Moore Monthly April 2013

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O N N E W S S T A N D S M O N T H L Y • O N T H E W E B D A I L Y • W W W. T H E M O O R E D A I L Y. C O M

Riders on


the Storm

Chasing Danger While Others

Photo Courtesy of Kevin Rolfs

Run for Cover

Earth Day Makes

Recycling Spectacular in Moore

APR 13


FEB 11

13 Check out the changes in our website!

Now your home

gives back

even more.

First American Bank is offering


on home equity loans under $250,000 through May 31, 2013. Flood and/or hazard insurance is required when applicable.

We are proud to welcome the newest member of the First American Bank Lending Team:

Steve Faler Senior Vice President

· Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from OU · OBA Intermediate School of Banking · ABA Commercial Lending School · Graduate School of Banking from Boulder, CO · Leadership Norman Graduate · Member of Norman Lions Club · Member of Norman and Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce · Past Board Member/Treasurer of Norman Public School Foundation · Past Board Member of Christmas in April of Cleveland County · Past Board Member of the American Heart Association · Board Member of Norman Chamber of Commerce · Loaned Executive at the United Way of Norman · Past Board Member/Treasurer at the United Way of Norman

“I’m excited to join the great team of experienced bankers at First American Bank. Their commitment to provide outstanding service to their customers and their communities is what makes First American Bank such a special place to work.” Steve Faler, Senior Vice President Contact Steve at: 405-366-9745 (Direct) 405-831-8861 (Cell) 2 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013


Editors Brent Wheelbarger Rob Morris Copy Editor Kathleen Park

N o . 7 | Vo l . 7 | M a r. 2 0 1 3 Moore Monthly is a monthly publication by Trifecta Communications, serving the City of Moore. Moore Monthly is free to the public. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Moore Monthly is not responsible for the care and/or return of unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photography, books, or any other material submitted for possible publication.

Moore Monthly is a subsidiary of Trifecta Communications 201 N. Broadway, Suite 100 Moore, OK 73160

Photography Fred Wheelbarger Rob Morris Advertising Sales Aleta Wheelbarger Ashley Robinson Contributing Writers Christiaan Patterson Rob Morris Dr. Norm Park Mike Rush Dewayne Dawson Sonya Barrett Kathy Griffith Brent Wheelbarger Kathleen Wilson L.T. Hadley Raquel Crain Brenda Johnson Caleb Masters Luke Small Kaely Jackson Graphic Designer Kristen Polson Office Manager Elaine Vanhook For comments, contribution or just to say ‘Hi!’ For ad placement, specifications and rates. 405.793.3338

When the tornado alerts are broadcast and the sirens begin to wail, everybody in their right mind heads for shelter from the storm. That’s not true for a special breed of people who always race toward the danger instead of running away. Our own Christiaan Patterson, a trained storm chaser, takes us along for the ride with some of the people whose passion is pursuing the worst weather nature can throw our way. You’ll also meet the members of Moore’s All-City wrestling and swimming teams, high-school athletes who spend countless hours dripping sweat and enduring chlorinated water in exchange for a few minutes of glory on the mat and in the pool. And we hope you’ll enjoy a look at a number of people whose volunteer efforts go a long way in supporting a wide variety of causes—including the Backpack for Kids program, the Red Cross, cancer survivors, battered women, and the nation’s newest and youngest military recruits. Have an awesome April! Rob Morris


APR. 13


32 31

Riders on the Storm | 7 Tornadoes send most people scrambling for shelter, but for this dedicated group of people, spotting a funnel cloud is like hearing the dinner bell.

Healthy Mindset | 22 A new coalition is planning to help residents of Moore and Cleveland County to have healthy bodies by changing their minds first.

Answer Crew | 11, 12, 21 Gardening, Taxes, Fitness, Real Estate

Red Cross Launches Heroes Campaign | 25 The Heart of Oklahoma Chapter of the Red Cross is hosting an annual fund raiser to support their wide range of services.

Earth Day Spectacular | 14 Onsite recycling and paper shredding can help residents top off their spring cleaning in spectacular fashion. Citizen Spotlight | 15 Hard work is paying off for Moore’s Special Olympians as they bring home the medals from recent competitions. Resale Shop Helps Needy | 17 Our Sisters’ Closet provides help for women trying to escape from abusive living situations. Relay for Life | 18 A Moore teacher and cancer survivor is now leading efforts to bring hope to those who are facing the deadly disease. City Council Election Results | 20 Robert Krows is appreciative after winning re-election to the Moore City Council

Senior Moment | 27 Moore’s senior citizens will find a wide variety of activities available every week at the city’s Brand Senior Center. Sketches | 28 The Moore Fire Department celebrates 121 years of putting out fires. Oklahoma’s Got Talent | 31 Scherry Johnson’s passion for the Backpack for Kids program leads to big performances and a big donation. Morgan Wins State Title | 44 Westmoore senior Josh Morgan lifted a total of 1700 pounds to destroy his competition and win the Oklahoma high school powerlifting championship.

Mayor’s Cup | 48 If high-school baseball is your thing, then a Saturday triple-header between Moore’s and Edmond’s varsity squads should really be right in your sweet spot. Soccer Previews | 31-33 Track Previews | 58-59 Lion’s Pride | 61 The Moore High School Alumni Association is hoping its upcoming golf tournament will benefit scholarships for students. Healthy Moore | 70 Snacking doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative term, especially when you’re careful to balance your protein and carbs. Veterans Honor “Military Spirit” of Young Soldiers | 71 A pair of Vietnam Veterans has created a new award as a way to say “Thanks!” to America’s newest and youngest soldiers. Parting Shots | 72

18 71

Community Announcements . . . . . . 32 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Event Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Sports Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Library Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Cinemaniacs Movie Reviews . . . 60, 64 Show Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Warren Movie Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Congratulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Shop & Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69

Submit your non-profit event for possible publication in the Moore Monthly at Information must be submitted before the 15th of the month for events happening the next month. All events will be published at the discretion of the editor.


Photo Courtesy of Colt Forney


Riders on

the Storm

When Everyone Else Runs Away, They Run Toward the Danger

Photo Courtesy of Colt Forney

By Christiaan Patterson


ornado Alley is one of the most dynamic and captivating areas in the United States when it comes to extreme weather. Every year, an average of 1,000 tornadoes dance through the plains and upper Midwest, giving people a glimpse into one of nature’s greatest mysteries. For the everyday person, this is no more than a spectacle on the horizon or a headline on the nightly news. Yet, for a small group of people, springtime is the most sought-after and exhilarating season on earth. These are storm chasers.

Central Oklahoma is the ideal place to live for these monstrous storms, and Cleveland County is home for many storm chasers who have given up their own hometown to call this place home. Many of these chasers are or have pursued a degree in meteorology at OU. This is often the college of choice due to its ties with the National Weather Center and location on the plains. Though the School of Meteorology does not encourage students to chase, those who attend or graduate often find themselves underneath the blackened sky.

Chasing began as a research project back in the 1980s with Dr. Howard Bluestein’s TOTO (Total Tornado Observatory) design, which was later the foundation of the movie “Twister.” Despite unsuccessful launches of TOTO, the weather community continued to study tornadoes and other severe weather phenomena. In the last decade, the popularity of storm chasing for both pleasure and research has skyrocketed. “The beauty of storms lures me in,” said Brett Wright of Tornado Titans. “There is nothing better.”


Hunger for Chasing Twister Leads Brit to Oklahoma Tornado Alley is the ideal place for that rare breed of people who have a deep-down, bloodthirsty desire and passion for severe weather. For most, this is just the central United States, which creates a desire to both stay and live a quieter life or head to places like Los Angeles to pursue dreams. No big deal. However, for those few souls who venture for tornadoes and other crazy weather phenomena, this is the ideal stomping ground, especially for one particular person living in England. He wasn’t always crazy about what happened in the skies. In fact, as a kid, James Menzies was terrified of any approaching storm. Ducking under the covers as a youngster, most people figured he would stay that way throughout life. As he grew older, his fear turned to curiosity, and eventually, the forefront of his passion. “When I was younger, I was terrified of storms and I’ve gone the opposite way now. I used to run away from them and hide under the bed,” he said. “Eventually I got over that fear. Seeing tornadoes on the local T.V. stations is what piqued my interest.” Menzies’s first trip to the area was to study meteorology at OU from 1998 to 2002, but the math proved to be the culprit that kept him from the degree. This sent him back to Guildford, England, to re-evaluate. After considering his passion for weather and interest in broadcasting, he then returned to school and received a degree in Broadcast Journalism. From there he decided to leave England for good and move to Oklahoma. “Obviously, in England there isn’t much of a tornado threat being that the weather is kind of boring. So with a lack of work, I decided to come to Oklahoma and pursue my dream job,” he said. Menzies has established himself as a storm tracker for News 9 and is out in the field monitoring storms in an effort to keep the public as safe as possible. For him, there is nothing better than being underneath a storm or watching a tornado in an open field. 8 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

Photo Courtesy of Christiaan Patterson

By Christiaan Patterson

“You can get paid so much money, but some people don’t even come close to seeing the stuff I see. I think it’s great—I love it. It’s just something not many people get to experience, ” Wright said. As springtime rolls around in Cleveland County, many groups such as the Tornado Titans, Basehunters, and the TVN team are preparing to willingly venture into the path of dangerous tornadoes. Individuals like Stephen Jones and Lauren Hill also chase. And they take photos and video; but warning the public is not necessarily their job. For one chaser, James Menzies, who works with a local news station, monitoring storms for the public is his job. “I’ll use [my equipment] to track tornadoes in the field while at the same time, send back live video to the station,” Menzies said. “I talk on the phone with them, giving details of which direction the storm is moving, and if it’s doing damage. That way, they can relay it to the public and the public can take shelter.”

Oklahoma’s Severe Weather Draws Storm Chasers from Across the Country By Christiaan Patterson For most storm chasers, the desire and impulse to look up at the sky comes at an early age. No exception to that rule is Stephen Jones, who followed his burning passion of severe weather from South Carolina to Oklahoma. “Started storm chasing when I was about fifteen years old. I would start around town chasing storms on my bike, being a crazy little kid. Then of course, when I got my driver’s license, I got involved with SKYWARN, and with it I would do regional chases around South Carolina and Georgia,” Jones said. Oklahoma is the mecca of severe weather. Jones knew he wanted to be in Oklahoma since he was about ten years old. Currently he attends OU and is a sophomore in the School of Meteorology. He will graduate in 2015 and hopes to use his skills to continue advancing the field of meteorology as well as incorporating those skills into the field. For storm chasing, nothing beats being able to see these earthly elements unfold right before your eyes. “Watching a storm develop right in the middle of an open corn field, not harming anyone—and you’re about to watch this tornado sweep across the fields and everyone’s happy, excited, and in their element—is my favorite part of storm chasing,” he said. It doesn’t matter how many tornadoes he sees, up close or at a safer distance, each event is a unique and exhilarating moment. Jones plans on making Oklahoma his permanent home and continue chasing as long as the skies produce storms. “Storm chasing is a huge fix for me from all these years of preparation and being where my dreams have come true,” Jones said.

Photo Courtesy of Christiaan Patterson

Another aspect that lures these guys and gals is the opportunity to photograph and sell footage to news stations across the country. Mother Nature often displays some of the most spectacular sights on this planet, sights most of the time not witnessed by the majority of the population. Via news stations, these storms can be brought into everyone’s home for all to enjoy. “A lot of my footage is brokered through,” Brandon Sullivan of Tornado Titans said. “It’s then sold to major news networks across the world. A lot of it is used for breaking news footage and given to any National Weather Service office that


Love Under the Meso Christiaan Patterson Storm chasing is a chance for chasers to catch some incredible footage of severe weather in the making, warn the public, and make long-lasting relationships. For two chasers, their love and passion for tornadoes was the ultimate match maker. Lauren Hill is from Colorado, and Colt Forney has his roots in Kansas. Colt was out chasing a storm with Basehunters, and Lauren was part of the VORTEX 2 project. During a chase in Canton, Oklahoma, both groups stopped for a break, and Colt was introduced to her through some friends. Since then, the couple has been inseparable. “The funny thing is we were chasing for four years, within a couple miles of each other on twenty different chases—and we didn’t know each other,” said Lauren. “We have calculated that most of the relationship has been spent in the car, but if you don’t pull your hair out with the other person, then you’re good,” she said. After more than a year of dating, Colt planned how he would pop the question. On Christmas Day of 2012, he and Lauren went hiking in El Dorado Canyon near Boulder, Colorado. Coincidently, it had just snowed a few inches the night before, which made a perfect setup for his proposal. Down a winding creek and into a small cave, Colt got down on one knee and asked his storm-chasing girlfriend to marry him. “I knew it was coming, but once he got on his knee, I started shaking and teared up,” Lauren said. “I immediately wrapped my arms around him. I’ll never forget his face.” They have decided to marry in Kansas on August 2nd this year. After tornado season has passed. “It would be amazing to get married under a tornado,” Colt said. “But unfortunately not. I don’t think the majority of our family and friends—well, family, I guess—would be a go for that!”

Photo Courtesy of Christiaan Patterson

requests it for spotter training purposes or any way we can help out.” This extreme passion is very addictive and forms a tight bond among chasers. During the season, there tends to be small rivalries between chasers, which create a more competitive atmosphere. Yet despite the fun rivalry, when a situation gets bad, chasers will always have each other’s backs. Whether chasing individually or as a group, seeing a tornado is often the bonding point between chasers, forming long lasting friendships. “Chasing with the Basehunters has been awesome,” Colt Forney said. “We’re best friends, driving hours and hours through open plains and seeing beautiful storms, witnessing tornadoes. It’s a lot of fun. You get to see areas you wouldn’t otherwise get to see.”


ANSWERCREW Question for a

Gardening Expert With my limited budget, what are some ways to garden inexpensively? Gardening on a Budget

405-414-7834 • • • • • • • • •

        



Gardening can be done on a tight budget by thinking creatively and finding bargains in your city. The City of Norman schedules dates for curbside pickup of discarded items twice a year.Three times I have located used lumber that eventually became my raised beds. Once I found an old waterbed frame, which was still fastened together. I had forgotten to bring hand tools, so I lifted it into the back of the pickup truck with only about half an inch to spare on either side. That unit is one of my best raised beds. To reinforce the corners, I used three-inch nails or screws, which are adequate. My wife and I enjoy visiting garage and estate sales on Saturday mornings. These are listed in the Norman Transcript. My favorite items are things to use in the garden. Finding bargains is an adventure; besides, we get to meet interesting people. At times, you can find yard tools, wheelbarrows, water hoses (even if they have holes; just make more to create a soaker hose), and a host of other items that are cheap, but usable. Also, frequent your Habitat for Humanity outlet store for additional items. If you are looking for soil amendments, consider visiting a horse barn for manure. Recently, I went to a horse barn where they boarded fifty beautiful horses. Do you know how much manure fifty horses produce? Or you can visit the bait factory in Purcell to obtain worm castings for free. The Norman compost center offers a load of compost for $10 if they load, or free if you do the work. And don’t forget Starbucks, where they offer Grounds for Gardeners. Also, with a modest investment, buy a rain barrel to collect free rain water. If you require a tiller, one can be rented for two hours at $20. With two or more gardeners sharing, the cost is reasonable. Usually, you need stakes for your plants. Near my home is a bamboo forest where stalks can be cut and trimmed. I decided to start my own area and now the prolific stalks reach twelve feet high—grow your own stakes. Once, a friend phoned to tell me about tomato cages being discarded. I went to the place immediately and came away with about a dozen cages. Summary: Learn to be creative and view discarded items with “garden eyes.” With persistence and tenacity, you may find some real gems out there. Resources: Garden articles by Betty Culpepper (Norman Transcript); Ellison’s Feed and Seed store, Norman; Your public libraries; Dr. Park’s Seed and Plant Exchanges Norm Park, Ed.D., Expert Gardener APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 11


Question for the

Question for a

I have not been required to file income taxes for the past four years. Is there any reason I should?

I have been advised my doctor to lose some weight and start exercising, but I feel very uncomfortable joining a gym. What are the benefits of joining a gym?

Unclaimed Refund

Benefits of Joining a Gym

I’ve brought this up before, but thought it would be worthwhile to mention it again. Nationwide, the IRS estimates that it has $917 million in refunds waiting for people who have NOT filed their 2009 tax returns. Some people may not have filed because they had too little income to trigger a filing requirement. But if they had income taxes withheld, they would be entitled to a refund. If you have a refund, there is no penalty for filing a late return. If you qualified, you might be entitled to Earned Income Tax Credit; it would be refundable even if you had no income tax withheld. You might also be entitled to the Child Tax Credit; under certain circumstances, it might also be refundable. If you do not file by April 15, 2013, the refunds “disappear.” You cannot even use them to offset amounts you owe in other years. If you have not filed for 2010, 2011, the IRS might hold on to your refund until you have filed for those years. If you owe the IRS for other years, owe state income tax, have unpaid child suppor, or your student loans are in arrears, the amount of your refund could be applied to those debts. You might be able to get help from the IRS, or file the return yourself. If you are missing Forms W-2, 1098, 1099, or 5498 for 2009, 2010, 2011 (or even 2012), you should request copies from your employer, bank, or other payer. Under certain circumstances, you can get information from the IRS, but the time it would take for them to respond will make it too late for this year to make the filing deadline for 2009 income tax returns. Remember, all tax situations are fact-dependent and situationsensitive.

We all know that exercising is essential to an overall healthy lifestyle. You do not need to join a gym to be fit, but exercising at a gym does have its perks and benefits you cannot get working out at home or outside the gym. Studies have proved time and time again that when we have a partner to work out with, we get better results. Not to mention the camaraderie that exists between the staff and members. Just look at it this way—when you decide to go shopping for an upcoming event, generally you ask a friend to go with you. You need to do the same thing when you decide to “hit the gym.” Having a friend to go with you also holds you accountable. If you know that you are meeting someone, you are more likely not to cancel, thus keeping you motivated and missing fewer workouts. Working out at home usually means having access to a treadmill and a few free weights, but working out in a gym provides access to a variety of machines such as the elliptical, stationary bikes, strength training machines and an array of other equipment. With a gym membership, you get a complete variety of equipment for one low monthly fee. Have you ever tried working from home and had constant distractions that caused you to lose focus of that critical deadline? Working out at home could mean children interrupting, the phone ringing, a knock on the door—the distractions can be endless. When you go to the gym, you leave all those distractions behind. Most gyms offer body assessments and workout plans to help you get started if you are just beginning a new workout routine. Most gyms have shower facilities, making working out manageable for people on the go. Gyms have so much to offer, such as weight loss programs and personal trainers to help you reach your fitness goals. When looking for a gym, take the same approach as for any major purchase: Is the staff friendly? Is it clean? What are the hours? Is it close to you home or work?

Tax Guy

Fitness Expert

Mike Rush, CPA, 405.833.0780


Dewayne Dawson, Owner Flex Gym 631 NW 7th Street Moore, OK 73160 405-912-4995


Earth Day

Spectacular Returning to Moore Recycle Center By Christiaan Patterson April is dedicated to recycling and cleaning up the community. The first Earth Day was held more than 40 years ago with the same missions it has today: encourage people to take action within each person’s environment. The Recycle Moore center will hold a huge event in honor of Earth Day that will be fun, educational and engaging. This year, April 20th will be the Recycle Spectacular. For those cleaning up the house and wanting to spring clean, here are a few of the services that will be offered: • Onsite electronics recycling from 9 a.m. to1 p.m. • Onsite Glass Recycling from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Onsite Paper Shredding and Recycling from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Drive-thru Recycling Operations from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All customers will receive a free personal recycling bin. • Rain Barrel Class starts at 9:30 a.m. Bringing items to the center isn’t the only activity Those who want to learn more about how to collect and store rain water to use later for watering plants, may join Chris Ward of the Cleveland County Conservation District for a 30-minute class. The class will not be held at Recycle Moore. It will be at the east shelter in Fairmoore Park. • Maximum capacity for this class is 50. • Only the first 25 people will receive a rain barrel for $5.00 on site. • All participants must be Moore residents and be able to show proof. The Recycle Moore Center is located at 400 N. Telephone Rd., Moore, OK 73160.



Sonya Barrett

Special Olympians

Get Competitive on Volleyball Court They may be a little different from you or me, but this month’s Citizen Spotlight says don’t underestimate the spirit of special-needs individuals. Just like everyone else, they still know the thrill of competition. “They may look different or act different, but they are people, too,” Steve Boyd said. “They still have that competitive edge and want to win.” That’s why Steve and his Special Olympic teams partnered with the Oklahoma Edge Volleyball Club last May. He says it helped strengthen his teams’ aggressive attitude and led to more opportunities for the future. “Edge is a competitive volleyball club,” he said. “They came to me and said, ‘why don’t you bring the kids in?’ so we brought them in and we’ve been practicing basketball and volleyball ever since. It’s really just been a blessing.” And all that practice has definitely paid off. In January, Boyd’s teams headed to Oklahoma

University to compete at the 2013 Winter Special Olympic Games. There, they got the chance to test their hand at various sporting events, including bowling, botchy, volleyball, and basketball. No one walked away empty handed. “We took home a bronze and two silver medals, which is definitely something to be proud of,” Boyd said. “This is a state-wide competition, so it’s a pretty big deal to everyone who is involved. I was very proud of what we accomplished.” It is a big deal, especially to Boyd. After 13 years of working with the physically and mentally challenged, his five teams have won over 70 medals, but he says it’s not just their love of competition that keeps him involved. “I just love what I do,” he said. “There’s nothing like seeing their faces light up. It’s something very special to be a part of.”

“It’s like one big family,” he added. “We start every practice with a hug and end every practice with a hug, and they’ve really become a part of my family.” With a roster of 50, a wife and three children of his own, that’s a pretty big family to juggle. But, Boyd says, he wouldn’t have it any other way. “They’re perfect in God’s eyes,” he said. “That’s all I can tell them. He made them that way for a reason, and all they want is to fit in and be a part of something. I’m glad I get to help them with that.” Steve Boyd and his team will soon trek to Stillwater for the 2013 Summer Special Olympics, to be held May 9–11 at Cowboy Stadium. For more information on how you can get involved with Boyd’s teams, contact him at APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 15

Thank you For Voting Us the Best! Thank you to everyone who voted for Moore Medical Center in Moore Monthly’s Best Of… in the category of Best Medical Care. Moore Medical Center strives to bring the best technology, physicians, and care to Moore and south Oklahoma City. Just some of the reasons you like us include: our Emergency Department features a Fast Track, where patients with minor illness and injuries can be seen more quickly. The Family Birth Center has spacious rooms to welcome little ones. Moore also offers a convenient location for its physical therapy, speech therapy and other outpatient physical rehabilitation services. Moore Medical Center continues to add new technology to its facility. Recent additions include digital mammography at its Breast Care Center and a new MRI machine. Moore Medical Center is also home to numerous physician offices including family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and internal medicine. Several specialists such as cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, and rheumatologists have satellite clinics at Moore Medical Center.

Where the Healing Begins® 405.793.9355 700 S. Telephone Rd., Moore, OK 73160


Unique Resale Shop Helps Needy Get

Back on Their Feet By Christiaan Patterson


here are many resale shops in the area that offer a wide variety of items to the public. However, Our Sisters’ Closet is a special place there to help women and children get back on their feet through the YWCA. “Our Sisters’ Closet was a program started six years ago this April, and we are a quality resale shop that financially benefits the agency,” said Cindy Reynolds, director of retail operations. “We are open to the public, and that allows us to visit with our customers and tell them about the program.” At the store, customers—from the public or from the program—are able to find items that are tasteful and of good quality. Prices are extremely reasonable as well. Women participating in the program are provided free clothing and other items, especially if needing interview or court apparel. “We provide household items for those women starting over, because when they leave a violent situation, they don’t pack. Packing is a trigger and they leave with the clothes on their back,” said Reynolds.

All items donated to the store are sorted, and only items in excellent condition make it to the sales floor. The store is organized, and all clothing sized, which provides a much more enjoyable and easier shopping experience. Items that don’t make it to the sales floor are recycled. Last year, the store recycled more than 100 tons of material instead of putting it into the landfill. In the near future, Our Sisters’ Closet will be introducing a younger, more chic area of the store that should appeal to younger women and teens. One of the main goals of the store is to make sure women regain confidence and self-esteem. Having good clothing that is stylish and new looking will help support that aim. The YWCA of Oklahoma was established in 1907 and provides many services to women who are victims of either domestic violence or sexual assault. For central Oklahoma, the Inez Kinney Gaylord Passageway Emergency Shelter is the only certified domestic violence shelter in Oklahoma County. Through the YWCA, women and children

are offered counseling services, assistance in filing Victim Protection Orders, batterer’s education, and more. The YWCA offers transportation around the state for those victims needing to get out of the area or to a shelter. “We’ve recently formed a collaboration with the Oklahoma City Police Department, where they are coming and helping us transport those individuals to a safe place,” said Deb Stanaland, chief support officer of the YWCA. Currently, the shelter is overcrowded, and the YWCA has had to turn women and children away on occasions. The good news is the program has been campaigning and raising money for a new shelter. If all continues on track, ground breaking for a new shelter will occur before July of 2013. If you need a safe place or someone to talk to, help is always available 24 hours a day through two hotline numbers: Family Violence Hotline—917-9922 Rape Crisis Hotline—943-7273 Or online at APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 17

Relay for Life Brings Hope to Cancer Survivors and Supporters By Christiaan Patterson


embers of the YMCA, volunteers, and cancer survivors or supporters are in the middle of this year’s Relay for Life event. Money raised will go to toward funding research and supporting those fighting cancer. For one survivor, this event is a great way to come together with them and fight side by side. Stephanie Birdwell, a teacher in the Moore Public School District for the past 26 years, was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer affecting mainly males in their early twenties. The news came after turning 30 and battling chronic shoulder pain for nearly a year. Doctor upon doctor told her to lose weight, get more exercise, and stop taking so many pain killers. “I even went to an orthopedic, who told me my shoulder pain was due to the fact that I was overweight. I had MRI’s, CT scans, pints of blood taken, poked, prodded. Basically I had had enough,” Birdwell said. When the news was broken to her, Stephanie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The first 18 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

thought that came to mind was how she would tell her mother, who has battled breast cancer twice. Then thoughts raced about how it was possible she would never see her son go to prom or graduate. After telling her mother, Stephanie and her husband then had to sit down with her three-year-old son Ethan and explain that mommy was sick. “I knew then and there that he was going to be the reason I could do all of this,” she said. The very next day after receiving the diagnosis, she began radiation treatment. Three spots were targeted: the esophagus, shoulder, and the spine directly over her ovaries. This meant that from that point on, Stephanie would not be able to have children ever again. She was grateful for her blessing of Ethan, though, and was able to cope with that fact quickly. The last four treatments were chemo and nobody could prepare her for what was to come. “Nothing could prepare you for it when happens,” Birdwell said. “Actually sitting in the chemo chair waiting for the nurse to come and ‘hang that bag’ was the most terrifying ten minutes of my life.”

