Jan - Feb 2021
Mopar Masters Guild Holds 29th Annual Meetings Online
Adapt. Alter. Modify. Change. Move Forward. Whichever word you choose, it has applied to the Mopar Masters Guild in 2021. Although our Annual mee ng had been planned to be held in New Orleans at NADA, the pandemic made us change those plans. So, the MMG recently held its 29th Annual Mee ng. Virtually. On Zoom! The good news: it was a ended by over 50 Guild members! Record a endance! MMG President Susan McDaniel opened the mee ng with welcome remarks, poin ng out this new venture into virtual guild mee ngs. “We have already held several mee ngs on Zoom, Execu ve mee ngs, Vendor mee ngs and our plan going forward for 2021 is to con nue to meet virtually un l we are able to meet live,” said McDaniel. With several new members in a endance, Susan also went over the history of the Mopar Masters Guild. Susan then covered our agenda for the next two days of mee ngs:
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine