Directory Moreton Hall
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TRADE COUNTER OPENING HOURS: MON-FRI 8AM - 5PM SAT 9AM - 12.30PM Arco Limited, Arco House, Easlea Road, Moreton Hall Industrial Estate, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7BY, Next to Matalan email:
Tel: 01284 773030 Pay by card, cash or Arco account. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Only available to personal callers to the Trade Counter. While stocks last. Exclusions apply. No further discounts available.
1% selling fee* Internet Advertising including rightmove Accompanied viewing if required Knowledgable sales team Central office window display advertising ALL sales properties *Terms ands Conditions apply
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Lettings Management
Do you need to rent out your property? We offer full management or let only services at competitive rates Internet advertising, including rightmove Central office window display advertising ALL rental properties Call today for your free, no obligation valuation
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Directory Moreton Hall
Gemma W alters Editor gemma@m oretonhalld m
…and welcome to the February edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. ters Sally Wal r Contributo m sally@ge
So it’s the romantic month of February, with Valentine’s Day on the 14th, (don’t forget that day guys and girls!). How about treating the man in your life to some nice new clothes? We have some great bargain outfits for men on pages 16 and 17. Or maybe treat your loved one to a special meal for two. Orissa Indian Restaurant are offering a FREE box of chocs for each table booked on 12th and 14th Feb, plus entry into a prize draw with some fab prizes! See page 21 for details, as well as their ‘pay no vat’ offer throughout Feb, exclusive to Moreton Hall residents. If you’re looking for love, a great place to start is with an introduction agency, see page 31 for our highly recommended agency, Retrack.
Jeremy Pr jeremy@mContributor and Phocter ot oretonhalld os m
Whatever your February has in store for you, we hope you enjoy it and look forward to seeing you in March!
Advertising/Copy Deadline for March 2011 Issue: Friday 18th February Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.
Feeling the Squeeze? Join Now, Pay Later!
Gym Pools Aerobics classes Power plates Health suite Track
Contact the membership team for details on 01284 757447 or e-mail Offer valid until 19th February 2011. Applicants must be 16 years and over. Terms and Conditions apply.
Abbeycroft Leisure - Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre Beetons Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3TT
Telephone: 01284 753496 Website: Registered Charity No. 1117138
directory&contents Directory of services Accountants/Bookkeepers 51, 52 Aerials 35 Bathrooms 23, 33 Beautician 9, 14 Builders 15, 46, 48 Business Skills Training 50 Car Dealers 53, 54, 55, 56 Car Mechanics 53, 54, 55, 56 Carpenter 46 Carpets & Flooring 48 Cattery 25 Childcare 23, 28 Chiropodist 13 Cleaning & Ironing 7 Community Centre 61 Computer Services 52 Conservatories 34, 38, 64 Dance Lessons 7 Dating 31 Dentistry 14 Electrician 15, 40, 46 Estate Agents 3, 32 Fascias 34, 38, 64 Gardeners & Landscapers 34, 39 Golf Range & Supplies 59 Graphic/Web Design 49 Hairdressers 7, 14, 25 Home Furnishings 27 Osteopaths 13 Oven Cleaning 27, 48 Painter & Decorator 38, 46 Paving & Walling Supplies 39, 41 Pilates 11 Plant Hire 48 Plumber 27, 37 Post Office 61 Printing 57 Restaurants/Pubs/Hotels 18, 21 Salsa Dancing 7 Solicitors 50 Sports Clubs 5, 13, 57, 59 Stage School 27 Tiles/Tiling 23, 33, 46 Tree Surgeon 38, 41 TV’s & Electricals 35 Weight Loss 5, 7, 13 Windows 34, 38, 41, 64 Workwear 2 Yoga 11
contents FEBRUARY 2011
businessmatters motoring&travel
49–52 53–56
Abbeycroft Leisure 6 Steps to healthy nails Self Centre Liberté Fitness
MHD Sale Get the look
The Pykkerell, Ixworth MHD Recipe of the Month Slimming World Recipe Orissa Indian Restaurant
Woodland Ways Community News Andrew Southwood Frank Warby How to love yourself completely Retrack Introductions Update your bedroom The Master Composter MSA Electrical Christ Church Moreton Hall Is romance dead? Police Newsletter February in the garden
Bikes are back at Banks NEW Honda Jazz Hybrid 2012
5 8 10-11 12-13
15 16-17
18 19 20 21
22 23, 24, 25 26 29 30 31 32 36-37 40 42 & 58 44 45 47
54 55
health&beauty Lose a stone in a month*
with Rosemary’s NEW Amazing Inch Loss Plan
BURY ST EDMUNDS BURY ST. EDMUNDS St James Middle School Moreton Hall Tuesday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Community Centre, Thursday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Symonds Road Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 pm Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 am (Slim & Salsacise) * Average weight lost in trials. Class fee £5.60
Call Karen on 01787 238233
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THURSDAY 9.30am, 11.30am & 1.30pm Tel: Carol 01359 251866 THURSDAY 7.30pm Tel: Helen 07795 282930
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* Half price membership * Half price membership until 21 April 2011 until 21 April 2011
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6 Steps to Healthy Nails
Are you tired of jamming your hands into your pockets each time you enter a public place? Do splits and cracks plague your nails on a regular basis? Have you unsuccessfully tried every manicure ointment and tool kit available in chemists, salons, and the home shopping channel? Take heart, because the tools for nail health are right at your fingertips. Try these simple steps to keep your nails looking healthy and attractive. Add more biotin-rich foods to your diet. Researchers found that people with thin, split nails who upped their biotin intake experienced a 25 percent increase in nail thickness. Studies confirm that biotin helps counteract brittle nails. So, what foods do you need to toss into your shopping basket to increase your biotin levels? Try eggs, whole grains, nuts, soybeans, or legumes. These biotin-rich foods aid any girl’s efforts to combat splitting nails. Regularly moisturise your nails. Lack of moisture causes brittle nails, which peel, split, and tear. The worst culprits for robbing your nails of their natural moisture are cold, dry climates and common household cleansers. Even everyday hand washing can take a toll on your nails, since water rinses away natural oils. That means extra moisturising efforts are a must for beautiful nails. Try massaging nail oil into your fingertips on a regular basis. Hair conditioner is a good substitute in a pinch. And never use nail polish remover more than once per week. Both acetone and non-acetone removers have solvents that dry out nails.
