Key Brand Guidelines

Page 1

Table Of Contents Key Values


Using the Key Logos

2 – 11

Using Key Color

12 – 13


14 – 16

Using Imagery


Using Signs

18 – 21


22 – 23

Marketing Help


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Our Key Values • Inspire Greatness • Give & Serve • Always Be Improving • Win-Win or Walk Away • Let the Knife do the Work • Stay Scrappy and Lean • Embracing Training & Education


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

These Values at Key define our company and the way we do business internally and with our clients. Our values translate to the best service we can provide to our clients. This is an essential part of our brand at Key. Client interactions are “Key” to a positive brand recognition. Our brand is not only the Key blue and Key logos, but also a collective view of how Key is perceived by our clients, to competitors, the market, and the communities we work in. This guide is meant as a tool to help achieve a consistent brand using the values Key holds along with consistent branding across franchises and all locations bearing the Key name. In the cases that this guide can’t help you figure out a marketing or branding issue, please refer to Key Marketing for contact information for the Home Office.

Using the Key Logo The Key logo is the most immediate representation of our company, our people, and our brand. It is a valuable asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms. With Key, there are variations to the logo that must be used properly to achieve consistent recognition. Whether the logo is going on a T-shirt, Pen, Letterhead, or a Presentation you must use it properly and consistently. This guides’ purpose is to show you the different forms of the logo and when to use them.


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Logo Clear Space & Size Requirements The logotype must be reproduced with a clear area around it which is free from other graphic elements. This area is known as the ‘Clear Space’. This space around the logo ensures that the Key logo is not being lost in a sea of other logos or other graphic elements. Clear Spacing is integral to a logo being recognized among other elements. To establish what the clear spacing should be, use the Keyhole box as a reference. (See examples to the right) This method will ensure that there is just enough amount of clear space around the logo regardless of the logo size. This also works with other variations of the Key Logo.

Minimum Logo Sizes Width



.25’ Key Realty


.5’ Key Realty




Key Realty




Key Realty

Logo Clear Spacing


Proper spacing.


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Improper Spacing

Using Area Specific Logos

Proper Placement of Area Text To create an area specific Key Logo, you must use 20 pt Source Sans Pro, small caps. This font size is for the Key Logo size 2in X 1.5in, then from that point, you scale it accordingly. (See Typefaces Page 14) When placing the text the city name must align the text with the rectangle Keyhole shape as illustrated by the dashed magenta line to the right. Do note, this is the same treatment as with the Realty One Logo. If the city name is too long and doesn’t fit, then adjust the typeface size as needed.


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Using the Horizontal Logo

When & How to Use The purpose of the horizontal Key logo is to provide easy legibility in small and difficult spaces. Such instances of use for example can be on pens, pencils, back scratchers, or anything that has a less than square space for the Key logo. When using the logo there are also some details to keep in mind when viewing and using it in marketing. The first attribute of this logo is the text, which is Source Sans Pro, so that even at small sizes it will be legible. The next attribute is the keyhole size and space between the “K”. The box containing the keyhole should be equal to the Cap

Cap Height Line

Height of the uppercase “K” and equal to the descender height of the lowercase “y”. (See example below) The space between the box and the “K” is the exact same space as the Keyhole itself. This will ensure that when produced at any size, you will be able to determine the correct spacing requirement. Its also worth noting that the “l” in Realty goes a little bit above the Cap Height Line. This is supposed to happen and is known as the Ascender Height Line.

Ascender Height Line

Key Realty Descender Height Line


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Extended “y” Logo

Key Extended “y” Logo Top Right

In some instances the extended “y” logo variation can be utilized. Use of this variation needs special consideration such as placement (See page 10) and the overall design use. When placing the logo, the “y” in Key needs to be placed so that the descender of the “y” is going slightly off the page and the end of the “y” that extends goes off the right side of the page. In another instance when the logo can be placed in the top right, the “y” will still go off the page and the “K” will extend off to the top of the page. (See examples to the right) Using this variation of the logo can add a powerful mark to any media its employed on. While it’s a powerful mark, it is not a replacement of the Key logo. It is a design element that when employed, must be used properly. It must be limited to Key documents only and should not be placed on the same page as other logos from other businesses. To maintain its purpose as a powerful mark, these rules must be followed.


