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Children’s Run Each Sunday there is a young children’s run which takes place on Ten Acre Field, we seem to have hit a problem with some dog walkers who object to this, some dog walkers say that the children running wears the grass away and it will spoil the walk area. I invited Mr John Smithson from the council to come and discuss this matter with the dog walkers, which he did. There was a slightly heated discussion but it ended peacefully with Mr Smithson agreeing to monitor the situation. I am asked to remind people that ten acre field is a public amenity, for use by all and we request that everyone keep it clean and tidy, walker’s, runners and their supporters please pick up after your runs there have been water bottles tissues sweet wrappers left behind. Dog walkers, some are still not clearing up after their dogs, we have some very considerate dog walkers who actually clean up after other people’s dogs. Please be considerate clean up your mess this refers to the footballers also, your blue tape is dangerous for dogs.

I would like to introduce our newest help in combatting illegal parking and parking on pathways. This is a town wide problem and our New PCSO who is funded by the Bury town council is charged with addressing this problem. Her name is Emily Howell, PCSO 3333, Emily has been very busy since she started having already issued over 100 tickets and this is having an effect already, Bury is a big town so Emily will be joined by another PCSO in May again funded by the town council. At this point I would like to remind people about parking in and around the community centre, Park within the bays provided, if you park anywhere outside the bays you will get a ticket and that’s £70, you have a three hour parking time which should be enough for you to shop see your doctor, use the post office don’t give your money away.

A lot covered this time but I think it all needed to be said. Enjoy the spring, Frank Warby MARCH 2017 | 11


Moreton Hall News...

from Cllr Peter Thompson

Pothole problem becoming crater and crater: A County Council election must be looming, everyone’s talking about potholes! It is right, however, that we suffer from poor roads and pavements and we do not get our fair share of resources, which Frank and I regularly report. Pavements are also particularly dirty at the moment, which I’m trying to get swept, specifically Shakers Lane and Bedingfeld Rd. Please be careful underfoot and report any dangerous surfaces.


You may have noticed that there has been some clearance work done opposite the pub in preparation for the Green Gym. We have the cash from our group at Town Council and by the time we go to print, we will have reviewed the 4 quotations we have received for the work. It is imminent.


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I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to take our MP, Jo Churchill through some of my local projects last month, including the Run/Walk Route, the Green Gym, the traveller barriers at Heldhaw and Pond Grove and the defibrillator at the Community Centre. She was very supportive. If you have any ideas for local projects, please get in touch at peter.thompson@stedsbc. or 07810 868986.



The first stage of consultation on the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Master plan has begun and over the next 8 weeks until the 21st April St Edmundsbury Borough Council will be running a public engagement campaign to get the publics views of what the issues and options are. It is a project to shape the future of the town centre so that it works for people. It is not just about ensuring that it continues to attract shoppers and visitors for decades to come, but also that it is accessible, and a place where people live and work happily. That includes looking at how the town centre continues to cope with growth and other future pressures such as technological changes and responds sensitively to a larger number of people and cars. Residents views are sought and as the public consultation takes place a huge part of the town centre master plan will be to look at those elements of the town centre that do not really work. Once the issues and options are fully understood a master plan will be drawn up which again will be put out for public consultation later on in the year. There are various public events arranged so far. 8th March 8am to 3pm Bury St Edmunds Market 8th March 6pm to 8pm at the Apex 9th March 10am to 5pm at Tesco St Saviours Interchange 7th April 10am to 5 pm at Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre 8th April 8am to 3pm Bury St Edmunds Market

MORETON HALL RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION has arranged a presentation for Moreton Hall Residents on the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Master Plan by St Edmundsbury Borough Council On MONDAY 10th APRIL 2017 at the Community Centre at 7pm The key issues and emerging broad opinions will be talked about and people will be encouraged to complete questionnaires to have their say. There will be hard copy questionnaires and also cards with the web address to complete the survey online. For up to date information and copy documents visit bsemasterplan There will be information leaflets available at Skyliner Sports Centre as well as The Athenaeum, Moyse’s Hall Museum , and the Citizens Advice Bureau in Risbygate Street. It is your future. Please let the Council have your views. The McDonalds saga still continues and the traffic at the Sainsbury’s Roundabout increases. There does not seem to be a joined-up plan or thinking across the town to deal with the increased traffic that all the new house will bring. The approach seems to deal with each application on its own merits but one traffic improvement in one area has consequences elsewhere on the road network. Suffolk County Council are the Highways Authority. Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th March at 7.30 pm at the Community Centre. Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary Moreton Hall Residents Association E Mail

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How to get the

Nude Make-up Look

22 | MARCH 2017


Gone are the days of heavily winged-out eyeliner and strong 80s contouring that were oh-so-hot in 2009. This spring, the trend in makeup is all about looking au naturale. Read on to find out how you can use makeup to look flawless while keeping it subtle.


