Leaders in the sale of quality Stellantis Mopar Parts.
September - October 2021
MBA Service & Parts Manager 20 Group Hosts Mopar Masters Guild Mee ng in Tampa
Also In This Issue From the Desk of MMG President Susan McDaniel: “Adapt” ................................2 Mopar Masters Guild 30th Anniversary Information ........................................................3 MBA Serive & Parts Managers 20 Group Host Mopar Masters Guild in Tampa ...... 4-9 Meet MBA’s Mark Beaton & Jen Short ......10 The View From My Office with Kat Monteiro .............................................11-13 MMG Vendors ..........................................14-15 OEConnection ...........................................16-17 Reynolds & Reynolds .....................................18 Katzkin Leather ..............................................19 10 Missions Media - FenderBender ............20 CDK Global .....................................................21 Activator ..........................................................22 CDK Global .....................................................23 Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions..24-25 Katzkin Leather ........................................26-27 AER Manufacturing .................................28-29 OEConnection .................................................30 10 Mission Media - Ratchet+Wrench ........31 Snap-On Business Solutions .........................32
Mopar Masters Guild to Celebrate 30th Anniversary at NADA 2022 Las Vegas (Informa on Page 3!)
Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions........33 Stellantis Seeks 40%+ Sales to Be PHEV, EV by 2030 ...................................34-35 Asbury Aquires Larry H. Miller Dealerships with 11 Collision Repair Facilities..............36 Where Are They Now?............................37-38 Stellantis to Maintain DS Brand ...........38-39 Stellantis, Samsung SDI to Start EV Battery Output in U.S. in 2025 ....................39 MMG Officers/Committees ........................40
The exchange of information by like size dealers in a non-competitive environment”
September - October 2021
From the Desk of MMG President Susan McDaniel
Adapt The MMG recently met for our first ever MBA MMG 20 Group and the key word throughout our discussions was ADAPT. It was so nice to see everyone again. It had been 20 months since our group had met LIVE! We were in North Reddington Beach, Florida. I cannot think of a better place to reunite, reconnect, regroup, and reset. We had so many wonderful conversa ons. It’s hard to believe that it had been so long since we had met face to face. The energy all around us was dynamic to say the least. There are so many things in this life that we take for granted and friendly interac on is one of them. We all started talking and feeding off each other. We found that we all had the same set of struggles and each of us had an idea to make it be er. We seemed to be able to connect some dots to possibly make things flow a li le smoother. These are new beginnings. We can no longer conduct our business the way we once did. We can no longer conduct our lives the way we once did. Everything and everyone have changed. It will never be the same again. We must ADAPT. Our businesses have changed dras cally. It is harder than ever to find and keep good employees. We really need to show gra tude to the ones who have stuck with us. Our own a tudes make a huge difference in how our employees see things and how they react. A famous General once said, “Lead your troops into ba le and they will follow”. We can either lead or surrender. We will con nue to reach out to each other and find answers and ideas. Everyone has a great idea; that is what makes our group so special. I know that we will ADAPT to the current situa on. We will search for answers and solu ons and we will somehow find a way to come out of these current difficul es be er and stronger than EVER.
IMPROVISE - Use what is available ADAPT – Adjust to new condi ons OVERCOME – Succeed Your President,
Susan McDaniel Susan McDaniel susan@billluke.com 602.336.1557
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Mopar Masters Guild to Celebrate 30th Anniversary at NADA 2022 Las Vegas
Mark Your Calendars! Plans for our 30th Anniversary of the Mopar Masters Guild Mee ngs at NADA 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada are well underway! Come join the celebra on and see your friends! Our Hotel of choice this year is The Aria Resort & Casino 3730 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89158 Use the following link to secure your reserva ons: https: book.passkey.com go SMMG0322AR You will be prompted to include an Access Code which is: MMGATT032268 Tenta ve plans so far:
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 Arrival in Las Vegas - Member Gathering in the Evening (TBA)
Wednesday March 9th, 2022 MMG Meetings - (TBA)
Thursday March 10th, 2022 MMG Meetings - (TBA)
Thursday Evening March 10th, 2022 Mopar Masters Guild Annual Cocktail Reception at The Barbershop Cuts & Cocktails at the Cosmopolitan
Friday March 11th, 2022 MMG Meetings - (TBA)
Updates will follow soon! The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
MBA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group Host Mopar Masters Guild Meeting in Tampa
“What a great first MBA Mopar Masters Guild 20 Group mee ng in North Redington Beach this week. Thank you so much to those that a ended for assis ng in a very successful mee ng!” These are the words of Mark Beaton, President/Moderator of MBA Dealer Services, LLC. Since Stellan s is no longer a sponsor, MBA Dealer Services now offers this new subscrip on program. Your hosts are Mark Beaton & Jennifer Short. October 16th - Sunday Evening We all gathered for a “Meet & Greet” on Sunday evening at the hotel’s Beachfront Tiki Bar. This is the first me in 19 months that MMG Members have had any live interac on and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone. Monday – Day 1 Mark Beaton greeted and welcomed everyone. “This is the first me in a couple of years I’ve been able to do this. Susan (MMG President Susan McDaniel) and I talked recently, and we are happy to be involved. This is a hybrid mee ng meaning a endees are here live and virtual via our great technology which allows them to see and hear all we have to offer and allows us to hear them and to have them be part of our classes. All that ma ers is that we’re all here together. Our last 3 MMG sessions have been virtual,” said Beaton. Continued on Page 5
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 4 Mark then went over the agenda. Said Mark, “This is a mee ng, not a class. We ask the virtual attendees to par cipate by speaking and asking ques ons live rather than using the chat feature of Zoom. We encourage par cipa on and expect those here virtually to be involved in this meeting. My chat feature is not on so if you a empt to communicate with me, I will not be able to see it. If you have a ques on of thought please feel free to interrupt us at any me. Just wait for a pause and just jump right in. This is just like our virtual mee ngs in the past except we are streaming live with other a endees!” We were then each introduced by Mark whether we were there live or virtual. Before star ng the introducons, Mark asked us to think about the following ques on: “What is one problem you have in your department (besides dealing with Stellan s, besides finding personnel, and obtaining parts) the past year that has been troublesome? Think about this. I want you all to be prepared to discuss. A er our introduc ons, we will come back and discuss this ques on with each of you.” The following is just a sample of subjects that were brought up and discussed: Focus on Rela onships with employees Morale in my workplace Stress and ways to conquer it Help employees and guide them Retrain employees Adap ng to change Can now see where our weaknesses are Look within at your people Changing behaviors Changing business plans to deal with corporate changes Who is my backup? Focusing on customer service Mark then covered the parameters for the new MBA Service & Parts 20 Group, the new subscrip on program and what you will receive at future mee ngs now that Stellan s is no longer a sponsor. Each a endee received a packet of info as well as online a endees did electronically. Continued on Page 6
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Continued from Page 5 Expected from everyone a ending: Par cipa on Freely sharing info with other members Listen with an open mind to other’s opinions Be respec ul to members who may not be doing as well as you Commi ng to helping those members Commitment to a ending future mee ngs (Virtual or Live, a endance IS expected!) Take back learned ideas & processes to your dealerships Said Mark, “Many dealerships make deep cuts in expenses just to make money. Instead of just cu ng costs to make money, let’s find other ways by learning and sharing best prac ces in our 20 Group mee ngs.” We then moved on to begin coverage of our MMG Financial Composites
Guest Speakers from Reynolds & Reynolds
Jason Sideris, Vice President of Fixed Opera ons Product Planning
Brent McDorman, Product Planning Fixed Opera ons
A er a short break, we heard from one of the MMG’s Suppor ng Vendors, Reynolds & Reynolds represented by Jason Sideris, Vice President of Fixed Opera ons Product Planning and Brent McDorman, Product Planning Fixed Opera ons A er great input from R&R and the new and exci ng products that they will be offering, Mark had us begin our Best Prac ces Presenta on. Unfortunately, due to an extended power loss, Mr. Beaton had us adjourn for the day and we would pick up with the presenta ons on Day 2. Continued on Page 7
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts Continued from Page 6 We all met on this evening at The Conch Republic Grill nearby the hotel for our group dinner. This was a great me to have open discussions in a relaxed atmosphere and although most of the talk was what’s been going on the past 19 months since we’ve all seen each other, there were some sidebar conversa ons on the current challenging mes! A er our meal, a few of us gathered in a small area outside the hotel for cigars and further business discussions. (The sharing of Informa on NEVER stops with this group!)
Continued on Page 8
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Continued from Page 7 Tuesday – Day 2 A er breakfast, it was back to work! We began with our MMG Best Prac ces Presenta on. Here is the list of presenters: Jim Jaeger – Parts Director – Bosak Motors, Merrillville, Indiana - Special Order No fica on Davyn Nishita – Service/Parts Director – Cu er DCJR, Honolulu, HI - Technician Appren ce Program (Virtual) Tom Kellogg – Parts Manager – Zeigler CDJ, Grandville, MI - Radio Tracking Susan McDaniel – Parts Director – Bill Luke CJD, Phoenix, AZ - Be er Customer Service and Increasing CSI Scores Rick Monteiro – Parts Manager – Jack Powell CDJR, Escondido, CA - Decoding ARC Codes Ian Grohs – Parts Manager – Stateline CDJRF, Fort Mill, SC - Communica ng Parts Procurement Op ons Mark Sillman – Service Director – South County DCJ, St. Louis, MO – Increase Customer Service Experience and Survey Count (Virtual)
Jim Jaeger Bosak Motors
Tom Kellogg Zeigler CDJ
Susan McDaniel Bill Luke CDJ
Rick Monteiro Jack Powell CDJR Continued on Page 9
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 8
Ian Grohs Stateline CDJRF
CEO Jen Short Keeping Things Moving Along
Congratula ons to the winners! First Place goes to Ian Grohs. Second Place, Mark Sillman(Virtual A endee) and Third Place, Susan McDaniel.
