2024 Wellbeing Strategy

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Wellbeing for Learning Strategy 2024

Message from the CEO and Executive Principal

At The Moreton Bay Colleges, student wellbeing takes centre stage in our educational ethos. Guided by the profound importance of upholding schools as nurturing and inclusive environments, our vision is to create a haven within our campuses where every individual feels secure, cherished, and empowered to thrive. At The Moreton Bay Colleges, we embrace the holistic concept of wellbeing for learning, a cornerstone of our educational philosophy.

Understanding that a student’s success extends far beyond academic achievements, our approach integrates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. This comprehensive perspective is rooted in the understanding that a student’s overall wellbeing profoundly influences their ability to learn, adapt, and flourish. Our commitment to this holistic approach is embodied in the principle of ‘Two colleges, One community,’ whereby unity and collaboration are the driving forces behind our initiatives.

The strategic wellbeing framework we present in this document is a testament to the combined efforts of our dedicated leadership teams. The framework is crafted in alignment with recommendations from the esteemed University of Adelaide, who have been our partners for several years now along our wellbeing journey. In addition, we have been guided throughout the development process by an esteemed professional in the field of wellbeing, Ms Sue Chandler from Transformative Schools. Together, we now have a shared understanding of our wellbeing goal.

We believe that the Moreton Bay Colleges are inclusive learning communities which support academic excellence to harmoniously coexist with the holistic growth of every student. As you delve into the following pages, you will discover the careful planning, the unwavering dedication, and the profound care that have shaped our unique approach to student wellbeing.

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A message from the Principal

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the wellbeing of young people in the MBC community lies at the heart of our decision making. Recognizing the critical importance of nurturing the mental, emotional, and social health of students, in 2023 MBC reviewed its current wellbeing framework Hearts and Minds and has reimagined our approach to our 5 wellbeing priorities. One notable shift is moving from an individual understanding of wellbeing to a collective and social system response, which reflects the growing awareness that wellbeing is intricately linked to the broader school and community environment.

For over 7 years, our wellbeing strategies have been framed in terms of the Five Ways to Wellbeing framework - Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, and Give. These actions and principles remain valuable, however given recent wellbeing research MBC has set out to reimagine them in a more detailed, holistic, and collective context. Current research affirms that a collective and system-level approach to wellbeing in a learning context ensures that learners, educators, parents, and the school community share the responsibility for creating an integrated, supportive and inclusive environment that prioritises the wellbeing of all stakeholders.

Shaped by our faith and the gift that Jesus gave us in the words of John 10:10 ‘ I have come that you may have life and have it the full”, our work to reimagine and re-invigorate the Hearts and Minds Wellbeing Framework to a collective and social system response will ensure at MBC we foster a nurturing environment where our young people not only thrive individually but also contribute to the overall wellbeing of the school community. In doing so, we are preparing students not only for academic success – wellbeing for learning - but also for a fulfilling and meaningful life beyond the classroom, where the wellbeing of all is prioritised and celebrated.

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Consultation Findings

The ideas and interest of the Moreton Bay College community has been valuable in mapping the priority areas for the Wellbeing for Learning strategy.

An external consultant was engaged to lead a series of focus groups with students and parents to identify areas of strength and opportunity over the next four years.

Reasons for Optimism

• A safe and supportive learning community.

• Wellbeing seen as a priority.

• Passionate educators.

• Approachable and effective leadership.

• Strong vertical pastoral care structures.

• Evidence-based wellbeing programme.

• Individualised care.

Defining Wellbeing

• Cultural, social, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

• Having a positive mindset.

• Surrounding yourself with good people.

• Feeling safe and accepted.

• The health and wellbeing of the whole community.

Seeking help.


• Acknowledging different learning styles

Expected Outcomes

• Increased wellbeing capability within students, educators, school leaders, parents and families.

High levels of physical and psychological safety promote a strong sense of belonging and engagement.

• Learning environments build a context that supports wellbeing.

• Individuals and the community have a better understanding of wellbeing as a shared responsibility.

A focus on contextual factors that support wellbeing.

• Wellbeing practices infused within teaching, learning and social interactions.

Priority Issues

• Student voice and agency.

• Flexible learning spaces.

Consistent application of Restorative Practice and other wellbeing practices that support learning and engagement.

• A confident and skilled workforce.

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Hearts and Minds | Wellbeing for Learning Strategic Framework 2023 – 2027


Our goal for wellbeing is for Moreton Bay College to be a caring environment where all members feel safe, valued and flourish in an inclusive, Christian learning community.


Wellbeing for learning is a whole-school approach which recognises that optimising educational outcomes for the learner requires action at the individual, collective and schoolsystem level. The learner, educator, parents and College understand their roles and responsibilities to Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. These actions foster respectful relationships and an inclusive, supportive learning environment in which children and young people flourish.

What guides us

2023-2027 Strategic Plan | Hearts and Minds

Framework | The MBC Learning Star | IB Primary Years Program | Early Years Learning Framework.2 | QLD Kindergarten Guidelines | National Principles of Child Safe Organisations | Evidence based Approaches.

Priority focus areas

Relationships Resilience Environment

Strategic Enablers

Community engagement

Staff capability

Wellbeing Programme

Two Colleges. One Community. The Wellbeing for Learning has been developed in collaboration with Moreton Bay Boys’ College.

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Five Ways to Wellbeing –Hearts and Minds Reimagined

Although we experience wellbeing as individuals, wellbeing is enhanced when there is alignment between the person, the group, and their context¹. Wellbeing is, therefore, something that sits within, between and among us². Reimagining the Hearts and Minds framework to include actions that can be expressed at an individual, collective and school-system level, allows us to build a healthy social context that fosters a sense of belonging and engagement. This is essential for learning, achievement and wellbeing.

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Connect Be Active

These aspirational Hearts and Minds statements, reflect our new interpretation of the 5 actions of Connect , Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give . When taken from an individual, collective, and school-system level perspective, they contribute to a community approach to wellbeing for learning, where everybody plays their part.

Acts with selflessness and compassion

Embraces continual learning for an ever-evolving world

Through knowledge of self and others, learners selflessly seek to positively impact their community and the wider world through principled acts of humanity.

Learners seek to be curious inquirers who are creative, and resilient thinkers, can collaborate and reflect on new knowledge and perspectives, leading to personal fulfilment.

Is mindful and aware Learners strive to be principled, aware and reflective. They monitor, adjust and regulate emotions, attention, thoughts and behaviour in response to things happening around them.

Strives for balance

Learners engage in help-seeking behaviours and healthy habits for life that promote balance across the mental, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing domains of their life.

Inspires acts of global citizenship

Nurtures student voice and agency

Develops emotionally intelligent teaching practices

Invests in knowing students

Educators model empathy, gratitude and broader perspective of the world, enhancing the level of international mindedness of the learner.

Educators continue their pedagogical journey through the acquisition of practices that promote student voice and agency.

Educators manage their own emotions effectively. They facilitate the development emotional resilience in learners and use intentional strategies to deescalate learners when required.

Educators actively connect with learners, understand them, and know them well.


Safe, connected, and cared for Learners have positive relationships and connections with others, feel safe and are respected in their learning environments.

Hearts and Minds


Gives encouragement

The class, team or group, through open and constructive communication, creates a culture of mutual support, driving each other towards shared success in the pursuit of collective growth.

Creates shared goals

The class, team or group celebrate accomplishments, and members motivate one another towards setting, working towards, and reaching clearly defined outcomes.

Listens to one another

The class, team or group engage in open-minded and inclusive discussions that allow for views to be expressed equitably.

Offers insights and ideas

Fosters a sense of classroom community

Educators promote camaraderie, trust and safety and facilitate the conditions in which learners connect with and learn from one another.


Contributes where they can Parents contribute, where they can, to the functioning of their child’s school by taking part on committees, attending cocurricular and social events, attending parent teacher nights and volunteering.

Prioritises staff wellbeing to build collective flourishing

The College places a strong emphasis on prioritising the wellbeing of its staff, recognising that this positively influences learning, accomplishments, and overall wellbeing outcomes for all.

Accesses available support

Approaches challenge with curiosity and respect

Parents access the available support within the College, or through external providers to build capability in understanding their child’s needs.

Parents take notice of their own thoughts, feelings and actions and strive to model the school values in the way they interact with College community members during times of difficulty or challenge.

Inspires a shared vision for contemporary learning

Measures for success and opportunity

The class, team or group have shared ownership over the curriculum, program, or activity where appropriate. Members are invited to establish agreed social norms.

Adopts a collective identity

The class, team or group functions as a community with a collective identity. Within this, students are risk takers, as it is a caring, trusting, cohesive social system that feels safe, positive, connected, inclusive, respectful and accepting.


Participates as an educational ally

Parents take advantage of the knowledge they possess of their child to work alongside educators in the creation of individualised, strength-orientated solutions.

Builds partnerships

Parents are supportive partners in their child’s personal growth journey by engaging with College policies and fostering productive relationships with teachers and staff.


Creates dynamic and active learning environments

Nurtures a culture of school connectedness

The College inspires a culture of collective efficacy which enables the collaborative design of significant, relevant, engaging, and equitable learning experiences for all.

The College collects contextual data, which helps to improve student wellbeing by providing insights into the factors that influence learning, social cohesion and wellbeing outcomes.

The College values the natural and physical environments as active and dynamic places for learning and wellbeing and adopts design principles that maximise these resources.

The College provides spaces, programs and activities for connections to grow and develop.


Policies and procedures value the intrinsic worth of the individual and are designed to strengthen and repair relationships within our community.

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Connect Be Active Take Notice Keep Learning Give
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Priority Focus Areas


Strong relationships are our priority, as they cultivate a sense of belonging, trust, and support, positively impacting learner’s emotional, social, spiritual and academic wellbeing.

What supports our thinking:

• Healthy, respectful relationships form the basis of human connections, which can be enhanced by fostering both physical and psychological safety, a profound sense of belonging, and a spiritual connection with God ³.

During childhood and adolescence, the quality of the relationship is at the core of individual wellbeing 4

• Teacher-student relationships are the most important relationships in the school context and have positive effects on students’ mental health when characterised by empathy, closeness, love, care, support, respect and reciprocity 5

• When schools incorporate the value of agreed consequences within a restorative model, it means that relationships are preserved or strengthened, and social learning is accelerated 6 .

• Psychological safety is the foundation of inclusion and group performance and the key to creating an innovating learning culture where students feel safe to take risks 7

Family-school partnerships are particularly important given the long-term nature of the relationship and the potential detrimental effects of poor relations on students, parents and teachers alike. We want teachers to be able to navigate the emotional terrain of their relationships with students and parents 8

Listening to the community

“All of the Heads of House are helpful. I feel comfortable talking to my Head of House. - Students

“The staff and senior leadership are approachable and always make themselves available. They know the girls well and this radiates.” - Parent

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Examples of MBC initiatives underway

• Positive Behaviours Policy

• Anti-Bullying Strategy

• Mental Health Strategy

Buddy system for new, domestic and international students

• Mother Tongue Network Meetings

• The vertical pastoral system in Secondary

• The Inter-Year Carer model

• Buddy system K- 6

The Twilight Picnic and Parent Meet and Greet opportunities.

• Restorative Practice

• Positive Minds Programme teaches relationship skills

Camp Programme Year 3 -Year 11

• Transition programmes EY – Year 12

• Co-curricular Programme

Priority Actions – 2023 – 2027

Foster positive, inclusive and respectful relationships through further understanding of the school-wide restorative approach

• Develop more family- school partnerships across all members of the College community.

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The characteristics of our College community and targeted, strength-based interventions will act as both a protective factor for learner wellbeing and promote resilience.

What supports our thinking:

Resilience underpins academic success and career success and is also associated with psychological wellbeing 9

• School resilience is multidimensional and includes a range of protective and promotive factors that assist young people to overcome adversity.

Characteristics of a school environment that act as a protective system for young people’s healthy development include positive relationships with teachers, a sense of belonging, inclusion, participation and mental health awareness 10

Listening to the community


• Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviours, thoughts, and actions that can – or at least to some extent – be learned and developed ¹¹.

• The emotional competence of young children, encompassing the ability to regulate emotional expression and experience as needed, along with an understanding of their own and others’ emotions, plays a vital role in achieving success in school, both socially and academically ¹².

• Life coaching, as a strength-based intervention, is associated with increased hope and cognitive hardiness and significant decreases in depression in adolescent girls ¹³.

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Learning Support at MBC is outstanding” - Parent
- Student
feel cared for and cared about every day at school”

Examples of MBC initiatives underway

• Pulse Survey for Students Years 5- 12

• The IB PYP Learner Profile

Secondary Positive Minds Programme

Parent Information/ Education sessions

• Designated wellbeing spaces in Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary

• Mindfulness

• Camp Programme across Primary and Secondary

• School TV

• National days/ months of action e.g. RUOK, mental health

Priority Actions – 2023 – 2027

Staff professional development and parent education on child and adolescent resilience and relationship building

• Design of targeted strengths-based and proactive approaches


We will co-create the built and natural environment to support wellbeing for learning.

What supports our thinking:

• Millennial students need experiential and active learning spaces which involve participation and collaboration and require furniture that enables flexible classroom settings


When designed and used effectively, flexible learning spaces provide learning environments where students can experience increased autonomy to make a variety of choices about their learning in a way that fosters self-regulation, collaboration and interaction, whilst ensuring their wellbeing 15

Outdoor learning and play can be instrumental in developing essential personal and social capabilities such as communication, resilience, self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, goal setting, personal autonomy, and initiative 16

Listening to the community

• Our task as educators is to understand that it is vital for children to continually test the limits of their physical, intellectual and emotional capacities and allow children the freedom to take risks in their play, while balancing the need for children to be safe 17

• The design of the physical space plays a primary role in facilitating the development and maintenance of relationships, with indoor and outdoor spaces sending a message that getting to know one another is important, and constructing expectations of how we work, live and play in that setting 18 .

• Australian children spend longer hours in primary school than their peers in other countries. Given that there is no positive correlation between the amount of time students receive formal instruction and how well they learn in school, consideration should be given to increasing the amount of playtime in the Junior school 19 .

“I would love to see a space for Senior students. They are close to being adults, so they deserve to be trusted as independent, autonomous learners.” - Parent
“Given the amount of time we spend looking at a computer, I’d love to do more learning outside.” - Student
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Examples of MBC initiatives underway

• Flexible furniture and learning spaces –both indoor and outdoor - in Early Years, Primary and Secondary

• Early Years, Primary and Secondary refurbishment and renovation programme

• Wellbeing/ mindfulness space in EY precinct

• Bay Café community New sporting facilities

• Refurbishment of Drama and Dance spaces

• Student voice/agency in the design of learning spaces

Priority Actions – 2023 – 2027

Design and development of a wellbeing hub for the College community.

• Optimise learning spaces by applying more flexible and contemporary design principles to both indoor and outdoor and play spaces.

Strategic Enablers

Avenues or mechanisms that promote effective transition from the current state to a better state.

Community Engagement

Harnessing authentic and respectful school-familycommunity partnerships will play a key role in supporting the learning and wellbeing of our students.

What supports our thinking:

When schools and families work together, children and young people perform better, stay connected to the school community, engage with their learning, adopt more prosocial behaviours and enjoy better relationships 20

• When school staff, parents and families appreciate their complementary roles in young people’s learning and education, they increase the collective positive influence ²¹.

• While the benefits of school-parent-family engagement are clear, there is still a gap in how this translates to effective practice in schools and school communities ²².

• The purpose of parental engagement should be to enhance student wellbeing as well as promote academic achievement ²³.

• While many secondary students acknowledge the importance of doing well academically, their ideas of success at school are often broader or different than those of their parents 24

• The changing nature of students and parents, marked by a societal lack of respect for the profession, has been identified through research as a reason why teachers are choosing to leave the profession 25

Priority actions – 2024 – 2027

• Further engage parental involvement with P & F, Parent Reps Committee and other parent representative groups as needed.

• Increase parent participation in school community events

Listening to the community

The communications from the College are timely and well-intended. I have appreciated the personalised communications I have received from teachers. - Parent

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Staff Capability

Transforming our understanding of wellbeing and ensuring we create sustainable and positive improvement, necessitates enhancing the capability, skillset and confidence of our staff to serve as effective leaders of wellbeing

Victorian Government, Department of Education and Training. 2019. Safe and Well in Education Framework

What supports our thinking:

Research suggests that when teachers intentionally use positive psychology strategies to support their own wellbeing, it positively affects their teaching practice and student learning. Teachers feel calmer, develop better relationships with students, more consciously look for positive aspects in their students and classrooms become more of a partnership between teachers and students 26 .

