the oporto internacional school magazine
october outubro 2012
Ă?ndice 02 - 05 Opening Remarks
06 - 13 Vision and Mission
36 - 39 Upper School
4O - 67 Area Leaders
82 - 89 Debating
90 - 91 The Students Speak
14 - 17
68 - 71
92 - 113
The Teacher Speaks
18 - 25
72 - 73
114 - 121
Professional Growth
Media Club
Lower School
26 - 35 Middle School
74 - 81 Solidarity
CLIP - Th e Oporto International School
122 - 124 Community
125 - 129 Clip Clubs 3
Opening Remarks Leading Clip
Open Mind Open Future
2011/2012 was an action packed year at Lydia E’Silva, Head of School
CLIP as we concentrated on consolidating our Vision & Mission throughout the CLIP community in the spirit of “we are one”.
2011/2012 was an action packed year at CLIP as we con-
2012 / 2013 will be no different!
centrated on consolidating our Vision & Mission throughout the CLIP community in the spirit of “we are one”. 2012/2013 will be no different! As teaching and learning is our core business we will con-
To reiterate our vision and mission we will be embarking
tinue to realize our vision through cutting edge methodolo-
on a school wide project, involving students from pre K to
gies and keeping abreast of educational research in order
Form 11, entitled ‘EARTH CONDOMINIUM’. CLIP will be
to ensure the best classroom practice, resulting in long
affirming its commitment to sustainability, real life learning
term learning. Formative and age appropriate assessment
and academic rigor as well as our mission to nurture and
will be central to all a student does within CLIP, celebrating
promote students who are ‘challenged, lifelong learners be-
multiple intelligences and learning styles, and not stigmatiz-
coming internationally minded and principled citizens’. In the
ing students at developmentally crucial ages with quantita-
light of the disappointing outcome of RIO +20 Conference
tive grades. The effects of standardized testing are ques-
on ‘green economy’ issues and the impact the ‘Earth Con-
tionable in the light of the poor performance of students in
dominium’ conference held in Gaia had CLIP has decided
these, both in Portugal and abroad, and in the light of brain
to make a difference, not only to our own students’ futures
research which favours formative, authentic assessment
and learning, but nationwide.
which enables each student to acquire mastery whilst celebrating each child’s uniqueness. At CLIP every student is
In a time of crisis, optimism and drive are essential to over-
challenged and assessment is an integral component of all
come challenges and to come out stronger, which CLIP is
learning at all levels and for all individuals who compose
determined to do. Without the professionalism, dedication
the system.
and belief in CLIP’s vision on the part of all members of the
The infusion of technology in teaching and learning is a giv-
faculty and staff as well as the faith clearly demonstrated by
en in preparing 21st century citizens, and CLIP is embracing
the owners of CLIP, we would not be where we are today
this with the installation of wireless throughout the building
and could not be as confident about the future.
and through the implementation of the Moodle platform to
Join us as we provide students with the resilience to face
facilitate our educational programme.
challenges and obstacles to be true Clippers.
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“At CLIP every student is challenged and assessment is an integral component of all learning at all levels and for all individuals ...�
“... formamos bons estudantes que serão bons profissionais e, por certo, cidadãos exemplares ...”
Acredito que 2012 correspondeu ao reafirmar e consolidar do modelo educativo em que acreditamos e apostamos. Para esta situação, em muito contribuiu a aposta efectuada na Prof. Lidya Silva para Head do Colégio, por várias razões: pela sua força de carácter e personalidade; pelo respeito que a todos merece – quer a nivel pessoal, quer académico; por ser um elemento fundador do projecto educativo; e acima de tudo por ser uma apaixonada pela sua profissão, e acreditar muito aquilo que faz.
Temos ainda uma comissão de pais e uma alumni (associação de antigos alunos do CLIP), com uma atitude pró-activa e empenhados em promover a escola. A vitalidade e futuro deste projecto passam também por estas duas forças dinamizadoras: pais e antigos alunos - que já são muitos! A sua forma de ser e estar no mundo, quer pessoal quer profissionalmente é o resultado de uma educação distinta. São Clippers. Neste momento tão crítico para o nosso país e para o mundo – ao nível da economia e dos valores – a nossa principal força e que todos nos une enquanto comunidade que sustenta este projecto – Administração, Direcção, Professores, Pais, Alunos e Ex-alunos – é sabermos o que
Francisco Marques, CEO
somos (a nossa identidade de Escola) e o que queremos, isto é: partilhamos a mesma Visão e Missão de Escola.
Vai fazer nove anos que estou ligado ao CLIP, e não me
Estamos por isso muito convictos do que fazemos, do
recordo de ver esta escola com uma posição tão clara e
que defendemos conceptualmente e é nossa prática diá-
definida em relação ao que fazemos, e sobre o caminho a
ria, na certeza que formamos bons estudantes que serão
seguir. De facto durante este ano falamos muito de visão
bons profissionais, e por certo cidadãos exemplares que
e missão – e nunca é de mais – pois tudo o que se faz
acreditam que podem mudar o mundo – é aqui que acre-
diariamente na escola está intrinsecamente associado à
dito convictamente que fazemos a diferença. Tudo isto
visão e missão da escola, que por sua vez nos remete
é feito por pessoas, daí o meu agradecimento público a
para o plano estratégico e para o que foi, é, e será o CLIP
todos quantos trabalham no CLIP e vestem a nossa ca-
no futuro.
misola: o segredo do nosso sucesso está na dedicação, empenho, qualidade e paixão pelo que fazem.
A Escola cresceu e teve que se adaptar. Hoje tem uma estrutura directiva funcional (Clip Leadership Team), do
Tudo isto, para reafirmar que o CLIP existe e funciona pre-
qual fazem parte oito directores (incluindo CEO e Reitor),
cisamente pelas mesmas razões por que foi fundado: ofer-
que tomam decisões partilhadas e consensuais, que são
ta de um conceito de educação internacional e alternativo
suportadas por uma administração que é responsável
com elevados padrões de qualidade utilizando as melho-
pela definição da estratégia a seguir.
res práticas do que se faz na educação a nível mundial.
Vision and and Mission
brilliant minds brilliant future
“The Vision ... is to become an exemplary centre of teaching which nurtures and promotes brilliant minds for the future through innovation� THE VISION The Vision for the International School of Oporto (CLIP) is to become an exemplary centre of teaching and learning which nurtures and promotes brilliant minds for the future through innovation; international mindedness; academic excellence; intellectual resilience; active, respectful and responsible citizenship.
THE MISSION CLIP believes the future will be shaped by extraordinary individuals who will meet the challenges of the 21st century through a passion for discovery; globalised interaction; versatile intellectual skills and competences; uncompromising commitment; increased social fairness.
All are challeng ed! 8
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“The Mission ... is to nurture and inspire such individuals through the provision of a challenging ...� The Mission of the International School of Oporto is to nurture and inspire such individuals through the provision of a challenging, inclusive, internationally guided education through which all our students are: Challenged; LifelongLearners; Internationally-Minded; Principled Citizens.
Chall eng ed Lifelong-Lea rn ers Internation ally-Mind ed Principl ed C itizens 9
Visão e Missão Todos São estimulados vida Aprend em ao longo da internacional Têm uma m entalidade de princípios Ag em como cidadãos
Vision und Mission Alle lern en Herausforderung en anzunehmen Lebenslang zu lern en International zu denken Außerord entliche Bürg er zu sein
Vision et la Mission Tous sont Mis au défi Des apprenants à vie Ouverts sur le Monde Des citoyens avec des principes
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ALL are Challeng ed Lifelong-Learn ers Internationally-Minded Principl ed Citizens
Visión y Misión Todos son Desafiados aprendiendo Individuos qu e continúan a lo largo de su vida Mentes internacionales Ciudadanos de principios
“CLIP believes the future will be shaped by extraordinary individuals ...”
Vision and Mission Gustavo Castro, Teacher
As a member and chair of the School Guiding Statements Committee, when we sit and look back to our school calendar of the 2011-12 school year, and try to refresh our memories of all the events we have organised so far, we can feel assured to say that CLIP hosts a multicultural environment and that we, as a school, since the Accreditation Process began, are trying to become more and more internationally committed. When asked how multicultural CLIP was, about one year ago, many of us did not hesitate in stating; ”No, we are not as international as we would like our school to be, since most of our students are Portuguese and they have not lived abroad.” Our first reaction was to observe that our community was made up mostly of local families, whose children might be planning to study abroad
and we all felt more assured of what our responsibilities
in a near future; and most of them do not share mul-
and commitment to multiculturalism meant. We have a
ticultural backgrounds. Were we too far from what we
clearer view of where we stand.
wanted to be?
How were we ever going to become a
As we reviewed “the manuals” and researched for fur-
multicultural school?
ther definitions of multiculturalism, we reached a differ-
The Accreditation Process has given our school com-
ent conclusion. We did not have to attract foreign families
munity a great opportunity to look at ourselves and ex-
or hire more international staff members to seem more
amine more deeply what kind of future and culture we
internationally focused. Celebrating international events
are trying to nourish in our students. For the new staff
also did not make us more multicultural. We looked back
members who were not exactly sure what our mission
at our mission and realised the obvious: we are one!
was, and for those of us who have been working here
Our goals, since the founding of this school, have not
far too long to remember, this was a great chance to re-
changed. We have always meant to prepare Challenged,
evaluate, rewrite and rethink it.
committed Lifelong learners, Internationally-Minded and
As we planned our current academic year, we were fully
Principled citizens, since our first days in Castelo do Queijo.
focused on this year’s concept: multiculturalism. Just to
None of these changes would have been sufficient and
mention a few key-points: we have added columns in our
resilient if the core spirit of this educational journey was
lesson planning documents; we have presented assem-
not there in its essence. The soul of what we truly be-
blies which focused on multiculturalism; we have trans-
lieve CLIP is all about remains alive. The fact that Mrs.
lated documents and signs, and we have made these
Lydia Silva, one of our school’s founders, returned from
evidences clearer. We know this is an ongoing process,
her sabbatical year to our school as the new Head, also
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mitted are we to learn more about their traditions, values and concerns?
How can we, as an entire school com-
munity, make foreign families feel more integrated? Last, but not least, we need to make sure that our Portuguese students will adapt easily wherever life, destiny, career choices or their parents and/or spouses lead them to. Will our students adapt easily if they move to a different country?
A different culture?
A more competi-
tive environment? Besides the language, are we offering the necessary skills and tools to help them adjust, integrate and be happy in a new, fast-changing world? Portugal has historically been recognised as a country of emigrants. There are many Portuguese living all over the world. It is our job to make our students and children be prepared to live with, move on to, work and cooperate with people of a globalized, competitive, yet not “forgeared us into a more meaningful reflection and remind-
eign” world.
ed us of who we are, where we came from and who we
Recently, one of our students shared a post in Arabic in
want to be.
Facebook , saying how happy she was settling in Kuwait.
New questions then arose: have we succeeded?
do we measure our commitment to achieve our results?
That was a very good sign, a way of showing us that we are truly preparing our students!
Regardless of our
students’ marks, which colleges they have a chance to
Do we
attend and which careers they choose to follow. What
often have a chance to meet them and exchange cultural
we truly want for them is their well-being and the ability
How well do we welcome our foreign families? these foreign families feel integrated at CLIP? experiences?
We all agreed: there is always room for
of settling down wherever life leads them.
The best way to evaluate this is from our Alumni feed-
We realised that our students do get a chance to be-
back. Whether we learn from their visits or posts we
come familiarised with their “different” classmates. They
read in Facebook, or their endeavours, such as the Alum-
may be different in culture, background, language, cus-
ni Newsletters, which makes us all gleam with pride, we
toms and traditions, but not different in needs, likes and
can rest assured that our mission is being carried on and
dreams. How about our parents and staff members?
spread widely. We feel encouraged to move on, trying to
Do we get a chance to learn more and from them about
keep up with all the changes, challenges and new oppor-
their heritage?
tunities that we are faced with. This is what Education
Attending an international school goes beyond learning
is all about.
English and a third language. It is like visiting other cultures without having to book an international flight. Are we, parents and staff members, giving ourselves the enriching opportunity of meeting them, learning from them, listening to their needs and, above all, respecting their different cultures?
s! r e t t a m d l i h c Every
This is where we feel we need to focus on from now on. Are we hosting our foreign families the best way we can? home”?
Are we making them feel “at home away from There are many ways we can change the way
we welcome them and benefit from this exchange. Our largest foreign community attending CLIP nowadays are the Chinese families. Besides shopping at the “lojas chinesas” and dining out at the Chinese restaurants, how much do we really know about their culture?
How com-
But what does international-mindedness actually mean? Is there a single commonly agreed definition? Does it mean to be multicultural? Or a global citizen?
Edite Rocha, Teacher
Howard Gardner describes “declining ego-centrism” as the basis of human development. In that sense we can assume that international mindedness is a growing sense of the “other”, a journey from “self” to “other”.
If we can help our students to develop a strong sense not only of themselves and their own identity, which is crucial, but alongside that, a deep sense and awareness of other peoples, cultures, religions, countries and customs, then we offer them a great chance to be truly 21st century global citizens. Living in such an interconnected world and facing complex challenges - terrorism, climate change, poverty etc...- will require a generation of problem solvers and creative thinkers, who see problems not from one perspective but from many. Being internationally minded implies strong ethical values, a clear understanding of right and wrong and, above all, faith and respect for human rights.
This also means that it is never there but always moving forward.
Herewith a set of interesting reading on the topic: http://internationalmindedness.wordpress.com/ http://www.slideshare.net/guest3bd2a12/international-mindedness-presentation http://www.slideshare.net/AndrewVivian/international-mindeness http://www.slideshare.net/AndrewVivian/international-mindedness http://www.slideshare.net/AndrewVivian/international-mindedness http://www.slideshare.net/CSeduForum/initiating-change-global-construct-for-deliveringinternational-education http://www.slideshare.net/CSeduForum/initiating-change-global-construct-for-deliveringinternational-education
CLIP’s Mission Eduarda Martins, Form 11 By being constantly challenged, the students are compelled to evolve as human beings in both social and intellectual aspects. Whether they are as young as three years old or as old as seventeen, every student has an eagerness to exceed on every occasion and an enthusiasm to embrace new challenges. Overcoming obstacles results in knowledge, experience and skills, the three vectors of education. Learning by doing, CLIP is creating a generation of lifelong learners, who enjoy and do not miss any opportunity to gain knowledge and awareness. The community of the Oporto International School is made up of different nationalities, from the eastern Asians to the
CLIP’s mis sion is to rais g en eratio ns of you e and educate ngsters p to succee repared d in both th e univ e world and rsity in th e jo b market. To accom plish this, CLIP has a vision:
All are Challeng ed All are Lifelong learn ers All are International ly-minded All are Principl ed citi zens
southern Brazilians, all interacting and learning about each other in the safe, secure campus of CLIP. Through the understanding of others and of the rules of living in a civilized community, the students become principled citizens who are able to contribute positively to society.
! ! y t i s r e v i d g n i t Promo 15 15
“... incutir nos nossos alunos uma educação responsável e dotá-los de ferramentas para que tenham uma participação ativa e cívica.”
The Teacher Speaks a i c n ê r e f Con a o b s i L m e ECIS
Julie Browett, Andrea Vasconcelos, Ana Isabel Macedo, Paula Knighton, Sarah Plews, Teachers
Entre os dias 18 a 20 de novembro de 2011, o nosso colégio esteve presente na conferência anual do ECIS (Conselho Europeu de Escolas Internacionais). Esta é uma rede colaborativa que visa promover os ideais e as melhores práticas de educação a nível internacional. As conferênAs conferências internacionais do ECIS são realizadas em vários locais do mundo
cias internacionais do ECIS são realizadas em vários locais do mundo e oferecem aos participantes um conjunto de
e oferecem aos participantes um conjunto
sessões e workshops. O seu objectivo é precisamente
de sessões e workshops.
dar a conhecer programas de desenvolvimento profissional, que promovam a melhoria da eficácia de todos os professores e administradores escolares. Estes eventos são também uma forma de criar oportunidades para a discussão de temas educativos, com os dirigentes educacionais de todo o mundo. No contexto um programa extenso e muito interessante, o CLIP orgulhou-se de apresentar uma sessão intitulada “ Thinking Globally in the Primary Classroom”. O nosso intuito era demonstrar o quanto é
importante incutir nos nossos alunos uma educação responsável e dotá-los de ferramentas para que sejam eles a ter um envolvimento, uma participação ativa, crítica, reflexiva e cívica sobre tudo aquilo que os rodeia. Sem dúvida que foi uma oportunidade única para o nosso enriquecimento pessoal e desenvolvimento profissional participar num evento que promove a colaboração entre profissionais de todo o mundo.
Dear Students, At the end of nine years teaching at CLIP, I wanted to bring my time here to a close by writing a note to my students. Please take the advice I give you to heart, and never forget that I care about your success. The following is a poem written by Shel Silverstein. I thought it was appropriate for this point in your lives. He wrote:
“All the woulda-coulda-shouldas Layin’ in the Sun, Talkin’ ‘bout the things They woulda-coulda-shoulda done... But those woulda-coulda-shouldas All ran away and hid From one little did.” On your final day of school, don’t look back on the things you would have done, could have done, or should have done. My hope is that you will look back on a fine, long list of accomplishments that happened because you aimed high, took chances, lived up to your potential, and most importantly you did something.
I will always consider myself to be your teacher. I hope you will stay in touch through the coming years to let me share in your success.
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Mrs Viana
Dear Friends, As my time at CLIP comes to a close, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all those who have made my career here so enjoyable. Our time together was filled with both challenges and rewards, and each and every one of you has made me a better teacher and person. I will take away valuable lessons from my experiences here at school. Again, thank you for your kindness over the past nine years and I wish all of you great success in the future, both personally and professionally.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” from the movie “Annie”
Lisa Viana, teacher
Lower School
Lower School
Form 2 Skype
All of the children involved in the project were learning English as an additional language. Meeting with each other in a video conferencing space gave the children plenty of opportunity to apply their language skills in meaningful ways across geographical and cultural boundaries.
