Bury St Edmunds Directory May 2021 issue

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community news



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MAY 2021








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Welcome to the MAY ISSUE

So hands up who has endured the chilly evenings sat in a beer garden? I’m sure this time last year we had a heat wave! Snow in April, what was that all about? Anyway, whilst writing this the sun is shining so hopefully this bank holiday will be nice enough to sit outside with a lovely glass of Pimms! The next stage of coming out of lockdown is approaching, so on pages 58 and 59 we have the Theatre Royal telling us what’s coming up when they reopen. We have some lovely floral fashion on pages 62 and 63 to brighten up your wardrobe, and on pages 38 and 40 more recipes, and if you try them we would love to see a pic, just email us at studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk and let us know what you thought! With summer fast approaching we hope that everyone is feeling happier and healthier, and enjoy this month’s issue!


Meet the team...

Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory @BSEdirectories


SALLY WALTERS Graphic Designer

JEREMY PROCTER Sales Executive

Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk Publisher: Amplify Design & Print Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE

Design & Artwork: www.amplifydesign.co.uk


Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk Advertising/copy deadline for June 2021 issue: Friday 21st May 2021 While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2020 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories.

MAY 2021 | 05




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MAY 2021 | 07




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COUNCIL NEWS UPDATE By County Councillor Trevor Beckwith A brief update as Suffolk County Council comes to the end of its current four-year term. Throughout that period, I have worked with other Independent councillors and small groups to make proposals that were adopted by the council, with a couple listed here. Although all meetings were held virtually, we demonstrated that working together, with the freedom to make decisions based on community needs, there is no need for the rigid political structure. A Biodiversity Strategy will ensure; • Delivery of a biodiversity strategy that will set out how we could increase Suffolk’s biodiversity, halt the loss of habitats and species, and reintroduce declining species in suitable locations. • Assessment of how the council can lead organisations across the county in efforts to improve biodiversity. • Adoption of biodiverse land management options on council land. • A letter to the Secretary of State asking what further support can be made available to local authorities to enhance bio diversity within their areas. Our group leader said “our efforts can feel like a drop in the ocean but by working together and listening to each other we can make a difference. Suffolk County Council has taken another step on the path to making that difference. By working together, across political party lines, we can have a real impact.”

Carer’s Database The Council will work with Suffolk Family Carers to form an opt-in register for paid and unpaid carers, who will be offered increased support, including advice, signposting to key services, and the option to be consulted on key policies affecting carers. Those who opt in will receive support for carer respite, signposting to financial help, and back-up measures for caring for their family if they contract Covid-19 requiring them to isolate.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera project The county council is working with the police to run a two-year ANPR camera trial in speeding hot spots across the county. The cameras will be used to help detect and deter speeding offences that have been highlighted in towns and villages and educate drivers on the importance of road safety. An ANPR camera will be installed at a site where the local council has identified a problem with speeding and/or rat-running on roads with a 20 or 30mph speed limit and with support from their county councillor. The devices will be moved between sites and will remain in situ for up to one week per site. There is the option of extending that period if needed.

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10 | Email: MAY 2021



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footforward MAY 2021 | 11


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Gosh, how is it May already? We hope, by now, many of you have had at least your first vaccination. It’s been great to see the number of covid patients slowly fall in the hospital and we are sure you join us in thanking the amazing NHS staff for caring for us all. We are starting to look forward but before we do that we would like to pause and take a moment for reflection as we remember those we have lost and as we celebrate their lives. Jennie Gatley is a volunteer both at West Suffolk Hospital and also for My WiSH Charity. One of her roles at the hospital is as an end of life volunteer. This means she spends time with patients who are passing away. It might be they have no family, or that their nearest and dearest live far away, or it could be she just spends half an hour with the patient whist loved ones take a comfort break. Obviously, Jennie, along with all the other volunteers, has been unable to be in the hospital over the last year but she still very much wanted to remember these patients. As an avid knitter, she already works with the Blanketeer group making blankets for patients and she was behind the knitted bear initiative where many end of life patients receive a beautifully knitted bear which either continues it’s journey with the patient or goes home with the family, Jennie has once again picked up her knitting needles and made 265 butterflies, each one denoting a patient who has sadly died at the hospital within 28 days of a positive test. We think you’ll agree; these butterflies make a poignant sight. We will be working with Jennie and the chaplains at the hospital to put these into a display for the chapel so we can all remember those who sadly succumbed to the virus. We will be announcing a new event in the next couple of weeks to help us reflect on what has been and what is to come so do follow us on social media to find out more. We hope many of you will take part as we shine a light to brighter days. Finally, as you all start to regroup with your clubs and organisations, you may be thinking about future speakers for your meetings. If you would like to hear about our year of supporting West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust through the pandemic we would love to talk to you. Best wishes, Sue Smith Head of fundraising



If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact fundraising@wsh.nhs.uk or call 01284 712952 12 | MAY 2021




South Suffolk Show 2021

The trustees of The South Suffolk Agricultural Association have now taken the decision to cancel the 2021 South Suffolk Show. This will be only the fourth time in the show’s 133 year history that the event has not occurred over two consecutive years, during which shows were cancelled from 1914 – 1922 due to WWI, from 1931 – 1935 due to the depression and 1939 – 1945 due to WWII.

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BURYS 1ST CHOICE Prolonging the decision for as long as possible in order to conserve any chance of the show going ahead this year, and even considering delaying the date until the weekend of June 26/27th being the last weekend possible before the commencement of harvest in the region, Chairman of The South Suffolk Agricultural Association Jim Mann advised that continuing with plans to hold the show was just too risky at this stage, with the lack of clarity around the easing of the lockdown restrictions meaning that we couldn’t guarantee the health and safety of the show’s visitors, judges, stewards, exhibitors and contractors. The Association is now focusing on the 2022 South Suffolk Show scheduled for Sunday 8th May, for which they are delighted to have secured the hugely popular and exceptionally talented Atkinsons Action Horses (renowned for their film and television work, with the horses having become famous following their appearances on Poldark, Peaky Blinders and Victoria) to perform

some astonishing stunts on their magnificent steeds as the grand ring attraction.



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Moreton Hall

Community Centre As the UK slowly and safely reopens for business so does the Community Centre. The clubs, associations and group hirers are steadily rebooking. If you are a member of any of them you should hear from your organiser soon. If you are looking to start up your own group or club and are looking for space give the centre a call. Building work at the front of the centre continues and appears to be on schedule. Talks have been held with Suffolk Libraries about how they will operate from the centre. They are very excited at the prospect of providing a library service direct to the heart of the community. So look out for their promotional material. The post office has done a remarkable job in remaining open during the building works so a massive thank you to Juliet and her team. The social club will reopen its doors to old and new members from Friday 21 May. By then the weather will be more settled, the builders should be off site and inside service will be allowed just in case its rains. Opening will follow government guidance. Members will emailed shortly to keep them updated on membership and forthcoming events. If you are considering the community centre for a private function then the suggestion is to act quickly as dates have been filling up quickly for weekends both for this summer and into 2022. Everybody involved at the centre is looking forward to seeing you very soon so that we can all start to enjoy a life as close to normal as possible.


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*Subject to the current legislation.

For updates on what’s on join us on facebook! Telephone: 01284 763402 Email: moretonhallclub@aol.com


14 | MAY 2021

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| 15



Spring has sprung!

When Spring arrives, we feel more energetic, fresh winds blow the cobwebs away and we can start on new tasks with enthusiasm. Together with environmental specialists Greener Growth our Environment and Wildlife Project is well under way and watch out for some innovative conservation and regreening initiatives we are undertaking to transform the local environment and area around the Centre. From May 17th, Government Covid guidelines will hopefully see the return of many of our valued hirers and users, the buzz will be returning once again to our amazing facility. The fruits of our lockdown improvements and re-decoration will be there for all to see and enjoy. We have had a lot of enquiries recently about hiring our great facilities – our large main hall, our small hall, committee/seminar room and small office: plus great kitchen facilities. And two wedding receptions have already been booked! If you have any enquiries regarding our Community Centre and are seeking to hire any of our rooms or halls then please contact our ever helpful Centre Manager, Jackie - by email on jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk or leave a message on 01284 703705. She will be monitoring all calls and will be delighted to hear from you.

