Mopar Masters Guild Magazine March - April 2021

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Leaders in the sale of quality FCA Mopar Parts.

March - April 2021

Also In This Issue

Automakers Could Make 1.3 Million Fewer Vehicles Because Semiconductor Chips are in Short Supply

From the Desk of MMG President Susan McDaniel: “Onward And Upward” 2-3 Automakers Could Make 1.3 Million Fewer Vehicles Because of Semiconductor Shortage.................................4 Why Are Semiconductor Chips in Short Supply & Can It Affect You?........... 5-6 U.S. judge denies Stellantis supplier bid to compel chip supply for Jeep plant............. 7-8 Stellantis idles Ontario minivan output until May 3 due to chip shortage ........................ 8-9 “Jeepin With Judd” & Tales of a Rock Star Sheriff ! ....................................10-13 MMG Vendors ..........................................14-15 Katzkin Leather ..............................................16 CDK Global .....................................................17 FenderBender ..................................................18 CDK Global .....................................................19 The View from My Office with Kat Monteiro .............................................20-22 Ratchet+Wrench ............................................23 Wholesale Parts Pro/ NiTS Solutions .........................................24-25 UPS Flight Forward adds innovative new aircraft, enhancing capabilities and network sustainability ...........................26 UPS ...................................................................27 Reynolds & Reynolds .....................................28 Katzkin Leather ..............................................29 OEConnection ...........................................30-31 Activator ..........................................................32 Reynolds & Reynolds .....................................33 OEConnection .................................................34 Katzkin Leather ..............................................35 AER Manufacturing .................................36-37 Wholesale Parts Pro/ NiTS Solutions ...............................................38 U.S. lawmakers introducing bill to give USPS $6 billion for electric delivery vehicles ......39 Three U.S. lawmakers call on USPS to freeze Oshkosh vehicle contract..............................40 Jeep to slot model below Renegade......40-41 MMG Officers/Committees ........................42

The exchange of information by like size dealers in a non-competitive environment”


March - April 2021

From the Desk of MMG President Susan McDaniel

Onward And Upward Hello Everyone! This is a New Year, New Beginnings, New Mindset, New Focus, New Start, New Inten ons and New Results. I am excited to see what the future brings us! We have overcome so much in the last year with all of the trials and tribula ons that we have been faced with; yet we have overcome them all. We have all pulled together, supported each other, shared our stories, and our ideas and we have made the best of it because that is what we do! We are so fortunate to live in a world with so much technology at our finger ps. We have set a whole new precedence. We are unstoppable; our means of communicaon is endless. We text, we email, we use social media and now we ZOOM. Our 29th annual Mopar Master’s Guild mee ng was held via Zoom earlier this year. I must say that it was a li le “different” at first but it proved to be a huge success! We had great a endance and as the mee ng progressed, so did the feedback and ideas. We all would have preferred to be in New Orleans together, interac ng with one another, catching up, and having our famous “side bar” conversa ons, yet we improvised again and we made the best out of the situa on at hand. Our future as a guild will now be stronger because of it. We plan to incorporate Zoom into our live meetings so even more members can a end. We have had a lot of success with mee ng and communica ng with our vendors via Zoom as well. Chris Messer with 10 Missions Media put on a, never done before, Trivia Night and what a success it was! We did this a er hours and had a really great me visi ng and laughing with everyone. We also learned a lot of really great trivia! This was much needed by all and only Chris could dream up such a scheme and make it work! Thank You Chris! We have also met with John Haluch and his team from OE Connec on, Doug Johnson from Katzkin Leather, Jason Sideris and his team from Reynolds and Reynolds and David Zits and his team from NiTS Solu ons – Wholesale Parts Pro. We truly appreciate and value the support that our vendors have given us over the years. There is no doubt that LIVE is always be er but Zoom is the next best thing. Mee ng with all of these wonderful people and exchanging informa on is always priceless. The rela onships that we build are a big part of what makes us all so successful. A big THANK YOU to you all! We have also met with Mopar and the WiAdvisor 3.0 team, as well. We have been able to resolve a lot of quesons and concerns throughout our conversa ons that have enabled us to make be er use of the tools and programs to help grow our business. Continued on Page 3

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts Continued from Page 2 None of this would be possible without the open lines of communica on. A big THANK YOU to all who have par cipated! A big THANK YOU goes out to Don Cushing for se ng up and organizing all of our Zoom mee ngs. You have made this all possible Don! We have defied all odds with the endless means of communica on at our finger ps. This guild will be stronger than ever!

Never give up. There is ALWAYS a way.

Your President,

Susan McDaniel Susan McDaniel - 602.336.1557

William Glasser - Developer of W. Edwards Deming’s workplace ideas, reality therapy and choice theory.

Mark Your Calendars! It’s not too early to start thinking about NADA 2022 Plans for our 30th Anniversary of the Mopar Masters Guild MeeƟng at NADA 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada are underway! With all the changes and not being able to see each other in over a year, we’re all looking forward to meeƟmg “LIVE” once again. Watch your email and check the website oŌen as we will keep our members posted and up-to-date!

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.



