MM Feb 2017

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VOL. 12 • NO. 2 • FEBRUARY 2017





Haters Gonna Hate

Avondale Square

Gotta Dance!

Calm in Your Palm

That angry roar you hear is the sound of social media exploding with anger. One of the nation's leading anger management experts talks about where that rage comes from and how you can manage it.

A local business group is putting is breaking new ground on the city's east side. Find out why they believe they're on the front end of the next wave of development in Moore.

When it comes to pom squads, the eyes of the nation look to the city of Moore as the "gold standard" for high school dance.

An Oklahoma author has recently published a new book entitled Calm in Your Palm, designed to help children (or really anyone who needs to take a deep breath) learn how to reduce anxiety.

From the Editor As we inch forward into 2017 there’s still a lot of residual anger from the 2016 presidential election. Like many people, we’ve noticed that websites like Facebook and Twitter have become increasingly flooded with angry posts and memes. In this issue of the Moore Monthly magazine we decided to stare explore the issue of whether the rise in social

media anger is a good, bad, or neutral thing. With help from one of the nation’s leading experts on anger management, we hope to offer our readers some insight on that powerful emotion as well as some suggestions on how to express it in a healthy way.

- Rob Morris Editor

Moore Monthly Team Editors Rob Morris Brent Wheelbarger

Copy Editing Katie Roberts Armand McCoy

Staff Writers Rob Morris Brent Wheelbarger

Photography Rob Morris Fred Wheelbarger Shelbi Rosa

Contributing Writers L.T. Hadley Kathleen Wilson Mike Rush Henry Dumas Chris Manna Pat Younts Nichole Hudon

Augmented Reality Patrick Glueck Design Shelbi Rosa Kenna Baker Jeff Albertson

Advertising Sales Donna Walker Distribution Fred Wheelbarger Office Manager Ennie H. Neeley For comments, contribution, or just to say ‘Hi!’ For ad placement, specifications and rates 405.793.3338

Moore Monthly is a monthly publication by Trifecta Communications, serving Moore, South OKC & North Norman. Moore Monthly is free to the public. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Moore Monthly is not responsible for the care and/or return of unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photography, books, or any other material submitted for possible publication.

201 N. Broadway, #100, Moore, OK 73160 405.793.3338 •





In the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning victory in the 2016 election what appears to be an unprecedented wave of anger

of angry rumors and falsehoods that typically go unchallenged. These responses seem to be growing in number and intensity.

has rolled across this great country. In the hours after network talking heads declared the billionaire and former television

We talked with Dr. Mitch Abrams, one of the nation’s experts

reality star the winner over Hillary Clinton, collective howls of

on anger management, about the apparent rise of anger


appearing in social media. Dr. Abrams is a clinical, forensic,

heard echoing across the social media landscape. Those cries of

and sports psychologist who works with inmates, athletes, and

despair or victory were followed immediately by an unleashing

individuals, helping them learn to harness their anger and other

of comments, photos, and memes so filled with anger, hate, and

negative emotions. (He also has some fascinating thoughts on

vitriol that it took even the most jaded observers of social media

the Joe Mixon case – so make sure you check out that article

by surprise.

in this edition of the Moore Monthly) Dr. Abrams doesn’t necessarily believe that people are angrier than ever, but they

Fueled by the high emotions flooding Facebook, Twitter, and

now have another outlet for that anger.

Instagram, the response turned visceral as some of those upset with the upset win by Trump took to the streets to express their fury. In the days that followed, the rage on both sides seemed to grow as some Trump supporters vented long-suppressed aggression towards minorities across the country. As it turns out, it was a minority of supporters from both political flavors were generating the bulk of that angry reaction. But when it was viewed under the magnifying glass of a breathless news machine that is more interested in “being first” than “being factual” and then inflamed by countless social media “shares and retweets”….it’s obvious that the truth never had a chance. Jonathan Swift, the author of some brilliant satire back in the 1700’s, once wrote, “Falsehood flies and the Truth comes limping after it.” Mark Twain is credited with the similar saying, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” The emergence of social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit have accelerated the expression of information and emotion to the point where Swift and Twain would both be stunned by the speed in which falsehoods, powered by the expression of anger, can now penetrate to the very core of society. And it’s not just national issues. Browse local Facebook pages from the City of Moore, the Moore Monthly magazine, or one of the Moore-centric groups devoted to sharing items of local interest. It won't take long to find a thread filled with a mixture

“WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA HAS DONE, HAS ALLOWED, IS ANONYMITY,” SAID DR. ABRAMS, “AND THAT ANONYMITY LEADS TO AN OPPORTUNITY TO DISPLAY WHAT YOU MIGHT CALL ‘BEER MUSCLES.’” Beer muscles, according to Dr. Abrams, are that kind of false strength or courage that puff up when someone has had too much to drink, freeing them to do or say things they would normally never consider. “People will say stuff on social media that they’ll never have the cajones to say to my face,” Dr. Abrams said. “It’s not that they are necessarily angrier than they were in the past, but they’re loosening their filters on what they used to say in terms of, ‘Oh that was a little too far, I’ve gotta pull that one back.’” Local therapist, Dub Rogers from Christian Counseling Associates, agrees with Dr. Abrams on the topic of social media loosening filters. “It’s not as personal as face-to-face,” said Rogers. “You’ve got a screen, you’ve got distance. I haven’t seen any research, but it seems as though it makes us much freer to say something over social media to say things I would never say face-to-face.” Scrolling through a Facebook or Twitter feed in the hours, days, and weeks following the 2016 election, it’s easy to see that Dr. Abrams is right and might be generous by using the phrase “loosening their filters.” Vile and threatening comments flowed from supporters of both Trump and Clinton. On a local level all you have to do is bring up topics like the 4th Street



railroad crossing, traffic on 19th Street, or property taxes and you’ll get an explosion of anger, misinformation, and personal attacks that will make even the most jaded social media users wince. While some argue that it’s too much, Dr. Abrams correctly points out that it’s not as simple as telling others to shut up. “You’ve gotta be careful here because this is Bill of Rights stuff here, so people have the right to say whatever the hell they want,” said Dr. Abrams. “So long as you’re not yelling out ‘Fire’ in a theater, we still live in a society where we have free speech, free press and all the rest of that stuff.” So how do you get people to disagree in a respectful way? Is that even possible in this day and age? Both Dr. Abrams and Rogers suggest that you can’t rely on social media to get the full story of what someone is trying to say to you. “You lose all of the non-verbal and emotional communication without the face-to-face interaction,” said Rogers. “You can still get some of that over a phone call, but you still can’t get the true interaction.” railroad crossing, traffic on 19th Street, or property taxes and you’ll get an explosion of anger, misinformation, and personal attacks that will make even the most jaded social media users wince. While some argue that it’s too much, Dr. Abrams correctly points out that it’s not as simple as telling others to shut up.


“You’ve gotta be careful here because this is Bill of Rights stuff here, so people have the right to say whatever the hell they want,” said Dr. Abrams. “So long as you’re not yelling out ‘Fire’ in a theater, we still live in a society where we have free speech, free press and all the rest of that stuff.” So how do you get people to disagree in a respectful way? Is that even possible in this day and age? Both Dr. Abrams and Rogers suggest that you can’t rely on social media to get the full story of what someone is trying to say to you. “You lose all of the non-verbal and emotional communication without the face-to-face interaction,” said Rogers. “You can still get some of that over a phone call, but you still can’t get the true interaction.” “As a therapist, I can tell you that the non-verbals matter so much,” said Dr. Abrams. “Social media scares me in this way because you just can’t get that sense of acknowledgment of understanding each other.” Rogers and Dr. Abrams say things like body language and facial expression give context to statements that we might otherwise misunderstand. And with a face-to-face conversation, there’s always the opportunity to expand on and explain what we hear. When you’re limited to 140-characters on Twitter, there’s no chance at all for depth.


Dr. Abrams points out that what most of us probably want is simply to be heard and understood. “I’ve always taken the position that I’d rather be understood than liked,” said Dr. Abrams. “I’d prefer to be both. But I’d rather be understood, so I choose to communicate directly, and I don’t always pick the right words to soften the blow.” What advice does Dr. Abrams have for those seeking to express themselves on social media? First of all, he says that we should know ourselves and be true to who we are as we try to reflect that truth to the people around us. Secondly, we should acknowledge that what others say to or about us does matter. “PEOPLE TRY TO PRETEND THEY DON’T CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT, BUT THE TRUTH IS THAT WE DO CARE,” SAID DR. ABRAMS. “MOST PEOPLE’S OPINION OF YOU SHOULD NOT DICTATE YOUR OPINION OF YOURSELF. THAT COMES FROM THE PEOPLE THAT I VALUE.”

And what to do with anger? While some would suggest that it should be squelched, neither Rogers nor Abrams believes that anger is, in and of itself, a bad thing. “Anger can be like this red warning light going off in your car,” said Rogers. “It’s a signal that you need to pay attention because something is wrong. But you do not have to act on the anger without thinking it through.” “One of the hardest things about social media is that people provoke you in an emotional way and you need to insert a period of time before you react,” said Dr. Abrams. The anger management specialist even has a tool that he uses with athletes and other clients to help them learn how to express their anger in a healthy way. He calls it the “Five Minute Yo Mama Rule.” “No matter what comes to you, you’ve gotta wait five minutes before you respond,” said Dr. Abrams. “Then you type it down and you gotta look at and tell me, “If yo mama saw that, would you still send it?’. If the answer’s yes, you’re good to go.”

ANGER ISSUES: Lessons from the Joe Mixon Incident BY ROB MORRIS

It’s one thing to vent your anger via social media with an eruption of bad language and insults. You can debate about civility and appropriate language in these cases. But when your temper flashes white-hot, and you lash out physically, everyone agrees that’s crossing the line. And when video captures that moment of physical anger for everyone to see, you can bank on the world returning a guilty verdict about your character in spite of any other facts. That’s the situation OU running back Joe Mixon finds himself in as he prepares for the 2017 NFL draft. Nobody denies the tremendous talent of the young man, but the questions about his character cling to him after the release of a 2014 taped incident in which, after being slapped by fellow OU student Amanda Molitor, he punched her and broke four bones in her face. Dr. Mitch Abrams, a clinical, forensic, and sports psychologist who helps athletes learn to harness their anger and other negative emotions, says Mixon was already in a nowin situation the moment Molitor slapped him.


“The first thing is that a guy has to understand,” said Dr. Abrams. “If you get hit by a woman, you lose no matter what.” Dr. Abrams challenges those who say Mixon was in any way justified in his response to Molitor’s attack. “There were people trying to defend Mixon with the ‘she hit him first’ argument,” said Dr. Abrams. “Come on! The amount of force this guy knocked her out with was a lot different than what she brought to him.” But while Dr. Abrams believes that Mixon was completely in the wrong with his response to Molitor’s attack, he also challenges the notion that athletes are more angry or aggressive than any other segment of the population. “The research is clear that athletes are no more violent than any other group of people, especially when you define athletes as loosely as we do,” said Dr. Abrams. “It’s a myth that’s been perpetuated. We have millions and millions of people playing sports, so the idea that they’re more violent than nonathletes is not true.”