Southgate’s Nowton Estate Easter Trail 21 Avid Easter egg hunters were out in force for the latest popular outdoor trail. The Easter Trail saw residents turn their front gardens into a display each concealing a hidden egg with a word. Families were asked to find all 19 eggs to enter a hamper of goodies and giant Easter eggs up for grabs. Organiser Jessica Rudd said: “It went really well. Everyone enjoyed themselves especially children. It was all about a bit of normality Covid-safe way.” Southgate Church also participated with a display of Easter flowers and a wooden cross with a message.

Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgate 16 | MAY 2021


© Andy Abbot Photography

E Community centre

uthgatechurch.org.uk www.southgatecommunity.org.uk MAY 2021 | 17




As the County, Local and Police and Crime Commissioner elections take place on the 6th of May, we hope to publish the results and the relevant contact details in the June edition.

Public Space Protection Order

This is now in force and will help our police deal with our well documented issues. We ask you to contact the Police on 101 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 if you witness any anti-social behaviour or are being disturbed by noisy motor vehicles. You may also inform us, and we will pass it on to the correct authorities. If it is a real emergency, dial 999.

Underpass Redecoration

We are well into the process of selecting an artist to oversee this project and should be able to give an update next month.

HGV Traffic

Can we thank again those who answered our survey, the results of which have been used to compile a comprehensive report by our Secretary Robert Houlton-Hart. We are using the information to find a satisfactory solution to the problem.


During the last few weeks, the remnants of a pizza meal has ended up in our garden, and other takeaway packaging strewn along the road, obviously thrown from a passing car. Littering is an offence. We thank those people who volunteer as litter pickers, but at the end of the day people must be encouraged to take their litter home. Please let us know if you have ideas on how to discourage littering. If you have any issues, suggestions or want to get involved please contact us at the website above or at secretarymhra@gmail.com

Cliff Hind, Chairman Moreton Hall Residents Association E Mail cliffhind2001@yahoo.co.uk 18 | MAY 2021

E: james@stringerbuilders.co.uk T: 01359 23 LOCAL NEWS


T: 0 E: info www

Thank-you frontline workers! With us coming gradually out of lockdown, here at the Directory we would like to thank all our frontline workers, especially the NHS, but also all our supermarket workers, care assistants, teachers, childminders and anyone else that worked throughout selflessly. Thank You! One of our readers sent us this message to say how her mum Angela Warriner deserves recognition for the outstanding work she does as a local childminder for the ABC Childminders Group on Moreton Hall... ‘My mum has been childminding a long time now and really does deserve recognition for the amazing work she, along with all the other childminders, have done throughout this pandemic. She always puts others before herself and kept her business open during lockdown, helping to support the other childminders who have been suffering anxiety through this, she has offered advice and support to them. Working for the key worker families has been a difficult challenge, trying to keep the children entertained and educated whilst both my dad and brother also worked from home was very testing. She has a big heart and is keen to help the community when she can, unfortunately she also fell ill with coronavirus along with my dad and brother, but that didn’t stop her, whilst she was unwell, she made the time to take phone calls, answer emails and do all the paperwork that childminders have to do, not only has she been working but she has also had to be a big rock for me as I have been suffering mental health issues and eating issues, if it wasn’t for her I don’t know how I would have got through it, she gave me the strength to speak out and seek help when I needed it, she is an amazing mum, wife, daughter and childminder! One of the family she has on her books said she is not just their childminder, she is a friend too, someone who they would always send every child needing a childminder to as she is amazing. I just want her read this so she knows she is truly appreciated and loved, and it’s not shown to her enough. Thank you Mum!”. Jess Warriner. MAY 2021 | 19

LOCAL NEWS Where to start, over the past four weeks the estate has suffered with vandalism, antisocial behaviour and sheer stupidity.

Broken Glass The under sevens football match nearly had to be cancelled because of a few mindless people who decided to take bottles from the bottle bank and break them along the path and onto the football field. Thanks to parents and some locals, the glass was cleared up and the match went ahead but to ensure safety, they moved to another pitch on the same site. The glass problem did not stop there, a fews days later the pub car park was targeted and bottles were smashed all over it and down around in front of the coffee house, causing problems for families making their way to the doctors and the shops.

Grafitti Like I said in the last edition the bus shelter on Symonds Road has three lots of graffiti on it, also the 5km running sign opposite the coffee house has also been targeted. I will attempt to clean it off this sign and off the BT box on Symonds Road.

Vandalism The fence on the football field near the youth club which, has just been repaired as it had one of the older slats broken. In Pond Covet, the natural classroom has had two of its seats/logs taken and dumped into the pond, I don’t know what’s going on at the moment, there was none of this during lockdown when the youngsters were stuck at home. That’s it for now, take care. Frank Warby, Moreton Hall Resident

20 | MAY 2021

LITTER PICKING There are some brilliant litter pickers on our estate who every day walk around and pick up the litter, there is Mike, Alison and Shirley that I know off. Also a special mention to Samuel Everett who is doing his army cadet bronze Duke of Edingburgh Award by cleaning up our estate and doing a sterling job, it’s nice to see that we have people who take pride in keeping the estate clean, well done to all and thank you.

MAY 2021 | 21


SOUTHGATE NEWS Over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, houses across the estate decorated their gardens and windows with Easter displays! Hidden within each display was an Easter egg that had a word written on it. Families across the estate went on a giant Easter egg hunt, trying to collect all 19 words that were hidden, to be in with a chance of winning a prize! Lots of fun was had by all ages and an overwhelming amount of entries were received for the competition! Thank you to Donna Evans and Present Panda Gift Shop, who very kindly donated prizes to the winners. The winners of the competition were: Logan Goodwin, Marie Richard, Jasmine Jones, Amber Claydon and George Matthams, congratulations to you all.


Also a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Easter Egg Hunt Trail, all the displays looked brilliant and really brightened up the estate over the Easter period. Yet another successful community led event!.

Contact Jessica: email jessica.p.rudd@gmail.com Contact Patrick: Telephone 07802 751433 or email patrick.chung@westsuffolk.gov.uk 22 | MAY 2021


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istletoe, once favoured by Druids for their fertility rites, and now a Christmas decoration in popular culture, is unusual but increasing in the East of England. It grows high on tree branches, and is a semi-parasite. Whilst it does photosynthesise some of the energy it needs for growth, its roots penetrate through the bark of its host to take water, minerals and sugars from its host’s sap. It is normally found on poplar, lime, hawthorn and apple trees, and a well-known small group of mistletoe plants is indeed found on hawthorn in a Local Nature Reserve in Bury St Edmunds. Recent research in Ipswich

has shown that the town has a surprising amount of mistletoe, growing on a wider range of trees than previously thought.

bark is thin enough the seed’s emerging roots will penetrate through to the sap to initiate the next plant.

A well-established colony of mistletoe has now been found in Moreton Hall, on an alder tree. Its growing on a non-native Grey Alder which was a species popular with landscape architects in the late 20th century; this one was planted in the mid-late 1990s. Birds, such as the eponymous Mistle Thrush, eat the glistening white berries, but then wipe of the sticky remnants on a branch. Seeds are spread onto the branch in this way, and if the

An expansion in blackcap numbers is thought to have increased the amount of mistletoe in eastern England. These little birds migrate to and from Germany, enjoy mistletoe berries, and may even have brought mistletoe seeds from there. Blackcaps are found in our woods, and can be heard singing in Pond Covert, Home covert and Natterer’s Wood. Maybe one day mistletoe will be spread by these little birds and we will see more of it as we walk around Moreton Hall.

Join us at Woodland Ways... For more information on work party resumption, please see www.woodlandways.org.uk, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email chair@woodlandways.org.uk.

24 | MAY 2021

Follow us on Facebook @nattererswood or Woodland Ways

Follow us on Twitter @NatterersWood


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MAY 2021 | 25

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ELIGIBILITY: ELIGIBILITY: ELIGIBILITY: The The Motability Scheme enables you toyou exchange your government funded funded Motability Scheme enables to exchange your government

The Motability Scheme enables you to exchange your government funded Motability allowance for a brand-new Nissan. To be eligible to join this scheme, Motability allowance for a brand-new Nissan. To be eligible to join this scheme, Motability allowance for a brand-new Nissan. To be eligible to join this scheme, you you needneed to have one of theofWfollowing Motability allowance with at with leastat 12 least 12 to have one the Wfollowing Motability allowance you need to have one of the Wfollowing Motability allowance with at least 12 months’ award length remaining. months’ award length remaining. months’ award length remaining. • Rate Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance • Higher Higher Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance • Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance • Rate Rate Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment • Enhanced Enhanced Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment • Enhanced Rate Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment • Mobility Supplement (WPMS)(WPMS) • War Pensioners’ War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement • War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement (WPMS) • Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) (AFIP) • Armed Armed Forces Independence Payment • Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) Please notenote that the Allowance cannotcannot be used leasetoa lease car a car Please thatAttendance the Attendance Allowance betoused Please note that the Attendance Allowance cannot be used to lease a car through the Motability Scheme. Even ifEven you are a non-driver, you areyou still are ablestill to able to through the Motability Scheme. if you are a non-driver, through the Motability Scheme. Even if you are a non-driver, you are still able to lease a Nissan through this scheme and nominate someone to driveto it for you. lease a Nissan through this scheme and nominate someone drive it for you. lease a Nissan through this scheme and nominate someone to drive it for you.


Where To Find Us Us Where Find Where To To Find Us

£20,200.00 £20,200.00 £20,200.00 £8,966.70 £8,966.70 £8,966.70 £24,554.06 £24,554.06 £24,554.06 3.99% 3.99% 3.99% 49 months 49 months 49 months 10,000 milesmiles 10,000 10,000 miles 3.99% APR Offer valid untilvalid 30.06.21. dealers only. Nissanonly. Finance. Subject to status. 18+.to status. 18+. 3.99% APR Offer untilParticipating 30.06.21. Participating dealers Nissan Finance. Subject WLTP FOR MODELS SHOW NISSAN NEXT GENERATION JUKE N-CONNECTA fuelto economy and CO2 results Combined 47.9Combined mpg CO2 emissions 112g/emissions 112g/ WLTP FIGURES FOR MODELS SHOW NISSAN NEXT GENERATION JUKE N-CONNECTA economy and(WLTP): CO2 results (WLTP): 47.9 mpg CO2 3.99%FIGURES APR Offer valid until 30.06.21. Participating dealers only. Nissan Finance. Subject status.fuel 18+. km km WLTP FIGURES FOR MODELS SHOW NISSAN NEXT GENERATION JUKE N-CONNECTA fuel economy and CO2 results (WLTP): Combined 47.9 mpg CO2 emissions 112g/ MPG official test figures forfigures comparative purposes and many not Theseresults. cars have been tested using outgoing MPGare figures are official test for comparative purposes andreflect manyreal notdriving reflectresults. real driving These cars have beenthe tested usingNEDC the outgoing NEDC km figures testing method WLTP). Only compare fuel consumption and figures withfigures cars thetested same technical standard. testing method (not WLTP). compare fuel consumption and CO2 withto cars tocars the have same technical MPG figures are (not official test figures forOnly comparative purposes andCO2 many not reflect real tested driving results. These been testedstandard. using the outgoing NEDC Terms conditions apply.Only Information correct at correct time of going toof print. Forwith terms and conditions relating to Nissan technologies, visit www.nissan. Terms and apply. Information at time going to print. For terms and conditions relating to Nissan please technologies, please visit www.nissan. testingand method (notconditions WLTP). compare fuel consumption and CO2 figures cars tested to the same technical standard. co.uk/techterms . Prices and details correct at correct time of publishing & are subject to change without notice. Finance approved by Nissan Finance Rivers Finance Office Park, co.uk/techterms . Prices and details atoftime of to publishing are subject to change without notice. Finance approved by Nissan Rivers Office Park, Terms and conditions apply. Information correct at time going print. For & terms and conditions relating to Nissan technologies, please visit www.nissan. Denham Way, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth WD3 9YS. subject status tochange UKstatus residents age 18 or Finance over. Guarantees/indemnities may beRivers required. Our Denham Maple Cross,correct Rickmansworth WD3 9YS. Finance subject to to UK residents age 18 or over.by Guarantees/indemnities may be required. Our co.uk/techterms .Way, Prices and details at time ofFinance publishing & areto subject to without notice. approved Nissan Finance Office Park, dealership introduces customers to a limited ofnumber finance providers including Finance. mileage charge will be charge payable if you customers tonumber a limited of finance providers including Nissan Finance. An excess mileage be decide payable Denhamdealership Way, Mapleintroduces Cross, Rickmansworth WD3 9YS. Finance subject to status to UK Nissan residents age 18An or excess over. Guarantees/indemnities may be will required. Our toif you decide to return the vehicle the agreed annual mileage charge hascharge been exceeded. Terms and conditions apply. Please notecharge that calls maybe recorded for training return theand vehicle and the agreed annual mileage has been exceeded. Terms and conditions apply. Please note that calls maybe recorded for training dealership introduces customers to a limited number of finance providers including Nissan Finance. An excess mileage will be payable if you decide to and quality purposes. Athe W& D Hammond Ltd are authorised &been regulated the Financial Conduct Authority as aAuthority creditthat broker notbroker as a lender. Images for and quality purposes. AW & D Hammond Ltd are authorised &by regulated by the Financial Conduct as a but credit butfor not as 2021 a are lender. Images are for return the vehicle and agreed annual mileage charge has exceeded. Terms and conditions apply. Please note calls maybe recorded training MAY | 27 illustration purposes only. illustration purposes only. and quality purposes. A W & D Hammond Ltd are authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a credit broker but not as a lender. Images are for illustration purposes only.


MORETON HALL NEWS... from Peter Thompson, Mayor

Email: peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986

Walking on Broken Glass

It has been a real shame this month about the number of reports of petty vandalism I have received. We’ve seen small groups of young people taking bottles from the bottle bank at the community centre and smashing them on the bench, bottles being smashed on Heldhaw Rd, behind the Youth Centre and on the path through to Abbots Green, a piece of gym equipment broken at the Heldhaw Rd park and a small fire at Rainbow Park. We were all young once and I would never be accusatory, but if this is you or you know who it is, please desist. An Under 7s football match needed to be moved and we’ve had some minor injuries.

HRH Prince Philip

Bury marked the death of Prince Philip last month and I was incredibly proud of our town. I attended a service at the cathedral to coincide with the funeral as a guest of Lady Clare, Countess of Euston, who is Suffolk’s royal representative. We received correspondence from all over the World, including this letter from our twin town, Compiegne.


A sweeter story now. You wait ages for a story about our twin town, then 2 come along at once. Last month, I received a mystery package in the mail all the way from France. I eagerly opened it up to find a card addressed to me and a letter along with a jar of honey. My “B” in GCSE French came in handy and I could see that Compiegne has been encouraging bees with wildflower areas, conservation and the installation of their own hives. Now, it would be very tempting as Mayor to say “merci” and get a slice of toast on, however I would like to use this jar to promote conservation in our own town and be able to go back to Compiegne with a story that their actions have had a positive effect here, too. I will be giving this jar away to someone in Bury St Edmunds who has a brilliant wildlife or bee project. Please enter with a simple email telling me all about your project (bonus if it is new) and I will select a winner in May alongside colleagues at Town Council. Until new month, au revoir!

28 | MAY 2021

Is Parking Fine?

Parking has been a particular problem this month. We have a better grasp of the new rules at Lawson Place - to reiterate, it is free for 3 hours and it is now being patrolled. As we have moved out of lockdown, I can see more vehicle movements and this has meant a rise in parking complaints. I must make sure people are aware of some of the private parking areas in Moreton Hall, especially the pub, the hotel, Hillside and Sainsburys. I have been in correspondence surrounding Sainsburys as they also now have a 3 hour limit and their ANPR cameras seem to have fined some people spuriously. I’m looking into it.

