United Logo & Identity Standards

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UNITED 2014 Edition



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! With a good logo, identity, and brand comes a very well known organization. The purpose of having a logo and standards to go along with it is an important one. With the correct use of this guide, United will have no trouble being one of the most recognized organizations on campus and in the community. The impact of any brand and identity depends on the consistent use resulting in a large number of impressions over a long period of time. Familiar logos are not “read” as words, but processed by the brain visually, evoking a complex set of associations much more powerful than words. United’s logo and identity should be used with care and diligence. Please do not weaken or deviate from the United standards. It is important to convey a consistant image and message throughout the organization to gain recognition and status among the other organizations in the University and community. This can cement United’s identity as a legitimate and serious organization. United’s goal at The University of Findlay and within the community of Findlay.

and serve


Using the United Logo correctly is very important and part of using it correctly is using the correct size of the logo. When deciding on the size of the logo it should be noted that bigger is not always better. You should not allow the logo to be too small as it would make it ineffective to most audiences. Below is 4 scale examples of the United Logo in different sizes. The logo should not be smaller than 1in by 1.1in without designer consultation. Sizing the logo will be dependent on the project. What needs to be taken into great care is the proportions of the logo and the space around it. The logo is to not be stretched or distorted. Distortion of the logo would make it’s effectiveness null. The space around the logo is also very important. Make sure the space around the logo, indicated by the red line is adhered to as to not take away from the logo.






Colors are an important aspect to United’s identity. Below are two columns with United’s colors and how to create them. Column A are the colors United can use for promotion. Column B are the colors that United’s logo uses. It is important to keep these colors consistent in themes promoting United and to never deviate


COLOR Color: Red R: G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: EB2227 Color: Orange R: 241 G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: F16724



Color: *Logo* Red R: G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: F8B2B4 Color: *Logo* Orange R: 249 G: 202 B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: F9CAB5

Color: Yellow R: G: 221 B: 16 C: M: Y: K: Hex Number: FEDD10

Color: *Logo* Yellow R: G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: FFF0B8

Color: Green R: 6 G: 161 B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: 06A14B

Color: *Logo* Green R: G: 211 B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: B5D4B3

Color: Blue R: G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: 214497 Color: Violet R: G: B: 142 C: M: Y: Hex Number: 612F8E Color: Purple R: G: 64 B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: 804097





Color: *Logo* Blue R: G: B: C: M: Y: Hex Number: A5A6D2






Color: *Logo* Violet R: G: B: 211 C: M: Y: K: Hex Number: C5AFD4 Color: *Logo* Purple R: G: 166 B: 206 C: M: Y: K: Hex Number: B6A5CF

Knock-Out versions of the United logo are very important to use when backgrounds are anything but white or the selected media is to be black and white only. Knock-Out logos are great for Newspapers. They can be printed in black and white or gray scale. The point of the Knock-Out logo is to provide maximum visibility and maximized recognition among audiences. The examples below outline what can and cannot be done to the Knock-Out version of the United logo.





Logo can be displayed with effects such as this on backgrounds that require it. The logo must be clearly visible and recognizable to do this. Consult a designer for appropriate usage of this effect.

Logo Knock-Out should not be any variation of grey on a dark or black background. This decreases the visibility of the logo, diminishing it’s effectiveness.

Black Outline of Logo can be done in black, white, or a solid approved color. The rings around the oilerwell should be slightly thicker than the lines constituting the oilerwell. Use discretion as different medias will require different outcomes.

There should never be any change of strokes on the Knock-Out logo. This prevents strokes and shapes from being a consistant size.

Outline of Logo when in white should be on a black or very dark colored background. This is to ensure maximum visibility and recognition to audiences.



When using the knock-out logo you must use one approved color for the logo. Black is often forgotten about in this rule! There are different variations of the color black. Make sure you use the same one uniformly. If it looks odd on the screen it may mean you’re using different variations of black.

It is vitally important to make sure the United Logo is used in the correct manner. This is to ensure a consistent identity among all United medias. Make sure to follow Logo rules and refer to the examples when in doubt.



Logo symbol with no words.


Logo symbol with text. Logo must adhere to spacing requirements when text is used. When using “The University of Findlay Gay-Straight Alliance� the text must be centered and the typeface Futura used. Text must always be black or white.


Logo may completely change to one color, but the text must always remain black or white and centered.

