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Bury St. Edmunds


Victory Sports Ground history continued... In 1975 the ground was purchased by St Edmundsbury Borough Council who operated the ground as a community facility. The quality of the ground began to reduce and the cost implications to the Borough council became significant, in fact the cost to the council was in the region of ÂŁ150,000 per annum this was due to the employment of two full time grounds staff and the considerable council management involvement. The quality of the ground deteriorated to such an extent that Suffolk stopped playing Minor Counties matches after discussions following an approach to St Edmundsbury Borough Council a group of people from the cricket club in 1999 these forward thinking group of individuals formed a `not for profit` organisation to take on the running and maintenance of the ground under a lease granted in 2001. The quality of the ground steadily improved and became again one of the best sports grounds in East Anglia. In 2007 discussion commenced with regard to improving the pavilion and changing facilities. The old pavilion had served its purpose and was badly in need of replacement. These discussions involved Bury St Edmunds Cricket Club and South Lee School who were seeking to provide an indoor sports hall but had insufficient space on their adjacent site. The discussions, negotiations and fund raising culminated in the creation of the superb new indoor sports centre and community pavilion which was built in 2013

at a cost of ÂŁ2.25 million. The old pavilion was taken down in 2014, in it were memorial boards containing the names of Greene King employees who died in both world wars, these have now been returned to Greene King to be displayed in their museum. The ground is now owned by The Victory Sports Community Interest Company who purchased the ground from St Edmundsbury Borough Council on January 1st 2013 it has charitable objectives and is available for use by the local community. The Community Interest Company (CIC) has an independent chairman with 6 other directors who are all involved with aspects of the operation. The CIC operates the grass areas of the ground, South Lee School as part of the agreement reached with the Borough Council operates the sports hall and Bury St Edmunds Cricket Club run the Community Pavilion and

associated changing facilities the operation is delegated to a Community Pavilion Governance Group to help ensure the facility delivers the maximum community benefit. The major outside funder of the project was the England and Wales Cricket Board who insisted that their money go the cricket club hence the cricket club had to operate the Community Pavilion, however a management agreement was agreed between all the partners that allows those using the ground to utilise the Community Pavilion and associated facilities. A Community Use Agreement was entered into between South Lee School and St Edmundsbury Borough Council to ensure the Sports Hall is made available at affordable prices outside school time to local sports clubs. In effect Bury St Edmunds obtained an additional indoor sports facility at no cost to the council tax payers of the area.

If you are interested in hiring the Community Pavilion please contact Rosie Nunn on 07885 040039 or If you are interested in playing cricket please contact David Barker on 07876 496064 or DECEMBER 2017 | 25


Project sub 3hrs BY ANDREW SOUTHWOOD

It all started in September

last year when, almost as a bit of a joke, I entered a local marathon about a week before race day. I hadn’t done any specific marathon training at all, but figured my regular fast 10k runs and the odd parkrun would see me through. Well they did, but only just. Almost as soon as I crawled over the finish line I started to think about it more rationally. I’d run it in 3 ½ hrs. And so, “project sub 3hrs” was born. Fast forward 12 months, and I had focused in on a late October road marathon to achieve my dream. The preceding months had gone ok. Plenty of miles under my belt, a few adventure races, three horrendous shoulder dislocations to remind me to stick to normal running, but otherwise injury free. I wont bore you with a stride by stride analysis of my race, but skip to 22 miles and I am on course. My pace exactly

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where I need it to be and I can almost see the finish line. I begin to repeatedly visualize myself crossing the line, achieving my goal (a very strong mental tool I use regularly on endurance races). Of course the inevitable happens with about 3 miles to go. My legs suddenly turn to concrete. Not just ordinary concrete, but lead lined reinforced super heavy concrete. I start to panic. I stare at my watch and try to do the math’s, which although simple, feels like solving complex quadratic equations at this point. So I have 29 minutes to do 5km. Well, that’s fine then, I can do that in my sleep… cant I? Someone I don’t know calls my name, another voice shouts out “You are on for a sub3!”, yeah I think, do you want to run the last 800m for me?! I now have tunnel vision, one foot in front of the other. Space

and time are distorting. This is the longest 400m of my life. A small child jumps out laughing, luckily it moves back just in time, as I cannot/must not stop or deviate now. Every one of the 650 muscles in my body is screaming at me to give up. All but one that is. My brain knows I must not fail. I do not fail. I collapse over the line, dramatically exploding a gel in my pocket as I hit the ground, and triple check my watch. Struggling to focus, a voice somewhere above me tells me its 2:58. That’s it, I’ve done it. Several minutes later I take a few moments on my own to gather my thoughts and more importantly, throw up the entire contents of my stomach – such is my state of total physical exhaustion. I don’t care though. This is what it’s all about I think, as I lie on my back feeling the cool grass in between my fingers, eyes shut, smiling, wondering just how the heck I’m going to get up again.

Christmas party The office

– a brief guide to get you through unscathed!

As is often said ‘Tis the season’ and I am certain most of you will have various nights planned with different groups of people and friends. As with most things in life, there is a line which is very easy to trip over when you take your eye off the ball and let your hair down. Here, I have given you some pointers to ensure you are not left feeling awkward and red faced the morning after the night before… Whether it is a party hosted by friends or a work celebration, make sure you let the organisers know if you can make it with plenty of notice! There is nothing worse than having to cater for guests at the last minute that haven’t responded!

Read the invite Know who is invited. Many office parties don’t include partners or plus ones so ensure you only bring one if they are invited! Check the dress code (more on that later) and if it is a sit down meal or drinks and canapes so you can prepare accordingly.

Timing is everything There is a fine line between being ‘fashionably late’ and just rude! If the invitation is 7:00 for 7:30, turning up at 8:00 will not look great and you don’t want to be ‘that person’ walks in half way through the first course!

Party Yawn.. Don’t be a bore! Despite the nature of your gathering – a work celebration or school mums night out, for example, try not to talk shop all evening! You are away from the office so try to find other common grounds with your fellow party guests! This includes office gossip or playground politics. You are all there to have fun so don’t put yourself in the position where you say something you may regret or offend someone. Nobody wants to sit and listen to you moan about your job, what he said or she said or how you feel about the heads’ latest appointment!

To booze or not to booze... This is a tricky one and not really something anyone else can advise you on but what I will say is make sure you remain in control. There would be nothing more embarrassing than going in to work on a Monday morning to an office full of people who have seen your underwear during a booze filled decision to recreate the full monty!

And after... Turn up and say thank you! You can’t over-do it at a works party in full view of your boss and then claim to be suddenly struck down with a ‘virus’ the next morning!

Now all you have to worry about is what to wear?...

DECEMBER 2017 | 49

! e v a s d n a e v Sell, mo


Are you looking to move? then save with us! Win ÂŁ250 in our monthly draw towards your moving costs. We have buyers waiting for properties in this area and we are achieving good prices for our clients. Take advantage of the market and let us help you save money on your selling fees plus discounts from solicitors, removal companies and more...

Get your free up to date valuation with the ladies at allhomes Simply call us on 01359 234444 and we will get you moving! Winner to be announced following the prize draw which will take place on the last Friday of the month. The winner will receive a ÂŁ250 discount from the agency fee once their house sale completes. Entrants will be entered into the draw in the month in which they place their house on the market with allhomes. Terms & Conditions apply.

Tel: 01359 234444 Email:



Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.

List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: YAMAHA ELECTRIC KEYBOARD Good condition. £10. Tel. 01284 764381. IKEA HIGHCHAIR Hardly used. White wipe clean plastic. £5. Tel. 01284 764381.

YOGA MAT. £3. As new. Tel. 01284 764381 LADIES BIKE SMALL (puncture needs repairing) £15. Good condition. Tel. 01284 764381

SMALL LADIES/ TEEN BICYCLE. Needs a puncture repair to front tyre. 18 gears. £15. Tel. 01284 764381.

BATHROOM MIRROR - NEW/ UNUSED 500(W) x 700(H) x 30mm(D) Light activation, demister pad, rotatable. 220v-240v mains powered. £50. Tel: 01284 754854

KARDEAN FLOORING Called Massimo 3 sq metres. Still boxed. £60 ovno. Tel. 01284 706803

FUR JACKET IMITATION LONG HAIRED FOX. Size 10-12 V.G.C. £30. Tel. 01284 701402.

BOYS MOUNTAIN BIKE Red Stealth Granite Model, excellent condition £35. Tel. 01284 760797


YOGA MAT. As new £3. Tel. 01284 764381.

BOYS MOUNTAIN BIKE red Stealth Granite Model. Excellent condition £35. Tel. 01284 760797 YAMAHA KEYBOARD £10. Excellent condition. Tel. 01284 764381 IKEA HIGHCHAIR £5. As new. Tel. 01284764381

MECCANO METAL 8540 CASE WITH POWER PACK As New £15. Tel. 01284 701402 MECCANO JUNIOR PLASTIC 5709 5850 6880 9009 V.G.C. £15. Tel. 01284 701402 MOTOR BIKE METAL BADGES From 60’s 70’s £2.50 Each. Tel. 01284 701402

SPEEDWAY IPSWICH PROGRAMS 15 Total 1969 & 1970 £5. Tel. 01284 701402 DOLLS - 12” / 14”x2 / 16” / 18” £3 - £5 DOLLS CLOTHES Dresses, Coats, Jump Suits, Shoes/Socks etc. OFFERS. Tel 01284 726909 Fisherprice COT, BEDDING, PUSHCHAIR, PLAY MAT Suit child 2-3yrs. £8. Tel 01284 726909 PHAT WHEELS CORKSCREW MAHEM & 5 CARS with HOT WHEELS - JET PORT. £10. Tel 01284 726909 MEGA BLOCKS - large box & FARM SET. £7.50. Tel 01284 726909 CAR BOOSTER SEATS x 2 EOS Group 2/3 Universal 15-36Kg £20. Tel 01284 726909 PHILIPS IRONING BOARD Easy 8, Iron lead holder, Remote holder, Linen rack PHILIPS STEAM GENERATOR IRON. Boxed & Serviced. £70 Tel 01284 726909

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

DECEMBER 2017 | 55

Pauls jobs for the month General Maintenance

n Lawns will continue to grow if we have a mild December above 6c and may still need a final trim this month. Look at for standing leaves on your lawn as they will kill the grass if left all winter. n Remember to feed the birds. You might want to invest in some new bird feeders. Remember unless you clean old bird feeders they harbour disease n Don’t forget to tidy your tubs and containers by removing weeds, debris and add a layer of decorative gravel/grit mulch; this will stop mud splashing up in wet weather. n Continue to tidy-up fallen leaves from borders if you have not already done so and add them to the compost heap. n Up for a bit of exercise then Spike lawns with a garden fork to improve drainage and aeration.

Vegetable & Fruit Garden n Now’s the time to prune fruit trees. Always use a sharp pair of secateurs, loppers and a pruning saw Start by removing crossing, rubbing, weak, dead, diseased, damaged and dying branches. Keep the centre of the tree open


by removing larger branches with a sharp pruning saw. n Remove yellowing leaves from your winter brassicas as they are no use to the plant and may harbour pests and diseases. n Dig over empty borders and pile manure on top - let the worms and frosts break up the clods of soil. n Soft fruit such as currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries and tayberries can be planted at this time as they are dormant. n Harvest any remaining leeks, parsnips, winter cabbage, sprouts and remaining root crops before the ground becomes frozen.

Flower Garden n If you have an indoor Cyclamen plant, keep it in a cool, light room. Water into the saucer not the pot to avoid wetting the leaves which can easily result in fungal infections. n Bring back Amaryllis into active growth with regular watering and feeding for flowers in the New Year. n Christmas cactus can fail to give flower buds if the temperature is too high . Try moving the cactus into a cooler environment


n Hyacinths like a cool, bright space - if it’s too warm you will have more leaves than flowers. n In mild areas you can still lift and divide herbaceous perennials such as hostas when the weather is dry. This will increase your stocks and revive any poorly flowering clumps. n Prune climbing roses now; cutting away diseased or damaged growth and tying in any new shoots to their support. Prune older flowered side shoots back by two thirds of their length. n Water azaleas with rainwater not tap water; water regularly and keep in a cool room.

This months poem... “From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind’s eye.” - Katherine S. White

One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up

Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on

01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email:

DECEMBER 2017 | 63



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Independent Custody Visitors

Ensuring that people in police custody are treated properly is a statutory duty of Tim Passmore, the Police and Crime Commissioner, and he relies on an army of volunteers to help him monitor the welfare of people who are detained in police stations in Suffolk. Tim Passmore is looking for additional volunteer custody visitors to make regular unannounced visits to the Police Investigation Centre in Bury St Edmunds. The volunteers will be required to look, listen and report on their findings to the PCC to ensure that the police are providing the service that is expected of them. Tim Passmore said, “Suffolk has two Police Investigation Centres in Suffolk - one in Bury St Edmunds and one at Martlesham, Ipswich - and we are currently looking to recruit more volunteers for the Bury St Edmunds Panel. I need the overall panel of visitors to be representative of the local community, so I would really encourage interest from younger people and black and minority ethnic residents. We have a great team of custody visitors in Suffolk, who give their time to support this valuable service and I thank them for their commitment which does not always receive the recognition it deserves.” Volunteers are required to attend an initial training session of half a day and then receive training by observing existing visitors until confident in performing the role. Visitors carry out approximately one visit per month (as part of a panel carrying out the weekly visits), there are quarterly panel meetings which are held in the evening and then 1-2 training days/conference per year. The role is voluntary but we do pay expenses for travel costs. Applicants must be over 18 years of age and appointments are subject to police vetting checks and references. Application details are on the PCC’s website: or you can contact us via e-mail: or telephone: 01473 782774.

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DECEMBER 2015 | 43


Mini Rugby

The Wolfpack (1XV) enjoyed a run of excellent results last month with wins against Worthing Raiders (37-30), Canterbury (29-21) and Clifton (37-19) before a defeat (20-27) against Henley Hawks, the dark horse in the league whose surprise win over unbeaten league leaders Taunton Titans the previous week shocked the league. With Ollie Smith’s men now well established at the Greene King IPA Haberden, consistency in their game has improved with thrilling displays of electrifying rugby getting the loyal Wolfpack supporters on their feet and cheering during home matches. Now 5th in the league the challenge is on to maintain the position as the Wolfpack take on Redingensians, Chinnor and Cinderford, three of the top four clubs in December. A final home match before Christmas takes place on Saturday 23rd December against Broadstreet and the Wolfpack will be hoping the Haberden roar of the crowd will bring victory and extra Christmas cheer. Spectators are encourage to come along for the 3pm kickoff. Entrance is free to club members or £10 on the gate for non members. Elsewhere, the Foxes’ winning streak sees no sign of stopping with impressive results against Chelmsford Ladies (22-5) and Southwold Swallows (28-0). A newly established girls rugby section is gaining momentum with young girls in school years 7-10 encouraged to join the new U13 and U15 squads. Training takes place every Thursday from 5pm and is carried out by highly qualified DBS approved coaches. All are welcome and no experience is necessary. This month the club was pleased to welcome two of its loyal sponsors Culford School and South Lee School to enjoy the floodlit pitch facilities for what we hope will be the first of many school matches hosted at the Haberden for younger players. Off the pitch, the Club held its annual Fireworks Night sponsored by Specsavers Bury St Edmunds. The warm dry night, lure of the spectacular fireworks display, great beer, delicious food and a funfair made it the most successful firework night event ever at the club. Thanks to all who came and enjoyed it. The club welcomes new members, players from age 6 upwards, and social members of all ages. Membership details can be found on the club website The Bury St Edmunds Minis has continued to grow with new players joining us on an almost weekly basis! We have sent U7’s and U8’s teams to the first Ipswich YM Tag festival which was enjoyed by all who attended. All the U11 and U12 age groups have had the opportunity to take part in one of the Landrover Cup games. We have sent teams to Northampton Saints, Wasps and Leicester Tigers where the children competed in a mini festival on the training ground alongside other teams from clubs and schools around the country before watching the premiership games in the stadium. We have been busy hosting clubs from the region most weeks as well as travelling to play friendly fixtures at other clubs. The youth girls has had a great turn out so far. It is open to any girls from years 7 - 10 regardless of ability. Training is held every Thursday at the club at 5pm so please come along and give it a go. With nearly half the season over already, we are looking forward to a break over the Christmas period at the end of December which is kicked off with the Minis Christmas parties! Thank you to all the coaches, players, parents and supporters for making it such a fun season so far! Merry Christmas to all! Nicki Butler - Minis Co-Chair

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Christ Church MORETON HALL As we draw closer to Christmas, many of us, quite rightly, are worried about the future. What will Brexit mean? Will there be enough money to fund our health services and schools? Will we be able to control immigration? What will happen to house prices? Can I afford to go on living if my income continues to be squeezed and prices rise? You might be surprised to realise that these are the same sorts of things that were going through Joseph’s mind as he and his young wife went towards Bethlehem. What will this new Roman tax mean for me? Will I be able to manage to look after my young wife and child? Can I trust the tyrannical King Herod? The future for all of them seemed very uncertain and, as many of you will know, after the joy for Mary and Joseph of the birth of Jesus, they had to flee for their lives and they did not return to Israel for some years. That is why I am able to write a very positive message this Christmas time. In the midst of all these cares and anxieties literally hundreds of people, and especially children, have got behind our Shoebox appeal. With all your worries and anxieties, many of you have thought it more important to give than to receive. As I write this article, there are already over 650 filled shoeboxes in the church and we still have not had the special ‘Shoebox Service’. I am certain that in January I will be able to surprise you with tremendous good news. The second thing that struck me is the way the BBC have been recording the suffering of Christians, particularly in Egypt where churches have been bombed, family members killed and wives and children 82 | DECEMBER 2017

severely scarred. And yet they have been able to say for themselves, to God, to the world and to their oppressors, ‘I freely forgive you, for God has forgiven me’. Even the BBC has been able to pay tribute to the serenity of these people and the tranquillity and peace they have found in their faith. I am convinced; therefore, when we take the teaching of Jesus seriously, and we take the attention from ourselves, we find the power to forgive when we are slighted, hurt or abused. And when we forgive we find that relationships are restored, we have a new strength and renewed energy and we find the peace, tranquillity and strength to live better lives. Last year I gave a message reassuring you that Jesus Christ came to seek and save the lost, and indeed that is the true meaning of Christmas. But Jesus also said, ‘I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness’. In the midst of all the hurly-burly of modern life with all our cares and anxieties, very few of us are living what could be called full and abundant lives. But I have found, as many who have completed our recent Alpha course, a true and abundant life can be found in Jesus Christ. So this Christmas time as we have so many special services, which are advertised, see if you can find the time to join us and find the time to pray and begin to experience that abundant life we all can find when we put our trust in Jesus Christ. I wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas,

With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister




& beauty

Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 Beautiful U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 701420 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendricks Massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920 Self Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769090 Levetts Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07799 304864


& fitness classes

Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925


& design

PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092

motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 John Banks Group. . . . . . . 01284 545130 or 545864


& landscape

Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625 Bespoke Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756450 Marlows Garden Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763155 Top Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01733 422102 Sawmill Log Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 729091


& maintenance

Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 799586 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653

The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 Bone Dry Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 Stewart Bracey Painter & Decorator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07778 477159 or 01284 701395

home furnishings Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Bespoke Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756450 Bone Dry Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 John Doe of Diss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01379 644081


& letting agents

Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444

business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 The Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769841


& drink

Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 Infusions Ice Cook School. . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102


& social clubs

Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102 Moreton Hall Health Club. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704232 Skyliner Gym. . . . . . . . . .

DECEMBER 2017 | 93

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