A Bit of Normality We finally saw light at the end of the tunnel during April as businesses opened back up. I went over to the pub to speak with the landlord, Charlie on 12th and managed to get a haircut and everybody was so happy to be back working and getting out and about. We must still be vigilant in everything we do, but it was so encouraging to get closer to something normal. I would encourage you to support your local businesses, indies and shops.



NEW FOR 2021






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MAY 2021 | 29


Life springs forward

The clocks have sprung forward, haircuts are happening, we can now begin to see family and friends again – well wrapped up as the spring warmth has not quite arrived yet - in the garden for a good catch up and cuppa or glass of wine and go into shops again. Along with vaccinations continuing to be rolled out, life is starting to look brighter with an essence of some normality returning for many people. It can seem daunting seeing people again and venturing out, especially if you have been shielding, so do take things at pace that suits you and remember to be kind to yourself and others.

Skin care advice from LSN - CALM Careful observation - watch for breaks, redness or infection Avoid injury - better to avoid an injury than to have to treat one Lather it up - use a soap substitute if you like, but keep your skin clean* Moisturise - Simple, unperfumed moisturisers work best

limited availability At the beginning of the 2020 lockdown LSN launched a YouTube channel to share * Note - if you use Dermol 500 lotion to wash with then it does not lather up, no matter how hard you try!

LSN Youtube channel

lymphoedema care advice with patients. Todate 11 videos have been shown and viewed an incredible 6,000 times. To access these videos go to the LSN website www. lymphoedema.org and click on the YouTube icon or search for lymphoedema support network in YouTube


LSS 2021 MEETING DATES: JULY 19TH, AUGUST 23RD, OCTOBER 18TH AND DECEMBER 13TH Subject to Government Guidelines allowing and observing Hands - Face – Space 7pm – 9pm at at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit. For further details LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: wsh-tr.wslymphoedemaservice@nhs.net / 01284 712732 For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema: British Lymphology Society website - www.thebls.com Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website - www.lymphoedema.org Macmillan website - www.macmillan.org.uk 30 | MAY 2021




Limited Availability



ALL ABILITIES WELCOME Sessions will focus on hill sprints, interval training and running techniques.


for more information




It was a doctor in the Pain Clinic who suggested that I join the Chronic Pain Support Group in Bury St Edmunds. I can clearly remember how nervous I was about joining as I had never joined any sort of group before, and this was a group who all new each other. Five years ago, I went along to the garden centre where they held their monthly coffee mornings. This was my first time, and I was very nervous, I had almost decided to go only that once to just say I had given it a chance. There I met one of the organisers who made me feel very welcome and one by one the group arrived and they too made me feel welcome. I thought I would never become part of the group as I could only meet them once a month in the mornings but how wrong was I, the group soon became my second family. I soon learnt that you can be involved as much or as little as you are able to, it is your choice. Nobody pushes you in any form at all. I know that when coffee mornings are able to resume again, new members will be treated in the same way as I was on that first morning. All are welcome and unless you need support and wish to share your concerns, which you are welcome to when you are ready to do so, it is a morning to forget about your pain. For now, coffee mornings are being held virtually on zoom every Saturday. Once a month quiz/once a month bingo. Nothing is too serious, but we laugh a lot. On Wednesday’s art lessons. If you are hesitant about joining you do not have to give it another thought. You will be made to feel very welcome and given support when you need it. You will be amongst people who understand. (in her own words, a member of CPSG)

For more details about CPSG please email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk

32 | MAY 2021



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Welcome back! After a long winter of being locked indoors it feels wonderful to get out in the sunshine and start moving again. It is so exciting to be welcoming students back to class and opening the café for a chance to catch up with friends for an after-class coffee and cake. We are running a combination of live, online, and outdoor classes. Yoga and Pilates to start, adding Meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong in the coming weeks. There should be something for everyone! Don’t worry if you haven’t practiced for a while, we are offering beginners and refresher classes to help you get restarted. There are still strict covid precautions in place, which we will talk you through on arrival. Please bring your own equipment and book online via our website or the mind body app.

Welcome Back Offer

Available to new and existing students


for 30 days of classes*

*Terms & Conditions apply. Purchase available until May 31st 2021. One purchase per person. 30 days commence from first class booked.

We add frequent updates on our Instagram and Facebook pages so please follow us for the latest news.

See you on the mat... We can’t wait!


The Self Centre • Drinkstone Industrial Park • Kempson Way • Moreton Hall • Bury St. Edmun

34 | MAY 2021






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Classes from May 17th: DAY Monday

TIME 9.30–10.45 10.00–11:00 18.15–19.15 19.30–20.30 Tuesday 9.15–10.30 Wednesday 11.00–12.15 18:15–19.30 18.30–19.45 Thursday 9.30–11.00 18.15–19.45 Friday 9.15–10.15 9.30–11.00 Saturday 9.30–10.45

CLASS LEVEL Vinyasa Flow 2 Pilates Mixed Ability 2 Pilates Mixed Ability 2 Pilates Intermediate 4 Back to Basics Yoga 1 Hatha Yoga (VIRTUAL) 2 Yoga for Absolute Beginners 1 Embodied Vinyasa Flow 3 Gentle Hatha Yoga 2 Yoga for Grace and Strength 2 Pilates Mixed Ability 2 Jivamukti Yoga 3 Outdoor Yoga Flow 2

TEACHER Sharon Calton Alison Taylor Alison Taylor Caroline Flack Jenny Ousey Jennifer Golby Janine Leagh Tracey Zena Vane Tracey Zena Vane Sharon Calton Dawn McNamara Amber Golden

Beginners Classes: DAY Monday

TIME 10.00–11.00 18.15–19.15 Tuesday 9.15–10.30 Wednesday 18.15–19.30 Thursday 18.15–19.45 Friday 9.15–10.15

CLASS LEVEL Pilates Mixed Ability 2 Pilates Mixed Ability 2 Back to Basics Yoga 1 Yoga for Absolute Beginners 1 Yoga for Grace and Strength 2 Pilates Mixed Ability 2

TEACHER Sharon Calton Alison Taylor Caroline Flack Jennifer Golby Tracey Zena Vane Sharon Calton



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For more information visit our website.

St. Edmunds • Suffolk IP32 7AR

Follow us on

MAY 2021 | 35 Tel: 01284 769090 www.the-self-centre.co.uk


Tanning Tips for Spring Spring is here, which means it’s the perfect time to start working on your tan. However, that doesn’t mean that you should start laying out in the sun or on a tanning bed, and you definitely shouldn’t inject anything into your skin to tan. If you want to get a tan and stay safe while doing it, you have one option, and that’s self-tan products. They don’t cause skin cancer or any other diseases, as the biggest risk is an allergic reaction if you have sensitive skin. Here’s how you can get the best results with those self-tanner products... And Remove 1. Moisturise Hair In Advance:

in Smooth, Circular 4. Work Motions:

The lower temperatures during the winter months, combined with the additional layers of clothing that you wear, dry your skin out. Before you apply a tanner, you’ll need to get your skin nice and moist, and you can’t do that in a day. Start moisturising your skin about a week in advance of your tanning, and use a moisturiser low in alcohol. Shea butter is an excellent choice.

Your first time applying self-tanner may be nerve wracking, but it’s actually not that hard when you know what you’re doing. You’ll want to apply about a teaspoon of tanner onto your tanning mitt. When you apply it to your body, use circular motions to rub it in. This helps you get an even application, so you end up with a beautiful glow on your whole body instead of a patchy look.

Waxing before you use self-tanner can cause patches and lines. Make sure you wax at least 48 hours in advance of your tanning.

It’s best to start with your feet and ankles, and then gradually work your way up your body. The reason for doing this is so that you don’t mess up the tanner you’ve already applied to your body by bending over to do your legs. When you do your legs first, you’ll be able to stand up straight as you get your torso and arms.

