Directory Moreton Hall
get the
January 2011 ISSUE 72
delivered free to your home/business every month!
Gorgeous Winter Coats
restaurant VOUCHERS
what’s on listings
A healthy new you
TRADE COUNTER OPENING HOURS: MON-FRI 8AM - 5PM SAT 9AM - 12.30PM Arco Limited, Arco House, Easlea Road, Moreton Hall Industrial Estate, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7BY, Next to Matalan email:
Tel: 01284 773030 Pay by card, cash or Arco account. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Only available to personal callers to the Trade Counter. While stocks last. Exclusions apply. No further discounts available.
1% selling fee* Internet Advertising including rightmove Accompanied viewing if required Knowledgable sales team Central office window display advertising ALL sales properties *Terms ands Conditions apply
Call today for your free, no obligation valuation
Tel: 01284 725800
Lettings Management
Do you need to rent out your property? We offer full management or let only services at competitive rates Internet advertising, including rightmove Central office window display advertising ALL rental properties Call today for your free, no obligation valuation
Tel: 01284 725800
Directory Moreton Hall
Gemma W alters Editor gemma@m oretonhalld m
…and welcome to the January edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. ters Sally Wal r Contributo m sally@ge
Jeremy Pr jeremy@mContributor and Phocter ot oretonhalld os m
You may notice a slight difference to this issue as we’ve refreshed the look, but don’t worry, we’ve still got the same great content! In this day and age we all want to use local services and shop locally whenever possible, and this is the perfect magazine to provide you with just that… tried and tested local suppliers. To make it easier to find the service you need at a glance, see our directory listing on page 6. We will be evolving the magazine constantly to make it the best we can for our readers, so if there is anything you would like to see in future issues, please do let us know, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Enjoy your new look Moreton Hall Directory and we will see you in February.
Advertising/Copy Deadline for February 2011 Issue: Friday 21st January Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, Po BoX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.
Feeling the Squeeze? Join Now, Pay Later!
Gym Pools Aerobics classes Power plates Health suite Track
Contact the membership team for details on 01284 757447 or e-mail Offer valid until 19th February 2011. Applicants must be 16 years and over. Terms and Conditions apply.
Abbeycroft Leisure - Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre Beetons Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3TT
Telephone: 01284 753496 Website: Registered Charity No. 1117138
directory&contents Directory of services Accountants/Bookkeepers 50, 51 Aerials 28 Bathrooms 41, 42, 48 Beautician 8 Builders 41, 42, 46 Business Skills Training 49 Car Dealers 53, 54, 55, 63 Car Mechanics 53, 54, 55, 63 Carpets & Flooring 46 Cattery 24 Childcare 23, 33 Chiropodist 14 Community Centre 59 Computer Services 52 Conservatories 34, 39, 64 Dance Lessons 7 Dating 23 Dentistry 8 Electrician 41, 43 Estate Agents 3, 45 Fascias 34, 39, 64 Furniture 47 Gardeners & Landscapers 37, 39, 42 Golf Range & Supplies 57 Hairdressers 7, 8, 14, 24 Home Furnishings 27 Osteopaths 14 Oven Cleaning 27, 43 Painter & Decorator 38, 42 Paving & Walling Supplies 39 Pilates 13 Plant Hire 46 Plumber 27, 41 Post Office 59 Printer Inks 25 Restaurants/Pubs/Hotels 19, 20, 21 Salsa Dancing 7 Solicitors 49 Sports Clubs 5, 56, 57 Stage School 27 Tiles/Tiling 41, 42, 43, 48 Tree Surgeon 37, 38 TV’s & Electricals 28 Weight Loss 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 Windows 34, 39, 42, 64 Workwear 2 Yoga 13
contents JANUARY 2011
businessmatters motoring&travel
49–52 53–55
Abbeycroft Leisure Lighter Life Rosemary Conley Self Centre Slimming World
Get the look
MHD Recipe of the Month Moreton Hall Pub Orissa Indian Restaurant
Woodland Ways Community News Andrew Southwood Get you kids to eat their 5 a-day Frank Warby Police Newsletter The Master Composter Christ Church Moreton Hall How to declutter your home
Car Servicing
What’s on at the Community Centre Cinema listings Useful numbers January Calendar
5 9 10-11 12-13 15
18 19 21
22 23, 24, 25 26 29-30 31 34 36-37 40 & 58 44-45
59 60 61 62
Avoid the town traffic! ★ Ample parking ★ at both salons Appointments not ★ always necessary
Specialist slimming programme to help you tap into the POWER OF YOUR MIND CONTROL CRAVINGS & COMFORT EATING AND LEARN HOW TO BE SLIM th
FREE TRIAL class Wednesday 12 January at 7.30pm The Self Centre, Kempson Way , Bury St Edmunds Also in Norwich and Attleborough, call Linda McCroft on 01953 458092 or email
34 Cadogan Road
01284 752002 Mere Farm Lane, Pakenham Road, Great Barton
01359 232007
Gemma Bull mobile hair & beauty
07885 761 686 01284 767 743 treatments include:
(up to 13yrs)
nail extensions acrylic or gel
individual 3d eyelash extensions waxing manicures and pedicures hair dressing
call me now for prices
ff dable p ivate denti t y t eet all y dental need .
Convenient location with free parking. Early morning and evening appointments. Come and see our friendly and caring staff in a modern and clean environment. Extraordinary valuE – ask about our great deals for families
Just Smile Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW
01284 700947
Why LighterLife is different – The New Year is here and along with it comes the New Year’s diet resolution. If you are planning on losing weight this New Year, why not give LighterLife a try? At LighterLife we are so much more than just a diet. We offer you the opportunity to lose weight fast and to make the behavioural and lifestyle changes so that you maintain a healthy weight now and in the long term. At LighterLife our weekly, singlesex group meetings are designed to help you explore some of the
to be better!
reasons you have put on weight – because there’s usually a lot more to it than simply ‘eating too much’. Understanding why you overeat, learning new ways to think and behave, leaving unhelpful habits and behaviours behind you will all lead you to live lighter in the future. In addition to this, with LighterLife you also have the support of a LighterLife Weight-Management Counsellor who will be there from the start of the programme and continue to support you in your weight-management for as long as you need them to.
Katrina Bates LighterLife WeightManagement Counsellor for Bury St Edmunds says: “At LighterLife people benefit from fast, simple, safe and sustainable weight-loss and I am there to help them understand their relationship with food and make changes to the way they eat, think and live.” Now you have had enough of dieting and are ready to make a real and lasting change in your relationship with food , contact Katrina on 01284 754932 or visit
“Fabulous in skinny jeans for New Year!” carol at size 20
“My weight was holding me back from living my life. Thanks to the skills I’ve learned with LighterLife I now know how to keep the weight off.” Our approach to weight loss is so much more than a diet. After all, losing weight isn’t just about what goes into your mouth it’s about what goes on in your head.
Katrina Bates, Bury St Edmunds now a size 8
01284 754932 or visit themhd
Calling everybody who would like to lose weight this year. Male, female, young or old. Whether you want to lose a little bit of weight or a lot or even if you just want some regular exercise…. Rosemary Conley classes’ suit everyone and our instructors are qualified to help YOU to lose weight and keep it off. Come along wearing something comfortable and trainer type shoes. Bring a drink and a hand towel/exercise mat and learn about Rosemary’s Amazing Inch Loss plan with the revolutionary “Rosemary Conley Portion Pots”. (The diet books, portion pots, motivational DVD and magic measure are all free if you pay for 5 classes £5.80 x 5 = £29). “Underestimating the amount we eat is one of the main reasons why we’re not successful with our weight loss”, says Jo Butcher, instructor who has lost 5 stone herself. “By using these innovative Portion Pots we really can not go wrong.”
Jo Butcher joined classes in Bury in January 2007. She was a size 22 with very low self esteem. Now she is a remarkable size 10 and having tried all diets in the past she wishes she had tried Rosemary Conley classes sooner. Jo used to hate exercise and would do everything she could to avoid it, now she understands how regular exercise releases her happy hormones and helps her to burn fat and feel terrific. Life for Jo is great, she looks fantastic, she’s got her confidence back and now Jo would like to help you do the same!
Make 2011 the year that you achieve your personal goals. It does not matter what shape, size or level of fitness you are at the moment. For further information call Karen on
01787 238233. Use the advert in this edition and
The diet is simple to follow, gives faster weight loss results and it is healthier than ever before. Our classes offer motivation, inspiration, privacy at the scales, lots of support and fun aerobic workouts! Come along and see for yourself this January at a class near you.
save£15. You won’t look back – Low fat, healthy eating combined with regular exercise is the only way forward!
Stowmarket slimmer Jo went from
size 22 to 10!
Norton Village Hall
Moreton Hall
Ixworth Road, Norton,
Community Centre
Bury St. Edmunds,
Symonds Road,
IP31 3LE
Bury St. Edmunds,
7:45 - 9:15 pm
IP32 7EE 10:00 - 11:30 am
TUESDAY St James Middle School
St James Middle School
Bury St Edmunds,
IP33 1YB
Bury St Edmunds,
5:30 - 7:00 pm
IP33 1YB 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Call Karen on 01787 238233 email:
Class Fee £5.80. * When you pre-pay £29 for 5 weeks - new members only. Cut out and bring advert to class to claim offer. Ref: MHD
Free £10* Membership
Free £25 Pack worth
“Bend & Blen d”
A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &
By Carole Baker
Director, The Self Centre
This month we look at the ever popular theme of
“New Year = New You”
“This year I’m going to be less stressed/calmer/lose weight/be healthier/have more energy” etc etc etc .....sound familiar? But actually why is it that in January we decide to try and change ourselves completely? Change is the thing that is most constant in all of our lives every single moment of every single day and it is how we adapt and modify ourselves to fit into our changing environment, relationships, jobs, lifestyles etc that makes us who we are. Perhaps it is the fact that we get to take time out from work, get off our hamster wheel and take a long hard look at what our lives are all about and what is important to us, that makes us want to focus more on change in January when we have to get back on that hamster wheel? We also lounge about more on the sofa, consume much more rich food and drink and more alcohol than our sensitive bodies are used to and often end up feeling lethargic, tired and not at ease with ourselves, our health and wellbeing can suffer as a result of this. For me there are a few key things to focus on with regards to health and wellbeing at all times of the year, not just in January! Health is our greatest wealth all the year around! Eat well Everything we eat has a physical effect on our body, the less processed and packaged food we eat and the more fresh unadulterated food we eat, the more energy we have and the better our bodies function – just ask any top athlete what they eat. Food is the most
important thing we can give ourselves to make us healthy. The misconception that fresh food is more expensive is rubbish – I know for example I can make a pot of soup that lasts my whole family a week for less than it costs me to buy a carton of it from the supermarket ( even if it is BoGoF! ) Yes it might take me 10 mins to chop the vegetables up and throw them in the pan and then 5 mins to wazz it with the blender after its cooked for 45 mins but the health and nutrient value of it makes up for that without even thinking about the money I have saved. Top 10 Detox foods are: Apples. Avocado, Artichokes, Beetroot, Cruciferous Veg (cabbage, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, sprouts etc), Garlic, kiwi Fruit, Prunes, Seaweed, Watercress. Move everyday If you don’t move around and allow your muscles and joints to open up to their full range of movement you will get extremely stiff and suffer from back pain, hip problems, shoulder tension, neck strain, headaches and lack of energy – this is a fact! Your body is designed to move freely and easily – just watch children and look at their energy and flexibility – we were all like that once and we are just victims of our lifestyles. If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods driving or on a computer – you MUST do something to counteract that – you must stretch! If you stand for long periods all day you must understand how to stand correctly and utilise your back and stomach muscles to improve your posture and then your energy levels and prevent gravity forcing you
to become rounded and stooped. If you don’t stretch and also maintain the strength of your muscles and bones/joints you will gradually start to discover that the energy of your body stagnates and you get tighter and stiffer and listless and tired. If you are unable to come along and try an 8 week Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi Introductory Programme then try the following at home to get you started!
• Stand comfortably (holding onto the wall if necessary) and start to circle your ankles and point/ flex your feet. • Rotate your knee joints in a circle – move the lower legs in a circle to do this • Now try to draw a really large circle with your knee to rotate and open your hip joints – remember they are a ball and socket joint and as such will get stiff and tight if we only sit on chairs and walk/run. If we squatted we would have much looser and freer hips! • Do some gentle forward bends to stretch your hamstrings and lower back, just be patient if you can’t reach the floor – that will come in time! • Come up slowly and catch one foot behind you and bring your heel to your bottom to stretch out the front of your thighs. • Stand tall – breathe in and raise your arms above your head and breathing out gently lean to one side to stretch out your waist – repeat on the other side. • Take your arms wide and swing them from side to side looking around behind you to twist and open the spine and start to release the neck. • Take your arms behind you and link your fingers together with your palms facing up and then do that gentle forward bend again bringing your arms up and over towards the floor ( now you know how tight the front of your shoulders are because you have your arms in front of you all day long!).
• Stand up slowly stopping half way to let the blood come down gradually from your brain (really refreshes you when you take your head below your heart!) • Swing your arms backwards and forward like windmill sales – remember your shoulder is also a ball and socket joint and needs rotating. • Finally stand tall and press your chin to your chest to stretch out the back of your neck – slowly turn your head from side to side to look at your shoulder. Release your neck back up and then gently take your head back to look up at the sky (not something we do very often and then we wonder why are necks are stiff?) Return to normal and gently turn your head from side to side to release any tension in the side of the neck and top of the shoulders. • Last but not least – stretch your wrists and hands out – rotate your wrists, press your palms together, take your thumbs to your wrists release then open fingers wide as you can and then make a tight fist.
Choose how to react Everyday we are faced with change
and it is how we react to that change that makes us who we are. We can choose to rant and rage but it won’t affect the situation, it will just make us feel worse, we can also choose to smile and accept that everything happens for a reason and that we will eventually see the bigger picture behind that change. If we embrace change as a positive thing we will then flow with it and grow and develop our own potential and learn from every situation we are in and relationship we have. You are what you think you are. You are what you visualise you want to be – try this and you just might discover what many people have known for centuries and scientists are just reaffirming and proving now “ the power of visualisation, the subconscious mind and positive thinking is absolutely phenomenal and we are just beginning to see incredible it’s effects on health and wellbeing”. Join a Meditation class or try a workshop. Thing positive thoughts –
did you know your “Self Esteem” is only 2 weeks old? Its like a battery that constantly needs recharging – you MUST top it up with positive thoughts and affirmations to counteract all the negativity and nagging moaning people in the world around you! Give yourself a pat on the back everyday for the good things you have done – there’s a start! For a Free Intro to Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi (one session worth £9.50) please bring this article along to the self centre and book in at reception. one session per person please – book in advance only where spaces available – cancellations within 8 hours or a payment will be charged. For more information on the self centre and to download the latest timetable and more info on Beginners Courses or Gift Vouchers please visit, or pop in and see us in Kempson Way!
The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate. themhd
happy feet for all the family Qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist Mount farm Surgery, Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW. Monday–Thursday 9am to 5pm
Caroline Barwick-Walters MInstChP (HPC 20355) T:
01284 753563
If you think Osteopathy isn’t for you...
✪ Burys newest unisex Hair & Beauty Salon ✪ Spacious, comfortable surroundings ✪ Fully air conditioned ✪ Free & easy parking ✪ OAP discounts available on Wednesdays ✪ Coco Bay Spray Tan Booth (Full Body Spray – £17.00)
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R ead our www.slimmingw aw
a nd f
r ie ndly
g ro u p n e a r
you today...
New Green Centre, Thurston Wednesday 3:30pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm Tel: Shani 01842 820001
Moreton Hall Community Centre THURSDAY 9.30am, 11.30am & 1.30pm Tel: Carol 01359 251866 THURSDAY 7.30pm Tel: Helen 07795 282930
0844 897 8000 15 themhd
NEW LOOK Llama belted faux fur coat £54.99 Black shift dress £19.99 Studded leather gloves £12.99 Shoes £22.99
Brushed collar rever Lace back stripe sco Mid heel boots £40 Quilted front padlo
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DEBENHAMS Star by Julien Macdonald Fur collar wool coat £120 Chain print tunic £45 Satin and patent studded sandals £30
food&drink Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 15 min Serves:4
Ingredients 1 leek, sliced 100 g butter 10 mussels, in their shells 100 g salmon, skinned 100 g haddock fillets, skinned 100 g cod fillets, skinned 100 g smoked haddock 4 scallops 300 ml full-fat milk 4 tbsp plain flour handful roughly chopped flat leaf parsley 100 g frozen cooked prawns, defrosted 400 g mashed potato handful grated parmesan
Nothing comforts like home-made fish pie, with succulent pieces of fish, prawns, mussels and scallops under a fluffy cloud of mash potatoes.
Method 1. Gently fry the leek in half the butter, stirring occasionally, until softened. Set aside. 2. Steam the mussels in a pan with a splash of water, until the shells open. Discard any that do not open. Remove the mussel flesh from their shells. Set aside. 3. Cut the salmon, haddock, cod and smoked haddock into 3cm chunks and put into a large pan along with the scallops. Cover with milk, bring to a simmer and poach for 6-7 minutes. Drain the fish, reserving the milk for the sauce. 4. Heat the remaining butter in a clean pan and stir in the flour. Cook, stirring for a couple of minutes, then start to add the warm poaching milk. Season with salt and pepper and cook until thickened to the consistency of double cream. Remove from the heat and stir in the leeks and most of the parsley. 5. Put the chunks of fish in a grill-proof pie dish and add the steamed mussels and prawns. Pour over the warm sauce. 6. Spread the prepared mashed potato on top of the pie and grate over the parmesan. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley. 7. Put the pie under a hot grill until the top is crisp and golden and the cheese has melted.
Great with new potatoes and sweetcorn!
The E Factor Leaflet V2 2010
Page 1
Billy, Georgina and their team at Moreton Hall Pub wish you all a Happy & Healthy New Year! Don’t Forget...
£5.95 Dine out for less on some of your favourite dishes the from
4t h y ar J a nu
Moreton Hall’s regional heat is on 28th January. Simply visit the pub and ask for a FREE entry form. Each regional heat winner will receive £100 and go on to the grand final on 12th March at The Railway Hotel in Hornchurch with an opportunity to win a further £400!
Food served from midday - 10 PM themhd
n o s t at... Wha Thursdays:
Steak Night
January 2011
a 8oz chargrilled steak served with chips, mushrooms & tomato.
Choice of 2 delicious homemade curries with rice and naan.
a choice of 4 home cooked meats, beef, pork, lamb or turkey, served with all the trimmings.
Adults £9.95 Children £4.95
C hildren’s Menu
Fish Night £6.75
Monday to Saturday 12-2pm:
Senior Citizen
2 Course
Sunday Roast
Curry Night
Cod in beer batter served with chips, mushy peas, bread and butter.
Children are always welcome at The Pykkerell. Look out for our special children’s menu and meet The Pykkerell People...
Mon - Fri 7.30am-11.00am Sat & Sun 7.30am-10.30am
& Mix Lunch Special PickBre akfast
2 course lunch, choice of main, 3 veg, potatoes plus dessert
Choose 6
items from our breakfast menu.
open pen 7 days a week for food and drink. Function room available. 38 High street, Ixworth, Bury st edmunds, suffolk IP31 2HH
T: 01359 230 398
January specials
Take-away & delivery available
Eat In 25% oFF TakeAway 30% oFF
T&C’s apply
YouR FooD BIll
T&C’s apply
YouR FooD BIll
One voucher per order. Terms & conditions apply. We look forward to seeing you!
108 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA
T: 01284 719116 or 756666
Moreton Hall
Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways
Join us at Woodland Ways Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see www.woodlandways., see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@
The middle of winter is not normally the time when we think about frogs and toads; after all they are hibernating somewhere out of the frosts. Some may hibernate under your garden shed, down a hole, under a pile of logs in your garden, in a compost heap, and some male frogs will actually hibernate in mud at the bottom of a pond. It’s a high risk, high gain strategy to hibernate in a pond. It means that the male is in exactly the right place to greet the first female arriving in spring, improving his chances of survival. In harsh weather, however, such as we experienced in December, ice cover prevents oxygen from entering the water and frogs might die; if you find dead frogs in your pond at the end of winter that is probably the reason.
You can help by keeping your pond ice-free, such as floating a plastic football in the pond at night and removing it during the day, or by floating a bucket of hot water in your pond. Many households could gain great pleasure in watching their frogs come back year after year. Watching tadpoles change into frogs are also a classic educational experience for children. Ponds are relatively easy to create, can last a lifetime, and will quickly be colonised by frogs even in the depths of our housing estates or industrial areas. Now is the time to plan a new pond, to be ready for March when frogs again appear and look for new places to spawn. If you would like to make a frog pond, there’ll be some tips next month.
News £4,000 raised by Javelin handed to Hospice
Javelin owner Jeremy Clayton, store manager Jenny Freestone, St Nicholas Hospice Care Corporate Fundraiser Abby Mayes and Alison Thorne, one of the Faces of Javelin competition winners, at the cheque presentation on Thursday
HARD-working fundraisers and owners of a Bury St Edmunds clothes store have handed over more than £4,000 to St Nicholas Hospice Care. Javelin, in Abbeygate Street, raised the impressive sum after a month-long fund-raising project called ‘work hard, play hard’. As part of the campaign, shoppers were encouraged to buy ‘bricks’, costing £5 each, for a wall of fame in its window, businesses were invited to buy corporate breeze blocks, costing £100 each, while a ‘Faces of Javelin’ competition was also launched. Jeremy Clayton, Javelin owner, said: “In October, we made a promise to the Hospice. We promised to work hard for 28 days and raise as much money as we could. “We are delighted with the response we received to our two special walls, with both local businesses and the local community getting on board with this great fundraising initiative.” On Thursday evening, Jeremy presented the cheque, for £4,057.40, to Hospice Corporate Fundraiser Abby Mayes. Abby said: “We are, of course, overjoyed with the success of this month-long fundraising by Javelin. Our sincere thanks go to everyone who supported the campaign.”
arc shopping centre wins prestigious national award ●
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Luxury boarding exclusively for cats PVcu penthouses thermostatically controlled heating Built to ciEH and f Standards fAB Expert loving care (with lots of cuddles)
tel: 01359 258585 t
Red Barn Farm, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LX
Rachels Mobile Hairdressing
Fully qualified stylist providing a top quality hairdressing service in the comfort of your own home. Dry Hair Cut Cut & Blowdry Perms (inc. cut) Highlights (inc. cut)
from £5 from £10 from £30 from £30
To book an appointment please call
01359 233 371 or 07775 911 328 24
Celebrations at arc (left to right): St Edmundsbury chief executive Geoff Rivers, council leader John Griffiths and arc centre manager Paul Haynes celebrate arc’s Gold Award.
Bury St Edmunds’ arc shopping centre has scooped a prestigious ‘Gold Award’ given to outstanding retail developments by BCSC, the national retail property body, at its annual dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on 1st December. Presented by Rory Bremner, arc’s Gold Award is for the best small* in-town retail development in the UK. Richard Wise, chief executive of Centros, said: “Winning this award is the icing on the cake. It gives national recognition to all the hard work that went into achieving the success of arc. It is particularly pleasing to see that arc has created significant economic benefits throughout the town in a very short period since opening. Unlike so many other retail schemes up and down the country, we have not created too many shops, so the historic core of the town is still trading well with minimal vacancies.” St Edmundsbury Borough Council leader Cllr John Griffiths said: “This is great news for Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk and crowns the successful partnership between St Edmundsbury, Centros and the private sector.” * This category is for town centre developments of less than 300,000 sq ft
The WI December News
December brought the snow and Santa to us girls at the WI! Early Christmas festivities kicked off with Lee Ashford running a Bingo session for us with lovely gift vouchers as prizes. Some of us were a little perplexed initially, but we soon got the hang of it and one table seemed especially lucky – had inducements been offered ??!! Then on to the buffet with a selection of dainty bites both savoury and sweet, we had been unsure of numbers with the snow so over-catered but somehow we managed to demolish almost all of it! The wine and cranberry juice flowed, followed by teas and coffee to send us on our way. But not before Santa arrived to distribute the presents. A person not wholly unknown to him sent him off with a kiss! Not bad for a WI meeting! Happy New Year! Our January 5th talk is on the subject of Flotation. A relaxing experience taken in warm water saturated in pure Epsom Salts.
New members welcome! We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm, Community Centre.
! w o n S Let it
by And rew So uthwo od
A few weeks back whilst out with my family at a garden centre, my 21/2 yr old son was very excited by the sight of a sledge. In fact there were lots of sledges, a whole display of them. I tried to explain, in a way which he might understand that, thanks to generations of non-stop environmental abuse, the world’s climate was changing in irreversible ways. The consequence of which being that snow here in Suffolk (conveniently ignoring last years anomaly) was pretty much a thing of the past, so buying a sledge was futile. About 4 days later it snowed. So there it was, my first lecture in environmental pollution and climate change, almost instantly proven fundamentally flawed and inaccurate, all thanks to an unusually early covering of the white stuff. Perhaps those newly purchased sledges wont be confined to life as nothing more
than expensive trip hazards in the garage after all. Obviously being a bloke, I could not be seen to be wrong, so I stubbornly resisted the urge to pop back to the shops and buy a sledge. Besides which, after my in-store mocking of fellow customers merrily taking their shiny new sledges home, I would have to go in disguise. However, “Look Daddy - Snow!” my son shouted excitedly. His observational skills are second to none, and despite the early morning darkness, he was quite correct, it was indeed snowing. This enthusiasm for the sub zero precipitation didn’t last long. I am told that by the time it got to him leaving the house a couple of hours later he was quite adamant, “I not like snow Mummy!”. After a few days, it became apparent that he was equally
excited every morning by the sign of snow and that was inevitably followed by a complete u-turn within a couple of hours. The fickle mind of a toddler. Personally I am still very much a big kid and enjoy a covering of snow, behaving much like an overexcited school child, huddled by the radio waiting for the official school closure announcements. Only difference is, I am expected to go to work regardless. It just means clearing the car every morning (with the inevitable ingress of snow onto the drivers seat to melt five minutes into the journey) and some pretty taxing driving conditions. Lets just hope that, unlike last year, this winter finishes before Easter comes round. Courtesy of my family car, I am ashamed to say that I’m doing my bit to raise the temperature by pumping several tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere.
A STAGE SCHOOL FOR PERFORMERS AGED 5-105! Step into the spotlight at “Lights, Music, Action!” the Stage School that lets you choose your classes.
Acting, Dance, Band, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Classical & jazz Vocals.
One to One Tuition Available Confidence and Life Skills (Instrumental and Vocal) Weekly Classes & Summer Schools Inspirational Professional Tutors Regular Performances Weekly Classes on Fridays in Thurston (adults), and Saturdays at King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds (all ages). Why be a Sheep when you can be a Llama?
CALL NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION! This flyer entitles one student aged between 5 and 105 to a free session at The LMA Stage School Ltd. It must be surrendered when attending the free session and this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. This offer excludes current members. Only one ticket per person accepted. LMA Stage School Ltd reserves the right to refuse admission. Tel: 01359 271925
Get your kids to eat their
Five a Day!
We’ve all heard the five-a-day message, and we all know that eating at least five portions of fruit and veg every day can work wonders for the way we look, the way we feel, and for our health in the long term. All fruit and veg are super foods to some extent. The more we eat, the healthier we’ll be. But despite the benefits, many of us still struggle to fit the five-a-day message into busy, on-the-go lifestyles. And it’s harder still trying to get the kids to replace crisps and biscuits with apples and peas. Health messages mean precious little to the average 12-year-old, who can happily run around all day on a diet of salty snacks, fizzy drinks and fatty treats. Still, the fact is that if you can get the kids eating five portions of fruit and veg a day now, you’re teaching them healthy habits that can last a lifetime. A diet rich in nutritious foods will make them feel full of beans right away, and help to protect them against a range of illnesses and diseases later in life. Which begs just one crucial question. How on earth do you do it?... continued overleaf themhd
family&home get your kids to eat their
If in doubt, cheat
Five a Day!continued
Sometimes the best option is the easiest. So go on, cheat. By which we mean, give the kids a garden full of fruit and veg without them really knowing. So instead of giving them a boring piece of fruit, zap up bananas, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and pretty much anything else into delicious, nutritious smoothies. Instead of making them eat a portion of yukky dry carrots, disguise vegetables in hearty, warming stews or soups and tasty pasta sauces. Make sure the kids know it’s chicken stew or beef Bolognese. Emphasise the bits you know they love, and they’ll gobble up the veg without even thinking. And according to Cancer Research, you should go with what the kids already like. If they love pizza, add vegetables to the topping. If they live on sandwiches, stick some salad in with the ham, cheese or tuna. The NHS also recommends putting healthy snacks like dried fruit or tangerines in places where you’d normally keep biscuits or cakes. That way, hungry kids in a rush might shovel in a handful of whatever they come across first. If that’s a few sweet dried apricots, they’ll have gobbled up one portion of their daily five in the blink of an eye.
Sweet Treats Kids love sweets - that’s half the problem, of course - so use it to your advantage. Choose fruits that are sweet-sized and sweet tasting, like grapes and strawberries. If your kids just won’t eat fruit on its own, mix it into their favourite jelly or chop it into cereal. And vegetables aren’t just the ones kids tend to hate, like broccoli, cabbage and sprouts (though if you can get some a few of those into them, so much the better). Some salad and vegetable staples are naturally sweet and tend to be most popular with kids. Think about sweetcorn, peppers, cherry tomatoes and sweet potatoes. Funnily enough, kids who hate cooked veg often like it raw, especially crunchy sweet vegetables like carrots and peppers. They’re a lot more fun than soggy greens, and they haven’t had any of their nutrients cooked away.
Lead by Example Perhaps the best thing you can do for your kids is eat plenty of fruit and veg yourself, and not just because you’ll feel healthy enough to take them to the park for a kick about or a bike ride. Even older kids learn from their parents, so let them see you crunching into an apple or piling your plate with greens at every opportunity. They’ll never admit to copying you, of course, but you might find that a little mouse has been at the fruit bowl when you weren’t looking. And make sure fruit, vegetables or salad are part of every meal, preferably in several alternatives. Kids love to choose - so let them choose between good things. But don’t force them to eat everything - it might produce negative associations and lead to a lifetime of salad dodging. If they’re proving resistant to everything you put in front of them, let them choose the fruit and veg they want next time you’re in the supermarket. That way, at least they can’t say they don’t like it.
Local News... from Councillor Frank Warby
Cold Weather As we have all witnessed over the past month or so, winter arrived with a bang. I have done some shopping for some of the elderly in my area. I would like to ask people, if you know of any elderly near you please give them a call and make sure they are alright, it only takes a moment. A bit of shopping or collecting their prescriptions will be a great help to them.