Take care of your cuticles. The technician at your nail salon may be hasty to cut away excess cuticles, but beware of shedding your cuticles altogether. In fact, most nail experts recommend that you don’t cut your cuticles at all. The cuticle protects your nails’ matrix, the “root” from which nails grow. Cutting your cuticles too short can allow bacteria to enter your nail bed, causing infection. Instead, apply moisturising cream, and gently push cuticles back with a soft object, such as a flannel or a towel. themhd
Never use your nails as tools. If you need a staple remover, go get one. Think of your fingernails as accessories. Would you use your sterling silver earring to open a can of drink? We didn’t think so! Allow plenty of room in your training shoes. Tootight shoes can cause the nail to cut into your flesh, creating ingrown toenails. The pain, swelling, and inflammation of an ingrown toenail can result in infection, not to mention that it prevents you from sporting a stunning pedicure in your new pair of strappy sandals. Leave an extra three-quarter inch of toe room in your training shoes for maximum comfort and protection. Learn what to look for. Most nail imperfections are harmless. White spots, which result from minor trauma to the nail bed, will eventually grow out. And yellow discolouration typically occurs after wearing dark polish for an extended period of time. However, if any separation from the nail bed accompanies the discolouration in your nails, then you may have a fungal infection. An appointment with your doctor is needed. Whether you carve out time for your weekly mani-pedi or you’re just trying to keep your hands from looking like they’ve spent a lifetime scrubbing toilets, there is hope for your nails. Follow the steps above and you’ll be taking your hands and feet out in public in no time. Courtesy of Jazzercise, Inc. -
“Bend & Blen d”
A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &
By Carole Baker
Director, The Self Centre
This month we look at embracing the “natural way” & see the launch of
The Natural Pregnancy Clinic & The Natural Kids Clinic If you look up the word “Natural” in the dictionary you get over 30 definitions of the adjective but in this context we are referring to “having undergone little or no processing, containing no chemical additives, based on the state of things in nature” So often nowadays we are duped by the media into buying over the counter drugs and medications to treat us and our children, when in fact there are many “natural” remedies that we can use quite safely, often a lot more cheaply and are more effective with fewer side effects. Your granny and your granny’s granny would have had a kitchen cupboard full of natural remedies for most common ailments and before the world domination of the big pharmaceutical companies many minor illnesses were treated very successfully with natural remedies and complementary therapies. We need to use the resources we have available to us and discover some of the successful natural treatments available to us, there is lots of evidence available on the effectiveness of complementary therapies. A website run by the charity “What doctors don’t tell you”
themhd is a fabulous resource on the truth behind complementary therapies and also exposes the many lies and false data used by pharmaceutical companies to dupe us into believing their products are best. For instance did you know that Pfizer were recently found out to have withheld data on their clinical trials for Edronax (an antidepressant) and only published 26% of the trials they had to make the drug appear to have great benefits when in fact 74% of the data on patients was omitted because it showed the drug to be no effective than a placebo and many people had to stop taking it because they suffered such adverse reactions to it! You would think that it would be mandatory for all drug companies to publish all their trial data but its not – they can tweak the results to make any drug look good....horrifying! (BMJ 2010: 341:c5641) Children and Pregnant Mums are much more susceptible to the side effects of OTC drugs/ medications so it is really important to learn about natural remedies & complementary therapies that are effective This is why the self centre has recently launched.
Aimed at pregnant women and their partners – looking at how complementary therapies and natural remedies can help prevent and treat some of the common issues in pregnancy and assist with a natural birth and speedier recovery. Workshops in Massage & Reflexology for pregnant ladies and their partners. This clinic will be run by Debbie Greenslade and Ali MacMahon and will run for 2 1/2 hours from 2.00 – 4.30pm on the following dates: Sat 5th February Sat 12th March (other dates to be announced) There will be a nominal charge of £5.00 per family to attend the clinic – we will offer a free cup of tea or coffee or glass of squash per person. The first hour will be talks/ demonstrations by therapists on the benefits of their treatments for specific pregnancy related issues and then the second hour and a half will be individual taster sessions with therapists
The following treatments are available: • Acupuncture • Chiropractic • Herbal medicine • Homeopathy • Hypnotherapy • Mind Coaching/Counselling • Reflexology & pregnancy massage Please call reception to book your place.
Aimed at parents and children (any age) looking at how complementary therapies and natural remedies can prevent
and cure most common childhood diseases and issues. This clinic will be led by Debbie Greenslade and Jo Wortley and will run for 2 1/2 hours from 2.00 – 4.30pm on the following dates: Sat 26th Feb, Saturday 16th April (other dates to be announced) The first hour or so will be taken up with various Therapists giving a talk or demonstration on the benefits of their treatments for specific childhood ailments, the remainder of the Clinic will be available for individual therapists to offer free taster treatments in the therapy rooms. There will be a nominal charge of £5.00 per family to attend the clinic and we offer a free cup of
tea or coffee or glass of squash per person. For more information on the self centre and to download the latest timetable please visit, or pop in and see us in Kempson Way! Carole Baker – Director & Yoga Teacher: The Self Centre. The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.
The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate. themhd
Green exercise –
is it the answer to modern day stress? ‘Liberté Fitness Founder, Papillon Luck investigates the health benefits of exercising outside’ ‘There is increasing evidence that access to high quality green spaces can produce measurable improvements to stress levels in a relatively short space of time’ Julia Thrift, Journal of Public Mental Health (2005). When you get stressed, what calms you? Some people crave comfort food whilst others turn to alcohol but did you know there is considerable research linking outside green space with your mental and physical wellbeing? There is more to going for a walk to clear your head then you realise. Natural, open spaces where you can view wildlife and nature, increase concentration and reduce stress. Surrounding yourself by nature can aid physical recovery from illnesses and outdoor exercise on arrival from a long haul flight has even been proven to reduce jet lag.
What is green exercise?
If your body benefits by being at one with nature in a green space, imagine the health advantages to exercising outside. Research shows exercising outside or ‘green exercise’ as it is commonly known, improves mood and self esteem in all ages and reduces the prevalence of physical inactivity that leads to higher rates of illnesses such as heart disease, obesity and heart related illnesses in urban areas. Regardless of the weather or the seasons, the benefits of exercising outside far outweigh those of training indoors in a gym. In the summer, sunlight stimulates our bodies to make vitamin D, essential for bone and organ health.
People with high levels of vitamin D can alleviate depression and reduce insomnia. Combine this with the ‘endorphins’ released after exercise and you will soon notice a huge difference in your mood after exercising in the great outdoors. You will feel happy, relaxed, stress free and at one with nature. Even in the winter when it is challenging to embrace the cold, we benefit more from exercising outdoors when temperatures drop than we do in the heat as our bodies tolerate activity better in the cold and we can exercise for longer and burn more fat. Previously, research suggested training outside can burn up to 20% more calories than indoors because of battling against the weather and the terrain but this could now be as much as up to 30%. You burn more energy running outdoors as the lack of air resistance makes it less of an effort to run indoors on a treadmill. People new to green exercise think they will miss the lack of music that normally accompanies exercise. However, training in a park with no noise other than wildlife busying around you allows your brain to switch off from daily stresses of modern life and to reconnect with your body. During an outdoor fitness class you are so busy concentrating on the instructors exercises; your brain releases any worries and troubles; it seems impossible for it to cope with both things at once. Exercising outside invokes feelings of freedom and a lack of boundaries that you do not get indoors. At the end of an outdoor training session, those who were concerned they needed music to motivate them to exercise harder admitted they did not even miss it.
health&beauty Where can I do outdoor fitness in Bury St Edmunds and what will a session consist of?
Liberté Fitness is the lead outdoor fitness provider in Bury St Edmunds. They train at Nowton Park throughout the year and run beach fitness weekends at Southwold and Holkham. The sessions focus on improving both health and fitness and consist of different forms of training and compound exercises from cardiovascular, circuit training, toning and reshaping to team games. All the sessions are taught by qualified instructors who will ensure you reach your maximum potential each and every time and people of all ages, sex, shapes, sizes and fitness levels are welcome. Register online for a free hour trial session worth £7.50 (one session per person, please book in advance). For more information on Liberté Fitness and to download the current timetable, please visit www.
So what are you waiting for? Change your scenery, liberate yourself from the gym and come and exercise with us in the great outdoors. Your mental and physical wellbeing will thank you for it.
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From the trauma of birth to the arthritis of the elderly and every age in between, Osteopathy can treat a wide range of conditions associated with the mechanical structure of the body, including but not limited to:
Caroline Barwick-Walters MInstChP (HPC 20355)
Osteopathy helps to restore structural harmony and balance to the body
Mount farm Surgery, Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW. Monday–Thursday 9am to 5pm
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Just Smile Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW
01284 700947
FEBRUARY 2011 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email:
Headboard for double bed Cream colour fabric, very good condition. £20.00. Tel: 01284 761308 (Moreton Hall)
Pink Barbie bike 14 inch (suits 4 to 6 year old) With stabilizers, doll’s seat and horn Excellent condition. £35. Tel: 01284 702 503 (answer phone)
Deep Fat Fryer Bifinett KH2000 3ltr. Hardly used. £10. Tel: 01284 718672
Maroon coloured bike 24” wheel. 5speed grip shift gear change. £50 ono. Tel: 07775 921086
Mini Oven Cookworks Signature MG25AF. Hardly used. £25. Tel: 01284 718672 solid pine hifi cabinet and solid pine cd storage rack £50 the two. Will split. Tel: 01284 702099 Mob: 07799 888175
Mid height cabin bed Blue. Doors to under bed space, drawers and shelves. Vgc. £150 ono. Tel: 07775 921086 Beech 4 seater dining table (slightly scratched) with 4 chairs only 3 yr old £40 Contact 01284 750834 after 6pm weekdays or anytime weekends
Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number. Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.
Stringer builders
& contractors
For all your Home & Garden Improvements New Buildings / Extensions / Loft Conversions Alterations / Porches / Garden Rooms / Patio’s Driveway’s / Fencing / Bricklaying / Plastering Carpentry & Joinery
For enquiries & quotes contact: James Stringer M: 07762 017445 T: 01284 767163 themhd
MATALAN high neck cardigan £16 V neck tee £6 Black coated denim £18
Jersey hood check s Grey jumper £14.9 Turn up slim fit jean
shirt £21.99 99 ns £25.00
TU at SAINSBURYS Striped hat £5 Sweatshirt £6 Shirt £12 Jeans £18
n o s t at... Wha Saturday 12th & Monday 14th February
ll are now The Pykkere EW rumptious N offering a sc er! cheese platt are typically Our platters t to share, bu le p o e p 2 r fo on to your opti you can add y op in and tr for more, p one today!
Va le nt inDie’s
nne r
Make it a special night to remember with a 3-course meal, a glass of bubbly and table gifts... …all for only
Please book NOW to avoid disapp ointme nt!
Why nEoOt F TRY ONEVEN OUR S L ALES? Fine REA uest beer plus weekly5ga pint! just £2.2
Open 7 days a week for food and drink. Function room available. 38 High Street, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2HH
T: 01359 230 398
Steak with
mushroom puff tartlets Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 35 min Serves: 2
Ingredients 100g puff pastry 1 tbsp olive oil, plus a little extra 1 shallot, finely chopped 100g chestnut mushrooms, chopped 1 tsp chopped thyme, plus sprigs to decorate 3 tbsp port or Madeira 1 tbsp double cream 2 fillet steaks, about 140g/5oz each
Similar to deconstructed Beef Wellingtons, but the result is much lighter and crisper.
1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Roll out the pastry to about the thickness of a ÂŁ1 coin, then cut out 2 x 12cm circles using a cutter, or by scoring around a saucer. Score a circle 2cm in from the edge, then prick the pastry inside the border. Lift onto a baking tray, then bake for 20-25 mins or until golden and puffed. Press the risen middles down a little, ready for the filling. Can be made a day ahead, then reheated in a hot oven. 2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the shallots, then fry until softened. Add the mushrooms and thyme, then fry until mushrooms are softened and any liquid almost gone. Add the port or Madeira, then bubble for 2 mins. Add the cream, simmer for 1 min more until the sauce is slightly thickened, then set aside. 3. Rub the steaks with a little oil and seasoning. Heat a griddle pan until hot, then cook the steaks for 2-3 mins on each side (depending on their thickness) for medium rare, a little more if you like your steaks well done. Cover the steaks with foil, then rest them for 10 mins. 4. Reheat the tartlets. Warm the mushroom mixture over a low heat. Set the tartlets on warm plates, then spoon over the mushroom mixture. Sit the fillet steaks on top with a sprig of thyme.
Serve with Balsamic spinach and Oven sautĂŠ potatoes themhd
Slimming World Recipe
Chocolate Banana Tiramisu The delicious ‘pick-me-up’ dessert is an Italian favouite. Here it is given a twist with the addition of sliced bananas. Prep time: 25-30 minutes plus chilling Cook time: None Serves: 4-6
Ingredients 200g/7oz Quark 200g/7oz fat free natural fromage frais 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 tbsp artificial sweetener 150ml/5fl oz strong coffee cooled 12 sponge fingers 4 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced 2 tsp cocoa powder Melted dark chocolate, to drizzle, (optional)
Method 1. Beat together the quark, fromage frais and vanilla extract in a bowl. Add the sweetener and stir well to mix. 2. Pour the cooled coffee into a shallow bowl. Dip the sponge fingers briefly into the coffee, layering half of them in the base of a medium-sized dessert bowl measuring about 20x15cm/8 x 6 in, or individaul serving glasses. 3. Top with half of the fromage frais mixture, then lay the banana slices on top of the fromage frais. 4. Add another layer of sponge fingers and top with the remaining fromage frais mixture. 5. Cover and chill in the fridge for 3-4 hours until ready to serve. 6. Just before serving, dust with the cocoa powder ad drizzle the melted chocolate (4 syns per level tbsp) if using.
Syns per serving (serves 4): 3.5 syns on Extra Easy, original or green Syns per serving (serves 6): 2 syns on Extra Easy, original or green
February Specials: ORISSA
For the month of February Orissa will pay your VAT*
*excludes 12th-14th Feb, Please quote booking ref: MHDVAT
Valentines Book a table for two Valentines on Saturday 12th or Monday 14th February Special and receive a FREE box of chocolates per table and be entered into a FREE prize draw with the chance to WIN one of the following great prizes:
1st Prize: Mega
2nd Prize: 3rd Prize:
Choice Gift Experience
Choose from 30 fun filled experiences and family days
A Meal for Two at Orissa Bottle of Champagne
Bookin g
Please q uote MHDValbooking ref: entine
Name: Telephone Number: Email Address Fill this in and bring along to your valentines night meal for entry into our free raffle.
108 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA
T: 01284 719116 or 756666
Creating a Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways
Join us at Woodland Ways Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see www.woodlandways., see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@
frog pond
Last month, we suggested you might think about creating wildlife pond for frogs. Here are some tips which might help. Your pond will need a lot of sun, especially in early spring. Frogs prefer warm and shallow water to lay spawn, so put it away from trees if you can. Use a rope or hose to mark the pond edges before you start digging. Don’t forget to add a sloping edge to ensure wildlife can get in and out. The pond should ideally have a section at least 60cm deep to protect certain animals (like frogs) from weather extremes, particularly in winter. Shallow, shelved areas are good for basking invertebrates and tadpoles, and can be the most diverse and abundant area of a pond. When digging, ensure the edges of your pond are level. Use a spirit level, a flat length of wood or stringed pegs to level your pond.
Before laying your liner ensure you remove any sharp stones or pebbles. Add a layer of geotextile material or some old carpet between the soil and the new liner to lessen the likelihood of punctures. When tackling the edges of your pond, dig a small trench around the pond into which the liner can sit firmly. Use small rocks to hold the liner in place. You can replant some lawn cuttings from your earlier digging on top of the liner trench to hide the liner edges. Instead of buying a liner, you could use an old paddling pool or bath. Add tap water or rainwater from a water butt, plant some aquatic plants and frogs are sure to come. If you would like a factsheet on garden ponds for frogs, just ask Woodland Ways. If you decide to dig a garden pond for frogs, we would love to know.