Remission came, ironically, on the scariest day of the year: Halloween of 1997 However, she still had to finish six more rounds of chemo. In February of the following year, Birdwell returned to school, which turned out to be a very humbling experience. “When you go back to work, and you have no hair, and no eyebrows and you work with third graders, they will bring you right back,” she said. “They’ll humble you in a real big hurry.” It has been 16 years since her battle with cancer. Since then, it has changed her in a positive direction by putting life into perspective. Material items and “keeping up with the Joneses” is no longer important. Now Stephanie is the chairman for the Moore Relay for Life. She encourages all those around her to join the cause and to keep going. Cancer never takes a rest. And neither does she. “My Mom is the reason I relay,” she said. “Today I fight back, I remember, and I celebrate.” Relay for Life will be May 31, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. If you would like to get involved, visit


Small Turnout Produces

Big Win for Krows by Christiaan Patterson


he city council election held on March 5 was a small turnout, but it was enough to continue the service of Robert Krows in ward one. Krows has been serving on the city council since 2005. He is a native of Moore. “It’s nice whenever you win 75 percent of the votes. It means that the people are, I guess, pleased with what you’re doing and have faith in the job you’re doing. That’s what is most important,” Krows said. The race went well, and Krows was impressed with his opponents’ demeanor after the race. Both opponents, Britton and Beu, congratulated Krows on being re-elected. “I’m always impressed with anyone who wants to serve on the city council. It’s a lot of time to spend for almost no money, so anyone who wants to devote their time to the people of their community is impressive,” he said. The final tally of votes was as follows: Robert Krows: 230 votes Carl Britton, Jr.: 40 votes Eric Beu: 37 votes In addition to Krows, Scott Singer was elected to the Ward 2 city council seat, and Jason Blair was re-elected to Ward 3 seat. Both Singer and Blair ran unopposed, which meant the only votes needed were for Ward 1. Singer will replace Kathy Griffith, who will be leaving her council seat after moving out of Ward 2. When not serving the city of Moore, Krows is an assistant coach for the wrestling team at Moore High School and works as a full-time math teacher. Currently, Krows is finishing up his master’s degree. 20 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

The Baptist Childrens Home


June 15th, 2013 Presented by 6:00 am - Registration 7:00 am - Ride begins 9:00 am - A great meal for all participants. WWW.MILES4SMILESOKC.COM 10.5, 22, 44 and 56 mile rides NOTE: Each person who registers before June 1st will be entered into a drawing for one Special Fathers Day Gift Prize. Rider must be present to win!

ANSWERCREW Question for a

Real Estate Expert My husband and I are preparing to buy our first home. We’ve heard real estate can be a good investment, but we want to do it right. What should we know to get started? What’s Hot and What’s Not The “First Time Home Buyer” market is hot, investing for rental purposes is hot, fix & flip market is not. Purchasing real estate in Oklahoma has historically been a sound investment. There have been some high and low swings, but Oklahoma City has been mostly cushioned from the bubble and inevitably the bursts other parts of the U.S. have experienced. Prime Realty closely monitors the appreciation rate of houses in the Oklahoma City area and found last quarter, homes appreciated in price 0.84%. The number for the past year is 2.5%. In the past five years (since the slowdown in 2007) it was 2%. But in the past 10 years Oklahoma City home owners have experienced 30% increase in appreciation and in the past 20 years that number is an impressive 96% appreciation. First Time Home Buyer—a first time home buyer is obviously someone who has never owned a home, but some First Time Home Buyer programs are offered to those who have not owned a home within the past three years. Other programs offer grants or may defer payments or allow for a very low or zero down payment, and other programs may forgive certain grants. Some income limit restrictions may apply in order to qualify for these special programs. Investment Properties—each investor has his or her unique formula for investing in real estate. Some investors want their properties paid off in a few years to supplement income when they retire. For others, a longer pay-off term may suffice. Some investors may purchase several properties at $50,000 and rent them for $850. Yet other investors purchase fewer $250,000+ properties, and rent these to corporate executives for $3,000 and upwards.

Fix & Flip—this market exists when investors purchase a house, then remodel or otherwise fix whatever may be wrong with the property, and then resell it. Such houses must initially be purchased at a deep discount in order to realize a profit when they are resold. This market is not currently hot, since very few homes are being sold at a deep discount. First Time Home Buyers are purchasing these homes and the mortgage industry is loosening their guidelines and restrictions. Real Estate Investment Groups—these can be a large or small group of like-minded individuals who want to learn everything they can about the real estate industry. They share tips, information, and experiences with one another. They pool their resources together to purchase a property and designate each member a role or responsibility. Their goals are set in the beginning and the property is owned in the name of the group. Secondary Homes—whether it’s a place at Lake Thunderbird, or a condo in Bricktown, secondary home purchases are on the increase

in the Oklahoma City area. Baby Boomers are reaching the stage of their lives where they have the time, the money, and the lifestyle to purchase a second home. Many people are purchasing secondary homes as a gathering place for extended families to meet simultaneously or use at their leisure throughout the year. Luxury Homes—according to the Oklahoma City Multiple Listing Service, there are currently 45 homes in the Oklahoma City metro area listed over $1,000,000. These luxury homes range in size from 4,212 to 14,627 square feet with the largest one’s asking price of $6,950,000. These homes can be found in Rose Creek, Nichols Hills, White Fences, Gaillardia, Oak Tree, and many other communities around the metro area. If invested wisely, real estate can provide the highest return, the greatest value, and the least risk of all investment opportunities. Kathy Griffith, Broker, ePRO, GRI, SRS Prime Realty, Inc. 1530 SW 89th, A1 Oklahoma City OK 73159 405-759-3570


Coalition Hopes to Get City Residents into a

Healthy Mindset By Christiaan Patterson Oklahoma ranks 43 out of 50 for the healthiest states, one being the best and fifty being the worst. In an effort to change that rank, the Cleveland County Nutrition and Fitness Coalition participated in a public health convention in Atlanta to exchange ideas with other counties from all over the country. A representative from the City of Moore, Jayme Shelton, joined the coalition during the threeday convention that was filled with informative workshops to aid each group. Everyone who attended was geared to meet two goals: 1. Develop leadership skills to effectively pass on information and be able to get people involved. 2. Be able to emphasize ideas that could lead to policy changes, specifically in the workplace. “I’ve learned that it’s not just about policies; there’s a lot more. You can’t just adopt something and expect 22 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

results. We need to reach people’s hearts and really get them to feel the need for change—and not just their heads, where they understand there needs to be change,” said Shelton, chairman for the Moore National Leadership Academy for Public Health (NLAPH). Members of NLAPH from around the country returned home to begin the process of working side by side with the public to better each person’s health. There are many challenges the members face, and one is trying to change the way people view exercise and healthy eating habits. One way to get people away from dreading the gym or choosing a candy bar over fruit is to start with the workplace. People spend a good amount of their lives at work, and this is why it’s important to have an environment that inspires the desire to be healthy. An example of one of these policies is for an employer to allow employees time to get up and walk laps outside

as a group or individually. Another is to provide water instead of soda. For the City of Moore, one of the biggest issues, as the city continues to grow, is planning. As development continues and neighborhoods are built, city planners need to make sure there is easy access to walking trails and parks. Sidewalks are a huge part of encouraging people to use manpower rather than horsepower to get around. “It’s important to make sure there are sidewalks connecting neighborhoods and new retail developments—that way, you’re not getting out of your car at Home Depot and then getting back into your car to drive to Target,” Shelton said. The coalition held a luncheon at the Moore Public Library two weeks after getting back from Atlanta, encouraging businesses and the public to create policies that will make for better health in the workplace.



Red Cross Launches Heroes Campaign By Brent Wheelbarger


his April kicks off the Heroes fundraising campaign for the Heart of Oklahoma Chapter of the American Red Cross. While residents in Moore often associate the Red Cross with disaster assistance, such as the aftermath of a tornado, the agency runs much deeper. One person well aware of this fact is the 2013 Heroes campaign chair, DeeAnn Gay. “On a personal level, the American Red Cross has touched my life many times,” Gay said. “The first time was in helping my brother get back from Vietnam in time to speak to his mother before she had surgery for throat cancer.” Gay is referring to a service provided by the Red Cross for members of the military. For military personnel serving overseas, the Red Cross provides communication and even airfare home, should a loved one back in the states become seriously ill. In fact, she has had several encounters with the Red Cross for this

service, as have many military personnel with loved ones in Moore. More recently, Gay had another encounter with the Red Cross. “Last summer’s wild fires dislodged my sister’s in-laws, who came to my house for a place to stay,” she said. “In their haste to get away from the raging fire, they left a replacement [medical] oxygen tank, needed for breathing. The American Red Cross provided me with assistance to resolve that problem.” In fact, last year the Heart of Oklahoma Chapter provided assistance to ninety-three families during the August wildfires and helped nearly six hundred families across the state. This chapter also responded to sixty-one single-family house fires and six apartment fires (assisting twenty-five families). These are just a few examples of numerous services provided to people in our community by the Red Cross. The Heroes campaign is an important

way to fund these operations. According to the Red Cross, volunteers in Moore head up the local Heroes fundraiser campaign with a goal of $30,000. Last year, volunteers raised over $25,000. Moore Hero events include the Abbey Candle Sale, the chilicook off gift basket drawing at Moore Medical Center, restaurant nights, and more. For Gay, and many other people who have been touched by the Red Cross in Moore, the Heroes campaign is personal. “The American Red Cross is a vital partner to our community,” she said. “They perform work and services that no other organization can and they have always risen as a symbol of hope in some of the darkest hours that Moore has experienced.” If you’d like to be a Hero, either by volunteering to raise funds, making a donation, or joining a Heroes team, call the Heart of Oklahoma Chapter of the American Red Cross at 405-321-0591. APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 25



Brand Senior Center A Special Place in Moore by Kathleen Wilson Director of Aging Services Inc.


he Brand Senior Center is located at 501 East Main. The Center is open for activities from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Center is operated by the Moore Council on Aging and the City of Moore. On just about any day of the week, you can find over a 100 people there taking advantage of all the opportunities available at this lovely facility. Every day is filled with a wide variety of activities. In the mornings, musical entertainment is frequently performed by individuals and large bands. Health and wellness checks for blood pressure and blood sugar, and various other checks and screenings are conducted on a regular basis. Some mornings there are educational presentations by local professionals on topics of special interest to senior adults, such as Social Security/Medicare updates. There are opportunities to play Wii bowling and Bingo games. Each month a registered dietician presents a program on healthy eating for older adults. Periodically, cooking demonstrations are presented. It is always a fun and festive environment at the Brand Center. The Center has three pool tables that see a lot of action. Afternoons are filled with pool games, cards, dominos, line dancing classes, and quilting, to name just a few of the activities. It is a great place to meet new friends and see old ones. Moore Council on Aging operates a public transportation program for senior adults, age 60 years and older, with a bus equipped with a wheelchair lift. The bus is available for services within the city limits of Moore from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is a suggested donation of $1.00 per round trip ride. The bus picks up folks from their homes and brings them to the Center. These rides usually occur between 8 and 9 a.m. The return trip home is usually scheduled between noon and 1p.m. During other times each day, the bus is available to help seniors with transportation to area banks, shopping, doctor appointments, and other locations within the city of Moore. Twenty-four-hour notice is required for all rides. Call 799-3130 to arrange a ride. Aging Services, Inc. provides lunch at 11:30 a.m. each day at the Center for those who are at least 60 years of age or older and their spouses. The meal is offered at no charge, but there is a suggested donation of $2.25 per meal. The menu is printed each week in the Norman Transcript and the Moore American newspapers. To come

for lunch, you need to reserve your meal the day before by calling 793-9069 before 1 p.m. The Brand Center is always looking for volunteers to deliver meals to the homebound seniors in the city of Moore. The daily delivery routes take about one hour to run. Call 793-9069 if you can help. And, as if all of this is not enough, the city is about to start work on an expansion of the Senior Center, which will provide even more space for even more fun. So, if you are looking for a good time, the Brand Senior Center is the place to be. See you there!


SKETCHES 121 Years of Putting Out Fires by L.T. Hadley


arly Moore was constructed almost entirely out of wood, whose worst enemy is fire. As soon as people settled in, a public water well was dug at Main and Broadway for household use and for fire protection. Wherever people had come from, they had learned the dangers of mixing wood and fire. The fire alarm was three gunshots to call all available men to the well with their water buckets. If there were enough men, a brigade was formed, if not, they filled buckets at the stock tank and ran to the fire. There were a number of disastrous fires because of the distance from the well. When the Methodist Church was being built a block west of the well, around 1902, it caught fire and the combined efforts of citizens with a bucket brigade saved the structure. It was “whispered” that it was a deliberate fire because the Methodists were preaching against the saloons in town and had even brought Carrie A. Nations in for a temperance lecture. Another early 1900s’ fire occurred about a block east of the well. A two-story block building was built across the street from the current police station. Next to it was a vacant lot, and then the home of the Chwalinski family, whose son Joe was destined to become one of Moore’s long-term blacksmiths. After putting a pan of oatmeal on the back of the kitchen stove, Mrs. C. banked the fires and went to bed. When she smelled smoke, she ran into the kitchen to see fire shooting up the wall behind the stove. She cried out for Mr. C. to go fire three shots and get water. He grabbed the water bucket and ran to the well. The first man there filled his buckets and ran to the fire. As he ran


past the brick building, he threw his buckets in the air and fell on his face. He jumped up, grabbed his buckets and ran back to the well just as the next man threw his buckets in the air and fell down. The dark night was filled with shouts of the firemen and clanging of buckets. One man saw the reason and directed the other firemen around some poles that were protruding from the side of the building, in the darkness. A wagoner had unloaded the poles and stored them out of the way. Meanwhile, Mrs. Chwalinski and Joe put out the fire on their own. It was a long time before the town got back to sleep that night. In 1916, a regular volunteer fire department was organized. The appointed members selected the town’s “in-house Thomas Edison,” P.R. Simms, as their chief. Lester Dyer was assistant chief, and members were names like Dreessen, Janacek, Kitchen, Platt and Ward. A hand-drawn Badger chemical fire engine was purchased for $100—$50 down and $50 in

1917. In 1918, a 10 x 10 firehouse was built to house it, at the location Fire Station #1 is today. The total fire budget for the next two fiscal years was $275 per year. Membership in the voluntary fire department was generally 20 members, with no pay. With 20 years of service, they became eligible for the Moore Firefighters pension fund, established in 1930s. In 1940, P.R. Simms was placed on “partial payment,” having already served as chief over 24 years. A full-time fire department was organized in 1963, and the volunteer department phased out over the next 10 years. Howard Boatman was the last to be retired. James Clark was the first chief of the new “fully paid” department. Chiefs after him were Lloyd Grissom, Lawrence Woodard, Johnny Knight, and the present chief, Charlie Stephens. The membership of the department has changed through the past 121 years; but the principle is still the same—rescue and protection of lives and property.