YOUTH CLUB Adoption of Roads The Club is going from strength to strength with over 46, 8-13 year olds enjoying a safe place to meet and play. on the 4th January 11 we are going to the Theatre Royal to see Mother Goose, oH YES WE ARE. The youngsters are very excited about that. Mums and Dads will deliver them to the theatre where they will be met by our excellent helpers, who will lead them to their seats and watch over the them. While I am talking about the club I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our helpers who turn up every Tuesday night (without ear plugs) and look after our club members, thank you guys so much, without you we would not have a club. In the new year we will be looking to open two nights a week, this will mean an urgent need for more helpers, so if there is any mums or dads who would like to get involved please contact me. We need you!
There are many of our roads which as yet have not been adopted by the council. This means that the council can not carry out repairs of any kind. The roads come under the developers who have an obligation to ensure that they are safe and in good order. We are pushing developers to make the roads ready for adoption and the council officers are also chasing them. It’s gone, yes at last the old bus shelter on Symonds Road has be replaced by a more modern one nicely enclosed to give shelter from the rain and winds. Thanks to Steve Boor and his band of merry men.
CORE STRATEGY ADOPTED FOR ST. EDMUNDSBURY At the full council meeting on the 14 December, the Core Strategy was adopted for St. Edmundsbury. This despite representation made by the Moreton Hall Residence Association, and your ward councillors voting against the motion. What it means for Moreton Hall is that the proposed 500 homes that are to be built next to the Flying Fortress will go ahead. The Council did give us one glimmer of light and that was that No building would take place until the infrastructure was sorted out. The link road to the A14 and the rookery slip road have to be completed before building can commence. Your councillors will be keeping a very close watch on this. I would welcome any comments on this matter or any other concerns you might have.
ristmas I hope you all enjoyed a festive Ch prosperous and wishing you a very happy and New Year. Take care. Frank
Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email
Tinkerbells Day Nursery are celebrating under NEW management Having just been awarded “outstanding” on all 17 criteria under the new Ofsted inspections in October 2010, Jacqui Stoneman and Jaena Nabi Directors of Anglia Sunshine Nurseries in Sudbury have now taken over the management of Tinkerbells in Thurston bringing their outstanding ideas to your local nursery. The ethos behind the nursery is to ensure that every child has the best start in life. They have already started teaming up with the local schools to ensure they are
working in partnership with them so that transitions when the children start after nursery are smooth. They are now also offering a fun holiday club to fill a gap for local working parents that need additional childcare support. This is being run for children aged between 5 and 10 years. Nursery manager Tracey Griggs has this to say “The last few months have brought a new energy to the nursery; the biggest benefit has been to the children, the range of activities we now offer is fantastic. We have given each of our team a mentor from the nursery in Sudbury so we can share ideas
and good practise. It has been hard work but also good fun” Tinkerbells at Thurston has an amazing out door activity garden which is used all year round as it also has an, all weather under cover area which the children love. Places are now being taken up fast so if you would like to consider Tinkerbells to give your child the best start in life pop along now and see the Tinkerbells experience for yourself. The nursery is offering free taster sessions for you to get to know the team and see what they are all about.
To contact Tinkerbells call 01359 232221 Or call in to see them at 64 Barton Road, Thurston, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 3PG
Your Flexible Childcare Solution Full Day Care Nursery 0-5 years Free Trial Sessions All weather outdoor play area Free Snacks Fresh home cooked meals Junior gym classes Free funded sessions for 3 & 4 year olds Crèche facilities
To view the tinkerbells experience call us on 01359 232221
Holiday club for children aged 5-10yrs
Day Nursery 64 Barton Road, Thurston Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 3PG
Community Police
Newsletter Firstly, let us take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy New Year! You will already be aware I am sure that PC Amos Owen is no longer the SNT officer for the Moreton Hall and Nowton Estate and PCSO Debs Carroll Beer has also moved. We are very happy to be taking over the responsibility for your area and would like to invite you come and meet us on Thursday 27th January 2011 from 3.00 pm in ‘The Coffee House’, Lawsons Place. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have or just give you the opportunity to put faces to our names. We have two current SNT priorities; the first is to tackle a very slight increase in reports of anti social behaviour around the Nowton estate. The second priority is to deal with an increased number of garage breaks; these have been predominantly on the Howard, Nowton and Mildenhall estates. Best Wishes PC 32 Mo ARONDEL Tel: 01284 774100 E-mail: PC SO 3236 Emma STACEY Tel: 01284 774100 E-mail: Sgt Steve Tully Tel:01284 774100 E-mail: Inspector Jane Hertzog Tel: 01284 774100 E-mail:
l House
extensions Tiled roof conservatories l Traditional conservatories in both UPVc and timber l Highly energy efficient replacement UPVc windows l Garage convertions l Roofline products l
The Master Composter by Paul Turner
Welcome to the Master Composter feature, where I will tell you about the joys of composting. I am a Master Composter Volunteer, which means that I have been trained by a charity called Garden Organics, in association with Suffolk County Council, and I devote my spare time to encouraging and assisting everyone to compost more. From the complete novice to the veteran composter, if you have a question about composting, then I will use this page to answer them.
Make your own leafmould Autumn leaves rot down to make leafmould - a pleasant, dark brown, crumbly material. Leafmould is a good soil improver, lawn conditioner and mulch. It can be used in seed and potting mixes too. DO USE all leaves that fall in the autumn. They will be brown and look dead DON’T USE evergreen leaves - such as holly, laurel or Leyland cypress and other conifers
Good things about leafmould It’s easy to make It cuts out bonfires It saves using peat It’s free
Good things about using leafmould It’s clean and easy to handle
It’s good for the soil It cuts down on watering It can be used on any soil It can be used at any time of year
Sources of supply All sorts of autumn leaves can be used to make leafmould, including plane, beech, oak and walnut. All types will rot down, though some will take longer than others. Collect fallen leaves from your garden, and from pavements and verges of quiet streets. Your local council may deliver lorry loads to allotments and other suitably accessible sites. As they have to pay landfill charges for dumping them elsewhere, there should be no charge for this. Ask for parks and cemetery leaves, rather than those from roads, which may contain unwanted contaminants.
Collecting them up Leaves can be gathered up by hand, using a lawn rake. For larger quantities, leaf hoovers are available, some of which will also shred the leaves, speeding up decay.
Compost or leafmould? Small amounts of autumn leaves can be added to your compost heap. They make a good balancing ingredient for wet and soggy materials like grass mowings and kitchen waste. Simply save dryish autumn leaves in a bag for use next season. Autumn leaves are rotted down mainly by the slow, cool action of fungi - rather than the quicker acting bacteria that are responsible for composting. This is why autumn leaves in quantity are best recycled separately in a leafmould heap.
family&home Easy steps to making leafmould
Dig in as soil improver for sowing and planting Black plastic sacks filled with leaves Autumn top dressing for lawns Winter cover for bare soil Wire mesh leafmould bin Well rotted leafmould Collect autumn leaves. All types 2 years old in most cases. Dark can be mixed together Water them, if dry, to help them rot brown crumbly material, with no Pack leaves into a suitable container real trace of original leaves visible. Use as for ‘young’ leafmould Ignore them for a year or two. above Use the leafmould. Seed sowing mix - Use Using leaves and leafmould leafmould on its own, or mixed ‘Young’ leafmould. 1 or 2 years old, depending on tree with equal parts sharp sand and species. Leaves beginning to break garden compost Potting compost - Mix equal up; easily crumbled in the hand. Mulch around shrubs, herbaceous, parts well rotted leafmould, sharp sand, loam and garden compost trees, vegetables
Quick tip for leaves on lawns Run the mower over leaves on the lawn with the grass box off. The shredded leaves will soon disappear into the lawn. Or run the mower over leaves on the lawn with the grass box on. Add the chopped up mown leaves and grass to a leafmould heap. They will be quicker to rot than whole leaves.
Leaves and wildlife Don’t disturb drifts of autumn leaves under hedges and other out of the way areas. They may be used as hibernating sites by hedgehogs and other creatures.
If you have any questions about composting please email:
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Christ Church Moreton Hall Janus, the Roman god of January, had two faces. He looked forward, and he looked back. It was to remind the ancient Romans that January was a time to look forward to the New Year and back on the past.
In Britain, this last year we have various things to look back on with sadness. One was the unnecessary violence used by students in Westminster. It worries me that such people are being educated and trained to lead our country when they have such scant regard for the democratic process and the rule of law. Another was the failed bid by the F.A. to win the World Cup, but if that is the only disappointment we have in this country, we should count ourselves lucky. We have a democratic process and can have a change of government without people having to be killed, shot or imprisoned; everybody this year will have enough food to eat, freedom under the law, a free press and so many other things that we take for granted. Perhaps one of the highlights of the year was the engagement of Prince William of Wales to Kate, and I would want to join with the majority of the clergy in the Church of England in wishing them well and congratulating them on doing the right thing, i.e., a public declaration of a life-long commitment to one another. We need more young
people to do this and to make marriage and society work well by so doing.
It is also time to look forward. Sadly, we have to look forward to more cuts, and the loss of essential services. Bury is not exempt the Davers Court Home and Focus 12, the rehabilitation charity, do sterling work and it is important for the community that we keep hold of them. On the other hand, we have the excellent Oxslip House and the prospect of improved facilities in terms of a football centre coming to our estate. These things are to be welcomed. However, do we need another Chemist in addition to Sainsbury’s and Croasdales not if it means local people losing their jobs? In 2010 our church has much to give thanks for, especially the generous giving of our members. Because the Lord has really blessed us, we feel confident enough to go forward in faith for the New Year. It is our intention to improve our facilities, improve our welcome, and to draw closer to God in the weeks and months that lie ahead. We have found at Christ Church, Moreton Hall that the only way you can be sure about the future is by looking to the past. Because of what Jesus Christ did upon the cross by dying and rising again, we can be forgiven our sins, and we have a place in heaven. It is our commitment this year to tell everybody this good news and to make our church a
place where anybody can come and find a welcome. We hope that you will take up the opportunity this year. So look out for a new service called “Worship Together” and our special baptism Sundays. Why not Support our Present aid cake stall on the 23rd after the service as advertised. Finally, you saw that I began this article with a reference to a Roman god, a strange thing for a Christian to do. However, this year we will be welcoming many Roman reenactors to Bury St. Edmunds as we commemorate Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday. As we do so, we see that, although the world has had hundreds of thousands of false gods, the one true God, Jesus Christ, has triumphed over them all. We wish you a very happy, prosperous and above all faith-filled New Year. Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford
See page 58 for what’s on listings at the Church this month...
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James Brown Properties
Seefeld, Mill Road, Bury St Edmunds IP29 4AR themhd
family&home BE BRAVE Most people find it hard to throw away stuff, but you can’t attach sentimental value to everything you own. When your house is cluttered, nothing looks good. So, as you go through your possessions, ask yourself which of them you actually love or use. If not, why not? Maybe it’s a wedding present you secretly hate, a dress that doesn’t suit you. Let it go. ONE ROOM AT A TIME Flitting between rooms makes decluttering a much bigger task, one almost impossible to complete. So set aside a day to do one room and commit to finishing it. Stack everything that lives elsewhere into cardboard boxes to deal with later. MAKE A MESS To clear up your home, you have to turn it into a proverbial bombsite first. The best de-cluttering method is to pull every single item from your shelves, drawers and cupboards and lay it all out so you can see exactly what everything is. This tactic works well for clearing out your wardrobe; as well as gathering rags to chuck, you’ll ‘re-find’ clothes you’d forgotten about.
How to... declutter your home The secret to falling in love with your own four walls is to clear out the clutter. Here are some tips for making your home a cleaner, happier place.
GET LOGICAL When it comes to reordering your house, there are two basic rules. First, store like with like: all batteries should live in one place, so when you need a new one, you know exactly where to find it. Second, keep belongings in the room where they are used because when things migrate around the house your home becomes a black hole and you’ll never find anything. As an extension of this second rule, store things as close to the place you use them as possible: washing powder next to the washing machine, tea in the cupboard above the kettle.
SECRET SPACES Think vertically and you solve the problem of storing things you use only occasionally, such as Christmas decorations. Stash these things in your attic and bring them down only when you need them. Going vertically again, store back-up bathroom supplies such as toilet roll and spare bottles of shampoo at the top of your linen cupboard. Holiday items, such as sarongs and ski jackets, can live in suitcases under your bed, freeing up your living space. NOT ALL CLUTTER IS JUNK Clearing out your home needn’t turn you into a robot. We’ve all got treasured mementoes that might not look much to other people yet they mean the world to us: cinema ticket
stubs from your first date, your first Mother’s Day card, a lock of baby hair. STORAGE SOLUTIONS It’s tempting to splash out on pretty storage boxes before you’ve started decluttering. One word: don’t. You’re better off sorting your trash from your treasure and then assessing what storage solutions you need. TRAIN YOUR CHILDREN Children can behave like Tasmanian Devils, charging around the house, trailing clutter wherever they go. To encourage youngsters to develop good habits, make sure you have something in which they can stash their toys. A few big, lidded containers are easier to manage than lots of little ones that can overspill.
GET RID, FEEL GOOD For the sake of your mental health, don’t add up the cost of the money you’ve wasted. Instead, focus on how decluttering makes you feel good: offer things for free or donate items in good condition to your local charity shop. As a reward for all your hard work, make money selling the best of your unwanted goods on eBay. RELAX Without clutter clogging up your home, you’ll find it is much, much easier to relax. It’s even a pleasure to clean and decorate because you’re not staring mess in the face every day! Be warned: As you come to love your new clean home, you may never want to leave the house!. themhd
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Spinney Garage, Stowlangtoft - 10 minutes from Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds, Take the - Ixworth/Woolpit turning off the A14 on to the A1088 by Norton. JUST LOOK OUT FOR THE PINK MORRIS MINOR! Tel/Fax: 01359 235030
Make Your Business Better This Year Well, this year certainly went by fast! If you have a small business and are wondering where the time went, you aren’t alone. Resolve to make 2011 your best year yet. And we’re here to help with some hot ideas that will help you to kick-start your new year and get your small business the attention it deserves!
Get a Theme If you have a retail or online shop, try implementing a theme in your business. These days, everyone is selling something, so you need to find a way to make your products and services stand out and get noticed. If you’re selling hats, you could try implementing a movie-star theme. If you sell video games, try grouping games with similar themes together and advertise them to your target market. The idea is to differentiate your products from the thousands of others on the market.
Advertise on the ‘Net If you are a small traditional business, and have not yet advertised on the Internet, the coming year is the right time to get started. It is inexpensive to advertise on the ‘Net, it does not take much time, and your company description can be displayed quite creatively in cyberspace. This way, potential customers coming to your store through the search engines already have a good idea about your company background and your products. You should also start to build an email database of your customers, so that you can send them information about new products or discounts. Take the time to create a good brochure that you can post on your website for your customers to browse or download.
Introduce Background Music If your small business has a physical location, install
businessmatters a decent sound system and play soft and pleasing music at a low volume in the background. It should fit into the scheme of your store and should not interfere when making conversation with your customers.
Introduce New Services Along with your products, you could introduce new complementary services to attract more customers. For example, if you have an auto parts shop, offer customers a free car wash while they shop around in your store. Likewise, if you have an online store and sell greeting cards, try selling flower bouquets, balloons or other gift products. You might find that customers spend more time in your store or on your website shopping - and may also spend more money while they are there.
