Sept - Oct 2020
FCA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group Meets Virtually on Zoom with Mopar Masters Guild Members
During these challenging mes of COVID-19, we have all needed to be as crea ve as possible to con nue our quest for con nued learning and running our businesses.
Day 1 The Mopar Masters Guild members were able to a end their FCA 20 Group mee ng this past September 14th and 15th live online on Zoom. There were over 20 in a endance. FCA 20 Group Senior Moderator, Mark Beaton, and FCA 20 Group Coordinator, Jen Short, led us through two intensive days of learning, sharing, and helping us be be er managers. Mark began by covering the agenda for the two days and men oned a few tools that 20 Group members would find useful. Jen emailed a endees with up-to-date files that would be needed to discuss and dissect informa on as we proceeded. One of these tools is the FCA 20 Group Facebook Page. “Our FCA 20 Group Facebook Page is a great way to get answers to your possible service, parts, or dealership problems. It is used for blogging where you can ask your ques ons,” said Mark Beaton. He con nued, “This is a closed and moderated group page. Not everyone can get in. This page is limited to members of the FCA 20 Group in good standing.” (Which means you must have a ended mee ngs!) Both Mark and Jen post items of importance so that communica on flows con nually.
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine