Connect North Devon 3

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CONNECT North Devon

News Holistic Therapies Wellbeing Events Guide Green Issues and more

Volume 1 Issue 3 October 2012

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Welcome to Connect North Devon Meet The Team Pros and Cons of Wind Power Letter from Linda Extracts from “100 Words� by William Murtha Pulhams Mill Tarotscope by Delphine Electric Bikes Tour Exmoor Conversations With Valery Coburn Arise and Shine New Moon Shamanic Drumming, Healing and Sharing Circle Making Changes - Connecting with Nature in a Sacred Way

Connect North Devon Advertising To discuss advertising your business or event in this publication please call us on either 01271 864886 or 07050 644101. Alternatively you can email us at the address given below. FREE EDITORIAL If your business is local food, renewable energy, complementary health, arts and crafts, green tourism or any other green service or product, our publication is the perfect place to advertise - contact us for details of our introductory prices. We can write FREE editorial copy about you or your company if your business is one in the above range. Alternatively you can supply your own copy for us to use subject to approval. EVENTS LISTINGS A lineage listing for your event costs just 90p per word with a 10 word minimum. then 30p per word Call for details of our display advertising rates. CLASSIFIEDS To place a listing in our Classifieds cost just 90p per word with a 10 word minimum. then 30p / word Tel: 01271 864886 / 07050 644101

Welcome Connect North Devon is a free online magazine that talks about local issues and events. It has been created for local people by local people and we welcome contributions from residents and visitors to North Devon alike. For many years the team who have put this magazine together have worked on projects in both the media and the therapy fields. We all have a strong drive to see Ilfracombe and North Devon gaining recognition as an area rich in holistic and green practices. Ilfracombe already holds Transition town status and yet there is so much more that can and should be done to help us realise the area’s potential. We are ideally placed here in North Devon to capitalise on our areas of outstanding natural beauty, our wonderful light, our moorland and our villages, with a policy of ethical commerce. So it is in the light of this that I and the team welcome you to your magazine, and we look forward to making this work and raising awareness of green issues, natural therapists and local eco issues together with building a following and creating a magazine that people will want to read every 2 months We hope that you enjoy reading this issue and that you all find something of interest within these pages.




The Team Sarah Louise Canty - Arts Correspondent - no stranger to the world of entertainment Sarah studied her degree in film. She is a scriptwriter, gamer, singer and joined the Moonshadow Media Productions team in 2011 and has worked across the range of labels within the business however, her main passion is the live music scene and she is equally happy whether in front of or behind the camera.

Paul Clews - News and Current Affairs Correspondent Paul joined the team in 2011 with what could be claimed to be a baptism of fire, his first job was to secure an interview with Olympic Gold medallist Jonathan Edwards. Paul is an active member of the North Devon Social Media scene and is a respected member of the local business community and can Often be found actively promoting the North Devon area. Paul’s other main passions are music and sailing and he is also foster parent to his daughter’s pet hamster, Stuart.

Delphine Sutherland - Health and Lifestyle Correspondent Hi my name is Delphine and I am a qualified massage therapist, reiki master and I have a special interest in TAROT COUNSELLING. I Initially trained as a Registered nurse and have a wide interest in all forms of healing. If you wish to have any of the above therapies in your own home please do not hesitate to contact me. My philosophy is to give the highest standard of therapy at an affordable price so it is accessible to all. Linda Koukkuluoma - Diet & Nutrition Correspondent



Pros & Cons of Wind Power THE North Devon Journal has carried numerous letters and comments in the last few years about the inefficiency of wind power. The idea expressed is that because the wind doesn't blow with the same strength all the time, back-up power stations using fossil fuels or nuclear are needed to make up the deficiency. This is considered by critics to be a duplication and an unnecessary expense. Usually this is referred to as intermittency. This is the wrong label. Intermittent means on or off. Wind is almost never in the off position. The true term is "variability". A turbine will generate electricity for 70-85 per cent of the time. Its electricity output varies between zero and its full rated capacity according to wind speed. Taken together, the combined output of the UK's entire wind power portfolio shows less variability. At any one time there are places where wind speeds are higher than other places, so wind speed differences average themselves out. Taking all the wind farms across the UK together leads to a significant smoothing of electricity output. There has always been the need for 'back-up' plant in electricity supply. This is because the demand for electricity varies at different times of the day and between winter and summer, for instance. It is the job of the electricity system operator, National Grid Transco, to achieve a balance between electricity demand and generation. The electricity system is designed to cope with fluctuations in supply and demand. For instance, the Grid uses short term operational reserve comprising frequency response (plants automatically increasing output when needed) and reserve plants, which are able to start up within a short time. No power station is totally reliable or capable of continuous generation of electricity. Coal, gas, and nuclear plants can, and do disconnect without warning, due to mechanical, electrical and instrument faults. A power line from Hunterson Nuclear Power station came down during gales in December 2011 with a loss of 460MW for 54 hours. Sizewell B Nuclear Power plant had an unplanned shutdown due to an electrical fault in March 2012. One and a half weeks later it restarted at half capacity. Electricity systems operate with a common pool of spare plant that is typically 20 per cent of peak demand. When wind is introduced into the electricity network, no additional back-up needs to be built – it already exists. Rosemary Brian, Croyde. Reprinted with thanks to the North Devon Journal.



Hello Readers Today’s letter contains something I want to talk to you about and that is Probiotics. One of the most important things a person can do for themselves is to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. In a healthy person the gut is home to trillions of different species of beneficial bacteria all of which help to digest and absorb nutrition, enzymes and vitamins. In an ideal situation a person should be full from the neck down with these good bacteria, that way their body can keep out the bad bacteria which cause disease. The healthier the diet the healthier the person will be. The colon needs a chance to grow strong flora which will in turn protect against bad bacteria and other invaders. Inside our guts there is a continual war being waged, good bacteria versus bad bacteria and we are always responsible for the outcome. Eating raw vegetables, especially dark green leafy varieties, fruit and nuts will help build a healthy gut flora. Also taking a good probiotic that can be bought from any health shop is a must for a healthy gut, I personally take one twice daily, with food. Our guts are really abused by the vast numbers of different substances that can be found in food and all these can build an army of very destructive bacteria – these bacteria thrive and fill our bodies with toxins from the chemicals that manufacturers add to the food which together the waste that the bacteria produces creates a rich feeding ground. Our bodies then have to work extra hard to clean out the toxins and if this proves to be a losing battle the body becomes overwhelmed with toxin and we end up becoming ill. There is nothing wrong with a healthy person sometimes having a naughty but nice treat but the average diet is full of the previously mentioned destructive substances. Anyone wishing to learn more about food and its effect on the gut can find a lot of information written by doctors who have studied the subject for years. However, we should not trust blindly that what we eat is good for us, it is important to educate oneself and learn / understand how the food we eat affects our gut and ultimately our bodies. Children deserve a good, healthy start in life, and ensuring that their gut flora is healthy will help them grow into strong adults, they will also be able to pass on knowledge that they have learnt, to their own children. Finally, eating fermented food such as sauerkraut is a great way of getting probiotics into the gut . Please remember that is always advisable to talk to your doctor before taking tablets or starting a new diet. So that brings me to the end of this month's piece. Bye for now Linda. Refs: Dr Jon Barron: Dr Joseph Mercola: Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride CONNECT NORTH DEVON


“Life is a game. It’s all an illusion. Our quest is to make known the unknown and live Life fully awake and aware. The world is based on the polarity of Love versus Fear. Love is all there is. Fear is what keeps “The Game” alive and active. The magical key to freedom is to welcome fear and all resistance that comes your way. When there is no resistance, polarity and fear cease. Freedom follows. When we are truly present in each moment and accept “what is” (without resistance) we change our world” - Esateys.

“I believe in human solidarity, in grassroots organizing, in feminism, and in human rights advocacy. There’s hope in giving help, and there’s hope in asking for help; that hope is baked into the fact that we are all humans and all essentially the same. We hold truth to be self-evident, that all men are born equal” - Sigrid Rausing

“Most countries in the world need to choose different parents, and these parents exist. They are the father and mother who did not ravage, rape, and plunder, the father and mother who did not exterminate and sell and buy into slavery. The father and mother who did not seek domination over the Earth. I imagine these parents sitting quietly on a hillside waiting for us to notice that a big problem humans face is that we do not know our own founding mothers, we do not know our own founding fathers. We think we are orphans. And have no flag” - Alice Walker “Our children shape our future. The fetus that is not yet born cannot be blamed for what is happening to our world. So we must ensure that all children receive a stimulating and challenging education that prepares them to shoulder responsibility for stewardship of our fragile planet. Schools must become happy, secure places where the academic, practical, social and emotional aspects of learning are given equal value; where new technologies enhance but do not replace teacher / child communication; where every child is treated as an individual and has the inalienable right to grow up in a world free from hunger and abuse” - Rod Crook

Extracts taken from “100 Words two hundred visionaries share their hope for the future” compiled by William Murtha founder of the Global Visionaries Project.

