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Jared Sayers
HIGH ESTEEM Who’s the healthiest person you know? I used to think it was my dad, because the man never got a cold. I mean, never. But the older I get and the more I observe the daily habits of fellow South Bay go-getters, that question becomes an even tougher one to answer. How could I just name one? Many of my friends and coworkers certainly fit the mold. Between strict food regimes, CrossFit training sessions and impromptu beach volleyball matches many an afternoon, these people live, breathe and sleep fitness. And they have the bodies to prove it. Sometimes I sit on my stationary bike at spin class and wonder if my toned instructor—jacked up with enough energy to power a neighborhood block—is human or some alien life form sent to earth to pedal our collective minds and bodies into another dimension. Wherever she comes from, mission accomplished. I’m hooked. It’s hard not to get inspired by the beach bodies and healthy habits of our community. They’re everywhere: cycling The Strand, jogging the Greenbelt, hiking the PV trails, paddling the Redondo coastline, powerwalking the Pier, ripping through acai bowls on Manhattan Avenue. People here put their health on high priority ... at home, at work and everywhere in between. I challenge you to name the healthiest person you know. Just one. Maybe it’s someone who cooks smart meals in your household, the gal who trains you on the beach or the guy who does push-ups at his desk. Perhaps it’s someone in this new issue. Or maybe, in 2016, that person will be you.
– Darren Elms, Editor
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Chadwick School alum and soccer star Christen Press returns to her home turf.
12 UCLA Quarterback Josh Rosen
34 Technical Support
52 Change of Heart
14 Q&A with Tender Greens Founder Matt Lyman
38 Tips for Healthy Winter Skin
54 A Tale of Two Spas
40 A Stronger Post-Pregnancy Abdomen
106 Seize 2016: Your Active Calendar
18 Senior Cyclist Gerry Agnew
42 Health Insurance Help
22 Mental Makeover
44 Mixed Martial Arts and Self-Defense
58 Meet the South Bay’s Wellness Leaders
16 Keeping Holiday Stress at Bay
24 Smart Office Workouts 28 Soccer Champ Christen Press Takes a Victory Lap
10 Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
48 Surfer Nic Vaughan Ups His Fitness Game
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First Pass
12  Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
anhattan Beach’s Josh Rosen may only be a freshman at UCLA, but he is one of the most talked about young players in college football today. At 6’4” and 210 pounds, the Bruins’ starting quarterback entered the 2015 season ranked #13 by the Associated Press and #14 in the Coach’s Poll. During the season opener against the University of Virginia, he completed 28 of 35 passes for 351 yards and three touchdowns toward a 34–16 win. We’re excited to see where this young man’s talent takes him in the future. PHOTOGRAPHED BY KAT MONK
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Free Range
Dishing Tender Greens and smart farming with Manhattan Beach’s Matt Lyman
fter a childhood spent raising chickens and growing corn, Tender Greens cofounder Matt Lyman has made a career of championing freshly farmed food. As Tender Greens marks a grand opening in the South Bay, Matt discusses how his upbringing continues to influence the way he views what he takes from the land. You grew up on a farm in Maryland? Matt Lyman: I did. I moved there when I was 6 and lived there for about 13 years. It was every bit a real farm as what people’s perspectives of a farm would be. We raised a cow for beef every year, we had chickens almost every year, grew corn … all of those things.
ence we had at our jobs without the cost and inaccessibility. We wanted a casual place, where you didn’t have to have someone come to valet your car. At the time, was a locally sourced menu considered out of the box? ML: Completely. It’s always been our tradition to partner with small farmers or fishermen at every opportunity. I don’t believe that thinking was applied to the fast-casual space before, and it made perfect sense to us. Certainly our partnership at Scarborough Farms left some people scratching their heads and saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
How did that influence your view of food? ML: Growing up on a farm, I had a connection to all the food that we’d see year after year. It was a ritual every evening in the summertime to pick corn, shuck them and throw the husks over the fence so that the cows could eat them. Then we’d go inside with the corn so that my mom could cook dinner. I have many of those types of childhood memories.
Yeah, I think it’s much more common to think that way now. ML: I think that the food industry in general is caring more about where the food comes from and who is growing it. People want to know, “Are you using fertilizer or are you not? What are your practices when it comes to water consumption?” People care about the story behind their food, and what they’re putting in their mouths.
Your first jobs out of culinary school were at high-end restaurants, like at One Pico where you met the other two founders of Tender Greens [David Dressler and Erik Oberholtzer]. What did you guys want to accomplish when you came up with the idea? ML: We were looking for a place to go that would offer us the same experi-
Do you think Tender Greens has also evolved since it first opened in 2006 in that regard? ML: Our offerings haven’t necessarily evolved. The challenge is when you start to open five or 10 or 20 of these locations. Farmers aren’t built for that kind of volume. Maintaining those relationships and having farming models keep up with our growth is our biggest challenge.
14 Southbay Health 2051 | oursouthbay.com
What is Tender Greens doing to minimize its impact on the land as it grows? ML: We have a lot of conversations with our farmers about what they’re growing for us. We used to say that living in California was a bonus, because you could grow things year-round. But without much water, that’s a challenge unless things start to turn around. We’re giving some thought to going out of state and how that can potentially involve a seasonal location. But how do we maintain freshness? So what we’ve started to explore is indoor—or aeroponic—growing methods. About five of our locations have aeroponic towers, which use about 90% less water than traditional farming methods. I have one at my house, and my kids and I will go on the roof and we’ll pick peppers or my daughter will pull lettuce leaves off and eat them. Growing up on a farm and trying to create that experience for my kids is not quite the same as when you live in the city. But for my daughter to learn that these things are living feeds her mind. With those towers, customers can see what they’re eating too? ML: Absolutely. There’s probably a three-week turnaround for the plants. They grow pretty fast, and it’s very cool. It’s rewarding for the chefs too, that they can grow some interesting things for specials on the menu. We’re growing everything. There’s peppers, cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs … it’s limitless.
Will the towers be at the new Torrance location? ML: They will. There’s going to be about 15 towers. I know that you’re a South Bay resident, and you’re probably well aware of the fact that locals here are enthusiastic about sustainable eating. Do you have any suggestions for people who want to eat well at home— and not just at Tender Greens? ML: I struggle with that too. I’m busy, and I have two kids. Replicating Tender Greens at home is a challenge. I still cook three or four nights a week at my house, and I make the most of vegetables. I have a lot of conversations with my kids about where plants come from and that animals have value. I want them to respect what’s on their plate, and that’s a learning process. At the same time, I think people are going to be excited about a new type of food that’s close to home in the South Bay. Tender Greens’ focus is going to be on families who need to eat a fast, healthy meal.
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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? Keeping stress at bay during the holidays WRITTEN BY NANCY SOKOLER STEINER
h, the holidays: family gatherings around a bountiful table, homes exquisitely decorated and piles of brightly wrapped gifts. Except we’re dreading Uncle Bob’s political rants. The decorations still sit untouched in their boxes. And we’re frenzied looking for the perfect gifts that won’t put us into serious debt. It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. And it can be. But the holidays can also be fraught with emotional landmines and unattainable expectations. Here are some strategies for avoiding common holiday-related pitfalls.
PLAN AHEAD “The holidays stir up old history and family tensions,” says Stephanie Morales, a licensed marriage and family therapist. “If you have an issue with a family member, try to get in front of it by having a conversation with that person.” For example, if you don’t want to hear Uncle Bob pontificate about his favorite presidential candidate, call him beforehand. “I’m looking forward to celebrating with you,” you could tell him. “And I know how enthusiastic you are about the elections. But our politics are different, and I’d rather focus on the things we have in common. At Christmas, will you tell me more about the general store Grandma and Grandpa once owned?”
SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS Stephanie, founder of The Mother Nurture Center in Redondo Beach, notes that we can get overwhelmed by what we think we should be doing or experiencing. “We sometimes have fantasies about what the holiday season is supposed to look like and feel sad when our experience doesn’t measure up. Or we might have memories of perfect childhood holidays, except those memories aren’t entirely accurate. We get frustrated when we can’t create ideal experiences,” she says. Stress can also come from perceived obligations. (I’ve always hosted Thanksgiving dinner. Aunt Mary will be offended if I don’t go to her tree-decorating party. The latkes have to be homemade, not store-bought.) Focus on the areas you can control. Pace yourself by deciding which activities you’ll participate in and which you’ll forgo, which traditions to keep and which to modify. Try not to expect a picture-perfect holiday or anticipate dramatic family reconciliations. Make a holiday budget in advance. To save money, think about creating hand-made gifts. Or to conserve your energy while honoring the spirit of the
16 Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
season, consider making donations to charities meaningful to the recipients.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF As you get immersed in the holiday bustle, remember to maintain healthy habits. “Get out in nature,” Stephanie suggests. “Sunlight increases your serotonin levels and can help prevent depression. Take a walk each day to help mitigate the stressors and symptoms of depression and anxiety.” She also recommends finding outlets to express your feelings, such as talking with a friend, writing in a journal or seeing a therapist. “Get things off your chest. Letting off steam can help reduce the tension you might otherwise experience at holiday events.” Don’t forget to get plenty of sleep, eat healthy meals and work regular physical activity into your daily routine. Of course, if you think you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, reach out. “Just like any other illness, if you get on it early, the prognosis is much better,” says Stephanie.
FOCUS ON THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON The season is about giving, so look for opportunities to give that resonate with you. Perhaps you can help spearhead a toy drive or help prepare and serve food at a homeless shelter. Churches and social service organizations can put you in touch with a family to “adopt” by providing gifts and holiday meals. With some advanced planning, realistic expectations and self-care, holiday time can have less “Bah humbug!” and more “Ho, ho, ho!”
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International athletes juggle training and competing with family and career, but Palos Verdes resident Gerald (Gerry) Agnew competes while also acting as father, grandfather, husband, community philanthropist and the founding partner of a renowned law firm. Gerry became an international competitor just four years after he began cycling … and one year after breaking his neck and having surgery that kept him immobilized for months. However, his success as a world-class athlete is no surprise to his seven children and seven grandchildren. He’s as committed to cycling as he is to his family, his clients and the community. Gerry’s a former marathon runner and recreational cyclist, but during a visit to the VELO Sports Center in 2010, he became hooked on track cycling. Velodrome cycling takes place on a steeply banked oval track where two 180º turns are connected by two straights.
20 Southbay Health 2051 | oursouthbay.com
“Track cycling was a vertical learning curve for me where everything was new—from learning to assemble a bike to how to calculate gear ratios,” says Gerry. Tackling challenges is prototypical for this tenacious competitor. After working his way through college, Gerry attended law school. He quickly found his niche representing plaintiffs in serious injury cases in Los Angeles. In 1984 Gerry founded the firm Agnew Brusavich in the South Bay in order to be closer to his family. “I’ve tried more cases than I can remember, but I know that I’m only as good as my next one,” says Gerry. Much like building a case for litigation, velodrome cycling requires athleticism for the duration and a calculated strategy. Gerry hired former U.S. Olympic coach Roger Young, and he quickly developed into a serious competitor. At the 2011 SCNA Masters Track Champion-
ships, Gerry won gold medals for the Team Pursuit and the Individual Pursuit. Later in 2011 at the USA Cycling Masters Velodrome Championships, he won two bronze medals. In one year he had become the gold medalist for the region and the bronze medalist for the United States. However, his success was short-lived after a freak biking accident in 2012 left Gerry with a broken neck and a concussion. The accident required two surgeries including screws into his neck and months of immobility while wearing a halo. “I credit my recovery to my strong support group that included my coach, Roger; my trainer, J.J. Hendershot; my daughter and training partner, Sarah Munoz; my amazing wife, Jodi; and our kids,” says Gerry. Ferociously undeterred and positive, Gerry began attending spin classes in his halo neck gear to get in shape. After eight months of
rehabilitation he finally rode his bike in May 2013. Stunningly, he medaled in July 2013 at the SCNA Masters Track Championships and again in August 2013 at the USA Cycling Masters Velodrome Championships. “I designated 2014 as my comeback year, so I began cross training with strength conditioning, spinning, boxing and Pilates,” says Gerry. That unflinching commitment paid off: He won two gold medals at the 2014 SCNA Masters Track Championships and two gold medals and a bronze at the 2014 USA Cycling Masters Velodrome Championships. In October 2014 Gerry went to Manchester, England, to compete at the World Track Masters Championships. He won the silver and bronze medals for the Team Sprint and Team Pursuit events while closing out the year as the National Masters Endurance Record Holder. In four years he went from novice to international medalist
and national record-holder, including a sabbatical for a serious injury. As successful as Gerry is on the track, in the courtroom and at home, he also challenges himself as a community philanthropist. For 22 years, the Agnew Brusavich Scholarship has been awarded to more than 550 local high school students to attend community college honors programs. “Kids are under so much peer pressure to go to big-name schools, but I’m a product of community college, and I believe in it—because after our kids finish the honors transfer program, we’ve got a 95% acceptance rate into four-year institutions,” he says. Gerry is also involved in other philanthropic causes including Cycle for Heroes and Climb for Heroes, both spearheaded by J.J. Hendershot. Gerry’s firm also gives community service awards to those who volunteer tirelessly for the
community. Whether awarding academic, cycling or service awards or being a Clothes the Deal depository, Agnew Brusavich is committed to improving lives in the South Bay. Gerry continued to medal at the regional and national level in 2015, and he intends to break the 2015 National Hour Record with Sarah. However, his ultimate goal is in October 2016 when the VELO Sports Center—his home track—hosts the Masters World Championships. Gerry will be among the fiercest competitors when he rides in front of his family and friends. After all of his cycling success, Gerry most values the people he’s met through cycling. “There’s a whole spectrum of people involved in track cycling, and it’s opened a new world for me,” says Gerry. For this family man, philanthropist and attorney, athletics is one more way he leaves his indelible handprint on so many lives. §
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Mental Makeover
In our eternal quest to live healthier and happier lives, these books offer an alternative and fresh perspective on ways to seek wellness. WRITTEN BY MICHELE GARBER
Winter offers a unique set of challenges to our health and well-being. The holiday season can be frenetic and often stressful. We splurge on calories, skip workouts and shortchange ourselves on much-needed sleep. Then we make well-intended resolutions to sleep and eat better, work out regularly and shed
those extra pounds … only to watch those good intentions slip away a few weeks into the New Year. Perhaps we need a new approach. By recalibrating our mindset, can we find more effective paths to the wellness we seek? Here are a few books to help chart a new course.
When she was only 5 years old, Marie Kondo spent hours poring over home and lifestyle magazines. She helped her mom keep their home tidy and would sneak into her siblings’ rooms to toss unused toys. Growing up in Japan where space is at a minimum and feng shui is common practice, it made sense that Marie’s passion for order would develop into her craft. She developed her own technique for organization—the KonMari Method—and became a highly sought after cleaning consultant with a three-month client waitlist. At the urging of her patiently waiting clients, she wrote a book on her method, and almost overnight KonMari became an international phenomenon. The core of KonMari is simple: only keep that which sparks joy. Kondo’s global fan base swears by her method, crediting her with a myriad of residual benefits, from stress relief to encouraging major life changes.
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Our modernized, digitized, overstimulated lives have made us all consummate multitaskers. Yes, it’s incredible that we can simultaneously stream a playoff game, FaceTime with mom, check stock prices, bid on concert tickets and order takeout, all while walking our dog, sitting in traffic or standing on our head. But what is all of this multitasking doing to our psyche? Dr. Mike Dow’s new book lays out a three-week plan to naturally restore and rebalance three essential chemicals in the brain: serotonin, dopamine and cortisol. By rebalancing these three chemicals, Dow asserts that the rest of the brain’s chemistry can function optimally, providing clarity, sharper memory and enhanced creativity. The steps in his plan are incremental and achievable and, according to Dow, can leave you feeling more optimistic, calm, energized and inspired.
She’s the genius behind some of today’s most successful television shows including Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and Grey’s Anatomy, and she’s the creator of dynamic, iconic characters like Olivia Pope and Meredith Grey. So it may be hard to imagine that Shonda Rhimes, the woman who essentially owns Thursday night television, is actually a self-proclaimed introvert. Her success and fame brought her enviable opportunities—including invitations to the most coveted events and offers to appear on talk shows and speak at commencements. Yet her paralyzing fear of social interaction and potential public humiliation led her to always decline. On Thanksgiving 2013 her sister told her, “You never say ‘yes’ to anything.” The comment stung but had the desired effect. Shonda embarked on a year of saying “yes” to everything she feared. In her candid memoir, she poignantly recounts her year of challenging herself to step out of her reclusive comfort zone, confront her fears, embrace her blessed life and fully enjoy her day in the sun … all by simply uttering the word “yes.”
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The trainers at Premier Mind & Body in El Segundo demonstrate exercises you can do at the office. PHOTOGRAPHED BY MICHAEL NEVEUX
REPLACE YOUR CHAIR Using your stability ball as your chair will force you to use your own core strength to sit up straight with good posture.
PLANK THRUSTS Start out with glutes engaged and shoulders/ forearms on top of the ball. Thrust the ball forward and exhale while tightening your core.
CRUNCH Stabilize your midsection while keeping your tailbone and lower lumbar on the ball and shoulders up. Exhale and contract the abs as you thrust up.
24 Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
INCLINE PUSH-UP Place hands on the desk at 45º angle with feet on the ground. Keep your glutes and core engaged the entire movement. Inhale on the way down, keeping your shoulders back and allowing your elbows to flare out to the side to engage the chest. Exhale as you press up from the heels of your palms and squeeze the chest.
TRICEP DIPS Place the feet together on the ground and hands behind on the desk so the body is at a 90º angle. Inhale as you lower down, keeping the elbows pointing straight back (do not let the elbows flare out to the side). Exhale as you press up to full extension squeezing the triceps.
DECLINE PUSH-UP WITH OBLIQUE TWIST Place feet up on the desk with hands on the floor. Engage the core and glutes to prevent lower back strain. Inhale as you lower down. Exhale as you press up and draw one knee to the opposite elbow squeezing the obliques. Switch sides and repeat.
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AB WHEEL Start on your feet with glutes and core engaged while gripping the sides of the rolling desk chair. Inhale as you roll the chair away from your body and exhale while contracting the abs as you pull the chair back in.
KNEE TUCKS Start with your hands on the ground and toes on the rolling desk chair. As you tuck the knees in, exhale and contract the lower abs. Inhale as you straighten back out.
HAMSTRING CURLS Start out lying on your back with your heels on the rolling chair and hand palms down on the ground to stabilize. Keep hips elevated. While exhaling, pull heels into your glutes and contract your hamstrings. For more on Premier Mind & Body, visit them at premiermindandbody.com. 26 Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
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Still running on adrenaline after sharing the World Cup title with the U.S. Women’s National Team, hometown hero Christen Press shows no sign of slowing down. WRITTEN BY AMBER KLINCK PHOTOGRAPHED BY KAT MONK
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Victory Lap
oming from her third day as a host for FOX Sports’ digital series @TheBuzzer, U.S. Women’s National Team forward and World Cup champion Christen Press shares some of what she loves about her new gig. “I think I was the most excited about putting on normal clothes, being a girl and walking into an office. I never thought I’d like broadcasting—and actually I’m little bit awkward in front of the camera, but I get to hear about what’s going on in sports all around the world and I love it.” Of course with her contagious smile and vibrant personality, Christen is about as far from awkward as you could get. The 26-year-old Palos Verdes native exudes confidence and enthusiasm, even while maintaining a demanding schedule and rigorous training regimen. Spending a mere 75 days a year in Los Angeles, Christen is used to making herself at home on the road. “Next week I’ll be in Seattle for three days, then Orlando, D.C., New York, back home and then to Philly,” she says. It’s enough to make your head spin. For Christen, however, this is business as usual. “Typically November would be our off time, but because this is a back-to-back World Cup/Olympic year, we don’t have off time,” she explains. “It’s a little stressful, but it’s also super fun.” When she’s traveling, Christen trains in a team environment, but when she’s home, she takes the opportunity to blend in a few of her own favorite activities. “The national training center for U.S. soccer is at the StubHub Center in Carson,” she notes. “In the morning I get up, run the dogs (two adorable rescue mutts), go straight to training, maybe spend an hour and a half on the field, and then head to the gym.” She adheres to this schedule five days a week, but even on her off days she’s always in motion. “On Saturday and Sunday, I’ll just run to yoga. I’m always active; being static makes me tired,” she says. “I get energy from moving.” This energy has been a driving force in Christen since she began playing soccer as a child. “I don’t remember being 6 years old and thinking, ‘I’m going to play for the Women’s National Team.’ I was 6 years old thinking, ‘I want to be the best player on the field.’” Following a set of smaller goals kept Christen concentrated on what was in front of her. “I didn’t think they were small goals at the time, but they kept me focused on what I was doing.” During her adolescence, Christen participated in other sports as well. “I ran track, I played tennis, I played softball, and I was equally good at all of them,” she says. But as she got older and her competitive nature matured, she began dropping the other sports. “It came down to tennis and soccer. I love them both, but in the end it’s about being on a team,
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“ working with other people and having friends to go through these experiences with you,” Christen explains. “I don’t know if I thought this at the time, but now when I play tennis, it seems like the loneliest sport in the world. In soccer, I’m talking to my teammates, I’m yelling, I’m complaining. In tennis, it’s just you and your coach against the world. It’s so different.” While in high school at Chadwick School, the Dolphins team captain set her sights on college ball. “I thought, ‘I want to play for the best team. I want to win a national championship … and then I want to be a professional.’” Her move to Stanford, however, didn’t go as smoothly as she’d envisioned. “I think I had late growing pains. I was so attached to my home, my friends and my life at Chadwick that I transitioned really poorly into Stanford. I was so stressed, and that’s when I started looking at the national team and thinking, ‘Why am I not on the team? What am I doing wrong?’ I was super excited about the idea, but I didn’t know what it took to get there.” National team or not, Christen killed it in college—breaking record after record. During her four years she scored 71 goals, making her Stanford’s all-time leading scorer. She was the recipient of the 2010 Herman Trophy Award. It wouldn’t be until after college, while playing for Sweden’s Damallsvenskan league in 2012, that Christen would get her call to the U.S. National Team. Today she is part-time with the team and part-time in Chicago playing her second season with the Chicago Red Stars. When she’s there, she “lives downtown in the city,” but it still doesn’t feel quite like home. “Nope, not even close,” she says. “I live in Chicago, that’s where I play, but [the South Bay] will always be home.” During those precious 75 days a year that Christen is back in LA, she can be found catching up with old friends or at her parents’ house in Palos Verdes. “I love it there; it’s so beautiful. Every time I get to stay with my parents, it’s like I’m on vacation—it doesn’t feel like real life.” It’s clear to see how much Christen appreciates the ocean-side community she was raised in. “When I live in a place where I don’t see the beach, it doesn’t feel right,” she says. “I love to be outside.” Then she laughs and adds, “But I can’t stand cold weather, and I can’t stand hot weather. I can only take it perfectly temperate.” Spoken like a true Southern Cali girl. With as much as Christen feels at home in Palos Verdes, however, she identifies less with the laid-back South Bay vibe and more with its urban counterpart. “I’m a typical LA girl; I’m a little high-strung with a total type-A personality.”
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I live in Chicago, that’s where I play, but [the South Bay] will always be
That’s a trait Christen claims she’s had since she was a kid. “I was a really competitive child, just ask my sisters. They’d say, ‘It wasn’t even fun playing with [Christen] because we’d have to let her win or she’d be unbearable.’” She half jokingly adds, “But I don’t remember it like that.” With all three sisters heavily involved in soccer, the entire Press household became active participants. “My parents coached us, they managed us, drove us to practice—we were your typical soccer family with a minivan and orange slices in the cooler,” Christen explains. Everyone was on the move all the time. Now when Christen is home, she makes it a point to at least try to get in some downtime. “I’m not good at relaxing,” she admits. “But I know it’s good for me.” She does find, however, that her yoga practice helps. “I do yoga every day, and I love it. People always ask what I do for exercise when I’m not playing soccer. I love to run on the beach, swim and do yoga.” What’s interesting about Christen, despite all the focus she has to devote to soccer, is that she is not singular in her interests. “I’m a weirdo and not your typical athlete—I love so many things,” Christen explains. But that’s not to suggest she’s not passionate about her sport. “When you’re this invested, soccer will always be there,” she says. “Even if I’m not playing, no matter what, I’ll be involved in the sport.” But her end game includes more. “I’m passionate about giving back to children that didn’t have all the opportunities that I had,” she explains. “My parents gave me so much love, and because of that, I’ve always had confidence. There are so many children that don’t have an anchor in their lives to bounce ideas off of or to support them when they fall.” Christen, who studied psychology while at Stanford, says she’d welcome the chance to work with children. “I’d love to be able to work in a field where I could talk with kids, work with them and try to improve their lives.” After having achieved so much in such a short amount of time, this driven young woman has every opportunity at her fingertips. With her new adventures in broadcasting, her career as a professional soccer player and the 2016 World Cup ahead, the possibilities are endless. But for now Christen is focused on what’s in front of her. “I’ll be with the National Team for a 10-game, post-World Cup victory tour.” The South Bay will be watching … and we’re rooting for you, Christen. §
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ortunately we don’t encounter frigid temperatures or snowstorms here in the temperate South Bay. But even in milder climates, skin still needs TLC during the winter months. “It’s not so much the cold temperatures that affect our skin but the lack of humidity typical of winter,” says Scott Rackett, MD, a dermatologist with Manhattan Beach Dermatology. “The Santa Ana winds we get have single-digit humidity, and it’s that lack of moisture that dries out people’s skin.” The skin is your body’s largest organ. Show it the care it deserves during the winter and all year through. To avoid the dry, red and itchy skin that tends to occur this time of year, we need to help the skin retain moisture. Here are some suggestions.
USE KINDER CLEANSERS Constantly washing hands, using hand sanitizers and showering daily dries the skin by stripping off the body’s own oils and moisturizers, says Dr. Rackett. Soaps that promise to get you squeaky clean or that have strong fragrances can be harsh on the skin. The same goes for antibacterial soaps. Instead use milder soaps and ones with added moisturizers. Dr. Rackett recommends Cetaphil, CeraVe and Aveeno as brands that cleanse without drying. Note the difference between unscented and fragrance-free: Unscented soaps may still contain fragrance intended to mask the smell of something in the formula. Fragrance-free means that no extra fragrances were added.
Keeping your skin healthy all winter long
DON’T FORGET SUNSCREEN Sunscreen isn’t just for beach days. Apply it each day to your face, arms, ears, neck and chest. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen that is waterproof, protects against both UVA and UVB rays, and has an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or more. Don’t be stingy; most people only apply half of the recommended amount of sunscreen. “Use daily moisturizer and sunscreen even if you work in an office,” says Dr. Rackett. “You can still get sun exposure while you’re driving, if you sit near a window or when you walk to lunch. Sun exposure is cumulative, and small amounts add up.”
MORE SKIN-SAVING STRATEGIES Taking shorter showers not only conserves water; it also spares the skin. Bathing or showering for longer periods can strip away the skin’s moisture. Keep temperatures lukewarm rather than hot to avoid washing away the skin’s natural oils. Consider using a humidifier to increase moisture levels in the air. Be sure to monitor humidity levels and keep your humidifier clean. Remember to protect your lips, which get frequent sun exposure. Use a lip balm with sunscreen and reapply throughout the day. Dr. Rackett suggests coating lips with Vaseline or Aquaphor at night.
A NOTE ABOUT EL NIÑO Rainy, gloomy weather benefits the skin by adding moisture and humidity to the air. If you get soaked, be sure to towel off. Air-drying lets water evaporate into the air, drawing moisture not just from the surface of the skin but from the layers underneath. Don’t forget the moisturizer.
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Out in the Cold
After washing your hands or body, use a towel to gently pat the skin dry and then immediately apply moisturizer. “People generally don’t apply enough moisturizer to their skin,” says Dr. Rackett. “You want to see it glistening on the skin and wait for it to absorb.” Moisturizers come in several forms. Lotions, the thinnest, usually come in pump bottles. Creams, which are thicker, often come in tubs. Ointments, like Vaseline, are the thickest and most hydrating and typically come in a tub or tube. Since ointments can leave a residue, consider using them at night. Dr. Rackett notes that oils hydrate well, and his patients seem to like coconut oil. But the best moisturizer, he says, is the one you like to use on your skin.
