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Directory SEPTEMBER 2017 issue 152


WHAT’S ON in Bury St Edmunds

+ Moreton

Hall news

Recipes CROSSWORD Competition

Restaurant Vouchers



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36 LOCAL NEWS 10 14 18


HEALTH & BEAUTY 8/9 20 26 24



Recipe of the month




Recipe of the month Go to Page 36 for this months Recipe: KIDNEY BEAN CURRY



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Hello and welcome to the September issue of the directory. You might remember last month we mentioned that Sally and I were starting the Wonder Woman 8 Week Fitness Programme with James McLaren - Personal Trainer – read all about how we’re doing on pages 8-9. Next month we will share with you our results and if we both met our targets! Fingers crossed! Now the kids are back at school, it’s back to the pack lunch every morning, go to pages 40 and 41 to see a few ideas on making it slightly more exciting for them and very easy for us to prepare! The pantomime at the Theatre Royal is now taking bookings for Christmas! Yes, I did mention the C word! Go to page 84 for information and book up early as they do sell out fast, we booked ours back in January! The kids love a good Panto, well so do us grown ups truth be known!! Anyway, have a lovely September and enjoy the last of the sunshine before the Autumn nights draw in. See you in spooky October!



Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory


Advertising/copy deadline for October 2017 issue: Friday 15th September.

Last months lucky crossword winner of a FREE 1 HOUR GOLF LESSON with Andy Goodridge at Bury Golf Range was Janet Thomas from Bury St Edmunds. Well Done! This month there is a chance to win AFTERNOON TEA FOR TWO at Marlows Garden Centre, go to page 46 to have a go at this months Crossword.

Last Months answers:

Across 1. Vents 4. Clarify 7. Utter 8. Reverent 9. Macho 11. Tourists 15. Variance 17. Goads 19. Upstream 20. Chaps 21. Persona 22. Motet Down 1. Vibrating 2. Nervous 3. Scorpio 4. Cornet 5. Ritual 6. Fresh 10. Outermost 12. Midterm 13. Inherit 14. Adapts 16. Alpaca 18. Ochre


meet the team...

Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at Publisher: PIT Group Ltd Design & Artwork: Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE



Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written L &C P permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2017 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OGO



SEPTEMBER 2017 | 05

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Suffolk Family Carers GP Advisor, Tracy Alexander, will be at MOUNT FARM GP SURGERY on the 1st Thursday of every month, to provide information, guidance and emotional support.

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SEPTEMBER 2017 | 07

the 8 week

Wonder Woman programme by Gemma Procter Never ones to shy away from a challenge, Sally and I have put ourselves to the test and joined James McLaren’s 8 Week Wonder Woman programme. Find out more about the programme and see how we get on over the coming months... Sally and I were in a bit of a rut. We work at a desk all day and doing very little exercise outside of work truth be told. We started looking around at some options of ways we might be able to improve our fitness, lose a little weight, and generallly feel a bit healthier and that’s when we came across James McLaren Fitness on facebook. We contacted James and made an appointment to meet him after reading about his Wonder Woman programme which looked exactly what we were looking for. Within a day or two we’d met up with James for a consultation, which was very relaxed over a coffee in the local Moreton Hall Coffee House, we made an appointment separately, so we could discuss our individual needs, which helps James to make a training and nutrition

plan to suit your individual lifestyle and personal goals. Talking through your diet, taking notes on everything you tell him, where you need to cut back and improve. No judging involved! After our meeting with James, we both decided that this was going to

be something we could do with his help and we booked our small group sessions with him for the first week! Yikes! We booked our first gym session together on Monday 17th July. James currently works from the Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club gym which is very convenient and has tons of free parking. We got up bright and early on the morning of our first session, raring to go and waited nervously outside the gym door ready to start our new fitness regime. James was inside with his 7am small group of ladies, just finishing off the previous session, so we watched some of his recruits lifting VERY heavy weights, thinking OMG! are we going to have to do that? James explained from the offset that the programme involved resistance training. He would establish start points for us both based on our

current abilities and would progress us each week.

Here’s how the 8 week Wonder Woman programme works:

The method James uses to get his female clients the tone and shape they desire involves a combination of heavy, moderate and lighter weight training tailored to his clients goals.

• You’ll train 3 times a week in a small group at Bury Rugby Club gym and get stronger, fitter and leaner every week. We’ll track everything to guarantee you progress quickly.

Once the class had finished the ladies filled out their personal training sheets, and gave James the obligatory high-five on the way out, all looking sweaty but very satisfied with their hour long session. James could see we were both very nervous and put us at ease, getting 3 mats on the floor, ready for the warm up. After 10 minutes we were quite frankly tired! And if we’d been attempting to do this without the help of a personal trainer, to be completely honest would have probably called it a day then! But, with James’ encouragement we got on with our gym activities (usually around 6 different exercises per session), a few reps of each to slowly get us started, encouraging us both to try a few more each time, we both managed to get through, and I must say, thoroughly enjoyed our first session! After day one, we ached... A LOT, using muscles we didn’t even know we had, it’s to be expected, and after the first 3-4 sessions, we ached even more. But after speaking to

Contact James:

some of the other ladies, they said it does get better. Also, it’s the sort of ache that’s actually quite nice, because you really feel like you’ve achieved something. Later that week, James asked to meet us again to discuss our nutrition plan. The programme isn’t just gym sessions! James helps you with a full nutritional diet plan after assessing your individual needs. Sometimes, just a few simple tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference. James is training to become a fully qualified nutritionist and has an amazing amount of knowledge that you’ll find rather interesting. Our main issue was our weekly wine intake! But, James is a realist and knows that it’s unrealistic to completely change a lifestyle, however he can make recommendations that you may not be aware of like switching up calorific wine for a clear spirit if you really do enjoy a drink! We are now 4 weeks into our plan, and we are both thoroughly enjoying the experience, James is getting us to do more each week, with heavier weights, we are improving more than we ever thought possible. I am doing some of the harder excercises I saw others do earlier in the programme, thinking wow? how is this even possible? And Sally has improved so much with the weights

• You’ll get a detailed diet plan and unlimited support to ensure you know precisely how to get AMAZING changes quickly without any pills or potions. • All the little things that you’ve never thought, James will help you with. Managing sleep, stress and hydration can be the make or break for your goals, so he’ll ensure they drive you to amazing things. In short, you’ll guess at nothing, gain at everything and have a whole lot of fun at the same time! she started off on, gaining more and more strength each week. We will let you know our results in next months issue, but for now, we’re feeling more energised, have already toned up and lost some weight. We are pretty confident about reaching our set targets with James’ help. The Wonder Woman programme is £350 and lasts for 8 weeks including small group personal training 3 times a week and full nutritional support. James encourages you to check in with him daily or weekly so he can help you get to your goal. If you would like to see what James can do for you, why not contact him? As well as the Wonder Woman programme James also offers Strength Bootcamps and one-to-one personal training. T: 07469 895920 Facebook: jamesmclarenfitness



Brought to you by Councillor Frank Warby

Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email


Did we have a summer, wet windy more like autumn. I must say the action in the youth club with the library group has been fantastic. Every Tuesday from 10.30 until 1.30. Mums and toddlers along with silver surfers came along and enjoyed what was on offer, as a matter of fact it was so well attended it will be going on into October. So well done to them and the extra helpers that volunteered to help.

Cycle/ footpath At the end of June an elderly lady was knocked down and badly injured by a lady cyclist, she phoned me up and asked if anything could be done about speeding cyclists along this path. Sadly there is nothing we can do except remind cyclists that it is NOT a speed track and that they should be aware of people and children walking on the path also dog walkers. It would be nice if cyclists had bells and used them, the council have done away with painting or marking duel pathways mainly because people do not use them and it would be a waste of money. Don’t speed and be aware of other users. 10 | SEPTEMBER 2017

SUNDAY FUN RUN Congratulations to the organisers of the Sunday fun run on Sundays morning on Ten Acre Field, they have won an award for the splendid work they are doing, not only are they getting our young children up and out on Sundays but also mums and dads are also joining in each week there are over a hundred parents and youngsters doing the three mile course around the field, great to see keep up the good work. As the group keeps getting bigger there is a need for more volunteers to help set up and police the event, so any budding runners who can spare an hour on Sunday morning you would be greatly received.


Most of you might have heard by now that the council have refused planning permission for the drive thru, great news but we are not out of the woods, they have six months to lodge an appeal. Hopefully they won’t as they have been offered another site which might serve their purpose better. Costa have got planning permission to build a 40 bedroom motel and drive thru on brownfield site next to Tesco. There have been no objections to that that I know of.


Good news on that front, the council has given us a three year lease from the 1st September now we can plan some events for the future. Sadly we have lost two of our income sources due to some dubious goings on at the end of our last lease, due to the uncertainty about getting our lease renewed we lost the Emergency Dentist and another user, we have however made alternative arrangements. I think people should know is that the building belongs to the council but the equipment and funds belong to Moreton hall youth action group, which is a company registered at company house and also a registered charity so when we hand the building back to the council it will be just an empty building.


Again, some of you may have seen on facebook pictures of the van that was vandalised on the layby off Kempson Way, I have been advised that this van was occupied by a man who had fallen on hard times and was living in it while he saved up enough to pay a deposit on a rented place, he is in full time employment and just needed a break, However due to some mindless yobbos he has not got a place to live, I believe a second caravan was also smashed up near the water hold at the roundabout off Kempson Way. Why do people do this? The mind boggles!