“Oklahoma’s Got Talent” Dazzles with Performances and Fundraising by Christiaan Patterson:


fter months of eliminations and hard work, the Oklahoma’s Got Talent competition finale dazzled audience members and made a large donation benefiting kids in Moore. Some $25,000 was raised for the Back Pack for Kids program, sponsored by the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. “It has been a fun process. [I] met a lot of people—and it’s fun to watch the people grow from when they start to when they get to this point, and how well their voices develop,” said Scherry Johnson, creator of Oklahoma’s Got Talent. This is the second year for the competition created by Johnson, owner of Broadway Florist. It started in an effort to raise money for the Back Pack for Kids program in Moore, since the town was excluded from federal funding for this particular cause. Currently, 301 kids and teens receive a backpack full of healthy food for weekends, in order to keep them from going hungry until Monday. The goal this year was to raise $15,000. At the end of the competition, a total of $25,000 was given to the Regional Food Bank. The finale consisted of four contestants in two categories based on age. Contestants gave it their all on stage and left some judges in awe. Making a decision on who should win was one of the hardest things for both the judges and voting audience. In the end, the winners were Chelsey Cavin and Jaci Lane. Chelsey’s final performance, with a touch of country, was Whitney Houston’s “I Have Nothing.” This was a daring move, which showed off her true vocal range and turned out to be her best. For the past few months, judges have enjoyed her charisma mixed with a delightful sense of humor. This journalism student from Arkansas gave other performances, such as “Over the Rainbow” and Martina McBride’s “When God Fearin’ Women Get the Blues.” Over all, Chelsey was stunned and never expected to win. “I feel amazing. I was really excited. There is a lot of tough competition. So to be called first out of four amazing voices is just unreal,” Chelsey said. For the junior division, Jaci Lane captivated the audience with her outstanding stage presence, vocals, and even a surprise yodeling performance. Jaci is involved with many activities, including cheerleading and barrel racing. Singing for charity is one of her top priorities—along with her faith. Knowing this, it came as no surprise that when she won and received a check for $1,000, Jaci proposed to the audience to match, dollar for dollar, any more money she could raise for the kids. Her heartfelt gesture turned into $2,000, which she gladly handed over to the Back Pack for Kids program. “Well, in my life God has blessed me so much with everything. I have a wonderful family that would do anything for me and always supporting of me. I think that all kids should have the opportunity to do all that I’ve done,” Jaci said. APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 31



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MOORE POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS MOVED. MPD’s offices have moved to 224 S. Chestnut Ave., behind the Library, just north of the Community Center. YMCA Before and After School Care. Moore Community Center; call 378-0420 for participating schools and more information. Big Trash Pick Up. Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the City landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up. Recycle Moore. Recycle Center at 400 N. Telephone Rd. Self-service open 24 hours. Attendant for drive thru on duty 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Monday–Saturday and 1 p.m.–5 p.m. on Sunday. Check out the website for details on what materials are accepted. Neighborhood Watch Program. Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Jeremy Lewis, 793-4448. Adopt A Pet. Call Moore Animal Shelter, 7935190; 3900 S. I-35 Service Rd. Open M–F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 12 noon. First Church Moore, 201 W. Main. Every Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. SONderful Wednesdays for Youth (7–12 grades). Free Community Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Family Activities & Church School at 6 p.m. Afterschool Matters, an after-school program from FBC Moore that helps students who need academic success. Available for 1st through 6th graders every Tuesday from 3:00-6 p.m. Contact director, Carissa Taylor, at carissa.taylor@ to learn more about enrolling your child or to volunteer. CHHS Class of 1963 Reunion Planning is looking for classmates for their 50-year reunion on June 7th and 8th. Contact Rosemary at

32 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013 or Diana at 381-2060 or Twyla 691-1251 for more information. Fresh Start Community Church Food Pantry 309 Eastern Avenue, West Campus, Family Life Center. Open the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore. (Please bring an ID.) Jennifer Ashford-Roberson Lymphoma Fund. Donations requested to help this lifelong Moore resident battling stage 4 follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for six years. Donations will help fund a bone marrow transplant and can be dropped off at the Bank of Oklahoma location at Crest Foods in Moore.


The Hugs Project, nonprofit organization puts together care packages for our troops in Middle East. For more info call 651-8359 or TheHugsProject@cox. net. Blue Star Mothers of America. Moore City Hall is a donation drop-off for items for our service members overseas. For needs, see or go to City Hall. Help Deliver Meals to Moore homebound residents. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Darlene Carrell, 7939069, Brand Ctr. Moore Medical Ctr. Volunteer/Auxiliary Services. Volunteers needed. Contact Debbie Steele, 912-3485. Living Faith Church. 825 NW 24th, feeding program called the “Father’s Business.” About 100 families are provided food every Tues. Call Pastor Jimmy Milligan, 794-3161; or email to


Moore Senior Citizen nutrition site. Brand Senior Center, 501 E. Main, 793-9069. Open 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.–Fri. Meal offered at 11:30. Call by 1 p.m. day before to request a meal. Donation for a meal for seniors 60& above: $2.25. Required cost for meal for guests under 60, $5.00.

P.A.L.S. Program for Seniors. Seniors will be assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Officer Lewis, Moore Police Dept., 793-4448. Moore Council on Aging. Seniors may have transportation anywhere in city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Mon.–Fri. Call 7993130 at least one day in advance. Dance Night at the Old School Building Live music at 201 N. Broadway every Thursday night from 6 to 9 p.m. Seniors are welcome to participate. New Types of Transportation: *Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tue. and Thu. from the Moore area to OKC medical appointments. Call Jackie at 297-2583. *”Share-A-Fare” Age 60 and over or disabled to purchase taxi fare at a 40% off. Project Return Home For Alzheimer’s patients in Moore. For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at 793-4448.


AARP meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 5 p.m. at the Brand Senior Center, 501 East Main St., Moore. Programs are on subjects of interest to persons 50 years and over. Potluck dinner follows the program each month. Moore Old Town Association meets 4th Tue. every month at First United Methodist Church. For further information contact Janie Milum at: cjmilum@ Malcolm Hunter Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Moore, OK meets 2nd Wed. of each month at Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, 6600 S. Penn, at 1 p.m. Contact Pat Towns,376-5653. Moore Rotary Club. Wed, at Belmar Golf Club, 1025 E. Indian Hills Road. Civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community.




Moore Horseshoe Club. Every Thursday 6 p.m. at Fairmoore Park. Contact Johnny Vanderburg 237-1171


Zumba available just for women at First Baptist Church Moore. Come experience a high-energy workout that’s a lot of fun! Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Call 405-793-2600 for more information. Southern Hills Baptist Church. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) are invited to come on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month to have breakfast, listen to speakers, enjoy crafts, mentor moms and have great childcare. SHBC is located at 8601 S. Penn., OKC. Central Okla. Holistic Moms Network Chpt. meets 2nd Monday of month in the atrium area of the Moore Medical Center. For more info call Page Cornelius at 831-4313. South OKC Women’s Connection. This club meets every 3rd Wednesday at noon at Southern Hills Baptist Church, 8601 S. Penn, OKC. Call Joyce, 692-8792, for more information. Nursery provided! Moms Club of Moore meets 2nd Thursday of month at Westmoore Community Church. www.


First Baptist Church of Moore. FBC Moore Community Life/Recreation Ctr. Two basketball courts & racquetball courts, fitness center, walking/running track. Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call 735-2527.

Karate is available at First Baptist Church Moore every Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday 9–noon. The classes are free for anyone ages eight years old and up with uniforms availble at a discounted rate. Call 405-793-2600 for more information. Brand Senior Center. Senior Exercise at 10:15 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Moore Community Center Step Aerobics Onehour class will be available every Monday and Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday at 10:15. Cost is $20. Instructor: Angie Ceyler. For more information contact Whitney at 793-5090 or email at wWathen@ Moore Community Center R.I.P.P.E.D. exercise classes. This endurance and fitness class takes place Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $15 dollars a month per person. For more information, call 793-5090 or email at Moore Community Center Zumba Classes. Fee is $15 dollars a month per person, Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Instructor: Ritchel Schultz. For more information call 405-793-5090. Body Fit Strength Training Tues. & Thurs. from 9 to 9:50 a.m. at Fresh Start Community Church, 309 N Eastern, 794-7313.


Fresh Start Community Church Celebrate Recovery, 12-Step Program will meet on Tuesday nights, 6:30 p.m. at 309 N Eastern, 794-7313. Beth Haven Baptist Church, 12400 S. Western, is having an Addiction Recovery Program every Friday at 7 p.m. Call Pastor Rick, 691-6990 for information. The OK Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation, monthly support group meetings, third Tuesday of every month at the Moore Chamber of Commerce (I-35 & Main St.) 6:30 p.m. Call 694-1098 for more information. First Baptist Church Grief Share. Support group for individuals and family members struggling with life events such as death, divorce, disappointments; and learning healthy ways to cope with life. Meets weekly on Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 301 NE 27th Street. First Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery. Support and help for those struggling with addiction. Meets weekly on Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 301 NE 27th Street.


Southern Hills School of Fine Arts, 8601 S. Penn, OKC 73159. Enrolling children and adults for private lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass, drums, strings, brass and woodwinds. Call David Allen at 405-5893618 or www. Sooner Sensation Show Chorus, Sweet Adelines. Mon. 7 p.m. at Fresh Start Church. 309 N Eastern. Call 436-5828 for more information. Also FREE voice lessons on Mondays.

Tai Chi is avalible at First Baptist Church Moore every Tuesday at 6 p.m. The cost is $2 per class. Call 405793-2600 for more information.



South OKC Rotary Club. Fridays, 12 to 1 p.m. at Southwest Integris Cancer Center, SW 44th & Southwestern. Civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community.



Moore Public Library Children’s Dept. 793-4347 Tuesday, April 2, 10 a.m. Story Time Tuesday, April 2, 6:30 p.m. Barks, Books and Buddies Wednesday, April 3, at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.Baby Story Time Saturday, April 6, 11 a.m. Saturday Story Time Tuesday, April 9, 10 a.m. Story Time Wednesday, April 10, at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Baby Story Time Thursday, April 11, 10 a.m. Make and Take Tuesday, April 16, 10 a.m. Story Time Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 p.m. Barks, Books and Buddies Wednesday, April 17, at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Baby Story Time Saturday, April 20, 11 a.m. Saturday Story Time Tuesday, April 23, 10 a.m. Story Time Wednesday, April 24, at 10 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Baby Story Time Thursday, April 25, 10 a.m. Make and Take Tuesday, April 30, 10 a.m. Story Time Teens and Adults Tuesday, April 2, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 3, 6–8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 4, 6 p.m. Friday, April 5, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 6, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Saturday, April 6, 9 a.m.–noon Tuesday, April 9, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 10, 6–8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 11, 6 p.m. Friday, April 12, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 13, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 13, 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 10, 7 p.m. Monday, April 15, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 18, 6 p.m. Thursday, April 18, 6 p.m. Friday, April 19, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 23, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 25, 6:30 p.m Thursday, April 25, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, 9:30 a.m.