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Key Extended “y” Logo Bottom Right

Special Event Versions of Key Logo

When & How to Use Sometimes Key may choose to modify its logo in a special way to commemorate, celebrate, or be festive. Whatever the case may be, modifications to the logo must be approved by the home office and stay in accordance to the Key Brand. While this guide cannot see every possible scenario that may arise, there are some basic ground rules for using a creative version of the Key Logo. • The text cannot be modified in anyway. This means no changing of typefaces or placements. Always use Source Sans Pro. • The Keyhole may be modified or changed. • The box containing the keyhole may not change shape or size. Changes inside the box must fit inside it at its current proportions. • The logo cannot change color. The box may be modified to accommodate graphics put in it, but it must remain true to the Key Brand. • Logo use must have a clear start date and a clear end date. It should not be used for extended periods of time. • It is suggested that a designer be hired to do special logos, but it is not a requirement.


Key Branding | Last revised 2015


Proper Logo Usage Having an awesome logo means having the responsibility of properly using it. To help with that, this guide has a multitude of ways and means of using it correctly

Incorrect Usage A








– and incorrectly. A. Don’t recolor logo. Always use Key blue B. Don’t modify the keyhole in any way C. Don’t move the keyhole closer to “K” D. Don’t add color or graphic inside keyhole E. Don’t rotate the Key logo F. Don’t relocate the keyhole G. Don’t recolor the logo using a gray. Always use Key Blue, Black, or White






H. Don’t modify the Key text I. Don’t modify Realty One J. Don’t place the logo over an image using a non-contrasting color K. Don’t place any graphics behind Logo


L. Do not use unapproved typefaces M. Don’t place logo over busy background N. Do not change the Logo font


Key Branding | Last revised 2015


Proper Logo Usage, cont.

Correct Usage A. White logo used on dark background, using maximum contrast B. Extended “y” logo used properly in upper right corner C. Realty One logo is correct color and not modified D. Correct use of area specific logo. Text is aligned correctly


E. The white Key logo is used and placed in an area of the photo that will provide maximum contrast & doesn’t have a busy background F. Photo was modified so that the Key Blue logo could be used G. The horizontal logo has no modification (See Horizontal Logo) H. Key logo can be put in black as long as it is on white or newspaper








Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Key Realty


Preferred Logo Placement

These Things are Okay. Letter Head

Presentation Slides

While the Key logo can be placed just about anywhere, there are some places the Logo does best. Typically the standard Key logo, along with its variation Realty One, is the most versatile when it comes to placement. On presentations, the logo does well in the very center by itself. On other documents, it does well in the top right, bottom right, or the bottom center as a footer to a document. Buyers Workshop (See examples to the right) Other variations of the logo such as the horizontal and extended “y” require special consideration when placed on any media. When the horizontal variation of the logo needs to be used (See Page 5) it should be alone, in the center on novelty items like pens and USB flash drives. The extended “y” variation also has very special placement requirements (See Page 6) that must be adhered to. The “y” should always be in the bottom right corner of any media.

10 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Novelty Items

Preferred Logo Placement, Cont

These Things are Not Okay

The Key logo is the most immediate representation of our company, our people, and our brand. It is a valuable asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms. With Key, there are variations to the logo that must be used properly to achieve consistent recognition. Avoid replicating the examples to the right when placing the logo on letterhead or novelty items like mugs, shirt, pens, totes, and so on. Using the wrong version of the logo on novelty items will negatively impact the Key Brand. Along with that, the incorrect placement of the correct logo will also take away from the Key Brand. Please, be mindful about where you insert the Key Logo.