Until next time take care, Frank Warby SEPTEMBER 2017 | 11


Supporting West Suffolk Hospital’s cardiac patients

Dear reader,

Our Every Heart Matters Appeal is well underway and we have hit the £5,000 mark already! The support we have had from you, our local community is outstanding. We still have a long way to go to reach our £500,000 target, but we know with your continued support we can do it and complete the state-of-the-art cardiac centre coming to the West Suffolk Hospital. We have some great ideas planned to help us reach our goal and if you want to get involved or fundraise for the appeal head over to our website or give us a call.

fund will really benefit some of the smaller areas which can easily get overlooked, and this will mean that all our young patients attending the hospital will get their treatment and that little bit extra too. Finally don’t forget we have our upcoming marathon on 29th October. The St Eds’ Running Festival has four distances to choose from, you can take on a marathon, half marathon, 10k or even a fun run so there is a course for all abilities. We are working closely with Jack Tappin of HaverSports and Bury Town Pastors, and the day promises to be great fun for all ages and a great way to really challenge yourself. If you wish to take part in the marathon, help as a volunteer on the day, get involved with our Every Heart Matters appeal or just find out more about what we, as a charity do, then head over to our website www., give us a call on 01284 712952 or email us at fundraising@

We are also thrilled to announce we have been chosen as the Arc’s charity of the year. This is a huge opportunity for us to go out into the community and tell you about what it is we do and how you can help us further enhance care at your local hospital. Without the kind generosity of donors like you what we do just wouldn’t be possible. Nando’s Bury St Edmunds have already got behind us by taking part in a Chinese Dragon Boat Race and all the money they have raised is going into the Wish Upon a Star fund which supports children across the hospital. The

Best wishes Sue Smith, Fundraising Manager


charity Supporting West Suffolk Hospital Registered Charity No. 1049223



If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact or call 01284 712952 12 | SEPTEMBER 2017


SEPTEMBER 2017 | 13


Moreton Hall News...

from Cllr Peter Thompson

A Step in the Right Direction You may have seen that I met with James Finch at County last October. We also summoned head of Highways, Mark Stevens to Town Council. We now have some action on some of the worst pavements, with large holes being filled in on Sebert Road. This is a precurser to all of the pavements in that area being surface sealed. Many thanks to all the other pressure groups, especially Jim Parker. It’s a shame we can’t work together as one voice, but we all want the same thing. Now for the other couple of hundred miles of road that needs doing...

Speaking of Pavements... A councillor staple this one! You may have seen some painted signs around Lady Miriam Way. There is also an issue of dog mess near Ten Acre Field. Please clean up after your pets.

Building the Community By the time you read this, a large sum of cash should have been paid by developers to us for community use. This is known as section 106 money. I took then MP, David Ruffley, over for a series of meetings at the Club about 5 years ago in order to secure the cash for us instead of it bleeding out to other areas and we managed to keep it all. The process is now at planning stage, but we can be assured that we have improvements to our facilities coming.

14 | SEPTEMBER 2017



McDonalds Thank you to all those residents who supported our campaign against the proposed McDonalds drive through site up at the Sainsbury roundabout It was rejected by Council Officers without the need for Councillors to decide its fate. As I have said before, we now await McDonalds next move. Town Centre Master Plan Robert and I attended 2 meetings on behalf of the Association and registered the views expressed to us including • Removal of cars from the Town centre by way of a park and ride scheme, and dealing vigorously with illegal parking • Ensuring the bus station remains in its present position • Providing safe and secure cycle parking • Being mindful of the needs of disabled people It was noted that very few young people were represented at these meeting. It is essential our young people have a say in these discussions, so please try to involve your children. Please complete the on- line survey found at Link Road This contentious route, which is supposed to relieve all our traffic problems, even when the next lot of houses are built, is still we are told due to open in September this year. We cannot guarantee that this

date will be met; as we are still awaiting a briefing from the County Council, which to date has not happened. Meanwhile items appear in the local press on the subject, without any concrete information, regarding its completion. Skyliner Way The construction of the proposed lay by is set to start on the 14th of August and finish on 25th October. This will it is hoped, resolve the parking issues in this area of the estate. Boy Racers I have heard that an individual has been apprehended and dealt with by the police. Please continue to report all instances to the police. Road Safety Could I remind all road users, including cyclists that they are required to stop at pedestrian crossings controlled by traffic lights when the red light shows, and not move off until the green light shows. I have noted several near misses recently. Once again if you have any complaints or issues you think MHRA can help you with contact our Secretary Robert Houlton – Hart at:- Or attend our next committee meeting on Thursday 7th September at 19 30 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Cliff Hind, Chairman SEPTEMBER 2017 | 15

Clairvoyant Evening with Steve Gill


Friday 22nd September at Moreton Hall Community Centre Doors open at 7pm event starts 7.30 pm Tickets £12 from The Coffee House Moreton Hall & £15 on the night

All Proceeds to St Nicholas Hospice 16 | SEPTEMBER 2017


SEPTEMBER 2017 | 17


Fungi in Moreton Hall


he warm, damp conditions we are experiencing at the moment seem to have precipitated a bumper crop of field mushrooms and foragers have been seen out collecting them by the basket full. There are however about 4,000 species of fungi to be found in Suffolk and the wooded, shady areas around Moreton Hall provide the ideal habitat for many. On the decaying tree stumps in Pond Covert and Home Covert can be seen quantities of Fairy Inkcap, pale, almost translucent, these mushrooms seldom appear alone, more usually they form dense clusters, massing over the rotting wood like regiments of tiny grey ghosts. These actually are edible but are almost impossible to eat as, once picked, they tend to dissolve into almost nothing. Similar in appearance, but more solitary, is the Shaggy Inkcap, which prefers the open grassland up at Natterer’s Wood. Their grey caps do have shaggy edges and they secrete

a black liquid from the gills on their undersides, hence their name. Fungi can occasionally be spotted by looking up as well as at the woodland floor, the Dryad’s Saddle is a bracket fungus which favours willow, sycamore and poplar, all of which are common in this area. It will grow on rotting logs but it also frequently grows on tree trunks above head height. The large overlapping ear shapes are pale brown in colour and can attain an impressive sixty centimetres across, so they can look rather like a saddle (a dryad is a mythical wood nymph). They can be eaten, but have to be picked very young, as they tend to become infested with the maggots of the fungus fly as they mature, not very enticing! If you do get close to any, you might notice that they have a distinctive smell, reminiscent of watermelon. Never eat any fungus unless you are sue it is safe - many are poisonous.

Join us at Woodland Ways... Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook @NatterersWood @nattererswood or Woodland Ways 18 | SEPTEMBER 2017

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It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. It’s free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don’t need a GP to get some. Its name? Exercise Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve always had, but for too long we’ve neglected to take our recommended dose. Our health is now suffering as a consequence. This is no snake oil. Whatever your age, there’s strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even happier life. People who do regular activity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. “If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most costeffective drugs ever invented,” says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant. Health benefits Given the overwhelming evidence, it seems obvious that we should all be physically active. It’s essential if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into old age. Up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and strokeIt’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have: • up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes • up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer • up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer • a 30% lower risk of early death • up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis • up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture • a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults) • up to a 30% lower risk of depression • up to a 30% lower risk of dementia What counts? Moderate-intensity aerobic activity means you’re working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat. One way to tell if you’re working at a moderate intensity is if you can still talk but you can’t sing the words to a song. Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities are: • walking fast • water aerobics

• riding a bike on level ground or with few hills • playing doubles tennis • pushing a lawn mower Daily chores such as shopping, cooking or housework don’t count towards your 150 minutes. This is because the effort needed to do them isn’t hard enough to get your heart rate up. A modern problem People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. We drive cars or take public transport. Machines wash our clothes. We entertain ourselves in front of a TV or computer screen. Fewer people are doing manual work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. Work, house chores, shopping and other necessary activities are far less demanding than for previous generations. We move around less and burn off less energy than people used to. Research suggests that many adults spend more than seven hours a day sitting down, at work, on transport or in their leisure time. People aged over 65 spend 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary age group. Sedentary lifestyles Inactivity is described by the Department of Health as a “silent killer”. Evidence is emerging that sedentary behaviour, such as sitting or lying down for long periods, is bad for your health. Not only should you try to raise your activity levels, but you should also reduce the amount of time you and your family spend sitting down. Common examples of sedentary behaviour include watching TV, using a computer, using the car for short journeys and sitting down to read, talk or listen to music – and such behaviour is thought to increase your risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, as well as weight gain and obesity. “Previous generations were active more naturally through work and manual labour, but today we have to find ways of integrating activity into our daily lives,” says Dr Cavill. Whether it’s limiting the time babies spend strapped in their buggies, or encouraging adults to stand up and move frequently, people of all ages need to reduce their sedentary behaviour. “This means that each of us needs to think about increasing the types of activities that suit our lifestyle and can easily be included in our day,” says Dr Cavill. Crucially, you can hit your weekly activity target but still be at risk of ill health if you spend the rest of the time sitting or lying down.

If you have any questions you would like to ask please do not hesitate in asking. Joe Sadler Personal Trainer M: 07917 714557 E:

20 | SEPTEMBER 2017


live happy! with

Slimming World MONDAYS Village Hall, Fornham All Saints @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm Jason 07525 738901 Southgate Community Centre @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm TUESDAYS St Edmundsbury CEVA Primary School @ 7.30pm Laura 07572 880289 Newbury Community Centre @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm Shani 01842 820001 WEDNESDAYS Ixworth Village Hall @ 9.30am & 11.30am Carla 07900 810636 Westbury Centre @ 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Alex 01284 788201 New Green Centre, Thurston @ 3.00pm, 5.00pm & 7.00pm Shani 01842 820001 THURSDAYS Moreton Hall Community Centre @ 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Kelly 07792 603204 Westbury Centre @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm Alex 01284 788201 FRIDAYS Southgate Community Centre @ 9.30am & 11.30am Vanessa 07850 951693 SATURDAYS Youth Centre, Moreton Hall @ 8.30am & 10.30am Kelly 07792 603204

0344 897 8000

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 21


Fantastic Donations!!! Lymphoedema Support Suffolk has recently benefitted from two magnificently generous donations. The first wonderful donation was from the Bury Clay Target Club. Every year the club has a clay shoot and they choose to donate the proceeds to a charity of the membership choosing. A club member, who has found the support of LSS helpful, suggested that Lymphoedema Support Suffolk could be a recipient and the club membership agreed. The Bury Clay Target Club went on to raise a magnificent £350 which they’ve kindly donated to the Lymphoedema Support Suffolk.

with fundraising for medical equipment to benefit both Lymphoedema and Lipoedema patients. It does make all the efforts that the LSS Sub Committee puts into LSS, that in turn support patients and also works in partnership with WSALS as the patient’s voice, more than worthwhile. LSS 2017 Diary Dates – Monday 11th September, 23rd October and 4th December. 7pm – 9pm at at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Do come along and find out more about living with and managing Lymphoedema and Lipoedema. For further details about LSS and the West Suffolk Alliance Lymphoedema Service:

Bury Clay Target Club

The second wonderful donation was from Frank, a kind gentleman, who benevolently donated a magnificent £500 to LSS in thanks of the support he has received from our patient group. LSS gives a huge thank you to both the Bury Clay Target Club and to Frank for thinking of LSS and for their incredibly generous donations. These monies will help to secure the immediate future of LSS and also go a long way to help

22 | SEPTEMBER 2017

WSALS (c/o Suffolk GP Federation CIC): 0345 or 0845 2413313 (choose option 3) click on Clinical Service tab For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema: British Lymphology Society website Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website - Macmillan website Talk Lipoedema




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| 23



The 19th hole, a place for golf tips, reviews and everything golf related.