Computer Basics Tax Prep Help Zumba Internet Basics Part 1 Tax Prep Help Plant Exchange Internet Basics Part 2 Tax Prep Help Zumba Basic Windows 7 Tax Prep Help Big Read Book Discussion of Old School by Tobias Wolff Big Read Old School Panel Discussion at Old School Building On the Same Page Book Discussion of Old School by Tobias Wolff Basic Microsoft Word 2010 Big Read Free Movie This Boy’s Life at the Warren Theater Zumba Intermediate Microsoft Word 2010 Basic Microsoft Excel 2010 Moore Reads Book Discussion of Old School by Tobias Wolff Zumba Basic Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

SouthWest OKC Public Library Children’s Dept. Monday, April 1, 10 a.m. Children’s Story Time Wednesday, April 3, 4:15 p.m.: ASK (Afterschool Kids) Thursday, April 4, at 10 and 10:30 a.m. Baby Story Time Monday, April 8, 10 a.m. Children’s Story Time Tuesday, April 9, 4 p.m. Tween April Fools Party Thursday, April 11, at 10 and 10:30 a.m. Baby Story Time Monday, April 15, 10 a.m. Children’s Story Time Thursday, April 18, at 10 and 10:30 a.m. Baby Story Time Thursday, April 18, 2 p.m. Make and Take Monday, April 22, 10 a.m. Children’s Story Time Thursday, April 25, at 10 and 10:30 a.m. Baby Story Time Monday, April 29, 10 a.m. Children’s Story Time Tuesday, April 30, 4 p.m. BAM (Book and Movie) TEEN/ADULT Pilates class Monday, April 1, 6 p.m. Monday, April 8, 6 p.m. Pilates class Tuesday, April 9, 2 p.m. Finding Your Civil War Ancestors Thursday, April 11, 6:30 p.m. Penn Ave. Literary Society Saturday, Feb. 13, 11 a.m. Facebook for Beginners Pilates class Monday, April 15, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, 10 a.m. Email for Beginners Saturday, Feb. 20, 10 a.m. Earth Day celebration Tuesday, Feb. 23, 4 p.m. Teen Blackout Poetry Wednesday, Feb. 24, 11 a.m. Business Discussions Book Discussion Monday, April 29, 6 p.m. Pilates class Tuesday, April 30, 10 a.m. Computer Basics


Zumba Fitness at Moore Community Center $15 a month per person. Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m., Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Instructor: Ritchel Schultz. For more information, call 405-793-5090. R.I.P.P.E.D.—The One Stop Body Shock R.I.P.P.E.D.—The One Stop Body Shock™ is a “Plateau Proof Fitness Formula” that helps you to create continuity, consistency and challenge in each and every R.I.P.P.E.D. class. It is Plateau Proof, because each component of the workout provides a uniquely different emphasis or system response, so your body never gets accustomed to the constantly changing format. Thus, regular R.I.P.P.E.D. participants achieve undeniable, ultimate results in minimal time, boasting 750-1000 calories burned in just 50 minutes. This total body, high-intensity style program, utilizing free weights, resistance and body weight, masterfully combines the components of R.I.P.P.E.D.—Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics and Endurance— as the workout portion along with diet suggestions to help you attain and maintain your physique in ways that are fun, safe, doable and extremely effective. The deliberate combination of the R.I.P.P.E.D. elements and how they are precisely organized in the R.I.P.P.E.D. class format provide the basis for the One Stop Body Shock System, by stimulating both, different energy systems and muscles in each workout segment, changing the focus and activities every 6 to 9 minutes. Along with driving, motivating music, participants jam through R.I.P.P.E.D. with smiles, determination and strength. No boredom here, for all levels, R.I.P.P.E.D. is effective, it’s tough yet doable; R.I.P.P.E.D. will absolutely challenge your levels of fitness and endurance! Class on Thursday 6 p.m.–7 p.m. & Saturday 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at Moore Community Center; $15 per month. For more information call 7935090. Step Aerobics A one-hour fitness class that will include 30 minutes of aerobic conditioning and Reebok step, etc., and 25 minutes of strength training and toning, and a 5-minute cool down. The class will also include an introduction to a free online website that will provide tracking and tips on weight loss and improving fitness levels. Monday & Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m., Saturday 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m.,$20 a month.

Brand Senior CENtEr Activities For more information on other activities and times, call 793-9069.

4-2 10 a.m. Country Music House Singers 4-4 10 a.m. Wii Bowling 4-9 10 a.m. Last Chance Band 10 a.m. Library 10:30 a.m. BP & Sugar Checks Loving Care 4-11 10 a.m. Gayland Kitch “Tornado Safety” 4-12 12:15 BINGO with Eileen 4-16 10 a.m. Country Music House Singers 10:30 Volunteer Appreciation Party 11:45 Cobbler provided by Village on the Park 4-18 10:15 Cover all Medicare Plans 12:15 Games provided by Home Instead & Comfort Living 4-19 12:15 Hawaiian Hula Lessons provided by Eileen 4-23 10 a.m. BINGO with Eileen 10 a.m. Library 5 p.m. AARP Monthly Meeting & Potluck Dinner 4-25 10 a.m. Wendell Nye to sing 4-30 10 a.m. BINGO provided by Allegiance Credit Union Exercise: Mon, Wed, & Fri 10:15 a.m. Line Dancing Lessons Wed 12:15 p.m. Wood Carving Thurs 9-11, Oil Painting Thurs 1 p.m. Dominos, Card games, Jig-Saw puzzles, Pool, Quilting Volunteer work to assist the homebound or work is available at the Brand Center Moore Council On Aging Bus Service: 799-3130 Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday Moore Senior Citizen Nutrition Site Brand Center 501 E. Main Reservations for meals: 793-9069 Donation for a meal for seniors 60 & above: $2.25 Required cost for meal for guests under 60: $5.00





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APRIL 1 • MONDAY City Council Meeting at Moore City Hall at 6:30 p.m., 301 N. Broadway, 793-5000

APRIL 2 • Tuesday Using Medications Safely at the Legend at Rivendell, 13200 S. May Ave, RSVP 691-2300.

APRIL 2 • TUESDAY Parks Board Meeting 7 p.m. at Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway.

APRIL 4 • Thursday CDGB Public Hearing; Community Needs Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, 793-5000. Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 5 • friday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367. Parks Board Meeting 7 p.m. at Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway.

april 6 • saturday Little River Open 700 W 4th Street, Start Saturday at 8 a.m.; ends Sunday at 5 p.m. Contact Kris Molskness 863-8746.

april 8 • monday School Board Meeting 1500 SE 4th Street, 6 p.m., 735-4200.


Planning Comission Meeting at 7 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway.

april 11 • thursday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 12 • friday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 13 • saturday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 15 • monday City Council Meeting at Moore City Hall at 6:30 p.m., 301 N. Broadway, 793-5000

april 18 • thursday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 19 • friday Join the Singles of FBC Moore for “Friday Night Live for HIM,” 7:30 p.m. in our Atrium with special guest speaker David Edwards. There is an optional dinner for $5.00 at 6:30 p.m. Please call 793-2624 for more information and reservations, or e-mail at First Baptist is located at 301 NE 27th Street, just off I-35 South in Moore.


april 9 • tuesday




Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 20 • saturday Earth Day Recycling Spectacular Just in time for spring, services offered are glass recycling, electronics recycling, paper shredding and drive-thru. Get there early. Services except for the drive-thru is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located at 400 N. Telephone Rd. 793-5090


Rain Barrel Class at Learn how to collect rainwater and store it for use on plants and outdoor use. Starts at 9:30 a.m. at Fairmoore Park. 793-5090 Moore Horseshoe Tournament This is the Verbeck Open at Fairmoore Park at 10 a.m. Contact Johnny Vanderburg at 237-1171 for more information. Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 23 • tuesday Historical Society Living History Performance Celebrate 89ers day and experience the living history of the landmark day that set the stage for the birth of the great state of Oklahoma! 2 p.m., 13200 S May Ave, contact Donna Walker 6912300.

april 25 • thursday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.


Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.

april 27 • saturday Live Music at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub, 103 SW 19th, 703-3367.



= Music = Theater

= Fund Raiser/ Volunteer = Education

= City/Chamber = Family = Group



april 26 • friday



Moore Chamber Tees up for 11th Annual Golf Tourney

Golfers looking for a chance to swing their clubs in the beautiful late April weather can do all of that and step up to help the Moore Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber will hold its Annual Golf Tournament at the Belmar Golf Club at 1025 E. Indian Hills Road in Norman on Monday, April 29th. The Chamber has been holding the annual tournament at various area golf courses since 2003. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and is followed by lunch at 11 a.m. Golfers will take to the course for a shot-gun start at 12 noon. Cost for participating in this year’s tournament is $550 per four-person team. Businesses and individuals may also purchase hole sponsorships for $150. Each team’s entry fee includes lunch, range balls, two mulligans per player, and appetizers at the 19th Hole following the tournament. If you’re interested in playing or sponsoring a hole, you can contact the Moore Chamber of Commerce at 794-8555 or visit The Moore Chamber of Commerce promotes and facilitates growth of the local business community and provides a unified voice in governmental affairs on local, state, and national levels. The Chamber also works closely with the City of Moore to aid existing businesses and help attract new ones. The group is a strong advocate of education and each year gives recognition to outstanding students, teachers, and patrons.

Women of the South Prepare for Annual Magnolia Brunch and Fashion Show

The Women of the South invite everyone to don their Kentucky Derby-style hats and join them for their Third Annual Magnolia Brunch and Fashion Show at the Petroleum Club, 100 N. Broadway, in Downtown Oklahoma City, beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 20. The theme for this year’s brunch is “Glamour and Glitz for Girls.” The organization will also honor Mrs. Robert S. Kerr, Jr., the president and chairwoman of the Kerr Foundation. This year’s fashion show will feature professional models presenting the latest from Balliets and Uptown Kids along with a purse and jewelry auction. The cost is $60 per person for the show, with sponsorships ranging from $250 to $3,000. For ticket details contact Joyce Mauldin at 405-691-4770, and for sponsorship details contact Mina Acquaye at 405-818-1792. Women of the South was founded in 1995 by nine women dedicated to the improvement of South Oklahoma City and the surrounding area. Since the inception of the organization, Women of the South has awarded hundreds of scholarships and supported many cultural and community projects through the South Oklahoma City area. APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 43

Westmoore’s Josh Morgan Gets Bullish to Win State Powerlifting Title By Rob Morris


omewhere early in his high school career, Josh Morgan picked up the nickname “Bull.” When you consider his performance at the 2013 State Powerlifting competition at McCloud High School in mid-March, it’s not hard to understand why his friends tagged him with that moniker. Morgan blew the competition away by lifting a combined total of 1700 pounds to walk away with the championship in the 242-pound weight class. Along the way Morgan also broke a few records. “The previous record in the squat was 625 pounds, and I really wanted to beat that,” said Morgan, “I had three lifts and I got 635 on my first lift, 665 on my second, and then finished off with 700.” If you’re having a hard time picturing 700 pounds, consider this: a 440-cubic-inch V8 car engine weighs about 670 pounds. So essentially, Morgan squatted MORE than the equivalent of one of the biggest car engines around. It’s the kind of competition Morgan loves. 44 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

“Only the strong win,” Morgan said. “You either lift the weight or you don’t, and there’s no excuses or anything about it. It’s just a real clear-cut kind of competition.” Morgan topped the dead lift category with a 635 pound performance. He also bench-pressed 365 pounds, the second highest total in that category. The Westmoore senior says he started training for the competition back in November shortly after the football season ended. “It’s a different kind of training than you would do for football,” said Morgan. “Here’s less conditioning, and more pointing toward getting that big lift.” While powerlifting doesn’t grab the headlines in the same way as sports like football and wrestling, Morgan says he was intrigued by the competition from the moment Coach Billy Langford introduced it at Westmoore. Morgan said, “They did it at Mustang, and when Coach Langford came over to Westmoore, he

introduced us to it. I didn’t think anything of it until I went to my first one and then I just fell in love with it.” That introduction came during his freshman year. Morgan just barely qualified for the state powerlifting meet back in 2010, but he’s certainly left his mark on the sport after his performance this year—setting seven records including the squat and dead lift categories. Now that the state powerlifting competition is history, Morgan will turn his attention to preparing for a college football career at East Central Oklahoma University. He says he’ll still be working out, but in a much different way from the last few months. “For powerlifting the workouts are tough, but they’re shorter, and you’re not doing much conditioning,” said Morgan. “I’m still lifting a lot of weight, but I’m working on more reps and higher intensity so that I can take advantage of the strength I gained from powerlifting.”


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Sports Sponsored By




Mayor’s Cup Pits Moore Against Edmond By Rob Morris


igh-school baseball lovers, go ahead and put a big red circle around Saturday, April 6th. That’s the day the 2013 Mayor’s Cup will be played at the Chickasha Bricktown Ballpark. The Mayor’s Cup is a one-day tournament pitting Moore’s three high-school baseball teams against the three Edmond high schools. This will be the third year the series has been played and it is quickly growing into one of the premier high-school baseball events in the state. Around 1,200 fans attended the debut games in 2010. Attendance jumped to almost 2,000 in 2011, and officials are expecting another big increase this year. The Mayor’s Cup was not played in 2012 due to scheduling conflicts. “This is an awesome experience for all players involved to get to interact in,” said Southmoore head coach Craig Troxell, “This is the type of competition 48 | MOORE MONTHLY | APRIL 2013

and games you have to win to proceed to winning state tournaments, as we all strive for.” A Mayor’s Cup trophy is awarded to the city whose teams win at least two of the three games being played. The mayors of both cities will kick off the festivities by throwing out the first pitch. The competition begins at 11 a.m. with a game between Southmoore and Edmond Santa Fe. Westmoore will take on the defending 6A state champions Edmond North at 2:30 p.m. In the final game of the tripleheader at 6 p.m., Moore will face Edmond Memorial. Not only does the event serve as a fundraising effort via ticket and t-shirt sales, but it also gives high-school players a chance to play in Oklahoma’s top baseball venue. Coaches for all six schools say they’re looking forward to a day of great baseball

and expect a lot of support from both school districts and communities. For more information about the 2013 Mayor’s Cup schedule and tickets, email or check for regular updates.