Step 1: Start by prepping your skin with an oil-free moisturiser. This will give a bit of slip so your makeup goes on smoother. Step 2: For those who are blessed with issue-free skin, apply a tinted moisturiser to even out your skin tone. If you need more coverage, use a liquid foundation with a dewy finish. Step 3: Apply your foundation or tinted moisturiser with a sponge. Pay extra attention to the edges to make sure there are no visible lines. Remember, real skin is never matte so finish by only powdering areas that get oily throughout the day. Step 4: To get the most natural healthy glow, opt for a cream blush. Using your fingers, apply three dots on the apples of your cheeks and blend towards the temples. Step 5: Spritz your face with a facial mist to tone down any cakiness and to keep your skin looking dewy and fresh.


Step 1: Natural eyebrows never look penciled in. So ditch your eyebrow pencil and use a powder that matches with your hair colour instead. Apply with an angled brush and blend with a clean mascara wand or brow brush to soften the look. Step 2: Skip eyeliner and really work the mascara wand into the roots of your lashes to make them appear fuller. If you must wear eyeliner, keep the line thin and stick to softer colours like brown or grey. Alternatively, try lining the inner rims of your eyes with a cake eyeliner. To do this, lift up your eyelid gently and push the eyeliner into the rim of your lids with a flat brush. Step 3: Apply one to two coats of mascara and run a lash comb through your lashes to get rid of clumps. Don’t have one handy? Swiping your lashes gently with your fingers works just as well. Step 4: If you want more definition, add a pair of thin, long fake lashes. The trick is to use the right glue and wait until the glue turns tacky before you apply.


Step 1: Exfoliate your lips with an old toothbrush and Vaseline to get rid of nasty dead skin. Step 2: Forget lip liner. Instead use a tinted lip balm for a subtle pop of colour and shine.

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Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.

MARCH List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: CHICCO ‘LONDON’ BUGGY, COMPLETE WITH COSY TOES AND RAIN COVER. Used at Nan’s hardly ever used. £30 ONO. Tel 01284 725127 JOIE, CAR SEAT AND 2 ISOFIX SEAT BASES, suitable for child up to 18Kg. May sell separately. £130 ONO. Tel 01284 725127 A PAIR OF HEAVY LINED PATIO DOOR CURTAINS (like New) Gold with a pattern. Price £40. LEATHER TROUSERS Size 12. Price £20. Call Clarrlnd on 01284 766902 Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

52 | MARCH 2017


Pauls jobs for the month Flower Garden

n Hardy annuals such as marigolds and poppies can be sown if the soil is warm n Sow sweet peas either in pots or directly outside n Prune bush roses by one third, back to healthy leaf buds to tidy their growth after the winter. n Tidy up Cordylines by pulling away faded lower leaves n If like me you bought pots of daffodils for show inside the home don’t just throw them away after flowering. Instead plant them in your garden and allow the leaves to die down naturally. n Hydrangeas - any old flower heads should be cut off just above a strong new bud n Hardy Fuchsia - prune dead stems right back to the ground

General Maintenance n So you no longer have a brown bin instead start a compost heap

This months poem...


for all your kitchen and garden waste. n Using your compost make sure that your borders are given a thick layer of mulch around existing plants to keep moisture in, condition the soil and help cut down on weeding later in the season. n It’s the start of another season of lawn mowing but start with the blades on a high setting. n If the weather is suitable, apply a lawn weed and feed preparation towards the end of the month. n Give any plant pots a refresh. With small pots remove the plant, add some fresh compost and re-pot. For larger pots, just scrape off the top layer and add fresh compost material to the top.