Welcome back to the 19th hole, this month see’s us having crowned the last major champion of the year in Justin Thomas. What a great final round it was to secure his first major championship title, and I am sure he will be up there fighting for more majors in the years to come. Its September already and we start to see the end of the main part of the summer, but let’s hope that the better weather continues through this month and we can keep enjoying a few rounds. The tour does return to England this month however; the British Masters is being held at Close House GC near Newcastle from the 28th. If you are planning the travel up to watch it will be a great event, SKY TV are helping to host the event there is always plenty to do and get involved with at this event as well as watching the golf. Also this month see’s the completion of the PGA tour season, with the FedEx cup events. This Ends with the tour championship, where one lucky player will net themselves 10 million dollars! I can’t imagine what its like to try and hole a putt when you know that’s the prize! Then we are treated to more outstanding golf as The Presidents Cup is being contested, this event is a team events that see’s the USA take on a REST OF THE WORLD team. Well worth a watch!! SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE PGA TOUR DELL Technologies Championship BMW Championship The TOUR Championship THE PRESIDENTS CUP EUROPEAN TOUR D+D Real Czech Masters Omega European Masters KLM Open Portugal Masters The British Masters

Coaches Corner – Green Side Great Escape’s This month we are going to focus on bunker play, now its at this time of year everyone longs to be on a beach somewhere warm. However, if you were to ask some golfers they would prefer to be anywhere but in the sand. So its time to change this, these few simple tips will allow you to approach bunkers with a lot more confidence and achieve better results. Like so many shots in golf, you need to set up well. The image below shows you how to set up to escape, with a little practice this position will start to feel natural. Set Up: • Ball positioned forward in the stance. • Feet aligned at or slightly left of target. • Weight positioned 70% forward on lead foot. (left foot for right handed golfer) • Club handle relaxed and pointing back towards your center. From this great set up position I would like you to focus on three main points. Target Draw a line in the sand and practice hitting that line over and over, when you can hit the line 4 times in row then your ready to put a ball down around 2 inches in front of the line and complete the same exercise. Speed To get the ball out of most bunkers takes some force, so its essential to have speed going through the impact area of this shot. As you can see from the image, I have taken the club back a good distance to ensure that I hit my target (the line) with some speed in the club head. Loft Lastly, make sure your using enough loft to allow you to get out easily. Use a sand wedge or lob wedge and even on occasions open these clubs up as well to activate even more loft to be used while playing this shot.

If you are still struggling from bunkers after this, or any other part of your game then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this game more. As this should be the most important aspect for anyone’s round of golf. If you quote MHD or SGD when booking your first lesson with me then you will receive £5 off, below are my contact details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Adam Trett

The Suffolk Golf and Country Club Email: Facebook: ADT Golf Coaching 24 | SEPTEMBER 2017


Despite a wet and windy forecast, members of the Moreton Hall WI congregated on Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds for our August treat. This was a guided walk around Bury St Edmunds. We were divided into two groups to hear about the interesting history with secrets and stories by our specialist guides. We were told the story of St Edmund and the Wolf and tales of the Angel Hotel, not to forget the royal connection with Mary Tudor. We started at the ‘Pillar of Salt’. It is a Grade II listed road sign. It is described as being individual and probably unique, according to the plaque set at the foot of the sign. As we walked around the medieval streets we were shown various buildings of historical architectural interest and we saw unique small sculptures that were hidden. The masons had a good sense of humour. We looked at a number of distinctive listed buildings and monuments. We are fortunate that the town is fostering its heritage and character by balancing old with new. This is evident by the preservation and restoration of these ancient buildings that are now homes, shops, restaurants etc. There is also a number of ‘Blue Plaques’ remembering famous people who lived here. It was an enjoyable evening. Moreton Hall WI meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at the Community Centre. If anyone is interested the first visit is free. Our next meeting is on 6 September and our speaker is from the Animal Health Trust.




Tuesday 4.30-5.15pm

Half Termly bookings

(only 9 spaces per half term) Find us at SEPTEMBER 2017 | 25


BACKPACK-TO-SCHOOL By Nick Pringle Whether your children are starting or returning back to school many parents are buying new backpacks in preparation for the new academic year. We think it’s very important to take in to consideration how your child is wearing the backpack as well as the type/style of the bag itself. Therefore I thought I’d share some practical tips on how backpacks can have an effect on specific areas of the body and what can be done to help. Type and fitting There are so many different styles of backpacks, some are our beloved Superheroes or even in the shape of animals, but whatever shape or size, it’s important to make sure that it was manufactured for children. Sounds bizarre, but children’s backpacks are made with lightweight materials in comparison to adult backpacks. The backpack should be close to the body with no space in between the backpack and the child whatsoever and the size should be a similar size to the child’s torso and dropping a couple of inches below the waistline.

26 | SEPTEMBER 2017

It may have been cool back in the 90’s to wear the backpack on one shoulder but I strongly advise against this. Use both shoulders to offload the stress on one side of the spine and if you can, find a backpack with wide straps to distribute the load across the shoulders evenly. Weight Backpacks should be between 10-15% of a child’s weight, anymore and this can lead to injury or strains through overloading or even balance issues during walking or going up and down stairs. Try to pack the heavier items such as textbooks and water bottles towards the bottom and closest to the back, and use the different compartments to your advantage by spreading the weight evenly so that the majority of the load isn’t on one side. Some backpacks come with waist straps that can help distribute the weight too. Upper and Lower Back Back pain in children is increasingly prevalent and is seen to increase with age although significantly less common than adults. This is still an issue that faces


many medical professionals. It is suggested that preventing back pain in children may prevent or delay future incidence as adults.

Advice for children

If the backpack is too heavy then it can cause the child to lean forward slightly which increases the forward head posture. This may create neck and shoulder pain as well as overworked muscles in the midlower back, this is especially relevant if your child has a long walk to and from school as your child will be carrying their bag for extended periods causing potential fatigue.

l Children don’t need to take unnecessary items such as their laptops, TV’s, kitchen sinks etc. to school with them

the mechanical str
















If the backpack is on one shoulder or carrying too much weight then it may alter the biomechanics of a child’s walk. If a child pivots or twists e.g. playing football or running whilst wearing a backpack this can cause pain or injury to the knees. It’s helpful to remind children not to wear the backpack when playing sport or games – after all you need them for goal posts don’t you?!



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It can be common for a child to lean forwards to compensate for the heavy backpack pulling them backwards. This can cause soreness in the hips and this is why it is important to fit the backpack as close to the back as possible to prevent extra leverage.

At Bury St Edmunds Osteopaths we see people who experience many injuries following on from factors such as overloading and biomechanical issues and therefore if your child has persistent back pain, numbness or weakness then for further advice, information, assessment and treatment please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us using the information below:


BSE Osteopaths Ltd The Barn SEPTEMBER 2017 | 27 T T: 01284E769153 O P A T E: appts@bury S


l Lifting the backpack up correctly, using both hands and bending at the knees will help avoid injuries.


The stability of our shoulders relies on the strength of its muscles and if there is too much load and pressure on the shoulders then once again the muscles become inhibited and weak. This may lead to muscle strains and complications in the shoulder joint itself. Once again even distribution will help take the pressure off the shoulders.

l Bring homework home when it is given, instead of bringing it all home on Fridays




l AroEncourage children to use their trays or lockers as much as they can

This opportunity allows us to reach out to you in the community and welcome you into our group whereby you can come along and join in with likeminded people and make new friends. Chronic pain can interfere with your ability to get about, your social life and your emotional wellbeing. Pain is invisible, can dominate, be limiting and create negativity. Turning this around can be a major hurdle. Sharing your journey with others who understand exactly how you feel can help you feel less pain, boost your wellbeing and your social network. New friendships have been formed within the support group and being accepted, in any new situation, as you are and not how you used to be, helps immensely. Friendship brings kindness and support, which is what we offer. Gaining confidence and feeling needed within a friendly environment can give you a real boost. Our situation of need is still ongoing and we are looking for people who have the knowledge and ability to work together, giving support to members and building on what the group have achieved to date, taking it forward and establishing growth. We are a friendly group with a relaxed attitude-its all about feeling comfortable with others and sharing time together. We welcome all ages over 18 and genders so we look forward to meeting you very soon! 28 | SEPTEMBER 2017

Our CPSG meeting in July was an interactive session on dance movement ‘an energy shower’ to help invigorate and boost energy levels. Led by a lovely young lady who herself has experienced constant pain and found a way to overcome many challenges to be where she is today. The focus was being on the positive and recognising what you can do and what you are able to express through movement. Seated dance, exercise and simple stretches to music. Something for everyone to get involved in whilst having a laugh and mixing together as a group. Our next CPSG meeting is on Thursday 21st September at 2pm at Southgate Community Centre in Bury. We will be holding our annual AGM and to follow we hope to welcome a speaker who will give us an update on medications that we are familiar with and the affect of integrated services. Positively Crafty is held on the first Thursday of each month from 1pm to 4pm at Southgate Community Centre. Crafting brings many rewards including social interaction, new friends, a sense of achievement, a chance to unwind your mind and a craft to suit you. Deco patch and felting crafts are currently being enjoyed. If you would like to learn more then come along and join us or call on 07724 187774.


Conservatories Conservatories and and Windows Windows

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Casa Catering Maria Broa dbent, Now who doesn’t like a good excuse to eat, Restaurate ur drink & catch up with loved ones? Catering for a crowd is my idea of heaven, but I know I am in the minority here! Most of you will know that we can cater for you in our lovely restaurant – but did you know we also can cater in your own home or a venue of your choice?

Recently we have cooked a BBQ at a firm of solicitors, served freshly cooked tapas for a party of 30 ‘hens’ at a local venue & helped a bank celebrate it’s 5th birthday with canapés. My background before running a restaurant has been varied, some may say eclectic. Whatever else I have been doing I have always catered for a party when asked. I spent a number of years organising events & wedding receptions. The trick is to understand what the client wants, have a clear indication of budget, manage expectations with a clear pricing structure & produce the goods & the service on the day.

