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the oporto internacional school magazine

october outubro 2011

WE ARE ONE On CLIP´s 20th Anniversary




O CLIP é uma escola internacional cujo processo de recrutamento de professores é efectuado a nível mundial.

Apesar destas mudanças (...)

Todos os anos somos confrontados com saídas e en-

é importante salientar que o

tradas de novos professores, sendo esta uma realidade comum a todas as escolas internacionais. Acreditamos que estes professores vindos de diversos países e continentes, como a Nova Zelândia, Austrália, África do Sul,

CLIP mantém um corpo docente maioritariamente permanente (...)

Canadá, USA ou Inglaterra, e com passagens por outras

que fazem do CLIP “a sua Escola”,

escolas internacionais, trazem novas e enriquecedoras

o que nos dá a garantia de

experiências que em muito beneficiam os nossos alunos, promovendo o cariz multicultural e internacional do

estabilidade e identidade própria.

Colégio. Apesar destas mudanças, que ocorrem anualmente, se bem que nem sempre com o mesmo perfil,

ra vai exercer. Estamos perante uma pessoa com uma

é importante salientar que o CLIP mantém um corpo

sólida ligação profissional e pessoal ao CLIP, que conhe-

docente maioritariamente permanente - sendo muitos

ce e acredita profundamente no nosso projecto educati-

destes professores do circuito internacional - que fazem

vo e pedagógico.

do CLIP “a sua Escola”, o que nos dá a garantia de esta-

Importa recordar aqui, as palavras premonitórias do Dr.

bilidade e identidade própria.

Manuel Violas (presidente do CA) quando anunciou, no

Neste contexto e terminado o ciclo de três anos no CLIP,

Commencement de 2010, a saída da Mrs. Silva, por um

o Mr. David Muddle decidiu partir para novos desafios,

ano, para trabalhar na Universidade de S. José - Macau,

pelo que só lhe podemos desejar as maiores felicidades

em estreita colaboração com o Dr. Ruben Cabral: “…

para o seu futuro profissional e pessoal.

a Lydia não se vai embora, porque esta é a sua casa;

As funções de Reitor do Colégio, a partir do ano lectivo

este será um ano de investimento na sua formação e

de 2011-2012, tal como previamente anunciado, passa-

valorização que irá certamente beneficiar o CLIP, quando

rão a ser exercidas pela Mrs. Lydia Silva, que regressa ao

regressar para a sua escola”. É disso que se trata e é

CLIP após um ano de ausência.

isso que pretendemos: recentrar o projecto educativo na

Sendo uma das pessoas ligadas ao CLIP desde a sua

sua matriz inicial; não queremos ser apenas mais uma

fundação, partilhou a visão de escola dos fundadores do

Escola Internacional, queremos valorizar aquilo que nos

projecto e do nosso primeiro Reitor - Prof. Ruben Cabral.

diferencia, quer em metodologias de ensino, quer em

A sua atitude proactiva perante pedagogias e metodolo-

valores e cultura da escola. Queremos formar bons alu-

gias inovadoras, bem como o seu forte carisma, visível

nos, mas também bons cidadãos!

na ligação que mantém com alunos e ex-alunos, fazem

Relembro que o processo de acreditação da Escola, jun-

da Mrs. Silva a escolha natural para as funções que ago-

to do Council of International Schools, iniciado no passa-


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Francisco Marques, CEO

do ano lectivo, continua em curso. Independentemente

provar a relação entre prática do desporto e a obesida-

do seu resultado e do objectivo final, este processo está

de. A adesão foi grande e os resultados surpreendentes.

a ter já repercussões em toda a escola: no processo de

Estes serão apresentados publicamente em congresso a

auto-avaliação de todo o staff, na reflexão sobre o âm-

realizar sobre este tema, brevemente, no CLIP.

bito e objectivos da escola, nas ideias inovadoras e, so-

Finalmente, desejo a todos um excelente ano escolar.

bretudo, no envolvimento e motivação que globalmente em todos gerou. Apesar da tarefa ciclópica em curso, os resultados começam a ser estimulantes e estamos confiantes no sucesso deste processo, conduzido desde o início pela Prof.ª Isabel Morgado.

“(...) não queremos ser apenas mais uma Escola Internacional,

Por último, importa destacar o departamento de des-

queremos valorizar aquilo que nos

porto no CLIP. Para além das actividades curriculares (educação física e natação), dos torneios de Escolas In-

diferencia, quer em metodologias

ternacionais e do Desporto Escolar, criámos ainda Aca-

de ensino, quer em valores e

demias de Futebol e de Basquete. Consequentemente, os nossos alunos passaram a participar em competições federadas de forma regular e os resultados começam a surgir: maior prática de desporto, promoção do espírito de equipa, competitividade saudável, prazer e orgulho

cultura da escola. Queremos formar bons alunos, mas também bons cidadãos!”

em representar “a nossa escola”, bons resultados desportivos, tornando a participação dos alunos nestas actividades em momentos inesquecíveis. Os pais que têm acompanhado as diversas competições - e o entusiasmo com que o fazem - são testemunho disso mesmo. Este ano vamos promover mais uma actividade desportiva, criando uma academia de natação. Com esta iniciativa, pretendemos reforçar ainda mais o papel e a importância do desporto na nossa escola. Como consequência desta dinâmica na área do desporto, o CLIP foi escolhido como escola piloto para a realização de um estudo académico de investigação - envolvendo a FADEUP, a Faculdade de Medicina e a Faculdade de Nutricionismo da Universidade do Porto - onde se procura


LEADING CLIP 2008-2011 As leaders we all like to look back at the road recent-

through its commendations and recommendations, the

ly taken; to assess our achievements and to measure

Visiting Team report, whatever the outcome, will give

ourselves against our own aspirations and those of oth-

further impetus and design to CLIP’s journey towards

ers; to get some sense of the difference made, if at all.

the excellence that it so desires.

When we leave a place; when heads leave schools, you can never, perhaps, be sure of what is left behind. What legacy is left to the school and its community? Of course there are the obvious recognizable changes, initiatives and events that have taken place. The re-framing of the school’s vision and mission into purposeful

As a school leader I have always subscribed to the view that schools are essentially “human” places

and transparent guiding statements; the introduction of a

and that it is these capacities that

strong cadre of middle-managers; the embarking on the

particularly require all the support

long journey to school improvement through CIS accreditation; the review and restructuring of the documented,

and nurturing that you can muster.

taught and learned curriculum; the change of the school day to promote more effective teaching and learning; the

As a school leader I have always subscribed to the view

embedding of a management information system to bet-

that schools are essentially “human” places and that it

ter communicate, to better archive, analyze and make

is these capacities that particularly require all the sup-

effective use of data; the long painful resurrection of the

port and nurturing that you can muster. The quality of

school website; the development of a strategic plan for

a school cannot exceed the quality of its human re-

the future (CLIP2014); the rare species of coffee morn-

sources; its leaders and teachers. Over the years I have

ing with the Headmaster, and many other things.

personally gained great satisfaction in helping individual

Much of these changes have been directed at increas-

colleagues to discover the “germ of ambition” that ulti-

ing capacities in the service of improved challenge and

mately, in most cases, has then grown into the body of

academic outcomes for our students, and in fostering

substantial professional achievement. In this regard, it

a more acute awareness of how we might improve the

is comforting to review some recent research evidence

performance of the school at every level of its opera-

(Pisa OEDC 2009) which concludes that the most suc-

tion. They are all still part of a growing emergent school

cessful schools in the countries studied, prioritize teach-

and the test of all of these initiatives will reside in the

ers salaries and ongoing professional development over

schools willingness to look for, measure and evaluate

simply loading-up schools with the very latest technolo-

indicators of their success in the future. A successful

gies, facilities and some other previous, now suspect

CIS accreditation outcome, following the Team Visit in

priorities, such as smaller class size. It is (as we have

2012, will do much to achieve this. But more than this,

always suspected) better to have an excellent teacher


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David Muddle

teaching a class of 30 students than a very average or

need to be more cognizant of this operating environment

poor teacher teaching a class of 15 students. The lesson

and see it as a “canvas” for creation, opportunity and

here is obvious and it is that teacher quality in schools,

adaptive growth. Within CLIP over the last three years

through the “on-boarding” of talent, through good re-

there has been a quantum shift in leadership capacities.

cruitment practices and retaining it through excellence

It has moved away from a largely top-down, positional,

in professional development and growth pathways, must

hierarchical mode of leadership toward a more distrib-

be the key indicator of sustainable school success, at all

uted, empowered, and co-consultative model. This has

levels. Good teachers in a vibrant, active, conversational

very positively affected the climate and culture of the

dynamic learning community make a school sing! Al-

school. It has allowed for better and more focused com-

though we are not there yet at CLIP we are, nonetheless,

munication, a greater sense of collaboration, more co-

now heading in the right direction. We have developed

herence in the curriculum and better career pathways

and are now implementing a professional growth and

for our teachers. We have spent time “harnessing the

development cycle with all our teachers which will, in

butterflies” in our midst; started to nurture the talents

my view, significantly over the next few years improve

and capacities of those around us; sparked their profes-

both teaching and learning outcomes at the school. The

sional curiosity and the desire to just do it better.

recent appointment of Mrs. Julie Browett as a whole-

Over time, these new synergies will not only be seen to

school professional growth development leader will en-

far better mirror, and therefore successfully engage with,

sure that the school has every chance in the future to

the world as it is now, but will ensure that CLIP achieves

recruit, train, professionally challenge and retain the very

the “leading edge” that it wishes to be known for in

best teachers that it can.

education, both here in Portugal and in the wider world.

I would like to conclude by saying that legacies are of-

Crucially, I have no doubt that it will improve substantially

ten more to do with climatic and cultural change than

the teaching and learning in the school, provide further

mere “lists” of structural or organizational change. CLIP,

challenges for all our students, equip them with relevant

as with any other school, does not exist in a vacuum.

life skills and make them more aware of their place in the

It is firmly centered in the world as it is, not as it was.

world and their responsibilities as citizens of that world.

The “physics” of our times is changing. Our view and our

In a way being a great school is a bit like beauty, you can’t

measure of the world has moved from one that is linearly

define it but instantly recognize it when you see it! We ul-

structured, compartmentalized and “machine-like”, to a

timately need to have faith and trust in each other and we

more “quantum” view which sees the world as far more

need to listen always with an emergent ear to the world

relational, flooded with intricacies and complexity. In this

around us. If I have contributed, through my own leader-

“quantum” world the reach and the power of the inter-

ship, in just a small part to the ongoing growth and im-

net has compressed space and time, making the world

provement of this school, then I am privileged and happy

“flatter” and less predictable. Schools, such as CLIP, will

to have done that. I wish CLIP all the best for the future.


The idea

On CLIP´s 20th Anniversary

CLIP started as an idea: with Portugal’s entry into the European Union in 1986 and the growing internationalisation of careers there was a need for an alternative form of international education, based on the English


curriculum, in the Porto area. The idea, nurtured by a group of dynamic men and women of wide and varied experience, quickly grew into a reality, and in a short

CLIP expanded rapidly: by 1996 we had over 200 pupils

space of time CLIP had a structure, a Headmaster, and

and across the full range of Reception to Form 12, the

the nucleus of a staff. Somewhat to my surprise, I found

School was now registered as a CIE examining centre

myself with Dr. Ruben Cabral and Mrs Lydia E’Silva, with

and our first group of senior students graduated with

Eduarda Soromenho and Fernanda Saraiva who have

the AICE diploma. CLIP clubs was well-established, of-

given us their vital administrative skills and support from

fering a wide range of activities extending well beyond

the beginning, and with a small teaching staff, prepar-

school hours. We saw many concerts, plays and other

ing to open a new school. As a young teacher leaving

cultural activities in the small hall, and social events at

college in the 1970s, I don’t believe I would ever have

weekends for children and parents were increasing. The

imagined myself in such a position.

original building was starting to bulge at the seams! Fortunately we were given the opportunity to use the equally

The opening

splendid installations at Efanor, which although somewhat elderly, had the advantage of having been purposebuilt as a creche for the children of the workers at this old

CLIP was fortunate to be able to use the old tram pow-

textile factory. The Upper School duly decamped, thanks

er and maintenance centre by the Castelo de Queijo, a

to the generosity of its owners, to Efanor, a move which

splendid example of period industrial architecture. The

imme-diately relieved our space problems. Running

building had been empty for some years, and extensive

the two halves of the school divided physically was not

obras were needed, both to bring the fabric up to standard

without its difficulties, not least for those parents with

and to adapt it to receive a school. There was a multitude

children in both schools, and when in 2000 the Câmara

of details to plan and execute in preparation for the open-

began the obras which were to change fundamentally the

ing. Many aspects of a school’s daily running we take for

landscape by the Castelo de Queijo, the Lower School

granted in an established organisation, but when starting

was obliged to vacate the original building and relocate.

from scratch, as we did, the sheer volume of things to be

Like the first pupils at CLIP, the old building is very spe-

done at times seemed overwhelming.

cial to those who began there, and its present forlorn and

In September 1991 CLIP opened its doors to some 30-40

isolated state is for many of us a source of great sadness.

pupils in three classes, and with the fresh paint barely dry it was a proud and exciting moment as the new intake crossed the threshold, to be greeted by a welcome and address in the hall by Dr Cabral. The classes of 1991 are now into their twenties and thirties, many with children of their own, but they will always hold a special place in our memories.


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The new CLIP It was obvious that the size of CLIP, the importance which it had now assumed in the north of Portugal, plus the many and varied associated activities linked to the Stephanie Reader, Lower School Director

school more than justified installations of its own. Land had been acquired near the Circunvalação, and the ambitious project which has resulted in CLIP as we know it

Halfway House

today had begun. What we hope and expect to be our last move was made in August 2002, and Bob the CLIP ostrich, who had been a feature of the various entrance

The CLIP good fairy came to our assistance again, and

halls since day one, joined us finally in a home of his own.

after a cosy, if cramped, short stay at Efanor at the start

The enormous technological changes of the IT age have

of the academic year, we were headed towards our next

meant that much of the teaching, learning and commu-

port of call, the buildings of the old Escola Secundária

nication methodology in the new school has developed

Almeida Garret, which latterly had been used by the Engi-

enormously, but I believe that our original spirit remains

neering Faculty of the University of Porto, in the Praça Co-

unchanged. In the words of Dr Ruben Cabral, the first

ronel Pacheco. We now felt like old hands at moving, and

headmaster of CLIP:

in an extraordinarily short period of a mere few weeks,

“Education, to be truly effective, must be based on (...)

we had packed, unpacked, re-packed and unpacked our

the promise to form citizens(...) capable of meeting the

bags again and settled into another new home. In all these

demands of the world tomorrow(...) The world tomorrow

moves we were helped enormously by the enthusiastic

will demand of its citizens the ability to reason well and

and voluntary efforts of parents, pupils and other friends

ethically; the capacity to think critically and to resolve prob-

of the school.

lems efficiently; the flexibility to adjust to an ever-chang-

Almeida Garret was purpose-built as a school and although

ing reality; the fortitude to withstand the onslaught of new

it had definitely seen better days, it had a casa portuguesa

and formidable unknowns; the sensitivity to understand

feel about it, which we all enjoyed. Many of our parents

the fragility of our environment and the delicate quality

(and even grandparents!) had happy memories of time

of human achievement; the literacy to mange, to one’s

spent there in its previous incarnations, and in spite of the

best advantage the proliferation and inherent complexity

shortcomings of the building (wind whistled through the

of communication modes; the love and faith in humanity

corridors, up the staircases and through the broken panes)

so indispensable to life in a small pluralistic world.”

we continued to grow in pupil and staff numbers there;

The distillation of these stirring sentiments into the cur-

by 2002 we had extended our services and added a Kin-

rent CLIP philosophy of preparing challenged, life-long

dergarten class. Transport was more complicated; we had

learners and internationally-minded, principled citizens

buses in the morning and evening from and to key points

is more than evidence of the realisation of that embry-

in the area and our after school activities programme took

onic and visionary idea of more than 20 years ago. With

place in various outposts within the region of Foz. A bonus

those who have journeyed with us, we have shared much

for some of us was that we got to know much better the

laughter and the occasional tear, in what has been a ful-

centre of this city which is our home, albeit a city centre

filling and exciting voyage of learning and discovery; an

in upheaval with obras as Porto prepared to take on the

experience which enables us to face the future with great

mantle of European City of Culture.

optimism, determination, strength and courage.


RETURNING TO CLIP As has been so eloquently expressed by Stephanie

perspective of the challenges facing the professors in

Reader, CLIP is now in its 20 th year having thrived on

a progressive university which has a “paperless” policy

challenges, adversity, a financial roller coaster and sev-

and where there are no teaching manuals and, in which,

eral crises of identity before settling down into its own

all teaching materials; students” work and evaluation

permanent home, affirmed itself as a force to be reck-

is done through the university platform. I had to take a

oned with in educational circles. I am very proud to have

more holistic view and work with smaller groups of lec-

shared this tempestuous voyage from its inception to its

turers, dealing with their individual preoccupations rather

“coming of age” after 20 years firstly as a founder; then

than tackling faculty wide issues. Progress was slow but

as Head of Upper School; co-founder of 3 other Interna-

effective and taught me how the groundwork for change

tional schools; staff developer and Guidance Counsellor.

must be laid before it is implemented. Returning to CLIP with so many colleagues in leadership

I am very proud to have shared

roles within the accreditation teams and with proactive area leaders as well as a school wide staff developer in

this tempestuous voyage from its

place will enable the Directors and myself to concen-

inception to its “coming of age”

tion such as student leadership; school wide counsel-

after 20 years firstly as a founder

trate on other areas requiring development and attenling and well being and reaffirming the school vision by consolidating what is excellent and planning on how to strengthen areas of weakness or ensure school wide

My decision to take a year’s leave of absence to work

coherence in some cases with the collaboration of the

as an assistant to the Rector of the University of Saint

skilled practitioners at CLIP.

Joseph (Macau) as Staff Developer gave me the opportu-

A top priority is obviously ensuring the accreditation pro-

nity to widen my professional horizons whilst distancing

cess remains on track and as this is in the capable and

myself from the every day realities of CLIP, as one loses

experienced hands of Isabel Morgado I have no doubt

perspective when climbing too close to the rock face.

all is in hand. Furthermore, academic excellence for all

My role at the university was one of coach and mentor

students is, as ever, a major goal accepting each student

across the university faculty, besides teaching multi-

is an individual with varying social and academic needs

cultural, multi-lingual freshmen and Masters ”students

which requires that all teachers be highly qualified, ex-

which was a real learning curve forcing me to evaluate my

perienced and professional and have access to appro-

methodology; to adapt curriculum with 5 week modules

priate professional development to ensure all students’

and to re-define differentiation due to the wide range of

needs are met.

language proficiency and cultural diversity. These experi-

However, the need for students to accept responsibility

ences enabled me to see Staff Development from the

for their learning and becoming independent learners,


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Lydia E’ Silva, Headmaster

being prepared to put in the required effort and adopt the appropriate attitude is essential as is the setting of achievable goals for each student and ensuring they achieve them is the responsibility of all members of the CLIP community- students, parents and teachers, working in unison to ensure standards are raised and healthy habits of mind are developed. Together we can assure the next stage of our voyage results in a successful landing whatever the chosen routes of each one of the CLIP community.

Together we can assure the next stage of our voyage results in a successful landing whatever the chosen routes of each one of the CLIP community. It is with excitement, together with a healthy dose of trepidation that I take the helm of CLIP, secure in the knowledge that all aboard share similar goals and the same vision of a school that is innovative, dares to be different in the common interest of all and in which all students and staff are constantly challenged in a safe and secure environment. Our next stage in our voyage begins in September when we will all come aboard full of anticipation about the adventures ahead.


ACREDITAÇÃO NO CLIP Acreditação no CLIP, um processo a decorrer!

Premilinary Visit

Se bem que já tenha sido uma questão objecto de discussão e reflexão pela equipa de liderança do colégio há vários anos, foi só nestes últimos dois anos que o processo de acreditação ganhou forma.

Preparatory Visit

Self Study

Mas, o que é a Acreditação? É comummente aceite que este é um procedimento que visa confirmar um conjunto de qualidades - honestidade, responsabilidade, constância, confiança e firmeza(...) - que, ao serem avaliadas por contra-

5 Year Visit

Team Visit

posição a um conjunto de princípios definidos, standards, dão garantia de segurança e de credibilidade. Mas, mais do que ser uma certificação de qualidade - e neste caso par-

1st Report 24 Months after Accreditation Award

5 Year Report on Progress & Planning

ticular, porque se trata de uma acreditação educacional - é essencialmente um procedimento que fomenta a vivência de um ambiente de profunda reflexão e renovação internas, centrado na aprendizagem e bem-estar dos alunos.


Um exercício que se desenvolve no tempo - um ciclo de 10 anos (Fig.1) -, estruturado pela articulação de distintos sectores organizativos (Fig.2) sob a direcção dos Princípios

Governance & Leadership

de Orientação (Guiding Statements) definidos na visão e missão (Fig.3) de uma instituição. Este conjunto de valores e de convicções definem o de objectivos relacionados com a aprendizagem, devendo, por isso, ser entendidos e assumidos - definem-se

Operational Systems

como um código de conduta e caracterizam a sua iden-


ching & Learnin Tea

caminho da escola, o seu propósito e todo o conjunto

School Guilding Statements

Faculty & Support Staff

tidade - pela comunidade. Inovação, espírito internacional, competência e versatilidade intelectual, resiliência, sentido crítico, paixão pela descoberta, experiência intercultural, cidadania global, justiça social e dedicação sem limites são qualidades

School Culture & Partenerships for Learning

Access to Teaching & Learning

que o CLIP pretende cultivar através de uma educação estimulante, inclusiva e internacional.



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Isabel Morgado, Accreditation Chair

lhar lideradas por um presidente e um vice-presidente.

Inovação, espírito internacional,

Estes comités integram representantes das diferentes

competência e versatilidade

tem como função trabalhar segundo os parâmetros defi-

Escolas - professores, pessoal, estudantes e pais - que

intelectual, resiliência, sentido

nidos para cada secção. Tem sido estimulante e trabalho-

crítico,(...) cidadania global,

que envolve e compromete todos, que reforça o sentido

so, mas, e acima de tudo, é uma experiência educativa

justiça social e dedicação sem

de comunidade pela reflexão e diálogo e fortalece o sen-

limites são qualidades que o CLIP

No início de Setembro será realizado um inquérito geral

tido de trabalho em equipa.

pretende cultivar através de uma

à comunidade - pais, alunos, ex-alunos e pessoal -, dan-

educação estimulante, inclusiva

qual, certamente, virá contribuir para o crescimento es-

e internacional.

do cumprimento a uma das exigências da acreditação, o truturado do colégio. O relatório final será concluído em Junho de 2012 e a sua redacção envolverá mais directamente todos os presidentes e vice-presidentes dos dis-

Um percurso com raízes nos princípios pedagógicos que

tintos sectores - o denominado steering committee - bem

nortearam a instituição ao momento da sua fundação vin-

como o Presidente da Acreditação do CLIP.

te anos atrás que, pelo desenvolvimento contínuo, foram

A calendarização do processo está definida internamen-

sendo reforçados pelo ministrar de programas inovadores

te, os distintos comités estão organizados e a desenvol-

e pela qualidade de ensino e aprendizagem.

ver trabalho, a evolução deste está a ser monitorizada, de-

O que naturalmente conduziu o CLIP até esta fase: a

terminadas decisões quanto aos standards de qualidade

Acreditação. Um processo a desenvolver em 10 anos,

foram tomadas, os planos de actuação foram esboçados,

já formalmente iniciado com a Visita Preliminar (em No-

o diálogo foi reforçado e a coordenação de todo o proces-

vembro passado), presentemente em curso (Self-Study)

so(...) Obrigada a todos pela dedicação, trabalho e apoio

e que evoluirá até Outubro de 2012, momento em que

manifestado! Tem sido um prazer, mas sobretudo tem

o CLIP receberá a visita da equipa a ”avaliadora” do CIS

sido uma experiência gratificante e enriquecedora poder

(Council of International Schools).

trabalhar em conjunto com todos vós!