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Core Issue Understanding, identifying and treating post-pregnancy diastasis WRITTEN BY AMBER KLINCK
hen it comes to a woman’s pregnancy, the range of what is considered normal is so wide it’s almost comical. Even when the same woman has multiple pregnancies, there’s no guarantee the second will be anything like the first. And then, of course, there are all the variants one may experience with delivery—followed by six mysterious weeks of postpartum. There is certainly nothing normal happening then. With all the variations surrounding the greatest physical transformation a woman will ever experience, paired with the centralized focus she is now—as a mother—giving to her newborn child, it’s easy to see how her own altered physicality could be overlooked, even when there are moments of discomfort. Lean and petite, it’s tempting to just politely smile and nod when Amy Granzow tells you how big her belly was during the last few months of her pregnancy. That is until she shows you a picture of her tiny frame supporting quite an impressive bump. “I had a really healthy pregnancy, but my belly just got bigger and bigger and bigger,” she explains. When the skin around her belly button started to look thin, Amy’s husband, Dr. Jay Granzow, suggested it could be diastasis recti. In layman’s terms, if you were to look at a well-developed abdomen, “the fascial line down the middle is called the linea alba, and that line should be shallow, firm and pretty narrow,” explains Jenni Gabelsberg, director of physical therapy at Women’s Advantage/Men’s Optimal Health PT. “During pregnancy, that connective tissue starts to stretch open and separate the long rectus abdominus muscles—this is true for all pregnancies.” It is when a significant separation remains after delivery that one could run into problems. “It can affect your daily life,” says Amy, who has to be completely cognizant of every move she makes that requires core strength— from picking up her children to pulling the groceries out of the car. Still, Amy was lucky. With Dr. Granzow’s early diagnosis, she began going to physical therapy with Jennifer and working with Lelia Parma, a Pilates instructor who specializes in postpartum strengthening. “I was getting the right care at the right time,” Amy notes. “I was able to do the right exercises to get me to a point where I felt good, and I felt strong. I still had a problem, but I was getting help.” Of course, Amy is quick to emphasize, “You don’t have to be married to a doctor to get the right help.” But you do have to be willing to speak up and not accept certain physical ailments as the battle scars that come with motherhood. “Sometimes toughing it out isn’t better; it’s just toughing it out,” Dr. Granzow says. For women who are less affected with weakness but have a bulge that remains after delivery, the assumption is often that it’s solely fat. “People often think that they just need to lose more weight, do more sit-ups or train harder,” Amy explains. “What they don’t realize is what’s
going on underneath.” Another side effect could be back pain. “You may hear someone say they have abdominal weakness and then mention having pain in their lower back,” Amy notes. “They’ll say, ‘Well, it’s because I’m carrying my child a lot.’ But when your core is weak, your back will overcompensate.” During Amy’s second pregnancy, her diastasis came back, and it was worse. But now she knew how to handle it, and her postpartum condition was considerably more manageable. “Research shows that if a woman specifically trains the transverse abdominis muscle during pregnancy, she has a 70% less chance of developing diastasis after delivery,” explains Jennifer. That’s not to suggest, however, that you should be exercising at 100% during pregnancy. “Every trimester has its protocol,” Lelia says. “During the first trimester the focus is on strengthening the transverse abdominis, the pelvic floor and improving your posture.” During the second and third trimester the focus remains the same, but exercises that require lying on your belly are out. Stretches should be conservative due to “the relaxin hormone your body produces to prepare for delivery,” Lelia explains, and a pregnant woman’s heart rate should always stay below 140 BPM. With so many details surrounding the proper positioning for pregnant women to exercise safely, what Lelia ultimately recommends is for women to always “start with a doctor’s clearance and work with a certified instructor.” “When you’re exercising with a woman [post-pregnancy], you can tell if they’re engaging their core properly or not. The most clear sign to keep an eye on is if you see a bulge pop up through the linea alba. If you see that, then you need to take a step back and modify the exercise to a gentler version,” Lelia continues. “I think that’s important to know because there are so many women who are either going to group classes or working out with DVDs. You need to make sure your abs are hugging in, because if they’re not, you’ve gone too far.” With so many treatment options available—from physical therapy to surgery in the most severe cases—there’s no reason to accept diastasis as your new normal. But step #1 is identification. Indications you may need to be evaluated by a women’s health physical therapist could be “a feeling like your ribs are spreading to the point of discomfort, if you have a lot of overstretch, bulging or tenting near the belly button, or if you’re having spinal pain or difficulty with day-to-day activities,” Jennifer explains. If a considerable time has passed after delivery and physical therapy is no longer an option, a specialist like Dr. Granzow can “start with a diagnosis, followed by a plan based on what you’re trying to achieve.” Whatever your goals, stay in tune with your body, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t feel right.
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Got Coverage? A local insurance rep breaks down everything you need to know about getting insured under the Affordable Care Act. WRITTEN BY DIANE CRUZ ADAMS
pen enrollment for 2016 has been well underway since November 1, and under the Affordable Care Act, everyone must have health insurance or face a penalty. During open enrollment, anyone can purchase health insurance. However, outside this period you cannot purchase health insurance unless you have a special qualifying event. If your employer or spouse’s employer does not provide health insurance, you will need to buy it in the private marketplace or Covered California (coveredca.com). If you qualify, Covered California may provide you with assistance toward your health insurance premiums. You will have the option to renew your current health plan during open enrollment. However, this is also a great time to shop across all health insurance company plans. You may not be aware of changes to your benefits, if your doctor is leaving your network or if your medications are covered at a different cost. If you do not sign up for a health plan in 2016, you face a fee of 2.5% of your yearly household income, or $695 per person ($347.50 per child under 18). You’ll have to pay whichever number is higher. If you don’t enroll during open enrollment and would like to purchase health insurance in 2016, you must qualify for a special exception. You will have 60 days to enroll from the date of that event. Qualifying events that trigger a special enrollment period are marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, death of a spouse or partner that leaves you without health insurance, losing company-sponsored health insurance, a reduction in work hours, or having an HMO and moving outside its coverage area. It is important to note: If you voluntarily drop your coverage, you won’t qualify for a special enrollment period. The only time you can re-enroll is during the next enrollment.
You will not have to buy health insurance if you have credible health insurance elsewhere, such as an employersponsored company plan, veteran benefits or Medi-Cal. Other exemptions are if you are a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe, member of a health care sharing ministry or member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance. If you suffer a hardship you can check with a qualified insurance agent to see if you can be exempt from enrollment. Other forms of exemptions are if you are incarcerated or you are a U.S. citizen living abroad. Health insurance rates are set by law, so utilizing the services of an insurance agent should not cost an additional charge. Look for unbiased, independent, free advice. Be smart. Be informed. Be covered!
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• Enroll between November 1 and by December 15, and your coverage will be effective January 1, 2016. • Enroll between December 16 and January 15, and your coverage will be effective on February 1, 2016. • Enroll between January 16–31, and your coverage will be effective March 1, 2016.
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Ring of Fire
Triton MMA helps South Bay locals get in fighting shape.
riton MMA in Redondo Beach has a different approach to teaching martial arts. “It’s not a fighting gym, but every person [in here] is in fighting shape,” says owner John Marsh. A Torrance local, John gravitated to martial arts—and in particular wrestling—from an early age. He notes that he wrestled extensively during high school and college, and he eventually transitioned into boxing. By his early 20s, he says, he’d moved up from the amateur level and was beginning to box professionally. He then made an unexpected jump into fighting in some of the first MMA tournaments. “It was a long road of fighting all over the place, just for myself,” he says. “There wasn’t much money in it.” He traveled extensively for these fights, sometimes flying as far as Japan. “It was an adventure,” he says. But John reached a point in his fighting career where he wanted something different. Instead of focusing on fighting in the ring, he decided to start pursuing teaching opportunities here in Southern California. His goal, he decided, was to teach others not only the basics of this MMA fighting style but to also help others get into fighting shape. “I was doing this far before there was a UFC gym,” he says. “When I started Triton, I was in good shape because of what my coaches made me do. It wasn’t the ‘getting beat up’ that got me fit; it was all the things I did to train to get into the ring.” The cross-training, bodyweight exercises and the blending of multiple martial arts disciplines all helped get him into peak physical condition. So when John started Triton MMA here in the South Bay, he aimed to create a gym that would help its members get into ultimate fighting shape—almost as
if they were going to step in the ring professionally. “I try to make sure that everyone who walks through this door hits that level of fitness,” he says. While members work hard to get into fighting shape, they aren’t pushed to fight— that isn’t the point of Triton. Jody Brink, a trainer with Triton, points out that the gym teaches multiple martial arts disciplines and offers classes that blend cross-training exercises with basic martial arts techniques. In a single class, for instance, a member might learn the basics of jiu-jitsu or kickboxing while also working on several different strength and endurance exercises. John and the other trainers designed these training sessions to push members to the absolute edge. Each member trains as if they’re aiming to master each discipline and get into the best “ring-shape” possible. “We cater each class to fit all of the individuals that are in the class’ specific fitness level,” she says, adding that the gym’s members come from all walks of life. “We have moms that don’t know how to put gloves on, and we have people who’ve been in pro fights and everything in between.” Each member works to get to that ideal fighting shape, and many professional athletes (NFL and NBA players often stop by for training sessions) find the sessions to be extremely beneficial—even if they don’t have any plans to fight competitively whatsoever. And, as Jody notes, learning a martial art can be a healthy, confidence-boosting experience. Jody, who moved from New York to the South Bay roughly 15 years ago, owns a chauffeured transportation company that specializes in transporting A-list talent and music industry professionals. The job, as can be expected, is stressful. Jody notes that she’s had an interest in martial arts since she was young, and after meeting and training with John, she
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JODY’S TIPS ON SELF-DEFENSE FOR WOMEN: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE BASIC RULES A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW WHEN IT COMES TO SELF-DEFENSE? Carry yourself with confidence. Keep your body posture erect and look forward. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. When alone, take the most public, direct route to your destination. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation or area immediately. WHAT SHOULD A PERSON DO TO AVOID POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS CONFRONTATIONS OR SITUATIONS? Again, always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. It is always best to take well-lit routes (as well as the most public routes too). If you are walking toward your car, always look in and around your car before approaching it. You should carry your keys in your hand while walking. IF A SITUATION ARISES, SHOULD A PERSON TRY TO DEFUSE IT? AVOID IT? If you can avoid it, that is the best-case scenario. Every situation is different, so trying to defuse it really depends on the situation and the level of training the potential victim has. It is always best to notify the local authorities if you encounter a potentially dangerous situation. You may have avoided it, but there are other folks that could fall victim.
discovered that she had a natural passion and talent for a variety of martial arts disciplines, such as kickboxing. “It was a good release,” she says. “Especially since I work in such a demanding industry. I’m a single mom, and this is a time to just be me.” Though Triton members aren’t expected to fight, the classes do teach basic aspects of self-defense. Triton also offers seminars—some of which are led by local law enforcement officials—that teach other, more specialized aspects of selfdefense, such as a dedicated seminar on women’s self-defense. Jody notes that local South Bay women find the women-oriented seminars to be extremely useful. “Their self-esteem is increased,” she says. “I feel that they feel like they could take care of a situation more effectively after training with us and our academy.” Triton has an integral connection with the South Bay. “There’s a real strong sense of community. We’re a real family,” says Jody, adding jokingly that Triton is often referred to as “the prison yard.” But John is often eager to help his fellow South Bay locals get into shape. Because he’s from the area and because many local MMA athletes—such as the Gracies—helped train him when he was a professional fighter, he feels the need to teach and give back to the town that helped him master MMA. “I’ve made Triton my home to where I can branch off and I can do all the things that other people did to help me,” he says. “It’s about making people feel the same way that I do when I do these things. I want people to hit these same goals.” Ultimately, John and Triton aim to help local South Bay residents improve their fitness through martial arts—and the entire team is excited to teach others about the disciplines they love so much. “This community has put me where I am, and I’m working to give back,” he says. §
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IF AN AGGRESSIVE PERSON—LET’S SAY A MUGGER OR SOMEONE WHO’S LOOKING FOR A FIGHT—CONFRONTS YOU, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? Best-case scenario is to walk away and avoid it. If you cannot walk away, be loud and try to get the attention of others. Act confident. If the attacker senses that you are not alarmed, they will most likely back down. Again, notify local authorities to report the incident immediately. IF THE PERSON CAN’T AVOID CONFLICT, WHAT SHOULD THEY DO? This really depends on the level of self-defense training the potential victim has. It is critical to effectively access the situation and do so quickly. What is the level of the threat? Is it life-threatening? Do you have time and space to evade the potential attacker? Once you have established the threat level, you need to quickly plan on how you will most effectively protect yourself. If there is a physical altercation, your actions need to be swift and you need to commit to your plan for your defense. You need to be aggressive. Your goal is to end the altercation as quickly as possible with the least amount of damage to yourself. Again, always try to get the attention of others for assistance by being loud. SHOULD THEY CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES? Absolutely. By doing so you are protecting other potential victims. Try to take mental photos of the attacker. LASTLY, WHY DOES SELF-DEFENSE MATTER FOR A WOMAN? It drastically improves your chances of survival. Most females that are trained have a higher level of confidence and project that in the way they walk and communicate.
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New Wave 48  Southbay Health 2015 | oursouthbay.com
Nic Vaughan stepped away from a financial career to pursue his dream of being a big-wave surfer. WRITTEN BY STEFAN SLATER PHOTOGRAPHED BY JEFF BERTING
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ic Vaughan, 23, remembers the exact moment when big-wave surfing captured his imagination. The South Bay native was around 10 years old, and he was on his way down south with his family for a surf session at San Onofre. A massive south swell was building, he recalls, and Nic envisioned house-size sets rolling in like clockwork. He thought it would be gigantic, and he doesn’t remember feeling any fear—only anticipation. San Onofre isn’t exactly a big-wave spot, though, and when he arrived, the surf was head-high at best. But that feeling—the need to tap into the raw power of roaring, gigantic surf— never left him. As he grew older and when he attended Palos Verdes High School, he found that surfing larger waves had become a top priority. When a big swell would hit the South Bay, he remembers, his high school friends would want to hit the sheltered spots—the breaks that could refine tumultuous ocean energy into flawlessly shaped waves. “But I would say, ‘I want to go to the pinnacle.’ Where is it going to be the biggest? I want to see
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all the energy. I never got scared—just more so excited and full of adrenaline and drawn to the power of Mother Nature,” he says. Nic kept chasing big waves throughout high school and college. He attended San Diego State University, where he majored in business with a focus in finance. He competed on the USD Surf Team, and—never forgetting his love of big surf— he would on occasion venture down into Mexico to hunt for some challenging surf. One year a family friend introduced him to a spot known as Todos Santos: two small, uninhabited islands that lie offshore from Ensenada, Baja. A big-wave break that offers triple-overhead rides with the right swell, Todos became Nic’s classroom—a spot where he began to learn the ins and outs of big-wave surfing. On one occasion, he remembers, he chartered a boat with a friend and traveled to Todos in the pitch-black hours before dawn to experience 40+foot conditions for the first time. “That was my first time dealing with the legitimate thing,” he says, adding that he caught his first 40-foot wave that time. “It was the real deal, and it hooked me. And after that time I tried to go
down to Todos as much as I could.” One might assume, not exactly incorrectly, that Nic harbored a desire from an early age to be a professional big-wave surfer. But that wasn’t exactly the case. Nic is entirely practical, and throughout his high school and college years he balanced several different business and financerelated internships. “Surfing was always a passion on the side,” he says. “I never thought I could make money at it or even make a legitimate career out of it.” He also says that, at 13 years old, he borrowed a how-to booklet on trading stocks that his mother picked up from a seminar, and he became fixated on the stock market. “I liked that I could make money by simply using my brain. Throughout high school and college I traded stocks—I was drawn to numbers that way,” he says. Eventually, after graduating college in 2013, his love of numbers segued into a job offer with Morgan Stanley. Before starting his new career, Nic’s future employer gave him a month or two to enjoy his last bit of freedom. Nic went down to Puerto Escondido in Mexico (aka The Mexican Pipeline) for a last-hurrah surf session.
