The MHD April 2010 Issue

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MHD the moreton hall Directory delivered free to your home every month!

Inside this issue: spring cleaning

Sweet but healthy recipes APRIL calendar

Flower Power Fashion plus much more…

British Summer Time!

2x Hi-Vis Waistcoats Required when travelling through Europe

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What’s on at... Lots to enjoy at The Pykkerell throughout April. Join the fun! Call us for more details.


EASTER BONANZA! Sunday 4th April

Bring the whole family to The Pykkerell this Easter Sunday for a great day out! BBQ (from 1.00pm) 2.00pm Kids Treasure Hunt

Charity Race Night

FREE Easter Egg for all children taking part

Friday 9th April, 7pm

4.00pm – Bingo 6.00pm – Family Quiz

Fancy a flutter? Place your bets and see if it’s your lucky night. Odds on, you can make it!

Get a team together for £5.

7.30pm – Karaoke PLUS! Meat Draw

Registered charity number 208231

Tickets £2 a strip or £5 for 3 strips

All proceeds from both these events to landlord Adrian’s 4th London Marathon Run in aid of SCOPE




Choose from our selection of delicious home-made curries.

A 8oz chargrilled steak served with chips, onion rings, mushrooms & tomato.

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38 High Street, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2HH

T: 01359 230 398




e! es

MHD the moreton hall Directory

Welcome to the April edition of the Moreton Hall Directory.

Gemma Walters T: 01359 271150

Advertising/Copy Deadline for May 2010 Issue: Wednesday 21st April

Contact us Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: gemma@moretonhalldirectory. com While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from nonpublication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.

Well, we have now officially entered British Summer Time! Yes, it does mean we lost an hour in bed (boo!), but it also means we’re well on the way to nice lighter evenings, so instead of scurrying home to curl up indoors after work, we can now enjoy a bit more ‘outdoor’ time. If you’re a member of Facebook, please join our new facebook page (more details on page 11) for all the latest news, what’s on and special deals in the area. Some of our advertisers this month have included vouchers or special offers especially for you. If you take the Arco ad on the inside page to the Arco Store, you can receive a free pair of work gloves. Plus check out the great deals available at Indian Restaurant, Orissa on page 33, with almost an offer for every day of the week, why not treat yourselves to a night off in the kitchen. We hope this issue brings something for everyone. If there is anything you would like to see in the magazine, please do let me know, I’d love to hear from you. I hope you all have a fabulous April and I’ll see you in May.


mhdcontents APRIL 2010

Community & Family 6-23 April Calendar 6 Frank Warby 8 Christ Church Moreton Hall 12-13 Andrew Southwood 14 Woodland Ways 16 Karen Cannard, Food for Thought 18-19 Wine Clubs 22 Police Newsletter 25

What’s On April April fun for the kids What’s on at the Community Centre Hidden Gardens News Cinema listings

Food & Drink Sweet but healthy recipes

Shopping Flower Power MHD Sale

Health & Beauty Bury Osteopaths Self Centre How to tame a sweet tooth 30 years in a cut throat market

Business Matters First job interview Accountancy Matters by TaxLogic

24-31 24 26 27 30 32-33 32 34-35 34 35 36-43 36 38-39 40-41 42 44-48 44-45 47

Home & Garden


Spring Cleaning April in the garden

50-51 54

Motoring & Travel


Travelling alone this Summer?


Useful Numbers



APRIL 2010








Good Friday

sunday Easter Day Family Fun Day at The Pykkerell, Ixworth from 2pm

01 Easter Monday

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)








Charity Race Night at The Pykkerell, Ixworth from 7pm




Start of the Summer BBQ Charity Bash (Moreton Hall Community Centre Tickets £10 available at bar)












St George’s Day

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)











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Frank Warby Contact Frank on 07818 455472

YOUTH CLUB We now have three young ladies trained in youth work and CRB checked who help us run the youth club. They have put together a programme for the next three months, which includes a fish and chip night, ten pin bowling, a night at the cinema and many other activities. The club has also been successful in winning an award from BT thanks to an application made by Clive Springett. We should soon be in possession of a brand new computer valued around £500, plus a year’s subscription to broadband. We have a basketball net erected on a hard standing. I am concerned about a rumour that the club was raided by the police; this is not true and completely unfounded. We have a very good relationship with the police and request that when they are in the area on the nights that the club is open, they drop in and chat with the children. So all you mums and dads who were concerned about the club and kept your children away, come and have a look again at what we have to offer.

HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE A meeting held at the Moreton Hall Community Centre gave locals an opportunity to question officers and members of the borough cabinet about the plan to build another 500 houses on an 11 acre site just beside the Flying Fortress Public House. Tempers ran high and it was made clear from those that attended, they did not want any more houses built on our estate. The main problems are the infrastructure, congestion and parking. The suggestion that a link road to the A14 would reduce the amount of traffic coming through the estate and ease the problems at Sainsbury’s intersection. This was shot down because the traffic which would use the link road would still have to exit at Sainsbury’s. Another gridlock area is Mount Road on to Eastgate Street. With the development just off

Eastgate Street and the traffic from Moreton Hall it takes about 30 minutes to get from the top of Mount Road to Angel Hill. The chief Executive Officer for the borough asked for a show of hands from those present, for and against the extra 500 houses and every one voted against any more houses, this was also supported by all local councillors, Cllr Warby, Cllr Buckel and Cllr Beckwith. Hopefully the borough will have got the message. While we understand the need for housing we also feel that its time to build elsewhere. Enough is enough. Your comments would be appreciated; you can email me at: Let us hope that the planners take note of concerns of the residents and local councillors.

SPRING CLEAN Most of you may have noticed that the council have been giving our estate a spring clean! Edging the pathways and clearing verges. The woodland group do a wonderful job in keeping our woodland areas in good order and the pathways through them nice to walk on, many thanks

to them. Bury in Bloom has been launched, so spruce up your gardens and let us see an abundance of flowers. I know our two schools do quite a lot during this period, Abbots Green with their vegetable garden, won a prize last year. So keep up the good work!

Let’s Clean Up Moreton Hall A litter pick has been organised for Moreton Hall. If you’d like to walk off your Sunday lunch and have an hour to spare to help keep the estate tidy, join in the spring clean on Sunday 18th April. Meet outside the youth club at 2.30pm. Equipment will be provided.

Until May be safe, look in on your neighbours Frank email




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Finding the right fit... If the ability to communicate is so important when the car won’t start or the PC can’t seem to find a connection to the net, then how much more important is communication when it comes to re-starting life and finding a connection to someone new? Lesley Wilson of locallybased Retrack Introductions recognises the need to communicate with her clients, to personally meet and actually talk them before attempting to match like-minded individuals for lasting relationships. Having run a successful, independent business covering Suffolk and Norfolk for over eight years, Lesley has a genuine interest and compassion for people, coupled with a huge desire to help find the right partner. Many people have tried online



dating sites and have the horror stories to prove it, but unlike these, Lesley offers a personal, confidential and safe one-to-one matching service based on a friendly and sympathetic approach. Whilst an evening with Brad or Angelina may not be everyone’s idea of a dream date (well, nearly everyone’s idea of a dream date), Lesley appreciates that we all have amazingly different tastes. “After all,” says Lesley, “not everybody is at home in high stilettos, some go for comfy loafers or trainers and some are only really happy in a pair of wellies or football boots. My members come from all walks of life and the one thing they all have in common is a desire to meet that special someone.” Members range from their 30’s to their 70’s and Retrack recently hosted a well-

attended wine tasting and singles evening at a Bury wine bar, where a Mayfair wine merchant was invited to impart his knowledge of wine with plenty of sampling. It’s an added service that Lesley would like to organise on a regular basis. Lisa from Suffolk says “Lesley offers an excellent, personal one-to-one service with an uncanny ability to find the right match for the right person. Her honest approach at affordable prices makes her service second to none. I cannot thank her enough for finding the perfect person for me!” If you would like further information on Retrack Introductions please contact Lesley Wilson on 01638 711616 for an informal chat or email her at and mention The MHD.


