FIA3- Art as Code
Artist Statement My skateboard has taken inspiration from Australian artist Abdul Abdullah and American tattoo artist Cameron Pohl. The painting communicates meaning through the use of the symbolic elements such as the flowers, ivy and thorns. Peonies and ivy represent cultural contexts through symbolism, while the emotion of the portrait portrays a more personal context. The formal context of the piece is portrayed in the use of fake peonies and vines that border the skateboard to tie together the natural element of the painting while adding a 3D element. The I wanted the concept of self to be both obscured and clear to the viewer. The whole image is rather chaotic so while it’s meaning maybe unclear to some people, to other it may tell them a lot about the artist.
Resolved Work
Unchecked Acrylic paint, Posca markers, glitter, fake flowers, fake ivy, wooden skateboard deck 80cm x 20cm
Resolved Work - Details
• Detail and various views: Title Medium Dimensions
Experimental work
Peony studies with various mediums Graphite pencil, acrylic paint, watercolour, alcohol markers 9cm x 10cm
Experimental Work - Details
Peony studies with various mediums, Close ups Graphite pencil, acrylic paint, watercolour, alcohol markers 9cm x 10cm
Experimental work
Colour study Pink lead pencil, Graphite pencil, Coloured pencils 22cm x 12cm
Experimental work - details
Colour study, close ups Pink lead pencil, Graphite pencil, Coloured pencils 22cm x 12cm
Experimental Work
Video documenting flag installation Video duration: 20 seconds
Experimental work - details
Flags, Close ups Acrylic on canvas
Experimental work
Responding to case study artists Acrylic paint, sketchbook paper 28cm x 17cm, 27cm x 20cm, 22cm x 20cm (left to right)
Experimental work - details
Responding to case study artists Acrylic paint, sketchbook paper 28cm x 17cm, 27cm x 20cm, 22cm x 20cm (left to right)
Supporting Evidence
Supporting Evidence
Supporting Evidence