The surf ended up being heavy, and some of the biggest names in big-wave surfing—such as Greg Long—were out in the lineup. He says that he was only 10 feet away from Greg when he rode a titanic wave—one that would earn the San Clemente surfer the Billabong XXL Ride of the Year Award last year. Being so close to these big-wave legends and actually being able to hang with them lit a fire. “I’m right here with the top guys,” he says. “They even told me, ‘We’re surprised with your ability and how you handle yourself.’” He began to have doubts about his career choice. He viewed his financial knowledge as an inherent skill set; he figured he could delve into finance whenever he wanted. But big-wave riding? There was a limited window of opportunity. “While I’m young I have to go after this passion,”
adds, paddled over to him and said that, frankly, it doesn’t get any worse than that. “That’s the brotherhood of surfing right there,” he says, adding that the other surfers were there to support him and help him back to shore. But the doubts flooded in. He began to question whether or not big-wave surfing was for him. A month and a half passed, and as winter swells started to assault California, Nic prepped to head up north to Mavericks. He says he was still terrified, still filled with doubt, and the 60-foot conditions at the Northern California spot didn’t make him feel any better. But after Jaws, Nic had focused on his training and fitness. He’d worked on calming himself—centering on specific calm moments during chaotic surf sessions to help focus on the task at hand.
“I NEVER GOT SCARED—JUST MORE SO EXCITED AND FULL OF ADRENALINE AND DRAWN TO THE POWER OF MOTHER NATURE.” he says. So after coming back from Mexico, he told his family that he was going to become a professional big-wave surfer. His parents were supportive. Then he called the Morgan Stanley office and said that he was going to have to decline their offer. After pulling together some savings that he earned from stock trading, he jumped into the big-wave game and began training hard daily. From Hawaii to Northern California, Nic claimed big waves whenever the opportunities arose. He connected with other big-wave surfers, such as Greg Long and Grant “Twiggy” Baker, and sought their advice and guidance. He earned sponsors, such as Rusty Surfboards, that helped with travel and equipment expenses. Nic even managed to score waves at Maui’s Peahi (also known as “Jaws”), which he calls the “Mount Everest of big-wave surfing.” Last November Nic experienced a setback. He was at Jaws, and the waves were bordering around 50 feet, he says. The waves were choppy, raw and unpredictable. He caught one wave successfully, but on the next one he faltered. There was a bump in the wave, and it knocked him off-balance. “I lost my momentum and cartwheeled down in the worst possible spot on a 55-foot wave,” he says. He was “ragdolled” underwater, and after he came to the surface he took three to four more 50-foot waves on the head. Nic managed to escape the impact zone, and he made it back out to the lineup—but wiped out once again. “It blew the air out of my lungs,” he says. “I get to the channel, and I’m coughing blood.” Defeated and crushed, he headed back to shore. Twiggy, he
He was still unsettled by Jaws, but he focused on simply catching a wave that day. Luckily, he says, he was in the right place at the right time. A monster rolled in, and he paddled and caught it. “There was a ledge halfway down the face, identical to the Jaws wave. And the board slapped, but I made it and didn’t fall,” he says. “It was a huge triumph.” The wave he paddled into that day earned him a 2015 Paddle Nomination from the World Surf League, and he considers that particular wave to be the highlight of his big-wave career so far. Though he’s still new to the big-wave world, Nic has started making a name for himself. He’s earned several World Surf League Big Wave Award nominations, he was named the “Breakout Surfer of the Year” at the Hermosa Beach Surf Festival, and he also earned a spot as a competitor on the Big Wave World Tour. Nic looks eagerly ahead toward winter. “We’re heading into a huge year for the sport of big-wave surfing because of this El Niño,” he says. “I’ve been training really hard; we’re on the eve of something that could be amazing.” Nic is completely devoted to big-wave surfing now. His days revolve around training and checking the forecasts—waiting for that right opportunity. He says that at times, being ready to leave at the drop of a hat can be stressful. But big waves are his passion, and he’s more confident than ever about his new career choice. The stress, of course, is trying— but he says that the excitement is addictive. “I wake up every day and watch these [forecast] models, and I get kicked into overdrive. I visualize the waves. We’re always wanting to find the next biggest and best wave—it’s exciting that it isn’t predictable.” §
GET NIC’S WORKOUT I do a lot of cardio. It’s important to maintain your calm and keep your heart rate down in big-wave conditions. Think high-repetition, low-weight weight training, a ton of yoga for flexibility and then some breath-hold stuff as well. BREATH-HOLD EXERCISE One of my favorites is to maintain my cadence on a stationary bike. I’ll hold my breath for 15 to 20 seconds, maintain that cadence, and then breathe. It gets your body used to performing with a lack of oxygen to prepare yourself for when you fall and you’re held under by a 50-foot wave. That’s one of the big things I like to focus on. My goal is to feel as much like a gazelle as possible. So sprinting, box jumps, pull-ups … and I try to be as flexible and work on my endurance too. I do two-a-day workouts. I’m up at 7 a.m. Have my coffee—Bulletproof Coffee (coffee with a tablespoon of MCT [medium chain triglyceride] oil and a couple of tablespoons of butter—Nic prefers grass-fed). It’s a new craze that everyone’s doing, and it works for me. I’ll go for a long-distance paddle for a few miles, come back, read emails. Then I’ll head to the gym around 3 p.m. and get a CrossFit workout in. Then I do yoga around 5:30 p.m. DIET Grass-fed beef, lightly sautéed veggies, green smoothies. Maintain gluten-free and low-carb.
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Change of Heart How heart disease differs in women and men WRITTEN BY NANCY SOKOLER STEINER
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the heart tissue. The quicker medications can be administered to restore blood flow, the less heart tissue will die. Treatments to open clogged arteries work best when given within the first hour after a heart attack starts. “It’s not that the medical profession is innately sexist,” Dr. Shin says about the discrepancy in treatment. “Women aren’t as accurately and promptly diagnosed and treated because they have different physiology, different risk factors and different symptoms. More research that includes women needs to be pursued in the cardiology community.” Dr. Shin is referring to the fact that heart disease treatment stems from medical research on men. Even today, women make up less than onefourth of the subjects in heart-related studies.
SYMPTOMS: HIS VERSUS HERS Women and men don’t necessarily have the same symptoms for heart disease and heart attacks. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, men tend to feel a pressure or squeezing in the chest, which may extend into their arms.
Women might have this sensation but might experience sharp, burning chest pain instead. They may have pain in the neck, jaw, throat, stomach or back. Both women and men may experience shortness of breath and break out in a cold sweat. But women are twice as likely as men to experience nausea, vomiting or indigestion during their heart attack. And some women don’t experience any symptoms at all.
LOWERING RISK For both genders, heart disease risk increases with age and family history of heart disease. And both men and women can mitigate some of the major factors that put them at risk. According to the American Heart Association, 80% of heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and not smoking. Women, in particular, benefit from maintaining a healthy weight. “The impact of obesity on the development of heart disease appears to be greater in women,” says Dr. Shin, noting a major study showing that obesity increased the relative risk of heart disease by 64% in women, as opposed to 46% in men. Women with certain health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and certain breast cancer therapies also have a higher risk. “We need to be more aggressive about screening women for heart disease and checking their risk factors,” says Dr. Shin. “At the same time, women need to be more aware of their risk factors and of the fact that heart disease is more prevalent than they realize.” That’s advice best taken to heart.
e think of heart disease as a man’s issue, but the condition doesn’t discriminate. One in every three American men has some form of heart disease. So does one in every three American women. Heart disease is the top killer for both genders. But heart disease is not the same for women and men. Women tend to get heart disease later than men and experience different symptoms. And women’s heart attacks are more deadly. A woman who has a heart attack before age 50 is twice as likely to die from it as a man. Among those over age 65, women are more likely than men to die within the first year following a heart attack. Torrance cardiologist Victoria Shin, MD, says women’s poorer survival rates stem from the difference in how women and men receive heart attack treatment. “Trials and registry studies suggest women with heart disease are treated less aggressively than men are,” she says. “Because women’s symptoms differ from men’s, they aren’t diagnosed as quickly. And once they are diagnosed, it takes longer for them to receive medication.” Yet successful treatment depends on prompt delivery. A heart attack prevents blood flow to
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540 Hawaii Ave, Torrance | 310.320.6200 | www.chouraevents.com |
RELAX & REFRESH A serene gathering place at Rancho La Puerta
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A Tale of Two Spas Bookending the San Diego area, Rancho La Puerta and Rancho Valencia provide healthy respite in their own unique styles. WRITTEN BY PRESTON AMES
hether the escape you crave includes a weeklong inner journey or just some pampering and time away, make your New Year’s resolution to take care of yourself and escape to one of these incredible destinations just a couple hours south of the South Bay.
KEEPING IT REAL If you trace the history of the modern fitness retreat, all paths lead to Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico. Just a short drive across the border near San Diego, Rancho La Puerta opened 70 years ago as the brainchild of owners Edmond and Deborah Szekely. Still family-owned and operated today, the once quaint campsite has grown into 3,000 acres of breathtaking natural beauty catering to guests’ physical, mental and spiritual health. Most guests check in Saturdays and stay until the following Saturday, creating optimal rejuvenation at what you might imagine as your fantasy adult camp experience. Nestled in the lush foothills of Mount Kuchumaa, the ranch grounds are sprawling yet feel familiar. After just a few hours, you know every path. Large casitas greet you with beautiful sitting areas both
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CLOSE TO NATURE Morning hikes and colorful garden at Rancho La Puerta
inside and on your patio to allow for times of reflection and peace. Situated in this lush natural setting, you’ll rarely see a neighbor besides the occasional hummingbird or fox roaming past your door. One of the most impressive aspects of the ranch is the incredible array of classes they offer each day. An average of five different classes are held each hour, and planning your agenda each day to partake in all that’s offered is perhaps the only stressful part of your week. A variety of sunrise hikes cater to beginners and experts alike and take you up the mountains to view the incredible valley below as sunlight spills over the horizon. Yoga, spinning, meditation, TRX, tennis, aqua-aerobics, Pilates … these are only a few of the activities available to guests. No matter your fitness or experience level, you are sure to enjoy and challenge yourself in any class you find. In addition to scheduled classes, the ranch also provides several pools, gyms, running trails and leisurely walks to round out your days. To reward and restore yourself, be sure to enjoy one of the several customizable spa treatments, which follow the ranch philosophy of cleanse, relax, restore and energize. To complement a challenging week of renewal, the culinary team at Rancho La Puerta is second to none. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner each day—plus assorted snacks in between—the chefs keep guests fueled and fit throughout the week. The semi-vegetarian fare focuses largely on fresh produce, most of which is grown at the ranch’s farm just a few miles away. One of the highlights of the week is the Organic Garden Breakfast Hike (more like a long walk, perfect for all levels), which takes you to the farm at sunrise to enjoy an incredible hot breakfast before touring the farm with one of its caretakers. Not-to-miss experiences include the two weekly cooking classes at the farm, featuring different celebrity chefs each week teaching you how to cook delicious fare in an astounding demonstration kitchen before sitting down to dine on your hard work. rancholapuerta.com
REFINED RELAXATION If you’re seeking another spa getaway, perhaps something a little more cushy and traditional yet still just a short drive southward, Rancho Valencia is not to be missed. Situated on 45 acres of layered hillside just north of San Diego in Del Mar, Rancho Valencia’s all-suite resort and spa offers an incredible getaway for couples, families or those escaping solo. The award-winning property recently was treated to a $30 million renovation, investing in the many details that make this resort so special. Each of the beautifully appointed guest casitas resembles a Mediterranean paradise, complete with private patio. And don’t forget your four-legged friends. The resort is pet-friendly and offers several of the same luxurious amenities as human guests enjoy, including custom-made beds and a special in-room dining menu just for doggies. Awaken each morning to freshly squeezed orange juice thoughtfully left outside your door, before heading to one of several impressive fitness classes. Rancho Valencia offers an incredible menu of activities. Beyond the magnificent gym, they offer spin classes with professional cyclers, a large Pilates studio, TRX classes, tennis, golf and a serene yoga pavilion where classes are taught both indoors and outside (check out the sunrise class) amongst lush gardens. All classes are complimentary for resort guests, so you can discover new challenges or recommit to activities you love. After your workout, relax by one of the two pools—one catering exclusively to adults and one for families to enjoy together. If a deeper relaxation is what you’re after, Rancho Valencia’s spa is a blissful retreat not to be missed—offering a variety of pampering services sure to restore relaxation and balance to your body and mind. Located in a pictureperfect setting, the Rancho Valencia Spa satisfies even the most discerning spa guest. From massages to diamond facials and the increasingly popular Watsu—an aquatic therapy of stretching and relaxation while a therapist supports you in a pool of warm water—there’s no remnant of stress that can remain. ranchovalencia.com §
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DEL MAR MOMENTS The many layers of Rancho Valencia: outdoor lounging, stylish dining, blissful studios, spacious suites and divine spa treatments
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SOUTH BAY’S HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Keeping our community in good health wouldn’t be possible without the counsel, care and expertise of the South Bay’s top health professionals. These men and women dedicate their lives to improving the well-being of others through a variety of specialized practices. From internal and family medicine to orthopedics, dentistry, cosmetic surgery and other specialties, these skilled professionals put your health priorities first. In the following profiles, allow us to introduce some of the finest around. We share their backgrounds, their practices, their client testimonials and their results. Your next step toward a healthier life may be only pages away.
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RESOURCE GUIDE Sports And Spine Orthopaedics
Palos Verdes Plastic Surgery Medical Center Christine Angela Petti, MD, FACS
Kristin Egan, MD, FACS
The Aesthetic Center Cary D. Nelson, MD
Revive Wellness Centers Allan Wu, MD, CTBS, FAACS, FACS Shonda Chase, NP, MSN
J. Brian Boyd, MD, FRCS, FRCSC, FACS
Linda L. Swanson, MD
Manhattan Beach Plastic Surgery Jay W. Granzow, MD, MPH, FACS
Beach Cities Vein and Laser Center Mark Rayman, MD
Sydon Arroyo, DDS, APC & Richard K. Rounsavelle, DDS, Inc.