Join The Moreton Hall Directory

on facebook Are you on facebook? Please join The Moreton Hall Directory facebook page for all the latest news in your area, what’s on, special offers and much, much more! Have your say and join us today at: or search The Moreton Hall Directory to find us.

We look forward to seeing you there! themhd



Christ Church Moreton Hall

Jonathan Ford Contact The Church Office on 01284 725391 For those of you who read my article on a regular basis, I hope you have recovered from the huge gaffe that appeared in last month’s issue. Yes, Mothering Sunday was on 14th March not 21st. Sorry about that. I hope not too many people were put off and, of course, it provided some of you men with a golden excuse for forgetting 14th.

rabbi, of uncertain parentage, with no formal education, who died a premature and untimely death over two thousand years ago? Why is it that He, above all people is remembered by so many people and continues to be a talking point for all religions, philosophies and those who are interested in both personal and corporate morality?

Easter is the most important event in the Christian calendar and this year, like many years before, somewhere between two to three billion people, that is to say one third of the world’s total population of six billion, will be celebrating this day.

On the one hand, it was His teaching which, as even people like Gandhi would say, has never been exceeded and rarely equaled. Statements like “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” and “Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself” live with us still.

In addition to that, Easter is an important time for other faith groups as well. Not because they disagree with it or are offended by it, but in many ways they are linked to it. Islam for example, acknowledges Jesus Christ as a prophet and that he lived. Many people in Islam do put their faith in Christ every year. Judaism acknowledges that Jesus existed and lived when the gospels said He did. He is also referenced in Hinduism and many of the other faiths. Even for those people without faith Jesus Christ is one of the greatest of the world’s moral philosophers. His life and work has inspired literally thousands of care-workers and human justice organizations by people who would not call themselves religious. So what is about this young Jewish



Secondly, there were the great miracles he performed, feeding the five thousand, walking water, which are stories that persist in every culture in every age. Thirdly, there was the consistency of His life. No man ever loved like this man. His sense of self-sacrifice and of passionate justice has produced some of our greatest works of art, films, and poems. The real centerpiece of the life of Christ is the claim that after He died He rose from the dead. This was not just a conjuring trick, or even a farfetched story. People found they could talk to Him, be with Him, and touch Him. People were so convinced about this they went to their deaths proclaiming it and would not give up until every person

they knew had heard the story. The authenticating sign was that as people who had never met Jesus listened to the teachings, put it into practice and prayed the prayer asking Jesus into their lives, something wonderful happened to them. In that way the resurrection and Jesus’ supernatural presence has never stopped touching people and continues to do so to this very day. The true significance of the resurrection is that we no longer need to be afraid of death. Death is not the end. There is a life to go to. There is a life that can be accessed only through Jesus. This is the Christian hope and is the Christian promise. It gives strength and peace for people to live this life as they should and hope for the future. They need not look forward to their old age with fear. This has been the hope which it has been my privilege to proclaim for over twenty years on this estate and also my great privilege to know for myself for over thirty-five years. It is my prayer that you find this for yourself this Easter and by so doing find that Jesus is a real and living friend who will be with you today. With every blessing, Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford


Start of the Summer BBQ APRIL 2010 SERVICES 4th 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion for EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES APRIL 2010 4th


8.30 am Holy Communion

11th 10.30am All Age Worship and Worship

10.30 am Holy Communion for SUNDAY EASTER 6.30pm Prayer 10.30 am All Age Worship 6.30pm Prayer & Worship

18th 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 6.30 pm A Time of Refreshing

10.30 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Worship

25th 10.30pm Morning 6.30 pm Healing Communion

Worship 6.30pm Healing Communion




what a

waste! by Andrew Southwood

I have a bit of a thing about waste. In particular, unnecessary packaging infuriates me far more than it should. With that in mind you can image that supermarket Easter eggs sit pretty high (just behind those stupid flags which some people feel the need to attach to their cars in the mistaken believe it will in someway help their team win the World Cup) on my list of pointless things.

other European countries, where people are much more prepared to let their feelings be known. Perhaps the slightly more ‘British’ way to register your thoughts is just not to buy products wrapped in several layers of plastic, and opt for the more sensibly displayed goods? This in itself can prove difficult, as even today it seems many leading brands compete for the most ornately wrapped goods. Would

period. I’m sure I’m not the only person who has tried rather too enthusiastically to get into a well wrapped egg using a breadknife? It’s not that I want to outlaw Easter egg hunts, or ban the sale of chocolate eggs, but there must be a better way of celebrating Easter with your friends and family. In my day we used to hollow out eggs (I still have no idea how that worked?) and paint them, or make

I’m sure I’m not the only person who has tried rather too enthusiastically to get into a well wrapped egg using a breadknife? A few years ago I read about a brilliant campaign against excessive supermarket packaging. The idea was simple, leave your excess packaging at the checkout for the supermarket to deal with! There was just one main draw back. Us Brits are so scared of causing a scene that people simply wouldn’t do it. Apparently similar campaigns were far more successful in



it really be the end of the world if occasionally a chocolate egg got slightly chipped?

bespoke Easter bonnets out of cornflakes packets and yogurt pots.

You can (and I sure all of you do!) recycle all that card and plastic, but environmentally it would be far better not to produce it in the first place. A reduction in packaging would have the added bonus of significantly reducing A&E admissions over the holiday

Come to think of it, neither the decorated egg shell nor glue covered head dress were anywhere near as tasty and that huge, and beautifully packaged, Cadbury’s egg I got last year.


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River out of Africa Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways If you stood on the Rock of Gibraltar last month, you would have seen a vast river flowing over your head – a river of birds. Every African autumn, our spring, five billion African birds flood out of that great continent and head north to exploit our trees, woods, hedges, nest boxes, bird tables, gardens and parks across the whole of Europe. The Mediterranean Sea is narrowest at Gibraltar and most birds fly over there, so they avoid a long sea crossing. Some of these five billion African birds come to Moreton Hall. The woodland alongside Bedingfield Way has chiff-chaffs singing their monotonous call that sounds like it name. Home Covert has singing blackcaps, also known as the northern nightingale, at least half of which have come from Africa. Whitethroats are singing in the line of bushes beside the path from Abbots Green school to Tesco Express. These tiny birds, only 12-14cm long and weighing a few grams, have flown several thousand miles and now



brighten our lives with their song as we go about our daily business. A couple of months ago, in southern African countries, people saw these birds feeding before their arduous flight north. These birds are loved down there as much as they are up here; they are African birds, part of the African culture, brightening African people with their song. When we see or hear an African bird in Moreton Hall, we immediately have a link to those African people who, just a few weeks ago, also saw or heard that bird. Our continents, countries and

towns are linked by these global travellers; our children and their children marvel at the same birds, we have h esame emotions, we miss the birds when the other has them. One of our best African birds is the nightingale. It passes through Moreton Hall but does not stay. Woodland Ways Pond is a good place to listen for it; Russell often hears it there.

Why not join Woodland Ways..

Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@


Food for thought

The Suffolk Diet by Karen Cannard

Being a supporter of local produce, I was lucky to have had the opportunity in March to quite literally “put my money where my mouth is”, when I was challenged to go for one week living off food that had either been grown, reared or produced in Suffolk. Of course there are natural benefits of buying locally produced food, including reduced food miles, a reduction in carbon and an opportunity to support the local economy, but I was also intrigued about what else I would discover as a result of following through with the challenge. And I wondered how easy the experiment would really be.