According to Dr. Abrams, a big part of the problem with helping athletes manage their emotions is that too many people misunderstand anger. He believes the simplest way to understand why it’s important to control your anger is to picture yourself preparing a meal. “Anger is like high heat when you cook a steak,” said Dr. Abrams. “You want to make a good steak, you need high heat, but when you don’t control the heat, you burn it up and get a piece of leather.” For Dr. Abrams, anger management isn’t about “anger’s bad, don’t to it.” It’s more an understanding of how to recognize, harness, and channel that powerful emotion. “Listen, at moderate levels anger can make you stronger, faster, and even decrease your perception of pain,” said Dr. Abrams. “But when you go too far and fall off that cliff, your fine motor coordination, problem-solving skills, decision-making ability, and your vision – all of those things go downhill.” Dr. Abrams notes that most people can be taught to recognize and address the physical signs that their anger is heating up. These signs are things like increased heart rate, changes in the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight responses), breathing rate, muscle tension, and sweating. But that’s a real challenge for athletes, especially in contact sports. “The problem with athletes is that all of those things normally happen as a part of the sport,” said Dr. Abrams. “So trying to teach athletes anger managements skills that typically apply to situations that are the norm for them, that happen all the time, that’s useless to them.” So how do you help athletes address anger in a healthy way? Dr. Abrams says that he’s had success by tackling the issue both on and off the field of play. “When somebody is so amped in sports that they’re making bad decisions they’ve gotta tap out,” said Dr. Abrams. “But because they often don’t know they’ve crossed the line you use the

buddy system and educate the entire team to recognize when a teammate has crossed the line. Then you just give them ways to get that teammate out of the situation.” For off-the-field anger, Dr. Abrams focuses on taking the lessons they’ve learned while “in battle” and applying them to the rest of their world. “They learn to lower their baseline and calm themselves down,” said Dr. Abrams. “Then you teach them to appreciate the danger they put themselves and their teammates in when they allow their anger to control them instead of controlling it.” Sheilla Dingus, who works on behalf of athletes for, has also had a front-row seat to anger in sports. Dingus believes that NFL executives need to tread very carefully as they consider drafting Mixon. “If I were a GM of an NFL team I’d be very concerned,” said Dingus. ”Obviously he’s a very talented player, and of course the teams meet with the players. I would make sure I met with him, talked to him and got him to positively commit to assessment and therapy before I’d ever sign him.” Dingus adds that while she doesn’t think it’s fair to demonize the OU running back, there should be consequences to the incident. “I don’t think a mistake made at age 19 should ruin a person’s life,” said Dingus. “But you can’t dismiss what the victim went through, and so he needs to be accountable, even if he was 19 years old. You need to understand that you don’t punch women. In fact, you don’t punch anybody.” Both Dingus and Dr. Abrams are in agreement when it comes to what should happen to athletes like Mixon in the wake of violent incidents like these. “The big problem is that teams and universities use punishment and the punishment is usually

light,” said Dr. Abrams. “What’s missing is that no one is doing risk assessments on these athletes and that’s how you determine if they’re likely to do it again and how you treat them to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Dingus said, “I would agree with Dr. Abrams that he needs to be assessed and then have a course of action and treatment based on that assessment, and I don’t know what part of that has been done.” When it comes to how professional teams and universities handle future events, Dr. Abrams said it’s pretty simple: the NFL and the NCAA need to walk the talk. “When you say you have zero tolerance for domestic violence or sexual assault, you need to have zero tolerance for those things,” said Dr. Abrams. The biggest obstacle to the call to walk the talk appears to be the massive amounts of money involved in college and professional sports. “The NFL didn’t get on the stick about domestic violence until Anheuser-Busch threatened to pull their sponsorships,” said Dingus. “I’m not suggesting that the attitude of the NFL is that domestic violence is ok, I just think things seemed to be driven more by profit than it does anything else.” “When it comes to these incidents the teams and colleges are making decisions based on business, not morality,” said Dr. Abrams. “The NFL, the NBA, and the NCAA should make these things a business decision by saying, ‘OK if you hire, sign, or recruit someone and they violate the conduct policy then we’re gonna punish you with fines, draft picks and sanctions. Now maybe you’ll give a crap.’”

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Movie Guide - February 2017

The Space Between Us, Opens Febuary 3rd.

The Lego Batman Movie, Opens February 10th.

Fist Fight, Opens February 17th.

Rock Dog, Opens February 24th.





The Space Between Us The first human born on Mars travels to Earth for the first time, experiencing the wonders of the planet through fresh eyes. He embarks on an adventure with a street smart girl to discover how he came to be.

The Lego Batman Movie Bruce Wayne must not only deal with the criminals of Gotham City, but also the responsibility of raising a boy he adopted.

The Great Wall When a mercenary warrior (Matt Damon) is imprisoned within the Great Wall, he discovers the mystery behind one of the greatest wonders of the world. As wave after wave of marauding beasts besiege the massive structure, his quest for fortune turns into a journey toward heroism as he joins a huge army of elite warriors to confront the unimaginable and seemingly unstoppable force.

Get Out A young African American man visits his Caucasian girlfriend's cursed family estate.

Rings A young woman finds herself on the receiving end of a terrifying curse that threatens to take her life in 7 days.

John Wick: Chapter 2 Keanu Reeves and his favorite dog are back for the next entry in the continuing adventures of former hitman, John Wick.

I Am Not Your Negro Writer James Baldwin tells the story of race in modern America with his unfinished novel, Remember This House

Fist Fight When one school teacher (Charlie Day) gets the other (Ice Cube) fired, he is challenged to an after-school fight. A Cure for Wellness An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa's miraculous treatments are not what they seem.


Rock Dog When a radio falls from the sky into the hands of a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff, he leaves home to fulfill his dream of becoming a musician, setting into motion a series of completely unexpected events. Editor’s Note: Each month our Movie Guide provides a listing of top films expected at the Moore Warren. Dates are subject to change.

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Sketches of Moore

Pioneer Women of the Twentieth Century BY L.T. HADLEY

Pioneers were not limited to just the 1700s; not all hacked out a living in the untouched forests and mountains. Pioneering was as much a woman’s work as man’s. This is the story of a pioneer woman in the 20th century. Birdie Montgomery was born in 1882 into a large family that eventually settled in the Moore area after the Run. She married Frank T. Jackson when she was 16, and they homesteaded at Erick, Oklahoma. They were not satisfied with the farm, and she was lonesome for her big family, so they deeded the homestead to Frank’s brother and took up tenant farming in Cleveland County. In 1912, Frank died of typhoid fever, leaving his young widow with four daughters, a two-year-old boy and the crops to tend. She and her young children worked hard to bring in the crops. All the girls who could picked cotton with their mother, who pulled the baby boy along on her cotton sack. At that time, farmers who did not live on their farm let a widow with children share-crop, but for only year under the premise that “a woman is not as good a farmer as a man.” Consequently, Birdie and her five children moved yearly, each time trying to get a farm closer to her family. During one year when the crops were especially productive, Birdie bought some stock in OG&E, who was extending service through the area. In 1919, Birdie was able to get a farm south and west of Moore on Telephone Road. She and her girls had gotten a small herd of cows and some farming equipment. Two of the girls walked the three or four miles to Moore to high school, carrying a five-gallon can of milk to leave at the Interurban stop for the conductor to take on into the city to the creamery. A widower, Burt Howard had a farm north of Birdie’s. He had five children also. Eventually, the two farmers married, sold the farming equipment and bought two small houses side by side in town on NE 2nd Street. Howard’s two older sons married and left home, but there were still seven girls and one frail boy. The bigger house became a girls’ dormitory.

In 1934, Burt Howard died, and Birdie was a widow for the second time. The pre-Depression age was hard. The girls began getting jobs and marrying. Her son, who never gained his health, died. Birdie began collecting scraps of cloth to make rag rugs and crazy-quilts. She also collected bacon fat to make lye soap. When most of the girls were gone, she used one of the houses to open a “cold-water washeteria,” complete with lye soap. Birdie was clever at harvesting plants and herbs to cook with. She could take a cutting of anything—a rose, a tree, a tomato vine—and make it grow and produce, and she always had a prolific garden. It was a difficult time for her, but Birdie was made of strong material. She refused to let the children take her as a burden. OG&E began making her small investment worthwhile. Then, in 1942, she married her pastor, Ewold Matthesen, who also had been widowed twice. Except for a short stay on his farm, they lived in her tiny house. Whenever she made herself a new Sunday dress, she always made a little ruffled bonnet to go with it. She was a short little woman, not really beautiful, but character and strength were plainly engraved on the lady many people called “Grandma Matthesen.” Mr. Matthesen died in 1949, and Birdie was a widow again. She kept making rag rugs and lye soap and quilts. Then, in 1980, after a short stay in a nursing home, the little pioneer woman, Birdie Montgomery Jackson Howard Matthesen, lay down to rest, lacking a year and a half of 100 years of age. She is buried beside Frank Jackson in a quiet a little cemetery, Fall Cemetery, south and east of Norman. Note: This edition of Sketches of Moore was first published in a previous issue of Moore Monthly.


Senior Living

Know Your Medications and Use Them Safely and Wisely Modern medicine has made our lives better in many ways. It has helped older adults live longer, healthier lives. People who are 65 years of age and older need to be careful when taking new medicine and when taking multiple medicines for various ailments. People refer to the pills they take as “medicine” or drugs”. Both these words refer to medicines you get from a pharmacists with a doctor’s prescription; pills, liquids or creams you buy without a prescription; and vitamins or dietary supplements. Medicines you get without a doctor’s prescription are called over the counter medicines. Mixing medicines can cause problems so be sure to let your doctor know about all the medicines you are taking. It is smart idea to keep an updated list of medicines you are taking with you at all times. When you get a prescription filled you may be given a choice of generic or brand name medicine. The generic version works the same and is often less expensive. Not all medicines/drugs are available in generic form. When your doctor decides to give you a new prescription, be sure to tell the doctor about all the medicines you are currently taking. Remind your doctor if you have any allergies or prior history of trouble taking certain medicines. Be sure you know the right way to take the new medicine before you start using it. Ask questions if necessary such as:


• What is the name of the new prescription and why are you taking it? • How many times a day should you take the medicine and at what time should you take it? • Should you take the medicine before, after or between meals? Are there any foods you should avoid when taking the new medicine? • If the direction states “use as needed”, ask your doctor for further information as to how to use the new medicine correctly. • When should you stop taking the medicines? • What should you do if you miss a dose? • What side effects can you expect? • What should you do if you have a problem? Your pharmacist is an important member of your health care team. Your pharmacist can answer many questions about your medicines whether they are prescription or over the counter. Use the same pharmacy to have all your prescriptions filled so that all your records are in the same location. When you have a new prescription filled: • Make sure you read and understand the name of the medicine and all the directions on the label. • Check that you can open the container without assistance.

• Tell the pharmacist if you have trouble swallowing pills. Do not chew, break, or crush tablets without first asking if the medicine will still work right. • Read the label on your medicine BEFORE you leave the pharmacy. If there are any problems or questions, you can solve them while you are still at the pharmacy. Now it is up to you to take the medicine safely. • Keep your medicine list updated with a copy in your wallet. • Take your medicine in the exact amount and at the time your doctor prescribes. • Call your doctor right away if you have any problems with your new medicine. • Use a memory aid to take your medicines on time. Use a system that will work to remind you to take your medicines. • Don’t skip doses or take half doses to save money. • Avoid mixing alcohol and medicine. • Take your medicine until it is finished or until your doctor says it’s okay to stop. • Don’t ever take some other person’s prescription. • Avoid taking your medicine in the dark. • Check expiration dates and properly dispose of outdated medicine. • Keep all medicines out of the reach of children. Medicines that are strong enough to cure you are also strong enough to hurt you. Learn to be a smart consumer of medicines.

Photo by Bill Silvermintz

Senior Living

Exercise and Physical Activity: Getting and Staying Fit Later in Life Kathleen Wilson, Director of Aging Services Inc.

You don’t need to buy special clothes or belong to a gym to become more active. Physical activity can and should be part of your everyday life. Find things you like to do. Go for brisk walks. Ride a bike. Dance. Work around the house. Garden. Climb stairs. Swim. Rake leaves. Try different kinds of activities that keep you moving. Look for new ways to build physical activity into your daily routine. Four Ways to be Active – to get all the benefits of physical activity, try these four types of exercise: 1. Endurance – Try to build up to at least 30 minutes of activity that makes you breathe hard on most or all days of the week. Every day is best. That’s called an endurance activity because it builds your energy and “staying power.” You don’t have to be active for 30 minutes all at once. Ten minutes at a time is fine. How hard should you push yourself? If you can talk without any trouble at all, you are not working hard enough. If you can’t talk at all, you are working too hard. 2. Strength - Keep using your muscles. Strength exercises build strong muscles, you can get up from a chair by yourself, you can lift your grandchildren and you can walk through the park. Keep your muscles in shape, it can help prevent falls that cause problems like broken hips. You are less likely to fall when your leg and hip muscles are strong. 3. Balance – Do things to help your balance. Try standing on one foot, then the other. If you can, don’t hold onto anything for support. Try getting up from a chair without using your hands or arms, but have the

4. Flexibility – Stretching can improve your flexibility. Moving more freely will make it easier for you to reach down to tie your shoes or look over your shoulder when you back the car out of your driveway. Stretch when your muscles are warmed up. Don’t stretch so far that it hurts. Who should exercise? Almost anyone, at any age, can do some type of physical activity. You can still exercise even if you have a health condition like heart disease or diabetes. In fact, physical activity may help. For older adults, brisk walking, riding a bike, swimming, weight lifting, and gardening are safe, especially if you build up slowly. Safety Tips – Here are some things you can do to make sure you are exercising safely: • Warm up your muscles before you stretch. Try walking and light arm pumping first. • Start slowly, especially if you haven’t been active for a long time. Build up your activities little by little and use caution as to how hard you work at exercising. • Don’t hold your breath during exercises. That could cause changes in your blood pressure. • Always bend forward from the hips, not the waist. If you keep your back straight, you’re probably bending the right way. If your back humps, that’s probably wrong. • Use safety equipment. For example, wear a helmet for bike riding or the right shoes for walking or jogging. • Unless your doctor has asked you to limit fluids, be sure to drink plenty of water when you are exercising. Many older adults don’t feel thirsty even when their body needs fluids.

301 N Eastern Ave. Moore, OK 73160 • 405-799-9919

• Keep and improve your strength so you can stay independent • Have more energy to do the things you want to do • Improve your balance • Prevent or delay some diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis • Perk up your mood and reduce depression

chair nearby to grab hold of in case you get wobbly. Every now and then walk heel-to-toe. As you walk, put the heel of one foot just in front of the toes of your other foot. Your heels and toes should touch or almost touch.

Moore's Assisted Living Community

Exercise and physical activity are good for you, no matter how old you are. In fact, staying active can help you:

Avondale Square Hopes to Spark East Side Renaissance With the opening of the new Avondale Square retail and office space on Eastern Avenue, Josh Kitchen and Chad Cobble are betting many Moore business owners and residents are ready to look past the popular 19th Street corridor. Kitchen, who is Vice President of McAlister Construction and a half-interest partner in Boss Investments LLS, says the timing is right for a new vision in Moore.

Moore that we wanted to be not only a good residential concept,” said Kitchen, “We also wanted a nice buffer for the neighborhood of a Class A office project.” In 2014 Kitchen approached long-time friend and local businessman Chad Cobble with the idea of teaming up. Cobble had moved his insurance business to Old Town Moore after the 2013 tornado.

“There are a lot of families and a lot of rooftops on the east side of Moore,” said Kitchen. “But it’s difficult to travel from the east side down 19th Street.”

“I was in a spot I considered to be a temporary location,” said Cobble. “Josh hit me at the perfect time because we wanted to either build or buy a location in Moore.”

The Avondale Square vision was part of McAlister Construction’s overall plan for the area in 2013, beginning with building homes that are all craftsman style, high efficiency, and geothermal. “We had a vision for this side of

Cobble grew up in Moore and said that when he dreamed of owning his own business he pictured that business being in his hometown. He also agrees with Kitchen that it was time for somebody to invest in Moore’s


east side.“We were definitely looking forward to expanding business on this side of town because I also saw what Greg and Josh saw,” said Cobble. “There’s a need on this side of town for professional tenants and we’ll see a lot of growth on this side of town and we want to be a part of it.” Once the partnership was set, through a company called “Boss Investments”, the team went to work on the development. “Our vision was high end offices, classic space, nice retail, and then coffee shop, barbeque, that sort of thing,” said Kitchen. “We weren’t going to skimp on anything but make it as nice as anything you see on 19th and in some ways, we think it’s even nicer.” Cobble says that it didn’t take long for him to realize that Avondale Square was going to be something special.


“Once we got the floor plan and decided what it was going to look like it was exciting,” said Cobble. McAlister Construction and Cobble Insurance are the anchor tenants, with each business occupying spots at either end of the development. There’s already a barbeque restaurant set to open in February and Kitchen says more is on the way. “The response has been fantastic,” said Kitchen. “One of the interesting facts is that among the families that live here in Avondale, three of them are aggressively looking at putting in businesses here in Avondale Square which would allow them to walk to work.” That ties in to the company’s desire to create a live/work environment on Moore’s east side. The live/work concept is one of the hotter trends in neighborhood

City Beat Sponsored by

John M. Ireland Funeral Home

“Eastern Avenue, as a developer, can be a lot of the same way,” said Kitchen. “There are a lot of communities, but there’s still a lot of commercial frontage available on Eastern that will allow a walkability concept.” In the meantime, Cobble and Kitchen are looking to fill the available spaces in Avondale

And Kitchen is quick to point out that while the development is top-shelf, businesses will still find that it’s a bargain. While rental rates in the 19th Street corridor are around $19$20 per square foot, Avondale Square is offering space for $15-$17 per square foot. In addition to that, Kitchen says their company can provide a turnkey operation for tenants. “If a business comes in and they have a specific idea of what they want, we can fully customize a floor plan for

For more information about Avondale Square, contact Josh Kitchen at 405-345-3793 or email

Where overspending is not a symbol of devotion.

Kitchen says it’s an old model that more progressive communities are phasing out in favor of restoring some of the strength of neighborhood concepts.

“We’ve gotten great feedback from our customers,” said Cobble. “This is a great location. It’s very easy to find and Eastern is a very busy street, so there’s a lot of visibility for our business and other businesses.”

them,” said Kitchen. “And we’re right there in the building with them, so if they ever need anything we’re just a few doors down.”

120 S Broadway St, Moore, OK 73160

“The big buzzword is walkability,” said Kitchen. Typically, you live in a suburban community and you’re going to drive to work, drive to the grocery store, drive to the restaurant.”

Square and kick start an “East Side Renaissance.”

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Calendar of Events & Performances ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Photo/ Sythesis, Nancy Johnston Records Gallery. January 26 - April 2, 2017. An exhibition of photography by Will Wilson (U.S., Navajo; b. 1969) extends the body of portraiture of Native Americans in Oklahoma, while shifting preconceptions about the historical narrative within which the Native community is often presented. The title refers to both the use of photography as a medium and the synthesis of Edward S. Curtis’s original work into the construction of a body of photography that extends and empowers Native representation from the historic into the present. This exhibition is an extension of Wilson’s ongoing Critical Indigenous Photography Exchange, which began in 2012.The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK. The Cultivated Connoisseur: Works on Paper from the Creighton Gilbert Bequest, Ellen and Richard L. Sandor Photography Gallery. Creighton Eddy Gilbert (1924-2011) was a renowned art historian specializing in the Italian Renaissance and was one of the foremost authorities on Michelangelo. He received his bachelor of art degree from New York University in 1942 and eventually earned his doctorate there in 1955. After teaching for a few years at Indiana University in Bloomington, he served as a curator at the Ringling Museums in Sarasota, Florida, as a professor at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, and as a professor at Queens College in Flushing, New York. In 1967, Gilbert left for a position at Harvard University, then taught at Cornell University before joining the faculty of Yale University in 1981. The prior year, he was named the editor-inchief of Art Bulletin, one of the leading journals of art historical research, and he remained in the position until 1985. Gilbert published extensively during his career, including the important texts Michelangelo: On and O the Sistine Ceiling (1994) and Caravaggio and His Two Cardinals (1995). In 2005, Dr. Eric Lee, then-director of the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, encouraged Gilbert to leave his private collection to the museum. The bequest includes a total of 272 objects, the majority of which are works on paper, spanning a time period from the fourteenth century to the twentieth. Gilbert collected broadly but focused on Old Master prints and drawings from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods. The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK. Defending the Caveman, Friday, February 10 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, February 10 at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. A hilariously insightful play about the ways men and women relate, Caveman has both sexes roaring with laughter and recognition. Defending the Caveman makes us laugh at ourselves about all the ways men and women fight, laugh and love. It holds the record as the longest running solo play in Broadway history. Presented by OCCC and CityRep Theatre. For tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets. or call (405) 682-7576. Yellow Rose Theater is proud to present Martin & Lewis: Hotel of Love, February 10 - March 5. VanKnight Productions and the AWARD WINNING Yellow Rose Dinner Theatre is proud to present this romantic comedy, filled with the magic from one of history’s greatest comedy duo’s, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. It’s the perfect

...Valentine for your loved one. Tickets include dinner and show. Call (405) 793-7779 for tickets. CHURCH & SPIRITUAL CONNECTION Fresh Start Community Church Food Pantry, open the third Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Campus-Family Life Center. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore (please bring an ID). Soul Food Community Dinner, Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Food, fun, fellowship and friends. See menu at Join the Singles of FBC Moore for "Friday Night Live for HIM" Friday, February 17th. There's a dinner for a small charge at 6:30 p.m. in the Atrium, followed by a wonderful time of praise & worship and a message from David Edwards. Fellowship and table games to follow until 10:00 p.m. Please call 793-2624 for more information or e-mail at First Baptist is located at 301 NE 27th Street, just off I-35 South in Moore. CITY MEETINGS AND EVENTS City Council Meetings, Monday, February 6 and Tuesday, February 21 6:30 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Parks Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 7, 7:00 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Board of Adjustment Meeting, Tuesday, February 14, 5:30 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Planning Commission Meeting, Tuesday, February 14, 7:00 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. COMMUNITY CONNECTION Adopt-A-Pet, Moore Animal Shelter, S-I35 Service Road. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., closed on holidays. For additional information call (405) 793-5190. Big Trash Pick Up, Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the city landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call (405) 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up. CT Clothing Closet, last Saturday of each month, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., CrossTimbers United Methodist Church, 3004 S. Sunnylane, Moore. CrossTimbers UMC Clothing Closet is a place where those in need can find men’s, women’s and children’s clothing along with shoes and accessories. All sizes are available and are free for community members. Neighborhood Watch Program, Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you’re interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, (405) 793-4448.


Moore Chamber of Commerce Networking Lunch, Tuesday, February 7, at 11:45 a.m. at the Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. Cost is $10. Visit http://www. to register.

Adult Salsa Classes, every Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Adelante Dance Studio (Inside Moore Old School) 201 N. Broadway, Suite 201. $10 per class or $35 a month. Call (405)586-0201 for more information.

Moore Chamber of Commerce Bowling Tournament, Tuesday, February 7, at 6:00 p.m. at The Lanes at HeyDay, 3201 Market Place, Norman, OK. Visit to register.

First Moore Baptist Church of Moore Community Life/ Recreation Center, The Link is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday open 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Two basketball courts and racquetball courts, fitness center and walking/running track. For more information, call (405) 735-2527.

Moore Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours, Thursday, February 9, at 8:00 a.m. at the Yellow Rose Theater, 1005 SW 4th St. Visit for more information. Moore Chamber of Commerce Networking Breakfast, Thursday,February 16, at 8:00 a.m. at the Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. Cost is $8. Visit to register. Moore Chamber of Commerce Lunch n’ Learn, Thursday, February 23, at 11:45 a.m. at Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. Cost is $10. Visit to register. Moore Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, Thursday, February 23, at 5:00 p.m. at Lynlee Mae Chapel, 507 E. Main St. Visit for more information. South OKC Chamber of Commerce Fourth Friday Tasting by Nosh at Catering Creations Restaurant, Friday, February 24, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The end of the month will never be the same. Introducing 4th Fridays Tastings, hosted by Nosh. For just $8 ($6 in advance), you get samplings of appetizers and take and bakes, live music and an electric atmosphere. Pre-order your tickets with the cashier. Contact Cathy Hanselman for more info. Healthy Heart Walkers Club at Integris Southwest Medical Center, Wednesday, February 15, at 7:30 a.m. at Integris Southwest Medical Center at 4200 South Douglas, Suite B-10. Free admission, call INTEGRIS HealthLine at 951-2277 to register. FITNESS AND DANCE CLASSES Bootcamps: • Morning Bootcamp is available at First Moore Baptist Church every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. Ages 13 and up. The class is $2. Call (405) 7932600 for more information. • Evening Bootcamp is available at First Moore Baptist Church every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Ages 13 and up. The class is $2. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Judo, classes held Monday – Sunday at 117 Skylane Drive in Norman for ages 7 and up. A non-profit organization, all classes are offered in a family friendly environment. Fees are $20 per month for an individual or $40 per month for a family. Discount uniforms are available. For more information, call (405) 465-1925 or email to

Karate, First Moore Baptist Church, every Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. The classes are free for anyone ages 8 and up. Uniforms available at a discounted rate. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Morning Fitness, First Moore Baptist Church, every Monday at 9:00 a.m. Ages 40 and up preferred. The class is $2. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Christian Life Center Zumba, Mondays at 7:15 p.m. at the Christian Life Center located at 201 W. Main St. $3 fee per class. KIDS’ CORNER Agape: First United Methodist Church Moore, Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m., 201 W. Main. Homework and Hangout for Youth (7th–12th grade). Community Dinner at 5:30 p.m. (cost is $1 for dinner), Family Activities & Church School at 6:00 p.m. Menu can be found at Afterschool Matters, First Moore Baptist Church, Tuesdays from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. This program helps students work towards academic success. Available to 1st – 6th grade. Contact director Carissa Taylor at to learn more about enrolling your child or to volunteer. Boy Scouts Meetings, Mondays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Children’s Chimes, Moore First United Methodist Church, Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m., 201 W. Main St., children 4th – 6th grade will learn to read music. Cub Scouts Meetings, Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Girl Scouts Meetings, Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. LEAP (Learning Enrichment Arts Program), Moore First United Methodist Church, Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., 201 W. Main St. Open to kindergarten – 6th grade. Choir, life skills games, snacks and help with homework. YMCA Before and After School Care, Moore Community Center. Call (405) 378-0420 for participating schools and more information.