2. Clean Up Before Tanning:

Shower and use an exfoliating scrub before you tan. Exfoliation is key before tanning, because you need to get rid of dead skin cells and dirt on your skin so it doesn’t get in the way of the tanner. When you apply the tanner, your skin must be free of any moisturiser, perfume, makeup and anything else you normally apply. If you’ve just showered, make sure to wait until you’re completely dry before applying the self-tanner.

3. Use a Tanning Mitt:

The key with self-tanner is getting the right amount on every area of your body, and you can’t do that with your hands if you’re using them the entire time to apply the tanner. You’ll likely end up with orange palms. Avoid this issue by using a tanning mitt. Put the tanner towards the bottom half of the tanning mitt, which will give you the best control as you use it.

36 | MAY 2021

a Small Amount to 5. Apply Your Face: There are two ways tanning your face can go wrong: either you use too little and don’t end up with much of a tan on your face, or you use too much and everyone can see your handiwork. Fortunately, both issues are easy enough to avoid. You’ll want to use a small amount of self-tanner – typically about a dimesized amount should be sufficient. Apply it to the areas where you’d normally get the most colour, including your forehead, cheeks, chin and the bridge of your nose. Keep in mind that the nose and the area between your nose and your lip are both usually drier than the rest of your face, so they can get color more easily. Be careful so you don’t over-tan those areas.

For your face, you can and should use your hands to apply the tanner, as you’ll need to be more precise than the tanning mitt would allow. After you apply the tanner, use your fingers to blend it out from each area throughout the rest of your face. Make sure to rinse your hands off as soon as you finish this to prevent those orange palms.

6. Let It Dry:

Play it safe by waiting longer than the self-tanner’s directions specify. If it says that you should give it 10 minutes, you should wait 20. You’ll need to make sure that you don’t shower, sweat or get moisture on your body for about 8 hours so the tan can fully dry. If you notice that there are any issues with your tan, remember that you can rub a lemon on the area for a minute or two and then buff it away with a damp towel.

If you did everything correctly, after you let your tan dry you should have a nice, bronze glow. Remember to keep using your moisturiser after you apply the self-tanner. Not only is this good for your skin, but it also ensures that your tan fades evenly throughout your body, so you don’t end up with one area that’s more tan than another. When your tan wears off, you can go through this same process again, and you’ll likely find that it’s easier the second time around!

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n Guaranteed best value skip n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmund Haverhill, Stowm n Guaranteed best valueIpswich, skip hire in th n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area for separ n Discounted rates Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury Covering St Cambridge, Edmunds, n Guaranteed best value skip hirennin the area Covering Bury StBury Edmunds, Diss,Cambrid Ely, n Covering BuryIpswich, St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Recycling transfer n Discounted rates for separate waste nHaverhill, Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area service Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket n Covering Bury St Edmunds,Haverhill, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, waste Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury and S nnDiscounted rates forEdmunds, separate Covering Bury St Cambridge, Diss, Ely, nn Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area Actively working towards Recycling transfer for minimum to landfill nand Discounted ratesforfor separate waste a Haverhill, Ipswich,service Stowmarket Sudbury n Recycling transfer service minimum to landfill n Discounted rates fornseparate waste n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury nnActively working towards adelivery greener future n Skip sixto days a we nHaverhill, Actively working a ngreener future Discounted rates for separate waste Recycling transfer service for minimum landfill Ipswich, Stowmarket Sudbury nSkip Recycling transfer service for minim n Discounted ratestowards for and separate waste n delivery six days a week n Recycling transfer service for minimum to day landfill nn Discounted rates for separate waste n Actively working towards a greener nday Same day orfuture next servf Skip delivery six days a week n day working or next serviceatowards nnSame Actively working a greener nRecycling Recycling transfer for minimum to landfill Actively towards greener future n transfer service for service minimum n to landfill Skip delivery six days a week n Guaranteed best value skip hire day in theservice area n Sameworking day or next Skip delivery six days a week n towards a towards greener future nnday Skip delivery days aallweek nActively Actively working a Same greener future n next day Call oror email usservice tosix discuss n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Call or emailyour us to di n Same day or next day service n Skip delivery six days a week Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury skip hire and waste requirements: n Same day or next day service n Skip delivery six days a week n Same or day oremail next day service n Call Discounted rates for separate wasteto discuss all your us and waste r Call or email useskip to all t Call 01449 613824 admin@sunskips.co.uk or email us discuss tohire discuss allyour your n Recycling transfer for minimum to landfill n Same dayservice or next day service www.sunskips.co.uk Stowmarket skips is trading as SunSkips skip hire and waste skip hire and waste requirements: orworking emailtowards us toa greener discuss allrequirements: your hire skip and waste requirements: nCall Actively future t 01449 613824 e admin@s Call or email us to discuss a nskip Skip delivery dayswaste a week requirements: hire six and t 01449 613824 e admin@sunskips.co.uk t 01449 613824 e admin@sunskips.co.uk www.sunskips.co.uk Stowma t 01449 613824 e admin@sunskips.co.uk nCall day613824 or next day service us to discuss or email all your skip hire and waste require www.sunskips.co.uk Stowmarket skips is trading as SunSkips tSame 01449 e admin@sunskips.co.uk MAY 2021 | 37 ed best value skip hire in the area www.sunskips.co.uk Stowmarket skips is trading as SunSkips www.sunskips.co.uk skips is trading as SunSkips www.sunskips.co.uk Stowmarket skipsStowmarket is trading as SunSkips or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: BuryCall St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, t 01449 613824 e admin@sunskips. skip hire and waste requirements: Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury

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RHUBARB CRUMBLE CAKE Pretty pink fruit ripples through this light sponge cake with crunchy crumble topping - a spin on classic comfort baking

Sale Items MAY

Prep time: 25 mins Cook time: 1 hr 15 mins Servings: 8 slices Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.

List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

AMAZON FIRE 7 INCH TABLET V.G.C. £5. Tel: 01284 701402 INGREDIENTS: 250g pack of butter, softened 250g golden caster sugar, plus 1 tbsp 2 tsp vanilla extract 5 large eggs 300g plain flour, plus 7 tbsp 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp ground cinnamon 300g rhubarb, washed, trimmed and finely sliced

METHOD: Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 and grease and line the base and sides of a deep 20cm round cake tin with a little of the butter and baking parchment. Put the butter, 250g sugar and vanilla into a big mixing bowl. Beat until light and fluffy with an electric whisk. Beat in the eggs, one by one, then fold in the 300g flour and baking powder. Spoon out 85g of the batter, and stir the extra 7 tbsp flour and cinnamon into this with a cutlery knife so it becomes crumbly. Fold the rhubarb into the rest of the cake batter and scrape into the prepared tin. Scatter over the crumble mix followed by 1 tbsp sugar. Bake for 1 hr 15 mins, until a skewer poked in comes out clean – you’ll need to lay a sheet of foil on top after an hour if the cake is browning too much. Cool for 15 mins in the tin, then finish on a wire rack. 38 | MAY 2021

WEIRD FISH WELLINGTONS Green Stripe, Brand New, Size 7/41 £7.50 Tel. 01284 701402 HALFORDS 420L GREY TOP BOX FOR CAR. V.G.C. £35. Tel. 01284 701402 JIG SAW 2,000 PIECES Eurographics, The World of Birds. V.G.C. £5 Tel. 01284 701402 CORDLESS ROTARY TOOL SET V.G.C. £5. Tel. 01284 701402 OLD WOODEN STEP LADDER V.G.C. £6. Tel. 01284 701402 ALUMINA MOBILITY SCOOTER 13 Months old, £900.00 Tel. 01284 765674 PLEASE NOTE: The publisher can take no

responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.