2 Cocktails for £10

Dietary requirements? Bring it on…I love them because it makes menu planning challenging & fun. Some of my more innovative dishes have come about in response to some interesting needs. So whether it is personal or corporate – Christmas, wedding, birthday or any other excuse you can think of to have a get together – let us take all the hassle out of it for you. Private hire of the restaurant is available including full food & drink package from as little a £2,000

5pm – 8pm Tuesday–Friday 3pm – 6pm Saturdays 11am – 3pm Sundays

Offer available throughout September 2017


OPENING HOURS: Monday CLOSED. Tuesday - Thursday 11.30am-8.30pm (Food served 11.30am-3pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm) Friday 11.30am-10.30pm (Food served 11.30am-9.30pm) Saturday 10am-11pm (Food served 10am-9.30pm) & Sunday 10am-5pm (Food served 10am-4pm).



September Offer



Tuesday - Thursday 12 noon - 8.30pm Weekend Brunch 11am - 1pm

To validate your voucher please fill in your email here: Please show this voucher before ordering. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

follow us: casadelmarbse

98 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA. Tel. 01284 701313. Email:

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 31



Luxury Accommodation The Fox Inn is a 15th-century Inn located on Eastgate Street within easy walking distance of Bury St Edmunds Town Centre. Boasting 6 beautiful boutique rooms situated in the converted historic barn, it makes a truly luxurious break without having to travel too far! With excellent food on offer serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, treat yourself to an evening in the Fox!

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Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.

List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: 4 NEEDLE OVERLOCKER made by Silver. Good condition, has been serviced. £80. Tel. 01284 765674 WORMER GARDEN COMPOSTER. Little used. £75.00 when new, will accept £30. Tel: 01284 754917 Want to ride in comfort, style and elegance? ‘CHIC’ DUTCHIE BICYCLE – large step-through frame, many extras. Excellent condition £250. Tel. 01284 700172. LARGE WICKER BICYCLE BASKET WITH CLIP-ON HANDLEBAR BRACKET. Easy removal – ideal for shopping, work, etc. £25. Tel. 01284 700172. TECHAIR LAPTOP BACK PACK Sturdy black protective backpack. Hardly used. Numerous pockets. £5. Tel. 07766 557161 or 01284 705224 GRACO HIGH CHAIR . Folding blue high chair with 2 positions. Used by grandparents only £10. Tel. 07766 557161 or 01284 705224

GLASS AND CHROME CORNER SHELF UNIT Excellent condition. 128cms tall 30cms deep. £12. Tel. 07766 557161 or 01284 705224 DESK CHAIR Lovely wooden swivel chair, with working raiser and wheels . cushion included . very elegant . some minor scratches consistent with age (1990s) £10. Tel. 07766 557161 or 01284 705224 4 NEW ROLLS OF WILKO BUTTERFLIES BORDER. still in original wrapping . self adhesive 17.3 cm width. each roll is 5m long. Bought a few months ago but never used. Each roll costs £8.50 at Wilko. £2.50 per roll. Tel. 07766 557161 or 01284 705224 4 NEEDLE OVERLOCKER Fully serviced in good condition. £80. Tel. 01284 765674 50 YEARS OF COLLECTING MAGAZINES mainly motoring but including Saga, Which and Readers’ Digest. Please enquire john@

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

34 | SEPTEMBER 2017


Bury St Edmunds Audi Sales, Service and Parts

Bury St Edmunds Audi Skyliner Way Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7YB 01284 760000 Part of Marriott Motor Group SEPTEMBER 2017 | 35


Kidney Bean Curry A rescue recipe for when there’s nothing in the fridge, or when you fancy something cheap, delicious and filling Ingredients: 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped Thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled and finely chopped 1 small pack coriander, stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly shredded 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground paprika 2 tsp garam masala 400g can chopped tomatoes 400g can kidney beans, in water Cooked basmati rice, to serve

Method: Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a lowmedium heat. Add the onion and a pinch of salt and cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until softened and just starting to colour. Add the garlic, ginger and coriander stalks and cook for a further 2 mins, until fragrant. Add the spices to the pan and cook for another 1 min, by which point everything should smell aromatic. Tip in the chopped tomatoes and kidney beans in their water, then bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 15 mins until the curry is nice and thick. Season to taste, then serve with the basmati rice and the coriander leaves. 36 | SEPTEMBER 2017


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SEPTEMBER 2017 | 37


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SEPTEMBER 2017 | 39 DECEMBER 2015 | 39


Back-to-school pack

Bin the soggy sandwiches and get inspired with our heal

Chicken Roll-ups

Fruity Sundae



1 wrap or tortilla 1-2 tbsp houmous 3 fat slices cooked chicken breast Âź avocado, taken out of its skin 3 cherry tomatoes Cheddar, grated to make about 1 tbsp

80ml natural yogurt 25g strawberries or raspberries 10g mixed berries

Method: Put a wrap on a board or plate. Spread the houmous onto the middle of it using a spoon or butter knife. Tear up the chicken (or ask a grown-up helper to do this) and put it in a line down the middle of the wrap. Chop the avocado with a butter knife and put it next to the chicken. Squish the tomatoes onto the wrap by squeezing them and tearing them in half (they might squirt, so mind your clothes). Sprinkle on some cheese. Roll up the wrap and press it down firmly. Cut it in half.

40 | SEPTEMBER 2017

Method: Dollop the natural yogurt into an airtight container. Blend or mash the strawberries to a purĂŠe and swirl through the yogurt. Top with mixed berries.


ked lunch inspiration

lthy, speedy and scrumptious school packed lunch ideas.

Pizza Pasta Salad

Couscous Salad



85g pasta, use a favourite shape 1 tsp olive oil 1 tbsp sundried tomato pesto 85g baby plum tomato, halved 50g light mozzarella, cubed 3-4 black olives, halved 4 slices salami, sliced into ribbons handful basil leaves

100g couscous 200ml hot low salt vegetable stock (from a cube is fine) 2 spring onions 1 red pepper ½ cucumber 50g feta cheese, cubed 2 tbsp pesto 2 tbsp toasted pine nut

Method: Cook the pasta following pack instructions. Drain, rinse under cold water to cool, then drain well. Toss with the oil and sundried tomato pesto, season to taste. Place in a jar or plastic box and scatter over the remaining ingredients in layers, ending with the basil.

Method: Tip couscous into a large bowl, pour over stock. Cover, then leave for 10 mins, until fluffy and all the stock has been absorbed. Meanwhile, slice the onions and pepper and dice the cucumber. Add these to the couscous, fork through pesto, crumble in feta, then sprinkle over pine nuts to serve.

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 41


Feeling Blue

BY ANDREW SOUTHWOOD “That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m never coming to this place again!”… ...or words to that effect. That was my reaction following my last visit to Portman Road, home of the once mighty Ipswich Town. In 30+ years I don’t think I’ve ever felt so despondent at the end of a season as I did in May. Even the unshakable optimism of youthfulness that normally rubs off from my son, was starting to fail me. Still, here we are, 3 or 4 months later and the new season is upon us. Time is a good healer and the break did us all good. I admit I probably said some things in the heat of the moment that were a little harsh (but some were, and still are, totally justified!) nevertheless, the broken relationship between me and my club is starting to rebuild, slowly.

42 | SEPTEMBER 2017

Yes, they are owned by a multi millionaire businessman who clearly doesn’t know or care about Ipswich like the fans. True, the manager is not a flamboyant crowd pleaser. Even the chairman seems to lack basic business sense. However, this is where we are and there’s no point dwelling on the negatives. The club must move on and must try to help it. If I stop going to matches, my son stops going. If he stops going now, he’ll end up ‘supporting’ Chelsea or Man City like a depressingly large number of his peers already do. When he’s a teenager he wont be going and ultimately his kids wont go (because he wont take them). This seems like a fairly obvious long term spiral of doom for Ipswich that must be avoided at all costs. The silly thing is, Ipswich are in an almost unique

situation. Geographically there are virtually no other league clubs to compete with for support. Head up north to Rochdale for example. They have at least a dozen or more other clubs all within 10 miles of them, vying for any stray/disillusioned supporters wanting to watch live football. Here, Portman Road remains less than half full, whilst the other half stay at home. They are not attending other matches, they are simply waiting to be tempted back. There are only two things that will tempt them back; entertainment and value for money. Two things plainly missing last year. Let’s face it, only an idiot would go back for more. Needless to say, I already have our tickets ready to confidently (cough cough) take our seats for the new campaign. My hopes for the year are simple – avoid the drop. Anything else is a bonus! #ITFC #OneOfOurOwn


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Enjoy singing? Join us! Friendly, fun, relaxing.





Singing together on Moreton Hall






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Mondays in term time 7.30pm - 9.30pm @ Christ Church, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW For further details, contact Barry Hart, Musical Director on 01284 723323 SEPTEMBER 2017 | 43

• We are a charity providing community based drug and alcohol treatment services. • Residential or day clients. • Family support groups. • Discretion and confidentiality are key to what we do For help, advice, or information call or email us:

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44 | SEPTEMBER 2017

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Home visits available

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IN !

Crossword NO.29









Kindly sponsored by



Hollow Tel: 012 Open M

10 Marlows are offering the lucky winner of this months crossword Afternoon Tea for Two in their very popular recently refurbished instore restaurant.


11 12 14 16

15 17 18


ACROSS 7. Uncover (6) 8. Outdoes (6) 9. Writing fluids (4) 10. Educating (8) 11. Child’s vehicle (7) 13. Holy chalice (5) 15. Aqualung (5) 16. Corridor (7) 18. Made better (8) 19. Period of imprisonment (4) 21. Coating (6) 22. Soldiers (6)


*Terms & Conditions apply.





DOWN 1. At another time (4) 2. Animal used for heavy work (5,2,6) 3. Planned (7) 4. Member of the weasel family (5) 5. Power to give orders (13) 6. Paying out money (8) 12. Long green vegetable (8) 14. Official instruction (7) 17. Creamy-white colour (5) 20. Think cord (4)

Good Luck!

EMAIL ADDRESS: TEL NO: Closing Date for entries is September 18th 2017. Winner will be notified by telephone. 46 46 || SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2017 2017

Please post entries to us at: Crossword Competition, Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BE

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 47






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Official Official Government Government Test Test Environmental Environmental Data. Data. Fuel Fuel consumption consumption figures figures mpg mpg (litres/100km (litres/100k # (12.7) (12.7) –– 91.1 91.1 (3.1), (3.1), Combined: Combined: 18.0 18.0 (15.7) (15.7) –– 83.1 83.1 (3.4). (3.4). CO CO22 emissions: emissions: 373 373 –– 90g/km. 90g/km.#

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40 703606

m) and km) and CO CO22 emissions emissions (g/km). (g/km). Vauxhall Vauxhall range: range: Urban: Urban: 23.9 23.9 (11.8) (11.8) –– 72.4 72.4 (3.9), (3.9), Extra-urban: Extra-urban: 22.3 22.3

17, subject 017, subject to to availability availability and and status. status. Age Age 18+ 18+ only. only. Figures Figures based based on on a a non-maintenance non-maintenance contract contract hire hire package package with with advance advance rental rental of of £4,070, £4,070, then then 35 35 Astra Astra SRi SRi 1.4i 1.4i Turbo Turbo (150PS) (150PS) including including free free of of charge charge brilliant brilliant paint paint on on vehicles vehicles ordered ordered by by 22 October October 2017, 2017, subject subject to to availability availability and and status. status. Age Age 18+ 18+ only. only. cted cted mileage mileage of of 24,000 24,000 over over 36 36 months months charged charged at at 77 pence pence per per mile. mile. Excess Excess charges charges also also apply apply if if you you breach breach manufacturer manufacturer servicing servicing or or maintenance maintenance Road Road Fund Fund Licence Licence and and Vauxhall Vauxhall Assistance. Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity Guarantee/indemnity may may be be required. required. Prices Prices and and details details are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. For For full full d d and and regulated regulated by by the the Financial Financial Conduct Conduct Authority. Authority. ^OnStar ^OnStar is is available available on on selected selected models. models. OnStar OnStar and and 4G 4G Wi-Fi Wi-Fi hotspot hotspot services services require require activation activation ges apply after free trial period. The OnStar subscription packages could be different from the services included in the free trial package. Terms and rges apply after free trial period. The OnStar subscription packages could be different from the services included in the free trial package. Terms and OnStar OnStar cannot cannot have have the the required required technology technology retro-fitted. retro-fitted. Destination Destination Download Download is is only only available available on on vehicles vehicles with with factory factory installed installed navigation navigation system. system. d d test test data data is is provided provided for for comparison comparison purposes purposes and and actual actual performance performance will will depend depend on on driving driving style, style, road road conditions conditions and and other other non-technical non-technical factors. factors. oing oing to to press. press.

Nurturing talent, enabling success HOME + LIFESTYLE Nurturing talent, enabling success


Friday 6th Friday 6thOctober October2017 2017 10am -12noon 10am -12noon

South Lee School South School Educatingchildren children from from nursery nursery to Educating to13 13years years Nowton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2BT.

50 | SEPTEMBER 2017

Nowton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2BT. Tel: 01284 754654 Email: Tel: 01284 754654 Email:

For further information orFor to book a visit contact further information Mrs Ronge, Registrar or a visit contact

Mrs L. Ronge, Registrar

OPEN DAYS…to go or not to go! Educating our children can seem like a bit of a minefield. There are so many options out there; it is hard to know if you have made the correct decision. As a parent myself, one thing I have learnt is that what is right for one child isn’t necessarily right for another so it is important that is kept in mind when choosing the next step regardless of what stage your child is at. September is when we all wave our children off back to school after the long summer break. For some, they will be going back with a hop and a skip, for others, it may be a little trickier and that could be because they are not in the best environment for them. It is also a time that a number of independent schools start opening their doors for you to come and have a look in the format of an open day. This can be a really good opportunity for you to have a look at other options without too much commitment to making a move. It is true that every independent school will welcome you to come and visit at any time and it will usually be quite a formal visit. An open day gives you the option of going along with a bit less pressure – you do not, for example, have to have a meeting with the head (although you can of course do so) but you will be able to see the school, meet some of the teachers and get a feeling for what it would be like to be a pupil there. WHO? It is up to you if you want to take your son or daughter along with you. Sometimes it is good to go alone and see what you think first, especially if you are unsure if it is a move you are ready to commit to but, ultimately, your son/daughter will be a very good gauge that a school is right.

Most independent schools offer scholarships to talented children and they can make something that you may think unattainable, affordable. WHEN? Most schools will hold open days on week days and also on Saturday mornings and I suppose there are positives and negatives to both. Whilst it is often more convenient to go on a Saturday morning, going during a normal school day can give you a much better feel for what everyday life can be like at that school which can be of enormous benefit to you when forming an opinion. PUPILS? The existing pupils at a school are a good reflection on what that school is like so it is important to see how they interact and if they seem happy. A large contributing factor to why I chose my children’s school was based on the fact that every child I had met was happy, content and confident to be themselves! At an open day you are often shown round the school by pupils from the school giving you a good opportunity to ‘hear it from the horses mouth’ HOMEWORK? Before you go, have a look on the school website as it will give you answers to a number of questions. As with OFSTED for state run schools, independent schools are also inspected. You can see the latest reports on the ISI website Whatever route you choose, it’s always good to know that you have explored all options before making a final decision! Good luck!

QUESTIONS? Think about what is important to you before you go and have an idea of questions that you would want to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask about scholarship and bursary opportunities.

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 51


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Every month I share a crafty activity to try at home. I’m Michelle and I own the crafty foxes. I run adult and children’s workshops, children’s crafty parties, after school clubs, hen-dos and a wedding/events mobile crafty creche. If you like this column you might like my kids club, held on the last Saturday of every month upstairs in Denny Bros. See for more information

This activity is great fun and requires little more than your imagination. Making greeting cards using pencil shavings. I have given you a few examples but try thinking of some of your own. I would love to see them. Please post on my page You will need blank cards and envelopes, coloured pencils, a sharpener and glue. • Sharpen a coloured pencil trying to keep the shaving nice and long • Cut the shaving to the desired length • Glue the shaving into position on your card • Draw your design around the shaving and write your message • Alternatively, for a professional product you could print your message.

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 57


The person

behind the Ad... Gemma Ginns The Self Centre

How long has The Self Centre been in Bury St Edmunds? Wow – 12 years now! Can’t believe its been that long!

How long have you worked here? 4 years in total. I started working on reception as a part-time job back after having my children. I was promoted to reception manager and then, when Abbeycroft bought it, I was promoted again to be centre manager.

It seems to evolved a lot over the time it has been here – tell me a bit more about the history behind it… It was founded by Carol Baker. She had a vision of it being a wellness centre with a real community feel, offering a full range of classes and services. 2 years ago Carol decided to sell to the centre to Abbeycroft Leisure to free her up to do what she is really passionate about, the teaching, rather than having to focus on the business side which she enjoyed less. Carol still takes classes here today and we are always looking at offering new opportunities. We now run physio therapy sessions for the NHS, we have a very popular breast feeding clinic here, a fertility clinic and also offer community classes to offer Yoga and Meditation to people who may not normally be able to access them. We are set up as a ‘not for profit’ organisation and are really passionate about what we do and supporting the local community.

then got married fairly young and had my children so I gave up paid employment to focus myself on them and be a stay at home mum. When my youngest was settled into full time school, I started to feel that I wanted to go out to work again. I knew I wanted to work here, with my interest in alternative therapy, I decided to focus my search. When a job on reception came up, I basically bugged Carol until she agreed to take me! The rest I suppose, is history.

What is the best part of your job? People! I am surrounded by brilliant people all day when I am at work. The customers are lovely and I have the best team of colleagues I think you could ask for! I spend most of my day talking to friendly, interesting people! I have also really enjoyed the challenge of learning how a business is run. It was a new skill for me and has given me a new challenge which I have enjoyed.

…and the worst? Its that age old juggle!! I work part time and have to juggle my family life and my job. I love them both but I find when I am at work I feel pulled to home and things I need to do there and when I am at home I am thinking about what I need to do at work!

So, what led you to where you are now?

When you are not working, what do you enjoy doing?

I left school and went into beauty therapy as there was not really many courses in alternative therapy which was what I really wanted to do and I felt that could be a good way in. I was really interested in shiatsu acupressure massage! I started off doing aromatherapy and massage. I

Of course I enjoy spending time with my family. I would love to answer ‘relaxing’ but there just isn’t the time for that!! As a family, we are National Trust members and love going to Ickworth Park for a walk or visit other sites across the country. I would say I am ‘quietly outdoorsy’!!

58 | SEPTEMBER 2017

HOME + LIFESTYLE The Self Centre • Kempson Way• Bury St Edmunds • Suffolk IP32 7AR t. 01284 769090 e.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people would know… I do historical re-enactment! I do ‘tudoring’ at Kentwell Hall. Basically me and the kids dress up in Tudor costumes and go along to show members of the public how it was to live in the Tudor era. I do a lot of basket weaving and my children also really enjoy getting involved!

What is your favourite music? I like everything from pop to classical but if I had to choose just one genre, it would have to be disco!! I have a disco ball in my kitchen and love nothing more than having a boogie while I am cooking (which I do not love quite as much!!). I also recently went to see Texas at Newmarket Nights which was fab!

When you go out to eat, where do you go? I like Italian food so I would probably say somewhere like Pizza Express.

And film… Actually I do like a good Marvel movie but, if I was choosing just one, it would have to be The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.

What is your biggest achievement to date? Still being here is an achievement isn’t it?!?! Seriosuly though, I am pretty proud that I can run the business successfully and manage to run my household and raise 4 children on my own!

Are you locally born and bred?

Where did you go to school? Culford School

If you could choose 1 famous person to have dinner with (dead or alive), who would it be and why? I’m going to break the rules now and say I would want a dinner party!! At that party, I would have… - Elizabeth 1 as she is an amazing ruler, strong woman and would be fascinating to interview, she was so different to the expected role model for women in those times. - Stephen Fry as he makes me laugh and is so wonderfully intelligent - Mother Theresa - where did she find the strength to keep going and not be overwhelmed by the endless task ahead of her?? I would love to hear of her devotion and the challenges she faced in helping the poor. - Darth Vadar to find out if he regrets his life choices? Would he go back and do it differently if he could? - Angelina Jolie as she seems so different to the typical celebrity, I would love to know what motivates and inspires her.

What would you choose to eat at that meal? I think it would be a BBQ round a camp fire on a warm summers evening!

...And drink? I don’t drink alcohol so I would have something fruity and soft but I would provide wine for my guests!!

Yes, I grew up in Finborough/Coombs.

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 59


Heyyy everyone!

hope you all enjoyed the summer holidays and aren’t missing them too much! Roll on Christmas ay?!? Enjoy reading this months articles.

molly xx

Ice Infusions

My friend and I signed up to a mornings course of doughnut making in August as one of their children’s courses. They are a local company based on Rougham Industrial Estate. The chef who led the session, Dan, was really inspiring as well as calm. There were only 8 of us in total which meant that he had enough time to support and guide each one of us. The place was well set up and all the equipment we needed was ready. It was a lovely kitchen to use.