Pulhams Mill Recently our travels took us to the South Somerset borders and to the delightful village of Brompton Regis just 5 minutes drive for the magnificent Wimbleball Lake. The mill is one of the oldest and most atmospheric sites on Exmoor, dating from 1086. A thousand years ago the mill stood on the banks of the Pulham river and was grinding locally grown wheat. Today it provides a magical setting for visitors. A comprehensive range of Exmoor and British crafts can be seen in the shop, followed by a relaxing “cuppa” by the gentle flow of the river. The mill was purchased in 1979 by husband and wife team Pauline Clements and Ian Mawby and they were inspired to renovate the then ruin of a mill. To contact the mill and to find out more about the events and special days taking place throughout the year Tel: 01398 371366 Email: web: Conversations that Count an Openhearted Group for Inspired Conversation’ How are you doing so far in 2012? Why not join an informal group and explore some inspiring topics of discussion? Share with others, stories and experiences about life today? Inspired conversation uplifts, is fun and helps you to come alive again. Meeting the last Monday of each month in Yelland 10-30am start until 12-30pm. Call Valery for a chat on 01271 860317 Share in Friendship, Fun and Fabulous Conversations. Life Path Readings Life Path Readings are for those who want to take a deeper look into the journey they are travelling with sensitive help and guidance. Whatever the issue, relationships, work or health, everything can be explored within a Life Path Reading. They are powerful and enjoyable ways for transformation and healing. For more information contact Valery on 01271 860317



Tarot Scope by Delphine TAROT SCOPE FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 2012 ARIES - Its all about details for you this month! It's a time to tie up any loose ends and finish what you've started. Work also figures highly for you at the moment Aries, so buckle down and do what needs to done and you will earn the respect you deserve. And remember - you get what you focus on so look for solutions rather than problems. Things are never as bad as they seem. TAURUS - Reverse your way of thinking this month. Don't see problems where there are none or hold on to tightly to those worries, especially where your finances are concerned. Deal with the situation as it is now. Tomorrow is another day and things rarely happen the way we think they are going to. Everything is as it should be so let go and enjoy the moment. GEMINI - Competitive situations are prominent right now so it's time to put your thinking cap on! Use all the recourses you have available, check the opposition and think before you act. Approach the situation from a different angle and trust in yourself and your own abilities. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Don't let past situations put you off. Believe you can win and you will. CANCER - Its time you learnt who you can really trust. Start to discern who your true friends are and be nice to those who deserve it. Let go of any negative people who try to pull you down, you really don't need that added drama in your life. You deserve better and you know it! Set your sights higher and believe that you are worthy of being treated with more respect and you will begin to attract like minded people to you. LEO - Its time to be prudent, slow things down a little and start to plan for your future. Check out what needs to be done and gather your resources. There is a time and place for everything and right now you need to start to pursue your long term goals with stamina and dedication. Look at the bigger picture and if that means subjugating to others in order to enjoy the end result, then so be it. It'll all be worth it in the long run. VIRGO - Your way of thinking is causing more problems than there actually are. Its time to take responsibility for your thoughts, let go of old negative thought patterns and re write your own story. Focus on the positive and realise that you have control over who you are and how you act. Nothing is set in stone and just because things have gone wrong in the past doesn't mean they will in the future.



Tarot Scope continued... LIBRA - If you need help then don't be afraid to ask for it. If you need adventure then find it. If you are in a rut then try something new. Whatever you need go and get it. Jump down off that fence you usually sit on and take a risk. It's time to be more adventurous and hang the consequences! Be daring and let tomorrow take care of itself and go out and have some fun. It's good to live on a wing and a prayer from time to time. SCORPIO - You can feel very satisfied with yourself now as you are achieving what you wanted. However the hard work does not stop here. Whatever situation you are in, learning is the key so keep going and with patience and cultivation you will be rewarded. Just remain calm, allow time to pass and keep your emotions in check. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. SAGITTARIUS - The only sacrifice you will need to make is to see things from all perspectives and don't allow your fiery nature to spoil things by rushing in to quickly. Instead use your creative and intuitive energies to guide you in the right direction. If it means you have to be patient and wait a little longer than expected then so be it. Everything will come to fruition in the end. CAPRICORN - Whatever we do in life there are always pros and cons. Sometimes we simply need to take the rough with the smooth and mould our selves to the situation. Learn to bend a little and see the positive rather than the negative, and don't take it personally when others don't perform to your expectations. Simply take away from them what's good and leave the rest. That way you won't be disappointed. AQUARIUS - If you are feeling all mixed up and not sure where you are headed simply sit still and let things unfold naturally. Everything will then become much clearer and you will feel calmer as a result. Focus on living in the moment and watch as any obstacles in your way simply disappear. PISCES - See your situation with new eyes and begin with a fresh, clean slate. Have the confidence to make any changes needed and move forward fearlessly. It's a magical time for you Pisces so don't hold yourself back by sweating the small stuff. Simply plan what you want to do and go for it! The world is your oyster.



Electric Bikes tour Exmoor Paul Clews and Robert Zarawacz take to the roads of Exmoor A couple of weeks ago, Robert Zarywacz (@robertz on twitter) invited me to join him in a prize he had won. It was a days electric bike cycling from on twitter). Mrs Z was not keen to take part, so I immediately said yes. For me it meant a really early start, getting up at 6am, because I was on holiday at Tamar Lake. I got an early night in the night before, but unfortunately, woke at 1.30am, then was unable to get back to sleep. So feeling really tired, I set off back to Ilfracombe at 6.15am ready to be picked up by Robert at 9.25am . When we arrived at ExperiencEXMOOR, Neil gave us an explanation about how the bikes worked, including pannier bags for our packed lunch, sun cream and cameras. He also provided an impressive list of free charging points, stretching from Ilfracombe to Lynton and Lynmouth. After a little paper work, and a helmet fitting, it was time to test the bikes around the court yard. I went first…. Now before I arrived, I had assumed, being electric bikes, you wouldn’t have to pedal, but this is not the case, you do have to pedal, otherwise they just stop. The first thing you notice is they accelerate like a Formula 1 racing car. With a couple of turns of the pedals you’ve hit 30 kph. It takes a little getting used to. After a short while we were both ready to start a great adventure. With a rough plan of the route we wanted to take, which would take in Lynton and Lynmouth, and the Valley of the Rocks, we cycled up the drive and turned left on to the road for the first time and headed for the Hunters Inn. When we arrived at The Hunters Inn, knowing Julian Gurney’s (@NTExmoorRanger on twitter) office is near there, we checked to see he was home. He was, and with only a brief conversation about cake, Robert and I had an ice cream. Soon we were off again, heading towards Lynton Steam Railway for another brief stop.

And so on to Lynmouth.



And so on to Lynmouth. Approaching Lynmouth, we were beginning to feel the effects of half a day’s cycling, and considered not going down into Lynmouth, because of the massive climb out afterwards. “We could cycle down and take the cliff railway back up” I suggested. “Are you sure they take bikes?” Robert asked. “Not sure no, about 85%” I replied. With no mobile phone or internet signals we were unsure what to do. So as with so many of life’s great decisions we flipped a coin. Heads we go to Lynton, tails we go to Lynmouth. I secretly hoped for heads. I really couldn’t face that climb out of Lynmouth!

The toss

At the bottom of the hill we stopped. We decided to check out the cliff railway, to find out if they did take bikes. They did. Neil, then happened to see us and caught up with us at the cliff railway. He asked how we were doing. All was well. We had planned to have our packed lunch at Lynmouth, and recharge our bike batteries. We had a choice of charging points, and chose The Glen Lyn Gorge therefore recharging with the power of water. We left our bikes at the Glen, and went for a wonder around Lynmouth, and to eat lunch. We wanted to give the bikes a good charge, so we had an hour to kill. We had lunch by the river then went for a walk around the town. After 1 hour 15 minutes we were back in the saddle heading for The Valley of the Rocks via Lynton. We didn’t take the cliff railway after all. With the help of our charged up batteries, getting to The Valley of the Rocks was not as bad as imagined. We rested ourselves, recharged the bikes one more time. The cherry pie looked amazing, we couldn’t help ourselves! After the cherry pie, it was time to pass though The Valley of the Rocks, see the white lady and head for home. We cycled on through Woody Bay, onto Martinhoe, past Hunter’s Inn one more time. Then it was time for the final push up the hill and drop the bikes back to Neil. Overall it was a very tiring, but really enjoyable day. Robert dropped me back home, then I drove back to Tamar Lakes after doing a couple of jobs at home. I arrived back at the caravan at 9.15pm. Time for a much needed shower! ZZZZ ZZZZ