Beach Cities Plastic Surgery David Bray, Jr., MD
Withers Dental Dr. Brian Withers & Dr. Jenna Yarborough-Atwood
James W. Mellert, DDS, MAGD
South Bay Plastic Surgeons Michael Newman, MD, Whitney Burrell, MD, Charles Spenler, MD, Lissa Jewell, MD
El Segundo Dermatology Melissa Camouse, DO, Jill Javahery, MD, Ashley Magovern, MD, Malcolm Ke, MD
UCLA Health | South Bay
NVISION Eye Center Franklin Lusby, MD, Amarpreet Brar, MD, Susan J. Shin, OD
Kaiser Permanente Manhattan Beach Medical Offices Katie Massoudian, MD & Lisa Stekol, MD
Cell Life Medical Fabian A. Proano, MD
Dr. Michael Hopkins & Dr. Barbara Kane
Hutchinson Dental Christina L. Hutchinson, DDS
Summer Orthodontics Summer L. Blake, DDS, MS
Steven K. Okamoto, DDS & Michelle Okamoto, DDS 98
Edited by Laura Watts | Photographed by Tracy Breshears and Lauren Pressey oursouthbay.com | 2015 Southbay Health 
SPORTS AND SPINE ORTHOPAEDICS 2361 Rosecrans Ave., Suite #165, El Segundo | 310-775-2331 23456 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite #200, Torrance | 310-375-8700
SERVICES OFFERED: Orthopaedic consultations, digital X-ray, physical therapy, surgical center, stem cell/ PRP injections, laser soft tissue therapy
Q&A WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR STYLE AND TECHNIQUE? “We believe in educating our patients about their injuries to help them understand more about the decisions that will be made throughout their treatment process. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations of their injuries and what is involved in achieving successful outcomes. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are important components for achieving the desired goals of recovery and are a key part of our practice.” TO WHAT DO YOU ATTRIBUTE YOUR THE GROWTH OF SPORTS AND SPINE ORTHOPAEDICS?
“Providing the highest quality of care for our patients has led to a domino effect of patient referrals that keeps our practice very busy. Our success is due to our team approach of treating patients the way we think they would like to be treated.”
SHARED TIP Living healthy and staying active can help prevent pain and chronic injuries. We recommend regular stretching and low-intensity exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming or strength training. If you sit for long periods of time, change positions often. If you begin to have pain, stiffness or an injury, seek treatment early. Your doctor may recommend therapy, bracing or supplements, or may recommend further diagnostic studies to determine the cause of your symptoms. Treating injuries early will allow you to continue your active lifestyle.
“Getting an injured patient back to sports, work or their previous activities after their injury is extremely satisfying. By applying the latest medical technologies to patient care, we are confident that we do the best possible job of helping people recover quickly from their orthopedic injury.”
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR YOUR PRACTICE? “As insurance companies continue to drive up costs for medical care, it is important to select your doctors wisely. Current concepts in medicine are trending toward a system that rewards doctors based on performance and successful outcomes. This type of medical system will only help our practice continue to excel in providing the best patient care.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY At Sports and Spine Orthopaedics, each of our doctors has completed an additional year of subspecialty fellowship training. Dr. Borden and Dr. Estess are both sports medicine-trained, focusing on nonoperative and arthroscopic surgical management of sports injuries to the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle and hip. Dr. Wolf is a spine specialist with a focus in reconstructive surgery of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. We also treat general orthopedic conditions and complex fractures.
“Providing the highest quality of care for our patients has led to a domino effect of patient referrals that keeps our practice very busy.” BEFORE & AFTER This patient is a 46-year-old active marathon runner and tennis player who presented to Dr. Chris Wolf with excruciating neck and right arm pain, numbness and weakness. She was prescribed medications, physical therapy and an epidural injection, but her symptoms persisted. Imaging demonstrated a large disc herniation in her neck. After a thorough explanation of her options, she elected to undergo a disc replacement procedure. The patient was able to go home the same day of the procedure without arm pain. Within a few months, she had returned to tennis and running and is grateful for current medical technology and Dr. Wolf. PATIENT X-RAYS AFTER DISC REPLACEMENT
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PALOS VERDES PLASTIC SURGERY MEDICAL CENTER CHRISTINE ANGELA PETTI, MD, FACS 3400 West Lomita Boulevard, Suite 305, Torrance 310-539-5888 | dr-petti.com | facebook.com/drpetti
SERVICES OFFERED: Breast augmentation, lift and reduction, redo implant surgery; laser liposuction (Smartlipo™); face/neck and eyelid lift; abdominoplasty; rhinoplasty, Botox®, Juvederm®, Sculptra®, medical day spa
“My manuscript ‘Laser-Assisted Lipoplasty and Laser Cellulite Treatment of the Thighs and Buttocks: A New Modality for Contouring of the Lower Body’ has been accepted this month for publication by Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, one of the most prestigious laser surgery journals in the country.”
“I am so grateful to all my patients, colleagues, friends and family who voted for me as 2015 THE BEST Cosmetic Surgeon, and also for Spa Bella as 2015 THE BEST Medical Day Spa in the Daily Breeze Reader’s Choice Award. I was also voted as 2015 THE BEST OF THE BEACH for Cosmetic Surgery! My staff and I want to extend our gratitude to all of the South Bay and assure you that we continue on a daily basis to serve the best to you!”
“I educate my patients by first listening to their concerns and desires. I use simple, easy-to-understand language and graphics (I love to draw!) to provide them with the most important information on their unique anatomy, their options and consequences of each option. I enjoy a strong bond and trust between my patient and me.”
“We participate in a plethora of community and national fundraisers. I enjoy giving back to the community, and I have met interesting mothers and women who dedicate their free time to unselfish and honorable causes. I am so fortunate to be in this position to use my God-given and acquired talents to share and give back to others.”
OFF THE CLOCK I enjoy working out with weights to keep my muscles toned and my body strong. Surgery is so physical; you have to be in great shape and very limber. Breast surgery and liposuction can be demanding on the upper body, arms and back, so I work with a personal trainer to focus on these areas. I feel very young, and I am quite flexible … ready for the next challenge in or outside the OR. Bring it on!
I recommend that you and your friends “like” my Facebook page (facebook.com/drpetti) and look for the fun things we share with our patients. Facebook is fun, as I can talk and share philosophies, humor, health issues and other trends with my patients and friends. Here is Julz Coda and me sharing our love of TIZO™—a fantastic tinted sunscreen with a mineral base! Who would think we would still need lots of TIZO™ for our 90º weather this fall? But … we do!
“My work is custom and nothing less.” BEFORE & AFTER I specialize in breast augmentation surgery. The majority of my breast augmentation patients need surgery to “fix” hard, encapsulated, painful, distorted and ruptured implants from their previous breast augmentation surgeries. I am skilled in techniques to remove and creatively re-contour the breasts so they look natural, full and as symmetrical as possible. The OR nurses and I work so hard on these cases, and we stick to it until we get an appealing, natural result for each patient. My work is custom and nothing less.
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KRISTIN EGAN, MD, FACS OWNER 2809 Sepulveda Blvd., Manhattan Beach | 310-426-8415 | drkristinegan.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Lazer Lift, cosmetic injectables, laser services, skin care, cosmetic facial surgeries, Botox
“I have won numerous research awards and have published widely, including multiple chapters in the main textbook used to teach facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellows. I have been at the Manhattan Beach location for five years and was a clinical instructor at UCSF before moving to Southern California.”
“Patients are increasingly requesting less invasive procedures with less recovery time and the ability to return to work quickly. In the current fast-paced world, patients want to return to their families and social life quickly and not take a week off from work. More patients are turning to the multiple in-office services that can be done without the need for general anesthesia or a long recovery period. I am currently one of a few physicians in the LA area offering the recently FDA-approved, non-
PRACTICE SPECIALTY Dr. Egan is dual board-certified in both otolaryngology-head and neck surgery and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and her practice incorporates her surgical skills with a focus on aesthetics and the desire for a more youthful and natural appearance. She is cognizant that a healthy, active lifestyle predominates in the South Bay and that patients desire subtle changes to their appearance to restore an image of themselves that matches how they feel.
invasive, laser-assisted facelift in my office.”
WHAT IS YOUR #1 PIECE OF ADVICE TO THOSE WHO PLAN TO CHOOSE HEALTH CARE AS THEIR CAREER PATH? “Love what you do! I love seeing patients improve and feel better about themselves. I love operating and performing procedures in the office. I enjoy each day that I can use my skills and training in helping others.”
WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR STYLE AND TECHNIQUE? “As a female surgeon in a largely male-dominated field, I bring the personal experience of aging in today’s society from a woman’s perspective. I actively try out new technologies and products on myself so I can better educate my patients about them. I believe that being a patient myself inspires confidence in my patients.”
RECOMMENDED LazerLift is a one-time, one-hour, minimally invasive treatment designed to tighten the skin of the face and neck and remove excess fat using SmartLipo technology and no scalpel. This can be performed at the office and does not require general anesthesia. LazerLift uses the latest technology to take laser energy underneath your skin and stimulate collagen production in the dermis, which leads to improved skin elasticity, thickness and texture.
“I actively try out new technologies and products on myself so I can better educate my patients about them.” BEFORE & AFTER Dr. Egan is a leading innovator in minimally invasive procedures and is the only surgeon in Southern California to perform the LazerLift—the only FDA-approved laser liposuction for the face and neck. For those patients who want a minimal recovery time and an in-office procedure without the need for general anesthesia to address their jowls and neck, LazerLift is the perfect option.
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THE AESTHETIC CENTER CARY D. NELSON, MD 24554 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance | 424-237-2622 | theaestheticcentertorrance.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Concierge medical service, Botox and volumizing fillers, laser resurfacing, photofacials, the Thermi family, tattoo removal
“At The Aesthetic Center and Medical Wellness, home to Dr. Cary Nelson, our mission is to provide comprehensive medical and aesthetic care. We offer all the benefits of traditional medical/ aesthetic practices with the service diligence of your favorite hotel/resort. We advise on health management (from the common cold to concierge medicine), age management (with a full array including different skin care services and hormone balancing) and provide access to both local area medical specialists and alternative medical practices.”
HOW DO YOU WORK WITH OTHER HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS TO CARE FOR YOUR PATIENTS? “As a concierge medical practice, we’ve developed unique relationships in the South Bay area and partnered with local medical specialists to provide the ability to expedite referrals for patients. In addition we maintain hospital privileges at Torrance Memorial Medical Center, should any of our patients need emer-
gency or inpatient medical services.”
WHAT IS YOUR #1 PIECE OF ADVICE TO THOSE WHO PLAN TO CHOOSE HEALTH CARE AS THEIR CAREER PATH? “Whenever I have the chance to address the upcoming generation or high school/ college-aged students about a career in health care, I try and emphasize the ‘why’ in choosing a career, rather than the ‘what.’ We all understand ‘what’ doctors or health care providers do, while the ‘why’ stems from an individual’s internal motivations (i.e. compassion, humility, knowledge, understanding, etc.).”
HOW DO YOU GIVE BACK TO YOUR COMMUNITY? “We actively participate in local fundraisers, school donations, charity events and networking referrals to other local businesses. We are also proud members of the Redondo Beach and Palos Verdes Peninsula Chambers of Commerce.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY Concierge medical and full aesthetics services.
RECOMMENDED The Aesthetic Center’s Advance Firming Serum-Hyaluronic Acid … an absolute must!
SHARED TIP Eat (and drink) in moderation, exercise with vigor, get enough sleep (7+ hours), and live with lots of laughter and love!
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“We offer all the benefits of traditional medical/ aesthetic practices with the service diligence of your favorite hotel/resort.”
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REVIVE WELLNESS CENTERS ALLAN WU, MD, CTBS, FAACS, FACS SHONDA CHASE, NP, MSN 22330 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite J, Torrance | 310-375-7599 | revivecenter.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Cosmetic surgery, healthy-aging fillers, Botox wrinkle relaxers, laser hair removal, radio frequency skin rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation medical treatments
“People often believe that cost is the only variable in cosmetic medicine and that their results will be the same no matter where they go to have their work done. In reality, it can often take years to become an advanced practitioner who can produce excellent results. All of Revive’s advanced medical practitioners have a minimum of 10 years of experience. Dr. Allan Wu has more than 20 years of advanced cosmetic surgery experience. When you’re dealing with your appearance, make sure you’re with the very best.”
“The innovations in cosmetic medicine are changing so fast that we have a tough time keeping patients informed of what’s available for them to im-
SHARED TIP Begin healthy aging treatments earlier than you think is necessary. It’s easier to keep someone looking younger than to reverse the effects of aging. Here are some guidelines of treatments to add at each decade to keep you looking your best and much younger for your entire life: 20s: Botox, laser hair removal, cosmetic surgery improvements 30s: Dermal fillers, radio frequency skin rejuvenation treatments 40s: Additional areas of filler 50s: Hormone balancing 60s: Cosmetic surgery corrections
prove their lives. We are in a golden age of aesthetic medicine. If something about your appearance bothers you, Revive can help improve it.”
“Revive specializes in helping our patients smile when they see natural results. People are often hard on themselves and critical of their appearance. After we improve their looks, they’re so much happier that much of their lives in other areas begin to fall into place.”
“Helping transform people’s lives is the most rewarding part of Revive’s medical practice. Cosmetic medicine is one of the happiest sectors within medicine. We love to help people feel happier about themselves and more satisfied with every aspect of their lives.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY Revive’s goal for our patients is to accomplish a natural result so no one really knows what has been done. The best results create a positive subconscious response along with an improved conscious, visual result. Revive’s results include considerations of how the patient “feels” about themself when looking in the mirror. Revive’s goal is for each patient’s treatment is to accomplish changes that yield a better first impression by others.
“When you’re dealing with your appearance, make sure you’re with the very best.” RECOMMENDED Treat what bothers you as soon as possible. If you feel you need something corrected, have the work done so you can be happier your entire life. Cosmetic surgery is usually about half the cost people believe it to be. Advanced techniques achieve natural results with much less downtime. For example, Revive’s Bubble Lifts restore a more youthful appearance with only four days of downtime, compared to four weeks for a traditional facelift—at about half the cost.