Calendar Sponsored by

MUSIC/ARTS Southern Hills School of Fine Arts, 8601 S. Penn, Oklahoma City. Enrolling children and adults for private lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass, drums, strings, brass and woodwinds. Call Sarah Gee at (405) 735-6387. RECOVERY AND SUPPORT GROUPS Celebrate Recovery: • Faith Crossing Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery, Mondays, 13701 S. Pennsylvania, Oklahoma City. • First Moore Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery, Thursday nights, 6:30 p.m., First Moore Baptist Church, 301 NE 27th Street. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Support and help for those struggling with addiction. • Fresh Start Community Church Celebrate Recovery 12 Step Program, Tuesday nights, 6:30 p.m., 309 N Eastern. Call (405) 794-7313 for more information. Dementia/Alzheimer’s Support Group, Village on the Park, 1515 Kingsridge, Oklahoma City. Contact Karen Proctor at (405) 692-8700 for meeting times and details. Divorce Care, First Moore Baptist Church, Wednesday nights, 6:15 p.m., 301 NE 27th Street. Support group for those going through a divorce. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Grief Share Support Group, First Moore Baptist Church, every Monday night at 6:30 p.m., 301 N.E. 27th Street. Support group for individuals and family members struggling with life events such as death, divorce, and disappointments and learning healthy ways to cope with life. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Grief Share Support Group, Fresh Start Community Church, every Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., 309 N. Eastern, Moore, Fresh Start Community Church Fireside Room. We offer help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Please contact the office at (405) 794-7313, Lyn Jacquemot at (405) 326-5554, or to register or participate. HOPE Addictions Recovery, every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Beth Haven Baptist Church, 12400 S. Call Pastor Rick Carter at (405) 691-6990 for information. SENIOR CONNECTION AARP, the fourth Tuesday of every month, 6:00 p.m., Brand Senior Center, 501 East Main Street, Moore. Programs are on subjects of interest to persons 50 years and over. Potluck dinner follows the program each month. For more information, contact Mary at (405) 826-2315. Moore Senior Citizen Nutrition Site, Monday – Friday, 11:30 a.m., Brand Senior Center, 501 E. Main, (405) 7939069. Call by 1:00 p.m. the day before to request a meal. Donation for a meal for seniors 60 and above is $2.25. Required cost for meal for guests under 60 is $5.00. P.A.L.S. Program for Seniors, Seniors are assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Sgt. Lewis, Moore Police Dept., (405) 793-4448.

Project Return Home for Alzheimer’s Patients in Moore, For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at (405) 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at (405) 793-4448. Transportation: • Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Moore area to Oklahoma City for medical appointments. Call Jackie at (405) 297-2583. • Moore Council on Aging. Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Call (405) 799-3130 at least one day in advance. • “Share-A-Fare” for age 60 and over or disabled. Purchase taxi fare at 40% off. SERVICE, CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS American Legion Meetings, every Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 207 SW 1st St., Moore. Open for all veterans. Call (405) 794-5446 for more information. Malcolm Hunter Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, the second Wednesday of each month, Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, 6600 S. Penn, at 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact Pat Towns at (405) 376-5653. Moore Horseshoe Pitching Club, every Thursday, 6:00 p.m., Fairmoore Park. For more information, contact (405) 237-1171. Moore Old Town Association, the fourth Tuesday of every month, First United Methodist Church. For more info, email Janie Milum at Moore Rotary Club, Wednesdays at Moore Chamber of Commerce. Moore Rotary Club is a civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community. Moore Toastmasters, every Thursday, 7:00 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St., Moore. Become the speaker and leader that you want to be. Join our group as we practice Toastmasters’ proven learn-bydoing program. The Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization, the third Saturday during the months of February, April, June, August, October and December, 11:00 a.m., Sunnylane Family Reception Center, 3900 SE 29th St., Del City. If you need directions, call (405) 445-7040. South Oklahoma City Rotary Club, every Friday, 12:00 p.m., Southwest Integris Cancer Center, SW 44th St. and S. Western, Oklahoma City. A civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community. VFW Bruce January Post 8706, the second Thursday of every month, 7:00 p.m., Lynlee Mae Event Center, 501 W. Main St., Moore. All veterans welcome. Call Mike Eaton at (405) 831-4405 or go to for more information.

VFW Bruce January Post 8706 Auxiliary will have its first meeting at the Lynlee Mae Chapel, 507 E. Main St. Meeting time is 7:00 p.m. For the institution of the VFW Auxiliary and election of officers, Joyce Caldwell, Department President will be at the meeting. For more information call Judith Lewis at 405-300-9244 or email Women: Moms Club of Moore, the second Thursday of the month, Westmoore Community Church. Go to www. for more information.

To keep up with the events and opportunities that are being added throughout the month, log on to and click on the Calendar link at the top of the home page. You’ll find an updated calendar for this month and the rest of the year.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES American Cancer Society seeks volunteers who would like to help drive patients to their cancer treatment and/or volunteer with our local Relay for Life event. For more information visit mooreok or contact Mel Rogers at (405) 841-5817 or Blue Star Mothers of America. Moore City Hall is a donation drop-off for items for our service members overseas. For needs, see or go to City Hall. Help Deliver Meals to Moore homebound residents. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Darlene Carrell, (405)7939069, Brand Center. The Hugs Project, a non-profit organization, puts together care packages for our troops in the Middle East. For more information, call (405) 651-8359 or Moore Food Resource Center, a part of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, allows volunteers to help fight hunger in Moore. Volunteers at the Moore Food Resource Center will assist with a variety of tasks, including serving as client shopper helpers, assisting with loading and unloading vehicles, sorting and shelving food items and cleaning. The Moore Food Resource Center is located at 2635 N. Shields. For more information on becoming a volunteer, contact Alex Strout at or (405) 600-3188. Oklahoma Ducks Unlimited. Volunteering for Ducks Unlimited is a great way to have fun, meet new people and support Ducks Unlimited’s critical waterfowl habitat conservation mission. Whether you want to sell event tickets, gather donations, secure sponsorships or help put on a successful party and fundraising event, there are many opportunities that will fit your needs to support your local community. For more information about volunteering, please contact Mr. Nathan Johnson, Regional Director for Oklahoma Ducks Unlimited at (405) 315-0093 or Mr. Randall Cole at (479) 220-9735. Serve Moore. Are you looking for a way to help others? Serve Moore is looking for volunteers to help with disaster relief and renewal projects. If you would like to volunteer or need volunteer help, visit www.servemoore. com/help to submit a request. You can also visit the Serve Moore headquarters located inside the Community Renewal Center at 224 S. Chestnut Avenue in Moore. For more information, visit or call (405) 735-3060.




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Calendar Sponsored by

Brand Senior Center February Activities 10:30 a.m.

February 3

MCOA Monthly Meeting

10:00 a.m.

February 7

Country Music House Singers

10:00 a.m.

BP checks provided by Walgreen’s

10:30 a.m.

February 9

Gary Parks to sing

10:00 a.m.

February 10

BINGO with Eileen

12:15 p.m.

February 14 Library 10:00 a.m. Wii Bowling 10:00 a.m.

BP & Sugar checks provided by Loving Care

10:30 a.m.

Valentine’s Day Party 12:15 p.m. February 15

Fresh Cobbler provided by Village on the Park

11:45 a.m.

February 16

John Koons to speak on

Cold Stress & Hypothermia

10:30 a.m.

BP checks provided by Arbor House

10:30 a.m.

February 20

Closed for President’s Day

February 21

Country Music House Singers

10:00 a.m.

February 23

Sheryl Presley to speak on Identity Scams

10:45 a.m.

BP checks provided by

Debbie with Nurse on the go

10:45 a.m.

February 27

MCOA Board Meeting

10:00 a.m.

February 28

BINGO with Allegiance Credit Union

10:00 a.m.

AARP Monthly meeting & Potluck Dinner

6:00 p.m.

Exercise: Mon, Wed & Fri 10:15am Line Dancing Lessons: Wed 12:15pm Wood Carving: Thurs 9:00am -11:00am Other Activities: Dominos, Card Games, Jigsaw Puzzles, Pool, Quilting & Volunteer work is available at the Brand Center. Moore Council On Aging Bus Service: Call 405-799-3130 Transportation for seniors within the city of Moore is available for errands or appointments from 8am to 3pm Monday through Friday. Moore Senior Citizen Nutrition Site Brand Center: 501 E. Main Call 405-793-9069 to make reservations for meals. A meal for seniors 60 & above is a $2.25 donation. Required cost for guests under 60 is $5.00.

A Mission to Serve. A Passion for Care.

Angels Home Care “Medication Management”

2800 SW 131st Street, OKC • 405-703-2300 •

February 2

Coloring books have never really gone out of style with kids, but these days adults are getting back into the “stay between the lines” action! This month’s coloring book page is just begging for some color and we’d like for YOU to breath some life into it with your own artistic vision. And here’s the best part about it: If you create your own “Moore Monthly Coloring Book Page Masterpiece” you can submit it to us and you’ll have a chance to win a $10 gift card to the Warren!

Here's how to play: 1. Grab your favorite set of crayons, pens, pencils, brushes, or whatever! 2. Color the coloring book page of the February Moore Monthly magazine in your own unique fashion. 3. Take a photo of your work and email it to us at: no later than February 28, 2017. Make sure you tell us your age!

Our team of judges will look over all of the entries and choose the winners in these categories: Best Coloring Book Page by a Child (age 12 and under) PRIZE: $10 gift card to the Warren

Best Coloring Book Page by a Teen (age 13 to 19) PRIZE: $10 gift card to the Warren

Best Coloring Book Page by an Adult (age 20 & up) PRIZE: $10 gift card to the Warren 36 | MOORE MONTHLY | FEBRUARY 2017


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S. 19th St.


Activities at The Station SPRING BREAK CAMPS SPRING BREAK ART CAMP: Create colorful paintings, sculptures, jewelry, and more. Take home what you make! WHEN: March 13th - March 17th • TIME: 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center • AGES: 6-12 • REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 10th • FEE: $95 w/T-shirt SPRING BREAK GIZMO’S, GADGETS, & THANG’S CAMP PRESENTS: MEDIEVAL TIMES: You will not only get to build catapults and castles but get to make and dress up in Medieval attire. For more info, call (405) 793-5090. WHEN: Mar. 13th - Mar. 17th • TIME: 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. WHERE: Recreation Center • AGES: 7-14 • REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 10th (Online) • FEE: $95 w/T-shirt EXTREME ANIMALS CAMP SPRING BREAK: Get up close and personal with endangered species, creepy crawlies and more! You will also learn about different habitats and create different types of arts and crafts that relate to those species and their habitats. WHEN: Mar. 13th - Mar. 17th • TIME: 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center • AGES: 6-12 • REGISTRATION: Feb. 1st - March 10th • FEE: $125 w/T-shirt BASKETBALL CAMP: For any young athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. Learn offensive and defensive skills & game like scenarios. • WHEN: March 13th - March 15th • TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center AGES: 7-14 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 10th • FEE: $60 w/T-shirt • INSTRUCTOR: Scott Hodges FOOTBALL CAMP: WHEN: March 13th-14th -Skill Positions Camp • March 15th-16th -Lineman Camp • TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. • WHERE: Buck Thomas Park- South Front Field • AGES: 5-14 • REGISTRATION: February 1st Mar. 10th • FEE: $75 w/T-shirt • INSTR.: Lorenzo Williams

YOUTH SPORT CLASSES BASKETBALL & ME: Introduce yourself and your Toddler to the great game of Basketball. All 8 classes included in each Session. Price includes 1 parent and 1 child to participate. WHEN: May 6th - June 24th Sat. Mornings (8 Classes) July 1st - August 19th Saturday Mornings (8 Classes) • TIME: 9 A.M. - 10 A.M. & 10 A.M. - 11 A.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Gym • AGES: 2-4 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st-May 5th for May and June Classes• May 1st-June 30th for July & August Classes • COST: $85 per session includes parent and child JR. CHEER SQUAD: Join us for this fun and engaging class that will introduce your child into the sport of cheerleading. 8 week class. • WHEN: May 6th - June 24th Sat. Mornings (8 Classes) • July 1st - Aug. 19th Sat.Mornings (8 Classes) • TIME: 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Gym • AGES: 4-8 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - May 5th for May and June Classes • May 1st - June 30th for July & August Classes • COST: $85 per session includes parent and child

YOUTH DANCE CLASSES COMBO DANCE CLASS: Combine Ballet, Tap, and Jazz throughout the class. High energy and fun. All Classes will have a Recital (dates TBD). • WHEN: May 3rd - May 24th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • June 7th - June 28th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • July 5th - July 26th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • August 2nd - August 23rd Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 6:30 P.M - 7:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 4-8 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - May 2nd For May


Classes • April 1st - June 6th For June Classes • May 1st July 4th For July Classes • June 1st - August 1st For August Classes •FEE: $45 per session •INSTRUCTOR: Amy Shipman HIP HOP/JAZZ DANCE CLASS: Music the kids will recognize to learn dances and choreography with different elements. Age appropriate music. All Classes will have a Recital (dates TBD). • WHEN: May 4th - May 25th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • June 8th - June 29th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • July 6th - July 27th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • August 3rd - August 24th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 5:30 P.M - 6:15 P.M. • WHERE: The Station Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 4-8 year olds • REGISTRATION: Mar. 1st - May 2nd For May Classes • Apr. 1st - June 6th For June Classes • May 1st - July 4th For July Classes • June 1st - Aug. 1st For Aug. Classes • FEE: $45 per session BABY BALLET: Without mom and dad, the child gets to learn the basics of Ballet through music, movement, and balance. Fun, positive, and appropriate for the little ones. All Classes will have a Recital (dates TBD). • WHEN: May 4th - May 25th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • June 8th - June 29th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • July 6th - July 27th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • August 3rd - August 24th Thursday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 5:30 P.M. - 6:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 18 months - 3 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - May 2nd For May Classes • April 1st - June 6th For June Classes • May 1st - July 4th For July Classes • June 1st - Aug. 1st For Aug. Classes • FEE: $45 per session TODDLER DANCE CLASS: Basics of Dance. All Classes will have a Recital (dates TBD). • WHEN: May 3rd - May 24th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • June 7th - June 28th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • July 5th - July 26th Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • August 2nd - August 23rd Wednesday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 5:30 P.M - 6:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 3-5 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - May 2nd For May • Classes April 1st - June 6th For June Classes • May 1st July 4th For July Classes • June 1st - August 1st For August Classes • FEE: $45 per session • INSTR.: Amy Shipman

YOUTH ART CLASSES BEADS & STRINGS: Make, mold and build different art using beads and string. • WHEN: April 3rd - April 25th Monday & Tuesday Nights (8 Classes)• September 5th - 26th Monday & Tuesday Nights (7 Classes) • TIME: 3-5 Year Olds (4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.) • 6-12 Year Olds (5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.) • WHERE: The Station Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 3-5 and 6-12 year olds • REGISTRATION: January 15th - April 2nd • FEE: $55 • INSTRUCTOR: Tara Kerby YOUTH CLAY WORKS & CRAFTS: Make, mold & build different art using clay as your base. • WHEN: October 2ndOctober 24th Monday & Tuesday Nights (8 Classes) • TIME: 3-5 Year Olds (4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.) • 6-12 Year Olds (5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.) • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 3-5 and 6-12 year olds • REGISTRATION: July 1st Oct. 1st • FEE: $55 • INSTRUCTOR: Tara Kerby YOUTH ARTS & CRAFTS: Kids use their imagination in a variety of different ways, making a variety of projects they get to take home. • WHEN: March 6th - March 28th Mon. and Tues. Nights (8 Classes) • August 7th - August 29th Monday and Tuesday Nights (8 Classes) • TIME: 3-5 Year Olds (4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.) • 6-12 Year Olds (5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.) • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 3-5 and 6-12 year olds • REGISTRATION: Jan. 15th - Mar. 5th For March Classes • May 1st - August 6th For August Classes • FEE: $55 per Session • INSTRUCTOR: Tara Kerby

ALL ABOARD KIDS CLUB: ARTS-CRAFTS-BOARD GAMES: Designed especially for Kids 7-12 years of age. Depending on the day, kids can play various sports and games in the gym ranging from basketball, soccer, dodgeball and much more. Also arts, crafts and playing board games. This Club is open to Pass holders and Non-Pass holders. SPRING BREAK: Dates: March 13th - 17th (M-F) • Time: 9 A.M.-4 P.M. • SUMMER BREAK: Dates: May 26th - Aug. 18th (M-F) • Time: 9 A.M.-4 P.M. • FALL BREAK: Dates: Oct. 19th - 20th (TH-F) • Time: 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. • When: January 1st - Dec. 31st • Time: Varies by day • Mon. 4:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Board Game Fun • Tuesdays 4:00 P.M.8:00 P.M. - Youth Gym Activities • Thursday 4:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Arts and Crafts • Saturdays 11:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. - Youth Gym Activities • Where: Recreation Center • Ages 7-12: Free for Pass Holders & Day Pass Holders • Instructor: Staff • THANKSGIVING BREAK: Dates: Nov. 20th - 24th (M-F) • Time: 9 A.M.-4 P.M.• WINTER BREAK:Dates: Dec. 21st - Jan. 2nd (M-F) • Time: 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. SPECIAL INTEREST CLASSES MARTIAL ARTS: Try our Martial Arts Class for the basics on self defense, karate, judo or better physical health. • WHEN: Mar. 7th - Mar. 28th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • Apr. 4th - Apr. 25th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • May 2nd - May 24th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • June 6th - June 28th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 7 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: Youth & Adults 5+ • REGISTRATION: January 15th - March 6th For March Classes • February 1st - April 3rd For April Classes • March 1st - May 1st For May Classes • April 1st - June 5th For June Classes • FEE: $55 GUITAR LESSONS: Learn how to count music, read music, and even play some songs in this class. It is recommended to bring a guitar; not a requirement. • WHEN: March 5th - April 20th • July 6th - August 24th • TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 8:45 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 12+ • REGISTRATION: January 15th - March 4th • March 1st - July 5th • FEE: $65 per session GRILL MASTER 101: In this class you will learn how to prepare and grill your favorite meats. All food/supplies are included in the price. • WHEN: June 6th - June 27th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • July 11th - August 1st, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • August 8th - August 29th, Tuesday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 6:30 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. • WHERE: The Station Catering Kitchen • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: March 1st - June 5th for June Classes • March 1st - July 10th for July Classes • March 1st - August 7th for August Classes • FEE: $65 per session PERSONAL TRAINING: The goal of our personal trainers is to help you identify your goals and achieve them by creating a personalized fitness plan. • SMALL GROUP SESSIONS: Work out with a partner (2 or more participants required at registration) • $40 per 1 hour session • $50 per 1 hour session • $250 for 5 sessions • $450 for 10 sessions • For more information visit the front desk to schedule your Personal Training session today! PARENTS NIGHT OUT: WHEN: February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, and May 5th • TIME: 6:00 P.M - 10:00 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room & Child Watch Room • AGES: 3 Years-11 Years Old • REGISTRATION: August 1st through the first day before Parent’s Night Out. • FEE: $15 per child • CLASS INSTRUCTOR: The Station Staff • CLASS MAXIMUM: 10 children (3 years-6 Years) • 20 children (7 years-11 Years) Schedule of Events (Schedule Subject to Change •Ages 3-6 • 6:00 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Child Watch Room • 7:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. - Activity Room-Dinner • 8:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M. - Child Watch Room/Movie

...Ages 7-11 • 6:00 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Activity Room- Board Games/Art • 7:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. - Activity Room-Dinner • 8:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. - Gym- Sports Games • 9 P.M.-10 P.M. Activity Room- Educational Activity/Movie

FAMILY FUN EVENTS PING PONG MANIA: Have fun or comepete (there will be a tutorial on how to play) • WHEN: May 25th, June 22nd, Sept. 21st, Oct. 26th • TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. • WHERE: The Station Recreation Center • AGES: Anyone - Kids 6 & Under accompanied by an adult. • REGISTRATION: No Registration free to come • COST: Free FAMILY GAME NIGHT: All ages. Variety of different games. • WHEN: March 23rd, April 27th, July 27th, August 24th • TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: Children 6 & Under must be accompanied by an Adult. • COST: Free • REGISTRATION: No Registration free • INSTRUCTOR: The Station Staff

EDUCATION CLASSES SPANISH 4 ADULTS: For beginners. Basics of understanding and real worldm Spanish. • WHEN: May 1st - June 26th Every Monday Night (8 Classes) • No Classes May 29th (Memorial Day) • September 6th - October 25th Every Wednesday (8 Classes) • TIME: 6:15 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 6-13 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - April 30th • July 1st - September 5th • COST: $65 per session • INSTRUCTOR: Rocie Petchprom SPANISH 4 KIDS: Children will learn basic Spanish speaking skills. • WHEN: May 1st - June 27th Every Monday & Tuesday (16 Classes) • No Classes May 29th & 30th(Memorial Day) •September 6th - October 26th Every Wednesday & Thursday (16 Classes) • TIME: 5:15 P.M. 6:15 P.M. • WHERE: The Station Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 6-13 year olds • REGISTRATION: March 1st - April 30th • July 1st - September 5th • COST: $85 per session • INSTRUCTOR: Rocie Petchprom SIGN LANGUAGE: Learn the basics of how to use and interpret sign language. • WHEN: July 11th - August 29th Tuesday Evenings (8 Classes) • TIME: 6:45 P.M. - 7:45 P.M. • WHERE: The Station Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 12+ year olds • COST: $65 per session • REGISTRATION: April 1st - July 10th • INSTRUCTOR: Torie Sangie

DOG TRAINING CLASSES PUPPY CLASS: Please bring something that you know your dog already likes. There should be one dog per handler, but the whole family can come train. Every dog in the same family paying for class needs to have their own handler. • WHEN: March 18th - April 15th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • May 13th - June 17th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • July 15th - August 19th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • September 9th - October 14th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • TIME: 10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. • WHERE: Buck Thomas Dog Park • AGES: Dogs up to 4 months old. Puppies must have had 2nd round of puppy vaccination shots (Distemper/Parvo, DHLPP). Copy of shot records must be brought to the Station and turned into the Front Desk before 1st class. • REGISTRATION: January 15th - March 17th for March & April Classes • February 1st - May 12th for May & June Classes • March 1st - July 14th for July & August Classes • April 1st - September 8th for September & October Classes • FEE: $95 per session BASIC MANNERS CLASS: Please bring something that you know your dog already likes. There should be one dog per handler, but the whole family can come train. Every dog in the same family paying for class needs to have their own handler. • WHEN: March 18th - April 15th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • May 13th - June 17th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • July 15th - August 19th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • September 9th - October 14th Saturday Mornings (6 Classes) • TIME: 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. • WHERE: Buck Thomas Dog Park • AGES: Dogs 4 months old and older.

...Vaccinations: We do require that your dog is current on Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella. Copy of shot records must be brought to the Station and turned into the Front Desk before 1st class. • REGISTRATION: January 15th - March 17th for March & April Classes • February 1st - May 12th for May & June Classes • March 1st - July 14th for July & August Classes • April 1st - September 8th for September & October Classes • FEE: $95 per session

ADULT SPORTS SPRING LEAGUES ADULT MEN’S SPRING BASKETBALL: SIGN-UPS: January 2nd - February 23rd Coaches Meeting: February 28th, 6 PM • GAMES: Monday nights starting March 6th League runs 7 weeks + Tournament • COST: $425 per team FOR: Men 18 Years and older • WHERE: Recreation Center • Register Online - Coach registers team ADULT SPRING CO-ED INDOOR VOLLEYBALL: SIGN-UPS: Jan. 2nd - February 23rd Coaches Meeting: February 28th, 7 PM • GAMES: Tuesday night starting March 7th League runs 7 weeks + Tournament • COST: $260 per team • FOR: Men & Women 15 Years and older • WHERE: Moore Community Center • Register online - Coach registers team Must Have 2 Women playing at all times ADULT CO-ED FUTSAL: Futsal is 5 on 5 Indoor Soccer. For more information, call (405) 793-5090. • SIGN-UPS: January 2nd - February 23rd Coaches Meeting: February 28th, 6PM • GAMES: Thursday nights starting March 9th League runs 6 weeks + Tournament • COST: $150 per team• FOR: Men & Women 15 Years and older • WHERE: Moore Community Center • Register online - Coach registers team Must Have 2 Women playing at all times ADULT CO-ED SAND VOLLEYBALL: SIGN-UPS: April 6th - April 27th Coaches Meeting: May 4th, 6PM • GAMES: Monday nights starting May 8th League runs 6 weeks + Tournament • COST: $150 per team • FOR: Men and Women 16 Years and older • WHERE: Buck Thomas Park • Register online - Coach registers team Must Have 2 Men & 2 Woman playing at all times

ADULT DANCE CLASSES LINE DANCING: Learn how to do a variation of multiple line dances. Class varies each time. • WHEN: July 5th - August 23rd • TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 8:45 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center • AGES: Adults 18+ • REGISTRATION: April 1st - July 4th • FEE: $55 per session or $8 per class • INSTRUCTOR: Claudia Clark ADULT SWING DANCING: Variations of Swing Dancing. • WHEN: Mar. 1st - April 19th Wed. Nights (8 Classes) • May 3rd - June 21st Wed. Nights ( 8 Classes) • Sep. 6th - October 25th Wed. Nights (8 Classes) • TIME: 7:30 P.M - 9:00 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: Adults 15+ • REGISTRATION: Jan.15th - February 28th For March & Apr. Classes • March 1st - May 2nd For May & June Classes • July 1st - September 5th For Sep. & Oct. Classes • FEE: $55 per session or $8 per class • INSTRUCTOR: Bob Gates