Sports Sponsored By




Baseball April 1 April 2 April 4–5 April 6 April 8 April 9 April 11–13 April 15 April 16 April 22 April 23 April 27 April 29

Midwest City at Midwest City Choctaw Tournament Mayor’s Cup (Bricktown Ballpark) at Edmond Santa Fe Edmond Santa Fe Edmond Tournament Yukon at Yukon at Edmond North Edmond North Western Heights (Senior Day) Westmoore

Baseball April 1 April 2 April 6 April 8 April 15 April 16 April 18–20 April 22 April 23 April 25 April 26 April 27

at Norman North Norman North Mayor’s Cup (Bricktown Ballpark) Lawton PC North at PC North Deer Creek Tournament at Edmond Memorial Edmond Memorial Moore Chickasha (Senior Night) Dale

at Lawton Lawton at Edmond Santa Fe Mayor’s Cup (Bricktown Ballpark) at PC West PC West Carl Albert Tournament at Norman Norman Deer Creek Tournament Norman North at Norman North at Moore

Softball April 1 April 2 April 4 April 5–6 April 8 April 9 April 11 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 18 April 22 April 23 April 25

at Norman North Southmoore at Harrah Washington Tournament Norman (at Southmoore) at Westmoore at Purcell at Muskogee Tournament at PC North Putnam City at Tecumseh at Washington at PC West Regional Tournament

Softball April 2 April 4 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 11 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 18 April 19 April 22 April 23–25

Baseball April 1 April 2 April 4 April 6 April 8 April 9 April 11–13 April 15 April 16 April 18–20 April 22 April 23 April 29

at Moore Norman at Norman North Community Christian School at Putnam City/Harrah at Blanchard at Muskogee Tournament PC West at Westmoore at Norman/Union at Anadarko at PC West Regional Tournament

Softball April 1 April 4 April 5/6 April 8 April 9 April 12 April 15 April 16 April 18 April 19 April 22 April 23–26

at Del City at Norman North at Muskogee Tournament Tecumseh (at Southmoore) Moore at ASA Festival at Norman Southmoore PC West Norman North at PC North Regional Tournament

Soccer April 2 April 5 April 9 April 16 April 19 April 30

at Tulsa Union Ponca City (at Central Jr. High) Enid (at Central Jr. High) Midwest City (at Central Jr. High) Bixby (at Central Jr. High) State Playoffs Begin

Soccer April 2 April 5 April 9 April 12 April 16 April 18 April 23

Edmond North at Yukon (Lakeview Middle School) Norman at Edmond Santa Fe PC West at PC North at Lawton

Soccer April 2 April 5 April 9 April 12 April 16 April 19 April 23

at Mustang Putnam City at Edmond Memorial Norman North McGuinness at US Grant Lawton (Senior Night)

Track April 5 April 12 April 16 April 25

Putnam City Invitational John Jacobs Invitational (OU) OBU Bison Invitational (Shawnee) Metro Conference Meet (at Norman)

Tennis April 2 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 15 April 17 April 19 April 20 April 23 April 25 April 29

Track April 5 April 12 April 16 April 18 April 25

Putnam City Yukon Carl Albert Edmond North Mid-State Conference (at Norman)

Mid-State Tournament (at OKC Tennis Center) Altus (at OKC Tennis Center) at Midwest City (Girls) Mustang at Midwest City (Boys) Edmond North (Boys at Edmond Racquet Club) Edmond North (Girls at Edmond Racquet Club) at Broken Arrow (Boys) at Broken Arrow (Girls) Southmoore (at Earlywine) Southmoore (at Earlywine) Regional Tournament (Girls)

Golf April 2 April 2 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 9 April 11 April 11 April 15 April 18 April 18 April 22 April 29

Tennis April 2 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 15 April 17 April 19 April 20 April 23 April 25 April 29

Mid-State Tournament (at OKC Tennis Center) Altus (at OKC Tennis Center) at Midwest City (Girls) Mustang (at OKC Tennis Center) at Midwest City (Boys) at Edmond North (Boys) at Edmond North (Girls) at Broken Arrow (Boys) at Broken Arrow (Girls) Southmoore (Boys at Earlywine) Southmoore (Girls at Earlywine) Girls Regional Tournament

at Duncan (Boys) Deer Creek (Girls at Rose Creek) Anadarko (Girls at Sugar Creek) PC North (Boys at Quail Creek) Edmond Memorial (Boys at Kickingbird) at Duncan (Girls) Midwest City (Boys at John Conrad) Del City (Girls at Trosper Park) McGuinness (Girls at River Oaks) Del City (Boys at Trosper Park) Mid-State Conference (Girls at Earlywine) Mid-State Conference (Boys at Trosper Park) Regionals (Boys)

Golf April 2 April 2 April 4 April 8 April 9 April 11 April 11 April 15 April 18 April 18 April 22 April 23 April 25 April 29

Carl Albert (Boys at John Conrad) Deer Creek (Girls at Rose Creek) Deer Creek (Boys at Rose Creek) Owasso (Girls at Owasso Golf Club) Edmond (Boys at Kickingbird) Midwest City (Boys at John Conrad) Del City (Girls at Trosper Park) McGuinness (Girls at River Oaks) Del City (Boys at Trosper Park) Mid-State Conference (Girls at Willow Creek) Mid-State Conference (Boys at Trosper Park) Regionals (Girls at Westwood) Guthrie (Boys at Cedar Valley) Regionals (Boys at Stillwater)

Track April 5 April 12 April 16 April 18 April 25

Putnam City Yukon (Girls) Chickasha (Boys) Edmond North (Girls) Mid-State Conference (at Norman)

Tennis April 1 April 2 April 3 April 9 April 23 April 25 April 29

PC North (Boys at OKC Tennis Center) Mid-State Conference (at OKC Tennis Center) PC North (Girls at OKC Tennis Center) Mustang (at OKC Tennis Center) Southmoore (Boys at Earlywine) Southmoore (Girls at Earlywine) Regional Tournament

Golf April 2 April 4 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 17 April 18 April 18 April 22

Carl Albert (Boys at John Conrad) Deer Creek (Boys at Rose Creek) Anadarko (Girls at Sugar Creek) PC North (Boys at Quail Creek) Edmond (Boys at Kickingbird) Midwest City (Girls at John Conrad) Del City (Girls at Trosper Park) PC North (Girls at Hefner North) Edmond North (Boys at Lincoln West) Mid-State Conference (Girls at Willow Creek) Mid-State Conference (Boys at Trosper Park)


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mH S S O C C E R Preview

Lions Soccer Teams Aim for Higher Goals in 2013 By Rob Morris


he first few weeks of the Lions’ soccer season have already seen two games decided by penalty kicks. The Lady Lions picked up a big Moore War win against Westmoore in one of those nail biters, while the boys team dropped a heartbreaker to cross-town rival, Southmoore in the same fashion. The early competitive play by both squads is encouraging to their coaches. “I feel that this year’s team is probably the best team Moore High School has seen in many years,” said girls’ coach Lorie Witherspoon. “We have great balance and skill on this team of champions.” Witherspoon said this year’s girls’ team draws strength from a unique sense of unity and family along with strong leadership, with many of the players involved in a number of school activities. “From this strength, we never feel alone,” said Witherspoon, ”or feel the weight of pressure on any one person’s shoulders. We play with all heart, giving everything we have on any given day. We never surrender, even when the odds are not in our favor.” Leading the way for the Lady Lions is senior goalkeeper Kenady Maynard, who Witherspoon says

is providing great stability in goal. But Maynard’s not the only senior who’ll have an impact. “Savannah Witherspoon plays with an aggressive style and keeps everything in front of her in the defense,” she said. “Senior midfielder Cindy Ramos is the master distributor in the midfield. She has patience and sees the game on a larger scale. “ Another bright spot for the Lady Lions is forward Makailee Davis, who brings an unpredictable style to the game. “Makailee Davis plays with what I call controlled chaos; you never know which foot or which direction she may play the ball,” said her coach. Freshmen Brandi Whitehouse, Makayla Hicks, and and Kay Woodring have debuted with strong play, and that has helped the Lady Lions check off one of their season goals: a win over rival Westmoore. But Witherspoon says that’s just the beginning. “Another goal this year is to make it to the State Tournament,” said Witherspoon. “We train every day with this as our main focus.” First-year coach Ronnie Gulikerss says his boys team’s focus is also high as the Lions work through the early part of their schedule.

“The boys are competing in each game and continuing to improve every day,” said Gulikerss. “The boys believe they can win every time they step on the field.” In mid-March the Lions battled cross-town rival Southmoore to a tie at the end of regulation and narrowly missed getting a win over the SaberCats, falling short by one shot in penalty kicks. While the loss was a bitter one, Gulikers sees it as just one more step in rebuilding the Moore soccer program. “Their overall success will not be based primarily on wins and losses, but by how they played the game; how they improved; how was the effort; and did we represent our school and this program with dignity,” he said. The Lions have set their sights on qualifying for the playoffs this year but they also want to be successful off the field by embracing a goal for a team GPA of 3.5 or better. Gulikerss said, “The coaching staff and I are very excited to be working with such a great group of young men. We could not be more proud of what they are doing so far.”


S H S S O C C E R Preview

SaberCats Look to Carry Competitiveness from Practice to Games By Rob Morris


he Southmoore Lady SaberCats really get after one another in practice. It’s a competitive spirit that every soccer coach looks for in a team. Cat’s head coach Kathryn Swartzendruber believes this is a team that can carry that attitude into games. “The girls have high expectations for themselves and the team, so they really push each other at practice to get better every day,” said Swartzendruber. This year’s Southmoore squad is very talented athletically, but they’re also savvy players who understand how to play the game. Swartzendruber said this is a combination that gives the 2013 squad a chance to be very successful on and off the field. “Not only are they dedicated to becoming better soccer players, but they also understand the importance of doing well in school,” Swartzendruber said. “Several of our girls are in National Honor Society. They realize that soccer


might help get them to college but they are not going to make a career out of it.” Graduation hit the Lady SaberCats hard on defense as they lost three out of four starting defenders. The new defenders are learning quickly and have played well early in the season. Seniors Alyssa Glitzke, Kenzi Bice, and Sheyna Routon will provide the leadership for the Cats this spring. “Alyssa will be playing forward and midfield this year, and we will look to her for leadership and creating opportunities on the offensive side of the ball,” Swartzendruber said. “Kenzi moved up from midfielder to the forward spot ,and we will count on her to create goal scoring opportunities while Sheyna is moving from forward to center backs, where she’s looking like a natural defender.” While the 2012 Lady SaberCats won the city championship, they missed the playoffs by just one game. That disappointment has led to

a better understanding of what it takes to get to the post-season. “Now we have a better understanding of the level we need to play at in order to get there,” the coach said. “We have some very good teams in our district. We know we have to focus on one game at a time and not look past anyone.”

m H S S O C C E R Preview

Jaguars Looking for Return Trip to Soccer Playoffs By Rob Morris


xperience is the foundation for this year’s edition of the Westmoore boys and girls soccer teams. Both squads made it to the playoffs in 2012, and that experience has spawned a desire for more. Boys coach Russell Randolph and girls coach Robert Williams believe their squads have what it takes to get back to the post-season. Randolph said, “The excitement from last year’s successful return to the playoffs has energized our soccer program for the 2013 competitive year. As long as we realize the amount of work and dedication we put into our success last year and continue to work at that rate, we have the potential to do even better this year.” He says the big challenge, at least early on, will be finding players to put the ball into the net. Until someone steps forward on the offensive end, the Jaguars will rely on their returning defensive starters to keep them competitive. “Three of our four backs and our goalkeeper return to a team that gave up very few goals last year,” Randolph said.

Those returning starters include Chandler Dawson in goal and Patrick Johnson, Aaron Ocloo Lee, and Pablo Perez on the back line. “Pablo is also our returning captain and helps anchor our team,” Randolph said. “Up front and in the midfield we return a healthy Brandon Queri, Jarrett Wingfield, Johnny Alvarez, and Chris Ong.” Last year’s freshman star, Kye Muzny, will be joined by Francisco Arvizo and Martin Carrion from the 2012 junior varsity squad. Randolph said Arvizo is a strong, versatile player, while Carrion brings a unique attacking game to the varsity. It all adds up to lofty expectations for the Jags, who have a basic goal of being better than last year’s playoff team. “We’d like to repeat as city champs, and then put our focus on winning the Bronco Cup,” said Randolph. “Last— but most importantly—we want to make playoffs and host again, but to do that we will need to either win or place second in our tough district.” Girls coach Robert Williams says “priority number one” for the Lady Jags is focus, especially after two close losses early in the season.

“We can’t let those losses derail us because we can still have a successful season and accomplish our team goals,” Williams said. Among those goals are to be city champions, win their district, and make a run in the post season. The Lady Jaguars definitely have players with enough experience to make those goals attainable. “We have solid players from back to front and experience at each level,” said Williams. “Our weakness has been not taking advantage of our opponents’ mistakes and falling to our own miscues.” Seniors Madison Dobbs and Tiffany Hall lead the way for Westmoore. Williams also has high expectations for junior forward Elizabeth DiSalvatore and goalie Elle Stover. The Jags should get some scoring help from sophomores Rebecca Randolph and Jazmine Juarez, while newcomers Landyce Smith and Riley Green will provide depth. Williams said his team is aware of the challenges ahead but has embraced the high expectations and lofty goals. “The girls aren’t afraid of any of the teams we play,” said Williams. “We think we can win when we step on the field.” APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 53



Grow Your Own Pizza: Gardening Plans and Recipes for Kids Author: Constance Hardesty Illustrator: Jeff McClung Reviewed by Raquel Crain, Moore Public Library Children’s Services


s we come upon the spring and planting season, the shelves at the Moore Public Library have a variety of gardening books for children to choose from. The book Grow Your Own Pizza is full of tips for the garden and kitchen and will walk you from the garden path to your own feast. This book has it all! In the first few pages of this book, you are shown a map of the United States of America and the zones indicating when it is safe to plant in the region you live in. It also is full of gardening vocabulary, such as mulch, weed and harvest. This nonfiction book is filled with suggestions on how to plant, care for, and then harvest your garden. For instance, the first suggestion in the book is a Spring Salad Bowl Garden, which has a detailed colorful picture illustrating how and what to plant to have a salad bowl garden. Following the getting started, caring for your garden, and harvesting your garden instructions, you also get a recipe to use the food you’ve grown and harvested. What a wonderful way for a child to see the full cycle of food being planted, cared for, harvested and then prepared to eat! This book includes several different garden suggestions, including Be-Kindto-Animals Garden, Grow-in-the-Dark Garden, Cake and Ice Cream Garden, Rainbow Garden, and my personal favorite, the Three Sisters Native American Garden. Also, as the title suggests, this book also includes the pizza garden. For more gardening books, come to your Moore Public Library—we’d love to show you around.