follow the link to hear an interview with Paul



Conversations with Valery Coburn What’s been happening: You could say that was the year that was 2012? We were warned and boy has it been a year. Three months left that’s all, I can hardly believe how fast that time has flown. Put aside the personal journeying for a moment, the summer was high on exciting explosive massive emotions of celebration, jubilations achievements galore and vivid displays of images beyond our wildest dreams. Both opening and closing ceremonies were spectacular with both people and productions going beyond anything we could have hoped for. Then came performances from the most amazing athletes the world had ever seen. Then it was over and we felt its loss, the legacy for us all from that huge high is now down to us all to make it continue. There are those screaming for the government, someone, anyone, to make the Olympic dream continue to keep the high, but this is of course is now up to us all. This is the legacy to see how well we can all do and what we can achieve as individuals. And yes, we can do it, of course we can, if you create your own vision, strengthen your belief in your dream. And so I say dream BIG if you’re going to dream at all, what is the point of doing anything less.

What’s been happening to you? Personal stories have been huge. Of letting go, hanging on, can I can’t I make the jump, some have and some haven’t. Being dropped into an abyss was prevalent, feelings of being lost and alone, abandoned by life and all it holds that was familiar. ‘Where am I’ became a regular cry, followed by ‘help, I am lost I don’t know where I am or what I can do?’ If any of this sounds familiar join the club, many of us have been there me included. So I want to share some inner wisdom with you that came through in September. It was after a particularly bad bout of the blues and this feeling of totally losing my way that I came into a clearing. I was reminded that this is 2012 and that we had all signed up for these changes, accepted they were inevitable, and the processes began. They actually began way back, these highs and lows have just got more frequent it seems. I was told a while ago, there is no time left and we are running out of time, it’s now or never. Scary or what? I know this was a truth for me because at the beginning of the year the key word for 2012 I was given was authenticity. We have to be living lives of total authenticity in truth of who we truly are. Gone is the time for pleasing others, doing someone else’s bidding, now is the time we get REAL, we are REAL, we know what REAL means to us. Deep in our heart where only truth lies we know this is truly the heart of the matter, we need to get REAL.

Another gem of insight was this, this is a new world, another dimension, it is so far unfamiliar to us, hence the feeling of lost. We have to find the maps that we now need to locate the new pathways of living. In order to do that we need to see life with and through new eyes, hear with a more refined hearing, smell with a greater awareness, taste with renewed sensitivity, touch with deeper feelings. When we can do all of these things the world will become the place we want it to be and we choose to live in. We will interpret it differently. We will create our very own heaven on earth and that will impact on the world at large. So dream BIG if you are going to dream at all. See you at ‘Getting to the Heart of the Matter’ an opportunity to discover the truth of who you truly are and to live life with love, ease and in total authenticity. Always In Love, Supporting you Spiritually Contact me Valery Coburn on 07957 818518 Email;




Arise and Shine Have you overindulged? Are you feeling a bit down or low on energy? Would you like to discover some tools to create a new healthy you? Not finding the solutions you want with orthodox approaches? Why not try something natural? Come and do a cleanse day or week here and you can learn what’s needed to carry on at home and share it with your family and friends too. Be healthy! Be happy!

Cranleigh House is a home from home, where you will be made comfortable while you cleanse, learn how to make green juice & discover the benefits of enemas. Our Cleanse is based on Richard Anderson’s Arise and Shine programme, an American Naturopath who cured himself from a terminal illness using these methods: (check out these testimonials....) Are you drinking too much caffeine? Learn how to feel naturally high: grow your own wheatgrass and make juice, it’s simple. Still not convinced, give us a call and we can have a chat about your specific health issues. Special Offers for Cleanse weeks: Was £799 now £699 for a single room for 7 nights. Was £749 now £649 for a shared room for 7 nights. Fri 5th Oct 4pm–10am Fri 12th October Cleanse days special Offers: Was £55 now £45. If you are curious, come and see what we do. 9am-4pm raw lunch included. Dates: as above, call us to book.