Firstly we made doughnut dough but we needed to leave it to rest overnight in the fridge, this meant that we got to take it home and make more yummy delights again the next day! He had kindly made some dough the day before (a bit like here’s one I made earlier on Blue Peter!!!) and taught us how to cut and roll it to make even and neat balls. We took it in turns to fry them off. Next came my favourite part- the decorating! I did 2 with jam in the middle, 2 with just sugar, 2 with cinnamon and sugar and the final 2 were dunked in chocolate and covered in sprinkles! Next up we made YumYums. We had to combine all the ingredients and then construct the twisted shapes- this part was infuriating as it was so tricky to make them look great. I tried a couple of attempts and got there then in the end! Phew! We fried them and then drizzled them with icing. We got to take all our creations home but I couldn’t resist sampling before we left- mmmmmm! I’d definitely love to do another course there (and so would my mum!). I’d recommend ICE to anyone! Next time I hope to sample their coffee shop! 60 | SEPTEMBER 2017


London World Championships

One word... amazing! The races and everything were incredible and so well run, not an intended pun there! It was a real shame that Usain Bolt and Mo Farah’s are retiring from track racing but they were so inspiring while they raced. I really enjoyed watching everyone participate, I was there on Saturday 12th evening session. The atmosphere was mental! I loved to just look from side to side watching all of the people around where I was sat, when one of the GB people were racing lots of people had flags and were waving them and people were clapping, screaming, everything! Katrina Johnson-Thompson doing high jump was really interesting and is always exciting to watch. It’s mental to think that they can jump taller than I am. At one point she was jumping, the men were throwing and the men’s 5000 metre run was also going, where was I supposed to look? I also got to watch the 4x100 men’s relay which was crazy! Fortunately GB got gold, which was amazing! But... what was a shame was what happened to bolt! He got about 50 metres down the last 100 metres and started limping and had to stop! I didn’t even realise that GB had won because I was so focused on Bolt! I also got to watch Mo Farah run his last ever 5000 metres, it was so intense and

so fast paced. Unfortunately he didn’t get the gold he aspired to get but he still has the world’s fastest time even if he isn’t the reigning world champ anymore, it’s still an incredible achievement! Outside of the stadium there was also something called the ‘Hero Village’ and that’s where there were different activities and things to experience. When we were walking around me and my family stopped to take a picture and do an activity when I got talking to one of the helpers. It turns out she was in the olympics twice! So of course I asked for a photo with her, her name was ‘Joslyn Hoytesmith’, she used to run 400 meters. Overall I think the experience was fabulous and I appreciated it so much! SEPTEMBER 2017 | 61


Garden Confidential

by Paul Clarke

What to do in your garden in September... With the arrival of September in the garden, summer is coming to an end and the autumn season is around the corner. Early September is really your last chance to trim your conifer hedges. The leaves from trees begin to fall so cover your pond with some netting. What can be better than an apple and blackberry pie? So try to get out and pick some blackberries to add some of your apples.





Sometimes known as Bugbane, is a perennial which grows to around to 1.5m. It has long branches of bottle brush shaped small white flowers in September onwards. Actaea is a member of the buttercup family. They thrive in cool positions in either full or partial shade. They won’t enjoy full sun or dry soil. They are long-lived, slow-growing plants that need their own space to do well. The young foliage can be susceptible to late frosts, so choose a sheltered position. Established plants can be divided during spring, or you can grow them


Pauls jobs for the month Fruit

Vegetable Garden

General Maintenance

n If you are lucky enough to have one or two Apple trees then a sure sign that they are ripe is when you start to see windfall apples around the tree. n Plant strawberry plants this month. Or use the runners to establish new plants n Pick pears plums and damsons

n Lift and harvest your late potatoes and onions n Keep the hoe going to prevent weeds getting the upper hand n If your tomatoes are starting to split this is a sure sign of uneven watering. Try to ensure the compost never dries out n Lift marrows, pumpkins and squashes off the ground with straw or upturned plastic flower pots, in order to keep them clean and reduce slug damage. n Keep the runner bean harvest going as long as possible by regularly watering and removing any older pods on the bush

n September is a good month for repairing or laying lawn turf. Scarify the lawn and lay lawn seed. Give your lawn a tonic with a fertilizer feed. n Top up bird baths regularly n Clean out bird feeders and start to replenish with seeds and nuts n Cut back tree branches and hedges overhanging your garden border n Now is a good time to clean water butts as accumulated debris can pollute the water n If you have Water lilies in your pond you will know they grow vigorously. Keep on top of them by removing leaves regularly before they rot in the water

Flower Garden n You can start to plant spring bulbs n Again with Spring in mind plant wallflowers now n The middle of September is the very latest date for planting Christmas hyacinth bulbs so that they are in flower for the 25th December n Look out for opportunities to collect seeds from your perennials n Tidy up ferns by removing dead brown fronds around the base n Prune your climbing roses this month- remove some of the oldest woody stems and tie in any new shoots that are emerging n Continue to deadhead your Dahlias, Penstemons and Roses n Most perennials benefit from division every two to three years to maintain health and vigour such as Japanese Anemones n It’s a good time to take hardwood rose cuttings



This months poem...

“Spring scarce had greener fields to show than these Of mid September; through the still warm noon The rivulets ripple forth a gladder tune Than ever in the summer; from the trees Dusk-green, and murmuring inward melodies, No leaf drops yet; only our evenings swoon In pallid skies more suddenly, and the moon Finds motionless white mists out on the leas.” - Edward Dowden, In September One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up

Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on

01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email:

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 63


any Moreton Hall residents will be looking forward to their first year at University. For many, it will be a new experience, leaving home and fending for yourselves. Money is always a problem unless you have a nest egg or very kind parents! Here we give a few ideas that may help to keep an eye on your finances.



Get a NUS Extra card at

Ideas to help budget and save money

It will cost you as little as £12 for a year and it gives you access to over 150 offers and discounts in places such as Amazon, ASOS, Spotify, Superdrug, Dominoes and Odeon cinema tickets.

It’s easy to go crazy at first! Get financial advice from your Student Union (SU), at or Vouchers from or also help.

3 Are you going to be in self-catering lodging? Check out loads of ideas to save money and reduce food waste at Also try not to buy lunch from canteens or takeaways. You can save £££’s (and eat healthier) by making your own packed lunches.

4 The 16-25 Railcard is a must for every student

It gives you a third off rail travel across the UK and can save hundreds of pounds over the course of your degree. Costing £70 for three years, it’s a real money-saver for those homesick weekends!

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham and Simon Dry. If you have any queries please visit or email 64 | SEPTEMBER 2017

These ideas can save you £££’s! For more ideas on saving money & the environment visit

5 Save money on those expensive text books

1. Use books from the library. 2. Photocopy necessary pages. 3. Keep an eye on notice boards for second hand book sales and speak to your course mates to see if you can borrow or photocopy their books.






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Two Years Success and Growing Welcome to an expanding and thriving small business. We started with Laser - now we offer much more. Two years ago John Cross acquired his 12,000sq.ft premises to build a Laser Gaming Arena in Bury St Edmunds. Today his business provides great leisure facilities, unique to the town. Planet Laser has regular members together with local visitors and many from all areas of East Anglia. Planet Laser boasts one of the largest Multilevel Laser Tag arenas in the UK, using the most advanced system, Helios Pro.

So what else is here? John has invested in developing a Mother and Tots ‘Under 5’ Soft Play area. A great addition has been the ‘Teddy Mountain – Bear Building Workshop’. Let your children (or do yours as a gift) stuff a Bear, then dress and accessorize it from our large selection of outfits. We also offer ‘ bear building’ birthday parties.

66 | SEPTEMBER 2017

With a Licensed Café Bar (having a good value menu), mini-bowling alley, arcade and party area there is plenty of fun for all the family. Our facilities are suitable for Birthday Parties, Family Celebrations, Corporate Events – Leaving ‘Dos’, Team Building and Breakfast Meetings. We are now accepting bookings for Christmas Parties. This promotion offers groups, on designated evenings during the festive period, the opportunity to compete in a ‘Team Challenge’. The prizes for high scorers will include a ‘Cash Christmas Present’ plus an equivalent cash donation to the charity of their choice. Early booking discount available before 1st November. For full details visit our website.

A date for your diary

FRIDAY 6th OCTOBER A fund raising Evening for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Tickets £20 per person including buffet supper with licensed bar, entertainment, Laser Session (with prizes for top score) and raffle (donations of prizes gratefully accepted). We will also be supporting MacMillan Coffee Morning on 29th September. We’ll be open from 9.30. All proceeds from tea, coffee and softplay going to the cause. Open Tuesday – Sunday from 09.30. Please contact us via the website Bookings and information 01284 220102 Location – Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3SP (Close to ASDA, at the rear of the ‘Fiat Garage’, follow the signs)


Awesome Laser Tag

Little Squigglers Play starting in September Under 5’s Play Area

Family Fun With Our Mini Bowl & Arcade Cafe & Licensed Bar

Corporate, Teambuilding, Breakfasts, Meetings, Birthdays, Retirement, Stag & Hen, Work Do’s

Design your own to take home or book a birthday party!

Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3SP • 01284 220102

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SEPTEMBER 2017 | 67


Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum Tje Tpwer

1941 Boeing PT-17 ‘Stearman’, aircraft visitor

Thank You – Yes, a very BIG Thank You. Our ‘Echoes of the Past’ event on Sunday August 6th was a great success – only made possible because of the excellent support we received. It would take to much space here to mention everyone who contributed but from those who exhibited, those who manned stands to those who ‘re-enacted’ – Thank You. One item I will highlight was the simulated ‘Air Raid’. The ‘military’ repelled a bombing raid. I apologies if it was a little noisy but it did give an idea of how frightening an attack would have been, even more so when at night in the dark. So, Thank you – and if you missed out, we are doing it all again next year, Sunday 5th August 2018. Please put the date in your diary! We continue to receive visitor from families of veterans. It is very moving to spend time talking with direct links to the past. We must always remember the sacrifices made. Our responsibility is to maintain this memorial, long may it continue. Our next event is Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September. Now expanded to two days, we have a ‘Museum Visit By Air’ aircraft arrivals into the airfield. ‘Piper and Auster type’ will be the theme but ALL aircraft are welcome. The North Weald Marshaller’s join us for their annual meeting. The Museum is open and we are including a number of exhibits and stalls. Tea, Coffee and Cake always available. All day BBQ on Saturday with Hog Roast on the Sunday.

