institutional brochure

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It gives us great d

pleasure to welcome d

you to the CLIP - Oporto d International Schoold It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to

Our teaching and learning methodologies are

the CLIP - Oporto International School.

regularly re-examined to provide better edu-

The education offered at CLIP instils self-confi-

cational practice. Our teachers are highly qual-

dence, integrity and leadership in students. All

ified, experienced, innovative and caring.

pupils are valued, encouraged, challenged and

The wellbeing of the whole child is paramount

supported through their development.They

at CLIP. ‘We Are One’ (from our school song)

are taught to become independent and critical

in nurturing and promoting an environment in

thinkers, responsible team players and princi-

which children are pastorally secure and that is

pled citizens.

welcoming, warm and positive. We firmly be-

Emphasis is placed on the teaching of creative

lieve that student wellbeing is central to both

and lateral thinking and all areas of the cur-

learning and school improvement.

riculum are supported by the latest technol-

At CLIP, education is viewed as a partnership

ogy. Our success as a school is dependent on

in which parents and the school work closely

constant planning, research and evaluation.

together to ensure the success of each child.


CLIP was established in 1990 (school year 199091) and today has approximately 650 students, aged 3 to 18, from 25 different countries. The vast majority of our students, however, are Portuguese. All students are provided with an education which promotes the highest academic standards within a learning culture that is explicitly international-minded.

In 2009 CLIP applied for candidate status for accreditation by the Council of Intenational Schools (CIS). The process of self-study is well under way and we hope to see this process completed in 2012-2013.

All students ared

provided with and education whichd

promotes the highestd academic standardsd


CLIP . Institucional brochure

CLIP’s premises are situated in one of the most desirable areas of Porto and constitute an important architectural project. With an area of more than 25.000m2, CLIP offers excellent conditions to accommodate its students.






Designed to be a multi-functional space, offering a wide range of uses, CLIP was built essentially with the pursuit of excellence in mind. The building boasts the most advanced technology, providing efficiency and comfort at the highest level, and is fully adapted to users of all ages.

CLIP was builtd Ground Floor: 200-seat Auditorium; 100-seat Amphitheatres (2); Canteens (2) and Industrial Kitchen; CafĂŠ, Music Centre, Art Rooms (2), Offices and Meeting rooms, Covered car park (18 parking places), a 25 metre heated Indoor


with the pursuit ofd

excellence in mindd

swimming pool.

Floor 1: Entrance hall, Classrooms, 500-seat Multi-purpose pavilion, Offices, Multimedia laboratories, Physics laboratory, Photocopy centre, CLIP Shop.

Floor 2: Administration offices, Staf room, Students’ common room, Biology and Chemistry laboratories, Libraries, Classrooms.

Outdoor facilities: Tennis courts (2), Football pitch, Athletics track, Wall climbing and abseiling.



centre of teaching andd learningd


CLIP . Institucional brochure



become an exemplary

ec ell Int

The Vision for CLIP is tod

tu al Res ilience

ti na r e Int


novation, international-mindedness, academic

no va ti



motes open minds for the future through inexcellence and intellectual resilience.

on a l m ind e



teaching and learning, which nurtures and pro-

en c e

to (CLIP) is to become an exemplary centre of

Ex cell

The Vision for the International School of Opor-



CLIP believes the future will be shaped by individuals who will meet the challenges of the 21st century through versatile intellectual competence, a passion for discovery, increased social



fairness and uncompromising commitment. The Mission of the International School of Oporto is to nurture and inspire such individuals through the provision of a challenging, inclusive international education through which:


All are Challenged

All are Lifelong learners

All are Internationally minded All are Principled citizens This education is provided by teams of out-

CLIP offers a challenging, coherent programme

standing, well-resourced teachers, working in

of academics, arts, sports and service, from Pre-

world-class innovative learning environments

Kindergarten through Grade 12, through which:

in a safe, secure campus. All learners’ needs are supported, their perspectives sought and respected and their qualThe school experience is shaped by a spirit of

ities valued and nurtured;

community, characterized by students, parents, faculty and staff working together to achieve

All learners make annual learning progress

our goal of developing independent learners

through the achievement of specific, appro-

who possess the knowledge, values and skills

priate learning targets;

to make a difference in the world. All learners have multiple opportunities to succeed and to secure their best future.


