Mopar Masters Guild Magazine September - October 2018 Edition

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Leaders in the sale of quality Mopar Parts.

September - October 2018

Also In This Issue From the Desk of MMG MMG Annual Meeting at NADA 2019 Announcement ............................3 FCA Meets with MMG in Troy..... 4-5 Tech Shortage: Local Shops Welcome at SEMA Career Day........................ 6-8 FCA US: Outsells Ford Motor for First

Mopar Masters Attend FCA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group in Troy

Time Since 2015 ...................................8 FCA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group Meets in Troy, MI ...................9 “The View From My Office” with Kat Monteiro .................................10-12 SCRS: Structural Repair OEM Summit Session includes Audi, Auto/Steel, FCA and Porsche ...............................13 MMG Supporting Vendors .........14-15 10 Missions Media .............................16 New Supporting Vendor: PSX....17-19 AER Manufacturing .....................20-21 Autobody News ...................................22 UPS .................................................23-25 Reynolds & Reynolds .........................26 Snap-On Business Solutions .............27 Elite Extra ...........................................28 Rousseau Storage ...............................29 CDK Global ...................................30-31 OEConnection ...............................32-33 Reynolds & Reynolds .........................34

FCA Executives Meet with Mopar Masters Guild Members in Troy

Katzkin Leather ..................................35 FCA Said to be Near Sale of Magneti Marelli to KKR’s Calsonic ..........36-37 2018 MMG Officers/Committees ..38

The exchange of information by like size dealers in a non-competitive environment.

Mopar Masters Guild


September - October 2018

From the Desk of MMG President Susan McDaniel

Partnerships Hello Everyone! With NADA 2019 just around the corner, this is a good me to reflect on partnerships. At our dealerships we have partnerships with other department managers and with our customers. We also rely greatly on the vendors we use to help make our departments run as smoothly, efficiently and profitable as possible. We all know that it takes everyone involved to make our businesses successful. Our partnerships within The Mopar Masters Guild work the same way. Since the Guild’s incep on in 1992 we have relied on the support of our vendors to keep our guild funded. Without the monetary support of our vendors, our mee ngs and our recep ons would not be possible. These gatherings and partnerships have allowed each and every one of us to form rela onships and lifelong friendships that have played major roles in growing our businesses. I cannot begin to stress the importance of our vendors to this guild. The rela onships and partnerships that are formed during our mee ngs, vendor fairs, and recep ons are priceless. We have commi ees for each of our Tier One Vendors that meet in a designated loca on once a year and communicate all throughout the year, partnering to do whatever we can to strengthen each business. We are also in constant contact with our Tier Two and Tier Three vendors via phone and email as well…always brain storming. The recep ons and adversement space in our magazine is just a small token of our apprecia on and gra tude for the partnerships we have formed over the years. Our guild has taught us all how important it is to form partnerships. Over the past few years we have added more Service Managers to our membership and hearing their point of views and sugges ons has opened the discussions among the group and broadened our knowledge in ways we could not have imagined before. We have con nued to grow our partnerships with FCA and the communica on on both sides has strengthened us as team to move forward to a be er future. Please take me out of your busy schedules to join us at The Marines Memorial in San Francisco, California during the week of NADA January 24th through 27th 2019. Your President,

Susan McDaniel Susan McDaniel - - 602.336.1557

“Alone we can do so liƩle; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

Mopar Masters Annual Meeting NADA 2019 – San Francisco Our plans for our 27th Annual Mopar Masters Guild Mee ng at NADA 2019 in San Francisco, California are well underway! Our Hotel of choice this year is the Marines Memorial Hotel, 609 Su er Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 h ps:// Below are instruc ons for booking with the MMG room block. You can book in a number of different ways:  Using the Weblink  You may call in your reserva on at 800-562-7463 and ask for the MOPAR Group Block  Fax Reserva on request to 415-441-3649 or  Email reserva ons to reserva There is one catch: Because we can make reserva ons on the phone, via fax, and via the link, they only allow about half of the rooms to be booked via the Pass - Key link online, (just in case they do get a good number of call ins.) Because of this, we may get a guest or two who thinks that the block is full when they try to book online. If that ever happens, please let us know, and they will release more rooms for us from the allotment they had for call ins, all we need to do is give them a call. They will be monitoring the link, and so we will try and make sure that this does not happen! Here is your weblink. Just in case some people want to come in a li le earlier, I added 3 rooms to the shoulder dates. h ps:// Times and Places will be announced soon. Tenta ve plans are as follows:  Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2019

Arrival in San Francisco MMG Members Welcome Recep on

 Wednesday Jan 23rd, 2019

MMG Mee ngs Open Night

 Thursday Jan 24th, 2019

MMG Mee ngs Mopar Masters Guild Annual Cocktail Recep on (TBA)

 Friday Jan 25th, 2019

MMG Mee ngs Open Night

And thank you Jillian Vance from Avenue Event Group for making this happen once again! Regards, Don Cushing - Treasurer - Mopar Masters Guild - Wholesale Manager - Tasca AutomoƟve Group -401-578-6945

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.



September - October 2018

FCA MEETS WITH MMG IN TROY On Tuesday a ernoon, August 21st 2018 our partners from FCA joined the Mopar Masters 20 Group to discuss, unravel, and hash out all of the obstacles we have been faced with this year. We had some great discussions. Everyone listened, asked for examples and was truly interested in trying to get down to the bo om of our frustra ons. Ed Cummins spoke to the group about the importance of connecting as many customers as possible and by doing so the reten on that we would gain from the Sales Department to the Service Department. On average, dealerships receive a 16% increase in service reten on with registered connected vehicle customers compared to non-connected vehicle customers. This leads to increased parts sales, customer pay opportuni es and increased service lane traďŹƒc. Let’s get those employees trained today! John Fox stayed with us throughout the en re a ernoon and stressed to everyone to email examples of specific areas of concern so that he can rec fy any of the problems we are currently being faced with. John had a lot of great input and is genuinely trying to bring everyone together to fix our current issues on ba eries, res, and general supply. His team is working vigorously to try and resolve all of these issues. He also stated that he and his team are working towards a Time Line Calendar. Skip Olson talked us through sales and growth numbers throughout the country and showed where certain parts of the country are stronger than others. He also touched on recalls and ideas to complete them faster. A big THANK YOU goes out to Ryan Maguire for rounding everyone up to come over and spend me with us. This was the biggest turnout we have ever had from, both, our 20 Group and FCA. Ryan also spoke to us about Inventory Refresh which is an excellent program to relieve our inventories of inac ve parts and replenish with guaranteed parts that we can sell! Continued on Page 5

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 4 Tino Sida, who is over our Tire and Ba ery program had the toughest role. These have been the two hardest areas for us to regroup and make sense of this year. Tino pa ently listened to everyone’s concerns and frustra ons and is doing everything he can to smooth out the process. Jaimi Temple, Director of Opera on for AMI has been a key player in streamlining our new Tire Program and has fielded many calls (MANY from my dealership) and sugges ons for a be er process, be er communicaon with vendors along with help regarding returns. I think we can all agree that this program has improved greatly since the first of the year. Rolf Assmuth, Nazih Saad, and Rick Palm spoke about WiAdvisor and all of the benefits, training, u liza on discounts, network assessments, possible growth, along with the coming Enhancements. I can speak with experience that their team is truly dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make their product work in our dealerships so that we can maximize the poten al of every vehicle that comes across our service drives. Jerry Quell, Head of Order Management, had another tough job. He presented to the group the hurdles that his team goes through to procure these parts that we are wai ng to receive from back orders, restric ons and blocks. Produc on is not moving fast enough for any of us.It is always difficult to manage a customer’s expecta ons when dealing with a backorder situa on, but Jerry and his team are con nuously working to secure addi onal inventory to keep up with demand. Bonnie Hedeen ALWAYS has posi ve news! She touched on the new screens available in Dealer Connect. Cancella on Tracking, New Part Inquiry, Supply Chain Ques on and Answer, along with order updates. Bonnie and her team are always looking for new ideas to enhance our screens so that we can have the informa on we need to be er serve our customers. John Tonial spoke to the group about forecas ng, demand and supply release, along with ARO. Never an easy job trying to determine what is going to sell in the near future. Thanks to everyone who a ended and all who fielded ques ons and provided input. Although some of the conversa ons were quite spirited, I think we can all agree that seeing BOTH sides of the circumstances was a real “eye opener” for all. These gatherings only make us stronger as a team and we hope to have more in the future! Thank You! Susan McDaniel