MBA President Mark Beaton with 3rd Place Winner, Susan McDaniel and First Place Winner Ian Grohs along with MBA CEO Jen Short. (2nd Place Winner Mark Sillman was a ending virtually.)
Mark, Michaela & Jen
Mark then con nued with coverage of our Financial Composites. We then moved on to Service & Parts Sales/ Expense Discussion. A er a short break, Mark gave us a great presenta on on Employee Reten on. What a great way to finish up our mee ng and send us home with a wealth of informa on! Hope to see many more Service & Parts Managers at our next MBA Service & Parts Managers 20 Group! Submi ed by Don Cushing
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Meet Mark Beaton & Jen Short MBA Dealer Services Jennifer Short, CEO Jennifer began working in the automobile dealership industry in 2002 in the areas of warranty administra on and Business Development Center installa on and training. In 2005, Jennifer joined MBA Dealer Services and began performing administra ve du es for the fixed opera ons consul ng side of the business and helped create MBA’s Service and Parts Manager 20 Groups in 2007. Then, Jennifer helped design and install Chrysler LLC’s Service and Parts Manager Performance Groups in 2010. During 2012, Jennifer began a similar task with Case New Holland (CNH Industrial) with the forma on and installa on of their Service and Parts Manager Performance Dealer Groups, which she led the administra on of these Dealer Performance Groups on behalf of Case New Holland Industrial, today. Also, in 2012, Jennifer became the Managing Partner and Chief Informa on Officer of MBA Dealer Services. Then, in 2018, she became the Chief Execu ve Officer, a tle she s ll holds today. See her LinkedIn page for more informa on: linkedin.com/in/jenniferkshort Call or text, 616.337.8927 or email us at Jen@MBADealerServices.com for more information on MBA Dealer Services Fixed Operations Consulting services or Fixed Operations 20 Groups. Mark Beaton, President/Moderator/Founder Mark has served in most posi ons of auto dealership fixed opera ons as well as both an opera ons manager and dealer partner. A er he le his last store, he began as a Service & Parts Instructor and Subject Ma er Expert for Chrysler Academy as well as FCA BusinessLink, FCA’s commercial truck division. In 2010, Mark helped create, launch, and moderate Chrysler LLC’s Service and Parts Manager Performance Groups (AKA FCA 20 Groups) and con nued to serve as moderator un l October 2021. Since 2012, Mark has worked with Case New Holland (CNH Industrial) to create their Performance Dealer Group (the equivalent of FCA’s 20 Groups) for Case New Holland’s service and parts managers. He has been a featured speaker at Case New Holland PDG mee ngs, Digital Dealer conferences, and the SEMA Show. See his LinkedIn page for more informa on: linkedin.com/in/professorbeaton Call or text, 616.337.8927 or email us at Mark@MBADealerServices.com for more information on MBA Dealer Services Fixed Operations Consulting services or Fixed Operations 20 Groups.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The View From My Office
With Kat Monteiro
Here we are coming up to the end of October of 2021. Where did this month go? I feel like it flew by in a blink of an eye. October is my favorite month. This is the month that both of our daughters were born. They were born 9 days and 4 years apart, one is a Libra the other is a Scorpio, and both have Halloween in their blood! We love to decorate the house - even though we live where we would never have any Trick or Treaters. We love to carve pumpkins and the girls always dress up - s ll a er all these years. We always had Halloween birthday par es. But this year is quite a bit different. Jessie is up in Napa loving life, and we moved Terra to Lincoln Nebraska over the summer. So, this is the first year ever the house is not all done up in black spiders, skulls and skeletons, and there are no ghosts floa ng around. I do have my Halloween wreaths on the doors and my dragon skeleton on the counter but that is it. It feels weird, sad, and bare. Guess this is what an empty nest feels like. We will be heading up to Napa this coming week to spend Jessie’s birthday with her. This is her big 30 so we didn’t want to miss spending the day with her. She le for Napa a few years ago, transferring to a Trader Joes store up there. She has always wanted to be up in Northern California ever since she was a li le girl, so she jumped on the opportunity when she heard the store up there was looking for help. A er 9 years at Trader Joes, she just le the store and went to work at a winery - something she has wanted to do since moving up there. She loves it! Her business cards read Wine Educator. If any of you are ever in the Napa California area, please stop by Flora Springs Winery in Saint Helena and say hello. She will be there to greet you and pour you some tas ngs of their wine. Terra is loving her new job as an Air Frame Tech for Duncan Avia on. It’s always a proud Momma moment when people ask me what she does and I get to tell them my li le girl is an Airplane Mechanic! Duncan Aviaon is a private company that works on corporate and business jets. Terra works on the Falcon Jet. So Cool!! She loves her own li le apartment that is just perfect for her and her big dog. And she likes Lincoln so far, but winter has not set in yet for this California Girl! But she is happy. And has no regrets for making that leap of faith to start a job so far away from home. Continued on Page 12
