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VOL. 13 • NO. 2 • FEBRUARY 2018
8 Buying Moore: The face of retail is changing. How we shop, whether it be by click, by swipe, or by cash, impacts our community.
26 South Side Sleds: Shawn Folmar’s passion for his business is matched only by his heart for Moore and the south Oklahoma City community.
42 Sweet Adelines: Moore resident Diana Quay has spent the past 30 years performing throughout the country as a Sweet Adeline and has managed to recruit her daughter Dawn and granddaughter Kristen to join the ensemble.
54 V is for Victory: At Westmoore High School, V is also for 18-year-old senior Veronika Zilajeva, who values victory on the chess board and the basketball court.
From the Editor
Publisher Brent Wheelbarger Writers Rob Morris, Donna Walker
As Led Zeppelin sang….we’ve got a whole lotta love packed in this month’s issue. But instead of filling our pages with love stories, we chose to give you more of a glimpse of our heart— the community. Within these pages we’ll take a closer look at our ever-changing retail sector, a young student’s talent and devotion to both basketball and the game of chess, and we will discover how the love of music brings generations together. You’ll also meet a man whose love of tricking out bikes and hot rods turned into a profitable business and another whose passion of the restaurant industry led him to bring a fun and comfortable sports grill to the metro. Share the love y’all.
- Donna Walker Editor
For ad placement, specifications and rates donna@mooremonthly.com 405.793.3338
634 North Broadway St. Moore, OK 73160 405.793.3338 • trifectacomm.net
Moore Monthly is a monthly publication by Trifecta Communications, serving Moore, South OKC & Norman. Moore Monthly is free to the public. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Moore Monthly is not responsible for the care and/or return of unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photography, books, or any other material submitted for possible publication.
Buying How the Changing Face of Retail Impacts Our Community
by Riley Roberson
g Moore
“It’s a struggle to keep grace
to 22 percent according to a re-
could, forcing a dynamic world
cent Wall Street Journal report.
to adapt to him. He made it clear exactly who he was, and he stuck
when someone
to it.
says they can
In Moore where our local gov-
get a product for
ernment’s general fund primar-
two dollars cheaper on Amazon,”
ily relies on sales tax dollars and
The world didn’t stop changing
said Jenny Campbell, owner of
where retailers are a cornerstone
after that. Development after
Showplace Market in Moore. “It’s a
of the local economy, this trend
development led us to the pres-
challenge when someone doesn’t
can raise eyebrows.
ent moment where another big change is demanding another
see the heart and the care that’s behind those two dollars.” The face of retail is changing .
A correlation could be drawn
adaptive answer. While some be-
to the turn of the 20th century
lieve a dark cloud looms over the
when people in Oklahoma were
future of retail, not everyone sees
rushing to claim and develop
it that way.
The advent of Amazon has al-
land. For a time this was a mas-
tered the way people think about
sive shift in how things were done
“Doom and gloom? Not at all!”
buying and selling. Shipping can
and people responded in numer-
said Deidre Ebrey, the Director of
happen in two days, if not sooner.
ous different ways; the most
Economic Development for the
Products can come from another
adaptive thrived. But that didn’t
City of Moore.
state, another country, or an-
necessarily mean giving up on
other hemisphere. The centuries-
what they knew or where they
long norm of taking a trip to the
were from.
Ebrey argues Amazon’s impact on local markets isn’t as significant as it’s been made out to be,
store is shifting at its core. One of those adapters was Al
and she has the numbers to prove
Originally, the biggest threat
Moore, an employee of the rail-
it. The National Retail Federation
Amazon posed was to the book
road stationed at a watering stop
(NRF) would agree with Ebrey, af-
industry. That’s not all it’s threat-
later to become Moore. He was
ter reporting that holiday sales
ening anymore. Last year, its ap-
having trouble receiving his mail
nationwide were higher than ex-
parel sales grew by 25 percent. On
so he wrote “Moore” on the side of
pected. The NRF also said that
top of that, it recently acquired
his boxcar.
confidence was higher among consumers than in years past.
Whole Foods and opened its own convenience stores that don’t re-
The lore of Al Moore wasn’t that
quire cashiers. At the same time,
he was quicker or stronger or
Ebrey’s numbers match up with
the number of retailers walking
better than anyone else. Al Moore
those of the NRF. Revenue from
the fine line of bankruptcy in the
is known for holding his ground
sales taxes in Moore are up from
country is growing--currently up
and writing his name as big as he
this time last year. That has to do
with the city’s population and the num-
the City of Moore also meant recogniz-
ers and provides special, unique prod-
ber of opportunities to buy products
ing that technology is, and will remain to
ucts made by the community, for the
in Moore. Although things are changing
be, a huge part of creating a successful
dramatically in the world of retail, people
brand, which is why we created an app
are buying more in Moore.
that was clean, user-friendly, and per-
“We have local moms and grandmas making things that you can feel and see,”
sonable,” Matt Vaughan said.
Campbell said. “We’ve created a tone and
Ebrey is actually excited about oppor-
environment that Amazon can’t offer.”
tunities the shift in retail presents, and
The Vaughans seem to be using The
she’s already pleased with the responses
Boxcar to pass the torch from gen-
she’s seeing.
eration to generation, holding Moore’s
Campbell, who grew up in Moore, loves
uniqueness and history highly while also
seeing businesses and ideas pop up
“Retailers in the area are being smart
making adaptions for the future. Even
in Moore because she believes in the
about people in the area,” Ebrey said.
the name itself alludes to our old friend
“I leave it up to them.”
who stuck to his uniqueness while times “Our people are awesome,” Campbell
were changing.
said. “And that’s something you just
To Ebrey, there were a few plac-
“We knew that when we opened The
es in Moore that
Boxcar we wanted to appreciate the
stick out.
rich history of Moore and the men and women that worked really hard to get
The Boxcar of
us here,” Matt said. “But we also knew
Moore is owned
that didn’t mean we were destined to be
and operated by
stuck in the past.”
don’t get anywhere else.” One of the people who instantly come to her mind is Jazmine Farmer. After tornadoes devastated the area, she had the idea to make and sell “Oklahoma Pride” shirts to raise money for re-
lea Vaughan, who
The Vaughans appreciate the people
lief. Campbell was on board at Showplace
have done their
of Moore, and they understand who
Market, and then things started moving
research on how
they are. At the same time, they are keen
more quickly than Farmer expected.
the shift in retail
enough to see things that they could add
and incorporation
to Moore to make it even better. They’ve
of new technology
found a way to adapt to changes
idea, has expanded to 200 retailers in four states.
will impact their Ebrey also acknowledges Showplace
Market as a good example of adap“Creating something
Now, Calamity Jane’s Apparel, Farmer’s
tive change. She believes owner Jenny
“That person had a dream,” Campbell said. “And I got to watch that evolve.”
Campbell understands her custom-
Campbell gets to see new ideas every year, from her numerous vendors. “Each year is different,” Campbell said. “We always have to be evolving, whether it’s be-
people to develop simple and effective rou-
With advances in technology and changes
tines in terms of food, clothing, medicine,
in retail, the status quo will continue to be-
and so on. But if online shopping trends con-
come more complex. Thankfully, people like
tinue, there may be something younger gen-
Ebrey, Campbell and the Vaughans are be-
erations will miss-out on.
ing intentional about it. Much like Al Moore’s adaptive approach to getting noticed in his
cause of the economy or trends.” “They will miss-out on the experience,”
changing world, they’re creating a model for
Ebrey and Campbell both have positive at-
Campbell said. “[Younger generations] will
younger generations who will face unique
titudes about the people of Moore, its great
assume that’s (online shopping) the norm,
challenges of their own.
local businesses, and even the beneficial im-
and it will put them at a disadvantage.” Services like Amazon will certainly impact
pact Moore’s economic development has on Boiling down the once interactive and
how people live their lives. But for each new
meaningful shopping process into isolated
challenge it presents, there’s a counter op-
“Kids have absolutely no idea how lucky
acts of scrolling and clicking cuts down the
portunity for local retailers; people like
they have it,” Ebrey said. “They have way
experience to a level too robotic for Camp-
Farmer who capitalize on creativity. Every
more to choose from than I did growing up.”
bell. She mentioned the number of people
day they’re introducing new and different
that come to Showplace Market to see
ways for people to buy in Moore.
the city’s children.
Ebrey is right. The number of businesses,
what’s new, to get ideas, to catch up with
the variety of options, and the ease of ac-
friends, and to decompress--all things that
cess to products are miles from where they
don’t include a transaction. Simply clicking
once were. All of those variables allow young
and buying online is only a small part of what shopping is in essence.
Sources https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevendennis/2017/06/19/should-we-care-whether-amazon-is-systematicallydestroying-retail/#66edc0f86b1f https://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/10/heres-how-the-amazon-effect-is-hitting-the-apparel-industry.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-effect-leads-investors-to-sour-on-retail-1506591003 http://www.businessinsider.com/starbucks-shultz-amazon-effect-threatens-retailers-2017-10 https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/06/09/moodys-number-distressed-retailers-topstotal-during-financial-crisis/102626866/ https://www.connect.media/holiday-retail-sales-increased-5-5-2017-strongest-gain-since-great-recession/?utm_source =mlRetail&utm_campaign=mlRetail-2018-01-16_21:10-Holiday_Retail_Sales_Increased_5_5_in_2017_Strongest_ Gain_Since_Great_Recession&utm_medium=email&utm_term=connect-classroom%20retail&utm_content=Holiday_ Retail_Sales_Increased_5_5_in_2017_Strongest_Gain_Since_Great_Recession&pid=f2e3d3e6-a776-4792-8f07-31f87ba1a94b
“We always have to be evolving, whether it’s because of the economy or trends.”
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Should I Hire a Small Business Coach or Consultant? The terms “coach” and “consultant” are sometimes confused because the
Small Business Coach
services they provide intersect in the growth and shoring up of a business, but
A coach will partner with a client in a thought-provoking and creative process
they actually mean two significantly different things. A coach focuses on the
that inspires the client to maximize their personal and professional potential.
person; a consultant focuses on the business.
Look for International Coaching Federation credentials to ensure the coach you
Coaching always involves confidentiality and a commitment between the
work with is well versed in the art of business coaching.
coach and an individual, whether it is a business owner, manager, or employee. The coach and the individual work jointly toward improvements in specific
Areas of focus for a small business coach
interpersonal and/or professional skills. The coach helps the employee set goals
Accountability Implementation
and holds them accountable while the employee learns to take ownership and
Action Planning
responsibility for the direction of their life.
Brainstorming Motivation
Like a sports coach, a small business coach works on bringing out the best that
Limiting beliefs
Clarity Overwhelm
is already inside a person. The focus of coaching is on the “bigger picture” of what
Distraction Purpose
an individual wants to create professionally and personally. In this partnership,
Fear Self-sabotage
the coach and individual work together to keep the employee motivated to move
Focus Structure
forward on their goals, tasks, and dreams.
Follow-up Time management
While small business coaching is transformational, small business consulting
tends to be more transactional. A small business consultant is a business expert who works closely with
The net result of small business coaching is the creation a plan for moving
ownership and management and, when applicable, all employees. They are
forward with a professional partner who will support you in actualizing that plan
interested in all aspects of the business from the janitor to the CEO. Consultants
in your self-employed business.
typically focus on one aspect of the business: manufacturing, marketing, business models, online presence, social marketing, etc.
Small Business Consultant
The primary job of the consultant is to teach and suggest direction for specific
A small business consultant comes to the partnership as an expert in a specific
aspects of the business. Consultants bring an outside view and a fresh perspective
area. After careful discussion and analysis of what results you are looking to
that people who work in the business every day cannot.
achieve, a consultant will help you create a plan of action and teach your skills to
Consultants are usually temporary. Brought in for something specific and then, at most, occasionally called in later to maintain or recheck what they have done.
move forward toward your goals. The focus of consulting is to get projects and tasks done that will enhance your business.