68 | SEPTEMBER 2017

We are indebted to Rougham Estates and Skyward Flight Training for their support. (Please note Airfield Visitors are subject to the weather conditions). Access to the Museum is via Rougham Tower Avenue – past the Sybil Andrews Academy from the Moreton Hall Estate. The road will be open within the next few weeks but access from the Rougham Industrial estate is now closed. Please refer to the local press and our website for current information. For our latest information and to read our latest newsletter, please view our web site E-mail Mobile 07931 971771

Other Diary Dates: Sunday November 12th, 10.30am for 11.00am Remembrance Service Sunday 10th December 10.30am for 11.00am ‘December Departures’ Service To commemorate the USAF leaving the Airfield Open Sundays 10am – 4pm till 29th October. We are able to offer additional dates and times by appointment. For further information please contact us at


Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th September 2017

Rougham Airfield (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)

Auster & Piper

Aircraft Museum Visit (ALL Types Welcome)

In association with

The North Weald Marshalling Team History of the 94th USAAF Bomb Group

Tea Room & Exhibits, Military Vehicles, Trade Stalls BBQ (Saturday) & Hog Roast (Sunday) Airfield Marshalling Tutorials (Small group sessions – booking required 0788 432 6688)

RCTAM is celebrating its 25th Anniversary – Your Support is gratefully appreciated Membership Available – from £15pa. Volunteers ALWAYS WELCOME Visit our website for additional information.


Please Note – NEW ACCESS ROAD From Junction 44 A14 follow the signs up BEDINGFIELD WAY (past Sainsbury’s on right) Continue to SKYLINER WAY (past Honda Garage on right) To ROUGHAM TOWER AVENUE (past Sybil Andrews Academy on left) Continue to Airfield -­‐ follow signs into car park) NO ACCESS VIA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE

ADULTS £5 – OAP & 16-­‐5 £2

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 69


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70 | SEPTEMBER 2017



SEPTEMBER 2017 | 71



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72 | SEPTEMBER 2017

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With just two weeks until the beginning of the new rugby season (at the time of writing) the rugby committee have used the time to improve facilities, recruit new players for the Wolfpack and prepare the youth and minis with fun pre-season training.

player running out for pre-season friendly against Old Albanians

The Wolfpack players, led by the former Leicester Tigers centre Ollie Smith have shown their skills twice in pre-season friendly games against National 1 clubs Bishops Stortford and Old Albanians. Both occasions giving the new players the opportunity to settle in the green and gold shirts and gel with regular Wolfpack stalwarts. The atmosphere in the Wolfpack camp is one of positive energy and enthusiasm ahead of the first league match on Saturday 3rd September. The match against Tonbridge Juddians kicks off at the Greene King IPA Haberden at 3pm although the bars including the CMC Bar which officially launches this season, will be open from 12.30pm. St Edmunds Butcher, suppliers of all the club’s meat, will be Matchday and Man of the Match sponsors. Ladies, youth and minis all start their season the following day, Sunday 4th September.

new coaches Ollie Smith (le ft) and Howard Parr (back coach - right)

Elsewhere, the club facilities team have been busy making improvements. The newly refurbished All Weather Pitch is available for hire 7 days a week whilst a new undercover seating stand in front of the clubhouse is due for completion by the beginning of October. Signage is being updated too as the club gears up to welcome existing sponsor, Servest, as Main Club Sponsor this season. New sponsorship opportunities have been launched including Wolfpack Player Sponsorship for just £100 plus VAT per player for the season. To find out more email sponsorshipmanager@ The inaugural Picnic Ball was held on Saturday 19th August, with just shy of 200 people taking tables. Themed as they wished each table of 10 brought in food and drinks. The new concept was a huge hit with a 7 piece London swing band and disco providing the entertainment. Such was the success of the ball, which was sponsored by long-standing sponsors, Frames Conservatories Direct, that the second one is earmarked for May 2018.

Mini Rugby

The club welcomes new members, players from age 6 upwards, and social members of all ages. Membership details can be found on the club website

After having a break for the off season, the minis section is all ready to welcome its players for another fun season of mini rugby! Training for the age groups from U6’s through to U12’s starts on Sunday 3rd September at 10am and runs every Sunday, other than bank holidays, until the end of April. We are always keen to welcome new players to the game so, if you have a son or daughter in year 1 - year 7 who would like to give rugby a go, bring them down to the club on a Sunday morning at 10am to see what it is all about. We offer a mix of training sessions alongside fixtures and festivals against other local clubs in East Anglia. SEPTEMBER 2017 | 73


The The Roots Roots of of Ickworth Ickworth

Starting on 4 September, discover a Starting on 4 September, discover a five week programme celebrating five week programme celebrating the craftsmanship and traditions of the craftsmanship and traditions of Ickworth. Join us for family activities Ickworth. Join us for family activities to explore our woodland, learn to explore our woodland, learn about our ancient trees and explore about our ancient trees and explore our House treasures. our House treasures. #nationaltrust #nationaltrust

Call Call 01284 01284 735270 735270 for for details details

© National Trust 2017. The National Trust is an independent © Nationalcharity, Trust 2017. The205846. NationalPhotography Trust is an independent registered number © National registered charity, number 205846. Photography © National Trust Images. Trust Images.



Celebrating the Roots of

Delve into the craftsmanship behind Ickworth this autumn, with a five week programme celebrating the world of wood. Starting on 4 September, we will be showcasing the artistry of wood - what it made, how it helped build Ickworth and what we use it for now. Explore the world both indoors and outdoors, from the never before opening of a William Morris cabinet in the House to discovering the Life of an Ickworth Oak with our ranger volunteers. The programme will offer a range of walks and talks from an informative look at our Biomass and how we heat Ickworth, to a visit to our Walled Garden where you can pick and taste the variety of our apples grown.

Families can take part in acorn and conker collecting, as well as completing an outdoor trail around the Albana to see what trees have grown at Ickworth and how long they’ve been there. During our Living history days you will be transported back in time to explore the role of the Head Forester on the estate, and how those in service cared for the wider estate. We will also be running Cooks in the Kitchen workshops where you can bake traditional autumnal 1930s recipes in the basement finishing kitchen. The Roots of Ickworth will culminate in the hugely popular Wood & Craft Fair on 7 and 8 October. It’s a weekend of ‘treemendous’

fun as we showcase the very best in woodcraft and country craft from local people and businesses. Watch as a traditional steam engine miller cuts timber, indulge in all of the handmade crafts and trinkets for sale and be inspired by traditional skills being displayed for all to see, including a pottery tent with Raku firing. There is also a rare opportunity to buy wood from the Ickworth estate, felled and milled by our very own Ranger team. There will also be plenty of food and drink available including our BBQ, using the finest cuts of beef and locally brewed ales.

For more information on our programme of activities and to book onto our workshops visit or call 01284 736270 SEPTEMBER 2017 | 75


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LANCASTER BURY ST EDMUNDS Tel: 01284 603464 SEARCH ‘MINI SPORT PACK’ TO FIND OUT MORE. WHO’S IN? Official Fuel Economy Figures for the MINI 3-door Hatch range: Urban 34.0-72.4 mpg (8.3-3.9 l/100km). Extra Urban 54.3-91.1 mpg (5.2-3.1 l/100km). Combined 44.8-83.1 mpg (6.3-3.4 l/100km). CO2 emissions 147-89 g/km. Figures are obtained in a standardised test cycle. They are intended for comparisons between vehicles and may not be representative of what a user achieves under usual driving conditions. MINI UK, a trading name of BMW (UK) Limited, is a credit broker. *Price shown is for a 48 month Personal Contract Hire agreement for a MINI Cooper 3-door Hatch with JCW Sport Pack, with a contract mileage of 40,000 miles and excess mileage charge of 3.74p per mile. Applies to new vehicles ordered between 1 July and 30 September 2017 and registered by 31 December 2017 (subject to availability). Retail customers only. At the end of your agreement you must return the vehicle. Excess mileage, vehicle condition and other charges may be payable. Hire available subject to status to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. Hire provided by MINI Financial Services, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. MINI UK introduces customers to MINI Financial Services only. SEPTEMBER 2017 | 77



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PLAY EAT & DRINK Bury Golf Range l Watching Live Sporting events l A Meal All Day Every Day l Drinks Promotions l Playing Snooker l Pool & Darts l Live Music l Poker & Machines l Function Suite


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in St Mary’s Church

A charity concert by Bury Bach Choir and guest soloists performing without charge. All profits to Samaritans. Specially chosen programme of popular choral classics includes:

Fauré Requiem Fae Evelyn soprano Tom Asher bass James Recknell organ Bury Bach Choir Philip Reed conductor

Saturday 21 October 2017, 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds Tickets £15 from the Apex 01284 758000 or from our website


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SEARCH: LANCASTER BURY ST EDMUNDS. Official fuel economy figures for the BMW X3: Urban 49.6-50.4mpg (5.7-5.6l/100km). Extra Urban 55.4-57.6mpg (5.1-4.9l/100km). Combined 53.3-54.3mpg (5.3-5.2l/100km). CO2 emissions 139-136g/km. Figures are obtained in a standardised test cycle. They are intended for comparisons between vehicles and may not be representative of what a user achieves under usual driving conditions.

Lancaster Motor Company Ltd, Trading as Lancaster Bury St Edmunds is a credit broker and not a lender. Finance example is for a BMW Select agreement for a BMW X3 xDrive20d M Sport, with a contract mileage of 40,000 miles and excess mileage charge of 6.48p per mile. Applies for new vehicles ordered between 1 July and 30 September 2017 and registered by 31 December 2017 (subject to availability). Retail customers only. *On the road cash price is based on manufacturer’s recommended retail price and includes 3 year BMW Retailer Warranty, BMW Emergency Service, 12 months’ road fund licence, vehicle first registration fee, delivery, number plates and VAT. ^Optional final payment and option to purchase fee not payable if you opt to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement (vehicle condition, excess mileage and other charges may be payable). Finance available subject to credit acceptance to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. ‘BMW Select’ is a form of hire-purchase agreement provided by BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. You will have a 14 day statutory right to withdraw from the agreement. Lancaster Motor Company Limited, trading as Lancaster Bury St Edmunds is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit-related regulated activities and insurance mediation activities, FRN 311345. †Test drive subject to applicant status and availability.


