All Area Honorable

Mention | Katherine Filkowski All State - 3rd Team and Daily Herald’s 2023 DuPage County All-Area Team
Honorable Mention | Alexa Bauman Daily Herald’s 2023 DuPage County All-Area Team Honorable

Mention | Taylor Utrata All State - 2nd Team and Daily Herald’s 2023 DuPage County All-Area Team Honorable Mention | Brooke Kuczynski All State - 1st Team & Daily Herald’s 2023 DuPage County All-Area Team
Erin Grimsley* All State - 3rd Team and Daily Herald’s 2023 DuPage County All-Area Team Honorable
Mention | Sydney Gertsen All State | Jayden Leise All State | Annika Bartell All-Sectional | Maren Hoovel All Sectional and Player of the Year;
Girls Track & Field had a very successful 2023 season as well, breaking 6 school records, sending 7 athletes downstate, and earning one All-State honor. Highlights of the indoor season included 3 indoor school records: Sofia Fisher ‘24 in the 200m, Sydney Gertsen ‘26 in the 3200m, and Keisha Berry ‘24, Camryn Amouzou ‘25, and Sofia Fisher in the 4x200m. Lily Townsend ‘23* was indoor conference champ in the shot put. As a team, the Broncos finished a program-best 3rd at the GCAC Indoor Conference Championships. The momentum continued outdoors. 7 athletes earned all conference honors: Lily Townsend* (shot put and discus), Katie Gertsen ‘23 (triple jump), Sydney Gertsen (1600m), Keisha Berry (4x100), Camryn Amouzou (4x100), Ava Kehoskie ‘24 (4x100), and Sofia Fisher (4x100). At sectionals, the team finished 3rd, qualified 7 athletes downstate, and broke 3 school records. In the relays, the 4x100 of Camryn, Keisha, Julia Gergen ‘25, and Sofia qualified for state as sectional champions and broke the school record; and the 4x200 of Camryn, Ja’Niyah Hall, Julia, and Keisha qualified for state as sectional champions. In the field events, Lily Townsend* qualified for state in both the shot put and discus. In the running events, Keisha Berry qualified for state and broke the school record in the 200m, Sydney Gertsen qualified for state and broke the school record in the 3200, and Sofia Fisher and Ashlynn Lindt ‘26 just missed qualifying with valiant efforts in the 200 and 3200, respectively. At the state meet, Sydney Gertsen broke her school record, yet again, in the 3200m and finished 8th, earning All State honors as a freshman.
It was a great day to be a Bronco on May 17th when 14 Broncos joined the elite ranks of seniors committing to continue their athletic careers in college!
Front row: Trey Barrett (Football) DePauw University, Lillian Townsend* (Track) Carthage College, Katie Gertsen (Track) St. Louis University, Michal Ramos (Track) Elmhurst University, Alexa Bauman (Softball) Dominican University, Miranda BonDurant (Softball)
Maryville University, Luke Hemmersmeier (Track) North Central College, Jayden Leise (Track) North Central College, Luke Cushing (Football) Wabash College, Luke Pacelli (Football) DePauw University, Christian Clarke (Soccer) Rome City Institute, Josh Ugorji (Soccer) Rome City Institute, Andrew Miller* (Soccer) Knox College, Peter Vreeland (Soccer) Truman State University;

Represented by classes 1973 through 2021, Montini Catholic held our alumni baseball game on the school's newly turfed infield on Saturday, May 6th. It was a very spirited game organized by Alumni Director, Katie Hubeny ‘96, and featuring the 'Maroons' vs. the 'Whites’ (Final score Maroons 9 - Whites 6)!