The Husband List

By Janet Evanovich and Dorien Kelly Pages: 309 Publisher: St. Martin’s Press Reviewer: Brenda Johnson, Information Services manager, Moore Public Library


anet Evanovich gets out her masterful romance pen and teams with Dorien Kelly to write a book for Downton Abbey fans. Like many wealthy Americans in 1894, Caroline Maxwell’s mother is determined that her beautiful and spirited, New York socialite daughter marry a British nobleman, move to England, and be the mistress of an enormous castle. Mrs. Maxwell is indeed a steamroller of a mother, working non-stop to make sure Caroline and her two sisters are perfect candidates for marriage to royalty, and she has a list of possible husbands for them. As you might expect, her list does not include Jack Culhane, the son of a self-made, successful Irish-American businessman and the only man Caroline Maxwell has ever imagined herself to love. She loves him for his good looks and playful nature, his interest in travel to exotic places like Alaska, and his desire to make his own wealth and happiness by learning everything he can about the beer brewing industry. But Caroline was not raised with the idea that marriage follows love. In her social class, it is more of a business negotiation and transaction. Lord Bremerton is the name at the top of Mrs. Maxwell’s husband list for her daughter Caroline. He’s a handsome polo player, has a title and estate that’s been around for centuries, and, most importantly, is available and interested in Caroline. It’s no secret that he’s interested in keeping his estate afloat with the help of Caroline’s money, but, if he’s halfway decent, everyone gets what they want— correct? When Caroline finally meets Lord Bremerton, he gives her a creepy feeling, but there is nothing obvious to her or to others except his perfect British manners and aristocratic air. Caroline has already spent more time with Jack than is prudent. Their attraction to each other has reached a fevered pitch, thanks to the Evanovich/ Kelly expertise in building delightfully suspenseful sexual tension. Jack pledges his intent to wait until their marriage, and Caroline wills herself to find evidence of Lord Bremerton’s bad character when she visits England. When Caroline’s brother



Eddie breaks his leg in a questionable polo accident, Jack follows Caroline to England to do his own research on Lord Bremerton. As with many romances, the ending of The Husband List is satisfying, although not surprising, and thanks to Evanovich/Kelly’s writing ability, the journey to the ending is the best part. The Husband List doesn’t have as much humor as Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series; but it does have the quickly drawn but interesting characters, the frustrating conventions and roadblocks of an historical setting, and the strong appeal of a good romance. The Husband List is available from the Moore Public Library in regular print, large print, cd-audio, and downloadable audio.


m H S T R ACK P review

2013 Could Be a “Year of Adjustment” for Lions By Rob Morris


outh will be served for the Moore Lions when it comes to their boys’ and girls’ track teams this year. While the Lion coaching staff is pleased with the turnout of athletes this spring, veteran girls’ coach Lori Willis and first-year coach for the boys, Stefan Seifried, say there’s not a lot of experience to be found. “We have 46 girls out for track,” Willis said. “This is definitely a record for Moore High School Girls Track program. We are a fairly young team with only six seniors.” Among those returning with experience are hurdler Brianna McArthur and shot/discus thrower Bre Jones. The pair of athletes brings with them a solid résumé of experience, including strong performances in 2012. Willis said, “These girls are now juniors, and both medaled at the state track meet last year. Both of them will definitely have an impact this year.” But McArthur and Jones won’t have to carry the burden by themselves. Willis believes several freshmen could perform well on relay teams. And don’t forget a talented group of sophomores. “Kayshe Houser and Aaren Serraile are two girls to watch out for,” Willis said. “These girls are multitalented. Kayshe runs 100 Hurdles, 4x100 relay, 4x200 relay, and 4x200 relay. Aaren is a long jumper and also runs on the 4x200 and 4x400 relays.” As for expectations? Willis says she certainly hopes to see her medalists from last year return to the podium. But the bar is also set high for the youngsters. “We would like to qualify as many as possible to the state meet and we would like to take all of our relays to state,” said Willis. It’s a similar situation on the boys’ side where Coach Seifried expects a blend of returning runners and youngsters to grow throughout the season. “Joey Gregory, Casen Haddox, Cameron Jackson, and Shallbe Minor are among our returning starters that should have a positive impact,” Seifried said. “But we also have a lot of freshman who could help us out this year. Seifried says this year’s team strength will be found in the middle distance runners and in a few of the jumping events. Overall, the team is keeping their goals simple, but effective: improve performance by dropping time every meet and win at conference, regional, and state meets. “We’re feeling pretty good going into this season,” he said. “Our team has a pretty good nucleus of kids who have been in the program for a while and expect to win.”


W H S Track Preview

Westmoore Track Teams Looking for Balance and Strong Showing at State By Rob Morris


ptimism is the word of the season for the Westmoore boys’ and girls’ track teams Boys’ coach Joseph Ross and girls’ coach Laura Clay see a great blend of returning and incoming talent that could make for a great season. “I feel like we have the potential to score points and be competitive at every track meet this year,” Ross said. Pole vaulter Jayce Martinez will lead the way for the boys, along with Alex Davis in the mile run, and Austin Stone in shot. Ross is also touting newcomer Demetres Greenwood for a strong showing in hurdles. “I think we have pretty good balance as far as an overall team,” the coach said.“We are strong in the field but have had some sprinters and distance men step up.” Ross said the ceiling, and expectations, are pretty high for a number of athletes on this year’s squad. The key will be to have them reach their potential. “If this team reaches their full potential, we should be competitive and field a balanced team,” said Ross. Coach Laura Clay said experience will be a big boon for the girls’ 2013 squad, but she also is counting on some new faces to add depth. “We are bringing all but one of our state qualifiers from last year, so that in itself is encouraging,” Clay said. “We also have a lot of new freshman talent as well.” Clay expects Alex Scott, Ashtyn DeRoin, and Savannah Waddell to have strong seasons in the distance events. Marry Balogun and Lauren Haynes should anchor the Lady Jaguar’ sprints, and Makenzie Tarply (discus), Destinie Lookout (shot), and Bri Haun (shot) are expected to lead the way in the field events. Those are just the returning starters for Westmoore. Clay is also looking for an impact from newcomers Allisen DeSpain, Sydney Chastain, Alicia Mahan, Nicole Clapp, Ashlyne Reneau, and Sydney Long. Clay said, “I would hope that our kids will continue to improve and make it to the state meet.”



The Incredible Burt Wonderstone: Forgetting the Basic Rules of Magic by rob morris

“The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” pulls off one of the biggest magic tricks ever seen attempted by Hollywood. It takes the concept of Steve Carell and Steve Buscemi as Siegfried-and-Roy-style Las Vegas magicians and pits them against Jim Carrey’s edgy cable illusionist, clearly modeled after Criss Angel in a battle for supremacy on the Strip. Throw in Olivia Wilde as a magician’s assistant with a few tricks of her own up her sleeve and Alan Arkin as an aging conjurer and you have a cast and concept that should dazzle. Instead, the audience will more likely walk away wondering why “Wonderstone” is more mundane than incredible The story’s premise is set from the opening credits as a 1980s preteen Burt (Carell) endures the oh-so-familiar humiliations at the hands of the school bully. Things turn around for Burt when he receives a Rance Holloway Magic Kit for his birthday. Burt learns a simple trick that wins him his first friend, a sickly kid named Anton (Buscemi). The pair instantly become inseparable friends and form a magician’s partnership that takes them to the pinnacle of stardom and a regular show in Las Vegas. The movie flashes forward to the present time, where “Wonderstone & Marvelton” are just going through the motions before a dwindling crowd while the new magician on the block, Steve Gray (Carrey), is performing nausea-inducing street-tricks that are taped for his cable show, “Brain Rape.” It’s not hard to guess where the story goes from here. Burt and Anton have a falling out, Burt loses his job and begins the inevitable spiral down into despair. The problem is that there’s no real (WARNING! PUN ALERT) magic to the storytelling up to the point where the world falls apart for Burt. The story picks up momentum when the down-and-out Wonderstone stumbles across Rance Holloway (Arkin) inside a nursing home and begins to rediscover what it was the made him love magic in


the first place: the awe of seeing something that can’t possibly be true happen right before your eyes. Unfortunately there’s just not enough of the old Holloway magic in the story. Carell and Buscemi are without question reliable actors, but they’re saddled by a script that can’t make up its mind on whether it wants to be a sight-gag comedy or a more subtle character study about the magic of friendship. The third act is much more entertaining as Burt begins his journey to reclaim broken friendships and lost passion for his craft. Burt, Anton, Rance, and Nicole (Wilde) come up with a dazzling trick that, if they can pull it off, would restore Burt and Anton to headlining status in Vegas. But then the movie makes the biggest mistake of all by forgetting that most basic of magician’s rules: “A good magician never reveals his secrets.” After spending a good 30 minutes showing how the crew intends to pull off an epic sleight-of-hand trick, the trick is robbed of all its impact. For these reasons, Burt Wonderstone is not so much incredible as it is mundane...and that’s death for a magician.

Moore H.S. Alumni Association Tees Up for

“Lion’s Pride” By Rob Morris


olfers feeling the itch to test their skills and contribute to a good cause will want to circle Monday, June 24th, on their calendars. That’s when the Moore High School Alumni Association will host their first-ever “Lion’s Pride Golf Tournament” at Belmar Golf Club. The MHSAA’s Traci Nix says the organization is excited about the impact the four-man scramble can have. “This is our FIRST golf tournament, and the purpose is to raise money for the MHSAA,” Nix said. “We are a nonprofit, and the money goes towards several things.” The MHSAA works closely with Moore High School to meet various needs at the

school, including helping update the courtyard, sponsoring the MHS food pantry and helping provide equipment and food for sporting events. But the group has a primary goal in mind with their fundraising. Nix said, “Scholarships for seniors are our primary goal. We are awarding ten scholarships this year.” The association is getting the news about the golf tournament out early so that MHS graduates can join in to help with the event. For more information about playing, sponsoring, or volunteering, just log on to the association’s website at or email

Here are the details for the tournament: The Moore High School Alumni Association is hosting a “Lion’s Pride Golf Tournament” at Belmar Golf Club Monday, June 24th 8 a.m. Belmar Golf Club 1025 E Indian Hills Road Tournament will be a four-man scramble, shotgun start. APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 61






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New episode every week. sports reporter Rob Morris hosts this weekly interview show featuring athletes from Moore and South OKC. Sponsored by Beneficial Automotive Maintenance (BAM).

NOTE: All programs remain available for viewing after the initial debut date.

SHOW GUIDE The Moore Daily offers you five different locally produced television shows. This Show Guide is your source for what to expect on each episode and when. Want to know what’s playing on The Moore Daily website this month? Check the Show Guide.

MONTHLY Each month students from Platt College face off in an “Iron Chef” style culinary challenge. But unlike other shows, their projects earn them real grades…and real bragging rights. Sponsored by Platt College. Food Fight North This time on Food Fight North, we watch as Chef Pat Morris puts his students to work making––what else?–– sushi. It is all part of a delicious Sake Dinner where the students help Chef Pat wow his customers. Pairing these delicious menu items with Sake means palates are awakened, and new tastes are enjoyed. But can the students help Chef Pat get the dishes out in time and presentable? Find out on another exciting episode of Food Fight North! Food Fight South Chef Gene took the month of March off, but he is back to help the chefs put their students through a difficult pastry challenge. This time it is the night class who feels the heat in the kitchen. Will they melt under the pressure or rise to the occasion? Don’t mind the whipped cream and make sure you taste the pie on this episode of Food Fight South!

Librarians Aiden Street and Sheila Crosby take you on a journey behind the best fiction and nonfiction available, including interviews with authors, book reviews and updates on library services and events. Sponsored by First American Bank This month on Library Connections hear all about the Big Read from Gary Kramer, public information officer for the Pioneer Library System. Hosts Aiden and Leslie will introduce you to new library programs and new services from the Virtual Library. Hear about Aiden’s recent trip to Chicago for a library leadership conference and check out an exciting new offering for kids that involves come amazing big trucks!



Oz the Great and Powerful: Powerful Eye Candy for the Whole Family

Photos © Warner Bros.