Nick Austin, Teacher
The past academic year saw Form 2 children push the
All of the children who took part willingly sacrificed their
boundaries of how we use technology to support our
playtime on a weekly basis to be involved in the project.
learning. From September 2011 to March 2012 a group of
The students’ dedication and motivation throughout the
twelve 6 to 7 year old children from CLIP participated in an
project to communicate interculturally saw them build the
online collaborative project with children of the same age
knowledge, understanding, skills and values they need to
from Sladefield Primary School in Birmingham, England.
make a positive contribution as global citizens.
All of the children involved in the project were learning English as an additional language. Meeting with each oth-
This project is part of an investigation into the impact of
er in a video conferencing space gave the children plenty
video conferencing on how children experience learning
of opportunity to apply their language skills in meaningful
in the language classroom. The findings of this study con-
ways across geographical and cultural boundaries.
tributed to a keynote presentation at an applied linguistics
Placing children’s communication at the hub of the project
conference in Zagreb. The Form 2 children were proud to
meant they were fully involved in shaping the development
play a small part in helping to shape education for the future.
of the activities and their own learning. The students participated in wide ranging activities from playing maths games together to sharing facts about Justin Bieber and singing their favourite songs. These experiences fostered an appreciation of how what happens in different parts of the world is shared by the children and also shapes their lives.
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The Form 2 children were pr oud to play a small part in helping to shape education for the future!!!!
Lower School
Eco Activities Children in Pre-kindergarten discussed why trees and plants are important. Lígia Domingues, Teacher
They then discussed what trees and plants need to stay
Children in Form 4 had previously learned about the wa-
alive, grow and be healthy. After that, the class then par-
ter cycle and the different stages involved. In the next
ticipated in the planting of a tree.
lesson, they discussed what would happen if it did not rain in Portugal for one year. They then read articles
Children in Reception looked at possible eco friendly
about water shortages in different parts of the world
gifts that they could make to give to their parents for
followed by watching two videos on You Tube that dis-
Christmas. After a class vote, they decided to make
cussed some of the main countries that suffer from a
snow globes. Children were asked to bring in a clean jar
shortage of water.
from home that would normally go in the recycling bin. They then collected the paper pieces from all of the hole
After discussing and observing different types of pack-
punches in CLIP to make snow globes.
aging (design and technology theme) the children in Form 2 set out to make a coin purse from a tetra pack.
The children in Kindergarten had the opportunity to watch the “Sea Lion Show” which was very educational
Children were asked to bring to school a clean 1 litre
and delightful to watch. The sea lion exemplified recy-
tetra pack for their D&T lesson.
cling to the children by separating litter into the correct bin. The children also had the unique chance to pat or kiss the sea lion which fosters respect and the need to care for the animals who share our planet.
Lower School
What a Year!
Madalena Barreira, Teacher
Last year at this time we were planning and anticipating, with excitement, the first Pre-Kindergarten class at CLIP. Well, an entire year has gone by and the excitement and enthusiasm remain! What a wonderful first year it has been. The Pre-K children were quickly integrated into the CLIP community, participating in Lower School activities such as the Harvest Festival, Christmas Play, Carnival Celebration and Infant Sports Day.
The Pre-Kindergarten parents celebrated the
But no matter what exciting things were happening in the
end of the school year by having a wonderful
school building, the ever present question was, “Mrs. Bar-
class breakfast, much to the surprise of
reira, vamos brincar lá fora?”. The children took full advan-
Mrs. Barreira! What a wonderful year,
tage of the Infant Playground and their excitement grew with the arrival of the new climbing frame. The playground was alive with activity. Visitors to our playground often found children pretending they were searching for treasure, on holiday in Algarve, making birthday cakes in the sand box, and even making soup out of grass, twigs and leaves.
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thanks to the hard work of everyone involved – children, parents and staff!
Lower School
“The Pre-K children were quickly integrated into the CLIP community in Lower School activities ...”
“Brain research confirms that Art education strengthens student problem-solving and critical thinking skills...�
Lower School
International Arts Education Week Sarah Plews, Teacher
The 36th session of UNESCO’s General Conference proclaimed the fourth week of May 2012 as International Arts Education Week (Resolution 36/C55) and
Aims of Exhibition:
encouraged all Member States, civil society, profession-
To create a global conscience through artistic education;
al organizations and communities to organize relevant
To promote arts and cultural practice in the local environment;
activities on that occasion at the national, regional and
To develop and strengthen cognition and acquisition of inter-
international levels.
personal communication skills;
The main objective of this International Week – Colours
Selected works were by the following students:
of My World, May 2012 - was to increase the global
Form 3 – Leonor Ferreira (3M), Sofia Pinho (3B) and Ma-
awareness on the importance of arts education.
ria Pinto (3B); Form 2 – Mariana Domingues (2A), Carolina Zhang (2A)
CLIP Lower School was invited to participate in this cel-
and Mafalda Sanches (2A);
ebratory exhibition. 10 works were selected by a panel
Form 1 – Rita Gandra (1P) and Matilde Peixoto (1P)
of Lower School teachers with respect to certain criteria.
Reception – Madalena Santos & Beatriz Fernandes (RPK
Our winning participants were the works by 10 children
& RSK), Guilherme Morais and José João Oliveira (RPK);
from different year groups using different techniques. Brain research confirms that Art education strengthens student problem-solving and critical thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement, school success, and prepaThe main objective of this International
ration for the work world.
Week – Colours of my world, May 2012 - was to increase the global awareness on the importance of arts education.
Every child matters 27
Middle School
Middle School
Exchange Program Este programa es ”reforzar la dimensión europea en la educación infantil, primaria y secundaria y favorecer especialmente la movilidad del alumnado y el profesorado y la cooperación entre los centros educativos”.
el ser humano puede desarrollar todas sus posibilidades y llevar una vida armoniosa. También fue un hombre uniMonica Rodriguez, Teacher
versal, defensor de los derechos del hombre, de la paz entre las naciones, la paz social y la unidad de la humanidad”. Después de esta información quién no desearía
Para entender un proyecto como el COMENIUS lo pri-
participar o que nuestros hijos participaran, por lo menos
mero que necesitamos es saber qué es y cuál es su
una vez en su vida, en un programa de esta importancia.
finalidad. Cuando entramos en la página del programa
Durante el viaje atravesamos la meseta castellana, visita-
mos Segovia, Ávila y vivimos algunos días en Valladolid.
presentacion.html nos informan que el objetivo de
Vimos “o Douro cuando todavía es el Duero, descubri-
este programa es ”reforzar la dimensión europea en la
mos hermosos castillos de otros tiempos con impresio-
educación infantil, primaria y secundaria y favorecer es-
nantes murallas totalmente recuperadas, paseamos por
pecialmente la movilidad del alumnado y el profesorado
el campo Grande, por la Plaza Mayor, fuimos saludados
y la cooperación entre los centros educativos”. El nom-
por el Alcalde de Valladolid, recibidos por el Consejero
bre del programa se debe a “Comenius, nombre latino
Delegado de Presidencia, visitamos el Ayuntamiento,
de Jan Komensky (1592-1670), teólogo, filósofo y peda-
un lugar realmente hermoso y salimos al balcón, algo
gogo que participó en las reformas educativas de varios
que los chicos vallisoletanos hicieron por primera vez.
países europeos. Se le considera uno de los fundadores
Vimos muchos monumentos, impresionantes fachadas
de la pedagogía moderna y es conocido por sus princi-
de edificios restaurados porque allí prefirieron hacerlo,
pios educativos: «Enseñar todo a todos». Comenius
antes de que los edificios se vinieran abajo, y mantener
defendió la educación porque solamente gracias a ella
así viva una parte importante de la historia de la ciudad.
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Middle School
Breaking boundaries Valladolid como en Porto, los abrazos y los gestos de ca-
“cada casa es un mundo”
riño fueron los protagonistas. Para alguno de ellos serán amistades que se mantendrán durante toda la vida, para otros será una experiencia que no se repetirá nunca más y, quizás, para un pequeño grupo, el primero de muchos
Paseamos por las calles principales y vimos diferentes
proyectos de este tipo. Fue, sobre todo, una gran prueba
manifestaciones del 1º de Mayo. Comimos las mejores
de responsabilidad y un paso hacia la madurez para to-
tapas de siempre y todos adoramos la comida. Nuestros
dos ellos y una muestra de la enorme confianza que sus
alumnos pasaron varios días en el Colegio de los Agusti-
padres depositaron tanto en ellos, como en el programa.
nos Recoletos, un colegio que acaba de cumplir 50 años
Gracias a padres como éstos que ponen de lado los te-
y donde estudian alrededor de 1500 alumnos de los 3
mores ante la oportunidad de mostrar a sus hijos nuevos
meses a los 18 años. Aunque hacía frío y la lluvia nos
horizontes, enseñarles del mejor modo que “cada casa
acompañó durante varios días, casi no los sentimos por-
es un mundo”, que hay culturas, costumbres, comidas y
que estuvimos siempre rodeados de personas que nos
horarios diferentes; que no somos iguales, pero tenemos
trataron con mucho afecto y a todos queríamos darles
muchas cosas en común; que las fronteras no son barre-
las gracias, en especial a Isabel, Paula y Eduardo.
ras, sino nuevos caminos, por todo esto y más, hay proyec-
Para nosotros lo más importante fue ver a nuestros chicos
tos así. Se ha podido dar vida al intercambio con la ayuda
cuidar unos de los otros, apoyarse, buscar varias maneras
de todos los participantes, pero también con la de aquellos
para que ninguno de ellos se sintiera solo, verlos actuar y
que de un modo desinteresado han acogido a alguno de
protegerse como una familia será nuestro mejor recuerdo.
estos niños y los han tratado como miembros de la familia.
Si les preguntamos a cualquier alumno, sea portugués o
Es verdad que hemos cometido errores, somos humanos
español, qué ha sido lo mejor la respuesta es siempre la
y aprender a rectificar y mejorar también es una parte de
misma: las familias. Desde el primer momento todos se
la educación que debemos pasar a nuestros alumnos. Lo
sintieron integrados y apoyados por las familias de aco-
importante es reconocerlo y volver a intentarlo. Es un de-
gida. Todas ellas consiguieron que ningún chico sintiera
safío y no hay que tener miedo. Con la ayuda y la opinión
“saudades”. En el momento de la despedida, tanto en
de todos podremos hacerlo mucho mejor la próxima vez.
Middle School
“... a Comenius Programme is an exchange of cultures between two countries. It is the challenge to learn about the lifestyle of other people.
New challenges 32
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Middle School
An Experience for Life Leonor Silva, Inês Andrade, Francisca Oliveira, Rosário Figueiredo, Margarida Pessanha and Sofia Paz Dias, Form 7 For us a Comenius Programme is an exchange of cul-
When we arrived to Porto and saw all our friends waiting
tures between two countries. It is the challenge to learn
for us, it made us feel really good. When we saw our
about the lifestyle of other people.
family, we went crazy. We made our new guests feel
For the first time, F7 was challenged to live an adventure
like they were home (Mi casa es tú casa). Now that we
in a completely different environment. We had to adapt
look at the past, we remember all the good moments
to a different culture. For some of us, the first days were
we spent with the Spanish students. On the last day, all
difficult and tiring, but we quickly adapted to everything.
of us cried, even some of our parents, because they got
The school was fantastic and enormous, and the stu-
close to the Spanish students. If CLIP organises another Ex-
dents were very kind. They have become friends for life.
change, we think all of us will go again, because we made
The teachers and families were always attentive to see
new friends, spoke another language, tasted new food...
that we were fine. In the first days, some of us thought they wouldn’t do it, but when coming to Portugal we all realised that we were sad about leaving.
Well, an experience for life!
Middle School
CLIP’s LTRD Medieval Fayre Jorge Vicente, Teacher
LTRD is a successful teaching strategy in which small
Clip´s LTRD Medieval Fayre was held on Friday May 11th
teams, each with students of different levels of ability,
2012. It was a glorious morning and the day was a tremen-
use a variety of learning activities to improve their under-
dous success with Music, Drama, and the Visual Arts be-
standing of several topics. Each member of a team is re-
ing showcased at our school. The presence of students,
sponsible not only for learning what is taught but also for
parents, visitors and Lower school students at the Fayre is
helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere
a true educational celebration of the Arts, highlighting the
of achievement. Students work through the assignments
way Middle school students can come together in learning.
until all group members successfully understand and com-
Parents and children added a sense of occasion to the
plete it. Through cooperative efforts participants strive for
event and their enjoyment definitely encouraged our stu-
mutual benefit so that all group members gain from each
dents to perform to the best of their abilities. Extraordinary
other’s efforts. In a group setting one’s performance is mu-
contributions were made by parents, students and staff.
tually caused by oneself and one’s team members to feel
Our Creative Arts, provided invaluable support both on the
proud and jointly celebrate when the group is recognized
day and during the frantic preparation in the weeks lead-
for achievement.
ing up to the Middle School Fayre. Middle School´s inspirational art yielded some amazing new props this year. The Drama performances and the management of our special visitors on the day was also a success. Most students made their own costumes using household materials and pure ingenuity and arrived at the Fayre looking like true Knights, Ladies and Townsfolk of the medieval times. The Medieval Fayre is a highly effective way to demonstrate the contribution that LTRD makes to our cultural life on the CLIP campus.
the day was a tremendous success!!! 34
“The Medieval Fayre is a ... way to demonstrate the contribution that LTRD makes to our cultural life on the CLIP campus.
Middle School
“Numa altura em que se assiste a uma crise económica, de valores e de identidades, nada melhor do que uma viagem no tempo que nos possibilite refletirmos ...” Isabel Castiajo, Teacher
O passado dia 11 de maio foi dedicado à época medieval. Nesse sentido, foi organizada no colégio a Medieval Fayre que contou com a colaboração dos professores e de todos os alunos da Middle School. Assim, todo o staff da escola vestiu-se a rigor e viveu com entusiasmo o espírito medieval, espelhado também por todos os corredores, graças à exposição de trabalhos muito variados sobre esta época. A manhã foi dedicada à apresentação de projetos desenvolvidos pelas várias turmas, pelo que foi possível assistir a pequenos relatos biográficos de figuras proeminentes desta época; a declamações; danças; músicas e até à ordenação dos cavaleiros da coroa.
A tarde foi preenchida com jogos medievais que desafiaram as capacidades e a resistência dos alunos. À noite, houve uma ceia medieval repleta de manjares e iguarias desses tempos e preenchida com pequenos sketches teatrais levados a cabo pelo grupo Poeta Artes que permitiram, e muito bem, recriar o espírito desse período marcante da nossa história. Este é aliás o objetivo desta companhia que faz animação em ceias medievais, nomeadamente no Convento de Cristo e no Hotel dos Templários, desde 2001. Numa altura em que se assiste a uma crise económica, de valores e de identidades, nada melhor do que uma viagem no tempo que nos possibilite refletirmos, conhecermo-nos e projetarmos melhor o nosso futuro.
Upper School
Upper School
EARTH CONDOMINIUM Raquel Loureiro, Teacher
On the 17th and 18th of May, 2012, an International Con-
According to the conference memorandum, the EcoSaldo
gress took place at Parque Biológico de Gaia - Congresso
conference provided an opportunity to discuss and pro-
Internacional EcoSaldo - A Contabilidade da Economia
mote knowledge that will enable the North of Portugal to
Verde. It was organised by the environmental organisa-
adopt appropriate strategies for sustainable development
tion Quercus and by the Gaia Muncipality.
and inclusive growth.
A group of form 9 students - Ruben Roberto, João Carva-
Currently the next steps consists of the organization of a
lho, Marta Pinto, Teresa Figueiredo, Álvaro Mota, Carolina
second international conference, which will take place on
Barroso, Marta Sousa, Francisca Castro, Fabiana Ross-
the 17th and 18th October 2012, continuing the discus-
man, João Ferreira, André Fernandes, David Oliveira - at-
sions launched in the EcoSaldo conference and we are
tended the conference with the Business Studies teacher
already planning CLIP’s participation in this unique event.
(Mrs. Pinto) and the Biology Teacher (Mrs Loureiro). In fact, they were the only group of students in the event. Experts from several countries, elements of the Portuguese government and a very participative audience – including our own students - contributed to four plenary sessions where an integrated debate prompted a discussion of new ideas that could build consensus on the steps after the Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20.
Strive to serve
For further information: http://www.condominiodaterra.org/pt/campanha-rio2O/congresso-ecosaldo/
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Upper School
CERN Very educational and definitely worth repeating next year! Suzi Johnston, Teacher
In early March, Miss Johnston’s A and AS level Physics
During the tour, we were told about how some of the
class went to Geneva, Switzerland. This trip was thought
older accelerators worked and given a brief insight into
of by Miss Johnston and I in June of 2011 after the IGCSE
what projects they were developing and what their plans
exams, however it was only presented to the school’s direc-
were for the future. We also learned about CERN’s history
tors, and approved, in the beginning of this academic year.
and how countries are united in the name of research. It’s
Although we were a small group, we were extremely ex-
quite amazing to know that what brings every nation in
cited to visit CERN at a time where the OPERA experi-
the world together is the quest to discover how every-
ment had reported a neutrino that had travelled faster than
thing came to be…After finishing the tour, we had lunch
the speed of light! On the day of the visit, we were eager
among some of the greatest minds in the world at one
physicists waiting to hear if such an event was possible
of CERN’s canteens and left shortly after a quick visit to
and what consequences this would bring to the world of
the gift shop. Although this school trip consisted main-
physics if it was in fact to be confirmed. Everyone work-
ly of visiting CERN we also got around to discovering
ing there assured us that it must have been a mistake and
and learning about the city of Geneva. We visited Le Jet
today we know that what they said was true; the false
d’Eau, the Flower Clock, the Saint-Pierre archaeological site
result was caused by anomalies in the equipment, so Ein-
and even took the boat trip on the Lake Geneva! To sum
stein’s Special Relativity theory still holds! Before the tour,
everything up, I have to say I really enjoyed this trip as it
an Italian physicist had prepared a short presentation on
gave me an insight on what scientists at CERN do in their
the fundamentals of particle physics so that we had a ba-
everyday life as they try to unfold how this universe was
sic understanding of what they were working on.
created. I even got to learn about a new city and keep up with my French in the process! Very educational and definitely worth repeating next year!