Vegetable Garden With a steady rise in vegetable prices and shortages due to poor growing conditions it might just be the year to have a go at growing your own. n potatoes in late March. You will need to chit your potatoes by standing them upright in a warm and light spot. Egg boxes are ideal. Once growth known as eyes begins they are ready to be planted n Choose the sunniest spot for planting onion sets 4” to 6” apart and 12” between rows. n Plant broad beans, peas, parsnips and carrots

Fruit Garden n Final chance this month to prune your apple and pear trees before they start to bloom. Aim to remove any dead branches congested or crossing stems

“The March wind blows winter away And sweeps the streets from day to day March brings surprises, first the day’s hot Then it starts snowing, likely as not Hurry, March wind, hurry along We like to hear you sing your song.” - Author unknown


One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up

Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on

01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email:

MARCH 2017 | 63


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The Chadacre Challenge 2nd April 2017

The Chadacre Challenge is new, mixed ability, all terrain running event through the beautiful Suffolk countryside that aims to raise money for a new pre-school building for the village of Lawshall. Catering for serious runners who want to pit their wits against an all-terrain 10k course as well as those who feel that 3k is challenge is enough, the event has something for all the family. The 10k run for those aged 15 and over is a demanding all-terrain course winding through the countryside paths and fields. There will be medals awarded to all finishers and a trophy for the top three male and female runners. Each participant in the 10k run will be provided with a chip to officially clock their time. The Chadacre Challenge also includes a 3k fun run, similar to the very popular park run. This is a chance for children to run with parents, parents to run with babies in buggies (robust ones only) or toddlers on their shoulders!

There will be prizes for fancy dress and a shiny medal for everyone involved. The Chadacre Estate, a beautiful private 522 acre farming estate in the Suffolk countryside south of Bury St Edmunds , will be opening its gates to the public, by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Lamprell. For those spectating, there will be tea, cakes, face painting and fun to be had on the sidelines. Lawshall Pre-school are aiming to raise in excess of £65,000 for a new building to accommodate young children aged 2 1/5 to 4 years and help then get the best possible start in life. The new building will create an Early Years Centre of Excellence within the village of Lawshall in the grounds of the Outstanding All Saints’ Primary School. For details on how to enter please visit

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M&Co: Jacket £39, Trousers £24

MARCH 2017 | 73


Christ Church MORETON HALL Wow! What a month February has proved to be and what a month March will be. Many of you will be shocked and horrified by the antics of Mr. Trump and his followers. Some of you will still be giggling at the Bishop of Coventry who pushed the wrong button at General Synod and voted against something which he was for. All the time everything is so uncertain and we just don’t know what the future will hold. March will see the official start of Britain’s exit from the European Union and we will begin the two year process of what is going to be a very bumpy ride. But March also sees the beginning of Lent. Despite the decline of Christianity in this country, certain institutions like Christmas, Easter and Lent, continue. It surprises me how many millions of people think it is their duty to give up chocolate or other 82 | MARCH 2017

things during this period. I recently handed over three carrier bags full of chocolates to the foodbank from people who felt this was the right thing to do. For others Lent is the time not so much for abstinence but positive action. Christian Aid and other groups will be encouraging people to reflect on their lifestyle, to do acts of kindness and give money to those who are desperately in need. But there is another use for Lent which I would like to commend to you. One of the problems with modern life is that because it is going so fast, we only get to hear from those who shout the loudest or say the most extreme things. This has led to some very poor decision making and some quite unforeseen consequences. Lent, which is modelled on Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness should

remind us that, after the momentous event of His baptism, Jesus went to be by Himself, to be quiet and to reflect; to reflect before He took His next steps in ministry. I would suggest to you, as we will be doing in church, that we should use March and April and the run up to Easter as a time to find peace and quiet. To reflect well, so that we are in a better frame of mind for the important decisions we have to make, particularly here on Moreton Hall with local authority elections in May and other things to decide. Therefore, we are encouraging people to think about Lent by this simple acrostic - L = leave; E = everything; N = now; T = to pray. Yes, leave everything now to pray. I would suggest you get yourself a little notebook and jot down the things to help you remember what has come to mind.


Directory health

& beauty

Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920


& fitness classes

Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925


& design

PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092

motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Vindis Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616 Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616


& landscape

Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625


& maintenance

Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415

MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Abbeygate Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763244 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 Bone Dry Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 Blue Flame Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041

home furnishings CTS Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 361283 Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Glasswells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752804


& letting agents

Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444

business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583 Tinkerbells Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232221


& drink

Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 ICE cooking classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102


& social clubs

Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102

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