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Calendar of Events
Due to positive tests for the coronavirus across the area and the constant changes still taking place as of our press deadline, please confirm the events and services listed in this calendar are still in place before making your plans to attend or participate. It’s especially important to ensure the safety of your family, loved ones and yourself by practicing safe COVID-19 recommendations.
FRED JONES JR. MUSEUM OF ART 555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK 405-325-3272
The University of Oklahoma’s The University of Oklahoma’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is one of the finest university art museums in the United States. Strengths of the more than 20,000 object permanent collection (including the approx. 3,300-object Eugene B. Adkins Collection and the more than 4,500-object James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection) are the Weitzenhoffer Collection of French Impressionism, 20th century American painting and sculpture, traditional and contemporary Native American art, art of the Southwest, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, Asian art and graphics from the 16th century to the present. Temporary exhibitions are mounted throughout the year that explore the art of various periods and cultures.
EXHIBITIONS Coffee with the Collection January 21 at 9:30 a.m.
Grab your favorite cup of coffee and start your morning off right with a delightful look at artwork from the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Once a month, these virtual discussions will feature a favorite object from the collection presented by a curator, OU faculty member, or other art professional. With a mix of works currently on view or from the vaults as well as recent acquisitions, you won't want to miss these candid conversations.
Friday, January 21 at 9:30 am, Grayson Wise, Art History and French Senior at the University of Oklahoma, and recipient of the 2021 T.G. Mays Purchase Award, will discuss her piece "She's a Dreamer: Italian Remnants" now a part of the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art permanent collection.
During the program be sure to enjoy a cup of coffee from our local partner Black Camel Coffee. Visit their website and enter promo code COLLECTION for an exclusive 20% discount on any of their roasts.
108th Annual Student Exhibition Opening January 27 at 7:00 p.m.
The 108th Annual School of Visual Arts Student Exhibition opens to the public Thursday evening, Jan. 27, 2022, with an awards ceremony from 7 to 9 p.m. This year’s guest juror is an independent curator and author Jennifer Scanlan, who received her MFA in Studio Arts from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM. Scanlan reviewed over 150 submissions and selected 70 works from 48 students for the show. The exhibit will be on display through Mar. 20, 2022.
Experience Mexican Culture through the unparalleled vision of choreographer Amalia Hernández
In 2021, Ballet Folklórico de México will return to the United States for an extended multi-city tour featuring renewed performances of the company’s classic choreography.
The company’s US tour in Fall 2018 was a coast-to-coast success. The eight-week tour packed houses across the country and received an enthusiastic response from audience members new and old. Performances and educational activities drew strong support from Mexican-American communities in particular.
Founded in 1952 by dancer and choreographer Amalia Hernández, Ballet Folklórico brings together the music, dance and costume of Mexican folklore from pre-Colombian civilizations through the modern era. With its permanent home at the Palacio de Bellas Artes, one of Mexico City’s most historic venues, the company has developed choreography for 40 ballets, composed of 60 folk dancers and musicians who have performed extensively across Mexico and abroad.
For more information call 405682-7579 or purchase tickets at occc.universitytickets.com
FRESH START COMMUNITY CHURCH FOOD PANTRY open the third Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Campus-Family Life Center. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore (please bring an ID).
CELEBRATE RECOVERY Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Faith Crossing Baptist Church, 13701 S. Pennsylvania. For more information, contact Nancy at 405514-9990.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, January 3 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore The Station at Central Park, 700 S. Broadway.
MOORE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Tuesday, January 11 at 5:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore.
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, January 11 at 7:00 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, January 18 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
ADOPT-A-PET Moore Animal Shelter, S-I35 Service Road. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., closed on holidays. For additional information call (405) 793-5190.
BIG TRASH PICK UP Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the city landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call (405) 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up.
CT CLOTHING CLOSET Last Saturday of each month, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CrossTimbers United Methodist Church, 3004 S. Sunnylane, Moore. CrossTimbers UMC Clothing Closet is a place where those in need can find men’s, women’s and children’s clothing along with shoes and accessories. All siz...................continued on Page 28

es are available and are free for community members.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you’re interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, (405) 7934448.
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP First Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2800 SW 131st Street. For more information contact Connie Daniels at 405-703-2300.
SOUTH OKC CHAMBER BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Thursday, December 2, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Frontier Bank, 5100 South I-35 Service Road. Let the holiday season begin! Join us for an evening of networking at Frontier State Bank. Gourmet hors d'oeuvres will be served and refreshments provided. You do not want to miss this event! For more information contact Elizabeth Awbrey at 405-706-6691 or email elizabethawbrey@southokc. com.
MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS & ISSUES – TOWN HALL WITH CONGRESSMAN TOM COLE Wednesday, January 5, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Moore Chamber Conference Room, 305 W. Main Street. Eggs & Issues is the Moore Chamber of Commerce's forum where our business community gathers to discuss business and legislative issues. $10, RSVP Required. For more information call 794-3400 or email karnold@moorechamber.com. Health Nut Café, 12201 S. Western. Make a strong start for the New Year... by networking more! Our regular meeting date for the Seriously Fun group is on the first Thursday afternoon. Other networking groups include: the Dream Team which meets on the second Wednesdays at lunch time and the Coffee & Commerce group that starts up in January meeting on the third Fridays for breakfast! We always have a round of self-introductions and frequently have special spotlights! For more information call Linda Richardson at 405-473-8008 or email lrichardson@aol.com
SOUTH OKC CHAMBER DREAM TEAM NETWORKING GROUP Wednesday, January 12, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. The Stuffed Olive, 12215 S. Pennsylvania. The Dream Team meets for an early lunch on the second Wednesday of each month at one of the chamber-member restaurants. This is one of the chamber's networking groups... the others are Seriously Fun usually held on 1st Thursday afternoon and the new Coffee & Commerce on 3rd Friday morning. We always have a round of self-introductions and usually a special spotlight speaker. For more information call Linda Richardson at 405-473-8008 or email lrichardson@aol.com
WIN NETWORKING HOUR Tuesday, January 25, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 239 34th Ave. SW, Norman, OK. Empowering, Impacting and Encouraging women in business and life. Newly formed in 2020, WIN was created to bring the businesswomen of Moore and the surrounding areas together for strength, support, and camaraderie in both business and life. We will do this through events and programs throughout the year. For more information call 794-3400 or email kbrown@moorechamber.com
SOUTH OKC CHAMBER LEGISLATIVE LUNCH WITH CONGRESSWOMAN STEPHANIE BICE Wednesday, January 26, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Moore Norman Technology Center, South Penn Campus, 13301 S. Pennsylvania. Congresswoman Stephanie Bice, U.S. House of Representative for Oklahoma's fifth district, will be joining us to give a legislative update. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Congresswoman Bice and her background, as well as take a look forward to the things she hopes to accomplish in the future. You do not want to miss this crucial conversation. For more information call Elizabeth Awbrey at 405-643-1436 or email elizabethawbrey@southokc.com.
P.A.L.S. PROGRAM FOR SENIORS Seniors are assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Sgt. Lewis, Moore Police Dept., (405) 793-4448.
TRANSPORTATION: • Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Moore area to Oklahoma City for medical appointments. Call Jackie at (405) 297-2583.
• Moore Council on Aging. Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Call (405) 799-3130 at least one day in advance.
• “Share-A-Fare” for age 60 and over or disabled. Purchase taxi fare at 40% off.
PROJECT RETURN HOME FOR ALZHEIMER’S PATIENTS IN MOORE For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at (405) 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at (405) 793-4448.