11 VAR_FIA3_Art as Code_Maddie_G.pdf 2021

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FIA3- Art as code

Artist statement My skateboard deck response to Banksy’s techniques of stencilling. I was inspired to interoperate his political works and produce my own work with self as the context. The various bird shaped symbols layered on top in multiple dark colours of spray-paint represent the idea of hysteria, a change in self awareness and a longing for something that you are not able to return to. This is something that I felt when I had to move away from my home, the only place I ever knew. The bottom of the bored represents growth and similarity. The vibrant sunsets were something I valued about my home. Throughout the process of acceptance, I noticed one thing. Although the scenery was completely different, the sky was completely the same. No matter where you are, you are looking at the same sky, giving me a feeling of peace. This affect was produced by using acrylic paints with similar techniques of late artist Vincent Van Gogh. The texture and layering of the paint adding a 3D effect. The work in entirety represents the growth of my mind. There are two ways of viewing a situation, darkness and pain or light and growth.

Resolved work

Experimental work Details: Experimental work represents the dark side and the scars that are still yet to heal. Mediums: • HB pencil • Various coloured pencils Dimensions:

Experimental work – flag activity

Experimental works- selfie activity

Supporting evidence Life: Throughout doing research about the idea of life within artworks, anomalies were found. Vibrant colours were used by multiple artists both modern and early. Works were often impressionable. Various mediums were used such as graphic, oil and acrylic paints and stencilling.

Balloons and Bridges, Kelly Royle

Supporting evidence Death: Often repeated use of dark tones such as black, grey, dark blue and red at times. Symbols of skulls, crosses and birds are often used in works. Along with life, they are also often impressionable. Using similar mediums such as graphic, oil and acrylic paints and stencilling.

Gustav Klimt, Death and Life, 1910-15

Supporting Evidence Banksy • Mediums such as stencils and spray paint are used to produce his works. • Black, white and reds are the colours that commonly occur in his works. • Works reflect, personal, ethical and political problems and viewpoints.

Banksy: Girl With Balloon

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