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Revive’s nurse practitioners, L to R: Cynthia Fernberg, Shonda Chase, Natalie Bland
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J. BRIAN BOYD J. BRIAN BOYD, MD, FRCS, FRCSC, FACS 14650 Aviation Blvd. #210, Manhattan Beach | 310-597-4734 | my-plastic-surgeon.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Body contouring, breast enhancement, non-operative facial rejuvenation (Voluma, Juvederm, Botox), face lift with autologous fat grafting, eyelid lift, brow lift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck and “Mommy makeover”
“Two things: by providing a pleasant, comfortable environment, staffed by knowledgeable and compassionate individuals, where patients feel at ease; and by carefully explaining the surgery to the patient and going the extra mile to get the best surgical results possible.”
immediate reconstruction after mastectomy. In the treatment of skin cancer, prominent scars, unwanted hair and facial rejuvenation I frequently collaborate with dermatologists.”
“By far, the increased use of peels, Botox and fillers and taking care of patients over the long term—where surgery is only one of many modalities.”
“Although pure aesthetic surgery is not covered by insurance, some procedures are—breast reduction and reconstruction, for example. My staff is extremely experienced in dealing with insurance issues, and they will carefully take the patient through the process of obtaining approval.”
“I assiduously employ the services of family doctors and selected medical specialists to ensure my patients’ fitness and prepare them for surgery. During the procedure, they will always be in the safe hands of a board-certified anesthesiologist so I can concentrate on the surgery itself. In breast surgery I work closely with breast oncologists to perform
“It happens that patients sometimes get a far better result than either they or I anticipated. It could be aesthetic improvement, functional return, absence of scarring, an unusually rapid recovery from the surgery itself or a significantly beneficial change in the person’s life. These are the most rewarding things for a plastic surgeon.”
“We provide a pleasant, comfortable environment and go the extra mile to get the best surgical results possible.” SHARED TIP Plastic surgery can affect both your health and appearance. It is not a team sport. Choose your surgeon individually and wisely. Choose experience.
CAREER MILESTONE Editor (with Neil F. Jones) of a 1,000-page textbook, Operative Microsurgery, published this year by McGraw-Hill.
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BEFORE & AFTER Loose abdominal skin and diastasis (spreading apart) of the rectus muscles following multiple childbirths. Loose skin was removed at tummy tuck and diastasis repaired, leaving scars concealed by bikini straps.
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LINDA L. SWANSON, MD 3440 Lomita Blvd., Suite 150, Torrance | 310-517-0934 | plasticsurgeryforme.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Body contouring, Mommy makeover, breast surgery, facial rejuvenation
“I have been in practice for over 20 years, and each day brings a new and unique challenge. I absolutely love what I do and wouldn’t change it for the world. I am fortunate to have a AAAASF-approved operating room in my office. My staff members have caring attitudes that make our patients feel comfortable. My staff and I keep ourselves abreast on the latest procedures and filler techniques. I have a registered nurse, Cynthia Moore, who comes in once a month and helps me with a lot of my filler, IPL and laser hair removal. My patients love her.”
SHARED TIP I stress to every patient to do their homework in finding a boardcertified plastic surgeon. Know all of your available options for surgery, fillers and/or Botox.
“When patients come in for a complimentary consultation, they will visit with me and we will get to know what your needs are. We will do a brief exam and further discuss the procedure. After you are comfortable with our discussion, my office manager will discuss cost and your financing options.”
“I love to do all of the surgeries, but truly the body contouring combination surgery is a home run for both my patients and myself. The satisfaction of seeing the big change in my patient is the best gratifying feeling.”
OFF THE CLOCK WITH DR. SWANSON During Dr. Swanson’s spare time she enjoys ballroom dancing and also equestrian riding.
“The satisfaction of seeing the big change in my patient is the best gratifying feeling.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY I love the gratification of helping each and every patient with their surgery needs. When I do a tummy tuck and breast surgery together or even a separate SmartLipo, it makes me happy to see that my patients are thrilled with the new, more shapely curves I helped them achieve.
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MANHATTAN BEACH PLASTIC SURGERY JAY W. GRANZOW, MD, MPH, FACS 14650 Aviation Blvd., Suite 210, Manhattan Beach | 310-882-6261 | manhattanbeachplasticsurgery.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Rhinoplasty, breast enhancement (augmentation, lift or reduction), Mommy Makeover, body contouring, abdominoplasty, facial rejuvenation (face/neck/eyelid lift), injectables (Voluma, Juvederm and Botox)
“Nowadays, more professionals are seeking plastic surgery. They don’t want anything heavy-handed, obvious or distracting in a business setting. For professional women, it’s all about aging gracefully. I can achieve subtle results, often with strategic injections or surgical procedures such as minifacelifts and mini-lipos.”
“Many moms think that subtle results are not possible because they often see exaggerated results in LA. Most moms who come to see me want to look better but not ‘operated on.’ For some patients, fat grafting is an option for a more natural breast augmentation.”
“I believe a natural look and better breathing are most important. The result must fit the patient’s face and will be uniquely different for each person. I emphasize these points both in my surgical practice and when teaching rhinoplasty at UCLA and USC.”
“My philosophy has always been to provide patient-centered care. I really spend time getting to know my patients and their concerns. I have compulsive attention to detail, which shows in the office and in surgery. We have a warm and caring staff that treats patients like family. I’m thankful for all of our wonderful patients and friends in the South Bay and for their continuing support over the last 10 years.”
As anyone with young children knows, life has changed a lot since their arrival. Previous pursuits such as swimming, bodysurfing and volleyball have taken a backseat to family activities such as going to the playground, reading books on ABCs and numbers, and fixing toy cars and trucks. That said, I wouldn’t change a thing.
My rhinoplasty approach comes from years of experience as both a board-certified plastic surgeon and board-certified ENT surgeon. The goal is for the result to appear so natural that it’s difficult to tell that surgery has been done without before and after photos. To achieve this, I commonly use the “closed” technique, which leaves no visible scars on the outside of the nose. In addition, I prefer to incorporate improvements in breathing at the same time.
“My philosophy has always been to provide patient-centered care.” RECOMMENDED “Mommy Makeover” surgery can be very effective in improving the breast and tummy areas after having children. However, an often overlooked first step to address the physical changes that occur after pregnancy is physical therapy for women’s health to bring back the shape and tone of the tummy and other areas. This can help moms avoid the need for a tummy tuck. Physical changes in the breast and tummy that physical therapy can’t fix can be improved with surgery to bring back a more proportionate shape without looking overdone.
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BEACH CITIES VEIN AND LASER CENTER MARK RAYMAN, MD 390 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 1030, El Segundo | 310-904-6738 | BeachVeins.com | facebook.com/BeachCitiesVeinCenter
SERVICES OFFERED: Varicose vein treatments, spider vein treatments, leg veins, hand veins, facial veins, chest veins
“Over the past two decades, I’ve been fortunate to treat the friends and family of many of my patients. I’ve also treated many doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. I’d like any perspective patient to be assured that I am comfortable taking on the most difficult cases, and that I make it a point to really listen to their concerns, understand their needs and help them get the results that they want.”
“My greatest rewards come from the satisfaction that my patients have with their results. It might be that the patient was formerly in pain and is
now pain-free. Or it might be a cosmetic issue that previously made them self-conscious. Once these issues are resolved, the patients’ lives are truly transformed. All too often I hear the words, ‘I wish I would have done this a long time ago.”
“I grew up in Southern California and attended undergraduate and medical school at UCLA. I completed a residency at Cedars Sinai in diagnostic radiology and then returned to UCLA for a fellowship in vascular and interventional radiology. I am double-board certified by the American Board of Radiology (Vascular and Interventional Radiology) and the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY Beach Cities Vein and Laser Center is a state-of-the-art facility that helps patients resolve their vein problems, from the simplest of spider veins to the most complex and disfiguring varicose veins and venous stasis ulcers. Patients who want the very best results often find themselves here, where advanced ultrasound capabilities (supervised by Dr. Rayman, an expert in venous ultrasound) assure an accurate diagnosis. A complete range of treatments is available to patients, tailored to their particular needs. The ultimate goal: to get each patient to look and feel great so they can wear the clothes they want to wear and do the things they want to do.
If you’re a patient who has varicose veins and would really like to get them treated, but either you can’t afford to take much time off for recovery, don’t want to wear compression stockings or you hate needles, there’s a great new treatment that may be perfect for you. It’s called VenaSeal, and it’s now available at Beach Cities Vein and Laser Center. The VenaSeal procedure is easy to undergo. Results are instantaneous, with no downtime required. Patients can often drive themselves home after the procedure and can immediately return to normal activities.
“In this beautiful office, Dr. Rayman and his friendly staff provide the highest level of care and best results possible to each patient.” BEFORE & AFTER Varicose veins can be visible bulging, enlarged veins or hidden deep below the skin where only an ultrasound can provide a correct diagnosis. Vein problems may be accompanied by swollen legs, skin changes and venous ulcers. Symptoms may include aching, throbbing or cramping pain. We address these problems through comfortable, affordable outpatient procedures—often covered by insurance. For patients with cosmetic concerns, Dr. Rayman specializes in hand rejuvenation, which may involve hand vein removal, volumization and/or age spot removal.
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3445 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 320, Torrance | 310-326-9400 | drdavidbrayjr.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, body contouring
“I am dedicated to providing my patients with the highest-quality results. I care for my patients as if they were family members. Every patient is treated as an individual with a treatment plan designed to achieve their goals.”
“The trend that defines plastic surgery today in the South Bay is natural results. The extra-large breast implants, overly pulled face or over-injected lips are not in fashion. Patients want improvements that are natural, and in my opinion that is how plastic surgery should be performed.”
tremendous satisfaction that comes with helping a patient achieve their goals.”
“Service to the community is important. I contribute to many local organizations including the Peninsula Education Foundation, PVIS Booster Club, and Vistas for Children. In addition, I volunteer time to teach plastic surgery residents at Harbor UCLA.”
“I have been fortunate enough to see continued growth in my practice. I attribute this growth to my patients. My staff and I put forth every effort to provide patients with the highest quality of care and best possible experience. As a result, my patients have been kind enough to refer their friends and family.”
“Happy patients are the most rewarding part of my work. There is
CAREER MILESTONE My selection to become an active member of the prestigious Rhinoplasty Society was an honor. The society is composed of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the country, and a surgeon is only considered for membership if they perform a high volume of rhinoplasty operations each year. Rhinoplasty is considered the most difficult cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, and it is important to choose a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon.
OFF THE CLOCK WITH DR. BRAY I was raised in the South Bay, and I have always enjoyed the great weather and beaches. Now that I have a family of my own, I get to enjoy the local lifestyle with my wife and three children. I spend most weekends playing sports with my boys, attending their sporting events or going to the beach.
“Happy patients are the most rewarding part of my work.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY My practice is unique to the South Bay because I am board-certified by all three of the following boards: the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology. It took extra years of hard work to achieve certification in all of these boards, but I believe it makes a difference to my patients. Board certification matters, and it is a great way to make sure your surgeon has the qualifications that you deserve.
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SOUTH BAY PLASTIC SURGEONS MICHAEL NEWMAN, MD WHITNEY BURRELL, MD CHARLES SPENLER, MD LISA JEWELL, MD 3440 Lomita Boulevard, Suite 100, Torrance | 310-784-0644 | plasticsurgerysource.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Mommy makeover, breast surgery, surgery after massive weight loss, liposuction and CoolSculpting, facial rejuvenation, non-surgical lasers, fillers and Botox
“Less is more. A decade ago we saw patients who asked for huge lips, large augmented breasts and a frozen face. Today we are seeing men and women who want to look youthful and well-rested. We love helping people achieve these natural-looking results because they tell all their friends, rave about us on social media, and most importantly these changes have a huge impact on their confidence.”
TELL US ABOUT THE STAFF AT YOUR PRACTICE. “We have an amazing staff that really has helped propel our practice into becoming a premier cosmetic surgery practice. Each team member cares about our patient’s outcomes and happiness, and this shared goal of patient satisfaction is so important to us.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY Our focus is to help patients look and feel their best. With this goal in mind, we are able to customize treatments for our clients including surgery as well as non-invasive treatments though our full-service medical spa. This includes chemical peels, skin care products, Botox, fillers, CO2 skin resurfacing, lasers and Coolsculpting.
“Each of our surgeons participates in many continuing education courses each year to stay focused on new technology and make sure that our patients have the best possible treatment plan available. Although each of our surgeons has their own technique, they work together—often during the same surgery—to make sure each patient has amazing results.”
“Unfortunately, the cost of health care is increasing. We think it is important for patients to know and understand their benefits (many people don’t) and to ask questions. We think it is also important that patients be given options for their providers and take the time to meet and interview many surgeons before making the decision on where to go for surgery.”
CAREER MILESTONE Our practice is going to have a very busy and exciting 2016! We are in the process of building our own surgical center. The Aesthetic Institute will be dedicated solely to cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. In addition, we have a new, beautiful office space coming that will allow our medical spa to be a completely stand-alone facility. We will bring in some new technology and treatments to allow our practice to be the perfect place for any aesthetic procedure.
“We have an amazing staff that really has helped propel our practice into becoming a premier cosmetic surgery practice.” RECOMMENDED South Bay Plastic Surgeons is proud to be one of the only practices in the South Bay to offer the Ideal Implant. The Ideal Implant was approved by the FDA earlier this year, and it represents a dramatic advancement in breast implant technology. The ideal implant is a saline implant that has internal chambers allowing it to look and feel much more natural than traditional saline implants—it is designed to feel almost like silicone. We encourage you to come in for a consultation with one of our surgeons to discuss if the Ideal Implant is a good option for you.
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SERVICES OFFERED: Medical dermatology, Mohs micrographic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, pediatric dermatology, skin care and aesthetics
“We have a unique and extraordinary team at El Segundo Dermatology. In this collaborative new practice, we offer top-notch medical care and surgical expertise in skin cancer, combined with all the latest technologies in skin care creating a comprehensive center of excellence in dermatology. As board-certified dermatologists, the focus of our practice is in the treatment and prevention of skin disease, including on-site Mohs micrographic surgery for the removal of skin cancer. Beyond this, we have some of the most exciting technologies in body contouring, tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation, as well as a consultation area for access to high quality skin care products.”
OFF THE CLOCK WITH THE DOCTORS Friends as well as colleagues, we all reside right here in the South Bay and practice what we preach every day by enjoying a healthy outdoor lifestyle while staying safe in the sun. Lots of sunscreen and SPF clothing protect us and our families. We know we’ve made an impact when our kids don’t battle us to put their swim shirts on!
“We can all agree that a smile on the face of a happy patient is the greatest reward. Unlike other medical disorders, skin disease is on the outside for everyone to see, which can create a heavy psychosocial burden for the patient. Being able to manage and improve these conditions can be lifechanging for patients.”
