Saint John's - The Magazine of Saint John's Health Center - Fall 2020

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T H E M A G A Z I N E O F S A I N T J O H N ’ S H E A LT H C E N T E R F O U N D AT I O N Fa l l 2 0 2 0

Heroic Brave patients and determined caregivers fight COVID-19. PROVIDENCE SAINT JOHN'S HEALTH CENTER



WILL & CARY SINGLETON for your generous support of the Power of Partnership campaign.

Gifts like Will & Cary’s $40 million donation drive advancements in technology, research and patient care. When you give a gift to Saint John’s Health Center Foundation, you can help fund the kind of innovative health care that results in cures and improves quality of life. Your gift will make a lasting change, helping others and the Westside community we all love.

Please give now at or call 310-829-8424, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


FALL 2020

4 . Letter from the Chief Executive 5 . Welcome from the Foundation 6 . Health for a Better World


9 . The Research Front 11. Keeping You Safe During the Pandemic 12. Power of Partnership Campaign Update

FEA T U R E S 14 . On the Frontlines Saint John’s received some of the sickest COVID-19 patients, including a brave, strong man.

20 . A Gift That Will Make a Difference The Singleton family’s donation is aimed at changing the way we prevent and treat dementia.

24 . A Caring Community When the pandemic struck, the community rallied to help the health center.

30 . Funds to Help Weather COVID-19 The Community Impact Fund bolsters the work of several nonprofits.

36 . Ruth Weil Cancer broke her heart but didn’t stop her from fighting for others.

On the Cover: Michael Chang takes to the waves after surviving a long battle with COVID-19.

E DIT OR IAL ST A F F President and CEO, Saint John's Health Center Foundation

Robert O. Klein Chief Executive, Providence Saint John's Health Center

Michael Ricks Director, Marketing and Communications, Saint John's Health Center Foundation

Melissa Thrasher



If you have a change of address or no longer wish to receive SJHC Foundation communications, please let us know by calling 310-8298424, faxing 310-315-6127, emailing or writing to Director, Data Management, Saint John's Health Center Foundation, 2121 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90404.

VP, Branded Media: Emily S. Baker Creative Director: Ajay Peckham Editor: Shari Roan Copy Editor: Laura Watts Contributors: Victoria Clayton, Laurel DiGangi, Sandi Draper, Robin Heffler, Nancy Brands Ward Photographers: Jeff Berting, Phillip Graybill Managing Partners: Charles C. Koones, Todd Klawin




We are now six months into the coronavirus pandemic, and none of us have been left untouched. From safer-at-home orders and virtual schooling to businesses temporarily shutting down and mandates to socially distance, we’ve all been through—and are still going through—a lot of change. As I reflect on the events that have unfolded from the vantage point of leading a world-class community hospital, I’m so proud of the job our staff, researchers and physicians have done to ensure the safety and health of our community. Our exemplary teams continue to answer the call of flexibility and insightfulness that this health crisis requires, pivoting with ease and nimbleness to provide the best care to our patients while also leading world-class clinical trials to treat and cure COVID-19. I’m also humbled by the extent to which you, our beloved community, stepped forward to support us during this crisis. It never ceases to amaze me how often and how strongly the Westside community and our grateful patients always show up to support Saint John’s. The stories on the following pages are a reflection of your appreciation for us and our gratitude for all you do. Your selflessness and that of our frontline caregivers is a reminder that we’re all in this together. As we continue to adapt to an ever-changing world, we must also keep a close eye on the future. Because of your support over the years, we were prepared for this historical moment and to treat the most critically ill COVID-19 patients in the Los Angeles region. I’m confident that you’ll also be here to ensure that we continue to lead in all areas: digestive health, women’s health, heart and vascular, orthopedics and spine, cancer and, last but not least, neurosciences. Just as infectious disease is a public health issue, so too is the issue of brain health and various types of dementias. We’re poised to lead the way with breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research and treatment, thanks to a transformative gift you’ll also read about on the following pages. Selflessness and progress go hand-in-hand. Between our caregivers who give so much of themselves every day and our community members who passionately support innovation, I’m confident, even in these challenging times, that our future is bright.



MICHAEL RICKS Chief Executive Providence Saint John’s Health Center John Wayne Cancer Institute


ROBERT O. KLEIN President and CEO Saint John's Health Center Foundation

MARY FLAHERTY Chair Saint John’s Health Center Foundation Board of Trustees

The COVID-19 pandemic is indeed a public health crisis not seen in 100 years. But it’s not the first time we’ve seen tragedy and triumphed. During the 1994 Northridge earthquake that devastated Los Angeles and destroyed our hospital, this community stepped up, and you’ve stepped up now. This issue of Saint John’s is a time capsule—a document of this moment for the years to come. On the following pages are stories of patient survival in the face of a new and complicated disease; a clinical and research team caught between a battle to save lives and a race to find a cure; and community members giving anything they could—masks, meals and donations—in an effort to alleviate some of the hardship and uncertainty surely felt by our caregivers, to let them know that they are not alone. Demonstrated on these pages is the circle of giving in action. Saint John’s Health Center responds to the health needs of the community, and our community responds to the emotional and vocational needs of our caregivers. Giving comes from the heart. It is one of the most courageous acts any of us can take, and more than 1,900 community members have given so generously of themselves during these unprecedented times. Collectively we persevere, bravely imagining an optimistic future. Our Power of Partnership Campaign is testament to that. In the midst of these uncertain times, we have already surpassed our initial $150 million goal, which we announced in March. Having raised $187 million thus far, we’ve increased our goal to $200 million, with additional details in this issue. Thanks to the transformative $40 million gift from Will and Cary Singleton to Pacific Neuroscience Institute’s Brain Health Center, the leading-edge research and treatment of Alzheimer’s already begun on this campus is guaranteed to flourish and innovate. The innovation we need in Alzheimer’s and the innovation we currently see in our response to COVID-19 is only possible with generous philanthropic gifts. While there are many things beyond our control, such as a destructive earthquake or a global health crisis, how we respond to these crises and to one another is very much within our command. It’s up to us—today—to prepare for tomorrow.





Stitched, quilted cotton mask: Droplets travel about 2.5 inches

Studies over the past several months show that masks help reduce COVID-19 infections to stop respiratory droplets. Wearing masks, along with hand hygiene and social distancing, is the trifecta for protecting yourself and others.

Bandanastyle mask: Droplets travel about 3 to 4 feet

No mask: Droplets travel more than 8 feet



Masks should: ; Fit snuggly (no gaps at top, bottom or sides)

; Cloth masks with layers are recommended

Sources: Florida Atlantic University College of Engineering and Computer Science; Physics of Fluids; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



; Cover the nose and mouth


T IP S FOR D I N I N G O U T The Centers for Disease Control suggests checking a restaurant’s COVID-19 prevention practices before you go: • Check the restaurant’s website and social media to see if they have updated their information to address any COVID-19 safety guidelines. • Call and ask if all staff are wearing cloth face coverings while at work. • Ask about options for self-parking to remove the need for a valet service.



“Wearing a mask is just a simple action that actually gives you freedom. When you insist on mask-wearing, you can go out and run, you can go to a park, you can eat outside if you are social distancing—6 feet or more between tables—and feel secure about doing things that are low to moderate risk.” – TERESE C. HAMMOND, DIRECTOR OF CRITICAL CARE

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, statistics show many people who are likely having a stroke are delaying seeking care. Always call 911 for symptoms of a stroke. Saint John’s is an advanced primary stroke center and thrombectomycapable stroke center. The hospital was the first center in L.A. County to receive this level of designation.

Time from symptoms to a patient seeking care and hospital arrival (nationwide): February to March 2019

February to March 2020





A delay of 160 minutes amounts to: The loss of 320 million brain cells

$160,000 in additional medical costs Source: Geisinger Medical Center; Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery

“Social connection is a prime element to a recipe for living and aging well. We need to reach out and connect the people who are most disconnected and bring them back to the fold.”





F IG HT ING LO NELINESS D URING COVID-19 Loneliness has increased among Americans since the pandemic, according to a national survey. Source: The U.S. National Pandemic Emotional Impact Report



Loneliness and isolation, a problem for many people before the pandemic, has been amplified. Taking even a small step to alleviate loneliness, such as calling a friend, can lead to more positive activity, experts say. You will help yourself and someone else.




Events – Virtual, Of Course! Surgical Oncology Fellowship Graduation The John Wayne Cancer Institute celebrated the graduation of four surgical oncology fellows on July 23. Congratulations to these four talented and dedicated surgeons as they embark on the next phase of their careers. The institute’s Surgical Oncology Fellowship program is among the most prestigious in the nation and includes a long list of successful alumni. This year’s graduates include: ADAM KHADER, MD – Dr. Khader, the Ruth and Martin H. Weil Fellow, has accepted a surgical oncology position at Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Virginia. MOLLY KLEDZIK, MD – Dr. Kledzik, the Chief Administrative Fellow, has accepted a surgical oncology position at West Virginia University in West Virginia. JUAN SANTAMARIA, MD – Dr. Santamaria, the Harold McAlister Charitable Foundation Fellow, has accepted a surgical oncology position at University of Nebraska in Nebraska. ANTHONY SCHOLER, MD – Dr. Scholer, the Tarble Foundation Fellow, has accepted a surgical oncology position at Prisma Health – Memorial Healthcare in South Carolina. The Irene Dunne Guild Virtual Fiesta The Irene Dunne Guild hosted a virtual version of their annual Fiesta event on July 30 via Zoom. More than 60 IDG members joined the call and socialized over pre-delivered margaritas and Mexican dinner. Saint John’s Health Center Foundation president Robert Klein thanked the group for its quick response with emergency funding to support several COVID-19-related caregiver needs. The event was co-chaired by Sandy Line and Loraine Sinskey. Leading the Way on COVID-19: Part II The foundation hosted a Zoom webinar on July 15 to share our physicians’ and researchers’ expertise on the COVID-19 pandemic. The event, which drew 110 trustees, donors and friends of the health center, was moderated by foundation trustee and director of emergency services, Russ Kino, MD, and included remarks by David Krasne, MD, medical director of the pathology department and clinical laboratory at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.



Understanding a Key Protein Involved in Neurogenerative Diseases Neurogenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, are difficult to treat. Better therapies will depend on researchers’ work on elucidating the cellular processes in the brain that cause disease. Recently Venkata Yenugonda, PhD, associate professor in the department of translational neuroscience and neurotherapeutics and director of the drug discovery and nanomedicine research program at the John Wayne Cancer Institute, led a group of JWCI scientists who are working to characterize a protein called cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (or CDK5). The paper, published recently in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience, discusses the role of CDK5 and how it influences brain function. “When this protein is functioning normally, it is critical for brain development in the womb, the movement and structure of neurons, and memory formation,” Dr. Yenugonda says. “However, when CDK5 becomes overactive, it causes several dysfunctional processes within neurons, leading to the buildup of toxins and cell death that promotes disease.” The paper points to CDK5 as a possible target for future drug therapies to improve brain function. Studies on the protein are ongoing at Pacific Neuroscience Institute and the drug discovery and nanomedicine lab at JWCI. The research is supported by seed funding from JWCI, Saint John’s Health Center Foundation, the Pacific Neuroscience Institute Foundation, Fashion Footwear Association of New York (FFANY) and the Associates for Breast and Prostate Cancer Studies (ABCs).


Janis Gallo Takes the Helm at the Irene Dunne Guild

A New Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer Przemyslaw W. Twardowski, MD, professor of medical oncology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute, is among the co-authors of a paper published in May in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine on a drug for a challenging type of prostate cancer called advanced castration-resistant disease. The study demonstrated the benefits of the drug olaparib in patients with advanced prostate cancer who carry certain gene mutations that impact the DNA repair system. The study, which focuses on men who failed standard treatments, showed patients receiving the drug had longer overall survival and progression-free survival (time during which the cancer is not growing) compared to patients taking the drugs enzalutamide or abiraterone. Olaparib is a type of drug known as a PARP inhibitor. Olaparib, which was granted Food and Drug Administration approval for prostate cancer in May based on the study results, may be of value to about 25% of patients with advanced prostate cancer and the DNA repair gene mutations. The study underscores the value of performing a genetic analysis on a patient’s tumor specimen or blood to understand the impact of gene mutations on the disease.

Janis Gallo has been elected president of the Irene Dunne Guild 11 years after joining the organization. The IDG is a volunteer group of community members that supports the health center under the umbrella of the Saint John’s Health Center Foundation. Gallo was an invited guest at the IDG annual signature event, the Think Pink luncheon and boutique, in 2009 and was immediately impressed with the group and its mission. “When I first went to a Think Pink luncheon, I realized this is a group I felt an affinity to,” she says. “I felt they were devoted, intelligent and interested in doing something and in giving.” Gallo, who gave birth to her three children at Saint John’s, has worked tirelessly for the guild since then. As president, she wants to raise awareness about the group’s role. The 102-member guild raises money to support special programs or equipment for the hospital. Recently, the IDG donated funds to purchase portable fetal monitors for the labor and delivery unit and for a special bed for stroke patients. The guild also sponsors the Beauty Bus, which creates pop-up salons where Saint John’s patients and caregivers receive a variety of complimentary beauty and grooming services. The IDG also recently raised and donated funds to support a broad array of needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Donations from members have increased this year due to the pandemic, Gallo says. That is in keeping with the spirit of the IDG members. “We step up to do things that weren’t in the hospital budget. This is our community hospital.”




Saint John’s Honored in “Best Hospitals” Report Providence Saint John’s Health Center has been designated as a Best Regional Hospital in the 2020-21 U.S. News & World Report annual listings of top hospitals. We recognize and thank all the many dedicated professionals who embody our core values each and every day. Saint John’s also received High Performing Hospital recognition in the following specialties: Neurology & Neurosurgery


Hip Replacement

Lung Cancer Surgery

Knee Replacement

Gastroenterology & GI Surgery


New Device for Atrial Fibrillation Approved Providence Saint John’s Health Center has become the first hospital in the United States to implant the new Watchman FLX device under local anesthesia. The procedure was performed on August 5 by Shephal K. Doshi, MD, one of the world’s most experienced physicians in using the Watchman device. Under Dr. Doshi, Saint John’s has accumulated the most experience with the Watchman device in the United States. Dr. Doshi practices at the Pacific Heart Institute, an affiliate of Providence Saint John’s Health Center. The Watchman FLX is a next-generation device that builds upon the original Watchman, first approved in 2015. The FLX Dr. Doshi, center, device is used to reduce the risk of stroke with his team. in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation who need an alternative to anticoagulant medication. The device is inserted to close off the left atrial appendage, reducing the risk of stroke. The To learn more about Watchman FLX received Food and Drug Administration approval on July 21. qualifications for The device is considered easier to insert and reduces the complication risk for patients. receiving the Watchman A clinical trial on the device in 400 patients, known as PINNACLE FLX, showed successful FLX, contact Shephal implantation in 98.9% of patients. Dr. Doshi, a co-principal investigator, presented data on Doshi at Pacific Heart the trial earlier this year at a virtual meeting of the Heart Rhythm Society 2020 Scientific Institute, 310-829-7678. Sessions.

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Health Care in the Time of COVID-19 Providence Saint John’s Health Center has worked hard to ensure patients and visitors are safe. BY SHARI ROAN

The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked our world. That’s especially true in the health care setting, where patients, visitors and caregivers need to be protected from the invisible enemy in the very place where people sick with COVID-19 are treated. We asked infectious disease epidemiologist Lakshmy Menon, who is an infection preventionist, to describe the response to the novel coronavirus at Providence Saint John’s Health Center and why patients and visitors should feel secure that they are—and will continue to be—safe while seeking health care. Menon earned a master of public health degree in infectious disease epidemiology at Emory University and previously worked on tuberculosis elimination at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Was Saint John’s already prepared to respond to a pandemic? Yes. We’ve had a pandemic influenza plan for at least 10 years. Last summer, we revised some pieces of the plan to address the Ebola outbreak in the Congo. In January, we adapted the plan for COVID-19 and developed an action plan for any patient with COVID-19 symptoms who presented themselves through any of the service entry points— emergency department, perioperative and outpatient—of the health center.

Who was in on the pandemic response? From frontline nurse managers and nurse educators to central supply, environmental services and engineering staff to food and nutrition caregivers, it was the whole team.

Everyone has had a part to play. It is a multidisciplinary effort.

How have you managed and protected visitors to the health center? We were lucky that we started our efforts early. We are a very patient- and familycentered hospital. We want visitors to be with their family members. However, because of the uncertainty about the virus spread, we started limiting visitors in early March.

People want to visit loved ones in the hospital or take a support person to health care visits. Will visitor restrictions evolve? We still have moderate-to-significant viral transmission in the community. However, in August, we modified visitor restrictions. We now permit inpatient, outpatient and intensive care unit patients to have one designated visitor per day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. with precautions such as mask use, social distancing and restrictions on where visitors can go. We now have a better understanding of the importance of wearing a face mask to prevent transmission for those who are not symptomatic. We have better access to personal protective equipment such as hospital-grade face masks for all who are at the health center.

Is it safe for patients to come in for routine health care services and elective procedures they may have delayed? Absolutely, it is safe to come in for routine health care and elective procedures. In March and April we were telling people to stay away from health care facilities because we didn’t know the rate of COVID-19 in the community, and we needed to prepare for a potential surge of COVID-19 patients. We did not want to inadvertently contribute to transmission because

of how much was unknown about the epidemic in our community at the time. Now, waiting areas have been altered to allow for distancing; everyone is universally masking in the health center: staff, patients and visitors. That is a much safer environment than being out in the grocery store where you can’t control who is wearing a mask and physically distancing. We’re still screening all those who come through our entrances. Employees are encouraged to do twice-daily selfmonitoring for COVID-19 symptoms.

Should people continue to postpone care that’s not urgent? Get any health care you need; options include telehealth as well as in-person appointments. If you haven’t been maintaining your health, whether for preventive care or to manage a chronic condition, if you were to get COVID-19 it might be even more severe for you. You want to stay healthy by getting preventive care and seeking essential procedures or tests that were delayed from earlier this year. We have infection prevention and control measures operationalized beyond just patient care areas to ensure that every part of the hospital is safe. Don’t delay coming in because of the restrictions on visitors. If you need emotional support, our staff is there to provide that support and can work with you on other solutions too.

What keeps you going through the challenges of this pandemic? What has been so satisfying is the excellence of care our team provides. We have taken care of so many complex patients. That has made it all worth it for me to see these very ill people leave the health center. I feel lucky to have contributed to a safe environment that allows our caregivers to do their best work. SAINT JOHN'S MAGAZINE

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Power On S The COVID-19 pandemic triggers new goals for our fundraising campaign.

Power of Partnership campaign co-chairs Gretchen Willison, left, and Mary Flaherty

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ince we launched the Power of Partnership campaign two years ago, our world has changed dramatically. Although everyone has been burdened in some way by the COVID-19 pandemic, our community’s generosity did not waver in the face of this challenge, pushing our fundraising past its initial goal. That’s why we have chosen to “power on,” endeavoring to meet the expected transformation in health care triggered by the pandemic. Our new campaign goal of $200 million will help us serve the community during a crisis like COVID-19 and take a leadership role in the evolution of health care in the months and years following the pandemic. We foresee a greater need to create and promote four additional academic-level institutes, strengthen the health of our community and embrace technologies that will improve outcomes. Thank you for helping the campaign achieve its current level of success. Now, let’s get the job done to ensure the continued excellence and innovation that is the hallmark of Providence Saint John’s Health Center and its affiliate institutes.














JOIN THE PARTNERSHIP With your support, Saint John’s will continue to lead, driving progress and delivering leadingedge health care throughout the Westside, Southern California and beyond. We are counting on you to share our vision for what is possible, to link arms with us, to join our community of friends, patrons, physicians, nurses and volunteers as we partner to make this historical initiative a success. This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter in our legacy. The commitment we make today will shape the Saint John’s of tomorrow—and generations to come. For more information on supporting Saint John’s and the Power of Partnership campaign, please call 310-829-8424 or visit our website at


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hen Michael Chang was rushed by ambulance from Orange County to Providence Saint John’s Health Center on April 7, he was sedated, dependent on a ventilator and fighting for his life. By 10 a.m. the next day, he was smiling and eating a few tiny bites of birthday cake in his ICU room—his first signs of improvement since contracting a severe case of COVID-19 in late March. It’s a birthday that Chang, a Los Angeles Police Department detective, will remember for years to come—even though he wasn’t fully alert at the time. Fortunately, Chang’s care team captured his 52nd birthday celebration on video. Pulmonologist and director of critical care, Terese C. Hammond, MD, and cardiothoracic surgeon Raymond C. Lee, MD, presented him with cake while 20 nurses gathered outside his room singing “Happy Birthday.” Chang’s wife and three sons joined on video chat from their home in Huntington Beach. “When I watched the video the next day, it tore me up because I didn’t know how bad I had gotten,” says Chang. “I was given my phone, and when I turned it on, it was blowing up with text messages and emails about ‘prayers for you.’

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Then Dr. Hammond came in and showed me the video from my birthday—especially when she showed me that my family was watching and almost all the nursing staff in the ICU was part of the celebration—it was really mind-blowing.” Chang’s stunning turnaround marked a celebrated moment in the COVID-19 pandemic at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. In the midst of the unrelenting spread of the virus, Saint John’s has emerged as a go-to destination for some of the most critically ill patients, such as Chang, who require a treatment called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) that is offered at only a few hospitals in the region—as well as access to investigational medications through clinical trials. While not every critically ill COVID-19 patient survives, the resources and physician expertise at Saint John’s have heartened the community and Saint John’s caregivers. “Saint John’s is such a special place,” Dr. Hammond says. “I don’t think what we pulled together at Saint John’s could have happened anywhere else in California. The efforts of so many people were needed. At Saint John’s, everyone pulls together to get these patients through.” Chang was initially hospitalized in Orange County, where he was put on a ventilator after several days of declining health. “I just looked at it like peace,” says Chang. “I get to go to sleep, my body gets to rest and it doesn’t have to be a struggle of fever, cough—everything I was feeling, which was just miserable.” While Chang was intubated, a doctor at the Orange County hospital called Chang’s wife, Dana, and told her Chang needed a higher level of care than what was available there. By making a series of phone calls, Dana arranged to have her husband transferred to Saint John’s, where he was taken off the ventilator and placed on ECMO. ECMO is an advanced life-support system used to provide heart and lung bypass support when those organs are failing. According to Dr. Lee, Saint John’s has the most COVID-related ECMO experience of any hospital in California and rivals or exceeds the experience of other ECMO centers in the United States. By July 13, the hospital had treated 21 COVID-19 patients on ECMO.

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LEADERS IN ECMO THERAPY “When our community needed COVID-19 ECMO, our hospital rose to the challange,” says Dr. Lee. “Anytime a hospital calls us, we do everything we can to get these patients here and take care of them the best we can.” ECMO involves placing tubes in the patient’s veins and arteries and/or using a pump to move the patient’s blood to an artificial lung, which removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen, before pumping it back into the body. “It bypasses the function of the lungs,” Dr. Hammond says. “For some patients, the ability to rest the lungs and give them more time to let their body fight the infection has been lifesaving.” Dr. Lee and his colleagues believed ECMO would be effective for treating COVID-19 patients because of their past success using the technology to treat patients with flu, H1N1 and other respiratory illnesses. “It turned out we were right,” he says. “By the time data started coming in from other parts of the world on using ECMO, we had already been doing it for our COVID patients and had the largest experience in the western part of the United States and one of the largest experiences in America. In the international registries, our patient survival was good—just as good based on what we would get with our non-COVID-19 patients.” Philanthropy has played a key role in sustaining the Saint John’s ECMO program, which involves a highly skilled multidisciplinary team. “When we evaluate our COVID-19 patients each day, we have a hematologist, surgeons, a perfusionist, nurses, social workers—we have so many different people thinking every which way we can to help get our patients through,” says Dr. Lee. “Ever since we started our ECMO program— between philanthropy, through the foundation and our donors, and the hospital supporting the program—we have never had any roadblock in terms of getting anything we needed to care for our patients.” Dr. Lee explained to Dana that ECMO wouldn’t guarantee Chang’s survival. “He said it doesn’t mean he’s going to live. We’re in a 50-50 place, but we only have a 10% chance if he stays on the ventilator,” says Dana. “I said, ‘Whatever you’ve got to do, just do it.’” When Chang arrived at Saint John’s, Dr. Hammond says his oxygen level was “inconsistent with being able to survive,” but the ECMO team was ready. “We got him

COVID-19 patient Michael Chang recovering after receiving ECMO therapy.

immediately on ECMO,” says Dr. Lee. “We were able to get his breathing tube out, and he recovered very quickly.” COVID-19 patients on ECMO must be carefully monitored since their recovery is not always linear. “With COVID-19, we see a lot of fluctuations and unexpected events, a lot of infections, blood-clotting and bleeding events, and just a lot of complex things,” says Dr. Hammond. She describes Chang’s outcome as the “best-case scenario,” since he improved rapidly and responded to two investigatory medications. One was the antiviral drug remdesivir, which has since been approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration. Since Chang was suffering from overwhelming inflammation, he also received the anti-inflammatory drug sarilumab. Chang’s high level of fitness and lack of underlying health conditions likely aided his recovery. “Part of it, too, is that the guy is an absolute fighter,” says Dr. Hammond. “He was attached to ECMO, yet he pushed himself to stand up and walk a few steps—to do all of the things that were required for him to survive.”