Dito de uma outra forma, as sete equipas foram definidas - Guiding Statements, Teaching and Learning, Governance and Leadership, Faculty and Support Staff, Access to Teaching and Learning, School Culture and Partnerships for Learning, and Operational Systems - e estão a traba-




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HOPE AND FUTURE Jane Martins, Teacher & Gustavo Castro, Teacher

For the past ten months, Committee A (School Guiding Statements) has been discussing and sharing thoughts about our school’s guiding statements and vision. The more we research and discuss multiculturalism and its different perspectives and views, the more we perceive CLIP as being a truly international school. Its focus on five key points is well-defined in our guiding statements: inno-

We have no doubts that our students will succeed in their future and when they start building their own pathways.

vation, international mindedness, academic excellence, intellectual resilience, and the formation of future active,

Regardless of where our students live, work, study and

respectful and responsible citizens. We believe that this

socialize, we know that they are well prepared for living

puts us in a strong position for our future work.

in a multi-cultural society. We are sure of their ability to

At all levels in our school (lower, middle and upper), we

persevere and overcome obstacles.

see evidence of what has been done prior to this accredi-

Educating is an ambitious and challenging task, and the

tation process and now, with its obvious impact on all of

way we embrace it will constantly face changes in our

us, the importance of gearing towards the following of

current globalised society. We have no doubts that our

these guiding statements. We strongly believe CLIP’s

students will succeed in their future and when they start

community is totally committed to the school’s vision and

building their own pathways.

well aware of its significance.

We strive to continue with our motivation for learning

We do believe there is always room for improvement,

and sharing for many years to come. This is what makes

and there always will be. We also understand that our

CLIP truly special and unique.

continuous task will never be considered “complete”, as the world keeps changing and we have to be constantly pursuing its impacts on all of us.


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The Vision for the International School of Oporto (CLIP) is

All learners are equipped for success in a challenging

to become an exemplary centre of teaching and learning

world. They are confident leaders, skilled communica-

which nurtures and promotes brilliant minds for the fu-

tors, constructive team players and efficient problem

ture through innovation, international-mindedness, aca-

solvers. They have a critical self-awareness and adapt

demic excellence and intellectual resilience.

successfully to changing situations.

THE MISSION CLIP believes the future will be shaped by extraordinary individuals who will meet the challenges of the 21st century through versatile intellectual competence, a passion for discovery, increased social fairness and uncompromising commitment. The Mission of the International School of Oporto is to nurture and inspire such individuals through the provision of a challenging, inclusive international education through which: All are Challenged; All are Lifelong learners; All are Internationallyminded; All are Principled citizens. This education is provided by teams of outstanding, well-resourced teachers, working in world-class innovative learning environments in a safe, secure campus. The school experience is shaped by a spirit of commu-


nity, characterized by students, parents, faculty and staff

All learners develop a personal code of ethics, respect for

working together to achieve our goal of developing inde-

diversity of opinion and culture, an empathy for others,

pendent learners who possess the knowledge, values

an age-appropriate understanding of global issues and a

and skills to make a difference in the world.

disposition towards positive community participation.

CLIP offers a challenging, coherent programme of aca-


demics, arts, sports and service, Kindergarten through


Grade 12, through which:











dent. Its central focus in this regard is the Form Teacher

academic standards through a stringent and fully inte-

or Tutor, who monitors the academic and personal de-

grated curriculum that stresses personal excellence and

velopment of each student.

team achievement.

DEMOCRACY: CLIP recognises the role of pupils, teach-

LEARNING TO LEARN: The content of the various sub-

ers and parents in the educational process. Therefore,

jects is developing at such a rate that an encyclopaedic

the governance of CLIP is based on a democratic model

approach to education is now quite inappropriate. By fo-

for decision making.

cusing on how to learn, our aim is to prepare students


for a lifetime of learning and personal development.

velopment of students demands a solid and dynamic

COOPERATIVE LEARNING: Our instructional programme

ethical and moral education. The following of standard-

is based on the premise that students can and should

ised codes of behaviour does not suffice; each student

learn from each other, and that they themselves must

must learn to reason and to decide on ethical and moral

shoulder the greatest responsibility for their education.



THE ARTS: The Arts are essential to a complete under-

derlying concept of education is a learning process that

standing of our nature as human beings and as mem-

positions the study of the diverse expressions of human

bers of cultural groups. In this regard the Arts must be

life at the core of its programme of studies.

taught both as independent subjects and as integral


parts of the programme of studies as a whole.

cuses on the unique needs and concerns of each stu-


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A visão do Colégio Luso Internacional do Porto é ser um

Todos os alunos se sentem aptos a enfrentar um mun-

centro de ensino e de aprendizagem de excelência, for-

do de desafios com sucesso. Eles revelam-se confian-

mando mentes brilhantes para o futuro, suportadas pela

tes, comunicadores competentes, capazes de trabalhar

inovação, internacionalismo, resiliência e superioridade

em equipa construtivamente e eficientes na resolução


de problemas. Possuem um sentido crítico apurado e adaptam-se com sucesso a situações de mudança.

A MISSÃO CIDADÃOS GLOBAIS O CLIP acredita que o futuro será desenhado por indivíduos extraordinários que responderão ao repto do

Todos os alunos se regem por um código ético, respei-

século 21 com competência e versatilidade intelectual,

tam a diversidade de opinião e de cultura, tem empa-

evidenciando paixão pela descoberta, dedicação e um

tia com os outros e percepção de assuntos globais, ao

sentido acentuado de justiça social. A missão do Colé-

mesmo tempo que desenvolvem um sentido positivo de

gio Luso Internacional do Porto é formar e inspirar esses

participação comunitária.

indivíduos proporcionando-lhes uma educação estimulante e internacionalmente inclusiva, pela qual: TODOS SÃO ESTIMULADOS TODOS APRENDEM AO LONGO DA VIDA TODOS TÊM UMA MENTALIDADE INTERNACIONAL TODOS AGEM COMO CIDADÃOS DE PRINCÍPIOS A identidade da escola é modelada por um espírito de comunidade vivido por estudantes, pais, professores e pessoal que, trabalhando em equipa, tem como objectivo formar indivíduos independentes, dotados de conhecimento, valores e competências que lhes permitem fazer a diferença no mundo.


Monica Rodriguez, Teacher

LA VISIÓN La visión para el Colegio Internacional de Oporto (CLIP)

La experiencia de la escuela se ha desarrollado basán-

es convertirse en un centro ejemplar de enseñanza y

dose en el espíritu comunitario, caracterizado por estu-

aprendizaje que educa y fomenta mentes brillantes para

diantes, padres, profesorado y personal trabajando juntos

el futuro a través de: Innovación; Mentalidades internacio-

para lograr nuestra meta: estudiantes independientes en

nales; Excelencia académica; Dominio intelectual; Ciuda-

continua formación que posean el conocimiento, valor y

danos activos, respetuosos y responsables.

aptitudes para hacer la diferencia en el mundo.



El CLIP cree que el futuro estará determinado por indi-

Todos los estudiantes están preparados para el éxito en

viduos extraordinarios que se enfrentarán a los desafíos

un mundo lleno de desafíos. Son líderes seguros de sí

del siglo XXI a través de: La pasión por el descubrimien-

mismos, comunicadores hábiles, un equipo de jugado-

to; La interacción globalizada; Las destrezas y habilidades

res constructivo y con gran habilidad para la resolución

intelectuales polivalentes; El compromiso intransigente;

de problemas de una manera eficiente. Ellos tienen un

Una mayor justicia social.

crucial conocimiento de sí mismos y se adaptan satis-

La misión del Colegio Internacional de Oporto es nutrir

factoriamente a situaciones cambiantes.

e inspirar a tales individuos a través de una educación guiada a nivel internacional, global y que cuestiona las


ideas establecidas, por lo que todos nuestros alunos son: Todos los estudiantes desarrollan un código ético persoDESAFIADOS

nal, respecto por la diversidad de opiniones y culturas,


empatía por los otros, una interpretación de los sucesos


globales más adecuada a su edad y una disposición po-


sitiva hacia la participación comunitaria.


Edite Rocha, Teacher

LA VISION La vision de l’École Internationale de Porto est de deve-

L’expérience scolaire est façonnée par un esprit de

nir un centre d’enseignement et d’apprentissage exem-

communauté, caractérisé par les élèves, les parents, le

plaire qui encourage et promeut des esprits brillants

corps enseignant et le personnel administratif travaillant

tournés vers l’avenir à travers: L’innovation; L’ouverture

ensemble afin d’atteindre notre objectif qui est celui de

d’esprit à la dimension internationale; L’excellence aca-

développer des apprenants indépendants qui possèdent

démique; La détermination intellectuelle; Des citoyens

le savoir, les valeurs et les compétences qui feront la

actifs, respectueux et responsables.

différence dans le monde.



CLIP estime que l’avenir sera composé de personnes

Tous les apprenants sont aptes à réussir dans un monde

extraordinaires qui répondront aux défis du 21eme

plein de défis. Ce sont des leaders confiants, des com-

siècle à travers: La passion pour la découverte; L’inte-

municateurs doués, des joueurs d’équipes constructifs

raction globalisée; La compétence intellectuelle polyva-

qui peuvent résoudre efficacement les problèmes qui

lente; L’engagement intransigeant; L’augmentation de la

surgissent. Ils ont une connaissance critique de soi-

justice sociale.

même et ils s’adaptent avec succès aux changements

La Mission de l’École Internationale de Porto est d’en-

de situations.

courager et d’inspirer des personnes de cette envergure grâce à l’apport d’une éducation stimulante et internatio-


nale à travers laquelle nos élèves sont: Tous les apprenants développent un code de déontoloMIS AU DÉFI

gie personnel, le respect à la diversité d’opinion et de


culture, une empathie pour autrui, une compréhension


adaptée à l’âge des enjeux mondiaux et une prédispo-


sition à une participation positive dans la communauté.

Katharina Rzpeka, Teacher

DIE IDEE Die Idee der International zu Schule zu Porto (CLIP) ist

Das Schulleben wird vom Gemeinschaftsgeist der Schü-

es, ein Zentrum für beispielhaftes Lehren und Lernen zu

ler, Eltern, Assistenten und dem restlichen Personal be-

sein und außerordentliche Talente für die Zukunft auszu-

herrscht, die zusammen dazu beitragen, dass wir unser

bilden. Folgende Punkte gehören zu unseren Hauptzie-

Ziel erreichen, unabhängige Lerner mit Wissen, Werten

len: Innovation; Internationales Denken; Hervorragende

und Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, die auf der Welt einen

Schüler ausbilden; Exzellente intellektuelle Ausbildung;

Unterschied darstellen.

Aktive und respektvolle Bürger ausbilden.

KRITISCHE DENKER UNSERE AUFGABE Alle Lerner werden mit dem ausgerüstet, was sie brauCLIP glaubt daran, dass unsere Zukunft von außeror-

chen um den Herausforderungen auf der Welt zu be-

dentlichen Menschen bestimmt wird, die die Herausfor-

gegnen. Sie werden zu vertrauensvollen Führern, fähi-

derungen des 21. Jahrhunderts durch folgende Fähig-

gen Rednern, konstruktiven Gruppenmitgliedern und

keiten meistern: Ihre Leidenschaft für Entdeckungen;

effektivem Problemlösern ausgebildet. Sie besitzen ein

Allgemeine Interaktion; Unterschiedlichste intellektuelle

kritisches Selbstverständnis und passen sich erfolgreich

Fähigkeiten; Kompromissloser Einsatz; Steigende sozia-

unterschiedlichsten Situationen an.

le Fairness. Das Ziel der Internationalen Schule zu Porto ist es, ihre


Lerner durch eine herausfordernde und international gesteuerte Ausbildung anzutreiben und zu inspirieren,

Alle Lerner entwickeln einen persönlichen ethischen

durch welche alle folgendes lernen:

Code, den Respekt für unterschiedliche Lebensformen, Meinungen und Kulturen, ein Verständnis für Andere,


ein, dem Alter angepasstes Begreifen der globalen In-


teressen und die positive Teilnahme an der Gemeinde.



三个组成部分 预想及宗旨 预想 波尔图国际学校 (CLIP) 的愿望是成为杰出的教 学示范中心。 对未来卓越的思想的促进和培育学习,通过: 创新 国际意识 杰出的学术能力 理智和很强的适应力 主动的,有礼貌的,有责任感的公民 宗旨 CLIP 相信今后会形成接杰出的个人,并能接受 21 世纪的挑战,通过: 热衷于探索发现; 全球合作; 多才多艺的技能; 坚定承诺; 增加社会公平性. 波尔图国际的宗旨是:通过一个具有挑战性和包 容性的规定和国际引导,培育和激发学生,使 所有我们的学生成为: Challenged 具有挑战性的人 Lifelong-Learners 终身的学习者 Internationally-minded 具有国际思想 Principled citizens 有原则的公民 我们的教育是提供优秀的教师团队,在世界级 的创新的学习环境和安全的校园里学习和工 作。 学校的经验是以形成一个学生、家长和老师之 间的独特的精神交流为特色的工作,去共同实 现我们的目标,发展拥有知识、价值观和技 能,创造不同世界的独立的学习者。 CLIP 提供了一个具有挑战性的统一方案,这个 方案涉及到学术、艺术、体育和服务,从幼儿 园到12年级,通过: 所有的学习者需要支持他们的观点,重视他们 的价值观念和培育; 所有的学习者通过具体的成果和适当的学习目 标,每年都有进步; 所有的学习者有多个成功的机会,并确保他们

的最好的未来。 批判性思考 所有的学习者都在一个充满挑战的世界中取得 成功。他们是自信的领导者,熟练的沟通者, 积极的团队成员,有效率的问题解决者。他们 有一个批评性的自我意识和适应不断变化的情 况并能取得成功。 全球性公民 所有学习者发展个人的道德守则,尊重多样性 的见解、文化和他人的观点。对一个全球性问 题与年龄相适应的认识和采取积极的交流、参 与和处置。 我们的教学原则: > 卓越的学术: 最高的学术标准,通过严格和全 面的综合课程,强调个人和团队的卓越成就的 实现。 > 学会学习: 各个学科的内容是在这样的速度发 展,一个和现在很不相同的广博的教育方针。 通过侧重于如何学习,我们的目标是培养一个 终身学习和个人发展的学生。 >合作学习: 我们的教学计划是基于这样一个前 提:学生可以而且应该相互学习,他们自己必 须承担起他们的学业中最大的责任。 > 多样性和跨文化教育: 教育的基本概念是一个 学习的过程和进步,在学习中的角色是对人类 生活的不同表现是其研究计划的核心。 > 个人的需要和关注: 该方案侧重于独特的需 要和每个学生的关注。中心工作重点是班主任 或导师,监督每个学生的学业和个人发展。 > 民主: 认识到学生,教师和家长在教育过程 中的作用。因此,CLIP的管理方法的基础是基 于一个决策的民主模式。 > 伦理和道德发展: 学生全面发展的取决于坚实 和动态的伦理道德教育。每个学生必须学习的 原因,并就伦理和道德的理由做出决定。 > 艺术: 艺术必不可少的是作为个人和文化团体 成员对艺术的完整理解。在这方面,必须既要 把艺术作为独立的学科教授,也要将其作为一 个整体方案的一个组成部分去研究。 Joana Bárbara, Teacher





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BABY, BABY, BABY... OHHHH! Kay Duckworth, Teacher

Since I arrived at CLIP in 2009, a bundle of babies have

mersion programs work toward total fluency in the

been born. Miss Plews had a boy, Mrs. Morgado had

foreign language. They are more likely to “think”

two girls, Miss Sousa a boy, Mrs. Esteves a girl, Mrs.

and function naturally in the language. In addition,

Dahl a boy and soon Mrs. Ferreira will have a boy and

children have an opportunity to pro-actively use and

Mrs. Cappell will have a girl(...) A lot of babies! Who is

rehearse foreign language in a challenging, intimate,

next I wonder?!

emotionally supportive environment that stimulates

A few of us have been busy creating our own new ad-

all their senses”.

dition to CLIP and I am delighted to announce the immi-

In preparation for our new arrival here at CLIP we have

nent arrival of CLIP´s new “baby” (Pre K).

been having fun while shopping, perusing catalogues

Children will now have the opportunity to begin their

and choosing new equipment and resources. We have

CLIP experience earlier, from the age of three.

all been getting very excited by all the wonderful items

It has been well researched and documented that lan-

there are on offer and “oooing” and “ahhhing” at the turn

guage learning cannot start too early as early learning

of every page!

offers the widest possible benefits and opportunities.

Another exciting aspect of the “setting up” process for

Children understand intuitively that language is some-

me personally has been my involvement in the profes-

thing to explore, to play around with, and to enjoy. Their

sional development of some of CLIP´s staff. I prepared

enthusiasm is both infectious and effective. Their quick-

and delivered a training programme focusing on “The im-

ness to pick up their first language is nearly miraculous-

portance of play in the Early Years Curriculum”, “Forma-

and such a joy to watch as a parent.

tive Assessment” and “Learning Journeys”. Everyone is

As children grow, all parents can clearly see how much

ready and eager to get started!

fun their children continue to have as they sing new

We have used the Early Years Foundation Stage as the

words they hear and even invent new ones with a huge,

template on which to frame the curriculum. However,

bright smile. The joy with which children explore their

as an independent international school we hope to go

first language makes childhood the ideal time for a sec-

beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum and

ond language-another great reason to get started early!

tailor the teaching to match the needs of our children.

Exposing your child to a second language allows them

I wish CLIP every success with its new venture and

to optimise their learning potential, helping shape the

just like a parent I will be watching from a safe distance,

brain at its most flexible stage.

cheering you all on as CLIP´s new baby passes each de-

Francois Thibaut, founder of the LANGUAGE WORK-

velopmental milestone and grows healthy and strong.

SHOP FOR CHILDREN reports: “Children in total im-

Força CLIP!


The interactive classroom is fast becoming the norm in many schools. Here at CLIP we use Interactive White

DVD player. Students like nothing more than watching an educational movie on the big screen.

Boards (IWB) to accelerate and promote teaching and

Interactive Lessons.SMART boards and SMART

learning using strategies which motivate and stimulate

Notebook give teachers easy-to-use tools to entertain

students. With its cutting edge techniques the use of

and encourage participation in the lesson.

IWBs facilitates hands on learning experiences and

Draw Shapes. Teachers can draw shapes, even if they

enables teachers to develop creative ways to capture

are not artists. This is helpful, especially when teaching

student’s attention. During my time here at CLIP I have

geometry or designing graphic organizers.

observed a significant improvement in student attitudes and participation during lessons. Even the most reserved or reluctant learners are keen to join in and become ac-

Highlight Main Points. SMART Notebook allows teachers to highlight text. Insert audio and video clips. Teachers can enhance

tively involved in their own learning.

students learning by using SMART Notebook to insert

The IWB is used to aid the delivery of lessons across the

audio or video clips.

curriculum. Its use caters for students various learning

Screen Shade. Teachers can use a screen shade to

styles as ideas can be presented in visual, auditory and

keep their students from looking at information that you

kinesthetic formats.

will cover at a later point during the lesson. This feature

CLIP students are enthusiastic about learning as the

is great if you are giving notes or a quiz. Using the screen

lessons are made enjoyable and interesting for them.

prohibits students from jumping ahead.

Young children enjoy being able to use their fingers on

SMART Notebook features a handwriting recognition

the boards, and older students say the boards make les-

feature with which teachers can write on their SMART

sons more interesting because it allows them to play

board using the Magic Ink Pens, and SMART Notebook

educational games, to hear and see things better and to

will convert these handwritten letters to text.

move things around. There are numerous ways in which the teachers at CLIP incorporate their SMART board into classroom teaching. Here are a few of the most useful: SMART boards are the ultimate overhead projector. No more fumbling with thin transparencies that stick together; all of the teacher’s information and lesson notes are stored electronically.

Surf the internet. Surfing the internet opens students up to an array of learning possibilities.



DINO WORLD February Rosa Vilarinho Esteves, Teacher

Wednesday, 23 February 2011 was no ordinary day for CLIP Lower School Students in Forms 1-4. The hustle and bustle in the corridors was a strong indicator of the general excitement that the students felt as they hurried towards the buses that would take them to Guimarães to see Mundo dos Dinosauros. The pedagogical nature of this amazing Jurassic Era exhibition, combined with the realistic and interactive lifesize dinosaur replicas which moved and made sounds in response to the presence of visitors, thrilled the children. Each dinosaur was presented in an extraordinary recreation of its original environment, including forests, deserts, river banks and waterfalls, stimulating the senses even more so. The visit started off in the movie


theatre, where the children watched interesting and informative films and documentaries about dinosaurs and then moved on to the fossil gallery. There, they looked

Julie Browet, LS Language and Literacy Leader

at dinosaur fossils, did some paleontological digging in

The Lower School held its second annual Poetry Festival

the sand using the same brushes a real paleontologist

at the end of March 2011. During the festival each class

would, and then were led on an expedition through the

from Kindergarten to Form 4 presented whole class,

dinosaur world. According to André Peixoto, a Form 4 stu-

choral poems in both English and Portuguese. Children

dent, the dinosaur he most liked was the Tyrannosaurus-

also performed poems in small groups, including some

Rex. “It was gigantic and looked so real! Very cool!” he

that they had written themselves. On the day of the Po-

exclaimed. The fiercest and most impressive dinosaur at

etry Festival, a panel of invited guests (Mrs. Judith Mur-

the exhibition was in fact a favourite amongst all of our

ray, Mrs. Luisa Masters and Mrs. Kim Muddle) gave val-

children. The field trip was a huge success and a once in

uable feedback to the children and presented each class

a lifetime experience!

with a book of poems.During the first week of April, many parents enjoyed their children’s performance of poetry during the Lower School’s Poetry Showcase. By taking part in group poetry recitals during the Poetry Festival, Lower School students build their oral fluency, self-confidence, vocabulary knowledge and enjoyment of poetry. For these reasons choral presentations have been chosen to evolve the tradition of poetry in the Lower School, to the benefit of many students.


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This monument is used for visiting and for looking at. It’s made of stone. I can see 4 domes. I can see a flag. Pedro R, Form 1A - PONTE D.LUÍS

This monument is used for crossing to the other side of the river. It’s made of metal. It’s black. The boats go under it. Ana Cláudia, Form 1A - ESTAÇÃO DE S. BENTO

This monument is used for looking at and for catching a


train. It’s made of stone and it’s grey. I can see a dome and lots of squares and rectangles. Matilde, Form 1A - TORRE DOS CLÉRIGOS

This monument is used for visiting, for looking at and for praying. It’s made of stone, it’s tall and it looks like

Graham Wright, LS Key Stage 2 Leader

The Annual “Egg Race” this year was a great success.

a rocket. Pedro T, Form 1A - PALÁCIO DE CRISTAL

It was well attended with twelve teams in total. Each

This monument is used for concerts and for exhibitions.

team had at least one parent working alongside the chil-

It´s made of metal and it´s green.

dren to produce a contraption of some kind which would transport an egg over a five metre course. There were


some “eggsellent” entries and some marvellous feats

When people are sick, they go here to see a doctor.

of engineering (perhaps that was the parent’s influence).

It’s made of stone. It reminds me of an English building.

The panel of judges had a hard job in deciding on a winner. Balloons featured quite a lot this year and the winner was one which was powered by a large green balloon. The whole evening was a great deal of fun and, as usual finished with a lovely “pot luck” supper, organized by Mrs Reader. I would like to thank all the organizers and participants for making the “Egg Race” a huge success.