THE ARTS Jamie Cole, Area Leader
Forum Play 2O12-“No Ill Feeling” Congratulations to the Forum students and all involved in yet another very successful musical production at the end of January 2012. Special mention must be made to Ms. Carina Oelofse for designing the play and bringing out the best in the students once again. Our Head Boy and Head Girl co-ordinated many of the rehearsal sessions, and helped inspire their colleagues with great enthusiasm and tenacity. The result was a hugely entertaining hospital farce, with many memorable moments.
Arts Festival and Gala evening Once again, this was a most enjoyable day and a great opportunity for the school to show students’ work and talent. The Gala evening showed our best performances from a huge
rs: e n n i w The
2 MRM 1 a t o M Beatriz 2 ER 1 a r i e r r ro Fe Joao Ped
variety of talent and it was lovely to see so many of the student stars up on stage!
Most versatile artist and Overall winner of The Mighty Leaf Trophy Visual Arts Winner
The Gala Evening on Thursday 19th January finished with our ´Gala dinner´. Well done and thanks to The Arts Department, the Judges and to all the students who participated in The Arts Festival. Many support staff were involved too as well as Gertal with their catering and hospitality. All participants received a certificate with Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
Art Auction The Annual Art Auction and Upper School Visual Arts display was held in The Upper School Canteen on the 28th of March from 7pm-9pm. This was another great showcase for the Visual Arts at CLIP and was designed to help raise funds for an INTERACT Charity (ASAS-Santo Tirso). Many Middle School and Upper School Students were involved and an amount of €500 was raised to help a very worthy cause.
Trinity Guildhall Music Examinations These highly regarded qualifications were assessed during the first week of May with a broad and deep range of talent and ability in many disciplines.
Music Recitals and Trinity Concert of Excellence During the third week of May, in the Auditorium, many students of all ages were once again performing a range of musical skills and approaches to performance, a tradition that CLIP instills once a term and is enjoyed by many parents and visitors too.
Commencement, Forum Banner an
d Visual Arts Display
Eva Francisca Rodrigues F12 responded to the theme of International Mindedness with a striking design that hints at the past but holds hope for the future. The painted design includes elements of The School Vision and Mission Statement. This signature piece complimented perfectly the creative efforts on display from Lower,Middle and Upper School Art Students. Strong skill sets in a range of disciplines from drawing and painting, to collage and photography through to masks and ceramics were enjoyed and admired by all.
The Commencement Event itself was enhanced by some strong vocal performances from Jocelino Rodrigues and Nuno Carvalho. InĂŞs Morais, Zaida Baptista and Sofia Forte sang as a trio with Carolina Ferreira performing an interpretive dance routine to great effect. Lower School, Middle School and Upper School contributed with some excellent singing that captured the spirit of the event.
CLIP Open Day Saturday February 4 This annual event that helps to promote awareness of CLIP´s far-ranging academic and community appeal was another opportunity for parents and visitors to admire key elements in Art, Music and Drama within the school. Students were able to explain their coursework components and parents could visualize the learning that takes place in a multi-sensory way. Artwork was displayed, music was played and drama students were observed as they performed their chosen pieces.
Cardboard CLIP´s very own rock-band have been making a name for themselves recently with a series of live shows in Porto and appearances on
Great gro
National Television too. Guided by Daniel
up! Great
MacAllister, the teen sensations write and
perform their own material and are gaining a growing fan-base too. The group comprises Martim Rola, Inês Morais, Fernando Almeida, Rodrigo Pinto, Tomás Nobre, Pedro Lima and João Martins.
Carnival February, 2O12 Another year and another brilliant Carnival Party. As ever, there was a variety of costumes and music and dancing. The children were spectacular and paraded around with great dignity in their costumes. There were plenty of Cowboys and Cowgirls; Punks and Princesses; Supermen and Spidermen; all sorts of animals including a very big Penguin! We strutted our way around the Pavilion and encouraged the crowds of parents to clap and cheer with
The Egg Race
some scintillating dancing. The Party was finished with a lovely walk down to the park where the children enjoyed some welcome fresh air and a chance to run and play.
March 27th saw the Fourth Annual Egg Race. The children arrived at school with great anticipation and determination to win. Some teams even had T-shirts made with their own logo on. For those who don’t yet know, The Egg Race is a Design and Technology event where children and parents work together in teams of four to make some kind of machine that will transport an egg across a five metre course. There are many weird and wonderful designs that appear every year and this year was no exception. The winner was powered by a balloon but travelled along a string which was attached to two water bottles. A very worthy runner up was a vehicle covered in fruit and
Harvest 2O11
vegetables with apples for the wheels. The whole evening was a great success and we finished with a “Pot Luck Supper” in the Lower School Canteen.
The Harvest Festival was a joyful celebration and greatly enjoyed by everyone. As always there was plenty of singing and dancing and activity. This year we caught our first glimpse of the Pre Kindergarten as they performed for everyone (their proud parents included, of course). There was a presentation from Form 4 about how wine is made and they showed us their collages that they had
Lower School Drama
made. The Salvation Army was there and Major Colin gratefully received the gifts that the children had donat-
The first drama production of the year came at Christmas
ed. And once I had joined in the Traditional Dancing it
with two Key Stage 1 and Early Years productions. First of
was only fair that the parents joined in as well. What a
all Reception, Kindergarten and Pre Kinder treated us to
fitting way to finish a great event.
some singing and dancing in a play called “Whoops – A – Daisy Angel”. It was particularly sweet to see the Pre Kinder dressed as snowflakes and overcoming their nerves to entertain us. The Form 1 and Form 2 children gave us a play called “It´s a Baby!” It was very colourful with lots of angels (as you would expect). The acting and singing were first class and we were thoroughly entertained.
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“ROBIN HOOD” Once the excitement of Carnaval and the Poetry Festival was over, it was the time to start preparing for the Form 3 and 4 Play. The production was “Robin Hood”. It was a great show and the children rose to the occasion, giving some outstanding performances. The singing was first class and the audience joined in very well – some even got up on stage and danced with us. Great Fun!! The costumes and scenery were up to the usual high standard thanks to the help of some dedicated parents and friends of the school. After last year’s journey around the world Mr Wright thought he would try to tell a simpler tale. It was no easier for him though, but every bit as enjoyable. There are so many versions of the story of Robin Hood, so he picked a little bit from as many as he could find. The music was easy for him as he sang the songs himself at school ... many years ago. The whole play was a culmination of hard work by the staff, the children and the parents and friends of the school. He would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this year’s play the success it has been.
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He would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this year’s play the success it has been.
“ The whole play was a culmination of hard work by the staff, the children and the parents and friends of the school.�
It was a great show! 51
“...the Humanities subject teachers were tireless on their continuous quest to improve students’ engagement in learning and for educating global principled citizens...”
The Humanities Marco Meireles, Area Leader
End of Year Dear Parents, Another school year has ended, full of academic and personal enrichment, different activities and also some fun! Along the year, the Humanities subject teachers were tireless in their continuous quest to improve students’ engagement in learning and for educating global principled citizens. Some of the initiatives were already a tradition
Caros Pais,
in our school, such as the Portuguese History fieldtrip to
Terminou mais um ano escolar, cheio de enriquecimento
the Batalha Monastery, the Environmental Management
pessoal e académico, actividades diferentes e também
fieldwork and the LTRD day; but many other new activities
com alguma diversão! Durante o ano, os professores de
took place to allow students to deepen their understanding
Humanidades foram incansáveis na sua contínua missão
of the different subjects, such as the Model International
de melhorar o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem
Criminal Court (MICC), the Industrial Tourism fieldtrip and
e de educar cidadãos globais com princípios. Algumas
the Eco-Saldo Conference, the latest of which in a partner-
das iniciativas são já uma tradição na nossa escola, como
ship with the Sciences Department.
a viagem de História de Portugal ao Mosteiro da Batalha, o trabalho de campo de Environmental Management e o
It was indeed a fantastic year and the Humanities
dia de LTRD; mas houve também muitas outras ativida-
team is already working or the many activities we
des novas que permitiram aos alunos aprofundar o seu
have planned for the next school year!
conhecimento de diferentes disciplinas, como o Modelo de Tribunal Criminal Internacional (MICC), a viagem de Turismo Industrial e a Conferência do Eco-Saldo, esta última em parceria com o Departamento de Ciências. Foi de facto um ano fantástico e a equipa de Humanidades está já a trabalhar nas muitas actividades que temos planeadas para o próximo ano escolar!
Environmental Management
Business Studies
History Psychology
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Batalha Monastery At the beginning of the year, the Form 6 students visited the Batalha Monastery, already a tradition in our school. In spite of the rain and bad weather, the students fully enjoyed studying the events leading to the famous Aljubarrota Battle and going over the military strategies designed by Nuno Álvares Pereira. It is always different to learn History in the actual place where everything took place!
Philosophy Workshop As part of a practical workshop on Philosophy, the F10 students had a session with the philosopher Tomás Magalhães Carneiro. The students were confronted with some complex problems and were surprised by the fact that many times there are concepts and ideas which they took for granted and that it is often difficult to provide them with a justification. At the end, the students had a much more precise idea about what is the main purpose of Philosophy and that they should always have an enquiring attitude towards learning.
Environmental Management Fieldwork In December, the Form 12 Environmental Management students went to Valongo, Paços de Ferreira and Vila Nova de Gaia to collect samples for their coursework, which represents 15% of their final mark in this subject and may focus on a local, regional, national or global issue that is related to rivers, water and air pollution, soils, weather and climate, etc.; also raising their awareness of environmental problems on our local community.
Model International Criminal Court Six students from Forms 11 and 12 participated in the Model International Criminal Court (MICC), which took place in Krzyzowa (Poland), in January of 2012. The MICC is a simulation of the International Criminal Court for high school students between 15 and 19 years old from Portugal, Hungary, Poland, and Germany. They simulated final pleadings of historic cases that were heard before the international tribunals, namely the Nuremberg Tribunal, the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) and the ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Ruanda). During the project the students explored their roles as prosecutors, members of the defense, judges or members of the observing media in international teams. The students were required to start to prepare their cases before this event, working together with students from other countries through e-mail and Facebook. They also had the opportunity to visit Berlin and interact with students of the same age from different countries.
Eco-Saldo Conference On 17th and 18th of May, a group of Form 9 students participated in the Congresso International EcoSaldo – A Contabilidade da Economia Verde, in a joint initiative of the Humanities and Science Departments. The conferences was organized by Quercus, the Gaia Municipality and had the high patronage of his Excellency, the President of the Portuguese Republic. The students were able to take part in the debate on the next steps to follow for a Sustainable Planet and interact with some of the national and international experts of the area. Besides reinforcing their awareness of Environmental Issues, students were also able to make the links between Economics, Business Studies, Geography and Biology to provide solutions to the planet’s present dilemmas.
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The concept Experience has shown that the shared use of goods, or even a system, by a large group of individuals, results in an inevitable “tragedy of the commons”. The Nobel Prize in Economics winner, Elinor Ostrom, deconstructed the widespread fatalist idea of the “tragedy of the commons” and opened doors for the possibility of a Happy End. Out of this context, emerges the legal framework of the condominium, as a third way for an integrated management of different types of ownership and interests that overlap the same goods. The Earth Condominium can serve as a conceptual model to explore mechanisms and institutions capable of structuring a global collective action.
This idea was thoroughly discussed in the EcoSaldo
This idea was thoroughly discussed in the EcoSaldo confer-
conference and its potential to become one of the so-
ence and its potential to become one of the solutions for
lutions for Earth has started to buzz across the whole
Earth has started to buzz across the whole school and it will
school and it will be the core of the CBC project for the
be the core of the CBC project for the next academic year.
next academic year.
Industrial Tourism On the past 20th of June, the Form 9 students went on a joint fieldtrip of Economics, Business Studies, Geography and History to discover the history, location and industries implanted in this region. As part of the Industrial Tourism Programme of the Câmara Municipal de S. João da Madeira, the students visited Viarco, the only pencil factory in the Iberian Peninsula and probably the smallest in the world; Evereste, a well known and highly reputed shoe factory; and Fepsa, one of the world leaders in the production of felt hats. They also had the chance to share their lunch in a picnic at the Parque Urbano do Rio Ul. At the end of the visit, the students were able to understand the historical and geographical context that led to the creation of those companies and to study their different productive lines and business organization as well as to realize their importance to the regional and national economy. All in all, it was a great year and I would like to thank all the teachers of the Humanities Department whose commitment and tireless efforts made all these initiatives possible and allowed students to learn by having fun.
Year Review Languages Department Mrs Chaves, Languages Area Learning Leader
It seems as though it was only yesterday when we were all busy organizing the European Day of Languages on 26 September 2011, and now here we are at the end of the school year already. The famous saying, “time flies when you are (learning and) having fun” certainly applies. Not only have we had fun but we have accomplished a great deal as well. Highlights of these achievements are:
European Day of Languages Students shared their creativity through their work which On the 26th of September, CLIP community came together to celebrate the diversity and variety of languages spoken throughout the
reflected international mindedness and awareness of cultural differences. Parents, staff and students were invited to contribute
world and the cultural richness attached to it.
to the European Day of Languages display board with a
Students entered a poster competition about
word or sentence in their mother tongue or in a different
the ELD in different languages.
language. A multilingual Assembly about the Importance of Languages in the World of Today was organized and Mário Augusto was our guest speaker. Students and teachers
The Importance of Languages!
were mesmerized by this journalist who, in the end, confessed that he could breathe Clip’s international atmosphere and that he felt he became a clipper himself. These words made us all feel very proud.
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International Library Day On the 10th of October teachers, librarians and students successfully joined to create awareness about the importance of reading and libraries. There were reading activities during break and lunch time, competitions and treasure hunts in different languages, and 2nd hand books donations to the library.
ed Throughout the year, the library has also host sen writers, philosophers and was the location cho oteca by a theatre group to perform, Teatro na Bibli - Maria das Histórias - Evocações e Citações
World Spelling Day It was an exciting event for our Middle School students and many other schools and students around the world. It ran from 5-7 March and involved millions of students from over 200 countries and territories. This global event got children (4-18 years of age) excited about learning, and gave our students an opportunity to see how they measure up against the others. They were matched in real time with up to 3 other students of similar age and ability in exciting live challenges.
“Alemão em Cena” - Project This initiative involved the F6 students who have been
On the 19th of May the Mandarin Upper School F9 & F10
learning German. Ms Repzka used some of the German
students had the opportunity to take part in a proficiency
lessons to develop writing, oral, performing and social
examination that is recognized worldwide and made en-
skills that were essential to succeed in such challenge.
tirely in China. The HSK - Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi – is
They prepared an original short play, and on the 21st of
the People’s Republic of China’s only standardized test of
March went to the Escola Secundária de Tondela, in Ton-
Chinese language proficiency for nonnative speakers. All
dela to participate in the Regional Festival.
CLIP students and Mandarin teachers must be congratu-
Our students were not chosen to go to the Final Festival in
lated as all those who enrolled in this examination (2012)
Almada. Nevertheless, their presence made a very positive
have successfully passed their exam.
impact, and they were invited to go back next year. This was also a very busy year for the Mandarin students. Tai Chi and Chinese paper cutting were two of the many different and exciting ways through which they have apprehended the history and costumes of China.
“CLIP students and Mandarin teachers mu st be congratulated...” 59
This examination was offered in several different levels
The Mandarin teachers have also organised some work-
and was available to everyone who wanted to partici-
shops such as Paper Cutting and Chinese Writing for Begin-
pate. Students all around Portugal and of all backgrounds
ners. The main purpose of these experiences was for the
and academic levels had the chance to test their abilities
children to get to know a little bit more about what it is like
under the same circumstances.
to learn Chinese, as well as experience a different culture. The Open Day was also a unique opportunity for all of those who visited our school to encounter some extraordinary aspects of the Chinese culture, and to come into contact with part of the Chinese cultural heritage.
“The Open Day was also a unique opportunity for all of those who visited our school to encounter some extraordinary aspects of the Chinese culture...”
Reading Week At the entrance of the school, an International Book Fair tent was selling books in different languages for children of all
From the 19th to the 23rd of March, CLIP held a whole school Reading Week. Some exciting and different activities were planned, in order to encourage our students to read more and to promote their love of books.
ages. Next to the tent, the students could also visit an Exhibition Bus where they were given the opportunity to vision videos about The Future of our Planet.
All students brought their favourite books to read. These
We had the visit of a range of different authors, an illustrator
were precious moments shared by both students and
and actors who performed plays, such as “O Principezinho”
teachers. On the 21st, Middle School celebrated the World
and “O Rei e a Estrela”. Sónia Borges taught the Middle
Poetry Day with an assembly, where students read poems
School students the art of illustration.
in different languages and enjoyed the visit of a Portuguese poet, João Pedro Mésseder. The creativity and the wonderful work of our students was displayed around the whole school. Poems and stories in different languages were true evidences of the cultural awareness and internationalism which characterizes. CLIP also participated in a charity campaign called “O Meu Primeiro Livro” whose aim was to offer books to schools in Mozambique and Cape Verde. This was our way to promote reading outside our school and especially to bring some joy and happiness to children who unfortunately do not have the means to buy their own books.
In the foyer there was a special tree made of recycled clothes’ hangers decorated with creative multilingual bookmarks done by our students.
Let’s Go to the Theatre! The Portuguese Department has organized some interesting school trips to the theatre: 26 & 27 January Os Agentes da Ordem Gramatical (Form 6); 7 March Auto da Barca do Inferno, Gil Vicente (Form 9); 9 March Ulisses (Form 5); 12 March Felizmente Há Luar! Luis de Sttau Monteiro (Form 11 & 12); 14 March Falar Verdade a Mentir, Almeida Garrett (Form 8).
Debating and Mun at Clip In line with CLIP’s mission of equipping our students for suc-
We have culminated this eventful year by organising the 1st
cess in a challenging world, a world that needs con-fident
CLIPMUN for Form 7 and Form 8.
leaders, skilled communicators, constructive team players
“On the day of the debating, 25th o f June, the Form 7s and 8s
and efficient problem solvers, participation in debates and
had their own countries for which they had done some research
MUNs (Model United Nations) offers students an opportu-
to solve particular issues involving their own committee, either
nity to strengthen their public speaking and debating skills
the Human Rights Committee or the Disarmament Commit-
while improving poise and confidence. Students can en-
tee. Throughout the day, the students became self-confident
hance their communications skills whilst also learning how
and brave enough to speak for their countries’ policies and be-
to receive constructive criticism and use it to improve their
liefs thus showing their public speaking skills.” (José Miguel
skills. The focus is on learning to construct and criticize argu-
Moura F10— CLIP MUN Secretary General).
ments in a logical fashion, which gives members the skills
Well done to all the students involved and a special mention
to evaluate and effectively articulate political or academic
to Ms Ferraz and her F9 and F10 students who, once again,
demonstrated their dedication and true clipper spirit by mak-
Throughout this school year, there were several of these
ing sure that things ran smoothly.
events in which our students participated with great success: BRAMUN, IMUN, PAMUN, OPOMUN, CICMUN and the recent Form 5 CBC debates. As this school year draws to a close, another is on the horizon. We have no doubt that this has been a very successful year which would not have been
“We have no doubt that this has been a very successful year...”
possible without the cooperation and dedication of all language teachers; the support and enthusiasm of parents and, above all, the will to learn and to be challenged of our students. We are looking forward to an even better 2012-13 school year. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Year in Review MTS Department
Cláudia Martins
Pedro Costa
Eduarda Serapicos
Diana Banho
Peter McCook
Inês Soares
Fátima Morais
Isabel Castro
Lisa Viana
Rainee Ambrose
Marco Meireles
Raquel Loureiro
Patrícia Pinto
Suzi Johnston
Susana Davidson
Let’s Plays Maths
Let’s go to the Zoo
Science Fair
Eco Saldo International
CLIUP students on tour at CERN
Maths Tournament
Annual Conference in
Scratch games and Robotics
Medieval Fair
MST Fair
MS activities F12 student at Universidade Católica
quality project
Balancing 2011-2012 school year Eduardo Serapicos, Teacher
Dear Parents, The end of the summer term was again a very busy time in the MST department. So much has happened! Our MST Fair was a great success thanks to the work done by all teachers and students involved. We had several fieldtrips and events happening throughout the year. The department would like to congratulate all the outstanding IGCSE/AICE results achieved by our students in the November session. The teachers would also like to acknowledge all our students who took the IGCSE and A level exams during the months of May and June. We are all proud of your hard work and know that you will be successful on your exams. Looking forward for the next school year. Have a great summer!
MST FAIR This year we have invited Dr. Alexandre Campos (CIIMAR) and Dr. Marcelo Barbosa (Faculdade de CiĂŞncias da Universidade do Porto) who were really amazed with
Once again middle school students got to play the role of scientist for a day. Judges really enjoyed seeing how students presented enthusiastically their projects.
the high quality projects and this idea was shared by all the other judges: middle and upper school teachers and laboratory technicians. We are very grateful to all the judges! We had well over 100 teams in the Science Fair! Students had to work on the Science Fair projects individually or in pairs to select topics, develop testable questions, understand the importance of following the scientific method, and practice presentations.
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Congratulations to all MS students. The school is very pleased with students projects presented at the Science Fair.
There was a wide variety of experiments presented such as a potato clock, bouncing eggs, plant studies, crystal formation, fruit batteries. Finally, I would like to congratulate our prize winners this year. They are: PRIZES OPEN CATEGORY 1stprize
Francisca Meireles, Isabel Neves and Catarina Araújo
Susana Gong and Mafalda Santiago
Becky Davidson and Francisco Soares
Promoting div ersity
Paulo Lemos and Juan Bellon
Tomás Azevedo
Tiago Cruz
HONORABLE MENTIONS Bruno Santos and Tomás Malheiro Gonçalo Barroso and Sofia Silva Juliana Fernandes and Beatriz Sardinha Carminho Tavares and Rita Barros
Maths Tournament This year while science fair projects were being judged other activities were held in the pavilion. A Mathematics tournament was organized to promote interest in mental maths and to reinforce the learning of maths through play.
Leonor Ferreira
Fernando Almeida
Daniel Almeida
José Coutinho
Juliana Fernandes
Diogo Lima
Clara Coutinho
Raquel Freitas
Gonçalo Guedes
Rita Barros
Roberto Pinto
Catarina Araújo
Pedro Lima
Ricardo Pinto
Ana Castiajo
Sofia Silva
Ângela Cruz
Pedro Moura
Maria Carvalho
Scratch Games And Robotics Also, games booths were set up with Scratch games developed by students during ICT lessons in order to show and celebrate talent in game design. Right in the center of the pavilion Robotics projects that were developed throughout the year in Technology lessons were proudly displayed.
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Let’s Play Maths The Supermatik contest, a Mental Mathematics Tournament, was held in the spring term by the Mathematics teachers. The following students have made it through to the International Grand Finals which was played on-line against students all over the world:
Filipe Chiou and Daniel Almeida
Lourenço Araújo and Clara Coutinho
Juliana Fernandes and Raquel Freitas
Inês Almeida and Álvaro Mota
Tiago Fernandes and Bruno Moreira
The examination consisted of 25 multiple question s and students had 75 minutes to complete this examination. The contest included algebra, geometr y, etc.
Congratulations to all students who completed it. They did an outstanding job!
Top names under one roof On the 17th and 18th of May 2012, our Form 9 students made part of a very participative audience at the EcoSaldo International Conference held at Parque Biológico de Gaia– Accounting the Green Economy. This conference, organized by Quercus and Gaia Municipality, had experts from several countries, elements of the Portuguese government who contributed to four plenary sessions. Experts such as Alexander Girvan, José Manuel Sobrinho and Sander Jacobs were part of the debate. The event also counted with the High Patronage of His Excellency The President. Our students were part of an integrated debate and had to discuss the importance of integrating the world’s climate and oceanic systems into the economy, moving towards a system that drives towards “ecosystem-service growth”.
Looking ahead!
Earth Condominium The Earth Condominium Project proposes that world’s climate and oceanic systems should be recognized as a Global Intangible Heritage of Mankind. In the four plenary sessions students had to address questions how to put in practice a locally based accounting system of our global relations.
Medieval Fair Tear the castle walls
Form 8 students had to build catapults to learn forces and motion. Perfumes and soaps were done in Medieval Ages Form 7 and Form 6 sold perfumes and soaps done by themselves. It was a huge success!
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Let’s go to the Zoo On the 27th of September, the Biology teacher, Mrs. Loureiro, took Form 9 students to the “Zoo de Santo Inácio”. This was an exciting and educational experience for our students who explored the Zoo and had the opportunity to learn more about species conservation and their habitats in an interesting workshop.
Our world is full of menaces to the survival of any living being, including the human species. We must do our best to avoid its extinction as living planet.
At the beginning of December, Computing students
Hands-on activities were developed in Middle School.
were invited by Dr. Verónica Orvalho, to be part of the
Mrs. Ambrose and Mr. Vicente, motivated Form 6 stu-
4th Annual Conference in Videogames, organized by
dents to build 3D cell models in order to have concrete
the Department of Computer Science of FCUP. Mr. Mc-
examples and a better understanding of this concept.
Cook felt it was a well organised and popular event. It was a well attended international event with delegates from Spain, France, and Austria. The lecture on Games
Design gave a very useful insight into what the career
Teaching Form 7 students all about healthy habits and
actually is and that it is a lot of work for very little reward.
how to use a food pyramid was exciting. During lessons
There are many constraints which puts a lot of pressure
students designed and created models of food pyra-
onto the designer. It’s not all fun and games! The ses-
mids and healthy plates using recycle materials. It was
sion on animatronics was interesting in that it showed
a pleasure to see the enthusiasm students have put in
how puppetry is moving into the 21st century.
their projects.
The last week of the first term Form 12 expanded their knowledge in carrying basic technique susedin genetics research, such as PCR, led by technicians from the Universidade Católica do Porto. Students were given the opportunity to feel like a real - life biologist /chemist.
Com o objetivo de proporcionar a todos os alunos do Colégio Luso Internacional do Porto uma vivência competitiva no âmbito do desporto federado ou similar, onde estão presentes todos os ingredientes que consideramos fundamentais para uma prática desportiva saudável, foi criada uma estrutura que nasceu do Desporto Escolar, as CLIP Teams.
Pedro Meireles, Area Leader
Com o objetivo de proporcionar a todos os alunos do Co-
As CLIP Teams respondem à filosofia do CLIP e têm
légio Luso Internacional do Porto uma vivência competi-
como objetivos:
tiva no âmbito do desporto federado ou similar, onde es-
Formar alunos/atletas nos valores do desporto e cidadania.
tão presentes todos os ingredientes que consideramos
Criar hábitos de prática de atividade física duradoura,
fundamentais para uma prática desportiva saudável, foi
que perdure mesmo depois do ciclo competitivo e esteja
criada uma estrutura que nasceu do Desporto Escolar,
presente no dia-a-dia da vida do jovem e adulto.
as CLIP Teams.
Proporcionar uma realidade competitiva diferente, que
Neste contexto, todas as crianças e jovens dos 4 aos 19
seja estimulante e ao mesmo tempo proporcione desa-
anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, independentemente
fios diversificados que levem a uma adaptação constan-
das suas capacidades desportivas, têm a possibilidade
te e a uma natural evolução.
de competir a um nível mais formal em três diferentes
Proporcionar aos nossos atletas contacto com outras
modalidades, duas coletivas (basquetebol e futebol) e a
realidades sociais e culturais, por meio de competições,
outra individual (natação).
torneios e formações em Portugal e no estrangeiro.
WE ARE ONE! Participação em competições e atividades CLIP Teams – Basquetebol Lisbon Sports Festival (Fall Tournament – Lisbon)/Lisbon Sports Festival (Varsity – Lisbon)/Benjamins Sports Festival (Oporto)/Oporto Sports Festival (Varsity – Oporto)/ Lisbon Sports Festival (Spring Tournament – Lisbon)/ Desporto Escolar (Public Schools – Oporto)/Desporto Escolar (Street Basket – Compal Air)/Competições Oficiais - Federação Portuguesa de Basquetebol/ Caracterização
Basketball Summer Camp N.B.A.
As CLIP Teams de Basquetebol, de Natação e de Fu-
(Campo de especialização para atletas
tebol integram as vertentes de lazer e a competitiva.
de basquetebol- Philadelphia 76ers)
Têm como público-alvo crianças e jovens do CLIP, assim como todas as crianças externas (que estejam identificadas com o nosso projecto), especializando-se no ensino e na prática do basquetebol, da natação e do futebol.
CLIP Teams – Natação Desporto Escolar Natação/Competição na Associação do Norte de Portugal (Provas Federadas).
Desta forma, proporciona-se o acesso à prática destas atividades desportivas a todas as crianças e jovens dos 4 aos 19 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, indepen-
CLIP Teams – Futebol
dentemente das suas capacidades, envolvendo-as na
Lisbon Sports Festival (Fall Tournament – Lisbon)/
prática do basquetebol, natação e futebol, a dois níveis
Lisbon Sports Festival (Varsity – Lisbon)/Benjamins
Sports Festival (Oporto)/Oporto Sports Festival (Varsity
no âmbito curricular (cuja organização é da responsabilidade do desporto escolar); e federado (cuja organização é da responsabilidade da
– Oporto)/Lisbon Sports Festival (Spring Tournament – Lisbon)/ Desporto Escolar (Public Schools – Oporto)/ Desporto Escolar/Campenato Apef/Convívio FCP/
Federação Portuguesa de Basquetebol, através da sua As-
Torneio de Futebol de Rua/Euro Cup Edition –
sociação de Basquetebol do Porto; da Federação Portugue-
MacDonalds/O Jogo na Escola/Torneio Kick Off/
sa de Natação, através da sua Associação de Natação do
Leixões Cup/Mini Liga do Futuro/Estrelinhas Cup Girls/
Norte de Portugal; e da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol,
Campeonato Carlos Alberto/ Compostela Cup.
através da sua Associação de Futebol do Porto) e diversos torneios de entidades particulares, respetivamente.
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Professional Growth and Development Commitment and Passion Julie Browett, Professional Growth and Development Leader
For people in any profession, remaining well informed
Teachers at CLIP are supported to develop goals for their
about the latest, research based developments is an im-
professional growth through an appraisal system that is
portant aspect of their work. CLIP has long recognised
directly linked to the programme of Professional Develop-
that professional learning for teachers makes a positive
ment. During the course of this last year teachers took part
impact on outcomes for students. To this end the school
in Professional Leaning Communities formed around pro-
has, over the years, appointed people with responsibility
fessional learning goals that they had in common. These
for professional development. In 2011-2012 CLIP reaf-
groups of teachers took part in a variety of activities that in-
firmed its commitment to this area by creating the full time
terwove professional study, reflection and the examination
role of Professional Growth and Development Leader.
of effective teaching practice across a broad range of areas.
School based professional learning is a powerful force for
In November CLIP took advantage of the close proximity of
increasing a school’s capacity to maintain high-quality in-
the European Council of International Schools’ Conference
struction. During the past year CLIP’s teachers have had
to send twelve teachers to Lisbon. On that occasion teach-
access to a programme of professional development that
ers were able to explore fresh possibilities, view an exhibition
supported priority areas such as cooperative learning and
of educational resources and network with colleagues from
brain based teaching methodologies, and included top-
other International Schools. Other members of staff have at-
ics as diverse as using internet based presentation tools,
tended professional development events in Vienna, Philadel-
effective classroom display and teaching methodologies
phia and Birmingham, UK. Teachers have also accessed the
that deepen student thinking.
latest in educational thinking through on-line courses.
As part of CLIP’s commitment to continual improvement in all areas of its operation, the provision of professional growth and development will be extended to nonteaching staff in 2012-2013 and beyond.
Solidarity Interact Year Inga Campos, form 12 This year Interact decided to open the doors to Form 10 students, allowing the group to grow even further. Throughout the year we got together on many occasions to organise fund-raising events to support those in need and we
As the hardship of those in need is not limited to Christ-
proved to be a proactive and very willing team.
mas, we felt it was important to continue raising money
The first event we organised was the Christmas Bazaar.
to support them.
As Christmas approaches, requests for help from fami-
On Valentine’s Day we provided a service of delivering
lies and institutions increase. This year we had our third
roses with a card and a chocolate to friends and loved-
and most popular bazaar yet. There was a competition
ones. More than 100 roses were delivered and €110
of Christmas masks, live music and dance from CLIP
were raised. Another event we were helping at was the
students, raffle tickets and 60 stalls selling all sorts of
Middle School Carnival party. All the students, teachers
things. It was a successful afternoon where we raised
and interact members dressed up and took part in the
approximately €2600! In addition to the bazaar, we
competition for the best-disguise and traditional games
asked the students to bring in a salted cod (bacalhau)
were organised to raise the spirit. Overall, we raised
portion each. We were able to collect about 150 por-
€320. We had our annual Art Auction on the 28th of
tions which were then given, together with bottles of
March. 30 art pieces created by students, parents and
olive oil and bolo-rei, to the Paróquia de Aldoar for their
a local artist were sold and we raised nearly €500 which
Christmas celebration. This institution organised a meal
were given to ASAS – Associação de Solidariedade e
for the 30 families it supports and at this meal some
Acção Social – in Santo Tirso.
members of Interact had the opportunity to help wrap-
More recently, we have helped the Casa do Vale to fix
ping presents for the children and serving at tables. With
their boiler and have paid for two trips the boys will have
part of the money raised from the Christmas Bazaar, we
this summer. They will go to the water park in Amarante
were able to buy a New Year’s hamper for each family.
for a day and to Pena Adventure Park for another!
Another Christmas celebration we were invited to was
All of the events ran smoothly, as we worked together
at the Casa do Vale which we have been supporting for
as a group with the helpful collaboration of teachers and
the past two years. We took presents for the boys sup-
ported by and living in the house and their happiness
Let’s hope next year these events are even more
was visible as they opened the gifts!
Middle School Kindness Week 2012 Patrícia Mesquita, Ms Pastoral Care Leader
This year, we celebrated the 7th Middle School Kind-
tuna and potato starch (fécula de batata). Each donation
ness Week from the 28th of May to the 1st of June.
contributed with a point towards the House of its donor.
Taking into consideration the current economic crisis and
The collection took place between the 28th and 31st of
the increasing number of families in need, we decided
May. At the beginning, donations were slow to arrive
to work with the institution Coração da Cidade. As you
but with the incentive work of the Middle School Form
may know, this institution operates in the Oporto city
Teachers and the little competition factor, the food col-
and part of their actions is to work with the Oporto com-
lection soon became a very visual tower of items for
munity by providing a series of services to needy fami-
each House. We managed to collect 1021 items in total!
lies. They give support to 1500 users of their services,
On Friday, 1st of June, students participated in Inter-
providing around 700 meals per day, distributing ham-
House teambuilding activities during the afternoon
pers to the unemployed families (500 children), providing
where they earned further House points and learned
medicines, layettes to the mothers with no resources
something more about sustainability and the importance
and several support services to children and young peo-
of team work. At the end all points were added and the
ple. Mrs Milene Gasparini, a CLIP mother who works
House winner ‘Kappa’ announced.
with this institution, was the mentor of this project and
On the following week, Mr. Amadeu Santos, a represent-
approached CLIP, confident in our willingness to help
ative from Coração da Cidade, came to the MS Assem-
and readiness to get things done.
bly to talk to our students about their project and collect
We accepted the challenge and our objective was to set
the contributions made. Students and teachers were de-
up a collection of much needed food items for Coração
lighted with his message and are looking forward to the
da Cidade, thus developing awareness to the social prob-
chance of doing something similar next year.
lems around us. Students were asked to contribute with listed non-perishable items and be part of the SUMMER INTER-HOUSE RACE FOR CHARITY. Coração da Cidade was especially in need of oil, rice, pasta, milk,
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To all the families that contributed to this activity, a big THANK YOU!
“ ...with the incentive work of the Middle School Form Teachers ... the food collection soon became a very visual tower of items for each House. We managed to collect 1021 items in total!� O
Food Collected by H ouse!
