SOCIAL STUDIES/BUSINESS DEPARTMENT The Social Studies/Business Department prepares young adults to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with courage, intelligence, character, and a respect for human values. The Lasallian values we follow, the freedom we cherish, the material and spiritual comforts we enjoy, and the institutions that serve us are the products of great minds from many cultures. To fully appreciate this heritage, and to further the progress our world has already attained, we must acquire an understanding of the civilizations and the environments that have produced this heritage. The Social Studies/Business Department offers the following courses to achieve this understanding.
1 Credit
This course is designed to introduce students to major world cultures. A basic introduction to the political, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of various world societies will be examined. Fundamental study skills such as reading, note taking and critical thinking will be emphasized.
1 Credit
This course is designed to examine the historical roots of the world, and analyze the impact of various nations on the course of history. Each unit will examine the political, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of world societies, achieving for the student a greater sense of cultural awareness. Students will study the foundations of civilization from ancient times to the present, creating an interdisciplinary understanding of their surrounding world. Critical thinking skills, note taking and library skills will also be stressed.
HONORS WORLD HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY Grade: 10 Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
1 Credit
This course is designed to critically examine the political, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of world societies. Students will be required to analyze world cultures, their leaders and the major historical events that have helped shape both the ancient and modern world. Students will compare and contrast cultures, and draw conclusions based upon their readings and research. This course will utilize modern news stories to focus upon the impact of past events. Class discussion and the ability to formulate justified opinions will be emphasized.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT WORLD HISTORY: MODERN Grade: 10 Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair
1 Credit
This course is designed to offer sophomore students the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of the global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. The course will cover the years 1200 CE to the present. Skills are advanced through factual knowledge and analytical skills. The course highlights the nature of international change, their causes and consequences as well as comparisons among major societies. This course emphasizes critical thinking and writing in preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam.
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