MOTHER’S DAY May Shraddha Kanabar, Teacher

On Wednesday May 4th the Kindergartens gave their mums a special treat for Mother’s Day. The celebration began at 2:00 in the afternoon and ended at 3:00.We welcomed many eager mums waiting to see their children. Once seated, we read the story “I Love You Forever” by Robert Munch. It was a moving story about a mother’s


love for her child. This was an emotional moment with many tears of joy, where the mums looked at their babies and realized that they have indeed grown up. The

Andrea Vasconcelos, LS KS 1 Leader

children sang the song “Skinnamarinky dinky doo” and

It was hard to believe that after weeks of dry weather,

showered their mums with many hugs and kisses. We

it was raining on the morning of Thursday 9th June, the

enacted a short skit with puppets “Zach and JJ” demon-

day we were having KS1 Sports Day! Oh well, we would

strating a healthy fruit kebab. The mums, along with their

just have to stay in the Pavilion, again, for the third year

children proceeded to create a pattern with pineapples,

in a row.

strawberries, bananas and apples. After eating the fruit

The teams, with children from Kindergarten, Reception

kebab, it was time to read the raffles and hand out the

and Form 1, were very excited and raring to go! The

presents and cards. The raffles were read aloud by the

hares were alert with their ears pricked, the panthers

teachers in a random order. The raffles contained infor-

were ready to pounce, the crocodiles were snappy with

mation about what the children like to do with their moth-

enthusiasm, the tigers were purring in anticipation, the

ers. After an afternoon of fun and a small snack there

lions were roaring their strength, the monkeys were

were many happy and appreciative goodbyes.

itching with expectation, the dolphins were jumping, the kangaroos were leaping about, the giraffes were arching their necks to go further, the zebras kicked in delight! After a quick warm-up, all were enthusiastically looking forward to begin. Ready, steady, GO! And off they went: running, jumping, throwing, kicking, balancing and rolling, the children showed off the expertise they have achieved throughout a year of Physical Education and physically active play in the playground. The highlight of the occasion was the parent “Dress the scarecrow” race. Most visiting adults joined in the fun of teaming up, racing on stilts to collect an item of clothing or other prop, then racing back and placing it on the “scarecrow”. They looked really funny! Team spirit and fun were the great winners of the day!


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THOSE IMPORTANT MIDDLE YEARS! Susana Davidson, Middle School Director

Rick Wormeli, veteran educator and education consultant, highlights that the way we handle life in later years can often be traced back to specific experiences in Middle School - it is that transformative! There is certainly much to experience and growth taking place at this age: the mistakes, conflicts, insights, joy, tension, wisdom, and risk-taking. All this without the perspective that comes from life experience! It is therefore no wonder that students experience the Middle School years intensely and every day is the end, or the beginning, of all life as they know it! The physical changes, the explosion of hormones, the worry over body changes are but a few of the “challenges� they face. As the adolescent brain matures, students are more able to regulate their emotions and coordinate their thoughts and feelings. They become more capable of reasoned thinking and experience a rapid increase in dopamine, a chemical substance in the brain responsible for the feeling of pleasure. In actual fact, research shows that there is more dopamine activity in early adolescence than at any other time of life. This may explain why teenagers, more intensely go out of their way to seek rewarding ex-


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periences, sometimes without paying attention to the associated risks. Adolescents can thus be mature one moment and frustratingly immature the next. As Laurence Steinberg, a distinguished university psychology professor adequately puts it, “early adolescence is like starting a car without having a skilled driver behind the wheel�. As Middle Years educators we recognize that these are the years when experiencing positive relationships, being genuinely engaged in learning and developing high self-esteem have a major and lasting impact on each young person. Young adolescents benefit from a supportive learning environment that will engage, challenge and motivate them as learners, community members and as leaders. Their connections to each other, their family, community and school are central to developing resilience, tenacity, independence and intellectual growth. Our concern as parents and educators is to enable them to grow up to be independent, productive and loving adults. Teachers undoubtedly play an important role by helping, guiding and supporting, making sure that when they arrive at their next crossroads, they will be ready.





Everyone belongs to a culture. It shapes how we see

raphers, anthropologists and theologians, the LTRD stu-

the world, ourselves, and others. If a metaphor could

dents marvelled at exquisite wonders of nature, visited

be used to describe culture, then it would be called an

sumptuous monuments, and explored vibrant communi-

iceberg. Only about one-eighth of an iceberg is visible

ties while they boasted their traditions and joy of living.

above the water; the rest is below. Culture is very simi-

Throughout the unit, the LTRD teams engaged in a vari-

lar to an iceberg. It has some aspects that are visible

ety of activities which were meant to help them under-

and many others that can only be suspected, guessed,

stand the world in which we live: the values and cultures

or learned as understanding of the culture grows. Like an

of different societies; the ways in which we are increas-

iceberg, the visible part of culture is only a small part of

ingly dependent upon one another; and the ways in

a much larger whole.

which we all, as global citizens, can influence and shape the changes in the global economy, environment and so-

We have the world right inside

ciety of which we are part. Our International Day at CLIP - A Celebration of Diversity

our walls, and it comes to meet

was divided into two distinct parts: end-of-unit presen-

us everyday. On Tuesday, the 5th

skills and content covered - Travel Guides, Festivities,

tations by Form 5 to 8 students concentrating on the

of April 2011, Middle School cele-

Traditional Symbols, Cultural Norms and World Religions

brated its first International Day at

vilion which included wearing traditional clothing, read-

CLIP - A Celebration of Diversity.

Summit Speeches - followed by a celebration in the paing poetry, singing, dancing and savouring traditional cuisine. In addition, our parent community and our guests had the opportunity to enjoy the colourful Art work done

We are so fortunate at CLIP! We have the world right in-

by Middle School students which were displayed in

side our walls, and it comes to meet us everyday. On

common areas and the pavilion.

Tuesday, the 5th of April 2011, Middle School celebrated its

Indeed, this day of presentations and cultural celebra-

first International Day at CLIP - A Celebration of Diversity.

tion proved to be a significant contribution towards rein-

It all started a few weeks earlier when our students

forcing intercultural connections and guiding all students

were introduced to the Learning Through Research &

and participants to appreciate and respect other peo-

Design unit A World of Difference. Our journey of dis-

ple’s cultures, by providing knowledge about the histo-

covery around the world invited everyone to climb the

ries, cultures, and contributions of diverse groups to our

highest mountains and cross the widest seas. As geog-

own community.


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THE FORM 8 TRIP TO LONDON José Pedro Espírito Santo, Form 8

London was a great trip and a good experience that enriched our minds. We met new people and learned about the culture and art in London. We learnt a lot although it was also great fun. We went to many places like the Science Museum, Maritime Museum, Natural History, Madam Tussauds, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not and Hamley’s but for me the best of all of them was when we went to Thorpe Park. The last day, the day in which we could go wild and have fun with no limits. No teachers to be looking after us and pestering us too but they were also having a lot of fun. I think that going to London was a very enriching experience where everyone could have fun and learn at the same time. But most of all I would like to thank the teachers for their sacrifice to make it possible for us to have a good time.


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Marta Paiva de Sousa, Form 8

When I was younger and my brother was in the 7th grade

and some days we would use it even more. It was very

I remember the time when he went to Gerês, and when

different from the subway in Portugal, as it was much

he was in the 8 th grade I remember saying goodbye to

more crowded and popular. At night we would arrive at

him as he took off to London. The same thing happened

the Royal National Hotel at around 11 pm, and we weren’t

when he went to Holland in the 9th grade. All these

allowed to go and socialize to each other’s rooms. We

times I would see him going with all his friends to won-

were only allowed to go downstairs to the lobby for a

derful places. I remember when he called home telling

short time. This wasn’t our favourite thing, but it didn’t

how much fun he was having and how much he was

stop us from enjoying the trip.

enjoying himself. I also remember when I would go and

We visited lots of places and we really got to know Lon-

pick him up at the airport and he would tell me all the fun

don! We went from museums, to attractions, to amuse-

things he had done and all the new friends he had made.

ment parks. The best places we visited were Thorpe

Every time I would think of how amazing it would be

Park, Madame Tussaud’s, the musical “We Will Rock

when it would be my turn to do all the exciting things

You”, and the London Dungeons. We also went to many

he talked about. I would just dream about this day, not

different restaurants such as the Hard Rock Café and

realizing how it would come a lot sooner than I expect-

the Rainforest Café.

ed. Just within minutes it was me who was waking up

For me, one of the worst moments was when my bag

one morning and going to London in that same day. All

was stolen in McDonald’s. I was quite nervous, but I

the expectations I had for this trip would now hopefully

had to go to the police station and report the situation.

come true and I would get to spend one week with all

Luckily, I had my friends there to support me, and they

my friends in one of the best cities in the world.

helped me find the way to the police station and stayed

Even though I had years to think about this trip, I wasn’t

by my side until the teacher came and met us there.

quite sure of what would happen but I have to admit, it

Although they never found my bag, in the end the whole

was beyond my expectations. Of course it had its ups

situation made me more responsible and now I have a

and downs, but London was one of the best school

story about London to tell people.

trips I have ever had. In fact I think that I can talk for the

Another memorable moment was when boys missed

whole Form 8 when I say that we will never forget this

the plane back to Portugal. The bus driver was late and


took a different route from the one the rest of us took causing a big delay and making them late to the airport.

In fact I think that I can talk for the

Even though the rest of us were sad as we couldn’t say

whole form 8 when I say that we

satisfied as they stayed one more night in London in a

will never forget this experience.

goodbye to each other properly, the boys were quite 4-star resort paid by the bus company of course! This trip was incredible and really well planned, but none of it would be possible without the help of the teachers

We got to meet new people from other schools and we

who went with us. They were great company and by

got to know a new city. We were divided into several

the end of the trip we saw them more as friends than

groups, and shared a room between 2 or 3. This allowed

anything else. They were Mrs. Chaves, Mrs. Mesquita,

us to get to know each other even better and make some

Mrs. Santos, Mr. Costa, Mr. Meireles and of course Mr.

true friends for life. Each day we had to wake up very

Davidson who was the one who organized the trip.

early which made us a bit grumpy in the morning, but

I now understand the excitement in my brother when he

as the day went on we had so much fun that we would

came back from London, because I finally had a taste of

always be in a good mood. One of our most common

it. And all I have to say is that the Form 7s should really

means of transport, except for walking of course, was

look forward to this trip, because they will never forget it.

the subway. We would use it up to six times in one day,

Just as I never will.




PORTUGAL-ESPANHA INTERCÂMBIO Luísa Pinto Cardew, CLIP’s Exchange Programmes

As escolas parceiras envolvidas neste programa (Colegio

Nesse sentido, serão várias as actividades a realizar, tais

San Agustín de Valladolid - Spain, e o CLIP Porto - Portu-


gal) têm como principal objectivo: Desenvolvimento de blogs e Websites como meio Aprofundar o interesse pela aprendizagem do inglês como língua de contacto e de trabalho entre distintos países; Melhorar o nível de comunicação na língua inglesa dos estudantes envolvidos no projecto; Desenvolver o recurso à Internet como meio de criação de relações pessoais, de pesquisa de informação e de intercâmbio de ideias;

de comunicação privilegiado entre as Escolas parceiras, alunos e professores envolvidos no programa; Elaboração de exposições informativas sobre a cultura (espanhola e portuguesa) das escolas parceiras; Projectos de investigação partilhados; Exposições de Arte; Mobilidade de professores e estudantes entre as Escolas parceiras.

Conhecer a cultura e forma de vida the outros países europeus; Estabelecer uma ligação de carácter educacional duradoura entre as escolas parceiras.


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PORTUGAL-ESPAÑA DE CAMBIO La asociación de los centros participantes en este pro-

Para alcanzar estos objetivos se proponen distintas

yecto (Colegio San Agustín de Valladolid -España- y CLIP


Porto -Portugal-) tiene por objetivos: Creación de blogs y páginas web como primeras Estimular el interés por el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua común entre países distintos; Mejorar el nivel de competencia comunicativa en lengua inglesa de los alumnos participantes; Desarrollar el manejo de internet para el establecimiento de relaciones personales, la búsqueda de

forma de contacto entre los centros y las personas participantes; Desarrollo de exposiciones informativas y culturales sobre los centros asociados; Proyectos de investigación; Muestras artísticas colaborativas.

información y el intercambio de experiencias; Conocer la cultura y forma de vida de otro país europeo; Abrir una vía de colaboración futura con fines educativos entre los dos centros participantes.







QUE PERCURSOS DEPOIS DO COLÉGIO Ana Isabel Marques Guedes, Forum (Forms 12/13) Director

Este ano comemora-se a décima quinta cerimónia de graduação de alunos finalistas. Apesar de uma instituição ainda jovem, começamos a dispor de algumas informação no que toca aos percursos dos alunos depois da sua saída do Colégio. Assim, procurámos fazer um retrato desses percursos tendo em vista não só o país escolhido para a continuação dos estudos bem como as áreas de preferência em termos de cursos. A partir dessa análise produziram-se os gráficos a seguir apresentados (Gráfico 1). A primeira constatação que se impõe é que os nossos alunos têm escolhido preferencialmente universidades portuguesas ou britânicas, sendo as outras opções residuais no cômputo geral. Por outro lado, a decisão de enveredar por instituições britânicas ou portuguesas tem sido equitativamente tomada ao longo destes últimos 15 anos, sendo que nos primeiros anos a preferência pelo ensino inglês acolheu um maior número de alunos. Esta constatação poderá ser explicada por um maior número de alunos estrangeiros entre os finalistas e/ou o menor número de instituições portugueses que à época aceitavam os nossos alunos através da aplicação do Artº


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20º- A do Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98, de 25 de Setem-

muitos deles decidem regressar ao seu país de origem

bro. A partir de 2004/05 parece ter havido uma inversão

para completar a sua educação.

das preferências dos alunos, ainda que em 2007-08 as

No que toca às áreas de interesse (Gráfico 3), quatro

entradas em universidades britânicas tenham superado

grandes núcleos têm a preferência dos alunos do CLIP:

as verificadas nas universidades portugueses, seguida

Gestão e Economia, com 82 alunos, perfazendo 28% do

por um grande equilíbrio no ano seguinte. Estaremos

total; Engenharia, com 52 alunos, representado cerca de

perante uma nova tendência entre os alunos do CLIP

um quinto dos alunos; Artes, com 46 estudantes; Medi-

ou trata-se apenas duma situação conjuntural que anos

cina e Ciências da Saúde, com 35 alunos, representando

vindouros tratarão de desmentir? Ainda é cedo para tirar-

12% do total. Nos lugares imediatos surgem, em igualda-

mos uma conclusão definitiva, contudo podemos apre-

de percentual, Psicologia e Media, sendo as outras esco-

sentar alguns argumentos que justifiquem uma eventual

lhas pouco significativas no cômputo final. Esta distribui-

alteração de paradigma no que toca às escolhas univer-

ção demonstra a versatilidade oferecida pelo Diploma do

sitárias. Assim, o aumento significativo das instituições

AICE aos nossos alunos. Sem o constrangimento de áre-

portuguesas que aplicam o referido Artº 20º- A e as alte-

as prescritivas, como no sistema português, os alunos

rações introduzidas pelo sistema britânico que levaram

podem manter várias opções abertas até ao momento

a um acréscimo substancial das propinas poderão expli-

da sua candidatura às universidades. Assim a flexibilida-

car, em parte, esta possível mudança.

de do Diploma permite que os alunos possam desenhar

Fora dos dois grandes pólos de Portugal e da Grã-Breta-

diferentes alternativas para os seus percursos no Ensino

nha, Espanha vem em primeiro lugar em consequência

Superior, desde que tenham acautelado atempadamente

da preferência de alguns dos nossos alunos pela escola

essas possíveis escolhas.

de Les Roches - Marbella na área da Gestão Hoteleira

O processo de aconselhamento no que toca às escolhas

(Gráfico 2). As outras escolhas têm a ver, sobretudo, com

das disciplinas do 11º e 12º Ano começa em finais do 10º

a nacionalidade dos alunos estrangeiros, uma vez que

Ano, após a conclusão dos exames de IGCSE. Nessa al-




Ana Isabel Marques Guedes

tura, os alunos regressam à escola para uma semana de

das Carreiras ou quer, ainda, pela visita a universidades

preparação para o seu próximo ciclo. Durante esse perí-

inglesas (esperamos poder retomar esta iniciativa no

odo, tomam contacto com as características e as con-

próximo ano, já que as duas anteriores tiveram o maior

dicionantes do Diploma do AICE, são alertados para os

sucesso), o Colégio determinou a continuação do estu-

requisitos diferentes dos vários países, são informados

do obrigatório do Inglês no 11º e 12º ano bem como a

sobre os conteúdos das diferentes disciplinas oferecidas

alteração da calendarização dos exames ao longo dos

nos anos subsequentes e esboçam uma primeira esco-

dois anos finais. Assim, os alunos começam a fazer os

lha. A mensagem mais importante que a reter é de ‘não

exames de AS no 11º Ano, para, no ano seguinte, se po-

fechar portas’ precocemente. Por exemplo, mesmo que

derem dedicar à preparação dos A levels e/ou repetição

um aluno pareça muito determinado em ir estudar para

de exames para melhoria de notas. Para o próximo ano,

o UK, para a Espanha ou para os Estados Unidos, ou-

está a organizar-se uma reformulação no que toca às dis-

virá sempre a mesma frase - “Faz também o Diploma

ciplinas que os alunos devem obrigatoriamente comple-

do AICE”; ou inversamente, se alguém afirmar peremp-

tar durante o 12º Ano, bem como às aulas de apoio orga-

toriamente que não quer ir estudar para o estrangeiro

nizadas durante ou após o período lectivo normal. Outro

receberá o conselho - “Mas deves fazer alguns A levels

aspecto que se encontra em estudo prende-se com a

no Form 12”. Numa altura em que a volatilidades das

pontualidade e a assiduidade dos estudantes mais ve-

decisões é muito grande, não só causada pela natural

lhos, pelo que mais notícias surgirão no início do próximo

incerteza das escolhas a fazer bem como por pressões

ano lectivo com à vista à melhoria do desempenho e do

externas ao percurso académico, é do mais elementar

aproveitamento dos alunos.

bom senso não tomar decisões irrevogáveis. Daí o acon-

Enquanto escola que valoriza o trabalho independente,

selhamento individual que os alunos recebem ao longo

o pensamento crítico e a autonomia dos seus estudan-

dos dois últimos anos.

tes devemos regularmente questionarmo-nos sobre o

Finalmente, e porque o Colégio considera que não se

que fazemos e apontarmos caminhos novos para que

pode demitir do seu papel orientador dos alunos, algu-

os nossos alunos sejam capazes de evoluir no mundo

mas decisões têm vindo a ser implementadas tendo em

global actual. E como tal, devemos proporcionar-lhes os

vista a preparação adequada para a vida universitária.

meios para evoluírem e se desenvolverem quer em Por-

Para além da informação que procurámos disponibilizar

tugal como no estrangeiro. Pensámos que esta nossa

sobre as várias opções, quer através de apresentações

breve análise demonstra isso mesmo!

feitas por diversas instituições no CLIP, quer pela Feira


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Gráfico 1 / Universidades - destino dos alunos por países: Portugal; UK; outros países (1996-2010)




1 1 1 2 1

9 2

Gráfico 2 / Universidades - destino dos alunos: outros países (1996-2010)

Gráfico 3 / Universidades - destino dos alunos: áreas de interesse (1996-2010)




DEVELOPING PATHWAYS IN FORM 9 Edwin Koleen, Forms 9/10 Director

In the Upper School students begin to focus on areas of

Students have the opportunity to take part in a wide

particular interest related to both their future schooling

variety of extra-curricular activities, for example debat-

and intended pathways beyond the school. A pathway

ing, fieldwork, community service, fundraising, drama,

is the process of searching for a future career that fits a

sports, music, taking leading roles, etc. These activities

student’s interests and lifestyle.

will develop personal strengths and assist in making

In earlier years, in the Lower and Middle school, the first

wise choices for the future.

steps on this road were already taken by identifying in-

I believe that our rich educational programme will open

dividual strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. In

many doors and will stimulate interest and motivation

years 9 & 10 we encourage students to think about them-

for every single student at CLIP.

selves - strengths, interests and ambitions, as well as listening to advice and guidance from parents and teachers. In years 9 & 10 our students are challenged through the international IGCSE programme from the University of Cambridge. This programme is taught through our school vision; innovation, academic excellence, intellectual resilience and international mindedness. CLIP represents the idea of a family within a global community. We want internationalism / multiculturalism to be at the very heart of our curriculum. We therefore celebrate cultural diversity, have festivals, stimulate languages, and encourage Art and Drama. CLIP students are in this way enriched by the various cultures, countries and languages represented here.

(Chinese proverb)


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ART AUCTION Michael Hawkins, Teacher

The Second Annual Charity Auction and Exhibition this year was, once again, a complete success. In the end, the event raised a total 1,145.00€, eclipsing last year’s tally of 960.00. There was some furious bidding from many, with Doctor Francisco taking home the most pieces and proving his philanthropic taste for the second year. Ex-student Francisco Perez did a fantastic job as auctioneer - keeping the auction fun and light. Special mention goes to auctionees Emma Lecomte (Form 5), Catarina Loureiro (Form 7) and Luis Lourador (Year 9). All three students were top sellers with sales between 60€ and 70€. Also of special mention is Inês Nogueira who submitted a touching and beautifully drawn portrait of her best friend Inês Alves - a fellow Form 9 Clipper who is currently is hospital receiving treatment for a life threatening condition. The proceeds of this work were used to buy a gift for Inês and her family. The INTERACT students were heavily involved in the organization of the event and made a huge contribution. Inês Amorim coordinated the student effort and did a fantastic job, putting in lots of time in the preceding two weeks also. Thanks must also go to Mrs. Isabel Morgado, Mr. Marco Meireles and Mrs. Luisa Cardew for their work behind the scenes, as well as the Middle School Art Teacher, Chris Ferreira, and Mr. Kenneth Horrocks for his musical contribution on the night. The Upper School Art students have worked very hard to finish their portfolios and I know everyone enjoyed the opportunity to see what an amazing job so many of them have done this year. They deserve big congratulations also!

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VISIT BARCELONA F10 10, End of Year Trip

F11 & F12 11 and 12, Art History trip to Barcelona

No passado dia 27 de Junho, pelas 4h30 da manhã en-

Following on from Madrid in 2010, in January the Form

contrava-se um grupo de 19 sonolentos alunos do Form

11 and 12 art students went to Barcelona. The purpose

10 no Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro, com destino a

of the trip was to take in the cultural sights and icons of

Barcelona. À chegada ao aeroporto de Le Prats, foram

this exciting Bohemian city, and also to familiarize our-

surpreendidos pelo tempo bastante quente e húmido

selves first hand with some of the modern masters we

que se fazia sentir, mas que em nada condicionou o tom

have looked at in art classes.

bastante alegre e divertido que marcou toda a semana

We visited the Sagrada Familia - Antonio Gaudi’s archi-

de estadia em Barcelona.

tectural masterpiece and also the centerpiece and high-

No primeiro dia, e após feito o check-in no hotel localizado

est structure in the city. Secondly we visited the Barce-

no coração de Barcelona, entre Las Ramblas e o Bairro

lona Museum of Contemporary Art. Some of the work

Gótico, os alunos tiveram uma visão geral da cidade atra-

here was very conceptual (particularly a large section

vés de tour de autocarro com paragens nos miradouros

looking at video art) and challenged many students in

principais da cidade. Nos dias que se seguiram tiveram

their perception of what art was.

a oportunidade de conhecer mais em detalhe todos os

Our next stop (and perhaps the highlight of the trip) was

bairros e monumentos principais da cidade, percorridos

Surrealist Master Salvador Dali’s Museum in his old

na sua grande maioria a pé e absorvendo a dinâmica e a

hometown of Figueres. We were engaged by the mas-

rotina do dia-a-dia daquela cidade. Naturalmente, durante

sive and eclectic collection of work from the modern

a semana os alunos visitaram, entre outros locais, o par-

master, and we thoroughly enjoyed both his sculptural

que Guell e a casa-museu de Gaudi, ficaram maravilha-

and surrealist gardens and interior rooms.

dos com os pormenores e as maravilhas arquitectónicas

Of course we had the opportunity to explore Barcelo-

da igreja da Sagrada Família, mas também houve tempo

na’s old quarter too, including the famous Las Ramblas

para lazer, passando tardes na praia de Barcelona e um

and a fantastic time was had by all!

dia no parque de diversões de Portaventura. Ao longo de toda a semana, os jantares decorreram em vários restaurantes ao longo das Ramblas, podendo ainda experimentar a cozinha local. Contudo, destaca-se o jantar da última noite, recheado de tapas e complementado com um show de Flamenco, no qual os alunos tiveram a oportunidade de participar e mostrar os seus dotes para a dança. No último dia os alunos tiveram ainda direito a uma visita ao estádio de Camp Nou, casa do Barcelona FC. Após uma semana intensa, chegou ao Porto um grupo bastante cansado, mas com memórias de uma semana recheada de boa disposição e com um conhecimento acrescido sobre arte e arquitectura. Devo ainda salientar e congratular todo o grupo pelo seu comportamento e pontualidade exemplares.