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MAY 2021 | 39




DOUBLE CHEESE & SPRING VEGETABLE TART This savoury make-ahead tart has a delicious crumbly base – no one will realise it’s shop-bought pastry! Fill with goat’s cheese and beautiful spring veg including asparagus and fresh peas

INGREDIENTS: 500g block shortcrust pastry Plain flour, for dusting 25g mature cheddar , finely grated 200g asparagus spears , woody ends trimmed 100g fresh podded or frozen peas 2 eggs 100g crème fraîche 150g double cream Whole nutmeg, for grating 100g watercress 300g or 2 logs of soft, rindless goat’s cheese Prep time: 30 mins Cooking time: 1 hour Serves: 8

METHOD: Roll the pastry out into a rectangle on a work surface lightly dusted with flour. Scatter over the cheese, fold the pastry in half and roll out again into a circle that fits a 25cm tart tin with an overhang. Chill for 20 mins. Meanwhile, cook the asparagus in boiling water for 3 mins, then drain and refresh under cold water. Cook the fresh peas the same way for a minute, or simply defrost the frozen peas. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Prick the base of the tart well with a fork, line with baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Bake the tart for 30 mins, remove the parchment and beans, prick again if it has puffed up, then bake for another 10-15 mins until biscuit brown. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl, add the crème fraîche and cream, season and add a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg. Scatter the peas and most of the watercress over the tart and crumble over half the goat’s cheese. Pour over the creamy egg mixture, then lay the asparagus spears on top. Finally, slice the remaining goat’s cheese and arrange on top, then bake for 25-30 mins until the custard is just set and the cheese is golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin, trim the edges of the pastry, then remove from the tin, scatter with the remaining watercress and serve cut into slices. Can be made up to a day ahead, leave out the fridge to keep the pastry crisp.




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MAY 2021 | 41



Garden Confidential

by Tom Clarke

What to do in your garden this May... Its often said that that you never stop learning and picking up ideas and tips with gardening. I thought this recently when I visited a garden where a lady was using a 4 pt plastic milk carton with some holes punched in the lid as a watering can. Another idea I saw recently was the use of painted stones as row markers. In this particular garden they had used palm sized stones found in the garden and painted the vegetable name on the stone such as onions carrots etc along with a colourful picture. All achieved by the children at this house as a summer holiday project. Also don’t forget to shred your junk mail and add to your compost heap.

jobs for the month General Maintenance l Time to clip hedges l Regularly hoe off weeds l Keep birdbaths topped up with water. l Remove any blanketweed and lay on the side of ponds for a day so any life can return to the water. l Re seed any bare patches on your lawn

Flower Garden l Look out for signs of black spot and treat with a systematic fungicide l Let your spring flowering bulbs die down naturally no need to tie up or cut down the foilage. l You can sow sweet williams, wall flowers, fox gloves, honesty and canterbury bells

l If you have space in a pot, sow a few sweet peas. An old variety with a strong scent is Painted Lady l Tidy up all of your pot plants remove the top few cms of soil and replace with new compost. l May is a good month for dividing hostas

Vegetable and Fruit Garden l May is the month to plant out your salad crops. Use put of your back garden as a mini allotment and sow beetroot, runner beans, brussel sprouts, cauliflowers broccoli, fennel, kale peas, beans, swedes, radish, carrots and lettuce. l Surround strawberries with straw to protect the fruit l All soft fruit berries will need a net protection or your blackbirds will make short work of them l Plant onion sets

l Prune flowering currants and forsythia after flowering

l Continue earthing up potatoes

l At the end of May you can plant out your stored dahlia tubers. If you lifted them last Autumn check the condition and discard any that have gone soft. Plant them at least 4-5 (10cm) inches deep. At the same time put in some supporting canes for the taller varieties.

l If you haven’t done so already prepare a trench for some runner beans. Dig a trench a spade wide and around 2 spades depth. Add into this any vegetable and grass cuttings before covering with soil. Erect your cane supports before planting your runner beans.


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Tom’s Garden Maintenance 42 | MAY 2021

Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying, Email: tomclarke1987@outlook.com Telephone: 07920 145867


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CRICKET CLUB Photograph © April Urquhart

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The 2021 cricket season is with us and with some COVID-19 restrictions in place, above all the game is being played. Sport is such an essential part of life and as a cricket club we believe that team sports fosters great camaraderie amongst players and supporters. It is really important that young people engage in team sport, keep physically active and make friendships which often remain in place for very many years. Playing the game enjoying winning and the ability to accept defeat is is all part of the ethos of team sport. The cricket club has in place matches for all ages and abilities and coaching sessions for youngsters wishing to learn the sport. Visit the website BSECC.CO.UK for more details. The Victory Sports Ground will be open for local people to visit and enjoy cricket every Saturday and most Sundays until early September. The bar will be open for those who wish to have a recreational drink. HOMEOn + Sunday LIFESTYLE July 11th to Tuesday July 13th Suffolk will host a National County Cricket Association match against Cambridgeshire and the big match will be on Friday July 23rd when Bury St Edmunds play the PCA England Masters team made up of very well known Photo of Mark Ramprakash, Owais Shah and Philip DeFreitias taking former England players, it is an opportunity to part in a question and answer session at the 2016 PCA Masters match. meet some of cricket’s great players.

FREE QUOTATIONS Painting & All Electrical Work Undertaken Decorating For future bookings of our pavilion, please contact Rosie Call Lee Nunn on: on 07885040039 or rosemary.nunn@hotmail.com. For more information on coaching sessions contact 07540 Repairs & David Barker on david@ejbarker.co.uk. Club President 082224 Odd Jobs rewiring • inspection & testing • extra sockets & lights



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What’s been happening at...

HARDWICK Primary School


As we returned to school after the Easter break it was good to see the children with a spring in their step settling back into school life and enjoying starting their new topic “Making a Splash”. We welcomed back Mrs Blackmore to Squirrel Class from her maternity leave and following Central Government easing of restrictions the restarting of some of our after school sports clubs, in particular Gym, Netball and Football. For the first time this year the Football Club returned for Saturday morning training and matches with other Bury

schools across the year groups. This month we celebrate in particular the dedication and commitment of club manager Derek Smith who has been at the helm for a staggering 36 years from when his son first took part. The success of the club is in most part due to his leadership and with some 60 boys and girls registered that’s almost of a third of school pupils enjoying a free football experience throughout the school year. We must also mention the loyal band of volunteer parent coaches, it is their enthusiastic support of the children that ensures the ongoing success of the club. Daryl Jones – Head teacher

46 | MAY 2021

Andy Abbott – Vice Chairman of Governors



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MAY 2021 | 47



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Craft Corner


WELCOME TO THIS MONTH’S CRAFTY COLUMN! Welcome to my crafty column. Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Look out for my crafty workshops at my Bury St Edmunds studio, The Apex and NEW venue for this year Community Workshop Ltd in Moreton Hall! My craft parties start back again May 17th so email me for more info. Like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about what I’m up and see crafty videos to try at home or visit www.thecraftyfoxes.co.uk for current information.

Do wit

Michelle x

This months make is a simple one using old kitchen roll tubes and cutting them in half to make aliens!


a cardboard tube cut in half, green paint, a sponge or brush, googly eyes, black, green and white paper, glue stick, stapler, pipe cleaners and coloured pom poms.

n Give the tube 2 coats of green paint and let dry n Whilst its drying cut out 2 circles of green paper larger than the googly eyes you have

n Also cut out 2 semi circles to be ears n Glue these in position looking at picture above n Cut out a semi-circle of black paper and white teeth within. Stick both on n Fold a pipe cleaner in half and twist the ends around the pom poms to secure them on n Staple the fold of the pipe cleaner inside the top of tube n Bend pipe cleaners into position.