242 455
O 182 142 O
APPACDM --Porto Porto “Once I met them, I fell in love with them. They are so nice, so caring, always so happy that as soon as you enter any of the rooms of the institution you feel a warmth inside and you immediately feel at home ...” Débora Pinto, Form 11 During the month of June, along with a small group of
The group I spent my time with was a very active and inde-
students, I spent many of my mornings and afternoons
pendent one that was working on some hammers for S.
at an institution for mentally disabled people. At first we
João, so they worked with paper pulp to mold it and once
thought we would be dealing with children but when
dried, they painted it. During that month, I participated in
we found out there were only adults in that institution,
their activities including working with them making pots,
some of us got really stressed about it because we were
hammers, some paper flowers and all they had to do.
afraid we would not know how to act around them,
One of the mornings I went to a tennis lesson and was
but that feeling went away as soon as we met them.
amazed at how well some of them played, and the ones
Once I met them, I fell in love with them. They are so nice, so
with more physical difficulties did not let that affect them
caring, always so happy and funny that as soon as you enter
as their effort was as much or even more than the others.
any of the rooms of the institution you feel a warmth inside
I really enjoyed my experience with them as, in such a
and you immediately feel at home as they run up to you to
short time, they were able to make a difference in my life
ask who you are, tell you things about themselves, or they
and I know I will not forget them. I cannot put into words
just approach you to shake your hand or give you a kiss. I felt
how much I enjoyed spending time with them and how I
a lot more comfortable with all the caring I got from them.
looked forward to being with them every day.
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Inês Carvalho; Form 11 These past 3 weeks some Form 11 students have been faced with a challenging proposal. We were asked if we wanted to do volunteer work at APPACDM, an institu-
In APPACDM we learn how to deal with
tion that deals with people who have special needs and
special people. It is true that they have more
require our full attention. Before I began with this gratify-
difficulties than us in performing certain
ing job, without knowing what was expected of me or
tasks, but there is one thing that they surpass
even what to expect from them.
every single one of us, and that is in giving
I admit that at the beginning I was terrified and nervous,
out love.
as I did not know if I would be up to the challenge. As soon as I passed through the front door and took a first look I immediately realized that the only requirement for this job is LOVE. I can now say that it has been an amazing experience where I learned and received more than I taught and rendered.
Miguel Queiroz; Form 11
They are amazing people with a huge talent and capac-
What an experience! A group of CLIP students from
ity for making everyone around them feel captivated and
Form 11 were asked to do volunteer work at an associa-
incredibly amazed. My idea of them was completely
tion called APPACDM (Associação Portuguesa de Pais e
wrong. Deep inside, I thought of them as if they were
Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental). When we were
“coitadinhos”, because they would never be able to have
faced with this proposal, nobody thought of saying no,
a normal and stable life. I can now assure you they are
or even giving up, as we knew it would be a great experi-
more normal than many of us.
ence and we would learn to see the world through dif-
I will definitely try to continue working with them and
ferent eyes since many of us have never dealt with this
hope to be able to see their evolution. Each single one of
kind of people, people that in my opinion should not be
them left a fingerprint, and I will never forget them!
called “deficient”.
I would just like to say to all parents, students or even
In APPACDM we learn how to deal with special peo-
teachers who read this, I advise you all to spend at least
ple. It is true that they have more difficulties than us
one day with them and enjoy every moment. You will see
in performing certain tasks, but there is one thing that
what a single smile from us is able to change in their day.
they surpass every single one of us, and that is in giving out love. Franz Peter Schubert once said “some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and
“...I can now say that it has been an amazing experience where I learned and received more than I taught and rendered.”
we are never the same”, we all have changed. This was not my first time dealing with people like this, but I had never gone to an association and from this experience I know it will not be the last. It was amazing to see the excitement in their eyes when we arrived; it seemed that was almost the greatest moment of their day. We played with them, we made drawings, looked at car magazines, played football, helped to make ornaments for the popular saints and many other things. These 2 weeks have been excellent, full of joy, celebration and emotion. We created bonds, made friends and it was definitely an experience that we will never forget.
Social Awareness and Community Service Isabel Morgado, Coordinator ( Accreditation Chair)
Por vezes agimos sem pensar, naturalmente. Fazêmo-lo espontaneamente porque foi assim que nos ensinaram e o assumimos – ceder o lugar aos de mais idade, ouvir com respeito o que nos dizem, aceitar com tolerância opiniões ou atitutes distintas, ser humilde para aceitar a nos-
Atuar para Ser e Crescer é um caminho profícuo no Educar.
sa omissão ou desconhecimento, partilhar com os que menos têm, ser compassivo para com a ignorância, ter sentido de justiça, reconhecer os nossos e os direitos dos
outros, valorizar a nossa e a liberdade dos outros, enfim!
É neste espírito que, dando sequência a um projecto ini-
Mas nem sempre este sentido de dever / ser – em termos
ciado há dois anos pelo Colégio do Rosário, ao qual o co-
de carácter, de crenças e ou de ideais – acontece natural-
légio alemão do Porto deu continuidade no ano de 2011,
mente, acontecerá mais com uns do que com outros, ou
o CLIP assume a organização do Concerto Solidário (De-
não acontecerá de todo. Educar para crescer como ser hu-
zembro 2012) que, mais uma vez, juntará várias escolas
mano, em credibilidade não é fácil, é uma missão.
da cidade do Porto – a saber: Colégio do Rosário, Colégio Alemão do Porto, Colégio EFANOR, Oporto British
Sentido e sentimento que sempre estiveram presentes
School e Colégio Luso Internacional do Porto – com o
no CLIP, por vezes de forma mais discreta, outras com
objectivo de apoiar a APPACDM-Porto.
mais visibilidade: a celebração do Dia Internacional da Paz,
A realizar no dia 5 de Dezembro (4ª feira) num dos Audi-
o Christmas Bazaar / Ceia de Natal-Paróquia de Aldoar, a
tórios da Exponor, esta iniciativa tem como grande obje-
Kindness Week, serão, talvez, as que têm tido maior ex-
tivo angariar fundos para a grande obra de remodelação
posição. As outras, aparentemente de menor valor, são as
da piscina desta instituição. Como é do conhecimento
que verdadeiramente têm intervido – têm feito a diferença
geral a hidroterapia é um dos tratamentos mais impor-
– com as fragilidades da sociedade: o apoio ao Centro de
tantes para as crianças que esta instituição acolhe e ape-
Dia da freguesia de Aldoar, à APPACDM-Porto, ao Cora-
sar dos custos elevados desta obra, acreditamos que a
ção da Cidade e à Salvation Army mobilizaram muitos dos
primeira pedra “tem muita força” e que juntos faremos
nossos alunos da Upper School nas últimas semanas do
a diferença.
mês de Junho. À parte a doação de computadores ao IPO, a iniciativa de apoio à ASAS-Santo Tirso – nomeadamente
Esperamos já vos poder dar mais notícias ao lon-
a iniciativa de dois alunos da Lower School, o Christian e
go do mês de Setembro – contamos, naturalmente,
o Rodrigo, que transformaram a sua festa de anos num
com o desprendido apoio da Comunidade CLIP.
gesto de solidariedade: o valor das prendas para comprar alimentos … – a favor de quem reverteu o valor apurado pelo Art Auction e ainda a Casa do Vale – Crescer Ser, já nossa conhecida do ano passado.
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“Sentido e sentimento que sempre estiveram presentes no CLIP, por vezes de forma mais discreta, outras com mais visibilidade...�
OPOMUN Oporto Model United Nations 2 O12 Margarida Rosas Almeida, Form 12
Quoting the Vision and Mission of the school, CLIP envisag-
The delegates were surprised by an unusual and thrilling
es all its students as “confident leaders, skilled communica-
Crisis Scenario, which was staged by the chairs. They were
tors and efficient problem solvers”; it instills the importance
thrown into the hypothetical scenario of alien life on earth;
of “diversity of opinion and culture” and of “understanding
furthermore, such life had adverse effects on humans and
global issues”. The MUN wraps all these concepts that
a major pandemic was foreseen, threatening the whole of
have long been part of the academic experience at CLIP.
mankind. On the spot and with the weight of humanity on
The MUN – Model United Nations – is a simulation of the
their shoulders, students had to draw clear measures to
United Nations Organisation. During the conference, stu-
avoid such event.
dents, referred to as delegates, represent a country and are
Seeking improvement, the Approval Panel was introduced
challenged to seek solutions through discussion to reach a
for the first time in OPOMUN in which chaperones were
consensus about pressing matters.
encouraged to take on a more active role in the debate.
Since the young age of 13 I have been an avid delegate at
This process consisted of having the chaperones screening
several MUNs, including the highly regarded PAMUN (Par-
the clauses put forward by the delegates. Through a smart
is). Five years of experience later, I was invited to take on the
match between the chaperones’ efforts, the delegates’ ef-
privileged position of Secretary General at the 4th edition of
forts and that of the chairs, the debate flowed smoothly and
CLIP’s very own OPOMUN. It was challenging, yet a pleas-
to the point.
ure, to oversee all aspects of the program and to coordinate a centre for harmonizing the actions of model-nations. On the 8th, 9th and 10th of March, OPOMUN celebrated individuals who strive for peace and who follow a path of global awareness towards a utopian world. 140 students of 9 schools throughout the country engaged in deep discussion about varied issues: sovereignty over natural resources, street children, torture and inhuman punishment, climate change and nuclear weaponry. Intense discussions, constructive debate, powerful and practical solutions and the cooperation of parties towards strong and impacting resolutions prevailed in the conference.
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“... OPOMUN celebrated indivi duals who strive for peace and w ho follow a path of global aw areness towards a utopian world.”
Yet another novelty: OPOMUN 2012 opened, for the first
Slovenia, Finland, Portugal). She works on promoting the
time, applicant spots for chair positions for students from
work of the Anne Frank House in Hungary and throughout
schools other than CLIP. This brought OPOMUN a step
the Western Balkans.
further in its recognition and cooperation between other
To commemorate the constructive and successful debate,
delegations. The aim is certainly greatness and international
delegates, chaperones and guests dined on the top floor of
Casa da MĂşsica with a privileged view of beautiful Oporto.
OPOMUN2012 was marked by its esteemed guest speak-
Even at the dinner table, discussions were intense and on
er, Maja Nenadovic. This lady has been actively involved in
pressing issues.
debate since 1996 and is a founder, coach and adjudicator at many university debating-societies throughout Europe (the Netherlands, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo,
It is in order to say: motion for many other OPOMUN conferences to come!
Keynote speaker: Maja Nenadovic has been actively involved in debating since 1996, first as a debater in high school, and later as a founder, coach and adjudicator at many university debating societies throughout Europe (the
“Privileged” in the basic, literal meaning of the word stands for having special rights or advantages. Looking back at my childhood, I guess one could also have called
Netherlands, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
my family “privileged” because both of my parents had
Kosovo, Slovenia, Finland, Portugal). She
good jobs, I never lacked anything and always got the
is near-completion of her PhD in political
latest toys. But all of that changed once the war began.
science at the University of Amsterdam
And now, I guess this experience redefined my under-
and also works on promoting the work
standing of the word ‘privileged’. Now, I feel privileged
of the Anne Frank House in Hungary and
that I got the opportunity to talk to you all; I feel privi-
throughout the Western Balkans.
leged that I get to travel the world and discuss issues I feel are important with people from all walks of life, “young” and “old”, “well-off” or “disadvantaged”... and the reason why I am putting all these words in quotation marks, is because I am not sure what they mean. Just
Reflection from Maja Nenadovic on the OPOMUN
like many other words, they, too, are labels.
experience: And as I told one of you during our brief conversation in Dear all,
between sessions - do not let someone else’s label of
As a result of the talk I gave at the OPOMUN, and thanks
you define how you think and feel about yourself. All of us
to talking to many of you during the two days I spent in
will experience pain, adversity and face challenges that
Porto, there were certain thoughts brewing in my mind
seem beyond our comprehension or endurance - these
during my flight back to Budapest. Basically, I got stuck
are simply a part of life. However, I firmly believe that
on the word “privileged”. I realized, after careful consid-
adversity builds stamina and resilience, and expands our
eration, that I was not really sure what it meant.
horizons far more than a sheltered existence in which we continuously surround ourselves with the familiar, with
I have been told that there is a general perception that
the comfortable known. Attending the OPOMUN/CLIP
students from CLIP and from other international schools
(and other international schools present), your imagination
are considered “privileged” by other people and, from
receives plenty of stimulation and exercise. At the end of
having talked to you, I had the sense that this status, or
the day, it is not your background that determines who
this perception, was also internalized by many of you.
you are, but how you use what you have been given, the
In other words, many of you that I talked to referred to
good and the bad. The choice - and the responsibility
yourselves as “privileged”.
that comes with it - is yours alone.
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Sincerely, Maja
“... it is not your background that determines who you are, but how you use what you have been given, the good and the bad.�
MICC Model International Criminal Court
Berlin - Krzyzowa (7th January to 15th Jan' 2012) MICC is a simulation of the International Criminal
During my experience as a judge in the Model Interna-
Court for high school students and took place
tional Criminal Court in Krzyzowa, Poland, I was able not
in Krzyzowa (Poland). For five days, youngsters
only to interpret the law, assess the evidence presented
from Portugal, Hungary, Poland, and Germany
by both the prosecutors and members of defence as well
joined together and worked to prepare their
to meet new people, but above all to be more involved in
pleadings and strategy and explore their roles as
the human rights consciousness and ways to protect it.
prosecutors, members of the defense, judges or
In our trial simulations, which involved real historic cas-
members of the observing media in international
es, we were able to learn more about the conflict, who
teams. The simulation is embedded into a series
was to blame and also, to learn how the trial had to be
of workshops on human rights, the resistance
fair for there to be a sustainable justice.
movement against the Nazi regime and the
In the end and after a series of workshops and trainings
historic background of the cases, and legal and
which involved legal and rhetorical aspects we, the judg-
rhetoric training to learn how to adequately
es, were asked to produce a verdict about the case and
argue and debate their roles and cases. Subject
to decide whether the accused was guilty or not guilty
to the simulation are final pleadings of historic
depending on the conclusions we had reached, which
cases that were heard before the international tribunals, namely the Nuremberg Tribunal, the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) and the ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Ruanda).
To know more: http://www.model-icc.org/
Jo達o Afonso, Form 11
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had to be unanimous.
Viviana Barreira, Form 11
Kelly O’Neil, Form 11
During one week in January, a group of Form 10 and 11
MICC 2012 was one of the most enriching experiences
students represented CLIP for the first time at the Mod-
I have ever come across. Meeting people from different
el International Criminal Court. This event took place in
nationalities favoured an incredible cultural exchange at
Poland but the trip was complemented by a visit to the
many levels, including linguistic. Replaying old cases of
vibrant city of Berlin prior to the MICC. Personally, I have
crimes committed against humanity created awareness
great interest regarding the events of WWII and although
in me of the cruelty that mankind is capable of, both by
not within my area of studies, the historical background
the crimes committed and by the extreme punishments
and significance of the country was not overlooked. By
these criminals were forced to pay.
visiting Checkpoint Charlie and the Jewish Museum in
As a press member, I was able to cover the entire event.
Berlin we were exposed to a very shocking reality which
My main article, which I wrote with two other girls of dif-
not only gave us an insight of what we would be discuss-
ferent nationalities, and proudly inform was on the first
ing in Poland but also allowed for self-reflection and per-
page of our newspaper, demanded extensive research.
sonal growth. Once in Krzyzowa, we found the entire set
Being journalists, we were expected to be objective
up and environment of the trials very realistic and truly
even though we had our very strong opinions. Bearing in
felt the responsibility of the roles we played during the
mind these people are murderers, how are we expected
workshops and the preparation work. By being chosen
to state facts that will protect them from their well-de-
as main judge in my case, it was a requirement for me to
served sentences?
speak in public and this helped me boost my confidence
Visiting Berlin was historically enriching as my knowl-
and ease at speaking to an audience - a skill I have come
edge of Jewish history as well as the history of the city
to develop further. Finally, I strongly recommend anyone
itself has increased dramatically. Visiting the Berlin Wall,
who is interested in this type of activity to participate
the Checkpoint Charlie Museum and the Jewish Muse-
when given the opportunity.
um moved me as it reminded me of how cruel humanity has the potential to be. This trip was even more amazing due to the people that
I strongly recommen d anyone who is interested in this type of activity to participate when give n the opportunity!!!
went with me. They say: “If you want to know someone well, travel with them� and that is exactly what happened, making this one of the most exciting ones yet.
MICC MICC in Istanbul Istanbul in Francisco Couto, Form 11 I must confess that the “Pearl of the Bosphorus” over-
event consists of simulating the Criminal Courts set up to
whelmed my unprepared expectations. Actually, I had no
deal with the Nazis, the Yugoslavian War and the Rwan-
real or formulated expectation as to what I would face in
dan Genocide, as we take the roles of defence lawyers,
Istanbul, a city with a population almost twice that of Por-
prosecutors or judges. We were introduced to the Rome
tugal. I guess that I foresaw quite a mess, a lot of confusion
Statute (the document that serves as the guide for In-
and degradation, and I must confide that I was anticipating
ternational Law), and were given in-depth training about
facing a much more “Muslim” society, one in which people
each case, not only about the people being Accused, but
practised their religion in a more custom-obeying manner
what actually happened during the conflict as well.
(that was actually the only aspect of Istanbul that I imag-
I stayed there with a group of people whom I had already
ined clearly in my head, probably influenced by a trip that I
met in Poland, which consisted of 1 Portuguese, 2 Hungar-
took to Tunisia a few years back).
ians, 3 Germans, 2 Polish and 2 Turkish citizens, all teenag-
Nevertheless, what I beheld during my short stay in the
ers, all speaking different languages. However, during that
city that has been home to three different empires (the
almost-week that we spent together, all cultural/linguistic
Byzantine, the Ottoman and the Roman empires) blew
barriers were overcome and we bonded to form a tempo-
my mind to an enormous extent. Where I expected to
rary family. Indeed, what is not temporary, rather perma-
confront mess I saw a balanced equilibrium between an
nent, is the friendship that we formed, and all the great
enormous mixture of religions, traditions, cultures and
moments and laughs and jokes that we all shared.
nationalities. Where I expected to meet degradation I
Now comes the boring part where I am supposed to
saw beauty to its greatest extent, both in ancient and
refer to all the skills and knowledge that I learned and
new infrastructures, from brand new bridges across the
developed in this experience abroad, historical facts and
Bosphorus that illuminated the night with a majestic
public speaking being those that immediately come to
combination of colours, to embassies and consulates
my mind. Nevertheless, I feel that this is indeed the least
located in ancient palaces, with delicate yet imperial fa-
important aspect of my trip, which was, on the whole, a
çades. I did face a huge amount of confusion, especially
fantastic and priceless experience. I place a much greater
regarding the hectic traffic jams at any time of the day (at
importance on the cultural knowledge that I gained from
one in the morning for example), which is an irresolvable
witnessing first hand the Istanbul culture, a unique one,
issue for a city that dates back to 6700 BC, and that truly
unparalleled in any other major city in the world, than the
never falls asleep.
things that I re-learned about the Rwandan Genocide. I
Regarding the Islamic religion, I did not behold what I was
also consider the bonds that I formed to be much more
expecting: the reality is that most Muslim people actually
important to the person that I am than the ten minutes of
are not very compliant with the sacred traditions of their
speaking in front of a crowd of fifty. It’s my perspective,
religion, making Turkey an abnormal Islamic country, as
you can argue against it or agree with it, but the truth is
people are more moderate (more Westernized).
that “the city where the 2 continents meet” fulfilled me,
I went to Istanbul during the first week of my Spring
and I believe that it will also fulfil any other person who
break – I was there for six days – as a follow up to the
embarks on a fantastically rewarding adventure through
Model International Criminal Court project that five other
its historic, ancient streets.