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

Tech shortage: Local shops welcome at SEMA Career Day; TechForce researches supply SEMA’s Career Day is back for a third year, and repairers can take advantage of the opportunity to pitch their shops and snap up members of what recent TechForce research shows might be a shrinking pool of vo-tech students. The job fair will be held Monday, Oct. 29, from 1-3 p.m. in the Westgate Las Vegas, right next to the conven on center housing the SEMA Show. SEMA confirmed Tuesday that local shops can parcipate for free, so sign up for a booth here and don’t pass up the opportunity to sell your company to young technicians from around the country. (Last year, we talked to a endees from Colorado, New York, Utah, and Idaho, for example.) Local auto body shops who par cipate will be in good company; the list of nearly 40 companies commi ed so far includes some familiar faces from the collision repair industry. The Society of Collision Repair Specialists, I-CAR, ASE Educa on Founda on, Pro Collision Training, Service King, Gerber, AkzoNobel, Audi, Honda Professional Automo ve Career Training and State Farm all plan to attend. Sherwin-Williams business consul ng services manager Mike Lanza in a recent interview encouraged body shops to a end job fairs and recruit by showing prospec ve techs that they’ll have a career path at your business. A ending career fairs like this might also be valuable simply for the convenience of having SEMA flush out an elusive popula on and bring it right to your door. June research from the TechForce Founda on confirms what repairers might have anecdotally sensed — the number of technicians gradua ng from technical programs into the wild is decreasing. TechForce Founda on study TechForce analyzed Na onal Center for Educa on Sta s cs data and found found that collision technician postsecondary comple ons fell from 8,566 in 2011 to 5,791 in 2016. The 5,761 graduates came out of 348 post-high school ins tu ons. Not surprisingly, two-year community colleges and two-year for-profit schools provided the lion’s share of collision technicians in 2016, according to the founda on. “The decline in comple ons since 2011 has come across most sectors and no sector has increased or decreased their commitment significantly since 2011,” TechForce wrote. Continued on Page 7

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 6 Top collision schools in 2016 were Wyotech-Blairsville and Wyotech-Laramie — both of which the Zenith Educa on Group said in 2017 would close. Each graduated more than 177 students in 2016. Universal Technical Ins tute of Texas was third, at 156 graduates, and Lincoln College of Technology-Nashville and UTI of Northern California ed for fourth at 117. “Our country and educa on system have divested in high school auto shops and s gma zed trade school educa on which is killing the trades,” TechForce CEO Jennifer Maher said in a statement. “A big part of the problem is the outdated image of the ‘grease monkey’ mechanic that students and their parents, teachers and counselors may have. Today’s techs are well paid, highly skilled, hands-on problem solvers who are not burdened by massive school debt like their four-year school counterparts. As we change this image we can get more students interested in becoming technicians.” Demand for techs didn’t boom un l a er 2013, though it had since at least 2011 beat out postsecondary supply by a few thousand technicians. By 2016, TechForce reported that the 5,791 graduates would be insufficient for a projected 17,200 new entrant demand. TechForce described the post-2013 boom in demand as “catch-up demand” for both automo ve technicians and for collision technicians. “Postsecondary supply has not kept up with the spike in demand, partly because the increase in demand was so significant but also because student interest in postsecondary training is contracyclical,” the report states of transporta on technicians in general. “While it may seem surprising that students are less likely to enroll in career educa on and 2-year schools when the economy is strong, many students perceive that incurring student debt and giving up wages to go to school is a much riskier op on than taking a job when jobs are plen ful. … The peak enrollment was in 2010, the height of the Great Recession, followed by a decline in enrollment during the recovery. “The countercyclicality of the supply of students generally aggravates the shortage of technicians.” The report found that the pool of collision postsecondary graduates might dwindle further from scenarios like: • Some graduates go for addi onal educa on • Not all graduates go into the occupa on. • Not all graduates are employable (a tude, poor driving record, felon, failed drug tests etc.) • Some graduates from collision technician programs go into related fields, e.g. insurance claims adjustment. (Minor forma ng edits.) The report discusses four hurdles towards fixing the overall transporta on technician shortage: • The old percep on that these are “grease monkey” jobs with limited career advancement, low pay, and low status. Parents and students are not aware how advanced technology and compe on have drama cally increased the skill levels, compensa on and career opportuni es for bright, ambi ous students. Continued on Page 8