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Continued from Page 11 I men on the girls and their birthdays (Terra turned 26 and Jessie 30) because many of you have watched these 2 girls grow up. Terra a ended her first NADA conven on in 1996 in Las Vegas - she was 3 months old! My parents came so they could watch them while I a ended some of the recep ons and par es with Rick. We stayed at the Mirage that year and Jessie who was 4 years old ran my dad ragged going back and forth to the White Tiger exhibit. The last NADA the girls a ended was in 2017 in New Orleans! They have always known how much their dad and I love New Orleans and they always asked to go. We told them that when they were both 21 years old we would take them. So, in October 2016 Terra turned 21 and 3 months later we were in New Orleans! We had the best me ever! They a ended many conven ons in between, we took them on family Lifestyles trips, along with many of you and your families. I guess I am feeling a bit nostalgic with the NADA conven on coming up at the beginning of the year and the Mopar Masters Guild celebrating their 30th anniversary. Rick has been a part of the Guild for 29 of those years. He has a ended 28 NADA mee ngs - only missing the first year and one year in Orlando because the dealership was to go under construc on during that me frame. I have a ended 27! My first mee ng was in Dallas, the last one they held there. (NADA 2023 is returning to Dallas as of this date). I didn’t know a soul. I remember wai ng for the NADA bus to come around to our hotel to take me to the conven on because Rick wanted me to go pick up his registra on stuff. I was standing in this glass room wai ng by the door, dressed in a warm black wool jacket looking out at the snow flurries, feeling very much alone, but excited! Who knew It was the beginning of a life me of adventure and friends?
I go back to just a week ago where Mark Beaton held a 20 Group Mee ng at the DoubleTree Beach Hotel in Tampa Florida. We were so thankful to be able to get together and see each other again. It has been since March 2020, just before Covid shut down our country, where we were in Las Vegas for the NADA conven on. We are just shy of 2 years with no mee ngs. That’s a long me for a group of people that like to hang out with each other so much! We are used to seeing each other at least twice a year if not more. Continued on Page 13
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 12 A lot of the talk that went around while in Tampa was how close we have all became, watching each other’s children grow up, spending vaca ons together, how this group of Chrysler parts managers built the Guild from a small group of guys who only had bowls of mixed nuts for their recep on into the impressive Guild it is today! We also talked about how so many of the key players have already re red or are ge ng ready to. And one wonders will the next genera on keep the Guild going? Will the younger Parts Managers and now Service Managers stay involved and step up to the plate and become the next Secretary, Vice President and then President? Will they a end the mee ngs and bring their Best Ideas? One thing I have no ced is that not too many of the new members do not bring their wives or significant others. I would like to encourage them to start bringing them. I wonder if many think there will not be anything for their wives to do while they are in mee ngs all day. But let me tell you, as a wife who has tagged along all these years, these years have been the best ever. It gave me a chance to meet other women from all over the country, we explore whatever city we are in, shop, laugh, cry, talk about our families, and even though we may be totally different we all have one thing in common… being married to Parts or Service Managesr and that helps bind us together. There is nothing cooler than going into a restaurant with 8 or 9 different women, every one of us with a different accent, and the waiter asks us where we are from and we give him 8 or 9 different states! They always get this amazed look on their face, and they always ask how the heck do we all know each other. Brings a smile to my face every me. There are many reasons to bring your partner to these mee ngs. In Tampa we were wondering if things will be the same for the group a er many of us re re soon. My only hope is that I hope it does go forward, and I hope that the younger guys coming in can con nue the group and that their wives will have a chance to experience some of what we have. I hear that for the upcoming NADA mee ng in Las Vegas in March of 2022 they are working on ge ng all the Guild’s past Presidents together to celebrate 30 years of sharing informa on with like sized dealers! I hope this happens because it will be really nice to see some of our friends who have already re red. It will also give the new people a chance to meet and talk to the Guild’s founding members and hear about the history of the Guild and maybe even get some great ideas on how to do business. I would like to thank everyone who made the Tampa mee ng happen. I know I already said this, but it was so good to see everyone. I was planning on wri ng more about the Tampa trip, but I got sidetracked and my wri ng took me a different direc on. Thank you to Mark Beaton for picking the hotel. It was absolutely beau ful. And there was nothing be er than si ng on the beach all day and talking with the ladies. Barbara Allred, Wanda Yancey, Jamie Hu on, you girls mean the world to me. I am so thankful for your friendship and my life is be er with you in it. That statement goes out to all my Mopar Ladies - I couldn’t imagine doing life without y’all. Enjoy! See you all In Las Vegas!