All learners develop a d

personal code of ethics,d respect for diversityd

of opinion and culture,d empathy for othersd All learners are equipped for success in a challenging world. They are confident leaders, skilled communicators, constructive team players and efficient problem solvers. They have a critical self-awareness and adapt successfully to changing situations.

All learners develop a personal code of ethics, respect for diversity of opinion and culture, empathy for others, an age-appropriate understanding of global issues and a disposition towards positive community participation.


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Academic Excellence The attainment of

Democracy: CLIP recognizes the role of pu-

the highest academic standards through a

pils, teachers and parents in the educational

stringent and fully integrated curriculum

process. Therefore, the governance of CLIP

that stresses personal excellence and team

is based on a democratic model for decision-



Learning to Learn The content of the various

Ethical and Moral Development: The over-

subjects is developing at such a rate that an

all development of students demands a solid

encyclopaedic approach to education is now

and dynamic ethical and moral education. The

quite inappropriate. By focusing on how to

following of standardised codes of behaviour

learn, our aim is to prepare students for a life-

does not suffice; each student must learn to

time of learning and personal development.

reason and to decide on ethical and moral grounds.

Cooperative Learning: Our instructional programme is based on the premise that students

The Arts: The Arts are essential to a complete

can and should learn from each other, and that

understanding of our nature as human beings

they themselves must shoulder the greatest

and as members of cultural groups. In this

responsibility for their education

regard the Arts must be taught both as independent subjects and as integral parts of the

Diversity and Cross-Cultural Education The underlying concept of education is a learning process that positions the study of the diverse expressions of human life at the core of its programme of studies. Personal Needs and Concerns: The programme focuses on the unique needs and concerns of each student. Its central focus in this regard is the Form Teacher or Tutor, who monitors the academic and personal development of each student.

programme of studies as a whole.

A l l a re Challenged rners Lifelong-Lea lly-minded Internationa ens Principled citiz

Todos são

Tous sont

Estimulados Aprendem ao longo da vida Têm uma mentalidade internacional Agem como cidadãos de princípios

Mis au défi Des apprenants à vie Ouverts sur le Mon de Des citoyens avec de s principes

Alle Leerrnunegnen anzunehmen

Herausford lernen lebenslang zu zu denken l a n io t a n r e t in zu sein r e g r Ăź B e h ic l t auBerorden

Todos son

Desafiados Individuos que continĂşan aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida Mentes internacionales Ciudadanos de principios

CLIP - The Oporto International School offers

The school has equivalence with the Portu-

an international school curriculum based on

guese educational system, and all local stu-

the National Curriculum of England, with cer-

dents study the official curriculum in the sub-

tain modifications to suit both the school’s

jects of Portuguese language and Portuguese

philosophical and pedagogical objectives, and

History (Forms 5 to 9), thereby enabling stu-

the local circumstances of CLIP, as an interna-

dents to transfer to a state or private school in

tional school in Porto, Portugal.

Portugal, at any level, should they so desire.











GA L CLIP . Institucional brochure



1 2 3 Strands:

The whole school curriculum

is designed around three connected areas of learning called strands.

These are: Physical, Personal & Social Development Students learn about themselves and their place in society. They learn how to stay healthy and active. Students develop skills in building social relationships and working with others. They take responsibility for their learning, and learn about their rights and responsibilities as global citizens.

Discipline-based Learning Students acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the Arts, Languages, Humanities, Mathematics and Sciences.

Interdisciplinary Learning Students explore different ways of thinking, solving problems and communicating. They learn to use a range of technologies to plan, analyse, evaluate and present their work. Students learn about creativity, design principles and processes.