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

Continued from Page 7 • Wai ng to the end of the educa on pipeline to see who is interested. Changing percep ons will require building a pipeline into the industry—before parents and students have commi ed to “college for all”, before students have decided that they aren’t interested in STEM subjects in high school, and before the old percepons eliminate any interest among parents and career counselors in learning more about the opportuni es in the transporta on technician occupa ons. • “Every employer for himself”. Without some form of a focused, collec ve ac on, the transporta on industry will suffer from inadequately financed, fragmented efforts to solve these problems. A solu on requires pooling resources and consistent public messaging to change percep ons and build a talent pipeline. • Compe on from other skilled trades. With only a small percentage of students interested in going into a skilled trade vs. seeking a college degree, the compe on among all the skilled trades for those students is fierce. However, star ng wages for auto technicians are among the lowest across the skilled trades. Add to that the fact that entry-level technicians are expected to arrive at their first job with their own tools and it does not make the career very a rac ve, compared with other choices. (Minor forma ng edits; emphasis TechForce’s.) Source:

FCA US: Outsells Ford Motor for first me since 2015 CA US sales soared 15 percent to 199,819 vehicles in September, led by record Ram and Jeep results for the month, topping crosstown rival Ford Motor Co.’s 196,496 light-vehicle sales. It was the first me FCA US outsold Ford in the U.S. since November 2015, according to the Automo ve News Data Center. The results marked FCA’s best September for total and retail sales since 2000. Ram had its best September since the brand launched in 2009. Its sales were up 9.2percent to 56,447. FCA US sales for the first nine months of the year are up 6.4 percent from 2017. Brands: Jeep up 14%; Ram up 9.2%; Chrysler down 6.8%; Dodge up 41%; Fiat down 46%; Alfa Romeo up 29%. 2018 U.S. market share: 13% through Sept. vs. 12.3% through Sept. 2017. Notable nameplates: Ram pickup up 10%; Chrysler Pacifica down 1.9%; Jeep Compass up 46%; Jeep Cherokee up 87%; Jeep Grand Cherokee down 13%; Jeep Wrangler up 1.7%; Dodge Journey up 48%; Alfa Romeo Stelvio up 163%. Incen ves: $4,655 per vehicle, up 0.5% from a year earlier, according to ALG. Average transac on price: $34,645 up 3.6% from September 2017, according to ALG. Fleet mix: 25%, up from 16% in September 2017. Quote: “Our Ram and Jeep brands propelled both our retail and total sales to their highest levels in 18 years,” said Reid Bigland, head of FCA US sales. Did you know? Jeep’s sales total of 83,764 vehicles in September marked the ninth straight monthly sales record for the brand, and it was the sixth me out of nine months this year that Jeep sales totaled more than 80,000 vehicles. Source: www.automoƟ

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


FCA Service & Parts Managers Group Meets in Troy, MI. I know I say this EVERY me but we really had an AWESOME 20 Group gathering! It was the BEST turnout we have EVER had with 34 members including 8 Service Managers. As always, Mark Beaton did an outstanding job modera ng our group while always tasking us to look at the BIG PICTURE. It’s always a highlight to see Michaele. She always has great input. You are so lucky Mark! It’s always interes ng to hear what everyone else in the group is trying out and whether or not it is working. Even if a par cular idea may not work for you, it is always possible to tweak and use parts of it. These conversa ons really get the wheels spinning. We went over the composite, of course, and Mark made some really good points on some of the accounting recording, along with ideas of how to make sure we maximize the accounts we are in charge of and absorpon. He also showed us slide examples of his favorite “Idea Presenta ons”. Mark had everyone talk about “what worked for them this year”. This was a great topic and very enlightening. He also had everyone talk about their personal commitment areas. Another good idea starter. We had conversa ons on Employee Benefits and Health Insurance, glass, WiAdvisor, On-line selling techniques, Retail Delivery, Recalls, and Service Advocacy to men on a few. As always, The Best Prac ce Compe on was one of the highlights of our me together. Thank you to Cody Eckhardt from Larry Miller, Thomas Cauble from Gosse Motor Cars, Tom Saigh from The Palace, and our WINNER Service Manager Derek Johnson from Dallas Dodge! Great ideas guys! We ended our first day at The Granite City Brewery. Great pick Mark! Lots of good food and conversa on! It was great to see everyone again and we look forward to seeing everyone again in March! SubmiƩed by Susan McDaniel