The game was preceded by a special blessing of the field by Father Jeff Stoneberg of Christ the King Parish in Lombard. President Jim Segredo also honored many donors who made the school's dream of a newly turfed infield and scoreboard come true this past spring.
In addition, former Board Member and assistant coach, Wally Weisenburger '75 was presented with a special award for his support and dedication to Montini athletics, in particular their Baseball program.
Back Row, standing: Wally Weisenburger '75, Sean Keeley '09, Billy Keeley '07, Joey Rogers '21, Ty Kowaleski '00, Tom Ruopp '11, Jerry Ignatius '91, Tom Wasilowski '05, Frank Markett '88, Steve DeFilippis '76. Front Row: Joe Capparelli '80, Michael O'Connor '92, Kevin Lucas '07, Rich Capparelli '85, Jim Gitchell '89, Jack Tumpane '73, Don Forsyth '91, Jordan Lazowski '15
Facts about campus minister Mike Blanchette 25

11. Favorite place to visit is Palawan in the Philippines. Beautiful place to snorkel.
12. I have been to the Philippines seven times. I love the people and the food there.
13. I and a friend started a daycare for the children of single moms in Mexico. The daycare still exists today and serves many children. I lived at the daycare center for three years.
14. I enjoy watching baseball and football.
15. I had the privilege of working for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois for 8 years for the foster care and adoptions unit.
16. I started my teaching career at Immaculate Conception High School in Elmhurst teaching English and Latin.
He’s up at 3AM every morning to watch Jeopardy, has a unique connection to Montini’s new principal, and claims to be a very patient person, most of the time - but don’t even think about offering to cut his grass! There’s so many things about Campus Minister Mike Blanchette we never knew! Until now!
1. I grew up in the small town of Manteno when there were no stop lights in town.
2. I grew up on a farm and learned to drive in second grade.
17. When I was in the high school seminary, Mr. Tiritilli’s grandpa, Quin Tiritilli, was our chef. He was a great man!
18. I started teaching here in 1986, the same year Mrs. O’Neill came to Montini.
19. I was chaplain for the Brother’s community that lived in De La Salle Hall.
20. Some of the students that I have taught over the years, I also baptized when they were infants.
3. My favorite food is Mexican.
4. I am typically a very patient person.
5. I enjoy working out and swimming.
6. One of my favorite pastimes is gardening.
7. I am a fanatic on how the grass in my yard is cut.
8. I love to meet people of all backgrounds, young and old.
9. I am a Jeopardy fan. I watch Jeopardy every morning at 3AM when I get up, followed by time for meditation.
20 24 10

10. I love to vacation at Siesta Key Florida.
21. I enjoy the oldie’s music of the 60s & 70s.
22. My favorite pianist to listen to is Alexander Malofeev.
23. I played piano through grade school, high school and college. After college I didn’t play anymore; however, now as a hobby I am relearning to play the piano.
24. I love to learn about other cultures and religions.
25. I enjoy watching shows like America’s Got Talent, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.
Please e-mail your Bronco updates and/or photos to alumni@montini.org.

To the Terhorst Family on the passing Susan Terhorst, mother to Kim (Terhorst) Williams ’01.
To the Rodi Family on the passing of Jane Banks, mother-in-law to John Rodi ’88.
To the Healy Family on the passing of Pat Healy in 2023 and Emmett Healy in 2021, mother and father of Maureen Healy ’86 and Kevin Healy ’88.
To the Casey Family on the passing of Dan Casey, brother of David Casey ’79, Patty (Casey) Jung ’82 and Margaret (Casey) Wiecek ‘86 as well as uncle to Cameron Casey ’15 and Liam Casey ’19.
To the Darley Family on the passing of Reginald Darley, father of Regina (Darley) Bollaert ’74, Jeff Darley ’76 and Debbie (Darley) Tharp ’78; father-in-law of Patti (Bailey) Darley ’76.
To the Winchel Family on the passing of Ken Winchel, father of Kathy (Winchel) Gossen ’78, Ron Winchel ’80 and Margie (Winchel) Fugiel ’81.
To the Kludac Family on the passing of Gregory Kludac in March and Paul Kludac in April, father and brother of Pam Kludac-Konte ‘94; uncle and cousin to Bob Wiacek ’83, Scott Wiacek ’86 and Joe Wiacek ’88.
To the Cullen Family on the passing of John Cullen, father to Austin Cullen ’18.
To the Keating Family on the passing of Kay Keating, mother to Patrick Keating ’80, Shawn Keating ’82 and Shannon (Keating) Morris ’85.
To the Shymanik Family on the passing of Joseph Shymanik, father of Joseph '94 and Christopher '98; brother-in-law of former Montini principal Maryann O'Neill; uncle of Maureen (O'Neill) Nielsen ‘87, Chrissy (O'Neill) McManus ’88, Ed O'Neill ‘90, Michele O'Neill ‘93, Rebecca McManus ’17, Elaine Nielsen ’17, Johnny McManus ’20, Garrick Nielsen ’20, Tommy McManus ’22, Charlie Nielsen ’22 and Maggie Nielsen ’25.
To the Thornton Family on the passing of Jerry Thornton, father of Jerry Thornton '24
To the Monis Family on the passing of Gerena Monis, mother of Rich '87, Ralph '88, Roderick '91, Ronald '94 and Rey '00.
in memoriam
Thomas McNamara ’71, brother of Michael McNamara ‘72
Anna (Kelley) Kania ’71, sister of Pam (Kelley) Williams ‘72
William Hair ‘06
Debbie (Tauscher) Goff ’75 is a Professor of Pharmacy, an Infectious Diseases Pharmacist and founding member of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She founded the OSUSouth Africa pharmacists ASP mentoring program now in its 12th year and is the international advisor to South African health care providers on antibiotic stewardship. Debra was a 2023 guest interview by Dr. Dena van denBergh on Secrets of Women Impacting Healthcare series.
April (Volpe) Ricci ’99 is the Executive Clinical Director of Haemonetics and was awarded Presidents Club 2023 status. She has exceeded her quota three years in a row while expanding the Southwest Florida territory.
Henry Sipchen ’20, a rising senior at Lawrence University, competed in The Pitch, an annual entrepreneurial contest. Henry designed an app called SchoolFinder to effectively match high school students with colleges.
Jolyn (Lorenzetti) Cikanek ’06 resides in Arlington, VA and is married to Zach Cikanek. They have two daughters, ages 3 and 1 years old. Jolyn has been working in politics and federal government relations.
Nora Sypkens ’21, a rising junior at the University of Kentucky, has been awarded the Omicron Delta Kappa’s Jerry D. Claiborne Scholarship and was named vice president of the UK chapter of ODK for the 2023-24 school year.
Kevin Huff ’85 and Tim Hendricks ’85 are executive producers for Entropy Media’s Brokers, Bagmen & Moles podcast available on Apple Podcast. The podcast features fellow alum Lewis Borsellino ’75.
Jenny Westerkamp ’04 recently launched All Access Dietitians, a group dietitian practice.
Abigail (Saez) Gualberto ’01 received a global Top 100 Talent Acquisition Professionals Award and leads the recruiting function at KeHe Distributors. She is also an avid bowler and will compete in the 2023 USBC Women’s Championship in Las Vegas.
Maggie South ’12 recently graduated from Central Michigan University with a Master of Science in Administration with a concentration in Recreation and Park Administration. She has also published two works, DuPage Roots: Then and Now and Images of America: Westmont.
Ryan Laughlin ’18 (above), a 2022 graduate from St. Louis University, has been teaching high school in Osuna, Spain this past year.

Jim Izzo ’71 was awarded the Lasallian Service Award from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Jim is a 1975 graduate of St. Mary’s University and was awarded this honor for dedicating his life’s work to serving and providing a Lasallian example to thousands of young people.
Renee Swider ’19 graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness concentrating in Agribusiness Management and minoring in Global Food and Agriculture Systems. She also earned certificates in Industrial Selling and Collaborative Leadership. Renee has taken a job at Cargill as a Grain Origination Sales Associate in Gibson City, IL.
Johanna Kingsfield '19 was a member of Northwestern University’s Womens Lacrosse team that won the 2023 National Championship.
Nikki Cuchran '18 closed out her Northwestern University Softball career with her team winning the regular season and the Big Ten Tournament as well as making it to the Super Regional. A long-time starter at first base, Nikki earned First Team All-Big Ten for the second year in a row. Nikki led the Wildcats to four NCAA Tournaments, 3 Super Regionals and the 2022 Women's College World Series. Her 222 hits ranks 8th in Northwestern Softball history.