“Skin care has evolved tremendously in recent years with patients looking to their dermatologist for much more than a prescription or a skin check. We hope to be a fully integrative practice, providing state-of-the-art skin care all the way from traditional dermatology and skin cancer treatments to nutritional supplements and facial and body contouring procedures. We are also eager to become an integral part of the community, and are particularly excited to be at the new Elevon campus, opening in early 2016.”
SHARED TIP Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. With one in five Americans developing skin cancer during their lifetime, we recommend annual skin cancer screenings for almost everyone. Essentially all skin cancer can be cured if detected early, and an annual skin cancer screening is the best way to find them at an early stage. Skin cancer screenings are painless and truly lifesaving, so don’t delay. Make your appointment today!
“We can all agree that a smile on the face of a happy patient is the greatest reward.” BEFORE & AFTER Dermatologists have long been experts in tattoo removal, but we always thought there had to be a better, quicker way to remove tattoos. Finally, it’s here: the PicoSure. By delivering ultra-short pulses of energy, the PicoSure removes tattoos in half the time of traditional lasers. We are excited to be the only dermatology practice in the South Bay to offer this cutting-edge technology!
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UCLA HEALTH | SOUTH BAY Manhattan Beach | Palos Verdes | Redondo Beach | Torrance 800-UCLA-MD1 (825-2631) | uclahealth.org/southbay
SERVICES OFFERED: Primary care and specialty care for the whole family
“For more than half a century, UCLA Health has provided the best in health care and the latest in medical technology to residents of Southern California and throughout the world. UCLA Health opened its first office in the South Bay in 1999 in Manhattan Beach. New primary care and specialty care offices have recently opened in Torrance, Redondo Beach and Palos Verdes.”
“I love working for UCLA because I get the opportunity to consult with some of the top specialists in the country. UCLA faculty are up-to-date on the most current treatment plans, and we work as a team to provide the patient with the best care possible. Primary care and specialty care physicians are able to view all notes and labs via electronic medical records, and we communicate directly with one another to integrate the best treatment plan for our patients. At UCLA, we are working hard to create a comprehensive and caring medical home for our patients.” – Dr. Michelle Sangalang, Family Medicine, UCLA Health in Palos Verdes
SHARED TIP “Most adults at some point in life experience heartburn, stomachaches and/or bloating, and some may suffer for years without seeking medical advice. How do you know when these common discomforts may be a cause for concern? If the symptoms continue or worsen over time, do not resolve with over-the-counter treatments. Seek the advice of your primary care physician. If needed, your primary care doctor can recommend the appropriate specialist. Your primary care physician is your partner in good health and should be your first stop for any health issues or concerns, regardless of how common they may seem.” – Dr. Sahar Lashin, Internal Medicine, UCLA Health in Palos Verdes
“With the advent of new technology and increasingly sedentary lifestyles, childhood obesity is a growing concern in pediatrics. Over the past 30 years, we have seen obesity rates double in children and quadruple in adolescents. Obesity at a young age can be associated with lifelong health complications. As pediatricians, we are partnering with families and the community to promote healthy lifestyles, well balanced diets and daily physical activity.” – Dr. Thomas Jacob, Pediatrician, UCLA Health in Palos Verdes
“UCLA Health physicians in the South Bay are committed to providing excellent patient-centered care. We have the unique benefit of being connected to all of the resources of UCLA Health. This allows us to provide patients with the most current treatment options available. We also strive to establish a personal connection with our patients by taking time to provide thorough explanations and answer questions during the medical evaluation to help keep patients informed about their health. Excellent patient-centered care is our goal.” – Dr. Nicholas Tangchaivang, Internal Medicine, UCLA Health in Torrance
PRACTICE SPECIALTY “As a longstanding member of the South Bay medical community, what I find to be new and exciting is the ready access to academic specialists who can assist with cutting-edge diagnoses and treatments. UCLA Health has primary care and specialty care offices throughout the South Bay, allowing patients to experience fully integrated care right here in our community. Our patients really do get world-class care close to their homes.” – Dr. Terence Hammer, Family Medicine, UCLA Health in Redondo Beach
“UCLA Health has primary care and specialty care offices throughout the South Bay, allowing patients to experience fully integrated care right here in our community.” RECOMMENDED “Preventative care is more important and easier than many people realize; speak with your primary care doctor about the right strategy for you. Screenings such as pap smears and mammograms for women; prostate exams and PSA blood tests for men; and skin cancer screenings and colonoscopies are all important to consider in your preventative care plan. Vaccines such as tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, shingles, pneumonia and influenza should also be discussed. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” – Dr. Rumi Cader, Internal Medicine, UCLA Health in Torrance
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SERVICES OFFERED: LASIK and PRK refractive eye surgery, monofocal and multifocal (Lifestyle Lens) cataract surgery, refractive lens exchange, Corneal Collagen Crosslinking (for keratoconus), ICL (Implantable Contact Lens), KAMRY Inlay
“We have been in the South Bay for more than 30 years and have been able to provide a glasses-free and contact lens-free lifestyle to several thousands of our South Bay neighbors. The technology we have for Laser Vision Correction has gotten so refined that more patients achieve 20/20 or better vision than ever before. We look forward to continually being the leaders in laser vision correction by providing the best care and patient experience.”
“We work closely with optometrists, primary care physicians and other ophthalmology specialists. We feel it’s important to ensure your family eye doctor is part of the process as much as possible.”
“Much of the research in our industry is currently focused on eliminating reading glasses. For a select few, there are current technologies that work quite well. Several different strategies are in the pipeline so that we will hopefully have something that will work for everyone, and it will be as fast, elegant and safe as our current Laser Vision Correction.”
“The staff that plays together stays together! We do teambuilding events quarterly; the most recent was a hike and lunch at Terrenea. Most of our staff has been with our practice over 15 years. It truly is a family atmosphere, and we all enjoy what we do!”
“As the clinical director of NVISION Torrance, I meet patients every day who are frustrated by their dependence on glasses and contacts. It is exciting to be a part of their journey to become spectacle-free. It’s a journey I’ve taken myself by having LASIK done five years ago, and without a doubt it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Our positive reviews by our patients show they feel the same!” – Dr. Susan Shin
When he’s not tinkering around the house or in his garage, you’ll probably find Dr. Lusby swimming at a local pool. In his teens, he swam with a top-ranked team in the AAU. But when he got to college, academics took over and swimming took a back seat. “It’s still a great, non-impact way to stay in shape,” he says. We just wish we could figure out how to get that chlorine smell off him.
“The technology we have for Laser Vision Correction has gotten so refined that more patients achieve 20/20 or better vision than ever before.” PRACTICE SPECIALTY “One of the most satisfying procedures I perform as an eye surgeon is cataract surgery. Cataract surgery has a profound and positive impact on people’s lifestyles. With the explosion of technological advances we are able to individualize our treatment for each patient. This allows us to provide patients with vision that can immensely improve the quality of their lives. As a surgeon, this is what makes performing cataract surgery such a gratifying experience.” – Dr. Amarpreet Brar
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400 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, Manhattan Beach | 800-780-1230 | kp.org/southbay
SERVICES OFFERED: Obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, X-ray, pharmacy, blood draw
Dr. Stekol: “I have 19 years of experience as a pediatrician. I have two adult children, so I have experienced all of the stages of parenting!” Dr. Massoudian: “I’ve been practicing for 10 years as an OB/GYN. I have two young children, ages 8 months and 3 years, so I can definitely relate to the needs of my prenatal patients!”
Dr. Massoudian: “My practice is half obstetrics and half gynecology. In addition to prenatal care, I can help women with family planning, life transitions such as menopause, surgical needs and other gynecologic care. My goal is to provide personalized care to support women through whatever life stage they’re experiencing.”
CAREER MILESTONE This month we open the Manhattan Beach Medical Offices. Our patients who live in the Beach Cities have been asking for a location that’s closer to where they live and work, and we share their excitement! We live in Manhattan Beach and are thrilled to serve our community. The Manhattan Beach Medical Offices also include family medicine and internal medicine physicians, so we can take care of the whole family in one location.
Dr. Stekol: “I love all ages and stages of development, and I see children from newborns to teens. I enjoy building strong bonds with my patients and helping them make healthy choices. Every family is different, so I focus on listening, educating and helping them make the best decisions for their needs.”
“With our new Manhattan Beach Medical Offices, Kaiser Permanente has re-imagined the health care experience. We’ve designed a healing environment that feels more like a spa than a traditional medical office. Patients can see their doctors, fill prescriptions, get X-rays and have their blood drawn all in the same location.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY We are leaders in prevention and evidencebased medicine. We provide routine appointments, preventive screenings, wellness programs and more to help prevent you from getting sick in the first place. At Kaiser Permanente, we bring the convenience of having many of your medical needs met under one roof, so your experience allows you to thrive with seamless, quality care. We’ll help you keep on top of your screenings and immunizations.
“Convenient and easy access to care is important to us.”
RECOMMENDED Our patients love My Health Manager, Kaiser Permanente’s electronic medical records system. They can securely access their medical records, email their doctors and refill prescriptions online from their computer or mobile device. Parents, especially, appreciate the “act for a family member” function in My Health Manager that allows them to view their children’s medical records and email their children’s pediatrician. Convenient and easy access to care is important to us.
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3701 Skypark Dr, Suite 260, Torrance | 1200 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 110, Manhattan Beach | 1100 Glendon Ave, Suite PH-2, Los Angeles 310-443-3600 | CellLifeMedical.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Stem cell therapy for disc and arthritis, PRP
“We treat degenerative musculoskeletal conditions of joint arthritis and spinal disc disease with stem cell therapy. A stem cell procedure is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure with very little recovery time.”
“I have been practicing pain management in the South Bay for 25 years. My specialty includes proficiency with precise image-guided spinal and joint injections. This background and expertise provides a natural extension to the field of stem cell therapy to treat the same conditions.”
“Stem cell medicine is so exciting because it emphasizes unlocking your own body’s regenerative potential to treat problems that until now often required major surgery. It is a much more natural and homeopathic solution.”
“I volunteer on weekends at a free clinic in San Bernardino through UC-Riverside Medical School. I enjoy it because not only do I get to help underprivileged people in need, I also get to interact with medical students and undergraduate volunteers while sharpening my primary care skills.”
“We are literally just scratching the surface with regards to the potential of stem cell therapy. I am currently focusing on joint arthritis and disc disease because we know the tremendous benefits of stem cells for these conditions. However, stem cells are also being studied for many other diseases, and in the future they may hold the answer for conditions like heart disease, emphysema, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.”
Cell Life Medical is a practice dedicated to the emerging field of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy. Stem cells hold the promise of regenerating worn out tissues throughout our bodies. At Cell Life Medical we unlock the regenerative potential of our stem cells to treat joint arthritis and degenerative disc disease. It should also be emphasized that only your own autologous adult stem cells are used in this process. We absolutely do not use fetal or embryonic stem cells.
Dr. Proano has been a fixture in the South Bay medical community since 1990. Away from his busy practice, Dr. Proano and his wife Linda raised a family with three beautiful children who are each grown and embarking on their own successful careers. Dr. Proano is also an avid skier and sports fan. His sporting passion is soccer, both as a fan attending the World Cup every four years and as a player in the local adult men’s leagues.
“Stem cell medicine is so exciting because it emphasizes unlocking your own body ’s regenerative potential to treat problems that until now often required major surgery.” BEFORE & AFTER Degenerative arthritis and degenerative disc disease are conditions that up until now, medicine had no way to reverse their progression—often leading to major surgery like total joint replacement or spinal fusion. Your own body’s stem cells, taken from either bone marrow and/or fat tissue, can be placed into degenerative arthritic joints or discs and they will grow into new healthy cartilage or disc. Patients can obtain relief from debilitating pain and return to a more active and enjoyable lifestyle. BEFORE
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DR. MICHAEL HOPKINS & DR. BARBARA KANE 1706 S. Elena Ave., Suite B, Redondo Beach | 310-378-9241 | dochopkins.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Invisalign, porcelain Cerec same-day crowns, tooth-colored fillings, new-patient specials every day
There are many avenues that your career may take, and if you follow your
“We are a high-service practice that goes above and beyond to care for each patient. We use the latest technology to provide the best care for everyone. Creating beautiful, healthy smiles and happy clients is our goal.”
WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR STYLE AND TECHNIQUE? “We truly take the time to educate each of our patients about prevention of future dental problems and make each person feel comfortable before,
during and after any dental treatment. Success is a team effort comprised of the patient, dentist, assistant and front office team.”
“We work with a great network of surgeons, periodontists and endodontists to make sure each patient gets the most optimal comprehensive care possible.”
passion, you will truly go far and help many along the way.”
WHAT’S MOST REWARDING ABOUT YOUR WORK? “The most rewarding aspect of our profession is witnessing the transformation of someone who used to be fearful of going to the dentist into someone who is back to excellent oral and overall health and well-being—
“Find an area of dentistry/health care that you are truly passionate about.
and proud and confident in their smile.”
BEFORE & AFTER Before-and-after photos of a patient who underwent orthodontics, teeth whitening and cosmetic veneers.
Sonicare toothbrush—removes significantly more plaque (five times more) than manual brushing alone, improves gum health, whitens teeth more and contributes to overall better oral health.
“Creating beautiful, healthy smiles and happy clients is our goal.” OFF THE CLOCK WITH THE DOCS Dr. Kane loves to golf and work out—outside or at her favorite gym. She has been learning to cook more and recently got married! Dr. Hopkins is a lifelong avid surfer and skier. He also enjoys standup paddleboarding and golf. He loves living at the beach with his wife and five children.
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HUTCHINSON DENTAL CHRISTINA L. HUTCHINSON, DDS 512 Main Street, Suite 4, El Segundo | 310-640-2025 | hutchinsondds.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, implant restorations, TMD and sleep
“Hutchinson Dental is a family dental practice that can accommodate a variety of dental needs. We have excellent hygienists to keep your teeth and gums healthy, and we offer a variety of restorative procedures. We perform general dentistry procedures, cosmetic dentistry and management of sleep disorders or TMD issues.”
“I have been practicing dentistry for over 12 years. I spent the first five years of my career in a private practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma, before moving to California for an advanced education in general dentistry residency at UCLA in 2008. Following that I practiced for almost six years in Manhattan Beach.”
“I pride myself in being available and taking care of them in the most conservative and predictable way that I can. In our connected day and age, patients are often emailing or texting me because they know they can.”
“I have an exceptional network of specialists in the South Bay that I have worked with for years. When I have a patient who is in need of a specialist’s care, I always personally email or call them to let them know about the patient I am sending, and I provide them as much information and imaging as possible. In addition, I always give the patient as much information about the doctor they will be seeing and what’s next for them.”
