Sept - Oct 2020
The View From My Office
With Kat Monteiro
Happy October y’all. Hope this finds all of you healthy and safe. It is finally star ng to feel like Fall here in Southern California and I welcome it. It has been a long hot summer. Weather has really been an issue for so many these last few months. Between the powerful hurricanes and all the fires raging here in the western states. More extreme than ever it seems. Some people chalk it all up to this crazy year of 2020. Everything is out of the norm. And let us not forget all this elec on madness! I heard that the Mopar Masters Guild has decided to forgo NADA in New Orleans - even if they s ll put on the show. (Which we all now know that NADA has gone virtual!) Even though I am disappointed, being New Orleans is my favorite place to visit, and I will miss being able to see everyone, I also believe it was the right decision. We need to keep us all safe and healthy. You are all essen al workers, and your dealers count on you to keep everything up and running. And it’s not worth it to put your own health in jeopardy. I think the days of large crowds and par es will be put on hold for a while yet. It’s all a wait and see game now. In the mean me, we just need to keep washing our hands frequently, sani ze, social distance and wear those masks! And hope that 2021 brings us be er days. I can’t talk about this and not think about the many people who are not as fortunate as us and have no job to go to. My heart goes out to them and I hope that it all gets be er for them sooner rather than later. The same goes to all the many small businesses that have been closed, some to never open again. I feel like that poster of the cat hanging from the tree branch with the tle “Hang In There Baby” Today I want to tell you a bit about one of our customers. His name is Shaun Dove and his company is EVOD Industries. Shaun is a customer of ours through his ownership of the Viper. His shop is really cool! If you ever are in need of some beau ful, custom, one-of-a-kind wheels for your car or truck this is the guy you want to talk to. EVOD was created 14 years ago with the sole purpose of building unique one-of-a-kind wheels and parts for custom cars. Before that, their real job was manufacturing and distribu ng medical supplies, but they found themselves spending all their extra money and me on cars! They finally decided working with the cars is what they really wanted to do full me so they decided to make it into a business. Shaun was raised around cars; his dad was a collector and a hobbyist. As soon as Shaun was making money, he was off to pursue the cars that he always wanted. Cars have been a passion ever since. He leans towards the classic muscle cars and street rods, though he has had a couple exo cs.
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine