The Youth Club will open again on the 9th January and we look forward to having you all back with us and ready for fun and games, bring a friend and again, anyone who would like to help out would be very welcome, just two hours, once a month is all we are asking for, give it a try, you might even like it!
On Sunday the 10th of December, several of our houses had their Christmas decorations destroyed and stolen around the estate, from Raedwald Drive up to Kendall Close, solar lights and an inflatable Santa, the worst hit was Kembold Close, every year this close, and in particular the two houses who each year put on a fantastic display in aid of charity, people travel from miles around just to see their display. I hope these mindless yobs are very proud of themselves.
Help Others
We are now in the depth of winter and there are many elderly people on our estate who are frail and could that could do with some help, a little shopping or just someone to talk to, if you live near someone who could use a hand or a chat, please give them a call, put yourself in their shoes, would you welcome a visitor?.
Until next time take care, Frank Warby JANUARY 2018 | 11
Waist not Wan
January is that time of year when we make wild promises to ourselves a way to make a few minor adjustments to improve your waste and indeed in the supermarket on foods that are often not great for the waistline mu
So here are 12 ways to be healthier, wealthier and greener! 1.
Always write a shopping list – check out what recipes you are going to use and work out how to use the other half of the pepper, cucumber. pineapple etc.
Make your plate 2/3 seasonal salad or vegetables (I don’t mean spuds either) These are low in calories, fat and refined carbs - they will also be relatively inexpensive, plus have a lower environmental impact.
32 | JANUARY 2018
Try to eat at least a couple of vegetarian meals each week, keeping animal products such as butter and cheese to a minimum. Most people tell me they feel much less sluggish when they do this and again there are huge financial gains to be had.
Use your leftovers – you will be amazed at how far you can make left over food go. l Add left over veg to a tin of tomatoes, pinch of herbs and add to pasta.
! e v a s d n a e v Sell, mo
Are you looking to move? then save with us! Win ÂŁ250 in our monthly draw towards your moving costs. We have buyers waiting for properties in this area and we are achieving good prices for our clients. Take advantage of the market and let us help you save money on your selling fees plus discounts from solicitors, removal companies and more...
Get your free up to date valuation with the ladies at allhomes Simply call us on 01359 234444 and we will get you moving! Winner to be announced following the prize draw which will take place on the last Friday of the month. The winner will receive a ÂŁ250 discount from the agency fee once their house sale completes. Entrants will be entered into the draw in the month in which they place their house on the market with allhomes. Terms & Conditions apply.
Tel: 01359 234444 Email: mail@allhomes.uk.com allhomes.uk.com
Pauls jobs for the month Flower Garden
n Deadhead winter bedding (violas, pansies, polyanthus) to prolong flowering. n Remove old Hellebore leaves to make the new blooms more visible as they emerge this spring. n knock snow from branches of evergreen shrubs to prevent branches breaking under the weight n Plant out bulbs forced for indoor flowering once they have finished flowering. Remove the spent flower heads n Prune rose bushes now whilst they are dormant. Cut back to just above an outward facing bud and remove any crossing or dead branches n Cut down the old stems of perennial plants like Sedum n Check Dahlia tubers in storage and remove any that are showing signs of rotting.
Vegetable Garden n Prepare a deep trench, for runner beans. Dig out and fill with rotted compost from your compost bin. In late spring cover with soil and sow your beans on top. n Remove all remaining plant debris from the vegetable plot but do not compost any diseased material
n Grow some Garlic - so easy to do! If you have a spare clove then get them planted asap. Break up the bulbs into the individual cloves and plant about 4 inches apart just below the ground
Fruit Garden n Begin pruning your apple trees and pear - this is always best done whilst they are dormant. The exception here are plums and cherries which should be pruned in summer to avoid silver leaf infection n Plant blackcurrants, gooseberries and redcurrants on dry days. n You can plant Rhubarb now. Plant the crown with the growing point at, or just below, the soil surface.
General Gardening Maintenance n Try to avoid walking on frosty lawns n On dry days it’s a good time to carry on weeding. n Protect your more valuable plants through winter with fleece plant jackets n Wrap tender plants in pots with a fleece covering to give them some added protection
n Any areas of ground that are presently empty can be dug over forking in plenty of rotted manure or compost n Keep the bird feeders topped up and provide water if you have a bird bath.
This months poem... “Little January Tapped at my door today. And said, “Put on your winter wraps, And come outdoors to play.” Little January Is always full of fun; Until the set of sun. Little January Will stay a month with me And we will have such jolly times Just come along and see.” - Winifred C. Marshall, January
One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up
Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on
01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email: burygardener@talktalk.net
JANUARY 2018 | 63
Christ Church MORETON HALL Jesus once said, ‘The thief comes only to rob, kill and destroy. I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness.’ These are very powerful words from Jesus Christ. He said them over two thousand years ago and yet they have great relevance for us all today. As the New Year dawns having enjoyed all the wonders of the Christmas period, we turn to face the stark and uncertain world that lies before us. We know there will be further tragedies and disasters in an uncertain future. We also know that both home and abroad many people will experience theft of possessions and loss of status. Things like child pornography will be rife. Many more will face illness or see the death of friends, families, loved ones either by terrorists and
other causes. Finally whole ways of life in towns, cities and even civilisations continue to be destroyed through war and other adverse situations. It is easy to give up and say these problems are too big, or to avoid the situations all together. However this is where Jesus’ promise is so wonderful. He says, ‘I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness’. This means He understands fully how much people are hurting and he wants to change it. He has something to offer; not just a return to the life you had before, but a new life, a better life, an abundant life, a life of fulfilment and strength, a life not free from care but with resources to care for those around you and a life which is indeed rich because it is connected to Him and to His world and everyone in it.
Alpha begins Wednesday 31st January 7:00pm At Christ Church Moreton Hall Find out more at our Alpha service on Sunday 28th January at 10.30am For more information: 01284 725391 worship@ccmh.org.uk www.ccmh.org.uk Christ Church Moreton Hall 82 | JANUARY 2018