The week kicked off with a promising start, ordering a widerange of produce that would fit in with our regular requirements, including dairy products (such as milk, cream, yoghurts and cheese), fish and meat. I also ordered a range of Suffolk grown vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms and kale. In fact there was lots of kale, probably too much than I knew what to do with. I don’t recall ever eating it before let alone having to cook it and this locally grown vegetable was unexpectedly the start of my learning curve, as were other matters such as how best to serve oysters from Orford and how to make pastry out of mashed potato.

However, planning a family menu based entirely on Suffolk food wasn’t as hard as I had expected. In fact it was a doddle, as I didn’t even have to go hunting around the county for my ingredients. I just ordered what I wanted from a local social enterprise, Local Food Direct, which delivers Suffolk and Norfolk produce directly to your door and a few days later it arrived on my doorstep. Anything else I needed was supplemented from shops around Bury St Edmunds. Although I missed things like tomatoes, which were not in season, this was only a minor inconvenience for a week and it made me think about trying out different kinds of produce. As a

community&family result, the biggest lesson I learnt was about the variety of food that we have available in our county. And where I’ve always supplemented our regular family meals with local food, I’ve realised that it is now easy to switch that balance around and reduce the food miles in my shopping basket once and for all. The Local Food Direct service makes this goal possible, by providing access to a wide range of producers from around the region and its shopping site shows that it is not necessarily any more expensive than buying the same quality of produce from elsewhere. Even seafood lovers can get hold of a dozen oysters for just under £6 and supporters of organic produce will find that

fruit and vegetables are very competitively priced too. So with the challenge over, I am most definitely a convert and have changed my affiliation to some fabulous producers from around the county. After all, with this conveniently available on our doorstep, with all the frills that you’ll find at the supermarket, who really needs a basic veg-box imported from elsewhere! And the latest news is that even though local tomatoes weren’t available in March, they are now available to order online. They’re not from Suffolk, but come from over the border in Norfolk. However that’s not really an issue is it, because when it comes to food miles, that’s a heck of a lot nearer than Spain.

Useful links: Local Food Direct:


Wyken Farmers Market:

Stop Press! Karen’s Suffolk Diet challenge is documented in an online diary, which can be found at www. If you are keen to find out more about Suffolk food, listen into the “All About Suffolk” programme on BBC Radio Suffolk, where Lesley Dolphin covers what’s happening around the county.1-4pm: 95.5FM, 95.9FM, 103.9FM and 104.6FM

WHATS IN SEASON NOW: Beetroot, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, kale, leeks, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, potatoes (maincrop & Jersey Royal), purple sprouting broccoli, rhubarb, rocket, shallots, spinach, spring onions, swede. themhd



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Bury Rugby Club Sponsorship Frames Conservatories Direct are very pleased to announce their continued main club sponsorship of The Bury Rugby Club for the 2010-2011 season. As a family run business with its core roots in the local community, Frames Conservatories Direct strongly believe in supporting local clubs and organisations within the Bury St Edmunds region. Adrian Lewis, Managing Director of Frames Conservatories Direct said: “We are extremely proud to be a part of The Bury Rugby Club again this year. The commitment shown by the teams and all the members at the Club is fantastic”.



“We do as much as we can to support our local sporting community, The Bury Rugby Club is a great organisation for people of all ages, and we are looking forward to them staging the ULR International 7’s on May 9th 2010. With 16 teams from around the world taking part, these are exciting times for both the Club and Bury St Edmunds”.

and ensures that we can continue developing and striving to cement our position as one of the premier sports clubs in the region.”

Nigel Birrell, Commercial Chairman at the club said “We are absolutely delighted that Adrian, Alex and the team at Frames Conservatories Direct have decided to continue their association with the Rugby Club for the 4th year. In the current economic situation it is a great vote of confidence in the club,

Facilities at the Club also include a new gym open to both members and non-members, a superb bar and clubhouse which is also available to hire, meeting and conference rooms, and 2 all-weather football pitches. If you would like more information, please contact The Club on: 01284 753920.

The Bury Rugby Club have thriving youth and senior rugby sections at the Haberden and they attribute the quality of facilities available to the backing they receive from their major sponsors.

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Should you join a

Wine Club? Wine clubs offer the beginner an ideal way to learn about the subtleties and complexities of wine, and they offer the connoisseur a chance to experience wine they otherwise might not find. The ease and convenience of having terrific wines delivered on a regular basis make filling an impressive wine rack a simple and considerably less expensive task. By far the best way to learn about wines is to drink them. It sounds obvious, but many people forget the need to actually experience different wines. A great way to taste many different kinds of wine is to join a wine club. There are clubs that meet in bars and restaurants, where various wines are compared. These tastings can be a lot



of fun, but they tend to be expensive. Another idea is to host your own tasting party. This naturally raises some questions. How can you buy enough different wine to accommodate several friends at a reasonable price without enough knowledge about wine to make informed selections? The answer is a simple solution: wine programs, many of which are available online. These clubs offer great wines selected by experts at very good prices. Plus, they deliver. With busy days the norm, having an expert do the hard work for you is a smart idea. From beginner wine clubs that feature fruity and easydrinking wines to top-of-theline crafted varieties from the world’s top winemakers,

finding a good balance between excellent wines and reasonable prices can be a challenge. For those people who consider themselves connoisseurs, a wine club is a great idea. Experiencing new varietals and exotic blends, trying the latest and greatest from proven winemakers, and being able to refine the palate even further are all benefits of membership in a fine wine club. Stocking up every month from wine clubs means that great wine is always on hand for those romantic candlelight dinners. With a world of wine delivered to your door on a regular basis, there’s never a need to panic when that special someone comes over.


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April fun for the kids Easter Fun instore at Sainsbury’s Thursday 1 April 2010 Sainbury’s, Bedingfeld Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7EJ Come and join in the Easter fun at Sainsbury’s between the 24th March and the 4th April, this Easter Sainsbury’s have teamed up with Cadbury’s to let you and the kids have some fun instore! Come in store and get creative with the kids at Easter Fun Days, featuring face painting, card making, creative drawing and more. Also solve the Easter Egg Hunt question and you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a family car or one of 50 family tickets to Cadbury World! Easter event Sun 4th April 2010 West Stow Anglo Saxon Village, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk Easter celebrations taking place in the First English Village with an Anglo-Saxon costume event and Anglo Saxon market stalls through to modern stalls. For all the family. Included in normal admission No need to book. 10am-5pm Telephone: 01284 728718 Email: uk Easter Treasure Trail for Children Tuesday 6th April 2010 Brandon Country Park, Brandon, Suffolk A small prize for all who take part in this easter trail! Anytime between 2pm-3.30pm FREE (donations appreciated) Dress up and join the fun All ages welcome



All dates and times correct at time of going to press, please check with individual venue for booking and confirmation.

The Mermaid Princess Wednesday 7th April 2010 Theatre Royal, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk Once upon a time, in the depths of the ocean, a mermaid princess is singing, and a young prince is drowning … she saves him … he kisses her … I love you, you love me…the mermaid exchanges her tail and sublime voice for two legs, but the prince, alas, marries another! The Mermaid Princess is a captivating new adaptation of Andersen’s The Little Mermaid; a haunting tale of a young mermaid who sacrifices all for love. The production completes a trilogy of visually enthralling, theatrical fairy tales by Teatro Kismet exploring themes of rites of passage, following the internationally acclaimed Beauty and the Beast and The Snow Queen. Combining music, dance, theatre and beautiful costumes, Kismet’s simply staged and inventive style will transport you from a shipwreck in the depths of the ocean to a

prince’s castle, from a sea witch’s cavern to a cloud of sea mist lifting to the skies. Thrilling, sensual and unforgettable theatre guaranteed to capture the imagination of both children and adults alike. Most suitable for anyone aged 8 and above. Email:

Meet the Medieval Craftswomen Wednesday 14th April 2010 Moyses Hall Museum, Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1DX Come along and drop in to meet Editha, a medieval craftswoman for activities during the day. Demonstrations and activities. Included in normal entry. For all the family. No need to book. 11am - 4pm Email:

PC Owen

Community Police


Contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team East – Moreton Hall on 01284 774100 It finally looks like the warmer weather is arriving, which means more people will be out and about enjoying the brighter weather.

Internet. You must pull over to a safe location. Risk using a hand-held mobile phone when driving, and you risk a fine.

I am sure many of you see people using mobile phones when driving, far too often. SWITCH IT OFF! MISSING A CALL WILL NOT KILL YOU!

Mobile phones and the law Driving when using a hand-held mobile phone is now illegal and you may be fined £60. This can be increased to a maximum of £1,000 (£2,500 for drivers of vans, lorries, buses and coaches) if the matter goes to court.

Drive responsibly Phones in cars can have many benefits. They provide security and help in an emergency. However, they are distracting if used when driving and this increases the risk of a crash. It is hard to do two things at once and to drive safely you must concentrate on the road. Switch off before you drive off It is now ILLEGAL to use a handheld mobile phone when driving, even when you are stopped at traffic lights or in a queue of traffic. This includes making or receiving calls, pictures, text messaging or accessing the

Picking up or using any type of phone or similar device that is, or must be, held to operate it, would be breaking the law. You can also be prosecuted for using a hands-free mobile phone, if you fail to have proper control of your vehicle. Drive carelessly or dangerously when using any phone and the penalties can include disqualification, a large fine and up to two years imprisonment. Visit Road Safety website: www.

CRIME IN YOUR AREA We are still having several thefts from motor vehicles on the Moreton Estate. Please contact us if you see anything suspicious. Please keep your cars locked, as they are targeting ones that are insecure. Meet the Team Sainsburys, 12 April 2010 1300 – 1430 hours Asda, 18 April 2010 1300 – 1430 hours Waitrose, 26 April 2010 1300 – 1430 hours SNT TEAM PRIORITIES: 1. Modified Vehicle Enthusiasts Our next meeting is: 21 April 2010, 2.00 pm at Moreton Hall Community Centre, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7EW. Please try to attend if at all possible; we would be very pleased to meet you. PC Amos Owen Tel:01284 774100

PC Amos Owen E-mail: PCSO Deborah Carroll-Beer E-mail: Sgt Steve Tully E-mail: The East/West Safer Neighbourhood Team is based at Bury Police Station and can be contacted by telephone on 01284 774100 or by e-mail at With best wishes and regards from the Neighbourhood Team.



Moreton Hall Community Centre A great place that has it all!


Tuesday 6th & 20th April

Start of the summ er bbq/disco

in aid of Scope, tickets £10 available behind the bar

Saturday 17th April

able room hiriees avail

rt • Children’s Pa eceptions • Wedding R ions • Private Funct Facilities • Conference ed Kitchen • Fully Equipp rices! mpetitive p co All at very 763402 ll on 01284 ca a e Give Kerri –1.00pm 9.00am Office Hours:

Bar Telephone 01284 763405

Moreton Hall club 10 year anniversarypm

st May, 7 Saturday 1 Open Night. ree entry All welcome, f cked evening a p n u f ily m a F araoke, with disco, k th sense) live band (six ws! and prize dra

Moreton hall p ost office • Next Day D eliver y by

9am or 1pm • Alliance & Le icester Busine ss Banking • Travel Money

– Euros & Dol lars held in stock, all ot her currency available by next day • Car and Van Insurance Telephone 01284


Memberships now available: Family £10, Individual £5





The South Suffolk Show Ampton Racecourse, Ingham Nr Bury St. Edmunds Follow the signs off the A134

SUNDAY, MAY 9th 2010 A Traditional Agricultural Show Featuring Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Craft Marquee, Food Hall, Trade Stands of all types, Public Catering, Fun Fair and Vintage Machinery. Ring attractions to include “The Flying Gunners” and “Stallions of Substance”, with displays by the West Suffolk and Eastern Counties Motor Club, Hawk Experience Falconry Display Team, Suffolk Gundog Club and the EATC with Terrier Racing.

Come along to the “South Suffolk” and experience a Great Day out. Admission: Adults £8, Children 5-15 & Senior Citizens £5, Family Ticket £25 (See website for advance discounted ticket bookings form) FREE CAR PARKING For further information Tel: 01638 750879 or view


Sunday 20th June 2010 On the 3rd Sunday of each June Bury St Edmunds hosts the original ‘Hidden Gardens’ day out. This event attracts well over 2000 visitors each year and has raised £191,000 for our local Hospice. Around 30 gardens in the historic centre of town welcome visitors to experience their hidden delights. Our traditional yellow programme costs £5 and with map and garden descriptions allows entry to all gardens, representing real value for money.

Accompanied under 14’s go free. As they follow the garden map visitors also enjoy a walk around the medieval grid of town streets with notable buildings from the 14th century, through Georgian, to the present day. Gardens hidden behind the street façade are varied - from ingeniously floral patios to cottage garden and ‘English country garden’ styles with plenty of ideas to copy. Plants are available from a professional nursery stall and treasures can be found to buy in several gardens.

Amazing 24th year!

Refreshments are available in selected gardens (proceeds to our hospice charity) or bring a picnic! The programme is available from the Tourist Information Centre from Easter onwards: tel: 01284 764667 or e-mail: Credit card bookings are taken. Advance programmes give plenty of time to plan your walk. Programmes are also available on the day from the Tourist Information Centre or from St Nicholas Hospice gazebo on Angel Hill. themhd


MHD Apr valid til end Apr 10


Films for

April… MHD

recommen ds


NANNY MCPHEE & THE BIG BANG Director: Susanna White Starring: Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rhys Ifans, Maggie Smith

Emma Thompson returns to the role of the magical nanny who appears when she’s needed the most and wanted the least! Nanny McPhee (Emma Thompson) appears at the door of Mrs Isabel Green (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war. But once she’s arrived, Nanny McPhee discovers that Mrs Green’s children are fighting a war of their own against two spoiled city cousins who have just moved in and refuse to leave. Relying on everything from a flying motorcycle and a statue that comes to life to a tree-climbing piglet and a baby elephant who turns up in the oddest places, Nanny McPhee uses her magic to teach her mischievous charges five new lessons. Based on the ‘Nurse Matilda’ books by Christianna Brand, this in the next chapter of the hilarious and heartwarming fable that has enchanted children around the world.



Director: John Lee Hancock Starring: Kathy Bates, Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Jae Head, Lily Collins, Ray McKinnon

The feelgood drama of the year stars Golden Globe-winning Sandra Bullock as a mother who transforms a homeless teenager into a star athlete - her go-getting performance also earned Bullock the Oscar for Best Actress. Homeless and under-educated African-American teenager Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) has precious little going for him. A gentle giant, he’s isolated at school and traumatized by the gangsters in his run-down neighbourhood. A shadow of the person he should be, it’s not until he befriends a young boy named SJ Tuohy (Jae Head) and gets taken under the wing of SJ’s mother Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) that Michael gets the help he needs to reach his true potential. The gutsy matriarch of a well-off white family, Leigh Anne is determined to help Michael overcome the adversities he faces from his family, teachers and peers. With his new home environment and adopted family, Michael makes steady progress, and ultimately sets off on the road towards becoming an All-American sporting hero.



Director: Martin Scorsese Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle Williams, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Jackie Earle Haley, Max von Sydow In 1954, US marshals Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are ordered to investigate the disappearance of a patient from a mental hospital on Shutter Island, a remote outcrop some 11 miles off the coast of Boston. The missing patient is Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer), a murderess who seems to have defied the high security in the hospital and vanished into thin air. As Teddy begins his investigation, he starts to unearth some sinister goings on but it becomes clear that nobody, including the hospital’s enigmatic chief (Ben Kingsley), is willing to talk. When a hurricane hits Shutter Island, more inmates manage to escape and Teddy becomes trapped. Now plagued by terrifying visions and doubting everything, including his partner, Teddy begins to question his sanity and fears he’ll never make it off the island alive.

Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Hollywood Film Theatre, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.




PRESENTS Registered Charity Number: 278388 Founded 1902

Noel Coward’s

Affiliated to the National Operatic and Dramatic Association

Advertise with The Moreton Hall Directory ­

Tel: 01359 271150


Tuesday 20th to Saturday 24th April 2010 at 7.30pm Matinee: Saturday 2.30pm Tickets: £19.50 - £7.00 Box Office: 01284 769505

Noel Coward’s best-known musical - romantic, funny, dramatic and with Coward’s unforgettable music! Words and music by Noel Coward. An amateur production by arrangement with Samuel French Limited.

PC Problems? Broadband connections ● Wireless setup ● Security ● Data recovery ● Backup ● Virus and Spyware removal ● Health checks and maintenance Repairs, Upgrades and Installations

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You can email me at themhd


food&drink Try these two healthy sweet recipes

Almost No Fat Banana


This no-guilt treat is surprising moist and has a wonderful flavour. It’s also a great way to use up over-ripe bananas. For a little variation, you can add nuts or sultanas.

Ingredients 200g (7 oz) plain flour 140g (5 oz) caster sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 egg whites 3 bananas, mashed 4 tablespoons apple purée or sauce

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas mark 4. Lightly grease a 20x10cm (8x4 in) loaf tin. 2. In a large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon. Add egg whites, bananas and apple purée; stir just until combined. Pour batter into prepared tin.

3. Bake in preheated oven for 50 to 55 minutes, until a skewer inserted into centre of loaf comes out clean. Turn out onto wire rack and allow to cool before slicing. Tip: If your bananas are already black but you can’t make a cake right away, simply pop them in the freezer. Defrost the bananas whenever you’re ready to bake!

Slimming Worlds Recipe of the month…

Chocolate Hot Cross Buns Serves: 16 Syns per serving: 7 Syns on Green and Original

Ingredients 1lb/454g strong plain white bread flour Pinch of salt 1 tbsp mixed spice 2 sachets low calorie drinking chocolate powder, eg Options 2 tsp easy blend dried yeast 2oz/57g currants 2 tbsp sunflower oil 10fl oz/284ml lukewarm skimmed milk for the glaze: 1 tbsp granulated artificial sweetener



Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°/Gas 6. Line a large baking sheet with baking parchment. 2. Sift the flour, salt, mixed spice and drinking chocolate into a mixing bowl. Stir in the yeast and currants.

place for 1 hour until doubled in size. 5. Turn out and re-knead. Divide into 16 pieces, shape into buns and place on the baking sheet. Cover and leave for 20 to 30 minutes until doubled in size.

6. Using a sharp knife, score a small cross on the top of each 3. Make a well in the centre bun and bake in the oven for 15 to and spoon in the oil. Gradually 20 minutes until risen and golden pour in the milk and mix to form brown. a soft but not sticky, dough. 7. Meanwhile, make the glaze. 4. Turn out on to a lightly Dissolve the sweetener in 1 tbsp floured surface. Knead for hot water. As soon as the buns are 5 minutes until smooth and cooked, brush the glaze over each elastic. Place in a floured bowl, bun. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. cover and leave in a warm They are best served warm.

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T&C’s apply

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T&C’s apply



T&C’s apply

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T&C’s apply



Wednesday 4 main courses with Rice and Naan T&C’s apply



Sunday • 2 starters • 2 mains & rice • 2 side dishes T&C’s apply



Vouchers can only be used on the days stated. We look forward to seeing you!

108 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA

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Spring time means

Fl wer P wer! 2





Main Picture: Pretty Floral Lace Dress £25 from Matalan • 1. White Floral Vest £8 from TU at Sainsburys • 2. Floral Fabric Wrapped Bangles £8 from Topshop • 3. Grey & Pink Floral Print Vest £8 from TU at Sainsburys • 4. Floral Hitched Dress £18 from George at Asda • 5. Rose Print Lantern Pocket Skirt £29.99 from River Island




april 2010 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email: gemma@ Complete vinyl barbell & dumbell weights set £10 (£35 in argos) PC Speakers £3 Flat screen TFT monitor for PC - £5 All in very good condition, contact Andrew on 07969 114510 if interested

to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter?

2. The price. 3. Your telephone number.

Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process?

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

Please include: 1. Brief description of the item.

Shopaholics only!

Brown Leather two-seater sofa - excellent condition, £220 ono. Telephone Sarah on 07841 185475. Located on MH.


ST JAMES UNIFORM Tie, PE Shorts 30”, 2 pairs Jogging Bottoms 12/13 2 Rugby Shirts 34/36” All for £15. Tel 01284 718672

Pop by and say hello, I’d love to see you there!

Electric urn 3 gallon with tap and handles. £25. Tel. 01284 701403 A1 white board and flip chart, floor standing. Paper holder needs attention hence low price!! £10. Tel. 01284 701403 Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use

Gemma themhd



In the Garden…

Spring sees more activity in the garden and after a long period of not using muscles that are perhaps specific to gardeners, it is common to feel stiff and have back pain. So here are some tips on how to enjoy your gardening without feeling stiff afterwards.

Warm Up

You’re more likely to feel stiff if you use muscles without warming them up. So start with a light task (pruning for example) rather than heavy digging.



Pace Yourself

Rather than work for an hour in the garden, start with 20 minutes and gradually increase this time to 30 minutes, 40 minutes and so on, over the weeks.

Vary the Tasks

This is so you don’t use the same muscle groups for a prolonged period of time. Alternate heavy and light jobs. Begin with light clipping/ pruning for example, and after 10-15 minutes, change to hoeing or digging.


Digging is a major culprit for back pain and stiffness. The key is not to spend long periods of time in one position. Alternate the direction you dig a bed. In other words, turn the soil two to three times from left to right and then two to three times from right to left. This means that you are using both sides of your back, preventing muscles on one side becoming stiff. Information provided by Bury St Edmunds Osteopaths

01284 769153


✪ Burys newest unisex Hair & Beauty Salon ✪ Spacious, comfortable surroundings ✪ Fully air conditioned ✪ Free & easy parking ✪ OAP discounts available on Wednesdays ✪ Coco Bay Spray Tan Booth (Full Body Spray – £17.00)

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Opening Hours: Monday Tuesday & Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday

CLOSED 9.00am–8.00pm 9.00am–5.30pm 9.00am–7.00pm 9.00am–4.00pm

Stockists of:

Unit 2, Barton Road Retail Park, BSE

01284 767610 themhd



“Bend & Blend”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exercises and latest research blended together to promote health & vitality.

This month we look at the benefits of a gentle Detox for Spring Cleaning the body as well as the house Everyone feels a little sluggish this time of year – after the long winter months and then eating all that chocolate over Easter!! So why not try giving your system a light detox and clean, to give yourself more energy. Before you switch off and think I am going to suggest you starve yourself for days and then only eat lentils and lettuce – don’t worry, it’s really not that severe! In fact it’s good to give your digestive system a rest because digestion expends a lot of energy, when you lighten the load on the digestive system the body has time and energy to spring clean itself internally.

On the first day of your detox make yourself a very large pot of vegetable soup. You can choose whatever your favourite veggies are. Quick method is to cut them all up into medium chunks and sauté them in a large pan in a tablespoon of dairy free spread ( “Pure” is good ) and then cover with water, add a couple of organic veggie stock cubes and simmer for an hour, puree it in a liquidiser or with a hand blender. If you want a broth type soup instead then cut your veg up into little cubes or slices and add some beans, pearl barley or rice with your stock cube and simmer for an hour as above.