March - April 2021

Automakers Could Make 1.3 Million Fewer Vehicles Because of Semiconductor Shortage Wri en by Todd Spangler, Detroit Free Press A trade group that represents automakers said a semiconductor shortage caused by COVID-19 could result in 1.28 million fewer vehicles being made in the U.S. this year. In comments sent April 5 to the Commerce Department, the Alliance for Auto Innova on said a recent survey done of automakers and supplies indicated the shortage could hurt auto produc on for another six months. “The chip shortage has forced a number of automakers to halt produc on and cancel shi s in the United States, with serious consequences for their workers and the communi es in which they operate,” wrote John Bozzella, the group’s president and CEO. The Auto Alliance represents most major automakers doing business in the U.S., including General Motors, Ford and Stellan s. President Joe Biden in February directed the Commerce Department to review risks in the supply chain, including the pressures put on industry by a global semiconductor shortage. Bozzella’s le er was in response to that review. Because of last year’s closing of auto manufacturing facili es due to COVID, semiconductor suppliers, most of which are based overseas, moved produc on into other types of semiconductors needed for personal computers and other goods. Semiconductors are integral to mulple systems on vehicles. “We have been conduc ng anonymized surveys of our member companies since the onset of the chip shortage,” Bozzella wrote. “The most recent survey was conducted within the last couple of weeks and, unfortunately, the high-end projec ons indicate... even more significant impact to United States auto produc on than was projected in previous surveys.” As part of his le er, Bozzella also urged some por on of funding be used to boost the domes c produc on of semiconductors dedicated to making those used in automobiles. “This could be accomplished by, for example, specifying that a par cular percentage---that is reasonably based on the projected needs of the auto industry---be allocated for facili es that will support the produc on of auto grade chips in some manner,” he said. Early this year, Congress passed legisla on allowing for funds to be used to incen vize manufacturing, but the money hasn’t been appropriated yet. Biden has called for $37 billion to be commi ed to boos ng semiconductor produc on. Source: Detroit Free Press h ps://

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

Why Are Semiconductor Chips in Short Supply & Can It Affect You? What’s causing this scarcity and why should you care? Here’s everything we know. If you’re wondering what caused a delay in the release of iPhone 12 and why finding the latest consoles for PlaySta on 5 has been so difficult, blame it on the global semiconductor chip shortage. With the onset of coronavirus pandemic, higher demand for mobile phones, laptops and the usage of internet has increased the requirement for semiconductor chips. From non availability of consoles to delayed car deliveries, businesses across the globe are facing shortage in the supply of semiconductor microchips. South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics , one of the world’s largest makers of chips and consumers electronics said that the world is grappling with the fallout from a ‘serious imbalance’ in semiconductors globally. Earlier, in February US President Joe Biden pledged to address the shortage which had forced US automakers and other manufacturers to cut produc on and alarmed the White House and members of Congress. But, what’s causing this scarcity and why should you care? Here’s everything we know. What Are Semiconductor Chips? Semiconductors are materials like silicon which can conduct electricity. These are also known as chips, semis, and can be found in electronic devices such as computers, smartphones,appliances,gaming hardware and medical equipment. These devices find widespread use in almost all industries especially in the automobile industry. Why Is There A Shortage? During the pandemic, millions of consumers stocked up on laptops, gaming consoles and electronic products. According to market tracker Interna onal Data Corp Sales of laptop and desktop computers exceeded 302 million in 2020, a 13 percent increase from the year before and the most since 2014. The automobile industry was shut for a few months but as the restric ons were li ed, the car sales especially in China began to increase. However, the produc on of chips was s ll low, causing an imbalance in the supply and demand ra o which triggered a global chip crisis. This shortage further spread to a range of other consumer electronics, including smartphones, refrigerators and microwaves. How Is Automobile Industry Dealing With The Shortage? The automobile industry has been hit bad with the shortage.

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March - April 2021

Continued from Page 5 This crisis has forced car manufacturers such as Motors Co, Ford Motor Co, Volkswagen AG, Surbaru Corp, Toyota Motor Corp and Nissan Motors to scale down their produc ons . According to data firm IHS Markit, this shortage could impact 1.3 million units of global light vehicle produc on in the first quarter. Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics had to shut down its factories temporarily owing it to the crisis. Will You be Able to Buy 5G devices? According to Reuters, the introduc on of 5G phones and laptops have picked up faster than expected. Chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm and Foxconn whose chips feature in Samsung phones and Apple devices respec vely have warned of the chip shortage affec ng supply chains to clients.This means that 5G devices will be difficult to buy owing to global chip shortage. The report by Reuters further suggests that US semiconductor companies account for 47 percent of global chip sales, but only 12 percent of global manufacturing is done in the United States. Why Should You Care? If the global shortage con nues to increase, this means that you won’t be able to buy popular products such as laptops, iPhone devices, PlaySta on consoles and cars too. Recently, Samsung decided to shut down its factories amid the global crisis. This could mean that prices of tech gadgets could go even higher and will be heavy on your pockets. When Will The Shortage be Resolved? US President Joe Biden has intervened to resolve this issue and has sought $37 billion in funding for legisla on to supercharge chip manufacturing in the country. Meanwhile, semiconductor industries have also rammed up their produc on process but has warned that the increase won’t be rampant. Intel, has recently announced to invest $20 billion (roughly Rs. 1.4 lakh crores) in two new factories in Arizona. However, this does not mean that the factories can meet the current demand, experts say that the scarcity will last for more than a year from now at least. Is the Chip Shortage Benefi ng Electronic Industries? With the demand of consumer electronics rising Neil Campling, an analyst at Mirabaud Securi es told The Guardian,“this gives companies the power to raise prices and pass on higher costs”. Lenovo Group also said that its profit margins took a hit a er the global chip shortage. Demand for laptops have increased because of purchases by people working at home, which has also led to the doubling of stock prices since August. Source: h ps://