The WI News
January’s meeting started off with our usual Buck’s Fizz toast to the New Year and a welcome to some more prospective members. We continued with a talk by Alison from the Flotation Centre in Bury. The benefits of “floating” to both our physical and psychological health were explained and discount vouchers were available for the many members who were interested. Just what was needed! We followed up with a brief discussion and vote on the proposed Resolutions ahead of our proper vote in May. Business covered the diary of events for the next few months including a Retail Outlet/National Trust property visit in April and the various competitions we are entering. We closed with the Treasurer’s Report and an update on the recent Planning decisions affecting Moreton Hall followed by coffee and cake. Next month is a talk on Gardening and new members are welcome. We meet the first Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
From decorating to complete home refurbishment
Plastering | Tiling | Kitchens & Bathrooms Fitted
Tel: Martin 07967 791148 themhd
Make your heart leap
alongside you when you need it most
IT IS traditionally a time of year lovers express their feelings for one another through sending cards and exchanging gifts, but St Nicholas Hospice Care is making a bold suggestion for an alternative in 2011: Why not break with tradition and exchange that bunch of flowers or box of chocolates for an adrenalin-pumping bungee jump? The Hospice has organised a timely fundraising event – the Valentine’s Fling - ideal for thrillseekers and those wanting a chance to express their love in a less commercial way. And while it is not taking place on the Moreton Hall estate, it will be well worth the trip. On 13 February, the Valentine’s Fling sponsored bungee jump is taking place at Highbury Barns, in Great Cornard, near Sudbury, making it the perfect opportunity for couples to jump in the name of love, or even use it as an unusual method to propose. Jenny Baskett, Challenges and Events Fundraiser, said: “We are calling on everyone – not just those in love – to come along and take part. It is a new year and everyone should try something different.
Marketing assistant Hannah Pepper and Trusts and Statutory Funding Officer Ben O’Hanlon prepare to take the leap in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care next month
and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord snaps back.
“Maybe you are a seasoned bungee jumper or someone who has always wanted to take the plunge. Whatever the reason, make 2011 the year you make your heart leap for charity.”
Registration costs just £20 per person, with teams and individuals welcome. Each jumper will be allocated a time slot and sent sponsorship forms. Fundraisers must raise £80, while all those who raise £125 or more will receive a special commemorative T-shirt and the top fundraiser will win a prize.
Bungee jumping involves jumping from a tall structure – in this case a specially-erected 160ft crane – while connected to a large elastic cord. When the person jumps, the cord stretches
There is still time to register. To sign up or for more information, contact 01284 715583, email or register online at
Who and What is Workwise? Who we are and what we do Workwise is a mental health charity, social enterprise and training centre for adults suffering with mental health problems. We offer training and re-skilling along with employment advice to help individuals get back to work. We have several departments ranging from IT, Admin, Textiles, woodwork, CNC /CAD/CAM technology and retail. We also offer an accredited ITQ and Employability award for job seekers as well as primary and secondary care service users. Deve Our trainees are supported through their training and have the option to seek assistance from the Worklink team and Development Officer Suzanne Mildinhall; with a view to progression into paid employment, voluntary work or further education.
lopment Officer Suzanne Mildin hall
How to engage with Workwise Individuals under the care of a Community Mental Health Team can be referred to Workwise and we encourage the use of Direct Payments. Did you know Direct Payments are a method of paying for services if you receive services from Suffolk County Council? They form part of ‘individual budgets’ allocated to people who need to access care services for themselves or others and have to be applied for. Individuals are assessed to see if they are eligible to receive them. By using Direct Payments, the individual has choice and control over the services they need; this promotes independence. The individual can nominate a family member or get help from Suffolk Independent Living (SIL) an organisation that offers support and advice around Direct Payments. direct-payments-suffolk. Or, the individual can manage the payments on their own. Call Suzanne Mildinhall for more information on 01284 755261 or visit our website Registered Charity 1082265
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Get well
very soon! Southwood by Andrew
Like most of us I have never been completely satisfied with my choice of career. However, over the last month or so I have learnt that there is one particular job that I am certainly not cut out for – childminding! It started in that peculiar no-mansland between Christmas and New Year. Our young baby was a bit poorly, but a swift trip to the doctors and she was back to her usual lively (ie. non-sleeping) self within a day. However, as is customary, she had already charitably passed on her germs, and my wife wasn’t to recover for the best part of a week. This would turn out to be one of the longest weeks of my life! The exhausting merry-go-round essentially went like this; pass baby to wife for food whilst amusing hyperactive toddler, remove baby
and toddler from house to let poorly wife recuperate in peace, find a way of entertaining toddler and baby outside of the house for two and half hours (or until baby says she’s hungry!), rapidly return and guiltily wake pale faced wife and pass her baby for more food… and so the gruelling cycle repeats itself… around the clock. I should add that as a very hands on dad, in general I enjoy taking my kids out, but the ticking time bomb that is a perpetually hungry 3 months old, coupled with a toddler still on a Christmas induced high and freezing weather made things more challenging. There is a limit to how many places you can go that are within a 10 minute radius of home. Once you get on first name terms with the floor staff in Homebase, you know it’s really time to find somewhere else to hang out.
In between the warmth of coffee shops, large electrical stores, and that ride on Thomas train thing in the old desolate shopping centre in town, I could be seen, a solitary father and buggy, braving the sub-zero temperatures in local parks. Meanwhile I was racked with guilt about my sickly wife left in bed at home, a tepid Lemsip and a 2006 copy of Mother&Baby magazine her only company. I think I was more pleased than she was when she finally crawled out of bed. What I mean is, I was relived my wife was healthy again. Her now being able to help look after the little ones was of course only an added bonus. How people regularly spend all day looking after numerous children all alone I do not know. Perhaps it’s their patient temperament, loving mind-set, or maybe it’s just Prozac? Either way, they deserve a medal. A big fat gold medal at that!
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Local News... from Councillor Frank Warby
Festive Season
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and safe New Year. Over the festive season, I had cause to be at West Suffolk Hospital and I would like to say a few words by way of thanking the A & E Staff, Ambulance Teams, Doctors and all front line workers for the professional way they carried out their duty. Boxing Day, the A & E was full, a lot of broken limbs through trips and slips. Children with flu type symptoms, and the urgent cases, but through it all there was always a smile, a comforting chat. The wards full and change over in full swing. So to all the hard working, caring and professional nurses, doctors and paramedics. THANK YOU!
Rip Off England The other evening I watched a programme called “Rip off England” this was to do with this new craze “Turn your old gold into cash”. This programme highlighted the pitfalls of doing this. T.V. advertisements supported by T.V. star Anne Diamond being one, tells you that they will give you the best price for your old gold. WRONG!! One lady followed the instructions, got the envelope, put her old gold in and posted it off. The scrap value of her gold was £1,028. A week later she received a cheque for £29.00, she rang the company and told them that she was not happy, they then upped the amount to £56.00 and again she complained and requested her gold back. They took two months to return her belongings. Don’t be fooled by these rip off merchants, if you want to sell your old gold or just want to make a few pounds on items you no longer use or want, go to a local jeweller. They will be glad to help and your treasured items might not be melted down as scrap but someone else could buy it and it would give pleasure to others.
BRICK-A-BRACK SALE Having spent some money on our trip to see Mother Goose. The youth club will be holding a brick-a-brack sale at the end of February in the youth club, so if you want to get rid of any unwanted Christmas presents or you would like to donate to us we would be grateful for anything and we will collect. At present we are looking at the 26th February. Do come and support the youth club. Anyone interested in learning basic computer skills let us know and we can arrange some very basic courses.
GRIT/SALT BINS I have over the year requested Grit/Salt bins for our estate. The Borough council do not handle these, they are the responsibility of the Town council. The town council have ordered a lot of bins and have assured me that when they arrive we will get them. We then need to inform Suffolk County council, who fill the bins and hopefully this will happen by the next big freeze. I must congratulate the council for the way they kept our roads gritted during the cold spell. I think we were very lucky and avoided the bulk of the snow and icy conditions.
Until next time, keep your eyes and ears open for the con artists trying to get your money. Frank
Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email
How to LOVE yourself...
completely! Loving yourself is an important aspect of life. It is important to love yourself before you can love others. As long as you are willing to fully appreciate yourself you can learn to love yourself.
Write a list of reasons why you love yourself. Think about compliments given to you lately and write down reasons why you should think more highly about yourself. Friendliness, caring, and a good attitude are positive points you should be sure to write down.
Do something good for others daily and praise yourself for it. Whether it is something big like donating to the needy or even as little as writing out a ‘Missing You’ note to an old friend. Praising yourself for good deeds is an important part of loving yourself.
Keep a notepad specifically for compliments that you receive. Each time you receive a compliment be sure to write it down so you don’t forget it. If you are feeling down check your notepad to remind yourself why you should love yourself.
If you have any negative thoughts, write down why you are feeling this why and what you can do about it. An example: “I cannot do anything right”. Tell yourself that all people make mistakes and in order to love yourself to the fullest extent think of all the things you have done lately that are right. Correct the act that you did not do as you wanted for next time.
Do comforting things for yourself. Sometimes pampering yourself is what you deserve. Serve yourself some chocolate ice cream or relax in a soothing bubble bath. Treat yourself so you can feel great about yourself.
Finding the right fit... If the ability to communicate is so important when the car won’t start or the PC can’t seem to find a connection to the net, then how much more important is communication when it comes to restarting life and finding a connection to someone new? Lesley Wilson of locally-based Retrack Introductions recognises the need to communicate with her clients, to personally meet and actually talk them before attempting to match like-minded individuals for lasting relationships. Having run a successful, independent business covering Suffolk and Norfolk for over eight years, Lesley has a genuine interest and compassion for people, coupled with a huge desire to help find the right partner. Many people have tried online dating sites and have the horror stories to prove it, but unlike these, Lesley offers a personal, confidential and safe one-to-one matching service based on a friendly and sympathetic approach. Whilst an evening with Brad or Angelina may not be everyone’s idea of a dream date (well, nearly everyone’s idea of a dream date), Lesley appreciates that we all have amazingly different tastes. “After all,” says Lesley, “not everybody is at home in high stilettos, some go for comfy loafers or trainers and some are only really happy in a pair of wellies or football boots. My members come from all walks of life
and the one thing they all have in common is a desire to meet that special someone.” Members range from their 30’s to their 70’s and Retrack recently hosted a well-attended wine tasting and singles evening at a Bury wine bar, where a Mayfair wine merchant was invited to impart his knowledge of wine with plenty of sampling. It’s an added service that Lesley would like to organise on a regular basis. Lisa from Suffolk says “Lesley offers an excellent, personal one-to-one service with an uncanny ability to find the right match for the right person. Her honest approach at affordable prices makes her service second to none. I cannot thank her enough for finding the perfect person for me!”
If you would like further information on Retrack Introductions please contact Lesley Wilson on 01638 711616 for an informal chat or email her at and mention The MHD.
Update Your Bedroom Without Spending A Fortune! Your bedroom is one of the most used rooms in your home. You use your bedroom for many purposes, mainly rest and relaxation. Having a bedroom for a few years without any changes can cause it to be boring just like any other room. Here’s how you can update your bedroom without spending a lot of money. Change the colour scheme If you’ve always used pastel coloured bed sheets and duvets, perhaps it’s time for you to go brighter and bolder. If you don’t want to change the whole bed setup, you can simply add accents like cushions in bright bold colours like red, blue, and green. Hang some new curtains How about changing the curtains? If you’ve always used curtains then how about using blinds? Venetian or roman blinds will look great! Or if you still love curtains, you can perhaps change the texture and patterns used. Block colours look great, and so do soft sheer curtains. An instant update to your bedroom. Pick a rug, any rug Add instant colour and texture to your bedroom.
Choose from short pile to shaggier rugs. Not only does it add character to your bedroom, it will also add comfort for your toes to sink in. ACCESSORIZE Look for sweet scented candles in a complimenting colour to your bedroom. Pick small delicate boxes to place your jewellery in. Add a vase with a single orchid. All these will add a classic touch to your dresser or your bedside table. Another thing that perhaps you would consider is a small bedside table lamp. Lamps are versatile and come in many different shapes and colours. Pick one that suits your bedroom theme and colours. Lampshades can easily be changed later to suit your mood. Change your lights If your bedroom lights are bright and garish, then maybe you can opt for softer paler lights. Not only will they give your bedroom a new look, you will also add to the romantic ambience of the place. As you can see, small inexpensive changes can do wonders in updating your bedroom. All you need is some imagination. Good luck!
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The Master Composter by Paul Turner
Welcome to the Master Composter feature, where I will tell you about the joys of composting. I am a Master Composter Volunteer, which means that I have been trained by a charity called Garden Organics, in association with Suffolk County Council, and I devote my spare time to encouraging and assisting everyone to compost more. From the complete novice to the veteran composter, if you have a question about composting, then I will use this page to answer them.
Food Waste Digesters A couple of months ago we looked at how using a system called Botashi we could compost our cooked and processed food scraps from the kitchen. Although I have this system and use it, I don’t necessarily use it to its full potential as there are times I run out of the special bran and begrudge purchasing more for something that should be a cost neutral activity. Having said that, I worry about the cooked food scraps that I sometimes put in the landfill and have been looking into alternative systems that are on the market. In the developed Western world, household food waste makes up some 30% of the waste collected from homes. After the initial outlay, which can be expensive, some of the systems
you find won’t cost money to operate. Some of them will have a small outlay for acelerators. There are several ways in which to compost your cooked food kitchen waste and some are able to produce good usable compost at the end of the process. One such system is “The Green Johanna”. It is similar to an ordinary compost bin designed so that the contents are well ventilated, given free drainage and kept in a protected environment during the break down process. The process using micro organisms, naturally occurring worms and bugs and the heat generated from the action of aerobic decomposition. Aim to have the Green Johanna as close to the kitchen as possible as you may want to put food waste in up to 4 times a week. The composter should stand on
soil or grass, so that the worms can get in through the holes in the base. A good place is among trees, which give shade. They will also offer a certain amount of protection from the cold in winter. What goes into the Johanna? Two parts food waste to one part garden waste. From the kitchen: Fruit, vegetables, dairy products, fish, shellfish, meat,bones, coffee grounds with filter, teabags, eggshells, bread, sauce, soup,egg cartons and so on. From the garden: Grass, leaves, twigs and branches. What are rich in carbon? Sawdust, twigs, leaves and paper. What are rich in nitrogen? Eggs, fish and meat. Newly cut grass also contains a lot of nitrogen.
family&home What should I do if I put a lot of meat in the compost bin? Put sawdust on the top and close (but not entirely) the ventilation for a few days, so the flies can’t get in. What kind of material should I spread over the kitchen waste? Sawdust, torn egg cartons, garden waste. (Carbon rich material). Another company, Smartsoil, have a tumbling composter that doesn’t require adding garden waste, although you can, that can be in short supply during the winter. It does require adding wood pellets or sawdust so will have an ongoing cost consideration.
They claim: “You don’t have to be a keen a gardener to compost all your cooked and uncooked food scraps (including meat and fish) and other biological waste (in fact, you don’t even need a garden!). The Jora composters work all year round, even in the winter, quicker than you thought possible, with the minimum of fuss and mess (and no bad smells).” The composter comes with 2 compartments so that you can fill one side over several weeks and once full you can start on the other compartment. The whole process takes around 8 to 10 weeks. This may suit cat owners who use wood pellet cat litter as it is claimed you can dispose of the used cat litter in the composter.
Another established system is “Green core”. This is a conically shaped bin that uses bacteria and the heat from the sun to turn your kitchen scraps into water, carbon dioxide and a small amount of residue. In other words there is no compost product at the end of the process. There is an accelerating powder that is supplied with the bin, which promotes the bacteria used to break down the waste. Once established in the bin the bacteria should continue to spread acros the waste unless failure occurs from a drop in temperature or lack of food waste being added. So I know what I will be asking for next Christmas...Do you?