CLIP students and I took part in (in Poland). This type of
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Global Citizenship
The students speak Victória Paes de Faria and Jocelino Rodrigues, Head girl and Head Boy 2O11-2O12
This year’s prefect body was challenged right from the start. After having assessed the action of prefects in the last couple of years as being unsuccessful, an ultimatum was launched by the heads of the school – this would be the last year of prefects at CLIP unless something changed drastically! What better way to bring about this sudden change than
What makes a good leader?
Is one born a leader or is
that a skill that can be acquired?
to renovate the Prefect Oath? After thorough brainstorming
Leadership is a key
and several drafts we came up with a more current, up-to-
concept that everyone who considers taking on a posi-
date oath that reflected the school’s principles and mission.
tion of importance at CLIP is encouraged to thoroughly
This way, everyone understood the meaning of what they
understand. Whether this may be Head Girl, Head Boy,
pledged which made a huge difference.
prefects or class representatives, one must understand
Having been subjected to a rocky start with such a heavy
and possess the whole package.
load being dropped on our backs made the prefect body
This “package” refers to the group of principles and
stronger, more focused on every task. In an attempt to prove
skills that build up the character of a good leader. These
to the school what the prefect body was capable of, we
include being humble, managing people, tackling prob-
managed to work our way to success throughout the year.
lems diplomatically, speaking in front of a crowd, having a very clear sense of what is acceptable and what is not, respecting in order to be respected… A leader must be regarded as a role model, someone who others trust and feel comfortable following. As Head Boy and Head Girl, throughout the year it has been our role to lead the prefect body through our numerous initiatives. To do so, we devised a series of strategies in order to facilitate our job. Apart from the usual meetings, for the first time, the creation of Prefects 2011-2012 facebook group proved itself as an extremely useful organizational tool. In an era where everyone is on facebook, it only seemed relevant to take advantage of this social network in order to keep prefects constantly updated and on the same page.
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Stepping up on certain occasions is what differentiates some students from the rest. This year’s forum play gave a group of students the chance to step up and take charge. Due to the lack of commitment on the part of Form 12 students at the beginning of the year, the play was cancelled. Not having had a play the year before, we did not want to leave school without a play, so we schedOur first initiative was related to bullying - not that bul-
uled multiple rehearsals after class and got the play to be
lying was ever a big issue at CLIP, but we wanted to
postponed to mid-January. However, the first cancella-
make the school’s environment an even safer one for
tion was not warning enough for those who missed re-
students by creating true awareness to this issue. We
hearsals, and the play was cancelled for a second time.
have always defended the idea that the best way to act
Again, we did not back down and made some changes.
against a problem is through prevention. Because of this,
We cut some unnecessary scenes and, unfortunately,
the Anti-Bullying Movement was put into practice at the
had to let go of those who did not show dedication to-
start of the year and targeted specifically at the middle-
wards the common goal. A student was put in charge
school - the age group where bullying is most easily rec-
of the choreographies for all the songs, others brought
ognizable. Our project consisted of putting up posters
us the props required, and it was only after organising
throughout the school with short, meaningful sentences
a couple of weekend rehearsals with Mrs. Guedes that
featuring a sad image portraying a child who had been
Mrs. Silva was convinced of our efforts and brought the
crying. This made it more identifiable, creating empathy
play back. We tried to get everybody involved as much
among students. We also prepared a presentation for a
as possible, and we believe we speak on behalf of every-
Middle-School assembly and collaborated with Ms. Fer-
one when we say the play was worth fighting for. In the
raz who had a lively production on “Friendship”. Further-
end we were all proud of what we had done and not only
more, an email was created in case someone witnessed
did it definitely bring our year group together, but also
something worth telling a responsible adult.
the forum as a whole.
Another new venture that the prefect body decided to
This year, we wanted to show a different prefect body,
pursue was to reach the lower school age group and in-
one that proved our oath right, and raised the bar for the
crease our influence in the school. This project started
years to come. When we were told that the future of pre-
later on in the year, but was off to a positive start with
fects at CLIP was in our hands that came as an incentive.
the lower school prefects helping out the form teachers
We hope this is the start of a new era of prefects: one
in Forms 3 and 4 with reading, games and other tasks
with prefects that are more driven to be role models and
the teacher would find useful.
work effortlessly for the betterment of the school.
Hopefully, both these projects will be followed through next year and, who knows, developed even further. Two aspects that both of us developed this year were persuasion and negotiation. With this, we go back to the beginning of the year where the idea of bringing a hoodie to school came up. It had already been thought of years ago, but we were insistent on having it this year. We had a meeting with Mrs. Silva and Mr. Francisco Marques, along with the prefects, to present a model of the hooded sweatshirt and propose rules for its use at school. It was a long process... Nevertheless, after changing some details, it was
We trust we have done our utmost to leave our mark at CLIP and wish good luck to those who follow!
accepted and implemented for both Form 12s and Form 11s. Mr. Francisco Marques has contacted the manufacturer about selling them next year in CLIP Shop.
COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Rúben Cabral, Professor, Clip’s Founder
Honorable Members of the Board
How to manage the emergence of a desired future?
Headmaster, Masters, Faculty & Students
When we look at our lives today it seems that some-
Distinguished Guests
thing went wrong, really wrong. Does this mean that we
have willed a world of suffering, turmoil and fear? Does
Ladies and Gentlement,
this mean that we have wished for people to be out of
Karl Popper, perhaps the most discerning philosopher of
jobs, to live diminished dreams, to feel lost in the midst
science of the 20th century, wrote that the present is an
of a world that, just months ago, seemed happy, durable
appeal from the future rather than a push from the past.
and secure?
And so it is. Therefore, let’s us not speak of the past, nor of the present as an autonomous phenomenon, but of
Ouvimos falar em mudanças de paradigma, no advento
the days to come.
dum novo mundo, na necessidade de se reinventar a política, as lógicas económicas, a própria sociedade. Tudo
Falaremos do futuro como algo que nasce das nossas
isso é verdade, mas não completamente. É verdade que a
mãos e nunca como um destino dizível e inevitável. O
ciência nos demonstra que o mundo formatado, certinho,
mundo que temos é o mundo que nós, todos nós, seis
previsível, racionalizado à nossa medida, não faz mais sen-
biliões de gente, continuamos a fazer. É um mundo vivo,
tido. É verdade que o mundo como realidade emergente
diverso, praticamente imprevisível, dinâmico, totalmente
foi sempre o nosso mundo, por muito que o quiséssemos
interligado, inesperado, vibrante, complexo e, sobretudo,
enfiar em caixinhas. Mas se sabemos isso tudo, porque é
emergente. É um mundo que não pode ser controlado,
que nos encontramos de novo no meio deste fenómeno de
mas que tem de ser gerido.
caos instável, a que chamamos crise?
“A new generation of Clippers graduates today. A head of you a whole life of learning, for learning is one of the basic definitions of life.”
One of the reasons, not the only one but perhaps the most relevant, is the continued disconnection between the science that we know and what is taught in schools. There continues to be a sharp distinction between schooling and education, between a prescribed textbook world and the world out there. We have schools - primary, secondary and tertiary - that are structured, engineered and managed as if they were factories designed to produce professionals. Professionals cannot be produced, they develop and construct themselves. Schools,
A new generation of Clippers graduates today. A head
therefore, cannot be factories but settings in space and
of you a whole life of learning, for learning is one of the
time for learning.
basic definitions of life. This, however, is easier said than done. Most universities will offer you classes that may
O CLIP foi fundado nesta premissa, na decisão cons-
be important but seldom relevant, professors with vary-
ciente de que se o Norte empresarial deste país pudesse
ing degrees of knowing, experiences that may entice
ter futuro, teríamos de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de
but not challenge. I am fully aware of these frailties, for
gerações de profissionais capazes de aprender a ver, a
over the past nine years I had to refound, structure and
inventar, a gerir o inesperado das situações. Um grupo
give life to a university in China. The moments of frustra-
siginificativo de industriais desta cidade perceberam que
tion and futility far outnumber those of creation and ac-
a gestão por receitas prescritas não funcionava, nem
complishment. We may have the vision, the tenacity and
nunca tinha funcionado. Lembro-me de numa reunião no
even, sometimes, the wisdom to design and construct
Vimeiro, num daqueles chamados mini-Davos, um em-
the place where each today is the construction of to-
presário declarar que a indústria tinha abdicado das duas
morrow. Nothing, however, can be done in isolation. We
próximas gerações de portugueses, dada a instrução
need partners in this journey. It is not easy, however, to
escolar que haviam recebido. Pouco mudou nos quase
find the right companions. Some of the people are will-
vinte anos que separam este momento desse outro. Em
ing to try and to learn. Others will try by following. Most
muitos casos houve mesmo retrocesso.
will ask for a job description and a textbook.
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Que fazer? Há capacidades que podemos desenvolver
If a better world is to be built, the proven and tried reci-
por nós próprios. Aliás a maior parte daquilo que ireis
pes of the past will not serve us well. Creativity is not the
aprender não vos será ensinado nas escolas. Deixo-vos
materialization of things out of thin air. Creativity is the
três das muitas capacidades que tereis de dominar:
capacity to take what we have, to consider what we see and to come to a new, perhaps deeper understanding
A capacidade de ver
of the phenomenon at hand. This capacity to see new possible configurations of already existing realities and how they may inter-related to create new patterns is fundamental for the emergence of a world that is more
Foi uma criança que disse que o rei ia nu. Ela, liberta ain-
humane, more just, and definitely sustainable.
da das formatações escolares, conseguia ver. Os adultos socializados e escolarizados viram outras coisas, sobretudo aquilo que esperavam que fosse visto. A verdadeira educação não nos ensina uma matriz do mundo, mas a
A Sustentabilidade da Visão
capacidade de o descobrir. A visão geralmente nasce dum sonho, mas não é uma This capacity to see is what Freire defines as the naming of
sonho. Muito menos um desejo. Jamais o desenvolvi-
the world. The capacity to see beyond today. The tenacity
mento de lógicas ilógicas. Construir modelos económi-
to build today the better world of tomorrow. The dialogical
cos baseados na lógica de que os preços das casas iriam
process of building a dynamic community. The capacity to
subir indefinidamente, desafia os limites da paciência
see is not merely to look at something and to describe it, but
humana, mas foi exactamente esta e outras ilógicas que
to understand a phenomenon within its multiple contexts,
prevaleceram durante os últimos vinte anos e que nos
to invent its possible configurations, to discern the ways of
ajudaram a chegar às situações que vivemos hoje.
knowing that may transform a gaze into a vision. You must be able to see.
We dreamed a world where our whims and desires could become real. The means seemed to be at hand:
O papel da escola neste processo de desenvolvimento é
banks willing, even unethically desirous to lend, and gov-
crucial, porque a nossa capacidade de ver é influenciada
ernments piling ever greater amounts of debt to engage
por todos os nossos contextos. Noutras palavras: Nós não
in the building of grandiose physical and social projects.
vemos sozinhos. Para que possamos ver com clareza, se
Vast numbers of people seemed to be happy and imper-
possível com clarividência, a escola tem de criar contextos
vious to any serious critical argument, but it was clear
que permitam o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico,
that this world was completely unsustainable.
livre e aberto à invenção. Isto, todavia, raramente acontece. A escolaridade, tanto pública como privada, está altamente regimentada e raramente permite tais experiências. Dá-se a primazia ao saber coisas, como se isso produzisse uma compreensão inventiva do mundo. O CLIP foi estruturado para criar contextos de aprendizagem em que os alunos deveriam ser considerados como parceiros e, muitas vezes, como os autores e actores das suas próprias aprendizagens. Contextos como estes criam algumas ansiedades e inseguranças em pais e professores, mas como aprender a viver em liberdade se nos mantivermos em contextos contidos?
Conceber um mundo finito baseado em modelos econó-
Nós poderemos ter a liberdade, mas não temos o direito
micos de crescimento infinito, é pura tolice. Chris Mar-
de ter visões insustentáveis. This does not mean that
tenson1 escreve o seguinte:
we have to dream smaller dreams, only that we have to think more ethically. To think ethically requires a special
One thing that we lack on earth, however, is an ex-
kind of strength.
ample of something growing exponentially forever. Exponential growth is always self-limiting and is usually relatively short in duration. Nothing can grow forever, yet somehow that’s exactly what we expect
A resiliência
and require of our economy. Failure is usually a dramatic issue for most westerners. E mais adiante2:
The statistics show that it takes a few failures for anyone to succeed. On the street where I lived in Macau
Growth is so central to our economic models and
several businesses opened and failed. Nobody went into
thinking that many economists will, with completely
depression. They just started another business some-
straight faces, refer to recessions as periods of “neg-
where else. To my knowledge, psychologists and other
ative growth.”
therapists are not a highly procured profession in China. People are resilient and they know that failure is an inevi-
Um mundo sustentável tem de ser um mundo credível. Pre-
table part of success. They know that growth alone does
cisamos, por isso, de outras maneiras de ver, de modelos
not bring about prosperity. They know that sustainable
dinâmicos capazes de nos ajudarem a gerir a emergência
success is extremely hard to achieve alone.
que caracteriza a nossa vida pessoal, social e global. Uma lógica de prosperidade, por exemplo, é muito mais credí-
Viver em comunidade requer serviço e partilha. É esta
vel que uma de crescimento infinito. Recorrendo de novo
a base da resiliência: a capacidade de resistência e de
a Martenson3:
desenvolvimento, a vontade de partilhar recursos em momentos de carestia, de fruir conjuntamente da abun-
Growth does not equal prosperity. (...) If growth in
dância, acima de tudo, de sermos verdadeiros.
structures and population could bring prosperity, then Quito, Ecuador, and Calcutta, India, would be
Let me finish with a quote from Shakespeare, taken from
among the most prosperous places on earth. But
his masterful play Hamlet: To thine ownself be true! Para
they’re not. (...) Growth alone does not bring prosper-
contigo próprio sê verdadeiro!
ity, and, worse, growth can steal from prosperity if there aren’t enough resources to support both.
Dear Graduands: To thine ownselves be true, for if you are true to yourself you will be true to others and this is
Prosperity does not mean growth at all costs, for it im-
the foundation of community living and a path to pros-
plies other forms of happiness, accomplishment and
perity. To get ahead does not mean that you have to be
sustainable living. In a world of dwindling resources
ahead of everybody else. Sharing is the norm in the most
being sustainable means sharing, inventiveness, and a
advance forms of technology, marketing and prosperous
strong sense of community. There is nothing new about
living. The Port Winers of the 18th century understood
this. We lived in such a context for millenia. We still do it
this as they created the philosophy of the Factory House:
in countless places. A vision of life that strives for having
Advertise the product not the brand and all will prosper.
more and more is basically unethical.
Martenson, Chris (2011). The unsustainable future of our economy,
energy, and environment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kindle ebook: loc. 693-701. 2
Op. Cit., locs 939-48
Op. Cit., locs 1003-11
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I wish you a happy and prosperous life.
“Precisamos ... de modelos dinâmicos capazes de nos ajudarem a gerir a emergência que caracteriza a nossa vida pessoal, social e global.”
Head’s Address for Commencement As we know education to be an organic process CLIP is continually reinventing itself, taking on different forms, renewing cells, adapting to stimuli and external influences and always seeking to evolve into a superior form of life which will be resistant in the
the physicists; to Poland for role playing in an international
face of new challenges, as it has done
court; cultural exchanges to Spain and London as well as ex-
successfully for 21 years!
ploring local and national areas have enriched the students and the community. We continue working towards sustainability through our eco schools programme which is an area dear to our hearts and one which needs to grow in the future.
Lydia E’Silva, Head of School
In order to ensure the authenticity of our Mission Statement and that the whole CLIP community shares and believes in it we continue to work towards fulfilling our
Good Evening all member of CLIP community, our
promise to the young people who enter at 3 years of age
speaker Dr Ruben Cabral and invited guests.
and leave at 17. What an awesome responsibility! We have
Here we are for the 21st celebration of commencement at
been examining each section of the mission statement and
CLIP- we have come of age and what a fulfilling and event-
connecting all aspects of curricular/extra and Co-curricular
ful year it has been. Besides striving for academic excel-
programmes to it, thus ensuring we are "walking the talk".
lence CLIPPERS have shone on the sports field; created
The graduands seated on stage today will bear testimony to
magic through drama, music & art and have fought for
our contributions to their lives and we ask ourselves if each
human rights & to make the world a better place through
has been Challenged (in every sense of the word); has been
the Model United Nations sessions held in Lisbon, Paris
equipped with the tools, drive and resilience to be lifelong
& Porto. The involvement of CLIPPERS in all aspects of
learners and is sufficiently internationally minded to be the
community service through fundraising is laudable but,
principled citizen we would like him/her to be.
more importantly, many students have been proactively
As we know education to be an organic process CLIP is
involved on a personal level in helping those less fortu-
continually reinventing itself, taking on different forms, re-
nate than themselves in a variety of ways. Furthermore,
newing cells, adapting to stimuli and external influences
the fact we are working more closely with other private
and always seeking to evolve into a superior form of life
schools in Porto has enabled CLIP to participate in several
which will be resistant in the face of new challenges, as
projects in a broader, more far reaching way. Students are
it has done successfully for 21 years! In order to do this
learning to respect difference in culture, religion, language
the school requires a clear vision, informed and creative
and learning. External trips to visit CERN in Switzerland by
leadership and courage to face the odds in a crisis.
CLIP has assumed a very clear Governance and Leader-
The CIS accreditation process which started approxi-
ship model with the CLIP LEADERSHIP TEAM (CLT) on
mately 3 years ago has aided our deep self-reflection,
which the CEO, elected by the Board, serves as a perma-
confirming our strengths and highlighting areas requiring
nent member. This team, consisting of the Head & CEO
attention/training/changing. It is essential that we look
together with the 4 School Directors and 2 seconded
outwards as well as inwards as we refine our product but
members, Isabel Morgado and Julie Browett, leads the
we are assuming CLIP’s educational model and philoso-
pedagogical project and represents a width & breadth
phy and not an externally imposed one and are seeking to
of talent, experience and expertise to ensure we move
make it more coherent, efficient and pedagogically sound.
forward confidently and competently and that there will
To this end all staff, including myself, are under-going per-
be continuity for the future. The CEO&HEAD work very
sonal reflection, setting ourselves developmental goals
closely to ensure coherence in all policy decisions and that
and will be appraised by line managers in the context of
the newly elected Board, that is responsible for wise in-
trust, professional growth and a shared belief in life-long
vestment and all strategic decisions, is kept fully informed.
learning and that teaching is both an art and a science re-
Since its inception CLIP has rejected the industrial mod-
quiring constant updates of what is occurring in education
el of education and has rocked the status quo in Porto,
research, in the work place and how we can best prepare
based on scientific research, cutting edge methodologies
the students for their realities. I would like to take this op-
and placing learning at the centre of all planning and activi-
portunity to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who
ties. Some of the vision has become a little blurred but we
works within CLIP. Without your dedication, hard work
have our lenses back in place; know who we are and for
and belief in our vision, we would not be in the strong
what we stand. We have always believed in the following
position we are today.
as expressed by Sir Ken Robinson: “The fact is that given
In order for us to live up to our motto “WE ARE ONE” a
the challenges we face, education does not need to be
great deal of work still needs to be done. We are not as
Reformed - it needs to be TRANSFORMED. The key to
inclusive as we wish to be and we are well aware that
this transformation is NOT to standardize education but
to be “internationally minded” requires a great deal of
to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the
thought and effort on the part of the whole community.
individual talent of each child, to put study into an environ-
It is particularly in this domain that we would like to have
ment where they can learn and where they naturally dis-
more proactive involvement on the part of parents in a
cover their true passions”. In a time of crisis the knee jerk
partnership working towards the common goal which is
reaction is to become more conservative and predictable,
to ensure our children become creative, principled and
as is clearly visible in schools throughout Portugal. CLIP
fulfilled members of society who will make a difference
is not going to do this as we will not compromise quality
as so many alumni are doing, in both the workplace and
for expediency. In the words of T.S. Eliot - “it is a fact that
as caring human beings. Congratulations and the best of
part of the function of education is to help us escape, not
luck on the next part of your journey, CLIPPERS. We look
from our own time-for we are bound by that- but from the
forward to hearing from and of you in the future
intellectual & emotional limitations of our time”.
Thank you.
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To the graduands – a few words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama: “One of the unique things about humanity is the special human brain. We have the capacity to think and to memorize. We have something that can have very special qualities. Because of that, education becomes very important. I believe that education is like an instrument. Whether that instrument, that device, is used properly or constructively or in a different way depends on the user. We have education on the one hand; on the other hand, we have a good person. A good person means someone with a good heart, a sense of caring for the welfare others, a sense of commitment, a sense of responsibility. Education and a warm, compassionate heart, -if you combine these two, then your education, your knowledge, will be constructive. Then you will yourself become a happy person. If you have only education and knowledge and a lack of the other side, then you may not be a happy, contented person, but a person of mental unrest, of frustration. This will always happen. Not only that, but if you combine these two, your whole life will be a constructive and happy one enabling you to be of immense benefit to society and the betterment of humanity. That is one of my fundamental beliefs: that a good heart, a warm heart, a compassionate heart, is still teachable. Please combine these two.�
Valedictorian Speech “Looking back, I realize that having been subjected to such a multicultural mix at a very young age was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.” Victória Paes de Faria, Form 12
Throughout the years the school encouraged us to look
Fellow colleagues, parents, teachers and staff,
tion conferences amongst many other initiatives were
Good evening,
crucial in allowing us to familiarize ourselves with for-
I would like to start by sharing with you what I consider
eign policies and international relations. This encouraged
to be a piece of childhood ignorance. You see, when
open minds, international minds…
I was 4 years old I had an odd notion of the world. I
The world became smaller and smaller as we connected
thought that every country was its own planet and so
the dots. We realized that come the age of internet, every-
people had to travel by rockets to visit other nations. You
thing became linked; that a change anywhere in the world
can imagine the excitement that swept through me the
would ultimately set off a series of changes elsewhere.
first time my parents told me we were going to Spain for
Which brings me to the sub-topic I wish to address: change.
the holidays...
Changes in the world are accompanied by changes in
When I came in contact with CLIP for the first time, I
our lives.
soon realized that I had it all wrong. My perception of
We have undergone so many of them that it is easy to
the world could not be further from the truth. The school
identify what has changed. However, at this point in time
itself was the perfect example of a global village. I had
it seems relevant to ask what is change? Such an ab-
teachers and peers from all over the world that spoke
stract concept… It may be subtle as a breeze, predicta-
alien like languages. Everyone was so different, yet unit-
ble as the rising tide, as sudden as a storm. Of course, all
ed. Looking back, I realize that having been subjected to
of that is figurative and arguable. The only way by which
such a multicultural mix at a very young age was one of
change can truthfully be described is as being inevitable.
the best things that has ever happened to me.
It cannot be dodged and so we must embrace it.
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at life from a global perspective, to always look at the bigger picture. LTR lessons as well as Model United Na-
Winston Churchill once said that “there is nothing wrong with change, if it’s in the right direction”. Truth be told, most of the time what’s most important is not the change itself, but our attitudes towards it.
Winston Churchill once said that “there is nothing wrong with change, if it’s in the right direction”. Truth be told, most of the time what’s most important is not the change itself, but our attitudes towards it. With change
Mudança. Mudança de língua, metamorfose de pensa-
often comes choice. A choice which will be made based
mento... Algo que nos ensinam neste colégio é que não
on our personalities, backgrounds and education.
devemos ter medo da mudança. Muito, pelo contrário,
Our success is conditioned by the ability to adapt to a
devemos estar preparados para a encarar e adaptarmo-
constantly molding reality. What was true 100 years ago
-nos a ela.
today no longer applies. In fact, what was required of us
Nasci em 1994 e estudo no CLIP desde 1999. Apenas
just 5, 10 years ago is no longer the same. Did you know
conheço os meus pais há cinco anos mais do que aque-
that the top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 did not even exist
les que passei neste colégio. Será, portanto, correto di-
before 2004? Like everything, the job market is suscep-
zer que tenho uma família muito grande.
tible to constant change. As you can see, we are being
Juntos, mudámos de casa três vezes até chegarmos a
prepared for jobs that do not yet exist. This would not
este esplendoroso edifício. O otimismo com que enca-
be possible without an open mind, without the ability to
rámos as mudanças constantes tornou-nos mais unidos
think beyond borders.
enquanto escola - perdão… família. Foi convosco que cresci, me tornei bilingue, aprendi a estudar, tomei consciência do mundo que me rodeia. Foi aqui que adquiri a sede insaciável pelo saber e aprender. Foi aqui que pas-
sei a olhar para o mundo com olhos de ver. To finish off, I would like to leave you with a few words by Dailai Lama that I believe are appropriate for the occasion. “Open your arms to change but don’t let go
of your values”. Going to university, moving abroad, taking jobs overseas…This is the beginning of new beginnings. As principled global citizens we are prepared to face every challenge without ever forgetting who we are and where we’re going.
Thank you. 107
Salutatorian Speech Looking ahead! Success is about pushing yourself forward to complete that extra mile, never content with what you have and always being hungry for more, seizing every opportunity to grow, both as a scholar and as a person, attaining that determining edge which is fundamental to being happy and successful and to have the competitive edge.
In a period where economic recession dominates many of our discussions, this crisis has become the big bad wolf for our generation. The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it. We’ve been doing so, preparing for what’s to come, in becoming the versatile and over-
Maria Sousa, Form 12
achieving group we are now. We leave here carrying a
As typical of speeches, I have chosen a quote not from
is the wisdom of the future. Here we stand, with houses
a great philosopher or an inspiring renascence figure. I
made of solid rock, no wolf can tear asunder.
bring you a quote from a 7-times Mr Olympia, Mr Uni-
There was a baseball player, who was afraid of running
verse, published writer, iconic actor and former gover-
past first base. One day, fighting against the public’s mis-
nor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger said “life is
conceptions and his own uncertainties, he decided to at-
continuously being hungry”. In fact he was not referring
tempt running towards the second base. He struck the
to his bodybuilder metabolism. Success is about push-
ball hard and ran. Midway, he fell to the floor. All his fears
ing yourself forward to complete that extra mile, never
had caught up with him and he was lying on sand, crying
content with what you have and always being hungry
his heart out. Everyone around him laughed, not because
for more, seizing every opportunity to grow, both as a
he had fallen, but because he had no idea what had really
scholar and as a person, attaining that determining edge
happened. He’d scored a homerun! This serves not only
which is fundamental to being happy and successful and
as a metaphor but as a lesson. Believe that you can do
to have the competitive edge. Being hungry and setting
it, because no one else will do it for you. Your determina-
challenging goals for oneself pushes one to new hori-
tion and resolve alone will help you overcome the limita-
zons. I know I am preaching to the choir as we are the
tions you face. Don’t be afraid to fall because sooner or
class of 2012, the best there was and ever will be.
later you’ll score a home run.
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new perception of the future, always remembering what we’ve built and never forgetting that the error of the past
E aqui estamos nós, os futuros médicos, economistas, engenheiros, arquitetos, concorrentes a ídolos…Não podemos, contudo, esquecer o nosso percurso, que nos trouxe aqui, a este palco, de onde sentimos o pulsar de toda a escola.
Não somos apenas o ano que esteve nos 4 edifícios
Neste momento tão importante para todos nós, estou
diferentes, mas um ano que aprendeu a lutar pelo que
confiante que o substrato final da nossa carreira aca-
queria. Fomos pioneiros na forma como abordámos os
démica é muito mais do que um conjunto de fórmulas,
problemas, na persistência, na perseverança, acreditan-
equações e definições, um saber impingido à força, a
do sempre que podíamos alterar aspectos nucleares da
partir de um modelo imposto. Afinal uma pergunta as-
nossa vida académica. E, com harmonia e coesão, assim
tuta é ainda melhor do que uma resposta na ponta da
o fizemos.
lingua. Ao tornármo-nos Clippers, tornamo-nos pesso-
É tudo isto que eu levo destes anos, aqui no CLIP.
as que não sabem apenas o que é a taxa Euribor, mas
Aprendi a dar valor ao pensamento crítico, analítico e
sabem também como isso os afecta. Não sabem ape-
antidogmático, ferramentas essenciais na procura do co-
nas que o sal provoca retenção de líquidos, mas sabem
nhecimento deste mundo que nos rodeia e que está em
também dizer porque é que isso acontece. Não sabem
constante mutação. Tenho de agradecer aos professores
apenas que o Principezinho é a história da viagem de
que tive, que me deram muito mais do que tinham obri-
um menino, mas sabem também a grande metáfora por
gação de dar, e que, acima de tudo, se tornaram meus
detrás da história. Acima de tudo somos construtores
amigos, moldando-me e ajudando-me a ser melhor en-
do futuro, edificando valores e ideias vanguardistas, com
quanto aluno e pessoa. Estava longe de imaginar que a
uma conduta digna e vertical como único sustento de
vinda para o Clip implicaria um desafio desta dimensão.
uma conquista construtiva.
Afinal, sobram as palavras que tudo reduzem ao lugar comum. Talvez vos consiga expressar o que sinto, o que todos sentimos, através do brilho dos meus olhos e desta imensa vontade de saber e de perguntar.
Class Address Speech FOREVER A CLIPPER Jocelino Rodrigues, Form 12 Dear teachers, parents, guests, and fellow classmates, As you all know, today marks the end of yet another year and although it’s tough to realize that you may not see everyone’s faces as often as you used to, it’s comforting to know that in a few years the world will clearly have a crop of successful professionals. This stage is filled
They capture an everyday moment in time and, although
with students pursuing a diverse range of careers. In the
some of us may not care for taking pictures – whether
scientific area, we have doctors, engineers and a physi-
because we find it boring or inconvenient at that instant
cist; in humanities, we have business persons, psycholo-
in time- later on we are sure to either, cry or laugh at
gists, hotel managers and lawyers; in the arts we have
certain misguided choices made by ourselves or by our
designers and a talented musical theatre performing art-
peers. Whether these include a couple of students who
ist; and finally, in sports, we may even have upcoming
had an odd obsession for learning the German language
football players. So, as you can see, the talent up here
because of Tokio Hotel, or because today some of us re-
is undeniable and all of these students have done their
alize we should have cut our hair more often or use less
utmost to fully explore their natural potential and thrive.
hair gel that one day... none of that really matters. These
I have to say that it’s moments like this one today that
things we all say we wish we could go back and change,
bring a feeling of nostalgia, especially when you look
are in fact, memories we want to cherish. Deep down,
back at the years spent at CLIP. I believe the pinnacle
we do want to go back, but not for change, we just want
of this feeling happened yesterday during this year’s fi-
to re-live our happiest moments and today we do just
nal assembly. You know, photographs are funny things.
that. We remind ourselves of our times here at CLIP and celebrate, trying to, but never being able to steer clear of the unavoidable; the inevitable path of every student. Leaving CLIP and having to move on.
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Leaving CLIP and having to move on. Nevertheless, we’re still a couple of speeches and songs
is a bittersweet moment to be up here today. We are
away from the end, so let’s not hang on to those words
all completing this phase in our lives, full of hopes and
just yet. The crying comes in the end, not in the in-be-
aspirations, while simultaneously, paving a way towards
tween, so let’s recall what has happened this year. After
a new phase where we will embrace more demand-
much insistence and negotiation with Mrs. Silva, a sen-
ing challenges, projects and responsibilities. Having sat
ior hoodie was implemented; now it’s in the hands of
down looking at us from where you all are now, I can tell
Mrs. Silva to see if it will be a part of the school uniform
you that this stage is filled with a characteristic sense of
next year and it’s up to Dr. Francisco Marques to inflate
accomplishment as each of us fight for our own dreams;
the price by 400% and sell it in CLIPShop. I have to say
dreams that were born during our journey at CLIP and
it would be great to see that happen. We also had the
developed into inspiration over time, as we recognize
forum play, and interestingly enough it was cancelled,
that it’s those dreams that motivated us during our time
then postponed, then cancelled again and then brought
here, and will continue to motivate us throughout the
back. Quite a rollercoaster there, but, since we hadn’t
rest of our lives.
had a play the year before, we had a tight group that per-
With this, and on behalf of the seniors, I would like to
sisted with this common objective. Even though there
thank everyone, without exception, who has been a part
were some lines missed out in scenes and one or two
of our lives here at CLIP and have given their contribu-
dance routines that could have been more rehearsed,
tion to what we are today; thank you for caring for us
we showed how committed we were to having a Fo-
and for highlighting the qualities that each individual up
rum play. I believe it was one of the moments this year
here has, whether that is through academics, leadership,
that most brought our year group together as we tried
sports or arts.
to get everyone involved and have students dance and
I would also like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Silva
act with other people who in normal circumstances they
and Mrs. Guedes for guiding me in my task as head
wouldn’t talk to much. The play was followed by a Forum
boy throughout the year, as well as to Victória Faria, our
dinner in a restaurant that apparently had failed to pay its
head girl and to the deputies, Francisco Couto and Kelly
electricity bills, so we dined together by candlelight and
O’neill, for their consistent assistance.
that summed up what was a great evening. In the end,
Last, but not least, a huge thank you to my parents and
the joint effort was worth it and we were all proud of
sister for all their loving support.
what we had accomplished.
To the senior year students, I wish you all good luck with
Now, with the prefect body, we wanted to be seen as
your endeavours and hope you accomplish what you’re
a pro-active and innovative group of students who left
striving for.
their mark in this school, so we started an anti-bullying
As the great Bob Dylan once said: “May you always be
movement and became more involved with the lower
courageous, stand upright and be strong, may you stay
school community, both of which had optimistic starts
forever young.”
and will hopefully be followed through by next year’s prefect body. So, put in a nutshell, it was a positive and fruitful year. And, don’t forget, we still have Mallorca to look forward to.
Thank you.
But now, on a more serious note, I have to say that it
Class Address Speech “I’m here today graduating High School. And somewhere along the way, I found myself: I’m Margarida, I want to be a doctor”
Margarida Rosas Almeida, Form 12 Dear ALL
music nerds, science nerds, drama nerds, art nerds…
It’s no secret that I’ve always dreamed of stepping up to
THIS is an absolutely over the top group of students and
this podium. I’ve thought of it virtually almost every night
are genuinely some of the best people I’ve ever met.
since I went to my very first Commencement. When I
When I finished school I was COMPLETELY lost – and by
was asked to make the Commencement speech I im-
school I mean Lower School. I went through the entire
mediately said yes. Well, one of the skills that we for-
careers’ list: from wanting to be a scientist, a teacher, an
tunately acquire at CLIP is making a speech. We learn
actress – although I have absolutely no acting skills –, a
that a good starting point for a speech is to state the
dolphin instructor… you name it! I was afraid of Middle
dictionary definition of the issue being tackled. Sadly
School and becoming even more confused but I found
enough, after 13 years at CLIP, I still don’t own an Eng-
it in me to go ahead and face it. It didn’t go too bad;
lish dictionary – shame on me – so I had to break down
I’m here today graduating High School. And somewhere
the word myself to find out the meaning. Commence-
along the way, I found myself: I’m Margarida, I want to
ment: common and cement. Common cement? There’s
be a doctor, I love Indian food and I can’t wear lab gog-
that! Obviously I’m not getting anywhere so maybe my
gles because my nose bridge is too large… Sounds like I
speech-making skills are not that great. Anyway… I’m
really know myself right?... I’m sorry to tell you class – or
honoured to speak at 2012’s common-cement.
not so sorry – that we have absolutely NO idea who we
I am here because of you. I cannot think of a more tena-
are. It’s frightening – I’m frightened – but CLIP has pro-
cious and brilliant graduating class. I mean, look at you…
vided us all the tools for our survival out there. To tell you
I can feel the potential and talent from where I’m stand-
blankly, at the time Ellen DeGeneres was our age she
ing. (To audience) Take a good look at these students…
was dating men! So, what I’m saying is that by the time
You could never tell that they are all nerds: hidden nerds,
you’re older, most of you will be gay… or not. As long as
proud nerds, successful nerds. Above all, all kinds of nerds:
you’re true to yourself.