FIELD WORK Edwin Koleen, Forms 9/10 Director

Fieldwork is an essential element of teaching and learning at CLIP. It stimulates the development of a range of skills; learning to develop research individually and within a group; to define aims and objectives; to collect data in a systematic way; to analyse and to make conclusions; to test and to come up with new ideas; to make decisions;

Students investigate throughout their studies a variety

to solve problems.

of human and physical environments. As part of our school curriculum, particularly in Geography, Sciences and Environmental Management, students have, throughout the last 20 years, produced a wide variety of high quality field studies. Examples are coastal erosion along the coast of North Portugal, rivers, soils, weather and climate, water and air pollution, industry, the impact of tourism and recreation on coastal areas, transport, city development, etc. Fieldwork, as an important, integral part of our curriculum, has clearly increased enjoyment and the level of teaching and learning at CLIP.

Fieldwork stimulates active thinking and enquiry and it also acts to bring teaching and learning alive. Students learning is enriched by collecting primary data on physical and human processes we introduce to them in the classroom environment. Research has shown that when students see it for themselves, their enjoyment and understanding is enhanced. In addition it helps develop subject-specific and transferable skills, promotes active learning and links theory to ‘real world’ examples. The earliest fieldwork in the Lower and Middle school that children will experience, will mainly be within the confines of the school site, but as they progress through the school, the range of their fieldwork will increase to encompass the immediate surroundings and will branch out further afield to places of specific interest . There is no better place to shape our students sense of enquiry and geographical thinking than in the field.


Kenneth Horrocks, Teacher

The students were taught about photography and wild-

For the second year running, the Year 9 form group all

life drawing in registrations prior to the trip and also had

went to the Quinta Santu du Inacio for a combined art-

the connections between the two fields explored in a

biology field trip. Regardless of whether they do Art or

fantastic powerpoint presentation given by Mr Kenneth

Biology they all took part. They saw a variety animals

Horrocks. They were also regaled with amusing tales of

species including snakes, hippos, panthers, lemurs, kan-

encounters with animals in Africa throughout the trip.

garoos, crocodiles and many others. They watched a

The students all brought in cameras and took photos

practical and at times interactive demonstration of birds

throughout the day. The best were be submitted and

of prey using many of the parks specimens including

two winners were chosen for a prize. Prizes went to

hawks, owls and falcons.

JosÊ Maria Neves and Bruno Moreira for outstanding photography. All students’ photos were each recorded on a trip worksheet which also had them do a number of other tasks. The students recorded animal behavior much like a biologist would during a fieldwork expedition. They sketched animal poses and also had to explain various patterns in both behavior and posture as well as identify various categorizations among the animals such as vertebrae or invertebrate. Back in the biology room y9 art students did follow up work using their worksheets. In the art room each student based their portfolio artworks for the year on many of the photographs that they have taken. Paintings, drawings and many other forms of artwork rotate around the theme of animals.





The DOE (Duke of Edinburgh) programme is a challenging

June 2011 / Just to report that last weekend a small but

programme of activities which encourages our students

determined group of 5 students accompanied by myself

to set and achieve goals, in the areas of sport, skills, ser-

represented the very first ever practice silver Duke of

vice and outdoor exploration. The award reaches out to

Edinburgh Award Scheme for candidates from CLIP.

the wider school community in that responsible adults

They climbed the mountains in Parque do Gerês to camp

with particular skills (e.g. Sports teachers) may act as as-

for two nights, navigate and walk in the mountains using

sessors who work with the students to verify each sec-

the skills they have learned mostly while training in the

tion of the award. Each award culminates in an adventur-

wilds of Parque da Cidade and in the garage downstairs.

ous journey in challenging terrain where students move,

The enthusiasm levels ran high, as Gaspar Azevedo and

navigate, and support their bodily needs on a 2 - 4 day

Frederico Barroso decided to sleep out under the moon

adventurous journey under adult supervision. This pro-

on the second night, claiming they wanted the real wild

gramme is currently being introduced at CLIP and there

experience. Luckily it didn’t rain! Gaspar was particularly

are 9 candidates entered in the award at silver level. In

triumphant as he has recently convalesced from major

Portugal the Award is also known as the Premio Infante

surgery on his legs, and having had doubts in his own

D.Henrique, and similar programmes run in over 50 coun-

physical abilities right up to the end. The rest of his group

tries worldwide. The benefits of this programme, be-

was more confident, re-naming him “Gas-Power” in hon-

sides the enrichment of our school curriculum, are that it

our of his extraordinary resilience in conquering the odds.

gives students an opportunity to become more capable,

We should be proud of: Francisca Barroso; Gaspar Azeve-

well-rounded, confident and ready to take on any chal-

do; Guilherme Amaral; Frederico Barroso; Lukasz Her-

lenges in life with the same enthusiasm and aptitude.

man. These students had never done anything like this before and are now filled with a confidence that they can take on any challenge and win. If you are interested in

So my word of advise is


how the award works feel free to ask me before the end of term. It is still developing at the school and it is a very good way to get the C (challenge) into CLIP. And Antonio Baptista, who would have been there if he had not woken up at 2 p.m. and suddenly realized why there was a packed rucksack in his bedroom. Better luck next time Antonio!

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Frederico Barroso, Form 12

This was the first year that the DOE (Duke of Edinburgh)

I chose swimming for my sport and discovered a pas-

Award Programme has been run in CLIP producing the

sion for the sport I used to be oblivious too. I chose pho-

first ever generation of DOE Silver Graduates. I am from

tography for my skill and used the DOE as an excuse to

that generation. I was among the first to finish the award

dedicate my time to my favourite hobby: taking pictures!

in CLIP, and I must admit it has been a challenge and an

And I chose being part of the DOE Committee where I


was able to develop organisational skills as well as im-

But what is the DOE Award? Simple, the DOE Award

prove my leadership while making my contributions to

is a programme that challenges each and every partici-

the Award that made me grow so much as a person.

pant at both personal and physical level. The programme

Yet, I personally think, the best part of it all is the Expe-

can be taken in three different levels, each with differ-

dition! It is and unforgettable experience that allowed

ent level of demand: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The pro-

me to escape from all the stressful routine of our “civi-

gramme is then separated into four components (five for

lised� world. On my last expedition to Gerês we were

Gold): Expedition, Service, Sport and Skill (and Residen-

immersed for three days in the pristine environment of

tial for Gold). The aim of the programme is to challenge

the Park. No cars, no mobile phone coverage, just us,

the participants towards achieving certain goals in each

our rucksacks and a bonfire, all in the perfectly harmoni-

part of the award. We are therefore reminded of the im-

ous background of peaceful forest whose only sounds

portance of setting ourselves goals in life and trained to

are the chirping of birds and the tumbling of the water

work towards achieving them, always setting the bar a

as it cascaded down a cliff into beautiful pools of crys-

little higher so that we are always challenged to become

talline waters. At night we told our stories by the fire

better still. Being such a broad programme, the DOE al-

and fell asleep by the cooling ashes under the moon-

lows everyone to find their own niche in the programme,

light. Next day we were awakened by the sun, no noisy

all we have to do is decide something we would like to

alarm clocks or stressed out mums saying we were late

learn more about for our skill, a sport we would like to

to school, just the morning sun and the morning dew

practise on a regular basis, and someone or something

wetting our faces and refreshing us for the long hike

we would like to help to count for our service. Then we

ahead. It was definitely one, if not the most, exciting ex-

just need to set ourselves goals in the measure of our

perience I have had in my life, something the Americans

ambition, always keeping in mind our limitations, and

would simply describe as AWSOME!

then work, as hard as we can, to achieve such goals!!!

So my word of advice is: just DOE it!




WHAT IS CASE? Edite Rocha, Teacher

CLIP’s philosophy seeks the well-rounded students, academically and socially, and embraces the notion that

CASE stands for Creativity,

students gain by giving.

Action, Service and Enrichment

CASE stands for Creativity, Action, Service and Enrichment and is an integral component of the Upper School programme, starting in year 10 up to year 12. CASE is performing, building, cleaning, helping, learn-

and is an integral component of the Upper School programme.

ing, growing, exploring, leading, following, collaborating, reflecting, being a global citizen while helping the

take action and fulfil their duty of becoming responsi-

person next door. This programme accounts for 15%

ble world citizens. It allows students to have greater

of students’ internal CLIP grade. Former CLIP students

self-awareness as well as being responsible members

report that they are routinely asked on college applica-

of their community. CASE should be both challenging

tion forms about their volunteer activities and school

and enjoyable. The emphasis is on learning by doing real

involvement. The goal is to produce students, who not

tasks that have real consequences and then reflecting

only pursue greater academic knowledge, but also to

on these experiences over time.

CREATIVITY (40 hours)

SERVICE (50 hours)

This covers a wide range of arts and other activities out-

This includes any community or social service activity

side the normal curriculum. This could engage painting,

that is unpaid and voluntary, providing a learning benefit

dancing, drama or music. It could also include any crea-

for the student. It involves interaction, such as the build-

tive thinking, taking on a leadership role and designing

ing of links with individuals or groups in the community.

and carrying out service projects.

The community may be the school, the local district, or it may exist on national and international levels (such

ACTION (40 hours)

as undertaking projects of assistance in a developing

This covers any physical activities contributing to a healthy

country). Service activities should not only involve doing

lifestyle outside the normal curriculum. It might involve

things for others but also doing things with others and

participation in expeditions, camping trips, and individual

developing a real commitment with them. The relation-

and team sports. It can also include the physical activity

ship should therefore show respect for the dignity and

involved in carrying out creative and service projects.

self-respect of others.

ENRICHMENT (20 hours) This covers any experience, activity or project which has made the student better and which might not fit into any of the above categories. Anything from going to the theatre, concerts, conferences, which help the student, develop.


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LOWER SCHOOL DRAMA Graham Wright, LS KS2 Leader

This year the Form 3 / 4 play was “The Perilous Adven-

and Reception; and another from Forms 1 and 2. Last

tures of Vasco da Gama”. It was written to go hand in

Christmas they were both splendid with lots of great

hand with the history done in Form 4. The story was

songs and Santas on stage. There were even aliens in

based on historical fact but took quite a few liberties with

the Form 1 / 2 play, “Christmas with the Aliens” and 2M

the truth: Did Vasco da Gama ever meet Sinbad the Pi-

were excellent green faced aliens.

rate? Did one of his sailors ever fall overboard and end

Drama is a large part of what we do in Lower School to

up in the company of a group of Mermaids? I very much

enhance the rest of the curriculum. We have a lot of role

doubt it. And then there was the Love Potion given to the

play as one would expect in the Early Years but this is

company of sailors on arrival in India - I cannot see that

carried on into Key Stage 2 with “Hot Seating” where

really happening either. What it meant was that the chil-

children will assume characters (fictional or otherwise)

dren and staff had a great deal of fun in putting together

and be interviewed by the rest of the class. This year we

a very professional production which went from Portugal

had an example of this in the Library where 2 children be-

to Brazil to India; taking in Fado, Samba and Bollywood on

came “Horrid Henry” and the author of the Horrid Henry

the way. There was some great singing and some great

books, Francisca Simon.

dancing and the children acted with fabulous energy and

So, here at CLIP we celebrate drama in many ways.

enthusiasm. All in all it was a great success and everyone

Sometimes it is part of the curriculum and sometimes it

involved enjoyed the experience.

is just for fun. Either way, we have a great time doing it.

Of course the Form 3 / 4 play is not the only production we do in Lower School. There are the Annual Key Stage 1 Christmas Productions. There is one from Kindergarten


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There was some great singing and some great dancing and the children acted with fabulous energy and enthusiasm.




PERFORMING ARTS “More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic.” (Simone Weil) Carina Oelofse, The Arts Area Leader

Core subjects, the Arts (dance, music, drama and visual

umpteenth moments of panic when the camera did

arts) are challenging subjects with rigorous content and

not want to cooperate, when a thunderstorm nearly

achievement standards. They require highly qualified

drowned out a student’s voice or when we could not

teachers who challenge all students, not just those who

reach Mr. Tavares (who filmed, edited and produced the

are considered artistically talented, to perform works of

DVD). We are waiting for the results with bated breath,

art, create their own works, and respond to works of art

but we are also very realistic about our prospects. All

and the ideas they impart.

the students are Portuguese and performed and wrote

In addition to studying the arts for their own sake, ex-

in their second language, but I am full of hope that this

periencing and making works of art benefits students in

will be taken into consideration and that the results will

their intellectual, personal, and social development, and can be particularly beneficial for students from economically disadvantaged circumstances and those who are at

2010/2011 was undoubtedly the

risk of not succeeding in school. Research studies point to strong relationships between learning in the Arts and

most challenging and exciting

fundamental cognitive skills and capacities used to mas-

year for me, because it was the

ter other core subjects, including Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. At a recent Parents’ information meeting, I told the parents (maybe shocked them) that I was not trying to turn their children into Broadway stars, although

first time that Clip offered Drama as an IGCSE subject.

we have had one or two amazingly talented students who went to London to continue in the Performing Arts.

be surprisingly good. There are also plans on how to fa-

For the most part, we are just doing our utmost to give

cilitate this process in the future.

the Clip students the best possible foundation for confi-

We had a very successful Form 7 Musical Fantasy, “Findb-

dence and skill, where it comes to customer service, ex-

hera”, involving probably all members of our community

ecutive decisions, project planning, innovative, creative

- parents, students, teachers, local theatre personnel, ex-

and quick thinking under pressure - all of the ingredients

parents - name it and they were part of it! Then we had

needed for success in the world out there today.

a trip around the world with the Portuguese explorers,

2010/2011 was undoubtedly the most challenging and

performed by the Form 3 & 4 students, with Mr. Graham

exciting year for me, because it was the first time that

Wright at the helm. This feat was a very bold statement

Clip offered Drama as an IGCSE subject. There were

about our Mission and Vision statements to be a multi-


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“Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation”. (Betty Davis)

cultural home, not only within the walls of Clip, but also

sad tone to all of this. Our orchestra has now dwindled

on the stage and outside.

to a small group of violinists. They are very good, but I

The Visual Art Department raised even more money this

feel that we are moving backwards instead of reaching

year during their charity Art Auction, first introduced by

for the stars. I would like to use this opportunity to invite

Mr. Michael Hawkins a year ago. I am also pleased to

any member of our community who can play an orches-

announce that both Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Oelofse did

tral instrument to contact us so that we can build up our

the distance training for their respective subjects and

orchestra to one even better than it has ever been. Let’s

were both credited as moderators by Cambridge. We

stand as one and make our school a better place!

are sorry to lose Mr. Hawkins, who was a positive and enthusiastic influence on the Art Department. However, we are eagerly awaiting our new Art teacher, Mr. Jamie Cole. There will be some changes in the new academic year, but only to make things a little easier to slot into place. As usual, we will have our Arts Festival again in 2012 and hopefully we can go ahead with inviting and sharing with the other International schools in the area, just to implement one of our philosophies. Then, in place of the Form 7 Musical, we will instead have a F6 Revue/ Variety Show. The Curriculum for the Performing Arts was designed for a spiral progression and as the F8 students are now firmly the seniors of the Middle School, it was decided that they should have the privilege of performing the Musical before they move onto the Upper School. As the F8 students are those who already performed “Findhbera”, they will now do the One-Act plays for their examination at the end of the year, to which the parents could be invited, if they so wish. Overall, it was an exciting and challenging year and those who had a hand in any of the successful productions and shows, a million thanks and bravo! There is however a





As a local centre for the Trinity Guildhall Music Examinations, CLIP held these examinations in May. We had a record number of nearly one hundred and twenty entries, in six different instruments and singing. For the first time, there was a student who took the examination in drum kit. Over one hundred students were involved, some taking two instruments and one student taking three (yes, three!) instruments! A lot of time, effort and hard work went into preparing for these examinations: teachers had to teach, encourage, check and motivate; parents had to support and ensure students did the necessary work at home; above all, students had to practise very hard to give themselves the best opportunity of success in the exam. On the exam days the music centre was tingling with excitement and nerves; some faced the examinations bravely and stepped in full of courage, others went in shaky but came out radiant, some went in crying, others came out crying. Some teachers were more nervous than their students! Mrs. Sara Espley, the examiner from England, was very kind and gentle, wanting to give all students as fair a chance as possible, even when there were serious communication problems. Overall, the results were good, with some outstanding results. The Concert of Excellence, held on Wednesday 15th June, publicly celebrated the higher achievements, giving the students in Forms 3 and 4 the opportunity to hear our best musicians, hopefully inspiring them to do well in their instrument or start taking instrumental lessons. Well done to teachers, parents, and in particular, to all students! You make us proud!


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Todos os dias trabalhamos para construir sonhos e dar nova vida aos projectos de sempre. Investimos na requalificação urbana para que o meio onde nos sentimos bem perdure.

Lucios. Especialistas em reconstrução urbana.





PE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES Pedro Meireles, Physical Education Area Leader

Physical Education and sport, as an essential dimension

students, as well as staff, took part in the Lisbon Fall

of education and culture, must develop the abilities, will-

Sports Festival. CLIP participated with Divisions 5, 4

power and self-discipline of every human being as a fully

and 3 Boys’ Basketball and Division 3 Girls’ Football.

integrated member of society. The continuity of physi-

We would like to highlight the 1st Place in Division 4

cal activity and the practice of sports must be ensured

Boys Basketball.

throughout life by means of a global, lifelong and democ-

In the Varsity Sports Festival, which took place in Lis-

ratized education.

bon, our school was represented by Division 1 Boys

At the individual level, physical education and sport con-

Basketball and Division 1 Girls Football. The girls had

tribute to the maintenance and improvement of health,

an honourable 5th place; the boys came in 3rd and won

provide a wholesome leisure-time occupation and en-

the Fairplay Award.

able human beings to overcome the drawbacks of mod-

During the Spring Term we had the Benjamin’s Sports

ern living. At the community level, they enrich social re-

Festival at CLIP. All teams had an excellent perfor-

lations and develop fair play, which is essential not only

mance. The girls won the 1st Place in Basketball, and

to sport itself but also to life in society.

the boys the 2nd in football.

Believing in those ideals, CLIP organises all sorts of cur-

In the Varsity Sports Festival (F10-F12 Boys Football in

ricular and extracurricular sports activities.

Lisbon and F10-F12 Basketball at CLIP), we had the best

This School year we organized and participated in sev-

performance ever, with a 2nd Place in Boys’ Football

eral sports activities. We had team building activities in

and a fantastic 1st Place in Girls’ Basketball.

“Parque da Cidade” involving all Middle and Upper school

At the most important International Schools Sports

students, the Swimming Gala (Lower School), Olympics

event, the April Lisbon Sports Festival, our teams had

Day (Middle School), Junior’s Sports Day (Lower School)

a great performance: Football div 3 - 7th Place; Football

Father’s Day (Middle School), etc.

div 4 - 4th Place; Football div 5 - 5th Place; Basketball div

The extracurricular activities, involves the CLIP Teams

3 - 2nd Place; Basketball div 4 - 1st Place; Basketball div

(basketball, football and swimming).

5 - 1st Place. We are very proud of our student athletes!

In the competitions organized by “Desporto Escolar”, we participate in the futsal competition (Boys-Infantis), Swimming (mix-several ages) and basketball (street basket-several ages). We have our best result in street basket, Portugal´s 5th best Team (boys-Infantis) - Fernando Almeida, Rodrigo Tupan, Luís Araujo and Diogo Ribeiro and the Girls, in the same age group (infantis), Portugal’s 4th best Team - Rita Barros, Juliana Fernandes, Beatriz Felgueiras and Lezita Guerreiro. We also participate in others sports events with other international schools. Lower, Middle and Upper School












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They must be congratulated on their great performance

Finally, we would like to inform that we have several

inside and outside the court and the football pitch.

teams competing weekly in the official championships


of AB Porto, Basketball. Although it is on a less regu-

We would like to congratulate our athletes who have

lar basis, we have football teams that participate in the

been chosen for the “Associação de Basquetebol do

League of “Escolinhas” organized by APEF.

Porto“ (ABP) Team: Juliana Fernandes, Diogo Ribei-

We extend an invitation for you to come and sup-

ro, Rodrigo Tupan, Fernando Almeida and Sofia Paz

port all our (CLIP) teams.

Dias are living proof that commitment and hard work bring great rewards.




BASQUETE Maria Victória Paes de Faria, Form 11

Tudo começou em 2005, quando, numa assembleia,

da mudança pois tínhamos jogos todos os fins-de-sema-

nos foi apresentado um vídeo da equipa de basquete

na. No entanto, encarámos o desafio com entusiasmo e

do colégio em Lisboa. Já todas tínhamos ouvido falar da

fomos campeãs regionais de desporto escolar, receben-

equipa e do lendário March Festival mas, até ao momen-

do, assim, a nossa primeira medalha. Mais confiantes e

to, nunca nos ocorrera participar. Qualquer coisa naque-

experientes, ficámos em primeiro lugar no March Festi-

le vídeo despertou em todas nós uma grande vontade

val sem sofrer uma única derrota. A chave do sucesso

de fazer parte da equipa. Foi com grande entusiasmo

foi, sem dúvida, o incansável trabalho de nós, atletas,

que, no final da assembleia, cada uma pensou para si

assim como do nosso treinador.

“no próximo ano quero entrar para o basquete”.

Triunfantes, defendemos o título em Lisboa de novo em

No ano seguinte, cumpri a minha palavra e, assim como

2008 e 2009. Foram anos memoráveis onde não faltou

muitas raparigas do meu ano, juntei-me à equipa. Os

nunca animação e boa disposição. A equipa estava mais

treinos eram muito divertidos e, desde logo, nos afei-

unida que nunca. Nestes mesmos anos conseguimos

çoamos à modalidade. Treinávamos todas as semanas,

ainda alcançar o terceiro lugar no torneio da Divisão 1,

o que nos permitia conviver mais umas com as outras.

jogando contra atletas mais velhas e experientes.

Para além de proporcionar todas as condições para que

Naturalmente, com o passar dos anos, a equipa foi so-

crescessemos enquanto jogadoras, o basquete veio que-

frendo diversas alterações. Novas atletas se foram jun-

brar uma barreira imaginária que existia entre as rapari-

tando enquanto outras foram deixando a equipa. Em

gas de turmas diferentes. Estimulou o surgir de fortes

meados de 2010 era bem visível quem estava realmente

amizades entre ambas as classes, algo que, até então,

empenhado em fazer parte da equipa. Reduzidas em nú-

não era muito comum. Desta forma, ainda iniciadas, co-

mero, mas nunca em determinação, continuámos o nos-

meçámos a desenvolver, na minha opinião, o aspecto

so percurso e, em 2010, alcançámos o segundo lugar na

mais importante do jogo: o espírito de equipa.

Divisão 1.

Em meados de Março, começamos a preparar-nos para

Em 2011, passamos a juniores. A fasquia estava visivel-

o momento mais esperado do ano, o March Festival.

mente mais elevada, o ritmo de jogo era outro. A diver-

Extasiadas, confiantes e unidas, partimos para Lisboa

são, o prazer, a adrenalina, o esforço, o cansaço, a frustra-

para jogar contra as outras escolas internacionais no Co-

ção, o desafio, tudo se intensificou. Alcançámos, por fim,

légio de St. Julians. Mal chegámos, tudo parecia encai-

em Março deste ano o ouro em Girls Varsity. A taça me-

xar na perfeição; os equipamentos, a vaca Moo (a nossa

recida veio recompensar todo o trabalho feito ao longo do

intemporal mascote), o ambiente e, sobretudo, a nossa

ano e, naquele momento, todas nos sentimos realizadas!

equipa. No ano anterior a equipa ficara em terceiro lugar

Penso que falo por todas as minhas companheiras de

e este ano estávamos convencidas que íamos vencer.

equipa e até mesmo treinadores quando digo que a mi-

Infelizmente, as coisas não correram como estávamos à

nha vida não seria o mesmo sem o basquete. Aprendi

espera. Apenas ganhámos um jogo e ficámos em penúl-

muito ao longo dos anos, não apenas a nível técnico

timo. Ainda assim, não regressámos de mãos a abanar

como também pessoal. Descobri a chave do sucesso

pois a nossa equipa foi premiada com a taça de fairplay.

colectivo e, sobretudo, aprendi a nunca desistir quan-

Não tomámos o resultado como uma derrota mas sim

do as coisas se começam a complicar. O basquete tem

como um incentivo para que, no próximo ano, nos su-

sido, e continua a ser, uma parte fundamental na minha

perássemos a nós mesmas. Em 2007, a nossa equipa

vida da qual não quero abdicar.

tornou-se federada. Não tardou a que déssemos conta


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BASQUETE USA Juliana Fernandes, Form 7

Todos os anos, no fim do ano lectivo (Julho), o CLIP

que é uma coisa muito boa e divertida. Para mim a parte

organiza uma viagem a Nova York, mais concretamen-

mais divertida sobre conhecer pessoas que não falam a

te a Filadélfia. Esta viagem é uma viagem dedicada ao

mesma língua que nós é que depois quando as pessoas

Basquetebol onde passamos uma semana neste campo

te estão ouvir a falar português, elas não sabem o que

fabuloso chamado Sixers Camp, mas também vamos vi-

estamos a dizer por isso quando elas perguntam “what

sitar Nova York aos fins-de-semana, como é óbvio. Para

did you say?” nós inventamos outra coisa. Eu fiz isso e

mim esta viagem é como estar o ano todo á espera da

depois inventei que tinha dito que elas jogavam muito

viagem de finalistas, mas ainda é melhor porque vamos

bem e elas acreditaram, eu parti-me a rir, a sério! No Si-

para um sítio excelente, novo e é só Basquete a semana

xers Camp o que também é divertido é que é basquete

toda, que é uma coisa que eu adoro. Então eu vou vos

de manhã á noite. De manhã treinamos, á tarde fazemos

contar como esta viagem vale a pena!

jogos com as equipas que são do nosso escalão e á noi-

Quando chegam ao aeroporto podem estar nervosos,

te são concursos. O concurso que eu gostei mais foi o

mas quando estiverem com os amigos isso passa logo.

concurso de afundar, foi muito divertido porque nunca o

Esta viagem é espectacular porque, além de jogar todos

tinha feito, é uma boa sensação, a de conseguir afundar!

os dias o desporto que eu mais gosto, também temos a

Para mim tudo foi divertido, também como podia não

oportunidade de visitar uma grande cidade que é Nova

ser, se tem tudo a ver com basquete! E os dias passa-

York. No dia em que o campo começa há muito nervo-

vam-se assim.

sismo, pelo menos para mim, porque não sei se as pes-

Se alguém me pedisse para dizer do que mais gostei,

soas que lá estão são muito melhores se são do mesmo

não conseguiria dizer só uma coisa porque na verdade

nível e coisas do género. Eu tive medo, admito, mas foi

gostei de tudo! Este ano vou outra vez, mas desta vez

só um bocadinho no primeiro dia, porque nos outros co-

são 2 semanas, mesmo assim espero gostar ainda mais

meçamos a conhecer pessoas novas de outros países,

do que o ano passado. Vão porque vale a pena!


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CLIP FOOTBALL TEAMS André Teixeira, Teacher

A evolução da sociedade actual, essencialmente junto

so, assistindo à implementação dos mesmos conteúdos

das grandes cidades, contribuiu para uma urbanização

e dos mesmos métodos de treino quer se trate de atle-

desmedida das mesmas, com o aproveitamento dos

tas dos escalões de Infantis, Juvenis ou de Seniores.

espaços existentes fundamentalmente com fins habita-

Torna-se então fundamental criar no Futebol situações

cionais ou comercias, originando o quase total desapare-

simples, que vão ao encontro das motivações dos prati-

cimento de espaços livres onde as crianças e os jovens

cantes, proporcionando-lhes formas simples, adaptadas

possam desenvolver as suas actividades de lazer.

às suas características e ao seu nível de desenvolvimen-

As brincadeiras de rua de uma juventude ainda recente

to e que sejam facilitadoras de uma melhor aprendiza-

como “as caçadinhas”, “as escondidinhas”, “o jogo do

gem do Futebol.

mata”, “o jogo do eixo” ou “o futebol de rua de 3x3 ou de

Na Academia de Futebol do CLIP, podemos associar o

4x4” são hoje praticamente inexistentes. Estes aspec-

ensino do Futebol a um Processo de CONSTRUÇÃO.

tos, associados à modernização dos meios audiovisu-

Assim, como na construção de uma casa começamos

ais vieram contribuir para o isolamento e uma cada vez

pelos alicerces, passando pelo soalho, as paredes, o

menor socialização das nossas crianças e jovens, que

telhado, etc., na “Construção” do jogador de Futebol,

passam a maior parte dos seus tempos livres sozinhos

este vai paulatinamente integrar (por etapas) os dife-

nas suas próprias casas entretidas com jogos de compu-

rentes elementos de jogo: Bola, Baliza, Adversário(s),

tador, play-station, mega-drive, a ver televisão ou filmes

Companheiro(s) e Equipa, por forma a que no final do

em vídeo, agravando ainda mais o sedentarismo (com os

seu processo de formação possa ter uma participação

malefícios para a saúde que daí advêm) que caracteriza a

eficiente e eficaz na abordagem do jogo (formal). Esta

nossa sociedade actual.

abordagem ao jogo é feita de uma forma transversal

Julgamos assim haver necessidade de criar nos jovens,

onde os conteúdos são seleccionados por escalão etário

hábitos de uma ocupação salutar dos seus tempos livres

e adaptados ao nível de desempenho.

através do movimento e de actividades desportivas onde

Todos os Alunos/Atletas têm contacto com variados tor-

impere a amizade e o convívio social, nunca esquecendo

neios onde o convívio sócio/cultural e as vivências des-

o enriquecimento desportivo e aquisição de competên-

portivas proporcionam uma aquisição de competências

cias ao nível da aprendizagem do Futebol.

e habilidades motoras, que certamente terão muita influ-

O Futebol é uma modalidade desportiva com longa exis-

ência no crescimento e maturação da criança ou jovem.

tência, onde, particularmente na última década, come-

Desta variabilidade de torneios acima referida destaca-

çaram a surgir estudos significativos, referentes a este

mos, Lisbon Sports Festival, Benjamins Sports Festival,

tão aliciante desporto. Tais estudos procuraram então,

Futsal Desporto Escolar, APEF (Associação Portuguesa

dar importância à formação dos atletas.

de Escolas de Futebol), Futebol de Rua (Associação Fu-

Desde o momento que se iniciam na prática do Futebol,

tebol do Porto), Torneio “Campeonato do Mundo” Kick

até atingirem um nível de alto rendimento, os jovens de-

Off Macdonalds, Compostela Cup (Espanha). Ao longo

vem (ou deveriam) passar por um processo de formação

destes eventos todas as crianças e jovens demonstra-

coerente em que haja uma progressão da aprendizagem

ram sempre um grande espírito de equipa, companhei-

distribuída por diferentes etapas, com objectivos, estra-

rismo, cooperação, bem como um enorme desempe-

tégias e conteúdos, adequados às suas diferentes fases

nho ao nível do rendimento desportivo. São estes os

de desenvolvimento.

grandes ideais/valores que defendemos na ACADEMIA

Se pretendermos elevar o nível qualitativo dos nossos


futebolistas, não podemos continuar a trabalhar ao aca73




Saber nadar não é mais do que dar a possibilidade a um

Nos dias 12 e 14 de Abril realizou-se a Swimming Gala

indivíduo de poder resolver o triplo problema de uma

para os alunos da Lower School, com o objectivo de po-

inter-relação das três componentes fundamentais: equi-

derem demonstrar as competências adquiridas em rela-

líbrio, respiração e propulsão.

ção ao meio aquático ao longo de 2 trimestres de aulas.

Para se aprender a nadar é necessário dominar um con-

Existindo uma progressão ao longo dos anos, os alunos

junto de competências (estimulando vários domínios),

da Kindergarten e Reception demonstraram o seu nível

tais como: Visão, Tacto, Audição, Equilíbrio, Propulsão,

de adaptação ao meio aquático realizando imersões, sal-

Respiração, Flutuação, Rotação, Imersão, Mergulho e

tos e deslocamentos, usando material auxiliar. Os alunos

Salto. Todas estas competências ajudarão o aluno a me-

da Form 1 e Form 2 demonstraram que já conseguem

lhor desenvolver a sua noção de corpo, a coordenação

realizar rotações, saltos e deslocamentos sem a utiliza-

geral, a estruturação espaço-temporal e a noção de rit-

ção de material auxiliar, e os alunos da Form 3 e Form

mo, ou seja, ajudará o aluno a melhor compreender o

4, demonstraram que já conseguem realizar percursos

efeito da água sobre o seu corpo no meio aquático. Ten-

de 25 e/ou 50m nas técnicas de crol e costas, iniciando

do em conta todos os benefícios mencionados anterior-

estes com partida do bloco.

mente, os alunos do CLIP têm, no seu curriculum escolar de Educação Física a natação como mais uma unidade didáctica a ser abordada.


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A LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA Alzira Machado, Isabel Sousa, Patrícia Mesquita, Portuguese Teachers

O próximo ano lectivo será fundamentalmente marcante no que respeita à Língua Portuguesa. Nos 5º e 7º anos vigorará o novo Programa de Português do Ensino Básico (PPEB) e o Acordo Ortográfico tornar-se-á efetivo. O novo programa surge na sequência de vários momentos de reflexão sobre o ensino da Língua Portuguesa. O tempo passa e a investigação avança em várias áreas: desenvolvimento curricular, didática, psicologia da aprendizagem. Surge assim da confluência da necessidade de maior componente de reflexão sobre a língua, com o Plano Nacional de Leitura e o Dicionário Terminológico. Tornar-se leitor é uma das metas de aprendizagem do novo programa. Embora o Passaporte para a Leitura e Escrita surja agora no Novo Programa, para nós já era uma realidade. Numa sociedade de rápidas mudanças e em que a vertente tecnológica domina, o livro continua a ser essencial, pois, sem ele, o Homem não poderia guardar as memórias das diferentes épocas, nem conseguiria exprimir de forma complexa e coerente o seu pensamento e os seus sentimentos. Já Bill Gates afirmara “(…) os meus filhos terão computadores sim, mas antes terão livros para aprender a ler e a escrever. Sem eles serão incapazes de escrever, inclusive a sua própria história”. Ninguém se torna bom leitor sem auto-conhecimento. Lê-se para alargar horizontes, para partilhar emoções, enriquecer os conhecimentos, descobrir-se a si e aos outros. “Ler é sonhar pela mão de outrem” - Fernando Pessoa (Bernardo Soares in: Livro do Desassossego).

Dicionário on-line que fixa a terminologia gramatical a usar no contexto do ensino básico e secundário. É um documento normativo que visa fixar as associações termo-significado, quando os termos são utilizados em contexto de ensino da gramática e como tal, deve ser entendido como ferramenta auxiliar do docente. 1


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Neste contexto, a Semana da Leitura, que tem como ob-

gração da escola na comunidade”. Esta perspetiva que,

jetivo incentivar o prazer de ler entre crianças e jovens,

a nosso ver, em nada reduz o papel do texto literário, é

criando laços afetivos e efetivos com o ato de ler, vem-

essencial para uma boa implementação e aceitação des-

-se consagrando como uma das boas tradições do CLIP.

te novo programa.

Uma vez que os hábitos de leitura e escrita “não caem

O ensino do Português tem uma dimensão humana. A

do céu”, é muito importante que a escola promova, de

nossa língua deve ser vista numa perspetiva cultural,

forma sistemática, o contacto com o livro e com os di-

numa dimensão patrimonial, como uma diversidade de

ferentes autores. Assim, orgulhamo-nos de dizer que,

experiências, uma visão histórico-social e epistemológi-

durante estes anos, e nesta semana preferencialmente

ca do idioma. A Língua é um refúgio identitário, é multi-

dedicada ao livro, estiveram, na nossa escola, grandes

culturalismo. Daí que, numa visão mais global da nossa

vultos da literatura infanto-juvenil como: Alice Vieira, An-

Língua, o PPEB inclua agora o estudo de obras de autores

tónio Mota, Álvaro Magalhães, Ana Saldanha, Ana Maria

de país de língua oficial portuguesa, o que já era contem-

Magalhães, Luísa Dacosta, entre muitos outros que nos

plado no programa de IGCSE e de AICE da Universidade

enriqueceram com as suas palavras e experiências.

de Cambridge. Efetivamente, no 11º e 12º anos, faziam e/

Com o Novo Programa espera-se um professor que co-

ou fazem parte o estudo de obras de autores como Lygia

loque os programas e não os manuais “na sua primeira

Fagundes Telles (brasileira), José Eduardo Agualusa (an-

linha do seu labor pedagógico” e que seja “agente do

golano), Germano Almeida (cabo verdiano), Luis Bernardo

desenvolvimento curricular”, “capaz de tomar adequadas decisões de operacionalização (…), adaptando-se à realidade educativa e contextual da sua escola e da sua

Uma vez que os hábitos de leitura

sala de aula” (PPEB). Com a inclusão dos descritores de

e escrita “não caem do céu”, é

desempenho, privilegia-se um saber-fazer a partir das

muito importante que a escola

competências: compreensão oral, expressão oral, leitura, escrita e conhecimento explícito da língua. Realidades que já imperam no CLIP desde setembro de 2010, conforme os critérios de avaliação definidos para as Línguas. Esperam-nos assim alguns desafios: ensinar a aprender

promova, de forma sistemática, o contacto com o livro e com os diferentes autores.

para ser mais proficiente; revalorizar o ensino da gramática; criar uma cultura literária e reconhecer a importân-

Honwana (moçambicano), entre outros. Desde 2009 que

cia do desenvolvimento da competência do modo oral.

o Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa está em vigor

Parecem-nos de uma grande atualidade e adequação a

oficialmente em Portugal e no Brasil. Em 2014, a única

este novo programa as palavras de Irene Fonseca, da-

ortografia aceite será apenas a do Acordo Ortográfico.

tadas de 1990: “(…) impõe-se uma abertura da aula à

As escolas adotá-lo-ão no próximo ano 2011/2012. O uso

pluralidade dos discursos, única forma, para além disso,

deve reger a ortografia: “Só ao uso pertence a legitima-

de realizar a tão falada abertura da escola à vida, a inte-

ção e soberania da Língua” (Horácio).




READING WEEK Amy Reis, Languages Area Leader

This year CLIP’s annual celebration of literature was held from the 21st to 25th March. In what has now become a school tradition, Middle School students took part in a range of activities aimed to promote good reading habits and encourage children to explore a variety of reading genres. Several activities were organized by the English and Portuguese departments who have worked together to develop reading skills and stimulate interest in this age old pastime.



Throughout the week students and teachers participat-

This year’s theme for World Poetry Day was “Internation-

ed in our book drop activity. At ten o’clock every morn-

al Mindedness”. A range of poems representing voices

ing students ‘dropped’ what they were doing in lessons

from cultures all over the world were displayed around

to read a book of their choice for 10 minutes. This was

the school illustrating the rich diversity of this literary

met with enthusiasm and enjoyed by all.

genre. Form 6 students who had been learning about poetic form worked hard to produce a range of poetry about food that was used to entertain both students and staff at lunchtime in the Middle and Upper school canteens.

Form 6 students who had been learning about poetic form worked hard to produce a range of poetry. In addition to this, Middle School students reached out to our surrounding community through poetry by visiting lnfantário de Lordelo do Ouro to recite traditional Portuguese poems. Elderly members of the community were also treated to an afternoon of verse at Centro de Dia de Paróquia de Aldoar & Lar de Idosos da Cooperativa CETA. All students involved in this initiative found it to be an extremely enriching experience and were met with enthusiasm by all audiences visited.


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VISITING AUTHORS Students at CLIP also enjoyed the company of visiting authors Helena Osรณrio, Germano Silva and Tomรกs Magalhรฃes who visited the school and presented fascinating workshops based on their own work.




HUMANITIES Marco Meireles, Maths / Economics - F11/12 Tutor

MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE Marco Meireles, Maths / Economics - F11/12 Tutor

As you know, CLIP is ever growing and evolving and so, two years ago, the school underwent a management

About two years ago, as a response to CLIP’s ever grow-

restructure where many new roles were created. One

ing size and expectations, it was decided to create the

of these roles was the position of Learning Area Leader

role of Humanities Area Leader. When I applied for such

for Mathematics, Science and Technology. Although that

a position I could have hardly imagined how demanding,

seemed quite overwhelming at the time, I decided to

exhausting but specially rewarding and challenging this

take a chance and apply for the position because, after

would be for me. I have to start by saying that my job

all, I am a Clipper and therefore I enjoy a challenge and, in

was incredibly eased by the fantastic group of teachers

taking on this new role, I would certainly fit the descrip-

in the Humanities Department, whose professionalism,

tion of being a life-long learner. Having studied some of

commitment to the school’s vision and great passion for

the Sciences at A level and having been on many com-

teaching have been the success behind the success of

puter courses, I felt I had a tiny bit of background knowl-

these last two years.

edge but I knew I would have to jump in head- first and

The Humanities Department encompasses a wide range

fully immerse myself in the strange new world of Sci-

of subjects from Form 5 up to Form 12. The Middle

ence and Technology teaching.

School curricula were reviewed in order to ensure the students had the smoothest entrance into the IGCSE programme. New cross-curricular activities were coordinated between subjects, where LTRD played a vital role. In the Upper School new pathways were developed. For the first time in many years, Business Studies was of-

I have witnessed fantastic and innovative teaching techniques and wonderful practical activities.

fered as an alternative to Economics, for students that still wanted to pursue a degree in Management or Busi-

So, how has it been? As the Area Leader, I have seen

ness and that had a wider interest in the practicalities of

a new and wonderful side to the school that I would

how to manage a company.

never have had the chance to experience before. I have

Throughout the two years many projects took place,

witnessed fantastic and innovative teaching techniques

among which I have to mention the Holocaust Remem-

and wonderful practical activities, experiments and dem-

brance Day and the 100 Anniversary of the Portuguese

onstrations. It has been fantastic to see the teachers

Republic. Students were the engine behind their success,

from the four subject areas (Mathematics, Science,

very pro-active and interested in discussing issues like

Technology and ICT) come together and work as a team

discrimination, Human Rights, Democracy; questioning

and I believe we have all gained immensely from having

values taken for granted and analysing the impact that

input from each department. Working with such a dedi-

they have in our lives and on the current world. These ac-

cated team of staff certainly made my life a lot easier and

tions were undoubtedly important in our constant quest

their hard work is much appreciated. Being scientific and

to create not only academically strong students but also

logical by nature makes for very productive and precise

principled citizens and internationally minded individuals.

meetings! This has certainly been an exciting two years

Many more projects are being thought out and designed

and the “SCIMATECH” team should all be congratulated

for the coming school year, so stay tuned!

for a job well done.



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The Team hard at work!

Form students at the Universidade do Minho for a Mathematics/Science trip




CANGURU MATEMÁTICO Fátima Morais, Teacher

A Associação Canguru sem Fronteiras é uma associa-

Tentar que os alunos se divirtam a resolver questões

ção de carácter internacional que reúne personalidades

matemáticas e percebam que conseguir resolver os

do mundo da matemática de 46 países. O seu objectivo

problemas propostos é uma conquista pessoal muito

é promover a divulgação da matemática elementar, em


particular, pela organização anual do Concurso Canguru

Aumentar todos os anos o número de participantes

Matemático sem Fronteiras, que terá lugar no mesmo

no concurso a nível nacional e tentar atingir as cotas de

dia em todos os paises participantes. Em Portugal, a or-

participação de outros países.

ganização deste concurso está a cargo do Departamento

O CLIP participa desde 2007 tendo alcançado sempre

de Matemática da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

bons resultados, particularmente este ano de 2011, onde

da Universidade de Coimbra com o apoio da Sociedade

num universo de 76326 alunos participantes a nível na-

Portuguesa de Matemática.

cional conseguimos um honroso 2º lugar obtido pelo alu-

O Concurso “Canguru Matemático” é para TODOS os

no José Pedro Sá Pinto do 8º ano,e um 12º lugar pelo

alunos e abrange 6 categorias, de acordo com a idade

aluno Bruno José Vaz Moreira do 9º ano.

dos participantes. Objectivos: Estimular o gosto e o estudo pela Matemática. Atrair os alunos que têm receio da disciplina de Matemática, permitindo que estes descubram o lado lúdico da disciplina.

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SCIENCE FAIR Eduarda Serapicos, Teacher

A Science Fair da Middle School já é uma tradição do Inês Soares, Teacher

CLIP que alunos, professores e pais não dispensam. Modelos de casas auto-sustentáveis, veículos movi-

CLIP has been invited to participate

dos a energia solar, estudos químicos referentes aos níveis de hidratos de carbono existentes em diferentes

in a pilot project, Sustainability

variedades de leite foram alguns dos projectos apre-

in Schools, as the only private

de um evento da responsabilidade do departamento

sentados por 200 alunos no dia 1 de Junho. Tratou-se de Maths, Science and Technology que coincidiu com

school, for its good environmental

a celebração do Dia do Ambiente. Os alunos tiveram

practices and eco-philosophy.

a oportunidade de ser cientistas por um dia tendo que desenvolver um projecto que se inserisse numa das duas categorias propostas: Categoria Aberta e Casas

Sustainability in Schools is run by DREN, CRE-Porto and

Amigas do Ambiente.

Universidade Católica and seeks to engage students,

A Science Fair tem como objectivos despertar o in-

teachers and non-teaching staff in the introduction of

teresse pela investigação científica, desenvolver com-

practices of environmental and economic sustainability

petências específicas ou de interesse, promover a

in schools in the Metropolitan Area of Porto. It consists

interacção comunidade - escola, desenvolver o senso

of monitoring, reporting and implementation of meas-

crítico, despertar o senso de cooperação entre alunos,

ures to reduce consumption of electricity, water and gas;

etc. Este evento faz todo o sentido no método de ensi-

monitoring, reporting and implementation of measures

no levado a cabo no CLIP em que as ciências são por

to reduce waste generation; monitoring of indoor air

excelência uma actividade prática que motiva tremen-

quality (CO2 in the classroom) and measures implemen-

damente os nossos alunos.

tation; accounting for species of trees and shrubs in the

Este ano, mais uma vez, tivemos a honra de ter um

school and development of planting and conservation

convidado especial, o investigador Alexandre Campos

activities. It is a two-year project and, at the moment,

do CIMAR (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do

we are monitoring consumption, waste production and

Porto), que se juntou ao júri composto por professo-

air quality. The next step will be the analysis of data ob-

res do CLIP da Middle e Upper School. Durante a ma-

tained and the implementation of new practices of envi-

nhã do dia 1 de Junho todas as equipas foram alvo de

ronmental sustainability.

uma apresentação perante o júri que permitiu aferir os

After being validated, this project will be extended to the

vencedores de cada uma das categorias.

other Portuguese public schools.