SHARED TIP There aren’t many patients who enjoy flossing, so it’s important that your technique is correct. String floss is preferred over convenient picks because it allows you to better adapt and remove plaque in between teeth. Once you get past the contact in between teeth, contour the floss like the letter C and wipe up and down a few times, then reverse your C and clean the tooth next door. Often tying a double knot in the floss will help pass through stubborn things like popcorn kernels.
When I’m not at work, I’m with my husband and our dog. My husband and I have our little routines after a workday that we both enjoy and look forward to—to unwind and reconnect. We also both love to travel, and we try to get away for a long weekend every now and then when we’re not at home walking the dog along The Strand.
“If I’m able to reshape someone’s dental experience and make it a positive one, that makes my day!” RECOMMENDED I often recommend MI Paste Plus by GC America to patients. It comes in five flavors, delivers a prescription strength amount of fluoride, calcium and phosphate to teeth and is easy to use! I’ll recommend this product to patients to reverse early cavities that aren’t quite ready to be filled, to manage sensitivity to cold along the gum line where they may have recession, and to stabilize the enamel in between brushing when the pH naturally drops and enamel is more likely to demineralize.
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451 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite D-224, Manhattan Beach | 310-545-0770 | summerorthodontics.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Damon, clear, Incognito (lingual braces), Invisalign, Insignia, accelerated treatment
“Delivering the highest quality treatment is my top priority. Every decision I make in my practice is based upon one simple rule: will this decision improve the patient experience?”
“We support a variety of community programs as diverse as the interests of our patient base. From education to sports to arts, we are engaged in supporting programs that put our patients’ beautiful smiles to good use throughout the South Bay.”
SHARED TIP It is never too late to have a confident smile. More than 40% of our patients are adults. Advancements in technology cannot only dramatically reduce treatment time (in some cases by as much as 50%) but can also offer a variety of hidden and inconspicuous treatment options.
“The technology available in modern orthodontic care has dramatically improved the patient experience. Increased patient comfort, reduced treatment time and less visible treatment options are the results of these advances. In fact, many adults are opting for orthodontic treatment who never would have considered it before.”
“Seeing the confidence patients exude from their new smile is really rewarding. However, I also enjoy getting to know each patient throughout their treatment.”
OFF THE CLOCK WITH DR. SUMMER Spending time with my family is my top priority outside of the office. The South Bay is an amazing place to raise a family. I also love to travel and experience new places. When I’m in town, I enjoy yoga, Pilates and walking on The Strand.
“Seeing the confidence patients exude from their new smile is really rewarding.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY The staff at Summer Orthodontics is not only highly experienced (the clinical staff averages more than 10 years of experience in orthodontics) but also friendly and outgoing. The staff is a huge part of making treatment a positive (and even fun) experience.
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STEVEN K. OKAMOTO, DDS & MICHELLE OKAMOTO, DDS 22330 Hawthorne Boulevard, Suite E, Torrance | 310-373-1120 | okamotodds.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Preventative, restorative, esthetic, implants, ZOOM and custom take-home teeth whitening, Invisalign, diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea
Dr. Steve: “Patients spend more time at their dental office than some other medical offices, so to have the opportunity to invest in our patients is something we do not take for granted. Our team holds themselves to the highest standards, making all of our patients comfortable and treated like family. Each of us frequently takes continuing education courses to provide our patients with the most comprehensive care.”
Dr. Michelle: “Growing up there were many summers and weekends spent at the office learning the ‘ins and outs’ of a dental practice. As I grew older, I knew I had a passion for science, which led me to receiving my bachelor’s degree in biology at Pepperdine. After more and more time working side-by-side with my father and being exposed to the world of dentistry, I realized this is exactly where I was supposed to be.”
SHARED TIP We offer a free dental implant consultation to answer questions on your unique situation. Often it is difficult to determine the right course of action over the phone. Having a thorough understanding of how dental implants can improve your life is the first step in restoring your smile.
Dr. Steve: “Our team, plain and simple. Many of these dental professionals have been a part of this practice for 20 years, and patients recognize that consistency of quality care. Patients appreciate a friendly, familiar face and team members who take the time to discuss questions regarding their care—or a personal milestone. As a family practice, a patient’s care often changes as they go through the different stages of aging.”
Dr. Michelle: “I am so grateful to be in a career that allows me to help and educate others on a daily basis, to be creative and artistic with the treatment I provide, to interact and invest in my incredible patients, and to hopefully make some sort of an impact (big or small) at the end of each and every day. And to top it all off, I get to work with an incredible mentor who also happens to be my father.”
OFF THE CLOCK WITH DR. MICHELLE When she is not in the office, Dr. Michelle enjoys spending her time outdoors. Walking any of the South Bay beaches and hiking local trails are two of her favorite ways to enjoy her weekends. And if she can do so with some of her friends—even better! Recently she was able to do just that—visiting with long-time friends in San Francisco and meeting up with UCLA Dental School colleagues at Crater Lake.
“To have the opportunity to invest in our patients is something we do not take for granted.” PRACTICE SPECIALTY Dr. Steven Okamoto completed a three-year residency in prosthodontics at the University of California, Los Angeles. The residency included lectures, seminars and intensive laboratory and clinical experience in fabricating crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, complete and removable partial dentures and dental implants. He received extensive training in diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders (TMD) of the jaw, traumatic injuries to oral structures, and congenital or birth anomalies such as cleft palate, and oral cancer reconstruction. He also became qualified to manage bruxism and sleep apnea disorders such as snoring. It is because of this additional education and training that Dr. Okamoto is an expert in the diagnosis, treatment planning and restorative procedures needed to restore your oral function and improve the esthetic appearance of your smile.
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SYDON ARROYO, DDS, APC & RICHARD K. ROUNSAVELLE, DDS, INC. 23530 Hawthorne Blvd., Skypark 1, Suite 250, Torrance | 310-303-7970 | mytorrancedentist.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Complete dental care, esthetic dentistry (whitening, veneers, bonding, porcelain restorations), dental implants, clear braces (Invisalign), preventive dental cleanings, TMJ and snoring appliances
“We are a quality-oriented comprehensive general dentistry office. Our goal is to make sure that your teeth last your entire life. We will do everything we can to maintain the health and appearance of your teeth so that you may eat, smile and live stress-free. We strive to keep you comfortable and to be with you during every step of the way. Dr. Arroyo grew up in Burbank but now resides in the South Bay. He teaches every week as a clinical lecturer at the UCLA School of Dentistry. He volunteers at the South Bay Children’s Health Center and Care Harbor Los Angeles. He loves spending time at the beach and is an avid sports fan. He enjoys surfing, snowboarding and practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.”
“We believe in placing our patients’ needs above all else and then doing what is necessary to exceed your expectations. As your dentist, we have an obligation to treat you in the same way that we would treat our own family. We take pride in educating each patient so they are equipped with the information necessary to make the best decision for their dental health. We believe that the best approach is the most conservative approach. We foster a culture where quality is paramount and corners are never cut. We put great emphasis on up-to-date infection control, continuing education and a beautiful facility so that you will be happy to share us with your family and friends.”
Porcelain veneers and bonding
When flossing, make sure to curve the floss in a C-shape around the tooth to engage the surface and maximize plaque removal.
“Our goal is to make sure that your teeth last your entire life.”
RECOMMENDED Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing up to 400 times a night. This breaks up your sleep cycle and can leave you and your significant other tired during the day. Untreated sleep apnea has been linked to heart attacks, strokes and car accidents. An alcoholic beverage or sleeping pills may make you drowsy, but they also relax the muscles in the back of the throat—making it easier for the airway to become blocked. An anti-snore/sleep apnea appliance is a comfortable and easily transported option to keep your airway open while you sleep.
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973 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite A, Manhattan Beach | 310-546-2002 | WithersDental.com
SERVICES OFFERED: General, cosmetic, implant, pediatric and family dentistry
Dr. Brian: “My father, James Withers, started this practice over 50 years ago. Many of our patients have been with us since this practice started! I joined in 2008, and Dr. Yarborough-Atwood joined in 2013.” Dr. Jenna: ‘My dad and Dr. Withers have known each other for years, being on the same dental board. Brian and I went to dental school together. So it’s like one big family!”
Dr. Jenna: “I remember at an early age visiting my dad’s dental office and watching the enthusiasm and love he had for his patients and the care he was giving them. Seeing the patients leave feeling better and happy was just as impressive. I knew I wanted to have a career where I could try and
create the same trust and optimum level of health care for the patients who came in.”
Dr. Brian: “Trust. We are very much on the conservative side of the dental diagnosis spectrum, and we involve the patient in every recommendation we make. That way we can make the best decisions TOGETHER for their oral health care needs.”
“We have some new faces on our staff. We hired all Mira Costa grads! It just adds to our feeling of community and keeping that ‘small town’ vibe alive in our practice.”
SHARED TIP In-office bleaching. Dr. Brian used to be a skeptic, but one of our patients explained that she could not bleach at home because it was too painful on her gums. In the office we cover the gums with a special coating that keeps the bleach off and makes the whole experience a lot more comfortable. We’ve been doing bleaching in our office for a long enough time now that through both the raving patient reviews and the undeniable results, Dr. Brian has gone from skeptic to believer!
“Since I am pregnant, I have to share a tip for all the pregnant moms out there! Make sure you are extra vigilant taking care of your teeth and gums. Brush twice a day, floss one to two times a day and definitely come in for at least one if not two cleanings. You are more susceptible to inflamed and bleeding gums when you are pregnant due to the physical and hormonal changes. Avoid gum disease by staying on top of your oral hygiene.” – Dr. Jenna Yarborough-Atwood
“We really emphasize a team approach; the specialists we work with are incredibly knowledgeable and talented.” BEFORE & AFTER This is an Invisalign case that we did recently. This is why they made Invisalign—for adults with crowding who did not want braces. Invisalign was invented at UOP, where we both went to dental school, and it’s always fun to see a patient smile when they are done with their treatment—especially when they see their “before” pictures! BEFORE
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JAMES W. MELLERT, DDS, MAGD 3480 Torrance Blvd., Suite #100, Torrance | 3105431234 | dentisttorrance.com
SERVICES OFFERED: Aesthetic dentistry including: gum grafting, periodontal surgery, dental implant placement and restoration, bonding, crowns and bridges, dental hygiene services, sleep apnea oral appliances
“We are a patient-centered office. Our goal is for the patient to feel completely comfortable with every aspect of their treatment. Emotional health is just as important as dental health, so tremendous effort goes into the patient and team working together. With this approach, hundreds of patients would describe themselves as ‘formerly’ anxious.”
“Our patients have been pleased with the aesthetic gum grafting results. Recent techniques pioneered at U.S.C. Dental School and the Chao Pinhole technique have revolutionized aesthetic gum grafting. There is minimal discomfort, as well as minimal downtime. Patients often comment about the ease of having cosmetic crowns and cosmetic bonding done.”
PRACTICE SPECIALTY My practice places special emphasis on aesthetic, periodontal and implant dentistry. Our new state-of-the-art office features 3-D Galileo imaging for dental implant diagnosis and the newest generation of digital radiography.
“We receive referrals from many physicians in the South Bay. Often dental disease needs to be treated prior to joint replacement surgery, organ transplantation and treatment for many types of cancer. We enjoy our close relationships with referring physicians. We also receive referrals from physicians to make sleep apnea appliances for their patients.”
“We have three excellent hygienists who love their role as the patient partner in dental disease treatment and prevention. They are very knowledgeable and always educate our patients on their dental health in a very supportive manner. They always make sure the patient is comfortable and try to make the ‘cleaning’ visits for each patient enjoyable.”
BEFORE & AFTER Dr. Mellert placed porcelain crowns to achieve a natural aesthetic result.
CAREER MILESTONE Celebrating 33 years of providing dental care in the South Bay. I am grateful for my grandfather, Roy Mellert, DDS, and father, William Mellert, DDS, who modeled a passion, commitment and caring for their patients throughout their long and successful careers. I love what I do, and I can’t imagine a better profession to be in. I’m so grateful to be able to practice dentistry today and grow with more modern and exciting new techniques and knowledge in my profession along the way.
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L to R: Connie Dribnak, Dr. Steven Brown, Gigi Pennington, Dr. James Mellert
“We have helped patients and their spouses get a better night’s sleep, as well as giving our patients improved health and quality of life.” oursouthbay.com | 2015 Southbay Health
Seize 2016 Get out, get active and start the year strong.
REDONDO BEACH SUPER BOWL 10K + HEALTH & FITNESS EXPO Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, 6 to 11 a.m. 200 Portofino Way in Redondo Beach
RELAY FOR LIFE 9 a.m. South High School, Torrance
AIDS/LIFECYCLE San Francisco to Los Angeles
There may not be a better way to kick off Super Bowl Sunday than by running around the streets of Redondo in your favorite NFL jersey, followed by complimentary frosty beverages in the post-race beer garden. redondo10k.com/expo
LOS ANGELES MARATHON 7:25 a.m. Dodger Stadium
Runners from all 50 states and more than 55 countries will set out from Elysian Park to accomplish a personal dream by reaching the finish line in Santa Monica. lamarathon.com
CATALINA ISLAND CONSERVANCY MARATHON Race times vary Two Harbors on Catalina Island
What better reason to cross the pond to Catalina than to explore its beauty by foot? Choose from the 5k, 10k, marathon or Kids Run for a memorable weekend adventure. runcatalina.com
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Join this community fundraising walk that continues to acknowledge and inspire those who have been affected by cancer as well as pay remembrance to lives that have been lost. relayforlife.org
DURHAM SEAHORSE GOLF CLASSIC 9:30 a.m. Palos Verdes Golf Club Join the Peninsula Committee Children’s Hospital on the green for this annual fundraising event. pcch.net
TOUR DE PIER 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manhattan Beach Pier
Up to 400 stationary bikes and several of the best instructors guide riders of all levels through one or more 50-minute sessions to raise money for cancer and children’s charities. tourdepier.com
Join thousands of bikers for a life-changing, seven-day, 545-mile trek down the California coast. aidslifecycle.org
REDONDO BEACH TRI 7:30 a.m. Redondo Beach Pier/Veteran’s Park in Redondo Beach
Whether you choose to participate in the sprint (½-mile swim, 6-mile bike, 2-mile run) or mini sprint (¼-mile swim, 3-mile bike, 1-mile run) division, your endurance on land and in the water will be tested to the fullest. rbtriathlon.com
SUMMER SOLSTICE HIKE 7 p.m. Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes
Celebrate the longest day of the year and start of summer with an active hike along the trails of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean for the grand finale. Be sure to stop by the resort after for plenty of healthy dining options for the whole family. terranea.com
Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance is proud to be named one of America’s
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