AN EMOTIONAL SENDOFF After 10 days at Saint John’s—seven on ECMO—Chang became the hospital’s first critically ill COVID-19 patient to go home. As he reunited with Dana and their sons, he was given a celebratory sendoff by dozens of hospital staff as well as his colleagues. “I wanted the entire hospital—all the people that you may not be able to say ‘thank you’ to every day who make it possible for us to take care of such sick people—to see that they’re part of something big,” says Dr. Lee. “They’re part of something very special, and because everybody worked so tirelessly, this man got to go home to his family.” Chang says he was floored by the treatment he received from his caregivers. “I owe them my life,” he says. “The nurses there were outstanding. At the end of the day they were basically my family, because I couldn’t see mine. Dr. Lee and Dr. Hammond were texting my wife and keeping her up-to-date. I’ve never seen anything like that. The care was just remarkable.” Doctors are still learning about the long-term effects


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Dr. Raymond Lee, Dr. Terese Hammond and Dr. Steven O’Day have led the use of novel COVID-19 therapies.

of the virus on the lungs and other organs, but Dr. Hammond and Dr. Lee are optimistic about Chang’s prognosis. “When I got discharged, the only thing I was sent home with was oxygen,” says Chang. “I still use it as needed, whereas when I first got out, I was using it regularly.” Chang is currently undergoing pulmonary therapy and a multiphase reconstruction of his nose, due to an injury that’s likely related to the ventilator. Overall, he feels healthy and grateful for support from his family and doctors, who remain in touch. He can once again enjoy favorite pastimes, especially surfing.

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“Being Hawaiian, I am a true believer of the Hawaiian saying: Ke kahea nei ke kai I na mea a pau me ka uhane aloha. Translation: The sea embraces all things with the spirit of aloha. The ocean is very important to me, and that’s why I love ocean sports such as surfing, paddleboarding, kayaking and scuba diving.” Remembering Chang’s triumphant recovery helps Dr. Hammond persevere as new COVID-19 patients are admitted. “He represents a lot of hope for us,” she says. “Detective Chang was the first to walk out, and he’s a very important symbol for us to keep on going.”


FOR A NOVEL DISEASE Saint John’s is at the forefront of COVID-19 clinical research.


s the threat of the coronavirus pandemic became apparent, clinicians and researchers at Saint John’s, John Wayne Cancer Institute and Pacific Neuroscience Institute put their heads together to prepare for treating a disease none of them had ever encountered. After only a few weeks of collaboration, Saint John’s began offering investigatory medicine to COVID-19 patients. Today the hospital has a portfolio of cutting-edge clinical trials that Steven J. O’Day, MD, executive director of JWCI and director of Providence Los Angeles Regional Research, describes as “second to none worldwide.” “The John Wayne Cancer Institute at Saint John’s offers the best of academic and community medicine. We’ve been really lean and mean and very productive in cancer clinical trials in the last few years,” Dr. O’Day said in June. “I basically pivoted our cancer clinical trials team and joined forces with our infectious disease doctors and our critical care doctors who are at the forefront of the clinical management of the patients with COVID. It’s been a spectacular—really an extraordinary—three months of advancement and productivity.” For Dr. O’Day, a worldrenowned melanoma specialist, spearheading Saint John’s COVID-19 clinical research program feels natural. “Clinical trials and research are integrated

into every aspect of cancer care,” he says. “There’s such an aching need to advance, and the science has been so spectacular in the last several decades—particularly around immunotherapy—that we’re very comfortable offering our patients the best standard treatments and then layering in the best cutting-edge clinical trial research.” In fact, Saint John’s participated in the clinical trial that resulted in the antiviral drug remdesivir, gaining emergency use approval by the Food & Drug Administration. Remdesivir is now the standard treatment for COVID-19 patients hospitalized at Saint John’s. Patients may receive additional investigatory drugs, if needed. “Now we understand this disease so much better— we understand it has a viral component and an immunologic component, which causes inflammation— so we can be a lot smarter early on to understanding what’s happening in each patient,” says Dr. O’Day. “Is it the virus per se? Is it the inflammation, or is it both? And depending on which it is, treat the patient accordingly.” For patients with severe inflammation, Saint John’s is offering three different medications: sarilumab, tocilizumab and an investigational drug from Novartis, known as an IL 1b-IL 18 inhibitor that targets specific proteins that cause inflammation. Saint John’s recently put the first patient in the nation on the Novartis trial. Research from Oxford “shows that steroids in very sick patients seek to reduce mortality,” says Dr. O’Day.

“The fact that off-the-shelf steroids, which are relatively broad-based anti-inflammatory drugs, worked to reduce mortality in advanced diseases bodes well for some of our more sophisticated, antibodydirected anti-inflammatories that we have in clinical trials.” If therapy beyond remdesivir is needed to relieve the viral infection, patients may receive donated plasma, which contains virus antibodies from recovered patients, or engineered antibodies called spike antibodies. Early clinical trials at Saint John’s focused on treating hospitalized patients, but the hospital is beginning to enroll outpatients—starting with a clinical trial on spike antibodies—with the objective of keeping them out of the hospital. Currently, about 20% of COVID-19 patients require hospitalization, Dr. O’Day says. “We are opening trials to outpatients who are at high risk, particularly patients who may not be very sick yet but because of risk factors such as age or comorbidities such as heart and lung disease, obesity and other factors that we know put them at higher risk for bad outcomes,” says Dr. O’Day. The hospital is also maintaining a patient database that includes a blood biospecimen and outcomes data. That database will contribute to two National Institutes of Health studies—an autopsy study to

understand how COVID-19 patients are dying and an endocrine study to understand how diabetes and obesity affects COVID-19 outcomes. “John Wayne and Saint John’s are not only working to bring the best treatments here, but we’re collaborating scientifically with the best scientists in the world at the NIH around several novel projects.” Dr. O’Day says it’s a privilege to lead this collaborative research effort. “The cancer team, the critical care team, the surgical team, the infectious disease team— everybody has come together to make this work,” he says. “There are very few hospitals, if any, in the world that have been able to do this in just a few months—and that includes academic centers—because we’re so nimble and focused on what we’re doing.” Of course, this extraordinary work would not be possible without the support of donors. “There has been tremendous generosity already,” says Dr. O’Day. “We really appreciate our donors and are so grateful for all the support.”


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n the annals of medicine, Alzheimer’s disease has proven to be an exceptionally difficult challenge. More than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease—the most common type of dementia— suffering progressing symptoms of memory loss, confusion, behavioral change and the loss of body control. Yet a cure—or even an effective treatment—has been frustratingly elusive. According to dementia experts, more than 200 clinical trials of experimental drugs for Alzheimer’s have failed. However, a new leader in the field, bolstered by a landmark $40 million gift, is bringing fresh energy and novel approaches to the study and treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Earlier this year, Los Angeles philanthropists Will and Cary Singleton donated $40 million to the Saint John’s Health Center Foundation to support the Pacific Brain Health Center (PBHC) at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI). This will supercharge the PBHC’s efforts, which aim to change the trajectory of Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S and beyond. “PNI and Providence Saint John’s Health Center have very innovative programs. They’re able to move quickly with clinical trials, attract top-notch talent and they’re collaborative. We’re confident that this investment will produce results in areas of medical research and treatment that to date have proven difficult to solve,” say the Singletons. The gift has allowed PNI, an affiliate of Providence Saint John’s Health Center and Providence Health System that provides leading-edge neuroscience care and clinical trials, to advance research and treatment of dementia and related areas of neurocognitive decline in an extraordinary manner, says PNI founder and director Daniel Kelly, MD. “The Singleton’s gift will greatly accelerate our efforts to transform clinical data into discovery and hopefully develop new standards of care for Alzheimer’s and related disorders,” Dr. Kelly says. The gift will support improving early detection, identifying risk factors, reducing risk and helping those already suffering from dementia and cognitive decline, he says. The PNI and the PBHC intend to create tools and share findings with the wider global population, essentially developing “best practices” that allow clinicians worldwide to change the course of the disease. “The Singleton’s gift is the largest single donation we’ve ever received and is a testament to the caliber of research,


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clinical care and medical talent that resides on our campus. The Singleton family has been supportive of Saint John’s for generations now, and we hope their gift will inspire other philanthropists to join our campaign. We are immensely grateful for this transformative gift,” said Saint John’s Health Center Foundation president and CEO, Robert O. Klein.

A NEW APPROACH TO DEMENTIA Even prior to the Singleton’s gift, the PBHC was creating novel approaches aimed at more fruitful research and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The center was envisioned and founded by Dr. Kelly and geriatric psychiatrist David A. Merrill, MD, PhD, the center’s director. In a unique and unsiloed structure, it brings together psychiatrists, neurologists, gerontologists, cognitive neuropsychologists and addiction medicine specialists, as well as experts in physical fitness, to advance the treatment of cognitive and memory impairments, anxiety and depression, as well as movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. The center is also focused on prevention of cognitive decline and developing reliable strategies that promote healthy brain aging and longevity. “Neuroscience is interdisciplinary at its heart, and at PNI we’ve broken down the previously existent siloes between subspecialties to create a new dynamic,” says Dr. Merrill. Physicians from multiple specialties often see patients during a single clinic visit and coordinate their treatment plans as a team. Taking a holistic approach to treating patients, they also address the relationship between health and lifestyle by looking at physical activity, nutrition, stress reduction, sleep and socialization.


“PNI and Saint John’s have the right approach, the right people and the necessary spirit of innovation to make significant progress in this critical fight.” The center focuses on collecting research data from all patients to advance knowledge and quickly apply new concepts to patient care, he says. PNI and PBHC clinicians have used leading-edge diagnostic tools to implement personalized lifestyle medicine treatments for hundreds of patients. An ongoing clinical trial assesses the impact of a cognitive fitness regimen for patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease in collaboration with the Institute of Systems Biology, an affiliate of Providence. Investigators already see strong glimmers of a brighter and more favorable course for those with dementias. “The Singletons’ gift will fund a rapid expansion of many of the center’s goals including the recruitment of additional faculty and staff for neuroimaging, neuromodulation, neurogenomics and biomarkers, fellowship training, public education, clinical research and care. A significant share of funding will be distributed to translational research—moving discoveries expediently from bench to bedside—and clinical interventions,” says Santosh J. Kesari, MD, PhD, director of


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ANSWERING CRITICAL QUESTIONS The Pacific Brain Health Center faculty will apply the Singletons’ gift to address key questions hampering progress in Alzheimer’s disease. Among them: WHAT MAKES THE BRAIN VULNERABLE TO DEMENTIA, AND WHAT INDICATORS MIGHT SIGNAL THAT VULNERABILITY? Researchers are investigating a range of tests in patients seeking to uncover potential early warning signs of dementia. Such tests look at brain and nervous system function, including vision, hearing, smelling and balance. MRI and PET imaging are used to explore structural and metabolic signs of approaching decline. Clinicians can also analyze patients’ genetic and hormonal profiles as well as incorporate new digital technologies to assess functional changes in real-time.

WHAT LIFESTYLE HABITS AND MEDICATIONS CAN PREVENT OR DELAY DEVELOPING DEMENTIA? Already, PBHC researchers have shown how medication, along with a cognitive exercise training program called FitBrain can decrease memory and cognitive decline. They are also investigating whether nutrition, mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga, sleep habits and hormonal therapies can help. CAN WE SLOW, OR PERHAPS REVERSE, THE COURSE OF DISEASE FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE ALZHEIMER’S AND RELATED DEMENTIAS? Clinicians and researchers aim to identify the most effective medical, neurologic and mental health interventions. OTHER KEY AIMS OF THE RESEARCH WILL INCLUDE:

prevent and treat dementia are found, can they also help other brain conditions such as tumors, Parkinson’s disease or traumatic brain injury? • What is the role of stem cells in brain degeneration and function, and how can we maintain healthy stem cells throughout life and prevent dementia? • Are there drugs that can be repurposed to help brain disorders? • How can we best support caregivers and assist them with caring for their loved ones at home? • How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting patients, family members and caregivers as well as the population at large, and can telehealth and apps help?

• If effective ways to diagnose,

Leaders of the Pacific Brain Health Center’s dementia research project: Dr. David Merrill, Dr. Verna Porter, Dr. Santosh Kesari and Dr. Daniel Kelly.

neuro-oncology and chair and professor, department of translational neurosciences and neurotherapeutics. “The gift will allow us to accelerate the development of innovative approaches to treat neurological disorders including repurposing existing drugs and developing stem cells to repair the brain to extend optimal healthy living,” he says. “We looked at Alzheimer’s and thought, ‘Who’s going to solve this problem?’” Will Singleton says. “After evaluating programs across the country, we are convinced that PNI and Saint John’s have the

right approach, the right people and the necessary spirit of innovation to make significant progress in this critical fight.” The Singletons add that they realize their gift, while significant, will only be a start toward the resources needed to address Alzheimer’s disease in the aging U.S. population. They say they hope others will join the fight. “We want to set an example with this gift,” Will says. “Hopefully, it will inspire others. That would be very gratifying.”


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“Being introduced to Santa Monica and Saint John’s in a crisis like this, I got to see everyone at their best.” – Jared L. Amerson, chief operating officer, Providence Saint John’s Health Center

rovidence Saint John’s Health Center and the residents of Santa Monica and surrounding areas have endured hard times before. Who can forget the 1994 Northridge earthquake? But the gripping fear, confusion and challenges that accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic in the early spring of 2020 will be remembered for years to come as a unique crisis in health care. It will also be remembered as a time when the community came together to support and care for Saint John’s. In a sense, the tables were turned on the caregivers. Now they needed help. Providence Saint John’s Health Center and the Saint John’s Health Center Foundation are deeply grateful to the hundreds of individuals and organizations that strengthened us during the early weeks of the pandemic and who continue to do so. From donations of money, food, personal protective equipment (PPE), temporary housing and other supplies and services, our friends, our supporters and our patients leaned in to help in a big way. We honor you. We thank you. We will remember.

TO THE RESCUE The staff of Saint John’s Health Center Foundation began working at home in mid-March. In one of the first staff conference calls a day or so later, a foundation employee who was one of the few working in the office reported that the phones were ringing nonstop with foundation trustees and community members calling to offer help. “Do you need meals?” “Do you need personal protective equipment?” Tess Csiszar, director of special events for the foundation, began handling the calls. “Within three days, I was completely overwhelmed,” she says. “Donations and offers of supplies were coming from every corner of the community. Many of the callers were saying things like, ‘I had my kids at Saint John’s’ or ‘You saved my mom’s life’ or ‘You took such good care of me. I want to help.’”


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WELCOME TO SAINT JOHN’S Jared L. Amerson had left a position in Temecula to begin his new job as chief operating officer at Saint John’s in late February. There was no time to settle in—COVID-19 was knocking on the door. “We were dealing with a pandemic that we’ve never dealt with before,” Amerson says. “The nurses, doctors and hospital administrators—it was unique for all of us in our careers.” For days on end, Amerson took calls from foundation staff, the foundation board of trustees and local residents and businesspeople who had ideas about how to help and the desire to do so. “I had heard about the community’s support of Saint John’s before I came here,” he says. “But it really made me appreciate the uniqueness of this community, how special it is and how connected the foundation is to the community. “I realized how the community views Saint John’s as their hospital.”

CONNECTIONS TO THE PAST AND PRESENT Lorna Auerbach’s beloved late father, Ernest Auerbach, was a postWorld War II real estate developer on the Westside. He had been a patient at Saint John’s and had volunteered at the health center for several years. The entire Auerbach family had received care at Saint John’s. “I just had a lot of confidence in Saint John’s,” Auerbach recalls. “You felt you were getting extraordinary care. It always felt like a really safe place.” Auerbach heard Saint John’s was in need of masks. She promptly called one of her Santa Monica tenants, the Brentwood Pharmacy, which was able to find a supplier for 4,000 masks and which Auerbach purchased for the hospital for $16,000. In addition, she donated $20,000 to the Saint

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John’s Health Center Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Fund. “My parents were always very philanthropic,” Auerbach says. “My father would only associate with people who were also philanthropic. He said you have to give back to the community that made you successful. The hospital took incredible care of me and our parents throughout our lives. To me, this was an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to the Saint John’s community for taking care of my family all those years.”

THE MOMS MOBILIZE Erin Arend, an executive at Discovery, felt compelled to do something to help as she watched news reports of the pandemic in early March. “There was a desire for so many of us to do something because we just felt helpless sitting at home,” she recalls. “Our job was to stay home and keep our community safe by not spreading the virus. But what more could we do to help?” She heard some hospital workers were grabbing food from vending machines in between long shifts, so she reached out to a group of moms who began purchasing meals to deliver to friends and their units working at local hospitals. Before long, the small operation had evolved to a community fundraising operation—Help Feed the Frontline Fighting COVID-19 LA—and a GoFundMe campaign they launched in partnership with World Central Kitchen, an international nonprofit organization that supplies meals to communities hit by disasters and other hardships. All of their community donations were routed to local restaurants, who were also fighting to remain operational. Up to 40 restaurants participated by preparing and delivering meals to hospitals like

Saint John’s. As of late June, $1.35 million in donations from around 3,000 donors has resulted in more than 130,000 meals served to hospital caregivers in Los Angeles, says Arend, who gave birth to her three children at Saint John’s. “Everyone has their own personal memory of being in a hospital and has enormous appreciation for today’s caregivers and hospital staff members who are all working on the front lines,” she says. “It’s emotional for us, and Saint John’s is one of our local hospitals. It’s the least we could do!”

THE HEALTH CENTER’S RIGHT ARM In early March, Janis Gallo, president of the Irene Dunne Guild, and Susie DeWeese, head of the IDG allocations committee, checked in on the phone. “She and I had a simultaneous call and said, ‘Let’s do something right away to help the hospital with the COVID-19 response,’” Gallo recalls. That’s when the IDG does what it does best. Calls and emails went out to the membership—as well as their families, friends and other contacts—who quickly donated funds for the purchase of needed supplies, such as the rental of several trailers so hospital caregivers could shower and change clothes before going home. The group also provided $4,000 to purchase additional scrubs and $9,000 to launder scrubs. They bought 17 iPads so nurses could help patients FaceTime with friends and family and to facilitate consultations in the emergency department. The guild’s efforts did not go unnoticed, Gallo says. “I think there is such a wonderful sense of community within the guild and the hospital. This made us feel very much a part of that, coming together and helping however we could. That was special, to feel that closeness.”




Clockwise from top left: 1. Two thousand surgical masks were donated by MGA Entertainment Inc./MGAE Cares. 2. PCCU staff express their gratitude towards ScrubHub for Heroes and founders Barbera Thornhill and Maty Novia, who delivered more than 4,000 meals to Saint John’s. 3. Generous donation of 4,000 masks from Lorna Auerbach. 4. Caregivers showing gratitude for the 7,000 meals provided by Help Feed the Frontline Fighting COVID-19 LA, in partnership with World Central Kitchen. 5. Saint John’s COO Jared Amerson and foundation CEO Robert Klein wear face shields donated by the Rotary Club of Los Angeles and the Rotary Club of Los Angeles Foundation. 4



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Clockwise from top left: 1. Emila and Nila Tavangarian facilitated 1,000 meals for caregivers. 2. The Irene Dunne Guild donated more than $15,000 for snack carts and recharging stations for caregivers. 3. Four-hundred boxes of produce were provided by Iris and Michael Smith and Family, in partnership with Produce Alliance Foundation. 4. Kim Rosenberg, RN, makes use of the trailers provided by Star Waggons and the Irene Dunne Guild for health care workers to shower and change after shifts. 5. Taslimi Foundation provided 400 meals for caregivers. 6. Local restaurants, including Coral Tree Cafe, partnered with Ella Goldberg and The Meal Bridge LA to feed caregivers.

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HOME AWAY FROM HOME Jason Waggoner, president of Star Waggons, a company that supplies trailers for the entertainment industry, knew the COVID-19 pandemic was turning the world upsidedown. When he learned Saint John’s needed trailers to allow caregivers to shower and change their clothing before going home to their families, the Star Waggons team came to the rescue—providing trailers free for the month of May. “These frontline workers were putting themselves in harm’s way. The least we could do was provide these trailers and give them some level of comfort,” Waggoner says. He drove to Saint John’s one day in May to join a group of caregivers and supporters who were assembling outside the hospital to honor a patient who had survived COVID-19 and was going home. As the patient was wheeled to his car, the crowd burst into applause and cheers. “Watching that was pretty emotional,” Waggoner says. “I said, ‘This is no joke. This is so real.’ I think it really hit home for me that we needed to help.”

THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT A number of high school and college students reached out to Saint John’s and other area hospitals to offer donations, meals or supplies. “We were worried that the number of masks we were shipping were too little to really make a difference. Although we couldn't visit the hospitals in person, it felt amazing to see— through the photos—that the masks were being put to use. We were grateful to be able to support all the hardworking staff in any way.” CHLOE CHAN, 19 A sophomore at UC Berkeley, Chan and her sister Audrey Chan, 17, a senior at Canyon Crest Academy, raised funds to purchase masks for Saint John’s caregivers. “Medical professionals are risking their own health and safety every day fighting the coronavirus. All I can do is help make sure they are safe when doing so.” THEODORE BERGER, 17 An incoming senior at Santa Monica High School, Berger organized a fundraiser to purchase personal protective equipment to give to Saint John’s and other area hospitals. “I created The Meal Bridge LA (TMBLA) to help my community. TMBLA recently received a grant of $37,000 which is further allowing me to give back to the people of the Los Angeles community during COVID-19. I am so proud of what TMBLA has accomplished so far.” ELLA GOLDBERG, 15 A student at Harvard-Westlake, Goldberg started The Meal Bridge in Los Angeles to help donors fund meals to caregivers using participating restaurants. “We know people who were lucky to overcome COVID-19, who were able to tell us how incredibly hard these health care workers were working day and night. We wanted to give back in whatever way we could during these difficult times.” EMILA TAVANGARIAN AND NILA TAVANGARIAN, 23 Twins and recent graduates of USC, the sisters’ efforts provided Saint John’s with 1,000 meals.



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THE GIFT OF HEALTH The Community Impact Fund (CIF) was established by Saint John’s Health Center Foundation to support our local health care partners in improving the health of our community. Each year the CIF committee reviews applications and makes grants to non-profit entities, striving to improve the health of local residents. In this issue of Saint John’s, we present the fifth in a series of stories on recipients of CIF grants. Our story highlights organizations that serve children, youth and families.

Demand for food has been great at Westside Food Bank’s Virginia Avenue Pop-Up Pantry and distribution pantry.


here is probably not a single person in the country who hasn’t been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet for many underserved populations—the homeless, the poor, veterans, victims of domestic violence, and people with physical and mental health issues—their challenges have increased exponentially. The Community Impact Fund (CIF) created by Saint John’s Health Center Foundation has been serving these vulnerable populations since 2017 and is successfully stepping

up to meet the new and unprecedented challenges they faced in the wake of this pandemic. Each year the foundation committee grants funds to organizations that strive to improve the health of local residents. Grantees are selected based on the community’s health needs and how the organizations’ work is compatible with the mission of Providence Saint John’s Health Center. The following organizations have all received a yearly grant from CIF, with some receiving additional funding

for COVID-19-related needs. As their staff and volunteers cope with their own pandemicrelated difficulties, these organizations are adapting and meeting the challenges of serving the increased needs of their communities. The foundation worked with the CIF grantees as they pivoted to respond to the pandemic, says Jeff Schaffer, who helps steer the foundation’s CIF committee. “We reached out to all 21 grantees to find out how are they doing in the time of COVID-19,” Schaffer says. “The committee approved a number of requests to modify grants. Other organizations got extensions on how long they can use grant money for services.” Here is a look at how some of the CIF grantees are meeting community needs.

WESTSIDE FOOD BANK Putting food on the table is one of the greatest challenges that people face when they lose income from layoffs and job loss. Westside Food Bank might be considered a “first responder” to this need. According to Bruce Rankin, executive director of Westside Food Bank, this need has risen substantially since the COVID-19 pandemic led to loss of income. “We’re currently distributing about 77% more food than we did a year ago, and the typical food pantry has indicated that their need has doubled,” he says. “Agencies are reporting higher numbers of people coming to pantries who have never been before.” Westside Food Bank is a warehouse operation that buys much of its food in bulk and distributes it at no charge chiefly to local food pantry agencies where families and individuals in need can receive free food to bolster their food security. “We can get a truckload of canned tuna for $60,000, where it might cost an individual agency $90,000 for the same amount,” says Rankin. “Food banks are designed to bring the economy of scale to charitable food assistance.” Before the pandemic, initial funding from CIF allowed Westside Food Bank to purchase produce and special handling of perishable products, including refrigeration and delivery. “All was going swimmingly until the beginning of March. That’s when we experienced these incredible increases,” Rankin says. Additional CIF funding allowed Westside Food Bank to readjust its budget to help cover the increased demand. But increased demand wasn’t the only issue for food banks. The pandemic also slowed down the supply chain of nonperishable food

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APRIL: 340,000 POUNDS Operations from the Westside Food Bank’s Virginia Avenue PopUp Pantry and distribution pantry

People Concern staff receiving grocery donations

Earlier this year, the Saint John’s Health Center Foundation awarded its annual Community Impact Fund grants for 2020. This year’s awardees included seven new organizations.

COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND GRANTEES FOR 2020 Saint John’s Health Center Foundation is proud to announce seven new Community Impact Fund (CIF) grantees. The organizations were chosen for their ability to partner with Providence Saint John’s Health Center to serve vulnerable populations.

BANDINI FOUNDATION The Bandini Foundation’s mission is to provide job training for veterans leading to full-time employment at local country clubs, parks and recreation departments. Founded by Ricardo Bandini and Scott Morey in 2008, the Bandini Foundation operates a 90-day job training program for veterans and offers free golf lessons from veteran PGA pro Carlos Rodriguez. Operating its program at the Heroes Golf Course for more than eight years, the foundation has given veterans the use of the facility for therapeutic, vocational and social experiences. It estimates that the golf course has served 60,000 women and men veterans from all the services over that time.


As the social services arm of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CCLA has been serving needy communities in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles counties since 1919. The CCLA mission is to manifest Christ’s spirit by collaborating with diverse communities: providing services to the poor and vulnerable; promoting human dignity; and advocating for social justice. CCLA makes 800,000 contacts with 100,000 individuals on an annual basis—operating 18 community centers, 10 homeless shelters and more than 50 other programs including food pantries, thrift stores, refugee resettlement, counseling and after-school care. CCLA’s programs seek to propel its participants towards positive change and self-sufficiency.

concerns. Claris’ mission is to equip and care for individuals and their families before, during and after pregnancy and sexual-health choices. This is accomplished by offering free and low-cost medical care, therapy, education and support services to those in need. Claris expanded its integrated model of care in late 2016 by setting up pop-up clinics at food banks, housing projects and homeless service organizations in South Los Angeles. It has experienced a 133% growth in patients seen at these clinics from 2017 to 2018.


Founded in 1979, OPICA (Optimistic People in a Caring Atmosphere) was the first adult day center in Los Angeles, spearheading the movement for community-based elder care. OPICA has a 40-year legacy of providing stateof-the-art counseling and therapeutic adult day programs for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. It employs an integrated approach that examines the entire wellbeing of the family unit. OPICA’s mission is to enable adults impaired by dementia to continue to live at home by 1) providing compassionate and stimulating day programs, 2) supporting family caregivers through counseling and respite, and 3) increasing community understanding of dementia through education, resource referral and professional training.


Since 1976, Claris Health has served the Greater Los Angeles community offering care, resources and support to those facing an unintended pregnancy or other sexual health

Safe Parking LA (SPLA) provides people who are homeless and living in their vehicles with a safe place to park at night and supportive services to assist them in attaining stability. SPLA was founded in 2016, and since opening its first lot in Koreatown in 2018, the organization has rapidly expanded to eight additional lots

deliveries. “We were used to getting our food delivered a week and a half after ordering it,” says Rankin. “In April, things got so bad that orders were delayed for about seven and a half

weeks. Today in mid-July, we still have to wait about four and a half weeks for an order. Right now we’ve run out of shelf-stable milk, and we placed the order at least three weeks ago.”


in three of L.A. County’s Service Planning Areas. SPLA provides parking for more than 150 vehicles and 190 people each night and has served approximately 570 people since the first lot opened. SPLA offers safety-net services to its clients, including support for vehicle repairs and maintenance, fuel, vehicle registration and insurance. The parking lots offer restrooms with running water and a security guard.


St. Monica Catholic Elementary serves 250 elementary school students from transitional kindergarten to eighth grade, while St. Monica High School provides a Catholic education to 400 high school students. St. Monica strives to inspire academic commitment and excellence by providing students with teachers whose expertise serves their individual needs. In October 2016, St. Monica launched the Outdoor Play and Wellness program with the opening of a new weight room in the school gym to further enhance the physical well-being of students and to promote lifelong good health.


Founded in 2012, Vision to Learn (VTL) defines its mission as helping the estimated 2 million K–12 students nationwide who lack the glasses they need to succeed in school and in life. Having grown from one mobile clinic to the largest school-based program of its kind in the nation, VTL operates 23 clinics with a service area of 325 cities in 12 states. The organization has provided an estimated 244,000 eye exams and 193,000 prescription glasses free of charge to students across the nation. VTL currently runs six mobile clinics in Los Angeles County and works with the Los Angeles Unified School District and community-based organizations.

“Without the additional funds that CIF granted our organization, our board would not have been able to set up a budget that was a meaningful response to the pandemic,” says SAINT JOHN'S MAGAZINE

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Rankin. “Along with other foundations, they’ve paved the way forward for us to make a meaningful impact.”

SAFE PARKING LA Approximately 25% of Los Angeles’ homeless population are living in their vehicles. For these people, finding a regular place to legally park at night so they can sleep without fear is difficult, if not impossible. As the largest safe parking program in the region, Safe Parking LA operates seven parking lots that provide its clients with a secure place to park each night, as well as restroom facilities, a security guard and social service resources. For Silvia M. Gutierrez, executive director, keeping these services available to clients during the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging but crucial. “It was necessary for us to change the way Safe Parking interacted with clients,” she says. “Staff could no longer engage with clients face-toface and had to work remotely through phone contacts.” To ensure clients stayed safe through the pandemic, Safe Parking LA provided them with general education about COVID-19, its symptoms, testing and, most importantly, disease prevention. “Our new intake coordinator did COVID-19 health-related screenings over the phone and made sure people had information about the pandemic and had the resources they needed,” says Gutierrez. In addition, Safe Parking LA provided kits to all clients to help them maintain hygiene: masks, gloves

Child and Family Development Center team members training in infant massage

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and sanitation supplies to wipe down their vehicle’s interior. Another challenge for Safe Parking was staying diligent regarding client needs and community resources. “When the gyms closed down, this really impacted our clients because many no longer had a place to shower,” says Gutierrez. “In addition, the pandemic caused many food banks to close or limit their hours.” To meet these and other challenges, Safe Parking LA’s phone volunteers listened to their patron’s concerns and provided them with alternative shower locations and meal resources. These volunteers also reconnect patrons with job and housing opportunities. Working with Project Roomkey, a statewide response, Safe Parking LA is helping place more vulnerable clients—those over 65 or with chronic health conditions—into hotel rooms during this pandemic. “Safe Parking LA can only work with the funding that Saint John’s provides. We are deeply grateful to be able to continue helping people on a one-to-one basis and develop service plans that make sense for them,” says Guiterrez.

PROVIDENCE SAINT JOHN’S CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Providence Saint John’s Child and Family Development Center (CFDC) provides nurturing, empathetic services to underprivileged, at-risk children and their parents, such as those who struggle with developmental disabilities, emotional challenges,



domestic violence and substance or physical abuse. The COVID-19 epidemic created special challenges for this vulnerable group, particularly regarding access to care. Like many social service agencies, CFDC had to shift their entire operation online through telehealth— posing challenges for clients. “Some clients were unable to access telehealth because of limited levels of technology capability, or needed extra help getting online,” says Lisa Margolis, program manager, Prenatal to Five Services. “And it’s not just technical; it’s about access. Privacy is also a big issue for people stuck in their homes, especially if there are domestic violence issues.” As many schools and preschools were shut down during the COVID crisis, parents who worked outside the home struggled to find childcare, often moving children into home daycare. Fortunately, two of CFDC’s programs, the Early Childhood Assessment and Treatment Program along with the Pinwheel Project, a preschool wellness program, headed by Lara Sando, PhD, quickly developed a short-term pilot program to assist home daycare providers. “The project helps these home daycare providers, who are primarily women of color, determine how to restart their daycares, manage their own feelings and help children emotionally as they transition into daycare.”




APPROX. 375 PER DAY “This is where additional funding from CIF made a real difference during the pandemic. The funds went toward a grant enabling CFDC’s preschool clinicians to consult with community home daycare providers. “Without Saint John’s, the home daycare provider program wouldn’t exist,” says Margolis. “We literally went to CIF with our proposal, and within a day or two it was funded. It was amazing.”


Veterans and their families face distinct challenges, which for many have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis and recent community unrest. Tess Banko, executive director of the Veteran Family Wellness Center (VFWC), a unique partnership between UCLA and the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, explains that veterans can experience magnified feelings of trauma, including the resurgence of previous military-related traumas. “For instance, during this time of uncertainty, veterans with PTSD can feel anxiety and deepened feelings of isolation,” says Banko. “Those with traumatic brain injuries can have difficulty adjusting to dramatic changes to structure and routine brought about by COVID-19.” The economic effects on veterans can also be devastating. “Many veterans in the Los Angeles area work in the film and media industry, which has shut down production,” says Banko. “Others are part of the service industry, which has also been prone to intermittent shutdowns. Although unemployment and rent moratoriums have been enacted, as COVID-19 progresses we

have serious concerns regarding the wellness of veterans and their families as these protective measures end.” But thanks to the support of the CIF, the VFWC has been able to continue its operations at nearly full capacity, providing a full range of wellness services including individual, couples and family resilience programming, events, workshops and referrals. In particular, the CIF funds allowed the VFWC to create its TeleWellness Program, which is essential now that they have moved their in-person operations to virtual. Also, as a direct result of Saint John’s support, VFWC was able to expand its Transition, Engagement And Mentoring (TEAM) program that helps veterans and their families develop resilience during challenging transitions including separation from active duty and those that COVID-19 presents. “The TEAM Program works with individual veterans and their families and children, so they can all be on the same page as they approach transitions,” says Banko. “The program is more important now than ever due to the pandemic’s strain on finances and family relationships.” Moreover, the VFWC expanded the TEAM program to include a group model so that veterans can receive virtual group-level support on specific issues as well as one-on-one support. “Without the CIF, we simply would not be able to robustly build up components to our program that are supported by current technology,” says Banko. “There are really no words that can adequately express our gratitude to Saint John’s.”

THE PEOPLE CONCERN As one of Los Angeles County’s largest housing and social services agencies, The People Concern is an expert in connecting with people on the streets, bringing them inside and then keeping them housed. During the pandemic, The People Concern has remained on the front-lines, delivering life-saving services to its most vulnerable neighbors—from multidisciplinary outreach services to meeting people’s food and hygiene needs at the Access Center to providing supportive services to

housed participants. Its model of integrated and comprehensive care empowers people experiencing homelessness and survivors of domestic violence to navigate the obstacles in their lives. Ninety-two percent of people placed in permanent housing by The People Concern never experience homelessness again. According to John Maceri, chief executive officer, keeping these essential services operating became even more necessary as the pandemic spread, as well as more challenging. “We had a decreased workforce because of the safer-at-home emergency order and the LAUSD shut down,” he says. “Staff members with children in public schools had to stay home to take care of their children, and some staff were highly vulnerable themselves to serious effects of the illness.” Fortunately, additional COVID-19related CIF funding enabled The People Concern to continue these essential services. In addition, they were able to provide their staff with personal protective equipment to keep them safe, as well as provide their clients with education and support. “We were able to provide our clients with gloves, masks and hand sanitizer—particularly important because many of our clients don’t have access to running water,” says Maceri. “In some cases, we were able to provide tents so people could practice social distancing.” The People Concern had additional food costs related to the pandemic, as the need almost doubled. Access to grocery stores and food banks was severely diminished for many elderly or disabled people living in permanent supportive housing. During the first few months of the pandemic, the organization was delivering groceries to many clients who had difficulty navigating to a grocery store or food bank. “We continue to be grateful for our partnership with Saint John’s and the support they provide,” says Maceri, “not just through the pandemic but for years prior to that for their support of community-based organizations like our own that are working together with them to improve and help the entire community.” SAINT JOHN'S MAGAZINE

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Looking on the Bright Side

The beloved “Ruthy’s” philosophy is: If you’ve got it, share it.



t age 91, Ruth Weil’s impulse is toward caring for people. It always has been. She’s a volunteer, past president and active member of the John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary and philanthropist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. In her youth, she intended to channel that impulse to care for people by becoming a physician. An A-student who was always ahead of her older classmates, Weil reluctantly switched her major to English at Penn State University after the repeated discouragement by the professor of her first pre-med class during sophomore year. He told her, “We don’t want women doctors.” Today, Weil is one of Saint John’s longest-serving volunteers both at the hospital and at the John Wayne Cancer Institute as a benefactor of its cancer research and education. She’s

also no stranger to cancer. Years ago, she lost aunts and uncles and first cousins to the disease when no one dared utter the word “cancer.” When she lost her 50-yearold brother to stomach cancer, she became involved with the institute. Twenty-four years ago she lost her husband, Marty, to cancer. In 2006, her daughter, Randy Weil, died from breast cancer. Weil herself is a survivor of breast cancer. All received care at JWCI. “They are the reason why I’m very involved,” says Weil. “If you’ve got the resources, you’ve got to share it with the community. This was the motto in our house. Everything I donate is for research and treatment of cancer patients because I want to find a cure for cancer. It’s incredible all the things we’ve learned in the past 10 years. It’s exciting and wonderful as a volunteer

to see a patient coming out of the exam room, and I see a smile on their face and a smile on their doctor’s face.” Having raised more than $2 million for JWCI, Weil established the Martin H. Weil fund, which funds the Ruth and Martin H. Weil Laboratory for Cancer Research. In 2016, she was honored with the first-ever Donald L. Morton, MD, Legend Award for making a lasting contribution to cancer research and education. At the awards ceremony, Weil made a surprise announcement of her $1.5 million endowment of the Ruth and Martin H. Weil Surgical Oncology Fellow at the Institute. The endowment funds surgical fellows from around the world. She welcomes them, hosts the annual graduation party at her Westside home and even sometimes counsels them. “I’m like a den mother,” she says.

THE GRACE OF LEGACY GIVING Legacy gifts, such as bequests, are made through charitable estate planning and can have significant tax advantages for you and your heirs. There are many additional reasons to consider a legacy gift: • Charitable bequests are viewed as one of the most meaningful expressions of gratitude for care received. • It allows you to leave a legacy in an area that may be close to your heart. • You may be able to make an impact greater than you thought possible. • Legacy donors may be eligible for special recognition and amenities. Our experienced staff can work confidentially with you and your financial advisors to help ensure your charitable wishes are fulfilled. Please contact Andy Trilling, Vice President of Principal Gifts, at 310-449-5246 or

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“Sometimes they come to me and ask advice about personal problems: ‘Ruthy, what should I do?’ I get to know their children—one former fellow’s child calls me Grandma.” She continues, “I take care of other people. I grew up in the Depression. I wore shoes, but kids came to school barefoot. I’d bring them home and give them bread and butter. This is how I was brought up. That’s the way I raised my children.” Originally from a coal-mining town in Pennsylvania, Weil moved to Southern California after graduating college. She met and married Martin and later directed the business management department at Weil & Co., a CPA firm. The couple had

two daughters. Today their daughter Sharon Weil and three granddaughters live just minutes away. Weil will extend her support of cancer research into the future through a generous gift to JWCI in her will. Excited about the recent success of immunology treatments for cancer, Weil is optimistic about a cure. While she continues her philanthropy in support of the John Wayne Cancer Institute and sits on various boards focusing on cancer research, Weil is also a frequent presence at the hospital. On Tuesdays, “Lady Cake”—a nickname given to Weil by her husband in a nod to her baking prowess—brings sheet cakes to share. “They love my

chocolate cakes,” she says. “They’re gone within 20 minutes.” She knits booties and hats for newborns in the hospital. But mostly she talks to cancer patients. One day, a woman with no hair came running toward Weil in the hospital, saying, “Ruthy, Ruthy, Ruthy, thank you!” She was a patient hesitant to have surgery, whom Weil had talked through going forward with it. “I see her later, hair on her head, and she doesn’t have cancer anymore,” Weil says. “And it’s incredible.” On any given day, a doctor might come out of a room, see Weil sitting there and blow her a kiss. “That’s my reward,” she beams. “That’s why I do it.” SAINT JOHN'S MAGAZINE

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PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT DONORS 3Diligent Corporation AAA-TLC Healthcare, Inc. Sharyn M. Abe Mr. and Mrs. David L. Anawalt Lorna Auerbach Aurora Spec Corporation Alex Becerril Theodore Berger Amy and Jules Buenabenta Joel C. Chloe Chan Becca and Jonathan Congdon Laurie Conn Elen Costa, RN Direct Relief Ryan Dumlao Ford Motor Company Phillip Furst Laura and Seth Gerson Good Neighbors, Inc. Anita Gorwara, MD Sarah Jordan Hair and Jesse Buss Hanmi Bank Healthy Spot Heather Taylor Home Kristen Held HGA Architects and Engineers Hoppe United Richard Hornea Tony Horton and Power Life Sasha Issenberg Bryan Jones, Alec Call and iS Clinical Bill Kamer and Rebecca Crigler Charles P. Kaplan L.A. Louver Jenny Lin Huidang Ma Mask 4 Humanity

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Meghan McFarland Shirley McKernan James Meehan Merle Norman Cosmetics MGA Entertainment, Inc./ MGAE Cares NetEase Games Ngoc-Linh Nguyen Mel Oliver Operation Be Kind Opurea, Inc. OtiCreations Rachel Park Richard Peck Preppi Project 614 John Putnam and Putnam Accessory Group Miaomiao Qi and Daniel Saparzadeh Theresa Rheaume Rotary Club of Los Angeles and Rotary Club of Los Angeles Foundation Amy and Todd Ruetsch Sanctuary Clothing Thomas Saunders Daniel Schneiderman Shark Wheel, Inc. Sue Shellock Lucia and Scott Sherman Sherwin-Williams Company Nadia Shields Iris and Michael Smith and Family Haute Stitch Mark Tabit Laura Thompson Tianjin University Alumni Association of Southern California Tower Imaging Medical Group Jan and Mark Victor Constance von Briesen Jacqueline Vu Julian Webster Shannon and Kirk Wickstrom Anonymous Donors

FOOD & BEVERAGE DONORS American Legion Ronald Reagan Palisades Post 283 Aramark Aris Anagnos Foundation/Polaris Trust Bacari Maggie Barber, AMFT, and Cottonwood Tucson Revytal and Simon Barlava Rick and Kathy Beckendorf Shannon Bevers Bibibop Asian Grill Birdie G’s The Birnbaum Family Bixby Coffee Blaze Pizza Blueys Kitchen Trish Bowe The Boyle Family Jeremie Braun The Butcher’s Daughter California Fish Grill Lucy Campbell Jill and Terry Chapin CLIF Bar & Company Laurence Cohen and TLC MediaWorks COLONY Comfort Inn Conscious Cleanup Cookie Good Coral Tree Café Courtyard Marriott Santa Monica Toni Crasper and Helene Schwartz Elizabeth Craver Marian and Ted Craver Del Frisco’s Grille DoorDash Sarah Dowlin The Draycott Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation Edible Arrangements Jasmine Elist Nancy and James Elist

Escuela Taqueria Fatamorgana Gelato Fatburger Feed Your Hospital, in partnership with Ascend Foundation First Hotel International First Republic Bank Rick Flatow Nancy Fracchiolla Jacquelyn Frohlich Peter Garland and Porta Via Gelson’s Market Leslie Gifford and 360 Cashmere/ Naked Cashmere GOJAI Ella Goldberg of The Meal Bridge LA The Good Pizza goodboybob coffee roasters Healthade Kombucha Help Feed the Frontline Fighting COVID-19 LA, in partnership with World Central Kitchen Marissa Hermer Hillary Heyl Erica Hoeber Hudson Pacific Properties Irene Dunne Guild Stacie Isabella Katie Jacobs John O’Groats Restaurant Kenter Canyon Elementary School, Parent Support Group Keurig Dr. Pepper Anna Kim Kuhn Foundation Kye’s Montana Legg Mason Global Asset Management Yee Lin Damon Lindelof Megan Lipman and Alex Lopes Lizzy McGroder Eleanor and John Meyer Milo & Olive Milo SRO

COVID-19 HONOR ROLL Mira Costa Boys Volleyball Team Monster Energy Company Mylk Labs Nature’s Produce Michal O’Brien Scott Ogilvie and OXIGEN Beverages, Inc. Orgain John Ou and The Fix on Wheels People’s Choice Beef Jerky PepsiCo Michelle Perkins Hannah Pilkes Pizza World Poquito Más Potato Chips Deli The Poza Family Produce Alliance Foundation RC Restaurants Re:THINK Ice Cream Jennifer Repo Rise Brewing Company Robeks Robertino Cucina Rosland Capital Samamish Cookies Christina Schwarzenegger Danielle Shvartsman The Six Chow House Smile Tea Iris and Michael Smith and Family Southland Credit Union Spartina Karen Sperling Katie Spoleti Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker State Farm The Stone Family Sunshine Volleyball Club SweetBu Candy Co. Sweet Lady Jane Bakery Tallula’s Taslimi Foundation Emila and Nila Tavangarian teaRIOT Temple Beth Am think! Barbera Thornhill and Maty Novia Barry Thurston Thyme Café Treyarch Urban Palate Ursula Trimming

Dany Victory VOSS Water Paul Walling Wally’s Wine & Spirits Liz Walworth and Duncan Calladine Ruth Weil Zoe Wirth Courtney Wyman Yakult Jill Zarin and Ally Shapiro The Zatzkis Family Katey Zouck Anonymous Donors

MISCELLANEOUS DONORS 3d Public Relations & Marketing Adrienne Lee Allnatt Beauty Bus Foundation Amy and Jules Buenabenta Cinepolis Luxury Cinemas Dermalogica Dogeared Jewelry Mary and Jay Flaherty Four Seasons Los Angeles Irene Dunne Guild Lou Kamer Samantha Kuhr Caroline Liberman Los Angeles Business Journal Lyft Jacques Marie Mage Michele Manzella MGA Entertainment, Inc./ MGAE Cares Nick Shepherd Realty Group Nordstrom Dominic Ornato Serucell Susan Smith Karen Sperling Corey Spiegel Star Waggons, Inc. Tutoring Club Uber Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

MONETARY DONORS $500,000 William Randolph Hearst Foundation

$100,000 - $250,000 Aramont Charitable Foundation Laurie and Bill Benenson Ms. Tatiana S. Botton Debbi and Don Hankey Mary and Daniel James Thomas L. Safran

$50,000 - $99,000 The Associates for Breast and Prostate Cancer Studies Brenda and Alan Borstein Gloria and John Gebbia Mr. Allen D. Kohl and Mrs. Anita Mann Kohl Anonymous

$10,000 - $49,999 Auerbach Legacy Foundation The Erteszek Family Foundation Fite Family Foundation Mr. Geoffrey H. Gee Suzanne and Richard Kayne Jennifer and Christopher Lewis Paul Lin and Lulu Chen The Mildred E. and Harvey S. Mudd Foundation Chris and Dick Newman Mrs. Riva Ariella Ritvo-Slifka Alison and Larry Rosenthal Fern V. and Robert Seizer Robert and Rosa Sinnott Barbra Streisand James J. Toth, II Bonese and Glenn Turner Ellie and Tom Wertheimer Mr. and Mrs. Parviz Yari

$2,500 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Adams Alex Alben Antin Family Foundation Tamara and William Bagnard Mr. Robert S. Burg Alison and Richard Crowell Kimi and Graham Culp Doing Good, LLC The Dorrance Family Foundation

Sandra and Jeffrey Dritley Sheena Duggal Caroline and Michel Glouchevitch Laurie and Chris Harbert Ellen and Kirk Hartman Mary Ellen and Chris Kanoff Kelton Fund - Lenny and David Kelton KLM Foundation Ellen and Mark Lipson Dr. Denise McCain-Tharnstrom and Mr. Charles Tharnstrom Colleen and John Morrissey Grace and Ceron Rhee Segal Family-United World Foundation Bill and Laura Siart Jeanne Strasberg Edward and Mary White Leslie and Ed Wilson Marilyn and Roger Wolk