ADULT PAINTING CLASS: Drawing and watercolor. All supplies included. Class taught by a certified art instructor. • WHEN: March 6th - March 27th Monday Nights (4 Classes) • June 5th - June 26th Monday Nights (4 Classes) • September 11th - September 25th (3 Classes)• TIME: 6:45 P.M. - 8:15 P.M. For March and September Classes 7:30 P.M. - 8:45 P.M. For June Classes • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: January 15th - March 6th For March Classes • Mar. 1st - June 5th For June Classes • June 1st - Sep. 11th For Sep. Classes • FEE: $55 per Session For Mar. and June Classes $45 per Session For Sep. Classes • INSTR.: Will Wilson ADULT DRAWING CLASS: Use several drawing media and various techniques in this class. All supplies included. Class taught by a certified art instructor. • WHEN: April 3rd - April 24th Monday Nights (4 Classes) • July 10th - July 31st Monday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 6:45 P.M - 8:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: Jan. 15th - April 2nd For April Classes • April 1st - July 9th For June Classes • FEE: $55 per session for March and June Classes • INSTR.: Donna Barnard ADULT JEWELRY CLASS: All types of jewelry. • WHEN: May 1st - May 22nd Mon. Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 8:45 P.M.• WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: Mar. 1st - April 30th • FEE: $55 per session • INSTRUCTOR: Tara Thompson CARTOON ART 4 ADULTS: Learn new and exciting techniques. • WHEN: August 7th - August 28th Monday Nights (4 Classes) • TIME: 6:45 P.M. - 8:15 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: May 1st - August 6th • FEE: $55 per session • INSTRUCTOR: Tara Thompson

SPRING ADULT TOURNAMENTS ADULT SINGLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT: SIGNUPS: March 31st – May 20th• PLAYERS MEETING: May 23rd, 7:00 PM • MEN’S TOURNAMENT: May 31st and June 7th • WOMEN’S TOURNAMENT: June 2nd and June 9th • Tournament only-Double Elimination Format, 2 Matches Guarantee, Best of 3 sets • COST: $15 per person • WHERE: Buck Thomas Park • Registration online • PLAYER MINIMUM: 4 for Men’s Division, 16 for Women’s Division • PLAYER MAXIMUM: 4 for Men’s Division, 16 for Women’s Division ADULT DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT: SIGN-UPS: March 31st – May 20th • PLAYERS MEETING: May 23rd, 6:00 PM • COST: $40 per team • WHERE: Recreation Center • Registration online – Coach registers team • TEAM MAXIMUM: 24 • DIVISIONS: Co-Ed • 5 ON 5 FORMAT: Co-Ed must have 2 women on court to start game. FITNESS BINGO: Fitness Bingo cards will have different activities around The Station you must complete to achieve the blackout. • Free to annual passholders. • Month of February 2017 only. • Pick up Fitness Bingo cards at the Fitness Attendant desk.

ADULT ART CLASSES ADULT MORNING PAINTING & DRAWING CLASS: All supplies included. Class taught by a certified art instructor. • WHEN: April 10th - May 15th Mon. Mornings (6 Classes) • August 14th - September 25th Monday Mornings (6 Classes) • No Class on September 4th-Labor Day • TIME: 10:30 A.M - 12:00 P.M. • WHERE: Recreation Center Activity Room • AGES: 15+ • REGISTRATION: Jan. 15th April 2nd For April Classes • April 1st - July 9th For June Classes • FEE: $65 per session for Mar. & June Classes • INSTRUCTOR: Donna Barnard


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Moore Entrepreneurs How do I choose a pricing strategy & price point for my product/service? The goal of business is to make a profit. Many small businesses fail at this because they don’t know how to price their products or services. Striking the right balance between pricing and what the market will bear is often part art, part science. Pricing strategies can be used to pursue different types of objectives, such as increasing market share, expanding profit margin, or driving a competitor from the marketplace. It may be necessary for a business to alter its pricing strategy over time as its market changes. Four major pricing strategies are: • Cost-Based Pricing Strategies - These pricing strategies are based on the cost of the underlying product or service. • Value Pricing Strategies These pricing strategies rely on the customers’ perceived value of the product or service. • Teaser Pricing Strategies These strategies are based on the concept of luring in customers with a few low-priced or free products or services, and then cross-selling them higher-priced items. • Strategic Pricing Strategies These strategies involve the use of product pricing to position a company within a market or to exclude competitors from it. No single strategy is appropriate for all situations. Selecting a pricing strategy that fits your business requires knowing your company’s target market, accu-

rate market data analysis, knowing your production costs and capability and logistics and understanding your capital. Every service has different costs. Many small service firms fail to analyze their services' total cost and thus fail to price them profitably. By analyzing the cost of each service, prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate unprofitable services. Below is an example of one form of cost-plus pricing: Cost-plus pricing sets prices by using the costs of material, direct labor and overhead as a base, then applying a markup percentage to determine sales price. In Action: If costs for a product are $50, applying a 25 percent markup would yield a price of $62.50. Cost-plus pricing has the advantages of being simple to calculate, easy to justify to consumers and guaranteeing profitability. This pricing method, however, runs risk of becoming inflexible, since market conditions are often dictated by competitor’s pricing. Pricing is also about where you want to position yourself in the marketplace. The key is figuring out what’s going to get you the best penetration in the market as quickly as possible, and broadening your client base according to what your competitors are not doing with their pricing models. If you are a startup, it’s probably best to keep your pricing model as simple as possible. It’s far too easy to scare off customers with a complex pricing

scheme. Start by researching what’s conventional in your industry and build from there. A few thing to consider when putting your pricing strategy together: • Identify your customer. No one company can provide all things to all customers; it’s important to understand where you fit in to a customer’s “value chain.” Know your target audience and their buying patterns. • Keep basic economics in mind. Let’s not forget the rule of supply and demand. If your company provides a unique product or service that few or no others offer, this will certainly have an impact on what you can charge. • Know your competition. A little market intelligence can go a long way, so be aware of other players providing similar products and services in the market. While it’s not necessary to set your prices based on your competition’s asking price, it’s beneficial to know what the competition is charging so you can explain your value more clearly. When considering pricing models, value is a critical component in the equation. The ability to answer a few basic questions plays an integral role in demonstrating return on investment (ROI) for a customer. Pricing should tie directly to value, and value should be equated with business outcomes. Honest self-assessment can be tough, but it is necessary. While it can be tempting to overvalue the exclusive capabilities of your products and services, it will

serve you in the long run to base your valuation on concrete facts. When evaluating quarterly performance, for example, take factors such as feedback on pricing into account. Then take action to make any necessary pricing adjustments. Using accurate costing and a markup percentage that will enable you to profitably grow your business is the first place to begin, in terms of pricing. Understanding your customers, the value you bring to them, along with market intelligence feedback will help you to evaluate your pricing and know the best strategy to pursue.

Henry Dumas Small Business Management Coordinator

Moore Norman Technology Center 405-809-3540


Ask the Tax Guy! It’s been said that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. With this month’s column, I will prove myself to belong to the former category. The question was asked, what can we expect tax-wise for 2017? In the January 2017 issue, I detoured into a ‘personal bias’ opinion piece and hope to answer the question this month. Actually, a month’s respite has bought me some needed time as various sources I read and listen to have also been trying to come to terms with what the new U. S. Administration and the 115th Congress will be able to accomplish. Trent Lott, a former Senate Majority Leader, wrote a book, Herding Cats: A Life in Politics. There is not a monolithic bloc of Republicans vs Democrats. There are fiscally conservative members of both parties. There are supply-siders in both parties. You get the picture. With that caveat, let’s touch on some items that I think will affect us here in Moore and Southwest Oklahoma City. It appears that Trump wants to do away with AMT, Alternative Minimum Tax, or alternatively, update it and index it for future inflation. AMT was originally meant to capture tax from some millionaires in the 1960’s that were using tax code provisions to sidestep paying any tax. Not indexed for inflation, AMT has hit more and more middle-class income taxpayers. There is also talk of doing away with the Estate Tax. Recent years has seen mainstream adoption of the phrase “Death Tax” paid by an individual’s estate when they die. Be careful of what you hope for. Extremely few individuals actually pay this tax in our current environment and even if you own a small business there are provisions that allow your heirs that inherit the

business to pay the tax in installments with future income from that business. However, if the law is not carefully considered the step-up in basis that all heirs currently enjoy whether or not they have to file an estate return or pay a dime in taxes might die with the demise of the estate tax. Right now, if you inherit your parent’s house they bought for $60,000 that is now worth $140,000 and turn around and sell it for $140,000, you, as their heir pay no taxes, because there is no gain on the ‘stepped-up’ basis of date of death valuation of $140,000. But, if the Congress and President pass a bill to do away with the estate tax and do nothing else, the ‘stepped-up’ basis of $140,000 would go away. You, as the heir sell the same house for $140,000 and you will have an $80,000 gain to report to the IRS and pay taxes on that. The Devil’s in the details. Right now, personal income tax rates range from 10% to 39.6%. Trump is proposing fewer brackets and rates ranging from 12% to 33%. It has been proposed that the current standard deductions (taken if you don’t itemize) will increase, but, again, remember the Devil? The personal exemptions would go away. Larger, less affluent families might pay more in taxes because their taxable income would be higher. Next month, we’ll look at business taxes, again, buying your author more time as Congress and the new Administration will have been moving forward with their agendas.

Mike Rush, CPA Tel: 405.833.0780



Nosh Restaurant Next to Showplace Market

ANNOUNCING OUR VALENTINES DINNER MENU Join us February 14 and February 17 for An evening with Maggie McClure and Shane Henry Five course meal and wine pairings. MENU: Cornish Game Hen with Charbroiled Flank

Steak, Roasted Tri-Colored Fingerling Potatoes, Grilled Root Vegetables , Spring Mix Salad, Tomato Basil Soup, and Shaved Artichoke and Feta Crostini with Balsamic Reduction.

$100 per couple payment due at time of reservation (gratuity not included)

Seating starts at 6 pm. Music begins at 7 p.m.

Now open Tuesday-Sunday

TUES. 11-3 • WEDS-FRI. 11-9 • SAT. 10-9 • SUN. 10-3

New website: 200 SE 19th, Moore, OK • 814-9699


Ooh Girl... Pink Attitude Has Got It! DONNA WALKER

Like many young girls, Trina Roberts spent much of her childhood watching adoringly as her mom applied makeup and dressed for an evening out on the town. She loved to play dress up, and she didn’t just play with dolls…she styled them. Things haven’t changed much for Trina. Although today, her clients benefit from her fashion sense and styling talents instead of her childhood dolls. “I have always been a girly girl and into hair, makeup, and fashion,” Trina said. “I guess it all started as an only child, spending many hours in a salon of which my mom was the owner and a hair stylist herself, watching and pretending as a young girl does.”

As Trina got older, she helped her mom in the salon and, often, Trina's friends would visit so she could to do their hair and makeup. "I also remember being a personal shopper not only for my friends, but also for my Mom's friends," Trina said. "They would take me shopping so I could help them find the perfect outfit. My dream was always to be in the beauty or fashion industry.” When Trina became a mom herself in 1992, she decided to enter the beauty business and became a nail technician. Her love of connecting with clients and ability to set her work hours was the perfect balance between business and family. Working alongside her mom was the icing on the cake


and a full circle journey from her childhood daydreams. ”My nail business has always been special to me because I develop such a bond with my clients, who also become my dear friends," Trina said. "Not to mention, I loved listening and making people feel pretty and happy when they walked out the door.” After a while, Trina started selling fashion accessories from her station in the salon. “It just kept growing to where I needed more space for all the boutique items and also a place where I could still continue my nail business.” In the summer of 2006 Trina opened Pink Attitude Boutique, which was then connected to Hair Rage IV Salon.

When the boutique first opened, it was located in the I-240 area, but Trina relocated the store in the summer of 2012 to its current location at 10617 S. Western Avenue. It was during her high school years working at The Limited Clothing Store where Trina earned her fashion experience. She worked as a successful sales associate winning various sales competitions and awards. After a short time she was promoted to a management position, where she traveled to all the Oklahoma City stores to train sales teams. Trina believes it’s the personal service Pink Attitude Boutique offers every customer who walks in the door that makes Pink Attitude Boutique warm and inviting.

“We love being a personal shopper for our customers, it’s a complimentary service we offer," Trina said. "We have customers who call before arrival to ask us to pull items that we think they will like. When they arrive, we have a dressing room full of personally selected outfits ready and waiting. This is how we have built a trust with our customers." The boutique staff also assists clients in putting together travel outfits for those headed on vacation, special events, or other important occasions. It's personal services like these that are found at Pink Attitude but aren’t commonly found at the mall or other department stores. “I have a passion for making people happy and contributing to helping them feel good about

themselves," Trina said. "It makes women feel good when they are happy with the way they look in their clothing, and that’s what we always try to do.” Customers love the friendly and helpful atmosphere found at Pink Attitude. Trina has trained her staff to “love on” customers and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Pink Attitude Boutique carries many quality lines for women of all ages, as well as shoes, unique jewelry, locally made candles and more, all at affordable prices. You can always count on finding the latest trends. So what are the current trends? According to Trina, current trends in ladies fashion include bomber jackets, suede, and vegan leather.

