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Moore Branch
2101 Interstate 35 Frontage Road Moore, OK 73160
South OKC Branch
10731 S. Western Oklahoma City, OK 73170
579-7000 • firstunitedbank.com
One Word Could Mean a Year of Transformation
January is a time of new beginnings. The start of the new calendar year on a new footing. Often, people decide to have some type of New Year’s Resolution. Something to focus on achieving in the coming year that often hasn’t been attained or accomplished before. It could be a resolution to quit eating fast food, spend more time with family, or learn a new hobby. Though they may work for some, resolutions can often tend to fizzle out after just a few weeks, fostering a negative self-image and disappointment.
We’d like to suggest something different. A better way to grow personally in 2022 could be to pick your “Word of the Year” (WOTY) to focus on. Essentially – you choose one word that encompasses how you want to approach the New Year. Instead of concentrating on one specific focus for the year, i.e., losing weight, choosing a WOTY reframes your outlook, bringing clarity to what you want to create in your life.
By choosing your WOTY, you are saying that you want to approach your life through the lens of that word. For example, you might choose the word “courage.” You would then be committing to viewing your work, relationships, spiritual life, etc., with courage. Stepping out when it’s hard, stepping up when it’s time, and giving a full effort to the essential things in your life.
Selecting a WOTY isn’t about crossing things off your to-do list or about specific goal setting. A WOTY is about creating your mantra. A guiding principle to help direct your daily actions helping you become a better version of yourself. Different than a resolution, a WOTY can’t be broken. It serves as a continual encourager of who and how you want to be.
At First United Bank, as part of our focus on our organizational pillar of Personal Growth, all bankers in our metro Oklahoma City region are encouraged to thoughtfully and prayerfully identify their 2022 WOTY. Each person’s word will be individually unique and meaningful to them.
Here are five recommended steps that can lead you to your WOTY.
1. Reflect – What seems missing in my life? What do I value most? 2. Visualize – Visualize what a perfect day would “feel like.” Write it down. 3. Build a Word List – Spend 10-15 minutes writing down words that describe your reflection and visualization. 4. Review & Refine – Narrow down your list to your three favorite words. Which word stands out, sheds the most light on what you want? 5. Commit to One Word – Pick the best and brightest word.
There are several ways to foster the word in your life once selected. Make visual reminders in your word. It could be a note on your mirror, placing your word in a frame on your desk, or journal about how it has revealed itself in your life.
We hope you prayerfully and thoughtfully consider what your word from 2022 will be, and may it be a powerful, impactful, and intentional way for you to grow into the person you truly want to be in all areas of your life.
For more detailed information and a helpful guide for selecting your word, you can visit https://mountainmodernlife.com/word-of-the-year/.
Established in 1900, First United has more than 85 bank, mortgage, and insurance locations throughout Oklahoma and Texas. It is one of the largest, well-capitalized banking organizations in the Southwest, with more than $10 billion in assets. It is among the largest privately-held community banking organizations in the United States. First United provides a full range of financial services, including banking, mortgage, insurance, and investment products and services, with a primary focus to inspire and empower others to Spend Life Wisely®. Learn more at FirstUnitedBank.com. Member FDIC