$1,000 - $2,499 Diana and Tad Allan Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Bill and Trudy Rutledge Foundation Kevin G. Burns Jessie and Charles Cale Robert Choi Melinda and Donn Conner Susan and Frank H. Countner Patsy J. Cozad Karen and Ben Dalby Joyce and Richard Dinel Mrs. Catherine T. DiSipio Mrs. Alexandrina Doheny Todd Dugas Isobel Estorick Evander and Judy Schley The Schley Family Charitable Fund Robert and Cheryl Fey Paul A. Fitzgerald Dr. Grace P. Gabe Risa Gertner Ms. Patricia L. Glaser and Mr. Samuel H. Mudie Drs. Glenn and Kendra Gorlitsky Katherine and Robert Gray, MD Ann and William Harmsen Dr. and Mrs. George P. Herr Barbara Ann Hillman Amy and John Hollingsworth Mary Ann Jackson Joan and David Kahn


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COVID-19 HONOR ROLL $1,000 - $2,499 continued Douglas M. Kazanjian Mary Ellen Klee Liza and James Ko Margo and David Lee and The Wain Foundation Jacquie and Joe Leimbach Jeremy E. Levenson, MD Dorothy A. Lipsky Phil and Dede Logsdon Louise Luni Annabel and James Montgomery Mary P. Montgomery Robbin and Kenneth Morgan Sarah and Neal Moritz Kathie and Lawrence Moses Kristen ONeil Courtney Price Lori and David Rousso Ambassador and Mrs. Rockwell A. Schnabel Su-Z and Ted Schneider Carol and Charles Smith Barbara and Hugh Smith Laura Solomon Carrie and Peter Tilton Kristine M. Tompkins Andrea and David Tracy Allison and Halbert Washburn Ted G. Westerman Andrew Yip

$500 - $999 Patricia and Chris Adelmann Elizabeth B. Ames Ms. Tsion Asmamaw and Mr. Ed Drees Richard H. Berger Bourget Bros. Building Materials Helen Brady Donald L. Briscoe Richard Cao George W. Cassata Jennifer H. Cheng Millie and Larry Christie Daniel E. Cohn Leonard and Marie Csiszar Susan and Jeffrey Davidson Mr. Robert W. Eberlein and Mrs. Jane Auerbach Enténmann’s Standing Doughnation Sweepstakes Exelint International Co.

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Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ford Marie J. Fouts Jay and Tracie Garacochea Gail A. Glick Dr. Rikki L. Gordon and Dr. Allen T. Pack Mrs. Judith A. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harter Jr. Rusty N. Hill Carol and Laurence Homolka Jill and Bradford W. Howe Dr. Roger Huibonhoa Kenneth A. Kaufman Laurel S. Kradin Martin and Shirley Lebowitz Julie and Sami Levi Sandra A. Line Paulette Little Timothy J. McAnany Pam and Michael McAuliffe The D. Llewellyn Miller Family Jasmina and Milivoj V. Mlikotin F. Dian Mrosko Ms. Ann Moore Mulally Netflix Noelle G. Parker Linda and Donald Pennell Sheri and Richard C. Price Diane E. Reilly John N. Russo Mrs. Judith Sakahara Mr. Gene Shutler Carrie L. Sisson Suzanne U. Stein Marjorie and Robert Templeton Itai Wallach

$100 - $499 Dr. and Mrs. Thompson Adams Joan and Michael Adams Mrs. Elaine Akouris Alex-Andre DuPont Charitable Trust Allan Law Group P.C. Maya Amoils Dr. Rolf Arndt Elham and Babak Bakhtjoo Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Barrett Barbara and William Barrett Lynn and Stephen Batte Karen and Michael Berk Best of 4 Productions, Inc. Anthony J. Bishop Shoshana and Wayne S. Blank

April and Donald Bradley Mark Brenner Robert W. Brewster Colonel and Mrs. Charles W. Brown, USAF, Ret Judith and Bruce Brown Evelyne E. Buyse Calvary Christian School Carol L. Carl Gwendolynne T. Chang Ruby C. Chang Janet P. Chesne Jay S. Chess Cynthia Christman Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark Lindalee H. Clifford Helen and Roy Coleman Nora E. Cook Michael S. Cookish Anne K. Costin Penelope and Joseph Cotten Tina and Lewis Cox Gerald A. Cranham James R. Curtis Martin Cvjetkovic Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Edward Dalrymple Barbara J. D’Amico Katrien Damman Ara Demirjian Sarah E. Dowlin Dr. Gail E. Drayton and Mr. Andrew M. Worswick James T. Duff Tamela and Charles Eskridge Esther and Michael Espinoza Mary D. Farrell Nelson Feeney Gaylyn C. Fraiche Fred Freeman Joan M. Funk Geri-Ann Galanti Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Gammer William Geiger Alan Gettelman Joseph Di Giulio Wayne H. Goble Ms. Norma S. Gold and Mr. Foch Benevent Donald Gowey Brenda and Sandy Green Clay W. Green Kathleene and Ronnie Greene Edward H. Grossman

C. Kenneth and Sandra Gruber Linda and Jay Guerena Monica Haboush Stephanie R. Hack Richard D. Hall Harmur Development Corporation Mr. John B. Hartley and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lynch Dolores M. Heffernan John and Maureen Heintz Jane and Eric Herzog Renate C. Hild David A. Hilton Willie A. Hjorth Dieter Holberg Kenneth and Margaret Horn Jean and William Hott Corinne and Donald Howard Judi Hunt Helen L. Hurt Elizabeth H. Ingham Heidi Jaeger Susan and Jerry Jameson Valerie Jerome Brooke and Barry Josephson Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth F. Kearsley Elizabeth and William Kelly Randall Klarin Ethel K. Kleinschmidt Vidya Kora Jill A. Kossow Matthew Kraus Young K. Kwon LACHSA Red Cross Club Mr. and Mrs. Barry Landsberg Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lawrence Lemen Associates Betty S. Leonard Kathleen M. Liddy Elena Livenson Sala and Samuel Magier Mary and Thomas Malone Sandra A. Marsh Phyllis Massing Glenn E. Mathias Agnes M. McCallan Janis M. McDonald Patricia M. McNamara Judith and Alan McRae Robert T. Mercer Wendy Merritt Brita F. Millard

COVID-19 HONOR ROLL Milton and Marcy Miller Shirley and Louis Miller Taban and Nasser Moradian Glynn C. Morris Lisa and William Morrow Dr. Anne L. Murray Meghan O’Brien Katsuyo and Toshio Ochi Misaki M. Okimoto Liz and David Ondaatje Ms. Masayo Onuki and Mr. George Demarrias Dorothy A. Oppenheimer Cheryl and Robert Orgel William S. Osumi Carol A. Palladino Rosemarie and Brian Panish Barbara and Richard Parker Nelson Pass Daniel L. Paulson Andrew Pauly Stella D. Pavluk Edward Peng Eva and Jeffrey Peterson Jill and Stephen Petty Pamela Plakos Virginia and Jose Ramirez Leon V. Raskin Michael J. Rausch Yonhee and Robert Ravis Norman C. Ridley Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rosenstein Stefanie and Myron Roth Anne and Bob Sacks Crystal Salapatas Deepa Salastekar Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Salenger Betty and Thomas Saliba Natividad I. Sapinoso Jeffrey Schatz Larry Schwartz Perry and Sara Schwierzke Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Scott Edna and Thomas Searles Marilyn and Edward Segall Danny Seo Betty R. Shelfer Tracie and Christopher Shepard Barbara and Richard Sherman Lauren Silberman Loraine Sloan Sinskey Christie E. Smith

Reiko Sodeyama William Sollfrey Shahny and Hooshang Sooferian Berneice B. Southcott Dr. Loraine M. Stern Thomas D. Stevens Carol and Gary Swearingen James and Patty Tatone Kathleen and Richard Terzian Mary-Jean Uidenich Barbara G. Vandeman Veda and Veeravalli Varadarajan David P. Velasquez Chonghua and Paul Wang Hope L. Warner Barbara and Robert Wells Dr. Kimberly S. Wendelin and Mr. Scott Wendelin Joan Wertz Jane C. Whinnery Julie and Justin Wilson Greta and Michael Wirth Richard Wise Bill S. Wood Worchell Hollywood Properties, LLC Jean Wyner Lillian Ziff Andrea and Paul Zuckerman Anonymous Donors

$1 - $99 Pat Allen Kathryn F. Allison Giovanna A. Anderson Brenda D. Armstrong William A. Armstrong Rochelle and Mikhail Asheroff Katherine and Dana Ashton Gagik Atomian Robert and Linda Attiyeh Celeste and John Aulino Kikuko Babcock Adelina and Jose W. Bachez Bonnie and Richard Baggerly John P. Bakker Lily R. Balian Susan and Michael Barlog Dita Barnes Bari Belcher Sandra and Peter Bennett Allen J. Berlin Mark H. Bernstein

Madan M. Bhasin Barbara and Francine Biren Louis Block Jen and Todd Bochner Roberta Boderman Carol A. Brainard Paul Moses Brandwein Renee Braun Pam and Fredric Brenner Angelo Bruzzese Kelly and Tim Burnett Patricia R. Burns Christie Burton Beverley Calabrese Thomas J. Calderaro Marcelle Capps Mr. T. Cayer and Mr. P. Lange Toshiko and George Chan Constance Chang Palle T. Christensen Elaine and John Cipoletti Charotte and Sylvester Ciraulo Noriko Claus Helen Clemmons Ms. Angela K. Coll and Mr. John S. Osmond Dr. and Mrs. Isidoro H. Colodro Jane and Robert Corbett Diane and Hilburn Covington Valerie and Richard Craig Teri and Thomas Crawford Joan B. Danz Betina M. Dawson Leonila and Eleuterio Delacruz Ms. Betty DellaPelle and Mr. Emmanuel Vlassopoulos Suzanne and Louis Dominguez Margaretta D. Dotson Dr. Houshang Dowlatshahi Therese A. Duncan Eva and Victor Duval Gary Edwards Sidne and Thomas Erdosi Jacqueline and Wilfried Ermert Jody A. Fasanella Natalya and Robert Fineman Elsie and Robert Forgey Laurie Forrest Helga and Rudolf Frenner Jackie Fricano Ruth Friedman Vera and Felix Frolov Janice Frost, RN

Richard L. Garrett Marsha and David Genut Laurette Ghoulam Robert W. Gibisch Joan M. Gilshian Donna and Edward Gladbach Leonora and Eugene Glazenberg Dr. Leonard S. Goldberg Erwin M. Goldbloom Goldstreet Pictures Thomas R. Graham Seena and Bruce Gram Shirley R. Gray Lory and Louis Greenbaum Vernette K. Griffee Dianne and Barry Gross Virginia J. Guilmette Wilmer E. Gutman Gabriel S. Guzman Mrs. Patricia Hackel and Mr. Stanley Kamin Grace and Daniel Hance Jeff Hanson Patrice Harding Donna and Elmer Harris Mieko Hatanaka Clifford C. Hawkins Viola and Joseph Henderson Denise D. Heron Joan F. Hosek Yeou-Ren and Yoko Houng Kathleen S. Hurley Dorothy and Howard Ifuku Regina I. Imoisili Arlene and David Insler Elke and Wolfgang Jahn Frank James Michele and Albert Jerome Ruth A. Johnson Robert Y. Kaisaki Ron Kalbrosky Ken Kallmeyer Lynn and Allen Karz Ms. So Yon Kim and Mr. Alex H. Lee Marina and Jack Kinney Eldonna and Harold Klobe Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kobayashi Ms. Mary Elizabeth Koch Gennady I. Kogan Maria Kohne Valentina Koperovskaya Dr. Mahija Kottapalli


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COVID-19 HONOR ROLL $1 - $99 continued David A. Kruzek Pamela and David Kuhr Debra and Robert Kyle Cameron Laine Leo G. LaTray Gregory S. Laurinat Linda L. Lauro Michelle and Oren Lavee Charlene and Richard Lawrence Martha and Victor Lerma Jeanie and Paul Limm Lois Anne Linenberger Maureen E. Longino Laura and Terrence Mann Thomas Marchetti Dr. Mario M. Martini Madonna and Harold Matheson Jackie and Anthony Matulich Jean M. Mayfield Vincent E. Melamed Phyliss E. Mermel Louis and Betty Merritt Joan L. Michel Jan and Gary Miller Joyce Miller Rae L. Minikes Jo Ann Monroe Diane E. Monroe Dr. and Mrs. James E. Moorman Robert E. Murphy Bronya and Vladimir Nemirovsky Nancy and Richard Ney Richard K. Neylan Joe Nicoletti Zhila and Ned Nik Lucinda Ordonez Winifred Oswaks Cecilia Palacios Alfred Palazzi Mr. and Mrs. Shaquing Pan Paradise Realtors Mark A. Peacor Gloria Peri Charlotte C. Pestana Charlotte A. Peters Saune D. Petersen Joyce M. Peterzell Timothy Phillips Bruce R. Pion Dolores Porche Susan F. Rashtabadi