Kat Monteiro The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Our Supporting Vendors:
Support those who support you.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Our Supporting Vendors: The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
Support those who support you.
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September - October 2021
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Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
The Changing Automotive Landscape
We conducted a survey of consumers who had service work completed at a dealership to better understand their preferences toward online and digital offerings in fixed operations.
Available Option
Customers who prefer this option:
Customers who actually used this option:
Schedule Service Visit Online
Check-In Using a Kiosk
Check-In Using a Mobile App
Receive Photos and Videos of Work/Issues
What does this mean for your dealership? When comparing consumer preferences to actual behavior, there appears to be a divide. Consumers continue to prefer more digital options in service such as text and email links, photo and video evidence, and additional forms of check-in and check-out using selfservice technology. The dealership that meets these new preferences is likely the dealership that will beat out the competition, increase customer satisfaction, and drive service profits.
For more insights on the changing automotive landscape, download the full report at reyrey.com/report.
©2021 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA. 1029578 10/21
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
COLLISION REPAIR REACHING 45,000+ REPAIR SHOPS EVERY MONTH Print & Digital Options to Grow Your Mopar Wholesale Business
Strategies & Inspiration for Collision Repair Success
What it truly means to work lean
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
10/19/21 2:52 PM
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Stop Interrupting & Start Engaging Customers 1ঞ -|ou bv ub7]bm] |_; -r ;| ;;m ;uŊ oѴ bm] v|ol;u r;1|-ঞomv -m7 ;-Ѵ;uv_br o-Ѵv
Consolidated l-uh;ঞm] v|u-|;] ƔŊbmŊƐ voѴ ঞom
Do you know your consumers? According to a recent Forbes study, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences. • Gen X buyers -u; u;1;rঞ ; |o ;l-bѴ l-uh;ঞm] -m7 7bu;1| l-bѴ -rru;1b-|; 1o romv -m7 o@;uvĺ vr;1b-ѴѴ _;m vr;-hbm] vr;1bC1-ѴѴ |o |_;bu 1 uu;m| Ѵb=; ; ;m|vĺ • Baby Boomers -u; Ѵo -Ѵ |o 0u-m7v -m7 7;-Ѵ;uv_brvĺ $_; ru;=;u r_om; 1om ;uv-ঞomv o ;u |; |v -m7 -u; _;- v;uv o= vo1b-Ѵ l;7b-ĺ • and Millennials -u; _;- v;uv o= |;1_moѴo] -m7 =u;t ;m| 7;-Ѵ;uv_brv Ѵ;vvĺ $_; -u; ; r;u|v -| vo1b-Ѵ l;7b-ķ ; r;1| v;-lѴ;vv -m7 r;uvom-Ѵb ;7 ; r;ub;m1;v -1uovv -ѴѴ 1_-mm;Ѵvķ -m7 r- 1Ѵov; - ;mঞom |o ruo7 1| -m7 v;u b1; u; b; vĺ
Start engaging with consumers where they are. | o uv;Ѵ= bm |_; 7ub ;uĽv v;-| o= - |ol-|;7ķ orঞlb ;7 7;-Ѵ;uv_br l-uh;ঞm]ĺ om|-1| v |o7- =ou - =u;; |;v| 7ub ;Ĵ bm=oŠ 1ঞ -|ou "ĺ1ol Ň ĺ 1ঞ -|ou "ĺ1ol Ň Follow UsĹ Š 1ঞ -|ou "
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Because we’re dealer people.
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
ust Dig r y Fir ita st, lC N RM ext Su Leve ite l !
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Our dedicated team provides an in-depth onboard WIWWMSR RI[ JIEXYVI VIPIEWI [EPOXLVSYKLW ERH refresher webinars We are here to help grow your wholesale parts business by providing both national and regional support
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
“WPP not only provides easy-access reporting, but takes CRM one step further with Marketing Campaigns to help grow our wholesale parts business.” 8SQ *MRPI] 4EVXW 1EREKIV &EGLQER %YXS +VSYT
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
n Mopar Powertrain Customer Service Hotline (888)237Ͳ0001
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
AER Powertrain EducaƟon and Professional Self Improvement Modules
IdenƟfying New Sales and ProĮt OpportuniƟes Programs and IncenƟves Product Knowledge; Features, BeneĮts, Tools Sales Support; Outside Sales Reps Wholesale vs. Retail; Are both right for you? Why Buy O.E.? * Why Sell O.E.? Phone Skills; Parts and Service Warranty; Mopar vs. CompeƟtors Cummins Diesel Overcoming ObjecƟons Selling Skills (Phone and Face to Face) Outside Sales Rep Skills Sales Blitz: Why and how to execute a successful sales blitz
Mopar Powertrain Customer Service Hotline (888)237Ͳ0001
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Stellantis seeks 40%+ sales to be PHEV, EV by 2030; plans 4 EV platforms Stellan s on Thursday announced it would produce four electric vehicle pla orms soon and seek to have more than 40 percent of its U.S. sales involving plug-in hybrids and EVs by 2030. Along the way, the OEM will spend more than $35.5 billion on electrifica on and so ware between now and 2025, Stellan s said during an “EV Day” Thursday. Ram CEO Mike Koval announced Thursday his company would have a battery-electric Ram 1500 by 2024. Dodge said Thursday it wouldn’t sell electric cars — but it would sell “AMERICAN eMUSCLE.” “If a charger can make a Charger quicker, we’re in,” CEO Tim Kuniskis said in a video. Jeep said by 2025, it would have a 4xe edi on in every SUV segment, and 70 percent of all Jeeps would be electrified in some way. CEO Chris an Meunier said the 2021 4xe Wrangler had already become America’s No. 1 plug-in hybrid in just two months — and the production run was already sold out for the rest of the year. Stellan s also revealed its 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe plug-in hybrid variant for the first me Tuesday. The OEM expects to be able to produce and sell electric vehicles for much less than it costs today. Stellan s in a news release said it wants to cut ba ery costs by 40 percent between 2020 and 2024, “and by more than an addi onal 20% by 2030. … “Affordability is a priority at Stellan s, as the company is targe ng for the total cost of ownership of EVs to be equivalent to internal combus on engine vehicles by 2026.” Stellan s said its four fully electric pla orms consist of three unibody configura ons and one body-on-frame setup. “The pla orms are designed with a high level of flexibility (length and width) and component sharing, delivering economies of scale as each pla orm can support produc on of up to 2 million units per year,” Stellan s wrote in a news release. The STLA Small architecture will offer up to 300 miles of range, while the STLA Medium should be able to reach up to 440 miles on a single charge. The 500-mile STLA Large and 500-mile STLA Frame setups are likely to be the most prevalent among the U.S. fleet. The former will include SUVs and muscle cars while the la er will include larger SUVs and pickups, according to Stellan s Chief Engineering Officer Harald Wester. “They will unlock new facets of our brands,” Wester said of the four pla orms.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Stellan s Chief Design Officer Ralph Gilles said the OEM was crea ng eight vehicles on the STLA Large pla orm, and they would come to market in the next 3-5 years. “That’s just the beginning,” he said. He said the STLA Large pla orm could eventually make its way to all 14 Stellan s brands. The news from the Stellan s “EV Day” presenta on provides further indica ons that collision repairers are likely to see a boom in electrified vehicles throughout the decade. This could mean new training, equipment and repair opera ons. However, Stellan s’ new EV pla orms by defini on might ease the transi on by presen ng repairers with chassis consistency and familiarity. (Though you’ll s ll need to check the specific repair procedures for the individual vehicle in front of you.) A slide described shared components and systems as a feature of the pla orms. Discussing the STLA Large architecture, Stellan s Deputy Chief Engineering Officer Patrice Lucas observed, “This pla orm will use common assets.” Lucas, whose role includes cross car line and project engineering, called this a “key lever” for the sustainability business model. He said cross-sharing components was important in “complexity reduc on” and “volume bundling” for economic reasons.
Source: www.RepairerDrivenNews.com – Ar cle by John Hue er
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Asbury acquires Larry H. Miller Dealerships, including 11 collision repair facilities By Dana Caldwell on October 1, 2021 Announcements | Associa ons | Business Prac ces | Collision Repair | Market Trends | Repair Opera ons Asbury Automo ve Group, Inc., has scooped up Larry H. Miller Dealerships, expanding one of the largest automo ve retail and service companies in America westward. A subsidiary of Larry H. Miller Group of Companies (LHM Group), Larry H. Miller Dealerships is the eighth-largest dealer group in the U.S. Asbury also added Total Care Auto, Powered by Landcar in the deal that will add approximately $5.7 billion in annualized revenue. This acquisi on means Asbury stretches coast to coast while likely boos ng the company’s Clicklane omni-channel pla orm. The acquisi on that cost $3.2 billion — including $740 million for real estate — and should be completed during the fourth quarter of this year gives Asbury 11 new collision centers, along with 54 new vehicle dealerships and seven used dealerships. “Larry H. Miller Dealerships is one of the most respected automo ve dealership groups in the United States with a strong culture and stewardship mentality,” said Asbury President and Chief Execu ve Officer David Hult in a company release. “This acquisi on is a unique opportunity to rapidly expand Asbury’s presence into these desirable, high-growth Western markets with strong accre on from [Day 1] with this impressive group and its rich history.” Total Care Auto, Powered by Landcar offers paintless repair contracts and appearance protec on contracts along with extended service and prepaid maintenance and other contracts. This deal will give Asbury entry into Arizona, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah and Washington, and gives the company a boost in Colorado. “We are thrilled to grow our presence in these states that we believe have appealing economic and demographic growth opportuni es while broadening our geographic reach,” Hult said. “Our now na onal footprint, complemented by our digital purchasing capabili es in Clicklane, creates a truly expansive mul -channel platform of dealerships.” Larry H. Miller Dealerships has been selling over 115,000 new and used vehicles yearly. The company started in Utah in 1979 with a single lot. Steve Starks, the CEO of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies, said this sale allows his company “addi onal opportuni es for the LHM Group to further diversity and grow our por olio of business and investments.” A Fortune 500 company headquartered in Duluth, Ga., Asbury has had a 5-year strategic growth plan that should now bring its company $20 billion in added revenue by 2025, Hult said. Asbury holds other acquisi on contracts that are expected to add $900 million in addi onal annual revenues. “With these acquisi ons, we will exceed our previously published five-year target for M&A within the first year of the plan,” Hult said. And Asbury doesn’t seem to be finished. “We will con nue to seek acquisi ons that fit our culture and strategy,” Hult said. Source: www.RepairerDrivenNews.com – Ar cle by Dana Caldwell
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Where Are They Now? Ray & Betty Cordoza
We recently heard from Be y Cordoza, wife of Mopar Masters Member Ray Cordoza. Unfortunately it was in response to the recent passing of their good friend and MMG Member Mike Cervantes. Seeing this email made me think of what a nice article this would be to catch up on two of the people who used to join the Guild on all the trips. Betty sent an email to Kathy Monteiro and myself. Here’s what she wrote: “Dear Kathy and Don, thank you for the lovely ar cle about Mike Cervantes, in the July-August 2021 Issue of the Mopar Masters Guild Magazine. Ray and I share so many memories of me spent with Mike and Leslie. We both lived in the San Francisco South Bay Area for many of the first years of the Mopar Masters Guild. We spent a lot of non-Mopar me together with Mike and Leslie, including dates, dinners, and holidays, as well. We had lost some contact with Mike and Leslie, when Mike le Serramonte, and got a wonderful job, in Columbus, Ohio. I remember that when Leslie moved to Ohio, to join Mike, he showed her this wonderful apartment that he had found for them, near Ohio State. It was lovely, and not too badly priced. Then on the first Ohio State Buckeyes Home Football game day, they figured out why the apartment had been available. When Ohio State was playing a Home Game, there wasn’t any parking to be found for miles around! Leslie and I communicate via Instant Messaging, several mes a day. She is at her Mom’s house now, at 25120 Burton Way, Madera, CA 93638-9628. We’ve “adopted” Leslie as family, our “adopted daughter.” Fortunately, her mother lives about 90 minutes from us, and she’s looking forward to ge ng up to Sonora for a break. And we’re looking forward to le ng her come up here, rest, and deal with so much of the grief that she’s felt compelled to hold in. A funny card or just a note would probably be enjoyed by her. Her e-mail address remains: chewtoy36@sbcglobal.net I›m not as close to many of the past Mopar Masters, as I should have remained. I›m the one in this family who does all of that, not Ray. However, if you would ask those of our Mopar Group who knew Mike and Leslie, to send Leslie a message, I would really appreciate it. On May first, 2006, Ray re red from Normandin Chrysler, in San Jose. It’s s ll one of the oldest car dealerships in the country, having started when they opened in 1875, selling horse-drawn buggies. By June 13th, 2006, Ray and I (and Bijou, our cat) were living in the home we built in 1997, in Sonora, California, the Gold Country. Fi een years, we’re s ll in the same house; but Bijou crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2010. Ray turned 80, on July 2nd, of this year; and has had some health issues. He no longer drives or plays golf. In August 2019, our Grandson, Conner, and his husband Garre , moved in with us. It was supposed to be a temporary residence; but due to Ray being hospitalized four mes between October 28th, 2019; and March 9th, 2020; it has become a permanent situa on. Continued on Page 38