Publicly Acknowledge Customers
In addition, they will feel good about their long association with your business and are more likely to continue it.
Make a Business New Year’s Resolution Make a business resolution which could be something that you thought about, but didn’t put into action previously. This could be anything from introducing a new product line, to finding more affordable suppliers.
Start the New Year with a Good Deed To be successful, you have to give back to the community. Try hosting a toy drive for less fortunate children, or donate your time (and that of your employees) to the local soup kitchen. If you have a retail store, donate old, unused or dead stock to people who might need it. This will help clear your store of unwanted merchandise, and you’ll be doing the community a service at the same time.
If you have regular customers or customers that spend more money than others, then arrange to have them publicly acknowledged. This will increase This is the time to start thinking about ways to make your bond with your VIP clients, and make them 38492 PIT MHD AD_FD MHD AD 20/10/2010 09:27 2011Page more1successful. feel appreciated.
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Auto Park Mot & Service Centre All All Servicing, Servicing, MOT’ MOT’s s& & MOT’s s& & All All Servicing, Servicing, MOT’ Repairs Repairs At Low Low Prices Repairs Repairs At At At Low Low Low Low Low Low Prices Prices Prices
Air Conditioning Service £40 Full Service From £99.00 Major Service From £139.99 MOT’s (Free with major service) £50.35 Oil & Filters From £10.95
MOT'S THIS MONTH £39.95 All Work Guaranteed for 12 months/12, 000 miles
24HR RECOVERY No Winching Fee No Mileage Charges Eves 07929 332019
For Any Quote Please Phone
01284 706888 Unit E Auto Park Trading Estate, Off Eastgate Street , Bury St Edmunds, NEXT TO BURY BOWL themhd
Car Servicing -
Why It Is Important?
After a minimum of three years, you should start thinking about servicing your car yearly. All new cars come with 3 years warranty when they are first purchased but the chances of anything going wrong is very slim during that period of time. Guidelines for all vehicles vary, so read the handbook that comes with your vehicle to check when you should service your car. Some car manufacturers advise you to service the car when you reach X amount of miles, however if you are a heavy user and drive more than the average 10,000 miles a year, then you may need to service earlier and more often.
Why You Should Service Your Car? By having the car serviced regularly, you will save money on fuel as you will have a more efficient car. You can also avoid potentially expensive repairs and breakdowns by having problems pointed out to you when your car is serviced. Sometimes there are a few things in the car which need to be replaced because of the normal wear and tear action. For example, if you don’t change the cambelt on your car, it might break when you’re driving and it will cause damage to the engine and you will have to fork out more money than you
Independent BMW & Mini Specialists All All aspects aspects of of BMW BMW and and Mini Mini servicing servicing and and repairs repairs
•• Diagnostics Diagnostics and and programming programming •• Tyres Tyres (including (including run run flat) flat) and and wheel wheel balancing* balancing* •• Full Full geometry geometry wheel wheel alignment* alignment* •• MOT’s* MOT’s* •• Accident Accident repairs/Bodywork* repairs/Bodywork* In In addition addition to to the the specialist specialist BMW BMW and and Mini Mini services services offered, offered, we we are are happy happy to to also also provide provide these these services services ** to to any any make make of of vehicle. vehicle.
T: 01284 754921
Unit 13 Bunting Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP32 7BX SERVICING SERVICING
motoring&travel would have initially because then you would need to change both the cambelt and the engine. When being checked by the mechanic, you might be notified that your clutch might need replacing soon and if you have had the car for a short time or have just had the clutch replaced, it might be an indication that you’re using the clutch too much. So you might have to change your driving habits to make sure you’re not overdoing things. Other things like handbrake and brake pedals wear a lot as well because of constant use and they need changing if they are worn, otherwise it will be unsafe to drive the vehicle. What Does Car Servicing Involve? 0% APR Having yourJohn serviced means checks are made Banks Limited Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32-7AR under the bonnet of the car this will include T: 01284 715020 F: 01284 766266 Contact us today for a test drive the oil and oil filter. Many manufacturers
advise you to change the oil and filter every 6 months to a year or after 10,000 miles but there are many discussions regarding this time frame. If you have any other concerns with your vehicle, the garage will gladly have a look at it. Try and use a garage or approved repairers which have been recommended or you might find that you experience more problems after and may even get ripped off. If you can go to the manufacturer, they should have parts available to hand without ordering them in and the service is supposed to be better and more reliable than going to a garage but you may pay. All manufacturers have checklists The for their All New Swift. car models and their garage will know what to look for and check. Remember to keep a record in the service book so you can refer back to it if you need to and have proof when you come to sell your car. With a lighter, punchier Dual VVT engine and advanced handling, it’s designed for fun. With fuel consumption kept to the absolute minimum, it’s designed for economy. With ESP®* and 7 airbags as standard, it’s designed for safety. And with a great finance offer available right now, it’s definitely designed for life.
typical finance over 3 years, minimum 50% deposit required, is subject to availability for Swift vehicles privately registered between 1st September 2010 and 30th September 2010 from participating Authorised Suzuki Dealers only. Credit is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. For full details contact your local Suzuki Dealer. Suzuki Finance reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer without notice or prior warning. The offer is available to customers within the UK (excludes Channel Islands and Isle of Man). Suzuki Finance, part of Black Horse Group, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff CF10 5BH. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. All prices and specifications are correct at time of going to press. *ESP is a registered trademark of Daimler AG.
Model shown is the Swift SZ4 5 door manual available at £12,245 on the road. (Metallic paint at £390). Swift range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): urban from 41.5 (6.8) to 46.3 (6.1), extra urban from 57.6 (4.9) to 64.2 (4.4), combined from 50.4 (5.6) to 56.5 (5.0). Official CO2 emissions from 116g/km to 129g/km.
Genuine Honda and Suzuki Parts
John Banks Limited
Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR T: 01284 715020 F: 01284 766266
The All New Swift. With a lighter, punchier Dual VVT engine and advanced handling, it’s designed for fun. With fuel consumption kept to the absolute minimum, it’s designed for economy. With ESP®* and 7 airbags as standard, it’s designed for safety. And with a great finance offer available right now, it’s definitely designed for life.
£89 £104 £174
Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR T: 01284 715020 F: 01284 766266
John Banks Limited Kemspon Way Moreton Hall Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7AR
0% APR typical finance over 3 years, minimum 50% deposit required, is subject to availability for Swift vehicles privately registered between 1st September 2010 and
John Banks Limited
Contact us today for a test drive
30th September 2010 from participating Authorised Suzuki Dealers only. Credit is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. For full details contact your local Suzuki Dealer. Suzuki Finance reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer without notice or prior warning. The offer is available to customers within the UK (excludes Channel Islands and Isle of Man). Suzuki Finance, part of Black Horse Group, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff CF10 5BH. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. All prices and specifications are correct at time of going to press. *ESP is a registered trademark of Daimler AG.
Model shown is the Swift SZ4 5 door manual available at £12,245 on the road. (Metallic paint at £390). Swift range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): urban from 41.5 (6.8) to 46.3 (6.1), extra urban from 57.6 (4.9) to 64.2 (4.4), combined from 50.4 (5.6) to 56.5 (5.0). Official CO2 emissions from 116g/km to 129g/km.
for GOLD
Honda: John Banks Limited
01284 752382
Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR T: 01284 715020 F: 01284 766266
John Banks Limited Felixstowe Road, Nacton, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP10 0DE Suzuki: T: 01473 654550 F: 01473 654566
01284 715020
Franchised Dealer
John Banks Limited Felixstowe Road, Nacton, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP10 0DE T: 01473 654550 F: 01473 654566
Franchised Dealer Franchised Dealer themhd
gym memberships Bury Rugby Club opened their gym to the public 6 months ago and it has been a great success. Bury St Edmunds Rugby club
only £10 per month, plus a £10 one off induction charge makes the gym fantastic value. There are en suite changing facilities for both male and female, with personal trainers available too. It is fully air-conditioned and has Sky TV. It’s lovely and quiet during the day, and many people from Greene king, the hospital and other local businesses now frequent it.
8am - 4pm
Gym Opening Hours 5pm - 9.30pm
y2 Frida
tails b for deub e w e e S ct cl or conta
Wednesday Thursday
og Blue DClub y Comed Jan
Friday 9am - 6pm
Sunday DC Team
Closed 9am - 2.30pm
OPENING TIMES Closed Club Open
Closed Club Gym Instructor
DC Team and Club Gym Instructor
For more information about the Gym or the Club in general, call us on
01284 753920
OUwhat’sonlistings R JANUARY SERVICES nd 8.30
Whats on at
am Holy Co mm u
10.30 am M orning Christchurch Worship NO EVENING
Moreton Hall
10.30 am M orning Wors hip 6.30 pm Pra The Sunday morning yer & Worsh ip h 10.30 am HolyHoly 2nd 8.30am CoCommunion mmunion 10.30am Morning Worshipo The Sunday morning 6.30 pm Un Sunday morning group for 3-15s ited sseRVICe nO eVenInG erviceThe at St Johns 9th 10.30am MorningBWorshipo The Sunday morning group for 3-15s .S.E On SUNDAY NO6.30pm Prayer & Worship EVENIN G SERVICOn SUNDAY 23rd Jan E Help 23rd us to buy items On SUNDAY Jan 10.30am Holy Communion at 10:3 10.316th 0 am 6.30pm Free H United service at at 10:30AM oThe ly CSunday at 10:30AM us to buy items ommunio morning forHelp 3-15s n Help us togroup st Johns B.s.e buyfor items forthird the third world Help us to buy items the world 6.30 pm AnOTeVenInG ime ofseRVICe Refreshing Free Holy Communion 10.3023rd am 10.30am BaptisamTime 6.30pm Refreshing Suofnd ay GodÕ s Gang Cake stall 6.3030th Baptism sunday 10.30am pm Healing Com munion The Sunday morning group for 3-15s 6.30pm Healing Communion Chicks £27 Help us to buy items for 10 the third world On SUNDAY 23rd Jan 10 Chicks 1 10 Chicks £27£27 1 at 10:30AM
GodÕ s Gang
GodÕ sstall Gang God’s Gang GodÕ s Gang Cake Onstall SUNDAY Cake at 10:3
GodÕ s Gang Cake stall On SUNDAY 23rd Jan at 10:30AM 10 Chicks £27 1 the goat £15 Help us to buy items for third world
10 Chicks £27
10 Chicks £27
1 Goat
d Saplings £30 Come an1000 support your local Church!
1000 Saplings £30
1 goat £15
1000 Saplings
1000 Saplings £30
1 goat £15
Mosquito nets 10005Saplings £30 £15 5 Mosquito Nets 5 Mosquito nets £15 £15
Moreton Hall Community Centre A great place that has it all!
We would like t wish you a Hap o py New Year and thank you for y our support in 2010 !
Tuesday 4th & 18th January
y L12upmncevhery Sunday Sseurvneddafrom
now being
aBLe RooM HiRe avaiL
rties • Children’s Pa eceptions • Wedding R ions • Private Funct Facilities • Conference ed Kitchen • Fully Equipp
membership s noW availa ble Family £10 individual £ 5
E pRicES!
coMpETiTiv ALL AT vERy a call on Give Kerrie 402 01284 763
Bar Telephone 01284 763405
MoRetoN HaLL P oSt oFFiCe • Next D ay Deliver y b y
9am or 1pm • Alliance & Le icester Busine ss Banking • Travel Money
– Euros & Dol lars held in stock, all ot her currency a vailable by next day • Car and Van Insurance TELEpHonE 01284
769841 59 themhd
Films for
January… THE TouRIST
Director: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Starring: Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Paul Bettany, Rufus Sewell
Director: Steve Antin Starring: Christina Aguillera, Cher, Eric Dane, Alan Cumming Christina Aguilera makes her theatrical film debut as Ali, a small-town girl with dreams of taking to the stage and realising her showbiz dreams. After moving to los Angeles Ali stumbles across The Burlesque lounge, a grand burlesque theatre whose best days are seemingly long gone. Its owner, Tess (Cher), finds her a job as a cocktail waitress in the club, but Ali continues to dream about taking to its stage. At the club she garners the attention of young bartender Jack (Cam Gigandet) and finds an enemy in the shape of the bitchy Nikki (kristen Bell). Soon enough, Tess gives Ali a shot at dancing, and she soon finds herself immersed in the art of burlesque, restoring The Burlesque lounge to its former glory, but not before charismatic entrepreneur Marcus Gerber (Eric Dane) arrives with an exciting proposal.
A trip to Italy leads to a whirlwind of intrigue, danger and romance in this thriller starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Frank (Johnny Depp) is an American tourist who hopes a visit to Italy will help mend his broken heart. on his travels he encounters a beautiful woman named Elise (Angelina Jolie). But their meeting is no accident. Elise’s former lover is being pursued by deadly forces, and she has deliberately crossed Frank’s path to throw them off the scent. Against the breathtaking backdrop of Venice, Frank pursues a potential romance but soon finds himself running for his life with Elise. Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (‘The lives of others’), who also co-wrote the script long with acclaimed screenwriters Julian Fellowes (‘The Young Victoria’) and Christopher McQuarrie (‘The Usual Suspects’), ‘The Tourist’ features a star studded cast including Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, Rufus Sewell and Timothy Dalton.
3D - TRoN lEGACY Director: Joseph kosinski Starring: Jeff Bridges, Michael Sheen, olivia Wilde, Garrett Hedlund, Bruce Boxleitner
This stunning 3D masterpiece is the sequel to the cult 1982 sci-fi hit, starring Jeff Bridges and newcomer Garrett Hedlund. kevin (Jeff Bridges) - once the world’s leading video-game developer - disappeared 25 years ago. When his son Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn’s Arcade - a signal that could have only have been sent by his father - he finds himself pulled into the same digital world where kevin has been trapped in these past two decades. Alongside the fearless Quorra (olivia Wilde), Sam and kevin must try to escape this deadly video game reality before the villainous Castor (Michael Sheen) can stop them. This sequel to Disney’s cult 1982 sci-fi adventure Tron reunites original stars Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner and welcomes newbies Garrett Hadlund and olivia Wilde. Special effects nuts should expect to be wowed by the scenes where a modern day Jeff Bridges meets his magically de-aged younger self!
CINEMAS IN BuRY ST EDMuNDS: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Hollywood Film Theatre, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info line 01284 754477.
Useful numbers west suffolk hospital
citizens advice
m hall prep school
victim support
01284 717188
sebert wood cp school
bury & moreton hall police
m hall pre school
01284 713000 01284 769643 08457 909090
alcoholics anonymous
0845 769 7555
cocaine anonymous
0800 612 0225
focus 12 (addictions)
01284 701702
01284 723061 suffolk diabetes interest group (suffdig)
01284 774808
suffolk family carers
0844 225 3099 library
01284 753675
01284 774100 christ church moreton hall
01284 725391 rail
0845 748 4950 bus station
01284 702020 first eastern
01284 755211 01284 702129
abbots green cp school
01284 718818
– m hall group 07005 802402 nct
christ church parent
& toddler group 01284 725391
abc childminding group
01284 766569
01284 765238
st eds. council
moreton hall post office
anglian water
moreton hall community centre
01284 763233
08457 145145 eastern energy (emergency)
01284 352545
0800 111 999
edf energy faults
01284 747000
01284 753532
01284 769841 01284 763402
24-7 taxi hire 01284 700247
08701 963090
Moreton Hall
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Space to…
*Subject to status, written quotations available on request
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