When a business enters into a larger consultancy, they may seek out a coach who doubles as a consultant. Companies hire business consultants to bring them
Areas of focus for a small business consultant
solutions. Coaches are hired to help people uncover and implement their own
Business planning & strategy
Internet marketing planning
solutions. Both coaches and consultants help a business grow to match the vision
Service/product offerings and pricing
Project planning
of its leadership. Coaches, however, also help individuals have the life they want.
Direction of business SEO
When a business owner finds a professional who can serve in both the coach
Dealing with staff/contractors
Setting up e-commerce
and consultant capacity, they have the best of both professions: advice and
Lead generation
Social Media marketing
expertise when needed, motivation and brainstorming, insight to help a business
Systems for running your business
Closing the sale
and its people reach maximum potential.
Traditional marketing planning
Website planning
Finding one individual with International Coaching Federation Credentials (ICF) as well as business expertise to provide business-consulting services is rare.
Qualified small business coaches and/or consultants can be found in most
You may need to hire a coach and a consultant separately, depending on your
small-to large-metropolitan areas through a simple search online or by calling
goals, needs and the availability of qualified coaches/consultants. Consider what
the Business & Industry Services division of the Career Tech center in your
you know about running a business, the level of support you require, the results
area. Remember to check credentials to make sure the professional you hire is
you would like to achieve, what you/your business needs most and how you learn
indisputably qualified to do so.
best, in order to help you make a decision as to which type service would bring the most value.
Henry Dumas Small Business Management Coordinator
Moore Norman Technology Center
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Uncommon Rom-Coms for an Uncommon Romance February is, of course, the resting place of one particular holiday that is most often associated with romantic love. Ironically the holiday began as a Christian celebration honoring a group of early saints who were martyred. Depending on your feelings for romance, or lack of feelings as the case may be, you can thank Geoffrey Chaucer for first connecting the celebration with romance. In the spirit of this somewhat bittersweet history of a day often celebrated with sweethearts…here’s a list of uncommon romantic comedies, perfect for those who are tired of your traditional rom-coms like “Sleepless in Seattle”, “You’ve Got Mail”, and “Serendipity.”
Crazy, Stupid, Love (2012) Directors : Glenn Ficarra & John Ficarra Writer: Dan Fogelman Starring: Steve Carrell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone Steve Carrell is Cal Weaver, who has been in love with his wife, Emily ( Julianne Moore) since they were teenagers. She drops a “I had an affair and want a divorce.” bombshell on him at dinner that shatters him. A very smooth Ryan Gosling discovers Cal in the rubble of his failed marriage and escorts him through a redefinition of his life (beginning with his fashion choices). The story is messy, but so is life. The cast is pitch perfect, including Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Amélie (2001) Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet Writers: Guillaume Laurent, Jean-Pierre Jeunet Starring: Audrey Tatou, Mathie Kassovitz, Dominique Pinon, Clotilde Mollet Photo credit: UGC Fox The full title of this delightful French film is “The Fabulous Destiney of Amélie Poulain.” It features Audrey Tatou in the title role of a lonely young woman with a vivid imagination and a passion for executing mischievous schemes to help those around her find happiness. The discovery of a box of childhood memorabilia sends her on a search for the boy who left it behind and leads her, quite unexpectedly and with perfect poignancy, to romance. Yes, it’s in French…but you’ll forget the subtitles early into the film.
Director: Michael Gondry, Writers: Charlie Kaufman Starring: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo Part science fiction, part drama, part philosophical musing, this nonlinear tale of a couple who just want to forget each other. Joel ( Jim Carrey) is shy and soft-spoken. Clementine (Kate Winslet) is colorful and free-spirited. Naturally they fall in love. Then they fall out of love. Both decide to undergo a technique that selectively erases painful memories, thus effectively forgetting the other. The script, by Charlie Kaufman, takes the viewer through a twisting tale of love, memory, and destiny. The final question is haunting: can we ever truly forget our true love?
Garden State (2004) Director: Zach Braff Writers: Zach Braff Starring: Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard, Ian Holm Photo credit: Fox Searchlight A funny and moving account of how things that happened to us as children can entangle us as adults. Andrew (Zach Braff ) is a struggling (are there any other kinds?) actor from Los Angeles who is back home in his New Jersey hometown following the death of his mother. We quickly discover that Zach has been struggling with depression and is taking lithium, mood stabilizers and other anti-depressants. After he reconnects with some high school friends he meets Sam (Natalie Portman). Sam is a pathological liar. Together the two begin to unravel the events in their lives that have led them to their current state.
Groundhog Day (1993) Director: Harold Ramis Writers: Harold Ramis, Danny Rubin Starring: Bill Murray, Andi MacDowell, Chris Elliott Photo credit: Columbia Pictures What would you do if you were immortal? What if you were immortal and narcissistic? This Bill Murray classic answers the question in hilarious fashion. Murry is Phil Connors, a TV weather man who couldn’t be more self-absorbed. Andie MacDowell co-stars as a news producer who despises Phil. While on location in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvannia to cover the annual Groundhog Day festivities, Phil discovers that he’s reliving the same day over and over again. Even if he dies, the alarm goes off and he wakes up in Punxsutawney again. Is it a curse? Is it a gift? What Connors does with eternity is hilarious. What eternity does to Connors is profound.
Lars & the Real Girl (2007) Director: Craig Gillespie, Writers: Nancy Oliver Starring: Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider, Patricia Clarkson The story of a relationship between a Lars (Ryan Gosling) and his lifelike, anatomically-correct sex doll named Bianca. Don’t stop reading because in spite of the premise this is one of the sweetest movies you’ll ever come across. Gosling is nearly unrecognizable in the role of Lars, a painfully shy and socially inept man who struggles to connect with anyone in the small Wisconsin town where he lives. The arrival of Bianca turns Lars’ family and the entire town upside down when Lars insists on treating Bianca as a real person. The story is unpredictable and filled with warmth as Bianca helps Lars find his way back to real relationships.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Director: David O. Russell, Writers: David O. Russell Starring: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro
Pat (Bradley Cooper) is bi-polar and has just been released from a psychiatric hospital where he was committed after beating his wife’s illicit lover nearly to death. He meets Tiffany ( Jennifer Lawrence) a grieving widow who is battling depression by being wildly promiscuous. Tiffany agrees to help Pat win back his wife’s affections if he will agree to be her partner in a ballroom dance competition. The relationship is as odd as on-screen relationships go, but also perfect.
Stardust (2007) Director: Matthew Vaughn, Writers: Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn Starring: Claire Danes, Charlie Fox, Sienna Miller, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro A dash of “Lord of the Rings” mixed in with a little Jane Austen, this movie is based on a novel by Neil Gaiman. Tristan (Charlie Cox) discovers a magic kingdom on the other side of a wall near the small town where he lives, coincidentally named “Wall.” What waits on the other side of that wall is a cheeky, fantasy adventure that features a fallen star, pirates who harvest and sell lightning, and ancient witches determined to extend their mortal existence no matter the cost. The ensemble cast is splendid as is the clever Gaiman tale, which mixes classic fantasy themes with romance.
Warm Bodies (2013) Director: Jonathan Levine, Writers: Jonathan Levine Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, Dave Franco Picture “The Walking Dead” with a dash of “10 Things I Hate About You” or “She’s All That” and you’ve pretty much got this zombie romance. Nearly a decade has passed since a zombie apocalypse has divided America into protected enclaves where the living are protected from the flesh-eating zombie hordes. On a mission into zombie territory, Julie (Teresa Palmer) encounters R (Nicholas Hoult), triggering a heart beat in the zombie’s dead body. The two begin a tentative friendship that could lead to disaster or maybe a cure for the zombie plague.
BEST OF MOORE & SOUTH OKC AWARDS SHOW Thanks to our sponsors! Join us at the 6th Annual Awards Show! The top 3 finalists in each category will be officially invited to the Best of Moore Awards, but the event is open to the public. All 3 finalists will receive recognition — either a certificate or a trophy — so if you get invited to the Best of Moore Awards, you'll go home a winner!
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Sketches of Moore - by L.T. Hadley
Resting in Peace Along the paths through the American West are sheltered the “end of the trail” for thousands of pioneers and settlers who fell from disease, starvation, warring tribes and the American equivalent of the highwayman. The forgiving land keeps its secrets of pain and sorrow, of unfulfilled dreams and plans. Moore, like many other communities along those paths, lent the use of their cemeteries to travelers. The westward-bound pioneers usually left only a small wooden cross with a name and date, which the elements soon destroyed. As early as 1890, Moore had a cemetery. A homesteader named Chestnut set aside a four-acre tract on his 160-acre claim for a cemetery. It was a private property and not platted. However, people, and not just the travelers, used it without asking, choosing a place and burying their dead. Chestnut sold the cemetery to J.W. Payne in 1913. Payne began laying out plots and selling them; trying to trace down names, dates, and locations—a nearly impossible task. Officially, it was a private cemetery, but people considered it public property and continued to make use of it, unofficially. Albert A. Smith, an 1890-vintage resident related the following incident that took place at a board meeting he attended in 1919. The chairman was G.S. Meloy, and the other two members were K.W. Payne and John Godwin. Two irate women appeared and demanded that the town board do something about the deplorable condition of the cemetery. Smith said that Payne rose majestically to his feet and said, “That cemetery is my private property. I’d sell the whole thing for $5.00 if anybody would buy it.” Without a word, Meloy rose to his feet, drew out his wallet, selected a five-dollar bill and handed it to Payne. Payne silently placed it in his wallet and then both men sat down to resume board business. The next day, they went to the county court house and signed the transfer to make the cemetery the property of the Town of Moore. Albert Smith was appointed cemetery sexton and he served for the next 55 years, until his death. He also served on the Cleveland County Election Board, so he used an old election record book for keeping cemetery records, plus envelopes, scraps of paper,
receipts, etc. In 1922, four more acres were added to the cemetery. Through the years, more land has been purchased and the cemetery now contains 22.5 acres. Early in the century, another private cemetery came into use. A different family named Smith, who lived at South telephone Road and 34th Street, had a son who died during a great flood in the area. Unable to get to the cemetery, they buried the son on their land and fenced off a part for a private family cemetery. People began using that cemetery, also, and finally records were kept of who and where and when. During the 1930s, a cemetery board was established for it, and a perpetual care account begun. During the mid-’60s, the City Council was petitioned to assume ownership of both the property and the perpetual care account in return for maintenance of the cemetery. This transaction was approved and the Smith cemetery became property of Moore. The size has been enlarged and now contains two acres, though there are no spaces left for sale. During the last few years, many improvements have been made to both locations. Cemeteries should not be fearful or gloomy places. They are perfectly natural places, since death is as
much a part of life as birth. They contain worlds of historical information. People drive all over the country, searching out large and small cemeteries to get information for family records. These can be peaceful places, places of quiet beauty and serenity, separate from the hectic pace of everyday life. The poet Thomas Gray described it as “Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife.” But like that or not, cemeteries are here to stay, and Moore has two beautiful, well-maintained ones. Note: This edition of Sketches of Moore was first published in a previous issue of Moore Monthly.
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Senior Living
Caring for Your Skin as You Age Kathleen Wilson, Director of Aging Services Inc.
Dry Skin and Itching
Health problems such as diabetes or kidney disease can cause dry skin. Using too much soap, soap that is too harsh and taking hot baths or showers will make dry skin worse. Older skin is thinner. Scratches can cause bleeding that can become infected. Some medicines make skin itchier. Moisturizers like lotions, creams and ointments can smooth dry skin. These products should be used every day. Try taking fewer baths and using milder soap. Warm water is less drying than hot. Don’t use bath oil, it can create a fall hazard in the tub or shower!!! If you must use it, spray it on after you are out of the shower or bath tub.
Bruises Older skin will bruise more easily. It will also take longer for bruises to heal. Some medicines or illnesses increase your likelihood of bruising.
Wrinkles As you age, skin will begin to wrinkle. Things in our environment like ultra violet (UV) light from the sun make skin less elastic. Gravity can cause skin to sag as well as cause wrinkles. Lots of products are available that claim to reduce or remove wrinkles. Many of these products do not work. If you have serious concerns about your skin for any reason, contact a dermatologist and schedule a visit.
Age Spots and Skin Tags Age spots are flat, brown spots caused by sun damage. They are bigger than freckles and show up on the face, hands, arms, back and feet. These spots are mainly harmless but if they bother you, see a dermatologist. Skin tags are small growths of skin that have a raised surface. They are a common occurrence, especially among women. They are generally harmless but if they become inflamed or irritated, contact a dermatologist.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the USA. Anyone can get skin cancer but people with fair skin that freckles easily are at the greatest risk. Skin cancer can be cured if it is found before it spreads to other organs. There are three types of skin cancer. Two types, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, grow slowly and rarely spread to other parts of the body. These cancers are mostly found on parts of the skin exposed to the sun, like the head, face, neck, hands and arms, but they can occur anywhere on your body. The third and most dangerous type of skin cancer is melanoma. It is rarer than the other types but can spread to other organs and can be deadly if left untreated. Check your skin once a month for things that may be cancer. Skin cancer is rarely painful. Look for changes such as a new growth, a sore that doesn’t heal, or a bleeding mole. Also check moles, birthmarks, or other parts of the skin for the “ABCDE’s.” ABCDE stands for: A – Asymmetry (one half of the growth looks different from the other half ) B - Borders that are irregular C - Color changes or more than one color D – Diameter greater than the size of a pencil eraser E – Evolving: this means the growth changes in size, shape, symptoms (itching, tenderness, surface (especially bleeding) or shades of color. See your doctor right away if you have any of these signs.
Keep Your Skin Healthy Some sun can be good for you but to keep your skin healthy, be careful by: • Limiting time in the sun • Using sunscreen • Wearing protective clothing • Avoiding tanning Your skin may change with age. But remember there are things you can do to help. Check your skin often. If you find any changes that worry you, see your doctor.
301 N Eastern Ave. Moore, OK 73160 • 405-799-9919
Older people suffer from dry skin often on legs, elbows and arms. Dry skin can feel and look scaly and rough. There are many reasons for dry skin: • Not drinking adequate amounts of liquids/water • Spending too much time in the sun or out of doors • Being in dry air • Smoking • Being under stress
Skin Cancer
Moore's Assisted Living Community
Your skin is the largest organ on your body and it will change as you age. Older skin becomes thinner and no longer looks as smooth as it once did. Scratches, cuts and bumps take longer to heal. Lifelong habits such as sun tanning or spending long periods of time in the sun can lead to skin problems in life. There are things you can do to protect your skin and to make it look and feel better.
At first glance, a vintage tail fin Cadillac and a sleek electric blueand-chrome Harley Trike share few similarities other than the fact that they're both vehicles. Each mechanical beauty stands in a class all its own. While they both attract a devoted following, you are not likely to find them in the same garage...unless you pay a visit to South Side Sleds. South Side Sleds began serving south Oklahoma City customers in 2014 when Shawn Folmar started providing custom work for hot rod and cycle enthusiasts. Late last year South Side Sleds made Moore their home, bringing their niche services to our community. “As residents of Moore, we felt coming here was the right move for many reasons. In recent years, Moore has become a hub of commerce for the South OKC area. Moore is very welcoming to small businesses like ours. From an economic standpoint, it made sense to put our tax dollars into the community in which we live”, Folmar said. Folmar also had a more sentimental reason for making the move. Having lost his home in the May 2013 tornado, he experienced firsthand the strength, compassion and resilience of the community. “I realized that the people of Moore are like no others…it has never been more apparent to me or the entire country. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of such a loving and resilient place?” The shop’s main focus is on custom paint, body, motorcycle service, performance, and accessory upgrades. They also offer custom chassis fabrication as well as metal and fiberglass fabrication. South Side Sleds is the premiere shop for unique modifications and anything custom or “one-off.” With an extensive network of vendors and suppliers, Folmar also assists those searching for accessories and extra options not available locally or through mainstream channels. “Sometimes large manufacturers just don’t make the part, or its old and obsolete. This is where we come in. We are able to reproduce a lot of “one-off ” parts or components not available elsewhere", Folmar added. South Side Sleds is no ordinary shop. The expertise, workmanship and combined experience of the team spans over 60 years. There are very few custom shops offering the array of capabilities that South Side Sleds provides. The secret is the impressive expert skillset each employee brings to the team. “What makes our business unique is the diverse skill set each individual here holds. This allows us to do most, if not all things inhouse. We are a one-stop shop with the tools and experience to turn raw materials such as steel and paint into show quality works of art.” Left to right: Ben Holland , Shawn Folmar, “Opie” Don Mann Not pictured: Kevin Rock
Over the year, the SSS team has gained hundreds of hours of experience through technical training, continuing education, and
apprenticeships with senior builders in the hot rod and motorcycle community. In addition, they each hold individual certifications from Harley-Davidson, PPG paint industries, and I-car. “The greatest thing about what we do for a living is that it doesn’t feel like a job. We love what we do! Many people have been quoted 'Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.' That rings true for all of us here at SSS.” The team’s love for the custom culture and design is evident in every project they complete. You can see it in the premier work they produce. Their passion is evident. You might even compare it to an artist or composer. “We see our creations as art. Much how a painter has a canvas or a sculptor manipulates clay, our medium just happens to come in the form of motorcycles, cars, and trucks. “ Folmar has built his successful business based on his strong Oklahoma work ethic and honesty. “Consistency is key. We pride ourselves in providing and maintaining a level of service and products to our customers that goes beyond expectations.” Exceeding expectations. Delivering on promises. Standing behind their work. Repeat business. Referrals. These are all further evidence of the customer service and workmanship clients can expect to receive when they trust South Side Sleds with their paint, body and service needs. Their many online reviews confirm South Side’s integrity and quality. Some of the reviews found on Facebook include “Awesome people – great service.” “Superb group of guys. Exceptional quality work” and “Excellent place. Very talented people at South Side Sleds.” Logan Gardner posted, “I recently had the tins on my Harley Davidson Dyna painted here and they did an amazing job working with me to make my vision come to life. High-quality paint job and great customer service.” Folmar’s passion for his business is matched only by his heart for the south Oklahoma City community. He is a devoted south-sider. So much so, that he helps promote our neck of the woods any way he can, including selling shirts and hats with fun, pro-south messages. “The south side has always come with a stigma attached to it, but we wear it as a patch of pride.” To check out Folmar's fun, promotional merchandise or inquire about custom work for your prized cycle or car, visit them at 2229 N. Moore Avenue or call 735-9760. Shop hours are Monday-Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and on Saturdays by appointment.
Win $1,000, help charity, dive into Oklahoma history...and hunt for treasure!
Folk Secrets Season Two Starts Feb. 2nd! Folk Secrets is a Cleveland/McClain County treasure hunt tied to Oklahoma history. Season One was a huge success, paving the way for Season Two beginning February 2nd and running through April 13th. Each business underwriting Folk Secrets is backing a charity. Find the treasure first and you win $1,000, plus you pick a charity to receive thousands more to further their cause.
Get all the details at www.FolkSecrets.com
Season Two Sponsors
Backing: American Cancer Society Oklahoma
Backing: Moore Public Schools Foundation
Backing: Norman Regional Health Foundation
Backing: CRU.org, University of Oklahoma Chapter
Backing: Toby Keith Foundation for the OK Kid’s Korral
Backing: The Needs Foundation
Backing: Regional Food Bank Backpack for Kids Program
Brand Senior Center February 2018 Activities
Exercise: Mon, Wed, & Fri 10:15 , Line Dancing Lessons: Wed 12:15, Wood Carving Thurs 9:00-11:00, Dominos, Card games, Jig-Saw puzzles, Pool, Quilting, & Volunteer work to assist the homebound or work is available at the Brand Center Moore Council On Aging Bus Service: 799-3130 Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments 8am to 3pm, Monday through Friday Moore Senior Citizen Nutrition Site Brand Center: 501 E. Main. Reservations for meals: 793-9069 Donation for a meal for seniors 60& above: $2.25 Required cost for guests under 60: $5.00
A Mission to Serve. A Passion for Care.
10:00 MCOA Monthly Meeting 10:00 Country Music House Singers // 10:30 BP checks by Walgreens 10:30-11:00 Tiffany Reed “Clear Captions” 10:00 Wii Bowling // 10:00 Library // 10:30 BP & Sugar checks Provided by Loving Care 10:30 BP checks provided by Arbor House Closed for Presidents’ Day 10:00 Country Music House Singers 11:45 Fresh Cobbler provided by Village on the Park 10:30-11:20 Jessica & Shot Gun the Therapy Dog // 10:30 BP checks Provided by Nurses to Go 10:00 MCOA Board Meeting 10:00 BINGO with Allegiance Credit Union // 10:00 Library
2800 SW 131st Street, OKC • 405-703-2300 • www.legendseniorliving.com
2-2 2-6 2-8 2-13 2-15 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-26 2-27
Calendar Sponsored by
Calendar of Events & Performances - February 2018 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT FRED JONES JR. MUSEUM OF ART THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Generations in Modern Pueblo Painting: The Art of Tonita Peña and Joe Herrera, January 26 – April 8. Nancy Johnston Records Gallery. The first of its kind: a large-scale, high-quality, scholarly exhibition of three generations of modern Pueblo painting. The exhibition is curated by W. Jackson Rushing III, the Eugene B. Adkins Presidential Professor of Art History and Mary Lou Milner Carver Chair in Native American Art, OU School of Visual Arts. Generations in Modern Pueblo Painting spans 1915 to the late 1980s. In addition to Tonita Peña (San Ildefonso/ Cochiti) and her son, Joe Herrera (Cochiti), other artists featured include Julian Martinez and his grandson Tony Da (San Ildefonso); Pablita Velarde and her daughter Helen Hardin (Santa Clara); in addition to teachers and mentors, such as Romando Vigil (San Ildefonso) and Geronimo Montoya (San Juan); as well as younger artists inspired by Herrera, such as Michael Kabotie (Hopi); Martinez’s nephew, Gilbert Atencio (San Ildefonso); and Charles Lovato (Kewa Pueblo). This exhibition is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Norman Arts Council Grant Program. Space Burial, January 26 – April 8. Ellen and Richard L. Sandor Gallery. “Ancient Egyptians occasionally buried their dead in boats. These were not caskets or sarcophagi in the form of boats, but real, functional wooden boats. Though buried deep underground, the understanding was that these boats would carry the departed on an afterlife journey. This use of a functional form exclusively for storytelling has inspired my own quest to imagine a modern-day burial ceremony. For this installation, slivers modeled from 86-foot diameter satellite dishes of the Very Large Array in New Mexico intersect the gallery space, forming pattern-infused canopies. Derived from the famous cosmic microwave background image, shadows of the pattern broadcast throughout the space, alluding to the dish as an agent of travel through time and space. This installation evokes the use of satellite dishes as a burial object for a space-faring culture. Placed within a satellite dish and buried, the dead's afterlife journey to the stars is facilitated. Furthermore, this ceremony can be utilized on distant planets in order to facilitate the dead's afterlife journey back home, to Earth. Further thoughts about how ancient ceremonies inform our modern life are encouraged by the experience.”
Fine Print! Posters from the Permanent Co, January 26 – April 8. Ellen and Richard L. Sandor Photography Gallery. British actor, theatre manager, and wit Herbert Beerbohm Tree famously acknowledged, “It is difficult to live up to one’s posters.” Fine Print! Posters from the Permanent Collection explores just how posters worked to sell audiences on products, people, and ideas. It offers visitors an opportunity to see rarely exhibited European and American posters in the museum’s permanent collection that were produced between the fin-de-siècle French poster movement of the 1890s and the 1972 Olympics. Not only will this be the first time many of these posters have been displayed, but the exhibit also marks the museum’s first large-scale poster show in nearly 50 years. Whether bedecked with the sinuous curves of Art Nouveau, the bold patterns of Art Deco, or the minimalist text and imagery of the International Style, these posters demonstrate how style creates and communicates meaning. The posters are arranged chronologically and thematically into five key topics areas: artists, entertainers, patriotism, products, and ideas. Following an introduction to art posters and advertising graphics created by the influential late nineteenth-century French poster designer Jules Chéret, a section on propaganda places World War I posters by prominent American illustrators in dialogue with images by foreign propaganda artists. A third section features promotional images that helped sell commodities, whether art, films, or Olivetti typewriters. Internationalism and utopian idealism is evident in a selection of
posters that promoted two major international events: the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition and the 1972 Olympics. A selection of posters and graphics produced under the auspices of the Container Corporation of America and General Dynamics Corporation demonstrates how American corporations at midcentury used posters (perhaps dubiously) to pass themselves off as progressive proponents of international harmony. On the surface, these posters promote entertainers, the arts, products, international events, patriotism, and utopian ideals of cross-cultural harmony. Beneath the surface, they reflect the twentieth century’s conflicting values: militarization, world peace, consumerism, religion, individuality, and mass culture. This exhibition not only represents an opportunity for visitors to see rarely exhibited objects and gain a broader understanding of twentieth-century art and design, but also provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogue about aesthetics, promotion, and the shifting boundaries between fine and commercial art. VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AT OKLAHOMA CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival 2018, Thursday, February 1 at 7:30 p.m. Scissortail Community Development Corporation, in partnership with Oklahoma Contemporary and Oklahoma Latino Cultural Center are proud to present the second annual Anita Martinez Mariachi Festival, featuring Mariachi Campanas de America, in addition to Norahua Folkloric Dance Group, and Mariachi Orgullo de America. For tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets.occc.edu/upcoming-events or call (405) 682-7579. Richter Uzur Dou, Thursday. February 8 at 7:30 p.m. The Richter Uzur Duo plays a whimsical mashed-up blend of classical, world, and rock music. Viktor Uzur and Brad Richter are each master musicians of the highest caliber with global solo careers, major international awards and intensive training from two of the world’s most lauded musical institutions (The Moscow Conservatory and The Royal College of Music respectively). For tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets.occc.edu/upcoming-events or call 682-7579. The Magic of Adam Trent, Tuesday, February 13 at 7:30 p.m. Direct from Broadway, ADAM TRENT, the break out star of the world’s best-selling magic show The Illusionists, brings his signature brand of magic and illusion to this high-tech spectacle. Produced by the same creative team behind The Illusionists brand, ADAM TRENT’s production is an immersive entertainment extravaganza of magic, comedy and music perfect for the entire family. Don’t miss the next generation of magic! For tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets.occc. edu/upcoming-events or call (405) 682-7579. The Neighborhood Barbershop Live! – When Love Fades, Friday, February 16 to Sunday, February 18, various showtimes. When a frustrated son is finally given the keys to the family business, his big plans are derailed by a figure from his father's past and he must quickly figure out how to make the situation go away. Things become even more complicated when he finds himself falling in love with someone from the other side. So now, he not only has to save his father's company, he has to do so in a way that doesn't destroy the woman of his dreams. If he cannot figure out a way to do both, he will have to make an impossible choice between the love of his father and the love of his life. For more information on the VIP Meet and Greet call the Box Office at (405) 682-7579. For showtimes and tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets.occc. edu/upcoming-events or call (405) 682-7579. Cirque Eloize Saloon, Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m. Since 1993, this amazing group has been combining music, theater and acrobatics to create moving performances filled with magic and emotion. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, the Wild Wild West comes alive as Cirque Éloize
expresses its innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines performance arts with music, dance and theatre in a path-breaking and original manner. For tickets visit the OCCC Performing Arts Center webpage: http://tickets.occc. edu/upcoming-events or call (405) 682-7579.
CHURCH & SPIRITUAL CONNECTION Fresh Start Community Church Food Pantry, open the third Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Campus-Family Life Center. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore (please bring an ID). Soul Food Community Dinner, Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Food, fun, fellowship and friends. See menu at moorechurch.com. Friday Night Alive at First Moore, Friday, February 16 at 6:30 p.m. Join the Singles of First Moore for "Friday Night Live for HIM" There's a dinner for a small charge at 6:30 p.m. in Leadership Center, followed by a wonderful time of praise & worship and a message from David Edwards. Fellowship and table games to follow until 10:00 p.m. Please call 793-2624 for more information or e-mail at marji.robison@firstmoore.com. First Moore Baptist is located at 301 NE 27th Street, just off I-35 South in Moore.
CITY MEETINGS AND EVENTS City Council Meetings, Monday, February 5 and Tuesday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore Parks Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Board of Adjustment Meeting, Tuesday, February 13 at 5:30 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Planning Commission Meeting, Tuesday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore. Moore Economic Development Authority Meeting, Tuesday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m., Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway.
The Morning Buzz is a breakfast series which aims to connect businesses by facilitating the exchange of ideas and strategies for business growth and success through connections. Contact Kim Brown at 405-794-3400 for more information. Moore Chamber of Commerce Bowling Tournament, Tuesday, February 6, 6:00 p.m. at HeyDay Entertainment, 3201 Market Place, Norman. The tournament is open only to 20 teams, so reserve your lane today! Compete for prizes including 1st & 2nd place. Awards will also be given to the highest and lowest score. Call today 405-794-3400 for details. Moore Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours, Thursday, February 8, 8:00 a.m. at Moore Norman Technology Center SOKC/Penn Campus, 13301 S Pennyslvania. This event is a business networking opportunity for Moore Chamber of Commerce Members. Attendees can make meaningful connections that can result in successful business leads. Food and beverages are served. Check out the Chamber Calendar for the location of the next one! Email Kim Brown at kbrown@moorechamber.com or call 794-3400 for details. Moore Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, Tuesday, February 13, 5:00 p.m. at NOSH by Catering Creations, 200 SE 19th Street. This event is a business networking opportunity for Moore Chamber of Commerce Members. Attendees can make meaningful connections that can result in successful business leads. Food and beverages are served.Email Kim Brown at kbrown@moorechamber.com or call 794-3400 for details. Moore Chamber of Commerce Networking Lunch, Thursday, February 15 at 11:45 a.m. at the Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. Cost is $10. RSVP Required. Visit www.moorechamber.com to register. South OKC Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, Wednesday, February 15, 5:00 p.m at 11:30 a.m. at First Enterprise Bank, 2115 SW 44th Street. Come join us for an evening of networking! This is an event that you do not want to miss! There will be great refreshments! cont...Presenting Sponsor: Eskridge Honda, Gold Sponsors: OKC Energy FC and Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Gardens, Host Sponsor: First Enterprise Bank. For more info email LizCromwell@southokc.com or call 405-634-1436.
City Offices Closed for Presidents Day, Mon, Feb 19 (All Day).
COMMUNITY CONNECTION Adopt-A-Pet, Moore Animal Shelter, S-I35 Service Road. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., closed on holidays. For additional information call (405) 793-5190. Big Trash Pick Up, Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the city landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call (405) 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up. Neighborhood Watch Program, Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you’re interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, (405) 793-4448. South OKC Chamber of Commerce Meet and Greet with Oklahoma City Mayoral Candidate David Holt, Thursday, February 1, 5:30 p.m. at Chatenay Neighborhood Clubhouse. Please join Representative Chris Kannady, Senator Paul Rosino, Councilman Todd Stone, Commissioner Eliot Yaffe, and host P.B. Odom III for a meet and greet with Oklahoma City Mayoral Candidate David Holt. Casual attire and heavy hors d'oeuvres. Please RSVP with Julia at julia@jamesmartincompany.com. Moore Chamber of Commerce Morning Buzz, Friday, February 2, 8 a.m. at Norman Regional Moore, 700 S. Telephone Road.
South OKC Chamber of Commerce Caregiver Support Group at INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation, Thursday, February 15 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the Jones Education Room, INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation, 4219 South Western, 73109. This support group is offered only for caregivers of patients with a chronic medical condition. Caregivers will be able to connect with others, express their feelings, and gain insights from those going through similar challenges. Contact respite care, private duty caregivers or a trusted friend/ family member to provide care for your loved one so that you may join us. Admission is free. For more information contact INTEGRIS HealthLine at (405) 951-2277. South OKC Chamber of Commerce Healthy Heart Walkers Club at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center, Wednesday, February 21 from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. at the INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Office Building, 4200 South Douglas, Suite B-10. Reap the benefits of adding walking to your exercise routine. Then join us each month to hear a presentation on a health-related topic and enjoy a healthy breakfast provided by INTEGRIS. Registration is required but the event is free. For more information contact INTEGRIS HealthLine at (405) 951-2277. South OKC Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee Meet and Greet with Candidate for Governor Mick Cornett, Thursday, February 22, 4:30 p.m. at the South OKC Chamber of Commerce, 701 SW 74th Street. For more information call at 405-634-1436.
South OKC Chamber of Commerce Fourth Friday Tasting by Nosh at Catering Creations Restaurant, Friday, February 23, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The end of the month will never be the same. Introducing 4th Fridays Tastings, hosted by Nosh. For just $8 ($6 in advance), you get samplings of appetizers and take and bakes, live music and an electric atmosphere. Preorder your tickets with the cashier. Contact Cathy Hanselman for more information. Moore Chamber of Commerce Lunch n’ Learn, Tuesdsay, February 27 at 11:30 a.m. at the Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. The Chamber ”Lunch n’ Learn” Series is an innovative and creative program as noted. Chamber members who are experts in their fields are invited to share their expertise with other Chamber members over the lunch hour. Each lunch will focus on topics related to professional and personal development. Cost is $10. RSVP Required: moorechamber.com to register.
FITNESS AND DANCE CLASSES Bootcamps: • Morning Bootcamp is available at First Moore Baptist Church every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. Ages 13 and up. The class is $2. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. • Evening Bootcamp is available at First Moore Baptist Church every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Ages 13 and up. The class is $2. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Judo, classes held Monday – Sunday at 117 Skylane Drive in Norman for ages 7 and up. A non-profit organization, all classes are offered in a family friendly environment. Fees are $20 per month for an individual or $40 per month for a family. Discount uniforms are available. For more information, call (405) 465-1925 or send an email to fiftyonefiftybjj@yahoo.com. Adult Salsa Classes, every Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Adelante Dance Studio (Inside Moore Old School) 201 N. Broadway, Suite 201. $10 per class or $35 a month. Call (405) 586-0201 for more information. First Moore Baptist Church of Moore Community Life/Recreation Center, The Link is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday open 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Two basketball courts and racquetball courts, fitness center and walking/running track. For more information, call (405) 735-2527. Karate, First Moore Baptist Church, every Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The classes are free for anyone ages 8 and up. Uniforms available at a discounted rate. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Morning Fitness, First Moore Baptist Church, every Monday at 9:00 a.m. Ages 40 and up preferred. The class is $2. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Christian Life Center Zumba, Mondays at 7:15 p.m. at the Christian Life Center located at 201 W. Main St. $3 fee per class.
KIDS’ CORNER Agape: First United Methodist Church Moore, Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m., 201 W. Main. Homework and Hangout for Youth (7th– 12th grade). Community Dinner at 5:30 p.m. (cost is $1 for dinner), Family Activities & Church School at 6:00 p.m. Menu can be found at www.moorechurch.com. Afterschool Matters, First Moore Baptist Church, Tuesdays from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. This program helps students work towards academic success. Available to 1st – 6th grade. Contact director Carissa Taylor at carissa.taylor@fbcmoore.org to learn more about enrolling your child or to volunteer.
Boy Scouts Meetings, Mondays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Children’s Chimes, Moore First United Methodist Church, Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m., 201 W. Main St., children 4th – 6th grade will learn to read music. Cub Scouts Meetings, Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. Girl Scouts Meetings, Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., Moore First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St. LEAP (Learning Enrichment Arts Program), Moore First United Methodist Church, Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., 201 W. Main St. Open to kindergarten – 6th grade. Choir, life skills games, snacks and help with homework. YMCA Before and After School Care, Moore Community Center. Call 378-0420 for participating schools and more information.
MUSIC/ARTS Southern Hills School of Fine Arts, 8601 S. Penn, Oklahoma City. Enrolling children and adults for private lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass, drums, strings, brass and woodwinds. Call Sarah Gee at (405) 735-6387.
RECOVERY AND SUPPORT GROUPS Celebrate Recovery: • Faith Crossing Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery, Mondays, 13701 S. Pennsylvania, Oklahoma City. • First Moore Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery, Thursday nights, 6:30 p.m., First Moore Baptist Church, 301 NE 27th Street. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Support and help for those struggling with addiction. • Fresh Start Community Church Celebrate Recovery 12 Step Program, Tuesday nights, 6:30 p.m., 309 N Eastern. Call (405) 794-7313 for more information. Dementia/Alzheimer’s Support Group, Village on the Park, 1515 Kingsridge, Oklahoma City. Contact Karen Proctor at (405) 692-8700 for meeting times and details. Divorce Care, First Moore Baptist Church, Wednesday nights, 6:15 p.m., 301 NE 27th Street. Support group for those going through a divorce. Call (405) 793-2600 for more information. Grief Share Support Group, First Moore Baptist Church, every Monday night at 6:30 p.m., 301 N.E. 27th Street. Support group for individuals and family members struggling with life events such as death, divorce, and disappointments and learning healthy ways to cope with life. Call 793-2600 for more info. Grief Share Support Group, Fresh Start Community Church, every Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., 309 N. Eastern, Moore, Fresh Start Community Church Fireside Room. We offer help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Please contact the office at (405) 794-7313, Lyn Jacquemot at (405) 326-5554, or ladylyn1941@gmail.com to register or participate. HOPE Addictions Recovery, every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Beth Haven Baptist Church, 12400 S. Call Pastor Rick Carter at (405) 691-6990 for information.
SENIOR CONNECTION AARP, the fourth Tuesday of every month, 6:00 p.m., Brand Senior Center, 501 East Main Street, Moore. Programs are on subjects of interest to persons 50 years and over. Potluck dinner follows the program each month. For more information, contact Mary at (405) 826-2315.
Moore Senior Citizen Nutrition Site, Monday – Friday, 11:30 a.m., Brand Senior Center, 501 E. Main, (405) 793-9069. Call by 1:00 p.m. the day before to request a meal. Donation for a meal for seniors 60 and above is $2.25. Required cost for a meal for guests under 60 is $5.00.
Calendar Sponsored by
P.A.L.S. Program for Seniors, Seniors are assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Sgt. Lewis, Moore Police Dept., (405) 793-4448. Project Return Home for Alzheimer’s Patients in Moore, For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at (405) 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at (405) 793-4448. Transportation: • Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Moore area to Oklahoma City for medical appointments. Call Jackie at (405) 297-2583. • Moore Council on Aging. Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Call (405) 799-3130 at least one day in advance. • “Share-A-Fare” for age 60 and over or disabled. Purchase taxi fare at 40% off.
SERVICE, COMMUNITY CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS American Legion Meetings, every Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 207 SW 1st St., Moore. Open for all veterans. Call (405) 794-5446 for more information. Malcolm Hunter Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, the second Wednesday of each month, Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, 6600 S. Penn, at 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact Pat Towns at (405) 376-5653. Moore Horseshoe Pitching Club, every Thursday, 6:00 p.m., Fairmoore Park. For more information, contact (405) 237-1171. Moore Old Town Association, the fourth Tuesday of every month, First United Methodist Church. For more information, contact Janie Milum at cjmilum@sbcglobal.net. Moore Rotary Club, Wednesdays at Moore Chamber of Commerce. Moore Rotary Club is a civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community. Moore Toastmasters, every Thursday, 7:00 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 201 W. Main St., Moore. Become the speaker and leader that you want to be. Join our group as we practice Toastmasters’ proven learn-by-doing program. The Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization, the third Saturday during the months of February, April, June, August, October and December, 11:00 a.m., Sunnylane Family Reception Center, 3900 SE 29th St., Del City. If you need directions, call (405) 445-7040. South Oklahoma City Rotary Club, every Friday, 12:00 p.m., Southwest Integris Cancer Center, SW 44th St. and S. Western, Oklahoma City. A civic organization dedicated to contributing and volunteering in our community. VFW Bruce January Post 8706, the second Thursday of every month, 7:00 p.m., Lynlee Mae Event Center, 501 W. Main St., Moore. All veterans welcome. Call Mike Eaton at (405) 8314405 or go to www.vfwpost8706.org for more information.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES American Cancer Society seeks volunteers who would like to help drive patients to their cancer treatment and/or volunteer with our local Relay for Life event. For more information visit www.relayforlife.org/mooreok or contact Mel Rogers at (405) 841-5817 or mel.rogers@cancer.org. Blue Star Mothers of America. Moore City Hall is a donation drop-off for items for our service members overseas. For needs, see www.bsmok6.org or go to City Hall. Help Deliver Meals to Moore homebound residents. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Darlene Carrell, 793-9069, Brand Center. The Hugs Project, a non-profit organization, puts together care packages for our troops in the Middle East. For more information, call (405) 651-8359 or TheHugsProject@cox.net. Moore Food Resource Center, a part of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, allows volunteers to help fight hunger in Moore. Volunteers at the Moore Food Resource Center will assist with a variety of tasks, including serving as client shopper helpers, assisting with loading and unloading vehicles, sorting and shelving food items and cleaning. The Moore Food Resource Center is located at 2635 N. Shields. For more information on becoming a volunteer, contact Alex Strout at astrout@regionalfoodbank.org or (405) 600-3186. Oklahoma Ducks Unlimited. Volunteering for Ducks Unlimited is a great way to have fun, meet new people and support Ducks Unlimited’s critical waterfowl habitat conservation mission. Whether you want to sell event tickets, gather donations, secure sponsorships or help put on a successful party and fundraising event, there are many opportunities that will fit your needs to support your local community. For more information about volunteering, please contact Mr. Nathan Johnson, Regional Director for Oklahoma Ducks Unlimited at (405) 3150093 or Mr. Randall Cole at (479) 220-9735. Serve Moore. Are you looking for a way to help others? Serve Moore is looking for volunteers to help with disaster relief and renewal projects. If you would like to volunteer or need volunteer help, visit www.servemoore.com/help to submit a request. You can also visit the Serve Moore headquarters located inside the Community Renewal Center at 224 S. Chestnut Avenue in Moore. For more information, visit www.servemoore.com or call (405) 735-3060. To keep up with the events and opportunities that are being added throughout the month, log on to mooremonthly.com and click on the Calendar link at the top of the home page. You’ll find an updated calendar all year long.
Women: Moms Club of Moore, the second Thursday of the month, Westmoore Community Church. Go to www.momsclubsofmoore.com for more information.
Lumpy’s Sports Bar & Grill Whether it’s a Live Band; SINGO Trivia or an 80’s theme party, Lumpy’s Sports Bar and Grill’s new Southwest Oklahoma City location is the neighborhood bar to head to for a night out of fun and friendships. The delicious appetizers, food and monthly specialty cocktails makes a visit to Lumpy’s that much better. Owner Chris Cochrane opened the third Lumpy’s location at 10601 S Western on July 29, 2017. Since then, Lumpy’s has become the new place to meet your friends, cheer on your favorite team or grab a cold beer. Chris entered the restaurant industry as a young 14-year-old dishwasher at Steak and Ale and grew to love the business. “I was with them for 12 years. This job laid the foundation for my love for the restaurant industry. I fell in love with the fast-paced life so much that it didn’t even feel like work to me. “ In 1988 Chris ran the south Oklahoma City Steak and Ale and came to love the South OKC/Moore area. “I fell in love with the people in this area. The people were just tremendous, so when I had the opportunity to open a store here, I was very excited and jumped on it. I just love the area and the people.” Chris developed the Lumpy’s brand to create the perfect neighborhood bar and grill so his customers would “never have a dull night.” He also wanted to provide a place, much like TV’s classic bar Cheers, where “everyone knows your name.”
“Lumpy’s is special because not only do we host big parties, daily events, and live music, we have also created an atmosphere where you can feel at home. Lumpy’s is truly your neighborhood bar.” He added.
You can join them every Sunday from 10:30 AM to 2 PM, for their scrumptious Brunch choices such as Chicken Fried Steak N’ Eggs or their special Leanne’s Mountain! Don’t forget to try a spicy Bloody Mary or a Mimosa.
Sports fans love the multitude of flat screens that virtually blanket every wall and are made to feel right at home in the relaxed, casual atmosphere. Cus-tomers can enjoy UFC title fights, college games, as well as all the premium NFL and NBA games.
Customers are sure to enjoy the new menu rolling out later this month that will include such items as California Jalapeño Pizza, Philly Cheesesteak Pizza, Tex-Mex Pizza, BBQ Potato Crunch Dog, Frito Chili Pie Dog, Triple Pickle Hot Dog and a California Jalapeño Dog.
Chris’s efforts are paying off. The sports bar has a loyal following with local “regulars” along with happy customers from outside of the area. “We’ve had lots of out-of town customers message us after their visit to tell us we made them feel like they were sitting in their own neighborhood bar.”
Menu items range in price from $5.00 to $22.00 and carry out is also available as well.
Lumpy’s offers free happy hour buffets (with purchase) every Wednesday and Friday from 5-7 p.m. On Wednesdays customers can enjoy a free taco buffet while Fridays bring different bar food each week. Lumpy's is much more than just a sports bar, offering some of the best food in town. Customer favorites include Bacon Wrapped California Jalapeño's, Lumpy’s Famous Breaded Wings, Buffalo Chicken Nachos, and Spinach Dip. Burgers, salads, pizza, fish, and steak are also on the menu at Lumpy’s.
Lumpy’s laid back atmosphere, great service and wide array of events and bar specials, makes it a perfect spot for karaoke, Thunder basketball, or a night out with friends. Stop in to catch a game or grab a bite soon. Lumpy’s is open from 11 am through 2 a.m. daily.
Nosh Restaurant Next to Showplace Market
VALENTINES DINNER AT NOSH February 14 and February 17
SWEET! $120 per couple
Call 405-814-9699 for Reservations and Details
Dinner and Live Music
Includes: 5 Course Meal and Live Music by Amante (Feb. 14th) and Maggie McClure and Shane Henry (Feb. 17th).
Visiting Winery to be Announced Soon
Now open Tuesday-Sunday TU/W 11-3 • TH/F/S 11-9 • SU 11-3 Check us on Facebook at Nosh Restaurant or noshandcateringcreations.com
200 SE 19th, Moore, OK • 814-9699
Graduation Announcements are 20% OFF in the month of February • BANNERS • DECALS • FLYERS • FOLDERS • FORMS • PROMOS • MUCH MORE • Full Service Copies; Black & White and Color • Fax Service; Incoming and Outgoing • PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE
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1410 N. Eastern / FoxFire Plaza (12th & Eastern across the street from Crest) Permanent Location, Family Owned & Operated Since 1973
130 SE 44th Street - Oklahoma City (Soon to be under construction; building had an electrical fire in December)
State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. SPONSORED BY
Terry Cavnar State Farm Insurance
Children's Book Review
*Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
Call It Courage Author: Armstrong Sperry Publisher: The Macmillan Company Reviewer: Amber Luna, Children’s Services Associate, Moore Public Library Does your son or daughter have a younger sibling obsessed with Disney’s Moana? Then this might be the book for them. Published in 1941, “Call It Courage” provides a completely different take on the legends of Maui and Moana in a harrowing tale of a young boy’s quest to find his courage. Mafatu, the fifteen-year-old son of a Polynesian island chief, has had great loss in his life. His mother died when he was a toddler after the two were swept out to sea during a terrible storm. Mafatu survived, but was left with nightmares and a fear of the water so great that it impairs his daily life. As he approaches the edge of manhood, his fear prevents him from winning a place in his community. Mafatu decides to strike out and confront his fear of the ocean. In a small canoe accompanied by his only friends, Uri, his dog and Kivi, an albatross, he sets out to prove himself. In the coming days, Mafatu's courage is tested over and over again and although he feels alone in the world, he rises to meet the many challenges of his journey. With each hurdle crossed, Mafatu becomes more selfassured and finally returns home. “Call It Courage” is geared toward children in 3rd through 6th grades with an Accelerated Reader level of 6.2 and is worth 3 AR points. You may find “Call It Courage” and other Newbery Award winners in the Moore Public Library children’s department. Please feel free to visit the Children’s Desk or call us at 405-793-4347 with any questions.
PLS Big Read to Feature Community Photography Contest A story of the blended backgrounds of a group of men weaves its way through some of the picturesque settings of the Rocky Mountains as part of Ron Carlson's novel "Five Skies." The novel, the selected work for this year's PLS Big Read in the Pioneer Library System, paints many pictures of not just the scenery but the lives of those living in it. To add an artistic element to celebrate that surrounding world as the novel does, there will be a PLS Big Read Photography Contest conducted along with other activities of this year's PLS Big Read.
The NEA has funded five Big Read projects for PLS: The Grapes of Wrath in 2007; Bless Me, Ultima in 2008; The Maltese Falcon in 2010, Old School in 2013 and A Wizard of Earthsea in 2015. PLS Big Reads produced solely with state and local funding include were To Kill a Mockingbird in 2009; The Things They Carried in 2011, The Joy Luck Club in 2012, True Grit in 2014, Fahrenheit 451 in 2016, Being Mortal in 2017 and this year’s project. Sponsors for this year’s activities are the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation, Norman Arts
Entries from the contest will be taken from Feb. 1 through Feb. 28. Topics for photos mirror
Council, Pioneer Library System Foundation and the Pioneer Library System.
those explored in the book and include good work, nature, guilt, mercy, friendship/relationship and
For more information, go online to www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org/bigread.
building/rebuilding. Amateur photographers ages 12 and up may participate. Their photos should be original and taken by the person submitting it. Entries will be judged on artistic creativity, technical skill and representation of book theme. Submissions may be made to bigreadphoto@pioneerlibrarysystem.org between Feb. 1 and Feb. 28.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. SPONSORED BY
Moore Children 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 – Family Story Time 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6 – Preschool Story Time 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6 – Barks, Books & Buddies 10 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7 – Lapsit Story Time 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Pre-K Play 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 – Kid’s Club 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Preschool Story Time 10 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 – Lapsit Story Time 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15 – Story Time at the Boxcar 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Dragons Love Tacos Party 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 – Family Story Time 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20 – Preschool Story Time 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20 – Barks, Books & Buddies 10 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 – Lapsit Story Time 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 – Sensory Story Time 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 22 – Pre-K Play 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26 – TweenScene: Storyboard That 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Preschool Story Time 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Seusstacular 10 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28 – Lapsit Story Time
Teen/Adult 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 3 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4 – Massage for Health 9:15 a.m. Monday, Feb. 5 – Tai Chi for Health 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5 – Girls Who Code 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5 – Beginner’s Yoga 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Zumba 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Teen Cocoa and Cards 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 10 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 9:15 a.m. Monday, Feb. 12 – Tai Chi for Health 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 – Beginner’s Yoga 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 – Girls Who Code 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15 – Zumba 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 9:15 a.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Tai Chi for Health 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Girls Who Code 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Beginner’s Yoga 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 – PLS Big Read Book Discussion with the Open for Discussion Book Club 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22 – Zumba 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23 – Teen STEAM Quadcopters 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 9:15 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26 – Tai Chi for Health 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26 – Girls Who Code
Moore continued...
6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26 – Beginner’s Yoga 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Adult STEAM Quadcopters 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28 – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Southwest OKC Children 10 and 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 1 – Toddler Story Time 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 2 – Baby Lapsit 10 and 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 5 – Family Story Time 10 and 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Toddler Story Time 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Valentine’s Dance Party 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 9 – Baby Lapsit 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 10 – Dads & Donuts Story Time 10 and 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 12 – Family Story Time 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Kids Explore: Valentine’s Day Art 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 – Yak, Snack and Read 10 and 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15 – Toddler Story Time 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 16 – Baby Lapsit 10 and 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Family Story Time 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 – Touch, Learn, Create: Snow 10 and 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 22 – Toddler Story Time 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22 – Kids Celebrate Black History 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 23 – Baby Lapsit 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 – Family Play Time/la hora de jugar en familia 10 and 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26 – Family Story Time 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Kids Explore: Gross Science 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28 – Lego Quest
Teen/Adult 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5 – Tai Chi for Health 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Penn Avenue Literary Society 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 – Hip Hop as Poetry and Cultural Expression 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9 – DIY Date! 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Pilates 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Special Needs Planning Workshop 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 – Teens Reading Terrific Literature (TRTL) 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Library Night at SOKC’s Pub W 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19 – Tai Chi for Health 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – How-To Health: Making Sense of Your Diagnosis, at Shartel Church of God 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – English as a Second Language Conversation Class 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Pilates
Terry Cavnar State Farm Insurance *Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
Activities at The Station ADULT MEN’S BASKETBALL WHEN: Coaches Meeting February 27th, 6 p.m. GAMES: Monday nights starting March 5th League runs 7 weeks + Tournament TIME: March 5th-May 7th AGES: Men 18 Years and older COST: $425 per team WHERE: The Station Recreation Center SIGNUPS: January 1st-February 19th REGISTRATION TYPE: Online Coach registers team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 16
ADULT CO-ED INDOOR VOLLEYBALL WHEN: Coaches Meeting February 27th at 7 p.m. GAMES: Tuesday night starting March 6th League runs 7 weeks + Tournament TIME: March 6th-May 1st AGES: Men & Women 15 Years and Older COST: $260 per team WHERE: The Station Recreation Center SIGN-UPS: January 1st-February 19th REGISTRATION TYPE: Online - Coach registers team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 16 Must Have 2 Women playing at all times
ADULT CO-ED BASKETBALL LEAGUE WHEN: Coaches Meeting February 27th, 8 p.m. GAMES: Thursday nights starting March 8th League runs 7 weeks + Tournament TIME: March 8th-May 3rd AGES: Men & Women 18 Years and Older COST: $425 per team WHERE: The Station Recreation Center SIGN-UPS: January 1st-February 19th REGISTRATION TYPE: Online - Coach registers team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 16 Must Have 2 Women playing at all times
ADULT CO-ED VOLLEYBALL WHEN: Coaches Meeting May 3rd, 6 p.m. GAMES: Thursday nights starting May 10th League runs 6 weeks + Tournament TIME: May 10th-June 28th AGES: Men & Women 15 Years and Older COST: $150 per team WHERE: Buck Thomas Park SIGN-UPS: March 1st– April 27th REGISTRATION TYPE: Online - Coach registers team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 8 Must Have 2 Women playing at all times
ALL ABOARD KIDS CLUB Designed especially for Kids 7-12 years of age. Depending on the day, kids can play various sports and games in the gym ranging from basketball, soccer, dodgeball and much more. There will also be days and times where the youngsters can expand their mind by participating in arts and crafts as well having fun playing board games. This Club is open to Pass holders and Non-Pass holders. We hope to see your kiddos come out and enjoy the fun as The Station really is a place for everyone. When: January 1st - December 31st Time: Varies by day Mondays 4:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Board Game Fun Tuesdays 4:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. - Youth Gym Activities Thursday 4:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. - Arts and Crafts Saturdays 11:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. - Youth Gym Activities Where: The Station Recreation Center Ages: 7-12 year olds Cost: Free for Pass Holders and Day Pass Holders Instructor: The Station Staff SPRING BREAK Dates: March 13th - 17th (M-F) Time: 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
PING PONG MANIA DESCRIPTION: Free to come. Whether you want to play just for fun or have a more competitive game, this is for you. Our team will also have a tutorial of how to play. WHEN: September 21st, October 26th, and February 15th TIME: 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center FOR: Anyone- Kids 6 & Under accompanied by an adult REGISTRATION PERIOD: No Registration free to come! COST: FREE CLASS INSTRUCTOR: The Station Staff
SPRING BREAK ART CAMP DESCRIPTION: Create colorful paintings, sculptures, jewelry, and more. You will use watercolors, paint, crayons, beads, strings, and clay. A lot of fun and the best part is you get to keep and take home what you make. WHEN: March 19th - March 23rd TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 6-12 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th FEE: $95 w/T-shirt INSTRUCTOR: Donna Barnard CLASS MINIMUM: 10 CLASS MAXIMUM: 25
SPRING BREAK GIZMO’S, GADGETS, & THANG’S CAMP PRESENTS: ROBOTS & ROCKETS DESCRIPTION: Science has never been this much fun before. In this camp you will get to build and create your very own robot that will do multiple things. You will also get to build and launch rockets that you will get to take home at the end of camp. WHEN: March 19th - March 23rd TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 7-14 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th REGISTRATION TYPE: Online FEE: $95 w/T-shirt INSTRUCTOR: Julie Robinson CLASS MINIMUM: 10 CLASS MAXIMUM: 25
EXTREME ANIMALS CAMP DESCRIPTION: Get ready for a wildly entertaining experience! Get up close and personal with endangered species, creepy crawlies and more! You will also learn about different habitats and create different types of arts and crafts that relate to those species and their habitats. WHEN: March 19th - March 23rd TIME: 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 6-12 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th FEE: $125 w/T-shirt CLASS MINIMUM: 10 CLASS MAXIMUM: 30
BASKETBALL CAMP DESCRIPTION: For any young athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. Learn offensive and defensive skills and game like scenarios. WHEN: March 19th - March 21st TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 7-14 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th FEE: $65 w/T-shirt INSTRUCTOR: Scott Hodges CLASS MINIMUM: 20 CLASS MAX: 100
VOLLEYBALL CAMP DESCRIPTION: For any young athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. What better way than by getting to play volleyball for 2 days and learn some new things in the process. WHEN: March 22nd - March 23rd TIME: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 7-14 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th FEE: $50 INSTRUCTOR: Kayla Doiron CLASS MINIMUM: 10 CLASS MAXIMUM: 50
ALL N 1 SPORTS CAMP DESCRIPTION: For any young athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. In this camp you will learn about a variety of Sports that will include but not limited to Football, Baseball, Soccer, Volleyball & Basketball. WHEN: March 19th - March 23rd TIME: 1:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. WHERE: The Station Recreation Center AGES: 7-14 REGISTRATION: February 1st - March 16th FEE: $75 w/T-shirt INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Program Specialist CLASS MINIMUM: 10 CLASS MAXIMUM: 50
YOUTH SOCCER SPRING LEAGUES GAMES START MARCH 31st. Sign-ups: January 1st–February 17th Coaches Meeting: March 5th, 7 p.m. Cost: $50 Resident ($60 Non-Resident) Regular Season: starting on March 31st 6 game season (Saturdays) For: Co-Ed 3/4 & Co-Ed 5/6 Age Determination Date: March 31, 2018 Where: Buck Thomas Park Front South Fields Registration Type: Online Practices Begin: March 12th Practice Bid Sheet Due: March 9th at 8 a.m. Birth Certificates Due: March 23rd by 5 p.m. Uniforms: Jerseys will be given to each team by the first game. Shorts, Tennis Shoes, Cleats, Shin Guards and any other equipment will not be supplied.
Schedules may change and more camps or classes may be available. Please check out The Station's website for details.
cityofmoore.com/centralpark Registration: cityofmoore.com/fun Phone: (405) 793-5090
Sing a Joyful Noise Music is the thread that binds our souls & hearts together. It surrounds women of all ages with love and brings joy and hope! This sentiment was penned by Moore resident Diana Quay, a long-time member of the OK City Chorus, a local chapter of Sweet Adelines. Not only has she spent the past 30 years performing throughout the country as a Sweet Adeline, she even managed to recruit her daughter Dawn and granddaughter Kristen to join the ensemble as well. It appears that performing and harmonizing are in their genes. Diana’s love of music began when she was a child growing up in New York. She attributes her musical skills to her father Daniel, a talented singer who could play piano and organ by ear. Both her parents loved music from the 40’s, and regularly attended summer concerts over looking the St. Lawrence River and dancing to Big Band tunes. “I’ve been singing all my life. My fondest childhood memories are harmonizing with my sister Susan in the car during family Sunday drives to old tunes like “Down by the Old Mill Stream” Diana recalled. One of Diana’s favorite things to do was watch her favorite group The Lennon sisters sing. She adored the tight harmony of barbershop quartets, another thing she believes was passed down from her parents, as evidenced by the recently discovered old barbershop concert program she discovered among their attic treasures. As a high school student in New York, Diana gained musical experience singing at the local Methodist church and in choir and ensembles at Carthage High School. During this time Diana performed in a high school production of the musical “Oklahoma”, never dreaming that merely thirteen years later she would call Oklahoma home. Only 20 years later Diana found herself in the audience watching as her daughter Dawn performed in the same beloved show at Moore High School.
It was in the mid 80’s when a friend invited Diana to
Their second family is a big one. The OK City Chorus
attend an open rehearsal, that she became hooked on the
boasts a membership of over 80 vocalists and has a 62-year
Sweet Adelines organization. In her first years singing with
history of providing show-stopping entertainment across
Sweet Adelines, she participated in a wide array of perfor-
the state and around the world.
mances and competitions travelling to Houston, Las Vegas
The group includes singers from throughout Oklahoma
and Philadelphia. During this time, she sang with the “Ster-
with the goal of preserving the American art form of 4-part,
ling Sound Quartet”, where she appeared at various com-
a cappella, barbershop music by “harmonizing the world."
munity events including “Opening Night OKC.
The ladies come from all walks of life, range in age from 17
The family trio first performed together with the Sooner Sensations Show Chorus in Moore. Today, Dawn performs
to over 80 and some sing for more than one group holding dual membership.
with the “Couture” quartet, Ok City Chorus and Tulsa
As one of the metro’s favorite performing groups, the OK
Metro Chorus, while Diana sings in the Ok City Chorus.
City Chorus has performed at the Downtown Festival of
Kristina, a busy Oklahoma State University student, still
the Arts, Edmond’s Hafer Park Summer Concert Series,
finds time to sing with a Young Women in Harmony quar-
the Oklahoma City Philharmonic and many other local and
tet called “Perpetual Sound”.
regional events. They have also performed internationally
One of Diana’s fondest memories is when the three of them performed at international competition in Baltimore
in venues as far away as Royal Albert Hall in London and the Great Wall of China.
together. “Being on stage was the culmination of a long jour-
Mary Rhea, OK City’s director since 2009 and an inter-
ney and a totally awesome experience as a mother of Dawn
national quartet champion herself, will soon lead chorus
and grandma of Kristina! It was so heart-warming. It was a
members in some big competitions.
once in a lifetime family dream. Singing has strengthened our relationships with each other in numerous ways. We
Next month Diana, Dawn & the 80 member OK City
learn, grow and share our musical talents and have become
chorus will compete in Region 25 Contest in Little Rock,
”sisters in song.”
Arkansas and coming up in October, they will attend the
Dawn shares the same sentiment. “Singing with my mom
Sweet Adelines International Chorus Contest in St Louis,
and daughter is a special experience that not everyone gets
Missouri. The Couture quartet, currently in 3rd place re-
to do. It's fulfilling to know that you share the same passion
gionally will also participate in these contests. Additionally,
and can do it together.”
Dawn will compete with Couture and with the Tulsa Metro
The ladies share a similar family-like bond with those singing along side them. “It’s wonderful! We all support
Chorus at next month’s regionals. Kristina will compete in the Harmony Classic Contest later in August.
each other through life’s challenges, successes and sorrows,” Diana added. The ladies of Ok City Chorus have become like a second family to Dawn as well.
OK City Chorus teaches and empowers women to become strong performers and strives to increase awareness of barbershop harmony. They are always searching for new
“The Oklahoma City Chorus is an amazing sisterhood of
members. Women interested in learning how they can share
women. We are from all different backgrounds but our love
their musical talent and become a part of OK City Chorus
of singing and harmonies bring us together to make some-
can find for information online at http://www.okcity.org or
thing beautiful. It has not only given me another family, but
call 405-720-7464.
has empowered me as a woman to accomplish various goals and dreams.” Dawn added.
Singing Valentines The OK City Chorus strives to spread love through music. They do this every time they perform, whether it’s at a large community event or a smaller appearance. What better time to share the love than at Valentines? Promotions coordinator Jen Foster said that Singing Valentines have become a popular fund-raising event that brings joy to the recipient as well as a little extra exposure for the group. “We love delivering singing valentines because it is a unique gift that really shows your valentine that you put some thought into their gift and tried to get them something they’d never forget! We have often gotten to someone’s work and been able to surprise and serenade them, while the whole office gathers to listen! We get feedback that their singing valentine was the highlight of their day and their co-worker’s!” For approximately $50 a loved one can be serenaded by a wonderful compilation of songs performed by a quarter of ladies from the OK City Chorus. They will also enjoy a box of cookies from Browns Bakery, a card with a personal message and share a photo or two with the performers. Lyn Graham, has been a member of OK City Chorus since 2005 and heads up the Singing Valentines promotion. “It’s really interesting. The valentines aren’t always sent to a girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse. We do lots of them for bosses, teachers and grandparents. It’s a real mixed bag” she said. “The quartets perform the singing valentines and work hard to make sure they find songs that will accommodate their customers.” The “Couture” quartet is one of the groups offering singing valentines, and Couture member Dawn Henderson counts the gig among her favorite appearances each year. “Singing is universal….it just makes people feel good. Music touches everyone’s hearts,” said Couture member Dawn Henderson. “Singing Valentine's is my favorite time of the year... spreading love through music is one of the most rewarding things I've ever been a part of. When we sing they (the recipients) are so happy. They smile, ponder and sometimes cry. They usually give us a hug and are very appreciative.” In addition to the singing valentines, OK City quartets appear throughout the metro, in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, schools, private homes, offices, hotels, college campuses and more. For those hoping to send this unique token of love to someone in their life, Lyn suggests calling early as quartets can book fill their spots quickly. Not waiting until last minute can also save money, as there are often early-bird discounts available. Call 405-720-SING to order a singing valentine!
Be Sweet to Your Heart
This story sponsored by
By Richie Splitt President & CEO of Norman Regional Health System
Heart Scans
Free CPR Course Norman Regional’s mission is to serve our community as the leader in health and wellness care. That means both inside and outside our hospital doors. This is why we purchased CPR Training kits for the Moore Public School system, and we also offer free CPR classes during American Heart Month. Norman Regional Hospital is an American Heart Association (AHA) Authorized Training Center. Because of that designation, these classes will take place at Norman Regional Hospital, 901 N. Porter in Norman. Norman Regional supports the AHA’s mission to increase survival from cardiac arrests. To enroll in a free course, please visit NormanRegional.com/classes. 9 a.m. or noon, Mon. Feb. 5 9 a.m. or noon, Wed. Feb. 21 9 a.m. or noon, Fri. Feb. 23 9 a.m. or noon, Sat. Feb. 24 9 a.m. or noon, Wed. Feb. 28 If you have questions about these classes, please call the Education Center at 405-307-1777.
Healthy Heart Fair Norman Regional Hospital will also host a free Healthy Heart Fair from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tues. Feb. 27 in the Norman Regional Hospital Education Center. Activities include: • Free blood test results, blood pressures screenings and risk assessments • Health information on nutrition, recipes, fitness, tobacco cessation, and food demonstration • Physician Panel on prevention, heart disease, risk factors, treatments and recovery Norman Regional is offering everyone who signs up for the Healthy Heart Fair a free lipid profile and A1C blood test. The blood test must be completed by Thursday, February 22 in order to have your results at the event. Simply take this issue of the Moore Monthly to any Norman Regional-affiliated laboratory location during its normal business hours. Find a complete list of locations on our website: NormanRegional.com.
700 S Telephone Rd, Moore, OK 73160 405-793-9355 • normanregional.com/nrmoore
Want an inside look at your heart? Norman Regional’s heart scans are non-invasive tests that can measure the calcium build up in your blood vessels. The test takes about 10 minutes and only costs $35. In February, Norman Regional is offering a “sweetheart” of a deal. Anyone who receives a heart scan in February will also get a voucher for a sweet treat at The Daily Grind, our on-campus coffee spot. Heart scans are performed by appointment at the Norman Regional Moore and Norman Regional HealthPlex facilities from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Each of these locations also has a Daily Grind, so you can make it a date! For more information or to make an appointment, call 405-307-2290. Norman Regional's other heart services include a women's heart program, a nationally-accredited Chest Pain Center, a dedicated Heart Hospital, and a four-phase cardiac rehabilitation program. Our cardiologists also keep office hours at both Norman Regional Moore and the Waterview location in south Oklahoma City (2605 SW 119th, Suite B. – 405.515.2222.
Where the Healing Begins
February is American Heart Month and there’s no better time to be sweet to your heart! Norman Regional has a month-long line-up of services and free activities that will keep your heart beating strong. After all, the heart beats about 100,000 times a day!
Omega 3: Key for Heart Health
This story sponsored by
by Cody Werneburg, NDTR Question: Is Omega-3 really that important? Answer: Yes! Increasing Omega-3 in your diet can benefit both healthy people and people at high risk of cardiovascular disease. The American College of Cardiology reported, after multiple studies and trials, an increase in Omega-3 shows great promise in primary and secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease. Omega-3 can decrease arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats), decrease triglycerides, slow artery plaque buildup, lower blood pressure and even improve function and reduce scarring in patients who have had a heart attack. Our body does not make Omega-3 like it does with other essential fatty acids. So we must get Omega-3 in our daily diet. Try out some of these tips to increase Omega-3, and improve your heart health. One of the best ways to increase Omega-3 in your diet is through marine derived Omega-3 or simply put fish, more specifically put fatty fish. The American Heart Association recommends two servings of 3.5 oz. fatty fish a week.
Types of Fatty Fish with good sources of Omega-3 include: salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, albacore tuna, Pollock, and Shrimp are among the top. Other fish and shellfish contain Omega-3, but in less amounts as those previously mentioned. Are you a vegetarian or maybe just don’t like fish? Well, have no fear here is a list of “non-fishy” Omega-3 rich foods: nuts, flax seed, vegetable oils, and leafy greens (spinach, romaine, arugula, etc.) You can also ask your doctor about Omega-3 supplements if you feel you are not able to get enough through diet alone. Increase Omega-3 in your diet, fight back against heart disease, and win.
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SuperCats Celebrate a Decade of Hoops
10 years ago several students in Southmoore’s special education program showed interest in playing basketball. Teachers responded to that desire by going out and getting certification to coach Special Olympians. The SuperCats were born and have, over the last decade, become one of the more popular teams at the high school Darlene Speegle and Cindy Sandoval lead the team today and both say the SuperCats have become an integral part of Southmoore High School. They help train the team for various competitions like the recent Special Olympics Winter Games in Norman. “During basketball season, the team practices on many Saturdays,” said Speegle. “They also practice two to three hours a week during their PE class.” While the SuperCats have earned recognition on the basketball court, don’t make the mistake of thinking that’s their only area of excellence. They also compete in many other sports and their fans follow them wherever they go. “We have cheer, basketball, bowling, bocce, soccer and athletics throughout the year and always have a great deal of students wanting to help or just cheer them on,” said Speegle. Sandoval and Speegle say the support from Southmoore students is tremendous and helps motivate the SuperCats to do their very best. “We have an amazing student body that supports our SuperCats,” said Speegle. “We had several groups and organizations that sign up to support our athletes, even if they are on Saturdays.” And that enthusiastic support extends beyond just showing up at SuperCat events. Students display their genuine affection for the Special Olympians in more tangible ways. “They have made signs and provided our kids with goodie bags to show their support also,” said Speegle. “They are great to support all of
our teams in whatever they are doing during a season.” Another essential part of the SuperCat support system is the Booster Club and parents of SuperCat students. “They (Special Olympics Booster Club) provide support for all of our teams and help purchase any needed items that will be beneficial to our athletes,” said Speegle. “Our parents are great supporters of their kids and the team by participating and going to their Special Olympic events. Some of the students are involved in many of the sports. This keeps their parents very busy but gives them the opportunity to be involved.” One of the big highlights for the entire Southmoore student body is the annual SuperCat Slam, a basketball game between the Special Olympians and a team of teachers. The SuperCats are undefeated in the competition with the teachers, but more importantly the game helps fund the Special Olympians trip to the State Special Olympics in May. “The Special Olympic athletes get to see the support given by the student body as they see the gym full of their fans cheering them on,” said Speegle. “Each of these students pays $3.00 to come watch this fun game between the SuperCats and the faculty and staff.” With ten years of exhilarating athletic competition behind them, Coaches Sandoval and Speegle believe the best is yet to come for the SuperCats. Their hope is that each of these very special students grows stronger as they participate in athletic competition and develop friendships with their peers at Southmoore. Speegle said, “ We continue to strive for peer/ student interaction and acceptance on a daily basis, in every aspect of the SuperCat’s school and community life.”
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Photos: Diana Bittle
All the Right Moves: Westmoore Senior Excels in Dual Roles is for victory. And at Westmoore High School, V is also for 18-year-old senior Veronika Zilajeva, who values victory on the chess board and the basketball court. Since 2016, Veronika has been a member of the Oklahoma Chess Hall of Fame as an expert level player. Her rating is more than 2,000 points, which is just shy of the U.S. Chess Federation's master level. How high can the points go? "Magnus Carlsen, the World Chess Champion, has over 2,700," she said. Veronika, who lives in Oklahoma City, said of her nickname, "Veronika is a long name. So on the basketball court, they started calling me V." The family moved from their native Latvia to the United States in 2013 when Veronika was 13. They lived in a suburb of Riga, the Latvian capital. Veronika, her parents and two younger siblings have permanent resident status in the U.S. "This is going to be our fifth year. So, after five years you can apply for citizenship," which they plan to do. "But not quite there yet," she said. The family moved to the Moore-Oklahoma City area to be near Veronika's paternal grandmother, who moved to Oklahoma City in 1999 after marrying his American sweetheart.
your openings. You read, you study something and then you go and test it out. That's how you study everything, like any school subject. You first get it explained or read up on the information and then you practice it and you see what works or doesn't work. And then you either go with it or change your opening, or go to some other things." Besides working on her two favorite sports, she also tutors at Mathnasium on South May Avenue in Oklahoma City. Her math students range in age from kindergartners to fellow 12th-graders. During basketball season, she only works at the math job four hours on Saturdays. When she's not in basketball season, she works after school. Veronika is the Number 1 rated female chess player in Oklahoma. That's a distinction that might elevate the ego of some people, but not her. She said ranking is not important to her. "I'm usually not the one who cares a lot about rating. I don't want to focus my individual attention on the rating, just because it's for numbers. And I feel like you should be more focused on the game individually because that's what matters. So usually people actually tell me what my rating is rather than me looking it up or worrying about it. I think the quality of the game is important not what your rating is." She said chess "relaxes me."
Veronika started chess by chance at age 7 while in first grade. Her Latvian school had a chess club, and she said her best friend went to the club to play for fun. "So, I tagged along. She started playing, and I thought it was really interesting. ... I thought 'That's a pretty cool sport. I'll play, too.'" She said her friend still remains a chess player and has a similar ranking in Latvia.
"In any teenager's life, you go to school. You have to do homework. You have to worry about your friends being happy with you. And all the other outside stuff. But whenever you go play chess, all you have is a chess board and a task to do: outplay your opponent." Although, she admitted chess can be stressful. "You have to make decisions really fast. But then at the end, you have this very satisfactory feeling."
Veronika explained how she studies chess with books and videos. "That's how you practice
Scholar is another word that describes Veronika. She is currently taking Advanced
Placement English and Composition, AP Government, AP Calculus BC, AP Physics, AP Statistics, and Psychology. She finished her first semester as a senior with all A's. Her overall ACT score was 30, and she received a 34 in the ACT math category. She's always been interested in math. "I guess I just get it." She speaks Latvian, Russian and English. She has not taken a foreign language in high school. "You either have to have two credits of computers or languages. And computers match with my potential study field." Senior year means making college plans. She has applied to many schools including Claremont McKenna College in California, the University of Southern California, and Oklahoma State University. The colleges' letters are expected to arrive by the end of March. Veronika lost count of the number of colleges she applied to, and said it was "a ton, way too many. I don't recommend anyone applying to that many colleges." When dreaming about her post-university life, she said, "I want to be a structural engineer or civil engineer because it's the same thing basically. I want to design cities, houses. Something stable, something that doesn't move." She has even drawn her dream house from various views, "but that's not serious, it's just a sketch," she laughed. What about 10 years from now? "I think that's too far in advance to think about. I still have to get through college, and then go from there." Besides her love of math, does she prefer chess or basketball? "I prefer both combined. Because basketball gives you the physical exercise you need, the physical challenge." She said chess is a mental game and requires more brain than physical strength. "Basketball helps you play chess because during long games, like power games, you need that endurance that you usually get from physical exercise. But in basketball, because I play chess, I can use my skills to predict what an opponent is going to do on the basketball court. If I kind of only
liked one, I'd only play one," she said. And Veronika does consider chess a sport "because it's pretty complex." In chess she sees strategy, mental challenge and discipline. And those three play into her overall life. "Because you always have to think ahead what you will do, what you will have to achieve, what you want to do. And you have to be organized and create and plan and follow that plan. That's where the discipline comes in." She said mental challenge is important, "because if you tell yourself you can do something, then you probably will be able to do it. It's all in your head." Girls' head basketball coach Andrea Guziec is one of Veronika's biggest fans. "She is a great kid! I would say this about V: V is a very hard worker with an easygoing side to her. She is all about doing things right and well. She has spoken with me about possibly becoming an architect and she has agreed to help me build my dream house! Whatever she does end up doing, I know she will be very successful in what she does." As for V the basketball player, the coach said, "Veronika is really a defensive specialist but is averaging about 5 points a game. She usually guards the other team's best player!" Westmoore Athletic Director John Burruss also praised the senior. “V is a very reserved young lady. We don’t speak often, but when we do she always has substance. Her future is unlimited. She has a quiet confidence that will take her anywhere she wishes to go.
1. Nominate a student who you believe is going above and beyond to make a difference. a. Elementary through high school students are eligible. b. Must live within the coverage area of the Moore Public School District. c. Home school and private school students are also eligible (who live within the MPS district). 2. Email their name, grade and why you believe they’re a Class Act to donna@mooremonthly.com 3. Moore Monthly staff will review all submissions and select one student who especially stands out as a Class Act. 4. The winning student for each quarter will be announced and awarded a Class Acts certificate and a $100 gift card at their school. 5. For questions or additional info, email Donna Walker at donna@mooremonthly.com
Nominate a Student for the Class Acts Award Today! Here’s how it works:
2100 N. Eastern, Suite 12, Moore, OK 73160 405-759-3652 • cobbleinsurance.com
Veronika Zilajeva
Moore Rotary Community Excellence Award: By Rev. Adam Shahan, Moore Rotary Club Edible Learning Lab Broadmoore Elementary School has a brand-
Ms. Brackeen believes that offering suburban
new way to teach 3rd-6th grade students about
students this tactile learning method will give
agriculture - a hydroponics lab. Called the "Ed-
them agricultural experience they may not have
ible Learning Lab," the classroom takes students
had otherwise. Ms. Brackeen also partners with
through hands-on curriculum that introduces
Oklahoma Ag In The Classroom (OAITC) on
them to soil and seed mix, as well as the growth
interactive lessons for students.
of plants, fruits, and vegetables. The ribbon-cutting for the new lab was featured on Facebook
We are proud to focus this month's commu-
Live as Moore Rotary Club President Brent
nity excellence spotlight on Shannon Brackeen,
Wheelbarger extolled the virtues of this addi-
Broadmoore Elementary School, and the hydro-
tion to the school of Shannon Brackeen, who
ponic "edible learning lab."
leads the lab. Students don lab coats and get their hands dirty as Brackeen walks them through the process of food production from soil to table. This is an interactive education that will make students more familiar with agriculture and nutrition, and hopefully lead to a healthier understanding of both food production and food consumption. The edible learning lab at Broadmoore was made possible by donations from Westmoore Junior High and a $6,000.00 grant from the Moore Rotary Club. Rotarians, scouts, and Ms. Brackeen's students worked together to set up the lab and get things in working order. Every year, the Moore Rotary Club applies for a grant to be used in its mission field to both help and engage the community. This year's grant accomplishes both. Building goodwill, better friendships, and helping the community succeed are hallmarks of Rotary.
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Parting Shots
Serve More and Life.Church celebrate another year in partnership. Since 2015, the two organizations have worked together to connect people who need help with the people who can give help. Serve More has mobilized thousands of volunteers to help with community renewal projects and rebuilding after natural disasters. From left to right: Doug Cowart, Life.Church Moore LifeGroups/LifeMissions Pastor; Sean Evans, Serve More Board President; Chris Fox, Serve More Executive Director; Elyse Maxwell, Serve More Board Member; Jayme Shelton, Serve More Board Vice President; Kayla Copeland, Serve More Board Member; Chris Copeland, Serve More Board Treasurer.
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