Standards & Benchmarks Each of the three strands contains learning areas called domains. In each domain there are standards and benchmarks that outline the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours students are expected to demonstrate. At CLIP we believe that coherence of both teaching and learning benefits from a framework of standards. The frameworks for student learning, the development of units of study and the assessment of student performance are informed by these standards which, in one form or another, articulate across all sectors of the school from Pre-K – Form 12.

At CLIP we believed that coherence ofd

both teaching andd learning benefitsd

from a framework ofd standardsd


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Curriculum Articulation At CLIP, teaching and learning are guided by a curriculum that reflects articulation as a means of providing students with meaningful connections among and between disciplines and continuity within disciplines.

The whole school curriculum is given coherence through the articulation of learning standards. The standards take into account research on the developmental stages of learning. This research recognises that while student learning is a continuum from Pre-Kindergarten to Form 12, and different students develop at different rates, students broadly progress through three stages of learning:

Lower School Pre-K | Form 4 Laying the Foundations

Upper School Form 9 | Form 12 Developing Pathways

The curriculum aims to promote pupils’ moral,

The curriculum allows students to develop their

social and cultural development and prepare all

understanding of and connection to their com-

pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and

munity and the world around them. Students

experiences of life. By providing rich and varied

begin to focus on areas of particular interest re-

contexts for pupils to acquire, develop and ap-

lated to both their future schooling and intend-

ply a broad range of knowledge, understanding

ed pathways beyond school.

and skills, the curriculum enables pupils to think creatively and critically, to solve problems and to make a difference for the better.

Middle School Form 5 | Form 8 Building Breadth Students build on the foundations laid in the Lower School (LS). An expanded curriculum programme provides the basis for in-depth learning within and across all domains.


The Lower School fosters a very positive en-

Our educational programme is a modified

vironment that shows itself in every aspect of

form of the National Curriculum of England,

our school, and in the wider CLIP community.

with the inclusion of Portuguese Language

We are committed to effective teaching and

and Literacy as per the Portuguese National

learning for 3 to 10 year olds and the provision

Programme.We have enriched the curriculum

of wide-ranging opportunities and support-

with elements of Global Citizenship, many as-

ive relationships that allow every student to

pects of which are woven into daily practice,

achieve his or her best.

making the hidden curriculum an integral com-

We believe passionately in the value of a glob-

ponent of our educational programme.

al education and international mindedness as

In the Lower School, students’ learning is cen-

we also believe in the value of grounding our

tred in their own classroom. The Form Teacher

students in the Portuguese language and cul-

is responsible for all areas of the curriculum

ture. We therefore accept the responsibility to

except for the Portuguese component of Lan-

teach our students how to develop skills which

guage and Literacy. Other subject specialism

enable them to solve problems in constructive

may include Physical Education, Music or Eng-

ways and to develop appreciation for cultures

lish as an Additional Language. Information Lit-

and languages different from their own. Learn-

eracy is integrated throughout the curriculum;

ing activities are designed to help students

students learn to use multimedia resources to

learn tolerance, compassion and respect, not

enhance their learning both in the classroom

only for members of our school community,

and in specific taught units.

but for all.


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Form 2

Reception Form 1


Form 3


Form 4

Form 5

Form 9

Form 6

Form 10 Form 7

Form 11

Form 8

Learning Through Research and Design (LTRD)

Form 12

Students need to be equipped with many of the skills now required to be successful. The ability to work with others across an age group

This is a crucial learning area in our Middle

(Co-operative Learning), to reason and debate,

School Curriculum. LTRD is a unified concep-

to speak in public in at least two languages,

tual framework that promotes a pedagogy and

to develop organisational and problem solv-

curriculum intent that is interdisciplinary and

ing skills, to develop higher order level think-

seeks to connect and inter-relate perspectives

ing skills (Bloom’s Taxonomy) and the ability to

of information, media and technology within a

apply these skills across disciplines is the es-

research and design cycle of learning.