Logo may be changed to one approved color while the oilerwell remains black. Logo may completely change to one color as long as the approved colors are used. Note: The circles always have their own special colors. Refer to Colors for more information. Sometimes a knock-out version of the logo may need to be utilized. Logo is allowed to be changed to one approved color as long as Knock-Out logo standards are met. Refer to Knock-Out Usage.




The University of Findlay




The University of Findlay


Do not enlarge strokes on oilerwell or the explosion of colors above it.


The ring of circles must always be behind the oilerwell.


Do not modify the ring of circles around the oilerwell. Do not rotate in any way under any circumstance.

Do not change the color of the oilerwell to any non-approved color. Oilerwell must always remain black when using the full color version of logo.


Do not take any colors or circles out of the logo under any circumstance.


When text is used with logo symbol it must be in Futura and centered. Do not use any other typeface. CONTINUED P






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The university of Findlay




The University of Findlay

The University of Findlay



Do not use text with multiple colors. This distracts and is illegible to most audiences.


Do not insert text in any other color. Even though the logo may change color the text must always be in black or white.

U It is vitally important that all these rules are strictly adhered to. Keeping a consistent view of the logo will allow the community to remember and associate the logo with the United brand of equality. Most of the rules listed would require a designer or individual familiar with Adobe

United. This will make it unlikely that the logo show this manual to anyone doing design could potentially change and misuse the United logo.

L The United logo was developed by Brandon Mooney, United member and a University of Findlay graduate. Any questions or concerns about the United logo can be directed to Brandon Mooney. Designers never want to see their work misused and asking questions about the use of it is always okay. See Designer Information. IMPORTANT The organization, United must keep this logo for a minimum of 10 years. After a period of 10 years (2024) a logo redesign may be requested if it is warranted.

When designing and promoting United, you will come

uses and functions.


TO Joint Photographic Experts Group can be used for media Online or media being sometimes the United logo. JPEG should only be used for media displayed on a screen. It is not ideal for printing and should be avoided for printing projects.

can take a considerable time to load for some. Use only for media being printed.

never photographic images. United’s logo is recommended to be displayed online in

Portable Network Graphic was developed as an alternative to GIF for displaying

See Print Media for more information.

Typography is very important to keeping a consistent identity. United has two main typefaces that it uses for the majority of its medias. The primary typeface United uses is called Futura. Futura typeface is used on a variety of medias that United uses. This is the typeface used when you see “UNITED�. This typeface is often used as display type because it is easy and simple to read for a vast majority of audiences. The University of Findlay has many students who are learning English and are learning aspects of American culture, so it is important that you use typefaces that are easy to read and understand. See Promotional Examples.


The primary typeface for body text is Cambria. This typeface is widely used and easy to read for large bodies of text. This typeface is what Agendas, Meeting minutes, e-mails, and large bodies of information should be in. Whenever United does any self promotion not for an event, Futura should be the primary text used. Do not use other typefaces for United promotion.








Cambria Regular Futura Condensed Medium

Cambria Bold

Futura Condensed ExtraBold

Cambria Italic

Futura Medium Italic

Cambria Bold Italic


To have a recognizable presence United must maintain a consistent look. Creativity is widely encouraged and by no means should be limited. Using this standards manual as a guide will help keep United’s identity and brand consistent. The promotional examples below should provide a look at United’s identity. Notice the consistent use of certain graphics and typefaces. Pay attention to little details as it will show in the completed designs.

Identity Consistent




Everyone is Always Welcome! 201



Online Shareables

Facebook Cover Photos



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rainbow BAKE SALE

Tuesday, September 17th The University of Findlay



We live in the age of technology! This is great for organizing large or even small groups of people. United is very diverse amoung majors and this diversity g, which can getting people & ideas together. communication group on Facebook. This is great for technology or group is a substitute for getting together in one room to discuss plans. Try making an “event” to schedule meetings as a way of making it easier for

Facebook Group Page- Event Specific

Facebook Group Page- Private Officers Page

In keeping consistent with an identity United must adhere to that identity even when creating groups on social media. As seen in the examples to the right, United uses cover photos that promote United’s identity. Depending on the reason for the group or what social media is being used, there may or may not be a ready made image for United to use. In the case where there is not a selected image or “look” ready made for a group then creative intuition should be used as long as it adheres to United’s identity. Since social media changes constantly, images that worked in the past may not work now. In the event of that happening, please contact a designer for advisement on getting new images or content made for United. See Designer Information.