If you have any questions about composting please email:
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Christ Church Moreton Hall The church is about receiving, understanding, responding and sending. What do I mean by that? At Christ Church, Moreton Hall we are receiving from God because He is speaking to us. He has spoken to some of our young people in a very powerful way and on 30 January they were baptised by immersion. This was a wonderful occasion when family and friends came together, the church being packed as usual, to watch people in their teenage years make an adult response to the call of Christ on their lives. These young people have looked at the world, seen its failings, realised that there is a God and are seeking to follow Him with all their lives and all their hearts from now on. Our thanks go out to all those who have worked with them and prayed for them and helped them find this true path. The church is also about understanding. As God speaks to us we need to take time to pray and reflect and find out what He is asking us to do and how He wants to change our lives. To that end we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on 28 February when, after months of hard work and prayer we will be coming together to elect new leaders, including a Church Warden, and to discuss our plans not just for 2011, but also 2012 and 2013. As we discuss and decide we are,
of course, responding. Part of our response is to install new heaters to keep our church warm. There will be redecoration going on and refurbishment. There will be a commitment to reach out to the community through various forms of youth work and other activities, including quizzes and concerts, and a new website. By the way, have you checked out the website for people who have been encouraged to blog in to say how they have come to faith and how Christ has changed their lives. It is a fascinating read. Having understood, we are responding to Christ in a very special way. This is not just for the church as a whole, it is also for individuals and one in particular, Mr. Alex Theobald, has heard God speak to him and he is preparing to go out on to the mission field in Laos. He has a passion for bringing the gospel to South East Asian communities and he is going to serve them by being a physiotherapy specialist and an English teacher. If you read your Bible you will find it is full of stories of people hearing from God, understanding what He says, and responding by offering their lives to Him in an exciting way. Which leads us neatly into the last point – sending. Christ Church, Moreton Hall, will be getting fully behind Alex in this work as we seek to raise money to send him out and support him in prayer and other
practical ways. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to seek and save the lost, according to Luke’s gospel. We respond to Him by doing the same thing as He did. Christ Church is here to seek and save the lost on the Moreton Hall estate. Now we are moving to a new phase where we are sending people across the world to seek and save the lost in other cultures. So that you can hear God for yourselves, we are introducing a new Service on the first Sunday of each month, called Worship Together, which we hope you will come to and enjoy. If you wish to see people baptised or to have a family member, including a child, baptised for yourself, we will be holding very special services to do baptisms on the fifth Sunday of the month. This is part of our reaching out and also part of our service for you. With every blessing for this New Year, Jonathan Ford
family&home Women Reaching Women Improving Maternal Health Speakers: Maria Pawlowska,
Cambridge University Gates Scholar
Adam Musgrave
Health and Education Campaigner Oxfam GB
Victoria Morris, Young Parents Support and Advocacy Worker Suffolk Wednesday 23rd February 2011 Horringer Community Centre 7 p.m. Wine and Cheese 7.30 p.m. Start Cost £4
To Book contact SWFWI Office: 754520 This event is open to all please invite your friends and other interested parties
The NFWI is working with Oxfam GB and the Everyone Foundation on a three year development, gender and climate change educational campaign. Women Reaching Women aims to broaden awareness of these issues amongst WI members, their families and local communities. Many people consider the day their child was born the happiest day in their life. In the world's wealthier countries, that is. In poorer countries, the day a child born is all too often the day its mother dies. The lifetime risk of dying in pregnancy and childbirth in Africa is 1 in 22, while it is 1 in 120 in Asia and 1 in 7,300 in developed countries.
Goal 5 of the Millennium Development Goals sets out by the year 2015 to: • Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio. • Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health. Did you know? •
More than half a million women die in pregnancy and childbirth every year - that's one death every minute. Of these deaths, 99 per cent are in developing countries.
Only 28 in 100 women giving birth are attended by trained health personnel in the least
Is Romance Dead?
A Man’s Guide to Valentines Day
As we come to another holiday honoring romance, one has to wonder if romance has actually died. The date has become so commercial that you would think that all you needed to do was buy a card, some chocolates and maybe a nice dinner.
or really understood you. Think about who helps you when you are sad or sick.
According to the ads on Television if you really wanted to make your lover weak at the knees and guarantee her/ his love, just buy them some jewellery. Something with diamonds should do the trick.
So now what? I apologise for this gross oversimplification but, in broad strokes, men are results oriented and women tend to be more appreciative of the process.
But how romantic is whipping out the credit card? Can’t we as men be just a little more creative? Worse, a recent press release from the makers of Romantic Valentines Day cards says that over 80% of them are bought by women. Doesn’t that say just how unromantic men are when we can’t even be bothered to buy a simple card expressing our love to the single most important person in our lives? The problem can be largely traced to how the sexes look at romance differently. Ask a man about romance and one of the top responses will be about life in the bedroom!. Women on the other hand, consider that as the icing on the cake but certainly not the whole cake. Few men understand that so they end up doing what the ads in magazines and on television tell them. Buying chocolates or jewellery, maybe even lingerie. So what’s a 21st century man to do about these differences? Can men crack the mysterious code of a womens sense of romance? The answer is yes, we can. The truth is that women are always giving us clues about what makes them happy. Most of the time men are just too involved in our own world to notice. Valentines Day is the perfect day to pull our collective heads out of the ooze and dazzle the women in our lives. The good news, is that women on average, are so used to men being unromantic that even if a man tries he could very well make this the most memorable Valentines Day you’ve ever had together. So as they say, lets get down to brass tacks. What does a man need to do to romance his lover? Start by finding a quiet corner and using your head for more than something to hold your ears. Think about how you feel when the two of you are together. Think about all the things that special someone has done for you, with you. All the good times you’ve had together. The future you’re planning together. Even think about the bad times when it seemed like they were the only one in the whole world that was on your side
If you are starting to grin a little, maybe even getting a little lump in your throat, you probably one of the lucky ones with a truly special relationship.
Men want to do the dinner, the flowers and be done. To use a sports analogy, what a man needs to do is get a bunch of base hits rather rely on one big home run. So here are the suggestions. Start with a single red rose on the bed and a short note where you try to express a little about how you feel about her. Plan the day around making it special for her. Try to think about activities that she enjoys doing together with you. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy it or not, it’s about her. It can be biking, skating, hiking or even going to the local market. Let her know that you have a special plan for dinner, just don’t tell her. Let her know that is going to be something special and let the anticipation grow. If she enjoys it, maybe a massage and some time at a salon for hair and nails. Be careful planning this. It is a very individual thing that she may not like and you might want to skip. Take her somewhere special. One idea is to recreate your first date. The place, the food. If the first date wasn’t that spectacular, you might start there, then tell her you would like to take her somewhere more special because she is such an important part of your life. Dinner and theatre or the cinema, maybe dancing. Just make sure that it is something that she will like. Think about ending up at a nice hotel. Plan ahead and have rose petals on the floor and bed. If you are married, carry her across the threshold again. The great thing about a hotel room is that neither of you has to clean it in the morning. You can have a long luxurious breakfast in bed. Most importantly, don’t expect sex. If it happens great, but at the very least spend a lot of time cuddling and talking. If you do have sex, make it about her, pleasing her every way you can. If you’re lucky, very lucky, you just might realise how important this women is in your life and bring a little Valentines Day into every day from now on. Article Source:
Community Police
Newsletter We hope the first month of 2011 has been a crime free and peaceful one. Now into February, we look forward to meeting as many residents as possible in our public engagements and please see below dates and times of these to make a note in your diaries.
MEET THE TEAM TESCO (St Saviours) Thursday 03/02 13:00 – 14:30 ASDA Monday 07/02 18:00 – 19:30
CRIMES IN YOUR AREA The past month of January has been quiet for Moreton Hall, which is what we like to hear, the only crimes to note has been a small spell of thefts from motor vehicles, which have occurred both in the Industrial Estates and Residential Estates of Moreton Hall. Please remember to be vigilant in making sure your vehicle is as secure as it can be, to help here are a quick few tips that can help you do this: Choose busy well lit areas for on-street parking • Don’t leave anything in your car that will tempt anyone breaking in • If you have a garage - use it! • Look for car parks with CCTV, barriers and car parking attendants when going parking in town, to keep your car more secure
West Suffolk House Monday 07/02 10:00 – 12:00 Sainsbury Sunday 13/02 13:00 – 14:30 Market Day Wednesday 23/02 10:00 – 14:00 THE NEXT PRIORITY MEETING FOR THE PUBLIC The next priority meeting that you, the public can address your concerns and issues to the Police, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Havebury Housing and other partnerships will be on Wednesday 9th March 2011 at TESCO, St Saviours, Bury St Edmunds in the restaurant. The meeting will begin at 19:00 hours and finish approximately 21:00 hrs. We look forward to seeing you all. Best Wishes to all and have a great month ahead. PCSO Matthew Smith 3204 Tel: 01284 774100 Email: Sgt Steve Tully Tel:01284 774100 E-mail: Inspector Jane Hertzog Tel: 01284 774100 E-mail: themhd
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February in the garden
I love this time of year, purely for the fact that each morning as I get out of bed it is a little lighter and the birds have started singing with renewed vigor. It seems such a long time since we have enjoyed light evenings and barbeques, each little step towards spring seems like a giant leap. As warmer weather approaches it is time to look at your garden and prepare it for the coming year. Spring is just around the corner, and before all your plants beging to grow again it’s the ideal time to take a fresh look at your beds, tidy up the winter debris and move around or plant new specimens according to your planting plan. Begin tidying old leaves left on herbaceous plants by cutting with shears, and rake out rubbish and leaves that have collected under shrubs. This helps prevent pests and disease harbouring in piles of rotting vegetation. Do bear in mind that weeds will still grow this time of year, especially if this month stays frost free and damp. Remove these
ensuring deep roots of perennial weeds are dug out completely. Its an ideal time to plant any new bare-rooted specimens, such as deciduous trees and shrubs along with roses. These will benefit from the addition of slow-release fertiliser to the surrounding soil, which in turn should be applied to all your beds. It is also time to prune late-flowering clematis. These flower on the current years growth, so cutting the stems hard now will prevent plants becoming tangled and untidy. Cut back to the hard woody stems, removing any green growth from last year. SInce we have many frosty days this month, it’s a great time to find a comfy seat, a steaming cup of coffee and cake - and look through the seed, plant and landscaping catalogues to let you imagination run wild and decide how you can improve your garden this coming year...
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Driving Us Mad: The Ten Worst Driving Habits Exposed
People spend a lot of time in their cars. Over two thirds of the working population travels to work by car and over a third of the country’s households have 2 or more vehicles. The roads are seemingly getting busier by the day, with many people taking their car to the local shops rather than walking. It is unsurprising then that road users spend a lot of time feeling irate about other peoples’ driving abilities or should that be inabilities. The daily commute simply drives people mad! Here are the top 10 driving bad habits that really get on your nerves.
1. Tailgating. When you see that BMW in your rear view
mirror you just know that the driver is going to get as near as he can to you, in an attempt to demonstrate that he could nudge your slower, less flashy car right out of the way. If he adds to this flashing lights and hand gestures you just know it could only get worse if you don’t get out of his way quickly.
2. People talking on their mobile phones. This is now illegal
whilst driving! It is really easy not to do this. You can pull over and make your call or just wait until you get home. Add this habit to number one and you end up with the most menacing road user out there!
3. Drivers who sit in the middle or outside lane holding up
every other road user came in third. These people either have no regard for other people or are completely unaware of the annoyance they cause.
4. People who drive without any clue about speed limits.
This is the person who drives in front of you at 40 mph in a single lane national speed limit zone and then continues to drive at 40 when they get to a 30 limit.
5. Those who throw their litter out of the car window. 6. The huge amount of people who never indicate. It’s dangerous, it’s annoying and it’s rude! What more can we say?
7. People who use the wrong lane at roundabouts.
It may be confusing at some roundabouts where there are lots of lanes, but there are simple rules when it comes to roundabout etiquette.
8. People who drive at break neck speeds wherever they
go. Statistics show that speed does kill and irritatingly you know that the guy going 110mph won’t get stopped by the police, it will be you doing 75!
9. Overtaking on single carriageways when there is
oncoming traffic. This speaks for itself and endangers the lives of more than just the offending driver.
10. The final annoying habit are motorists who change
lanes and cut up other drivers. These people don’t use their mirrors and have poor judgement of distance. Everyone makes mistakes, so if the other driver waves an apology then that’s fine. It’s when they are oblivious to the trail of destruction they leave behind them that people become really annoyed.
BIKES ARE BACK AT BANKS’ AFTER 20 YEARS… It is with great pleasure that after over 30 years selling Honda cars in Bury St Edmunds and celebrating nearly 37 years in the industry the John Banks Group are back in the bike business selling Honda motorcycles.
Honda Motorcycles being the No. 1 world leader in the supply of motorcycles worldwide invited the John Banks Group to become part of the Honda development programme for destination centres for the Honda brand during 2010 and with the introduction of over 12 new models for 2011 we are very pleased to be able to offer customers both old and new the chance to purchase the top leading brand of motorcycle in conjunction with offering the best service available from the car division. We have secured fully qualified Honda trained technicians based at Bury St Edmunds whose head office site is centrally located for the Banks Group with other sites at Ipswich and Cambridge offering the car brands. John Banks former Motocross Champion, Runner-up in the World 1968, 69 twice and 4 times winner of the British Motocross Championship 1968, 69, 71, 73, and East Anglian Sports Personality of the Year 1969 is Chairman of the Group, Mark Banks, Managing Director, also former British Motocross Champion (1988) will head the road bike division whilst Elliott Banks-Browne, grandson of the Chairman will endorse the Honda brand this year being supported by DB Racing and although the branch will not be selling motocross bikes, parts can be supplied by their on-line parts division for both motocross and road bikes alike.
Stock of the new Honda machines has arrived at the newly refurbished showrooms over 44 new bikes are currently in stock ranging from the scooter range to the VFR1200FD models. A full stock of clothing is available and all products will be able to be purchased on line with a 10% start up discount on all clothing and accessories for new customers visiting the John Banks Group. The current promotional offers on bikes are astounding with 0% typical APR on most models including the CBR 600RR which starts from only £8605 OTR. CBR Fireblade models from £10975 OTR and 0% APR typical* and the fantastic PCX 125 models with an On the road price of £2420 can be purchased with a £99.00 deposit and 36 monthly payments of £64.47, another 0% typical * Not only are these bikes affordable, the quality and reliability is second to none as it bears the Honda logo – be part of it now at John Banks Group, we look forward to new customers from 16 to 76 with the fantastic range of bikes.
The facilities at the John Banks Group are focused on the lines of great customer service, new changing facilities, free beverages in our customer waiting area and a six strong sales team to support the range of bikes. We open our doors on the 1st February but are taking orders now….. To contact the Team at John Banks please call 01284 752382 for any sales enquiries, for parts for all Honda bike models and all years call 01284 770409, email: or visit our website www., this is currently being updated with a full new version going live in March so make sure you keep logging on for updates. We look forward to seeing you all soon at John Banks to take advantage of our opening offers.
New Honda Jazz Hybrid 2012
SMALL ON THE OUTSIDE – BIG ON THE INSIDE! With over 3800 Jazz drivers within the John Banks Group territory throughout Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Cambridge the all new 2012 Honda Jazz Hybrid will be launched to and aims to make new Jazz owners as well as existing Jazz drivers’ lives easier as the new Jazz is full of ‘Can do attitude’.
for all our existing customers to be the first to get a chance to drive the new ‘more eco-friendly’ model”.
