SOUTHGATE Community centre Monday 17th May 2021, a significant and inspiring date for our Community Centre, after over 400 days of closures and unpredictable uncertainty the easing of Government guidelines and restrictions saw the return of some of our valued hirers and users. And it was like a big reunion .... friends reunited ... back were Positive Stepping , Zumba working out, French classes, Slimming World, knitting and nattering, men’s exercise classes, distanced Scottish dancing, Yoga and our favourite swing band Marrakesh rehearsing. There was unleashed a fabulous atmosphere once again. So welcome and refreshing.
© Andy Abbot Photography
During lock-down we have been hard at work redecorating and refurbishing inside and now after months of planning our exciting Southgate Environment and Wildlife Project is well under way improving and transforming the area around the Community Centre for the enjoyment of the community and improving the impact of biodiversity. We have been working with environment specialists Greener Growth and with the huge support and locality funding from our local councillors Richard Rout, Patrick Chung and Ann Williamson we are completing high visibility initiatives which will make lasting unmistakable enhancements for the benefit of generations now and in the future. Richard and Patrick have unveiled the first phase of the project, a vibrant and colourful educational nature based mural, unmistakable and dramatically now adorning the front of the building. Watch out in the near future for the installation of wildlife havens, attractive sanctuary garden and stone garden area with a table made from the stones remaining from the community rock snake. Trustees are committed to support projects that benefit the whole community and enhancing the environment and local habitats.
Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk www.southgatecommunity.org.uk
16 | JUNE 2021
https://moretonhallresidents.wordpress.com/contact Welcome to all our residents and those new to our estate, hopefully in the very near future we can meet in person at our delayed AGM or at our regular committee meetings. We now have the results of the elections held on 6th May, and the new list of our civic representatives for Moreton Hall is as followsPolice and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore Suffolk County Councillor Cllr Peter Thompson West Suffolk District Councillors (3) Cllr Trevor Beckwith Cllr Peter Thompson Cllr Birgitte Mager Bury St. Edmunds Town Councillors (3) Cllr Cyrille Bouche Cllr Tony Whittingham Cllr Peter Thompson We congratulate Cllr Thompson on his election to Suffolk County Council and Cllr Mager on her election to the District. Special thanks to Trevor Beckwith for his service to the community of over 20 years as a Suffolk County Councillor, for Moreton Hall and Eastgate. His prompt and efficient actions on issues including Highways have been much appreciated, and we wish him well in his partial retirement. Thank you also to all those who put themselves forward as candidates, to give residents choice. We hope all those newly elected will work tirelessly to maintain the quality of life on our estate. Update on the Lawson Place Underpass
Glass Recycling The problems with the mini recycling hub at the Community Centre were highlighted in last months Moreton Hall Directory, where people left bottles on the ground when they found the containers full. The problem I believe was caused by the withdrawal of the glass facilities at Sainsbury’s so they could trial a scheme for packaging recycling, leaving the Community Centre hub overused. Should you notice this, give Indigo Waste a call on 01842 829 804, and advise them. The other mini hub alternatives being Ram Meadow Car Park, the Main Tesco Store. Or you can take your glass to the Council Hub with your other rubbish. Perhaps it might be worth finding somewhere else on the estate for a mini hub, to cope with our everincreasing population. Ongoing Issues Redecoration of the underpass Lead Artist selected and planning started. HGV Traffic We continue to make representation to all parties and will take part in any consultations as they occur. If you feel you could help us represent the estate as part of the Residents Association or have any suggestions or concerns please contact us on the web site above or at secretarymhra@gmail.com
Cliff Hind, Chairman Moreton Hall Residents Association E Mail cliffhind2001@yahoo.co.uk
Before the pandemic discussions were underway regarding the redecoration and refurbishment of the Lawson Place Underpass involving Moreton Hall Residents Association and the wards District and Town Councillors. Earlier on this year thanks to the help of Families and Communities at West Suffolk Council plus the support of our local councillors both at West Suffolk District and Bury St Edmunds Town Councils Cyrille Bouche, Peter Thompson, Tony Whittingham and former Councillors Trevor Beckwith and Frank Warby, a lot of progress has been made. An East Anglian based community arts organisation with experience in public street art and working with schools and young people has been selected to deliver the project. Previous feedback from a post on Moreton Hall Voice over two years ago said involve the school children, so, the artist/s will visit local schools and consult and involve them as well as the local community to deliver the children’s and communities’ ideas into reality. More information to follow in the July issue of the Moreton Hall Directory. Robert Houlton-Hart Email secretarymhra@gmail.com https://moretonhallresidents.wordpress.com/contact/ 18 | JUNE 2021