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

The View From My Office

With Kat Monteiro

Hello everyone! I am thankful today that Fall is here! I enjoy pu ng out our Halloween decora ons, love everything creepy, and watching B horror movies! It’s the Nightmare Before Christmas! I am always envious of the Eastern states and all their beau ful Fall colors. To go and experience the visual beauty of all those colors is on our bucket list. I would love to go back and find a place with covered bridges, surrounded by the Fall colors. Rick tells me we should save that adventure for when he re res, when we can pull our trailer across the United States and spend a good amount of me exploring. I can’t wait! Of course this me of year is also a bad me of the year for many states with it being Hurricane and Tornado season. I pray for all of you that are from the areas most affected by these destruc ve weather pa erns. It has already been a very hard and damaging year for many of our State’s between rain, floods, fire, drought, and now we are adding Hurricanes to the mix. May you all be safe. I am s ll enjoying being Jack Powell’s official outside sales person. I come home happy with a feeling of accomplishment a er spending the day visi ng our good customers, and stopping by to introduce myself to new ones. I am also excited to be heading to Vegas at the end of the month to a end the SEMA show and the WD mee ng. I want to say thank you to Doug Johnson for sending us an invite to the Katzkin party, I can’t wait! Love our Mopar Masters Guild suppor ng vendors! For this month I wanted to write about our trip back to Detroit, Michigan in August. The work end of it was a FCA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group mee ng. It’s always good to see Mark Beaton and his lovely wife Michaele who came in to moderate the mee ng. The fun part of the trip was on Saturday, a ending the world famous Woodward Dream Cruise, and for Rick and a couple of the guys it was playing several rounds of Golf. The trip started off great a er arriving Friday and mee ng up with Tim Quinne e from UPS at a restaurant called Black Rock. Many of you know that restaurant but I was a first mer. It was amazing! I would so go back, not only for the great food but for the atmosphere and the experience. Thank you Tim for introducing us to this wonderful place. I want to give a shout out to Paul Allred and his son Davis for le ng me tag along with them on Saturday, driving me around and ge ng me to where I needed to be - at the Cruise - while Rick played Golf for the first half of the day. The Woodward Dream Cruise. Largest one day cruise in the world, and so worth going to! This was my second year, and I enjoyed it even more than last year, and I am hoping they have the mee ng in Detroit again next year so I can go again! Continued on Page 11

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Continued from Page 10

I absolutely love seeing all the cars parked everywhere all shined up looking beau ful, or driving by with their motors revving showing off. Old cars, new cars, kit cars, rust buckets, decorated cars, big cars li le cars - the Woodward Dream Cruise has it all. I want to say thank you to the guys at Village Jeep for sharing their corner on Woodward Ave. and for offering up food, drinks, and the very much appreciated shade! You guys are the best!

On Sunday I was treated to a wonderful day of exploring the John Dodge estate. It so happened that Rick, Tim Quinne e, Shane Birdyshaw from Benchmark CDJR in Alabama and Tom Kellogg from Zeigler CDJR in Michigan were golfing there at the estate, so I tagged along to check it out. A er they set off on their golf carts I walked around John Dodge’s house. You could not go in, but I snapped some pictures and explored the beau ful grounds. Then I found out you could tour the mansion on the grounds below so off I went. I spent the 2 hours before the first tour opened walking around. The grounds were so amazingly beau ful. The mansion estate was John Dodge’s wife/widow’s home. A er John died she spent 3 years in Europe where she developed a love of their architecture. When she came back she remarried and had this home built. A er John had died she inherited his estate and part of the Dodge company. She named her estate Meadow Brook Hall. It is listed on na onal and state registers of historic sites. Ma lda Dodge married Alfred Wilson, together they founded the Oakland University. Ma lda was a very smart women, and she wanted men and women to have the opportunity to have a be er educa on and help them find good jobs and not just jobs in the car building industry. When Ma lda passed away she donated the 1,400 acre estate to Michigan State University who now takes care of it and uses it for school func ons. There is such a good story to tell but I dont have the space to tell it all! If you are ever in the neighborhood I would highly recommend a trip out to see what is called an American Castle. And learn the history of the Dodge family. It is truly a sight to see. Continued on Page 12

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

Continued from Page 11

Monday had me at the Detroit Zoo. What a fun li le Zoo! Chrysler donated the mini railroad trains that take you from one end of the Zoo to the other, so that was fun! It was a great day walking around this beau ful place.

When people find out we are having our mee ngs in Detroit there always seems to be a lot of nega vity. I have found that there are beau ful and interes ng places to see anywhere you are - you just need to look for them. I for one want to go back again - I know there is so much more to see and do in the Motor City. I will be looking forward to wri ng about SEMA for the next issue and then it is NADA in San Francisco! Can’t wait to see all of you! Kat

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


SCRS: Structural repair OEM Summit session includes Audi, Auto/Steel, FCA, Porsche Experts from Audi, the Auto/Steel Partnership, FCA and Porsche will headline the first of the three OEM Collision Repair Technology Summits this year at SEMA, the Society of Collision Repair Specialists announced Monday. “The Rules – and Challenges – of Structural Repair on Modern Architecture” from 9-10:30 a.m. Nov. 1 will feature Dan Black, FCA advanced body development service engineer and collision repair manager; Robert Hiser, Auto/Steel Partnership advanced high-strength steel repairability lead and General Motors body structure service engineer; Shawn Hart, Audi curriculum designer and collision instructor; and Mike Kukavica, Porsche a ersales techical training collision repair technology instructor. “During the open and interac ve session, panelists will explore how modern vehicle architecture and design specifically influence repair facility processes,” SCRS wrote in a news release. “From research of advanced substrates and mixed-material designs to joining processes and equipment necessi es, the program will fully explore the range of considera ons necessary to perform structural collision repair. “With automakers inten onally designing flows of energy through structural components and away from occupants, understanding how to an cipate and iden fy signs of energy travel through the vehicle and the possible impact upon the repair process is also cri cal for technicians and owners alike.” The Thursday panel will be moderated by Ron Reichen, a former SCRS chairman and the owner of luxury-cer fied Precision Body and Paint, and Database Enhancement Gateway Administrator Danny Gredinberg, who has held Mercedes and Porsche structural creden als, SCRS plans to soon announce more details about the other two OEM Summit sessions men oned in Monday’s release: “The Evolu on of OEM Network and Expecta ons” from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and “The Future Impact of Telematics, Technology, Transportation and the Collision Industry” from 3-5 p.m. SCRS also on Monday acknowledged 2018 OEM Summit sponsors AkzoNobel, BASF, CCC, General Motors, PPG, Sherwin-Williams and Spanesi. Register for the structural course here, sign up for all three parts of the OEM Summit here, or, for the best deal, buy the Full-Series Pass for unlimited Repairer Driven Educa on access. Classes are $75 now, $85 a er the Oct. 12 early bird deadline. The full-series pass, which costs $375 now and $400 a er the deadline, grants the repairer access to every RDE class, all three sessions of the OEM Summit, the Sky Villa a erparty, and the brand new IDEAS Collide TED-style event Friday, Nov. 2. Source:

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.

September - October 2018

Our Supporting Vendors:

Support those who support you.


Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


Our Supporting Vendors: Support those who support you. The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018


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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts



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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018


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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts



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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine




















Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


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September - October 2018

This is the first in an installment based on Routes to the Future.

From Fewer Accidents to Robo-Taxis: The Driverless-Car Era By Kelly Brock, Director of Marketing, Industrial Products & Automotive at UPS

The days when 15-year-olds learn to drive on a desolate stretch of road could soon be a thing of the past: We’re speeding along in the era of the driverless car. You’ll continue to drive but – slowly, gradually, over the coming decade – the car will take over. It will handle parking, braking when you’re too close another car and, possibly, shuttle you when you’re just exhausted.

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Don’t skip buying a new car because none of this will happen overnight. Also, don’t fret that a future filled with driverless cars, drones and robots leaves no place for humans. There will always be the need for human touch because people can solve problems in ways that no robot could.