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


U.S. judge denies Stellantis supplier bid to compel chip supply for Jeep plant

Chipmaker NXP had said it doesn’t have a direct contractual agreement with JVIS-USA A federal judge in Michigan on Friday denied a request to issue an emergency order forcing NXP Semiconductors to provide chips to a supplier of automaker Stellan s. The supplier, JVIS-USA, had alleged that without the chips it has ordered, there will be an “imminent shutdown” of a Detroit factory that makes Stellan s’ profit-genera ng Jeep Grand Cherokee. NXP responded that it has no direct contractual rela onship with JVIS-USA obliga ng it to send the chips. U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie Dawkins Davis denied JVIS’ request for an emergency order to force shipment of the chips, saying NXP had shown it does not have them available. She also said issuing an order in favor of JVIS could harm other companies desperate for chips and result “in a line at the courthouse” of other cases. “’Shortage’ might be too so of a word,” Dawkins Davis said while delivering her decision. “There’s really a drought of the semiconductors that are needed.” JVIS-USA is a supplier of an electronic assembly that helps control the hea ng, cooling and ven la on systems for the Grand Cherokee, the Dodge Challenger and Charger, and the Chrysler 300. The JVIS allega ons provide a rare window into how the global chip shortage -- which has disrupted produc on at Stellan s as well as Ford Motor Co. and General Motors -- has played out for one company in the middle of a long supply chain. The global automo ve chip crunch started late last year, when automakers and their suppliers failed to understand they needed to put in orders months ahead of me as the consumer electronics industry surged and took up chipmaking capacity. Continued on Page 8

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March - April 2021

Continued from Page 7 Then this year, a series of natural disasters at automo ve chip plants deepened the shortage; NXP cites weather-related issues in Texas in the dispute with JVIS. JVIS does not buy chips directly from NXP, instead ge ng them through layers of suppliers and distributors. But it alleges that NXP created an oral contract with it during a Zoom call that NXP held with JVIS, a chip distributor and a circuit board supplier to JVIS. NXP denies that claim, saying the call was an industry-standard status update from a distributor. In a lawsuit filed March 31 in state court in Michigan that was later moved to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, JVIS alleged that NXP later reduced the number of chips it would deliver by tens of thousands from what JVIS had expected. JVIS had alleged the shor all will cause it to stop produc on by April 19, which in turn will cause a shutdown of Stellan s produc on at its Jefferson North Assembly Plant in Detroit within the first 10 days of May. Stellan s declined to comment a er the ruling on the poten al impact of a JVIS shutdown. An NXP spokeswoman declined to comment on the case. During the court hearing on Friday, NXP a orney Marc Collier said the company had scant supplies a er a February freeze in Texas cost it five weeks of producon me and 700,000 lost or delayed chips and was going to great lengths to deliver what it could. The distributors JVIS works with have “ordered a box of cereal from us, and we are sending it one cornflake at a me. As soon as it comes off the factory line, it goes on a FedEx plane,” Collier said during the hearing. JVIS had alleged it asked NXP for 70,000 chips for the Jeep plant in the second quarter. In late February, JVIS alleged, NXP and a chip distributor said during a Zoom call that they would supply to JVIS 42,000 chips for the Detroit plant. JVIS alleged the call created an oral contract, submi ng as evidence a photograph of a computer screen with numbers on it. JVIS alleged NXP and the chip distributor reduced its order to 27,000 chips in late March. Source:

Stellantis idles Ontario minivan output until May 3 due to chip shortage Stellantis will idle its minivan plant in Windsor, Ontario, until the end of April, due to the global microchip shortage. Production is scheduled to resume May 3, the automaker said. The Chrysler Pacifica, Voyager, Grand Caravan and Pacifica Hybrid minivans are all built at the Windsor Assembly Plant.“Stellantis continues to work closely with our suppliers to mitigate the manufacturing impacts caused by the various supply chain issues facing our industry,” the automaker said in a statement. Continued on Page 9

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts Continued from Page 8

The Brampton, Ontario, Assembly Plant -- where the Chrysler 300, Dodge Challenger and Dodge Charger are assembled -- resumes production April 19. Both plants have been down for two weeks. The automaker also said Friday that the chip shortage forced it to idle its assembly plants in Belvidere, Ill., and Toluca, Mexico, through the rest of April and its Warren, Mich., truck plant through the end of May. The company said the upscale Jeep Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer SUVs, which are built at Warren Truck, are still on track for their summer launches. AutoForecast Solutions said earlier this week that the production of 635,000 vehicles in North America has been lost to the chip shortage with a projected total of 831,000 to be lost this year. Source: Reuters and Vince Bond Jr. of Automo ve News contributed to this report.

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.



