FIA2 – Art as Lens Experimental Folio
Reflective Statement My key focus for this folio was a necklace, I explored this through using different lenses that were investigated and looked closely at in class. In this folio of work, I have included experiments which demonstrate divergent thinking and scamper processes. This was done by using the inquiry question as a guide to help ensure two dimensional and three-dimensional artworks were displayed. The necklace is used in a personal context as it was given to me when I was little and have grown up wearing it creating long lasting memories. My folio of work has been influenced by artists who use and focus on personal story and meaning throughout there artworks. Pablo Picassos jewelry, Madura silver pendant allowed me to explore different textures and objects which connected ideas to my own work about how I could explore people, places and objects using a range of different materials and processes.
Folio of Experimental Works
Concertina book of object being placed in positions done using pencil 8.5cm x 34cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Continuous drawing of object done using pencil and art line pen with water colour over the top 30cm x 21cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Collage using picture taken of original object placed inside a drawing of the love heart necklace 20cm x 30cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Digital manipulation using a website to create different patterns and textures 29.7 x 21 cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Chalk drawing with black chalk on brown paper 17cm x 16.5cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Sliver wire formed in a love necklace and secured together with hot glue 23cm
Folio of Experimental Works
Lino print of flowers printed in blue and green ink with variations of the necklace drawn on top in art line pen 15cm x 33cm