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts

In UPS’s Routes to the Future whitepaper, we looked at key trends that will affect businesses over the next decade. Here are the four phases for the new driving area:


Many people equate driverless cars with Jetsons cartoons, but we’re already in the first phase of “passive” autonomous driving. Many new cars now come equipped with sensors and advanced electronics that give drivers audible warnings when they’re crossing lanes or following too closely.



Here are potential changes we’re thinking about: Fewer accidents Could car accidents become a rarity? KPMG, the audit and professional services firm, estimates that the adoption of self-driving cars could eventually reduce accidents by 80 percent in coming decades, to just one accident for every 1.6 million miles driven by 2040. Look further down the road, and by 2030 or 2040 accidents may become so rare that stand-alone car insurance could become a thing of the past. Auto coverage could simply become a rider on your homeowners’ policy.

Smaller vehicles

Limited driver substitution has just begun and will run probably through 2018. In the next few years, the driver remains the primary operator – but limited functions such as enhanced cruise control and self-parking will be handled by the car’s computer.


From 2018 to 2022, we’ll experience complete autonomous capability. New cars will accelerate, brake and steer themselves, but drivers will still take over in the event of an emergency or system failure. Read: Drivers still have to pay attention.


The fourth phase will kick in around 2024, with all new cars sold in the second half of the decade incorporating full autonomous capabilities that can function without any human intervention. By 2030, expect that 25 percent of all vehicles on the road will be fully autonomous. Of course, older cars will still be on the road – some people will hang on to their cars as long as they can – so the two types of vehicles will be forced to co-exist. This evolution will affect everything from urban planning to logistics. New business services – and sectors – will emerge, while some established companies will see their business model come under pressure.

Fewer accidents also means that cars could become lighter – and cheaper. No longer will safety-conscious mothers feel compelled to drive mammoth SUVs. (It remains to be seen how this will impact warehouse store shopping trips!) As self-driving cars become cheaper to build – and then to operate – we’ll see new alliances formed between the traditional automakers, Silicon Valley players who understand software interfaces, and the ride-sharing services that are eager to deploy fleets of autonomous robo-taxis.

Robo-taxis If the fares for any future fleets of urban taxis became cheap enough, city dwellers might choose to no longer own their own automobile. If that sounds like bad news for car makers, fear not. Yes, moving from a culture of car ownership to one where use urban taxis could mean there are fewer vehicles in circulation. But if the future is filled with robo-taxis being driven around the clock, they’ll need to be replaced more frequently. While Americans today hang on to their car for an average 11.4 years on average, frequently used vehicles will need to be replaced every three years. That’s good news for car makers.

When we think about the future of driverless cars, we realize they’re not just about getting around any more than a smartphone is just about making calls. They will create a new ecosystem of activities and services that change the way we live our urban lives. They will offer up solutions to long-standing problems that plague today’s cities and challenge us to consider a host of new societal, technological and ethical questions.

We’re excited to be along for the ride.

© 2017 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark and the color brown are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 8/17

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September - October 2018


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September - October 2018

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

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September - October 2018

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September - October 2018

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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

FCA said to near sale of Magneti Marelli to KKR’s Calsonic

MILAN -- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is nearing a deal to sell its high-tech car-parts unit, Magne Marelli, to Calsonic Kansei a er the Japanese firm raised its bid, according to people with knowledge of the talks. Calsonic, an automo ve supplier owned by private equity firm KKR & Co., and FCA have reached a tenta ve agreement on price and may announce an accord as soon as this month, said the people, who asked not to be iden fied as the discussions are confiden al. Fiat and KKR are nego a ng a valua on of more than 5.5 billion euros ($6.3 billion) including debt, they said. The transac on could exclude small parts of Marelli’s business, such as the unit that makes plas c dashboards and bumpers, the people said. Fiat was seeking bids that value all of Marelli at 6 billion euros or more, people familiar with the ma er said last month. No final decisions have been made on the price or the ming of a deal, and talks could s ll fall apart if the two sides fail to agree on the remaining details, the people said. Fiat may also keep its LED ligh ng unit, which is related to the development of autonomous driving, Corriere della Sera reported. “The plas c business relies much on Fiat and has limited profitability,” Gabriele Gambarova, an analyst at Banca Akros in Milan, wrote in a research note Wednesday. “On the contrary, the led ligh ng business is important.”

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts


A representa ve for Fiat declined to comment, as did KKR. KKR’s Co-President Joseph Bae is on the board of Exor NV, which is Fiat’s controlling shareholder. A combina on of the two auto parts makers would create a business with more than $17 billion in annual revenue and about 65,000 workers from Tokyo to Milan. Talks ini ally started months ago under former CEO Sergio Marchionne, who died in July, the people said. Fiat rejected an offer last month as the two sides were divided on the price by about 1 billion euros, people familiar with the ma er said at the me. Japanese companies have announced more than $200 billion of acquisi ons this year, a 60 percent increase from the same period in 2017, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The deal volume has already reached the highest annual tally in more than a decade, the data show. ‘Big check’ The sale of Magne Marelli would become one of the first major milestones for Fiat’s new CEO Mike Manley, who took over days before Marchionne died. Marchionne, who had ini ally favored a separa on of the business by distribu ng shares to investors, had said Fiat was open to changing its mind for a “big check.” Without the right price, the preferred route remains the spinoff, which was approved by its board in April, the people said. S ll, condi ons for a Milan stock exchange lis ng have deteriorated in recent months as global trade tensions and profit warnings from automakers including Fiat, as well as suppliers like Con nental AG, have eroded confidence in the industry. Volvo Cars last month delayed plans for a share sale, saying the ming is “not op mal.” Aston Mar n’s shares fell about 15 percent this month since its ini al public offering, which was priced near the bo om of its range. Marelli’s average compe tor trades at about 5.3 mes its earnings before interest, taxes, deprecia on and amor za on, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. At that valua on, Marelli would be worth close to 5.25 billion euros, the people said. Shareholder value Fiat wants to sell Marelli to streamline its opera ons and return value to shareholders. The unit could provide Fiat with more than $2 billion in dividends, according to Joel Levington, a senior credit analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence. Before embarking on talks with KKR, Fiat fielded interest from other poten al buyers, including Apollo Global Management, an unnamed Asian parts supplier and Bain Capital, people familiar with the ma er said in August. Source: www.Automo

The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.


September - October 2018

2018 2 01 8 M o opar p ar M ast aster er s G Gui ui ld O fffi fi cer c e r s & Com Committee m i t t eess Vendor CommiƩees

Officers: President - Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Vice President - Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Secretary - Mike Opperman - Baxter CJD - Omaha, NE Treasurer - Don Cushing - Tasca Automo ve Group - Johnston, RI

Execu ve Commi ee - All Officers Including: Dan Hu on - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN Marvin Windham - Benchmark CJD – Birmingham, AL Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA Rick Monteiro - Jack Powell CJD – Escondido, CA Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC Paul Allred - Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Gerry Oakes - Baxter CJD - Omaha, NE Glenn Hojnacki - Milosch’s Palace CJDR – Lake Orion, MI Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT

Guild Commi ees:

CDK Global Mike Opperman - Baxter CJD - Omaha, NE - (Chair) Dan Hu on - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN Paul Allred - Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX

Reynolds & Reynolds Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC (Chair) Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX Kent Cogswell - Jack Phelan CDJR - Countryside. IL Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA Marvin Windham - Benchmark CJD – Birmingham, AL (Alt)

OEConnec on & Snap On Business Solu ons

Finance Commi ee

Dan Hu on - Tom O’Brien CJD – Greenwood, IN (Chair) Paul Allred - Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Don Cushing - Tasca Automo ve Group - Johnston, RI

Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Don Cushing - Tasca Automo ve Group - Johnston, RI Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC


Nada 2019 Planning Jill Vance - Avenue Event Group, LLC

Newsle er/Website/Social Media Don Cushing - Tasca Automo ve Group - Johnston, RI

Paul Allred - Stateline CJD – Fort Mill, SC (Chair) Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC Rick Stewart - Commonwealth DR - Louisville, KY

AER Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair) Glenn Hojnacki - Milosch’s Palace CJD – Lake Orion, MI Josh Gouldsmith - Gladstone DCJ - Gladstone, MO Shane Birdyshaw - Benchmark CDJR - Birmingham, AL Jim Jaeger - Bosak Motors - Merrillville, IN (ALT)

Vendor Chairmen Paul Allred - Stateline CJD - Fort Mill, SC Mike Opperman - Baxter CJD - Omaha, NE

The exchange of information by like size dealers in a non-competitive environment

Mopar Masters Guild Magazine

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