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Ser uma Eco-escola, sensibilizar para a valorização do

lectivas. A correcta organização e gestão dos laborató-

ambiente, é um princípio básico de relevância, quando

rios - que poderá passar despercebida - permitem criar

se tem como objectivo responsabilizar e desenvolver ac-

condições favoráveis à aquisição de conhecimentos e

ções que aperfeiçoem o desempenho ambiental e ges-

ao desenvolvimento de competências/capacidades de

tão sustentável do espaço escolar de uma forma eficaz,

carácter prático/laboratoriais essenciais para o percurso

integrada e dinâmica. Por isso se procedeu ao registo

académico dos alunos, quer a nível dos exames de 12º

do colégio na plataforma electrónica SIRAPA, criada

ano, quer, já mais tarde, a nível universitário.

no âmbito do Decreto-Lei nº 178/2006, que expressa

Integrado também no conjunto de actividades profissio-

a obrigatoriedade de qualquer empresa agregar toda a

nais da minha responsabilidade, está o plano de emer-

informação relativa aos resíduos produzidos. Cumprido

gência interno. E nesse sentido todo o trabalho desen-

esse requisito legal, foi estabelecida uma parceria com

volvido conduziu à aprovação do mesmo em Dezembro

uma empresa certificada (BIOVIA), que passou a fazer a

passado, pelo Batalhão de Sapadores de Bombeiros do

recolha e consequente operação de valorização ou elimi-

Porto. Resultante de uma elaboração profunda e con-

nação dos resíduos químicos, do material descartável e

tínua, num processo lento que se arrastou no tempo,

EPI’s utilizados nos laboratorios. Os restantes materiais

deu-se sequência à preparação e organização de toda

recicláveis são também recolhidos pela LIPOR, junta-

a documentação necessária, cumprindo com as exigên-

mente com os demais resíduos da escola. Deste modo,

cias referidas no Decreto-Lei nº 220/2008 e na Porta-

é possivel conjugar uma atitude responsável e sustentá-

ria nº 1532/2008. Neste momento, encontramo-nos a

vel com a intensa componente de formação laboratorial

finalizar a tradução global do plano de segurança para a

que integra o curriculum dos nossos alunos, na vertente

língua inglesa e a ultimar os detalhes para a colocação

das Ciências, desde o 5ºano até ao 12ºano de escolari-

das instruções gerais e específicas, bem como das plan-

dade. A preparação e assistência à realização das acti-

tas de emergência em formato de PVC rígido foto lumi-

vidades práticas fazem parte de uma rotina diária que é

nescente, conforme a norma NP 4386. Foi uma função

assumida por dois técnicos, a qual envolve um sério tra-

assegurada com êxito, no prosseguimento da legislação

balho de fundo. Desse conjunto de tarefas, destacam-se

existente, mas que vai muito mais além do dar resposta

algumas fundamentais, como a realização de ensaios

a uma formalidade legal, na medida em que se integra no

prévios para verificar o efeito de uma experiência, a rea-

reconhecimento da importância e no contínuo desenvol-

lização de operações de manutenção de equipamentos,

vimento de uma de segurança que incluem um conjunto

a pesquisa de alternativas a materiais que não existam

de medidas de autoprotecção (organização e procedi-

nos stocks, bem como a gestão da disponibilidade dos

mentos) tendentes a evitar a ocorrência de sinistros e a

laboratórios, para evitar a sobreposição de actividades

limitar (a acontecerem) as consequências dos mesmos.




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BEING A CLIPPER Frederico Barroso, Form 12

After having spent most of my school life as a student in

attendance. A CLIPPER is part of the CLIP community,

CLIP it would be reasonable to assume that I should be

someone who cares about CLIP and feels the school

able to come up with a one line definition to the ques-

as a part of him/herself. A CLIPPER is someone who

tion of what does it mean to be a CLIPPER. Well truth is

dedicates heart and soul towards making CLIP’s tomor-

that I can’t! A CLIPPER cannot be defined or summed

row better than today, not for one’s own selfish interest,

up into a line for every CLIPPER is a different individual.

but because it feels good to ensure future generations

A CLIPPER is a student, or a parent, or a teacher or any

of CLIPPERs still have the perception that the CLIPPER

other member of staff that truly believes, or dreams of

spirit is still alive. The CLIPPER spirit is a form of herit-

the day “we are one”. A CLIPPER is any dreamer that

age that must be passed on from the older pupils and

is proud of more than the fancy colours of our building

staff members to the younger ones or the new arrivals.

and the luxurious facilities we are fortunate to have. It is

Unfortunately along my years in CLIP I have seen CLIP

anyone who shares a bond to CLIP not for what it looks

grow exponentially at the expense of the fading of the

like but for what it stands for: the sometimes forgotten

sense of family that first struck me when I arrived. There

values of our founding members.

has been an increase in the number of students over the

I am a CLIPPER. I am proud of the academic level CLIP

last few years yet most of these become students or

has enabled me to reach, and I am proud to say that,

mere tourists walking the corridors of CLIP. Most of the

for some moments with some other CLIPPERs, I felt

newcomers fail to embrace the CLIPPER spirit as well

like “we were one” fighting for the same objectives:

as somehow manage to dissolve some of the existing

achieving personal and academic excellence and above

one. No longer do the words “we are one” make sense

all creating an unbreakable bond to the people I crossed

for this sense of family and unity has been scattered

paths with during my joyful adventure in CLIP. It’s the

through a few individual students, teachers and parents

moments of laughter, tears, success and (constructive)

that have not yet forgotten what makes CLIP so valuable.

failure we shared in our journey through CLIP, moments

So I hereby leave an appeal to all those who have

that will forever mark us as CLIPPERs, so that we do

reached this final paragraph: I ask every student, every

not forget who we were and therefore remember what

parent, every member of staff, every alumni, everyone

it is that we want to be. Being a CLIPPER is feeling at

to look inside CLIP behind each wall and beneath each

home in our school in which we spent almost as much

corridor and find the true meaning of being a CLIPPER.

time as in our own homes. It’s about being a stranger to

I invite everyone to look in depth to what CLIP truly

the words “when is it time to go home?” because CLIP

stands for and then maybe you will find the motivation

is our second home where we grow, everyday, at an

to become one of us.

academic and personal level! Being a CLIPPER goes beyond being an excellent student, or wearing the Prefect tie, and having an exemplary


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Many people usually ask: What is a student council?

In our school, specifically in Middle school, two class

What is its role in a school and in a community?

representatives are elected from each class. They meet

“A Students Council is a representative structure for

once every fortnight with the Middle School Director

students only, through which they can become involved

- Mrs Davidson. Within the student council, a chair, a

in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with

vice-chair and a secretary are elected. The chair and

school management, staff and parents for the benefit of

the vice-chair are the leaders of the council and run the

the school and its students.”

meetings in the absence of the director. The secretary

The student council is the link, the connection between

is in charge of writing down all suggestions, ideas and

the school’s faculty and headboard, and the student body.

problems presented by the students during meetings.

The role of a class representative is to act as an intermediate between staff and students, to be the spokesperson of his/her class and bring any ideas or concerns to be discussed in meetings. Of course such position involves both responsibilities and privileges which should be ne-

The student council is the link, the connection between the school’s

gotiated with the headboard. Additional responsibilities

faculty and headboard, and the

may be added but the main ones are:

student body.

Student Council members should act as a liaison between the students and the academic leaders; They should represent their class at meetings;

Class reps are agents of change that should be role mod-

Ensure that their class mates are completely informed

els to their colleagues and friends. They are the ones

about all academic and social details of the school.

who give the example and they must make sure that

The Student council often serves to engage students in

everyone follows. The student council is the body that

learning about democracy and leadership, and develop-

represents the students and should always be working

ing their skills in these areas. Its role is to encourage

towards the well being of everyone in the school and

students to share their ideas, interests, and concerns

community. We, students, should be very proud of the

with teachers and school principals. The student coun-

great achievements and successes of our school and

cil also engages students in fund raising activities and

community. It is our duty to support, help and improve

in other community service activities. Many members

our school for the better.

learn skills that were an extension of their formal education. Nevertheless, all students must always remember that the council does not have the power to change policies, only to voice the students’ opinions.



BEING A PREFECT Catarina Tavares, Form 12

Many are not aware of the true definition of the word prefect. Some have not heard of it until they first set their feet at CLIP, some believe it is nothing more than a yellow striped tie and a baby blue polo and others never took the time to really think about it. According to the dictionary, a prefect is any person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority or superintendence. At CLIP, a prefect is much more. Ever since I entered CLIP I have aspired to become a prefect. I recall being ten and wandering how one could be so special to be entitled to such status. I remember the respect I felt for those older students who made the school a better place and how I wished to be one of them one day. Eight years have gone by and I have accomplished the goal of being a prefect in my forum years and I have come to realize that a prefect not someone who is perfect, but someone who is trustworthy and responsible. Someone who assumes CLIP’s name as its own and truly embodies the “we are one” spirit. At CLIP, “we are sisters, we are brothers, we are a family”, hence a prefect is perceived as an older sibling, someone both teachers and fellow students can rely on. We ensure the good functioning of the school by acting as the intermediang between both parties and hence, making CLIP a better school.


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CLIP CLUBS ACTIVIDADES EXTRA-CURRICULARES Os momentos extra-curriculares são parte integrante da vivência do clip, onde assumem particular relevância os CLIP CLUBS. Existem três clubes distintos, de acordo com as idades dos seus frequentadores: kinderclub (3 aos 6 anos), explorerclub (7 aos 9 anos teenclub (9 aos 11 anos)







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INTERACT Marco Meireles, Humanities Area Leader / Interact Club Coordinator

A comunidade do CLIP e em particular os seus alunos

primeira vez na sua vida encontram um verdadeiro lar.

sempre demonstraram uma grande iniciativa ao tentar

O Interact vai proporcionar uma viagem ao Aquaparque

dar resposta aos problemas de carácter social e humani-

de Amarante e ao Ocenário de Lisboa já este Verão e

tário que assolam o Mundo e a nossa comunidade local.

decorre neste momento um projecto de renovação da

Neste sentido, há cerca de três anos foi criado o grupo

sala de convívio e dos jardins da instituição, criando um

Interact, constituído por alunos dos Forms 11 e 12 com o

ambiente mais acolhedor para esses jovens.

objectivo de reunir esforços conjuntos na criação deste

No actual período de crise que o país atravessa, a impor-

tipo de iniciativas de solidariedade, melhorando a sua

tância destas acções é reforçada e o Interact espera contar

organização e efectividade. O Interact é uma organiza-

com todo o apoio da comunidade do CLIP e dos seus alu-

ção reconhecida mundialmente, fazendo parte do Rota-

nos. Novas ideias estão já em projecto e esperamos contar

ry Club, possuindo estatutos oficiais e um claro conjun-

com o entusiasmo, dinamismo e a colaboração de todos.

to de valores humanitários que vão de encontro com a missão e a visão do CLIP. Após a sua criação o Interact do CLIP imediatamente tornou-se no maior e mais pró-activo do norte do Portugal e ambiciona tornar-se num dos mais notáveis da Península Ibérica. Desde a sua criação, o Interact já levou a cabo várias acções de angariação de fundos para ajudar projectos sociais e também de trabalho comunitário, como o Christmas Bazaar e o Art Auction, contando já com duas edições. Mais recentemente também a Middle School começou a colaborar mais de perto com o Interact, revertendo os dinheiro angariado durante o Kindness Week para apoiar as instituições que o Interact actualmente tem ajudado. Ao longo destes três anos, os alunos do Interact já fizeram voluntariado em infantários locais, ajudando a trazer mais alegria e diversão a crianças oriundas de bairros problemáticos da cidade do Porto. Com os fundos angariados, ofereceu-se copos, pratos e talheres apropriados para crianças ao Infantário de Lordelo do Ouro, ofereceu-se um conjunto de alimentos e mantas e cobertores aos sem-abrigo através da instituição Coração da Cidade e, mais recentemente, o Interact decidiu apadrinhar a Casa do Vale, uma casa de acolhimento para rapazes dos 12 aos 18 anos, onde pela


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KINDNESS WEEK Patrícia Mesquita, MS Pastoral Care Leader

It has become a tradition in Middle School to celebrate

During the 1st week, we collected one item per student

our acts of kindness towards one another. In 2011 the

in order to build a year group basket (hamper), following

Middle School celebrated the 6th Middle School Kind-

a theme chosen by their Form Teachers: “Gourmet” in

ness Week, from 21st February to 4th March.

Form 5, “Choc and Sweets” in Form 6, “Pamper Your-

The goal of “Kindness Week” is to build self-esteem

self“ in Form 7 and “Accessories” in Form 8. The stu-

and raise school morale by showing every person in our

dents sold raffle tickets at 1€ each and the hampers’

school that he or she can really make a difference as we

raffle was drawn, in the presence of Mr. Paulo Carval-

believe that practising kindness everyday profoundly af-

ho and Mrs. Helena Capelo from the EBPC, as well as

fects human interactions, reminds people that everyone

student members of the receiving charity organisation

is intricately and beautifully connected and ultimately

Interact Club. The Middle School rose to the challenge

makes this a kinder world.

and donated many items for the “hampers” and raised a

This year, we decided to work with the Interact Club. Part

total of €1.414 through its raffle sale.

of their actions involves working with the local communi-

All the money collected was given to the Interact Club

ty by collecting money or items that some institutions are

as a Middle School contribution to their charity activities.

in need of, doing community service through the distribu-

This was definitively a very challenging activity to organ-

tion of meals to the homeless as well as teaching English

ize but the results were certainly worthwhile.

to kids in nursery schools.




THE SPIRIT OF GIVING Maria Miranda, Teacher

On Friday, October 29 th, 2010 the smell of Pumpkin pie

their arms and hips in a traditional Portuguese “rancho”

wafted through the air as the children from the Lower

dance, “Ó Pastorinha”. Other song highlights included

School assembled into the Pavilion. Considering that we

Form 3s “Milho Verde” and Form 4s “The Best Gift”.

were in Portugal, it was most likely the smell of ferment-

The celebration reached its peak, as Form 4B took to the

ing grapes, or perhaps there was a distinct aroma of Chi-

stage and taught everyone, especially the teachers and

nese moon cakes in the air. Regardless of what culture,

parents, how to dance a traditional “rancho”. Not only did

language or harvest tradition one might be most familiar

the Form 4s teach everyone to dance, they also got eve-

with, there was definitely an air of celebration - a time

ryone thinking about, as their song suggested, “Amorzin-

to give thanks for all the food that the year brings in and

ho”. Given the song titles this year, love and food seem

a time to reflect on how we can share our bounty with

to go hand in hand at harvest time! In Portugal at least.

others less fortunate.

With so much joy in the air, it seemed only befitting that the Lower School share their happiness and prosperity

With so much joy in the air, it

with those less fortunate. Major Colin Farmer from the

seemed only befitting that the

ried away the mountain of food and surely, when no one

Salvation Army, “O Exército da Salvação”, happily car-

Lower School share their

was looking, sneaked in a few steps of the “rancho” he

happiness with those less fortunate

The Lower School always delights in having representa-

had learned. tives from local charities share in its celebrations. The

Lower school’s spirit of generosity shone as the children

spirit of giving however, does not stop at Harvest time,

from Kindergarten to Form 4, each brought in a food

but goes on throughout the year. Each spring, the Lorde-

item to place on the “Harvest” table. With the music

lo do Ouro Parish benefits from the Treasure Trail, where

from Lower School’s own “Rancho” musical group set-

students donate as many coins as possible to create

ting the pace, what began as a small pile of donations

the longest money path. Also, after each school play,

quickly became a mountain of food.

at Christmas and the Form 3 and 4 Summer Term play,

To celebrate such effort, Lower School had no choice

donations are collected and shared amongst various lo-

but to break out into song and dance. The Reception

cal charities.

classes opened the celebration with “It’s Harvest Time”

The Harvest Festival is only one opportunity where the

and Kindergarten led everyone “To the Garden”. The

Lower School celebrates its efforts to reap and share

Form 1s rendition “Ó Minha Amora Madura” and “A

with all those involved in and outside the CLIP commu-

Harvest Song” reminded everyone of the sweetness

nity. The spirit of giving, from Harvest Festival to Com-

of the harvest. The Form 2s got everyone swinging

mencement, is sown throughout the year.


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PIRILAMPO MÁGICO 2011 Vítor Barreira, MS Curriculum Leader

Once again, our CLIP community joined CERCIGAIA - Co-

dents are well deserving of a heartfelt thank you: Leonor

operativa para a Educação e Reabilitação de Cidadãos In-

Ferreira, Sofia Boavista, Mariana Quintans, Mafalda Morei-

adaptados de Gaia - in the “Pirilampo Mágico” 2011 Cam-

ra, Inês Andrade and Filipa Alves in Form 6, as well as Isa-

paign. We are very proud to announce that we were able to

bel Neves, Maria Lascasas, Telma Cruz, Filipa Oliveira and

raise nearly 800 Euros this year, and thus support CERCI-

Mariana Cura in Form 7.

GAIA’s efforts to provide help and services to its students

Besides providing this financial support to CERCIGAIA, we

with disabilities.

hope that this campaign also helped to raise more aware-

As always, this experience proved to be highly successful

ness of persons with disabilities and their quest to be ac-

and rewarding for everyone involved, especially for the Pi-

cepted and valued by the wider society. As the CERCI

rilampo Mágico Committee. Indeed, our young and keen

movement celebrates its 25th anniversary nationwide, we

salespeople worked tirelessly and were very enthusiastic

are happy to make our contribution and look forward to the

throughout the fund-raising campaign. The following stu-

“Pirilampo Mágico” Campaign next year.

We can make magic too!


Margarida Santos, Alumni

Dois meses já lá vão e um ainda me aguarda, o tempo

A verdade é que não é uma experiência fácil, há de facto

passou a voar, parece que ainda ontem estava a che-

momentos excelentes, mas existem também alturas em

gar á ilha com a palavra “brutal” a repetir-se na minha

que levamos umas “boas” chapadas psicológicas, que

cabeça vezes e vezes sem conta, sentir aquele medo

nos fazem querer voltar para os braços daqueles que nos

miudinho misturado com uma curiosidade imensa para

são mais queridos. Mas com toda a sinceridade do mun-

saber o que os próximos três meses tinham reservado

do vale todos os dias, todas as horas, todos os segundos

para mim. Posso-vos dizer que não demorou muito tem-

que passamos cá.

po até me apaixonar por tudo, as tradições, a simplicida-

A verdade é que a ilha vem comigo de volta para Por-

de com que vivem, as pessoas, os miúdos, as praias(...)

tugal quer eu queira quer não, e espero sinceramente

tudo isto foi um fascínio para mim. Ter miúdos imensa-

ter mudado a vida de alguns miúdos tanto como eles

mente agradecidos só por eu lhes dar uma garrafa de

mudaram a minha.

água vazia, fazia-me imensa confusão, até perceber que

A verdade é que há dois meses atrás nunca pensei ser

de facto não são eles que me deveriam fazer confusão,

possível chegar ao estado psicológico em que me encon-

mas sim o pouco valor que damos ás coisas que temos,

tro hoje, com a cabeça limpa e a consciência tranquila.

como um banho de água quente, roupa lavada e bem

Sinto-me imune a qualquer dor, pois penso que se eles

cheirosa, um autoclismo (ou até uma casa de banho no

com o tão pouco que têm não a sentem, eu com certeza

geral), uma família, comida na mesa todos os dias. Tudo

não tenho o direito de a sentir.

o que temos garantido no nosso dia a dia para eles é

A verdade é que tudo me tocou mais do que estava à es-

um luxo, senão uma novidade. O imenso valor que dão a

pera e sei que parte de mim vai ficar cá juntamente com

tão pouca coisa, a mim fez-me perceber o quanto tapa-

as saudades imensas que vou sentir deste “mini para-

dos somos em relação aquilo que temos e deu-me uma

íso” onde espero ter a oportunidade de um dia voltar.

perspectiva completamente diferente de tudo o que para

Deixo só aqui um texto escrito por um dos fundadores

mim era perfeitamente natural.

da WAY, Luis Brito (Brito Frito) que descreveu e muito

Claro que nem tudo foi fácil, as saudades são mais do

bem parte da nossa experiência cá:

que as palavras conseguem descrever, mas na realidade

“Temo que, por vezes, os textos deste blogue sejam ex-

sinto que em apenas dois meses cresci muito mais do

cessivamente pessimistas. Sim, a miséria aqui é infinita,

que aquilo que teria crescido em dois anos se não esti-

cíclica e encontra-se em cada esquina. Ser sincero im-

vesse a fazer isto, não só como pessoa, mas também

plica obrigatoriamente um desenrolar de críticas e obser-

como filha, como amiga, como namorada.

vações em tom depreciativo. Mas tenho que dizer: amo

Sinto que por muito difícil que seja, compensa com to-

a Ilha, Moçambique e o ainda pouco que conheço deste

dos os sorrisos que recebemos dos miúdos quando lhes

continente. Não é só o seu lado “bom” que me fascina

damos algo que para nós até parece insignificante, nem

(as paisagens, as simpatias e a força das tradições, as

que seja uma palavra amiga, uma festinha na cabeça, ou

diferenças, as crianças e os sorrisos), mas a própria po-

até um pequeno sorriso. E por muito que as saudades

breza e todo um modo de vida que, enquanto ocidentais,

apertem bastante, esta experiência serviu também para

consideramos primitivo. Na presença de tanto sofrimen-

ver o quanto importante certas pessoas são na minha

to, não consigo deixar de me sentir privilegiado por ter

vida, serviu para ver os verdadeiros pilares do meu dia-a-

nascido nas condições em que nasci, nesta maravilhosa

-dia e ajudou principalmente para perceber a sorte que eu

intercepção entre o tempo e o espaço a que vim parar e

tenho em ter nascido no berço que nasci, de ter a família

que me permite, entre outras coisas, conhecer o nosso

e os amigos que tenho, de namorar com a pessoa que

planeta. Só o contemplar desta raça que consegue ser

namoro a quem não tenho palavras para agradecer todo

feliz e humildemente viver para procriar é deveras satis-

o apoio que me tem dado e a paciência que tem comigo.

fatório - e estou muito, muito feliz.”




Patrícia Mesquita, MS Pastoral Care Leader

The Pastoral Care and Wellbeing of students in a

and they sometimes go from being the happiest boy/girl

school is a matter of major importance. The term is usu-

in the world in one minute, to someone who feels down

ally applied to the practice of “looking after the personal

and miserable the next. If, on top of that, we add family

and social well being of children” (Wikipedia). It can in-

dysfunctions or occasional problems, loss, parents with

volve a wide variety of issues, including health related,

very demanding jobs and little time for their kids, health

social and moral issues, behaviour management and

problems - and the list could be enormous - then we have

emotional support. Working with young adolescents can

an explosive mixture!

thus become a highly demanding job.