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CLIP has shown us the path to success. When I was
Não podia deixar o pódio esta noite sem vos dirigir umas
younger I thought that “when I grow up, I wanna be fa-
palavras em português. Acima de tudo, sem dirigir à mi-
mous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies, when I
nha avó umas palavras em português. A ela – que esteve
grow up, I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna
sempre presente em todos os momentos do meu per-
have boobies”… yeah, I’m quoting the “Pussycat Dolls”
curso académico que regra geral são em inglês, e que,
there. But my idea of success is different today. At CLIP we
aliás, esteve presente em qualquer outro momento da
learn the formula of success: passion times talent times
minha vida – devo-lhe no mínimo um grande obrigada
effort to the power of 10. Success is to live your life with
esta noite. Muito obrigada aos meus pais, à minha famí-
integrity and not to give in to peer pressure and try to be
lia, que apenas há minutos atrás, quando se sentaram e
something that you’re not; success is to live your life as an
leram o programa deste evento, souberam que eu iria
honest and compassionate person, to contribute in some
subir esta noite, a este palco. Surpresa!
way. My advice is: follow your passion, stay true to yourself
Thank you to all the faculty and staff. You have all been
and never follow someone else’s path – unless you’re in
truly amazing.
the woods and you’re lost and you see a path, then by all
Above all, thank you: colleagues, peers, FRIENDS. It
means you should follow that.
has been one hell of a ride! To conclude my common-
As you all know, the economy is booming, the job market is
cement speech I guess that the only thing left to say is:
wide open, the planet is just fine!... Now seriously, these are hard times for dreamers. And “you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”… Never quit your dreams, believe in yourselves as I’ve always believed in you. If you’re down, you’ll always have this home I like to call CLIP to come to. WE will always have each other to lean on.
“goodbye my lovers, goodbye my friends, you have been the ones, you have been the ones for me”. Muito obrigada e até sempre!
Middle School Valedictorian Speech F8 final year assembly speech “It was in Middle School that we made our long-lasting friendships that until now still stand strong ... that we became who we are today.” Maria Raquel Freitas 8HMC First of all I would like to say that I’m very proud of having
still stand strong; that we laughed so hard that no noise
the honor to receive this award which I have been look-
came out; that we cried so deeply; that we became who
ing forward to all year. Words cannot explain how happy
we are today. I think that all Form 8s will agree that Mid-
I am. I would also like to thank everyone that has helped
dle School passed in a blink of an eye. So an advice to all
me throughout this outstanding year: my teachers, all
of you is to take advantage of it all, because when you
the way from Lower School until now; my friends that
least expect, it can all be over. Ending Middle School is
always kept me motivated and supported me and my
closing a door which doesn’t want to be closed; which
family. Looking back on all these years, I have to say that
still has so much to give....
I can’t believe we are going to Upper School. Only yes-
Being a Clipper is pride. It’s where we come from; our
terday we were heading towards Mr. Castro, Mr Vicente
homeland. And for those who are leaving this year: don’t
and Ms Green’s classrooms, so excited to discover in
think you’ll stop being a Clipper; because this is a title
which class we belonged and now I’m doing a speech in
that stays forever; wherever you are.
our Final Middle School Assembly...?!
Finally, I can consider that we are all ready to face the chal-
Middle School has been an amazing experience, in which
lenges that life has for us and we say goodbye to Middle
we keep our best memories. It was in Middle School
School; but not forever because forever is a long time.
that we made our long-lasting friendships that until now
Thank you ! 115
O hospitalcuf porto e o institutocuf dispõem de uma oferta complementar de serviços que inclui o Atendimento Permanente de Adultos e Crianças, Maternidade, Consulta de todas as especialidades, Bloco de Partos, Bloco Operatório, Internamento, Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos, Crianças e Neonatais, Medicina Física e Reabilitação, todos os meios de diagnóstico e terapêutica e muito mais, em duas Unidades de Saúde de excelência clínica equipadas com tecnologia de última geração para dar os melhores cuidados de saúde a toda a família.
New Directions for CLIP’s Media Resource Centres COMMUNITY! Julie Browett, Professional Growth and Development Leader
When people returned to CLIP for 2012-2013, they could not help but notice the summer makeover of the Upper and Middle School Media Resource Centre. This redevelopment was driven by a tireless group of people who took into account the views of students, teachers and other staff, sought architectural and technical advice, and read recent publications about effective school Media Resource Centres.
The Lower School too has reviewed the use of its Media Resource Centre and has already enacted some of its action plan during 2011-2012. Highlights have included par-
The physical redevelopment of the Upper School and
ents sharing favourite stories from their cultural heritage
Middle School Media Resource Centre is just the tip of
with students, author visits and the use of the “Reading
the iceberg. There has also been a comprehensive re-
Park” and the “Reading Café”. Autumn Term 2012-2013
view of the functioning of the Upper and Middle School
will see the physical revitalisation of the Lower School
Media Resource Centre and an action plan has been
Media Resource Centre.
drawn up that covers diverse areas of its operation. Students, teachers and parents can expect to see more Students will be encouraged to develop pride and owner-
changes in CLIP’s Media Resource Centres as plans
ship of the Upper and Middle School Media Resource Cen-
come to fruition. The involvement of a parent focus
tre by volunteering to become trained Assistant Student
group will add further vigour to the process. Such col-
Librarians, whose role will be significant in the Centre’s
laborations between members of the CLIP community
various activities. Additionally, in an exciting joint venture
will result in the two Media Resource Centre becoming
with CLIP’s Visual Arts teachers, students will design and
truly vibrant places that support students to become
make banners representing text genres that will then hang
“challenged”, “lifelong learners” who are equipped for
in the Upper and Middle School Media Resource Centre.
success in an international world.
CLIP did not, until the beginning of the school year, have an efficient and interesting way to record and pass on all the great and fun activities. João António Carvalho, Form 9 The second Millennium was the turning point. The begin-
the great and fun activities we held at our school, following
ning of the 21st Century brought us many changes and in-
that recent trend of visual and interesting content. After all,
novations that for sure will set the benchmark for changes
The Oporto International School is, indeed, full of talent.
and improvements yet to come. It was the decade of smart
We have beautiful voices, fantastic actors and excellent de-
phones, touch screens and social networks like Facebook
baters. There had to be a away to spread all of this. Overall,
and Twitter. Together with social networking, video and
CLIP required an internal group, supported by the school
interactive content took such importance that “posting”
but flexible enough to be self-sustainable, with its own or-
alone is not enough. Small video clips or pictures work
ganization, own co-coordinators and “trained” personnel.
as an added value. However, this is not limited to Social
Picking up this idea and to fill this enormous gap, the Media
Networks. Companies, governments and schools have,
Club was formed! Since the 19th September of 2011, we
in recent years, adopted a new way to communicate with
have been “framing life’s greatest moments”. This is our
clients, citizens and school community, in that order. In a
motto. CLIP is full of these moments. It might be OPO-
world that is becoming more and more competitive, small
MUN, perhaps the Upper School play or, who knows, the
details can make all the difference. In this same world, pen
Science Fair. They’re all great. It is the combination of both
and paper are becoming less important, giving room to
the students ‘work and teachers’ dedication and support
visual content - Media content.
being shown to the school community. There had to be a
CLIP did not, until the beginning of the school year, have
record of that.
an efficient and interesting way to record and pass on all
118 clip clipinin. october . octoberoutubro outubro2012 2012
“framing life’s greatest mom
Like other school events, the Media Club is also about the cooperation between students and teachers. Like other school events, the Media Club is also about the
fight on. Together with the Board of Directors, we over-
cooperation between students and teachers. In the begin-
came legal issues and managed to post videos - type
ning, Mr. Carl Tavares and a group of 3 students - André
“mediaclubclip” in YouTube’s search box!
Fernandes, José Pedro Pinto and João António Carvalho
Finally, there is the future which awaits us. Now, we
- who now form our Club’s executive board - joined to-
face the summer holidays! Some of us are even going to
gether wishing to create a Club that was from students
come after school is over. When we are back in Septem-
to students. However, this was only the beginning. Later,
ber, we will continue our work avoiding previous mis-
more students joined and, with the key help of Mr. Gus-
takes (because we did make mistakes).
tavo Castro we have managed to address Journalism as
This is also the opportunity to thank the school for letting
part of our spectrum of operation. Now, Mr. Carl Tavares
this happen. Moreover, a special thanks to Mr. Edwin
continues to brilliantly guide students in their mission, hav-
Kolen for his immense support when we attempted to
ing in his hands the hard task of sharing work between
create a YouTube Channel and his amazing help by telling
members, ensuring that at one point everyone is involved,
the community about us. Also, Mrs. Silva, our Head, for
including our most Junior students who will, hopefully, be
letting this entire project move forward against all odds
the Media Club’s “geniuses” when they get to the Upper
that did appear in our path. Finally, thank you to all the
School. Moreover, Mr. Castro has been keenly helping with
teachers who already requested our services and never
the way the Club is organized, brightly informing the “sen-
stopped believing us. To all of you, our deepest thanks.
ior” members of activities happening in the earlier Middle
Last but not the least, I must especially mention the
School years and alike.
Media Club members who are leaving CLIP this school
It is time to look back at everything that we did during
year – António Ferreira and Cameron Evans – for their
this year and reflect. First, and humbleness apart, we did
outstanding contribution during our inaugural year.
a great job. I might be suspect since I contributed to the
For me, this school year was just fantastic. My Form
Media Club’s start. However, there is proof. After almost
9 was perhaps my best year at CLIP yet. It combined
10 months of operation, the Media Club transformed the
the perfect mix between the pressure and responsibility
way the school embraces Media content. It provided for
of creating something new with the pleasure of seeing
many a place which we call “home” within CLIP. We
something grow when you know you are part of its foun-
were able to build a reputation. Some of our members
dation. It has been awesome to be part of such a Club.
are now seen as the Media Club itself. Nothing makes
My greatest and only wish is that it will continue for the
us feel better. It is fulfilling to be seen by the school
years to come so that future generations can experience
community as a trustworthy Club that provides quality
what I have experienced. Thank you CLIP for being the
despite time constraints. In the beginning, we had very
amazing school you are!
little. We have grown. We now have better equipment
And by the way, we might have a surprise for the school
and truly committed people - a sincere thank you to Dr.
community when they are back in September… some-
Francisco Marques who played a major part, allowing
thing completely new in our school!...
us to grow by providing us with equipment. The Media Club did almost everything it could do - plays, OPOMUN, Comenius, CLIPMUN, competitions... We fought and will
119 119
CLIP 路 The Oporto International School
The CLIP Community Handbook has been completely and thoroughly reviewed. The CLIP Community Handbook serves the whole CLIP community - students, staff, parents and families - and is the first and principal reference point for all matters. It contains important information on many school aspects, such as an overview of the curriculum, assessment, rules and regulations. It is available to be consulted on the CLIP website - have a browse!
CLIP ALUMNI Antigos alunos querem ser mentores A Alumni do CLIP conta neste momento com 600 membros distribuídos pelo mundo, a estudar/trabalhar em diferentes sectores de atividade e diferentes áreas. Por isso, a pergunta que se impõe é: como poderemos capitalizar toda esta diversidade e know-how no desenvolvimento dos atuais alunos?
Uma das iniciativas que vamos lançar brevemente é um Clube de Mentoring. Discutida a ideia com o CLIP, que achou a iniciativa extremamente relevante, decidimos que o foco, para já, serão os alunos do 10º, 11º e 12º anos. Esta iniciativa tem como objetivo o advisory/acompanhamento dos alunos nos seus processos de tomada de decisão, nomeadamente, disciplinas, áreas de estudo, faculdades, cursos... Neste momento estamos a desenvolver a plataforma informática que dará suporte ao clube e a recolher informação dos vários mentores. Em breve, apresentaremos a ideia no CLIP, num evento com pais e alunos. Até breve e boas férias!
124 clip in . october outubro 2012
Banda do CLIP lança primeiro CD com concertos na FNAC e na Casa da Música
O primeiro CD da banda portuense é composto por seis temas, cinco dos quais covers de grupos e músicos que Vera Roquette, Clip Clubs Coordinator
influenciaram o panorama da música internacional, como The Beatles, Radiohead ou Ray Charles, e um original da autoria do vocalista Martim Rôla, «Gig On The Roof». Ao fim de um ano de trabalho a compor e a ensaiar, no Centro de Música do CLIP e em estúdio, os Cardboard
«CARDBOARD» é o nome do primeiro
lançaram o disco de estreia no mercado nacional, com
trabalho discográfico dos Cardboard, banda
uma edição limitada de 200 cópias.
nascida em 2008 no seio dos CLIPclubs. O
A agenda dos Cardboard até ao final do mês de julho
CD de estreia do grupo de alunos do CLIP,
esteve ainda preenchida com um concerto de apresen-
com idades entre os 12 e os 14 anos, já
tação do disco «CARDBOARD» no palco SuperBock da
está à venda na loja do CLIP e está também
Casa da Música, dia 25 de julho, pelas 22h30.
disponível na loja da FNAC do GaiaShopping.
A banda portuense é composta por Pedro Lima (violon-
Produzido pelo músico Dan McAlister, o
celo), Fernando Almeida (guitarra), Rodrigo Pinto (piano),
disco foi apresentado, dia 7 de julho na FNAC
Tomás Nobre (bateria), João Martins (baixo), Martim
de Gaia e dia 25 de julho na Casa da Música.
Rôla (guitarra e voz) e Inês Morais (voz).
No dia 28 de junho, quinta-feira, teve lugar um miniconcerto no auditório do CLIP, pelas 18h00, com sessão de autógrafos.
SummerCLIP repleto repleto de de SummerCLIP emoções ee novidades novidades emoções decorreu durante durante estas estas férias férias decorreu com uma uma adesão adesão incrível! incrível! com s o n a 4 1 s o 3a Com uma média de 150 participações por semana, entre Cast e publicidade, Raf Park, British Council,
os 3 e os 14 anos de idade, o Summer CLIP foi um êxito!
foram as grandes novidades deste ano.
Os insufláveis no playground fizeram as delícias dos
Como resultado final os shows de 6ª feira
mais pequeninos. Os nossos acampamentos de 5ª feira,
foram surpreendentes e de excelente
que contaram com 60 participantes por semana, inclui-
ram laser tag (paintball nocturno a laser), fear factor e sustos de verdade! Umas férias bem passadas onde o tempo pode ser quantificado em conhecimentos, novas experiências e muitos amigos.
Novidades na Música e no Desporto 2012/13 Aulas de grupo em baterias digitais e uma nova banda Pop Rock nascem este ano no CLIP. A partir de 2012 o CLIP é também um clube de natação! Procura o teu professor de natação e pertence às nossas equipas.
baterias digitais + nova banda Pop Rock + clube de natação 126 clip in . october outubro 2012
“Umas férias bem passadas onde o tempo pode ser quantificado em conhecimentos, novas experiências e muitos amigos.”
Notícias do Desporto
Excelentes classificações dos nossos atletas e professores de Esgrima, Kungfu, Gym Mix, e Ténis. O Kung fu, por se tratar de uma modalidade desportiva que obriga a um elevado padrão de disciplina, perseveNa esgrima, o nosso Professor Álvaro Noite
rança e espírito de sacrifício, e por envolver a assimilação
distinguiu-se esta época no campeonato
de importantes valores e princípios da filosofia oriental,
nacional com um 1º lugar absoluto ! Venham
tem-se revelado em inúmeras situações uma ferramenta
praticar esgrima no CLIP com o Campeão
extremamente benéfica na correcção comportamental.
Nacional 2011.
As aulas decorrem sob a orientação Técnica do Prof. Nuno Terroia, Campeão do Mundo de Kung Fu Tradicional 2000 e Deca Campeão Nacional na modalidade de combates.
Destacamos ainda que no vasto leque de alunos formados nas turmas dos CLIPclubs se encontram vários atletas com títulos conquistados:
-Um Campeão Nacional e um terceiro lugar, obtidos no Campeonato Nacional Esperanças de Wu shu / Kung Fu 2O1 O; - Dois primeiros lugares, obtidos na gala ibérica de Light Contact em 2O1 O; -Um primeiro lugar, dois segundos e dois terceiros, obtidos no torneio internacional (Dragon Tiger Kung Fu Cup) realizado em Fevereiro de 2O11. 128 clip in . october outubro 2012
As atletas de Gym Mix venceram por equipas o torneio GimnoJunior na modalidade de mini trampolim. Parabéns meninas e treinadores!!! No ténis os nossos atletas alcançaram excelentes resultados sendo de realçar as brilhantes prestações em torneios regionais, inter-regionais e nacionais de: Tiago Ferreira em sub-8 e sub-10 Tiago Ribeiro em sub-10 Tomás Pessanha em sub-10
O atleta Tiago Ribeiro foi convidado pela Federação Portuguesa de Ténis para participar nos estágios da Seleção Nacional ... parabéns Tiago! 129
CLIP, S.A - Rua de Vila Nova, 1071 4100-506 Porto, Portugal info@clip.pt Tel. +351 226 199 160 / Fax. +351 226 199 169
ADMINISTRADOR Francisco Marques da Silva
COLABORAÇÃO Educadores, docentes e não docentes, alunos, antigos alunos, pais, individualidades e entidades convidadas
FOTOGRAFIA Ângela Azevedo, Clip Media Club (especial agradecimento)
TIRAGEM 1500 exemplares
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