You could use different colours and make different faces. Or make a whole family of them different heights. I’d love to see your pictures. @thecraftyfoxes 48 | MAY 2021

W at






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Just for fu 4




8 10


11 12



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Difficulty: Medium

6 1 2 6 8 3 7 4

DOWN 1. Bay (4) 2. Quieten down (4) 3. Relating to horoscopes (12) 4. Mould (6) 6. German shepherd dog (8) 7. Female head of a borough (8) 8. Relating to numeric calculations (12) 12. Moral Instructions (8) 13. Reference point; norm (8) 16. Limited (6) 18. Silvery-white metallic element (4) 19. Musical composition (4)

Difficulty: Hard

5 3 6


ACROSS 1. Cave in (8) 5. Soothing remedy (4) 9. Personal attendant (5) 10. Irritable (5) 11. Rival contestant (10) 14. Share out food sparingly (6) 15. Rubs (6) 17. Pacify; make calm (10) 20. Public square (5) 21. Sing like a bird (5) 22. Froth of soap and water (4) 23. Substitutes (8)

9 4 5 1 9 7 3 8 5 1 8 3 7 2 5 9 9 3


9 3 2

7 3 5 1 4 2 1 6 4 5 6 4 9 4 7 6 1 9 3 5 7 6

ACROSS: 1. Motive 5. Cut 7. Larch 8. Eagerly 9. Young 10. Mistaken 12. Entail 14. Thirst 17. Yearbook 18. Balls 20. Cricket 21. Trish 22. Was 23. Shorts DOWN: 2. Ovation 3. Verbatim 4. Grey 5. Chaucer 6. Tangent 7. Lyres 11. Churlish 12. Eyebrow 13. Trellis 15. Slowest 16. Beach 19. Spin 50 | MAY 2021





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MAY 2021 | 51



o great to be easing out of lockdown. I hope you are all enjoying the first part of our new found freedom. Over the last few months I have had time to look at really exciting innovations where we humans imitate nature, this is called Biomimetics. The possibilities are endless, so often nature has found the answer to technological problems long before we even ask the question. Here are a few of those solutions, hope you find them interesting.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

After noise complaints, Japanese Shinkansen trains now have a nose shaped like the bill of a Kingfisher – this profile means the trains produce far less noise, travel 10% faster and use 15% less electricity. Humpback whales have little bumps on the front of their fins called tubercles – engineers have found that by reproducing the tubercle shape on the front of wind turbine blades they have improved their performance even when steeply angled and in strong winds. The ‘Eastgate centre’ in Harare, Zimbabwe uses air conditioning based on the system observed in termite mounds ie a complex porous surface that generates airflow through the structure. This has resulted in a building that saves on expensive energy bills by reducing the need for air conditioning. BAE systems has mimicked the feet of the gecko. They have layer upon layer of splayed hairs ending in mushroom like caps. This resulting huge surface area is what gives the gecko its powers of adhesion. In tests a sample of the material no bigger than a t-shirt was enough to suspend a family car. Speedo’s ‘Fastskin’ range of swimwear is based on the grooved denticles of a shark’s skin which help to reduce resistance and increases the speed of the swimmer. Boat builders are benefiting too, shark denticles move individually making it difficult for parasites to stick to them. By imitating this design boat hulls remain smooth, reducing both drag and energy consumption.

We also have loads of ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help you save money by making small life-style changes.




EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries about this article please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

y s us

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum


MayDay, MayDay – Come In !!! Hello again and welcome to May. Covid-19 has interrupted our plans again So we have to apologise that we didn’t open as planned. But we do have better news for this month. A message from the Chairman: OPENING DAY 2021. Just to make sure everyone is aware, the Government rules (at the present time) on lock down for Museums is that we will be allowed to open on or after 17th May 2021, so the first Sunday after this date is 23rd May. Hope to see you then. Graham Sage. RTA Chairman/volunteer

to the USA, I was put in touch with Preston Clark who lived here in Austin. He and his wife MJ were great and we met with them several times, including at the last reunion of the crew of the ‘Leading Lady’. Fast forward over 20 years of aviation photography until recently, when I started drawing airplanes instead of photographing them. My latest is this B-17, and of course I had to illustrate it in the colours of Preston’s aircraft. Hope you like it.”

Everyone is very welcome and we need visitors Please come and join us. Next month I will be able to say – At Last, great. What’s been going on? As people are feeling a little more freedom it seems the shops, roads and town are becoming busier - and so is the airfield. Already the Radio Control Modellers and the Wind Kiters are ‘flying’. The flying has also started with Skyward Flight Training and all we need now is the museum. If anyone wishes to become involved with any airfield activity, please address the appropriate web sites to contact them. We have received recently this picture from a supporter. It is great that people give their time with the history, aircrew, groundcrew and the museum in mind. Thank you to Jo Hunter, from the USA, for this contribution. “Morning all. Way back at the beginning of the 2000s, my husband and I lived in Bury St Edmunds and I got involved in the RTA and events at Rougham Airfield. When we moved

All contributions are very welcome both from local sources to those from afar. Have you any memorabilia, pictures, letters from family - which would be of interest both to us at the museum or for public display? We would really appreciate your contributions. As I Said Last Month ………. See you on the 23rd – It WILL be here quicker than you can ‘blink an eye’. I’ve blinked a few times and it’s coming SOON! Please put this date in your diary. THE 23rd – Tea & Cake!!!!

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931 971771 MAY 2021 | 53





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Christ Church


As we are going through this time of Easter when the church restates its faith in the resurrection, I thought it might be helpful to people if I became a little more personal than I usually am.

A few weeks ago, on 19th April we had the funeral of my mother who was 92 years old. She did not die from Covid-19 but from cancer, after a short illness. I realise now that this is something that tens of thousands of people in this country have faced this year in addition to the normal number of deaths we would have had. How, as a Christian, can I make sense of this? On the one hand I know that God loves me and cares for me, and yet I have to face this awful situation. At my mother’s funeral we read the words from John 14. In this reading Jesus promises, on the eve of His own death, to go and prepare a place for His disciples and then He would come again and take them to Himself. Many of you will have heard this reading at the funerals you have attended. However, for me that promise is a pillar of my faith. I do really believe that Jesus was talking to me when He said these words as I am one of His disciples. Although I have officiated at hundreds of funerals, these words always seem to be clear and fresh in the midst of the darkness that bereavement brings.

I am absolutely confident that Jesus has prepared a place for my mother. She is now with Him and my father. She is enjoying a new life with a new body which is far better than anything else she has experienced here on earth. I also believe that one day, because of the promises of Jesus, and because He died and rose again, I too will enjoy my place in Heaven with Him and them. The sure and certain knowledge of these promises makes a huge difference not only to how you face death, but how you live your life. In this time of extreme darkness I want to share both that promise and that hope. I hope that as you receive these things by asking Jesus into your life, you will find the confidence, the faith, the love and the joy that only knowing Him can bring. It is with that in mind that we have begun to have public services again at Christ Church, Moreton Hall, but we will continue our commitment to be online on Facebook. This is

so people who cannot physically be present can join in with our worship and teaching. If any of what I have said this week fills you with curiosity and you want to know more, why not tune in at this link: https://www.facebook.com/ ChristChurchMoretonHall/live/ Or come along to church on Sunday morning because we are perfectly safe as we worship. Many years ago I was somebody who did not understand these things. Then I met real Christians, saw how they lived and worshipped, and suddenly realised that what they had I could have too. In a very dark and difficult time when so many of us are going through bereavement, it is right to seek the hope, comfort and certainty. You can have just that not only from the promises of Jesus but the presence of Jesus in our lives.

With every good wish,

Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

RAINBOWS : We have now received nearly 200 rainbows, thank you to everyone who took part to give thanks and remember. It has drawn our community together in a wonderful way. Thank you for all who sent them in. We have taken them down but each one will be preserved in a book of remembrance and kept at church, so if you want to come in and see them in the future you can, when churches are fully open again.

www.ccmh.org.uk • www.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/ 56 | MAY 2021

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AUGUST 2019 | 69

Radio West Suffolk. For Bury, By Bury, In Bury From it’s early days as hospital radio in the 1970’s, RWSfm launched on 103.3fm in August 2010 broadcasting to Bury St Edmunds and surrounding villages on 103.3fm. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week we provide a mixture of music and conversation that offers something for everyone. We pride ourselves on being the only local radio station specifically for Bury St Edmunds. Every hour from 7.30am until 5.30pm we provide a local news bulletin and live travel updates just for Bury St Edmunds during our Breakfast and Drivetime shows.