Why is it important to keep United’s social media constantly updated? Social media is a wonderful tool that United is able to use to reach students at the University, but also people outside of the University. When social media is constantly updated it let’s people outside of the club (and inside!) know that United is an active club. If users feel United is active they will be more likely to attend meetings or events United creates. Facebook Administrator Panel

How does United know social media is reaching people? While not all social networks have the ability to show United how effective it is at reaching people, Facebook has the ability in its “insights” tab. In this tab United can see where and how many people it is reaching. What is the best way to get the most out of social media?

Facebook Information/History

The best way to get the most out of United’s social media is to get users engaged! Post interactive content on your pages or ask questions in status updates. Users usually like looking at pictures and events so make sure United has up-to-date list of milestones and photo albums. Can United update too much? Yes, if United updates media too frequently each post or picture will attention making some posts not visible to some users. Use your best judgement for this one. Research best practices online for more tips on updating!


Using social media can seem daunting, but with use it effectively. If you have any questions that you are not sure about, then try to Google it before contacting a designer. Social media layouts and sizes change constantly so going forward and adapting is very important. Facebook may not always be the top social media outlet so be prepared for the future!

Twitter Homepage

Facebook Homepage

and The University of Findlay

posting images online. Online images are made in RGB (Red, Green, & Blue). Print images are made using CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, & Black). The only time United should be concerned with this is when it makes its own posters for events or meetings. Correct color mode is essential to keeping with the identity of United. If color modes are not adhered to then colors will not produce as intended. The University of Findlay has its own print services. PDFs are their preferred format for any printing jobs you give them. Don’t be afraid to ask them any questions about printing! They’re happy to help you. You may also make your own posters with markers, colored pencils, or paint! Feel free to be creative when you do this.


Being on message and using words wisely is crucial to achieving the goals that United has. It’s always important to be inclusive and not exclusive and that applies to the words we choose to use. United provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, Gender Identity, or sexual orientation. Every statement that is made via Social Media, Newspaper, promotion or in person needs to adhere to basic guidelines.

T When discussing gender in a broad sense it is important to include genders outside of the good practice to be gender neutral when speaking to a broad audience. Avoid using phrases like “Ladies & Gentlemen” (instead use Everyone), “Congressman” (Instead use Congress person) and ect. When referring to large crowds or groups of people try using words like “Everyone”, “Y’all”, “Individuals” and “Peeps”! As long as it is United has an inclusive brand and identity so public statements and promotions.


Ally: A straight person who supports LGBT people. Asexual: a person who generally does not experience sexual attraction (or very little) to any group of people. Cisgender: a description for a person whose gender identity, gender expression, and biological sex all align. (e.g., man, masculine, and male) FTM/MTF: a person who has undergone medical treatments to change their biological sex (Female To Male, or Male To Female), often times to align it with their gender identity; often confused with Gender Expression: the external display of gender, through a combination of dress, demeanor, social behavior, and other factors, generally measured on a scale of masculinity and femininity. Pansexual: a person who experiences sexual, attraction for members of all gender Transgender: a blanket term used to describe all people who are not cisgender; occasionally used as “transgendered” but the “ed” is misleading, as it implies something happened to the person to make them transgender, which is not the case.


United, The University of Findlay’s Gay-Straight Alliance is a wonderful organization! It serves an important need in the University and Findlay community. I am proud to have been involved in this organization while being a student at The University of Findlay. United has developed so much since I joined and that development will continue as years pass. That’s why it is vitally important to think ahead long term. United promotion is about using the latest tools available to get members involved and the word out to the community. I hope this manual better equips United to do that. Times will change and it’s up to us to make it for the better. Thank you for taking the time to read this manual!


Sometimes the designer may not be available to design or take up a project for United. This is where you can utilize University resources! The University of Findlay has a Graphic Design program with many graphic designers, some of whom, may want a project to add to their portfolio. If you know a graphic design student in the program, try asking them to see if they’re interested!

To contact Brandon Mooney for design projects or questions you can e-mail him at mooneyb.design@gmail.com

If you don’t know a graphic design student then contact a professor in graphic design. They may know a student who would be willing to take the project!

time to get the project done. Always plan ahead when United does any promotion.

Remember if you need anything designed then you must give a ample amount of


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