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Ask a Dietician
HEALTHY MOORE: Staying Hydrated While Traveling
Travel is an integral part of all our lives. Whether it’s a trip back home for the holidays, a family ski trip, or a trip down south to relax by the beach, many people will pack their suitcase, load up their cars, or hop on a plane, to head to their destination.
With all the stressors that can come with traveling, the least of someone’s worries should be the concern of hydration. While your vacation may be a much-needed break, traveling can still take a toll on our minds and body. You fall out of your routine. This can lead to you not drinking as much water as you usually would. Don’t let the effects of dehydration hamper your adventure. Some common symptoms related to dehydration include:
• Fatigue • Increased irritability • Memory fog • Increased thirst • Headaches • Dry mouth Some tips for staying hydrated while traveling include: • Be sure to hydrate before traveling. As traveling can be so hectic, it is essential that you prepare your body ahead of time.
• Pack plenty of water or at least a reusable water bottle. Keep the bottle filled. Always keep it close to you, sipping it often. • If traveling by plane, take an empty reusable water bottle through security. • Once cleared, go directly to the water fountain, filling up your bottle. This tip means you don’t have to worry about paying for that exorbitant cost of bottle water from an airport shop. The reusable bottle will provide you with a means of monitoring how much water you are drinking throughout the day.

• Set yourself a goal to refill the bottle at least four times throughout the day.
• Set reminders on your phone to ensure you don’t forget to drink water throughout the day.
• Try infused water. By adding various fruits to your water, you can enhance its flavor of it with numerous possibilities. With countless flavor options, you may be more inclined to drink water throughout the day. Some infused water combination flavors to try are: • Mint + cucumber • Lemon + lime • Orange + lime • Blueberry + orange + mint • Strawberry + lemon + rosemary • Buy electrolyte hydration packets. Hydration packets such as Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier or Dr. Price’s Electrolyte Mix help replenish electrolytes and minerals while also helping to prevent symptoms of dehydration.
You want to aim at drinking about 2 liters of water daily. Do not wait until you become thirsty to start hydrating, as you are already in a state of dehydration. Be sure to hydrate gradually throughout the day and not all at once. Enjoy your well-deserved break and stay hydrated!