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Keramatollah Rassouli Tom Renner Riggs Appraisal Gwen and Dwight Rinehart Lois A. Risinger Judith and Robert Rodriguez Ann E. Rothenberger Donald C. Rousar Kathryn and Ralph Rudzinski Carla F. Rundle Kate and Thomas Runyan Mehdi Sahamlashgari Mickey J. Salas Sandra and Christopher Salcido Milagros J. Samson Joseph S. Samu Leola L. Samuel Joram Samuel Louis E. Sanchez Ayako T. Sase Christie Savage Diana M. Schafer Alice and Robert Scheiperpeter Dorothy J. Schendel Ms. Leonne Schillo Catalina A. Schlank Ingrid Schmidt Particia and Richard Schmidt Albert R. Schneider Maureen M. Schneider Robert M. Schneider Mrs. Kathryn G. Schrillo Max B. Schwartz Irving Schwartz Elisabeth B. Scotoni Mary J. Selwood Lynn A. Seth Nawal Sfeir Judith L. Sheu Shevrin, LLC Mrs. Bella Shoykhet and Mr. Feliks Perlovskiy Lenor D. Sims Paula and Donald Smith Jearld V. Smith Billy So Ruth Lynn and Henry D. Sobel Afshin Sooferian Lila and Jack Spiegelman Larry Spoden Jeannie C. Sprenger Lee Srednick

Amira and Hans Stadlbauer Sharon and John Stephens Carolyn Stevens Gary Stiles Patricia and Patrick Sullivan Vipha and Thanoo Sungcavana Scott D. Swaim Elaine B. Swanson Janie M. Thompson Maria and Herbert Tom Theresa A. Torrance Neil Turbov Petra and William Uhlenhoff Mary Ann Unruh Oton Urban Christopher J. Utz Vladimir T. Valter Ms. Joanne Van Emburgh and Mr. Samuel M. Surloff Dorothy J. Van Luchem Mrs. Jo Ann Victor and Mr. Barry H. Steiner Martha and Gabriel Villafana Sara Villegas Sukirti and Harshad Vyas George M. Wanicek William D. Washburn Mildred and Humbert Weaver Jennifer M. Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wheeler Barbara Wilks Carousel Dance Studio Julia and Stuart Williams Sandra and James Winterberg Barbara S. Wold Michie N. Yazawa Paula and Robert Zembrodt Li X. Zhou Nancy A. Zoss Anonymous Donors






Mary H. Flaherty, Chair Robert Amonic, MD, Secretary Craig C. Benell, Treasurer Charles F. Adams William S. Anderson Robert L. Antin William M. Apfelbaum Rae W. Archibald, PhD Maria O. Arechaederra Margot S. Armbruster J. Jeffrey Assaf Lee A. Ault III Donnalisa Parks Barnum Ambassador Frank E. Baxter Rudolph A. Bedford, MD James P. Birdwell Jr. Norris J. Bishton Eric Borstein Abbott L. Brown Jules Buenabenta Charles G. Cale Rick J. Caruso Jonathan R. Cole, MD Jonathan L. Congdon Cynthia S. Connolly Richard F. Corlin, MD Marian H. Craver Michael W. Croft Kathy Danhakl George H. Davis Jr. Mary Y. Davis Kevin Ehrhart, MD Marc Ezralow Miles Fisher Frances R. Flanagan James H. Fordyce Bradford M. Freeman William M. Garland III Risa L. Gertner Kris Gibello Allan B. Goldman Jae Goodman Glenn A. Gorlitsky, MD Thomas F. Grojean Peter V. Haight H. Thomas Hicks David L. Ho Marcia Wilson Hobbs Tonian Hohberg


Ambassador Glen Holden Mark C. Holscher John G. Huarte Stanley Iezman Steaven K. Jones Jr. Paul R. Kanin Mary Ellen Kanoff Jordan L. Kaplan Russ Kino, MD Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan Bernadette Leiweke Judith D. Licklider Robert J. Lowe Carl W. McKinzie Bruce A. Meyer Carolyn B. Minchin Peter W. Mullin Paul D. Natterson, MD Lee S. Neibart Lisa D. Nesbitt Chris Newman Shelby Notkin Dominic J. Ornato Peter C.D. Pelikan, MD Putter Pence Jill Posnick Dallas P. Price-Van Breda Ernie L. Prudente, MD Justin E. Rawlins John M. Robertson, MD Jeanne D. Robinson William P. Rutledge Daniel S. Sampson Theodore H. Schneider Carole Schwartz Donna L. Schweers Robert Shuwarger Laura Siart William E. Simon Jr. Rosa K. Sinnott Loraine Sinskey Michael S. Sitrick Charles F. Smith Brent Stratton James A. Thomas Nadine E. Tilley James J. Toth II J. David Tracy Stanley Trilling

Donna F. Tuttle Bennet Van de Bunt Roger Wacker Patrick J. Wayne Brian M. Webber Edward White Shannon M. Wickstrom Gretchen A. Willison Michael E. Wise Brett G. Wyard

LIFE Sister Maureen Craig, SCL Robert A. Day Richard M. Ferry William K. Hummer, MD William S. Mortensen Robert J. Wagner

EMERITUS Waldo H. Burnside Robert T. Campion † A. Redmond Doms † J. Howard Edgerton † Jerry B. Epstein † James L. Hesburgh Mrs. Earle M. Jorgensen † Glen McDaniel † Ruben F. Mettler, PhD † John H. Michel † Sister Marie Madeleine Shonka, SCL Flora L. Thornton †

EX-OFFICIO Erik G. Wexler, Chief Executive, Providence St. Joseph Health Southern California Howard Chait, MD, President, Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, PSJHC Robert O. Klein, President & CEO, SJHCF Michael Ricks, Chief Executive, PSJHC Janis Gallo, President, Irene Dunne Guild

Abbas A. Anwar, MD Katherine Araque, MD Garni Barkhoudarian, MD David M. Butler, MD William G. Buxton, MD Jose Carrillo, MD Natalie Diaz, MD Barbara Giesser, MD Shanthi Gowrinathan, MD Chester F. Griffiths, MD Jian Guan, MD Keith Heinzerling, MD Samuel Hou, MD, PhD Adi Iyer, MD, MS Scott A. Kaiser, MD Kian Karimi, MD Daniel F. Kelly, MD Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD Howard R. Krauss, MD Jean-Philippe Langevin, MD Daniel Lee, MD Jeremy E. Levenson, MD Neil A. Martin, MD Omid Mehdizadeh, MD David A. Merrill, MD, PhD Chipp S. Miller, MD Stella Panos, PhD Nathan Pierce, MD Verna R. Porter, MD Christopher Putman, MD Walavan Sivakumar, MD Jason W. Tarpley, MD, PhD George P. Teitelbaum, MD Naveed Wagle, MD

CLINICAL SUPPORT TEAM Lamia Adelby, MSN, NP-C Tess Bookheimer Natasha Cueto, MSN, APN, AGACNP-BC Mason Devon, PA-C Steven Dillavou, PA-C Lucia Dobrawa, PA-C Olivia Doyle, PA-C Amy Eisenberg, MSN, ARNP, CNRN Mihae Kim, AGNP-BC Sheila Moore, MSG, LCSW Minhdan Nguyen, MHS, PA-C Renee Ovando, RN, MSN, SCRN, AGNP Lisa Park, NP Molly Rapozo, MS, RDN, CD Kamila Sweda, RN, MSN, FNP Giselle Tamula, MSN, PA-C Judy Truong, PA-C Seajin Yi, MSN, AGACNP-BC, CCRN

RESEARCH & CLINICAL TRIALS TEAM Ashley Archer Jennifer Bramen, PhD Aarthi Ganapathy Mini Gill, RN, BSN Keith Heinzerling, MD Annie Heng, RN, BSN Audrey Hiemer, RN Jack Hodes Tiffany Juarez, PhD Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD Sarah McEwen, PhD Raffi Nersesian Hahn Nguyen Elmar Nurmemmedov, PhD, MBA Marlon Saria, PhD, RN Venkata Yenugonda, PhD


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Leland J. Foshag, MD

Robert J. McKenna Jr., MD

Steven Vasilev, MD

Professor of Surgical Oncology; Director of Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Professor and Chair of Thoracic Oncology

Professor of Gynecologic Oncology; Medical Director of Integrative Gynecologic Oncology

Assistant Professor, Translational Neurosciences & Neurotherapeutics

Richard Frieder, MD

Timothy Wilson, MD

Garni Barkhoudarian, MD

Simon Gabriel, MD

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics; Director of Skull Base Microdissection Anatomy Laboratory

Assistant Professor of Radiology

Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Melanie Goldfarb, MD

Mehran Movassaghi, MD, MBA

Robert Wollman, MD

Associate Professor of Surgical Oncology; Director of Center for Endocrine Tumors and Disorders; Director of Cancer Survivorship

Assistant Professor of Urologic Oncology

Adjunct Professor of Radiation Oncology

Elmar Nurmemmedov, PhD

Venkata M. Yenugonda, PhD

Anton J. Bilchik, MD, PhD

Ora Gordon, MD, MS

Professor of Surgical Oncology; Director of Gastrointestinal Research Program

Professor of Genetics

Assistant Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics; Director of Drug Discovery and Nanomedicine Research Program

Warren Allen, MD Associate Professor of Pathology

Katherine Araque, MD

Matias Bustos, MD, PhD Instructor, Translational Molecular Medicine

William Buxton, MD Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Jose Carrillo, MD Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Lisa M. Chaiken, MD Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Yingduan Cheng, MD, PhD Instructor, Translational Molecular Medicine

Rebecca Crane-Okada, PhD, RN, CNS, AOCN Professor of Oncology; Director of Breast Cancer Navigation Program, Margie Petersen Breast Center

Natalie Diaz, MD

Assistant Professor of Genetics

Chester Griffiths, MD Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Translational Neurosiences and Neurotherapeutics

Janie Grumley, MD Associate Professor of Surgical Oncology; Director of Comprehensive Breast Program, Margie Petersen Breast Center

Dave S.B. Hoon, MSc, PhD Professor & Director of Translational Molecular Medicine; Director of Genomic Sequencing Center

Daniel Kelly, MD Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics; Director of Brain Tumor Center and Pituitary Disorders Program

Mark J. Kelly, MD Assistant Professor of Urologic Oncology

Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD Professor of Neurosciences and Chair, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

David Merrill, MD

Steven J. O’Day, MD Executive Director of JWCI and Cancer Clinic; Professor of Medical Oncology; Director of Immuno-Oncology; Co-Director of Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Research Program

Osita Onugha, MD Assistant Professor of Thoracic Surgery

Verna Porter, MD Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Marlon G. Saria, RN, PhD Assistant Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Frederick Singer, MD Professor of Endocrinology; Director of Endocrinology & Bone Disease Program

Walavan Sivakumar, MD Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Neurology, Pacific Movement Disorders Center

David Krasne, MD

Richard Essner, MD

Jennifer Linehan, MD

Ira Smalberg, MD

Professor of Surgical Oncology; Director of Surgical Oncology; Co-Director of Melanoma and Cutaneous Oncology Research Program

Associate Professor of Urology; Director of Urology Translational Research

Jason Tarpley, MD

Trevan Fischer, MD Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology; Assistant Director of Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship

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Professor of Pathology

Diego M. Marzese, PhD Assistant Professor of Translational Molecular Medicine

Sarah McEwen, PhD Associate Professor of Neurosciences, Department of Translational Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics

Associate Professor of Radiology Assistant Professor, Translational Neurosciences & Neurotherapeutics

Przemyslaw W. Twardowski, MD Professor of Medical Oncology and Urologic Oncology; Director of Clinical Research, Urology and Urologic Oncology

Professor and Chair of Urology; Director of Urologic Oncology Research Program

GIVING SAVES LIVES. TEXT ‘POWER20’ TO 91999 OR CALL 310-829-8424 TO GIVE NOW In the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, Saint John's used technology, innovation and personalized care to save patients' lives. Caregivers continue to do so today.


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“T - PAGE 36 Ruth Weil | Investing time and treasure in the fight against cancer

he Singletons’ gift will fund a rapid expansion of many of the center’s goals...”


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- PAGE 11 Q&A | Protecting you from COVID-19 when you seek health care

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