By Luke Small

By caleb masters The 1939 “The Wizard of Oz” is an absolute classic that has captivated generations of audiences by taking all of us to a world filled with magic, excitement, and self-discovery. “Oz the Great and Powerful” seeks to recapture the magic that has enchanted movie goers for decades by reintroducing us to a younger, egotistical, and more ambitious man, who would eventually go on to become the wonderful Wizard of Oz. Director Sam Raimi (“Spiderman Trilogy,” “Evil Dead”) must face the daunting challenge of writing a prequel to a beloved classic while also creating something inspired enough to work in its own right. Can “Oz the Great and Powerful” be nostalgic and innovative at the same time, or is this a rehash that is doomed to live in the shadow of original? “Oz the Great and Powerful” starts its tale in the familiar black-andwhite state of Kansas, where Oscar Diggs AKA Oz ( James Franco) is a stage magician for the Baum traveling circus. After a disastrous show and an incident with the circus’s strongman, Diggs decides to flee by stealing a hot air balloon. While flying away, he is caught in monstrous tornado and is teleported to the vibrant and beautiful Land of Oz. Not long after arriving, Diggs is discovered by Theodora (Mila Kunis), who tells of a prophecy that points to his greatness as the future ruler of Oz. Seeing this as an opportunity, he takes the guise of the king of Oz and seeks to cash in on his predestined fame. On his journey to claim the crown, Oz befriends a flying monkey named Finley (voiced by Zach Braff ) and China Girl (voiced by Joey King) and eventually meets two other witches, Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Wiliams). As he and his companions explore the land, they learn that evil is lying below the surface, and not everything is as it seems with a wicked witch lurking in the shadows. The movie is anchored by the conceited and egotistical Oz, who is an anti-hero of sorts as he essentially aims to con his way into ruling the kingdom through charm and parlor tricks. Franco plays him well by giving the character enough charisma to be a believably likable liar, while also showing the shades of heroism he hides for most of the movie. The


ambiguity of Oz and his actions is easily the most fascinating part of the movie, as there are many times when his mistakes end up doing damage to the already fragile kingdom. The movie takes a very interesting angle and explores the idea that maybe his deceptions lead to the tragedy of the Witch of the West—which left me wondering if the Land of Oz would have been safer if he’d never crashed there. The story of the movie has a nostalgic tone with a fresh taste of adventure that has been lacking from the epic fantasies in recent years. There’s a real sense of excitement and wonder to the Land of Oz in the beginning of the movie, but loses its steam in the second half of the film, which is focused more on an epic battle. I found the first half of the movie to be far more exciting as I was swept away by the spectacular 3D visuals and the keen discoveries that Oz observed when he first arrived. Sam Raimi’s cheeseball style is a much better fit for the Land of Oz than I could have ever expected. His campy direction is a really great complement to the dramatic, but fun-filled fantasy on display. The movie never loses emotional impact, but is still filled with quirky jokes and plenty of smirk one-liners. Raimi continues to show that he understands the mainstream audience he is trying to hit as the movie has plenty of call backs and nostalgic moments for older fans along with some silly gags and more animated characters for kids. While the movie sails high overall, it falters in its details. The biggest of these details has to be The Wicked Witch of the West. You mix the poor make-up with some odd choices with her voice, and you have a character portrayal that simply misses the mark. If you were looking for a newly iconic version of the character, you’re better off turning on the classic 1939 musical. “Oz the Great and Powerful” easily beats its competition for the year’s best fantasy so far and even sets a fairly high bar for others to aim for. It might not be a modern classic or even the most innovative take on Oz (see “Wicked”), but it definitely recreates the same magnificent feeling of wonder and inspiring awe that I’m sure audiences felt when Dorothy landed in Oz back in 1939.

Editor’s Note: Each month our Warren Movie Guide provides a listing of the top films expected at the Warren. Dates are subject to change.

WARRENMOVIEGUIDE APRIL 5 EVIL DEAD Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods. The evil presence possesses them until only one is left to fight for survival. TRANCE An art auctioneer who has become mixed up with a group of criminals partners with a hypnotherapist in order to recover a lost painting. JURASSIC PARK 3D During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok. APRIL 12 42 The life story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey. SCARY MOVIE 5 A couple begin to experience some unusual activity after bringing their newborn son home from the hospital. With the help of home-surveillance cameras and a team of experts, they learn they’re being stalked by a nefarious demon.

Be the first to see the latest films coming to the Warren.

TO THE WONDER After visiting Mont Saint-Michel, Marina and Neil come to Oklahoma, where problems arise. Marina meets a priest and fellow exile, who is struggling with his vocation, while Neil renews his ties with a childhood friend, Jane. OBLIVION A court martial sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he has to destroy the remains of an alien race. The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and himself. APRIL 26 PAIN & GAIN A trio of bodybuilders in Florida gets caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong. THE BIG WEDDING A long-divorced couple fakes being married as their family unites for a wedding. AT ANY PRICE A farming family’s business is threatened by an unexpected crisis, further testing the relationship between a father and his rebellious son.


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9136 S. Walker Avenue OKC, OK 73139

By Luke Small

Handiworks Specializes in “Handmade” and “Local” There was once a time when saying something was locally handmade would have been redundant–– everything was made that way. Clothes and toys did not have to pass through a chain of distributors—just through the hands of a local store owner to his or her customers. In a way then, stepping into Handiworks at 89th Street and Walker is like stepping back in time. “It’s got that personal touch,” said Alice Fuller, owner of this little touch of nostalgia on the south side. Handiworks has been open just under a year, but already thirty different venders have packed the store with their own special creations. Alice said these vendors normally couldn’t afford the costs associated with opening up a whole store. But renting a spot in Handiworks proves to be just right. “It only took three weeks to get [the store] filled up,” Fuller said. But the store did not fill up with just any ordinary items. Ordinary is not in Fuller’s vocabulary. All the new items in Handiworks are hand made by local vendors, a surprise in itself. Even more surprising are the types of items you can find. One vendor sells


handmade wooden toys and puzzles, something you thought went out with the rotary dial telephone. At Handiworks, they’re one of the top-selling items. “You can go back to the basics, and they’re loved by the kids,” Fuller said. Right next to the wooden toys, you can find all kinds of jewelry, bows, and hair braids. A little further down and you can find toys and collectibles made out of covered wire. These intricate, unusual items can be had for a steal at Handiwork’s prices. That actually is Fuller’s theme––a wide variety of specialty items at reasonable prices. “I’ve tried my best not to duplicate [items] and have each booth be different,” she said. Being surrounded by original paintings, bird houses, and crochet can give anyone the urge to start crafting. Lucky for their customers, Handiworks helps satisfy that urge by offering classes on everything from knitting to making greeting cards. Along with their new merchandise, Fuller recently expanded to allow for antique and refurbished items. She also does her own embroidery and

monogramming. Even her husband has gotten into the act by adding a section of merchandise you may find on “American Picker.” At Handiworks, variety is never going out of style. “Variety is the spice of life,” she said. Indeed, Handiworks may be on a four-lane street in a bustling city in 2013. But step inside and you will be transported back in time, when handmade was king. You may like it so much you will not want to go back.


621 N Moore Ave • (405) 896-8398

By Luke Small

Super Mercados Morelos Americans have gotten used to eating foods that are revisions of the traditional. Take-out Chinese noodles, Tex-Mex tacos, that not-so-Thai Thai––We Americans are masters of taking cuisine and giving it our own spin. Well, in Moore these days, people are flocking to a place that has no spin. In a word, we would call it auténtico. “Everything is fresh made,” said Jose Ibarra, Jr., coowner and manager of the Super Mercado Morelos right off I-35 in the New City Center. What Ibarra is talking about is not the grocery store, although they have some of the freshest produce and meat in the city. The fresh cooking that Ibarra mentions is in the little taqueria inside the grocery store, where the smells and tastes have been attracting customers since the place opened last November. Ibarra said they’ve had a “good response from the community.” Step up to the cafe line on a weekend and you will see why. The cafeteria-style spread features authentic Mexican dishes such as pesole (a Mexican soup with hominy), albondigas (Mexican

meatballs), and, of course, tamales, handmade and steamed every day. “The gorditas are also good because it is also made with fresh masa every day,” Ibarra said about the mini tortillas, which are stuffed with just about any meat and then covered in fresh toppings. This is important: when you look at the cheese covering the gordita. Take note. This is not melted American cheese; this is queso fresco, the authentic Mexican cheese similar to feta. That is how you know you are eating authentic Mexican food. The lunchtime smells can draw a crowd any day of the week at this taqueria, but the best time to come may be on the weekends, when Ibarra said they make their own tortillas. “Saturdays and weekends, it is crowded all day,” he said. And while you are chowing down on a delicious chile relleno (a deep fried poblano pepper stuffed with meat and cheese), you should probably take notice of what you paid for your meal. The prices at Super Mercados Morelos are extremely reasonable.

There are quick menus that give you some combo options, but you may just want to get a plate with two meats, rice, beans, and salsa for around five or six bucks. Oh, did I mention that the salsas were fresh made, too? Ibarra said the taqueria has been a big hit with customers, but the grocery store cannot be overlooked, as it is the reason for their existence. In the store, you can find some of the freshest produce and great marinated meats. But do not––I repeat–– do not skip the bakery section where you can find must-have sweet breads like conchas. Super Mercados Morelos has been in Oklahoma for ten years on the north side, but, if the lines at lunch are any indication, its newest location has already made a permanent stamp on the Moore community. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to order some tamales.


H E A LT H Y M O O R E Healthy Moore is a section that includes healthy living information and medical trends provided by experts from the Norman Regional Health System.

Make Snacking Healthier

by Kaely Jackson, Dietetic Intern


nacking—something that is very common with almost everyone and can influence the way you feel during your day. How do you make snacking healthier? It’s going to be essential to consume a snack that contains a lean protein and a complex carbohydrate at the same time. This will help keep your blood sugar from dropping too low or spiking. Either of these results can make you feel bad. Keeping your blood sugar level and following this snacking tip will allow you to keep focus on your day without an unpleasant feeling. Below are a description of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates and some examples of how to put them together for healthy snacks! Lean Protein—Protein is accessible from many sources, such as meat, cheese, milk, nuts and eggs. High-fat content in theses food items can make them less healthy. Lean proteins are those that are lower in fat and are better for you. Some examples include • • • • •

Chicken Turkey Eggs Tuna Low-fat or fat-free cheeses, milk and yogurt.

Complex Carbohydrates—These carbohydrates are made up of three or more sugars that are linked together to form a chain. These sugars contain a higher amount of fiber and take a little bit longer to digest. Because of this, they don’t raise the sugar level in the blood as quickly as simple carbohydrates. Here are a few examples of complex carbs: • • • •

Whole grains (brown rice, oats, buckwheat) Fruits (plums, pears, grapefruits, oranges, prunes) Vegetables Legumes.


Now let’s put some snacks together.

Complex carb + Lean protein Complex Carbohydrates

Lean Protein

Pita chips




Whole wheat toast

Peanut butter


Cottage cheese

Brown rice

Low-fat ham

Whole wheat crackers

Low-fat cheese

Remember, healthy snacking is a lifestyle change. It is important to get in the habit of making smart snacking choices throughout your day. And don’t forget to change it up, be creative with you snacks!

For nutritional counseling, Norman Regional Health System offers the guidance of registered dietitians. Those interested can schedule an appointment for an assessment with a referral from their family physician.

Veterans Look to Honor

“Military Spirit” of Young Soldiers By Rob Morris


ietnam veterans Bob Lambert and Ken Provost know what it’s like to serve their country in foreign lands. They also understand the need to show gratitude for America’s fighting men and women. But while they were grateful for the attention shown to soldiers returning to our country after serving overseas, they felt the nation’s newest and youngest servicemen and servicewomen deserved some recognition as well. Provost said, “Why wait until they come home as wounded warriors? Let’s thank them from day one and let them know what we think of their decision and dreams to serve this country.” So in 2008, Lambert and Provost created the Military Spirit Medal. The new program was created as a show of gratitude to graduating high-school students who have elected to enter the military. “Day one is the day students graduate from high school and depart to serve their country,” said Lambert, “either on active duty, in the National Guard, in the Reserves, or as cadets at any of this country’s military academies.” The very first Military Spirit Medals were presented in 2010 to Antonio Martinez-Flores, Jr.

and Austin “Cody” Sparks. Flores was a graduate of Northwest Classen High School in Oklahoma City, and Sparks graduated from Broken Arrow High School. In 2011, medals were presented to students at Bishop McGuinness, Choctaw, Jones, Harrah, Mount St. Mary’s, and Star Spencer High Schools. Fifteen high schools produced medal recipients in 2012, including twenty-four students from Moore area high schools: Moore High School Cody Brown—Navy Nick Brown—Marines Devin Campbell—Marines Tanner Daugherty—Air Force Jared Deyo—Marines Crystal Geberth—Air Force Brandon Pistole—Marines Angel O. Rivera—Marines Austin Stone—Marines Eli Taylor—Marines Courtney Thornton—OU ROTC Daniel E. Wise—Marines

Southmoore High School Amanda Craft—Marines William A. Davis—Marines Zachary M. Karjanis—Air Force Reserves Austin Shumway—Air Force Westmoore High School John Carrick—Army National Guard Dallas Bauder—Marines Anthony Gerads—Army National Guard Ronald Brown—Navy Thomas Lobmeyer—Navy Josh Lorentz—Marines Blake Middleton—Navy John P. Ortiguero—Marine Reserves. Lambert and Provost expect to present about 120 Military Spirit Medals in May of 2013. Here are the presentation dates for Moore students: • Moore High School—Monday, May 13, 6:30 p.m. • Westmoore High School—Tuesday, May 14, 6:30 p.m. • Southmoore High School—Tuesday, May 14, 7 p.m. For more information on the Military Spirit Medal program, call 405-672-7728 or email APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 71


Johnnie’s Bakery Ribbon Cutting

It’s time to celebrate another great business addition to the Moore Community as the Chamber and friends hold a ribbon cutting for Johnnie’s Bakery.


Business Before Hours

See, download or order prints of more pictures of events in Moore at

The Moore Chamber of Commerce hosted its monthly Business Before Hours meeting at Rambling Oaks Assisted Living Community. (Next page)

Deep Clean & Stain Guard

1 Room FREE A B E L E N T E R PR IS E S, L. L. C.

201 SE 4th, Moore, Ok 73160 Tel. 405-759-7738

Upholstery Cleaning

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201 SE 4th, Moore, OK 73160 Tel. 405-759-7738



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Spring Break Camps

The City of Moore helps keep kids entertained and educated during spring break with their Mad Science, Extreme Animals, Abrakadoodle and Basketball Skill camps.


Bosworth Movie Premiere

Former OU All-American linebacker Brian Bosworth brought his movie “Revelation Road” to the Warren Theatre in Moore for a premiere night in early March.

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405.703.4990 3110 SW 89th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City APRIL 2013 | MOORE MONTHLY | 75

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