The practical and fun 2012 Jazz is a driver’s best friend as it now comes with the Honda Hybrid technology incorporating Eco-assist helping to drive more efficiently – which is something we all strive for with the cost fuel today! Combining the low CO2 emissions (104g/km)* the new hybrid is one of the cleanest cars in its class with no compromise and all the benefits of the existing Jazz model.
The launch of the new Jazz Hybrid will take place at the John Banks sites on the 9th and 10th of February in Bury St Edmunds (9th), Cambridge and Ipswich (10th) from 6pm to 8pm.
The new Jazz has had a new look as it features distinctive new headlights and front grille impacting on the overall impression of this top of the range small car. “ Jazz drivers are very important in our client base” says Melanie Banks-Browne of John Banks Group, “not only are our Jazz drivers such a lovely client base to deal with the car itself is full of such practical and beneficial qualities that the functionality of it appeals to all ages and driving styles’. We are so pleased that the new Jazz is being launched but are concerned there will not be enough to go around as we have limited numbers on our first release but would love
The new Jazz Hybrid Driving that keeps everyone happy
Here at Honda we’ve been using hybrid engines in our cars since 1999. We think they offer us the ultimate possibility. Explore the road ahead in the new Jazz Hybrid and you’ll find it’s full of smart thinking that saves you fuel. And money.
With the new dashboard design and the eco-assist functionality those customers who want to achieve more driving efficiency will find the Jazz is the car for them.
A Honda representative will be on hand throughout the evening to offer dedicated manufacturer deals as well as our sales team who will be able to advise of the benefits of the new model itself.
To book your test drive in advance or to apply to attend our launch evening please call our sales teams:
Bury St Edmunds 01284 752382 Ipswich – 01473 659591 Cambridge - 01223 359151 Email: or visit our website and send an enquiry: sta
The Jazz Hybrid’s small Hybrid engine works with an electric motor to give you all the power you need, from much less fuel. • Eco Assist function to help you drive efficiently and cleanly - just look for the flower. • All the wonderful practicality you’d expect from a Jazz, including Magic Seats. • Up to 62.8 miles to the gallon on the combined cycle. So you save pennies on the road, and at the pumps.
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gym memberships Bury Rugby Club opened their gym to the public 6 months ago and it has been a great success. Only £10 per month, plus a £10 one off induction
Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club
charge makes the gym fantastic value. There are en suite changing facilities for both male and female, with personal trainers available too. It is fully air-conditioned and has Sky TV. It’s lovely and quiet during the day, and many people from Greene King, the hospital and other local businesses now frequent it.
Gym Opening Hours
ver l a C e Dav rainer al T Personavailable also
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8am - 4pm
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8am - 4pm
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5pm - 9pm
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5pm - 8pm
9am - 6pm
10am - 2pm
For more information about the Gym or the Club in general, call us on
01284 753920
Whats on at
OUR FEB RUARY S Moreton Hall Christchurch ERVICES 6th
8.30 am
Holy Com m
union 10.30 am FEBRUARY 2011 SERVICES Worship T oge
13th 20th 27th
ther 6th Holy Communion 6.30pm8.30am A Time o f RefreTogether 10.30am Worship shing 10.30 am Morning 6.30pm AW Time o of Refreshing rship
6.30 pm
Prayer &Morning Worship 13th 10.30am Worsh 10.3 0 am 6.30pm Prayer & ip Worship Ho ly Comm
union 6.320th 0 pm 10.30am Holy Communion A Time o f Refresh ing 10.3 0 am 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing Morning Worship Morning Worship 6.3027th pm H10.30am ealing Co mmunCommunion 6.30pm Healing ion
Come and support your local Church! themhd
MHD 2011
Films for
February… MHD
recommen ds
Director: Darren Aronofsky Starring: Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey In this sensual and psychological thriller, a tortured New York ballerina explores her dark side as she competes to win the coveted lead role as the Black Swan. Rivalry behind the scenes is the theme of this chilling ballet drama set in New York. With an obsessive former ballerina for a mother, Nina (Natalie Portman) is almost suffocated in her commitment to her own dancing at a ballet company. But when artistic director Leroy (Vincent Cassel) wants a new prima ballerina for an upcoming production of Swan Lake, rivalry raises its ugly head. Nina finds herself competing with fellow dancer Lily (Mila Kunis) for Leroy’s attentions. As Nina and Lily form an unusual bond, Nina starts to embrace her dark side - but will it eventually destroy her dreams? A brooding drama and an intimate portrait of a woman pushing herself to the limits from the always-intense director Darren Aronofsky.
Director: Ron Howard Starring: Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Jennifer Connelly, Winona Ryder
Should he tell or shouldn’t he? That’s the dilemma facing Ronny (Vince Vaughn) in this fast-moving comedy. Since college, confirmed bachelor Ronny (Vaughn) and happily married Nick (James) have been through thick and thin. Now they’re trying to get their auto design firm off the ground with a big project. With Ronny’s girlfriend, Beth (Jennifer Connelly), and Nick’s wife, Geneva (Winona Ryder), by their sides, the pair is unbeatable. It’s all shaping up nicely until Ronny makes a discovery that threatens to ruin everything - he spies Nick’s wife with another man. He’s faced with a terrible dilemma: tell Nick or keep it to himself. Either way, he risks losing everything including his best friend. First he needs to know the truth. His amateur investigation begins to descend into comic chaos as he tries to do the right thing. An all-star cast, featuring Queen Latifah and Channing Tatum, come together for this comedy from director Ron Howard (The Da Vinci Code).
Director: Roger Michell Starring: Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, Jeff Goldblum A young producer must save her TV show and her love life in this smart, sexy comedy from the director of Notting Hill. Spirited young producer Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) has a tough job on her hands when she’s asked to revive the fortunes of flagging breakfast TV show Daybreak, which has a reputation for eating up and spitting out even the most seasoned producers. Her first job is to bring in legendary, but cranky, TV presenter Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford) to work with divaesque anchorwoman Colleen Peck (Diane Keaton). But things start to go wrong when Becky’s new presenters begin bickering live on air. To make matters worse, her love affair with fellow producer Adam (Patrick Wilson) has started to go off the boil. Can Becky keep it together long enough to bring in the ratings and save Daybreak - all while rescuing her love life? A fun and frothy romantic comedy from Roger Michell, the director of Notting Hill.
Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Abbeygate Picturehouse, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.
Moreton Hall Community Centre A great place that has it all!
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Moreton hall p ost office • Next D ay Deliver y b y
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– Euros & Dol lars held in stock, all ot her currency a vailable by next day • Car and Van Insurance Telephone 01284
Moreton Hall
Rugby: BSE 1st XV vs Letchworth Garden City KO: 14:15 (HOME)
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Rugby: BSE 1st XV vs Tabard KO: 15:00 (HOME) VALENTINES DISCO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Rugby: BSE 1st XV vs Colchester KO: 15:00 (HOME)
Useful numbers west suffolk hospital
citizens advice
m hall prep school
victim support
01284 717188
sebert wood cp school
bury & moreton hall police
m hall pre school
01284 713000 01284 769643 08457 909090
alcoholics anonymous
0845 769 7555
cocaine anonymous
0800 612 0225
focus 12 (addictions)
01284 701702 chemist
01284 723061 suffolk diabetes interest group (suffdig)
01284 774808
suffolk family carers
0844 225 3099
01284 753675
01284 774100 christ church moreton hall
01284 725391
01284 702129
abbots green cp school
01284 718818
– m hall group 07005 802402
bus station
christ church parent & toddler group
first eastern
abc childminding group
st eds. council
moreton hall post office
anglian water
moreton hall community centre
0845 748 4950 01284 702020 01284 766569 01284 763233 08457 145145
library vets
edf energy faults
01284 747000
01284 755211
eastern energy (emergency)
01284 352545
01284 753532
0800 111 999
01284 725391 01284 765238 01284 769841 01284 763402 24-7 taxi hire 01284 700247
08701 963090
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