Kevin Tomich ’95 has recently become engaged to Marisa Schrieber. They are planning a fall wedding.

future broncos
Jenna (Steiner) Archuleta ’97 and her husband Adam welcomed their son Luke Jacob (above) on March 11, 2023. Luke joins big sisters Amy and Monica.

LEGACY - continued from page 8
Kelly (Schneider) Spengler ’08 and her husband welcomed their son Robert “Bobby” Spengler (above) on February 16, 2023. Bobby joins big sister Abigail.

Amanda (Gagliani) Borrett and her husband Ryan welcomed their daughter Liliana Faith (above) on May 13, 2023. Liliana joins big brother EJ.

Registration at: montini.org/alumnievents
Class of 2008 15th Reunion – July 22 @ Knolls Park, Lombard
Class of 2013 10th Reunion – August 12 @ Emmett’s Brewing Co., Downers Grove
Class of 2003 20th Reunion – September 23 @ Villa Park Bar Crawl, Villa Park
Class of 1973 50th Reunion –Football Watch Party – October 13 @ Gavin Stadium Club
Class of 1973 50th Reunion – October 14 @ Crazy Pour, Villa Park
Class of 1997 26th Reunion – October 21 @ Harvest Moon Howl, Montini Catholic Track & Field Score Board Unveiling & Reunion – December 16 @ Montini Catholic
Class of 1983 40th Reunion – TBD
Class of 1998 25th Reunion – TBD
upcoming events
Mike Russo ’97 and Betsy (Cull) Russo ’97 welcomed their son Benjamin Matthew (bottom left) on February 17, 2023. Ben joins big brothers Sam, Tommy and Noah.
Nate Pacelli ’06 and his wife Kelly LaCapra welcomed their daughter Adaline Nora on October 14, 2022.
Samantha (Richmond) Filip ’10 and her husband Adam welcomed son Joseph Daniel on February 21, 2023. Joseph joins big sister Adeline.
Registration at: montini.org/alumnievents
Cubs Rooftop Event – July 16th
Bronco Classic Golf Outing – August 11th
Drive-in Movie Night – September 16th
Homecoming – October 6th
Memorial Mass – November 12th
both Haley (‘23) and Cal (‘21) were surrounded by stories, experiences and memories during our time at Montini. They attended homecoming celebrations, sporting events and other activities to experience the Montini spirit and family. Montini Catholic is not just a high school, it truly is a family that extends beyond graduation day. Our family has personally experienced this multiple times over the past 30 years since our graduation days. We have been touched by the support and generosity that lives and breathes from the Montini staff, students and alumni. Sharing some of the same teachers and leaders, walking the same halls and sharing some of the same experiences and memories is truly something special and something that bonds us for life. One of the best gifts our parents made was sacrificing and dedicating so much, working so very hard so that Vito ‘96, Gina ‘97, and I could attend Montini. We are honored and grateful to be able to now have passed on that legacy to another generation of Montini alumni! Congratulations, Haley, we are so proud of you! Go be amazing!
MELISSA BONOMO DOUCET ‘94As my 4th child graduates from Montini, I couldn't be more proud. Grania, Enya, Cillian, and Liadan each excelled at Montini in very different ways. The Lasallian mission to educate the whole person; academically, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally was accomplished. Most importantly, they all learned to serve others. Next year our youngest, Orla ‘27, will be entering as a freshman - our last of many Broncos!
– MARGARET BATTEN O’FLAHERTY ‘87Emma is our 3rd child to graduate from Montini Catholic. As an alum of Montini, it has been an extremely special experience to have watched her flourish with the instilled values of family, fellowship and faith brought upon by the Montini community. This is a very special place. We could not be more proud or more grateful. The friends she has made here will be lifelong. The education she has received will be longstanding.
Montini Catholic High School

19W070 16th Street
Lombard, IL 60148

Parents: If this newsletter is addressed to your son or daughter and he/she no longer resides with you, please email changes/corrections to our alumni team at: alumni@montini.org. Thank you!

We absolutely love keeping up with our alumni Broncos! Please let us know what you’ve been up to and we’ll get the word out in future issues of Bronco Express! montini.org/alumni/update