sence of LTRD. A team of specialised teachers

Based on extensive brain research and in its

act as facilitators by coordinating and assist-

tenth year of existence at CLIP, LTRD is a pro-

ing students develop trans-disciplinary work,

gramme that aims to provide students with

using cooperative and concept-based learn-

the opportunity to develop long term study

ing methodologies. Students may be grouped

and work skills, especially those directly linked

across different year classes.

to research methodologies. Brain research

The fundamental objective is that students be

has shown that it is at the Middle School age

autonomous, proficient and motivated learn-

range, as students enter ‘hormone upheaval’

ers when they enter the Upper School, taking

and reach a level of intellectual and concep-

with them the necessary skills that will ensure

tual maturity, that LTRD is most effective.

success, not only in exams but also in life.



ICT knowledge, skills and understanding are learnt as a discreet subject in the MS, and are applied extensively in LTRD, where the ability to find, develop, analyse and present information, as well as problem solving, are essential. All Middle School students have school based email accounts as well as folders on the school network for storing their electronic files. CLIP is a “lighthouse� centre in Portugal for the use of the Lego educational robotics programme. This tech nology programme is designed to support a four-step learning process; connect, construct, contemplate and continue, in which students are able to develop, build on and reinforce their existing scientific knowledge. In Form 5 students work on structures, wheels, axles and pulleys; in Form 6, gears and levers and in Form 7 they are introduced to Robotics. This programme promotes creative thinking and improves communication and cooperation skills.


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Form 9 & Form 10 – IGCSE Programme The International General Certificate of Sec-

receives an “IGCSE” qualification for each sub-

ondary Education (IGCSE) is an internationally

ject taken. Cambridge IGCSE provides a broad

recognised qualification for school students.

and flexible study programme and covers sub-

The IGCSE is not a group award or “certificate

jects from a variety of areas. It is designed to be

of education” but is a qualification based on

suitable for students with varying levels of abili-

individual subjects of study, meaning a student

ty and whose first language may not be English.

Form 9

Form 10

English – first language English Literature English – second language Portuguese Portuguese – foreign language

English – first language English Literature English – second language Portuguese Portuguese – foreign language

Geography History Economics Business Studies

Geography History Economics Business Studies

Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biology

Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biology

Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages



PE (not as an IGCSE subject)

Philosophy (not as an IGCSE subject)


PE (not as an IGCSE subject)

Art / Drama Geography / Economics / Business Studies Spanish / Mandarin / French / German

Electives Art / Drama Biology / Economics Chemistry / Geography / Business Studies Physics/ History Spanish / Mandarin / French / German


Form 11 & Form 12 AICE Diploma / AS / A Level

The AICE diploma is a group award diploma of Cambridge University that requires the study from three different areas: Mathematics and Science; Languages; and Arts and Humanities. The students have to pass 6 credits over a period of 25 months. The diploma can be achieved through different combinations of subjects, as an A Level exam will provide 2 credits and an AS will provide 1 credit. Therefore, students might decide to take, for instance, 3 A Levels or 6 AS and still be able to obtain their AICE diploma.

Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Mathematics and Sciences


Arts and Humanities


English Language

Art and Design


Spanish Language



Portuguese Language

Business Studies

Environmental Management

French Language



German Language

English Literature


Portuguese Literature


Spanish Literature

Thinking Skills

German Literature

Further Mathematics

Music Psychology Thinking Skills Environmental Management General Paper


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Pass (3%)

It is recognized that the demands upon students in all subjects at this advanced level are considerably higher than those experienced at IGCSE. The complexity of the work combined with the depth of knowledge required should not be

Merit (42%)



to achieve positive results and be motivated to


under estimated. The school aims for students DI 1 PL OM A 20

perform in those subjects of their choice.

Distinction (55%)

360-320 points (20-18.3) 310-220 points (17.9-14.2) 210-120 points (13.8-10)

Certain AS subjects (Psychology, Environmental Management, History, etc.) do not require a student to have studied the subject in Form 9 and 10. However, in Mathematics and Sciences it is a pre-requisite as a sound foundation is essential to ensure success at AICE. Therefore, in these subjects, students must obtain a “C� grade at IGCSE exams.


To remain in Portugal a student has to achieve

Economics, then they have to include Mathe-

equivalence to the 12º ano of the Portuguese

matics and Economics in their AICE curriculum,

education system by passing the AICE diploma.

as “Matemática” and “Economia” are the sub-

The Portuguese system enables our students to

jects required to enter this area in some uni-

enter university without sitting the Portuguese

versities. If a student chooses a university that

exams, through the use of “Artigo 20-A”. Stu-

does not apply “Artigo 20-A”, then they have to

dents have to ensure they have in their diploma

sit the appropriate Portuguese “prova de in-

subjects that are considered to be equivalent

gresso”. Each year, more and more universities

by the Portuguese authorities to the national

are accepting the use of “Artigo 20-A” in their

“provas de ingresso”. For example, if a student


wants to enter




Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Management

Economics and Business Studies



CLIP . Institucional brochure

Mathematics, Economics or Business

To go to the UK (and several other EU countries)

Entry to a British university does not rely en-

students have different routes they can take

tirely on marks but also on the student’s per-

and pay the same fees as UK students, which

sonal statement and the school’s reference

are subsidised. The difference is that students

which accompany their application. In the case

need to study A2s and do not follow the AICE

of Art, the student’s portfolio is decisive and

diploma requirements. Each university clearly

for medicine, the interview is a deciding factor.

states its requirements for entry and students

Furthermore, a student’s CV over the course

apply by the 15th of October to Oxbridge and

of their schooling has a great impact, and for

Medical Schools and by the 15th of January to

the competitive universities straight A grades

other universities, in their last year of school,

do not suffice, so students at CLIP are encour-

long before they know their results. However,

aged to work towards building a portfolio of

by March they have CONDITIONAL offers from

skills, competencies and activities to comple-

the universities of their choice. When the A-

ment their academic training.

Level results arrive in August and the desired results have been achieved, students are immediately accepted. If they have not achieved their grades there are other options.

Students at CLIP ared encouraged to workd towards building ad

United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, China, France



portfolio of skills d 67%

Access to University: Statistics

Since its inception, CLIP has consistently

careers, from arts to teaching, but the most

achieved success with students gaining entry

popular choices of courses for our graduates

to University in Portugal, the United Kingdom

remain Engineering, Economics, Business and

and elsewhere. Between 1996 and 2009, 96%

Management Studies, Medicine and other Bio-

of CLIP Form 12 leavers entered higher and

Medical degree studies.

further education.

In the Academic year of 2011-2012, 9 students

Currently some 47% of our graduates take up

entered Medical school, 18 entered Econom-

university or equivalent courses in the United

ics, Business or Hotel Management schools,

Kingdom and 48% go to courses in Portu-

and 4 opted for Engineering, amongst others.

gal. Students follow a range of courses and


All applicants to CLIP are considered, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, sex, or national origin. Students with severe learning disabilities, who require specialised instruction not currently available at the school, cannot be considered for admission. All applicants to CLIP are interviewed and assessed by the respective Director of the relevant School or their representative. A profile of each candidate is developed, which includes quantitative and qualitative data. The former involves testing results and school records, such as grade and progress reports, exam and test results, psychological and/or psychiatric assessments, etc. Qualitative data includes student interviews, home assessments and personal observations made by staff. The above notwithstanding, CLIP is a non-selective school.

All applicants tod

CLIP are interviewedd and assessedd


CLIP . Institucional brochure

English is the language of instruction at all year groups. The ability to access the curriculum successfully within a reasonable time and to thrive in our English-language learning environment is the guiding principles for admission to the school. English as Additional Language (EAL) support is available for students, but separate ESL (English as Second

English is the languaged of instruction atd all year groupsd

Language) track is not offered within our academic programme.

Lower School – In the younger Lower School grades, immersion in the English language curriculum is usually sufficient for children to quickly develop proficient English language skills. ESL support is available for older students in the LS.

Middle School – Students entering Middle School must generally have a working knowledge of English in order to benefit from our academic programmes. Should we have some concern regarding an applicant’s ability to access the curriculum, we may test Middle School applicants and/ or ask them to attend school on a trial basis without obligation.

Upper School – At the Upper School level (forms 9-12), we offer a challenging academic programme geared toward students who are planning to go on to college or university in the United Kingdom, Portugal and other areas of the world. At this level, students must have a fairly high degree of competency in English.


Special Educational Needs CLIP does not have facilities and resources to support students with significant learning, physical or social/emotional disabilities. In particular, we are not able to accommodate students requiring sustained one-to-one learning or other individualised support. Applicants with mild social/emotional issues, learning difficulties or other special needs are referred to the Special Educational Needs Department for evaluation. Admissions decisions are made by the relevant Director based on the recommendation of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

Siblings Preference is given to siblings of students attending CLIP, to children of staff and to children of families affiliated with CLIP. Transparency and fairness in the process of admission of students

Academic Achievement

into CLIP is one of the values of CLIP.

Although CLIP offers a stimulating and challenging educational programme, we accommodate students with a range of academic abilities, provided they are able to adequately access and benefit from our curriculum. We


make this determination primarily by review-

CLIP is a day school and does not have board-

ing applicants’ school records and teacher rec-

ing facilities. Students must therefore reside


with their parent(s) or other legal guardian in a location within commuting distance to the school.


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Students’ individual process School administrative assistants are responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date cumulative folders for each student. This data is to be kept on the relevant area of the School Database as well as in a file (hardcopy) kept by the School Administration Office. All important school documents relative to the student should be filed in the cumulative folder, including the following: report cards, updated transcript from other schools, registration documents, immunization and other health related information, copy of Birth Certificate and/or ID Card. Information about health matters, like diabetes, should be available to teachers in the shortest period of time.

Parent Communication English is the language of instruction at CLIP. It is also the primary language for communicat-

Child protection

ing with parents. At least one parent or guard-

CLIP fully recognises its responsibilities for

ian should be able to communicate comfort-

child protection. All children, whatever their

ably with school personnel in English.

age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse, therefore any suspicions or allegations of abuse

School Fees School fees are set by the Board of Directors

CLIP has also in place policies, procedures, and

annually and parents are informed of the pre-

practices that are designed to reduce and elimi-

registration fee and tuition fees for the forth-

nate bullying and harassment as well as pro-

coming academic year, usually in the month of

cesses and procedures to deal with incidents of

April preceding the new academic year. The tu-

the same. Bullying and harassment of students

ition fees notice provides all the necessary doc-

by students, school employees or volunteers

umentation and outline on the fees and other

who have direct contact with students will not

sundry charges.

be tolerated in the school.






problem solvers





research bases teaching


Cambridge exams resilient




critical thinker

academic rigor






respectful of difference internalize values

team players

CLIP . Institucional brochure





P considerate


multi lingual




eco conscious


cultural identity

Guilherme Amaral (2011-2012) Physics - Imperial College London Saí do Brasil com o 10º ano do ensino secundário completo e vim para o CLIP, em 2010, após conhecê-lo em uma viagem de passeio no ano anterior. O colégio me deixou entusiasmado pelo currículo

Catarina Tavares (2010-2011)

oferecido, pelas instalações, pelos vários esportes

Gestão - Universidade Católica

que poderia praticar, além das aulas de música,

Portuguesa, Porto

mas acima de tudo, pela certeza que me transmitiram de que eles tinham todo um trabalho eficiente,

O CLIP teve e continua a ter, um papel fundamental

que me ajudaria a entrar em uma universidade na

na minha vida pessoal e académica.

Inglaterra, meu grande sonho.

Já saí do colégio há 2 anos e ainda verifico no meu

Nesse período, tive muitas aulas voltadas para os

dia a dia a importância de todas as peças de teatro,

exames A Level, recebi orientações constantemen-

eventos de LTR, exercícios de teambuilding e out-

te sobre o que estudar, exames anteriores para re-

ras tantas atividades em que participei nos 8 anos

solver e muito apoio de meus professores, colegas

em que lá estudei.

e da coordenação, por quem fui muito bem recebi-

Devido ao ensino distinto do CLIP sou hoje uma

do e integrado no grupo.

jovem “open minded” que pensa “outside of the

Hoje sou aluno de Física no Imperial College Lon-

box”, com um conjunto de aptidões fortemente

don. Sei que sem a orientação correta dos meus

desenvolvidas que me ajudam a enfrentar os desa-

professores e coordenadores, jamais conseguiria

fios que a faculdade me tem lançado.

chegar aonde cheguei.

Acredito que o CLIP me formou e dotou das ferra-

Sinto-me honrado por ter sido um “clipper”! Meus

mentas necessárias para enfrentar e progredir no

mais sinceros agradecimentos por tudo que fize-

futuro com sucesso.

ram por mim!


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Margarida Rosas Almeida (2011-2012) Medicina - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto Thirteen years at CLIP have gone by while con-

Jocelino Rodrigues (2011-2012)

stant change took its course unnoticeably during

Aeronautical Engineering - University

everyday life. Only now, that I’ve completed my

of Bristol

academic pathway at CLIP, have I put thoughts in retrospective. Looking back, it seems as if, rather

CLIP provides an educationally enriching environ-

than a subtle change, I’ve suffered a complete

ment, where students develop a thirst for knowl-

metamorphosis – I, who once was a young tod-

edge and drive to succeed. As a current engineering

dler on her first day of school, left CLIP as a young

student in the United Kingdom, the Oporto Interna-

lady, and prepared to take on today’s globalized

tional School helped me develop my multi-linguis-

world. Naturally, time and science are to blame for

tic skills – being fluent in English was very helpful

physical change, but CLIP was there hand-in-hand

when moving to the UK - as well as my mathemati-

as I built strong foundations for life. I take with me

cal reasoning and leadership skills – both of which

strong work ethics, integrity as a principled citizen

are invaluable in industry. Furthermore, an interest

and the urge for continuous challenge, which are

in general knowledge and debate is instilled early

pressingly important as I face Medical School. I’m

on through Model United Nations and LTRD, in ad-

curious to see where life will take me but comfort-

dition to an artistic mentality through music, theatre

ed to know that “once a Clipper, always a Clipper”.

and art, and a competitive spirit, which - although imparted through sports - translates into a desire to thrive in day-to-day. At CLIP, students develop a set of fundamental life skills and are given the opportunity to make the most of their potential, which can only make me very grateful and thankful for what I’ve learned as a student there.


João Pedro Príncipe (2000-2001) Gestão, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Muitos associam o CLIP a uma excelente oportunidade para estimular crianças e jovens, dando-lhes a oportunidade de se tornem bi-(ou até tri)-língues. Enquanto considero este aspecto cada vez mais importante num mundo em constante expansão como o nosso, devo dizer que encontrei o maior valor do CLIP no contacto proporcionado com di-

Mariana Neves (2003-2004)

ferentes culturas e com os professores de todos

Consultora na Jason Associates

os cantos do mundo (e não só ingleses), na participação em projectos vários, distintos dos da maio-

For me, who spent 13 years of my life at CLIP, it is a

ria de outras escolas, obrigando os alunos a sair

challenging task to try and pinpoint how CLIP has

da sua zona de conforto (e do país) desde o mais

influenced my academic / professional life (as re-

cedo possível. O CLIP dotou-me de uma grande

quested). The reason I feel this exercise is so chal-

versatilidade nas mais diversas áreas. Os valores

lenging (believe me, I tried), is because CLIP’s influ-

incutidos aos alunos do CLIP são sólidos e vitais

ence really goes so far beyond academics or career.

para uma vida em pleno na sociedade actual; valo-

Without any doubt, those 13 years defined who I

res para com os quais nem todas as escolas mos-

am as a person - from my values and beliefs, to the

tram a mesma preocupação. Por fim, a realização

way I think, feel and act. In my opinion, this is where

de diversas iniciativas como a Science Fair, entre

CLIP’s “magic” lies: it does not strive to develop

outras, são um excelente espaço para testarmos e

only great students or professionals, but great hu-

fazermos ... e mesmo para errarmos! Em Portugal,

man beings. It is a pleasure and honour to be part of

infelizmente, o erro é “uma marca”. Falhar é fatal e

this big family.

potencialmente cataclísmico... Mas, na verdade, os restantes 99.86% da população mundial encaram o erro como uma oportunidade de aprendizagem e melhoria. Tal como o CLIP. Uma postura que se reflecte no percurso formativo dos jovens, tornando-os mais capazes de criar, inovar e vingar no mundo profissional. Posso afirmar com toda a certeza e gratidão que o CLIP foi uma chave essencial para o desenvolver da minha personalidade de querer fazer, de querer contribuir para um mundo melhor e mais sustentável e de querer saber sempre mais e mais sobre o máximo de áreas que me for possível abranger.


CLIP . Institucional brochure

Inga Campos (2011-2012) Biomedical Sciences - University College London After moving to England to study at University College London (UCL), I find myself at a stage where I look back at the last 13 years of my life. Having been at CLIP since I was only 5 years old, it became my second home, my second family. At CLIP I was able not only to grow academically, but as a person too. I was highly motivated by my teachers, enjoyed good peer relationships, worked collaboratively with others and excelled in my studies. I was encouraged to make the most of CLIP’s extra-

Mariana Coelho (2008-2009)

curricular opportunities and that is definitely what I

Biomedical Sciences (BSc) - Edinburgh

did. I was actively involved in many different areas

Napier University

including sport, music, organising events, debating and community work. Taking part in all these activi-

CLIP has given me the opportunity to increase my

ties did not prevent me from focusing on academ-

interpersonal skills and not only a good academic

ics, but complemented them.

preparation for university. All the extracurricular

At the end of the day, I can most certainly say that

activities like the Model United Nations, British Par-

my happy days at CLIP prepared me for my future in

liamentary Debates and Global Young Leaders con-

the outside world.

ferences during my last CLIP years increased my social and leadership skills. CLIP’s opportunities of extra curriculum activities increase and develop essential skills. Being a prefect, doing volunteer work, playing sports and performing in the arts festival boosted my CV for later internships and work experience applications. The academic preparation for the A Levels gave me an excellent preparation for university with no major adaptation problems during the first year. Being a true Clipper will definitely prepare you for university life.


Clipclubs are extracurricular activities that are erfectly integrated into the education and training Project Recommended by clip and offer exceptional opportunities for the student’s full development.


Clipclubs stimulate and expand already existing aptitudes and explore new interests, and are areas for discovery, learning, leisure and the strengthening of values. Since clipclubs accompany the student’s school life, three clubs have been created: kinderclub (ages 4 to 6), explorerclub (ages 7 to 9) and teenclub (from the age of 10).

Se tiver dificuldaded em compreenderd

a lĂ­ngua inglesa, por favord contacte a Assistented Administrativa.d

Property CLIP, S.A. - Rua de Vila Nova, 1071 4100-506 Porto, Portugal Tel. +351 226 199 160 | Fax + 351 226 199 169

CEO Francisco Marques da Silva

General Coordination Isabel Morgado

Photography Ă‚ngela Azevedo | CLIP Media Club

Design Moodystudio

Printing Orgal Impressores

Edition 1000 exemplares

CLIP - The Oporto International School 路 Rua de Vila Nova, 1071 路 4100-506 Porto, Portugal Tel. +351 226 199 160 | Fax +351 226 199 169 | |

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