You can visit our website for a full schedule or simply tune in and hear it for yourself but highlights include: THE BIG BREAKFAST every weekday morning from 7am to 10am THE BIG DRIVE HOME every weekday evening 4pm to 6pm SOUNDS OF THE 50’s & 60’s Mondays 2pm to 4pm THE TOP 20 COUNTDOWN Tuesdays 6pm to 8pm THURSDAY’S JAZZ HOUR 10am to 11am SUNDAY LOVE SONGS 10am to 12pm

Tune in every day to RWSfm on 103.3fm, www.rwsfm.co.uk or via the TuneIn Radio App.

MAY 2021 | 57


Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds Re Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds is reopening after more than 12 months of closure with a Spring/Summer 2021 season sponsored by Ellisons Solicitors.

The theatre will celebrate this much-anticipated milestone with their own sparkling new version of one of the world’s great adventure stories, Around the World in Eighty Days, directed by the theatre’s Artistic Director, Owen Calvert-Lyons, sponsored by Chassis Cab and opening on Friday 21 May. Audiences will follow dashing Victorian adventurer Phileas Fogg in this fast-paced comedy as he embarks on a journey across the globe, aiming to complete the feat in record time. A cast of three will play over twenty characters in this epic tale of adventure. The opening celebrations will continue with two special events. On Sunday 23 May, a rare chance to join acclaimed actors Robert & Philip Glenister for a brilliantly entertaining evening of conversation about life, love, filming and theatre. Then on Sunday 30 May award-winning, internationally acclaimed, Coloratura Soprano, Christina Johnston will present an intimate evening of uplifting and iconic operatic and classical pieces accompanied by a pianist. Three further special fundraising events will follow. June 20th will see one of the foremost journalists and political experts in the UK, John Sergeant, joined by his friend Terry Waite CBE, English humanitarian and author, for a fascinating and fun evening of conversation. And on July 1 the hugely talented actor, humourist, writer and general raconteur Christopher Biggins will be on stage with one of his best mates, Birds of a Feather star, Lesley Joseph. Now more than ever it is important to support the talent that Suffolk has to offer which is why the theatre is proud to have so many productions which feature local people performing on the stage: Irving Stage Company and their musical production of Company; Bury St Edmunds Operatic & Dramatic Society and their production of Sherlock Holmes’ most spine-chilling mystery, The Hound of the Baskervilles; CTC Foundation College and their Class of 20/21 Graduate Showcase and Suffolk Young People’s Theatre who will transport us to the fantastical world of Dr. Seuss in the musical extravaganza – Seussical The Musical. In line with Government guidelines the first few weeks of opening will be with socially distanced ‘bubble’ seating and a range of Covid-safe 58 | MAY 2021

measures designed to give customers confidence in returning. The theatre has produced a handy customer information film showing audiences what they can expect when they return. This can be viewed on the website at www.theatreroyal. org/your-visit/ All being well, from 22 June, if restrictions allow, the full auditorium will be back in use. The Spring/Summer 2021 programme also features some shows rescheduled from last year – comedian Greg Byron, Oddsocks Production of Comedy of Errors, fast-paced improv with Austentatious and comedy drama in the form of Alan Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person Singular sponsored by Ashtons Legal. Just Announced! Jodie Prenger Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical, Tell Me on a Sunday, at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds Returning to the stage following her acclaimed performances in the National Theatre’s production of A Taste of Honey, Oliver!, One Man Two Governors, Annie, Abigail’s Party and Calamity Jane, Jodie Prenger stars as ‘Emma’, in the 2021 UK tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Don Black’s classic musical, Tell Me on a Sunday reprising a role Jodie first brought to life in 2016. Tell Me on a Sunday charts the romantic misadventures of a young English girl in New York in the heady days of the 1980’s. Brimming with optimism, she seeks success and love. But as she weaves her way through the maze of the city and her own anxieties, frustrations and heartaches she begins to wonder whether she’s been looking for love in all the wrong places. Pantomime 2021 – Cinderella Rescheduled from 2020 Cinderella is now back on sale with seats selling fast. It’s a busy day in Bury! On Butter Market Square, Buttons the barrow boy flogs his fruit. On Hardwick Heath, Prince Charming frets over his future. And up at Sickworth House, Kylie and Miley are making Cinderella’s life a misery. Poor old Cinders! All she knows is domestic drudgery, day in, day out…but this day is different, this day is special and when this day is done, nothing will ever be the same again. Join us for a tale laced with laughter and love; plus the ugliest sisters you’ll ever be likely to meet.


ds Reopening May 2021

e 1

21st May - 5th June 2021

Around The World in Eighty Days

23rd May 2021

Philip & Robert Glenister – In Conversation with Susie Fowler-Watt of BBC Look East

30th May 2021

Christina Johnston - Coloratura Soprano

6th June 2021

CTC Foundation College and their Class of 20/21 Graduate Showcase

7th June 2021

Bond – An Authorised Parody

8th June 2021

1st July 2021

Lunchtime Concert – The Mirlitons Flute Choir

1st July 2021

An Evening In Conversation with Christopher Biggins and Lesley Joseph

2nd July 2021 Ballet Central

6th - 10th July 2021

The Hound of the Baskervilles (Bury St Edmunds Operatic & Dramatic Society)

10th - 14th August 2021

Greg Byron – Stand Up Poet

Alan Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person Singular sponsored by Ashtons Legal.

9th June 2021

20th August - 4th September 2021

Lunchtime Concert – A Postcard from Crouch End

15th - 19th June 2021

Company (Irving Stage Company)

10th - 12th June 2021 The Comedy of Errors

15th - 19th June 2021

Company (Irving Stage Company)

20th June 2021

An Evening In Conversation with John Sergeant and Terry Waite CBE

22nd - 24th June 2021 Austentatious


12th September 2021

Daily Telegraph’s Matt Pritchett MBE

22nd September 2021

John Shuttleworth’s Back

8th October 2021

The National Trust Fan Club

2nd - 6th November 2021 Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tell Me on a Sunday

26th November 2021 16th January 2022

Pantomime – Cinderella

All bookings can be made online at theatreroyal.org. The Box Office is available to help with any queries by emailing booking@theatreroyal.org. The Box Office is not currently taking incoming calls. Audience members with access needs or those requiring assistance please email booking@theatreroyal.org

*Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability.

MAY 2021 | 59



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WE WELCOME OUR NEW MINISTER Last month, our new minister, Rev Mike Simm, and his wife, Sarah, joined our Church. Here he tells you a bit more about himself and sets out what he is about. Mike writes: Sarah and I arrive in Southgate after 17 years in the Far East; perhaps you know Gorleston? I don’t come with many great plans, more with big ears. To listen out for what God is doing round here. Because I believe that God is always changing lives. In 1989, Jesus changed my life in a big way. I was 26 and working as an art director in a London advertising agency. In those days, I wasn’t interested in God, for I was still pursuing my dream of a Porsche, a house with crunchy gravel and a girlfriend with big hair. But then a friend invited me to church and the experience shook me. For it was full of people who had things I didn’t have: joy, peace and optimism. We didn’t sing any dreary hymns but I did notice that as people sang, some seemed to be reaching out to God and others appeared to be basking in his presence. But what really shocked me was the sermon. It was stimulating, engaging, even entertaining. And so, when the service finished, I was almost disappointed. Over the next few weeks, I read Mark’s Gospel. One evening I got to the bit where Jesus asks his followers: “Who do people say that I am?” His followers tell him, and then he looks at them and says: “What about you, who do you say that I am?” As I read that verse it was as though God was speaking directly to me. And so there and then, I asked Jesus to forgive me for living to please myself and to help me make a new start with God. From that moment on, my life changed. It was as if I came alive to God and began to see him every situation life threw at me. Since that day, it feels like I’ve been on an exciting journey with God. So, although I don’t know what God plans to do in the lives of people in Southgate, I’m keen to find out. Maybe you’d like to join us on the adventure…?

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk Email: office@southgatechurch.org.uk Telephone 01284 703705 MAY 2021 | 61

Flirty F 1.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 62 | MAY 2021


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MAY 2021 | 63









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