Some of today’s styles are reminiscent of the 80s with bodysuits, off the shoulder dresses and shirts, and choker necklaces. Trina also mentioned that velvet is “Hot Hot Hot" right now. For those looking to upgrade the jeans in their wardrobes, Pink Attitude is the place to shop, as shoppers have several lines to choose from at the boutique. “We have a lot of customers who stop in just for the jeans because of their stretch, comfort, and trendy look," Trina said. The boutique is connected to Bella Capelli Salon, which makes it a convenient stop for women waiting for their salon appointments. Many of the hair stylists shop at Pink Attitude and become fashion models for Trina’s store.

It’s been ten years since Trina opened Pink Attitude Boutique, and even now, the store welcomes new customers daily. And today, the family ties continue. Trina’s mom loves to come in and visit with customers and assist them with their shopping. Trina’s daughter, Shaylin, now 24, works in the store full time. And, behind the scenes is Trina’s husband, Kyle. Trina said without her family’s love and support, the boutique would not be possible. Those looking for a fresh, spring look may want to stop by Pink Attitude Boutique. Store hours are Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm and Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.


Moore @ Your Library Children's Book Review

Waylon!: One Awesome Thing Author: Sara Pennypacker, illustrated by Marla Frazee Publisher: Disney/Hyperion, 2016 Reviewer: Pat Younts, Children’s Services Assistant, Moore Public Library Fans of Sara Pennypacker’s award-winning Clementine series will be thrilled with this first book of a spinoff series. Waylon Zakowski, a science-loving classmate of Clementine’s is troubled by class leader Arlo’s dividing his friends into teams, creating discord by the separation, and though Waylon doesn’t like the division, he is even more troubled by the fact that Arlo doesn’t put him on either team. Waylon devises a plan to use his scientific thinking to devise an anti-gravity device to impress Arlo, forcing him to put him on his team. The scheme is complicated by the

return of Baxter Boylen, who had left their school following third grade under the rumor of having to go to prison, and Waylon fears an association with Baxter will ruin his chances with Arlo. Soon, however, Waylon and Baxter are planning a rescue that unexpectedly brings all their classmates together. Paralleling the school struggles is the confusion at home caused by his sister Charlotte’s new Goth identity, Neon. Scientifically inquiring minds, and fans of the Clementine series will be thrilled with this new series celebrating friendship, family, and community. Your community librarians at the Moore Public Library are ready and waiting to help everyone discover friends in books. Check some out today.

Adult Book Review

In Sunlight or in Shadow Author: Varied (17 short stories) Genre: Short Story Mysteries Publisher: Pegasus Books, 2016 Reviewer: Chris Manna, Information Services Manager, Southwest Oklahoma City Public Library

If you’ve ever been a fan of Edward Hopper’s paintings and wonder what could possibly have been behind the thoughts of each scene, you’re not alone. 17 authors, including well known writers like Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Lee Child, and Michael Connelly contribute short stories each creating a world based around a different painting of Edward Hopper. A full color reproduction of each painting serves to introduce each new story and unto which the new story will unravel. Standout stories include Jill Block’s Story of Caroline in which a grown orphan seeks to reconnect with her lost family. She manages to weave herself into their lives right at a critical moment for both her past, her present, and her 50 | MOORE MONTHLY | FEBRUARY 2017

future. In the most famous painting, ‘Nighthawks’ Michael Connelly depicts a former LAPD detective seeking answers for a runaway daughter of a famous producer. He happens to find her, but discovers there is more to this than just a 23-year-old runaway looking to escape her father. I believe the title aptly describes the feelings of both resolved and unresolved story lines and emotions. The interplay between ‘sunlight or in shadow’ truly embodies the totality of this compilation. There are many stories where things are left purposefully vague and unanswered, but this leaves it to the reader to formulate their own conclusion or scenario in which the dialogue would occur. Where one story or author leaves you wanting, the next will be sure to fill that void. With this in mind, I highly recommend this book for those who wish to explore their own angles to a story or world. The Pioneer Library System carries this item in print format and is immediately available for checkout.



447 SW 89th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73039



Gotta Dance: City's Pom Squads Set the Standard ROB MORRIS

When you talk about the best dancers in the country, most people are immediately going to point to New York City and Los Angeles as the gathering place for the elite. But when it comes to high school talent, the eyes of the nation inevitably turn toward Moore, Oklahoma. All three high schools have produced multiple state champions and great finishes at national dance competitions. Westmoore leads the way with a total of 12 national titles, including back-to-back-to-back wins in both the jazz and hip-hop categories in 2014, 2015, and 2016. So, it’s no exaggeration to say that the high school pom squads at Westmoore, Moore, and Southmoore are the gold standard when it comes to high school pom squads. Westmoore senior Kaitlyn Stoyanoski has been dancing since she was two years old and says her passion for joining the Jaguar pom squad began around 6th grade. “I used to go to Moore War when I was little. I remember seeing them perform and thinking I wanted to be on that squad,” said Stoyanoski. Her senior teammates Brooklyn Henry and McKenna Mitchell share her passion for dance, both having been dancing since they were around two years old as well. They noticed the level of commitment on the part of the Westmoore pom members. “They would leave dance studio practice to go practice even more, and I’d be thinking, ‘Why are they practicing more?’”, said Mitchell. The future Jaguars weren’t alone in their early participation in dance. In fact, talking to the senior members of the Moore and Southmoore squads revealed early starts for most of them as well. Moore’s Alexa Sheppard and Madilynn Grimes have been dancing for 15 years while teammate Mattie Hogue has been dancing for ten years. Over at Southmoore, Cheyenne Tee has danced for 15 years. Tee’s senior teammates, Alex Cash (8 years) and Taylor Stubblefield (5 years) have also been dancing for significant amounts of time. All of the girls point to the strong presence of studios and teachers in the Moore area as one reason the local pom squads are so strong. “I would credit it mostly to the teachers and choreographers who have coached us since we were little,” said Grimes. “They taught us to have a passion for what we’re doing and a love for the art, not just the sport.” Tee and Cash agree that the studios, coaches, and teachers play a big role, but they also point to an overall culture of dance that winds through all three high schools. 52 | MOORE MONTHLY | FEBRUARY 2017


12-hours on weekends as they prepare to compete at nationals. They all agree that it takes that level of commitment to perform at the level they expect of themselves. “We’ve put in so many hours working on nationals because we have two dances,” said Moore’s Hogue. “So we have to go back and forth making sure both dances are clean and look good and are ready for nationals.” “We have really worked hard, and we’ve been pushed by our coaches and our families and by each other,” said Southmoore’s Stubblefield. “I think the background and the hard work that we’ve put in are going to pay off.” While some might think that such intensity and hard work would produce a heated rivalry between the pom squads from three different high schools, these seniors all insist that there’s no negativity between teams. “We have friends on all the different squads, and you don’t want your friends to do badly,” said Stoyanoski. “We try to pump each other up no matter what school they go to.” “We all want to see each other be successful at what we do,” said Mitchell. “We all want to represent the city of Moore in a positive way.” Although the girls dance for different high schools, the bonds they’ve formed dancing at together at local studios are apparently every bit as strong as school colors. “I’ve grown up dancing with them like my whole life,” said Tee. “Even today I dance with two girls at my home studio who are on Westmoore, and I dance with girls from Moore.” Hogue said, “We’re all really close with Southmoore and Westmoore. They’re like our sister schools.” “You just grow because of how great the other squads are,” said Cash. “We love that Westmoore is so good because it helps us have a mindset of working to be on the same level as them.” “I love the fact that the teams are all really close,” said Stubblefield. “It’s really awesome that we can boost each other instead of trying to bring each other down like rivals would.” But while all three squads appreciate and admire the work done by their sister schools, make no mistake about it: Westmoore clearly wants to bring home another pair of championship trophies. “It’s very stressful knowing that we three have never lost (knock on wood),” said Henry. “But all we can do is give our best effort and prepare as best we can.”

227 S Broadway St, Moore, OK 73161 405-759-3652 •

“It’s not like a dance team anymore,” said Tee. “It’s like a big connection that supports and helps you in the end.” “I think dance and pom at all of the high schools in Moore are really interconnected,” said Cash. “All of our coaches know the coaches from the other schools, and they’re all really close. Dance and pom are so intertwined, so they just build on one another. That connection typically grows from an early age and gets stronger as the years pass. “Most people start that early because their parents put them in,” said Sheppard. “But we’ve continued with it because we love it so much.” And just like their Westmoore counterparts, the dancers at the other two high schools say they paid attention to previous generations. “We’ve seen it all happen and we want to live up to that standard that we’ve seen from those who’ve gone before us,” said Sheppard. While all three high school pom squads have shined in state or national competition, Westmoore continues to set the pace for excellence. They’ve been so good that the seniors on this year’s squad have never experienced anything less than double-national championships. That’s an insanely difficult feat to accomplish one year, much less three consecutive years. “There have been times when I thought I couldn’t do it anymore,” said Henry. “But once you get to nationals and you leave everything out on the floor, you realize it’s worth it.” Henry’s teammates point out that hard work is a lifestyle for the Jaguar dancers. “Our motto is, ‘Hard work pays off,’” said Stoyanoski. “A lot of people seem to think that pom isn’t really a sport, but we work just as hard, if not harder than other athletes.” “In the dances, especially like hip-hop, you have to be strong and intense,” said Mitchell. “But you still have to have a sense of fluidity and softness. Just like football or basketball or other sports, you need strength.” Moore’s Grimes believes Mitchell is right and that the pom squad performances are a blend of sport and art. “Not only do we have to be tough and strong but we have to make it look graceful and elegant at the same time,” Grimes said. Moore’s Sheppard said, “You work so hard because you are an artist, but your canvas is you, and the tool you use to create the art is your body. That’s why I feel like dancers are such strong people because the only way they can create their art is with their body.” Dancers from all three high schools talked about the long hours of practices, sometimes

Excellence in Heart Care 2017 Women’s Choice Award™

Norman Regional, Best Hospitals in Heart Care Our dedicated team is here to help get you back to what you love as soon as possible. We offer a full range of heart care services from a Chest Pain Center Emergency Department, to heart catheterization and interventional procedures, to open heart surgery. Plus, our HealthPlex Heart Hospital was the first nationally accredited Chest Pain Center in the Oklahoma City metro. When it comes to placing your heart in someone’s hands, trust the experts at Norman Regional’s comprehensive HealthPlex Heart Hospital. 54 | MOORE MONTHLY | FEBRUARY 2017

Healthy Heart, Happy Heart!

This story sponsored by

Richie Splitt, President & CEO NRHS

An upcoming event this month is Norman

men and women in the United States. Oklahoma

Regional’s Healthy Heart Fair on Tuesday, February

has the third highest death rate from cardiovascular

21 from 5 – 7 p.m. This program will take place at

disease in the country according to the American

the Norman Regional Hospital Education Center.

Heart Association. Norman Regional Health System’s

Health screenings will be offered, and a panel of

comprehensive and award-winning cardiovascular

physicians including cardiologists, cardiothoracic

team is here to help you and your family with matters

and vascular surgeons, and emergency medicine

of the heart. From early detection screenings and

physicians will discuss the importance of keeping

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and open to the public. Please call (405) 307-3177

a combination of convenient close-to-home care and

to reserve your seat.

nationally recognized expertise. You can also join cardiologists Archana Gautam, M.D. and Katherine Hays, M.D. for the Women’s

include our Women's Heart Program, a nationally-

Heart Luncheon Friday, March 3rd at Norman

accredited Chest Pain Center, a dedicated Heart

Regional Moore’s Conference Center. Lunch will

Hospital, and a four-phase cardiac rehabilitation

be provided along with a talk about women’s heart

program. In 2016 and 2017, Norman Regional’s

health. Space is limited so please call (405) 307-3176

HealthPlex hospital was named a Women’s Choice

for your reservation today.

Award winner as one of American’s Best Hospitals for Heart Care. This evidence-based designation is

Drs. Gautam and Hays, in addition to Michael

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Villano, M.D. have also recently opened a clinic on

best healthcare institutions that considers female

the second floor of Norman Regional Moore.

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To schedule an appointment with our cardiologists, please call (405) 515-2222.

Keeping tabs on your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers is important for early detection

Heart disease is a serious issue. When you or a

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loved one is putting their heart in someone’s hands,

calcium content. The heart scan, or cardiac scoring,

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is a noninvasive test used to measure and assist in

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the diagnosis of coronary artery disease in an early state. The heart scan takes a just few minutes, only costs $50 and doesn’t need a physician referral. Heart scans are offered Monday through Friday at our 3 facilities, Norman Regional Moore, the HealthPlex and Norman Regional Hospital. For more information or to make an appointment for your heart scan call (405) 307-2290.

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both


This story sponsored by

Gotta Have That Vitamin D! NICHOLE HUDON, RDN/LD

Q: My doctor recently told me I have low vitamin D and need to begin taking supplements. I eat a lot of dairy products, so why would I be low in Vitamin D, and does it really matter? A: With the continually increasing identification of autoimmune diseases (currently at least 80 with suspicion of up to 140 different associated diseases), there has been an influx in research to find what things may be contributing to this rise, and what things may help slow the trend. Among emerging research is the positive impact that Vitamin D has on strengthening the immune system, cancer suppression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, muscular function and brain health.

Although called a vitamin, Vitamin D is actually a prohormone that is made by the skin when exposed to sunlight and contained in a limited number of foods. Vitamins D2 and D3 are the two primary forms of Vitamin D that our bodies use. The most significant source, Vitamin D3, is the one we get from the sun. It goes

through a very complex processing through the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and other tissues. Food sources of Vitamin D3 include salmon, tuna, herring, cod liver oil, egg yolks and sun-exposed mushrooms— all foods that are not consumed consistently by our fast-food society. Vitamin D2 is found in fortified milk, orange juice, and margarine. Although people living in latitudes farther from the sun have always been at higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency, we are now seeing an increase of deficiency worldwide as a result of many social changes. Examples include the transition to more office-based occupations, popular children's indoor activities like video games, etc., and an emphasis on wearing sunblock as a means to prevent skin cancer. Although sunblock is very important to preventing skin cancer, research suggests that a small amount of unprotected sun exposure (5-30 minutes to the face, arms, and legs between 10 am and 3 pm twice a week) is enough for your body to produce adequate Vitamin D. Clearly, those who have had skin cancer or who are at higher

risk of skin cancer should discuss with their physicians first. What is important to know is that the fighting immune cells (killer T cells) have Vitamin D receptors, which mean that immune cells rely on Vitamin D to do their best work. This is a simplistic explanation of a very complex relationship with many other factors involved, but the association is remarkable nonetheless. This connection was drawn by noting that countries with higher rates of Vitamin D deficiency also have higher rates of various autoimmune disorders such as Type I diabetes, Addison’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, Lupus, pernicious anemia, Inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, and Rheumatoid arthritis psoriasis. By maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels, it is predicted that there will be fewer flare-ups (such as painful swelling) of already-established diseases and will greatly impact the quality of life for those affected.

strong bone health, improvement of mood and hormone regulation, cancer prevention, improved insulin balance and weight control, blood pressure regulation, appropriate muscle contraction, improved immunity, and reduction of chronic brain disorders. Currently, obtaining and evaluating Vitamin D levels is not always part of routine physical blood work, but it may be worthwhile to ask your physician to include the test. Recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin D is about 400 IU for infants under the age of 1; 600IU for ages of 1-70 and 800 IU for those over 70. The amount of additional supplementation suggested will vary depending on your blood levels, current medications, and any chronic diseases you may have. Because of this, it is always best to have your physician determine the amount you need.

Additional benefits of Vitamin D other than autoimmune suppression include:


Oklahoma Author’s New Book Addresses Anxiety in Children Brent Wheelbarger According to a 2006 report by Clinical Psychology Review, upwards of 41.2% of children under the age of 12 experience some form of anxiety disorder, with separation anxiety being at the top of the list. It’s a statistic children’s author Renée Adams is taking aim at. The Oklahoma resident recently published a new book entitled Calm in Your Palm, designed to help children (or really anyone who needs to take a deep breath) learn how to reduce anxiety.

“It’s a rhyming book that uses imagery to help a child imagine a place of calm,” said Renée. “Yellow leads the imagination to soak in the warm sunshine while swinging on the playground; green is feeling the soft grass under bare feet; blue is listening to the ocean waves while building a sand castle; white is playing in the snow making snow angels, sledding & more.” The book also uses a 14-inch, 100% organic cotton square blanket, allowing the child to move their palm from yellow, green, white and


blue while imagining the calming effect of each color. Because the blanket is small, children can take it with them and imagine what they read in the book about each color when they experience anxiety. The book’s opening page is a naming page where kids record the name they give their blanket. According to Renée, “The goal is that the child who is anxious or worried about something, by the end of the book through imagery, laughter and prayer, has a connection with themselves or with another person...and an inner calm that they didn’t have when they began. I just received a note in the mail from a school therapist in Boulder, Colorado and she is using Calm in Your Palm in her sessions and is finding the book to be very effective. She loves it and the kids love it.” In addition to the book and blanket, Calm in Your Palm comes with a surprise, Augmented Reality (AR). Moore, Oklahoma-based Trifecta Communications developed AR features for the book including a 3D sunflower that comes out of the cover and scenes that animate within the book when scanned with a smart phone using the Calm In Your Palm (CIYP) app, available in the Apple or Android stores.

“It’s really fun to see the interactive play take place,” said Renée. “It also activates a video that will play the book’s theme song karaoke style, and we know kids love karaoke! They can follow along and easily learn the song’s lyrics. The app brings the objects on the pages to life! If there’s a boy on a sled on the page, he actually starts sledding. It’s very exciting for the kids and super fun.”

Library Schedule

Moore Children The Calm in Your Palm project is also aimed at reducing child poverty. According to Renée, 10% of proceeds from each book will go to benefit child poverty relief efforts. In Oklahoma, the beneficiary organization is Positive Tomorrows. “Positive Tomorrows is a school for homeless children, with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. They provide services for children and their caretakers including education, interviewing skills and housing assistance,” said Renée. “So they’re directly having an impact on child poverty relief.”

"As more kids begin to discover the book, Renée hopes it will have a direct impact on the levels of anxiety many kids feel every day, simply by imagining “calm in their palm.”

“They can experience that calm in their lives by mentally going back to the place where they were laughing together, listening to the ocean waves, singing the song, imagining the warm sunshine, remembering the sunflower pop out of the cover of the book with a fun grasshopper moving around, or picturing how good it felt to take a deep breath of air. Those pictures and feelings are in their minds, and they learn that calm can be in the palm of their hand, which is with them at all times, 24/7. So that’s a real valuable tool providing a child calmness no matter where they are.” The Calm in Your Palm book can be purchased online at and soon on Amazon.

Lapsit Story Time: 10 and 10:45 a.m. — Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22 Viva GLARt! Grow a Learner Through Art: 11 a.m. –- Feb. 4 Preschool Story Time: 10 a.m. –- Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 Barks, Books and Buddies: 6:30 p.m. –- Feb. 7, 21 Viva GLARt at the Moore Food & Resource Center: 11 a.m. — Feb. 8 Pre-K Play: 10 a.m. –- Feb. 9 Harry Potter Day: 1 p.m. — Feb. 11 Tween Quidditch: 1:30 p.m. — Feb. 11 Kids Club: 4:30 p.m. — Feb. 13 Sensory Story Time: 4 p.m. — Feb. 15 Read, Create and Play: 11 a.m. — Feb. 18 Tween Scene: 4:30 p.m. — Feb. 27


VITA Tax Preparation: 6 p.m. – Feb. 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 Zumba: 6 p.m. – Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 Beginners Tai Chi: 9 a.m. – Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 Intermediate Tai Chi: 10 a.m. – Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 Intro to World Dances: Greek Syrtaki (Zorba Dance): 2 p.m. – Feb. 5 Beginners Yoga: 6 p.m. – Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 Teen Crafternoon: Valentine Hand Warmers - 3 p.m. – Feb. 9 Harry Potter Day: 1 p.m. – Feb. 11 Teen Quidditch: 3 p.m. – Feb. 11 Intro to World Dances: Circus Arts Prop Dance - 2 p.m. – Feb. 12 Intro to World Dances: Romani Skirt Dance - 2 p.m. – Feb. 19 On the Same Page Book Discussion: 5:30 p.m. – Feb. 20 Intro to World Dances: Belly Dancing - 2 p.m. – Feb. 26

SW Oklahoma City Children

Family Music Time: 10 a.m. — Feb. 1 Toddler Story Time and Play: Thursday, 10 and 11 a.m. — Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 After School Kids: Birdhouse Project — Thursday, 4:30 p.m. — Feb. 2 Minecraft Creative: 5 p.m. — Feb. 3, 17 Family Story Time and Craft: 10 and 11 a.m. — Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 Baby Lapsit: 10 a.m. — Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 Lego Quest: 4:30 p.m. — Feb. 7 Homeschool Science: 2 p.m. — Feb. 9 Minecraft Survival: , 5 p.m — Feb. 10 Family Play Time/la hora de jugar en familia: 2 p.m. –- Feb. 11 TweenScene: Valentine’s Day Party 4:30 p.m. — Feb. 14 TLC (Touch, Learn and Create): Snow 10 a.m. — Feb. 15 After School Kids – Cooking: 4:30 p.m. –- Feb. 16 Sensory Story Time: 4:30 p.m. –- Feb. 21 Dinosaur Princess Dance Party: 5 p.m. –- Feb. 23 Minecraft Survival: 5 p.m. –- Feb. 24 TweenScene: Wire and Clay Art 4:30 p.m. –- Feb. 14


Come and Go Knitting Group: 10 a.m. –- Feb. 4 Penn Avenue Literary Society: 6:30 p.m. –- Feb. 9 Gardening Series: Oklahoma Proven — 6:30 p.m. –- Feb. 16 Teen Bad Art Night: 6:30 p.m. –- Feb. 20 Pilates: 6pm — Feb. 21, 28


Sports Schedule







February 3


February 3


February 3

@ Moore

February 7

@Norman North

February 7

Edmond Santa Fe

February 7

Edmond Memorial

February 10


February 10


February 10


February 14


February 14


February 14

@ Edmond

February 17


February 17

@Edmond S. Fe


February 23-24

Regional Tourney

February 23-24

Regional Tourney

February 17


February 23-24

Regional Tourney





February 3-4

Regional Meet TBA

February 3-4

Regional Meet TBA


February 17-18

State Meet TBA

February 17-18

State Meet TBA

February 3-4

Regional Meet TBA

February 17-18

State Meet TBA



February 2

Putnam City

February 2



February 9

US Grant

February 10-11

Dual State Trolley

February 10-11

February 10-11

Dual State Trolley




February 17-18

February 17-18

February 17-18



February 24-25

February 24-25

Regional Tourney

TBA February 24-25

State Tourney TBA


Regional Tourney State Tourney TBA

Dual State Trolley Regional Tourney State Tourney TBA

Sports Gallery

BAM. You found a shop.

2004 Crystal Drive, Moore, OK 73160 • 405.703.1104 •

Out of the Park: Southmoore Star Goes Big ROB MORRIS Being selected to the USA Softball Women’s National Team is a huge honor and acknowledgment of the hard work and talent it takes to be an elite player. But Southmoore’s Sydney Sherrill nearly missed getting word that she’d been invited to tryout for the 2017 team.

Fortunately, OU softball player Destinee Martinez was looking out for her.

the competition is at that level,” said Sherrill. “Everyone is as good or better than me.”

“Destiny Martinez works out at the same place I work out and she came up to me one day and said, ‘You need to check your email. You were invited to the tryouts.’”

After the camp, the Team USA coaches tackled the difficult task of selecting 24 of the players to be on the 2017 USA Softball Junior Women’s National Team. Sherrill was thrilled to get the word that she’d made the cut.

Blame it on email. “I don’t really check my email and they sent it to my email, not my mom’s,” said Sherrill. The Sabercat senior, along with dozens of the nation’s best softball players, had been waiting for word on the team selection. A couple of weeks went by and she hadn’t heard anything. 62 | MOORE MONTHLY | FEBRUARY 2017

Sherrill spent two weeks at the Team USA camp and tournament in Georgia last summer, testing her skills against the top softball players in the nation. She says it was exciting to play against the elite competition, including a game against the US National Team. “A lot of people don’t understand how good

Sherrill said, “It’s awesome to get to play with USA across my chest.” The team’s training camp starts on June 11 at Hall of Fame Stadium. They’ll play exhibition games at Hall of Fame and then play at the World Cup of Softball tournament in July.

After the World Cup tourney, the final 17player roster will be announced. Sherrill, who hit .611 and scored 65 runs while leading off for the Sabercat fast pitch team in 2016, says she knows she’s got work to do to make the final roster. “Nothing’s gonna change a lot for me because I do work hard,” said Sherrill. “So I just need

to keep doing what I do, keep practicing and working out.”

have some unfinished business on the slow pitch field.

In the meantime, Sherrill is counting down the weeks of her last semester at Southmoore. She’s looking forward to playing college softball at Florida State University. But before all of the excitement of Team USA unfolds over the summer, she and her high school teammates

“I’m looking forward to some good times,” said Sherrill. “Making memories with my friends, playing for a slow pitch ring, and then graduating with my friends.”

“It’s awesome to get to play with USA across my chest.”


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