As parents, it is not easy when suddenly we are faced

Adolescence is characterized by a number of cognitive,

with a child who does not feel well, does not want to

emotional, physical and attitudinal changes, which can

come to school, cries in the morning, arrives home sad

be a cause of conflict on one hand and positive person-

and suffers from anxiety, to the extent that he/she feels

ality on another. Piaget describes adolescence as the

physical pain or illness. Or, when on the other hand, we

stage of life in which the individual’s thoughts start tak-

are faced with a child that no longer wants to be kissed

ing more of an abstract form and the egocentric thoughts

in the morning in front of everybody, that feels that he/

decrease. This allows the individual to think and reason

she knows everything and that, apparently, is running

in a wider perspective. A combination of behavioral and

away from the values and rules installed over the years

FMIR studies have demonstrated development of execu-

without contest. The reasons for these may be many

tive functions, that is, cognitive skills that enable the con-

and even with all the help in place; we may never quite

trol and coordination of thoughts and behaviour, which

get to the bottom of it all. It is that complex! It is certainly

are generally associated with the prefrontal cortex. The

a challenging task to provide all students in the Middle

thoughts, ideas and concepts developed at this period of

School with the support, care and attention which they

life greatly influence one’s future life, playing a major role

need at this age; nevertheless, it is a wonderful reward-

in character and personality formation.

ing experience when you are able to do so!

In the search for a unique social identity for themselves, adolescents are frequently upset. G. Stanley Hall denoted this period as one of “Storm and Stress” and, according to him, conflict at this developmental stage is normal and not unusual. When our “little angles” get to Middle School age, a lot of changes occur: their bodies are changing, their hormones are “crazy”, parents cease to be their

Adolescence is characterized by a number of cognitive, emotional, physical and attitudinal changes,

references, there is a greater need for social acceptance

which can be a cause of conflict

and integration (susceptibility to peer pressure increases

on one hand and positive

during early adolescence, peaks around 14 and declines thereafter), their sleeping habits alter, their mood swings


personality on another.

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All members of the school community have an impor-

correct behaviours but also to prevent new incidents;

tant role to play in assisting young people to be safe,

social skills training sessions are provided; organizational

nurtured, healthy, achieving, active, respected, respon-

skills are developed; academic performance is moni-

sible and included. Undoubtedly the Pastoral Care at

tored; and personal, social, health and citizenship values

CLIP begins with the Form Teachers and the support

are installed, by bringing the PSHE programme to our

given to each child. Thus the reason why the 15 minutes

Form Teacher periods and Assemblies. For progress to

at registration in the morning are so important! It is an

be made though, the liaison with parents is fundamental.

opportunity to get to know the students, to get to under-

We need to work as a team, using the so-called “triangle

stand their personalities, their habits, their preferences,

tactic�: school, student and parents should be at all times

their social skills, their personal lives. The dynamics we

connected and talking the same language. At the end of

observe in those less formal moments are crucial and,

the day, we all want happy, well-adjusted pupils, com-

to a trained and experienced eye, invaluable. From that

ing to a safe and welcoming environment, where equal

observation we take our conclusions and, when neces-

opportunities are given and individual needs and charac-

sary, put in place all the strategies to help them meet

teristics are respected. It is certainly with a tremendous

their needs: personal counselling is given, not only to

sense of joy and pride that we watch them grow!


Although quite common in the UK and USA, it is not very often that you see in a Portuguese School a Nurse attending and certainly not a full time Nurse. In fact, normal practice is to have someone within available staff who can handle a first aid box, anything further than this goes into hospital. At CLIP a School Nurse is responsible for medication administration, also provides healthcare assessing, intervention and follow-up of students and staff. She is responsible for a safe and healthy school environment: monitoring immunizations, communicable

At CLIP a School Nurse is responsible for medication administration, also provides healthcare assessing, intervention and follow-up of students and staff.

diseases, infection control measures. A School Nurse is the liaison between students, family, school and the community to help maintain physical and

works alongside teachers so that students get the health-

mental welfare. She deals with medical emergencies that

care they need to feel safe.

occur daily and is responsible for the health emergency

Providing primary healthcare for the students, School

plan. With other members of staff she provides counseling

Nurses are in a unique position to form a critical link be-

in food services and canteen menus. Furthermore, she

tween the education system, students and family.



“MADAM, WHAT DOES PSHE STAND FOR?” Helena Chaves, Teacher

The naturally inquisitive nature of children is the best

every day: family lifestyle and values, bullying (includ-

stimulus a teacher can ask for when planning lessons

ing cyber bullying and racist bullying), conflict resolution

that must be challenging enough to fuel that curiosity.

and peace-making, diversity, rights and responsibilities,

Providing tools to help pupils grow up as confident and

healthy life style and sex education. These are not only

decisive young citizens is another spur that becomes the

just a few of the many topics discussed from Form 5 to

cherry on top of the cake.

Form 8 but also an incredible opportunity for teachers

Every year, my students ask me the same question,

to understand how pupils are developing personally and

“Madam, what does PSHE stand for?” Every year I, en-

socially. It is extremely rewarding to realise how much

thusiastically give the same explanation, “PSHE stands

we get to understand our pupils and how much we help

for Personal, Social and Health Education”. From here,

them understand themselves and the world.

we go to the meaning of each one of these four words in particular and we conclude that we can have multiple explanations and perceptions of the same word or real-

Pupils are encouraged to discuss

ity. This is exactly the main reason why this subject is so

sensitive, controversial and

interesting and enriching. However, PSHE is more than just a definition or a subjective interpretation of words or concepts. PSHE is a planned programme of teaching and learning that aims

challenging social and moral issues, and to make sense of

to provide our pupils with skills and experiences that will

them in the context of their

help them cope with all sorts of situations and issues

own life experiences.

that they might encounter as they grow up. This subject enables our youngsters to develop as healthy individuals and as independent members of families and of social

All class discussions take place in an atmosphere of

and economic communities.

trust, cooperation and support. Pupils are surrounded

As a class, in teams or in pairs, pupils are encouraged

by a safe environment in which they can share their feel-

to discuss sensitive, controversial and challenging social

ings, explore values and attitudes, express their opin-

and moral issues, and to make sense of them in the con-

ions and consider those of others. Our main preoccupa-

text of their own life experiences. This way, they develop

tion is to provide our youngsters with the knowledge

an important range of skills, including listening, accept-

they need to cope with the increasingly complex world

ing other points of view, arguing a case, dealing with con-

around them. We try not to teach them what to think,

flict and distinguishing between fact and opinion. Some

but to ensure that they will be able to make informed

of the issues which PSHE addresses make the headlines

choices on important issues when the time comes.


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CONHEÇA E USUFRUA DOS SERVIÇOS DE QUALIDADE DO CLIP Graças às suas condições únicas, o CLIP disponibiliza um conjunto de serviços de elevada qualidade em diversas áreas, não só para a comunidade escolar como para os particulares, instituições ou organizações.

ACTIVIDADES EXTRACURRICULARES Uma vasta escolha de actividades extra-curriculares a decorrer a decorrer todos os dias das 15.30 às 19.00h, leccionadas por profissionais experientes e com a máxima segurança.

FESTAS DE ANIVERSÁRIO Num espaço amplo e ao ar livre com actividades únicas que vão encher as medidas das crianças dos 4 aos 14 anos. Num ambiente seguro e exclusivo para cada festa.



Dos 4 aos 14 anos, durante Julho e Agosto, encontra programas recheados de diversidade, emoção, divertimento e 100% seguros.

Departamento especializado em formação, acreditado pelo IQF que ministra cursos à medida para particulares e empresas.

ALUGUER DE INSTALAÇÕES ACADÉMICAS E DESPORTIVAS Para a realização de Eventos, Congressos, reuniões, torneios desportivos, etc...



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Têm a Palavra os Pais EBPC, Executive Board of Parents Council

A escola deve ser vista como um todo em que alunos,

um ícone do ensino internacional é um desafio que se

professores, staff, pais e demais intervenientes, devem

impõe, no qual a colaboração de todos no desempenho

concorrer para que um ensino de qualidade seja atingido.

das suas funções, se exige. Num horizonte bem próxi-

Compete à Administração especificar qual o caminho a

mo será necessário continuar a garantir um quadro de

seguir e os objectivos e metas a alcançar, definindo e

professores de qualidade, sem que se comprometa o

transmitindo qual a politica a adoptar, motivando e in-

equilíbrio financeiro da instituição e se incremente o pa-

centivando a participação de todos.

trocínio dos pais. Tarefa difícil da Administração, que de-

Consciente da importância destes pressupostos, a Ad-

verá ajustar com precisão as medidas necessárias para

ministração concebeu uma estrutura organizacional em

este balanceamento.

que a participação de todos os agentes e suas compe-

Aos pais recomenda-se um maior envolvimento na co-

tências se encontram definidas, permitindo que o fluxo

munidade escolar, dividindo conhecimentos, empres-

das decisões seja assegurado em todos os níveis.

tando tempo às actividades escolares, participando de

Definida esta arquitectura é necessário colocá-la em fun-

forma activa nas acções que a escola promova, assu-

cionamento, identificando potencialidades e corrigindo

mindo-se como um parceiro com papel preponderante

eventuais falhas. Esta operacionalização carece de tem-

no sucesso escolar dos seus filhos; no fundo, uma peça

po e é precisamente aqui que, em nosso entender, deve

fundamental na cadeia de valor do processo educativo

fazer-se sentir um forte empenho. O futuro é já amanhã

das crianças. Aos pais caberá também um importante

e, portanto, quanto maior for a celeridade na optimização

papel, como educadores, no sucesso escolar dos seus

e assimilação dos processos implementados, melhor.

filhos. O acesso aos curriculums e programas escolares,

A crise financeira mundial produziu um enorme efeito

permitirá, não só avaliar o desenvolvimento dos seus fi-

em todos os países do mundo, e Portugal, pela sua

lhos, como também o desempenho dos professores no

debilidade económica e significativa dependência das

cumprimento desses mesmos programas.

variações de estabilidade de outros países, regista um

Os pais dos alunos do CLIP estão organizados através

enorme decréscimo no seu tecido empresarial. Ora, é

de uma associação que é constituída por 5 pais eleitos

este tecido empresarial que está na génese do movi-

de entre os pais representantes de cada turma. A esta

mento de bens e pessoas para o nosso país. O CLIP,

associação compete estabelecer a comunicação entre

como escola internacional, preparou-se para receber

pais, pais e professores e pais e Direcção e Administra-

estas pessoas que se movimentavam para Portugal.

ção da escola. A capacidade de mobilização e envolvi-

Hoje, reduzido que está este movimento, importa redi-

mento dos pais em torno da escola é tanto mais difícil

reccionar, ou melhor, complementar a sua estratégia de

e trabalhoso quanto, curiosamente, maior é o grau de

posicionamento como instituição de ensino, focalizando

satisfação relativo à expectativa criada à volta da insti-

e reforçando o seu perfil de qualidade. Afirmar-se como

tuição. Esta é uma característica do cidadão português,


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que acaba por influenciar o cidadão estrangeiro. Na ver-

rá definir um perfil profissional para os professores que

dade, as pessoas têm tendência a se associarem a gran-

pretendem contratar, garantindo que a sua actividade

des causas quando delas resultam grandes problemas.

não seja apenas passageira e que esse tempo de adap-

O principal desafio desta associação de pais é inverter

tação lhes seja facultado para que melhor se insiram

este “status quo”, enfatizando a necessidade permanen-

dentro da filosofia da escola.

te da busca de uma melhor escola. Este compromisso

A Administração entendeu na generalidade este conjun-

deve percorrer todos os responsáveis da escola e nele

to de situações e deu então início há alguns anos atrás

se impõe forte determinação e empenho, não apenas

a, pensamos, uma nova era do CLIP - a credibilização

como uma declaração de intenções, mas como efectiva

da sua visão, assente em propósitos de consolidação da

comunhão de vontades.

sua missão. A reorganização da sua estrutura de funcio-

Dos alunos espera-se que reforcem o sentimento de

namento, a partilha dos seus interesses e dos seus ob-

que o CLIP não é apenas a escola que frequentam; o

jectivos, plasmados num programa que se desenvolve

CLIP é o seu parceiro na construção do seu futuro, do

até 2014, tranquiliza e enche de esperança todos aqueles

qual devam sentir orgulho e estima para todo o sempre;

que se associaram a este projecto e que nele deposi-

o CLIP é o “espaço” onde partilham momentos, cons-

taram uma boa parte do percurso educativo dos seus

troem e cimentam amizades para toda a vida; o CLIP é

filhos, como cidadãos e como futuros profissionais.

o “livro” onde ficará escrita a história de uma parte de suas vidas; o CLIP é o que foi, o que é e o que eles ajudarão a ser no futuro. Um critério exigente na contratação dos professores tem sido o lema do CLIP, no entanto, a uma cuidada avaliação curricular e profissional deve ser acrescentado um elevado sentido de responsabilidade no cumprimento do papel que lhes é designado. Para além das competências que se pretendem, deverá ser-lhes transmitida qual a identidade da escola, qual o seu posicionamento no universo das escolas nacionais e internacionais, qual o rumo que está a seguir e qual o objectivo que pretende alcançar. Sabemos que as pessoas necessitam de algum tempo de adaptação a novas culturas, a novos lugares, a novos colegas, enfim, a tudo que seja novo, quando mudam de país. À Direcção da escola competi-



Parents As Partners In Their Children´s Learning Susana Davidson, Middle School Director

At CLIP we value our links with our families and strongly believe that parents are key partners in their children’s learning. We understand that the more we can engage parents in their child’s learning, the greater the outcome for the individual child. For this reason we give high importance to our parent workshop programme. One of the main aims for holding these workshops is to share the teaching and learning processes that are encouraged and developed throughout a child’s school life. They provide opportunity for parents to learn more about the curriculum coverage and to participate in some of the fun, practical activities that the children are engaged in everyday. The parent workshop programme continues to develop responding all the time to the needs of our parents. Positive responses and feedback from the workshops show that parents find the sessions to be very useful and requests for further sessions have been made. Workshops are generally delivered in sets of three short morning sessions. An alternative evening session is also offered in which all three sessions are delivered. Look out for further information regarding our future workshops!

One Team, Working Together, Learning Together, Succeeding Together.


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The Adolescent and a Healthy Lifestyle Susana Davidson, Middle School Director

Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and development

parents on how to best guide teenagers towards a healthi-

that makes healthy living and eating extremely important

er lifestyle. Three workshops were delivered, the first one

for two main reasons: building strong bones and prevent-

a presentation and discussion by Dra. Paula Batista from

ing obesity. However, to expect teenagers to snack on

the Faculty of Sport at the Porto university, on how physi-

carrot sticks while their colleagues are eating chips and

cal activity affects the adolescent. This was followed by

fast food is probably not realistic. It is perhaps better to

a session with the school’s educational psychologist, Dr.

teach teenagers how to make better choices, even if they

Daniel Basto, on how the various body changes affecting

are not perfect choices, whether they are eating at home,

this age group impact on their development, self-esteem

school or in a restaurant. Physical activity is also undoubt-

and attitudes. The final workshop was delivered by the

edly important for the building and maintenance of healthy

nutritionist Dra. Carla RĂŞgo, who focused on how best

muscles, bones and joints while at the same time reduc-

to guide teenagers to make the best choices and adopt

ing unwanted body fat. In actual fact, experts recommend

healthier lifestyles.

that teenagers get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vig-

These workshops were well attended and complement-

orous physical activity each day.

ed the continuous work that teachers do with students

With these in mind and in the understanding that good

to install in them good habits of mind, and reinforced

habits begin at home, we invited some experts in the field

the healthy collaboration that exists between the school

to come and share their knowledge and offer advice to

and parents.


CLIP ePORTAL Pedro Costa, ePortal Coordinator

O ePortal é parte de um sistema informático integrado

como uma ferramenta de controlo e requisição de recur-

denominado Facility. É um sistema fornecido pela Serco

sos, nomeadamente a marcação de salas ou a consulta

Group PLC, empresa inglesa com créditos firmados no

dos horários escolares (de professores e alunos). Ser-

mercado educacional, e que está em funcionamento em

ve também de elemento de comunicação com os pais

milhares de escolas de inspiração anglo-saxónica espa-

e com os outros professores, através da sua aplicação

lhadas por todo o mundo.

“Noticeboard” e de alertas individuais internos sobre

Consiste no binómio base dados/sistema web adaptado

alunos individuais.

às especificidades do CLIP, operacionalizado em con-

No que concerne aos pais e encarregados de educa-

tínuo pela exploração e desenvolvimento de recursos,

ção, o ePortal assume-se como o principal canal de

armazenando, por um lado, toda a informação relativa à

comunicação no sentido escola-casa, numa lógica de

actividade pedagógica da escola, e ajudando, por outro

desmaterialização da comunicação, também no âmbito

lado, à gestão do quotidiano escolar. Elementos como

e no espírito da bandeira verde das Eco-Escolas e da

os dados dos alunos e dos seus pais e/ou encarregados

racionalização de recursos. Todo o tipo de informação

de educação encontram-se armazenados nesta base de

é aqui disponibilizada por professores e funcionários

dados, assim como toda a demais informação como op-

numa base em actualização constante, sendo publicada

ções de disciplinas, turmas, sistema disciplinar, assidui-

no “Noticeboard” existente (com vários grupos, depen-

dade, horários, entre outros.

dendo da turma/ano do aluno). Existe também uma área

O ePortal é a parte do sistema visível na web, está aces-

onde o horário do aluno é visível, bem como a assidui-

sível a todos os professores e a todos os pais cujo en-

dade e também os relatórios trimestrais (Reports). Estas

dereço de correio electrónico conste na base de dados.

últimas três áreas estão disponíveis apenas para alunos

Consoante o tipo de acesso determinado para os dis-

da Middle e da Upper School, sendo que está planeada

tintos utilizadores, o sistema assume um papel mais ou

para breve a integração destas áreas também para a Lo-

menos interactivo:

wer School.

No que concerne aos professores, o ePortal assume-se

É solicitado aos pais que acedam ao ePortal regular e

como a ferramenta principal de introdução e extracção

frequentemente, para que estejam a par das novidades,

de dados, tais como a consulta de dados escolares dos

anúncios, comunicações várias, entre outros, sendo que

alunos; registo e consulta da assiduidade; registo dos

existe um endereço de email de suporte (eportal.sup-

eventos disciplinares (positivos e negativos); registo da para resolução de problemas.

performance académica (notas e relatórios finais); assim


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We are led by the example of those that preceded us and

is tested in CLIP. We are faced with decisions, some of

everyone around us that, directly or indirectly, have influ-

which with lifelong implications and others of less visible

enced our lives. The universe in which we are embedded

consequences yet all of equal importance. It is our choic-

teaches us something new at every second, all we have

es, when faced with every challenge that make us ques-

to do is listen. Albert Einstein once said “A human being

tion who we are and what is it that we want to become.

is a part of a whole, called by us universe,[…]. He experi-

It is these same choices that dictate what kind of student

ences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something

we were at CLIP. These same choices defined whether

separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his

we were mere “tourists” walking through our academic

consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restrict-

life, or if we enjoyed jumping over the hurdles, using each

ing us to our personal desires and to affection for a few

failure to hone our skills to become true CLIPPERS.

people nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” This model of the human condition applies also to the functioning of CLIP. This is the true meaning of our song “we are one”, a meaning that remains in the shadow of its apparently superfluous and idealistic lyrics. The world we live in today challenges every step of our path through life. We are presented with obstacles that

(...) “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

put to the test the integrity of our character and above all rock our moral foundations. It is this demanding obsta-

The path each of us chooses takes us all to different des-

cle course that we call life, and who we are or what we

tinations - many destinations might not fulfil our dreams

become is shaped by the way we face, or try to avoid,

but when faced with the right attitude, might prove to

the inevitability of each obstacle. But the obstacles life

be better. Truth is, who we became is entirely OUR

will present us with should be seen as an opportunity

own responsibility. We choose our paths and we must

to grow and solidify our moral and ethical values and

therefore live with these decisions - the world, or the uni-

therefore rise above each challenge a stronger and better

verse, owes us no favour so it is worthless to live in the

person. CLIP has been an important sector of our own

illusion that someone will trace the “easiest path” for us

obstacle trail. Here we were challenged everyday on an

to follow. Eventually we need to face up to our respon-

academic basis, but we were challenged further still on

sibilities as citizens, parents, adults, students, bosses or

a personal basis. Everyday our sense of purpose in life

employees with the skills and values we have acquired.


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As Robert Frost wrote in one of his poems “The Road Not Taken”. We will find many roads diverging in the yellow woods of our lives. And sometimes we’ll probably take the one less travelled by and it is this that will make each and every single one of us different. Remember, no star in the universe shines the same and that is the essence of its beauty.

THE ROAD NOT TAKEN Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.




ANA & ALEXANDRA SPEECH Alexandra Morim e Ana Violas, Form 12

Putting on the uniform for the last time, after years of

to Mrs. Guedes and Mrs. Morgado as “mom”, an hon-

wishing we could just leave it at home, we can’t but

est and very common mistake in CLIP, for that is how

wish we could carry it proudly for another year. When

much they mean to us. For all the nagging, for all the

we were younger, looking at the graduates standing on

smiles, for all the laughter and for all the great moments

the same stage as we are now, we always wondered

we spent, there are only two little words that carry huge

what was rushing through their heads. The feeling now

significance left to say: Thank you.

is bittersweet, there is a longing for the future ahead of

There is a thrill in not knowing where we will be in 6

us, but there is also the inevitable fear of leaving behind

months. It is new, exciting and even terrifying. The world

our own safe harbour. For 13 years, we watched faces

is changing and at times it may seem hard to keep up

come and go, but we always knew no matter what,

with it. At CLIP we were taught to be unique, to think out

where to come after every summer. For many of us,

of the box and we even put up with every theory Edward

CLIP became a second home; it watched us grow, flour-

de Bono ever came up with. At the time, we thought it

ish and succeed, and, even after some bumps along the

was useless to have Mrs. Silva give us a 1 hour lecture

way and some very, very loud shouts from Mrs. Silva,

on different coloured hats. Today we are thankful for it,

we always knew that that was where we wanted to be.

for every LTR lesson and for every other moment CLIP

It is for each and every one of these moments that it is

took a different approach to learning; the power of im-

difficult for us to say goodbye. Yes, we are opening the

agination makes us infinite and because of that we have

doors to our future, but we are also closing the one door

become the individuals we are today, ready to face the

that always remained open to take us in.

world outside.

If we were to ask around one word to describe CLIP,

Graduants, when we look back 20 years from now at

many would probably say family. CLIP is unlike any other

the photos we take tonight, I am sure that we will do

school, it is not just a building, it is a home. It is a place

so with a warm smile on our faces, because we know

all of us grew accustomed to, it is a place all of us feel

that tonight is about us. It is the one night where we put

safe in, it is a place that shall never be forgotten by any

aside all our differences, where we ignore all the petty

of us. As Forum students, we came to understand that

fights along the way and it is a night to rejoice this road

the bond between students and teachers at CLIP is

we took together. We might go our separate ways in

rare to find. It goes beyond the four walls of our class-

the months to come. Some of us are leaving to become

rooms. The teachers have truly become our friends, and

great doctors, engineers, CEOs and even famous rock

we know that we will always put a smile on their faces

stars, but first and foremost we know that we will al-

whenever they see us again; well, at least most of us

ways be Clippers, and that’s a bond that can never be

will. More than once I found myself accidentally referring

broken. So this is not goodbye, it is see you all later.


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JOSÉ PERES SPEECH José Peres, Form 12

I guess this is it. The final step in a very long and arduous

helped me walk the line. From Mrs. Hall, who believed I

journey. I hope you all have enjoyed the ride half as much

could change, to Mrs. Ferraz, who demanded I be neat

as I have. It really has been something. Not so long ago,

and threatened to call my parents when I wasn’t. To Mr.

I read on an extremely cheesy post card that “Life isn’t

Meireles, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Soares for being such

about the destination, but its journey.” And tonight is to

great friends and mentors in times of need along with

celebrate our journey through CLIP.

many others whose list would be to long to mention in

In the words of a poet, “an end can be a start”. That has

a sole hour. These are the engravings CLIP has left me

never been truer than today. Today, we, the class of 2011,

with. And I, for one, am not afraid to show any of them.

close yet another chapter. As sad as this seems, we re-

Boy, I really have gone off topic! But for what is worth,

member that our stories are just beginning. It’s hard to

it was worth all the while. Class of 2011, clean the tears

believe that a big part of our life is about to go away,

from your eyes, dust off your shoulder, don’t fret and

left only as memories and the few mementos gathered

don’t fear. Life is, after all, a long song.

over the years. We’ve grown older together, taken our

I was asked to talk about my Forum experience, but as

first exams together, gotten in trouble together (maybe

some of you may know, I am a solitary kind of guy, and

more than we’d like to admit to), complained about the

then again I never spent that much time in the Forum.

canteen together, fought for the open campus together

Mostly because it was closed almost every day. My real

and now here we are. Graduating together. It really has

Forum experience was spent chatting away in the cor-

been a long run.

ridors, planning and plotting in the physics lab, or even just hanging about the music center. I would have spent

Like an epilogue in any story: it’s

more time in the Forum but CLIP kidnapped our sofas,

coming too soon and leaving so

But we did have our moments. I shall fondly remember

and left so many people without a place to snooze.

much unsaid. What the future

all our trips, our endless discussions and David’s mad

will bring is still unknown, but the

and Hugo’s ego. I shall never forget the parties and the

answer my friends, is blowing in

I know this isn’t exactly what you wanted Mrs. Guedes,

the wind.

ravings, Morgan’s brownies, Patrick’s issues with gravity Founder’s Ball was surely something. and I know this isn’t what you were expecting when you told me to talk about my memories of the Forum. I’m sorry if I have fallen short.

Though we may not admit it, some of us rejoice at the

And with these words, I’ve put one foot in the door while

thought of leaving. But leaving CLIP opens up another

the other is already out. I guess it’s over guys. I guess we

world full of possibilities. We hope that it’s going to be

truly are done. Like an epilogue in any story: it’s coming

all uphill from now on, but if you think that the “dog days

too soon and leaving so much unsaid. What the future

are over”, then you are a fool. I feel sorry for the things

will bring is still unknown, but the answer my friends, is

left undone, but time indeed has passed. The sun has set

blowing in the wind. It really has been an honour class of

over the horizon, and it’s time to move forward. However,

2011, you are very admirable people. I know that even if I

we won’t leave CLIP empty handed. I know that I won’t.

have at times lost my way, I can always trust you to lead

I take with me all the good memories and people who’ve

me back. Congratulations.

helped me. I shall never forget the teachers who have

Hope to see you all in the sweet light of dawn.




TO THE LEAVING FORM 12 STUDENTS Ana Isabel Marques Guedes, Forum Director

Now that you are leaving school I think it would be wise

Perante um futuro incerto, imprevisível, “a challenging

to book our next meeting. I would like to suggest where

world”, só podem apostar em poucas certezas. Paixão,

and when.

esforço, resiliência, perseverança, dedicação, atitude po-

San Francisco, California. No, it is not because of surfing;

sitiva, trabalho - muito trabalho - são as únicas chaves

or because San Andreas Fault; it is not because of Alc-

para o sucesso. Devo acrescentar, honestidade, integri-

atraz, or the Golden Gate Bridge, or its cable cars

dade, ética e, sobretudo, respeito pelos outros, valores

And could I even suggest - what about the Kabuki Hotel?

que permitirão completar a receita, com sucesso.

- or the date, October 24 , 2011. th

On that day, people from different parts of the world,


from different backgrounds (technology entrepreneurs,

Understand that failing is natural

investors, developers, designers) will meet in a one-day

Learn from your mistakes

conference - FailCon (started in 2009) - to study their own and others’ failures and prepare for success. Google or PayPal will be present, for example. As they state in FailCon’s site - it is time to stop being afraid of failure

Try over and over again - don’t give up on your dreams Believe in yourself - you can do whatever you want! You have no limits!

and start embracing it. I couldn’t think of better place for

Be positive

us all to meet!

Stay focused

Other companies are following a similar approach and they have created on-line databases where their employ-

And, above all,

ees can upload their mistakes or errors, allowing others to build their success on previous failures.


That should be guiding your life - learn from your mis-

And see you all in S. Francisco!

takes and move on. You can’t predict what will work or what won’t work. But that shouldn’t stop you trying!

Lydia E’Silva, Headmaster

“Good afternoon Porto, this is Macau morning.

cultures. I have learned that one’s attitude and mindset

Behind me is the Goddess of Mercy statue built by a fe-

makes the difference between success and failure, hap-

male Portuguese artist, this statue stands on the banks

piness and misery, adaptation and homesickness.

of the Pearl River.

Many of you will face what I have experienced and sur-

As this is the first Commencement ceremony I missed,

vived, becoming a richer person in so many ways; after I

I would like to greet and congratulate all students who

realized I don’t know it all and that I had to learn to adapt

are receiving diplomas today and moving on to the next

not to the university, country, people, and culture, but it

phase of their school education. Enjoy the challenges

took a change in mindset, which is not easy at my age

ahead. Of course a special word to the graduants of 2011,

and with my personality.

who celebrate the most important rite of passage from

Therefore graduants as you fly the nest and all that is famil-

school to further education. When I departed on my ad-

iar relish the challenges, savour the differences and adapt

venture, a year ago, I thought I was prepared to face all

to a new situation in the knowledge that there will be many

challenges with equanimity and learn several life lessons.

new situations. Hope to see you all around in August.

When we face new environments, we need to tread light-

Congrats and beijinhos.”

ly, learn the lay of the land and respect what exists and all



THE BENEFITS OF DEBATE AT CLIP Students (and also many adults!) often fear speaking in front of their peers in a classroom or in front of an audience. Students at CLIP are given tools to deal with this fear of public speaking, and they gain confidence and skills they will carry with them through and beyond their high school careers.

Debating is an important tool that teaches them how to


become a confident and effective speaker, communicating in a fluent and clear manner.

Debating requires students to engage in serious sub-

CLIP stimulates debate in the classroom and by partici-

ject matter in a mature and professional environment.

pating in a variety of national and international debating

Debating teaches students to recognize how others

events, including IMUN (Iberian Model United Nations)

think, which improves their ability to work together and

in Lisbon, PAMUN (Paris Model United Nations), and the

resolve conflicts;

national debating championships. Every year, CLIP also organizes a three day public speaking conference, OPO-


MUN (Oporto Model United Nations), bringing together students from many (international) schools. We have de-

Students involved, develop leadership capacities, be-

veloped a strong debating community. Besides gaining

cause they develop strong listening skills, tact, self-con-

confidence and being able to practice public speaking

fidence, and often take on strong leadership roles. While

skills, debating brings many more advantages:

debating students tend to show political awareness and have high levels of civic engagement;



Debate teaches students how to become a world-class

Debating enables you to meet new people, make new

researcher. Ask any student and they will tell you how

friends from all over the world.

valuable this is. Debating also involves critical thinking, research, and analysis. It therefore promotes problem

All things considered, it is not surprising that many

solving and innovative thinking;

students report that participation in debating was one of the most educational and rewarding aspects


of their years at CLIP!

Debating stimulates a wide variety of academic skills. Students who debate develop written and oral communication, and greatly improve their reading comprehension;


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PAMUN 2010 Maria Victória Paes de Faria, Form 11

On the 10 th of December 2010, 15 students from CLIP

Sooner rather than later, we were informed that suc-

were off to Paris to take part in the annual three-day

cess had not only been achieved in the Environmental

Paris Model United Nations conference, held in the UN-

Committee. The Disarmament Panel, Special Confer-

ESCO headquarters. Every year, the PAMUN experience

ence, Political and Human Rights Committees, UNESCO,

improves students’ debating skills and encourages them

WTO, ECOSOC and the Security Council all managed to

to keep an open mind. For many young delegates like

pass strong resolutions, therefore proposing viable solu-

me, this was the first time attending the conference.

tions to most of the issues.

A few weeks prior to the event, we were informed that

Although the main focus of our trip was the conference it-

the rules and procedures for this particular conference

self, in our free time, we were able to explore the wonder-

were similar to the other Model United Nations. Normal-

ful city of Paris. Even though we did not have much time,

ly, delegates are attributed countries and given issues in

we managed to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame as

advance. During the conference, they are put into com-

well as the prestigious avenue des Champs-Élysées.

mittees and expected to thoroughly debate the questions at hand. At the end of the week, each committee must have come up with a resolution for each issue. Fully prepared for the coming days, on the first day we arrived at the UNESCO headquarters and were wel-

It was very interesting to listen to all the relevant points raised

comed with an opening ceremony. As we listened to the

by the speakers as well as to

speakers, none of us could help but be amazed by the majesty of the building and by the simple fact that, for

take part in the resolution by

the next few days, we would be putting ourselves into

submitting a clause.

the shoes of global leaders. Later in the day we were sent to our respective committees to begin debate. I had the pleasure to attend the

Participation in PAMUN is definitely an unforgettable ex-

Environment committee where we were to discuss the

perience as well as a privilege. It is much more than a

issue of setting international environmental standards for

learning experience as it is an opportunity to meet del-

the disposal of electronic waste as well as the enforce-

egates from all over the world at the same time as sharing

ment of global safety regulations on offshore drilling. It

views and opinions on key issues. It is an exciting way for

was very interesting to listen to all the relevant points

young students to experience firsthand the power and the

raised by the speakers as well as to take part in the

restrictions of an organization such as the United Nations.

resolution by submitting a clause. The conference went

I believe I speak for all my fellow delegates when I say

smoothly and the end-product was considered by all to

I was absolutely delighted to take part in PAMUN 2010

be very successful.

and am definitely looking forward to going back next year.




OPUMUN 2011 Hugo Vaz Neves, Secretary General / Form 12

OPOMUN is an international debating summit that represents what we believe to be a more educated and democratic world. Following the classic MUN (model united nations) system, this year’s OPOMUN was once again a great success. Making an international debut with the participation of the Italian International School of Milan, the conference was divided in three slots: the Disarmament panel, the Human Rights panel, and the General Assembly, which united all delegates from the 2 other panels. After discussing the threat of bio-weapons, stealth technology, the importance of the Israel / Palestine crisis and taken a look at the world economy, many great clauses where passed and excellent resolutions formulated. Overall, OPOMUM 2011 was another great success for our school, as it helps us, and others, expand our debating skills and geo-political knowledge.

ARE WE REALLY SAFE? José Pinto, Form 8

Man has come a long way since the day we were hum-

As Ludwig Quidde, a great pacifist, said, “Disarma-

ble cavemen trying to understand what all of that re-

ment or the limitation of armaments (…) contributes to

ally meant. From the Egyptians to the Victorians, pass-

the maintenance of peace.” Peace is not when nations

ing through the Romans to the Renaissance, man has

are not at war against each other; peace is not a mere

evolved and reached a “so-called” “evolved state”. But

political label! Peace is a state of mind that will only be

one thing remains unchanged since the dawn of history,

achieved when all nations stop piling up weapons and,

the human urge for power.

based on the trust they have on other nations, start dis-

The pursuit of power has been the up-rise and the down-

posing of these weapons.

fall of many civilizations. But now that we live in a soci-

The fate of the Earth lies on the balance. A balance held

ety which works to privilege every individual, is it really

by the future generations! It is up to us as the world’s

necessary to continue the struggle for power? If we are

future leaders to make sure that disarmament is a reality

at peace, how come countries keep stocking up weap-

which is enforced and maintained. For the world’s sake,

ons of mass destruction? How can people sleep at night

for your country’s sake, for your sake, for your children’s

knowing that they are one button push away from ulti-

sake, I urge all of us to unite in a world without guns to

mate destruction? The Earth, which took Mother Earth

kill, in a world without bombs that kill random innocents,

so long to perfect in every way, is just one button push

a world where we can sleep at night because we know

away from complete demise!

we are truly safe.


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ECHOES OF SILENCE José Peres, Form 12

Everyday, every hour, every second of every minute

have been an easier solution for all of these problems.

something is happening. Some wrongdoing is overlooked

The rules have since changed. Every player is a simple

and its collateral damage is ignored. Somewhere some-

pawn for greater men, and every man of political import

one is dying for a cause he did not believe in. Some-

plays with a stacked deck. People no longer play the

where a boy of 8 is stitching Nike shoes so that he can

game of thrones for the money they gain; they don’t play

have food to eat at the end of the week. Somewhere a

it for respect. They play it just because they can. They do

girl of 16 is forced into the sex market. All of their voices

it so that they can watch the world burn.

are silenced. Silenced by a greedy society built on cor-

Close your eyes and see beyond the here and now. See

rupt principles and outdated ideals. What does the world

the children walking through minefields. See a mother

do in response? It stands by and watches. After all, there

struggle to feed her toddler because her leader asked of

is no reason to be alarmed, crimes of this nature have

her more than she could have offered. See the husband

been happening for longer than most can imagine.

now marching towards a war he had no intention of be-

For as long as anyone can remember, chaos and strife

ing involved in. See all that there is to see.

have gone hand in hand terrorizing the innocent and giv-

See what is right. And have faith in it. And no matter

ing way to violence and the tyranny of nefarious men.

what happens, fight for it! You are only as strong as your

This has allowed warmongers a place to wage their panic.

voice. And for as long as you keep talking, no one can

It has given them false pretence to do what they feel is

take that from you.

“right”. It fuels their hell-bent minds. But what is right? For these warmongers and tyrants, right is whatever al-

Remember, you are only as strong as your voice.

lows them to further their self-righteous campaigns. Right

Make it heard, but more importantly, make it count.

is no longer a moral barrier, instead a means to an end.

Fight for a better tomorrow, fight for one world.

Heed my warning, reader. Once upon a time, there might

Fight for one dream.

Joana Espírito Santo, Form 11

Being a member of the 2011 OPOMUN Administra-

enabled me to monitor how the chair functions, the way

tive Staff gave me the opportunity to acknowledge and

that they manage the debate in a sustainable yet pro-

value concepts such as hard work, dedication and per-

ductive style attempting to avoid the isolation of less

severance which allowed me to explore my capabilities

outgoing delegates and promoting interactions between

and develop even more. This experience was of great

them. With regard to the tasks involving the Adminis-

enrichment to my personal character in the sense that

trative Staff, I particularly enjoyed organizing the whole

it offered me the possibility to observe from a higher

event and watch how everything we prepared gained

perspective the operational system of a MUN debate.

shape and utility. It was my first year as part of the Ad-

I was able to analyze how delegates evaluate the ideas

ministrative Staff and I have to say, it was a highly ap-

they desire to introduce and how they choose with au-

preciated experience which I definitely look forward to

dacity the countries they establish relations of empathy

repeating in the near future.

with and identify common interests. In addition it also





Fim de Tarde Chinês Joana Bárbara, Teacher

Durante a história do CLIP sempre houve uma grande curiosidade e interesse em tudo o que é Chinês. Tendo isto em mente, este ano, a equipa de Mandarim do CLIP juntamente com o Instituto Confúcio (Universidade do Minho - Braga) organizaram uma pequena soirée para celebrar a Cultura Chinesa bem como dar a oportunidade aos alunos de ter uma experiência didáctica diferente. Este evento teve lugar no passado dia 12 de Maio após o período de aulas. Os participantes sabiam muito pouco sobre a China e os seus costumes; apenas que se trata de um país longínquo, que é o País dos Pandas e que é a casa de uma das 7 Maravilhas do Mundo - a Grande Muralha da China. A maioria dos alunos que fizeram parte desta experiência era aluna do Form4, interessados em saber mais sobre esta Cultura rica e milenar.

Workshop da arte de corte de papel A Arte de recorte de papel é uma forma de arte tradi-

elemento significativo da Cultura corrente e tradicional

cional Chinesa que já existe desde o começo da pró-

chinesa. Quando os alunos entraram na sala de aula

pria história da criação do papal. Foi o primeiro tipo de

encontraram dois recortes de papel no quadro. Foi-lhes

design de papel a existir no mundo e desde então tem

dito que estes simbolizavam Felicidade na Cultura Chi-

sido continuamente usado na China. Hoje em dia esta

nesa e foi-lhes pedido que os tentassem replicar. Com

forma de arte é maioritariamente usada para confecção

apenas algumas instruções simples e apenas após al-

de elementos usados na decoração de casas e ruas e

guns momentos, toda a sala estava já completamente

os seus “desenhos” podem simbolizar e representar

entretida nesta tarefa. Foi uma boa forma de se divertir

vários aspectos da vida tais como a prosperidade, rique-

ao mesmo tempo que aprendiam algo novo e diferente

za, saúde ou mesmo a época da colheita. Os alunos do

do habitual. Seguindo as orientações da Professora, os

CLIP tiveram a oportunidade de experimentar esta arte

participantes conseguiram fazer vários cortes de papel

bem como entender um pouco mais das raízes deste

de diversas formas: formas de flores, lanternas e até flocos de neve.


. setembro september A Arte de recorte de papel éclip umainforma de arte tradicional Chinesa

Workshop de Escrita Diz-se que aprender a língua Chinesa é um grande de-

significados escondidos a que podemos chegar após

safio mas também é algo de altamente gratificante.

uma análise mais cuidada. Foram dados alguns exem-

Um dos aspectos desta língua que atrai as atenções é

plos aos participantes e estes puderam replicar os pri-

a Escrita. Completamente diferente da nossa, a escrita

meiros caracteres Chineses.

chinesa é tão complexa quanto é cativante. É muito fre-

Os participantes aprenderam a escrever Yi(um), Er(dois),

quente pensar que aprender a escrever Chinês é muito

San(três), Ren(pessoa), Wang(rei), Yu(jade), Guo(país) e

difícil e é apenas após experimentar na primeira pessoa

Zhongguo(China) em apenas vinte minutos. Cada parti-

que uma pessoa chega à conclusão que essas opiniões

cipante conseguiu então ver que não só foram capazes

estão usualmente muito exageradas. A oportunidade foi

de escrever caracteres chineses muito rapidamente mas

dada aos alunos que nunca tiveram um contacto mais

que também que não é uma tarefa muito difícil quando

aprofundado com esta língua e todos, sem excepção,

se a encara com entusiasmo. Muitos dos estudantes

conseguiram participar.

presentes tinha dito que estavam um pouco apreensivos

A professora a cargo do workshop começou por falar um

no começo mas que, a partir de agora, vão deixar de ver

pouco sobre a origem dos caracteres bem como estes

a língua chinesa como sendo algo de “extremamente di-

são formados. Explicou também que existem sempre

fícil” de aprender.

Performance A performance final tratou-se de uma pequena peça de

plateia para que todos tivessem tido oportunidade de

teatro cuja intenção foi de retratar um dia de primave-

ver tudo até ao pormenor. Também tiveram oportunida-

ra da vida de uma donzela da alta sociedade Chinesa

de de provar alguns dos pratos referidos na peça bem

(Du Liniang - Bela) em épocas passadas. A plateia pode

como saber algumas curiosidades sobre eles tais como

também identificar as diferenças culturais através de

os seus nomes e a forma como não descrevem o conte-

um troço de opera chinesa (Ópera Kun ). Nela, a Don-

údo (“Rosas vermelhas escondidas na neve”) mas sim

zela e a sua aia (Chun Xiang - Fragrância da Primavera)

algo belo ou algum sentimento. Esperamos que a Noite

mostram como se escreviam caracteres Chineses tradi-

Chinesa no CLIP tenha dado aos nossos alunos e aos

cionalmente; usando pincéis e tinta-da-china e papel de

seus familiares uma experiencia diferente e inesquecí-

arroz. Também puderam ver como se dançava na altura

vel. Tanto o staff de Mandarim do CLIP como o Instituto

bem como ver alguns pratos típicos dessa altura mas

Confucio gostaria de agradecer a todos pela presença e

também dos dias de hoje. Todos os objectos importan-

aproveitar para deixar o desejo de ter a oportunidade de

tes usados durante a performance foram passando pela

vos rever a todos numa próxima oportunidade.











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Foi extraordinário o summerclip 2011!!! É uma enorme felicidade verificar a qualidade dos conteúdos das oficinas, a alegria e motivação com que as crianças participaram ao longo da semana nas actividades e o FANTÁSTICO espectáculo que montaram nas 6ªs feiras para os Pais e convidados.


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Os acampamentos semanais foram outro momento alto do programa, onde o “fear factor”, as aventuras nocturnas e os espectáculos de fogo transformaram a noite num palco de emoções.

Acima de tudo foram 6 semanas de prazer, companheirismo, novas amizades e muito talento.

Esperamos por todos em 2012!



GLEE CLUB 2011 - 2012 Depois do enorme sucesso desta actividade no SUMMERCLIP, sob a orientação das professoras Isabel Milheiro de canto e Liliana Gonçalves de dança vamos lançar o GLEE CLUB nos CLIPclubs este ano. Se tens mais de 8 anos e achas que sabes cantar e/ou dançar inscreve-te nos castings do GLEE CLUB que irão decorrer a partir de 7 de Setembro. Inscrições nos CLIPclubs.

2 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 X I M GYM Uma aula que mistura trampolins com Ginástica rítmica, sob a orientação dos professores Pedro Monteiro e Andreia Miranda. Os alunos poderão optar por uma das vertentes da ginástica sendo que a preparação física e aquecimento são dados em conjunto. 142

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PRO DJ 2011 - 2012 Aproxima-se o fecho do primeiro ano lectivo da proDJ Porto! E tal como esperado, a aposta foi ganha! Após 15 alunos pioneiros em Portugal como os mais jovens DJs em formação, os cursos proDJ Kids não param, e as nossas oficinas DJ Summer CLIP reflectem o ano fabuloso que tivemos, assumindo-se já como uma das mais requisitadas actividades, contando na segunda semana já com 23 alunos!

Mas o nosso foco encontra-se já no início do proximo ano lectivo, estamos prontos para reabrir as portas da única escola nacional acreditada pela DGERT e a única a disponibilizar cursos para crianças apartir dos 8 anos, leccionados com equipamento de DJ profissional, desde o Vinil aos programas digitais mais avançados utilizados pelos melhores DJs mundiais, sempre com componentes prática e teórica. House, Electronica, Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop.

PRODJ - Remixa a tua vida!




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Francisco Marques



Lydia E’Silva



Stephanie Reader


Key Stage 1 Leader

Andrea Vasconcelos


Key Stage 2 Leader

Graham Wright


LS Language & Literacy Leader

Jane Martins


LS Numeracy Leader

Paula Knighton


LS Special Needs & Learning Support Coordinator

Madalena Barreira



Susana Davidson


MY Curriculum Leader

Victor Barreira


MY Pastoral Care Leader

Patricia Mesquita


Forum Director

Ana Guedes


Forms 9 and 10 Director

Edwin Kolen


US Examinations Officer

João Militão



Helena Matos Chaves


Mathematics, Science & Technology

Eduarda Serapicos



Marco Meireles


The Arts


Physical Education (PE)

Pedro Meireles


Accreditation Chair and Special Projects Officer

Isabel Morgado


E-Portal coordinator (time-tabler)

Pedro Costa


Professional growth development leader

Julie Browet


Special Needs Coordinator

Helena Dias


66 Quartos e uma Suite Sénior totalmente remodelados e uma Suite Presidencial Restaurante e Bar panorâmicos Salas de Reunião e Banquetes Ginásio | Galeria de Arte | Sala de Jogos | Office Center

sinta-se convidado!

Rua Dr. João Gonçalves, Apartado 232 4784 - 909 Santo Tirso TEL 00 351 252 859 300 FAX 00 351 252 859 320 e-mail | Contribuinte nº PT 502 692 570 Registo na conservatória de Santo Tirso com o nº 2459 Capital Social 2.500.000 €





CLIP, S.A - Rua de Vila Nova, 1071 4100-506 Porto, Portugal Tel. +351 226 199 160 / Fax. +351 226 199 169


ADMINISTRADOR Francisco Marques da Silva




Isabel Morgado


COLABORAÇÃO Educadores, docentes e não docentes, alunos, antigos alunos, pais, individualidades e entidades convidadas

FOTOGRAFIA Bruno Silva, Mafalda Côrte-Real, Moodystudio (especial agradecimento)



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