March - April 2021

“Jeepin With Judd” & Tales of a Rock Star Sheriff! Allow me to tell you a li le bit about our Sheriff here in Poincians, FL. Here in Polk County, Florida, we are very blessed to have a Sheriff who has a “tell it how it is” a tude. Sheriff Grady Judd is a bit of a rock star here. He holds nothing back when it comes to figh ng crime. One of the most famous moments was in 2006, a er a traffic stop resulted in a deputy and his K-9 dog being shot and killed, deputies shot and killed the suspect, shooting him 68 times. When asked by a reporter about the number of shots, Judd responded, «That›s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more More recently, a er the riots during the pandemic and speaking on a possible threat that residents had seen referenced on social media that suggests riot ac vity may start trickling into residen al neighborhoods, he was asked if he any messages for the rioters, Judd said, “I would tell them, if you value your life, you probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County,” Judd said. “Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be inside their homes tonight with their guns loaded. And if you try to break into their homes tonight and try to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.” (Source: h ps:// ng-will-get-you-locked-up/) Now don’t get me wrong. Our County here in Florida is not infested with criminals. But he just wanted to send a message and let his residents know, the Polk County Sherriff ’s Office has the back of every one of those residents. Nice to know.

Now, let’s get to the cool stuff that the Sheriff does for the community besides protect it! A er nearly a year being trapped indoors due to the COVID-19 crisis, many folks were yearning to go outside and venture into the great outdoors. They were able do just that, as well as support their local law enforcement, with the Jeepin’ with Judd event that was hosted from Feb. 26 to Feb. 28 at Clear Springs Ranch, located at Ledley Ware Rd, Bartow, FL.

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Continued on Page 11

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 10 Jeepin With Judd is a three-day family Jeep festival that offers obstacle and trail rides. It is also a fundraiser for Polk Sheriff’s Charities. The cost was $60.00 if you registered online, or $80.00 at the gate. Spectators attended free. This is from their Facebook Page, “Rev up your Jeep vehicle and drive on down to Clear Springs Ranch in Bartow for three whole days of off-roading. Test your vehicle to its limits with nearly a dozen off-road trails and obstacle courses or watch the excitement from a safe distance from the lookout.” It con nues, “From stock trails to moderate and advanced trails, The Orlando Jeep Club has designed many trails and obstacle courses to give your vehicle a run for its money and kick up dirt with high-octane off-roading fun. Li le ones too young to drive can also join in the fun with the Power Wheels loca on, with several toy cars that will allow children the opportunity to take control of their own vehicles and ride along their own tracks. When they are done riding or watching Jeep vehicles, a endees can peruse the many booths for Jeep related merchandise and grab a bite to eat from one of the many food trucks. All proceeds from the event will go towards Polk Sheriff ’s Chari es, Inc. “We will filter back into the community helping individuals with scholarships for college and for law enforcement memorial purposes, to help those families that may, unfortunately, experience an in-the-line-of-duty death for law enforcement,” said Alicia Manautou, Public Informa on Officer. Alicia has been volunteering with Jeepin’ With Judd since it first started. She appreciates how the event offers residents and guests a fun me outdoors and raises funds for the PCSO and its charity organiza on, thus helping the local community in more ways than one. In light of these uncertain mes, she assures everyone that the event is completely outdoors with no indoor loca ons. Moreover, with people driving their vehicles or watching from afar, the event offers people enough space to safely distance themselves. To also ensure the safety and health of par cipants, other precau ons will be put into place. Drive-through touchless check-in will allow a endees to register for the event without having to leave the safety and comfort of their vehicle. Par cipants can download an app, 4×4 Unity, to their mobile device and use it to scan a QR code to receive informa on about the event. Continued on Page 12

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

Continued from Page 11 The bad news is that the event has sold out, so there are no more Jeep event entry ckets. However, the good news is that the event is s ll open for spectators, so anyone wan ng to come by to watch the vehicles and peruse the vendor and food truck area. There was the opportunity to purchase “Cheep Jeep” ckets where they will be raffling off a 2005 2-door Jeep Wrangler U lity Sport previously owned by Sheriff Judd, thanks to Kelley Buick GMC who donated the Jeep to Polk Sheriff ’s Chari es. Raffle ckets were purchased on their website and you didn’t have to be present to win. “Spectators are always free,” Alicia said. “So, if anyone is interested in coming and checking this out and seeing what all the hubbub is about, spectators are always welcome. There is a great vantage point over the obstacle course to see the Jeeps climb the rocks and travel the trails created for them.”

Local DCJR Dealer Gets Involved! Since we moved here to Poinciana in June of 2020, I hooked up with a local dealer, Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram of Winter Haven, whose Parts Manager Stephen Choiniere was a former employee of mine when I was working back in Rhode Island. His dad, Lionel was my Service Manager at Tasca CDJR too! I visited Stephen while ge ng some maintenance on my car recently and he’s the one that turned me on to Jeepin’ With Judd. As a ma er of fact, the family of dealerships owned by Dealer Principal Mike Mahalak, that Stephen works for, were involved as Sherriff Level Sponsors for the event that was held in February. Winter Haven CDJR, Posner Park CDJR, and Lake Wales DCJR, which are all know by their website, h ps:// parcipated by selling parts and more! The dealership had a tent for the event and brought 6 vehicles to the show. Some Jeeps were to show and sell and some Jeeps were par cipa ng in the Rally. I understand that one of their stores was successful in selling a couple of Jeeps at the event! Continued on Page 13

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 12 Displayed were Mopar accessories and cool trinkets available through Mopar. Stephen was armed with Mopar Jeep wheels, knobby res, Mopar hats and shirts, a Jeep Crate and more. Because this event draws from ci es and towns from all over the state, Stephen tells us that business was great. Always good to hear about someone moving Mopar accessories! When you’ve owned and operated a dealership for as long as they have, you get the chance to build a strong rela onship with your community. As proof of their close es to local residents, the dealership’s loca ons have previously partnered with 97 Country WPCV and St. Jude’s Hospital to help fight childhood cancer. To contribute to the 97 Country St. Jude Radiothon, their dealership donated the funds collected from test drives and oil changes and put them toward St. Jude’s efforts to find a pediatric cancer cure. As a result of their team’s goal to serve the community, they were able to provide this renowned hospital with thousands of dollars in dona-

ons. They consider this achievement as a testament to the many ways in which they put our community first.

Pictured here are Parts Manager Stephen Choiniere and Execu ve Assistant Sharon Caruthers.

Being involved in Jeepin’ With Judd is just another way this dealership can give back to the community!

Well done DCJR of Winter Haven!

SubmiƩed by Don Cushing

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

Our Supporting Vendors: Support those who support you.


March - April 2021

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Our Supporting Vendors: The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

Support those who support you.

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March - April 2021

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

4/12/21 2:07 PM

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts



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Because we’re dealer people.

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

The View From My Office

With Kat Monteiro

Here we are again! Time is flying by so fast. I hope at the me of this publishing of the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine all of you are well and happy. Hopefully, many of us are already vaccinated or will be soon. Rick received his second shot today and I get mine on the 24th of April. For something we all thought was only going to last 4-6 weeks, this Covid virus has sure hung on for a long me and sent our country in a tailspin! Hopefully, we are on our way to recovery and ge ng back to some kind of normal. It will be nice to sit at a restaurant and not feel uncomfortable if you are si ng close to a stranger. Even though I must admit that I have enjoyed going to restaurants with their spaced-out, outdoor sea ng. I do like less crowds when I am out and about. Even though I s ll don’t go out much. We are s ll at home, trying to play it safe and get through to the end. I have been enjoying being back at work. I am not out visi ng customers yet, but I really like being at the front retail counter. I am ge ng to know the regular customers and mee ng new ones. They rarely get away from the counter without having a conversa on with me! I have become quite good ge ng customers to forget how mad and impa ent they were when they walked in, and there is nobody available to help them at that instant. I even have customers that are with the sales department, wai ng around trying to buy a car, come over and talk to me as they are leaving the vending machine. I send them away with an accessory brochure and tell them to come see us when they are ready to buy all the fun stuff for their car! We are trying to work out deals with our service department for prices for installa on of truck bed tunnel covers and Jeep hard tops. Working together trying to make things happen that benefit the dealership and our customers. I am pushing t-shirts and hats! Encouraging customers to wear their brand! So yes, I have been having a good me trying to figure out my new role as the Parts Retail Customer Greeter! We also managed to cook corned beef Reuben Sandwiches for the en re dealership on St. Patrick’s Day this year. Wasn’t sure it was going to happen, but Rick made it happen and the result was a crew of happy and very full employees. Rick, with the help from John Hamilton, one of our long- me parts advisors, cooked up 100 pounds of corned beef and grilled up 120 sandwiches! The dealership employees look forward to this every year. This was year number 11 for this tradi on. If there was a way to look up the archives of the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine you would see an ar cle Rick wrote about this special event. It was a good day and if only for a me, we forgot about all the stresses of work and Covid and enjoyed the moment. Continued on Page 21

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 20

I want to give a shout out to Chris Messer at 10 Missions Media and John Haluch at OE Connec on for hosting a virtual Mopar Masters Guild Trivia Night on the 24 of February. I want to say thanks for being invited because, oh my it was so much fun!! It was fun to see everyone’s faces, and to talk and laugh. I really missed seeing you all and I would have much rather been in New Orleans than at my kitchen table, but this sure came in as a close second! I was very surprised at how well I did at the trivia. And of course, congratula ons go out to Rick Monteiro for winning the whole thing! I have enjoyed spending the gi card on Amazon! Continued on Page 22

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

Continued from Page 21 As I write an ending to this issue’s The View from My Office ar cle, it is a Sunday evening. I have been pu ng off wri ng the final paragraph in hopes of good news from a long me friend and part of our Mopar Masters Guild Family. Many of you know and remember Mike and Leslie Cervantes. They have not been ac ve members for a very long me, but they sure did make a las ng impression on all of us that knew them during their me in the Guild. Mike was Rick’s Vice President for 2000 and 2001. He le his dealership to become part of the Sonic Automo ve group; I believe in 2001. Leslie and I have stayed friends all these years. Even though we don’t get to see each other, we developed a friendship over the years that Mike and Rick were in the guild that will last a life me. Mike’s job has taken them from California, to Ohio, back to California, then to Denver, Colorado where they are now. Leslie reached out to me to let me know that Mike was in the hospital for complica ons from Covid. He was on a ven lator. She then let me know that he had stabilized, was off the ven lator and out of the ICU. They were trea ng him with oxygen therapy, things were looking good. Then Saturday night he crashed, was rushed back to the ICU where he was s ll ge ng the oxygen therapy. As I write this, they have put him back on the ven lator, fully paralyzed and sedated, the ven lator is at 100 %. To make ma ers worse his kidney stopped working and they have hooked him up to do dialysis. He is s ll figh ng for his life. So, I am asking all of our Mopar Family to rise up and say some prayers and send some good, posi ve, get-well wishes to Mike and to give Leslie the strength and support she needs to get her and her husband through this ordeal. I have a group text with many of the ladies and we have been trying our best to be there for Leslie and saying prayers for Mike’s recovery. I am wri ng about this because the Cervantes will forever be a part of our Mopar Family. Anyone who met Mike would never forget him, his laugh, smile, and just the fun guy that he is! So, I felt that you all should know what is going on, and I don’t have all of you in my contacts. Our Mopar Family is a close-knit group that will always be there for each other. I know this. That is what makes all of you so special, and our group so unique. And it is what makes me thankful every day that you all are a part of my life. Sad Update I was so hoping I could write about Mike’s survival story in my next ar cle, but I’m sorry to say that is not going to happen. We just received word that Mike Cervantes lost his ba le with Covid on Monday morning April 19th. His wife Leslie was by his side and watched him take his last breath. Leslie, we are there for you. My heart is broken and full of worry. I want to thank all the Mopar ladies in my group chat that said their prayers and sent their support Mike and Leslie’s way during this ordeal. It really gave Leslie comfort knowing we were all banding together for her and Mike. This is what makes our Mopar family so special. No ma er how near or far or how many years it’s been we are s ll a special family and there for each other. I plan on doing memoriam for Mike in the next issue of the magazine. If you have a memory you would like to share or pictures, please email me at I ask you all to please stay vigilant in Covid safety protocol. We are so close to a place where we can relax, but not yet. We are all red, we all want this to be over, we all want some kind of normalcy - but it’s just not there yet. Till next me, stay safe and healthy. Remember we are all in this together so be kind and helpful. Can’t wait to see all of you again someday soon!

Kat Monteiro Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


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March - April 2021


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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

UPS Flight Forward adds innovative new aircraft, enhancing capabilities and network sustainability UPS, together with its UPS Flight Forward subsidiary, plans to purchase electric Ver cal Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircra from Beta Technologies (BETA) to augment its air service for select small and mid-size markets. These aircraft will take off and land on-property at UPS facilities in a whisper-quiet fashion, reducing time-intransit, vehicle emissions, and operating cost. The BETA aircra ’s 1,400-pound cargo capacity is ideally suited to more quickly and sustainably transport mesensi ve deliveries that would otherwise fly on small fixed-wing aircra . UPS’s use of the aircra will benefit healthcare providers, thousands of small and medium-sized businesses, and other companies in smaller communi es. With a 250-mile range and cruising speed of up to 170 miles per hour, UPS will be able to plan a series of short routes, or one long route, on a single charge to meet customers’ needs. “This is all about innova on with a focus on returns for our business, our customers, and the environment,” said UPS Chief Informa on and Engineering Officer Juan Perez. “These new aircra will create opera onal efficiencies in our business, open possibili es for new services, and serve as a founda on for future solu ons to reduce the emissions profile of our air and ground opera on.” The avia on industry is focusing on small aircra , which UPS uses to serve many small and medium-sized communi es, to develop groundbreaking, sustainable electric-powered aircra . BETA’s aircra has four fixed ver cal li propellers and one pusher propeller for forward flight. It can charge in an hour or less and produces zero opera onal emissions. “We’re combining simple, elegant design and advanced technology to create a reliable aircra with zero opera onal emissions that will revolu onize how cargo moves,” said BETA founder and CEO Kyle Clark. “By u lizing ver cal takeoffs and landings, we can turn rela vely small spaces at exis ng UPS facili es into a micro air feeder network without the noise or opera ng emissions of tradi onal aircra .” UPS has also reserved BETA’s recharging sta on for a seamless and fully integrated electric avia on system. The BETA charging sta on helps ensure safe and rapid charging of the aircra in under one hour and facilitates a quick turn for the loading and unloading of cargo. The charging sta on also offers the aircra ’s ba eries a second life cycle. A er the ba eries’ first life cycle in the aircra concludes, they can be fi ed to the charging sta ons to recharge the aircra ’s onboard ba eries as well as UPS’s fleet of electric ground vehicles. UPS currently operates more than 12,000 alterna ve fuel and advanced technology vehicles, and announced a commitment to purchase up to 10,000 Arrival electric vehicles. BETA’s aircra are designed to someday operate autonomously as technologies and regula ons are established. UPS Flight Forward received the first U.S. Federal Avia on Administra on (FAA) Part 135 Standard air carrier cer fica on to operate a drone airline and is opera ng daily revenue-genera ng flights with drones. The FAA cer fica on also enables UPS Flight Forward to fly payloads of up to 7,500 lbs. either with an operator or autonomously. Last month, BETA advanced to the next phase of flight tes ng, comple ng an interstate flight from its Pla sburgh, NY test facility to its Burlington, Vt. headquarters. In accordance with FAA protocols for experimental aircra to fly beyond its home airport, BETA had to complete rigorous tes ng to ensure reliable and predictable behavior of the aircra . In the same week, the company set a new personal-best in range while also reaching 8,000 feet in al tude. The first ten BETA aircra are scheduled to begin arriving in 2024, with an op on to purchase up to 150 of the aircra .

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


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March - April 2021


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Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


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March - April 2021

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March - April 2021

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

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March - April 2021

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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


U.S. lawmakers introducing bill to give USPS $6 billion for electric delivery vehicles The postal service said last month it could only commit to a 10% electric fleet without addiƟonal funding WASHINGTON -- A group of 17 U.S. House Democrats on Monday are introducing legislaon that would award $6 billion to the U.S. Postal Service to buy tens of thousands of addi onal electric delivery vehicles. The bill sponsored by Rep. Jared Huffman and seen by Reuters would require at least 75% of the new fleet be electric or zero-emission vehicles. Last month, the USPS said it was commi ed to having electric vehicles make up 10% of its next-genera on fleet as part of its mul billion-dollar plan to re re its 30-year-old delivery vehicles but could boost that if it received billions of dollars in government assistance. The legisla on is backed by some key Democrats, including Rep. Peter DeFazio, who chairs the Transporta on and Infrastructure Commi ee, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who chairs the Oversight and Reform commi ee that oversees USPS. The bill would also require no less than 50% of medium/heavy-duty vehicle purchases be electric or zero-emission through 2029 and all new USPS vehicles be zero-emission a er January 2040. The USPS said last month it had awarded a $482 million contact to Oshkosh Defense to finalize produc on for the next-genera on postal vehicles, rejec ng a proposal from electric-vehicle maker Workhorse Group Inc., which met last week with the Postal Service to ques on its decision. The USPS and Workhorse did not immediately comment Monday on the legisla on. Workhorse, whose shares jumped 13% to close at $15.50 in New York on Monday, said it applauds “any efforts that support the Biden administra on’s goal of expanding the government’s fleet of clean, non-combus on engine vehicles for the benefit of American taxpayers and the environment.” The contract, which could be worth more than $6 billion in total, allows for delivery of between 50,000 and 165,000 of the vehicles over 10 years. In January, President Joe Biden vowed to replace the U.S. government’s fleet of roughly 650,000 vehicles with electric models. Asked what it would take to buy 90% EVs, U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told lawmakers last month: “We don’t have the 3 or 4 extra billion in our plan right now that it would take to do it.” Source:

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

Continued from Page 39

Three U.S. lawmakers call on USPS to freeze Oshkosh vehicle contract WASHINGTON -- Three U.S. House lawmakers introduced legisla on on Tuesday calling on the U.S. Postal Service to freeze a $482 million contract to Oshkosh that would finalize produc on of the next-genera on postal vehicles un l the deal can be reviewed. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, the chair of an appropria ons subcommi ee, and fellow Democrats Jared Huffman and Tim Ryan urged a halt pending an inves ga on into whether there was any poli cal influence in awarding the contract and if it is consistent with President Joe Biden’s execu ve order to electrify the federal fleet. Last month, the USPS rejected a bid from Workhorse Group for an all-electric delivery fleet. Oshkosh and Workhorse did not immediately comment. Huffman separately introduced legisla on co-sponsored by 18 other House Democrats to provide $6 billion to the Postal Service to buy tens of thousands of addi onal electric delivery vehicles and charging sta ons. “Why would you put us back on that treadmill? You are going to have built these vehicles for obsolescence,” Huffman told Reuters on Tuesday. “They will be the last vehicles running on fossil fuels on the road. It’s insane.” Huffman said he has been unable to view USPS’s contract with Oshkosh for the delivery vehicles. Huffman’s bill would require at least 75% of the new fleet be electric or zero-emission vehicles. Last month, the USPS said it was commi ed to having electric vehicles make up 10% of its next-genera on fleet as part of its mul billion-dollar plan to re re its 30-year-old delivery vehicles. USPS said it could boost that percentage if it received billions of dollars in government assistance. “With the right level of support, the majority of the Postal Service’s fleet can be electric by the end of the decade,” USPS said on Monday. In January, Biden vowed to replace the U.S. government’s fleet of roughly 650,000 vehicles with electric models. Source:

Jeep to slot new model below Renegade, sources say Output will begin in 2022 with models also planned for Alfa Romeo, Fiat in 2023 The first Jeep model built on a PSA Group pla orm as part of the merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles that formed Stellan s will slot below the Renegade, with produc on slated to start in July 2022 at a Tychy, Poland, plant, sources with knowledge of the ma er told Automo ve News Europe. The small u lity vehicle, which is based on the Compact Modular Pla orm, will use engines developed by PSA, the sources said. The new Jeep will be followed by two other models from former FCA brands, a small Alfa Romeo crossover in January 2023 and a small Fiat in July 2023, the sources said. Continued on Page 41