• Staff capability has been consistently identified as one of the three key levers of school improvement 27

• High impact professional learning results in a skilled, effective and professional workforce when the following principles are applied 28:

1. Professional learning is targeted and driven by the needs of the role.

2. Principals and leaders provide a shared vision for all staff to develop and/or enhance existing capabilities.

3. Staff are supported to apply professional learning in practice.

4. The outcomes of professional learning are evaluated.

Priority actions – 2024 – 2027

• Build teacher capability by defining Academic Care at MBC

Develop and deliver a programme of targeted professional development on academic care.

• Prioritise the development of a staff wellbeing strategy.

Student Wellbeing Curriculum

We will continue to develop the wellbeing curriculum to ensure it is both content-based and context based, measured for impact and effective as part of a whole school community approach to wellbeing for learning.

What supports our thinking:

• Ensuring student wellbeing and mental health in young people are now global priorities in education 29

• Wellbeing programmes improve academic outcomes, with those likely to have higher impacts on both wellbeing and academic outcomes being those that foster school belonging, mentoring and social-emotional skills 30

• Early learning and school settings are often in a position to identify when children and young people are at risk of poor wellbeing, and to ensure action is taken by appropriate agents to address these needs ³¹.

Listening to the community

• Successfully building wellbeing in students is not simply a matter of delivering a one-off positive education intervention. Rather, they need to be tailored to the school context and embedded across interconnected systems throughout a whole school ³².

• Programmes delivered by ‘trained’ classroom educators (that is, a programme designed to build the capacity of the educator first, supported by resources for learners) are marginally more effective in impacting students’ wellbeing outcomes than programmes delivered by external professionals ³³.

Priority actions – 2024 – 2027

• Review, re-design and implement the College wellbeing curriculum across EY – 12 to develop an evidence and strengthsbased curriculum to provide students with the essential tools to nurture their holistic development and ensure they have a foundation for lifelong wellbeing literacy.

• Professional development for staff delivering the wellbeing curriculum.

“The Positive Minds Programme is extremely valuable and has helped me deal with stress, solve problems and make and keep friends.”Student

“The transition programme into Year 7, which includes the Hearts & Minds ‘group counselling programmes’, is excellent.” - Student

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¹ Faulconbridge, J., Hickey, J., Jeffs, G., McConnellouge, D., Patel, W., Picciotto, A., & Pote, H. (2017). What good looks like in psychological services for schools and colleges: Primary prevention, early intervention and mental health provision. Child and Family Clinical Psychology Review, 5. [Cited in Catholic Education, WA, Strategic Wellbeing Framework, 2021.]

² Street, H. (2018). Contextual Wellbeing: Creating positive schools from the inside out. Western Australia. Wise Solutions.

³ Allison, L., Waters, L. & Kern, M. L. (2021). Flourishing Classrooms: Applying a Systems-Informed Approach to Positive Education. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(4), pp. 395-405. doi:10.1007/s40688-019-00267-8

4 Morote, R. et al. (2020). Development and validation of the theory-driven School Resilience Scale for Adults: Preliminary results, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 119,2020,105589, ISSN 0190-7409.

5 Cavioni V, Grazzani I, Ornaghi V, Agliati A and Pepe A. (2021). Adolescents’ Mental Health at School: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction. Front. Psychol. 12:720628. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720628

6 Voigt. A., (2020). Restoring Teaching: how working restoratively unleashes the teacher and school leader within you. Melbourne. Adam Voigt

7 Charteris. J., et al. (2021). Psychological safety in innovative learning environments: planning for inclusive spaces. International Journal of Inclusive Education. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2021.1974108

8 Hannon. L. & O’Donnell. G.M., (2011). Teachers, parents, and family-school partnerships: emotions, experiences, and advocacy. Journal of Education for Teaching. Vol. 48, NO. 2, 241-255.

9 Borazon. E. Q, Chuang. H-H. (2023). Resilience in educational system: A systematic review and directions for future research, International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 99,102761, ISSN 0738-0593

10 See 4

¹¹ Cohen, J. (2013). Creating a Positive School Climate: A Foundation for Resilience. In: Goldstein, S., Brooks, R. (eds) Handbook of Resilience in Children. Springer, Boston, MA.

¹² Denham, S.A., Bassett, H.H. & Zinsser, K. (2012). Early Childhood Teachers as Socializers of Young Children’s Emotional Competence. Early Childhood Educ J 40, 137–143.

¹³ Green. S., Grant. A. & Rynsaardt, J. (2007). Evidence-based life coaching for senior high school students: Building hardiness and hope. International Coaching Psychology Review. Vol. 2 No. 1 March. The British Psychological Society – ISSN: 1750-2764.

14 Closs, L., Mahat, M. & Imms, W. (2022). Learning environments’ influence on students’ learning experience in an Australian Faculty of Business and Economics. Learning Environ Res 25, 271–285.

¹5 Kariippanon, K., et al. (2018). Learning Environments Research. Perceived interplay between flexible learning spaces and teaching, learning and student wellbeing.

16 Gray, T., Martin, P. (2012). The role and place of outdoor education in the Australian National Curriculum. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education 16, 39–50 /.

17 18 National Quality Standards Professional Learning Program (NQS PLP) e-Newsletter No. 30 (2012).

19 ABC Education (2023) Primary schools help children thrive, but they could be better and fairer, ABC Education. Available at: https://www.abc.net.


20 Supporting Family-School-Community partnerships for learning. Department of Education (2022, September 7). https://www.education.gov.au/ supporting-family-school-community-partnerships-learning.

²¹ The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries. (2023). In OECD Education Working Papers. https://doi.org/10.1787/158101f0-en

²² Barker, B., & Harris, D. (2020). Parent and Family Engagement: An Implementation Guide for School Communities. Canberra: ARACY.

²³ Emerson, L., Fear.J, Fox, S., & Sanders, E. (2012). Parental engagement in learning and schooling. A report by the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth for the Family-School and Community Partnerships Bureau.

24 ARACY. (2019). Please Just Say You’re Proud of Me: Perspectives of Young People on Parent Engagement and Doing Well at School. Canberra: ARACY.

25 Longmuir, F., Gallo Cordoba, B., Phillips, M., Allen, K.A. & Moharami, M. (2022). Australian Teachers’ Perceptions of their Work in 2022. Monash University.

26 Turner, K. & Thielking, M. (2019). Teacher wellbeing: Its effects on teaching practice and student learning. Issues in Educational Research, 29(3), 938-960.

27 EIB spotlight paper - classroom coaching that makes a difference. (2021). Available at: https://schoolreviews.education.qld.gov.au/res/documents/ eib-classroom-coaching-makes-difference-spotlight-paper.pdf (Accessed: 27 October 2023).

28 Improvement, L. (2023) Principles for Building Capability, Education. Available at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/professional-learning/high-impact-professional-learning/professional-learning-that-builds-the-capability-of-all-school-s.

29 O’Reilly M, Svirydzenka N, Adams S, Dogra N. Review of mental health promotion interventions in schools. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2018 Jul;53(7):647-662. doi: 10.1007/s00127-018-1530-1. Epub 2018 May 11. PMID: 29752493; PMCID: PMC6003977.

30 Ho, P. and Dix, K. (2020) Implementing evidence-based strategies to improve student wellbeing, Teacher Magazine. Available at: https://www.teachermagazine.com/au_en/articles/implementing-evidence-based-strategies-to-improve-student-wellbeing.

³¹ Wellbeing in australian schools (no date a) AITSL. Available at: https:// www.aitsl.edu.au/research/spotlights/wellbeing-in-australian-schools.

³² Waters, L. & Loton, D. (2019). SEARCH: A meta framework and review of the field of positive education. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (2019) 4:1–46.

³³ Dix, K, Ahmed, SK, Carslake, T, Sniedze-Gregory, S, O’Grady, E & Trevitt, J. (2020), Student health and wellbeing: A systematic review of intervention research examining effective student wellbeing in schools and their academic outcomes. Available at: https://evidenceforlearning.org.au/education-evidence/evidence-reviews/student-health-and-wellbeing.

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