March - April 2021
“Jeepin With Judd” & Tales of a Rock Star Sheriff! Allow me to tell you a li le bit about our Sheriff here in Poincians, FL. Here in Polk County, Florida, we are very blessed to have a Sheriff who has a “tell it how it is” a tude. Sheriff Grady Judd is a bit of a rock star here. He holds nothing back when it comes to figh ng crime. One of the most famous moments was in 2006, a er a traffic stop resulted in a deputy and his K-9 dog being shot and killed, deputies shot and killed the suspect, shooting him 68 times. When asked by a reporter about the number of shots, Judd responded, «That›s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more More recently, a er the riots during the pandemic and speaking on a possible threat that residents had seen referenced on social media that suggests riot ac vity may start trickling into residen al neighborhoods, he was asked if he any messages for the rioters, Judd said, “I would tell them, if you value your life, you probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County,” Judd said. “Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be inside their homes tonight with their guns loaded. And if you try to break into their homes tonight and try to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.” (Source: h ps://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/sheriff-judd-extends-polk-curfew-another-day-saysunlawful-rio ng-will-get-you-locked-up/) Now don’t get me wrong. Our County here in Florida is not infested with criminals. But he just wanted to send a message and let his residents know, the Polk County Sherriff ’s Office has the back of every one of those residents. Nice to know.
Now, let’s get to the cool stuff that the Sheriff does for the community besides protect it! A er nearly a year being trapped indoors due to the COVID-19 crisis, many folks were yearning to go outside and venture into the great outdoors. They were able do just that, as well as support their local law enforcement, with the Jeepin’ with Judd event that was hosted from Feb. 26 to Feb. 28 at Clear Springs Ranch, located at Ledley Ware Rd, Bartow, FL.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
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