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 40 FCA said in December that the new models, which it did not name, would also have full-electric power. Sales generally start about three months a er produc on begins. A major reason behind the merger between PSA and FCA, completed last month, was the poten al for billions in synergies among the two groups’ brands, especially in Europe. The CMP architecture underpins half a dozen vehicles from brands from the former PSA, including the Peugeot 208 and Opel/Vauxhall Corsa small cars, the Citroen C4 compact, and the DS 3 Crossback, Peugeot 2008 and Opel/Vauxhall Mokka small crossovers. Those models have both full-electric and internal combus on drivetrains. FCA has told suppliers that produc on of CMP-based vehicles in Tychy could reach 400,000 annually. The FCA factory, which now builds the Fiat 500 minicar and Lancia Ypsilon small car, assembled 263,176 vehicles in 2019, far below its high of 606,000 in 2009. FCA said in late December that it was inves ng 170 million euros ($204 million) to modernize the plant for the three models, although it did not provide specifics about the vehicles or a produc on metable. Stellan s will also benefit from common purchasing, but un l FCA and PSA procurement departments are fully integrated, procurement for the three CMP models at Tychy will be divided between PSA for pla orm and powertrain components, and FCA for models-specific parts and materials, sources told Automo ve News Europe. Poten al four-wheel drive A small Jeep model was first men oned in June 2018 in a business plan from Mike Manley, the brand’s CEO at the me and later CEO of FCA (and now head of Americas region at Stellan s). That vehicle was described as an “urban u lity vehicle” and classified in the small/minicar segment. According to supplier sources, the small Jeep on the CMP pla orm could offer a four-wheel-drive version with an electric motor powering the rear axle. That solu on is already used on the larger Jeep Renegade and Compass plug-in hybrids, as well as models from Peugeot and DS, such as the Peugeot 3008, DS 7 Crossback and Peugeot 508 Sport Engineered. A small Alfa Romeo crossover would slot under the coming Tonale compact crossover (to be built on a version of the FCA pla orm used in the Jeep Renegade and Compass) and exis ng Stelvio midsize crossover. According to Italian news reports, it could be called the Brennero, which like Stelvio and Tonale is the name of an Italian mountain pass. No details have emerged about the Fiat-badged CMP model. The brand has not had a small car since 2018, when produc on of the Punto hatchback was discon nued. Fiat now builds the 500X small crossover alongside the Jeep Renegade in the Melfi plant in southern Italy and the 500L small minivan in its plant in Serbia. According to JATO Dynamics, sales of the 500X fell 35 percent in 2020 to 58,467; sales of the 500L dropped by 40 percent to 21,825. Fiat showed a small electric vehicle concept -- the Centoven (Italian for “120”) -- in March 2019 at the Geneva auto show. Manley said in October 2019 that FCA would exit the minicar segment, even though the Fiat Panda and 500 models dominate segment sales in Europe, in favor of small vehicles. “In the very near future, you will see us refocus on this higher-volume, higher-margin segment,” he said. Source:

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


March - April 2021

2021 2 02 1 M o opar p ar M ast aster er s G Gui ui ld O ffii cer s & Com Off Committee m i t t eess Officers:

President Ͳ Susan McDaniel Ͳ Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Vice President Ͳ Joe McBeth Ͳ Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Secretary Ͳ Cody Eckhardt Ͳ Larry Miller DCJR Ͳ Sandy, UT Treasurer Ͳ Don Cushing Ͳ Tasca Automotive Ͳ Johnston, RI Executive Committee Ͳ All Officers Including: Dan Hutton Ͳ Tom O’Brien DCJR Ͳ Greenwood, IN Mike Opperman Ͳ Baxter CDJR Ͳ Omaha, NE Alan Yancey Ͳ Hayes CDJ Ͳ Alto, GA Rick Monteiro Ͳ Jack Powell CJD – Escondido, CA Rick Cutaia Ͳ Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC Paul Allred Ͳ Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN Guild Committees

Vendor Committees CDK Global Mick Padgeon Ͳ Fred Beans Auto Group Ͳ Doylestown, PA Dan Hutton Ͳ Tom O’Brien DCJR Ͳ Greenwood, IN (Chair) Paul Allred Ͳ Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Joe McBeth Ͳ Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Reynolds & Reynolds Rick Cutaia Ͳ Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC (Chair) Randy Rogers Ͳ Huffines CJDR Ͳ Plano, TX Kent Cogswell Ͳ Jack Phelan CDJR Ͳ Countryside. IL Alan Yancey Ͳ Hayes CDJ Ͳ Alto, GA OEConnection & Snap On Business Solutions Dan Hutton Ͳ Tom O’Brien CJD – Greenwood, IN Paul Allred Ͳ Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Mike Opperman Ͳ Baxter CDJR Ͳ Omaha, NE (Chair) Cody Eckhardt Ͳ Larry Miller DCJR Ͳ Sandy, UT

Nada 2021 Planning Jill Vance Ͳ Avenue Event Group, LLC Finance Committee Susan McDaniel Ͳ Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Don Cushing Ͳ Tasca Automotive Group Ͳ Johnston, RI Rick Cutaia Ͳ Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC

The exchange of information by like-size dealers in a non-competitive environment

Newsletter/Website/Social Media

Don Cushing Ͳ Tasca Automotive Group Ͳ Johnston, RI

Vendor Chairmen

Paul Allred Ͳ Stateline CJD Ͳ Fort Mill, SC Mike Opperman Ͳ Baxter CJD Ͳ Omaha, NE

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Since 1992

AER Manufacturing Robert Chatwin Ͳ Larry Miller DCJR Ͳ Sandy, UT (Chair) Shane Birdyshaw Ͳ Benchmark CDJR Ͳ Birmingham, AL John Russo Ͳ Dallas DCJ Ͳ Dallas, TX Ted Hawkins Ͳ Cerritos Dodge Ͳ Cerritos. CA John Waltereit Ͳ Milosch’s Palace CDJR Ͳ Lake Orion, MI Jim Jaeger Ͳ Bosak Motors Ͳ Merrillville, IN (ALT)

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