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
Continued from Page 37 With the Covid-19 shut down, which took place four days a er Ray’s last hospital release, it was a blessing to have Conner and Garre here to do almost all of our shopping for us. They are both in their twen es and had employment in Sonora. Ray and I got our first Moderna Vaccine on Saturday, February 6th, 20221; and were fully vaccinated as of Saturday, March 6th. Because of a heart condi on, Conner received his Vaccine in April 2021, and Garre in April and May, 2121. However, with Vaccines and con nued mask-wearing when outside our house, we remain well I’ll do my best to make sure that Ray can try to make it to Las Vegas in March 2022. If not, I’ll have Conner and Garre take care of Ray; and maybe Leslie and I will come as a couple. With so many founding Mopar Masters now re red or re ring soon, Leslie and I were talking about hos ng a Mopar Master Reunion, at a resort up here in the Northern California woods, at the Lazy Z, in Twain Harte. (They have a website, last me that I checked.) It’s mostly just cabins and a pool; but there’s a few things to do nearby. Or just hang out and talk about the “old days.” And eat! Plus, Conner is trained as a therapeu c masseuse. I was telling Leslie how proud it made me, of both Ray and Mike, when the Mopar Masters used to refer to Mike, as “Ray Jr.” or “Cordoza Junior.” LOL!” Thanks for ge ng back to us Be y. Our very best to you and Ray. Be Well. Stay healthy! Submi ed by Don Cushing
Stellantis to maintain DS brand despite lackluster sales Early next year the premium unit will unveil a new plan to boost demand PARIS -- Stellan s will keep selling its upscale DS Automobiles brand in China, where early next year it will unveil a new plan to boost disappoin ng sales, brand director Beatrice Foucher said on Tuesday. Following the crea on of Stellan s in January through the merger of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA Group, CEO Carlos Tavares promised to keep the group’s 14 brands on condion that each would focus on its strongest markets and segments. The ques on of maintaining the DS brand’s presence in China, where sales have slumped to a record low, has come up again a er Stellan s sold its stakes in a local produc on site for the brand. “Nothing is changing for DS at this point. The plan is to con nue in China,” Foucher told reporters. Tavares will lay out by early 2022 how he aims to revive sales in the world’s biggest car market. Continued on Page 39
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 38 Part of that plan will be a focus on full-electric Opel vehicles and using one of the plants of its joint venture with GAC, which specializes in producing the Jeep brand. DS, which is one of Stellan s’ upmarket brands along with Alfa Romeo and Lancia, will inaugurate the group’s STLA Medium electric pla orm with a new car model in 2024. Source:www.AutoNews.com
Stellantis, Samsung SDI to start EV battery output in U.S. in 2025 New ba ery plants will supply next-genera on plug-in hybrids and full-electric vehicles Stellan s and Samsung SDI said on Friday that they have entered an agreement for a joint venture to produce electric vehicle (EV) ba ery cells and modules in the United States. The joint venture aims to start opera ons by the first half of 2025 with an ini al annual ba ery produc on capacity of 23 gigawa hours (GWh). Its annual ba ery produc on capacity could increase to 40 GWh in the future, Samsung SDI said. No financial details of the deal were provided. The loca on of the factory is under review. Stellan s said the Samsung SDI joint will be one of mul ple ba ery plants it plans with established ba ery makers for electric vehicle produc on in North America. The Stellan s-Samsung SDI e-up comes less than a week a er Stellan s signed a preliminary deal with ba ery maker LG Energy Solu on to produce 40 GWh of ba eries a year for North America. “With the forthcoming ba ery plants coming online, we will be well posi oned to compete and ul mately win in the North American electric vehicle market,” Stellan s CEO Carlos Tavares said in a statement. Stellan s aims for 40 percent of its sales in the U.S. to be electrified vehicles by 2030. The ba ery plants will fulfill the needs of Stellan s assembly plants in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico for nextgenera on electric vehicles ranging from plug-in hybrids to full-electric vehicles that will be sold under various Stellan s brands, the automaker said. Samsung SDI, an affiliate of South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics, already has EV ba ery plants in South Korea, China and Hungary, which supply customers such as BMW and Ford Motor. With these two joint ventures, Stellan s has secured up to an annual ba ery produc on capacity of 80 GWh, which could power about 1.2 million electric vehicles. The automaker has said it wants to secure more than 130 GWh of global ba ery capacity by 2025 and more than 260 GWh by 2030. Stellan s was formed in January from the merger of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA Group. Source:www.AutoNews.com
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
September - October 2021
2021 2 0 21 M Mo opar p ar M Master ast er s G Gui ui ld O ffi cer c e r s & Com Co mmittees m i t t ees
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Since 1992