Do Not Use Main Logo As Dominate Element

Do Not Place in Top Center

Key Realty

Do Not Break Up Text Using the Logo

Key Realty

Wrong Logo & Wrong Color Logo

Wrong Logo

Wrong Logo


Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Key Color

Key Blue

Our Key Blue is our most distinguishing feature in the Key Brand. It is an essential part of our company as our Key Blue represents Trust, Honesty, and Loyalty. From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible – Attributes that Key values. When using our Key blue, there are things you have to keep in mind. Depending on the printer you use, they may not support the Pantone system. (Larger printing companies will support Pantone) In those cases, you will have to settle for the 4 color processed version of the Key Blue. On the screen, you may not notice a difference, but when printed on paper, you will see it. This may mean you will have to change your design to better reflect the Key Brand. When using the RGB screen mode, you will generally see the color on your screen reproduced the same way on other screens with very little noticeable difference, if any at all. However, older monitors may not be able to reproduce that RGB makeup. This is the rare instance where you would need to utilize the web safe color.

12 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Spot Color

4 Color Process


Web-Safe Color

Key Accents Color








Hex Number

Accent Key Blue

86 70 0 0

0 84 230


Light Key Grey

4 4 2 0

241 239 241


Dark Key Grey

35 25 26 0

169 175 176



0 0 0 100

0 0 0


Using Color Accents with Key Blue

Using Key’s colors effectively is an important task when designing with them. Even though the color pallet may seem limited, it’s purpose is to be simple and powerful. A multitude of different colors would make the brand less effective. Our Key color and its accents can be used to highlight important information– color can help create emphasis, clarify hierarchy, and organize information in presentations,

documents, advertisements, and more. You should never use an accent color as a dominant color. With that said, very rarely will you need to cover anything 100% in the Key Blue to create dominance. (Except for promotional items like, pens, caps, clothing, folders, etc.) Be mindful of the colors you’re using and if you’re unsure, contact the home office for clarification.

March 1st, 2015

Key Blue

Buyers Workshop

Accent Key Blue

Key Blue

Light Key Grey

13 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Dark Key Grey

Typefaces Typography is an essential element of any visual identity system. By using a variety of combinations and styles we can optimize readability & reinforce Key concepts within a flexible type system – all while maintaining a consistent look and feel for the Key brand. Key has two main typefaces in its Brand and a third safe typeface. The two main typefaces are “It Ain’t Rocket Science” & Source Sans Pro. The third typeface, which is a safe typeface that every operating system should have and recognize, is Calibri. This font should be recognized on every computer it interacts with. This is important for sharing word documents or designing for web purposes. This will ensure that text isn’t changed to an unapproved font and anything you send using it will appear as you sent it.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]\{}|:;’:”<>?,./ Only used by the Home Office

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b cd e fg h i j k l m n o p q rs t u v w xyz 01234567890 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]\{}|:;’:”<>?,./ Source Sans Pro Extra Light Source Sans Pro Light Source Sans Pro Regular Source Sans Pro Semi-bold Source Sans Pro Bold Source Sans Pro Black

Source Sans Pro Extra Light Italic Source Sans Pro Light Italic Source Sans Pro Regular Italic Source Sans Pro Semi-bold Italic Source Sans Pro Bold Italic Source Sans Pro Black Italic

Available to everyone. Click for download

14 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Using Source Sans Pro

Like many typefaces, you will often have to adjust certain attributes depending on the context the type is being placed in. For instance, if you are using type meant for reading then sizes 6pt – 14pt is appropriate. Use your own discretion when picking a font size and think of the audience its meant for. An example would be if your document is meant for audiences that need glasses or of a certain age where eyesight is less than stellar, it may be good to use a size closer to 14pt. However, size of the typeface isn’t the only consideration that needs to come into account, when using Key’s typefaces. Tracking should also be adjusted according to the size being used. Tracking is adjusting the spacing between the letters on an entire page. Adjusting the space between letters and words not only affects how many words you can set on a line, but also the readability. To help figure out the amount of tracking needed, there is a helpful list (See example to the right) showing the different sizes and amount needed to be tracked when using them.

15 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

6 Point: Tracked 25 When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking.

8 Point: Tracked 20

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking.

9 Point: Tracked 15

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking.

10 Point: Tracked 7 When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 11 Point: Tracked 5

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 12 Point: Tracked 0

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 14 Point: Tracked 0

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 16 Point: Tracked 0

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking.

Using Source Sans Pro, Cont

Example of bad spacing “Key Realty in Toledo is the best company I’ve ever worked with!” Letters and words are too close together making it hard to read.

Example of bad spacing “Key Realty in Toledo is the best company I’ve ever worked with!” Letters and words have too much space in between them.

Example of good spacing “Key Realty in Toledo is the best company I’ve ever worked with!” Letters and words are at the correct spacing for good readability.

16 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

18 Point: Tracked -5

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 24 Point: Tracked -10

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking. 36 Point: Tracked -20

When using Source Sans Pro, please follow these guidelines for tracking.

Key Imagery & Photography

The 3 Tiers Environment



Key utilizes a system of choosing photography for a variety of applications. This system has three tiers of imagery. These three tiers are as follows– Environment, Non-Personal, and Personal

These three tiers break up images into easy to categorize subject matter. These images should document the customer and/or employee experience in an authentic way that allows the user to identify with the subject matter. When using more than one photo on the same page a mix of all types should be used. Do not use multiple photos on the same plane that depict the same emotion and the same camera angle. If you have permission to take and use your own photography, it must meet the following rules before being approved–

• • •

Must have model release forms (See Legal)





Must meet one of the 3 tiers Must be high quality

Photos and supplemental documents should be sent to the Home Office for approval.

17 Key Branding | Last revised 2015


Yard Signs & How to Use them

18 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Yard Sign Sizes

24 X 30 24 X 18

When using signs, there are standard sizes that Key recommends using.

18 X 12

• 24 X 30 • 24 X 18 • 18 X 12

Legal Requirements for Signage There are a few aspects of the signs to keep in mind when designing them. Depending on local or state law, you may need to incorporate certain aspects into your signs. In the State of Ohio, signs are required to have the company name be of “equal or greater prominence” than the agent name. In the State of Michigan, the law is the same but, the office address or phone number must be on the sign. Key would prefer that the address would be on the sign. If you’re unsure about your areas’ requirements for signage, feel free to contact the home office for inquires into specific regulations regarding signs.

19 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Example Sign

The Key logo and the Realtor name are of equal prominence in the sign. (magenta circles) In instances where only one element can be prominent, the Key logo should be larger than the Realtor name. In some instances, the address must be included on the sign. The right most example displays this variation.

Printing Signs – Clear Spacing

When designing and printing a sign, you must account for how it will ultimately be displayed. If using a metal frame to hold the sign, keep in mind how much clear space you need around your sign. This clear space (Illustrated by the magenta line around the FOR SALE sign to the left) is there so vital information isn’t hidden by the metal frame when the sign is inserted into the frames. If your sign utlizes bleed, it is important to remember that text should not be inside the clear space area. Graphics such as a blue bar are okay and can extend into the clear space area becuase they will be trimed. Depending on where you get your signs printed and what frames you’re using, the amount of clear spacing may differ. Generally around 1 inch is sufficient around all sides of the sign. In some cases though, the sign may need more or less space on the bottom than the other sides. In this case, adjust the sign as needed while keeping within the standards this manual outlines.

Clear Space Area Avoid having text and other significant marks. Give yourself plenty of room so it isn’t too close to the edge of the frame.

20 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Signage with Photography

When developing signage using photography, often being portraits of the Realtor, it is very important to follow these rules. The size of the photo should not exceed the prominence of the Key logo. This means that the Key logo should still be more or of equal prominence than the Realtor name. How large the photo is on the sign is up to your creative imagination. The image itself must also be a minimum of 300 dpi. This is so the printer of the sign has the highest resolution image to work with. Blurry or pixelated photography is strictly prohibited on signs. Sometimes an image may have to have a stroke around it so it doesn’t look like the figure is floating in space. If you’re using an image that has a clearly defined background like image B, then a stroke around the image isn’t required. If you have an image that has a white or light background then it is suggested that you create a stroke around it in the Key Pantone Blue. The weight of the stroke is up to you to choose.