Christ Church MORETON HALL One of the best things about the Church of England and all the churches that make up the worldwide Anglican Communion is that every Sunday they pray for the government and leaders of the country in which they are situated. Here at Christ Church, Moreton Hall, particularly at our services of Holy Communion, we always remember the Queen and her government. I believe that some of her longevity and popularity is due to the fact that she is a Christian who has served her nation in a very Christian way and she is prayer for by the Church. At the time of writing, the President of the United States and the leader of North Korea have entered into an exchange of insults which, if not properly moderated, could lead to a regional conflict. This is something which is causing a great deal of concern

and urgently requires all our prayers. It is my fervent prayer that our own political leaders, as well as those of China, Russia and other nations in the region, will be successful in urging restraint by both of them. The last thing the world needs now is a major war where both sides have weapons of mass destruction and seem to be prepared to use them. Closer to home, while we may not be able to make such momentous decisions ourselves, or influence the decisions made by others, there is one decision you can make that could have significant implications for your life. That is to come on an Alpha course commencing on 28th September here at Christ Church, Moreton Hall. It has been our experience over the last twenty years that when people do come on an Alpha course it really helps

BearGrylls Gryllsexperienced experienced Bear thethe greatestadventure adventure greatest ofof hishis lifelife exploring don’t exploringfaith, faith,why why n ​ ot try t​ ryit? it​? Find out more at our Alpha service on Sunday 24th September at 10.30am Alpha course begins Thursday 28th September 7:00pm Christ Church Moreton Hall For more information:

01284 725391

Christ Church Moreton Hall

82 | SEPTEMBER 2017


them to connect with God and also to connect with themselves in a powerful and meaningful way. We have seen people healed of both physical and psychological problems; we have seen relationships restored, and people discover a joy and purpose for their life. This year you will see Bear Grylls, international explorer, endorsing the Alpha course. He is not the first celebrity to do so. His point is that Christianity is the greatest adventure you could ever possibly go on. And as you travel on this journey, you have the best possible guide, Jesus Christ, to help you. We live in an age when people are feeling increasingly disconnected from their communities, their families, their workplace, and even from themselves. Most of all they are so disconnected from God and the spiritual life that they wonder if it exists. This Alpha course offers a chance to explore this situation, to ask as many questions as you like, and to meet other people who are exploring too. If you are interested, please contact us at Christ Church, or come on the Alpha service on 24th September at 10.30 a.m. when you will hear from people firsthand how Alpha has made a difference to their lives. In the following seven to eight weeks you too could go on the greatest adventure you have ever had and come to a place of inner peace and security which could transform your life and that of those around you.



SUNDAY 3rd September

8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Service 6.30pm Open Space Service

SUNDAY 10th September

10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Healing Communion

SUNDAY 17th September

10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm Open Space Service

SUNDAY 24th September SEPTEMBER SERVICES 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm

Bible Basics Service

m Holy Communion

m Family Service

Also we are offering with two new evening m Open Space Service services. The first is “Open Space” where we come expecting the Spirit to lead us in worship and prayer and “Bible basics” where we look in depth at what the bible really says. We hope these two new service will help people get more from their faith.

m Morning Worship

m Healing Communion

With every good wish,

m Holy Communion Yours sincerely,

m Open Space Service Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

m Morning Worship

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 83

What’s on



Friday 1st Dec — Sunday 14th January


‘A young Country boy, one handsome and fair, shall vanquish the rats and become our Lord Mayor’ Will Dick become the master of all rat catchers? Can he save the city? Can the good ship Leaking Lizzie ever get them home to safety?

Join the cast of our 2017 traditional family pantomime for the ride of a lifetime as young Dick Whittington sets off to London to make his fame and fortune! One of the best loved stories of all time, this exciting adventure takes our hero all the way from his home in sleepy Suffolk, to rat infested London Town and on to Paradise Island on the good ship Leaking Lizzie. Filled with our traditional blend of magic, music, fun and laughter, Young Dick, Tommy the Cat and Fairy Pearl create the perfect family treat for the festive season. Book Online. *Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability. 84 | SEPTEMBER 2017




Alexandra Vaduva piano

7.30pm Monday 18th September 2017 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH

Winner of the Vienna International Piano Competition Scarlatti - Sonatas K380 and K9 Schubert - Sonata D537 Enescu – movements from Suite op. 18 no. 3 Brahms - Intermezzi op. 117 Bartok - Suite op. 14 Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata op. 27 no. 2 Sponsored by the Countess of Munster Recital Scheme

75th Season

Tickets £15 (Students £5)


Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 •

Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 85

r e b m e t


p e S




Director Juan Carlos Medina Starring Olivie Cooke, Bill Nighy, Douglas Booth, Adam Brown, Daniel Mays, Eddie Marsan, Amelia Crouch, Adam Brown, Morgan Watkins, Clive Brunt Set on the unforgiving, squalid streets of Victorian London in 1880, our tale begins in the baroque, grandiose music hall where the capital’s most renowned performer Dan Leno (Douglas Booth) takes to the stage. The whimsical thespian performs a monologue, informing his dedicated audience of the ghastly fate of a young woman who had once adorned this very stage, his dear friend Elizabeth Cree (Olivia Cooke); for the beguiling songstress is facing up to her forthcoming death by hanging, having been accused of murdering her husband John Cree (Sam Reid). Lizzie’s death seems inevitable, until Detective Inspector John Kildare (Bill Nighy) is assigned to the case of the Limehouse Golem – a nefarious, calculating serial killer, murdering innocent, unconnected victims, leaving behind barely identifiable corpses – and his distinctive signature in blood. All is not what it seems and everyone is a suspect and everyone has a secret.

86 | SEPTEMBER 2017




Director Doug Liman Starring Tom Cruise, Caleb Landry Jones, Jayma Mays In Universal Pictures’ AMERICAN MADE, Tom Cruise reunites with his Edge of Tomorrow director, Doug Liman, in this international escapade based on the outrageous (and real) exploits of Barry Seal, a hustler and pilot unexpectedly recruited by the CIA to run one of the biggest covert operations in U.S. history.


Director Kathryn Bigelow


Starring John Boyega, Anthony Mackie, Algee Smith Amidst the chaos of the Detroit Rebellion, with the city under curfew and as the Michigan National Guard patrolled the streets, three young African American men were murdered at the Algiers Motel. From the Academy Award® winning director of THE HURT LOCKER and ZERO DARK THIRTY, DETROIT tells the gripping story of one of the darkest moments during the civil unrest that rocked Detroit in the summer of ‘67.

LOGAN LUCKY Director Steven Soderbergh


Starring Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Daniel Craig, Riley Keogh Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) is from a bluecollar family from the hills of West Virginia, whose clan has been famous for its bad luck for nearly 90 years. After being fired from his job, and with his ex-wife (Katie Holmes) threatening to move out of State taking their daughter with her, Jimmy decides he has to do something to get his family’s life back on track. With a little help from his brother Clyde Logan (Adam Driver), his sister Mellie (Riley Keough) and an incarcerated explosive expert, the aptly named Joe Bang (Daniel Craig), he plans to steal $14 million from the Charlotte Motor Speedway on the busiest race day of the year. Directed by Academy Award-winner Steven Soderbergh (Ocean’s Eleven, Magic Mike, Traffic), Logan Lucky also stars Hilary Swank, Seth MacFarlane, Katherine Waterston, Sebastian Stan, and Brian Gleeson.

SEPTEMBER 2017 | 87


Moreton Hall Community Centre

What’s going on in SEPTEMBER Tuesday 12th & 26th September


HALL FOR HIRE All at very competitive prices!

ALL PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL SHOWN ON THE BIG SCREEN LIVE. Give Kerrie a call on 01284 763402 WE HAVE SKY AND Office Hours: 9.00am–3.00pm BT SPORTS

l Children’s Parties l Wedding Receptions l Private Functions l Conference Facilities l In-house Catering Available

Memberships available! JOIN NOW! Bar Telephone 01284 763405 follow us on: e non-members are welcom

88 | SEPTEMBER 2017

Moreton Hall


Community Centre


SATURDAY 16th September 7.30pm til 8.30pm KIDS BINGO

& 8.30pm CASH BINGO with a possible guaranteed


SEPTEMBER 2017 | 89

A flexible storage company you can trust. ARCHIVING

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& beauty

Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendricks Massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920 Self Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769090 Focus12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 701702


& fitness classes

Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925


& design

PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092

motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Cat Mond’s Executive Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704034 or 07503 977122


& landscape

Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625 Bespoke Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756450 Marlows Garden Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763155


& maintenance

Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 799586 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389

Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 Bone Dry Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 Blue Flame Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041 Langleys Conservatories & Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 760345 Stewart Bracey Painter & Decorator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07778 477159 or 01284 701395 TBS Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 788122

home furnishings CTS Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 361283 Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Bespoke Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756450 Bone Dry Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 John Doe of Diss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01379 644081


& letting agents

Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444

business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583 The Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769841


& drink

Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 Infusions Ice Cook School. . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102


& social clubs

Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102 Moreton Hall Health Club. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704232 Skyliner Gym. . . . . . . . . . SEPTEMBER 2017 | 93









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 2930 94 | SEPTEMBER 2017


Rejuvenate your body & mind yoga pilates tai chi meditation qi gong physiotherapy

Specialist Classes Wake up and Mobilise Yoga: 9.15-10.15 every Tuesday, with Bindie Edwards This class will benefit anyone who wants to start their day feeling awake and fresh and be especially helpful to those who are recuperating from illness, recovering from surgery and those who may be older and less mobile. £7.50 per class Ante-Natal Yoga: 6.30-7.45 every Wednesday with Carole Baker Recommended after 13 weeks and suitable for all. This relaxed and friendly class focuses on hip openers, back strengtheners, shoulder & neck releases & breathing practices which all prepare your body and mind for birth. Advice can be given on natural therapies and common pregnancy ailments and it is a great way to meet other expectant mothers! £11.00 drop-in. £100.00 for a 10 class card (other options available) Yoga for those Living with Cancer: 11.30-1.00 every Thursday with Bindie Edwards Whether you have been recently diagnosed, are in treatment or post-surgery, yoga offers simple techniques that can help you feel more comfortable physically as well as emotionally. Benefits of yoga include: • • • • •

Reduced stress and blood pressure Improved pain management Better sleep patterns Eased scar tissue and better range of movement Improved lymphatic function to cleanse the system

• • • •

Strengthened immune function Enhanced energy and strength More efficient circulation and digestion Simple techniques to help manage emotional upheaval

£5.50 drop-in (includes 25p charitable donation to St. Nicholas Hospice) 6 classes for £30.00 For more information or to get booked in please give us a call or drop us an email. Booking also available online via the website and Facebook or through our MindBody app.

The Self Centre • Kempson Way• Bury St Edmunds • Suffolk IP32 7AR SEPTEMBER 2017 t. 01284 769090 e.

| 95

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