My suggestions are simple and will have the effect of giving you more energy, helping you to sleep better and improving your digestion and elimination.

Good combinations are:

The main things to cut out for 1 week are:

Tomatoes, cannelloni beans, leeks and carrots, with olive oil and basil (Italian broth)

• Wheat products (cakes, biscuits, bread, pastry, pasta etc) • Dairy products (butters, margarine with buttermilk, cream, yoghurts, ice cream)

Carrots, lentils, squash and parsley. (puree) Fennel, potato, courgette and rosemary. (puree)

Leeks, peas, grated carrot, pearl barley (scotch broth) Once you’ve made your soup – you live on that for the first 2 days.

• Meat (a little fish is fine – especially the oily kinds like mackerel, tuna, salmon)

Soup for lunch and tea and snacks throughout the day should consist of rice cakes, dried and fresh fruit.

• All processed foods (something that you bought in a packet that needs re-heating!)

You can then introduce some other light foods, like fish, nuts, pulses and loads more vegetables and fruits. Wheat free bread and crackers are allowed too.

• Eggs • Tea, coffee and alcohol. Start your day with a little lemon juice in a mug of hot water (cleanses and detoxifies the liver and gall bladder) Followed by a bowl of freshly made porridge using water or soya milk and a little honey if needed.



Drink loads of water (at least 2 litres a day) and be brave and try some of the more palatable herbal teas! (Peppermint is great for detoxing and settling the stomach) They say a week is a long time in

politics, but it’s even longer when you are on a detox! Just pace yourself, if you have the odd slip up, don’t crucify yourself over it, but try and be strict with yourself and give your digestive system a chance to have a good clear out. Our western diets can be very heavily dependent on dairy foods and together with animal protein in the form of meats, these can be quite mucus forming in the digestive system and other areas of the body. If you are prone to coughs and sinus problems – you will find they improve greatly if you cut out dairy products a little. At the risk of sounding “oh so way out and controversial!” cows milk is designed for baby cows, and not humans! Don’t rely on it for your calcium – where do all other animal species (especially cows) get their calcium from? – vegetable sources. Anyway, just have a go and I am certain you will feel lighter and more energetic at the end of your week and you may even find that you go off the taste of some of the things you used to eat. Don’t be surprised if the first couple of days you have a headache from the caffeine withdrawal – it will pass – just drink loads of water! Here is a simple yoga twisting posture you can be practising to help work your digestion and keep the whole abdominal region in good shape. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Benefits • Stimulates the liver and kidneys • Stretches the shoulders, hips, and neck

health&beauty • Energizes the spine • Stimulates the digestive fire in the belly • Relieves menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica, and backache • Therapeutic for asthma and infertility Contraindications/Cautions • Back or spine injury: Perform this pose only with great care not to twist too far. Step by Step 1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, buttocks supported on a folded blanket. Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, then slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of your right hip. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left hip. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling. 2. Exhale and twist toward the inside of the right thigh. Press the right hand against the floor just behind

your right buttock, and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. Pull your front torso and inner right thigh snugly together. 3. Press the inner right foot very actively into the floor, release the right groin, and lengthen the front torso. Lean the upper torso back slightly, against the shoulder blades, and continue to lengthen the tailbone into the floor.

to the starting position, and repeat to the left for the same length of time. For more information on a Naturopathic approach to health and well-being including Nutritional Advice, Osteopathic Treatment and more then please contact Tanya Hunt our Naturopath, she is available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

4. You can turn your head in one of two directions: Continue the twist of the torso by turning it to the right; or counter the twist of the torso by turning it left and looking over the left shoulder at the right foot.

The Self Centre is a “social enterprise” which means any profits we make we aim to reinvest in subsidising classes and investing in community projects and we are located in Kempson Way , behind John Banks for full details of what we offer please see or call us on 01284 769090.

5. With every inhalation lift a little more through the sternum, pushing the fingers against the floor to help. Twist a little more with every exhalation. Be sure to distribute the twist evenly throughout the entire length of the spine; don’t concentrate it in the lower back. Stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release with an exhalation, return

The exercises and remedies suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.




How do you tame a

sweet tooth? “Don’t eat too many sweets”, your mother probably told you. Seems that Mum now has the whole world on her side. According to experts – we’re eating way too much sugar. Just how much sugar do we eat? You might be surprised! Sugars found in baked goods, yeast breads, cereal products, and the high-fructose corn syrup used to sweeten soft drinks. That there’s sugar in those items shouldn’t surprise you. But you may be surprised to learn that there’s sugar in ketchup, canned vegetables, luncheon meats, bacon, fast-food hamburgers, even sushi. Part of the reason for our high intake of sugar is that many foods contain hidden sugars where you’d least expect to find them. And don’t be fooled by products that are labelled ‘low-fat’ or ‘diet’, many of these are loaded with sugar to make them taste better. While a high-sugar diet is not recommended, especially for those watching their weight, it’s not the sugar itself that leads to weight gain. If the sugary foods and beverages lead to an increase in your total consumption of calories, then yes, weight gain will happen, but that’s true of any food. Eat too much of anything and you’re going to gain weight.



The main problem with sugar is that most sources (like sweets, soft drinks, and desserts) don’t provide appreciable amounts of other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and are therefore classified as “empty calories”, ideally, the consumption of these foods should not replace more nutrient-dense foods, so they should be used in moderation.” But because we are biologically programmed to prefer sweet foods, trying to eliminate them from our diet altogether doesn’t work. So how do we reduce our consumption of “empty calorie” sweets?

Learn to separate physical hunger from emotional hunger. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with If you eat from emotional hunger (stemming from boredom, stress, fruits, which are good sources of or loneliness, for example) you’re many vitamins more likely to overeat low-nutrient and minerals. foods. Choose sweets that provide some Prepare recipes with half, or two-thirds, of the sugar originally nutrients, such as ice cream, called for. yoghurt, or desserts that contain some fruits and/or nuts. Though the calories and fat may be higher, When you crave something sweet, try a teaspoon or the extra nutrients make an important contribution to your diet. two of jam or preserves on a slice of whole wheat toast, or dip a few strawberries in some Don’t completely deprive yourself sugar. of foods you really like, including sweets, because you’re more likely Reduce the sugar you take in at to binge to satisfy the need they breakfast by using unsweetened fulfill and may end up consuming cereal and adding your own more calories overall. Instead, sweetener. You’ll probably add set reasonable, flexible goals for less sugar than would have been including sweets in your diet. added by the manufacturer.

health&beauty Artificial sweeteners are one obvious way to cut down on the amount of sugar you take in, but they’re not always necessary. It’s important to remember that sugar only has 16 calories per teaspoon.

sugary foods, that you love. Think of your diet as an 80-20 plan. Eighty percent should be healthy. For the other 20% (or 10%, if you’re really determined), allow yourself your favourites.

Making a few ‘no big deal’ changes in your diet is better than cutting out something, including sugary foods. To put it into perspective, eating a large slice of chocolate cake and then sweetening your tea with an artificial sweetener doesn’t make much sense in the whole scheme of things.

To control your sugar sprees, do not keep temptation around the house in the first place. Go out for your treats, or ask your family to hide them. If you do keep sugary snacks on hand for the rest of the family, think small. A mini bag of M&Ms will do the trick, there’s no need to keep a big bag nearby.”

If you are sweetening five or six cups of coffee or tea throughout the day, however, then it might make a difference in total calories.

Finally, give yourself permission to enjoy your sugary treats. For example, allows yourself one dessert a day, but limit it to no more than 300 calories. Wait for your favourites, but make sure they’re part of your plan.

And making a few “no big deal” changes in your diet is better than cutting out something, including

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Susan Summers Reiki Therapist

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Surviving thirty years in a cut throat market Not many local businessmen have survived and continued to be at the top of their game more successfully than Gavin Downes. Gavin’s salon, Gavin Ashley in Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds opened its doors in 1978 and is not only one of the most well-established local hairdressers but still one of the most successful. As a respected local figure within the industry Gavin puts this down to maintaining constantly high standards, continual staff training and offering excellent customer service. He also believes in constantly evolving and moving with the times. A life-long interest in male grooming has now lead Gavin to acquire specialist skills in the art of Italian Wet Shaving. Inspired by an ex-employee Joseph Lanzante, who had set himself up as a trainer in wet shaving and developed a range of products to support it, Gavin became hooked and is now eager to pass on his enthusiasm and newly-acquired expertise. Curently operating within his Salon but looking to set up his own training school, he is keen to teach anyone interested in learning the art, not just barbers, hairdressers and beauty therapists but anyone with a steady hand and the confidence to do it. Gavin Said “It is so rewarding to give someone a proper wet shave and the results are amazing, it leaves the skin looking vibrant, fresher and younger”



The MHD’s Jeremy Procter enjoying an Italian Wet Shave by Gavin Downes, owner of Gavin Ashley

“First the skin is exfoliated to get rid of dead cells and a hot towel is applied to the face which softens and prepares for shaving. Italian shaving cream is then worked well into the skin with a brush and then it’s time to use a cut-throat razor to achieve the closet shave imaginable. A bracing cold towel closes the pores, followed by a massage and lotions to complete the whole shaving experience. The whole face is left feeling super smooth and comfortable.” Hot towel shaves are available at Gavin Ashely for £15.00 and are a great gift idea as well as essential for

grooms to be, or to feel extra special for an occasion. Gavin Ashley are actively supporting the HAIRraising appeal, helping the industry to raise £1 million to provide new operating theatres for Gt Ormond Street Hospital for children. Clients can add a donation to their bill or make a donation via For further information please contact Gavin Ashley, 28 Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1RG. Tel: 01284 754066 or email


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First Job Interview?

If you, or anybody you know, are leaving school this summer, read on for tips on how to land that perfect job! If you’re invited to attend an interview for a job you’ve applied for, then you’ve already managed to pass the first stage of finding a first job and impressed your prospective employers with a CV or application letter. The next step is to impress them in person and the secret to that is careful preparation. Interviews are an important part of the job hunting process so it’s essential to spend time preparing for them. Before an interview find out everything you can about the company, read over your application and think about all the questions they might ask you. How to prepare Research the company When you are invited to an interview the first thing you should do is spend some time researching your potential employer. This will give you the confidence to answer any questions on what the company does and the background knowledge to ask any questions to the employer. Don’t forget the interview is also about you deciding whether you want to work for the company! Read up about your potential future employer on their website or contact the company directly to ask for an information pack. Find out the following things about the employer: what they do, make or sell; who are their target customers, clients or audience; how is the company structured; what has happened to the company recently (have they done



any big deals, opened any new offices, etc) what is the job likely to involve and what skills you have that are matched to the job.

your train is cancelled). If you have a disability, let the employer know so they can make any special arrangements.

Find out about the interview Find out what the interview will involve to make sure you’re ready. You should think about who will be interviewing you. If it is the person who would be your manager if you got the job, the interview may be more detailed. If it’s the personnel manager, the interview may be less detailed but could still be as testing.

Dress to impress Deciding what to wear for the interview will depend on what sort of work you will be doing. Decide what to wear and get your clothes ready the day before. You don’t have to buy a new outfit. Aim for a neat, clean and tidy appearance, if you look good it will help you feel good. Remember, it’s far easier to wear a suit and make it less formal, than it is to wear jeans and trainers and try and look smarter.

Find out how many people will be interviewing you and their positions in the company. This will help you prepare for the type of questions they may ask. You should also try and find out how long the interview will last, which will give you an idea of how detailed the interview will be. You should also know whether you will have to take a test or make a presentation. If the information isn’t included in the letter inviting you to interview, then a polite email to the HR office should get you this information. Plan your journey Consider travelling to the company the day before the interview to check how long the journey will take. Nothing gives a worse impression than lateness – it proves you’re disorganised! If necessary, ask the employer for directions, bus routes or details of where you can park your car. You should plan another way of getting there in case something unexpected happens (such as an accident blocking the road, or if

Bring the information you’ll need Remember to take a copy of your CV or application form to refer to and prepare notes or cue cards to help if you might need a prompt during the interview. Don’t forget to bring any items the employer has asked from you such as references, certificates or your driving licence. It’s essential to re-read the job advert to refresh your memory and to make sure you haven’t missed anything. You should also re-read your CV and application form – this is the information that got you a foot in the door so refresh yourself on what you wrote. Practice answering questions you might be asked DirectGov has a list of popular questions that you might be asked at interview along with some suggested answers. Even preparing for ten of these and practicing with a friend will help you to get in the frame of mind

businessmatters you’ll need to answer questions well. What to do on the day On the day of the interview, dress smartly and leave home early to make sure you arrive on time. Be courteous and polite to all employees of the company and above all, be positive about yourself and your abilities. Be organised Give yourself plenty of time to get ready and make sure you’ve got all the relevant paperwork with you. If you are delayed, contact the employer as soon as possible to explain, apologise and arrange another appointment. You should aim to arrive about ten minutes before the interview time. When you arrive give your name to the receptionist or whoever is there to greet you. Stay Calm Try to relax and keep calm, chat to the receptionist, or whoever greets you before going into the interview to help you stay calm. Remember that the interviewer can be just as nervous as you. During The Interview Be enthusiastic. Show that you have made the effort to research the company and remember what impressed you enough to apply for the position in the first place. During the interview, try to demonstrate that you would be a motivated and hard-working employee. When answering questions, stay positive and polite. Don’t panic It is natural to be nervous and you may have a fast heartbeat, sweaty hands or ‘butterflies’ in your stomach. These are your body’s natural way of meeting a challenge, and in small doses it can help you. If you’re nervous your voice may give you away so take deep, slow breathing before you get to the interview. This will slow down your heart rate and help you avoid taking quick shallow breaths. Listen and ask questions Take an interest in what your interviewer says about the company. Ask any questions about the company or what your job would entail. Where can I find out more? DirectGov has a helpful list of things you should and shouldn’t do at interviews – do’s and don’ts at interviews.

Good luck! themhd



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Accountancy Matters by TaxLogic TaxLogic, based in Bury St Edmunds, is the new trading name for TaxAssist Accountants and is led by Devindra Mitchell, a certified practicing accountant and tax advisor. Below are some aspects with which Devindra has recently helped her clients. If you have any questions or issues relating to tax and accountancy matters please do take a look at our new and enhanced website where you’ll find lots of technical information via an easy to use search facility. Devindra Mitchell

Annual Business Surveys Q: I recently received an Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) form from the Office of National Statistics. Can you explain what it is, and whether there are any implications if I do not fill the form out? A: The Office for National Statistics (ONS) holds details of businesses operating within the UK, and if you are held on the register you can be asked to fill out this Annual Business Inquiry. The information you provide will be used to produce key economic statistics which influence areas such as company and personal taxation, interest rates and the calculation of economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP). You are required to complete the ABI forms under the Statistics of Trade Act 1947 (STA). Failure to return the completed form could result in your company being referred to the Enforcement Unit, who can take legal action to obtain a response. There is a maximum fine of £2,500 for non-completion of the form, which will still need to be completed.

payments electronically either through Direct Debit, internet banking or telephone banking, you do receive a further seven calendar days (in addition to the usual one month deadline) to file your return and for your payment to reach the HMRC. If you are concerned about any aspect of this new requirement, please contact Taxlogic as we would be delighted to assist you. Devindra specialises in managing tax and accountancy affairs for small business owners and taxpayers, and can be contacted on 01284 330245 or by email info@

Are tax returns or accounts giving you a


Filing VAT Returns Online

The remedy is simple

Q: I recently received a letter from HM Revenue & Customs informing me that I am now required to submit my VAT returns online. Can you explain further? A: From the 1st April 2010 all existing businesses with an annual turnover of £100,000 (excluding VAT) and any newly VAT registered business will be required to submit their VAT returns online, as well as pay any VAT liability electronically. The online VAT Return is very similar to the paper version and there has been no change to the rules on how you complete your return or how you calculate VAT. Also, you won’t have to change your existing record keeping system - you can still keep your records on paper if you prefer. Any business which is required to file online must sign up to the VAT online service through the HMRC website. Signing up to do your VAT online is straightforward and you don’t have to be a computer expert. The service is designed to make the process easier, more secure and more efficient for small businesses. Advantages of using the VAT online service system include setting up an email reminder service to advise when your next online VAT Return is due. As you are required to make

TaxLogic will provide the support you need so you can get on with your life whilst we look after your tax and accountancy matters. For a free initial meeting, call us on

01284 330245

Disclaimer – Please Note: advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel that the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibility for any financial loss incurred.



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Are you in the mood for

spring cleaning?

Are you in the mood for spring cleaning? It’s getting to be that time of year when renewal and regeneration are at it’s peak – it’s finally spring time! If you find yourself in the mood to spring clean and get things in order, you may be stumped at exactly where to start. So we’ve put together a list of 10 minute tasks that you can use to jump start your spring cleaning this year. The trick is to set your timer and work for 10 minutes. When 10 minutes is up – your finished! We are going for progress, not perfection. You will be surprised at how good it can be.

25 Spring Cleaning Tasks That You Can Do In 10 Minutes • Clean your dirtiest and most used windows for 10 minutes. • Wipe light switches, telephones etc with a germ killing solution. I use essential oils and water. • Put away winter boots. • Wash winter coats and pack them away. • Put a fresh, springy table cloth on your table. Get some

flowers as well. • Deep clean your kitchen counter. Make it shiny and inviting to make some good spring salads. • Declutter anything that is out of season or grungy. It’s time for it to go! • Clean your fridge and get some fresh produce. • Make a meal plan to clean out your freezer and cupboards. • Declutter your biggest pain in



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home&garden the butt pile to clear a fresh space. • Wash mirrors and taps. • Do a clutter purge. Anything that is not good enough to give away and that you don’t want to keep, any clutter collecting spots etc. • Sweep and declutter your front porch or entrance area. • Replace any winter throw rugs, blankets etc for bright and light spring ones in their place. • Vacuum the couch, under the cushions and under the couch. • Put out some air fresheners or spray using pure essential oils, not synthetic fragrance! • Do the bedding and hang it outside. • Replace curtains etc with a

spring set.

or just need some motivation to get started.

• Do some garden work. • Get the kids to do some spring artwork for you to hang up. • Clean off any dry erase boards and bulletin boards that are out of date and update them! • Update your calenders, make a plan to keep your house nice and things running smoothly.

As with all things, you can get exceptional results with only minutes a day if done consistently. Challenge yourself to check off the list, doing 10 minutes per day. You will be amazed at the difference this small amount of time will make.

• Organise your finances, create a budget or decide on a financial goal for 1 month and 3 month time periods. • Clean your desk. Use these top tips any time you are in the mood to spring clean but can’t think of what to do first, only have a few minutes to do spring cleaning


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April in the garden Longer, warmer days, and stronger sunshine means that the garden is awakening. Hedgerows are greening up and the view from the window is different each day as plants unfurl and push through the soil. This all means more work for the gardener, not that it seems a chore in such a wonderful atmosphere. If you have large clumps of herbaceous perennials it’s a good time to divide and replant them, as this will increase their



vigour and provide spare plants for your garden. Use two forks back to back to split the clumps and water generously after replanting. Hardy annuals are great for instant colour this year, choose a dry day when the soil can be raked to a fine tilth suitable for sowing. Mow the grass often enough to keep it under control and use sharp edging shears to tidy up the edges.

Climbers will grow quickly now, so ensure they have enough support, trellis, vine eyes and wire attached to walls, or individual ornamental obelisks or tripods. As they cover the support, gently try to encourage new shoots sideways, as this will send their hormones all along the length of the shoot, rather than just rushing to the tips - doing this will give you flowers all over the plant, not just at the top! Have a good April!








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Travelling alone

this summer?

Holidays and travel with others can be fun, but for many people, there comes a time when you feel the need to spread your wings and set off alone on your travels. Whilst travelling alone can certainly broaden the mind, increase your independence and give you freedom to explore the places of interest to you, it also carries with it the risk of increasing your vulnerability too. Before you set off, and when you’re in the midst of your journey, it’s important to keep in mind safety issues, both to protect yourself and your belongings. You don’t want to end up in awkward or tricky situations, compromise your personal safety or run the risk of losing any personal possessions. So what are the key issues you should be aware of and how can you ensure you protect your safety at all times? Advice for men travelling alone Although it’s often assumed that women travelling alone are the most vulnerable, men on their own need to be aware of safety issues too. Choose your accommodation carefully and pick a well-known hotel in a safe area. Maintain



a low profile by dressing down and, when you’re out and about, walk confidently as if you’re familiar with the area. Be careful making eye contact, as it may be taken the wrong way. If in doubt, wear sunglasses, as this limits the problem. Also, be aware that flirtatious behaviour isn’t regarded in the same light in other countries and can be easily misinterpreted. Sometimes single males travelling alone get asked questions about what they’re doing. Rather than getting defensive, politely answer the questions and move on. Advice for women travelling alone Many women successfully travel the world alone, and you can do so too, by keeping these safety issues in mind. Choose your accommodation carefully. Read reviews and pick well-known hotels or hostels. Think twice if you’re offered a room in a potentially unsafe location (e.g. at the end of lengthy corridors) and don’t be afraid to inspect the room first. Some hotels have rooms designed for female travellers. If in doubt about the security of a room, take a padlock with you to use on your door at night

and keep all valuables close by. On public transport, sit next to or near other women or women with children. Likewise, if you need directions, speak to another woman or a man with a child, rather than a man, but don’t tell them exactly where you’re staying. When it comes to exploring, avoid walking in unknown or badly lit places at night. Instead, plan your trips around daylight hours. To avoid unwanted male attention, don’t make eye contact (easier if you’re wearing sunglasses) and wear a wedding ring, even if you’re not married. Learn some local lingo, like “Go away,” “Leave me alone,” or, “I don’t want to be disturbed,” and calmly walk away from uncomfortable situations. Body language is important. Walk tall and confidently, and people will think you are. General safety advice for the lone traveller Of course, there’s some applicable advice whatever your gender: • Research the places you’re going, to find out about any known risks or dangers.

motoring&travel • Make a travel plan. This doesn’t have to be every minute detail, but it’s good to arrange a basic itinerary in advance. Make a list of the places you’ll be staying, what flights, trains or ships you’ll be travelling on and any known phone numbers. Take a copy with you and leave copies back at home with friends or relatives. • Check out the dress code. Many countries have conservative clothing rules that need to be observed, otherwise you’ll stand out like a sore thumb. For example, men shouldn’t wear shorts or tight clothes, or women shouldn’t wear short or skimpy clothing. • If you’re likely to feel selfconscious eating alone, take something with you to do, like reading a book or writing postcards. • Don’t use unlicensed public transport. • Avoid publicly discussing your travel plans. Safety Solutions For extra confidence, learning some basic self-defence moves before you travel may be beneficial. As well as boosting your safety instincts and improving your chances of getting out of a difficult situation if you were to be attacked or mugged, knowing that you’ve got self-defence skills can help transform fear and worry into power and confidence. themhd



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m hall pre school

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01284 718818

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