21 Key Branding | Last revised 2015





Various Signs

There are various signs that you may want to develop while working with Key. Open House Signs and For Sale signs are the most common. These signs must follow the standards that this branding manual sets in place. Below are various signs surrounded in black. The black is simply a representation of the sign being in a sign holder. What you use to display your signs is up to you, but keep that in mind when printing signs as there may be a space around the sign that may be covered by the frame/holder. The signs used by Key utilize the brand assets such as color, typography,

Tracked Out 50

Key Pantone Blue

Key Accent Blue

Tracked Out 100

22 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

and the Key logo. Using these assets helps solidify and bring the Key brand recognition in the community. When creating these signs, the type and color must be used correctly. When typing Realtor you must display it as REALTOR® and then your name. Text such as “OPEN HOUSE” and “FOR SALE” should be in upper cases letters and tracked out. Tracking the lettering out for these signs will improve legibility from a longer distance. This technique should also be utilized for a phone number or web address. These signs are examples and do not have to be replicated.

Old Signs Key realizes that REALTORS® may already have signs they use that may not meet the standards in this manual. Whether you just bought new signs or have had them for a while, you can keep on using them. Requesting new signs is a cost on you and Key doesn’t feel it necessary to incur that cost on the REALTORS® arbitrarily. So to avoid incurring costs, you can keep using your old signs. However, when getting new signs or replacing old ones, you will need to produce signs that adhere to the standards in this manual.

23 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Legal Whether you’re viewing this guide as a franchise owner or Key Corporate designer, there are certain legal aspects to keep in mind. For an entire legal contract, owners should view their franchise agreement. For model release forms, please contact the Home Office. You will need a release form any time you use images of a client or employee. This is to protect you and Key from any legal issue concerning the models. When using Stock Photography from a reputable stock photo supplier, model releases and everything needed should be supplied (If Requested) upon purchase.

24 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

Legal – Using the Copyright & Trademark Symbol

Using the trademark symbol correctly can be an intimidating task. With Key however, we’ve compiled a handy guide to help navigate the questions you may have. Whether you’re using a Copyright or Trademark symbol, the placement and size of them are treated the same. On symbols like the Key Logo, the mark should be visible and in Source Sans Pro, but not large enough to distract from the overall logo or design. Simply placing it at the end of the “y” for the main logo will do just fine.

As for the horizontal logo, since that variation will typically be printed on smaller items like pens, the mark should be a bit larger so that its visible at a small size. When used in bodies of text like reports or emails, the mark should be a superscript. See the examples below for visual clarification. If you want to know more about copyright law, visit

Correct Use of Trademark What is the difference between Copyright and Trademark?

Key Realty Copyright protects original works of authorship. Ideas and discoveries are not protected by the copyright law. In contrast a trademark protects words, phrases, symbols (Logos), or designs identifying the source of the goods or services of one party and distinguishing them from those of others.

25 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

A Trademark symbol is a notice of registered ownership used in many countries or regions to advise the public that a mark (such as a logo) is registered and providing constructive notice of the legal ownership status of the mark with which it is used. Unauthorized use of this symbol by anyone is strictly prohibited.

Welcome to Key Realty® where we show you the Key to success.

Marketing Help

Have a marketing question? Contact the Key Home Office in the Toledo, Ohio Area

Key Realty

3512 Briarfield Blvd. Suite D Maumee, Ohio 43537 Phone: 419.450.9459

David Dangelo

Jayne Peske


Director of Technology

FAQ Q: Does Key charge it’s franchises a royalty for the use of the brand? A: Nope! Once you’re part of the Key family, we wont charge you for simply having the benefit of our name.

Q: Who decides where the Key branding can be applied? A: The Home Office needs to approve some marketing, but not all. If you’re unsure about your particular situation, notify the contact at the Home Office.

Q: Can the Key brand control what franchises say? A: Yes, to a point. In order to have a consistent brand, the Home Office has some say in how franchises market themselves.

Q: Does this guide have to be followed exactly? A: To maintain a consistent brand message and recognition in the areas we operate, this guide must be strictly adhered to. This is the benefit you get when you join Key. A solid brand and message.

Q: Do Key franchises compete with each other? A: Not directly, they do not.

This Brand Guide was developed by Mooney Design 26 Key Branding | Last revised 2015

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