Call us for details 01271 889325 m.07985 928461 See our website for the full week programme.





NEW MOON SHAMANIC DRUMMING, HEALING AND SHARING CIRCLE Annee Bury, Shamanic Practitioner and Healer Have you noticed yourself beginning to question the life you lead and the craziness of the world we live in.? Have you noticed a deep desire to wake up and become more authentic and true to yourself and to live a life following your own rhythm and connected with spirit, nature and beauty? We will work with the energy of the new moon, shamanic journeying and other shamanic and spiritual tools to help us awaken and create more fun, joy, passion, peace and love in our lives. We will come together as a circle to create a sacred, safe, supportive and loving space to be and play together September 16th, October 15th, November 13th and December 13th 7.00-9.00pm Living Tree Centre, Paiges Lane, Barnstaple Call to book in advance - Phone 01271 342687 - ÂŁ5 & Feel free to phone Annee on 07812-179059 to find out more All welcome beginners & old timers alike & bring drums if you have one Follow the link to hear an interview with Karen




Follow the link to listen to Raven and Merlin




connecting with nature in a Sacred Way Making changes requires us to think differently and behave differently. It poses a deep challenge to our powerful inner resistance, so often ready to sabotage. Calling for help from outside ourselves is always a major and significant step. We are living through changing times, for all of us this is a time of deep questioning of our society’s values and our way of life. Shamanic traditions which are part of our ancestry, teach us to know our “wholeness” – to recognize that we are part of a universe in which all living things have spirit. Trees, stones, plants all have life and spirit as do animals and creatures; they are all our relations. To be in balance we need to make a relationship with Mother Earth and with all beings; we need to get to know “all our relations”! Nature spirits are above all generous and will respond to us with all the help and guidance we need. Over the last thousand years we have drifted far away from such beliefs, we have cut ourselves off from the greatest source of power and healing in doing so. “Making Changes” will offer a series of workshops that will help you to discover and develop your wholeness. Making Changes Winter Solstice 2012 The four points in the year that mark changes in the relationship between light and dark are powerful doorways, as we pass through them we can work with their transforming energy. The Winter Solstice marks the return of the light as the sun begins its journey back to us. This is a marvellous time to commit to change. The Winter Solstice of 2012 is predicted to be a turning point for many. Prophesies speak of it as a time when many will move into a more spiritual age, rekindling our relationship with wholeness and working and living with the powerful medicine of the earth. Personal challenges will come with such change. June Williams, friend and inspirational teacher has offered to assist me in putting on this day of “making changes”. Find June at: . We will be working in an old building, “The Apple Store”, once part of a village settlement at Watermouth, a small natural harbour. We will be connecting with the sea and the natural woodland surrounding Watermouth. With the shifting light energies of this special solstice our aim will be to help you to move forward with the changes that are important to you. The workshop will be on Saturday December 15th 10am – 4pm Places will be limited as the building is small so please book in advance. Refreshments provided, please bring lunch to share. Cost £40. E mail: Telephone: 01271 864003 Web:



The second “Making Changes” day will be around the spring equinox, working in the wilds of Exmoor – see:

The Apple store – Watermouth Also on offer: Half day one to one sessions, working Shamanically outdoors on making changes. Cost £50

Liz Nicholson – Psychotherapy, Counselling, Shamanism

Helping you to Make Changes I have been practising counselling and psychotherapy for the last thirty years and I am on the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy register. Psychotherapy and counselling can offer us the chance to make changes in ourselves. We all have the capacity to heal ourselves; psychotherapy stimulates and develops the capacity. Connecting with nature in a sacred way can provide a powerful way of putting changes into practice and helping us to truly find our place in the world. I have trained as a Shamanic practitioner and I am able to offer an approach to personal change which combines psychotherapy and Shamanism. See website for more details and charges.

Website : Telephone: 01271 864003 E Mail :





North Devon Sights

Devon Air Ambulance

Ilfracombe Bandstand

Ilfracombe Fair

Entrance to Ilfracombe Harbour

Ilfracombe Harbour

River Taw Barnstaple

Š2012 Moonshadow Media Productions

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